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// Extend default options this.options = Object.assign(defaults, userOptions); this.container = document.querySelector(selectorOrElement); this.createDefinitions(); _this.attachEvents(); }, /** * Create element definitions */ createDefinitions() { const { elementClass } = this.options; const allElements = this.container.querySelectorAll(`.${elementClass}`); this.elements = Array.from(allElements).filter( el => el.classList && el.classList.contains(elementClass) ); this.firstElement = this.elements[0]; this.lastElement = this.elements[this.elements.length - 1]; this.elements .filter(element => !element.classList.contains(`js-enabled`)) .forEach(element => { // When JS is enabled, add the class to the element element.classList.add("js-enabled"); this.generateIDs(element); this.setARIA(element); this.setTransition(element); const index = this.elements.indexOf(element); uniqueId++; }); }, /** * Set transition * @param {HTMLElement} element = accordion item * @param {boolean} clear = clear transition duration */ setTransition(element, clear = false) { const { duration, panelClass } = this.options; const panel = element.querySelector(`.${panelClass}`); const transition = isWebkit("transitionDuration");[transition] = clear ? null : `${duration}ms`; }, /** * Generate unique IDs for each element * @param {HTMLElement} element = accordion item */ generateIDs(element) { const { triggerClass, panelClass } = this.options; const trigger = element.querySelector(`.${triggerClass}`); const panel = element.querySelector(`.${panelClass}`); element.setAttribute("id", `ac-${uniqueId}-module_16524285148791`); trigger.setAttribute("id", `ac-trigger-${uniqueId}-module_16524285148791`); panel.setAttribute("id", `ac-panel-${uniqueId}-module_16524285148791`); }, /** * Remove IDs * @param {HTMLElement} element = accordion item */ removeIDs(element) { const { triggerClass, panelClass } = this.options; const trigger = element.querySelector(`.${triggerClass}`); const panel = element.querySelector(`.${panelClass}`); element.removeAttribute("id"); trigger.removeAttribute("id"); panel.removeAttribute("id"); }, /** * Create ARIA * @param {HTMLElement} element = accordion item */ setARIA(element) { const { ariaEnabled, triggerClass, panelClass } = this.options; if (!ariaEnabled) return; const trigger = element.querySelector(`.${triggerClass}`); const panel = element.querySelector(`.${panelClass}`); trigger.setAttribute("role", "button"); trigger.setAttribute("aria-controls", `ac-panel-${uniqueId}-module_16524285148791`); trigger.setAttribute("aria-disabled", false); trigger.setAttribute("aria-expanded", false); panel.setAttribute("role", "region"); panel.setAttribute("aria-labelledby", `ac-trigger-${uniqueId}-module_16524285148791`); }, /** * Update ARIA * @param {HTMLElement} element = accordion item * @param {object} options * @param {boolean} options.ariaExpanded = value of the attribute * @param {boolean} options.ariaDisabled = value of the attribute */ updateARIA(element, { ariaExpanded, ariaDisabled }) { const { ariaEnabled, triggerClass } = this.options; if (!ariaEnabled) return; const trigger = element.querySelector(`.${triggerClass}`); trigger.setAttribute("aria-expanded", ariaExpanded); trigger.setAttribute("aria-disabled", ariaDisabled); }, /** * Remove ARIA * @param {HTMLElement} element = accordion item */ removeARIA(element) { const { ariaEnabled, triggerClass, panelClass } = this.options; if (!ariaEnabled) return; const trigger = element.querySelector(`.${triggerClass}`); const panel = element.querySelector(`.${panelClass}`); trigger.removeAttribute("role"); trigger.removeAttribute("aria-controls"); trigger.removeAttribute("aria-disabled"); trigger.removeAttribute("aria-expanded"); panel.removeAttribute("role"); panel.removeAttribute("aria-labelledby"); }, /** * Focus element * @param {Event} e = event * @param {HTMLElement} element = accordion item */ focus(e, element) { e.preventDefault(); const { triggerClass } = this.options; const trigger = element.querySelector(`.${triggerClass}`); trigger.focus(); }, /** * Focus first element * @param {Event} e = event */ focusFirstElement(e) { this.focus(e, this.firstElement); this.currFocusedIdx = 0; }, /** * Focus last element * @param {Event} e = event */ focusLastElement(e) { this.focus(e, this.lastElement); this.currFocusedIdx = this.elements.length - 1; }, /** * Focus next element * @param {Event} e = event */ focusNextElement(e) { const nextElIdx = this.currFocusedIdx + 1; if (nextElIdx > this.elements.length - 1) return this.focusFirstElement(e); this.focus(e, this.elements[nextElIdx]); this.currFocusedIdx = nextElIdx; }, /** * Focus previous element * @param {Event} e = event */ focusPrevElement(e) { const prevElIdx = this.currFocusedIdx - 1; if (prevElIdx < 0) return this.focusLastElement(e); this.focus(e, this.elements[prevElIdx]); this.currFocusedIdx = prevElIdx; }, /** * Show element * @param {HTMLElement} element = accordion item * @param {boolean} calcHeight = calculate the height of the panel */ showElement(element, calcHeight = true) { const { panelClass, activeClass, collapse, beforeOpen } = this.options; const panel = element.querySelector(`.${panelClass}`); const trigger = element.querySelector(`:scope > .drop-trigger`); const height = panel.scrollHeight; element.classList.add(activeClass); if (calcHeight) beforeOpen(element); requestAnimationFrame(() => { requestAnimationFrame(() => { = calcHeight ? `${height}px` : "auto"; // Check if the header is fixed and the panel is open const header = document.getElementById("header"); console.log(trigger.getAttribute("aria-expanded") === "true"); if (header && header.classList.contains("header--fixed") && trigger.getAttribute("aria-expanded") === "true" && panel.classList.contains("mega-drop")) { = "calc(100vh - 4rem)"; = "scroll"; // Prevent scrolling on the rest of the page document.body.classList.add("js-noscroll"); } }); }); this.updateARIA(element, { ariaExpanded: true, ariaDisabled: collapse ? false : true }); }, /** * Close element * @param {HTMLElement} element = accordion item * @param {boolean} calcHeight = calculate the height of the panel */ closeElement(element, calcHeight = true) { const { panelClass, activeClass, beforeClose } = this.options; const panel = element.querySelector(`.${panelClass}`); const height = panel.scrollHeight; element.classList.remove(activeClass); if (calcHeight) { beforeClose(element); // Animation [X]px => 0 requestAnimationFrame(() => { = `${height}px`; requestAnimationFrame(() => { = 0; = ""; // Reset overflow when closing // Allow scrolling on the rest of the page document.body.classList.remove("js-noscroll"); }); }); this.updateARIA(element, { ariaExpanded: false, ariaDisabled: false }); } else { // Hide element without animation 'auto' => 0 = 0; = ""; // Reset overflow when closing // Allow scrolling on the rest of the page document.body.classList.remove("js-noscroll"); } }, /** * Toggle element * @param {HTMLElement} element = accordion item */ toggleElement(element) { const { activeClass, collapse } = this.options; const isActive = element.classList.contains(activeClass); if (isActive && !collapse) return; return isActive ? this.closeElement(element) : this.showElement(element); }, /** * Close all elements without the current element */ closeElements() { const { activeClass, showMultiple } = this.options; if (showMultiple) return; this.elements.forEach((element, idx) => { const isActive = element.classList.contains(activeClass); if (isActive && idx !== this.currFocusedIdx) { this.closeElement(element); } }); }, /** * Handle click * @param {PointerEvent} e = event */ handleClick(e) { const target = e.currentTarget; this.elements.forEach((element, idx) => { if (element.contains(target) && !== "A") { this.currFocusedIdx = idx; this.closeElements(); this.focus(e, element); this.toggleElement(element); } }); }, /** * Handle keydown * @param {KeyboardEvent} e = event */ handleKeydown(e) { const KEYS = { ARROW_UP: 38, ARROW_DOWN: 40, HOME: 36, END: 35 }; switch (e.keyCode) { case KEYS.ARROW_UP: return this.focusPrevElement(e); case KEYS.ARROW_DOWN: return this.focusNextElement(e); case KEYS.HOME: return this.focusFirstElement(e); case KEYS.END: return this.focusLastElement(e); default: return null; } }, /** * Handle transitionend * @param {TransitionEvent} e = event */ handleTransitionEnd(e) { if (e.propertyName !== "height") return; const { onOpen, onClose } = this.options; const panel = e.currentTarget; const height = parseInt(; const element = this.elements.find(element => element.contains(panel)); if (height > 0) { = "auto"; onOpen(element); } else { onClose(element); } } }; /** * Attach events */ this.attachEvents = () => { if (eventsAttached) return; const { triggerClass, panelClass } = core.options; core.handleClick = core.handleClick.bind(core); core.handleKeydown = core.handleKeydown.bind(core); core.handleTransitionEnd = core.handleTransitionEnd.bind(core); core.elements.forEach(element => { const trigger = element.querySelector(`.${triggerClass}`); const panel = element.querySelector(`.${panelClass}`); trigger.addEventListener("click", core.handleClick); trigger.addEventListener("keydown", core.handleKeydown); panel.addEventListener("webkitTransitionEnd", core.handleTransitionEnd); panel.addEventListener("transitionend", core.handleTransitionEnd); }); eventsAttached = true; }; /** * Detach events */ this.detachEvents = () => { if (!eventsAttached) return; const { triggerClass, panelClass } = core.options; core.elements.forEach(element => { const trigger = element.querySelector(`.${triggerClass}`); const panel = element.querySelector(`.${panelClass}`); trigger.removeEventListener("click", core.handleClick); trigger.removeEventListener("keydown", core.handleKeydown); panel.removeEventListener( "webkitTransitionEnd", core.handleTransitionEnd ); panel.removeEventListener("transitionend", core.handleTransitionEnd); }); eventsAttached = false; }; /** * Toggle accordion element * @param {number} elIdx = element index */ this.toggle = elIdx => { const el = core.elements[elIdx]; if (el) core.toggleElement(el); }; /** * Open accordion element * @param {number} elIdx = element index */ = elIdx => { const el = core.elements[elIdx]; if (el) core.showElement(el); }; /** * Open all accordion elements */ this.openAll = () => { core.elements.forEach(element => core.showElement(element, false)); }; /** * Close accordion element * @param {number} elIdx = element index */ this.close = elIdx => { const el = core.elements[elIdx]; if (el) core.closeElement(el); }; /** * Close all accordion elements */ this.closeAll = () => { core.elements.forEach(element => core.closeElement(element, false)); }; /** * Destroy accordion instance */ this.destroy = () => { this.detachEvents(); this.openAll(); core.elements.forEach(element => { core.removeIDs(element); core.removeARIA(element); core.setTransition(element, true); }); eventsAttached = true; }; /** * Update accordion elements */ this.update = () => { core.createDefinitions(); this.detachEvents(); this.attachEvents(); }; /** * Get supported property and add webkit prefix if needed * @param {string} property = property name * @return {string} property = property with optional webkit prefix */ const isWebkit = property => { if (typeof[property] === "string") { return property; } property = capitalizeFirstLetter(property); property = `webkit${property}`; return property; }; /** * Capitalize the first letter in the string * @param {string} string = string * @return {string} string = changed string */ const capitalizeFirstLetter = string => string.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + string.slice(1); 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