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class="submenuLeft"></div> <div class="submenuRight"><a href="scsi-floppy-drive.php">SCSI FLOPPY DRIVE</a> <i class="fa fa-caret-right"></i></div> </div> <section class="module-small pb-10"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-5 mb-sm-40"><img src="assets/images/products/network-scsiflash-drive.jpg" alt="Removable Network SCSI Flash Drive"/> </div> <div class="col-sm-7"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-12"> <div class="product-crumbs">YOU ARE HERE: <a href="index.php">HOME</a> > <a href="scsi-ssd-replacement-solutions.php">REPLACEMENT SOLUTIONS</a> > <a href="scsi-ssd-removable-disk.php">SCSI SSD REMOVABLE DISK</a> ></div> </div> <div class="col-sm-12"> <h1 class="product-title font-alt">Removable Network SCSIFlash Drive</h1> </div> </div> <div class="row mb-20"> <div class="col-sm-12"> <div class="description"> <p>The SCSIFLASH based upon Compact Flash drive brings solid state, industry-standard CompactFlash card technology and proven <a href="">SCSI SSD drives</a>, <a href="">SCSI hard drives</a>, <a href="">SCSI Floppy</a>, SCSI Magneto Optic, SCSI PCMCIA cards, SCSI Zip Drives and <a href="">SCSI PC Cards</a> together. While also providing a solid-state, highly reliable drop-in replacement for any SCSI-based drive style. The SCSI FLASH Drive also offers Ethernet-based network restore and back up capability. Primary storage always utilises the industrial grade on-board CF media.</p> <p>No additional software or register changes are required to the legacy host a SSD Network drive. Custom capacities are available for systems that require exact capacity value.</p> <p>Custom sector sizes are also available.</p> <p>Note: The drive is programmable so can configured to replace any <a href="">SCSI drive</a>. Some hosts systems will limit the capacity to the original drive /host specification </p> <img src="assets/images/Adobe_PDF_file_icon_24x24.png" alt="Adobe PDF icon" /> <a href="assets/datasheets/CF2SCSI-SCSIFLASH-MO_SCSI_Magneto_Optic_Emulator_to_CF.pdf" target="_blank"><strong>SCSI Magneto Optic Disk Replacement Datasheet</strong></a><br> <img src="assets/images/Adobe_PDF_file_icon_24x24.png" alt="Adobe PDF icon" /> <a href="assets/datasheets/SCSIFlash_SCSI1-SCSI2_50_pin_Floppy_Drive_OEM_Emulator_to_CF_SCSI_Emulator_for_SCSI_Drives.pdf" target="_blank"><strong>SCSI Floppy Replacement Datasheet</strong></a><br> <img src="assets/images/Adobe_PDF_file_icon_24x24.png" alt="Adobe PDF icon" /> <a href="assets/datasheets/SCSIFlash-Tape-Emulator-Legacy-SCSI-Tape-Replacement.pdf" target="_blank"><strong>SCSI Tape Replacement Datasheet</strong></a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row mb-10"> <div class="col-sm-12"> <div class="product_meta"><p><em><strong>FLASH2GUI -</strong> Optional ethernet support for centralised backup & restore capability available removing the need to rotate media. Primary data storage is always written to the CF card. No software change to the host required.</em></p> <p>More details on FLASH2GUI backup & restore software <a href="FLASH2GUI-network-software.php">click here</a></p> <p class="redline">The Solid State SCSI SCSIFlash™ Drive is manufactured and designed by Solid State Disks Ltd. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row mt-20"> <div class="col-sm-12"> <ul class="nav nav-tabs font-alt" role="tablist"> <li class="active"><a href="#features" data-toggle="tab">Overview</a></li> <li><a href="#specifications" data-toggle="tab">Key Features</a></li> <li><a href="#emulations" data-toggle="tab">SCSIFlash Network drive in Telco Applications</a></li> </ul> <div class="tab-content"> <div class="tab-pane active" id="features"><br /> <p>2 Physical Form Factors are available in SCSIFLASH / CF2SCSI Ethernet Network currently:</p> <ul> <li>SCSI SSD and SCSI Hard Disk Drive (HDD) replacement.</li> </ul> <ul> <li>SCSI PC Cards, SCSI (MO) Magneto Optical SCSI Tape, SCSI Zip, SCSI Floppy drive replacements and SCSI PCMCIA cards with CF memory card slot that is external removable and is available up to 128GB.</li> </ul> <p>The Solid State SCSIFlash Drive restore capability and back up and ensures essential data back-ups for an entire disk image of its CompactFlash card at any specific time. This can then be transferred and stored remotely via an Ethernet network from the legacy equipment and restored. It can be used as and when required. For disk image transfers, Universal TCP is utilized with remote restore configuration and back-up execution controlled via the FLASH2GUI CLI/API, Auto-online, and onboard Windows GUI implemented on back-up completion.</p> <p>Time and money are saved through reduced process outages with restore capability and (CF) CompactFlash SCSI-Flash Ethernet back-up generation. The process outages in semiconductor manufacturing may cost anywhere more than $1,000 / $100,000 per hour per day. Considerable fines may be incurred in the telecommunications industry.</p> <p>Using the SCSI-Flash Ethernet restore and back-up capability, media’s traditional manual rotation can be easily replaced with remote manufacturing files download, for example, whose program is known by a CNC machine for a specific session. Similarly, which recipe to use is known by a semiconductor fab.</p> <p>A fully programmable replacement solution is offered by the SCSI Flash drive emulator making it possible for the SCSI device implementation and its nuances to be fully emulated by all equipment manufacturers.</p> <p>The SCSI Flash drive brings solid state, industry-standard CompactFlash card technology and proven SCSI drive architectures (SCSI-2, SCSI-1 and SCSI) providing a solid-state, highly reliable drop-in replacement for any SCSI-based drive style that includes magneto optical, hard disk, floppy drive and tape. It also extends its support to CompactFlash cards up till 128GB and it also make use of a 3.5 inch form factor. It can also be a larger form factor up till 5.25 inch. Two package types are available which can be with or without a card that is externally removable.</p> <p>Restore and Ethernet back-up capability is also offered by Solid State Network emulation drive (SSD Network drive) based on the Compact Flash offering with an additional benefit of an ability to take data snapshots, keeping it offline from the legacy equipment. There is also an option to restore at a later date when required.</p> </div> <div class="tab-pane" id="specifications"><br /> <p><strong>SCSIFlash Network Drive - Key Features</strong></p> <ul> <li>Unauthorised use prevention with Login levels.</li> <li>Set emulation configuration/ selection.</li> <li>Disk Capacity Setting and erasing Drive contents.</li> <li>Offline and online control.</li> <li>Restore & Back-up of disk images through the Ethernet (Offline SCSIFlash Drive may be required).</li> <li>Diagnostics Interrogation.</li> <li>Auto on-line on completion of backup.</li> <li>Remote setting of SCSIFlash drives name and IP address.</li> <li>Disk Image transfers through Universal TCP.</li> <li>Data archiving exchange at reduced costs.</li> <li>Remote Device Management.</li> <li>Automating retrieval of exchange data process.</li> </ul> <p>Image files (.img) are allowed by the embedded FLASH2GUI Image to be sent to a local onsite server or PC from the SCSIFlash Drive. It also allows editing, unpacking, and repacking of the imaged file. As new data file, this file can be resent to the SCSIFlash drive.</p> <p><strong>FLASH2GUI Image Editor Capability- Key Features</strong></p> <ul> <li>Drive Image contents viewing</li> <li>Extraction of folders, files or complete disk contents to Personal Computer (including message logs, exported recipes and recipe files, etc.).</li> <li>Addition and Removal of folders, files from disc that includes recipes.</li> <li>Addition of new software installation files to run from Hard Disk.</li> <li>Creation of a New Formatted Drive.</li> </ul> <p>Check out <a href="" title="Click here to go to Solid State Disk’s YouTube channel in a new window" target="_blank">Solid State Disk’s YouTube channel</a> to see the demonstration of using FLASH2GUI on FLOPPYFlash and SCSIFlash for control and configuration, restore and back-up and different drive emulation selection.</p> </div> <div class="tab-pane" id="emulations"><br /> <p><strong>TELCO Applications and SCSIFlash Network Drive</strong></p> <p>The current legacy SCSI drives (Magneto Optic drives and Hard Disk / Magnetic Disk Drives) are replaced with the SCSIFlash Network Drive. The SCSI SSD Network drive offers data archiving and telecommunication switches for the existing Central Office billing system.</p> <p>In the Telco host system, there is no requirement for changes to the emulator. This emulator can be utilized as a part of archiving system data and automated billing system through the use of API Interface and onboard GUI.</p> <p>Telco host systems include- Nokia DX, Siemens EWSD V.9, Alcatel Lucent DACSIV/DACSIII, Alcatel 5ESS, Ericsson AXE, Lucent 1631, Nortel DMS10, Ericsson AXE10, NEC NEAX SIGMA Sigma, NEC NEAX SIGMA 61E, Fujitsu Fetex 150, Alcatel Lucent S12, Stromberg-Carleson DCO, Telebras Tropico, ITT, NTT, ROLM & Sagem and North Electric.</p> <p><strong>Other examples of Key Market Applications</strong></p> <p>Host systems of Legacy semiconductor manufacturing entails: HP9000, HP1000, HPUX10, HP UNIX HPUX9, P5200/P5000, AMAT (Applied Materials), P5500, Endura, RTP, Centura, Canon FPS-5000, Canon FPS-3000, Canon B2600/B2000, TEL, Tokyo Electron, Adept, Adept 11.2r4, Adept 11.4e3, Polaris P2000/ P2100/ P2200, Staubli CS7 M RX90, ASM EPI, LAM RESEARCH (ENVISION, CLASSIC), DISCO, and KS.</p> <p>The host systems of Legacy industrial process entails- HP1000A, IRMX86, 12016A, HP9000, uVAX using RZ23, RWZ01, RZ29 SCSI, RZ28 drives, Honeywell Measurex TDC 3000/ TDC 2000 universal station on VX works and MX open, Rosemount RS3, WDA History Module, Thor VX9 & VX8 and Honeywell SBHM (Single Board History Module) PV011 PCB.HP9000, HP1000A, DEC VAX, 12016A, Uvax using RZ23, RWZ01, RZ29 SCSI HDD RZ28, and Rosemount RS3 are included in host systems of power generation systems.</p> <p>The host systems of Legacy oil and gas include- HP1000A, IRMX86, 12016A, HP9000, Uvax using RZ23, RWZ01, RZ28, RZ29 SCSI HDD, VAX, Honeywell Measurex TDC 3000/ TDC 2000 universal station on VX works and MX open and Rosemount RS3.</p> <p>The host systems of Legacy aero/mil equipment includes- Thomson CSF, Miltope, OMTI, Dutch Signaal, Iomega Bernoulli, Solaris SUN SPARC/CPU-8VT, IBM RS6000 and AS400. Some examples are Gould, Evans & Sutherland and 320 C2000 sim.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="parallax-bg module bg-dark-30 request-cta" parallax-bg data-background="assets/images/callback_bg.jpg" id="callback"> <div class="container"></div> </section> <section class="module p-0" id="bespoke"> <div class="row position-relative m-0"> <div class="col-md-5 side-image" data-background="assets/images/bespoke-services-meeting.jpg" title="Bespoke Emulation Solutions"></div> <div class="col-md-7 col-md-offset-5 side-image-text"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-12"> <h2 class="module-title font-alt p-0 m-0 align-left">Custom Emulation Solutions</h2> <p class="align-left">We have an in house team of highly experienced technical engineers, based in both the US & UK who have an in-depth knowledge of legacy data storage systems. 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