Labcorp's Terms and Conditions | Labcorp

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Scope of These Terms and Conditions</h2> <p>These Terms and Conditions are applicable to your access to and use <a href=""></a> and all other websites and online applications operated by Laboratory Corporation of America Holdings or its affiliates and subsidiaries, including Laboratory Corporation of America (collectively, &#34;Labcorp,&#34; “we,” “our,” “us”) that link to or incorporate these Terms and Conditions (the “Online Services”) Please read these Terms and Conditions carefully Your access to and use of the Online Services and the information, materials, products, tools, and services available through the Online Services are subject to these Terms and Conditions, regardless of whether you possess or do not possess an account through the Online Services linked to your name and/or contact information (“Account”)</p> <p><b>By accessing or using the Online Services, you acknowledge that you understand and agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions If you do not understand or agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions, do not access or use the Online Services </b>When you use certain of the Online Services (e.g., Labcorp®: Patient Portal, Labcorp®: PreCheck, etc.), we may provide you with additional terms and conditions relating to that specific Online Service, which will supplement the generally applicable terms of these Terms and Conditions In the event of any inconsistency between these Terms and Conditions and any Online Service-specific terms and conditions, the Online Service-specific terms and conditions shall govern with respect to your access to and use of that Online Service.</p> <p><b>PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS AGREEMENT CONTAINS A MANDATORY ARBITRATION PROVISION THAT WAIVES YOUR RIGHT TO A JURY TRIAL AND REQUIRES USE OF ARBITRATION ON AN INDIVIDUAL BASIS.</b></p> <h2>2. Privacy Statement</h2> <p>Our <a href="">Privacy Statement</a> describes how Labcorp collects information about you through the Online Services that is not protected health information under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (“HIPAA”), and how we use, disclose, and protect that information.</p> <h2>3. Disclaimer of Content</h2> <p><b>T</b>he Online Services provide general information about our company and selected subsidiaries, and the products and services offered by them, including diagnostic health testing and services, data analysis, clinical trials capabilities, employer health management solutions, and information about various health conditions.</p> <p>The clinical information contained within the &#34;Health Care Provider&#34; section <a href=""></a> is intended for the use of health care professionals. Health care providers should exercise their own clinical judgment when using our content, tools, or databases.</p> <p>If you are any other website visitor, you should not use information found on the Online Services to replace a relationship with your physician or other health care professional and should not rely on that information as professional medical advice. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider concerning questions you have regarding a medical condition, and before starting, stopping, or modifying any treatment or medication. In the case of a health emergency, seek immediate assistance from emergency personnel. Never delay obtaining medical advice or disregard medical advice because of something you have or have not read on the Online Services.</p> <p>The information (including, without limitation, advice and recommendations) and services on the Online Services are intended solely as a general educational aid and are neither medical nor health care advice for any individual problem nor a substitute for medical or other professional advice and services from a qualified health care provider familiar with your medical history. Accessing or using the Online Services does not create a doctor-patient relationship with Labcorp. You acknowledge and agree that we have not represented that content provided through the Online Services has the ability to diagnose disease, prescribe treatment, or perform any other tasks that constitute the practice of medicine.</p> <p>While Labcorp attempts to keep all the information on the Online Services up-to-date, the Online Services should not be considered error-free or as a comprehensive source of all information on a particular topic. Labcorp makes no warranties or representations as to the accuracy of the content of the Online Services, and assumes no responsibility for any consequences relating directly or indirectly to any action or inaction you take based upon the information and material on the Online Services. Your use of the Online Services is subject to the additional disclaimers and caveats that may appear throughout these Terms and Conditions and the Online Services. You assume the entire risk of loss in using the Online Services and materials contained in the Online Services.</p> <p>Features and specifications of products or services described or depicted on the Online Services are subject to change at any time without notice.</p> <p>Certain of the information about health conditions on the Online Services is provided by third parties including, but not limited to, the patient Health Library, with content provided by Lab Tests Online®, which is published by the American Association for Clinical Chemistry (AACC). The AACC has not reviewed and does not endorse any information, products, or services other than those clearly marked as being from Lab Tests Online.</p> <h2>4. Copyright, Trademarks and other Intellectual Property</h2> <p>Copyright, trademark, patent, and other applicable laws protect the services and materials appearing on the Online Services. All materials on the Online Services may be accessed, downloaded, or printed for the noncommercial purpose of scientific or educational advancement or within the scope allowable by these Terms and Conditions. No other use of these materials may be made without express written permission of the operators of Labcorp. Any unauthorized use of the words or images on the Online Services may violate copyright laws, trademark laws, the laws of privacy and publicity, and civil and criminal statutes.</p> <p>The Online Services include material that is derived in whole or in part from materials that are copyrighted, including the format and layout of the Online Services. The copyrights are owned by Labcorp, or for licensed content, the content providers.</p> <p><b>The Online Services are owned by Laboratory Corporation of America Holdings. None of the names, trademarks, service marks and logos of Labcorp appearing on the Online Services may be used in any advertising or publicity, or otherwise to indicate Labcorp’s sponsorship of or affiliation with any product or service, without express written permission of the operators of Labcorp. </b>Nothing contained on the Online Services should be construed as granting, by implication, estoppel, waiver or otherwise, any license or right of use to any trademark displayed on the Online Services without the written permission of the owners and operators of Labcorp or the third party owner of the trademark, if any. The Online Services may contain other proprietary notices and copyright information, the terms of which must be observed and followed.</p> <h2>5. Right to Change Terms and Conditions</h2> <p>The Terms and Conditions are available on the Online Services, including at the following link: <a href=""></a><a href="">.</a> Labcorp may, at any time and from time to time, in its sole discretion, change these Terms and Conditions, in whole or in part. You agree to review these Terms and Conditions periodically. Any changes to these Terms and Conditions will be effective immediately upon the posting of the modified Terms and Conditions to the Online Services. If you possess an Account, we may also provide notice of the changes to you when you log in to the Online Services or by sending notice of the changes to contact information that you have provided to us. You agree to comply with, and be bound by, the modified Terms and Conditions either (i) by continuing to use or access the Online Services after modified Terms and Conditions are posted to the Online Services, or (ii) if you possess an Account, by not requesting to terminate your Account within seven (7) calendar days after the changes are posted as described above.</p> <h2>6. Your Provision of Contact and Account Information to Us</h2> <p>When you provide information about yourself to us, including when you create an Account, you agree to: (a) provide accurate, current, and complete information about yourself, and not to provide information that attempts to impersonate another individual; and (b) maintain and promptly update such information to keep it accurate, current, and complete If you provide any information that is untrue, inaccurate, or incomplete, or we have reasonable grounds to suspect that such information is untrue, inaccurate, or incomplete, we retain the right to suspend or terminate any Account you establish and/or to refuse any or all current or future use of the Online Services or any portion thereof.</p> <h2>7. Communications from Labcorp</h2> <p>When you create an Account, or otherwise use the Services (including but not limited to Online Services), you may have the option to provide your contact information. By providing your contact information, you agree to receive recurring informational and/or marketing communications from Labcorp and/or our affiliates via email, phone call, and/or text message, including autodialed and prerecorded calls and messages.</p> <p>If you have any questions about receiving communications from us, please contact us using the information in the “Contact Information” section below. To unsubscribe from marketing emails, click the “Unsubscribe” link at the bottom of the email you received from us. To unsubscribe from calls, follow the instructions provided in the phone message.</p> <p>Even if you unsubscribe from marketing communications, if any, we may still send communications related to lab services such as appointment confirmations and reminders, test result and invoice notifications or other similar information. At the same time, Labcorp retains the right to block or otherwise prevent delivery of any communication to or from Labcorp Patient™ to protect Labcorp Patient™, patients, or to prevent a breach of these Terms.</p> <p>The following provisions apply specifically to SMS text messages:</p> <ol><li>When you opt in to receive SMS text messages, we will send you text message to confirm your signup. Lab services messages, sent from SMS short code 43771, include appointment confirmations, appointment reschedule confirmations, appointment cancellation confirmations, open order notifications and other notifications directly related to your lab testing services. Billing services messages, sent from SMS short code 47106, include new bill notifications, payment confirmations any other billing-related communications. Other one-time text messages include ready-for-service notifications and Labcorp Patient password reset messages.</li><li>You can cancel a SMS service at any time by texting &#34;STOP&#34;. After you send the SMS message &#34;STOP&#34; to us, we will send you an SMS message to confirm that you have been unsubscribed. After this, you will no longer receive SMS messages from that short code. If you want to join again, just sign up as you did the first time and we will start sending SMS messages to you again.</li><li>If at any time you forget what keywords are supported, just text &#34;HELP&#34;. After you send the SMS message &#34;HELP&#34; to us, we will respond with instructions on how to use our service as well as how to unsubscribe.</li><li>We are able to deliver messages to the following mobile phone carriers: Major carriers: AT&amp;T, Verizon Wireless, Sprint, T-Mobile, MetroPCS, U.S. Cellular, Alltel, Boost Mobile, Nextel, and Virgin Mobile. Minor carriers: Alaska Communications Systems (ACS), Appalachian Wireless (EKN), Bluegrass Cellular, Cellular One of East Central IL (ECIT), Cellular One of Northeast Pennsylvania, Cincinnati Bell Wireless, Cricket, Coral Wireless (Mobi PCS), COX, Cross, Element Mobile (Flat Wireless), Epic Touch (Elkhart Telephone), GCI, Golden State, Hawkeye (Chat Mobility), Hawkeye (NW Missouri), Illinois Valley Cellular, Inland Cellular, iWireless (Iowa Wireless), Keystone Wireless (Immix Wireless/PC Man), Mosaic (Consolidated or CTC Telecom), Nex-Tech Wireless, NTelos, Panhandle Communications, Pioneer, Plateau (Texas RSA 3 Ltd), Revol, RINA, Simmetry (TMP Corporation), Thumb Cellular, Union Wireless, United Wireless, Viaero Wireless, and West Central (WCC or 5 Star Wireless). ***Carriers are not liable for delayed or undelivered messages***</li><li>As always, message and data rates may apply for any messages sent to you from a Labcorp short code and to us from you. If you have any questions about your text plan or data plan, it is best to contact your wireless provider. For all questions about the services provided by this short code, please contact us using the information in the “Contact Information” section below.</li></ol> <h2>8. Use of the Online Services by Health Care Providers and Health Plans</h2> <p>If you are a health care provider or a health plan, you represent and warrant that when using the Online Services you will comply with all applicable laws and regulations, including the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act and its implementing regulations and other federal and state privacy and data security laws, and you will not provide any information, including protected health information, to us for which you do not have the required authorizations or consents.</p> <h2>9. User-Provided Content</h2> <p>You understand that all information, data, or other materials that you and other users of the Online Services upload, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available through the Online Services, including information you share with or make available to other users of the Online Services (&#34;User-Provided Content&#34;), are the sole responsibility of you or the person from whom such User-Provided Content originated This means that you, and not us, are responsible for all User-Provided Content that you upload, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available through the Online Services We do not control the User-Provided Content posted and, as such, do not guarantee the accuracy, integrity, or quality of any User-Provided Content Furthermore, the User-Provided Content is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment You understand that by using the Online Services, you may be exposed to User-Provided Content that is offensive, indecent, or objectionable Under no circumstances will we be liable in any way for or related to any User-Provided Content, including, but not limited to, for any errors or omissions in any User-Provided Content, or for any loss or damage of any kind incurred as a result of the publication or use of or reliance on any User-Provided Content uploaded, posted, transmitted, published, displayed, or otherwise made available through the Online Services.</p> <p><b>By uploading, posting, transmitting, publishing, displaying, or otherwise making available User-Provided Content through the Online Services, you represent and warrant that:</b></p> <ul><li>you own or control all rights, title, and interests to such User-Provided Content;</li><li>all &#34;moral rights&#34; that you may have in such User-Provided Content have been voluntarily waived by you;</li><li>you have the right to grant the licenses granted under these Terms and Conditions;</li><li>all User-Provided Content that you post: (i) is accurate; (ii) does not violate these Terms and Conditions; (iii) will not conflict with, result in a breach or violation of any terms or provisions of, or constitute a default under any contract or agreement to which you are currently bound or will become bound in the future; (iv) does not and will not violate any law, and (v) will not cause injury to any person or entity; and</li><li>you are at least 13 years old.</li></ul> <h2>10. Your Grant of License to Labcorp for User-Provided Content</h2> <p>By uploading, posting, transmitting, publishing, displaying, or otherwise making available User-Provided Content, you grant us a worldwide, perpetual, non-exclusive, royalty-free license (with the right to sub-license) to use, reproduce, display, perform, adapt, modify, publish, create derivative works from, or distribute such User-Provided Content in whole or in part in any form, medium, or technology (now known or later developed) without compensation to you, including but not limited to, in any unaffiliated third party content and in our or their publications, marketing material, and advertisements We may modify or adapt User-Provided Content, including in order to transmit, display, or distribute it over networks and to conform to the requirements of networks, services, or other media We or others may, in our sole discretion, cite to your name or other identifier you provided when posting User-Provided Content You represent and warrant that our publication and use of your User-Provided Content will not infringe or violate the intellectual property or other rights of any third party.</p> <p>Labcorp reserves the right to change, condense, delete, or refuse to post any User-Provided Content on the Online Services in its sole discretion None of the User-Provided Content that you submit shall be subject to any obligation of confidence on the part of LabCorp, its agents, partners, or third-party service providers and their respective directors, officers, and employees.</p> <p>This Section 10 does <u>not</u> apply to any information defined as protected health information under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) that you upload, post, transmit, publish, display, or otherwise make available through nonpublic portions of the Online Services.</p> <h2>11. Your Conduct</h2> <p>You agree to comply with all laws, rules, and regulations applicable to your use of the Online Services In addition, you agree <u>not </u>to:</p> <ul><li>upload, post, email, transmit, or otherwise make available any User-Provided Content that is known by you to be false, inaccurate, or misleading;</li><li>upload, post, email, transmit, or otherwise make available any User-Provided Content that violates any law, statute, ordinance, or regulation (including, but not limited to, those governing export control, consumer protection, unfair competition, anti-discrimination, or false advertising);</li><li>upload, post, email, transmit, or otherwise make available any User-Provided Content that is, or may reasonably be considered to be, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, tortious, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, libelous, invasive of another&#39;s privacy, hateful, or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable, or that harms minors in any way;</li><li>forge headers or otherwise manipulate identifiers in order to disguise the origin of any User-Provided Content transmitted in connection with the Online Services;</li><li>upload, post, email, transmit, or otherwise make available any User-Provided Content that you do not have a right to make available under any law or under contractual or fiduciary relationships (such as inside information, or proprietary and confidential information learned or disclosed as part of employment relationships or under nondisclosure agreements);</li><li>upload, post, email, transmit, or otherwise make available any User-Provided Content that infringes any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright, right of publicity, or other proprietary right of any party;</li><li>upload, post, email, transmit, or otherwise make available any unsolicited or unauthorized advertising, promotional materials, &#34;junk mail,&#34; &#34;spam,&#34; &#34;chain letters,&#34; &#34;pyramid schemes,&#34; or any other form of solicitation;</li><li>upload, post, email, transmit, or otherwise make available any material that contains software viruses or any other computer code, files, or programs designed to interrupt, destroy, or limit the functionality of any computer software or hardware or telecommunications equipment;</li><li>take any action that interferes with the proper working of the Online Services, compromises the security of the Online Services, or otherwise damages the Online Services or any materials and information available through the Online Services;</li><li>attempt to gain unauthorized access to any portion or feature of the Online Services, to any other systems or networks connected to the Online Services, to any of our servers, or to any of the services offered on or through the Online Services, including but not limited to by hacking, password “mining”, or any other unauthorized means;</li><li>probe, scan, or test the vulnerability of the Online Services or any network connected to the Online Services or bypass the authentication measures on the Online Services or any network connected to the Online Services;</li><li>use any automated means to collect information or content from or otherwise access the Online Services, including but not limited to through the use of technical tools known as robots, spiders, or scrapers, without our prior permission;</li><li>harvest or otherwise collect and store information about other users of the Online Services, including e-mail addresses;</li><li>install any software, file, or code that is not authorized by the user of a computer or mobile device or that assumes control of all or any part of the processing performed by a computer or mobile device without the authorization of the user of the computer or mobile device; or</li><li>interfere with or disrupt the operation of the Online Services or server networks connected to the Online Services, or disobey any requirements, procedures, policies, or regulations of networks connected to the Online Services.</li></ul> <h2>12. Third Party-Owned Content and Links to Third Party Owned-Websites or Online Applications</h2> <p>The Online Services may contain third party-owned content (e.g., articles, data feeds, abstracts, etc.) and may also include hypertext links to third party-owned websites and online applications. We provide such third party-owned content and links as a courtesy to our users. We have no control over any third party-owned websites or online applications or third-party owned content referenced on, linked to from, accessed by, or available on the Online Services and, therefore, we do not endorse, sponsor, recommend, or otherwise accept any responsibility for such third party-owned websites or online applications (or the availability of such websites or online applications) or third-party owned content. IN PARTICULAR, WE DO NOT ACCEPT ANY LIABILITY ARISING OUT OF ANY ALLEGATION THAT ANY THIRD PARTY-OWNED CONTENT (WHETHER PUBLISHED ON THE ONLINE SERVICES, OR ANY OTHER WEBSITE OR ONLINE APPLICATION) INFRINGES THE INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS OF ANY PERSON OR ANY LIABILITY ARISING OUT OF ANY INFORMATION OR OPINION CONTAINED IN SUCH third-party owned content OR ON ANY THIRD PARTY-OWNED website or online application LINKED TO FROM THE ONLINE SERVICES.</p> <p>You acknowledge and agree that we are not responsible or liable for the accuracy; collection, use, disclosure, or protection of information; copyright compliance; legality; decency; or any other aspect of third party-owned websites or online applications that are linked to from the Online Services or the content displayed on or through them If you visit third party-owned websites or online applications by clicking links on the Online Services, we encourage you to consult the privacy policy and the terms and conditions of each such website or online application you visit as those policies may differ from ours.</p> <h2>13. Links to the Online Services</h2> <p>You should not link to the Online Services, nor use Labcorp’s name, trademark, logos, or otherwise refer to Labcorp in any public communications without first obtaining Labcorp’s advance written consent. Requests to link to the Online Services or use Labcorp’s name should be directed to <a href="">Labcorp Media Relations</a>.</p> <h2>14. Advertising and Sponsorships</h2> <p>We do not accept paid advertisements or sponsorships on the Online Services.</p> <h2>15. Information, News, and Press Releases</h2> <p>The Online Services may contain information about Labcorp, such as news and press releases. You acknowledge that we have no duty or obligation to maintain the accuracy of, or update any such information, and agree that your reliance on any such information is at your own risk.</p> <h2>16. Registration and Passwords</h2> <p>The Online Services may permit or require you to register or obtain a password prior to permitting you to access certain portions of the Online Services You acknowledge and agree that you are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your login ID and password, and for all uses of your login ID, password, and/or Account You agree to notify us immediately of any unauthorized use of your login ID, password, or Account, or any other breach of security involving access to the Online Services through your Account. You acknowledge that you may be held liable for any loss or harm incurred by us or any other person or entity due to someone else using your login ID, password, or Account as a result of your failing to keep your Account information secure and confidential.</p> <h2>17. Operation of the Online Services</h2> <p>We reserve the right to do any of the following, at any time, at our sole discretion, for any reason and with or without notice: (i) modify, suspend, or terminate operation of or your access to the Online Services, or any portion of the Online Services, including but not limited to for your violation of these Terms and Conditions; (ii) modify or change the Online Services, or any portion of the Online Services; and (iii) interrupt the regular operation of the Online Services, or any portion of the Online Services, as necessary to perform routine or non-routine maintenance, to correct errors, or to make other changes to the Online Services.</p> <h2>18. Dispute Resolution</h2> <p>PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING PARAGRAPHS CAREFULLY BECAUSE THEY REQUIRE YOU AND LABCORP TO ARBITRATE DISPUTES ON AN INDIVIDUAL BASIS AND LIMIT THE MANNER IN WHICH YOU AND LABCORP CAN SEEK RELIEF FROM EACH OTHER.</p> <ol><li><b>Arbitration Agreement.</b> You and Labcorp mutually agree, to the fullest extent of the law, that any Dispute (defined below) shall be arbitrated and finally decided by binding arbitration administered by the American Arbitration Association (the “AAA”) under its Consumer Arbitration Rules (available at <a href=""></a> or by calling 800-778-7879), except as modified below or otherwise agreed to. As used in this Arbitration Agreement, “Dispute” means any dispute, claim, or controversy between us, including any past, currently pending, existing, or future dispute or disagreement, except: (a) claims by employees of Labcorp entities related to the terms or conditions of their employment; (b) claims for personal physical injury or wrongful death or survival claims arising from or in any way related to clinical laboratory services; and (c) claims for unlawful use of copyrights, trademarks, trade names, logos, trade secrets, or patents. <b>You and Labcorp agree that you are each giving up, to the fullest extent of the law, any right to have disputes resolved in court before a judge or jury.</b></li><li><b>Class Action Waiver.</b> <b>You and Labcorp also mutually agree that, to the fullest extent allowed by law, and except as expressly set out below, each may bring claims against the other only in your or its individual capacity, on an individual basis, and not as a plaintiff or class member in any purported class, collective, non-individual, mass, or representative proceeding.</b> Further, the arbitrator may not join or consolidate more than one person’s claims, and may not otherwise preside over any form of representative, collective, non-individual, mass, or class proceeding, except as stated below Nothing in these terms should be read to allow class arbitration Any claim that all or part of this Class Action Waiver is unenforceable, unconscionable, inapplicable, invalid, void or voidable may be determined only by a court of competent jurisdiction and not by an arbitrator All disputes with respect to whether any other aspect of this Dispute Resolution provision and its terms is unenforceable, unconscionable, applicable, valid, void or voidable shall be determined exclusively by an arbitrator, and not by any court, except as expressly set out below.</li><li><b>Arbitration Procedures.</b> Arbitration uses a neutral arbitrator to decide a dispute (instead of a judge or jury); arbitration allows for more limited discovery than a court case; and the arbitration process and results are subject to limited review by courts In arbitration, you have the right, at your own expense, to be represented by an attorney of your choosing Arbitrators can award the same damages and relief that a court could award, but any award or recovery must be consistent with this Agreement You and Labcorp also agree that any in-person arbitral hearing will occur in the United States in the same county and state as your billing address Any arbitration under this section will be confidential, and documents exchanged may not be used or shared outside of the arbitration process without the prior written consent of the parties or as required by law To the fullest extent of the law, the arbitrator may award declaratory or injunctive relief only in favor of the individual party seeking relief and only to the extent necessary to provide relief warranted by that party’s individual claim, and the arbitrator cannot award relief for, or on behalf of, anyone who is not a party to the proceeding <ol><li>Each party retains the right to elect before or within 30 days after arbitration is initiated by either party to have any claims heard in small claims court on an individual (non-class, non-representative) basis for a dispute within the scope of such court’s jurisdiction.</li></ol> </li><li><b>Pre-Arbitration Notice and Good Faith Negotiations.</b> Both you and Labcorp agree that, before initiating any arbitration proceedings of any kind with the AAA, each party will notify the other in writing of any dispute so that the parties can attempt in good faith to resolve the dispute informally. The notice must be specific and individual to you and include: (i) your name, street address, telephone number, and the email address you use or used for the online services; (ii) a brief description of the dispute; (iii) the amount of money (if any) at issue; and (iv) the specific relief sought. The notice must be signed and include the handwritten signature of, as applicable, either you or a Labcorp employee, depending on which party is providing notice. Notice sent by you to Labcorp will be sent to the following email and street addresses: generalcounsel&#64; and 531 South Spring Street, Law Department, Burlington, NC 27215. Notice sent by Labcorp to you will be sent to the email and street addresses that you provided to Labcorp. This notice is a requirement and condition precedent to initiating any arbitration proceedings.<ol><li>If you and Labcorp cannot agree how to resolve the dispute within 45 days after the notice is received by the other party, then either you or Labcorp may, as appropriate and in accordance with this Dispute Resolution section, commence an arbitration proceeding with a written demand for arbitration that is individual to you and your dispute, including the content set forth above and a handwritten signature.  Any limitations period will be tolled from the date the dispute is noticed to the other side until the expiration of this 45-day period.​​</li><li>Compliance with this Pre-Arbitration Notice and Good Faith Negotiations provision (paragraph D) is an issue for a court to resolve, not the arbitrator.</li></ol> </li><li><b>Arbitration Fees.</b> The party initiating the arbitration will pay any filing, case initiation, or arbitrator fees, up to the amount that would be required to pursue the same claim in the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of North Carolina (currently, $402.00). For individual damages claims with less than $25,000 at issue, Labcorp will pay the additional, reasonable fees and costs of arbitration, not including attorneys’ fees.  For claims with more than $25,000 at issue, or where a party seeks injunctive or declaratory relief, the parties will share the fees and costs of arbitration equally.  The parties’ good faith negotiation of reasonable fees with the arbitration provider is authorized as needed.  If the arbitrator determines that your or Labcorp’s claim(s) are frivolous, the party bringing the frivolous claim(s) will reimburse the other party for any amounts that other party paid for the arbitration.</li><li><b>Federal Arbitration Act.</b> These Terms of Use affect interstate commerce, and the interpretation and enforceability of this Dispute Resolution provision will be substantively, procedurally, and exclusively governed by and construed and enforced in accordance with the Federal Arbitration Act, 9 U.S.C. § 1, et seq., to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, except as modified by these terms of use.</li></ol> <h2>19. Disclaimer of Warranty; Limitation of Liability</h2> <p>THE ONLINE SERVICES AND ALL MATERIALS, INFORMATION, SOFTWARE, PRODUCTS, TOOLS, AND SERVICES INCLUDED IN OR AVAILABLE THROUGH THE ONLINE SERVICES ARE PROVIDED &#34;AS IS&#34; AND &#34;AS AVAILABLE&#34; WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. TO THE FULLEST EXTENT ALLOWED BY LAW, LABCORP AND ITS SUPPLIERS DISCLAIM ALL EXPRESS AND IMPLIED WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THE ONLINE SERVICES AND ALL MATERIALS, INFORMATION, SOFTWARE, PRODUCTS, TOOLS, AND SERVICES INCLUDED IN OR AVAILABLE THROUGH THE ONLINE SERVICES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, TITLE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. YOUR USE OF THE ONLINE SERVICES IS AT YOUR OWN RISK. ACCESS TO THE ONLINE SERVICES MAY BE INTERRUPTED AND THE MATERIALS, INFORMATION, SOFTWARE, PRODUCTS, TOOLS, AND SERVICES INCLUDED IN OR AVAILABLE THROUGH THE ONLINE SERVICES MAY NOT BE ERROR-FREE. NONE OF LABCORP, ITS SUPPLIERS, OR ANYONE ELSE INVOLVED IN CREATING, PRODUCING, OR DELIVERING THE ONLINE SERVICES OR THE MATERIALS, INFORMATION, SOFTWARE, PRODUCTS, TOOLS, AND SERVICES INCLUDED IN OR AVAILABLE THROUGH THE ONLINE SERVICES WARRANTS THAT THE MATERIALS, INFORMATION, SOFTWARE, PRODUCTS, TOOLS, AND SERVICES INCLUDED IN OR AVAILABLE THROUGH THE ONLINE SERVICES ARE ACCURATE, RELIABLE, COMPLETE, USEFUL, OR CORRECT; THAT THE ONLINE SERVICES WILL BE AVAILABLE AT ANY PARTICULAR TIME OR LOCATION; THAT ANY DEFECTS OR ERRORS WILL BE CORRECTED; OR THAT THE ONLINE SERVICES ARE FREE OF VIRUSES OR OTHER HARMFUL COMPONENTS. PLEASE NOTE THAT SOME JURISDICTIONS MAY NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OF IMPLIED WARRANTIES, SO SOME OF THE ABOVE EXCLUSIONS MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. CHECK YOUR LOCAL LAWS FOR ANY RESTRICTIONS OR LIMITATIONS REGARDING THE EXCLUSION OF IMPLIED WARRANTIES.</p> <p>EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE REQUIRED BY LAW, AND TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT ALLOWED BY LAW, UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHALL LABCORP, ITS SUPPLIERS, OR ANYONE ELSE INVOLVED IN CREATING, PRODUCING, OR DELIVERING THE ONLINE SERVICES OR THE MATERIALS, INFORMATION, SOFTWARE, PRODUCTS, TOOLS, AND SERVICES INCLUDED IN OR AVAILABLE THROUGH THE ONLINE SERVICES BE LIABLE FOR DIRECT DAMAGES EXCEEDING THE TOTAL FEES PAID BY YOU TO LABCORP IN THE TWELVE MONTHS PRIOR TO YOUR CLAIM OR ANY INDIRECT, PUNITIVE, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING LOSS OF DATA OR LOST PROFITS OF ANY KIND, ARISING OUT OF OR IN ANY WAY CONNECTED WITH THE USE OF, OR INABILITY TO USE, THE ONLINE SERVICES THIS LIMITATION APPLIES WHETHER THE ALLEGED LIABILITY IS BASED ON CONTRACT, TORT, NEGLIGENCE, STRICT LIABILITY, OR OTHER LEGAL THEORY, EVEN IF WE HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES, AND REGARDLESS OF WHETHER SUCH DAMAGES WERE FORESEEABLEIN THE EVENT SOME JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF DAMAGES TO THE EXTENT INDICATED ABOVE, OUR LIABILITY IN SUCH JURISDICTIONS SHALL BE LIMITED TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW.</p> <p>YOU ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE THAT THE LIMITATIONS SET FORTH ABOVE ARE FUNDAMENTAL ELEMENTS OF THIS AGREEMENT AND THE ONLINE SERVICES WOULD NOT BE PROVIDED TO YOU ABSENT SUCH LIMITATIONS.</p> <h2>20. Indemnification</h2> <p>You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Labcorp and its suppliers, and their respective affiliates, subsidiaries, employees, officers, directors, agents, contractors, servants, insurers, and representatives from any liability, loss, claim, suit, damage, judgment and expense (including reasonable attorneys´ fees and expenses) that arises out of or is related to any User-Provided Content you submit, post, transmit, or make available through the Online Services, your violation of these Terms and Conditions, your misuse of the Online Services, or your violation of any third-party rights.</p> <h2>21. Severability</h2> <p>If any provision of these Terms and Conditions is held invalid or unenforceable by any court of competent jurisdiction, the other provisions of these Terms and Conditions shall remain in full force and effect, except as expressly state in this Agreement. Provisions of these Terms and Conditions held invalid or unenforceable only in part or degree will remain in full force and effect to the extent not held invalid or unenforceable. The parties further agree to replace such invalid or unenforceable provision (or part of any provision) of these Terms and Conditions with a valid and enforceable provision that will achieve, to the extent possible, the economic, business, and other purposes of such invalid or unenforceable provision.</p> <h2>22. No Waiver</h2> <p>No waiver by Labcorp of any provision set out in these Terms and Conditions shall be deemed a further or continuing waiver of such provision, and any failure by Labcorp to assert a right or provision under these Terms and Conditions shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision.</p> <h2>23. Applicable Law</h2> <p>The Online Services can be accessed from the United States and other countries worldwide. Since the laws of each State or country may differ, you agree that the statutes and laws of the State of North Carolina, without regard to any principles of conflicts of law, will apply to this Agreement and all matters relating to your access to or use of the Online Services.</p> <p>Labcorp makes no representation that material on the Online Services is appropriate or available for use in other locations, and accessing this information from territories where the content is illegal is prohibited. Those who choose to access the Online Services from other locations do so by their own initiative and are responsible for compliance with local laws.</p> <p>The information available on this website is subject to U.S. export control laws. The Online Services may not be accessed from Cuba, the Crimea region, Iran, North Korea, Syria, or from any other destination embargoed by the United States.</p> <h2>24. Termination</h2> <p>These Terms and Conditions are effective unless and until modified as noted above, or terminated, at any time, by Labcorp.</p> <h2>25. Contact Information</h2> <p>Labcorp is headquartered in Burlington, North Carolina, in the United States of America.</p> <p>Laboratory Corporation of America Holdings<br /> 531 S. Spring Street<br /> Burlington, NC 27215<br /> Attn: Law Department</p> <p>Specific questions and comments should be directed to the appropriate department via our <a href="">Contact Us page</a>. While we make every effort to respond to all correspondence within 1 business week, we cannot guarantee a response to every electronic communication.</p> <p>These Terms and Conditions were last updated on: February 7, 2024.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </main> <div class="experiencefragment aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"> <div id="experiencefragment-f97157df1e" class="cmp-experiencefragment cmp-experiencefragment--footer-labcorp"> <div id="container-c3cc9931c5" class="cmp-container"> <div class="aem-Grid aem-Grid--12 aem-Grid--default--12 "> <footer class="container responsivegrid aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"> <div id="container-3965197c57" class="cmp-container"> <div class="aem-Grid aem-Grid--12 aem-Grid--tablet--12 aem-Grid--default--12 "> <div class="container responsivegrid bg-azure padding-top-bottom-24 aem-GridColumn--tablet--12 aem-GridColumn--offset--tablet--0 aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12 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