Journal of Systems and Software

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The Journal of Systems and Software publishes papers covering all aspects of software engineering. All articles should provide evidence to support their claims, e.g. through empirical studies, simulation, formal proofs or other types of validation. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: Methods and tools for software requirements, design, architecture, verification and validation, testing, maintenance and evolution Agile, model-driven, service-oriented, open source and global software development Approaches for cloud/fog/edge computing and virtualized systems Human factors and management concerns of software development Artificial Intelligence, data analytics and big data applied in software engineering Metrics and evaluation of software development resources DevOps, continuous integration, build and test automation Business and economic aspects of software development processes Software Engineering education Ethical/societal aspects of Software Engineering Software Engineering for AI systems Software Engineering for Sustainability Methods and tools for empirical software engineering research The journal welcomes reports of practical experience for all of these topics, as well as replication studies and studies with negative results. The journal appreciates the submission of systematic literature reviews, mapping studies and meta-analyses. However, these should report interesting and important results, rather than merely providing statistics on publication year, venue etc. JSS supports Open Science and reproducible research. Therefore, authors are encouraged to make Open Science material available at the time of submission and after acceptance of their manuscript, e.g., by submitting artifacts related to a study to an archived open repository (such as,, Mendeley, etc.). Also, authors are encouraged to explicitly reference Open Science material in their manuscript (e.g., via a DOI from the open repository). If authors are not able to disclose any material (for example, industrial data subject to non-disclosure agreements), we encourage authors to explicitly acknowledge this by including a short statement in their manuscript. Depending on the type of research presented in a manuscript, Open Science material could include study protocols, (anonymized) raw or analyzed data, data analysis scripts, source code, customized tools and infrastructures, experimental material, codebooks, etc. If authors agree to participate in the JSS Open Science Initiative, after the acceptance of a manuscript, they will be invited to submit a link to Open Science material for review by the JSS Open Science Board. After a successful review (which does not impact the acceptance of the manuscript) considering availability and usability of the material, the publisher will add a statement to the final version of the manuscript acknowledging that the Open Science package was validated by the JSS Open Science Board. In addition to regular papers, JSS features two special tracks (In Practice, New Ideas and Trends Papers), as well as special issues. In Practice is exclusively focused on work that increases knowledge transfer from industry to research. It accepts: (1) Applied Research Reports where we invite submissions that report results (positive or negative) concerning the experience of applying/evaluating systems and software technologies (methods, techniques and tools) in real industrial settings. These comprise empirical studies conducted in industry (e.g., action research, case studies) or experience reports that may help understanding situations in which technologies really work and their impact. Submissions should include information on the industrial setting, provide motivation, explain the events leading to the outcomes, including the challenges faced, summarize the outcomes, and conclude with lessons learned, take-away messages, and practical advice based on the described experience. Contributing authors from industry are encouraged but not mandatory. (2) Practitioner Insights where we invite experience reports showing what actually happens in practical settings, illustrating the challenges (and pain) that practitioners face, and presenting lessons learned. Problem descriptions with significant details on the context, underlying causes and symptoms, and technical and organizational impact are also welcome. Practitioner insights papers may also comprise invited opinionated views on the evolution of chosen topic areas in practice. In contrast to applied research reports, practitioner insights are limited to four pages and the first author must be from industry. Finally, submissions to this track should be within scope of the journal's above topics of interest and they will be evaluated through industry-appropriate criteria for their merit in reporting useful industrial experience rather than in terms of academic novelty of research results. New Ideas and Trends Papers New ideas, especially those related to new research trends, emerge quickly. To accommodate timely dissemination thereof, JSS introduces the New Ideas and Trends Paper (NITP). NITPs should focus on the systems/software engineering aspects of new emerging areas, including: the internet of things, big data, cloud computing, software ecosystems, cyber-physical systems, green/sustainable systems, continuous software engineering, crowdsourcing, and the like. We distinguish two types of NITPs: A short paper that discusses a single contribution to a specific new trend or a new idea. A long paper that provides a survey of a specific trend, as well as a (possibly speculative) outline of a solution. NITPs are not required to be fully validated, but preliminary results that endorse the merit of the proposed ideas are welcomed. We anticipate revisiting specific new trends periodically, for instance through reflection or progress reports. New Ideas and Trend Papers warrant speedy publication. Special Issue proposals To submit a proposal for a special issue please submit your proposal here to Special Issues Editors Prof. Raffaela Mirandola and Prof. Laurence Duchien. Please visit the special issue guidelines page first to review the proposal guidelines and to download the proposal template required when submitting a proposal. Journal First Initiative Authors of JSS accepted papers have the opportunity to present their work in those conferences that offer a Journal First track. Using this track, researchers may take the best from two worlds: ensuring high quality in the JSS publication (thorough, multi-phase review process of a long manuscript), while getting feedback from a community of experts and fostering possible collaborations during a scientific event. Details may vary from conference to conference, but generally speaking, JSS papers to be presented in a Journal First track must report completely new research results or present novel contributions that significantly extend previous work. The ultimate decision to include a paper in the conference program is up to the conference chairs, not JSS. A JSS paper may be presented only once through a Journal First track. As of today, the list of conferences with which JSS is collaborating, or has collaborated, through a Journal First track, is: ASE, ICSME, SANER, RE, ESEM, PROFES, and APSEC.</pre><div class="alert alert-warning"> Last updated by <a href="/researcher/1">Dou Sun</a> in 2024-07-14</div> </div> </div> <div class="portlet" id="yw2"> <div class="portlet-decoration"> <div class="portlet-title"><i class="icon icon-list-alt"></i> Special Issues</div> </div> <div class="portlet-content"> <a name="5309"></a><pre>Special Issue on Quality Assurance in ICT-based Systems</br>Submission Date: 2025-03-31</br></br>Guest Editors Antonia Bertolino, ISTI-CNR, Rome, Italy João Pascoal Faria, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal Patricia Lago, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Laura Semini, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy Special Issues Editors Laurence Duchien and Raffaela Mirandola Special issue information: In light of the increasing dependence of our society on ICT-based systems, it becomes imperative to prioritize the assurance of their quality, through a comprehensive approach that goes beyond the mere functional validation, and includes considerations such as reliability, usability, security, safety, performance efficiency. Furthermore, quality is inherently intertwined with both customer satisfaction and organizational success. In an era where user experience is a priority, the importance of providing high-quality software solutions cannot be underestimated. In this way, trust is cultivated, brand reputation is strengthened and, ultimately, business expansion is achieved. The recent surge of intelligent assistants within the domain of software engineering has significantly augmented productivity levels. Nonetheless, this advancement simultaneously presents fresh challenges in guaranteeing the quality of these systems. As we persist in integrating these intelligent tools into our development workflows, the imperative for rigorous and inventive quality assurance methodologies becomes paramount. On the other hand, the potential use of intelligent assistants in quality assurance activities offers new possibilities for exploration, giving rise to new areas of research. Achieving and maintaining quality standards in ICT faces several challenges. Rapid technological advancements, evolving user demands, and complex system architectures represent formidable obstacles. Cost-efficient quality assurance strategies require the integration of best practices and the adoption of innovative techniques at every stage of the software engineering lifecycle, from the requirements analysis phase to testing, deployment and beyond. This special issue welcomes contributions concerning available research and industrial case studies and solutions, lessons learnt, as well as open challenges in designing, developing and operating high-quality ICT-based systems. On this theme, we will run in September 2024 the 17th International Conference on the Quality of Information and Communications Technology (QUATIC 2024), in Pisa, Italy. The goal of the conference series is to provide a forum for disseminating advanced methods, techniques and tools for supporting quality approaches in every phase and all aspects related to the engineering and management of advanced ICT-based systems. We welcome relevant works from both academic researchers and industrial experiences. We call for high quality research and industrial papers in any of the following areas, but not limited to: Innovative Strategies for Total Quality in Business Processes and Software ICT Process Improvement, Organization, and Governance Emerging Topics and Technologies in Requirements Engineering Verification, Validation, and Testing Quality Aspects of Services and Cloud Computing Quality in Adaptive Software Human Factors for Quality Software Quality Aspects of Empirical Studies Quality in the Age of AI Sustainability as a Quality Concern Manuscript submission information: Important Dates (tentative) 31 March 2025 Full paper submission 16 June 2025 Author notification 15 September 2025 Papers revisions 15 October 2025 Author final notification 14 November 2025 Final manuscript The call for this special issue is an open call. In addition, the authors of the best papers of the 17th International Conference on the Quality of Information and Communications Technology (QUATIC 2024), will be invited to submit extended versions of their papers. Authors are encouraged to submit high-quality, original work that has neither appeared in, nor is under consideration by other journals or conferences. All submitted papers will undergo a rigorous peer-review process and should adhere to the general principles of the Journal of Systems and Software articles. If a paper has been already presented at a conference, it should contain at least 30% of new technical contents and contribution before being submitted to this issue. Authors must provide any previously published material relevant to their submission and a summary document explaining the enhancements made in the journal version. Surveys, and (systematic) literature reviews are out of the scope of this special issue and will be desk-rejected.</pre><div class="alert alert-warning">Last updated by <a href="/researcher/1">Dou Sun</a> in 2024-10-03</div><a name="5307"></a><pre>Special Issue on Reliable and Secure Large Language Models for Software Engineering</br>Submission Date: 2025-04-01</br></br>Guest editors: Dr. Gabriele Bavota, Università della Svizzera italiana, Switzerland Dr. Pietro Liguori, University of Naples Federico II, Italy Dr. Antonio Mastropaolo, William & Mary, USA Special issue information: Nowadays, Large Language Models (LLMs) are reshaping various domains, with software engineering (SE) exemplifying their transformative impact. These AI-driven solutions, especially LLMs, are proving highly effective at advancing the automation of SE practices, turning long-held aspirations into concrete realities. A notable example is GitHub Copilot, introduced by Microsoft, which excels at translating natural language intents into executable code, thereby significantly boosting developer productivity. Along these lines, LLMs enhance capabilities in automated code generation and address complex software development challenges, including bug detection and fixing, vulnerability assessment, automated testing, and many other demanding tasks. As the integration of LLM technologies into software engineering practices becomes more widespread, concerns about non-functional requirements such as reliability and security become increasingly critical. This special issue specifically focuses on the challenges and solutions related to ensuring the reliability and security of LLM-powered code generators and other AI-driven tools in software engineering. We seek to explore how these LLM technologies can be developed and deployed in a manner that upholds high standards of reliability and security. Addressing these issues necessitates a comprehensive approach that includes maintaining high data quality, optimizing model performance, implementing robust monitoring systems, establishing stringent privacy protocols, ensuring secure practices, and conducting continuous maintenance to uphold system integrity. In light of these challenges, we are pleased to announce a featured Special Issue in the Journal of Software Systems (JSS), specifically dedicated to exploring the technical challenges associated with reliability and security in LLM-powered software engineering. This special issue particularly welcomes submissions that address the challenges of ensuring the security and reliability aspects of these systems. In this regard, we invite contributions that not only document research but also demonstrate practical advancements in the field. These contributions are vital as they help lay the groundwork and refine strategies for the responsible, secure application and integration of LLM technologies in software engineering. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: LLM System Integrity and Quality Data Quality and Bias in LLMs Robustness and Resilience of LLMs Incident Response and Recovery for LLMs System Monitoring and Maintenance of LLMs Secure Deployment and Integration of LLMs Secure Code Generation and Program Synthesis with LLMs Explainable AI in Software Engineering with LLMs Vulnerability Detection in AI-generated code LLM-Generated Offensive Security Code Manuscript submission information: This special issue welcomes all submissions. Moreover, authors of the best papers from the 2nd International Workshop on Reliable and Secure AI for Software Engineering are encouraged to submit extended versions of their work. Articles must be original and not previously published or under consideration elsewhere. Submissions will be evaluated based on the originality of the problem and/or solution, the technical relevance and applicability of the ideas presented, the relevance to the Special Issue's theme, and the quality of writing and presentation. Each submission will undergo a rigorous peer-review process in accordance with the standards of the Journal of Systems and Software. Each manuscript will be reviewed by three reviewers, with additional reviewers brought in as necessary. Papers that have been previously presented at conferences are required to contain at least 30% new technical content and contributions to be considered for this issue. Authors must also provide any previously published material related to their submission along with a document outlining the improvements made for the journal extension. Please note that surveys, (systematic) literature reviews, and mapping studies are not suitable for this special issue and will be deskrejected. All manuscripts and supplementary material should be submitted through the Elsevier Editorial System at During the submission process, please select "VSI:Reliable and Secure LLMs for SE" for the "Article Type". The submitted papers must follow the format specified in the Guide for Authors at Submissions will be processed and start the reviewing process as soon as they arrive, without waiting for the submission deadline. Important Dates (tentative) - Submission Open Date: October 1st, 2024 - Submission Deadline: April 1st, 2025 - First notification: June 1st, 2025 - Revised submission: July 15th, 2025 - Final notification: September 15th, 2025</pre><div class="alert alert-warning">Last updated by <a href="/researcher/1">Dou Sun</a> in 2024-10-03</div></div> </div> <!-- <div class="hidden-phone"> <div align="center"> <table border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1" class="noScroll"> <tr> <td width="180"><div align="center"> <a target="_blank" href=""><img src="" alt="" border="0" style="width:110;height:160" title=""/></a> <br /> <br /> </div></td> </tr> <tr> </tr> </table> <div align="center"><a target="_blank" href=""> >></a></div> </div> </div> --> <div class="portlet" id="yw3"> <div class="portlet-decoration"> <div class="portlet-title"><i class="icon icon-file"></i> Related Journals</div> </div> <div class="portlet-content"> <div class="hidden-phone"> <div id="yw4" 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