The Political Graveyard: Index to Politicians: Sheehe to Shelden

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Independent candidate for <a href="">mayor of Elmira, N.Y.</a>, 1937. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="355.75.16">Sheehe, Marie L.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Rockford, <a href="">Winnebago County</a>, Ill. Republican. Alternate delegate to Republican National Convention from Illinois, <a href="">1952</a>. <a href="">Female</a>. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="SHEEHEY"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>SHEEHEY</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex S000</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">DANEHEY</a>, <a href="">DELEHEY</a>, <a href="">GREEHEY</a>, <a href="">MCGEHEY</a>, <a href="">MCSHEEHY</a>, <a href="">SHEE</a>, <a href="">SHEEHAN</a>, <a href="#SHEEHE">SHEEHE</a>, <a href="#SHEEHORN">SHEEHORN</a>, <a href="#SHEEHY">SHEEHY</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="106.14.97">Sheehey, John William</a> (b. 1886)</b>&nbsp;&mdash; also known as <b>John W. Sheehey</b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Fairfax, <a href="">Franklin County</a>, Vt. Born in St. Albans, <a href="">Franklin County</a>, Vt., <a href="">April 17, 1886</a>. Democrat. <a href="">Electrical power station operator</a>; member of <a href="">Vermont state house of representatives</a> from Fairfax, 1910. <a href="">Catholic</a>. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="SHEEHORN"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>SHEEHORN</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex S650</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">FREEHOFF</a>, <a href="">GEEHON</a>, <a href="">HORN</a>, <a href="">MCGEEHON</a>, <a href="">MCSHEEHY</a>, <a href="">SEEHORN</a>, <a href="">SEHORN</a>, <a href="">SHEE</a>, <a href="">SHEEHAN</a>, <a href="#SHEEHE">SHEEHE</a>, <a href="#SHEEHEY">SHEEHEY</a>, <a href="#SHEEHY">SHEEHY</a>, <a href="">SPIKEHORN</a>, <a href="">STEEHOLM</a>, <a href="">TRIPPLEHORN</a>, <a href="">WHITEHORN</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="492.59.61">Sheehorn, Claude E.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of <a href="">Denver</a>, Colo. Democrat. Alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention from Colorado, <a href="">1924</a>. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="SHEEHY"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>SHEEHY</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex S000</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">MCSHEEHY</a>, <a href="">SHEE</a>, <a href="">SHEEHAN</a>, <a href="#SHEEHE">SHEEHE</a>, <a href="#SHEEHEY">SHEEHEY</a>, <a href="#SHEEHORN">SHEEHORN</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="744.01.00">Sheehy, Charles A. W.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Bridgeport, <a href="">Harrison County</a>, W.Va. Democrat. Postmaster at <a href="">Bridgeport, W.Va.</a>, 1885-89, 1893-97. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="504.13.42">Sheehy, Charles D.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Pennsylvania. <a href="">U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Pennsylvania</a>, 1988. Still living as of 1988. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="282.31.92">Sheehy, Clara Trost</a> (d. 1960)</b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Grandview Heights, <a href="">Franklin County</a>, Ohio. Democrat. Alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention from Ohio, <a href="">1944</a>. <a href="">Female</a>. Died <a href="">January 5, 1960</a>. Interment at <a href="">Mt. Olive Cemetery</a>, Zanesville, Ohio. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="689.92.68">Sheehy, Edward C.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of New York, <a href="">New York County</a>, N.Y. Democrat. Member of <a href="">New York state assembly</a> from New York County 22nd District, 1882; Democratic candidate for Presidential Elector for New York, <a href="">1908</a>. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="486.70.80">Sheehy, Ella M.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Northampton, <a href="">Hampshire County</a>, Mass. Democrat. Alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention from Massachusetts, <a href="">1944</a>, <a href="">1948</a>. <a href="">Female</a>. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="809.38.08">Sheehy, Grace E.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Detroit, <a href="">Wayne County</a>, Mich. Republican. Candidate for <a href="">delegate to Michigan state constitutional convention</a> from Wayne County 3rd District, 1961. <a href="">Female</a>. Still living as of 1961. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="724.09.85">Sheehy, J. Robert, Sr.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Waco, <a href="">McLennan County</a>, Tex. Democrat. Alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention from Texas, <a href="">1964</a>; <a href="">mayor of Waco, Tex.</a>, 1992-96. Still living as of 1996. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="252.21.98">Sheehy, James W.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of <a href="">Essex County</a>, N.Y. Member of <a href="">New York state assembly</a> from Essex County, 1881-82. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="447.15.05">Sheehy, John C.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; Democrat. Candidate for <a href="">U.S. Representative from Montana</a> 2nd District, 1960. Still living as of 1960. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="651.78.93">Sheehy, John F.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Waco, <a href="">McLennan County</a>, Tex. <a href="">Mayor of Waco, Tex.</a>, 1934. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="926.04.39">Sheehy, John F.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of South Gate, <a href="">Los Angeles County</a>, Calif. Democrat. Postmaster at <a href="">South Gate, Calif.</a>, 1966-74 (acting, 1966). Still living as of 1974. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="523.02.78">Sheehy, Joseph Warren</a> (1910-1967)</b>&nbsp;&mdash; Born in Saratoga, <a href="">Hardin County</a>, Tex., <a href="">October 21, 1910</a>. <a href="">U.S. District Judge for the Eastern District of Texas</a>, 1951-67; died in office 1967. Died <a href="">February 23, 1967</a> (age <a href="">56 years, 125 days</a>). Burial location unknown. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>See also</i> <a href="">federal judicial profile</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Biographical Directory of Federal Judges</a></span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="928.09.70">Sheehy, Kevin L.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of New York. Democrat. Candidate for <a href="">U.S. Representative from New York</a> 14th District, 1984. Still living as of 1984. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="761.86.10">Sheehy, M. J.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Manhattan, <a href="">New York County</a>, N.Y. Member of <a href="">New York state assembly</a> from New York County 17th District, 1905. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="085.91.11">Sheehy, Michael E.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Ansonia, <a href="">New Haven County</a>, Conn. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Connecticut, <a href="">1944</a>. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="935.24.26">Sheehy, Patrick H., Jr.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Franklin Lakes, <a href="">Bergen County</a>, N.J. Republican. Republican Presidential Elector for New Jersey, <a href="">1972</a> (voted for <a href="">Richard M. Nixon</a> and <a href="">Spiro T. Agnew</a>). Still living as of 1972. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="745.95.05">Sheehy, Philip G.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of San Jose, <a href="">Santa Clara County</a>, Calif. Democrat. Candidate for <a href="">U.S. Representative from California</a> 8th District, 1926; delegate to Democratic National Convention from California, <a href="">1928</a>. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>Sheehy, Robert</b> <i>See</i> <a href="#724.09.85">J. Robert Sheehy, Sr.</a></td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="790.32.29">Sheehy, Thomas R.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Newfields, <a href="">Rockingham County</a>, N.H. <a href="">Delegate to New Hampshire state constitutional convention</a> from Newfields, 1956. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="280.54.29">Sheehy, William E.</a> (b. 1890)</b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Shelton, <a href="">Fairfield County</a>, Conn. Born in Shelton, <a href="">Fairfield County</a>, Conn., <a href="">September 25, 1890</a>. Republican. <a href="">Insurance</a> and <a href="">real estate</a> business; member of <a href="">Connecticut state house of representatives</a> from Shelton, 1939-40; defeated, 1948; member of <a href="">Connecticut state senate</a> 25th District, 1945-46. <a href="">Catholic</a>. Member, <a href="">Elks</a>; <a href="">Grange</a>; <a href="">Knights of Columbus</a>. Burial location unknown. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>Relatives:</i> Son of William E. Sheehy and Sarah E. (Flynn) Sheehy.</span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="SHEEILA"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>SHEEILA</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex S400</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">ELLISHA</a>, <a href="">SHEE</a>, <a href="">SHIELA</a>, <a href="">WAMREEIT</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>SHEEILA:</b> <i>See also</i> <a href="">Sheeila Russell</a></td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="SHEEK"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>SHEEK</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex S200</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">CHEEK</a>, <a href="">CHEEKS</a>, <a href="">KEHS</a>, <a href="">SCHEAK</a>, <a href="">SCHEUCH</a>, <a href="">SCHICK</a>, <a href="">SHEAK</a>, <a href="">SHEE</a>, <a href="#SHEEKS">SHEEKS</a>, <a href="#SHEER">SHEER</a>, <a href="#SHEIKH">SHEIKH</a>, <a href="#SHEK">SHEK</a>, <a href="">SHICK</a>, <a href="">SHIEK</a>, <a href="">SWEEK</a>, <a href="">VERHEEK</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="522.89.27">Sheek, James L.</a> (b. 1866)</b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Mocksville, <a href="">Davie County</a>, N.C. Born in Smith Grove, <a href="">Davie County</a>, N.C., <a href="">December 1, 1866</a>. Republican. <a href="">Sheriff</a>; member of <a href="">North Carolina state house of representatives</a> from Davie County, 1913-14. <a href="">Methodist</a>. Member, <a href="">Freemasons</a>. Interment at <a href="">Rose Cemetery</a>, Mocksville, N.C. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="SHEEKS"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>SHEEKS</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex S200</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">BEEKS</a>, <a href="">CHEEK</a>, <a href="">CHEEKS</a>, <a href="">MEEKS</a>, <a href="">SHEE</a>, <a href="#SHEEK">SHEEK</a>, <a href="">SHOUKAS</a>, <a href="">VERHEEK</a>, <a href="">WEEKS</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="048.32.67">Sheeks, Brooks</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Corning, <a href="">Clay County</a>, Ark. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Arkansas, <a href="">1968</a>. Still living as of 1968. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="SHEELER"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>SHEELER</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex S460</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">BEELER</a>, <a href="">CHEELEY</a>, <a href="">EHLERS</a>, <a href="">FEELER</a>, <a href="">HERSEL</a>, <a href="">HESLER</a>, <a href="">KEELER</a>, <a href="">LESHER</a>, <a href="">PEELER</a>, <a href="">SCHEELE</a>, <a href="">SCHELLER</a>, <a href="">SCHEULER</a>, <a href="">SCHILLER</a>, <a href="">SHEE</a>, <a href="#SHEELTZ">SHEELTZ</a>, <a href="#SHEELY">SHEELY</a>, <a href="">SHELLER</a>, <a href="">SHERLEE</a>, <a href="">SHYLER</a>, <a href="">WHEELEHAN</a>, <a href="">WHEELER</a>, <a href="">WHEELESS</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>SHEELER:</b> <i>See also</i> <a href="">Katharine Eleanor Ausherman</a></td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>Sheeler, Katharine Eleanor</b> <i>See</i> <a href="">Katharine Eleanor Ausherman</a></td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="SHEELTZ"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>SHEELTZ</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex S432</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">ELTZ</a>, <a href="">LESHTZ</a>, <a href="">SCHILTZ</a>, <a href="">SHEE</a>, <a href="#SHEELER">SHEELER</a>, <a href="#SHEELY">SHEELY</a>, <a href="#SHEETZ">SHEETZ</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="448.48.47">Sheeltz, H. F.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Bartlett, <a href="">Cook County</a>, Ill. Democrat. Postmaster at <a href="">Bartlett, Ill.</a>, 1887. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="SHEELY"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>SHEELY</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex S400</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">HEELY</a>, <a href="">HYSELL</a>, <a href="">SCHELLEY</a>, <a href="">SCHELLY</a>, <a href="">SCHILLY</a>, <a href="">SEELY</a>, <a href="">SHEALEY</a>, <a href="">SHEALY</a>, <a href="">SHEE</a>, <a href="#SHEELER">SHEELER</a>, <a href="#SHEELTZ">SHEELTZ</a>, <a href="">SHELEY</a>, <a href="">SHELLEY</a>, <a href="">SHELLI</a>, <a href="">SHELLIE</a>, <a href="">SHELLY</a>, <a href="">SHILEY</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="499.03.47">Sheely, Amos Y.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of <a href="">Sullivan County</a>, N.Y. Member of <a href="">New York state assembly</a> from Sullivan County, 1854. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="690.78.34">Sheely, Arthur C.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Fort Collins, <a href="">Larimer County</a>, Colo. Republican. Delegate to Republican National Convention from Colorado, <a href="">1952</a>; member of <a href="">Republican National Committee from Colorado</a>, 1957. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="966.55.79">Sheely, Clyde Q.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; Republican. Republican Presidential Elector for Mississippi, <a href="">1972</a> (voted for <a href="">Richard M. Nixon</a> and <a href="">Spiro T. Agnew</a>). Still living as of 1972. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="293.39.25">Sheely, Edward V.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Memphis, <a href="">Shelby County</a>, Tenn. Republican. Postmaster at <a href="">Memphis, Tenn.</a>, 1928-33 (acting, 1928-29). Burial location unknown. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="SHEEN"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>SHEEN</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex S500</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">GHEEN</a>, <a href="">GLASHEEN</a>, <a href="">HEEN</a>, <a href="">NAUSHEENA</a>, <a href="">NEHS</a>, <a href="">SCHEIN</a>, <a href="">SCHINE</a>, <a href="">SHEAN</a>, <a href="">SHEE</a>, <a href="">SHEEAN</a>, <a href="#SHEENA">SHEENA</a>, <a href="#SHEER">SHEER</a>, <a href="">SHEREN</a>, <a href="">SHIEN</a>, <a href="">SHIN</a>, <a href="">SHINE</a>, <a href="">SHINN</a>, <a href="">SHPEEN</a>, <a href="">SHYNE</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>SHEEN:</b> <i>See also</i> <a href="">Barbara Sheen Todd</a></td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="923.19.54">Sheen, Albert</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; Member of <a href="">Virgin Islands legislature</a>, 1973-74. Still living as of 1974. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="892.42.98">Sheen, BethAnn M.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; Constitution candidate for Presidential Elector for Ohio, <a href="">2012</a> (on behalf of <a href="">Virgil H. Goode, Jr.</a> and <a href="">James N. Clymer</a>). <a href="">Female</a>. Still living as of 2012. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>Sheen, Dan R.</b> <i>See</i> <a href="#357.88.64">Daniel Robinson Sheen</a></td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="357.88.64">Sheen, Daniel Robinson</a> (1852-1926)</b>&nbsp;&mdash; also known as <b>Daniel R. Sheen</b>; <b>Dan R. Sheen</b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Peoria, <a href="">Peoria County</a>, Ill. Born in <a href="">Peoria County</a>, Ill., <a href="">November 29, 1852</a>. <a href="">Lawyer</a>; Prohibition candidate for <a href="">U.S. Representative from Illinois</a> 14th District, 1896; member of <a href="">Illinois state house of representatives</a> 18th District, 1905-06; defeated (Prohibition), 1902, 1906, 1910; Prohibition candidate for <a href="">Governor of Illinois</a>, 1908; Prohibition candidate for <a href="">justice of Illinois state supreme court</a> 5th District, 1913. Died in Peoria, <a href="">Peoria County</a>, Ill., <a href="">April 23, 1926</a> (age <a href="">73 years, 145 days</a>). Interment at <a href="">Springdale Cemetery</a>, Peoria, Ill. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>Relatives:</i> Son of Peter Sheen and Melissa (Robinson) Sheen; married <a href="">1876</a> to Sarah A. Stiehl.</span></td></tr> <tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>See also</i> <a href=" R. Sheen">Wikipedia article</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Find-A-Grave memorial</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">OurCampaigns candidate detail</a></span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="134.18.25">Sheen, Donald A.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; Constitution candidate for Presidential Elector for Ohio, <a href="">2012</a> (on behalf of <a href="">Virgil H. Goode, Jr.</a> and <a href="">James N. Clymer</a>). Still living as of 2012. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="127.70.98">Sheen, Donald A. II</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; Constitution candidate for Presidential Elector for Ohio, <a href="">2012</a> (on behalf of <a href="">Virgil H. Goode, Jr.</a> and <a href="">James N. Clymer</a>). Still living as of 2012. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="SHEENA"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>SHEENA</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex S500</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">EHSAN</a>, <a href="">GLASHEEN</a>, <a href="">HANES</a>, <a href="">HANNES</a>, <a href="">HANSE</a>, <a href="">HASSEN</a>, <a href="">HEENAN</a>, <a href="">NAUSHEENA</a>, <a href="">NESHA</a>, <a href="">SHANE</a>, <a href="">SHEAN</a>, <a href="">SHEE</a>, <a href="">SHEEAN</a>, <a href="#SHEEN">SHEEN</a>, <a href="">SHENNA</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>SHEENA:</b> <i>See also</i> <a href="">Sheena King</a></td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="SHEEPSKIN"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>SHEEPSKIN</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex S125</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">BISKUPSKI</a>, <a href="">CHALUPSKI</a>, <a href="">CZAPSKI</a>, <a href="">DEMPSKI</a>, <a href="">DYPSKI</a>, <a href="">HEEP</a>, <a href="">KEMPSKI</a>, <a href="">LIPSKI</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>Sheepskin:</b> <i>See</i> <a href="">George Herbert Walker Bush</a></td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="SHEER"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>SHEER</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex S600</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">HEER</a>, <a href="">RESH</a>, <a href="">RHEES</a>, <a href="">SCHEER</a>, <a href="">SCHER</a>, <a href="">SCHERR</a>, <a href="">SCHEUER</a>, <a href="">SEER</a>, <a href="">SEHER</a>, <a href="">SEHR</a>, <a href="">SHAER</a>, <a href="">SHEAR</a>, <a href="">SHEE</a>, <a href="#SHEEK">SHEEK</a>, <a href="#SHEEN">SHEEN</a>, <a href="#SHEERAN">SHEERAN</a>, <a href="#SHEEREN">SHEEREN</a>, <a href="#SHEERIN">SHEERIN</a>, <a href="">SHER</a>, <a href="">SHERE</a>, <a href="">SHERER</a>, <a href="">SHERR</a>, <a href="">SHIER</a>, <a href="">SNEER</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="005.44.50">Sheer, (need first name)</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of New Haven, <a href="">New Haven County</a>, Conn. Socialist. Candidate for <a href="">Connecticut state senate</a> 10th District, 1910. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="SHEERAN"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>SHEERAN</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex S650</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">AHRENS</a>, <a href="">HARENS</a>, <a href="">HARNESS</a>, <a href="">HARRSEN</a>, <a href="">HARSEN</a>, <a href="">HASNER</a>, <a href="">HEARNS</a>, <a href="">HEERAN</a>, <a href="">KEERAN</a>, <a href="">SAHNER</a>, <a href="">SHANER</a>, <a href="">SHEARN</a>, <a href="">SHEE</a>, <a href="">SHEEAN</a>, <a href="#SHEER">SHEER</a>, <a href="#SHEEREN">SHEEREN</a>, <a href="#SHEERIN">SHEERIN</a>, <a href="">SHERAN</a>, <a href="">SHERRANE</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>SHEERAN:</b> <i>See also</i> <a href="">Sarah Palin</a></td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="852.39.14">Sheeran, Bernard J.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Staten Island, <a href="">Richmond County</a>, N.Y. Democrat. Postmaster at <a href="">Staten Island, N.Y.</a>, 1943-47. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="491.15.44">Sheeran, Frank</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Brooklyn, <a href="">Kings County</a>, N.Y. Republican. Candidate for <a href="">New York state assembly</a> from Kings County 8th District, 1914. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="170.99.18">Sheeran, James J.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of West Orange, <a href="">Essex County</a>, N.J. <a href="">Mayor of West Orange, N.J.</a>, 1958-66; New Jersey Insurance Commissioner, 1974-82. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="803.84.42">Sheeran, Lawrence A.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of <a href="">Westchester County</a>, N.Y. Democrat. Candidate for <a href="">New York state assembly</a> from Westchester County 1st District, 1921. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="700.03.55">Sheeran, Patrick</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of <a href="">Hudson County</a>, N.J. Member of <a href="">New Jersey state house of assembly</a> from Hudson County, 1874-75, 1880. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="SHEEREN"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>SHEEREN</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex S650</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">ENSHER</a>, <a href="">HEEREMA</a>, <a href="">HEEREN</a>, <a href="">HEERESH</a>, <a href="">LEERENIER</a>, <a href="">SCHEUREN</a>, <a href="">SCHIEREN</a>, <a href="">SHEARIN</a>, <a href="">SHEE</a>, <a href="#SHEER">SHEER</a>, <a href="#SHEERAN">SHEERAN</a>, <a href="#SHEERIN">SHEERIN</a>, <a href="">SHEREN</a>, <a href="">SHERIN</a>, <a href="">SHERINE</a>, <a href="">SHERRIANNE</a>, <a href="">SHERRIN</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>SHEEREN:</b> <i>See also</i> <a href="">John Paul Stevens</a></td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="SHEERIN"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>SHEERIN</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex S650</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">DEERING</a>, <a href="">ERIN</a>, <a href="">GODDEERIS</a>, <a href="">HINNERS</a>, <a href="">KEERIN</a>, <a href="">RHINES</a>, <a href="">SCHEUREN</a>, <a href="">SCHIEREN</a>, <a href="">SEERIE</a>, <a href="">SHEARIN</a>, <a href="">SHEE</a>, <a href="#SHEER">SHEER</a>, <a href="#SHEERAN">SHEERAN</a>, <a href="#SHEEREN">SHEEREN</a>, <a href="">SHEREN</a>, <a href="">SHERIN</a>, <a href="">SHERINE</a>, <a href="">SHERRIANNE</a>, <a href="">SHERRIN</a>, <a href="">SHINER</a>, <a href="">VERMEERISCH</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="160.71.01">Sheerin, Frederic F.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Middletown, <a href="">Orange County</a>, N.Y. Democrat. Postmaster at <a href="">Middletown, N.Y.</a>, 1937-47. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="271.34.69">Sheerin, Simon P.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Indianapolis, <a href="">Marion County</a>, Ind. Democrat. Member of <a href="">Democratic National Committee from Indiana</a>, 1888; <a href="">Secretary of Democratic National Committee</a>, 1892; <a href=" /officers.html">Convention Secretary</a> and <a href=" /speakers.html">speaker</a>, Democratic National Convention, 1892. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="SHEETS"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>SHEETS</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex S320</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">DICKENSHEETS</a>, <a href="">SCHEETS</a>, <a href="">SCHEETZ</a>, <a href="">SHEATS</a>, <a href="">SHEATZ</a>, <a href="">SHEE</a>, <a href="#SHEETZ">SHEETZ</a>, <a href="">SWEETS</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>SHEETS:</b> <i>See also</i> <a href="">Frederick Christopher Belen</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Thomas Felix Bolack</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Lewis L. Drill</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">William Franklin Justice</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Hilda Sheets Long</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Clare Magee</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Reed Owen Smoot</a></td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="786.58.30">Sheets, Alden G.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Eaton Rapids, <a href="">Eaton County</a>, Mich. <a href="">Mayor of Eaton Rapids, Mich.</a>, 1937-39. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="699.28.27">Sheets, Aubrey T.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of <a href="">Berrien County</a>, Mich. Socialist. Candidate for <a href="">Michigan state house of representatives</a> from Berrien County 1st District, 1936. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="721.24.77">Sheets, Carol</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Wyoming, <a href="">Kent County</a>, Mich. <a href="">Mayor of Wyoming, Mich.</a>, 2006-07. <a href="">Female</a>. Still living as of 2007. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="393.23.05">Sheets, Christian Henry</a> (1851-1927)</b>&nbsp;&mdash; also known as <b>Christian H. Sheets</b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Braddock, <a href="">Allegheny County</a>, Pa. Born in Wheeling, <a href="">Ohio County</a>, Va. (now W.Va.), <a href="">January 8, 1851</a>. Republican. Postmaster at <a href="">Braddock, Pa.</a>, 1898-1915. <a href="">German</a> ancestry. Died, from <a href="">cerebral apoplexy</a>, in Braddock, <a href="">Allegheny County</a>, Pa., <a href="">February 17, 1927</a> (age <a href="">76 years, 40 days</a>). Interment at <a href=" ">Monongahela Cemetery</a>, Braddock Hills, Pa. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>Relatives:</i> Son of Christian Sheets and Evadora (Shaffer) Sheets; married to Phoebe Jane Aiken.</span></td></tr> <tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>See also</i> <a href="">Find-A-Grave memorial</a></span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="925.61.38">Sheets, Cornelius B.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of <a href="">Hunterdon County</a>, N.J. Member of <a href="">New Jersey state house of assembly</a> from Hunterdon County, 1858-59. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="622.72.96">Sheets, Donald E.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Dixon, <a href="">Lee County</a>, Ill. <a href="">Mayor of Dixon, Ill.</a>, 1991-99. Still living as of 1999. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="275.12.71">Sheets, Harcourt</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Angola, <a href="">Steuben County</a>, Ind. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Indiana, <a href="">1952</a>, <a href="">1956</a>. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="840.73.33">Sheets, Hiram H.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Minnesota. Member of <a href="">Minnesota state house of representatives</a> District 15, 1857-58. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="978.32.39">Sheets, Jackson M.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; Republican. Republican Presidential Elector for Illinois, <a href="">1880</a>. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="182.22.31">Sheets, James A.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Quincy, <a href="">Norfolk County</a>, Mass. <a href="">Mayor of Quincy, Mass.</a>, 1999-2000. Still living as of 2000. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>Sheets, Jerry</b> <i>See</i> <a href="#795.91.22">R. C. Sheets</a></td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="993.01.19">Sheets, John</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Pennsylvania. Socialist. Candidate for <a href="">U.S. Representative from Pennsylvania</a> 18th District, 1922. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="509.11.11">Sheets, John Marion</a> (1854-1940)</b>&nbsp;&mdash; also known as <b>John M. Sheets</b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Ottawa, <a href="">Putnam County</a>, Ohio. Born near Columbus Grove, <a href="">Putnam County</a>, Ohio, <a href="">May 26, 1854</a>. Republican. <a href="">School teacher</a>; <a href="">lawyer</a>; common pleas court judge in Ohio, 1894-99; delegate to Republican National Convention from Ohio, <a href="">1896</a>; <a href="">Ohio state attorney general</a>, 1900-04. <a href="">German</a> and <a href="">English</a> ancestry. Died in Palo Alto, <a href="">Santa Clara County</a>, Calif., <a href="">December 29, 1940</a> (age <a href="">86 years, 217 days</a>). Burial location unknown. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>Relatives:</i> Son of Mahalia (Saunders) Sheets and John Sheets; married, <a href="">March 22, 1882</a>, to Mary E. Scott.</span></td></tr> <tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>See also</i> <a href="">Find-A-Grave memorial</a></span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="389.86.67">Sheets, John R.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Indiana. Prohibition candidate for <a href="">U.S. Representative from Indiana</a> 6th District, 1946. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="507.29.84">Sheets, Kenneth</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; Republican. Member of <a href="">Texas state house of representatives</a> 107th District; elected 2010, 2012. Still living as of 2012. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="478.75.07">Sheets, Kenneth L.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Cumberland, <a href="">Allegany County</a>, Md. Republican. Candidate for <a href="">U.S. Representative from Maryland</a> 6th District, 1968. Still living as of 1968. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="059.99.13">Sheets, M. H.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Pennsylvania. Prohibition candidate for <a href="">U.S. Representative from Pennsylvania</a> 34th District, 1924. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="280.35.67">Sheets, Paul F.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Clarksburg, <a href="">Harrison County</a>, W.Va. Republican. Postmaster at <a href="">Clarksburg, W.Va.</a>, 1954-67 (acting, 1954-55). Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="795.91.22">Sheets, R. C.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; also known as <b>Jerry Sheets</b>&nbsp;&mdash; of <a href="">Logan County</a>, W.Va. Republican. Candidate for <a href="">West Virginia state house of delegates</a> from Logan County, 1954, 1966, 1970, 1972. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="018.15.34">Sheets, Weldon R.</a> (born c.1900)</b>&nbsp;&mdash; of East Orange, <a href="">Essex County</a>, N.J. Born about 1900. Democrat. Candidate for <a href="">Governor of New Jersey</a>, 1961. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="127.74.54">Sheets, William</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Indiana. <a href="">Secretary of state of Indiana</a>, 1833-37, 1841-45. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="SHEETZ"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>SHEETZ</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex S320</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">DICKENSHEETS</a>, <a href="">SCHEETS</a>, <a href="">SCHEETZ</a>, <a href="">SHEATS</a>, <a href="">SHEATZ</a>, <a href="">SHEE</a>, <a href="#SHEELTZ">SHEELTZ</a>, <a href="#SHEETS">SHEETS</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>SHEETZ:</b> <i>See also</i> <a href="">Homer Franklin Aspinwall</a></td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="655.76.63">Sheetz, George</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Jersey City, <a href="">Hudson County</a>, N.J. Republican. Alternate delegate to Republican National Convention from New Jersey, <a href="">1924</a>. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="107.35.92">Sheetz, John</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; Republican. Delegate to Republican National Convention from Pennsylvania, <a href="">1856</a>. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="SHEFALI"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>SHEFALI</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex S140</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">CEFALO</a>, <a href="">DEFALAISE</a>, <a href="">DEFALCO</a>, <a href="">MONTEFALCO</a>, <a href="">SCHAUFELE</a>, <a href="">SCHEFFEL</a>, <a href="">SCHEIFELE</a>, <a href="">SCHIEFLEY</a>, <a href="">SCHOEFLE</a>, <a href="">SCHOFFEL</a>, <a href="#SHEIFLEY">SHEIFLEY</a>, <a href="">SHIFLEY</a>, <a href="">WEFALD</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>SHEFALI:</b> <i>See also</i> <a href="">Shefali Razdan Duggal</a></td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="SHEFF"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>SHEFF</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex S100</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">CHEFF</a>, <a href="">FESH</a>, <a href="">HORTON-SHEFF</a>, <a href="">POYDASHEFF</a>, <a href="">SCHEFF</a>, <a href="">SCHEIF</a>, <a href="">SCHIFF</a>, <a href="">SHAFF</a>, <a href="">SHEAF</a>, <a href="">SHEAFE</a>, <a href="">SHEAFF</a>, <a href="#SHEFFER">SHEFFER</a>, <a href="#SHEFFEY">SHEFFEY</a>, <a href="#SHEFFIE">SHEFFIE</a>, <a href="#SHEFFIELD">SHEFFIELD</a>, <a href="#SHEFFLOT">SHEFFLOT</a>, <a href="">SHOFF</a>, <a href="">SHUFF</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>SHEFF:</b> <i>See also</i> <a href="">Elizabeth D. Horton=Sheff</a></td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="323.78.03">Sheff, Sturl</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Compton, <a href="">Los Angeles County</a>, Calif. Democrat. Alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention from California, <a href="">1960</a>. Still living as of 1960. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="SHEFFER"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>SHEFFER</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex S160</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">HEFFER</a>, <a href="">HEFFERAN</a>, <a href="">HEFFERLEY</a>, <a href="">HEFFERMAN</a>, <a href="">HEFFERN</a>, <a href="">HEFFERNAN</a>, <a href="">HEFFERON</a>, <a href="">KILLHEFFER</a>, <a href="">PHEFFER</a>, <a href="">POYDASHEFF</a>, <a href="">SCHEAFER</a>, <a href="">SCHEFER</a>, <a href="">SCHEFFER</a>, <a href="">SCHIEFFER</a>, <a href="">SCHIFFER</a>, <a href="">SHAEFFER</a>, <a href="">SHAFFER</a>, <a href="">SHEAFER</a>, <a href="">SHEAFFER</a>, <a href="#SHEFF">SHEFF</a>, <a href="#SHEFFEY">SHEFFEY</a>, <a href="#SHEFFIE">SHEFFIE</a>, <a href="#SHEFFIELD">SHEFFIELD</a>, <a href="#SHEFFLOT">SHEFFLOT</a>, <a href="">SHIFFER</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>SHEFFER:</b> <i>See also</i> <a href="">Reno Sheffer Harp</a></td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="243.59.52">Sheffer, Charles P.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Red Oak, <a href="">Montgomery County</a>, Iowa. Republican. Alternate delegate to Republican National Convention from Iowa, <a href="">1892</a>. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="335.08.86">Sheffer, Cornelius R.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of <a href="">Saratoga County</a>, N.Y. Member of <a href="">New York state assembly</a> from Saratoga County 1st District, 1890-91. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="354.74.04">Sheffer, Daniel</a> (1783-1880)</b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Pennsylvania. Born in York, <a href="">York County</a>, Pa., <a href="">May 24, 1783</a>. Democrat. State court judge in Pennsylvania, 1813-37; <a href="">U.S. Representative from Pennsylvania</a> 12th District, 1837-39. Died in York Springs, <a href="">Adams County</a>, Pa., <a href="">February 16, 1880</a> (age <a href="">96 years, 268 days</a>). Interment at <a href="">Old Lutheran Cemetery</a>, York Springs, Pa. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>See also</i> <a href="">congressional biography</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href=""> page</a></span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="695.95.58">Sheffer, John B. II</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Williamsville, <a href="">Erie County</a>, N.Y. Member of <a href="">New York state assembly</a>, 1979-88 (141st District 1979-82, 142nd District 1983-88). Still living as of 1988. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="SHEFFEY"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>SHEFFEY</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex S100</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">EFFEY</a>, <a href="">POYDASHEFF</a>, <a href="">SCHIAFFO</a>, <a href="#SHEFF">SHEFF</a>, <a href="#SHEFFER">SHEFFER</a>, <a href="#SHEFFIE">SHEFFIE</a>, <a href="#SHEFFIELD">SHEFFIELD</a>, <a href="#SHEFFLOT">SHEFFLOT</a>, <a href="">STEFFEY</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>SHEFFEY:</b> <i>See also</i> <a href="">John Francis Lewis</a></td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="202.53.85">Sheffey, Daniel</a> (1770-1830)</b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Virginia. Born in Maryland, <a href="">1770</a>. Member of Virginia state legislature, 1800; <a href="">U.S. Representative from Virginia</a> 6th District, 1809-17. Slaveowner. Died in <a href="">Staunton</a>, Va., <a href="">1830</a> (age <a href="">about 60 years</a>). Burial location unknown. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>See also</i> <a href="">congressional biography</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href=""> page</a></span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="864.47.31">Sheffey, E. Summers</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Abingdon, <a href="">Washington County</a>, Va. Republican. Delegate to Republican National Convention from Virginia, <a href="">1964</a>. Still living as of 1964. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="717.56.10">Sheffey, James White</a> (1813-1876)</b>&nbsp;&mdash; also known as <b>James W. Sheffey</b>&nbsp;&mdash; of <a href="">Smyth County</a>, Va. Born in <a href="">1813</a>. <a href="">Delegate to Virginia secession convention</a> from Smyth County, 1861. Died in <a href="">1876</a> (age <a href="">about 63 years</a>). Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="088.10.70">Sheffey, Jane L.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of <a href="">Bristol</a>, Va. Democrat. Alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention from Virginia, <a href="">1980</a>. <a href="">Female</a>. Still living as of 1980. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="440.86.28">Sheffey, Larry</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Alameda, <a href="">Alameda County</a>, Calif. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from California, <a href="">2004</a>. Still living as of 2004. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>Sheffey, Summers</b> <i>See</i> <a href="#864.47.31">E. Summers Sheffey</a></td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="SHEFFIE"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>SHEFFIE</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex S100</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">EFFIEGENE</a>, <a href="">HEFFINGER</a>, <a href="">POYDASHEFF</a>, <a href="">SCHIAFFO</a>, <a href="#SHEFF">SHEFF</a>, <a href="#SHEFFER">SHEFFER</a>, <a href="#SHEFFEY">SHEFFEY</a>, <a href="#SHEFFIELD">SHEFFIELD</a>, <a href="#SHEFFLOT">SHEFFLOT</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>SHEFFIE:</b> <i>See also</i> <a href="">Henry Sheffie Geyer</a></td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="SHEFFIELD"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>SHEFFIELD</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex S143</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">CAUFFIEL</a>, <a href="">COFFIELD</a>, <a href="">DUFFIELD</a>, <a href="">EFFIEGENE</a>, <a href="">FIELD</a>, <a href="">HEFFINGER</a>, <a href="">OFFIELD</a>, <a href="">POYDASHEFF</a>, <a href="">SCHOFIELD</a>, <a href="#SHEFF">SHEFF</a>, <a href="#SHEFFER">SHEFFER</a>, <a href="#SHEFFEY">SHEFFEY</a>, <a href="#SHEFFIE">SHEFFIE</a>, <a href="#SHEFFLOT">SHEFFLOT</a>, <a href="">SHUFFIELD</a>, <a href="">SWAFFIELD</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>SHEFFIELD:</b> <i>See also</i> <a href="">Mabel Thorp Boardman</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">William Sheffield Cowles</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">William Sheffield Cowles</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Mary Reamey Few</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Sheffield Harrington</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Sheffield Ingalls</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Sheffield Nelson</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Sheffield Phelps</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Harold Sheffield Van Buren</a></td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="154.34.96">Sheffield, Beck K.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Kaysville, <a href="">Davis County</a>, Utah. Candidate for <a href="">mayor of Kaysville, Utah</a>, 1989. Still living as of 1989. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>Sheffield, Bill</b> <i>See</i> <a href="#077.12.52">William Jennings Sheffield</a></td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="973.02.98">Sheffield, Blinn</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; American Solidarity candidate for Presidential Elector for Mississippi, <a href="">2024</a> (on behalf of <a href="">Peter Sonski</a> and <a href="">Lauren Onak</a>). Still living as of 2024. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="446.84.03">Sheffield, Fannie R.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Hastings, <a href="">Barry County</a>, Mich. Member of Michigan Prohibition Party State Central Committee, 1919. <a href="">Female</a>. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="209.69.94">Sheffield, Frederick U.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of <a href="">Wayne County</a>, N.Y. Member of <a href="">New York state assembly</a> from Wayne County, 1843. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="820.16.17">Sheffield, George</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Stonington, <a href="">New London County</a>, Conn. Member of <a href="">Connecticut state house of representatives</a> from Stonington, 1839. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="852.81.53">Sheffield, H. C.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Georgia, <a href="">1888</a>. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="931.87.12">Sheffield, Horace III</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Detroit, <a href="">Wayne County</a>, Mich. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Michigan, <a href="">2004</a>. Still living as of 2004. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="735.50.96">Sheffield, Horace L.</a> (b. 1916)</b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Detroit, <a href="">Wayne County</a>, Mich. Born in Vienna, <a href="">Dooly County</a>, Ga., <a href="">1916</a>. Democrat. <a href="">International Representative</a>, United Auto Workers, 1942-67; delegate to Democratic National Convention from Michigan, <a href="">1960</a>, <a href="">1964</a>. <a href="">African</a> ancestry. Member, <a href="">United Auto Workers</a>. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="964.12.54">Sheffield, J. D.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; Republican. Member of <a href="">Texas state house of representatives</a> 59th District; elected 2012. Still living as of 2012. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="414.92.17">Sheffield, James B.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Tucson, <a href="">Pima County</a>, Ariz. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Arizona, <a href="">1940</a>, <a href="">1944</a>. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="383.94.70">Sheffield, James L.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; Democrat. Candidate for <a href="">Representative from Alabama in the Confederate Congress</a> 3rd District, 1863; delegate to Democratic National Convention from Alabama, <a href="">1868</a>. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="890.37.87">Sheffield, James Rockwell</a> (1864-1938)</b>&nbsp;&mdash; also known as <b>James R. Sheffield</b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Manhattan, <a href="">New York County</a>, N.Y. Born in Dubuque, <a href="">Dubuque County</a>, Iowa, <a href="">August 13, 1864</a>. Republican. <a href="">Lawyer</a>; private secretary to U.S. Sen. <a href="">William B. Allison</a>; member of <a href="">New York state assembly</a>, 1894, 1904; delegate to Republican National Convention from New York, <a href="">1916</a>, <a href="">1920</a>, <a href="">1924</a>, <a href="">1936</a>; U.S. Ambassador to <a href=" ">Mexico</a>, 1924-27; <a href="">delegate to New York convention to ratify 21st amendment</a>, 1933. <a href="">English</a> and <a href="">Scottish</a> ancestry. Member, <a href="">Union League</a>. Died, from a <a href="">cerebral hemorrhage</a>, in Saranac Inn, <a href="">Franklin County</a>, N.Y., <a href="">September 2, 1938</a> (age <a href="">74 years, 20 days</a>). Interment <a href="">somewhere</a> in Utica, N.Y. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>Relatives:</i> Son of Frederick William Hotchkiss Sheffield and Sarah (Kellogg) Sheffield; married, <a href="">November 2, 1898</a>, to Edith Tod (granddaughter of <a href="">David Tod</a>).</span></td></tr> <tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"> <i>Political family:</i> <a href="">Tod family</a> of Ohio.</span></td></tr> <tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>See also</i> <a href=" ?">U.S. State Dept career summary</a></span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="302.24.41">Sheffield, John West, Jr.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Americus, <a href="">Sumter County</a>, Ga. <a href="">Mayor of Americus, Ga.</a>, 1974-79. Still living as of 1979. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="939.59.40">Sheffield, L. M.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Spray (now part of Eden), <a href="">Rockingham County</a>, N.C. Democrat. Postmaster at <a href="">Spray, N.C.</a>, 1913-22. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="493.55.25">Sheffield, Maria</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; Republican. Candidate for <a href="">Georgia insurance commissioner</a>, 2010. <a href="">Female</a>. Still living as of 2010. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="725.81.94">Sheffield, Nathaniel</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Newport, <a href="">Newport County</a>, R.I. <a href="">Speaker of the Rhode Island House of Deputies</a>, 1718-19. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="355.00.25">Sheffield, Ralph</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; Republican. Member of <a href="">Texas state house of representatives</a> 55th District; elected 2008, 2010; elected unopposed 2012. Still living as of 2012. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="651.91.92">Sheffield, Ralph A.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Salt Lake City, <a href="">Salt Lake County</a>, Utah. Republican. Alternate delegate to Republican National Convention from Utah, <a href="">1956</a>. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="604.00.02">Sheffield, Ron</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Little Rock, <a href="">Pulaski County</a>, Ark. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Arkansas, <a href="">2004</a>. Still living as of 2004. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="515.09.29">Sheffield, Samuel Levi</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; Independent candidate for Presidential Elector for Indiana, <a href="">2024</a> (on behalf of <a href="">Cornel R. West</a> and <a href="">Melina Abdullah</a>). Still living as of 2024. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="793.50.95">Sheffield, William</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of <a href="">Defiance County</a>, Ohio. Republican. Delegate to Republican National Convention from Ohio, <a href="">1856</a>. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="077.12.52">Sheffield, William Jennings</a> (b. 1928)</b>&nbsp;&mdash; also known as <b>Bill Sheffield</b>&nbsp;&mdash; of <a href="">Anchorage</a>, Alaska. Born in Spokane, <a href="">Spokane County</a>, Wash., <a href="">June 26, 1928</a>. Democrat. <a href="">Governor of Alaska</a>, 1982-86; delegate to Democratic National Convention from Alaska, <a href="">1984</a>, <a href="">1996</a>. <a href="">Presbyterian</a>. Still living as of 2014. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>See also</i> <a href="">National Governors Association biography</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">NNDB dossier</a></span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="323.16.72">Sheffield, William P.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Newport, <a href="">Newport County</a>, R.I. Republican. Alternate delegate to Republican National Convention from Rhode Island, <a href="">1932</a>, <a href="">1936</a>. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="740.41.07">Sheffield, William Paine</a> (1820-1907)</b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Rhode Island. Born in Rhode Island, <a href="">1820</a>. Republican. Member of Rhode Island state legislature, 1860; <a href="">U.S. Representative from Rhode Island</a> 1st District, 1861-63; <a href="">U.S. Senator from Rhode Island</a>, 1884-85. Died in <a href="">1907</a> (age <a href="">about 87 years</a>). Interment at <a href="">Island Cemetery</a>, Newport, R.I. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>Relatives:</i> Father of <a href="#387.74.26">William Paine Sheffield (1857-1919)</a>.</span></td></tr> <tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>See also</i> <a href="">congressional biography</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href=""> page</a></span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="387.74.26">Sheffield, William Paine</a> (1857-1919)</b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Newport, <a href="">Newport County</a>, R.I. Born in Rhode Island, <a href="">June 1, 1857</a>. Republican. Member of Rhode Island state legislature, 1890; <a href="">U.S. Representative from Rhode Island</a> 1st District, 1909-11; member of <a href="">Republican National Committee from Rhode Island</a>, 1912. Died <a href="">October 19, 1919</a> (age <a href="">62 years, 140 days</a>). Interment at <a href="">Island Cemetery</a>, Newport, R.I. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>Relatives:</i> Son of <a href="#740.41.07">William Paine Sheffield (1820-1907)</a>.</span></td></tr> <tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>See also</i> <a href="">congressional biography</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href=""> page</a></span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="332.11.65">Sheffield, Winn</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Detroit, <a href="">Wayne County</a>, Mich. Democrat. Candidate for <a href="">Michigan state house of representatives</a> 20th District, 1968. Still living as of 1968. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="SHEFFLOT"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>SHEFFLOT</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex S143</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">FLOTA</a>, <a href="">FLOTO</a>, <a href="">FLOTTMAN</a>, <a href="">HEFFLEY</a>, <a href="">HEFFLON</a>, <a href="">LOEFFLOR</a>, <a href="">POYDASHEFF</a>, <a href="">SCHEFFLER</a>, <a href="#SHEFF">SHEFF</a>, <a href="#SHEFFER">SHEFFER</a>, <a href="#SHEFFEY">SHEFFEY</a>, <a href="#SHEFFIE">SHEFFIE</a>, <a href="#SHEFFIELD">SHEFFIELD</a>, <a href="">SHIFFLET</a>, <a href="">SHIFLET</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="909.59.83">Shefflot, George H.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of East Lyme, <a href="">New London County</a>, Conn. Democrat. Candidate for <a href="">Connecticut state house of representatives</a> from East Lyme, 1914. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="SHEFVELAND"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>SHEFVELAND</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex S145</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">CLEAVELAND</a>, <a href="">CLEVELAND</a>, <a href="">EVELAND</a>, <a href="">LOFVEGREN</a>, <a href="">LOVELAND</a>, <a href="">STIEFVATER</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="491.47.35">Shefveland, P. M.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Van Hook, <a href="">Mountrail County</a>, N.Dak. Republican. Alternate delegate to Republican National Convention from North Dakota, <a href="">1932</a>. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="SHEHAN"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>SHEHAN</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex S500</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">HEHER</a>, <a href="">HEHL</a>, <a href="">HEHLE</a>, <a href="">HEHMAN</a>, <a href="">SHAHAN</a>, <a href="">SHAHEEN</a>, <a href="">SHAWHAN</a>, <a href="">SHEAHAN</a>, <a href="">SHEAN</a>, <a href="">SHEEAN</a>, <a href="">SHEEHAN</a>, <a href="#SHEHEEN">SHEHEEN</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>Shehan, Arthur</b> <i>See</i> <a href="#292.13.53">J. Arthur Shehan</a></td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="292.13.53">Shehan, J. Arthur</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Pinckney, <a href="">Livingston County</a>, Mich. <a href="">Supervisor of Hamburg Township, Michigan</a>; elected 1916. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="838.64.45">Shehan, Norma</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Glendale, <a href="">Hardin County</a>, Ky. Republican. Alternate delegate to Republican National Convention from Kentucky, <a href="">2008</a>. <a href="">Female</a>. Still living as of 2008. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="SHEHEEN"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>SHEHEEN</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex S500</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">DEHEER</a>, <a href="">HEEN</a>, <a href="">HEHER</a>, <a href="">HEHL</a>, <a href="">HEHLE</a>, <a href="">HEHMAN</a>, <a href="">MCGEHEE</a>, <a href="">MEGEHEE</a>, <a href="">SHAHEEN</a>, <a href="#SHEHAN">SHEHAN</a>, <a href="">VOOREHEES</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="909.12.73">Sheheen, Fred</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Columbia, <a href="">Richland County</a>, S.C. Democrat. Alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention from South Carolina, <a href="">1964</a>. Still living as of 1964. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="727.92.60">Sheheen, Robert Joseph</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of <a href="">Kershaw County</a>, S.C. Member of <a href="">South Carolina state house of representatives</a> 52nd District, 1980-82. Still living as of 1982. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="SHEIBELS"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>SHEIBELS</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex S142</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">HEIBEL</a>, <a href="">HEIBERGER</a>, <a href="">SCHEIBE</a>, <a href="">SCHEIBEL</a>, <a href="">SEIBELS</a>, <a href="#SHEIBLEY">SHEIBLEY</a>, <a href="">SHIBLES</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="242.46.27">Sheibels, John A.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of <a href="">Wayne County</a>, Mich. Republican. Candidate for <a href="">Michigan state house of representatives</a> from Wayne County 1st District, 1930. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="SHEIBLEY"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>SHEIBLEY</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex S140</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">DEIBLER</a>, <a href="">DIBLEY</a>, <a href="">FRIBLEY</a>, <a href="">KEIBLE</a>, <a href="">LEIBLE</a>, <a href="">NIBLEY</a>, <a href="">SCHEIBLE</a>, <a href="#SHEIBELS">SHEIBELS</a>, <a href="#SHEIFLEY">SHEIFLEY</a>, <a href="">SHIBLEY</a>, <a href="">SHIEBLEY</a>, <a href="">SIBLEY</a>, <a href="">WEIBLE</a>, <a href="">WEIBLER</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="637.45.54">Sheibley, Peter M.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Rome, <a href="">Floyd County</a>, Ga. Republican. Postmaster at <a href="">Rome, Ga.</a>, 1869-72. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="SHEIDE"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>SHEIDE</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex S300</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">DIERKSHEIDE</a>, <a href="">EIDE</a>, <a href="">HEIDE</a>, <a href="">SCHEID</a>, <a href="">SCHEIDE</a>, <a href="">SCHEYD</a>, <a href="">SCHIED</a>, <a href="">SEIDE</a>, <a href="">SHED</a>, <a href="">SHEDD</a>, <a href="#SHEIDLOWER">SHEIDLOWER</a>, <a href="#SHELDE">SHELDE</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="556.44.84">Sheide, Frederick</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Lindenhurst, <a href="">Suffolk County</a>, Long Island, N.Y. Democrat. <a href="">Chair of Suffolk County Democratic Party</a>, 1910; member of <a href="">New York state assembly</a> from Suffolk County 2nd District, 1911. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="SHEIDLOWER"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>SHEIDLOWER</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex S346</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">DIERKSHEIDE</a>, <a href="">GESCHEIDLER</a>, <a href="">HEIDLER</a>, <a href="">RIDLON</a>, <a href="">SCHEIDLE</a>, <a href="">SCHEIDLER</a>, <a href="#SHEIDE">SHEIDE</a>, <a href="">TIDLOW</a>, <a href="">WIDLON</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="288.03.17">Sheidlower, David Ishmael</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; Green. Candidate for <a href="">California insurance commissioner</a>, 2002. Still living as of 2002. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="SHEIFLEY"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>SHEIFLEY</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex S140</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">EIFLER</a>, <a href="">HEIFETZ</a>, <a href="">HEIFLIN</a>, <a href="">HEIFNER</a>, <a href="">PEIFLY</a>, <a href="">PFEIFLE</a>, <a href="">PFEIFLER</a>, <a href="">PHEIFFER</a>, <a href="">SCHAUFELE</a>, <a href="">SCHEFFEL</a>, <a href="">SCHEIF</a>, <a href="">SCHEIFELE</a>, <a href="">SCHIEFLEY</a>, <a href="">SCHOEFLE</a>, <a href="">SCHOFFEL</a>, <a href="#SHEFALI">SHEFALI</a>, <a href="#SHEIBLEY">SHEIBLEY</a>, <a href="">SHIFLET</a>, <a href="">SHIFLEY</a>, <a href="">STREIFLER</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>SHEIFLEY:</b> <i>See also</i> <a href="">Elias Shomo</a></td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="SHEIKH"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>SHEIKH</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex S200</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">EIKHOFF</a>, <a href="">HEIKENS</a>, <a href="">HEIKES</a>, <a href="">HEIKO</a>, <a href="">SCHEAK</a>, <a href="">SCHEUCH</a>, <a href="">SCHICK</a>, <a href="">SHAIKH</a>, <a href="">SHEAK</a>, <a href="#SHEEK">SHEEK</a>, <a href="#SHEK">SHEK</a>, <a href="">SHICK</a>, <a href="">SHIEK</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>SHEIKH:</b> <i>See also</i> <a href="#349.79.87">Farhan Sheikh-Omar</a></td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="470.05.31">Sheikh, Mushtaq A.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Elmira, <a href="">Chemung County</a>, N.Y. Democrat. Alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention from New York, <a href="">2008</a>. Still living as of 2008. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="SHEIKH-OMAR"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>SHEIKH-OMAR</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex S256</a>) </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="349.79.87">Sheikh-Omar, Farhan</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Lansing, <a href="">Ingham County</a>, Mich. Candidate in primary for <a href="">mayor of Lansing, Mich.</a>, 2021. Still living as of 2021. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="SHEIL"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>SHEIL</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex S400</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">ELISH</a>, <a href="">HEIL</a>, <a href="">HELIS</a>, <a href="">HILES</a>, <a href="">HILLES</a>, <a href="">HISEL</a>, <a href="">ISHELL</a>, <a href="">SCHEEL</a>, <a href="">SCHEELE</a>, <a href="">SCHELE</a>, <a href="">SCHELL</a>, <a href="">SCHILE</a>, <a href="">SCHILL</a>, <a href="">SHEAL</a>, <a href="#SHEILAMARIE">SHEILAMARIE</a>, <a href="#SHEILD">SHEILD</a>, <a href="#SHEILDS">SHEILDS</a>, <a href="#SHEILS">SHEILS</a>, <a href="#SHEL">SHEL</a>, <a href="">SHELL</a>, <a href="">SHELLI</a>, <a href="">SHERIL</a>, <a href="">SHIEL</a>, <a href="">SHILL</a>, <a href="">SIEHL</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="261.16.34">Sheil, Dennis R.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Fordham, Westchester County (now part of Bronx, <a href="">Bronx County</a>), N.Y. Member of <a href="">New York state assembly</a> from Westchester County 1st District, 1875. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="285.07.80">Sheil, Walter N.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of <a href="">Hudson County</a>, N.J. Democrat. Member of <a href="">New Jersey state senate</a> 31st District, 1978-81. Still living as of 1981. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="SHEILAMARIE"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>SHEILAMARIE</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex S456</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">ANNAMARIE</a>, <a href="">CALAMARAS</a>, <a href="">DELAMAR</a>, <a href="">DELAMARE</a>, <a href="">HEILAND</a>, <a href="">HILAMAN</a>, <a href="">KALAMARIDES</a>, <a href="">LAMAR</a>, <a href="">LAMARCA</a>, <a href="">LAMARCH</a>, <a href="">LAMARCHE</a>, <a href="">LAMARR</a>, <a href="">LAMARRE</a>, <a href="">LAMARTINE</a>, <a href="">LISAMARIE</a>, <a href="">MAHILAM</a>, <a href="">MILAM</a>, <a href="">SCHLEIMER</a>, <a href="">SCHLEMMER</a>, <a href="">SCHLOEMER</a>, <a href="#SHEIL">SHEIL</a>, <a href="#SHEILD">SHEILD</a>, <a href="#SHEILDS">SHEILDS</a>, <a href="#SHEILS">SHEILS</a>, <a href="">SHELHAMER</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>SHEILAMARIE:</b> <i>See also</i> <a href="">Sheilamarie Schiffman</a></td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="SHEILD"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>SHEILD</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex S430</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">ASHELD</a>, <a href="">FEILD</a>, <a href="">FEILDER</a>, <a href="#SHEIL">SHEIL</a>, <a href="#SHEILAMARIE">SHEILAMARIE</a>, <a href="#SHEILDS">SHEILDS</a>, <a href="#SHEILS">SHEILS</a>, <a href="#SHELDE">SHELDE</a>, <a href="">SHELLEDY</a>, <a href="">SHIELD</a>, <a href="">WEILD</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="594.73.69">Sheild, Frank W.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of <a href="">Hampton</a>, Va. Democrat. Postmaster at <a href="">Hampton, Va.</a>, 1893-97, 1913-22. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="844.57.53">Sheild, Rexford M.</a> (1889-1982)</b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Salem, <a href="">McCook County</a>, S.Dak. Born in Sycamore, <a href="">DeKalb County</a>, Ill., <a href="">November 29, 1889</a>. Republican. Member of <a href="">South Dakota state senate</a> 8th District, 1945-48, 1953-56; candidate for <a href="">Lieutenant Governor of South Dakota</a>, 1948; candidate for <a href="">South Dakota state attorney general</a>, 1950. Died <a href="">August 2, 1982</a> (age <a href="">92 years, 246 days</a>). Burial location unknown. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="SHEILDS"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>SHEILDS</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex S432</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">BILDSOE</a>, <a href="">CHILDS</a>, <a href="">FEILD</a>, <a href="">FEILDER</a>, <a href="">SCHIELDS</a>, <a href="#SHEIL">SHEIL</a>, <a href="#SHEILAMARIE">SHEILAMARIE</a>, <a href="#SHEILD">SHEILD</a>, <a href="#SHEILS">SHEILS</a>, <a href="">SHIELDES</a>, <a href="">SHIELDS</a>, <a href="">SHOULDICE</a>, <a href="">TORKILDSEN</a>, <a href="">WEILD</a>, <a href="">WILDS</a>, <a href="">WILDSTAR</a>, <a href="">WILDSTEIN</a>, <a href="">ZAZACHILDS</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="224.33.91">Sheilds, Marsha Ann</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Louisville, <a href="">Jefferson County</a>, Ky. Socialist. Socialist Workers candidate for Presidential Elector for Kentucky, <a href="">1972</a>. <a href="">Female</a>. Still living as of 1972. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="SHEILS"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>SHEILS</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex S420</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">BEILSTEIN</a>, <a href="">GEILS</a>, <a href="">KEILS</a>, <a href="">NEILS</a>, <a href="">NEILSEN</a>, <a href="">NEILSON</a>, <a href="">SCHOLZ</a>, <a href="">SCHOOLS</a>, <a href="">SCHULZ</a>, <a href="">SCHULZE</a>, <a href="#SHEIL">SHEIL</a>, <a href="#SHEILAMARIE">SHEILAMARIE</a>, <a href="#SHEILD">SHEILD</a>, <a href="#SHEILDS">SHEILDS</a>, <a href="">SHILES</a>, <a href="">SHULZ</a>, <a href="">SHULZE</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="887.82.10">Sheils, William J.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of New Rochelle, <a href="">Westchester County</a>, N.Y. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from New York, <a href="">1932</a>; candidate for <a href="">Justice of New York Supreme Court</a> 9th District, 1935. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="SHEINBAUM"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>SHEINBAUM</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex S515</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">AUGHINBAUGH</a>, <a href="">BASHEIN</a>, <a href="">HEIMMELSHEIN</a>, <a href="">HEINBACH</a>, <a href="">KLEINBACH</a>, <a href="">KLEINBAUM</a>, <a href="">LEINBACH</a>, <a href="">LEINBACK</a>, <a href="">MERINBAUM</a>, <a href="">SCHEINBERG</a>, <a href="">SCHOENBAUM</a>, <a href="">SCHOENBOHM</a>, <a href="#SHEINER">SHEINER</a>, <a href="#SHEINFELD">SHEINFELD</a>, <a href="#SHEINWALD">SHEINWALD</a>, <a href="">SILVERSHEIN</a>, <a href="">STEINBACH</a>, <a href="">STEINBACHER</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="582.70.56">Sheinbaum, Stanley K.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Santa Barbara, <a href="">Santa Barbara County</a>, Calif. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from California, <a href="">1968</a> (alternate), <a href="">1972</a>. Still living as of 1972. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="SHEINER"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>SHEINER</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex S560</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">BASHEIN</a>, <a href="">EINER</a>, <a href="">HEIMMELSHEIN</a>, <a href="">HEINE</a>, <a href="">HEINECK</a>, <a href="">HEINEINGER</a>, <a href="">HEINEKE</a>, <a href="">HEINEMAN</a>, <a href="">HEINEMANN</a>, <a href="">HEINER</a>, <a href="">HEINERMAN</a>, <a href="">HEINEY</a>, <a href="">RHEINER</a>, <a href="">SCHEINER</a>, <a href="">SCHENHERR</a>, <a href="">SCHOENER</a>, <a href="">SCHOENHERR</a>, <a href="">SCHUNIOR</a>, <a href="">SHANER</a>, <a href="#SHEINBAUM">SHEINBAUM</a>, <a href="#SHEINFELD">SHEINFELD</a>, <a href="#SHEINWALD">SHEINWALD</a>, <a href="">SHERINE</a>, <a href="">SHIENKNER</a>, <a href="">SHINER</a>, <a href="">SHOENER</a>, <a href="">SHREINER</a>, <a href="">SILVERSHEIN</a>, <a href="">THEINERT</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="643.26.97">Sheiner, Leo</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of <a href="">Orange County</a>, N.Y. Democrat. Candidate for <a href="">New York state assembly</a> from Orange County 1st District, 1938. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="SHEINFELD"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>SHEINFELD</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex S514</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">BASHEIN</a>, <a href="">DEREINFELDTS</a>, <a href="">EINFELDT</a>, <a href="">HEIMMELSHEIN</a>, <a href="">KLEINFELD</a>, <a href="">SCHOENFELD</a>, <a href="">SCHOENFIELD</a>, <a href="#SHEINBAUM">SHEINBAUM</a>, <a href="#SHEINER">SHEINER</a>, <a href="#SHEINWALD">SHEINWALD</a>, <a href="">SILVERSHEIN</a>, <a href="">SNOWFIELD</a>, <a href="">STEINFELD</a>, <a href="">STEINFELDT</a>, <a href="">WEINFELD</a>, <a href="">WINFERD</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="981.41.62">Sheinfeld, Peter</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Cambridge, <a href="">Middlesex County</a>, Mass. Republican. Candidate for <a href="">Massachusetts state senate</a> Suffolk & Middlesex District, 1996. Still living as of 1996. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="SHEINWALD"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>SHEINWALD</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex S543</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">ASPINWALL</a>, <a href="">BASHEIN</a>, <a href="">FRIENWALD</a>, <a href="">GREENWALD</a>, <a href="">GRUENWALD</a>, <a href="">GRUNWALD</a>, <a href="">GRUNWALDT</a>, <a href="">HEIMMELSHEIN</a>, <a href="">HEMINWAY</a>, <a href="">RAINWATER</a>, <a href="">RECTENWALD</a>, <a href="">ROSENWALD</a>, <a href="">SCHOENWALD</a>, <a href="#SHEINBAUM">SHEINBAUM</a>, <a href="#SHEINER">SHEINER</a>, <a href="#SHEINFELD">SHEINFELD</a>, <a href="">SILVERSHEIN</a>, <a href="">STEINWEDAL</a>, <a href="">STEINWIDDLE</a>, <a href="">TRINWARD</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="745.82.39">Sheinwald, Ann</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Rockport, <a href="">Essex County</a>, Mass. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Massachusetts, <a href="">2004</a>. <a href="">Female</a>. Still living as of 2004. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="SHEK"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>SHEK</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex S200</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">BENISHEK</a>, <a href="">GROSHEK</a>, <a href="">KEHS</a>, <a href="">MASHEK</a>, <a href="">MESHEK</a>, <a href="">RASBORSHEK</a>, <a href="">SCHEAK</a>, <a href="">SCHEUCH</a>, <a href="">SCHICK</a>, <a href="">SHEAK</a>, <a href="#SHEEK">SHEEK</a>, <a href="#SHEIKH">SHEIKH</a>, <a href="#SHEKAR">SHEKAR</a>, <a href="#SHEKARCHI">SHEKARCHI</a>, <a href="#SHEKEL">SHEKEL</a>, <a href="#SHEKELL">SHEKELL</a>, <a href="">SHENK</a>, <a href="">SHER</a>, <a href="">SHERK</a>, <a href="">SHICK</a>, <a href="">SHIEK</a>, <a href="">SIEK</a>, <a href="">WISHEK</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="446.19.98">Shek, Paul</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Michigan. American Independent candidate for <a href="">Michigan state house of representatives</a> 45th District, 1974. Still living as of 1974. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="SHEKAR"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>SHEKAR</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex S260</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">BENISHEK</a>, <a href="">DANDEKAR</a>, <a href="">GROSHEK</a>, <a href="">HARKESS</a>, <a href="">HASKER</a>, <a href="">KRESHA</a>, <a href="">MASHEK</a>, <a href="">MESHEK</a>, <a href="">PIEKARSKI</a>, <a href="">RASBORSHEK</a>, <a href="">SCHEICHER</a>, <a href="">SCHICKER</a>, <a href="">SHAKER</a>, <a href="">SHEAR</a>, <a href="#SHEK">SHEK</a>, <a href="#SHEKARCHI">SHEKARCHI</a>, <a href="#SHEKEL">SHEKEL</a>, <a href="#SHEKELL">SHEKELL</a>, <a href="">WISHEK</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>SHEKAR:</b> <i>See also</i> <a href="">Shekar Jayaraman</a></td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="SHEKARCHI"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>SHEKARCHI</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex S262</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">BENISHEK</a>, <a href="">DANDEKAR</a>, <a href="">GROSHEK</a>, <a href="">KARCAK</a>, <a href="">KARCH</a>, <a href="">KARCHER</a>, <a href="">KARCHMER</a>, <a href="">KARCZEWSKI</a>, <a href="">MASHEK</a>, <a href="">MESHEK</a>, <a href="">PIEKARSKI</a>, <a href="">RASBORSHEK</a>, <a href="#SHEK">SHEK</a>, <a href="#SHEKAR">SHEKAR</a>, <a href="#SHEKEL">SHEKEL</a>, <a href="#SHEKELL">SHEKELL</a>, <a href="">WISHEK</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="304.73.44">Shekarchi, Mary B.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Warwick, <a href="">Kent County</a>, R.I. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Rhode Island, <a href="">1996</a>. <a href="">Female</a>. Still living as of 1996. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="SHEKEL"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>SHEKEL</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex S240</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">APTHEKER</a>, <a href="">BENISHEK</a>, <a href="">GROSHEK</a>, <a href="">MASHEK</a>, <a href="">MESHEK</a>, <a href="">RASBORSHEK</a>, <a href="">SCHICKEL</a>, <a href="">SHACKELL</a>, <a href="">SHACKLEY</a>, <a href="">SHEAKLEY</a>, <a href="#SHEK">SHEK</a>, <a href="#SHEKAR">SHEKAR</a>, <a href="#SHEKARCHI">SHEKARCHI</a>, <a href="#SHEKELL">SHEKELL</a>, <a href="">SHICKLE</a>, <a href="">SHOCKLEY</a>, <a href="">SHUKAILO</a>, <a href="">WISHEK</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>SHEKEL:</b> <i>See also</i> <a href="">Andrew Dorsey</a></td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="SHEKELL"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>SHEKELL</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex S240</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">APTHEKER</a>, <a href="">BENISHEK</a>, <a href="">GROSHEK</a>, <a href="">KELL</a>, <a href="">MASHEK</a>, <a href="">MESHEK</a>, <a href="">RASBORSHEK</a>, <a href="">SCHICKEL</a>, <a href="">SHACKELL</a>, <a href="">SHACKLEY</a>, <a href="">SHEAKLEY</a>, <a href="#SHEK">SHEK</a>, <a href="#SHEKAR">SHEKAR</a>, <a href="#SHEKARCHI">SHEKARCHI</a>, <a href="#SHEKEL">SHEKEL</a>, <a href="">SHICKLE</a>, <a href="">SHOCKLEY</a>, <a href="">SHUKAILO</a>, <a href="">WISHEK</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="505.22.48">Shekell, John E.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Jackson, <a href="">Jackson County</a>, Mich. Democrat. Postmaster at <a href="">Jackson, Mich.</a>, 1914-22; candidate for <a href="">circuit judge in Michigan</a> 4th Circuit, 1929, 1935 (Democratic). Burial location unknown. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="SHEL"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>SHEL</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex S400</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">BOUSHEL</a>, <a href="">BUSHEL</a>, <a href="">CASHEL</a>, <a href="">FISHEL</a>, <a href="">GERSHEL</a>, <a href="">HEELS</a>, <a href="">HENSHEL</a>, <a href="">HERSHEL</a>, <a href="">LESH</a>, <a href="">MANSHEL</a>, <a href="">MESHEL</a>, <a href="">MUSHEL</a>, <a href="">OSHEL</a>, <a href="">RISHEL</a>, <a href="">SCHEEL</a>, <a href="">SCHEELE</a>, <a href="">SCHELE</a>, <a href="">SCHELL</a>, <a href="">SCHILE</a>, <a href="">SCHILL</a>, <a href="">SEEL</a>, <a href="">SEHL</a>, <a href="">SHEAL</a>, <a href="#SHEIL">SHEIL</a>, <a href="#SHELAH">SHELAH</a>, <a href="#SHELATZ">SHELATZ</a>, <a href="#SHELBURN">SHELBURN</a>, <a href="#SHELBY">SHELBY</a>, <a href="#SHELDE">SHELDE</a>, <a href="#SHELDEN">SHELDEN</a>, <a href="">SHELDON</a>, <a href="">SHELEY</a>, <a href="">SHELISA</a>, <a href="">SHELL</a>, <a href="">SHELLAND</a>, <a href="">SHELLEDY</a>, <a href="">SHELLEN</a>, <a href="">SHELLER</a>, <a href="">SHELLEY</a>, <a href="">SHELLI</a>, <a href="">SHELLIE</a>, <a href="">SHELLITO</a>, <a href="">SHELLMAN</a>, <a href="">SHELLY</a>, <a href="">SHELMAN</a>, <a href="">SHELNUTT</a>, <a href="">SHELOR</a>, <a href="">SHELP</a>, <a href="">SHELSTA</a>, <a href="">SHELTON</a>, <a href="">SHELVER</a>, <a href="">SHELVEY</a>, <a href="">SHIEL</a>, <a href="">SHILL</a>, <a href="">SUEL</a>, <a href="">WANSHEL</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>SHEL:</b> <i>See also</i> <a href="">Shel Haas</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Shel Newberger</a></td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="SHELAH"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>SHELAH</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex S400</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="#SHEL">SHEL</a>, <a href="#SHELATZ">SHELATZ</a>, <a href="">SHEYLA</a>, <a href="">SHIELA</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>SHELAH:</b> <i>See also</i> <a href="">Shelah Dillard Davis</a></td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="SHELATZ"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>SHELATZ</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex S432</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">BLATZ</a>, <a href="">GLATZ</a>, <a href="">KOLLATZ</a>, <a href="">LATZ</a>, <a href="">LATZE</a>, <a href="">PLATZ</a>, <a href="">PLATZEK</a>, <a href="">SHEATZ</a>, <a href="#SHEL">SHEL</a>, <a href="#SHELAH">SHELAH</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="094.30.38">Shelatz, Richard</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; Libertarian. Libertarian candidate for Presidential Elector for South Dakota, <a href="">2016</a> (on behalf of <a href="">Gary E. Johnson</a> and <a href="">William F. Weld</a>). Still living as of 2016. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="SHELBOURNE"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>SHELBOURNE</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex S416</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">BOURNE</a>, <a href="">COLBOURNE</a>, <a href="">COULBOURNE</a>, <a href="">KILBOURNE</a>, <a href="">LILBOURNE</a>, <a href="">MALBOURNE</a>, <a href="">MELBOURNE</a>, <a href="">MICHELBOOK</a>, <a href="">MILBOURNE</a>, <a href="">MOLBOURNE</a>, <a href="#SHELBURN">SHELBURN</a>, <a href="#SHELBY">SHELBY</a>, <a href="">WELBOURNE</a>, <a href="">WILBOURNE</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="723.44.03">Shelbourne, Roy Mahlon</a> (1890-1974)</b>&nbsp;&mdash; also known as <b>Roy M. Shelbourne</b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Paducah, <a href="">McCracken County</a>, Ky.; Louisville, <a href="">Jefferson County</a>, Ky. Born in Bardwell, <a href="">Carlisle County</a>, Ky., <a href="">November 12, 1890</a>. Democrat. <a href="">Lawyer</a>; <a href="">banker</a>; <a href="">delegate to Kentucky convention to ratify 21st amendment</a>, 1933; delegate to Democratic National Convention from Kentucky, <a href="">1944</a> (member, <a href="">Credentials Committee</a>); <a href="">U.S. District Judge for the Western District of Kentucky</a>, 1946-64; took senior status 1964. <a href="">Christian</a>. Member, <a href="">Kappa Sigma</a>; <a href="">Rotary</a>. Died in Louisville, <a href="">Jefferson County</a>, Ky., <a href="">December 29, 1974</a> (age <a href="">84 years, 47 days</a>). Burial location unknown. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>Relatives:</i> Son of Moreau Thomas Shelbourne and Jenny Lind (Dennis) Shelbourne; married, <a href="">October 8, 1914</a>, to Edith Richardson.</span></td></tr> <tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>See also</i> <a href="">federal judicial profile</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Biographical Directory of Federal Judges</a></span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="SHELBURN"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>SHELBURN</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex S416</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">BURN</a>, <a href="">HAVELBURG</a>, <a href="">HAZELBUS</a>, <a href="">HELBURN</a>, <a href="">INSELBUCH</a>, <a href="">KISSELBURGH</a>, <a href="">MIDELBURG</a>, <a href="#SHEL">SHEL</a>, <a href="#SHELBOURNE">SHELBOURNE</a>, <a href="#SHELBY">SHELBY</a>, <a href="">WELBURN</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="173.73.16">Shelburn, J. H.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Bellville, <a href="">Austin County</a>, Tex. Member of <a href="">Texas state house of representatives</a> 68th District, 1887-88; member of <a href="">Texas state senate</a> 16th District, 1893-94. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="388.73.11">Shelburn, Louis B.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Aurora, <a href="">Adams County</a>, Colo. Republican. Postmaster at <a href="">Aurora, Colo.</a>, 1908. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="SHELBY"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>SHELBY</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex S410</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">BIELBY</a>, <a href="">ELBY</a>, <a href="">KELBY</a>, <a href="">MELBY</a>, <a href="">MELBYE</a>, <a href="">SELBY</a>, <a href="#SHEL">SHEL</a>, <a href="#SHELBOURNE">SHELBOURNE</a>, <a href="#SHELBURN">SHELBURN</a>, <a href="">TAYLOR-SHELBY</a>, <a href="">WELBY</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>SHELBY:</b> <i>See also</i> <a href="">Evan Shelby Alexander</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Shelby Boudreau</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Robert Jefferson Breckinridge</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Shelby Chan</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Joseph Shelby Christian</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Shelby Corzine</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Shelby Cullison</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Shelby Moore Cullom</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Shelby J. Cunningham</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Shelby Cullom Davis</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Robert Desha</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Shelby S. Fletcher</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">John Shelby Gooch</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Shelby A. Haley</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Eli Shelby Hammond</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Shelby Highsmith</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Shelby Bond Hughes</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Shelby C. Kinkead</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Shelby Leary</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Shelby Lewis</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Shelby Lippencott</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Beriah Magoffin Jr.</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Shelby McCallum</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Shelby Moore</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Shelby Myrick</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Shelby S. Pleasants</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Shelby A. Rhinehart</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Shelby Rognstad</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Mrs. Shelby B. Schurtz</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Shelby Smith</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Shelby Hunter Smith</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Shelby F. Strother</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Mary Taylor-Shelby</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Shelby Joseph Theriot</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">David Shelby Walker</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">David Shelby Walker Jr.</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Shelby O. Walker</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Albert Shelby Willis</a></td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="319.42.83">Shelby, Brian A.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Augusta Township, <a href="">Washtenaw County</a>, Mich. Republican. Candidate for <a href="">supervisor of Augusta Township, Michigan</a>, 2004, 2008, 2012. Still living as of 2012. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="404.25.14">Shelby, Charles H.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of <a href="">Blue Earth County</a>, Minn. Member of <a href="">Minnesota state house of representatives</a> District 14, 1872. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="943.41.93">Shelby, David Davie</a> (1847-1914)</b>&nbsp;&mdash; also known as <b>David D. Shelby</b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Huntsville, <a href="">Madison County</a>, Ala. Born in <a href="">Madison County</a>, Ala., <a href="">October 24, 1847</a>. Republican. <a href="">Lawyer</a>; member of <a href="">Alabama state senate</a>, 1882-84; delegate to Republican National Convention from Alabama, <a href="">1896</a>; Judge of U.S. Circuit Court for the 5th Circuit, 1899-1911; <a href="">Judge of U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit</a>, 1899-1914; died in office 1914. Died in Huntsville, <a href="">Madison County</a>, Ala., <a href="">August 22, 1914</a> (age <a href="">66 years, 302 days</a>). Burial location unknown. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>See also</i> <a href="">federal judicial profile</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Biographical Directory of Federal Judges</a></span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="464.09.20">Shelby, Evan</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Martinsburg, <a href="">Berkeley County</a>, Va. (now W.Va.). Postmaster at <a href="">Martinsburg, Va.</a>, 1793-96. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>Shelby, Florence McDowell</b> <i>See</i> <a href="">Florence Cantrill</a></td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="079.44.97">Shelby, Horace E.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of New Bloomfield, <a href="">Perry County</a>, Pa. Republican. Delegate to Republican National Convention from Pennsylvania, <a href="">1904</a>. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="646.93.91">Shelby, Isaac</a> (1750-1826)</b>&nbsp;&mdash; Born in Frederick County (part now in <a href="">Washington County</a>), Md., <a href="">December 11, 1750</a>. Colonel in the Continental Army during the Revolutionary War; member of <a href="">Virginia state house of delegates</a>, 1779; member of <a href="">North Carolina state house of representatives</a>, 1782; <a href="">delegate to Kentucky state constitutional convention</a>, 1792; <a href="">Governor of Kentucky</a>, 1792-96, 1812-16; general in the U.S. Army during the War of 1812. <a href="">Welsh</a> and <a href="">English</a> ancestry. Died of a <a href="">broken blood vessel in the head</a>, in <a href="">Lincoln County</a>, Ky., <a href="">July 18, 1826</a> (age <a href="">75 years, 219 days</a>). Interment at <a href=" ">Shelby Traveller's Rest Burying Ground</a>, Stanford, Ky. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>Relatives:</i> Son of Evan Shelby and Letitia 'Leddy' (Cox) Shelby; married, <a href="">April 19, 1783</a>, to Susannah Hart; father of Susanna Hart Shelby (who married <a href="">James Shannon</a>); grandfather of Anna Nelson Shelby (who married <a href="">Beriah Magoffin</a>) and <a href="#932.65.41">Thomas Hart Shelby</a>; great-grandfather of <a href="">Beriah Magoffin Jr.</a>.</span></td></tr> <tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"> <i>Political families:</i> <a href="">Shelby-Bullock-Magoffin family</a> of Kentucky; <a href="">Shannon family</a> of Washington County, Pennsylvania (subsets of the <a href="">Four Thousand Related Politicians</a>).</span></td></tr> <tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;">Shelby counties in <a href="">Ala.</a>, <a href="">Ill.</a>, <a href="">Ind.</a>, <a href="">Iowa</a>, <a href="">Ky.</a>, <a href="">Mo.</a>, <a href="">Ohio</a>, <a href="">Tenn.</a> and <a href="">Tex.</a> are named for him.</span></td></tr> <tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;">The <a href="">town</a> of <a href="">Shelby, New York</a>, is <a href="">named for him</a>. &nbsp;&mdash; The <a href="">city</a> of <a href="">Shelbyville, Illinois</a>, is <a href="">named for him</a>. &nbsp;&mdash; The <a href="">city</a> of <a href="">Shelbyville, Indiana</a>, is <a href="">named for him</a>. &nbsp;&mdash; The <a href="">city</a> of <a href="">Shelbyville, Missouri</a>, is <a href="">named for him</a>. &nbsp;&mdash; The <a href="">city</a> of <a href="">Shelbyville, Tennessee</a>, is <a href="">named for him</a>. &nbsp;&mdash; The World War II <a href="">Liberty ship</a> <i>SS Isaac Shelby</i> (built 1944 at <a href="">Brunswick, Georgia</a>; mined and wrecked in the <a href="">Tyrrhenian Sea</a>, 1945) was <a href="">named for him</a>.</li> </span></td></tr> <tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>See also</i> <a href="">National Governors Association biography</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href=" Shelby">Wikipedia article</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">NNDB dossier</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Find-A-Grave memorial</a></span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="835.58.94">Shelby, Isaac</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Martinsburg, <a href="">Berkeley County</a>, Va. (now W.Va.). Postmaster at <a href="">Martinsburg, Va.</a>, 1796-99. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="964.81.85">Shelby, James</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Lexington, <a href="">Fayette County</a>, Ky. Whig. Delegate to Whig National Convention from Kentucky, 1839. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="957.44.49">Shelby, Jason Matthew</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; Libertarian. Libertarian candidate for Presidential Elector for Alabama, <a href="">2020</a> (on behalf of <a href="">Jo Jorgensen</a> and <a href="">Jeremy Cohen</a>); Libertarian candidate for Presidential Elector for Alabama, <a href="">2024</a> (on behalf of <a href="">Chase R. Oliver</a> and <a href="">Michael ter Maat</a>). Still living as of 2024. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="789.05.52">Shelby, John F.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Butler, <a href="">Bates County</a>, Mo. Democrat. Member of <a href="">Missouri state house of representatives</a> from Bates County, 1949-52. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="304.20.31">Shelby, Joseph B.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of <a href="">Lafayette County</a>, Mo. Member of <a href="">Missouri state house of representatives</a> from Lafayette County, 1901-04. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="329.60.37">Shelby, Marty</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Largo, <a href="">Pinellas County</a>, Fla. Candidate for <a href="">mayor of Largo, Fla.</a>, 2003. Still living as of 2003. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="217.56.20">Shelby, Mike</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; Republican. Candidate for <a href="">Texas state house of representatives</a> 134th District, 1992. Still living as of 1992. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="786.60.28">Shelby, Myke</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of San Diego, <a href="">San Diego County</a>, Calif. Candidate in primary for <a href="">mayor of San Diego, Calif.</a>, 2005. Still living as of 2005. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="509.88.55">Shelby, Ralph</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Arkansas. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Arkansas, <a href="">2000</a>. Still living as of 2000. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>Shelby, Ray</b> <i>See</i> <a href="#130.08.53">S. Ray Shelby</a></td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="989.28.71">Shelby, Reuben</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; Member of <a href="">Missouri state senate</a> 26th District, 1875-78. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="708.51.46">Shelby, Richard Craig</a> (b. 1934)</b>&nbsp;&mdash; also known as <b>Richard C. Shelby</b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Tuscaloosa, <a href="">Tuscaloosa County</a>, Ala. Born in Birmingham, <a href="">Jefferson County</a>, Ala., <a href="">May 6, 1934</a>. <a href="">Lawyer</a>; member of <a href="">Alabama state senate</a>, 1971-78; <a href="">U.S. Representative from Alabama</a> 7th District, 1979-87; <a href="">U.S. Senator from Alabama</a>, 1987-. <a href="">Presbyterian</a>. Member, <a href="">American Bar Association</a>; <a href="">American Judicature Society</a>; <a href="">Phi Alpha Delta</a>; <a href="">Exchange Club</a>. Still living as of 2019. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>See also</i> <a href="">congressional biography</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href=""> page</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href=" Shelby">Wikipedia article</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">NNDB dossier</a></span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="382.86.89">Shelby, Robert James</a> (b. 1970)</b>&nbsp;&mdash; Born in Fort Atkinson, <a href="">Jefferson County</a>, Wis., <a href="">1970</a>. <a href="">U.S. District Judge for Utah</a>, 2012-. Still living as of 2017. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>See also</i> <a href="">federal judicial profile</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Biographical Directory of Federal Judges</a></span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="130.08.53">Shelby, S. Ray</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Uniontown, <a href="">Fayette County</a>, Pa. Republican. Delegate to Republican National Convention from Pennsylvania, <a href="">1924</a>, <a href="">1928</a> (<a href="">Convention Vice-President</a>), <a href="">1944</a>. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="932.65.41">Shelby, Thomas Hart</a> (1829-1895)</b>&nbsp;&mdash; also known as <b>Thomas H. Shelby</b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Lexington, <a href="">Fayette County</a>, Ky. Born in <a href="">Fayette County</a>, Ky., <a href="">February 28, 1829</a>. Democrat. <a href="">U.S. Collector of Internal Revenue at Lexington, Kentucky</a>, 1893-95; died in office 1895. <a href="">Presbyterian</a>. Died, from <a href="">disease of the throat</a>, in Lexington, <a href="">Fayette County</a>, Ky., <a href="">February 19, 1895</a> (age <a href="">65 years, 356 days</a>). Interment at <a href="">Lexington Cemetery</a>, Lexington, Ky. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>Relatives:</i> Son of Thomas Hart Shelby (1789-1869) and Mary A. (Bullock) Shelby; married, <a href="">December 18, 1849</a>, to Frances Stuart Todd (first cousin of <a href="">Mary Todd Lincoln</a>); married, <a href="">November 26, 1856</a>, to Florence McDowell; nephew of <a href="">William Fontaine Bullock</a>; grandson of <a href="#646.93.91">Isaac Shelby</a> and <a href="">Edmund Bullock</a>; first cousin once removed of <a href="">Beriah Magoffin Jr.</a>; third cousin twice removed of <a href="">Daniel French Slaughter</a>; third cousin thrice removed of <a href="">Daniel French Slaughter Jr.</a>.</span></td></tr> <tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"> <i>Political families:</i> <a href="">Lincoln #1 family</a> of Kentucky; <a href="">Shelby-Bullock-Magoffin family</a> of Kentucky (subsets of the <a href="">Four Thousand Related Politicians</a>).</span></td></tr> <tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>See also</i> <a href="">Find-A-Grave memorial</a></span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="578.62.92">Shelby, Titus R.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Sheridan, <a href="">Sheridan County</a>, Wyo. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from Wyoming, <a href="">1996</a>. Still living as of 1996. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="227.12.20">Shelby, W. M.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Batesville, <a href="">Independence County</a>, Ark. Democrat. Alternate delegate to Democratic National Convention from Arkansas, <a href="">1924</a>. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="436.61.03">Shelby, W. R.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Grand Rapids, <a href="">Kent County</a>, Mich. Democrat. Michigan Gold Democratic state chair, 1899. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="275.67.92">Shelby, William T.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Olney, <a href="">Richland County</a>, Ill. Democrat. Postmaster at <a href="">Olney, Ill.</a>, 1857-58. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="SHELDE"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>SHELDE</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex S430</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">ASHELD</a>, <a href="">BACHELDER</a>, <a href="">BATCHELDER</a>, <a href="">MISENHELDER</a>, <a href="">OSTHELDER</a>, <a href="">REICHELDERFER</a>, <a href="#SHEIDE">SHEIDE</a>, <a href="#SHEILD">SHEILD</a>, <a href="#SHEL">SHEL</a>, <a href="#SHELDEN">SHELDEN</a>, <a href="">SHELDON</a>, <a href="">SHELDRAKE</a>, <a href="">SHELDRICK</a>, <a href="">SHELLEDY</a>, <a href="">SHIELD</a>, <a href="">VANOVERSCHELDE</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="031.70.35">Shelde, Fred</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Lindenhurst, <a href="">Suffolk County</a>, Long Island, N.Y. Democrat. Delegate to Democratic National Convention from New York, <a href="">1912</a>. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> <a name="SHELDEN"> </a> <table border width=100% cellpadding=5><tr><td bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><b>SHELDEN</b> <small>(<a href="">Soundex S435</a>) &mdash; <i>See also</i> <a href="">ASHELD</a>, <a href="">BACHELDER</a>, <a href="">BATCHELDER</a>, <a href="">BELDEN</a>, <a href="">CHESSELDEN</a>, <a href="">ELDEN</a>, <a href="">FELDEN</a>, <a href="">FIELDEN</a>, <a href="">HASELDEN</a>, <a href="">HAZELDEN</a>, <a href="">MISENHELDER</a>, <a href="">OSTHELDER</a>, <a href="">REICHELDERFER</a>, <a href="">SELDEN</a>, <a href="">SELDENRIGHT</a>, <a href="#SHEL">SHEL</a>, <a href="#SHELDE">SHELDE</a>, <a href="">SHELDON</a>, <a href="">SHELDRAKE</a>, <a href="">SHELDRICK</a>, <a href="">VANOVERSCHELDE</a>, <a href="">WELDEN</a>.</small> </td></tr></table><br clear="all"> <table align="left" cellpadding=5> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b>SHELDEN:</b> <i>See also</i> <a href="">Shelden Marvin</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href="">Shelden Zenner</a></td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="509.21.18">Shelden, Alvah</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of El Dorado, <a href="">Butler County</a>, Kan. Republican. Postmaster at <a href="">El Dorado, Kan.</a>, 1878-85; delegate to Republican National Convention from Kansas, <a href="">1888</a>. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="015.14.71">Shelden, Bruce M.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; Republican. Candidate for <a href="">Montana state attorney general</a>, 1960. Still living as of 1960. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="516.67.12">Shelden, Burdette</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Brookings, <a href="">Brookings County</a>, S.Dak. Member of <a href="">South Dakota state senate</a> 13th District, 1959-60. Still living as of 1960. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="561.36.11">Shelden, Carlos Douglas</a> (1840-1904)</b>&nbsp;&mdash; also known as <b>Carlos D. Shelden</b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Houghton, <a href="">Houghton County</a>, Mich. Born in Walworth, <a href="">Walworth County</a>, Wis., <a href="">June 10, 1840</a>. Republican. Served in the Union Army during the Civil War; <a href="">machinist</a>; <a href="">real estate business</a>; <a href="">steamboat business</a>; member of <a href="">Michigan state house of representatives</a> from Houghton County 2nd District, 1893-94; member of <a href="">Michigan state senate</a> 32nd District, 1895-96; <a href="">U.S. Representative from Michigan</a> 12th District, 1897-1903. Died in Houghton, <a href="">Houghton County</a>, Mich., <a href="">June 24, 1904</a> (age <a href="">64 years, 14 days</a>). Interment at <a href="">Forest Hill Cemetery</a>, Houghton, Mich. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>See also</i> <a href="">congressional biography</a>&nbsp;&mdash; <a href=""> page</a></span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="551.54.33">Shelden, Charles E.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Putnam, <a href="">Windham County</a>, Conn. Socialist. Candidate for <a href="">Connecticut state house of representatives</a> from Putnam, 1908. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="670.60.76">Shelden, John Q. A.</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Manhattan, <a href="">Riley County</a>, Kan. Democrat. Postmaster at <a href="">Manhattan, Kan.</a>, 1886-90. Burial location unknown. <table width=100% align="left"><tr><td width=20>&nbsp;</td> <td width=26 valign="top"><img src="hand.gif" width=26 height=17></td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"><i>Presumably named for:</i> <a href="">John Quincy Adams</a></span></td></tr> </table> </td></tr> <tr><td width=82 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td><td valign="top"><img src="rd.gif" width=13 height=13> <b><a name="896.86.17">Shelden, Raymond</a></b>&nbsp;&mdash; of Ekalaka, <a href="">Carter County</a>, Mont. Republican. Delegate to Republican National Convention from Montana, <a href="">1948</a>. Presumed deceased. Burial location unknown. </td></tr> </table><br clear="all"><br> </td> <td width=180 align="center" valign="center"> </td></tr></table> <hr> <table width=100%> <tr><td align="center"><span style="font-size:20pt;"> <span style="font-family:garamond,serif"> <i>"Enjoy the hospitable entertainment of a political graveyard."</i></span></span><br> <span style="font-size:8pt;">Henry L. Clinton, Apollo Hall, New York City, February 3, 1872</span></td> <td><a href=""> <img src="" width=450 height=71 align="right" border=0 alt="The Political Graveyard"></a></td></tr></table> <br clear="all"> <table width=100% cellpadding=2> <tr><td colspan=3><span style="font-size:10pt;"> <b><a href="">The Political Graveyard</a></b> is a web site about U.S. political history and cemeteries. Founded in 1996, it is the Internet's most comprehensive free source for American political biography, listing 338,260 politicians, living and dead.</span></td></tr> <tr><td colspan=3><span style="font-size:8pt;">&nbsp;</span></td></tr> <tr><td width=32 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"> <img src="rd.gif" width=10 height=10> The coverage of this site includes (1) the President, Vice President, members of Congress, elected state and territorial officeholders in all fifty states, the District of Columbia, and U.S. territories; and the chief elected official, typically the mayor, of qualifying municipalities; (2) candidates at election, including primaries, for any of the above; (3) all federal judges and all state appellate judges; (4) certain federal officials, including the federal cabinet, diplomatic chiefs of mission, consuls, U.S. district attorneys, collectors of customs and internal revenue, members of major federal commissions; and political appointee (pre-1969) postmasters of qualifying communities; (5) state and national political party officials, including delegates, alternate delegates, and other participants in national party nominating conventions; (6) Americans who served as "honorary" consuls for other nations before 1950. Note: municipalities or communities "qualify", for Political Graveyard purposes, if they have at least half a million person-years of history, inclusive of predecessor, successor, and merged entities.</span></td> <td width=100 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td></tr> <tr><td width=32 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"> <img src="rd.gif" width=10 height=10> The listings are <b>incomplete</b>; development of the database is a continually ongoing project.</span></td> <td width=100 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td></tr> <tr><td width=32 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"> <img src="rd.gif" width=10 height=10> Information on this page &mdash; and on all other pages of this site &mdash; is believed to be accurate, but is <b>not</b> guaranteed. Users are advised to check with other sources before relying on any information here.</span></td> <td width=100 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td></tr> <tr><td width=32 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"> <img src="rd.gif" width=10 height=10> The official URL for this page is: <a href=""></a>.</span></td> <td width=100 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td></tr> <tr><td width=32 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"> <img src="rd.gif" width=10 height=10> Links to this or any other Political Graveyard page are welcome, but specific page addresses may sometimes change as the site develops.</span></td> <td width=100 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td></tr> <tr><td width=32 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td> <td valign="top"><span style="font-size:8pt;"> <img src="rd.gif" width=10 height=10> If you are searching for a specific named individual, try the <a href="">alphabetical index of politicians</a>.</span></td> <td width=100 align="right" valign="top">&nbsp;</td></tr> <tr><td colspan=3 align="left" valign="top"><span style="font-size:10pt;"> <b>Copyright notices:</b> (1) Facts are not subject to copyright; see <a href="">Feist v. Rural Telephone</a>. (2) Politician portraits displayed on this site are 70-pixel-wide monochrome thumbnail images, which I believe to constitute <b>fair use</b> under applicable copyright law. Where possible, each image is linked to its online source. However, requests from owners of copyrighted images to delete them from this site are honored. (3) Original material, programming, selection and arrangement are &copy;&nbsp;1996-2025 Lawrence Kestenbaum. (4) This work is also licensed for free non-commercial re-use, with attribution, under a <a href="">Creative Commons License</a>.</span></td></tr> <tr><td colspan=3 align="left" valign="top"><span style="font-size:10pt;"> <b>What is a "political graveyard"?</b> See <a href="">Political Dictionary</a>; <a href="">Urban Dictionary</a>.</span></td></tr> <tr><td colspan=3 align="left" valign="top"><span style="font-size:10pt;"> <b>Site information:</b> The Political Graveyard is created and maintained by <b>Lawrence Kestenbaum</b>, who is solely responsible for its structure and content.&nbsp;&mdash; The mailing address is <b>The Political Graveyard, P.O. Box 2563, Ann Arbor MI 48106.</b>&nbsp;&mdash; This site is hosted by <b><a href=""></a></b>.&nbsp;&mdash; The Political Graveyard opened on <b>July 1, 1996</b>; the last full revision was done on <b>February 17, 2025</b>. </span></td></tr> </table> </body> </html>

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