Ocean Model SST Areas
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100%; text-align: center;">Ocean Model SST Areas</h2> <!-- Begin main page content --> <div class="divcenter"> <p>The NCEP Global Real-Time Ocean Forecast System (RTOFS-Global) data is based on the U.S. Navy implementation of Global HYCOM. <br> Regional NCOM data is provided by the Naval Oceanographic Office (NAVO). </p> <p><i> (<b>Mouseover and click</b> the desired area to view the valid Global Ocean Model SST 0-72 hour forecast data) </i></p> <img src="NCOM_SST_web_addhires.gif" alt="poly" usemap="#OPCSSTMap" width="784" height="400" > <map name="OPCSSTMap"> <!--BERING STRAIT AND GULF OF ALASKA--> <AREA SHAPE="RECT" alt="poly" COORDS="152,34,315,99" href="/Loops/ocean_guidance.php?model=Global_RTOFS&area=BeringSea&plot=sst&loop=1" onMouseOver="return overlib('BERING STRAIT AND GULF OF ALASKA', WRAP);" onMouseOut="return nd();"> <!--HI-RES SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA COAST--> <AREA SHAPE="RECT" COORDS="315,121,352,152" href="/Loops/ocean_guidance.php?model=NCOM&area=Socal&plot=sst&loop=1" alt="HI-RES SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA COAST" onMouseOver="return overlib('HI-RES SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA COAST', WRAP);" onMouseOut="return nd();"> <!--US WEST COAST--> <AREA SHAPE="POLY" COORDS="317,69,371,69,371,164,246,163,246,99,316,100,316,69,317,69" href="/Loops/ocean_guidance.php?model=Global_RTOFS&area=WestCoast&plot=sst&loop=1" alt="US WEST COAST " onMouseOver="return overlib('US WEST COAST', WRAP);" onMouseOut="return nd();"> <!--GULF OF MEXICO--> <AREA SHAPE="RECT" COORDS="400,138,448,174" href="/Loops/ocean_guidance.php?model=NCOM&area=GMexHR&plot=sst&loop=1" alt="GULF OF MEXICO Hi-Res NCOM MODEL" onMouseOver="return overlib('HI-RES GULF OF MEXICO', WRAP);" onMouseOut="return nd();"> <!--HI-RES US EAST COAST AND GULF STREAM--> <AREA SHAPE="POLY" COORDS="447,116,517,116,517,162,450,162,447,162,447,135,447,116" href="/newNCOM/NCOM_GulfStream_sst.php" alt="HI-RES US EAST COAST AND GULF STREAM" onMouseOver="return overlib('HI-RES US EAST COAST AND GULF STREAM', WRAP);" onMouseOut="return nd();"> <!--US EAST COAST AND GULF STREAM--> <AREA SHAPE="POLY" COORDS="444,103,564,103,564,151,450,151,450,135,444,135,444,103" href="/Loops/ocean_guidance.php?model=Global_RTOFS&area=GulfStream&plot=sst&loop=1" alt="US EAST COAST AND GULF STREAM" onMouseOver="return overlib('US EAST COAST AND GULF STREAM', WRAP);" onMouseOut="return nd();"> <!--HAWAII--> <AREA SHAPE="RECT" COORDS="207,143,246,172" href="/Loops/ocean_guidance.php?model=NCOM&area=Haw&plot=sst&loop=1" alt="HAWAII" onMouseOver="return overlib('HI-RES HAWAII', WRAP);" onMouseOut="return nd();"> <!--NORTH PACIFIC--> <AREA SHAPE="POLY" COORDS="59,65,152,65,152,100,246,100,245,164,352,163,352,180,59,180,59,65" href="/Loops/ocean_guidance.php?model=Global_RTOFS&area=NorthPacific&plot=sst&loop=1" alt="NORTH PACIFIC" onMouseOver="return overlib('NORTH PACIFIC', WRAP);" onMouseOut="return nd();"> <!--NORTH ATLANTIC--> <AREA SHAPE="POLY" COORDS="398,64,695,64,695,180,450,180,450,152,566,153,566,100,441,100,441,136,397,136,397,65,403,65,398,64" href="/Loops/ocean_guidance.php?model=Global_RTOFS&area=NorthAtlantic&plot=sst&loop=1" alt="NORTH ATLANTIC" onMouseOver="return overlib('NORTH ATLANTIC', WRAP);" onMouseOut="return nd();"> <!--LINK TO GLOBAL OCEAN MODEL CURRENTS WEB PAGE--> <AREA SHAPE="RECT" COORDS="550,276,669,336" href="/Current_fcasts.php" alt="LINK TO GLOBAL OCEAN MODEL CURRENTS WEB PAGE" onMouseOver="return overlib('LINK TO GLOBAL OCEAN MODEL CURRENTS WEB PAGE', WRAP);" onMouseOut="return nd();"> </map> <p class="std"> ***Attention*** NCOM Regional files with surface temperature and currents are available in GRIB2 format. See links below. </div> <p>For NCOM GRIB2 files with surface temperature and currents: <A href=""></a></p> <p>For Regional NCOM Data: <A href=""></a></p> <p>For archived NCOM Data: <A href=""></a></p> <p>For Data via Nomads GDS server: <A href=""></a> </p> <p>For East Coast images: <a href="">NCOM High Resolution Oceanic Model: Gulf Stream</a></p> <p>For Global RTOFS Data: <A href=""></a></p> <p>For RTOFS Global Data via the NCEP operational NOMADS server: <a href=""></a> <p class="hdr"><u>G-RTOFS Model Information</u></p> <p>The Global Real-Time Ocean Forecast System is based on NAVO's configuration of the 1/12 deg. eddy resolving global HYCOM model and is initialized daily with NAVO generated initial conditions using the NCODA system. G-RTOFS is forced with NCEP's operational GFS winds. For more details see: <A href="">NOAA/NCEP/MMAB GRTOFS Web Page</a></p> <p class="hdr"><u>Regional NCOM Model Information</u></p> <p>The Regional NCOM models have a resolution of 1/36 deg. (3 km). The U.S. Navy Operational Global Ocean Model (NCOM), developed by the Naval Research Laboratory (Barron et al, 1&2) and maintained by the Naval Oceanographic Office, provides boundary conditions for the regional models. The regional NCOM models found here include the U.S. East Coast (ncom_useast), The Southern California Coast (ncom_socal), Hawaii Coasts (ncom_relo_hawaii) and the Gulf of America and Caribaean Seas (ncom_relo_amseas). The Navy Coupled Ocean Data Assimilation System (NCODA) provides the data assimilation for NCOM including SSH, SST, and in situ observations. For more information about NCOM see:</p> <p><a href="">Overview</a> or <a href="">NRL Press Release</a></p> <p><A href="">NCOM Publications and Validation Test Report</a></p> <p class="hdr"><u><b>References</b></u></p> <p>1. Barron, C.N., A.B. Kara, H.E. Hurlburt, C. Rowley, and L.F. Smedstad, 2004: Sea surface height predictions from the Global Navy Coastal Ocean Model (NCOM) during 1998-2001. <i>J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol.</i>, 21(12), 1876-1894.</p> <p>2. Barron, C.N., A.B. Kara, P.J. Martin, R.C. Rhodes, and L.F. Smedstad, 2006: Formulation, implementation and examination of vertical coordinate choices in the global Navy Coastal Ocean Model (NCOM). <i>Ocean Modeling</i>, <b>11</b>, 347-375, doi:10.1016/j.ocemod.2005.01.004.</p> <!-- End main page content --> <!-- Begin footer_opc_content1.html --> <br><br> </div><!-- End of content div --> </div><!-- End of center div --> <div class="footer"> <div class="footer-content"> <!-- begin print time of page being loaded --> <div style="display:block; margin-top: 5px; margin-bottom: -12px; text-align:center; color: #666666;"> <!-- script for local timezone --> <!-- --> <!-- Print "Page Loaded at GMT and Local time --> <script src="/common/local_and_utc_time.js" defer></script> <p id="timeStamp" style="color: #666666;"></p> </div> <!-- end print time of page being loaded --> <div class='footer-column'> <a class='footer-column-head' href="">Current Conditions</a><br> <a href="">Marine & Buoy Reports</a><br> <a href="">Tides Online</a><br> <a href="">Surface Weather</a><br> <a href="">Satellite</a><br> <a href="">Radar</a><br> <a href="">Upper Air</a><br> </div> <div class='footer-column'> <a class='footer-column-head' href="">Marine Forecasts</a><br> <a href="/marine_areas.php">Offshore & High Seas</a><br> <a href="">Tropical Marine</a><br> <a href="/opc_gridded_marine.php">Gridded Marine</a><br> </div> <div class='footer-column'> <a class='footer-column-head' href="">Marine Resources</a><br> <a href="">Mariner's Weather Log</a><br> <a href="">Voluntary Observing Ships</a><br> <a href="">U.S. National Ice Center</a><br> </div> <div class='footer-column'> <a class='footer-column-head' href="/news.php">News & Information</a><br> <a href="/news.php">OPC News</a><br> <a href="">NWS Service Changes</a><br> <a href="">NWS News</a><br> </div> <div class='footer-column'> <a class='footer-column-head' href='/opc_social_media.php'>OPC Social Media</a><br> <a href=""><img src="/templates/css/images/f_logo.png" alt="Follow the Ocean Prediction Center on Facebook" width="15" height="15" style="vertical-align: text-top;"> Facebook</a><br> <a href=""><img src="/templates/css/images/twitter_logo.png" alt="Follow the Ocean Prediction Center on Twitter" height="15" width="15" style="vertical-align: text-top;"> Twitter</a><br> <a href=""><img src="/templates/css/images/youtube_logo.png" alt="Subscribe to the Ocean Prediction Center on YouTube" height="12" width="15" style="vertical-align: text-top;"> YouTube</a><br> </div> </div> </div> <!-- legal footer area --> <div class="footer-legal"> <div class="footer-legal-content"> <div class="footer-legal-gov"> <a href=""><img src="/templates/css/images/usa_gov.png" alt="" width="110" height="30" /></a> </div> <div class="footer-legal-column"> <p> <a href="">US Department of Commerce</a><br /> <a href="">National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration</a><br /> <a href="">National Weather Service</a><br /> <a href="">National Centers for Environmental Prediction</a><br /> <a href="">NOAA Center for Weather and Climate Prediction (NCWCP)</a><br /> <a href="/index.php">Ocean Prediction Center</a><br /> 5830 University Research Court<br /> College Park, Maryland 20740-3818<br /><br /> Phone: 301-683-1520<br /> Fax: 301-683-1501 (SDM), 301-683-1545 (back office-administrative)<br /> <a href="/contact/index.php">OPC Email Feedback</a><br /><br /> <!-- End footer_opc_content1.html --> Page last modified: Friday, February 14, 2025 18:05:56 UTC<!-- Begin footer_opc_content2.html --> <br /> </p> </div> <div class="footer-legal-column2"> <a href="">Disclaimer</a><br /> <a href="">Information Quality</a><br /> <a href="">Help</a><br /> <a href="">Glossary</a> </div> <div class="footer-legal-column3"> <a href="">Privacy Policy</a><br /> <a href="">Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)</a><br /> <a href="">About Us</a><br /> <a href="">Career Opportunities</a> </div> </div><!-- end of <div class="footer-legal-content"> --> </div><!-- end of <div class="footer-legal"> --> <div id="wrap"> </div> </div><!-- End of body div, width 990px --> </body> </html> <!-- End footer_opc_content2.html -->