Log in to the portal
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If you require a password reset, please use the <a href="#uol_opts">Forgotten your password?</a> link below.</li> <li>If your account has Multi Factor Authentication (MFA) enabled you will be prompted to complete the sign in on your registered device.</li> <li>If you require further assistance, visit the following web page: <a href="" target="_blank">MyStudentRecord Sign In Help</a></li> </div> <a href="../sits.urd/run/siw_sso.openid" class="sv-btn sv-btn-block sv-btn-success">STUDENT and STAFF SIGN IN</a> </div> <!-- </div> <div class="sv-col-sm-6 sv-col-sm-pull-6"> <div class="sv-form-group"> <x-subst type="html" name="FORGOTTEN_BUTTON.DUMMY.MENSYS"> <a href="#" class="sv-btn sv-btn-block sv-btn-default" id="">Forgotten your password?</a> </x-subst> </div> </div> </div> --> </fieldset> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- uol section --> <div class="sv-col-md-12"> <div class="sv-panel sv-panel-info appMSR"> <div class="sv-panel-heading"> <h2 class="sv-panel-title sv-panel-title-info"> Applicant Sign In </h2> </div> <div class="sv-panel-body"> <div class="sv-form-container"> <fieldset> <div class="sv-alert sv-alert-info"> <li>If you have submitted an application through the <strong>University of Leicester application form</strong>, you can sign in here using the same details as you used for your application.</li> <li>If you applied through <strong>UCAS, DfE</strong> or <strong>an agent submitted the application on your behalf</strong> and you are signing in for the first time, please click on the 'New User' button below to set up your account. If you have already set up your account, you can sign in here using the details you created.</li> <li>If you are an applicant and you have been asked to complete <strong>Online Registration</strong> for your course, choose the relevant option to set up your account or sign in and complete online registration.</li> </div> <div class="sv-form-group"> <label for="MUA_CODE.DUMMY.MENSYS"> Username </label> <input type="text" name="MUA_CODE.DUMMY.MENSYS.1" value="" id="MUA_CODE.DUMMY.MENSYS" class="sv-form-control" autocomplete="username" onblur="checkUsername(this.value)" /> </div> <div class="sv-form-group"> <label for="PASSWORD.DUMMY.MENSYS"> Password </label> <input type="password" name="PASSWORD.DUMMY.MENSYS.1" value="" id="PASSWORD.DUMMY.MENSYS" class="sv-form-control" autocomplete="current-password" /> </div> <!-- <div class="sv-row"> --> <!-- <div class="sv-col-sm-6"> --> <div class="sv-form-group"> <input type="submit" name="BP101.DUMMY_B.MENSYS" value="APPLICANT SIGN IN" class="sv-btn sv-btn-block sv-btn-primary" id="siwLgnLogIn" /> </div> <!-- </div> <div class="sv-col-sm-6 sv-col-sm-pull-6"> <div class="sv-form-group"> <x-subst type="html" name="FORGOTTEN_BUTTON.DUMMY.MENSYS"> <a href="#" class="sv-btn sv-btn-block sv-btn-default" id="">Forgotten your password?</a> </x-subst> </div> </div> </div> <hr> <div class="sv-row"> <div class="sv-col-sm-12 sv-text-center"> <x-subst type="html" name="BP009.DUMMY_B.MENSYS">Or login using...</x-subst> </div> </div> <br> <div class="sv-row"> <div class="sv-col-sm-12"> <div class="sv-col-sm-2 sv-col-xs-4"> <x-subst type="html" name="FACEBOOK_BUTTON.DUMMY.MENSYS">Facebook</x-subst> </div> <div class="sv-col-sm-2 sv-col-xs-4"> <x-subst type="html" name="GOOGLE_BUTTON.DUMMY.MENSYS">Google</x-subst> </div> <div class="sv-col-sm-2 sv-col-xs-4"> <x-subst type="html" name="MICROSOFT_BUTTON.DUMMY.MENSYS">Microsoft Live</x-subst> </div> <div class="sv-col-sm-2 sv-col-xs-4"> <x-subst type="html" 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behalf</strong> and you have not previously created a MyStudentRecord account, please click the 'New User' button below to set up your sign in details.</li> </div> <p><a href="/confirmdetails/default.aspx?id=N" class="sv-btn sv-btn-warning sv-btn-block"> New User</a></p> </div> </div> </div> <!-- uol section --> </div> <div class="ui-accordion"> <!-- <div class="ui-accordion ui-accordion-content ui-widget-content ui-accordion-content-active"> <h2>Register for access to MyStudentRecord</h2> <p> <X-SUBST type="HTML" name="BP008.DUMMY_B.MENSYS" > If you have applied for a course and would like access to MyStudentRecord, please create a new user account by clicking on 'New User' below. </X-SUBST> </p> <p><a href="/confirmdetails/default.aspx?id=N" class="sv-btn sv-btn-primary"> New User</a></p> </div> </div> --> <div id="uol_opts"> <h2 class="sv-panel-title">Forgotten your password?</h2> <div> <ul> <li><a href="" target="_blank">Staff/students</a></li> <li><a href="/confirmdetails/default.aspx?id=A">Applicants</a></li> </ul> </div> <h2 class="sv-panel-title">Frequently asked questions...</h2> <div> <p><strong>Why do I have to sign up for a MyStudentRecord account?</strong><br/> As an applicant and student you will need to sign into MyStudentRecord to update your personal details, upload any documents that we have asked you to provide, track your application or registration status, complete online registration, and other tasks relating to your application and study. </p> <strong>How do I sign up for a MyStudentRecord account?</strong> <ul><li>If you have submitted an application through the <strong>University of Leicester online application form</strong>, you can sign in using the same details with the 'Applicant Sign In' button above.</li> <li>If you have applied through <strong>UCAS, DfE</strong> or <strong>an agent has submitted the application on your behalf</strong> and you have not yet signed up for a MyStudentRecord account, please click on the 'New User' button above and follow the on-screen instructions.</li></ul> <p><strong>I entered my student number, date of birth and surname but I got an error message saying that my details aren't recognised, what should I do?</strong><br/> If you are having difficulties setting up your MyStudentRecord account, please contact <a href=""></a> Remember to provide your name and University of Leicester student number, and explain the problem that you are having, including a screenshot of the issue if possible. Your student number can be found on all communications we send to you.</p> <strong>What is my username?</strong> <ul><li>If you are an <strong>applicant</strong>, your username is your University of Leicester student number (your student number can be found on all communications we send to you). Please note that you cannot use your UCAS personal ID number.</li> <li>If you are a <strong>registered student</strong>, or a <strong>member of staff</strong>, your username is your UoL email address e.g., or </li></ul> <strong>I've forgotten my password, what do I do?</strong> <ul><li>If you are an <strong>applicant</strong>, <a href="" target="_blank">Click here</a> </li> <li>If you are a <strong>registered student</strong>, or a <strong>member of staff</strong>, <a href="" target="_blank"></a></li></ul> <p><strong>I entered my username and password but I can't log in, what do I do?</strong><br/> If you have just re-set your password, did you remember to click the confirmation link in the security email sent to you? If you still cannot sign in, please let us know by contacting <a href=""></a> Don't forget to tell us the problem you are having, your name and your University of Leicester student number (your student number can be found on all communications we send to you).</p> <p><strong>I created my password but I didn't receive the security email.</strong><br/> Remember to check your spam/junk folder as well as your inbox. If you still haven't received the email, please let us know by contacting <a href=""></a>. Don't forget to tell us the problem you are having, your name and your University of Leicester student number (your student number can be found on all communications we send to you).</p> <p><strong>I received the security email after I created my password but I didn't click the link within 48 hours, what should I do?</strong><br/> Don't worry, you just need to re-set your password, which can be done through the Forgotten Password? option <a href="/confirmdetails/default.aspx?id=A" target="_blank">here</a></p> <p><strong>I've re-set my password and I still can't log in, why? </strong><br/> After setting your password don't forget to sign in to your email and click the link in the security email sent to you, remember to check your spam/junk folder as well as your inbox. If you still cannot sign in, please let us know by contacting <a href=""></a>. Don't forget to tell us the problem you are having, your name and your University of Leicester student number (your student number can be found on all communications we send to you).</p> <p><strong>Have I received a scam email?</strong><br/> MyStudentRecord is safe and secure. You do, however, need to be on your guard against internet fraudsters. The University of Leicester will never send you an email asking you to disclose your password. If you have received an email asking you to disclose your password, please forward it to <a href=""></a></p> <p><strong>Why do I need to log in every time I want to use MyStudentRecord?</strong><br/> We ask you to sign into MyStudentRecord because we need to verify your identity. As MyStudentRecord contains personal information about you such as your name, date of birth and address, we recommend that you always sign out of your account when you have finished using MyStudentRecord. If you're using a device that is shared with people you might not know, like a public terminal, you should always sign out before you leave it. You can sign out by clicking Logout at the top left-hand-side of the screen. </p> </div> </div> <!-- uol section end --> </div> </div> </div> </div> </form> <!-- body-end.hts page header include starts here --> </div> <footer class="sv-footer"> <div class="sv-footer-text"> <ul> <li><a href="" title="University Home" target="_blank">University Home</a></li> <li><a href="" title="University A-Z" target="_blank">University A-Z</a></li> <li><a href="" title="Contact the University" target="_blank">Contact the University</a></li> <li><a href="" title="Accessibility" target="_blank">Accessibility</a></li> </ul> </div> </footer> </body> </html>