Career Service | The job market meets students and graduates
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mouseout: mouseOut }, visible: $root.authOpenDetail()" style="display: none;"></a> <span data-bind="html: name, visible: !$root.authOpenDetail()" style="display: none;"></span> </h2> <ul class="stage-facts serif clearfix"> <li class="company" data-bind="html: companyName"></li> <li class="location" data-bind="html: location"></li> <li class="date"><time data-bind="attr: { datetime: date }, html: dateFormatted"></time></li> <!-- SYSTEM_BUG_FIX - issue #716 - START --> <li data-bind="if: (hasRimborso || announcementType == 'Job')" id="has-rimborso-euro" class="has-rimborso">€</li> <!-- SYSTEM_BUG_FIX - issue #716 - END --> </ul> <ul class="signed-up"> <li class="riposto" > How many have applied: <strong data-bind="html: stored"></strong></li> </ul> </div> <!-- / .info --> <div class="follow" data-bind="css: { alerting: detailAlertVisible() || favouriteAlertVisible() }"> <div class="follow-counts clearfix"> <ul> <li> <a class="seguimi" data-bind="css: { favourited: isFavourite(), alerting: favouriteAlertVisible() }, click: $root.toggleFavourite, event: { mouseover: showFavouriteAlert, mouseout: hideFavouriteAlert }" > Add to favorites</a> </li> <li> <a class="scoprimi" data-bind="click: $root.openDetail, event: { mouseover: showDetailAlert, mouseout: hideDetailAlert }, css: { alerting: detailAlertVisible() }" > Read me<span class="corner-clip"></span></a> </li> </ul> </div> <!-- / .follow-counts --> </div> <!-- / .follow --> <div class="detail-alert alert" data-bind="visible: detailAlertVisible(), event: { mouseover: showDetailAlert, mouseout: hideDetailAlert }" style="display: none;"> <p>You must be logged in to read the offer</p> </div> <div class="favourite-alert alert" data-bind="visible: favouriteAlertVisible(), event: { mouseover: showFavouriteAlert, mouseout: hideFavouriteAlert }" style="display: none;"> <p>You must be logged in as student/graduate to like and add the offer to your favorites</p> </div> </li> <!-- / .result --> </ul> <div 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<!-- / .follow --> <ul class="signed-up"> <li class="riposto" > Applications: <strong data-bind="html: stored"></strong> </li> <li><a class="button" data-bind="click: $root.customMethods.apply" > Apply</a></li> </ul> <ul class="modify"> <li><a class="close" data-bind="click: $root.closeDetailOverlay" > Close</a></li> </ul> </div> <!-- / .azienda-info --> <hr /> <dl class="def"> <!-- ko if: announcementType == 'Job' --> <dt-newaddetail>Type</dt-newaddetail> <dd-newaddetail data-bind="visible: announcementType == 'Job'" >Job</dd-newaddetail> <!-- /ko --> <!-- ko if: announcementType == 'Job' && companyArea != '' --> <dt-newaddetail>Company area</dt-newaddetail> <dd-newaddetail data-bind="html: companyArea"></dd-newaddetail> <!-- /ko --> <!-- ko if: announcementType == 'Job' && degreeType != '' --> <dt-newaddetail>Degree</dt-newaddetail> <dd-newaddetail data-bind="html: degreeType"></dd-newaddetail> <!-- /ko --> <!-- ko if: announcementType == 'Job' && profiloCandidato != '' --> <dt-newaddetail>TYPE</dt-newaddetail> <dd-newaddetail data-bind="html: profiloCandidato"></dd-newaddetail> <!-- /ko --> <!-- ko if: announcementType == 'Job' && contractType != '' --> <dt-newaddetail>Contract</dt-newaddetail> <dd-newaddetail data-bind="html: contractType"></dd-newaddetail> <!-- /ko --> <!-- ko if: announcementType == 'Job' && durationMonths != '' --> <dt-newaddetail>Duration in nonths</dt-newaddetail> <dd-newaddetail data-bind="html: durationMonths"></dd-newaddetail> <!-- /ko --> <!-- ko if: announcementType == 'Job' && positions != '0' --> <dt-newaddetail>N° vacancies</dt-newaddetail> <dd-newaddetail data-bind="html: positions"></dd-newaddetail> <!-- /ko --> <!-- ko if: announcementType == 'Job' && experience != '' --> <dt-newaddetail>Experiences</dt-newaddetail> <dd-newaddetail data-bind="html: experience"></dd-newaddetail> <!-- /ko --> <!-- ko if: announcementType == 'Job' && relevantDegrees != '' --> <dt-newaddetail>Disciplinary areas</dt-newaddetail> <dd-newaddetail data-bind="html: relevantDegrees"></dd-newaddetail> <!-- /ko --> <!-- ko if: announcementType == 'Job' && requestedSkills != '' --> <dt-newaddetail>Skills requirements</dt-newaddetail> <dd-newaddetail data-bind="html: requestedSkills"></dd-newaddetail> <!-- /ko --> <!-- ko if: announcementType == 'Job' && informaticSkills !== '' --> <dt-newaddetail>Software skills</dt-newaddetail> <dd-newaddetail data-bind="html: informaticSkills"></dd-newaddetail> <!-- /ko --> <!-- ko if: announcementType == 'Job' && languageSkills !== '' --> <dt-newaddetail>Language skills</dt-newaddetail> <dd-newaddetail data-bind="html: languageSkills"></dd-newaddetail> <!-- /ko --> <!-- ko if: announcementType != 'Job' && tipoContratto != '' --> <dt-newaddetail>Type</dt-newaddetail> <dd-newaddetail data-bind="html: tipoContratto"></dd-newaddetail> <!-- /ko --> <!-- ko if: announcementType != 'Job' && obiettivi != '' --> <dt-newaddetail>Training goals</dt-newaddetail> <dd-newaddetail data-bind="html: obiettivi"></dd-newaddetail> <!-- /ko --> <!-- ko if: announcementType != 'Job' && competenzeAcquisibili != '' --> <dt-newaddetail>Competences to be acquired</dt-newaddetail> <dd-newaddetail data-bind="html: competenzeAcquisibili"></dd-newaddetail> <!-- /ko --> <!-- ko if: announcementType != 'Job' && requestedSkills != '' --> <dt-newaddetail>Technical and personal skills</dt-newaddetail> <dd-newaddetail data-bind="html: requestedSkills"></dd-newaddetail> <!-- /ko --> <!-- ko if: announcementType != 'Job' && informaticSkills !== '' --> <dt-newaddetail>Software skills</dt-newaddetail> <dd-newaddetail data-bind="html: informaticSkills"></dd-newaddetail> <!-- /ko --> <!-- ko if: announcementType != 'Job' && languageSkills !== '' --> <dt-newaddetail>Language skills</dt-newaddetail> <dd-newaddetail data-bind="html: languageSkills"></dd-newaddetail> <!-- /ko --> <!-- ko if: announcementType != 'Job' --> <hr /> <dt-newaddetail>TARGET SUBJECT AREAS</dt-newaddetail> <!-- /ko --> <!-- ko if: announcementType != 'Job' && relevantDegrees != '' --> <dt-newaddetail>Disciplinary areas</dt-newaddetail> <dd-newaddetail data-bind="html: relevantDegrees"></dd-newaddetail> <!-- /ko --> <!-- ko if: announcementType != 'Job' --> <hr /> <dt-newaddetail>OFFER DETAILS</dt-newaddetail> <!-- /ko --> <!-- ko if: announcementType != 'Job' && companyArea != '' --> <dt-newaddetail>Company Area</dt-newaddetail> <dd-newaddetail data-bind="html: companyArea"></dd-newaddetail> <!-- /ko --> <!-- ko if: announcementType != 'Job' && degreeType != '' --> <dt-newaddetail>Required degree level</dt-newaddetail> <dd-newaddetail data-bind="html: degreeType"></dd-newaddetail> <!-- /ko --> <!-- ko if: announcementType != 'Job' && workType != '' --> <dt-newaddetail>Part Time/Full Time</dt-newaddetail> <dd-newaddetail data-bind="html: workType"></dd-newaddetail> <!-- /ko --> <!-- ko if: announcementType != 'Job' && durationHours != '' --> <dt-newaddetail>Duration in nonths</dt-newaddetail> <dd-newaddetail data-bind="html: durationMonths"></dd-newaddetail> <!-- /ko --> <!-- ko if: announcementType != 'Job' && durationHours != '' --> <dt-newaddetail>Duration in hours</dt-newaddetail> <dd-newaddetail data-bind="html: durationHours"></dd-newaddetail> <!-- /ko --> <!-- ko if: announcementType != 'Job' && positions != '0' --> <dt-newaddetail>N° vacancies</dt-newaddetail> <dd-newaddetail data-bind="html: positions"></dd-newaddetail> <!-- /ko --> <!-- ko if: announcementType != 'Job' && needTransferts != '' --> <dt-newaddetail>Business trips foreseen</dt-newaddetail> <dd-newaddetail data-bind="visible: needTransferts == '0'">No</dd-newaddetail> <dd-newaddetail data-bind="visible: needTransferts == '1'">Yes</dd-newaddetail> <!-- /ko --> <!-- ko if: announcementType != 'Job' && transferts != '' --> <dt-newaddetail>Business trips destination</dt-newaddetail> <dd-newaddetail data-bind="html: transferts"></dd-newaddetail> <!-- /ko --> <!-- ko if: announcementType != 'Job' --> <hr /> <dt-newaddetail>BENEFITS</dt-newaddetail> <!-- /ko --> <!-- ko if: announcementType != 'Job' && hasRefound != '0' --> <dt-newaddetail>Monthly internship allowance (gross)</dt-newaddetail> <dd-newaddetail data-bind="html: refoundAmount"></dd-newaddetail> <!-- /ko --> <!-- ko if: announcementType != 'Job' && refundOfExpenses != '' --> <!-- /ko --> <!-- ko if: announcementType != 'Job' && lunchTicket != '' --> <!-- /ko --> <!-- ko if: announcementType != 'Job' && altriBenefits != '' --> <!-- /ko --> <!-- ko if: announcementType != 'Job' && facilities != '' --> <dt-newaddetail>Other Benefits:</dt-newaddetail> <dd-newaddetail data-bind="html: facilities"></dd-newaddetail> <!-- /ko --> <hr /> <dt-newaddetail data-bind="visible: sector != ''" >Business Sector</dt-newaddetail> <dd-newaddetail data-bind="html: sector, visible: sector != ''"></dd-newaddetail> <!-- ko if: website !== '' --> <dt-newaddetail>Website</dt-newaddetail> <dd-newaddetail data-bind="html: website"></dd-newaddetail> <!-- /ko --> <!-- ko if: careerWebsite !== '' && careerWebsite != website --> <dt-newaddetail>Careers webpage</dt-newaddetail> <dd-newaddetail data-bind="html: careerWebsite"></dd-newaddetail> <!-- /ko --> <!-- ko if: employees !== '' --> <dt-newaddetail>N° of employees</dt-newaddetail> <dd-newaddetail data-bind="html: employees"></dd-newaddetail> <!-- /ko --> </dl> <a class="next" data-bind="css: { disabled: !$root.gotoNextDetailEnabled() }, click: $root.gotoNextDetail, visible: !$root.hideNextPreviousDetail()" > Next</a> </div> </div> <!-- /.box --> </div> <!-- / .detail-content --> </div> <!-- / #detail-overlay --> <!-- POPUPS --> <div id="login-required-modal" class="modal"> <div class="title" >Login</div> <div class="message" >Login with your username and password and discover all services</div> <div class="group-buttons clearfix"> <div class="box-button"><a data-bind="click: closeModal" >Cancel</a></div> <div class="box-button"><a href="" >Login</a></div> </div> <!-- // .group-buttons 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Cvs from your search.<br />We suggest to narrow your search by using the filters</div> <div class="group-buttons clearfix"> <div class="box-button"><a data-bind="click: closeModal" >Cancel</a></div> <div class="box-button proceed"><a href="" >Download</a></div> </div> <!-- // .group-buttons --> </div> <!-- // #download-cv-alert-modal --> <div id="wrong-fields-warning-modal" class="modal"> <div class="title" >Please note</div> <div class="message" >Ricontrolla i campi segnalati in rosso e verifica di aver inserito tutte le informazioni richieste</div> <div class="single-button"> <div class="box-button"><a onclick="app.utils.closeModal();" >OK</a></div> </div> </div> <!-- // #fields-warning-modal --> <!-- CANDIDATI POPUPS --> <div id="candidati-modal" class="modal"> <div data-bind="visible: !customObservables.applyModalLoading()" style="display: none;"> <!-- ko if: customObservables.applyModalType() == 'stageSuccess' || customObservables.applyModalType() == 'jobSuccess' --> <div 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.field --> <div class="field"> <label for="apply-surname" > Last Name <span class="required">*</span></label> <input class="text" id="apply-surname" name="apply.surname" size="40" type="text" data-bind="value: customObservables.applyModalFormSurname" readonly /> </div> <!-- / .field --> <div class="field"> <label for="apply-email" > Email <span class="required">*</span></label> <input class="text" data-val="true" data-val-required="Please enter your email" data-val-email="The email must be valid." id="apply-email" name="" size="40" type="email" data-bind="value: customObservables.applyModalFormMail, attr: {readonly: customObservables.applyModalType() == 'stage0' || customObservables.applyModalType() == 'stage3' || customObservables.applyModalType() == 'stage4'}" /> </div> <!-- / .field --> <div class="field"> <label for="apply-telephone" > Phone <span class="required">*</span></label> <input class="text" id="apply-telephone" data-val="true" data-val-required="Please enter your telephone" name="apply.telephone" size="40" type="text" data-bind="value: customObservables.applyModalFormPhone" /> </div> <!-- / .field --> <!-- multiple cvs --> <div class="field"> <label for="apply-curriculum" > CV</label> <select name="apply.curriculum" id="apply-curriculum" class="text" data-bind="value: customObservables.applyModalFormCV"> <!-- ko if: customObservables.applyModalFormUserCVType() == '2' || customObservables.applyModalType() == 'job3' || customObservables.applyModalType() == 'stage3' --> <option value="2" > Personal CV</option> <!-- /ko --> <!-- ko if: customObservables.applyModalFormUserCVType() == '1' || customObservables.applyModalType() == 'job3' || customObservables.applyModalType() == 'stage3' --> <option value="1" > Poli CV</option> <!-- /ko --> <option value="3" > Other CV</option> </select> </div> <!-- / .field --> <!-- cv upload --> <div class="field" data-bind="visible: customObservables.applyModalFormCV() == '3'" style="display: none;"> <label for="apply-curriculum-file" style="vertical-align: top; padding-top: 5px;"> Other CV</label> <input type="file" name="cvFile" id="apply-curriculum-file" class="ajax-upload valid" data-file-default-html="No file uploaded" data-file-button-html="Browse" accept=".doc,.docx,.pdf" data-val-required="Please choose your CV" data-val-file="The file must be valid." data-max-size-file="Upload a file max 5MB" /> </div> <!-- / .field --> <div class="field" data-bind="visible: customObservables.applyModalType() == 'job0' || customObservables.applyModalType() == 'job3' || customObservables.applyModalType() == 'job4'" style="display: none;"> <label for="apply-letter" > Cover Letter</label> <textarea class="text" id="apply-letter" name="apply.coverLetter" data-bind="value: customObservables.applyModalFormCoverLetter"></textarea> </div> <!-- / .field --> <div class="field disclamer"> <div class="label" >Privacy Statement*</div> <div class="scrollbox" > We inform you that the personal data provided will be processed by Politecnico di Milano with automated and non-automated instruments in compliance with the provisions of EU Reg. 679/2016 for the following purposes: (I) to proceed with the evaluation of the candidate by the companies registered on our web site and to carry out a selection for work or internship collaboration, (II) for promotional activities about placements events organized by Career Service, (III) for institutional purposes. Personal data will not be disclosed to third parties except for the purposes indicated and for the duties required by law. The provision of data is optional. If you refuse to provide data, it is impossible to perform the mentioned services. For the rights that you can exercise and for further information, please read the following page: <a href=""></a> </div> </div> <!-- / .field --> <div class="field"> <div data-valmsg-for="apply.disclamer" data-valmsg-replace="false" id="uniform-apply-disclamer" class="checker"> <span> <input style="opacity: 0;" data-val="true" data-val-mustbetrue="" data-val-required="Il campo Disclamer 猫 obbligatorio." id="apply-disclamer" name="apply.disclamer" value="true" type="checkbox"> </span> </div> <input name="apply.disclamer" value="false" type="hidden"> <label for="uniform-apply-disclamer" >I have read the information relating to the data processing pursuant to the art. 13 of E.U. Regulation 2019/279 of 27 April 2016</label> <!-- add validation message here --> <span class="field-validation-valid" data-valmsg-for="apply.disclamer" data-valmsg-replace="false"></span> </div> <!-- / .field --> <div class="group-buttons clearfix"> <div class="box-button"><a data-bind="click: closeModal" > Cancel</a></div> <div class="box-button"><input type="submit" data-bind="click: customObservables.applyModalType() == 'job0' || customObservables.applyModalType() == 'job3' || customObservables.applyModalType() == 'job4'?customMethods.submitJobForm : customMethods.submitStageForm" value="Invia" /></div> </div> </fieldset> </form> <div class="loading" data-bind="visible: customObservables.applyModalSubmitting()" style="display: none;"></div> </div> <!-- ko if: customObservables.applyModalType() == 'stage5' || customObservables.applyModalType() == 'job5' --> <div class="title" > Attention</div> <div class="message" data-bind="html: customObservables.applyModalMessage"></div> <div class="single-button"> <div class="box-button"><a data-bind="click: closeModal" > Cancel</a></div> </div> <!-- /ko --> <!-- ko if: customObservables.applyModalType() == 'stage6' --> <div class="title" > ShowConfirmMessageForPersonalCVTitle</div> <div class="message" >ShowConfirmMessageForPersonalCV</div> <div class="group-buttons clearfix"> <div class="box-button"><a data-bind="click: closeModal" > Cancel</a></div> <div class="box-button"><a data-bind="click: customMethods.applyModalChoosePersonalCV">Ok</a></div> </div> <!-- /ko --> <!-- ko if: customObservables.applyModalType() == 'stage7' --> <div class="title" > ShowConfirmMessageForPoliCVTitle</div> <div class="message" >ShowConfirmMessageForPoliCV</div> <div class="group-buttons clearfix"> <div class="box-button"><a data-bind="click: closeModal" > Cancel</a></div> <div class="box-button"><a data-bind="click: customMethods.applyModalChoosePoliCV">Ok</a></div> </div> <!-- /ko --> </div> <div class="loading" data-bind="visible: customObservables.applyModalLoading()" style="display: none;"></div> </div> </div> <!-- / #main --> <div id="new-announcement-modal" class="modal"> <!-- ko if: !newAnnouncementModalConvention() --> <div class="title" >New offer</div> <div class="message" >which type of offer?</div> <!-- ko if: newAnnouncementModalError() --> <div class="error" >which type of offer?</div> <!-- /ko --> <div class="group-buttons clearfix"> <div class="box-button"><a data-bind="click: newJob" >Job</a></div> <div class="box-button"><a data-bind="click: newStage" >Internship</a></div> </div> <!-- /ko --> <!-- ko if: newAnnouncementModalConvention() --> <div class="title" >Your company does not have an internship agreement</div> <div class="message" >You don't have an internship agreement, but you can request one here</div> <div class="single-button"> <div class="box-button"><a href="" >Request the agreement</a></div> </div> <!-- /ko --> <div class="loading" data-bind="visible: newAnnouncementModalLoading()" style="display: none;"></div> </div> <!-- // #new-announcement-modal --> <footer class="clearfix" id="footer"> <div class="grid-holder"> <span class="visuallyhidden">Map</span> <img src="/images/footer-map.png" width="155" height="155" alt="Map" class="grid1" id="open-map" /> <div class="grid1Social social-box"> <img class="imgFollow" src="/images/footer-follow-text-en.png" /> <a class="footer-social facebook" target="_blank" href=""> <img src="/images/FB_250x250.png" width="60" height="62" /> </a> <a class="footer-social linkedin" target="_blank" href=""> <img src="/images/IN_250x250.png" width="60" height="62" /> </a> <a class="footer-social" target="_blank" href=""> <img src="/images/IG_250x250.png" style="/* padding-right: 7px; 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