Lone LGBTQ film at 55th Iffi takes audience on a journey of resilience and pride - Times of India
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The film highlights the unwavering support of Srija's mother, Valli, who empowers her daughter to live authentically."><meta property="twitter:description" content="Shiva Krish's short film "Amma's Pride," the sole LGBTQ+ film at the 55th Iffi, explores the challenges faced by Srija, a transgender woman, as she seeks legal recognition for her marriage. The film highlights the unwavering support of Srija's mother, Valli, who empowers her daughter to live authentically."><meta property="og:url" content=""><meta property="twitter:url" content=""><meta property="og:image" content=""><meta property="twitter:image" content=""><script src=",minify=1.cms"></script><link href="/articleshownew_css.cms?version=1&minify=1" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"><style> body{background:#F7F7F7;} .wrapper{width:1000px;margin:auto;background:#fff;overflow:hidden;padding:0 20px;} .print_header{display:block;width:100%;} .main-content{width:100%;} .highlight{float:left;margin-right:15px;} .highlight img{float:none;} .articlevideo,.articleshow_slideshow{display:none;} .articlevideo.abovearticle{display:block; position:static;} .title_section .heading1, .title_section .time_cptn{margin:0 0 10px;} .articlevideo .play-icon, .abovearticle .play-icon{display:none;} </style></head><body><div class="wrapper"><div class="print_header"> Printed from <a href=""><img src="/photo.cms?photoid=1799437" border="0"></a></div><div class="main-content"><section class="title_section clearfix"><h1 data-articletitle="" class="heading1">Lone LGBTQ film at 55th Iffi takes audience on a journey of resilience and pride</h1><div class="time_cptn">TNN | Nov 25, 2024, 07.11 AM IST</div></section><section class="highlight clearfix"><img src="/thumb/msid-115640525,width-400,resizemode-4/115640525.jpg" data-imgid="115640525" alt="Lone LGBTQ film at 55th Iffi takes audience on a journey of resilience and pride" title="Lone LGBTQ film at 55th Iffi takes audience on a journey of resilience and pride"></section><div class="article_content clearfix"><arttextxml><div class="section1"><div class="Normal">PANAJI: The only LGBTQ film this year at the 55th Iffi, Amma’s Pride navigates the complexities of transgender marriage and the fight for its legal recognition.<div class="last8brdiv"></div><br>The short film, selected for the non-feature films section in Indian Panorama, deals with the trials and tribulations of Srija, a young trans-woman from South India.<div class="last7brdiv"></div><br><div class="top2brdiv"></div><div style="width:99%;margin: 10px auto 10px;" id="fluid-container"></div><script> (function(){ var adContainer = '<div id="div-gpt-ad-1485328452682222244" data-size="fluid" data-adsslot="TOI/TOI_ROS/TOI_ROS_AS/TOI_ROS_AS_Mrec_MID_300" class="webonly alC"></div>'; var randomNumber = Math.random(); var isIndia = (window.geoinfo && window.geoinfo.CountryCode === 'IN') && (window.location.href.indexOf('outsideindia') === -1 ); //console.log(isIndia && randomNumber < 0.9 ); if(isIndia){ // code for showing ctn ad $('#fluid-container').remove(); return; } $('.top2brdiv').remove(); $('#fluid-container').append(adContainer); })() </script>Talking about his movie, Shiva Krish, the director said, "They often portray the trans people in stereotypical negative light, leaving them disheartened. The backbone of the film is the mother Valli, who enables her daughter to live her life on her own terms despite being a single mother herself."<div class="last5brdiv"></div><br>Hoping that the perception of society will change towards trans people, the debutante director said, “We showed the film to senior LGBTQ activists and many trans people to get their feedback, and they were amazed by the positivity shown in the film. That was a huge morale booster for me. They also want this film to have a social impact, and we are planning to do an impact campaign around this film in India as well as the United States, which I hope will create a positive wave in the mainstream media for trans people.”<div class="last3brdiv"></div><br><br>Earning accolades across film festivals, the documentary film has won Sher Vancouver Award for Best LGBTQ+ Film at the International South Asian Film Festival in Canada this year. It has also been screened and appreciated by the audience at many festivals worldwide, like the 64th Krakow Film Festival, Woodstock Film Festival 2024, International South Asian Film Festival Canada 2024 and many more.<br></div></div></arttextxml><div class="photogallery34"></div></div></div></div><!--Server: 55--><script data-domain-script="c4da41da-1e22-4088-b5ac-5c8293819628" charset="UTF-8" type="text/javascript" src=""></script><script type="text/javascript"> var setOneTrustCookie = function(name, value, domainName, days){ if(!!domainName){ var domain = ";domain="+domainName; } if(!!days){ //Below variable is one day time in mili seconds. var _oneDayinMS = 24*60*60*1000; var d = new Date(); d.setTime(d.getTime() + (days*_oneDayinMS)); var expires = ";expires="+d.toUTCString(); } document.cookie = name+"=" +value + ( ( expires ) ? expires : '' ) + ( ( domain ) ? domain : '' ) + ";path=/"; }; var optOutCookieName = "optout"; var optOutCookieAge = 365; var dateOneTrust = new Date(); 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