Comune di Scarnafigi - sito internet istituzionale - Regione Piemonte - Provincia di Cuneo

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[] : i || S.isPlainObject(n) ? n : {}, i = !1, a[t] = S.extend(l, o, r)) : void 0 !== r && (a[t] = r)); return a }, S.extend({ expando: "jQuery" + (f + Math.random()).replace(/\D/g, ""), isReady: !0, error: function (e) { throw new Error(e) }, noop: function () { }, isPlainObject: function (e) { var t, n; return !(!e || "[object Object]" !== && (!(t = r(e)) || "function" == typeof (n =, "constructor") && t.constructor) && === l) }, isEmptyObject: function (e) { var t; for (t in e) return !1; return !0 }, globalEval: function (e, t, n) { b(e, { nonce: t && t.nonce }, n) }, each: function (e, t) { var n, r = 0; if (p(e)) { for (n = e.length; r < n; r++)if (!1 ===[r], r, e[r])) break } else for (r in e) if (!1 ===[r], r, e[r])) break; return e }, makeArray: function (e, t) { var n = t || []; return null != e && (p(Object(e)) ? S.merge(n, "string" == typeof e ? 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String.fromCharCode(n + 65536) : String.fromCharCode(n >> 10 | 55296, 1023 & n | 56320)) }, re = /([\0-\x1f\x7f]|^-?\d)|^-$|[^\0-\x1f\x7f-\uFFFF\w-]/g, ie = function (e, t) { return t ? "\0" === e ? "\ufffd" : e.slice(0, -1) + "\\" + e.charCodeAt(e.length - 1).toString(16) + " " : "\\" + e }, oe = function () { T() }, ae = be(function (e) { return !0 === e.disabled && "fieldset" === e.nodeName.toLowerCase() }, { dir: "parentNode", next: "legend" }); try { H.apply(t =, p.childNodes), t[p.childNodes.length].nodeType } catch (e) { H = { apply: t.length ? function (e, t) { L.apply(e, } : function (e, t) { var n = e.length, r = 0; while (e[n++] = t[r++]); e.length = n - 1 } } } function se(t, e, n, r) { var i, o, a, s, u, l, c, f = e && e.ownerDocument, p = e ? e.nodeType : 9; if (n = n || [], "string" != typeof t || !t || 1 !== p && 9 !== p && 11 !== p) return n; if (!r && (T(e), e = e || C, E)) { if (11 !== p && (u = Z.exec(t))) if (i = u[1]) { if (9 === p) { if (!(a = e.getElementById(i))) return n; if ( === i) return n.push(a), n } else if (f && (a = f.getElementById(i)) && v(e, a) && === i) return n.push(a), n } else { if (u[2]) return H.apply(n, e.getElementsByTagName(t)), n; if ((i = u[3]) && d.getElementsByClassName && e.getElementsByClassName) return H.apply(n, e.getElementsByClassName(i)), n } if (d.qsa && !N[t + " "] && (!y || !y.test(t)) && (1 !== p || "object" !== e.nodeName.toLowerCase())) { if (c = t, f = e, 1 === p && (U.test(t) || z.test(t))) { (f = ee.test(t) && ve(e.parentNode) || e) === e && d.scope || ((s = e.getAttribute("id")) ? s = s.replace(re, ie) : e.setAttribute("id", s = S)), o = (l = h(t)).length; while (o--) l[o] = (s ? "#" + s : ":scope") + " " + xe(l[o]); c = l.join(",") } try { return H.apply(n, f.querySelectorAll(c)), n } catch (e) { N(t, !0) } finally { s === S && e.removeAttribute("id") } } } return g(t.replace(B, "$1"), e, n, r) } function ue() { var r = []; return function e(t, n) { return r.push(t + " ") > b.cacheLength && delete e[r.shift()], e[t + " "] = n } } function le(e) { return e[S] = !0, e } function ce(e) { var t = C.createElement("fieldset"); try { return !!e(t) } catch (e) { return !1 } finally { t.parentNode && t.parentNode.removeChild(t), t = null } } function fe(e, t) { var n = e.split("|"), r = n.length; while (r--) b.attrHandle[n[r]] = t } function pe(e, t) { var n = t && e, r = n && 1 === e.nodeType && 1 === t.nodeType && e.sourceIndex - t.sourceIndex; if (r) return r; if (n) while (n = n.nextSibling) if (n === t) return -1; return e ? 1 : -1 } function de(t) { return function (e) { return "input" === e.nodeName.toLowerCase() && e.type === t } } function he(n) { return function (e) { var t = e.nodeName.toLowerCase(); return ("input" === t || "button" === t) && e.type === n } } function ge(t) { return function (e) { return "form" in e ? e.parentNode && !1 === e.disabled ? "label" in e ? "label" in e.parentNode ? e.parentNode.disabled === t : e.disabled === t : e.isDisabled === t || e.isDisabled !== !t && ae(e) === t : e.disabled === t : "label" in e && e.disabled === t } } function ye(a) { return le(function (o) { return o = +o, le(function (e, t) { var n, r = a([], e.length, o), i = r.length; while (i--) e[n = r[i]] && (e[n] = !(t[n] = e[n])) }) }) } function ve(e) { return e && "undefined" != typeof e.getElementsByTagName && e } for (e in d = = {}, i = se.isXML = function (e) { var t = e && e.namespaceURI, n = e && (e.ownerDocument || e).documentElement; return !Y.test(t || n && n.nodeName || "HTML") }, T = se.setDocument = function (e) { var t, n, r = e ? e.ownerDocument || e : p; return r != C && 9 === r.nodeType && r.documentElement && (a = (C = r).documentElement, E = !i(C), p != C && (n = C.defaultView) && !== n && (n.addEventListener ? n.addEventListener("unload", oe, !1) : n.attachEvent && n.attachEvent("onunload", oe)), d.scope = ce(function (e) { return a.appendChild(e).appendChild(C.createElement("div")), "undefined" != typeof e.querySelectorAll && !e.querySelectorAll(":scope fieldset div").length }), d.attributes = ce(function (e) { return e.className = "i", !e.getAttribute("className") }), d.getElementsByTagName = ce(function (e) { return e.appendChild(C.createComment("")), !e.getElementsByTagName("*").length }), d.getElementsByClassName = K.test(C.getElementsByClassName), d.getById = ce(function (e) { return a.appendChild(e).id = S, !C.getElementsByName || !C.getElementsByName(S).length }), d.getById ? (b.filter.ID = function (e) { var t = e.replace(te, ne); return function (e) { return e.getAttribute("id") === t } }, b.find.ID = function (e, t) { if ("undefined" != typeof t.getElementById && E) { var n = t.getElementById(e); return n ? [n] : [] } }) : (b.filter.ID = function (e) { var n = e.replace(te, ne); return function (e) { var t = "undefined" != typeof e.getAttributeNode && e.getAttributeNode("id"); return t && t.value === n } }, b.find.ID = function (e, t) { if ("undefined" != typeof t.getElementById && E) { var n, r, i, o = t.getElementById(e); if (o) { if ((n = o.getAttributeNode("id")) && n.value === e) return [o]; i = t.getElementsByName(e), r = 0; while (o = i[r++]) if ((n = o.getAttributeNode("id")) && n.value === e) return [o] } return [] } }), b.find.TAG = d.getElementsByTagName ? function (e, t) { return "undefined" != typeof t.getElementsByTagName ? t.getElementsByTagName(e) : d.qsa ? t.querySelectorAll(e) : void 0 } : function (e, t) { var n, r = [], i = 0, o = t.getElementsByTagName(e); if ("*" === e) { while (n = o[i++]) 1 === n.nodeType && r.push(n); return r } return o }, b.find.CLASS = d.getElementsByClassName && function (e, t) { if ("undefined" != typeof t.getElementsByClassName && E) return t.getElementsByClassName(e) }, s = [], y = [], (d.qsa = K.test(C.querySelectorAll)) && (ce(function (e) { var t; a.appendChild(e).innerHTML = "<a id='" + S + "'></a><select id='" + S + "-\r\\' msallowcapture=''><option selected=''></option></select>", e.querySelectorAll("[msallowcapture^='']").length && y.push("[*^$]=" + M + "*(?:''|\"\")"), e.querySelectorAll("[selected]").length || y.push("\\[" + M + "*(?:value|" + R + ")"), e.querySelectorAll("[id~=" + S + "-]").length || y.push("~="), (t = C.createElement("input")).setAttribute("name", ""), e.appendChild(t), e.querySelectorAll("[name='']").length || y.push("\\[" + M + "*name" + M + "*=" + M + "*(?:''|\"\")"), e.querySelectorAll(":checked").length || y.push(":checked"), e.querySelectorAll("a#" + S + "+*").length || y.push(".#.+[+~]"), e.querySelectorAll("\\\f"), y.push("[\\r\\n\\f]") }), ce(function (e) { e.innerHTML = "<a href='' disabled='disabled'></a><select disabled='disabled'><option/></select>"; var t = C.createElement("input"); t.setAttribute("type", "hidden"), e.appendChild(t).setAttribute("name", "D"), e.querySelectorAll("[name=d]").length && y.push("name" + M + "*[*^$|!~]?="), 2 !== e.querySelectorAll(":enabled").length && y.push(":enabled", ":disabled"), a.appendChild(e).disabled = !0, 2 !== e.querySelectorAll(":disabled").length && y.push(":enabled", ":disabled"), e.querySelectorAll("*,:x"), y.push(",.*:") })), (d.matchesSelector = K.test(c = a.matches || a.webkitMatchesSelector || a.mozMatchesSelector || a.oMatchesSelector || a.msMatchesSelector)) && ce(function (e) { d.disconnectedMatch =, "*"),, "[s!='']:x"), s.push("!=", F) }), y = y.length && new RegExp(y.join("|")), s = s.length && new RegExp(s.join("|")), t = K.test(a.compareDocumentPosition), v = t || K.test(a.contains) ? function (e, t) { var n = 9 === e.nodeType ? e.documentElement : e, r = t && t.parentNode; return e === r || !(!r || 1 !== r.nodeType || !(n.contains ? n.contains(r) : e.compareDocumentPosition && 16 & e.compareDocumentPosition(r))) } : function (e, t) { if (t) while (t = t.parentNode) if (t === e) return !0; return !1 }, j = t ? function (e, t) { if (e === t) return l = !0, 0; var n = !e.compareDocumentPosition - !t.compareDocumentPosition; return n || (1 & (n = (e.ownerDocument || e) == (t.ownerDocument || t) ? e.compareDocumentPosition(t) : 1) || !d.sortDetached && t.compareDocumentPosition(e) === n ? e == C || e.ownerDocument == p && v(p, e) ? -1 : t == C || t.ownerDocument == p && v(p, t) ? 1 : u ? P(u, e) - P(u, t) : 0 : 4 & n ? -1 : 1) } : function (e, t) { if (e === t) return l = !0, 0; var n, r = 0, i = e.parentNode, o = t.parentNode, a = [e], s = [t]; if (!i || !o) return e == C ? -1 : t == C ? 1 : i ? -1 : o ? 1 : u ? P(u, e) - P(u, t) : 0; if (i === o) return pe(e, t); n = e; while (n = n.parentNode) a.unshift(n); n = t; while (n = n.parentNode) s.unshift(n); while (a[r] === s[r]) r++; return r ? pe(a[r], s[r]) : a[r] == p ? -1 : s[r] == p ? 1 : 0 }), C }, se.matches = function (e, t) { return se(e, null, null, t) }, se.matchesSelector = function (e, t) { if (T(e), d.matchesSelector && E && !N[t + " "] && (!s || !s.test(t)) && (!y || !y.test(t))) try { var n =, t); if (n || d.disconnectedMatch || e.document && 11 !== e.document.nodeType) return n } catch (e) { N(t, !0) } return 0 < se(t, C, null, [e]).length }, se.contains = function (e, t) { return (e.ownerDocument || e) != C && T(e), v(e, t) }, se.attr = function (e, t) { (e.ownerDocument || e) != C && T(e); var n = b.attrHandle[t.toLowerCase()], r = n &&, t.toLowerCase()) ? n(e, t, !E) : void 0; return void 0 !== r ? r : d.attributes || !E ? e.getAttribute(t) : (r = e.getAttributeNode(t)) && r.specified ? r.value : null }, se.escape = function (e) { return (e + "").replace(re, ie) }, se.error = function (e) { throw new Error("Syntax error, unrecognized expression: " + e) }, se.uniqueSort = function (e) { var t, n = [], r = 0, i = 0; if (l = !d.detectDuplicates, u = !d.sortStable && e.slice(0), e.sort(j), l) { while (t = e[i++]) t === e[i] && (r = n.push(i)); while (r--) e.splice(n[r], 1) } return u = null, e }, o = se.getText = function (e) { var t, n = "", r = 0, i = e.nodeType; if (i) { if (1 === i || 9 === i || 11 === i) { if ("string" == typeof e.textContent) return e.textContent; for (e = e.firstChild; e; e = e.nextSibling)n += o(e) } else if (3 === i || 4 === i) return e.nodeValue } else while (t = e[r++]) n += o(t); return n }, (b = se.selectors = { cacheLength: 50, createPseudo: le, match: G, attrHandle: {}, find: {}, relative: { ">": { dir: "parentNode", first: !0 }, " ": { dir: "parentNode" }, "+": { dir: "previousSibling", first: !0 }, "~": { dir: "previousSibling" } }, preFilter: { ATTR: function (e) { return e[1] = e[1].replace(te, ne), e[3] = (e[3] || e[4] || e[5] || "").replace(te, ne), "~=" === e[2] && (e[3] = " " + e[3] + " "), e.slice(0, 4) }, CHILD: function (e) { return e[1] = e[1].toLowerCase(), "nth" === e[1].slice(0, 3) ? (e[3] || se.error(e[0]), e[4] = +(e[4] ? e[5] + (e[6] || 1) : 2 * ("even" === e[3] || "odd" === e[3])), e[5] = +(e[7] + e[8] || "odd" === e[3])) : e[3] && se.error(e[0]), e }, PSEUDO: function (e) { var t, n = !e[6] && e[2]; return G.CHILD.test(e[0]) ? null : (e[3] ? e[2] = e[4] || e[5] || "" : n && X.test(n) && (t = h(n, !0)) && (t = n.indexOf(")", n.length - t) - n.length) && (e[0] = e[0].slice(0, t), e[2] = n.slice(0, t)), e.slice(0, 3)) } }, filter: { TAG: function (e) { var t = e.replace(te, ne).toLowerCase(); return "*" === e ? function () { return !0 } : function (e) { return e.nodeName && e.nodeName.toLowerCase() === t } }, CLASS: function (e) { var t = m[e + " "]; return t || (t = new RegExp("(^|" + M + ")" + e + "(" + M + "|$)")) && m(e, function (e) { return t.test("string" == typeof e.className && e.className || "undefined" != typeof e.getAttribute && e.getAttribute("class") || "") }) }, ATTR: function (n, r, i) { return function (e) { var t = se.attr(e, n); return null == t ? "!=" === r : !r || (t += "", "=" === r ? t === i : "!=" === r ? t !== i : "^=" === r ? i && 0 === t.indexOf(i) : "*=" === r ? i && -1 < t.indexOf(i) : "$=" === r ? i && t.slice(-i.length) === i : "~=" === r ? -1 < (" " + t.replace($, " ") + " ").indexOf(i) : "|=" === r && (t === i || t.slice(0, i.length + 1) === i + "-")) } }, CHILD: function (h, e, t, g, y) { var v = "nth" !== h.slice(0, 3), m = "last" !== h.slice(-4), x = "of-type" === e; return 1 === g && 0 === y ? function (e) { return !!e.parentNode } : function (e, t, n) { var r, i, o, a, s, u, l = v !== m ? "nextSibling" : "previousSibling", c = e.parentNode, f = x && e.nodeName.toLowerCase(), p = !n && !x, d = !1; if (c) { if (v) { while (l) { a = e; while (a = a[l]) if (x ? a.nodeName.toLowerCase() === f : 1 === a.nodeType) return !1; u = l = "only" === h && !u && "nextSibling" } return !0 } if (u = [m ? c.firstChild : c.lastChild], m && p) { d = (s = (r = (i = (o = (a = c)[S] || (a[S] = {}))[a.uniqueID] || (o[a.uniqueID] = {}))[h] || [])[0] === k && r[1]) && r[2], a = s && c.childNodes[s]; while (a = ++s && a && a[l] || (d = s = 0) || u.pop()) if (1 === a.nodeType && ++d && a === e) { i[h] = [k, s, d]; break } } else if (p && (d = s = (r = (i = (o = (a = e)[S] || (a[S] = {}))[a.uniqueID] || (o[a.uniqueID] = {}))[h] || [])[0] === k && r[1]), !1 === d) while (a = ++s && a && a[l] || (d = s = 0) || u.pop()) if ((x ? a.nodeName.toLowerCase() === f : 1 === a.nodeType) && ++d && (p && ((i = (o = a[S] || (a[S] = {}))[a.uniqueID] || (o[a.uniqueID] = {}))[h] = [k, d]), a === e)) break; return (d -= y) === g || d % g == 0 && 0 <= d / g } } }, PSEUDO: function (e, o) { var t, a = b.pseudos[e] || b.setFilters[e.toLowerCase()] || se.error("unsupported pseudo: " + e); return a[S] ? a(o) : 1 < a.length ? (t = [e, e, "", o], b.setFilters.hasOwnProperty(e.toLowerCase()) ? le(function (e, t) { var n, r = a(e, o), i = r.length; while (i--) e[n = P(e, r[i])] = !(t[n] = r[i]) }) : function (e) { return a(e, 0, t) }) : a } }, pseudos: { not: le(function (e) { var r = [], i = [], s = f(e.replace(B, "$1")); return s[S] ? le(function (e, t, n, r) { var i, o = s(e, null, r, []), a = e.length; while (a--) (i = o[a]) && (e[a] = !(t[a] = i)) }) : function (e, t, n) { return r[0] = e, s(r, null, n, i), r[0] = null, !i.pop() } }), has: le(function (t) { return function (e) { return 0 < se(t, e).length } }), contains: le(function (t) { return t = t.replace(te, ne), function (e) { return -1 < (e.textContent || o(e)).indexOf(t) } }), lang: le(function (n) { return V.test(n || "") || se.error("unsupported lang: " + n), n = n.replace(te, ne).toLowerCase(), function (e) { var t; do { if (t = E ? e.lang : e.getAttribute("xml:lang") || e.getAttribute("lang")) return (t = t.toLowerCase()) === n || 0 === t.indexOf(n + "-") } while ((e = e.parentNode) && 1 === e.nodeType); return !1 } }), target: function (e) { var t = n.location && n.location.hash; return t && t.slice(1) === }, root: function (e) { return e === a }, focus: function (e) { return e === C.activeElement && (!C.hasFocus || C.hasFocus()) && !!(e.type || e.href || ~e.tabIndex) }, enabled: ge(!1), disabled: ge(!0), checked: function (e) { var t = e.nodeName.toLowerCase(); return "input" === t && !!e.checked || "option" === t && !!e.selected }, selected: function (e) { return e.parentNode && e.parentNode.selectedIndex, !0 === e.selected }, empty: function (e) { for (e = e.firstChild; e; e = e.nextSibling)if (e.nodeType < 6) return !1; return !0 }, parent: function (e) { return !b.pseudos.empty(e) }, header: function (e) { return J.test(e.nodeName) }, input: function (e) { return Q.test(e.nodeName) }, button: function (e) { var t = e.nodeName.toLowerCase(); return "input" === t && "button" === e.type || "button" === t }, text: function (e) { var t; return "input" === e.nodeName.toLowerCase() && "text" === e.type && (null == (t = e.getAttribute("type")) || "text" === t.toLowerCase()) }, first: ye(function () { return [0] }), last: ye(function (e, t) { return [t - 1] }), eq: ye(function (e, t, n) { return [n < 0 ? n + t : n] }), even: ye(function (e, t) { for (var n = 0; n < t; n += 2)e.push(n); return e }), odd: ye(function (e, t) { for (var n = 1; n < t; n += 2)e.push(n); return e }), lt: ye(function (e, t, n) { for (var r = n < 0 ? n + t : t < n ? t : n; 0 <= --r;)e.push(r); return e }), gt: ye(function (e, t, n) { for (var r = n < 0 ? n + t : n; ++r < t;)e.push(r); return e }) } }).pseudos.nth = b.pseudos.eq, { radio: !0, checkbox: !0, file: !0, password: !0, image: !0 }) b.pseudos[e] = de(e); for (e in { submit: !0, reset: !0 }) b.pseudos[e] = he(e); function me() { } function xe(e) { for (var t = 0, n = e.length, r = ""; t < n; t++)r += e[t].value; return r } function be(s, e, t) { var u = e.dir, l =, c = l || u, f = t && "parentNode" === c, p = r++; return e.first ? function (e, t, n) { while (e = e[u]) if (1 === e.nodeType || f) return s(e, t, n); return !1 } : function (e, t, n) { var r, i, o, a = [k, p]; if (n) { while (e = e[u]) if ((1 === e.nodeType || f) && s(e, t, n)) return !0 } else while (e = e[u]) if (1 === e.nodeType || f) if (i = (o = e[S] || (e[S] = {}))[e.uniqueID] || (o[e.uniqueID] = {}), l && l === e.nodeName.toLowerCase()) e = e[u] || e; else { if ((r = i[c]) && r[0] === k && r[1] === p) return a[2] = r[2]; if ((i[c] = a)[2] = s(e, t, n)) return !0 } return !1 } } function we(i) { return 1 < i.length ? function (e, t, n) { var r = i.length; while (r--) if (!i[r](e, t, n)) return !1; return !0 } : i[0] } function Te(e, t, n, r, i) { for (var o, a = [], s = 0, u = e.length, l = null != t; s < u; s++)(o = e[s]) && (n && !n(o, r, i) || (a.push(o), l && t.push(s))); return a } function Ce(d, h, g, y, v, e) { return y && !y[S] && (y = Ce(y)), v && !v[S] && (v = Ce(v, e)), le(function (e, t, n, r) { var i, o, a, s = [], u = [], l = t.length, c = e || function (e, t, n) { for (var r = 0, i = t.length; r < i; r++)se(e, t[r], n); return n }(h || "*", n.nodeType ? [n] : n, []), f = !d || !e && h ? c : Te(c, s, d, n, r), p = g ? v || (e ? d : l || y) ? [] : t : f; if (g && g(f, p, n, r), y) { i = Te(p, u), y(i, [], n, r), o = i.length; while (o--) (a = i[o]) && (p[u[o]] = !(f[u[o]] = a)) } if (e) { if (v || d) { if (v) { i = [], o = p.length; while (o--) (a = p[o]) && i.push(f[o] = a); v(null, p = [], i, r) } o = p.length; while (o--) (a = p[o]) && -1 < (i = v ? P(e, a) : s[o]) && (e[i] = !(t[i] = a)) } } else p = Te(p === t ? p.splice(l, p.length) : p), v ? v(null, t, p, r) : H.apply(t, p) }) } function Ee(e) { for (var i, t, n, r = e.length, o = b.relative[e[0].type], a = o || b.relative[" "], s = o ? 1 : 0, u = be(function (e) { return e === i }, a, !0), l = be(function (e) { return -1 < P(i, e) }, a, !0), c = [function (e, t, n) { var r = !o && (n || t !== w) || ((i = t).nodeType ? u(e, t, n) : l(e, t, n)); return i = null, r }]; s < r; s++)if (t = b.relative[e[s].type]) c = [be(we(c), t)]; else { if ((t = b.filter[e[s].type].apply(null, e[s].matches))[S]) { for (n = ++s; n < r; n++)if (b.relative[e[n].type]) break; return Ce(1 < s && we(c), 1 < s && xe(e.slice(0, s - 1).concat({ value: " " === e[s - 2].type ? "*" : "" })).replace(B, "$1"), t, s < n && Ee(e.slice(s, n)), n < r && Ee(e = e.slice(n)), n < r && xe(e)) } c.push(t) } return we(c) } return me.prototype = b.filters = b.pseudos, b.setFilters = new me, h = se.tokenize = function (e, t) { var n, r, i, o, a, s, u, l = x[e + " "]; if (l) return t ? 0 : l.slice(0); a = e, s = [], u = b.preFilter; while (a) { for (o in n && !(r = _.exec(a)) || (r && (a = a.slice(r[0].length) || a), s.push(i = [])), n = !1, (r = z.exec(a)) && (n = r.shift(), i.push({ value: n, type: r[0].replace(B, " ") }), a = a.slice(n.length)), b.filter) !(r = G[o].exec(a)) || u[o] && !(r = u[o](r)) || (n = r.shift(), i.push({ value: n, type: o, matches: r }), a = a.slice(n.length)); if (!n) break } return t ? a.length : a ? se.error(e) : x(e, s).slice(0) }, f = se.compile = function (e, t) { var n, y, v, m, x, r, i = [], o = [], a = A[e + " "]; if (!a) { t || (t = h(e)), n = t.length; while (n--) (a = Ee(t[n]))[S] ? i.push(a) : o.push(a); (a = A(e, (y = o, m = 0 < (v = i).length, x = 0 < y.length, r = function (e, t, n, r, i) { var o, a, s, u = 0, l = "0", c = e && [], f = [], p = w, d = e || x && b.find.TAG("*", i), h = k += null == p ? 1 : Math.random() || .1, g = d.length; for (i && (w = t == C || t || i); l !== g && null != (o = d[l]); l++) { if (x && o) { a = 0, t || o.ownerDocument == C || (T(o), n = !E); while (s = y[a++]) if (s(o, t || C, n)) { r.push(o); break } i && (k = h) } m && ((o = !s && o) && u--, e && c.push(o)) } if (u += l, m && l !== u) { a = 0; while (s = v[a++]) s(c, f, t, n); if (e) { if (0 < u) while (l--) c[l] || f[l] || (f[l] =; f = Te(f) } H.apply(r, f), i && !e && 0 < f.length && 1 < u + v.length && se.uniqueSort(r) } return i && (k = h, w = p), c }, m ? le(r) : r))).selector = e } return a }, g = = function (e, t, n, r) { var i, o, a, s, u, l = "function" == typeof e && e, c = !r && h(e = l.selector || e); if (n = n || [], 1 === c.length) { if (2 < (o = c[0] = c[0].slice(0)).length && "ID" === (a = o[0]).type && 9 === t.nodeType && E && b.relative[o[1].type]) { if (!(t = (b.find.ID(a.matches[0].replace(te, ne), t) || [])[0])) return n; l && (t = t.parentNode), e = e.slice(o.shift().value.length) } i = G.needsContext.test(e) ? 0 : o.length; while (i--) { if (a = o[i], b.relative[s = a.type]) break; if ((u = b.find[s]) && (r = u(a.matches[0].replace(te, ne), ee.test(o[0].type) && ve(t.parentNode) || t))) { if (o.splice(i, 1), !(e = r.length && xe(o))) return H.apply(n, r), n; break } } } return (l || f(e, c))(r, t, !E, n, !t || ee.test(e) && ve(t.parentNode) || t), n }, d.sortStable = S.split("").sort(j).join("") === S, d.detectDuplicates = !!l, T(), d.sortDetached = ce(function (e) { return 1 & e.compareDocumentPosition(C.createElement("fieldset")) }), ce(function (e) { return e.innerHTML = "<a href='#'></a>", "#" === e.firstChild.getAttribute("href") }) || fe("type|href|height|width", function (e, t, n) { if (!n) return e.getAttribute(t, "type" === t.toLowerCase() ? 1 : 2) }), d.attributes && ce(function (e) { return e.innerHTML = "<input/>", e.firstChild.setAttribute("value", ""), "" === e.firstChild.getAttribute("value") }) || fe("value", function (e, t, n) { if (!n && "input" === e.nodeName.toLowerCase()) return e.defaultValue }), ce(function (e) { return null == e.getAttribute("disabled") }) || fe(R, function (e, t, n) { var r; if (!n) return !0 === e[t] ? t.toLowerCase() : (r = e.getAttributeNode(t)) && r.specified ? r.value : null }), se }(C); S.find = d, S.expr = d.selectors, S.expr[":"] = S.expr.pseudos, S.uniqueSort = S.unique = d.uniqueSort, S.text = d.getText, S.isXMLDoc = d.isXML, S.contains = d.contains, S.escapeSelector = d.escape; var h = function (e, t, n) { var r = [], i = void 0 !== n; while ((e = e[t]) && 9 !== e.nodeType) if (1 === e.nodeType) { if (i && S(e).is(n)) break; r.push(e) } return r }, T = function (e, t) { for (var n = []; e; e = e.nextSibling)1 === e.nodeType && e !== t && n.push(e); return n }, k = S.expr.match.needsContext; function A(e, t) { return e.nodeName && e.nodeName.toLowerCase() === t.toLowerCase() } var N = /^<([a-z][^\/\0>:\x20\t\r\n\f]*)[\x20\t\r\n\f]*\/?>(?:<\/\1>|)$/i; function j(e, n, r) { return m(n) ? S.grep(e, function (e, t) { return !!, t, e) !== r }) : n.nodeType ? S.grep(e, function (e) { return e === n !== r }) : "string" != typeof n ? S.grep(e, function (e) { return -1 <, e) !== r }) : S.filter(n, e, r) } S.filter = function (e, t, n) { var r = t[0]; return n && (e = ":not(" + e + ")"), 1 === t.length && 1 === r.nodeType ? S.find.matchesSelector(r, e) ? [r] : [] : S.find.matches(e, S.grep(t, function (e) { return 1 === e.nodeType })) }, S.fn.extend({ find: function (e) { var t, n, r = this.length, i = this; if ("string" != typeof e) return this.pushStack(S(e).filter(function () { for (t = 0; t < r; t++)if (S.contains(i[t], this)) return !0 })); for (n = this.pushStack([]), t = 0; t < r; t++)S.find(e, i[t], n); return 1 < r ? S.uniqueSort(n) : n }, filter: function (e) { return this.pushStack(j(this, e || [], !1)) }, not: function (e) { return this.pushStack(j(this, e || [], !0)) }, is: function (e) { return !!j(this, "string" == typeof e && k.test(e) ? S(e) : e || [], !1).length } }); var D, q = /^(?:\s*(<[\w\W]+>)[^>]*|#([\w-]+))$/; (S.fn.init = function (e, t, n) { var r, i; if (!e) return this; if (n = n || D, "string" == typeof e) { if (!(r = "<" === e[0] && ">" === e[e.length - 1] && 3 <= e.length ? [null, e, null] : q.exec(e)) || !r[1] && t) return !t || t.jquery ? (t || n).find(e) : this.constructor(t).find(e); if (r[1]) { if (t = t instanceof S ? t[0] : t, S.merge(this, S.parseHTML(r[1], t && t.nodeType ? t.ownerDocument || t : E, !0)), N.test(r[1]) && S.isPlainObject(t)) for (r in t) m(this[r]) ? this[r](t[r]) : this.attr(r, t[r]); return this } return (i = E.getElementById(r[2])) && (this[0] = i, this.length = 1), this } return e.nodeType ? (this[0] = e, this.length = 1, this) : m(e) ? void 0 !== n.ready ? n.ready(e) : e(S) : S.makeArray(e, this) }).prototype = S.fn, D = S(E); var L = /^(?:parents|prev(?:Until|All))/, H = { children: !0, contents: !0, next: !0, prev: !0 }; function O(e, t) { while ((e = e[t]) && 1 !== e.nodeType); return e } S.fn.extend({ has: function (e) { var t = S(e, this), n = t.length; return this.filter(function () { for (var e = 0; e < n; e++)if (S.contains(this, t[e])) return !0 }) }, closest: function (e, t) { var n, r = 0, i = this.length, o = [], a = "string" != typeof e && S(e); if (!k.test(e)) for (; r < i; r++)for (n = this[r]; n && n !== t; n = n.parentNode)if (n.nodeType < 11 && (a ? -1 < a.index(n) : 1 === n.nodeType && S.find.matchesSelector(n, e))) { o.push(n); break } return this.pushStack(1 < o.length ? S.uniqueSort(o) : o) }, index: function (e) { return e ? "string" == typeof e ?, this[0]) :, e.jquery ? e[0] : e) : this[0] && this[0].parentNode ? this.first().prevAll().length : -1 }, add: function (e, t) { return this.pushStack(S.uniqueSort(S.merge(this.get(), S(e, t)))) }, addBack: function (e) { return this.add(null == e ? this.prevObject : this.prevObject.filter(e)) } }), S.each({ parent: function (e) { var t = e.parentNode; return t && 11 !== t.nodeType ? t : null }, parents: function (e) { return h(e, "parentNode") }, parentsUntil: function (e, t, n) { return h(e, "parentNode", n) }, next: function (e) { return O(e, "nextSibling") }, prev: function (e) { return O(e, "previousSibling") }, nextAll: function (e) { return h(e, "nextSibling") }, prevAll: function (e) { return h(e, "previousSibling") }, nextUntil: function (e, t, n) { return h(e, "nextSibling", n) }, prevUntil: function (e, t, n) { return h(e, "previousSibling", n) }, siblings: function (e) { return T((e.parentNode || {}).firstChild, e) }, children: function (e) { return T(e.firstChild) }, contents: function (e) { return null != e.contentDocument && r(e.contentDocument) ? e.contentDocument : (A(e, "template") && (e = e.content || e), S.merge([], e.childNodes)) } }, function (r, i) { S.fn[r] = function (e, t) { var n =, i, e); return "Until" !== r.slice(-5) && (t = e), t && "string" == typeof t && (n = S.filter(t, n)), 1 < this.length && (H[r] || S.uniqueSort(n), L.test(r) && n.reverse()), this.pushStack(n) } }); var P = /[^\x20\t\r\n\f]+/g; function R(e) { return e } function M(e) { throw e } function I(e, t, n, r) { var i; try { e && m(i = e.promise) ? : e && m(i = e.then) ?, t, n) : t.apply(void 0, [e].slice(r)) } catch (e) { n.apply(void 0, [e]) } } S.Callbacks = function (r) { var e, n; r = "string" == typeof r ? (e = r, n = {}, S.each(e.match(P) || [], function (e, t) { n[t] = !0 }), n) : S.extend({}, r); var i, t, o, a, s = [], u = [], l = -1, c = function () { for (a = a || r.once, o = i = !0; u.length; l = -1) { t = u.shift(); while (++l < s.length) !1 === s[l].apply(t[0], t[1]) && r.stopOnFalse && (l = s.length, t = !1) } r.memory || (t = !1), i = !1, a && (s = t ? [] : "") }, f = { add: function () { return s && (t && !i && (l = s.length - 1, u.push(t)), function n(e) { S.each(e, function (e, t) { m(t) ? r.unique && f.has(t) || s.push(t) : t && t.length && "string" !== w(t) && n(t) }) }(arguments), t && !i && c()), this }, remove: function () { return S.each(arguments, function (e, t) { var n; while (-1 < (n = S.inArray(t, s, n))) s.splice(n, 1), n <= l && l-- }), this }, has: function (e) { return e ? -1 < S.inArray(e, s) : 0 < s.length }, empty: function () { return s && (s = []), this }, disable: function () { return a = u = [], s = t = "", this }, disabled: function () { return !s }, lock: function () { return a = u = [], t || i || (s = t = ""), this }, locked: function () { return !!a }, fireWith: function (e, t) { return a || (t = [e, (t = t || []).slice ? t.slice() : t], u.push(t), i || c()), this }, fire: function () { return f.fireWith(this, arguments), this }, fired: function () { return !!o } }; return f }, S.extend({ Deferred: function (e) { var o = [["notify", "progress", S.Callbacks("memory"), S.Callbacks("memory"), 2], ["resolve", "done", S.Callbacks("once memory"), S.Callbacks("once memory"), 0, "resolved"], ["reject", "fail", S.Callbacks("once memory"), S.Callbacks("once memory"), 1, "rejected"]], i = "pending", a = { state: function () { return i }, always: function () { return s.done(arguments).fail(arguments), this }, "catch": function (e) { return a.then(null, e) }, pipe: function () { var i = arguments; return S.Deferred(function (r) { S.each(o, function (e, t) { var n = m(i[t[4]]) && i[t[4]]; s[t[1]](function () { var e = n && n.apply(this, arguments); e && m(e.promise) ? e.promise().progress(r.notify).done(r.resolve).fail(r.reject) : r[t[0] + "With"](this, n ? [e] : arguments) }) }), i = null }).promise() }, then: function (t, n, r) { var u = 0; function l(i, o, a, s) { return function () { var n = this, r = arguments, e = function () { var e, t; if (!(i < u)) { if ((e = a.apply(n, r)) === o.promise()) throw new TypeError("Thenable self-resolution"); t = e && ("object" == typeof e || "function" == typeof e) && e.then, m(t) ? s ?, l(u, o, R, s), l(u, o, M, s)) : (u++,, l(u, o, R, s), l(u, o, M, s), l(u, o, R, o.notifyWith))) : (a !== R && (n = void 0, r = [e]), (s || o.resolveWith)(n, r)) } }, t = s ? e : function () { try { e() } catch (e) { S.Deferred.exceptionHook && S.Deferred.exceptionHook(e, t.stackTrace), u <= i + 1 && (a !== M && (n = void 0, r = [e]), o.rejectWith(n, r)) } }; i ? t() : (S.Deferred.getStackHook && (t.stackTrace = S.Deferred.getStackHook()), C.setTimeout(t)) } } return S.Deferred(function (e) { o[0][3].add(l(0, e, m(r) ? r : R, e.notifyWith)), o[1][3].add(l(0, e, m(t) ? t : R)), o[2][3].add(l(0, e, m(n) ? n : M)) }).promise() }, promise: function (e) { return null != e ? S.extend(e, a) : a } }, s = {}; return S.each(o, function (e, t) { var n = t[2], r = t[5]; a[t[1]] = n.add, r && n.add(function () { i = r }, o[3 - e][2].disable, o[3 - e][3].disable, o[0][2].lock, o[0][3].lock), n.add(t[3].fire), s[t[0]] = function () { return s[t[0] + "With"](this === s ? void 0 : this, arguments), this }, s[t[0] + "With"] = n.fireWith }), a.promise(s), e &&, s), s }, when: function (e) { var n = arguments.length, t = n, r = Array(t), i =, o = S.Deferred(), a = function (t) { return function (e) { r[t] = this, i[t] = 1 < arguments.length ? : e, --n || o.resolveWith(r, i) } }; if (n <= 1 && (I(e, o.done(a(t)).resolve, o.reject, !n), "pending" === o.state() || m(i[t] && i[t].then))) return o.then(); while (t--) I(i[t], a(t), o.reject); return o.promise() } }); var W = /^(Eval|Internal|Range|Reference|Syntax|Type|URI)Error$/; S.Deferred.exceptionHook = function (e, t) { C.console && C.console.warn && e && W.test( && C.console.warn("jQuery.Deferred exception: " + e.message, e.stack, t) }, S.readyException = function (e) { C.setTimeout(function () { throw e }) }; var F = S.Deferred(); function $() { E.removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", $), C.removeEventListener("load", $), S.ready() } S.fn.ready = function (e) { return F.then(e)["catch"](function (e) { S.readyException(e) }), this }, S.extend({ isReady: !1, readyWait: 1, ready: function (e) { (!0 === e ? --S.readyWait : S.isReady) || (S.isReady = !0) !== e && 0 < --S.readyWait || F.resolveWith(E, [S]) } }), S.ready.then = F.then, "complete" === E.readyState || "loading" !== E.readyState && !E.documentElement.doScroll ? C.setTimeout(S.ready) : (E.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", $), C.addEventListener("load", $)); var B = function (e, t, n, r, i, o, a) { var s = 0, u = e.length, l = null == n; if ("object" === w(n)) for (s in i = !0, n) B(e, t, s, n[s], !0, o, a); else if (void 0 !== r && (i = !0, m(r) || (a = !0), l && (a ? (, r), t = null) : (l = t, t = function (e, t, n) { return, n) })), t)) for (; s < u; s++)t(e[s], n, a ? r :[s], s, t(e[s], n))); return i ? e : l ? : u ? t(e[0], n) : o }, _ = /^-ms-/, z = /-([a-z])/g; function U(e, t) { return t.toUpperCase() } function X(e) { return e.replace(_, "ms-").replace(z, U) } var V = function (e) { return 1 === e.nodeType || 9 === e.nodeType || !+e.nodeType }; function G() { this.expando = S.expando + G.uid++ } G.uid = 1, G.prototype = { cache: function (e) { var t = e[this.expando]; return t || (t = {}, V(e) && (e.nodeType ? e[this.expando] = t : Object.defineProperty(e, this.expando, { value: t, configurable: !0 }))), t }, set: function (e, t, n) { var r, i = this.cache(e); if ("string" == typeof t) i[X(t)] = n; else for (r in t) i[X(r)] = t[r]; return i }, get: function (e, t) { return void 0 === t ? this.cache(e) : e[this.expando] && e[this.expando][X(t)] }, access: function (e, t, n) { return void 0 === t || t && "string" == typeof t && void 0 === n ? this.get(e, t) : (this.set(e, t, n), void 0 !== n ? n : t) }, remove: function (e, t) { var n, r = e[this.expando]; if (void 0 !== r) { if (void 0 !== t) { n = (t = Array.isArray(t) ? : (t = X(t)) in r ? [t] : t.match(P) || []).length; while (n--) delete r[t[n]] } (void 0 === t || S.isEmptyObject(r)) && (e.nodeType ? e[this.expando] = void 0 : delete e[this.expando]) } }, hasData: function (e) { var t = e[this.expando]; return void 0 !== t && !S.isEmptyObject(t) } }; var Y = new G, Q = new G, J = /^(?:\{[\w\W]*\}|\[[\w\W]*\])$/, K = /[A-Z]/g; function Z(e, t, n) { var r, i; if (void 0 === n && 1 === e.nodeType) if (r = "data-" + t.replace(K, "-$&").toLowerCase(), "string" == typeof (n = e.getAttribute(r))) { try { n = "true" === (i = n) || "false" !== i && ("null" === i ? null : i === +i + "" ? +i : J.test(i) ? JSON.parse(i) : i) } catch (e) { } Q.set(e, t, n) } else n = void 0; return n } S.extend({ hasData: function (e) { return Q.hasData(e) || Y.hasData(e) }, data: function (e, t, n) { return Q.access(e, t, n) }, removeData: function (e, t) { Q.remove(e, t) }, _data: function (e, t, n) { return Y.access(e, t, n) }, _removeData: function (e, t) { Y.remove(e, t) } }), S.fn.extend({ data: function (n, e) { var t, r, i, o = this[0], a = o && o.attributes; if (void 0 === n) { if (this.length && (i = Q.get(o), 1 === o.nodeType && !Y.get(o, "hasDataAttrs"))) { t = a.length; while (t--) a[t] && 0 === (r = a[t].name).indexOf("data-") && (r = X(r.slice(5)), Z(o, r, i[r])); Y.set(o, "hasDataAttrs", !0) } return i } return "object" == typeof n ? this.each(function () { Q.set(this, n) }) : B(this, function (e) { var t; if (o && void 0 === e) return void 0 !== (t = Q.get(o, n)) ? t : void 0 !== (t = Z(o, n)) ? t : void 0; this.each(function () { Q.set(this, n, e) }) }, null, e, 1 < arguments.length, null, !0) }, removeData: function (e) { return this.each(function () { Q.remove(this, e) }) } }), S.extend({ queue: function (e, t, n) { var r; if (e) return t = (t || "fx") + "queue", r = Y.get(e, t), n && (!r || Array.isArray(n) ? r = Y.access(e, t, S.makeArray(n)) : r.push(n)), r || [] }, dequeue: function (e, t) { t = t || "fx"; var n = S.queue(e, t), r = n.length, i = n.shift(), o = S._queueHooks(e, t); "inprogress" === i && (i = n.shift(), r--), i && ("fx" === t && n.unshift("inprogress"), delete o.stop,, function () { S.dequeue(e, t) }, o)), !r && o && }, _queueHooks: function (e, t) { var n = t + "queueHooks"; return Y.get(e, n) || Y.access(e, n, { empty: S.Callbacks("once memory").add(function () { Y.remove(e, [t + "queue", n]) }) }) } }), S.fn.extend({ queue: function (t, n) { var e = 2; return "string" != typeof t && (n = t, t = "fx", e--), arguments.length < e ? S.queue(this[0], t) : void 0 === n ? this : this.each(function () { var e = S.queue(this, t, n); S._queueHooks(this, t), "fx" === t && "inprogress" !== e[0] && S.dequeue(this, t) }) }, dequeue: function (e) { return this.each(function () { S.dequeue(this, e) }) }, clearQueue: function (e) { return this.queue(e || "fx", []) }, promise: function (e, t) { var n, r = 1, i = S.Deferred(), o = this, a = this.length, s = function () { --r || i.resolveWith(o, [o]) }; "string" != typeof e && (t = e, e = void 0), e = e || "fx"; while (a--) (n = Y.get(o[a], e + "queueHooks")) && n.empty && (r++, n.empty.add(s)); return s(), i.promise(t) } }); var ee = /[+-]?(?:\d*\.|)\d+(?:[eE][+-]?\d+|)/.source, te = new RegExp("^(?:([+-])=|)(" + ee + ")([a-z%]*)$", "i"), ne = ["Top", "Right", "Bottom", "Left"], re = E.documentElement, ie = function (e) { return S.contains(e.ownerDocument, e) }, oe = { composed: !0 }; re.getRootNode && (ie = function (e) { return S.contains(e.ownerDocument, e) || e.getRootNode(oe) === e.ownerDocument }); var ae = function (e, t) { return "none" === (e = t || e).style.display || "" === && ie(e) && "none" === S.css(e, "display") }; function se(e, t, n, r) { var i, o, a = 20, s = r ? function () { return r.cur() } : function () { return S.css(e, t, "") }, u = s(), l = n && n[3] || (S.cssNumber[t] ? "" : "px"), c = e.nodeType && (S.cssNumber[t] || "px" !== l && +u) && te.exec(S.css(e, t)); if (c && c[3] !== l) { u /= 2, l = l || c[3], c = +u || 1; while (a--), t, c + l), (1 - o) * (1 - (o = s() / u || .5)) <= 0 && (a = 0), c /= o; c *= 2,, t, c + l), n = n || [] } return n && (c = +c || +u || 0, i = n[1] ? c + (n[1] + 1) * n[2] : +n[2], r && (r.unit = l, r.start = c, r.end = i)), i } var ue = {}; function le(e, t) { for (var n, r, i, o, a, s, u, l = [], c = 0, f = e.length; c < f; c++)(r = e[c]).style && (n =, t ? ("none" === n && (l[c] = Y.get(r, "display") || null, l[c] || ( = "")), "" === && ae(r) && (l[c] = (u = a = o = void 0, a = (i = r).ownerDocument, s = i.nodeName, (u = ue[s]) || (o = a.body.appendChild(a.createElement(s)), u = S.css(o, "display"), o.parentNode.removeChild(o), "none" === u && (u = "block"), ue[s] = u)))) : "none" !== n && (l[c] = "none", Y.set(r, "display", n))); for (c = 0; c < f; c++)null != l[c] && (e[c].style.display = l[c]); return e } S.fn.extend({ show: function () { return le(this, !0) }, hide: function () { return le(this) }, toggle: function (e) { return "boolean" == typeof e ? e ? : this.hide() : this.each(function () { ae(this) ? S(this).show() : S(this).hide() }) } }); var ce, fe, pe = /^(?:checkbox|radio)$/i, de = /<([a-z][^\/\0>\x20\t\r\n\f]*)/i, he = /^$|^module$|\/(?:java|ecma)script/i; ce = E.createDocumentFragment().appendChild(E.createElement("div")), (fe = E.createElement("input")).setAttribute("type", "radio"), fe.setAttribute("checked", "checked"), fe.setAttribute("name", "t"), ce.appendChild(fe), v.checkClone = ce.cloneNode(!0).cloneNode(!0).lastChild.checked, ce.innerHTML = "<textarea>x</textarea>", v.noCloneChecked = !!ce.cloneNode(!0).lastChild.defaultValue, ce.innerHTML = "<option></option>", v.option = !!ce.lastChild; var ge = { thead: [1, "<table>", "</table>"], col: [2, "<table><colgroup>", "</colgroup></table>"], tr: [2, "<table><tbody>", "</tbody></table>"], td: [3, "<table><tbody><tr>", "</tr></tbody></table>"], _default: [0, "", ""] }; function ye(e, t) { var n; return n = "undefined" != typeof e.getElementsByTagName ? e.getElementsByTagName(t || "*") : "undefined" != typeof e.querySelectorAll ? e.querySelectorAll(t || "*") : [], void 0 === t || t && A(e, t) ? S.merge([e], n) : n } function ve(e, t) { for (var n = 0, r = e.length; n < r; n++)Y.set(e[n], "globalEval", !t || Y.get(t[n], "globalEval")) } ge.tbody = ge.tfoot = ge.colgroup = ge.caption = ge.thead, =, v.option || (ge.optgroup = ge.option = [1, "<select multiple='multiple'>", "</select>"]); var me = /<|&#?\w+;/; function xe(e, t, n, r, i) { for (var o, a, s, u, l, c, f = t.createDocumentFragment(), p = [], d = 0, h = e.length; d < h; d++)if ((o = e[d]) || 0 === o) if ("object" === w(o)) S.merge(p, o.nodeType ? [o] : o); else if (me.test(o)) { a = a || f.appendChild(t.createElement("div")), s = (de.exec(o) || ["", ""])[1].toLowerCase(), u = ge[s] || ge._default, a.innerHTML = u[1] + S.htmlPrefilter(o) + u[2], c = u[0]; while (c--) a = a.lastChild; S.merge(p, a.childNodes), (a = f.firstChild).textContent = "" } else p.push(t.createTextNode(o)); f.textContent = "", d = 0; while (o = p[d++]) if (r && -1 < S.inArray(o, r)) i && i.push(o); else if (l = ie(o), a = ye(f.appendChild(o), "script"), l && ve(a), n) { c = 0; while (o = a[c++]) he.test(o.type || "") && n.push(o) } return f } var be = /^([^.]*)(?:\.(.+)|)/; function we() { return !0 } function Te() { return !1 } function Ce(e, t) { return e === function () { try { return E.activeElement } catch (e) { } }() == ("focus" === t) } function Ee(e, t, n, r, i, o) { var a, s; if ("object" == typeof t) { for (s in "string" != typeof n && (r = r || n, n = void 0), t) Ee(e, s, n, r, t[s], o); return e } if (null == r && null == i ? (i = n, r = n = void 0) : null == i && ("string" == typeof n ? (i = r, r = void 0) : (i = r, r = n, n = void 0)), !1 === i) i = Te; else if (!i) return e; return 1 === o && (a = i, (i = function (e) { return S().off(e), a.apply(this, arguments) }).guid = a.guid || (a.guid = S.guid++)), e.each(function () { S.event.add(this, t, i, r, n) }) } function Se(e, i, o) { o ? (Y.set(e, i, !1), S.event.add(e, i, { namespace: !1, handler: function (e) { var t, n, r = Y.get(this, i); if (1 & e.isTrigger && this[i]) { if (r.length) (S.event.special[i] || {}).delegateType && e.stopPropagation(); else if (r =, Y.set(this, i, r), t = o(this, i), this[i](), r !== (n = Y.get(this, i)) || t ? Y.set(this, i, !1) : n = {}, r !== n) return e.stopImmediatePropagation(), e.preventDefault(), n && n.value } else r.length && (Y.set(this, i, { value: S.event.trigger(S.extend(r[0], S.Event.prototype), r.slice(1), this) }), e.stopImmediatePropagation()) } })) : void 0 === Y.get(e, i) && S.event.add(e, i, we) } S.event = { global: {}, add: function (t, e, n, r, i) { var o, a, s, u, l, c, f, p, d, h, g, y = Y.get(t); if (V(t)) { n.handler && (n = (o = n).handler, i = o.selector), i && S.find.matchesSelector(re, i), n.guid || (n.guid = S.guid++), (u = || (u = = Object.create(null)), (a = y.handle) || (a = y.handle = function (e) { return "undefined" != typeof S && S.event.triggered !== e.type ? S.event.dispatch.apply(t, arguments) : void 0 }), l = (e = (e || "").match(P) || [""]).length; while (l--) d = g = (s = be.exec(e[l]) || [])[1], h = (s[2] || "").split(".").sort(), d && (f = S.event.special[d] || {}, d = (i ? f.delegateType : f.bindType) || d, f = S.event.special[d] || {}, c = S.extend({ type: d, origType: g, data: r, handler: n, guid: n.guid, selector: i, needsContext: i && S.expr.match.needsContext.test(i), namespace: h.join(".") }, o), (p = u[d]) || ((p = u[d] = []).delegateCount = 0, f.setup && !1 !==, r, h, a) || t.addEventListener && t.addEventListener(d, a)), f.add && (, c), c.handler.guid || (c.handler.guid = n.guid)), i ? p.splice(p.delegateCount++, 0, c) : p.push(c),[d] = !0) } }, remove: function (e, t, n, r, i) { var o, a, s, u, l, c, f, p, d, h, g, y = Y.hasData(e) && Y.get(e); if (y && (u = { l = (t = (t || "").match(P) || [""]).length; while (l--) if (d = g = (s = be.exec(t[l]) || [])[1], h = (s[2] || "").split(".").sort(), d) { f = S.event.special[d] || {}, p = u[d = (r ? f.delegateType : f.bindType) || d] || [], s = s[2] && new RegExp("(^|\\.)" + h.join("\\.(?:.*\\.|)") + "(\\.|$)"), a = o = p.length; while (o--) c = p[o], !i && g !== c.origType || n && n.guid !== c.guid || s && !s.test(c.namespace) || r && r !== c.selector && ("**" !== r || !c.selector) || (p.splice(o, 1), c.selector && p.delegateCount--, f.remove &&, c)); a && !p.length && (f.teardown && !1 !==, h, y.handle) || S.removeEvent(e, d, y.handle), delete u[d]) } else for (d in u) S.event.remove(e, d + t[l], n, r, !0); S.isEmptyObject(u) && Y.remove(e, "handle events") } }, dispatch: function (e) { var t, n, r, i, o, a, s = new Array(arguments.length), u = S.event.fix(e), l = (Y.get(this, "events") || Object.create(null))[u.type] || [], c = S.event.special[u.type] || {}; for (s[0] = u, t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++)s[t] = arguments[t]; if (u.delegateTarget = this, !c.preDispatch || !1 !==, u)) { a =, u, l), t = 0; while ((i = a[t++]) && !u.isPropagationStopped()) { u.currentTarget = i.elem, n = 0; while ((o = i.handlers[n++]) && !u.isImmediatePropagationStopped()) u.rnamespace && !1 !== o.namespace && !u.rnamespace.test(o.namespace) || (u.handleObj = o, =, void 0 !== (r = ((S.event.special[o.origType] || {}).handle || o.handler).apply(i.elem, s)) && !1 === (u.result = r) && (u.preventDefault(), u.stopPropagation())) } return c.postDispatch &&, u), u.result } }, handlers: function (e, t) { var n, r, i, o, a, s = [], u = t.delegateCount, l =; if (u && l.nodeType && !("click" === e.type && 1 <= e.button)) for (; l !== this; l = l.parentNode || this)if (1 === l.nodeType && ("click" !== e.type || !0 !== l.disabled)) { for (o = [], a = {}, n = 0; n < u; n++)void 0 === a[i = (r = t[n]).selector + " "] && (a[i] = r.needsContext ? -1 < S(i, this).index(l) : S.find(i, this, null, [l]).length), a[i] && o.push(r); o.length && s.push({ elem: l, handlers: o }) } return l = this, u < t.length && s.push({ elem: l, handlers: t.slice(u) }), s }, addProp: function (t, e) { Object.defineProperty(S.Event.prototype, t, { enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, get: m(e) ? function () { if (this.originalEvent) return e(this.originalEvent) } : function () { if (this.originalEvent) return this.originalEvent[t] }, set: function (e) { Object.defineProperty(this, t, { enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0, value: e }) } }) }, fix: function (e) { return e[S.expando] ? e : new S.Event(e) }, special: { load: { noBubble: !0 }, click: { setup: function (e) { var t = this || e; return pe.test(t.type) && && A(t, "input") && Se(t, "click", we), !1 }, trigger: function (e) { var t = this || e; return pe.test(t.type) && && A(t, "input") && Se(t, "click"), !0 }, _default: function (e) { var t =; return pe.test(t.type) && && A(t, "input") && Y.get(t, "click") || A(t, "a") } }, beforeunload: { postDispatch: function (e) { void 0 !== e.result && e.originalEvent && (e.originalEvent.returnValue = e.result) } } } }, S.removeEvent = function (e, t, n) { e.removeEventListener && e.removeEventListener(t, n) }, S.Event = function (e, t) { if (!(this instanceof S.Event)) return new S.Event(e, t); e && e.type ? (this.originalEvent = e, this.type = e.type, this.isDefaultPrevented = e.defaultPrevented || void 0 === e.defaultPrevented && !1 === e.returnValue ? we : Te, = && 3 === ? :, this.currentTarget = e.currentTarget, this.relatedTarget = e.relatedTarget) : this.type = e, t && S.extend(this, t), this.timeStamp = e && e.timeStamp ||, this[S.expando] = !0 }, S.Event.prototype = { constructor: S.Event, isDefaultPrevented: Te, isPropagationStopped: Te, isImmediatePropagationStopped: Te, isSimulated: !1, preventDefault: function () { var e = this.originalEvent; this.isDefaultPrevented = we, e && !this.isSimulated && e.preventDefault() }, stopPropagation: function () { var e = this.originalEvent; this.isPropagationStopped = we, e && !this.isSimulated && e.stopPropagation() }, stopImmediatePropagation: function () { var e = this.originalEvent; this.isImmediatePropagationStopped = we, e && !this.isSimulated && e.stopImmediatePropagation(), this.stopPropagation() } }, S.each({ altKey: !0, bubbles: !0, cancelable: !0, changedTouches: !0, ctrlKey: !0, detail: !0, eventPhase: !0, metaKey: !0, pageX: !0, pageY: !0, shiftKey: !0, view: !0, "char": !0, code: !0, charCode: !0, key: !0, keyCode: !0, button: !0, buttons: !0, clientX: !0, clientY: !0, offsetX: !0, offsetY: !0, pointerId: !0, pointerType: !0, screenX: !0, screenY: !0, targetTouches: !0, toElement: !0, touches: !0, which: !0 }, S.event.addProp), S.each({ focus: "focusin", blur: "focusout" }, function (t, e) { S.event.special[t] = { setup: function () { return Se(this, t, Ce), !1 }, trigger: function () { return Se(this, t), !0 }, _default: function (e) { return Y.get(, t) }, delegateType: e } }), S.each({ mouseenter: "mouseover", mouseleave: "mouseout", pointerenter: "pointerover", pointerleave: "pointerout" }, function (e, i) { S.event.special[e] = { delegateType: i, bindType: i, handle: function (e) { var t, n = e.relatedTarget, r = e.handleObj; return n && (n === this || S.contains(this, n)) || (e.type = r.origType, t = r.handler.apply(this, arguments), e.type = i), t } } }), S.fn.extend({ on: function (e, t, n, r) { return Ee(this, e, t, n, r) }, one: function (e, t, n, r) { return Ee(this, e, t, n, r, 1) }, off: function (e, t, n) { var r, i; if (e && e.preventDefault && e.handleObj) return r = e.handleObj, S(e.delegateTarget).off(r.namespace ? r.origType + "." + r.namespace : r.origType, r.selector, r.handler), this; if ("object" == typeof e) { for (i in e), t, e[i]); return this } return !1 !== t && "function" != typeof t || (n = t, t = void 0), !1 === n && (n = Te), this.each(function () { S.event.remove(this, e, n, t) }) } }); var ke = /<script|<style|<link/i, Ae = /checked\s*(?:[^=]|=\s*.checked.)/i, Ne = /^\s*<!\[CDATA\[|\]\]>\s*$/g; function je(e, t) { return A(e, "table") && A(11 !== t.nodeType ? t : t.firstChild, "tr") && S(e).children("tbody")[0] || e } function De(e) { return e.type = (null !== e.getAttribute("type")) + "/" + e.type, e } function qe(e) { return "true/" === (e.type || "").slice(0, 5) ? e.type = e.type.slice(5) : e.removeAttribute("type"), e } function Le(e, t) { var n, r, i, o, a, s; if (1 === t.nodeType) { if (Y.hasData(e) && (s = Y.get(e).events)) for (i in Y.remove(t, "handle events"), s) for (n = 0, r = s[i].length; n < r; n++)S.event.add(t, i, s[i][n]); Q.hasData(e) && (o = Q.access(e), a = S.extend({}, o), Q.set(t, a)) } } function He(n, r, i, o) { r = g(r); var e, t, a, s, u, l, c = 0, f = n.length, p = f - 1, d = r[0], h = m(d); if (h || 1 < f && "string" == typeof d && !v.checkClone && Ae.test(d)) return n.each(function (e) { var t = n.eq(e); h && (r[0] =, e, t.html())), He(t, r, i, o) }); if (f && (t = (e = xe(r, n[0].ownerDocument, !1, n, o)).firstChild, 1 === e.childNodes.length && (e = t), t || o)) { for (s = (a =, "script"), De)).length; c < f; c++)u = e, c !== p && (u = S.clone(u, !0, !0), s && S.merge(a, ye(u, "script"))),[c], u, c); if (s) for (l = a[a.length - 1].ownerDocument,, qe), c = 0; c < s; c++)u = a[c], he.test(u.type || "") && !Y.access(u, "globalEval") && S.contains(l, u) && (u.src && "module" !== (u.type || "").toLowerCase() ? S._evalUrl && !u.noModule && S._evalUrl(u.src, { nonce: u.nonce || u.getAttribute("nonce") }, l) : b(u.textContent.replace(Ne, ""), u, l)) } return n } function Oe(e, t, n) { for (var r, i = t ? S.filter(t, e) : e, o = 0; null != (r = i[o]); o++)n || 1 !== r.nodeType || S.cleanData(ye(r)), r.parentNode && (n && ie(r) && ve(ye(r, "script")), r.parentNode.removeChild(r)); return e } S.extend({ htmlPrefilter: function (e) { return e }, clone: function (e, t, n) { var r, i, o, a, s, u, l, c = e.cloneNode(!0), f = ie(e); if (!(v.noCloneChecked || 1 !== e.nodeType && 11 !== e.nodeType || S.isXMLDoc(e))) for (a = ye(c), r = 0, i = (o = ye(e)).length; r < i; r++)s = o[r], u = a[r], void 0, "input" === (l = u.nodeName.toLowerCase()) && pe.test(s.type) ? u.checked = s.checked : "input" !== l && "textarea" !== l || (u.defaultValue = s.defaultValue); if (t) if (n) for (o = o || ye(e), a = a || ye(c), r = 0, i = o.length; r < i; r++)Le(o[r], a[r]); else Le(e, c); return 0 < (a = ye(c, "script")).length && ve(a, !f && ye(e, "script")), c }, cleanData: function (e) { for (var t, n, r, i = S.event.special, o = 0; void 0 !== (n = e[o]); o++)if (V(n)) { if (t = n[Y.expando]) { if ( for (r in i[r] ? S.event.remove(n, r) : S.removeEvent(n, r, t.handle); n[Y.expando] = void 0 } n[Q.expando] && (n[Q.expando] = void 0) } } }), S.fn.extend({ detach: function (e) { return Oe(this, e, !0) }, remove: function (e) { return Oe(this, e) }, text: function (e) { return B(this, function (e) { return void 0 === e ? S.text(this) : this.empty().each(function () { 1 !== this.nodeType && 11 !== this.nodeType && 9 !== this.nodeType || (this.textContent = e) }) }, null, e, arguments.length) }, append: function () { return He(this, arguments, function (e) { 1 !== this.nodeType && 11 !== this.nodeType && 9 !== this.nodeType || je(this, e).appendChild(e) }) }, prepend: function () { return He(this, arguments, function (e) { if (1 === this.nodeType || 11 === this.nodeType || 9 === this.nodeType) { var t = je(this, e); t.insertBefore(e, t.firstChild) } }) }, before: function () { return He(this, arguments, function (e) { this.parentNode && this.parentNode.insertBefore(e, this) }) }, after: function () { return He(this, arguments, function (e) { this.parentNode && this.parentNode.insertBefore(e, this.nextSibling) }) }, empty: function () { for (var e, t = 0; null != (e = this[t]); t++)1 === e.nodeType && (S.cleanData(ye(e, !1)), e.textContent = ""); return this }, clone: function (e, t) { return e = null != e && e, t = null == t ? e : t, () { return S.clone(this, e, t) }) }, html: function (e) { return B(this, function (e) { var t = this[0] || {}, n = 0, r = this.length; if (void 0 === e && 1 === t.nodeType) return t.innerHTML; if ("string" == typeof e && !ke.test(e) && !ge[(de.exec(e) || ["", ""])[1].toLowerCase()]) { e = S.htmlPrefilter(e); try { for (; n < r; n++)1 === (t = this[n] || {}).nodeType && (S.cleanData(ye(t, !1)), t.innerHTML = e); t = 0 } catch (e) { } } t && this.empty().append(e) }, null, e, arguments.length) }, replaceWith: function () { var n = []; return He(this, arguments, function (e) { var t = this.parentNode; S.inArray(this, n) < 0 && (S.cleanData(ye(this)), t && t.replaceChild(e, this)) }, n) } }), S.each({ appendTo: "append", prependTo: "prepend", insertBefore: "before", insertAfter: "after", replaceAll: "replaceWith" }, function (e, a) { S.fn[e] = function (e) { for (var t, n = [], r = S(e), i = r.length - 1, o = 0; o <= i; o++)t = o === i ? this : this.clone(!0), S(r[o])[a](t), u.apply(n, t.get()); return this.pushStack(n) } }); var Pe = new RegExp("^(" + ee + ")(?!px)[a-z%]+$", "i"), Re = /^--/, Me = function (e) { var t = e.ownerDocument.defaultView; return t && t.opener || (t = C), t.getComputedStyle(e) }, Ie = function (e, t, n) { var r, i, o = {}; for (i in t) o[i] =[i],[i] = t[i]; for (i in r =, t)[i] = o[i]; return r }, We = new RegExp(ne.join("|"), "i"), Fe = "[\\x20\\t\\r\\n\\f]", $e = new RegExp("^" + Fe + "+|((?:^|[^\\\\])(?:\\\\.)*)" + Fe + "+$", "g"); function Be(e, t, n) { var r, i, o, a, s = Re.test(t), u =; return (n = n || Me(e)) && (a = n.getPropertyValue(t) || n[t], s && (a = a.replace($e, "$1")), "" !== a || ie(e) || (a =, t)), !v.pixelBoxStyles() && Pe.test(a) && We.test(t) && (r = u.width, i = u.minWidth, o = u.maxWidth, u.minWidth = u.maxWidth = u.width = a, a = n.width, u.width = r, u.minWidth = i, u.maxWidth = o)), void 0 !== a ? a + "" : a } function _e(e, t) { return { get: function () { if (!e()) return (this.get = t).apply(this, arguments); delete this.get } } } !function () { function e() { if (l) { = "position:absolute;left:-11111px;width:60px;margin-top:1px;padding:0;border:0", = "position:relative;display:block;box-sizing:border-box;overflow:scroll;margin:auto;border:1px;padding:1px;width:60%;top:1%", re.appendChild(u).appendChild(l); var e = C.getComputedStyle(l); n = "1%" !==, s = 12 === t(e.marginLeft), = "60%", o = 36 === t(e.right), r = 36 === t(e.width), = "absolute", i = 12 === t(l.offsetWidth / 3), re.removeChild(u), l = null } } function t(e) { return Math.round(parseFloat(e)) } var n, r, i, o, a, s, u = E.createElement("div"), l = E.createElement("div"); && ( = "content-box", l.cloneNode(!0).style.backgroundClip = "", v.clearCloneStyle = "content-box" ===, S.extend(v, { boxSizingReliable: function () { return e(), r }, pixelBoxStyles: function () { return e(), o }, pixelPosition: function () { return e(), n }, reliableMarginLeft: function () { return e(), s }, scrollboxSize: function () { return e(), i }, reliableTrDimensions: function () { var e, t, n, r; return null == a && (e = E.createElement("table"), t = E.createElement("tr"), n = E.createElement("div"), = "position:absolute;left:-11111px;border-collapse:separate", = "border:1px solid", = "1px", = "9px", = "block", re.appendChild(e).appendChild(t).appendChild(n), r = C.getComputedStyle(t), a = parseInt(r.height, 10) + parseInt(r.borderTopWidth, 10) + parseInt(r.borderBottomWidth, 10) === t.offsetHeight, re.removeChild(e)), a } })) }(); var ze = ["Webkit", "Moz", "ms"], Ue = E.createElement("div").style, Xe = {}; function Ve(e) { var t = S.cssProps[e] || Xe[e]; return t || (e in Ue ? e : Xe[e] = function (e) { var t = e[0].toUpperCase() + e.slice(1), n = ze.length; while (n--) if ((e = ze[n] + t) in Ue) return e }(e) || e) } var Ge = /^(none|table(?!-c[ea]).+)/, Ye = { position: "absolute", visibility: "hidden", display: "block" }, Qe = { letterSpacing: "0", fontWeight: "400" }; function Je(e, t, n) { var r = te.exec(t); return r ? Math.max(0, r[2] - (n || 0)) + (r[3] || "px") : t } function Ke(e, t, n, r, i, o) { var a = "width" === t ? 1 : 0, s = 0, u = 0; if (n === (r ? "border" : "content")) return 0; for (; a < 4; a += 2)"margin" === n && (u += S.css(e, n + ne[a], !0, i)), r ? ("content" === n && (u -= S.css(e, "padding" + ne[a], !0, i)), "margin" !== n && (u -= S.css(e, "border" + ne[a] + "Width", !0, i))) : (u += S.css(e, "padding" + ne[a], !0, i), "padding" !== n ? u += S.css(e, "border" + ne[a] + "Width", !0, i) : s += S.css(e, "border" + ne[a] + "Width", !0, i)); return !r && 0 <= o && (u += Math.max(0, Math.ceil(e["offset" + t[0].toUpperCase() + t.slice(1)] - o - u - s - .5)) || 0), u } function Ze(e, t, n) { var r = Me(e), i = (!v.boxSizingReliable() || n) && "border-box" === S.css(e, "boxSizing", !1, r), o = i, a = Be(e, t, r), s = "offset" + t[0].toUpperCase() + t.slice(1); if (Pe.test(a)) { if (!n) return a; a = "auto" } return (!v.boxSizingReliable() && i || !v.reliableTrDimensions() && A(e, "tr") || "auto" === a || !parseFloat(a) && "inline" === S.css(e, "display", !1, r)) && e.getClientRects().length && (i = "border-box" === S.css(e, "boxSizing", !1, r), (o = s in e) && (a = e[s])), (a = parseFloat(a) || 0) + Ke(e, t, n || (i ? "border" : "content"), o, r, a) + "px" } function et(e, t, n, r, i) { return new et.prototype.init(e, t, n, r, i) } S.extend({ cssHooks: { opacity: { get: function (e, t) { if (t) { var n = Be(e, "opacity"); return "" === n ? "1" : n } } } }, cssNumber: { animationIterationCount: !0, columnCount: !0, fillOpacity: !0, flexGrow: !0, flexShrink: !0, fontWeight: !0, gridArea: !0, gridColumn: !0, gridColumnEnd: !0, gridColumnStart: !0, gridRow: !0, gridRowEnd: !0, gridRowStart: !0, lineHeight: !0, opacity: !0, order: !0, orphans: !0, widows: !0, zIndex: !0, zoom: !0 }, cssProps: {}, style: function (e, t, n, r) { if (e && 3 !== e.nodeType && 8 !== e.nodeType && { var i, o, a, s = X(t), u = Re.test(t), l =; if (u || (t = Ve(s)), a = S.cssHooks[t] || S.cssHooks[s], void 0 === n) return a && "get" in a && void 0 !== (i = a.get(e, !1, r)) ? i : l[t]; "string" === (o = typeof n) && (i = te.exec(n)) && i[1] && (n = se(e, t, i), o = "number"), null != n && n == n && ("number" !== o || u || (n += i && i[3] || (S.cssNumber[s] ? "" : "px")), v.clearCloneStyle || "" !== n || 0 !== t.indexOf("background") || (l[t] = "inherit"), a && "set" in a && void 0 === (n = a.set(e, n, r)) || (u ? l.setProperty(t, n) : l[t] = n)) } }, css: function (e, t, n, r) { var i, o, a, s = X(t); return Re.test(t) || (t = Ve(s)), (a = S.cssHooks[t] || S.cssHooks[s]) && "get" in a && (i = a.get(e, !0, n)), void 0 === i && (i = Be(e, t, r)), "normal" === i && t in Qe && (i = Qe[t]), "" === n || n ? (o = parseFloat(i), !0 === n || isFinite(o) ? o || 0 : i) : i } }), S.each(["height", "width"], function (e, u) { S.cssHooks[u] = { get: function (e, t, n) { if (t) return !Ge.test(S.css(e, "display")) || e.getClientRects().length && e.getBoundingClientRect().width ? Ze(e, u, n) : Ie(e, Ye, function () { return Ze(e, u, n) }) }, set: function (e, t, n) { var r, i = Me(e), o = !v.scrollboxSize() && "absolute" === i.position, a = (o || n) && "border-box" === S.css(e, "boxSizing", !1, i), s = n ? Ke(e, u, n, a, i) : 0; return a && o && (s -= Math.ceil(e["offset" + u[0].toUpperCase() + u.slice(1)] - parseFloat(i[u]) - Ke(e, u, "border", !1, i) - .5)), s && (r = te.exec(t)) && "px" !== (r[3] || "px") && ([u] = t, t = S.css(e, u)), Je(0, t, s) } } }), S.cssHooks.marginLeft = _e(v.reliableMarginLeft, function (e, t) { if (t) return (parseFloat(Be(e, "marginLeft")) || e.getBoundingClientRect().left - Ie(e, { marginLeft: 0 }, function () { return e.getBoundingClientRect().left })) + "px" }), S.each({ margin: "", padding: "", border: "Width" }, function (i, o) { S.cssHooks[i + o] = { expand: function (e) { for (var t = 0, n = {}, r = "string" == typeof e ? e.split(" ") : [e]; t < 4; t++)n[i + ne[t] + o] = r[t] || r[t - 2] || r[0]; return n } }, "margin" !== i && (S.cssHooks[i + o].set = Je) }), S.fn.extend({ css: function (e, t) { return B(this, function (e, t, n) { var r, i, o = {}, a = 0; if (Array.isArray(t)) { for (r = Me(e), i = t.length; a < i; a++)o[t[a]] = S.css(e, t[a], !1, r); return o } return void 0 !== n ?, t, n) : S.css(e, t) }, e, t, 1 < arguments.length) } }), ((S.Tween = et).prototype = { constructor: et, init: function (e, t, n, r, i, o) { this.elem = e, this.prop = n, this.easing = i || S.easing._default, this.options = t, this.start = = this.cur(), this.end = r, this.unit = o || (S.cssNumber[n] ? "" : "px") }, cur: function () { var e = et.propHooks[this.prop]; return e && e.get ? e.get(this) : et.propHooks._default.get(this) }, run: function (e) { var t, n = et.propHooks[this.prop]; return this.options.duration ? this.pos = t = S.easing[this.easing](e, this.options.duration * e, 0, 1, this.options.duration) : this.pos = t = e, = (this.end - this.start) * t + this.start, this.options.step &&,, this), n && n.set ? n.set(this) : et.propHooks._default.set(this), this } }).init.prototype = et.prototype, (et.propHooks = { _default: { get: function (e) { var t; return 1 !== e.elem.nodeType || null != e.elem[e.prop] && null ==[e.prop] ? e.elem[e.prop] : (t = S.css(e.elem, e.prop, "")) && "auto" !== t ? t : 0 }, set: function (e) { S.fx.step[e.prop] ? S.fx.step[e.prop](e) : 1 !== e.elem.nodeType || !S.cssHooks[e.prop] && null ==[Ve(e.prop)] ? e.elem[e.prop] = :, e.prop, + e.unit) } } }).scrollTop = et.propHooks.scrollLeft = { set: function (e) { e.elem.nodeType && e.elem.parentNode && (e.elem[e.prop] = } }, S.easing = { linear: function (e) { return e }, swing: function (e) { return .5 - Math.cos(e * Math.PI) / 2 }, _default: "swing" }, S.fx = et.prototype.init, S.fx.step = {}; var tt, nt, rt, it, ot = /^(?:toggle|show|hide)$/, at = /queueHooks$/; function st() { nt && (!1 === E.hidden && C.requestAnimationFrame ? C.requestAnimationFrame(st) : C.setTimeout(st, S.fx.interval), S.fx.tick()) } function ut() { return C.setTimeout(function () { tt = void 0 }), tt = } function lt(e, t) { var n, r = 0, i = { height: e }; for (t = t ? 1 : 0; r < 4; r += 2 - t)i["margin" + (n = ne[r])] = i["padding" + n] = e; return t && (i.opacity = i.width = e), i } function ct(e, t, n) { for (var r, i = (ft.tweeners[t] || []).concat(ft.tweeners["*"]), o = 0, a = i.length; o < a; o++)if (r = i[o].call(n, t, e)) return r } function ft(o, e, t) { var n, a, r = 0, i = ft.prefilters.length, s = S.Deferred().always(function () { delete u.elem }), u = function () { if (a) return !1; for (var e = tt || ut(), t = Math.max(0, l.startTime + l.duration - e), n = 1 - (t / l.duration || 0), r = 0, i = l.tweens.length; r < i; r++)l.tweens[r].run(n); return s.notifyWith(o, [l, n, t]), n < 1 && i ? t : (i || s.notifyWith(o, [l, 1, 0]), s.resolveWith(o, [l]), !1) }, l = s.promise({ elem: o, props: S.extend({}, e), opts: S.extend(!0, { specialEasing: {}, easing: S.easing._default }, t), originalProperties: e, originalOptions: t, startTime: tt || ut(), duration: t.duration, tweens: [], createTween: function (e, t) { var n = S.Tween(o, l.opts, e, t, l.opts.specialEasing[e] || l.opts.easing); return l.tweens.push(n), n }, stop: function (e) { var t = 0, n = e ? l.tweens.length : 0; if (a) return this; for (a = !0; t < n; t++)l.tweens[t].run(1); return e ? (s.notifyWith(o, [l, 1, 0]), s.resolveWith(o, [l, e])) : s.rejectWith(o, [l, e]), this } }), c = l.props; for (!function (e, t) { var n, r, i, o, a; for (n in e) if (i = t[r = X(n)], o = e[n], Array.isArray(o) && (i = o[1], o = e[n] = o[0]), n !== r && (e[r] = o, delete e[n]), (a = S.cssHooks[r]) && "expand" in a) for (n in o = a.expand(o), delete e[r], o) n in e || (e[n] = o[n], t[n] = i); else t[r] = i }(c, l.opts.specialEasing); r < i; r++)if (n = ft.prefilters[r].call(l, o, c, l.opts)) return m(n.stop) && (S._queueHooks(l.elem, l.opts.queue).stop = n.stop.bind(n)), n; return, ct, l), m(l.opts.start) &&, l), l.progress(l.opts.progress).done(l.opts.done, l.opts.complete).fail(, S.fx.timer(S.extend(u, { elem: o, anim: l, queue: l.opts.queue })), l } S.Animation = S.extend(ft, { tweeners: { "*": [function (e, t) { var n = this.createTween(e, t); return se(n.elem, e, te.exec(t), n), n }] }, tweener: function (e, t) { m(e) ? (t = e, e = ["*"]) : e = e.match(P); for (var n, r = 0, i = e.length; r < i; r++)n = e[r], ft.tweeners[n] = ft.tweeners[n] || [], ft.tweeners[n].unshift(t) }, prefilters: [function (e, t, n) { var r, i, o, a, s, u, l, c, f = "width" in t || "height" in t, p = this, d = {}, h =, g = e.nodeType && ae(e), y = Y.get(e, "fxshow"); for (r in n.queue || (null == (a = S._queueHooks(e, "fx")).unqueued && (a.unqueued = 0, s =, = function () { a.unqueued || s() }), a.unqueued++, p.always(function () { p.always(function () { a.unqueued--, S.queue(e, "fx").length || }) })), t) if (i = t[r], ot.test(i)) { if (delete t[r], o = o || "toggle" === i, i === (g ? "hide" : "show")) { if ("show" !== i || !y || void 0 === y[r]) continue; g = !0 } d[r] = y && y[r] ||, r) } if ((u = !S.isEmptyObject(t)) || !S.isEmptyObject(d)) for (r in f && 1 === e.nodeType && (n.overflow = [h.overflow, h.overflowX, h.overflowY], null == (l = y && y.display) && (l = Y.get(e, "display")), "none" === (c = S.css(e, "display")) && (l ? c = l : (le([e], !0), l = || l, c = S.css(e, "display"), le([e]))), ("inline" === c || "inline-block" === c && null != l) && "none" === S.css(e, "float") && (u || (p.done(function () { h.display = l }), null == l && (c = h.display, l = "none" === c ? "" : c)), h.display = "inline-block")), n.overflow && (h.overflow = "hidden", p.always(function () { h.overflow = n.overflow[0], h.overflowX = n.overflow[1], h.overflowY = n.overflow[2] })), u = !1, d) u || (y ? "hidden" in y && (g = y.hidden) : y = Y.access(e, "fxshow", { display: l }), o && (y.hidden = !g), g && le([e], !0), p.done(function () { for (r in g || le([e]), Y.remove(e, "fxshow"), d), r, d[r]) })), u = ct(g ? y[r] : 0, r, p), r in y || (y[r] = u.start, g && (u.end = u.start, u.start = 0)) }], prefilter: function (e, t) { t ? ft.prefilters.unshift(e) : ft.prefilters.push(e) } }), S.speed = function (e, t, n) { var r = e && "object" == typeof e ? S.extend({}, e) : { complete: n || !n && t || m(e) && e, duration: e, easing: n && t || t && !m(t) && t }; return ? r.duration = 0 : "number" != typeof r.duration && (r.duration in S.fx.speeds ? r.duration = S.fx.speeds[r.duration] : r.duration = S.fx.speeds._default), null != r.queue && !0 !== r.queue || (r.queue = "fx"), r.old = r.complete, r.complete = function () { m(r.old) &&, r.queue && S.dequeue(this, r.queue) }, r }, S.fn.extend({ fadeTo: function (e, t, n, r) { return this.filter(ae).css("opacity", 0).show().end().animate({ opacity: t }, e, n, r) }, animate: function (t, e, n, r) { var i = S.isEmptyObject(t), o = S.speed(e, n, r), a = function () { var e = ft(this, S.extend({}, t), o); (i || Y.get(this, "finish")) && e.stop(!0) }; return a.finish = a, i || !1 === o.queue ? this.each(a) : this.queue(o.queue, a) }, stop: function (i, e, o) { var a = function (e) { var t = e.stop; delete e.stop, t(o) }; return "string" != typeof i && (o = e, e = i, i = void 0), e && this.queue(i || "fx", []), this.each(function () { var e = !0, t = null != i && i + "queueHooks", n = S.timers, r = Y.get(this); if (t) r[t] && r[t].stop && a(r[t]); else for (t in r) r[t] && r[t].stop && at.test(t) && a(r[t]); for (t = n.length; t--;)n[t].elem !== this || null != i && n[t].queue !== i || (n[t].anim.stop(o), e = !1, n.splice(t, 1)); !e && o || S.dequeue(this, i) }) }, finish: function (a) { return !1 !== a && (a = a || "fx"), this.each(function () { var e, t = Y.get(this), n = t[a + "queue"], r = t[a + "queueHooks"], i = S.timers, o = n ? n.length : 0; for (t.finish = !0, S.queue(this, a, []), r && r.stop &&, !0), e = i.length; e--;)i[e].elem === this && i[e].queue === a && (i[e].anim.stop(!0), i.splice(e, 1)); for (e = 0; e < o; e++)n[e] && n[e].finish && n[e]; delete t.finish }) } }), S.each(["toggle", "show", "hide"], function (e, r) { var i = S.fn[r]; S.fn[r] = function (e, t, n) { return null == e || "boolean" == typeof e ? i.apply(this, arguments) : this.animate(lt(r, !0), e, t, n) } }), S.each({ slideDown: lt("show"), slideUp: lt("hide"), slideToggle: lt("toggle"), fadeIn: { opacity: "show" }, fadeOut: { opacity: "hide" }, fadeToggle: { opacity: "toggle" } }, function (e, r) { S.fn[e] = function (e, t, n) { return this.animate(r, e, t, n) } }), S.timers = [], S.fx.tick = function () { var e, t = 0, n = S.timers; for (tt =; t < n.length; t++)(e = n[t])() || n[t] !== e || n.splice(t--, 1); n.length || S.fx.stop(), tt = void 0 }, S.fx.timer = function (e) { S.timers.push(e), S.fx.start() }, S.fx.interval = 13, S.fx.start = function () { nt || (nt = !0, st()) }, S.fx.stop = function () { nt = null }, S.fx.speeds = { slow: 600, fast: 200, _default: 400 }, S.fn.delay = function (r, e) { return r = S.fx && S.fx.speeds[r] || r, e = e || "fx", this.queue(e, function (e, t) { var n = C.setTimeout(e, r); t.stop = function () { C.clearTimeout(n) } }) }, rt = E.createElement("input"), it = E.createElement("select").appendChild(E.createElement("option")), rt.type = "checkbox", v.checkOn = "" !== rt.value, v.optSelected = it.selected, (rt = E.createElement("input")).value = "t", rt.type = "radio", v.radioValue = "t" === rt.value; var pt, dt = S.expr.attrHandle; S.fn.extend({ attr: function (e, t) { return B(this, S.attr, e, t, 1 < arguments.length) }, removeAttr: function (e) { return this.each(function () { S.removeAttr(this, e) }) } }), S.extend({ attr: function (e, t, n) { var r, i, o = e.nodeType; if (3 !== o && 8 !== o && 2 !== o) return "undefined" == typeof e.getAttribute ? S.prop(e, t, n) : (1 === o && S.isXMLDoc(e) || (i = S.attrHooks[t.toLowerCase()] || (S.expr.match.bool.test(t) ? pt : void 0)), void 0 !== n ? null === n ? void S.removeAttr(e, t) : i && "set" in i && void 0 !== (r = i.set(e, n, t)) ? r : (e.setAttribute(t, n + ""), n) : i && "get" in i && null !== (r = i.get(e, t)) ? r : null == (r = S.find.attr(e, t)) ? void 0 : r) }, attrHooks: { type: { set: function (e, t) { if (!v.radioValue && "radio" === t && A(e, "input")) { var n = e.value; return e.setAttribute("type", t), n && (e.value = n), t } } } }, removeAttr: function (e, t) { var n, r = 0, i = t && t.match(P); if (i && 1 === e.nodeType) while (n = i[r++]) e.removeAttribute(n) } }), pt = { set: function (e, t, n) { return !1 === t ? S.removeAttr(e, n) : e.setAttribute(n, n), n } }, S.each(S.expr.match.bool.source.match(/\w+/g), function (e, t) { var a = dt[t] || S.find.attr; dt[t] = function (e, t, n) { var r, i, o = t.toLowerCase(); return n || (i = dt[o], dt[o] = r, r = null != a(e, t, n) ? o : null, dt[o] = i), r } }); var ht = /^(?:input|select|textarea|button)$/i, gt = /^(?:a|area)$/i; function yt(e) { return (e.match(P) || []).join(" ") } function vt(e) { return e.getAttribute && e.getAttribute("class") || "" } function mt(e) { return Array.isArray(e) ? e : "string" == typeof e && e.match(P) || [] } S.fn.extend({ prop: function (e, t) { return B(this, S.prop, e, t, 1 < arguments.length) }, removeProp: function (e) { return this.each(function () { delete this[S.propFix[e] || e] }) } }), S.extend({ prop: function (e, t, n) { var r, i, o = e.nodeType; if (3 !== o && 8 !== o && 2 !== o) return 1 === o && S.isXMLDoc(e) || (t = S.propFix[t] || t, i = S.propHooks[t]), void 0 !== n ? i && "set" in i && void 0 !== (r = i.set(e, n, t)) ? r : e[t] = n : i && "get" in i && null !== (r = i.get(e, t)) ? r : e[t] }, propHooks: { tabIndex: { get: function (e) { var t = S.find.attr(e, "tabindex"); return t ? parseInt(t, 10) : ht.test(e.nodeName) || gt.test(e.nodeName) && e.href ? 0 : -1 } } }, propFix: { "for": "htmlFor", "class": "className" } }), v.optSelected || (S.propHooks.selected = { get: function (e) { var t = e.parentNode; return t && t.parentNode && t.parentNode.selectedIndex, null }, set: function (e) { var t = e.parentNode; t && (t.selectedIndex, t.parentNode && t.parentNode.selectedIndex) } }), S.each(["tabIndex", "readOnly", "maxLength", "cellSpacing", "cellPadding", "rowSpan", "colSpan", "useMap", "frameBorder", "contentEditable"], function () { S.propFix[this.toLowerCase()] = this }), S.fn.extend({ addClass: function (t) { var e, n, r, i, o, a; return m(t) ? this.each(function (e) { S(this).addClass(, e, vt(this))) }) : (e = mt(t)).length ? this.each(function () { if (r = vt(this), n = 1 === this.nodeType && " " + yt(r) + " ") { for (o = 0; o < e.length; o++)i = e[o], n.indexOf(" " + i + " ") < 0 && (n += i + " "); a = yt(n), r !== a && this.setAttribute("class", a) } }) : this }, removeClass: function (t) { var e, n, r, i, o, a; return m(t) ? this.each(function (e) { S(this).removeClass(, e, vt(this))) }) : arguments.length ? (e = mt(t)).length ? this.each(function () { if (r = vt(this), n = 1 === this.nodeType && " " + yt(r) + " ") { for (o = 0; o < e.length; o++) { i = e[o]; while (-1 < n.indexOf(" " + i + " ")) n = n.replace(" " + i + " ", " ") } a = yt(n), r !== a && this.setAttribute("class", a) } }) : this : this.attr("class", "") }, toggleClass: function (t, n) { var e, r, i, o, a = typeof t, s = "string" === a || Array.isArray(t); return m(t) ? this.each(function (e) { S(this).toggleClass(, e, vt(this), n), n) }) : "boolean" == typeof n && s ? n ? this.addClass(t) : this.removeClass(t) : (e = mt(t), this.each(function () { if (s) for (o = S(this), i = 0; i < e.length; i++)r = e[i], o.hasClass(r) ? o.removeClass(r) : o.addClass(r); else void 0 !== t && "boolean" !== a || ((r = vt(this)) && Y.set(this, "__className__", r), this.setAttribute && this.setAttribute("class", r || !1 === t ? "" : Y.get(this, "__className__") || "")) })) }, hasClass: function (e) { var t, n, r = 0; t = " " + e + " "; while (n = this[r++]) if (1 === n.nodeType && -1 < (" " + yt(vt(n)) + " ").indexOf(t)) return !0; return !1 } }); var xt = /\r/g; S.fn.extend({ val: function (n) { var r, e, i, t = this[0]; return arguments.length ? (i = m(n), this.each(function (e) { var t; 1 === this.nodeType && (null == (t = i ?, e, S(this).val()) : n) ? t = "" : "number" == typeof t ? t += "" : Array.isArray(t) && (t =, function (e) { return null == e ? "" : e + "" })), (r = S.valHooks[this.type] || S.valHooks[this.nodeName.toLowerCase()]) && "set" in r && void 0 !== r.set(this, t, "value") || (this.value = t)) })) : t ? (r = S.valHooks[t.type] || S.valHooks[t.nodeName.toLowerCase()]) && "get" in r && void 0 !== (e = r.get(t, "value")) ? e : "string" == typeof (e = t.value) ? e.replace(xt, "") : null == e ? "" : e : void 0 } }), S.extend({ valHooks: { option: { get: function (e) { var t = S.find.attr(e, "value"); return null != t ? t : yt(S.text(e)) } }, select: { get: function (e) { var t, n, r, i = e.options, o = e.selectedIndex, a = "select-one" === e.type, s = a ? null : [], u = a ? o + 1 : i.length; for (r = o < 0 ? u : a ? o : 0; r < u; r++)if (((n = i[r]).selected || r === o) && !n.disabled && (!n.parentNode.disabled || !A(n.parentNode, "optgroup"))) { if (t = S(n).val(), a) return t; s.push(t) } return s }, set: function (e, t) { var n, r, i = e.options, o = S.makeArray(t), a = i.length; while (a--) ((r = i[a]).selected = -1 < S.inArray(S.valHooks.option.get(r), o)) && (n = !0); return n || (e.selectedIndex = -1), o } } } }), S.each(["radio", "checkbox"], function () { S.valHooks[this] = { set: function (e, t) { if (Array.isArray(t)) return e.checked = -1 < S.inArray(S(e).val(), t) } }, v.checkOn || (S.valHooks[this].get = function (e) { return null === e.getAttribute("value") ? "on" : e.value }) }), v.focusin = "onfocusin" in C; var bt = /^(?:focusinfocus|focusoutblur)$/, wt = function (e) { e.stopPropagation() }; S.extend(S.event, { trigger: function (e, t, n, r) { var i, o, a, s, u, l, c, f, p = [n || E], d =, "type") ? e.type : e, h =, "namespace") ? e.namespace.split(".") : []; if (o = f = a = n = n || E, 3 !== n.nodeType && 8 !== n.nodeType && !bt.test(d + S.event.triggered) && (-1 < d.indexOf(".") && (d = (h = d.split(".")).shift(), h.sort()), u = d.indexOf(":") < 0 && "on" + d, (e = e[S.expando] ? e : new S.Event(d, "object" == typeof e && e)).isTrigger = r ? 2 : 3, e.namespace = h.join("."), e.rnamespace = e.namespace ? new RegExp("(^|\\.)" + h.join("\\.(?:.*\\.|)") + "(\\.|$)") : null, e.result = void 0, || ( = n), t = null == t ? [e] : S.makeArray(t, [e]), c = S.event.special[d] || {}, r || !c.trigger || !1 !== c.trigger.apply(n, t))) { if (!r && !c.noBubble && !x(n)) { for (s = c.delegateType || d, bt.test(s + d) || (o = o.parentNode); o; o = o.parentNode)p.push(o), a = o; a === (n.ownerDocument || E) && p.push(a.defaultView || a.parentWindow || C) } i = 0; while ((o = p[i++]) && !e.isPropagationStopped()) f = o, e.type = 1 < i ? s : c.bindType || d, (l = (Y.get(o, "events") || Object.create(null))[e.type] && Y.get(o, "handle")) && l.apply(o, t), (l = u && o[u]) && l.apply && V(o) && (e.result = l.apply(o, t), !1 === e.result && e.preventDefault()); return e.type = d, r || e.isDefaultPrevented() || c._default && !1 !== c._default.apply(p.pop(), t) || !V(n) || u && m(n[d]) && !x(n) && ((a = n[u]) && (n[u] = null), S.event.triggered = d, e.isPropagationStopped() && f.addEventListener(d, wt), n[d](), e.isPropagationStopped() && f.removeEventListener(d, wt), S.event.triggered = void 0, a && (n[u] = a)), e.result } }, simulate: function (e, t, n) { var r = S.extend(new S.Event, n, { type: e, isSimulated: !0 }); S.event.trigger(r, null, t) } }), S.fn.extend({ trigger: function (e, t) { return this.each(function () { S.event.trigger(e, t, this) }) }, triggerHandler: function (e, t) { var n = this[0]; if (n) return S.event.trigger(e, t, n, !0) } }), v.focusin || S.each({ focus: "focusin", blur: "focusout" }, function (n, r) { var i = function (e) { S.event.simulate(r,, S.event.fix(e)) }; S.event.special[r] = { setup: function () { var e = this.ownerDocument || this.document || this, t = Y.access(e, r); t || e.addEventListener(n, i, !0), Y.access(e, r, (t || 0) + 1) }, teardown: function () { var e = this.ownerDocument || this.document || this, t = Y.access(e, r) - 1; t ? Y.access(e, r, t) : (e.removeEventListener(n, i, !0), Y.remove(e, r)) } } }); var Tt = C.location, Ct = { guid: }, Et = /\?/; S.parseXML = function (e) { var t, n; if (!e || "string" != typeof e) return null; try { t = (new C.DOMParser).parseFromString(e, "text/xml") } catch (e) { } return n = t && t.getElementsByTagName("parsererror")[0], t && !n || S.error("Invalid XML: " + (n ?, function (e) { return e.textContent }).join("\n") : e)), t }; var St = /\[\]$/, kt = /\r?\n/g, At = /^(?:submit|button|image|reset|file)$/i, Nt = /^(?:input|select|textarea|keygen)/i; function jt(n, e, r, i) { var t; if (Array.isArray(e)) S.each(e, function (e, t) { r || St.test(n) ? i(n, t) : jt(n + "[" + ("object" == typeof t && null != t ? e : "") + "]", t, r, i) }); else if (r || "object" !== w(e)) i(n, e); else for (t in e) jt(n + "[" + t + "]", e[t], r, i) } S.param = function (e, t) { var n, r = [], i = function (e, t) { var n = m(t) ? t() : t; r[r.length] = encodeURIComponent(e) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(null == n ? "" : n) }; if (null == e) return ""; if (Array.isArray(e) || e.jquery && !S.isPlainObject(e)) S.each(e, function () { i(, this.value) }); else for (n in e) jt(n, e[n], t, i); return r.join("&") }, S.fn.extend({ serialize: function () { return S.param(this.serializeArray()) }, serializeArray: function () { return () { var e = S.prop(this, "elements"); return e ? S.makeArray(e) : this }).filter(function () { var e = this.type; return && !S(this).is(":disabled") && Nt.test(this.nodeName) && !At.test(e) && (this.checked || !pe.test(e)) }).map(function (e, t) { var n = S(this).val(); return null == n ? null : Array.isArray(n) ?, function (e) { return { name:, value: e.replace(kt, "\r\n") } }) : { name:, value: n.replace(kt, "\r\n") } }).get() } }); var Dt = /%20/g, qt = /#.*$/, Lt = /([?&])_=[^&]*/, Ht = /^(.*?):[ \t]*([^\r\n]*)$/gm, Ot = /^(?:GET|HEAD)$/, Pt = /^\/\//, Rt = {}, Mt = {}, It = "*/".concat("*"), Wt = E.createElement("a"); function Ft(o) { return function (e, t) { "string" != typeof e && (t = e, e = "*"); var n, r = 0, i = e.toLowerCase().match(P) || []; if (m(t)) while (n = i[r++]) "+" === n[0] ? (n = n.slice(1) || "*", (o[n] = o[n] || []).unshift(t)) : (o[n] = o[n] || []).push(t) } } function $t(t, i, o, a) { var s = {}, u = t === Mt; function l(e) { var r; return s[e] = !0, S.each(t[e] || [], function (e, t) { var n = t(i, o, a); return "string" != typeof n || u || s[n] ? u ? !(r = n) : void 0 : (i.dataTypes.unshift(n), l(n), !1) }), r } return l(i.dataTypes[0]) || !s["*"] && l("*") } function Bt(e, t) { var n, r, i = S.ajaxSettings.flatOptions || {}; for (n in t) void 0 !== t[n] && ((i[n] ? e : r || (r = {}))[n] = t[n]); return r && S.extend(!0, e, r), e } Wt.href = Tt.href, S.extend({ active: 0, lastModified: {}, etag: {}, ajaxSettings: { url: Tt.href, type: "GET", isLocal: /^(?:about|app|app-storage|.+-extension|file|res|widget):$/.test(Tt.protocol), global: !0, processData: !0, async: !0, contentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8", accepts: { "*": It, text: "text/plain", html: "text/html", xml: "application/xml, text/xml", json: "application/json, text/javascript" }, contents: { xml: /\bxml\b/, html: /\bhtml/, json: /\bjson\b/ }, responseFields: { xml: "responseXML", text: "responseText", json: "responseJSON" }, converters: { "* text": String, "text html": !0, "text json": JSON.parse, "text xml": S.parseXML }, flatOptions: { url: !0, context: !0 } }, ajaxSetup: function (e, t) { return t ? Bt(Bt(e, S.ajaxSettings), t) : Bt(S.ajaxSettings, e) }, ajaxPrefilter: Ft(Rt), ajaxTransport: Ft(Mt), ajax: function (e, t) { "object" == typeof e && (t = e, e = void 0), t = t || {}; var c, f, p, n, d, r, h, g, i, o, y = S.ajaxSetup({}, t), v = y.context || y, m = y.context && (v.nodeType || v.jquery) ? S(v) : S.event, x = S.Deferred(), b = S.Callbacks("once memory"), w = y.statusCode || {}, a = {}, s = {}, u = "canceled", T = { readyState: 0, getResponseHeader: function (e) { var t; if (h) { if (!n) { n = {}; while (t = Ht.exec(p)) n[t[1].toLowerCase() + " "] = (n[t[1].toLowerCase() + " "] || []).concat(t[2]) } t = n[e.toLowerCase() + " "] } return null == t ? null : t.join(", ") }, getAllResponseHeaders: function () { return h ? p : null }, setRequestHeader: function (e, t) { return null == h && (e = s[e.toLowerCase()] = s[e.toLowerCase()] || e, a[e] = t), this }, overrideMimeType: function (e) { return null == h && (y.mimeType = e), this }, statusCode: function (e) { var t; if (e) if (h) T.always(e[T.status]); else for (t in e) w[t] = [w[t], e[t]]; return this }, abort: function (e) { var t = e || u; return c && c.abort(t), l(0, t), this } }; if (x.promise(T), y.url = ((e || y.url || Tt.href) + "").replace(Pt, Tt.protocol + "//"), y.type = t.method || t.type || y.method || y.type, y.dataTypes = (y.dataType || "*").toLowerCase().match(P) || [""], null == y.crossDomain) { r = E.createElement("a"); try { r.href = y.url, r.href = r.href, y.crossDomain = Wt.protocol + "//" + != r.protocol + "//" + } catch (e) { y.crossDomain = !0 } } if ( && y.processData && "string" != typeof && ( = S.param(, y.traditional)), $t(Rt, y, t, T), h) return T; for (i in (g = S.event && && 0 == && S.event.trigger("ajaxStart"), y.type = y.type.toUpperCase(), y.hasContent = !Ot.test(y.type), f = y.url.replace(qt, ""), y.hasContent ? && y.processData && 0 === (y.contentType || "").indexOf("application/x-www-form-urlencoded") && ( =, "+")) : (o = y.url.slice(f.length), && (y.processData || "string" == typeof && (f += (Et.test(f) ? "&" : "?") +, delete, !1 === y.cache && (f = f.replace(Lt, "$1"), o = (Et.test(f) ? "&" : "?") + "_=" + Ct.guid++ + o), y.url = f + o), y.ifModified && (S.lastModified[f] && T.setRequestHeader("If-Modified-Since", S.lastModified[f]), S.etag[f] && T.setRequestHeader("If-None-Match", S.etag[f])), ( && y.hasContent && !1 !== y.contentType || t.contentType) && T.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", y.contentType), T.setRequestHeader("Accept", y.dataTypes[0] && y.accepts[y.dataTypes[0]] ? y.accepts[y.dataTypes[0]] + ("*" !== y.dataTypes[0] ? ", " + It + "; q=0.01" : "") : y.accepts["*"]), y.headers) T.setRequestHeader(i, y.headers[i]); if (y.beforeSend && (!1 ===, T, y) || h)) return T.abort(); if (u = "abort", b.add(y.complete), T.done(y.success),, c = $t(Mt, y, t, T)) { if (T.readyState = 1, g && m.trigger("ajaxSend", [T, y]), h) return T; y.async && 0 < y.timeout && (d = C.setTimeout(function () { T.abort("timeout") }, y.timeout)); try { h = !1, c.send(a, l) } catch (e) { if (h) throw e; l(-1, e) } } else l(-1, "No Transport"); function l(e, t, n, r) { var i, o, a, s, u, l = t; h || (h = !0, d && C.clearTimeout(d), c = void 0, p = r || "", T.readyState = 0 < e ? 4 : 0, i = 200 <= e && e < 300 || 304 === e, n && (s = function (e, t, n) { var r, i, o, a, s = e.contents, u = e.dataTypes; while ("*" === u[0]) u.shift(), void 0 === r && (r = e.mimeType || t.getResponseHeader("Content-Type")); if (r) for (i in s) if (s[i] && s[i].test(r)) { u.unshift(i); break } if (u[0] in n) o = u[0]; else { for (i in n) { if (!u[0] || e.converters[i + " " + u[0]]) { o = i; break } a || (a = i) } o = o || a } if (o) return o !== u[0] && u.unshift(o), n[o] }(y, T, n)), !i && -1 < S.inArray("script", y.dataTypes) && S.inArray("json", y.dataTypes) < 0 && (y.converters["text script"] = function () { }), s = function (e, t, n, r) { var i, o, a, s, u, l = {}, c = e.dataTypes.slice(); if (c[1]) for (a in e.converters) l[a.toLowerCase()] = e.converters[a]; o = c.shift(); while (o) if (e.responseFields[o] && (n[e.responseFields[o]] = t), !u && r && e.dataFilter && (t = e.dataFilter(t, e.dataType)), u = o, o = c.shift()) if ("*" === o) o = u; else if ("*" !== u && u !== o) { if (!(a = l[u + " " + o] || l["* " + o])) for (i in l) if ((s = i.split(" "))[1] === o && (a = l[u + " " + s[0]] || l["* " + s[0]])) { !0 === a ? a = l[i] : !0 !== l[i] && (o = s[0], c.unshift(s[1])); break } if (!0 !== a) if (a && e["throws"]) t = a(t); else try { t = a(t) } catch (e) { return { state: "parsererror", error: a ? e : "No conversion from " + u + " to " + o } } } return { state: "success", data: t } }(y, s, T, i), i ? (y.ifModified && ((u = T.getResponseHeader("Last-Modified")) && (S.lastModified[f] = u), (u = T.getResponseHeader("etag")) && (S.etag[f] = u)), 204 === e || "HEAD" === y.type ? l = "nocontent" : 304 === e ? l = "notmodified" : (l = s.state, o =, i = !(a = s.error))) : (a = l, !e && l || (l = "error", e < 0 && (e = 0))), T.status = e, T.statusText = (t || l) + "", i ? x.resolveWith(v, [o, l, T]) : x.rejectWith(v, [T, l, a]), T.statusCode(w), w = void 0, g && m.trigger(i ? "ajaxSuccess" : "ajaxError", [T, y, i ? o : a]), b.fireWith(v, [T, l]), g && (m.trigger("ajaxComplete", [T, y]), || S.event.trigger("ajaxStop"))) } return T }, getJSON: function (e, t, n) { return S.get(e, t, n, "json") }, getScript: function (e, t) { return S.get(e, void 0, t, "script") } }), S.each(["get", "post"], function (e, i) { S[i] = function (e, t, n, r) { return m(t) && (r = r || n, n = t, t = void 0), S.ajax(S.extend({ url: e, type: i, dataType: r, data: t, success: n }, S.isPlainObject(e) && e)) } }), S.ajaxPrefilter(function (e) { var t; for (t in e.headers) "content-type" === t.toLowerCase() && (e.contentType = e.headers[t] || "") }), S._evalUrl = function (e, t, n) { return S.ajax({ url: e, type: "GET", dataType: "script", cache: !0, async: !1, global: !1, converters: { "text script": function () { } }, dataFilter: function (e) { S.globalEval(e, t, n) } }) }, S.fn.extend({ wrapAll: function (e) { var t; return this[0] && (m(e) && (e =[0])), t = S(e, this[0].ownerDocument).eq(0).clone(!0), this[0].parentNode && t.insertBefore(this[0]), () { var e = this; while (e.firstElementChild) e = e.firstElementChild; return e }).append(this)), this }, wrapInner: function (n) { return m(n) ? this.each(function (e) { S(this).wrapInner(, e)) }) : this.each(function () { var e = S(this), t = e.contents(); t.length ? t.wrapAll(n) : e.append(n) }) }, wrap: function (t) { var n = m(t); return this.each(function (e) { S(this).wrapAll(n ?, e) : t) }) }, unwrap: function (e) { return this.parent(e).not("body").each(function () { S(this).replaceWith(this.childNodes) }), this } }), S.expr.pseudos.hidden = function (e) { return !S.expr.pseudos.visible(e) }, S.expr.pseudos.visible = function (e) { return !!(e.offsetWidth || e.offsetHeight || e.getClientRects().length) }, S.ajaxSettings.xhr = function () { try { return new C.XMLHttpRequest } catch (e) { } }; var _t = { 0: 200, 1223: 204 }, zt = S.ajaxSettings.xhr(); v.cors = !!zt && "withCredentials" in zt, v.ajax = zt = !!zt, S.ajaxTransport(function (i) { var o, a; if (v.cors || zt && !i.crossDomain) return { send: function (e, t) { var n, r = i.xhr(); if (, i.url, i.async, i.username, i.password), i.xhrFields) for (n in i.xhrFields) r[n] = i.xhrFields[n]; for (n in i.mimeType && r.overrideMimeType && r.overrideMimeType(i.mimeType), i.crossDomain || e["X-Requested-With"] || (e["X-Requested-With"] = "XMLHttpRequest"), e) r.setRequestHeader(n, e[n]); o = function (e) { return function () { o && (o = a = r.onload = r.onerror = r.onabort = r.ontimeout = r.onreadystatechange = null, "abort" === e ? r.abort() : "error" === e ? "number" != typeof r.status ? t(0, "error") : t(r.status, r.statusText) : t(_t[r.status] || r.status, r.statusText, "text" !== (r.responseType || "text") || "string" != typeof r.responseText ? { binary: r.response } : { text: r.responseText }, r.getAllResponseHeaders())) } }, r.onload = o(), a = r.onerror = r.ontimeout = o("error"), void 0 !== r.onabort ? r.onabort = a : r.onreadystatechange = function () { 4 === r.readyState && C.setTimeout(function () { o && a() }) }, o = o("abort"); try { r.send(i.hasContent && || null) } catch (e) { if (o) throw e } }, abort: function () { o && o() } } }), S.ajaxPrefilter(function (e) { e.crossDomain && (e.contents.script = !1) }), S.ajaxSetup({ accepts: { script: "text/javascript, application/javascript, application/ecmascript, application/x-ecmascript" }, contents: { script: /\b(?:java|ecma)script\b/ }, converters: { "text script": function (e) { return S.globalEval(e), e } } }), S.ajaxPrefilter("script", function (e) { void 0 === e.cache && (e.cache = !1), e.crossDomain && (e.type = "GET") }), S.ajaxTransport("script", function (n) { var r, i; if (n.crossDomain || n.scriptAttrs) return { send: function (e, t) { r = S("<script>").attr(n.scriptAttrs || {}).prop({ charset: n.scriptCharset, src: n.url }).on("load error", i = function (e) { r.remove(), i = null, e && t("error" === e.type ? 404 : 200, e.type) }), E.head.appendChild(r[0]) }, abort: function () { i && i() } } }); var Ut, Xt = [], Vt = /(=)\?(?=&|$)|\?\?/; S.ajaxSetup({ jsonp: "callback", jsonpCallback: function () { var e = Xt.pop() || S.expando + "_" + Ct.guid++; return this[e] = !0, e } }), S.ajaxPrefilter("json jsonp", function (e, t, n) { var r, i, o, a = !1 !== e.jsonp && (Vt.test(e.url) ? "url" : "string" == typeof && 0 === (e.contentType || "").indexOf("application/x-www-form-urlencoded") && Vt.test( && "data"); if (a || "jsonp" === e.dataTypes[0]) return r = e.jsonpCallback = m(e.jsonpCallback) ? e.jsonpCallback() : e.jsonpCallback, a ? e[a] = e[a].replace(Vt, "$1" + r) : !1 !== e.jsonp && (e.url += (Et.test(e.url) ? "&" : "?") + e.jsonp + "=" + r), e.converters["script json"] = function () { return o || S.error(r + " was not called"), o[0] }, e.dataTypes[0] = "json", i = C[r], C[r] = function () { o = arguments }, n.always(function () { void 0 === i ? S(C).removeProp(r) : C[r] = i, e[r] && (e.jsonpCallback = t.jsonpCallback, Xt.push(r)), o && m(i) && i(o[0]), o = i = void 0 }), "script" }), v.createHTMLDocument = ((Ut = E.implementation.createHTMLDocument("").body).innerHTML = "<form></form><form></form>", 2 === Ut.childNodes.length), S.parseHTML = function (e, t, n) { return "string" != typeof e ? [] : ("boolean" == typeof t && (n = t, t = !1), t || (v.createHTMLDocument ? ((r = (t = E.implementation.createHTMLDocument("")).createElement("base")).href = E.location.href, t.head.appendChild(r)) : t = E), o = !n && [], (i = N.exec(e)) ? [t.createElement(i[1])] : (i = xe([e], t, o), o && o.length && S(o).remove(), S.merge([], i.childNodes))); var r, i, o }, S.fn.load = function (e, t, n) { var r, i, o, a = this, s = e.indexOf(" "); return -1 < s && (r = yt(e.slice(s)), e = e.slice(0, s)), m(t) ? (n = t, t = void 0) : t && "object" == typeof t && (i = "POST"), 0 < a.length && S.ajax({ url: e, type: i || "GET", dataType: "html", data: t }).done(function (e) { o = arguments, a.html(r ? S("<div>").append(S.parseHTML(e)).find(r) : e) }).always(n && function (e, t) { a.each(function () { n.apply(this, o || [e.responseText, t, e]) }) }), this }, S.expr.pseudos.animated = function (t) { return S.grep(S.timers, function (e) { return t === e.elem }).length }, S.offset = { setOffset: function (e, t, n) { var r, i, o, a, s, u, l = S.css(e, "position"), c = S(e), f = {}; "static" === l && ( = "relative"), s = c.offset(), o = S.css(e, "top"), u = S.css(e, "left"), ("absolute" === l || "fixed" === l) && -1 < (o + u).indexOf("auto") ? (a = (r = c.position()).top, i = r.left) : (a = parseFloat(o) || 0, i = parseFloat(u) || 0), m(t) && (t =, n, S.extend({}, s))), null != && ( = - + a), null != t.left && (f.left = t.left - s.left + i), "using" in t ?, f) : c.css(f) } }, S.fn.extend({ offset: function (t) { if (arguments.length) return void 0 === t ? this : this.each(function (e) { S.offset.setOffset(this, t, e) }); var e, n, r = this[0]; return r ? r.getClientRects().length ? (e = r.getBoundingClientRect(), n = r.ownerDocument.defaultView, { top: + n.pageYOffset, left: e.left + n.pageXOffset }) : { top: 0, left: 0 } : void 0 }, position: function () { if (this[0]) { var e, t, n, r = this[0], i = { top: 0, left: 0 }; if ("fixed" === S.css(r, "position")) t = r.getBoundingClientRect(); else { t = this.offset(), n = r.ownerDocument, e = r.offsetParent || n.documentElement; while (e && (e === n.body || e === n.documentElement) && "static" === S.css(e, "position")) e = e.parentNode; e && e !== r && 1 === e.nodeType && ((i = S(e).offset()).top += S.css(e, "borderTopWidth", !0), i.left += S.css(e, "borderLeftWidth", !0)) } return { top: - - S.css(r, "marginTop", !0), left: t.left - i.left - S.css(r, "marginLeft", !0) } } }, offsetParent: function () { return () { var e = this.offsetParent; while (e && "static" === S.css(e, "position")) e = e.offsetParent; return e || re }) } }), S.each({ scrollLeft: "pageXOffset", scrollTop: "pageYOffset" }, function (t, i) { var o = "pageYOffset" === i; S.fn[t] = function (e) { return B(this, function (e, t, n) { var r; if (x(e) ? r = e : 9 === e.nodeType && (r = e.defaultView), void 0 === n) return r ? r[i] : e[t]; r ? r.scrollTo(o ? r.pageXOffset : n, o ? n : r.pageYOffset) : e[t] = n }, t, e, arguments.length) } }), S.each(["top", "left"], function (e, n) { S.cssHooks[n] = _e(v.pixelPosition, function (e, t) { if (t) return t = Be(e, n), Pe.test(t) ? S(e).position()[n] + "px" : t }) }), S.each({ Height: "height", Width: "width" }, function (a, s) { S.each({ padding: "inner" + a, content: s, "": "outer" + a }, function (r, o) { S.fn[o] = function (e, t) { var n = arguments.length && (r || "boolean" != typeof e), i = r || (!0 === e || !0 === t ? "margin" : "border"); return B(this, function (e, t, n) { var r; return x(e) ? 0 === o.indexOf("outer") ? e["inner" + a] : e.document.documentElement["client" + a] : 9 === e.nodeType ? (r = e.documentElement, Math.max(e.body["scroll" + a], r["scroll" + a], e.body["offset" + a], r["offset" + a], r["client" + a])) : void 0 === n ? S.css(e, t, i) :, t, n, i) }, s, n ? e : void 0, n) } }) }), S.each(["ajaxStart", "ajaxStop", "ajaxComplete", "ajaxError", "ajaxSuccess", "ajaxSend"], function (e, t) { S.fn[t] = function (e) { return this.on(t, e) } }), S.fn.extend({ bind: function (e, t, n) { return this.on(e, null, t, n) }, unbind: function (e, t) { return, null, t) }, delegate: function (e, t, n, r) { return this.on(t, e, n, r) }, undelegate: function (e, t, n) { return 1 === arguments.length ?, "**") :, e || "**", n) }, hover: function (e, t) { return this.mouseenter(e).mouseleave(t || e) } }), S.each("blur focus focusin focusout resize scroll click dblclick mousedown mouseup mousemove mouseover mouseout mouseenter mouseleave change select submit keydown keypress keyup contextmenu".split(" "), function (e, n) { S.fn[n] = function (e, t) { return 0 < arguments.length ? this.on(n, null, e, t) : this.trigger(n) } }); var Gt = /^[\s\uFEFF\xA0]+|([^\s\uFEFF\xA0])[\s\uFEFF\xA0]+$/g; S.proxy = function (e, t) { var n, r, i; if ("string" == typeof t && (n = e[t], t = e, e = n), m(e)) return r =, 2), (i = function () { return e.apply(t || this, r.concat( }).guid = e.guid = e.guid || S.guid++, i }, S.holdReady = function (e) { e ? S.readyWait++ : S.ready(!0) }, S.isArray = Array.isArray, S.parseJSON = JSON.parse, S.nodeName = A, S.isFunction = m, S.isWindow = x, S.camelCase = X, S.type = w, =, S.isNumeric = function (e) { var t = S.type(e); return ("number" === t || "string" === t) && !isNaN(e - parseFloat(e)) }, S.trim = function (e) { return null == e ? "" : (e + "").replace(Gt, "$1") }, "function" == typeof define && define.amd && define("jquery", [], function () { return S }); var Yt = C.jQuery, Qt = C.$; return S.noConflict = function (e) { return C.$ === S && (C.$ = Qt), e && C.jQuery === S && (C.jQuery = Yt), S }, "undefined" == typeof e && (C.jQuery = C.$ = S), S });</script> <meta property="og:title" content="Arte e Monumenti" /><meta property="og:url" content="/pagine/2/Arte-e-Monumenti" /><meta property="og:image" /><meta property="og:image:secure" /></head> <body> <form method="post" action="/pagine/2/Arte-e-Monumenti" id="form1"> <div class="aspNetHidden"> <input type="hidden" name="__VIEWSTATE" id="__VIEWSTATE" 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src="/cgi-bin/pagine/02.jpg" style="border-style:solid; border-width:1px; float:right; height:154px; margin:10px; width:250px" />L&rsquo;assetto topografico di Scarnafigi relativo a quel periodo non &egrave; difficile da ricostruire, infatti il fossato lungo il perimetro delle mura si spiegava nei pressi delle attuali sedi stradali di Piazza Vittorio Emanuele,Corso Carlo Alberto, Vicolo Corba, Via Umberto I, Via Ponte e Via Seyssel d&rsquo;Aix; i ponti levatoi di accesso al borgo erano tre: verso Piazza Vittorio Emanuele, verso Piazzetta Nuova e verso Via Monasterolo.<br /> Parecchi tratti delle mura di fortificazione sono ancora ben visibili.<br /> Risale probabilmente attorno al &ldquo;<strong>Mille</strong>&rdquo; come palazzo fortificato, gotico e di modeste proporzioni,che rinchiudeva al suo interno il prioritario benedettino delle <strong>monache di San Pietro di Torino</strong>.<br /> Il Castello, nel <strong>1641</strong>, per iniziativa del <strong>marchese Alessandro De Ponte</strong>, cambiava volto e veniva ampliato alle forme e dimensioni attuali, anche se l&rsquo;intervento non pot&egrave; essere completato se non nella facciata sud a ridosso del cortiletto interno.<br /> La facciata nord e quella a ponente appaiono invece ancora grezze.</span></p> <p style="text-align:justify"><br /> <span style="font-size:22px"><span style="color:#FF8C00"><strong>La Parrocchiale Maria Vergine Assunta</strong></span><br /> <img alt="La Parrocchiale Maria Vergine Assunta" src="/cgi-bin/pagine/03.jpg" style="border-style:solid; border-width:1px; float:left; height:188px; margin:10px; width:250px" />Sorge nel luogo dell&rsquo;antica cappella di Santa Maria ed attualmente si presenta con <strong>facciata di fine &lsquo;700</strong>, interno con tre ampie navate, a sinistra la <strong>cappella del S.Sudario</strong> e a destra la <strong>cappella invernale</strong> collegata alla torre campanaria ed alla sacrestia.<br /> Fino alla seconda met&agrave; del 1500 era costituita da un vano unico, la facciata arrivava all&rsquo;altezza degli archi che attualmente aprono alle navate laterali ed il tetto lasciava vedere i coppi; al posto dell&rsquo;attuale cappella del S.Sudario, fu costruita la <strong>cappella del S.S. Sacramento</strong> e dalla parte opposta la <strong>cappella dedicata a S.Michele</strong>; il primo grande intervento venne compiuto nel <strong>1622-23</strong> con l&rsquo;allargamento da una a tre navate e un rialzo di due metri, venne realizzata la cappella del S.Sudario e si arriv&ograve; con successivi interventi alla struttura attuale.<br /> <strong>Nel 1753 il sacerdote Conti donava a Scarnafigi le reliquie dei martiri patroni Casto, Clara, Onorato e Verecondo</strong>.<br /> Il campanile, in stile gotico romanico, &egrave; stato anch&rsquo;esso costruito in sezioni ed epoche diverse; l&rsquo;ultimo prolungamento della torre, quello con le bifore sui quattro lati e oggi sede delle campane, venne effettuato tra il <strong>1899 </strong>e il <strong>1901</strong>.</span></p> <p style="text-align:justify"><span style="font-size:22px"><span style="color:#FF8C00"><strong>La Cappella del Santo Sudario &nbsp; &nbsp; </strong></span><strong>&nbsp;</strong><a href="/cgi-bin/pagine/201641134315.pdf">/guida_Santo_Sudario.pdf</a></span></p> <p style="text-align:justify"><br /> <span style="font-size:22px"><span style="color:#FF8C00"><strong>La cappella della Santissima Trinit&agrave;</strong></span><br /> <img alt="La cappella della Santissima Trinit脿" src="/cgi-bin/pagine/04.jpg" style="border-style:solid; border-width:1px; float:right; height:188px; margin:10px; width:250px" />E&rsquo; il monumento sacro pi&ugrave; antico sul territorio di Scarnafigi, ubicata in mezzo ai campi e collegata da un tracciato campestre alla strada per <strong>Cervignasco</strong>. Esiste fin dall&rsquo;inizio del <strong>1200 </strong>e appartenne per molti secoli alla <strong>Commenda dei Cavalieri di Malta</strong>, la sua fondazione potrebbe per&ograve; attribuirsi ai Templari.<br /> Nel <strong>1798 </strong>la chiesa fu acquistata dalla <strong>famiglia Botto</strong> che la utilizz&ograve;&nbsp;come deposito dei foraggi e durante le varie guerre fu sede e ricovero di soldati che la ridussero in pessimo stato. Fu recuperata con preziosi interventi nel <strong>1967 </strong>e nel <strong>1981</strong>.</span></p> <p style="text-align:justify"><span style="font-size:22px"><a href="/cgi-bin/pagine/20164113184.pdf">/guida_Santissima_Trinit&agrave;.pdf</a></span></p> <p style="text-align:justify"><br /> <span style="font-size:22px"><span style="color:#FF8C00"><strong>La Confraternita Santa Croce</strong></span><br /> <img alt="La Confraternita Santa Croce" src="/cgi-bin/pagine/05.jpg" style="border-style:solid; border-width:1px; float:left; height:150px; margin:10px; width:113px" />Fabbricata nel <strong>1700-1701 </strong>per iniziativa degli &ldquo;<strong>Ufficiali della Crociata</strong>&rdquo; sulle rovine di un&rsquo;altra chiesa di modesta struttura; la Confraternita realizza esternamente un richiamo a due stili classici: dorico e ionico, mentre internamente allo stile corinzio.</span></p> <p style="text-align:justify">&nbsp;</p> <p style="text-align:justify">&nbsp;</p> <p style="text-align:justify">&nbsp;</p> <p style="text-align:justify"><span style="font-size:22px"><span style="color:#FF8C00"><strong>Il Collegio</strong></span><br /> <img alt="Il Collegio" src="/cgi-bin/pagine/06.jpg" style="border-style:solid; border-width:1px; float:right; height:166px; margin:10px; width:250px" />Venne costruito negli anni <strong>1844-1847</strong>, ne presero successivamente possesso i <strong>Figli di San Vincenzo</strong> che, nel <strong>1848 </strong>iniziavano a predicarvi gli esercizi al Clero e agli Ordinandi.<br /> Nel <strong>1853 </strong>veniva aperto un piccolo seminario per la Diocesi. Nel <strong>1874 </strong>i Missionari diventavano proprietari in modo assoluto dell&rsquo;intero complesso.<br /> L&rsquo;ultimo piano del caseggiato, adibito a dormitorio per convittori, veniva eretto nel <strong>1904</strong>. Dal <strong>1981 </strong>il Collegio &egrave; chiuso a causa di gravi problemi economici per la mancanza di studenti seminaristi.<br /> Attualmente sono in corso i lavori per la trasformazione dell&rsquo;edificio in Centro Fisioterapico.</span></p> <p style="text-align:justify"><br /> <span style="font-size:22px"><span style="color:#FF8C00"><strong>Il Palazzo Comunale</strong></span><br /> <img alt="Il Palazzo Comunale" src="/cgi-bin/pagine/07.jpg" style="border-style:solid; border-width:1px; float:left; height:150px; margin:10px; width:200px" />La facciata risale al <strong>1824</strong>,mentre gli interni sono stati completamente rifatti nel <strong>1986-88</strong>.<br /> La casa comunale ha cambiato pi&ugrave; volte collocazione, fino a giungere alla cotruzione nelle vicinanze del priorato benedettino (attuale oratorio-canonica) e poi all&rsquo;attuale edificio.</span></p> <p style="text-align:justify">&nbsp;</p> <p style="text-align:justify">&nbsp;</p> <p style="text-align:justify"><span style="font-size:22px"><span style="color:#FF8C00"><strong>Il Santuario del Cristo</strong></span><br /> <img alt="Il Santuario del Cristo" src="/cgi-bin/pagine/09.jpg" style="border-style:solid; border-width:1px; float:right; height:150px; margin:10px; width:200px" />L&rsquo;immobile &egrave; stato denominato <strong>Chiesa del Cristo</strong> tra l&rsquo;undicesimo ed il tredicesimo secolo. La zona dove sorge, faceva parte dell&rsquo;antico borgo di &ldquo;<strong>Villa Quadraciana</strong>&rdquo;, anche se per ragioni ancora poco chiare, non fu questo borgo a svilupparsi, ma il &ldquo;luogo&rdquo; di Scarnafigi.<br /> La cappella attorno al <strong>1700</strong>, venne ricostruita ed ampliata.<br /> All&rsquo;interno vi &egrave; un affresco di indubbio valore storico e artistico, che si presume risalga al tardo quattrocento, raffigurante il Cristo crocifisso, e di cui non si &egrave; certi chi sia l&rsquo;autore.</span></p> <p style="text-align:justify"><br /> <span style="font-size:22px"><span style="color:#FF8C00"><strong>La chiesa dell&rsquo;Ospedale</strong></span><br /> <img alt="La chiesa dell鈥橭spedale" src="/cgi-bin/pagine/10.jpg" style="border-style:solid; border-width:1px; float:left; height:133px; margin:10px; width:200px" />Venne edificata nel <strong>1757 </strong>ed &egrave; dedicata alla <strong>Vergine Santissima della Concezione</strong>.<br /> Annesso alla chiesa si trova l&rsquo;ospedale-ricovero per anziani della <strong>Congregazione di Carit&agrave;</strong>.</span></p> </article> </section> <section class="col-lg-4 it-page-sections-container"> <div class="dropdown d-inline" style="margin-top: 15px;"> <button aria-label="condividi sui social" class="btn btn-dropdown dropdown-toggle text-decoration-underline d-inline-flex align-items-center fs-0" type="button" id="shareActions" data-bs-toggle="dropdown" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false"> <svg class="icon" aria-hidden="true"> <use xlink:href="/assets/bootstrap-italia/dist/svg/sprites.svg#it-share"></use> </svg> <small>Condividi</small> </button> <div class="dropdown-menu shadow-lg" aria-labelledby="shareActions"> <div class="link-list-wrapper social_news_share"> <ul class="link-list" role="menu"> <li role="none"> <a id="social_fb" class="list-item" onclick="share_social(&#39;facebook&#39;)" role="menuitem" data-url="" data-title="Arte-e-Monumenti"> <svg class="icon" 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