Auditing - Control Union United Kingdom

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0 0 0 0-3.57"/><path d="m47.5 27.5a5 5 0 1 1 5.05-5.05 5.06 5.06 0 0 1 -5.05 5.05m0-15.05a10 10 0 1 0 10 10 10 10 0 0 0 -10-10"/></svg> </span> <a class="list_link flex-sm flex-vert" href="" title="Commodity Inspections" target="_blank"> <span class="link_text"> Commodity Inspections </span> </a> </li> <li class="list_item flex-sm"> <span class="list_icon background-primary-dark"> <svg id="activity-1" class="icon-svg white" viewBox="0 0 95 56.18" xmlns=""><path d="m11.7 0a11.57 11.57 0 0 0 -11.7 11.43 10.63 10.63 0 0 0 2.75 7.27l7.46 9.4c1.37 1.74 1.6 1.92 3 0l7.46-9.39a10.63 10.63 0 0 0 2.76-7.28 11.57 11.57 0 0 0 -11.73-11.43zm0 19.5a8.17 8.17 0 0 1 -8.26-8.07 8.17 8.17 0 0 1 8.26-8.07 8.17 8.17 0 0 1 8.3 8.07 8.17 8.17 0 0 1 -8.3 8.07z"/><path d="m73.39 1.76a21.36 21.36 0 0 0 -21.6 21.11c0 5.58 1.71 9.18 5.08 13.42l13.78 17.36c2.53 3.21 3 3.55 5.5 0l13.76-17.34c3.37-4.25 5.09-7.84 5.09-13.44a21.36 21.36 0 0 0 -21.61-21.11zm0 36a15.09 15.09 0 0 1 -15.26-14.89 15.26 15.26 0 0 1 30.52 0 15.09 15.09 0 0 1 -15.26 14.91z"/><path d="m29.6 27.23 14.25 28.93h25.54l-8.23-10.41h-12.75l-14.26-26.11h-11.29l-6.07 7.59z"/><path d="m10.7 11.91h2.67a32 32 0 0 0 -1.32-4.25 31 31 0 0 0 -1.36 4.25m-3.16 3.73a53.57 53.57 0 0 1 3.16-9.58h2.83a54.64 54.64 0 0 1 3.18 9.58v.1h-2.4l-.49-2.08h-3.56l-.49 2.08h-2.23z"/><path d="m73.63 29.25c1.72 0 2.62-.55 2.62-2.27s-1-2.2-2.7-2.2h-2.8v4.48zm-.08-7.6a2.17 2.17 0 0 0 2.33-2.3c0-1.48-.88-2.05-2.33-2.05h-2.8v4.35zm-7.2-7.75h8.23c3.65 0 5.68 1.58 5.68 4.93a4.41 4.41 0 0 1 -2.4 4.05 4.16 4.16 0 0 1 2.78 4.18c0 3.85-2.2 5.6-6.05 5.6h-8.24z"/></svg> </span> <a class="list_link flex-sm flex-vert" href="" title="Commodity Logistics" target="_blank"> <span class="link_text"> Commodity Logistics </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="col-sm-6"> <ul class="no-list global_activities"> <li class="list_item flex-sm"> <span class="list_icon background-primary-dark"> <svg id="activity-2" class="icon-svg white" viewBox="0 0 95 74.59" xmlns=""><path 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14.69v5l-.34-.33c-.22.24-.44.45-.66.66a8 8 0 0 1 -5 2.35h-.15a8 8 0 0 1 -5-2.33c-.23-.21-.45-.44-.68-.68-.33.33-.66.63-1 .91v-5.58zm-11.77-33.89h-4l2-2.73zm-3.75-8.34h3.45l-1.7 2.38zm4.95 10.26-3.19 3-3.19-3zm1.26 9.87h-8.9l4.45-4.22zm.13 1.92-4.52 4.28-4.52-4.28zm-4.52 6.91 5 4.74h-10zm5.74 2.8-4.35-4.13 4.35-4.12zm-.23-13.2-4.18-3.93 3.06-2.9zm-1.81-11.05-2.58-3.52 1.64-2.23zm-5.56-14h3.78v3.89h-3.78zm-.87 8.47 1.48 2-2.33 3.18zm-1.64 9.87 2.91 2.78-4 3.77zm-1.33 11.72 4.33 4.06-4.33 4.1zm4.83 18.66v6.71a6.6 6.6 0 0 1 -3.15.95c-1.92 0-3.85-1.07-5.77-3-.23.25-.46.47-.69.69a10.12 10.12 0 0 1 -2.8 1.82v-7.17zm-13.42-16.89h2.8v2.2h-2.8zm-3.93 0h2.8v2.2h-2.8zm-3.92 2.2v-2.2h2.77v2.2z"/><path d="m64.77 3h-1.34c-2.06 0-4.64 2.74-6.23 4.89-1.26 1.7-1.54 1.93-1.5 3.21s1.12 2.4 3.54 2.4h2.35l-.23.44-.2.38-.8 1.43-.13.24h-.5a18.92 18.92 0 0 1 -2-.32l-.93-.19-.08.37-. 19.71 0 0 0 2.06.33 20 20 0 0 0 2.08.1h5.29a20 20 0 0 0 2.08-.1 19.72 19.72 0 0 0 2.06-.33l.86-.21v-.37l-.08-.37-.93.19a18.9 18.9 0 0 1 -1.99.35h-.46l-.13-.35-.51-1.25a7 7 0 0 0 -.41-.92c2-.15 3.13-.65 3.79-1.33 1.37-1.4 3.08-1.81 5-2.12l5.14-.83c2.16-.17 3.4-5.45 2.83-5.48-.09 0-1.39-.15-1.53.07-.8 1.29-.73 2.71-3.16 2.63l-3.85-.13h-.13c-4.14-.14-3.05.13-4-1.65-.85-1.64-3.79-1.64-4.58-1.64h-1.49v-1.62l15.13-.63v-.75l-4.64.19-10.49.44v-.26h-.75v.26l-7.41-.31-7.68-.32v.75l15.12.63zm-5.09 6.45c-2.31 0 1-4.39 3.42-4.86a1.71 1.71 0 0 1 .32 0h1.09a.22.22 0 0 1 .21.21v4.4a.26.26 0 0 1 -.26.26h-4.78zm5.92-4.65a.26.26 0 0 1 .26-.26h2.46a.26.26 0 0 1 .26.26v4.4a.26.26 0 0 1 -.26.26h-2.47a.26.26 0 0 1 -.26-.26zm.5 8.73h.52a4.68 4.68 0 0 1 .58 1.14l.39 1 .14.38h-6.68l.16-.3.59-1.06.21-.4a6.47 6.47 0 0 1 .46-.78z"/><path d="m74.33 55.65 5.92 12.2a1.11 1.11 0 0 0 1.49-1.05 1.71 1.71 0 1 1 3.41 0 1.12 1.12 0 0 0 1.54 1l5.91-12.18-8.3-5.08v4.7a.84.84 0 1 1 -1.68 0v-4.7z"/><path d="m81.79 42.2v4.1h-1.68v2.61h-3.92v2.97l7.28-4.48 7.26 4.47v-2.96h-3.91v-2.61h-1.67v-4.1z"/></svg> </span> <a class="list_link flex-sm flex-vert" 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