Research Survey on „Research Supervision and Academic Well-being“: Participants wanted! – Young Academics at FAU

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Survey on &#8222;Research Supervision and Academic Well-being&#8220;: Participants wanted!</p> </div> </div> </section> <div id="content" class="herotype-default"> <div class="content-container"> <div class="post-row"> <div class="entry-content post"> <main> <h1 id="maintop" class="mobiletitle">Research Survey on &#8222;Research Supervision and Academic Well-being&#8220;: Participants wanted!</h1> <article class="news-details"> <div class="post-meta"><span class="post-meta-date"> 14. November 2024</span></div> <p>We have received and would like to forward you the following invitation to participate in a research survey on <em>Supervision and Academic Well-being.聽</em>Please find further information below.聽</p> <hr /> <h3>We coordially invite early career researchers to participate in an online survey on &#8222;Research Supervision and Academic Well-being&#8220;!</h3> <p>In this survey, a group of early career researchers from Spain seeks to gather experiences from <strong>PhD students and postdoctoral researchers</strong>聽who work directly in research. The goal is to identify supervisory behaviors that may impact well-being and mental health within academic settings in order to build a <strong>healthy and supportive academic environment</strong>.</p> <p>It is a reality that many researchers, both those in training (predoctoral students) and those in the early stages of their professional careers (postdoctoral researchers), face challenging situations in their work environments, often due to inadequate supervision or inappropriate practices by their supervisors or principal investigators. This can sometimes affect their well-being and mental health. While studies have been conducted on best practices from the supervisors&#8216; perspective, it is essential to understand the viewpoint of those who directly experience these situations. In this regard, the present research aims to gather insights from early-career and training researchers to better understand which characteristics and behaviors are associated with a good or poor supervisor/principal investigator, thereby identifying practices that foster healthier and more productive academic environments.</p> <p>All answers will be <strong>100% anonymous</strong>, and the data will be used exclusively for this research.</p> <p>The link to the survey is as follows: <a id="OWA5df45fc4-39cc-0f15-7d23-c4f26c85cde4" class="x_OWAAutoLink" title="" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"></a></p> <p>For further questions and information, please contact: <a href="">Dr. Adri谩n Bozal-Leorri, postdoctoral researcher, University of the Basque Country (Spain)</a></p> <p class="meta-footer"> <span class="post-meta-categories"> Kategorie: <a href="" aria-label="Beitr盲ge aus der Kategorie English Blog posts aufrufen">English Blog posts</a>, <a href="" aria-label="Beitr盲ge 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