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Please be patient, this routine takes a while to run.">All Public Comments</a> <a href="/olsv2/publiccommentsearch.asp" title="Provides a listing of comments received from members of the public in a particular docket; only partial availability for dockets before 4-26-04.">Public Comments Search</a> <a href="/olsv2/dailyfilings/daily_log.asp" title="Provides a listing of daily filings with the Commission, and a link to view the electronic copy if one exists.">Daily Filings</a> <a href="/olsv2/docket_search.asp" title="Provides a listing of documents filed in a particular docket, and a link to view the electronic copies if they exist.">Docket Search</a> <a href="/olsv2/filter/pdffilter.asp" title="Provides a filtered listing of documents filed in a particular docket, and a link to view the electronic copies if they exist.">Filtered Search</a> <a href="/olsv2/interconnect.asp" title="Agreements between telecommunication utilities. Search by utility name or docket number.">Interconnection Agreements</a> <a href="/olsv2/Company_Search_Main.asp" title="Provides a listing of docket numbers and the style of those dockets for any regulated company or any party to a docket, and a link to view documents in the docket.">Company Search</a> <a href="/olsv2/relationships" title="Provides a direct listing of relationships to dockets.">Relationship Search</a> <a href="/olsv2/AnnualReport.asp" title="Reports per industry filed with the Commission by each licensed utility.">Industry Annual Reports</a> <a href="/olsv2/ActionSearch1.asp" title="Search on pleading action entry made in docket. This is an especially good search for a large docket.">Action Summary Search</a> <a href="/olsv2/tariff.asp" title="Search utility tariffs and terms of service for all utilities.">Utility Tariffs</a> <a href="/olsv2/CCN_Index.asp" title="Find listings of licensed utilities by industry or license type.">Utility License Information</a> <a href="/olsv2/servicelistfilter.asp" title="Find company and individual docket activity for Contact Name, Relationship, Style Case and other fields, or print service list for electronic dockets.">Service List Filter</a> <a href="/olsv2/rules_Select2.asp" title="A listing of all Commission Rules and Forms">Rules and Forms</a> </div> </li> <li class="dropdown"> <a href="/olsv2/calendar/calendar.asp" class="dropbtn" title="Hearings Calendar">Hearings Calendar</a> <div class="dropdown-content"> <a href="/olsv2/deskcalendar.asp" title="General information on dockets set for hearing laid out in a grid view.">Upcoming Hearings</a> </div> </li> <li><a href="/olsv2/annualreportsarchive.asp" title="APSC Annual Reports to the Governor Archive">Governor's Annual Reports</a></li> <li class="dropdown"> <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="dropbtn" title="Media">Media</a> <div class="dropdown-content"> <a target="_blank" href="" title="APSC YouTube Channel">APSC YouTube Channel</a> </div> </li> <li style="float:right" class="dropdown"> <a href="/olsv2/about.asp" class="dropbtn" title="About")>About</a> <div class="dropdown-content"> <a href="/olsv2/spanish.asp" title="Paginas En Español">Paginas En Español</a> <a href="/olsv2/contactforms" title="Contact Us">Contact Us</a> </div> </li> </ul> Today is <strong style='color:maroon;'>Monday, February 17, 2025</strong> <br /> </body> </html> <head> <title>Arkansas Public Service Commission - Online Services</title> <body> <br /><br /> <img src="../images/stop.png" style="height: 245px; width: 400px" title="Stop!" /><br /><br /> <strong>The APSC website has changed...</strong> </p> <p> If you arrived at this page using a bookmark or a favorites link, please update it accordingely.</p> <p> Please use the menu bar above to navigate around. 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