SSG | SkillsFuture Movement
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potential throughout life </p> </div> </div> </div> </section> <div> <div class="container"> <nav class="bread-nav"> <ol class="breadcrumb"> <li class="breadcrumb-item icon"><a href="/">Home </a></li> <li class="breadcrumb-item icon active" aria-current="page">SkillsFuture Movement</li> </ol> </nav> </div> </div> <section class="py-7"><div class="container"><div class="row gy-4 gy-md-0"><div class="col-12 col-md-6"><div class="ratio ratio-16x9"><iframe width="100%" height="100%" src="" title="What is SkillsFuture?" sandbox="allow-scripts allow-same-origin"></iframe></div></div><div class="col-12 col-md-6"><h3 class="mb-4">What is SkillsFuture?</h3><p>SkillsFuture is a national movement to provide Singaporeans with the opportunities to develop their fullest potential throughout life, regardless of their starting points. Through this movement, the skills, passion and contributions of every individual will drive Singapore's next phase of development towards an advanced economy and inclusive society. No matter where you are in life – schooling years, early career, mid-career or silver years – you will find a variety of resources to help you attain mastery of skills. Skills mastery is more than having the right paper qualifications and being good at what you do currently; it is a mindset of continually striving towards greater excellence through knowledge, application and experience. With the help of the Future Economy Council, education and training providers, employers, unions – you can own a better future with skills mastery and lifelong learning. Your skills. Your asset. Your future. </p></div></div></div></section> <section class="py-7 mb-5" style="background-color:#f6f9fc;"> <div class="container"> <div class="row gy-4 gy-md-0"> <div class="col-12 col-md-6"> <h3 class="mb-4">Who is SkillsFuture for?</h3> <p>Everyone is part of Singapore's SkillsFuture journey. The choices you make or guide others to make in education, jobs or careers should lead to opportunities to maximise one's potential and develop a mastery of skills. To meet challenges and achieve success, chart your own paths through lifelong learning and skills mastery. Every Singaporean, every job, at every stage of life, counts. </p> </div> <div class="col-12 col-md-6"> <div class="ratio ratio-16x9"><iframe width="100%" height="100%" src="" title="Your SkillsFuture Journey" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen=""></iframe></div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <div data-marker="tab-container" class="container" data-sf-element="wrapper"> <ul class="nav nav-tabs d-none d-md-flex tab-content-headers" role="tablist"> </ul> <div id="Body_C014_myTabContent" class="tab-content accordion general-tabs sf_colsIn tab-content-container" data-sf-element="Container" data-placeholder-label="Drag tabcontent widgets into here"> <section class="tab-content-holder d-none"> <button class="nav-link" id="tab-eeb2qnl1-tab" data-bs-toggle="tab" data-bs-target="#tab-eeb2qnl1" type="button" role="tab" aria-controls="tab-eeb2qnl1"> Four Key Thrusts </button> <div class="tab-pane fade accordion-item" id="tab-eeb2qnl1" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="tab-eeb2qnl1-tab"> <h2 class="accordion-header d-md-none" id="tab-eeb2qnl1-accordion"> <button class="accordion-button fw-bold" type="button" data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target="#tab-eeb2qnl1-collapse" aria-controls="tab-eeb2qnl1-collapse"> Four Key Thrusts </button> </h2> <div id="tab-eeb2qnl1-collapse" class=" accordion-collapse collapse d-md-block" aria-labelledby="tab-eeb2qnl1-accordion"> <div class="accordion-body"> <section><div class="container"><div class="row four-rings-container gx-1 text-center"><div class="col-12 col-sm-6 col-lg-3 ring d-flex justify-content-center text-center"><img src="" /><div class="ring-text-content"><p>1</p><p>Help individuals make well-informed choices in education, training and careers</p></div></div><div class="col-12 col-sm-6 col-lg-3 ring d-flex justify-content-center text-center"><img src="" /><div class="ring-text-content"><p>2</p><p>Develop an integrated high-quality system of education and training that responds to constantly evolving needs</p></div></div><div class="col-12 col-sm-6 col-lg-3 ring d-flex justify-content-center text-center"><img src="" /><div class="ring-text-content"><p>3</p><p>Promote employer recognition and career development based on skills and mastery</p></div></div><div class="col-12 col-sm-6 col-lg-3 ring d-flex justify-content-center text-center"><img src="" /><div class="ring-text-content"><p>4</p><p>Foster a culture that supports and celebrates lifelong learning</p></div></div></div></div></section> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="tab-content-holder d-none"> <button class="nav-link" id="tab-4cvd1orb-tab" data-bs-toggle="tab" data-bs-target="#tab-4cvd1orb" type="button" role="tab" aria-controls="tab-4cvd1orb"> Next Bound of SkillsFuture </button> <div class="tab-pane fade accordion-item" id="tab-4cvd1orb" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="tab-4cvd1orb-tab"> <h2 class="accordion-header d-md-none" id="tab-4cvd1orb-accordion"> <button class="accordion-button fw-bold" type="button" data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target="#tab-4cvd1orb-collapse" aria-controls="tab-4cvd1orb-collapse"> Next Bound of SkillsFuture </button> </h2> <div id="tab-4cvd1orb-collapse" class=" accordion-collapse collapse d-md-block" aria-labelledby="tab-4cvd1orb-accordion"> <div class="accordion-body"> <section class="init-section-3"><div class="container"><div class="row"><div class="order-md-0 col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-4 d-flex justify-content-center"><img src="" /></div><div class="order-md-1 col-12 col-md-6 col-lg-8"><p>The Next Bound of SkillsFuture builds on the existing SkillsFuture Movement and continues to support Singaporeans to develop to their fullest potential throughout life, regardless of their starting points. </p><p>The Next Bound of SkillsFuture will:</p><ol><li>Enable individuals to continue learning.</li><li>Enhance the role of enterprises in developing their workforce.</li><li>Have a special focus for mid-career workers through the SkillsFuture Mid-Career Support Package for locals in their 40s and 50s, to help them stay employable and move to new jobs or new roles. </li></ol></div></div><div class="row pt-5"><div class="col-12 col-md-4 mb-5 mb-md-0"><div class="h-100 d-flex flex-column"><h3 class="text-center mb-4">For Individuals</h3><ul><li>One-off SkillsFuture Credit top-up of $500 for every Singaporean aged 25 years and above </li><li>Increase capacity of SkillsFuture Work-Study Programmes by 2025</li></ul><div style="margin-top:auto;" class=" text-center py-3"><a class="btn-blue" href="">Initiatives for Individuals</a> </div></div></div><div class="col-12 col-md-4 mb-5 mb-md-0"><div class="d-flex flex-column h-100"><h3 class="text-center">For Enterprises</h3><ul><li>SkillsFuture Enterprise Credit (SFEC) to encourage employers to embark on enterprise and workforce transformation</li><li>Work with large anchor companies/SkillsFuture Queen Bee companies to support training for their sectors and value chain partners</li><li>Deepen workplace learning capabilities </li></ul><div style="margin-top:auto;" class=" text-center py-3"><a class="btn-blue" href="">Initiatives for Enterprises</a></div></div></div><div class="col-12 col-md-4 mb-5 mb-md-0"><div class="d-flex flex-column h-100"><h3 class="text-center">SkillsFuture Mid-Career Support Package</h3><ul><li>Increase the capacity of reskilling programmes</li><li>Additional SkillsFuture Credit (Mid-Career Support)</li><li>Hiring incentive to employers who hire local jobseekers aged 40 and above through a reskilling programme</li></ul><div style="margin-top:auto;" class=" text-center py-3"><a class="btn-blue" href="">SkillsFuture Mid-Career Support Package</a></div></div></div></div></div></section> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="tab-content-holder d-none"> <button class="nav-link" id="tab-ylrvrhlt-tab" data-bs-toggle="tab" data-bs-target="#tab-ylrvrhlt" type="button" role="tab" aria-controls="tab-ylrvrhlt"> Future Economy Council </button> <div class="tab-pane fade accordion-item" id="tab-ylrvrhlt" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="tab-ylrvrhlt-tab"> <h2 class="accordion-header d-md-none" id="tab-ylrvrhlt-accordion"> <button class="accordion-button fw-bold" type="button" data-bs-toggle="collapse" data-bs-target="#tab-ylrvrhlt-collapse" aria-controls="tab-ylrvrhlt-collapse"> Future Economy Council </button> </h2> <div id="tab-ylrvrhlt-collapse" class=" accordion-collapse collapse d-md-block" aria-labelledby="tab-ylrvrhlt-accordion"> <div class="accordion-body"> <div class="container"><p>The Future Economy Council (FEC) drives the growth and transformation of Singapore’s economy for the future. Chaired by Deputy Prime Minister & Minister for Finance Mr Heng Swee Keat, the Council comprises members from government, industry, unions, and educational and training institutions. The FEC will oversee the implementation of the recommendations put forth by the Committee on the Future Economy (CFE), and will build on the work of the earlier Council for Skills, Innovation and Productivity, which includes SkillsFuture initiatives and Industry Transformation Maps.</p><p class="text-center"><a class="btn-blue" href="">Future Economy Council Members</a></p></div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div> <!-- Google tag (gtag.js) --> <script async src=""></script> <script> 聽 window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; 聽 function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} 聽 gtag('js', new Date()); 聽 gtag('config', 'G-Q08T8MHPLV'); </script> <!-- Google Tag Manager --> <script> 聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 (function (w, d, s, l, i) { 聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 w[l] = w[l] || []; w[l].push({ 聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 'gtm.start': 聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 new Date().getTime(), event: 'gtm.js' 聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 }); var f = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0], 聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 j = d.createElement(s), dl = l != 'dataLayer' ? 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