Online Archive of California

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You can find the contact information for institutions on every collection guide, in the “Get items” area. Click on the <strong>red link</strong> to find the phone and/or email of the institution. For example: </p> <br/> <img src="/images/oac_contrib_info_3.gif" width="600px"></img> <br/> </div> <div class="content-box"> <p class="orange"> Use this form only if you have technical problems, questions, or general comments about the Online Archive of California. 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If you're wondering about permissions and what you can do with items you find on the Online Archive of California, a good starting point is the <a href="/terms.html">terms of use</a>. </p> <p><strong>Copyright and permissions:</strong> If you're wondering about permissions and what you can do with items you find in the OAC, a good starting point is the <a href="/terms">terms of use</a>.<p> <p><strong>Do you know something we don't?</strong> We welcome additional information about the primary sources described in OAC. Learn more <a href="/overview">about the collection guides in OAC</a> and how we strive to provide responsible access to primary sources--and how you can help!</p> <div class="heading">Contact Information</div> <p>The OAC is a project of the University of California Libraries, developed and maintained by the <a href="">California Digital Library</a>. </p> <div> California Digital Library<br/> Office of the President, University of California<br/> 1111 Franklin Street<br/> Oakland, CA 94607<br/> </div> <br/> <div> Email: <a href=""></a><br/> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- END ROW 1 --> </div> <!-- END YUI BODY --> <!-- BEGIN YUI FOOTER --> <div id="ft"> <!-- BEGIN FOOTER --> <div class="footer"> <div class="footer-left"> <a class="footer-link" href="/">Home</a> <span class="pipe">|</span> <a class="footer-link" href="/institutions/">Contributing Institutions</a> <span class="pipe">|</span> <a class="footer-link" href="/titles/">Collection Guides</a> <span class="pipe">|</span> <a class="footer-link" href="/map/">Browse Map</a> <span class="pipe">|</span> <a class="footer-link" href="/about/">About OAC</a> <span class="pipe">|</span> <a class="footer-link" href="/help/">FAQs</a> <span class="pipe">|</span> <a class="footer-link" href="/contact/">Contact Us</a> <span class="pipe">|</span> <a class="footer-link" href="/privacy.html">Privacy Statement</a> <span class="pipe">|</span> <a class="footer-link" href="/terms.html">Terms of Use</a> <span class="pipe">|</span> <a class="footer-link" href="">Accessibility</a> <div class="footer-copyright">The Online Archive of California is a service of the <a href="">UC Libraries</a>, powered by the <a href="">California Digital Library</a>.</div> </div> </div> <!--#include virtual="/includes/footer.html" --> <!-- END FOOTER --> </div> <!-- END YUI FOOTER --> </div> <!-- END YUI CONTAINER --> </div> <!-- END PAGE CLASS --> <script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script> <script src="//"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { if ( $("#id_user_category").val() != 'OTHR'){ $("#id_other_freeform_div").hide(); } $("#id_user_category").change(function(event){ if ($("#id_user_category").val() == 'OTHR'){ $("#id_other_freeform_div").show(); } else { $("#id_other_freeform_div").hide(); $("#id_other_freeform").val(""); } }); }); </script> </body> </html>

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