Bosworth/Toller, page b0799

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You are welcome to copy the data below, post it on other web sites, create derived works, or use the data in any other way you please. As a courtesy, please credit the Germanic Lexicon Project. </TD></TR></TABLE> <p> </p> <p><HEADER>RIHT-W&Iacute;SEND - RIND</HEADER> </p> <p> </p> <p><B>riht-w&iacute;send,</B> es; <I>m. A Sadducee</I> :-- &ETH;&aacute; h&eacute; geseh manega &eth;&aelig;ra sunderh&aacute;lgena and &eth;&aelig;ra rihtw&iacute;sendra t&oacute; his fulluhte cumende, Mt. Kmbl. 3, 7. </p> <p> </p> <p><B>rihtw&iacute;sian;</B> <I>p.</I> ode <I>To justify</I> :-- G&eacute; rihtw&iacute;sia&thorn; e&oacute;w &aelig;tforan mannum and God cann e&oacute;were heortan <I>vos justificatis vos coram hominibus, Deus autem novit corda vestra</I> (Lk. 16, 15), Homl. Th. ii. 404, 15. v. ge-rihtw&iacute;sian, riht-w&iacute;s. </p> <p> </p> <p><B>riht-w&iacute;sian;</B> <I>p.</I> ode <I>To direct aright, rule</I> :-- &ETH;&uacute; cwist &eth;&aelig;t &eth;&uacute; n&aacute;ht ne twe&oacute;ge &eth;&aelig;tte God &eth;isse worulde rihtere s&iacute;e (rihtw&iacute;sige, Cott. MS.) <I>a Deo mundum regi non ambigis,</I> Bt. 5, 3; Fox 12, 14. v. w&iacute;sian. </p> <p> </p> <p><B>rihtw&iacute;s-l&iacute;c;</B> <I>adj. Righteous, just, rational</I> :-- For ryhtw&iacute;sl&iacute;cum andan <I>per zelum justitiae,</I> Past. 17, tit. ; Swt. 107, 7 : 21, 6; Swt. 163, 20. [<I>O. H. Ger.</I> rehtw&iacute;s-l&iacute;h <I>rationabilis.</I>] v. next word. </p> <p> </p> <p><B>rihtw&iacute;sl&iacute;ce;</B> <I>adv. Rationally, justly</I> :-- H&uacute; m&aelig;g &aelig-acute;nig man ryhtw&iacute;sl&iacute;ce and gesce&aacute;dw&iacute;sl&iacute;ce &aacute;csigan, gif h&eacute; n&aacute;n grot rihtw&iacute;snesse on him n&aelig;f&thorn; Bt. 35, 1; Fox 156, 5 : Met. 22, 45. v. preceding word. </p> <p> </p> <p><B>rihtw&iacute;sness,</B> e; <I>f.</I> <B>I.</B> <I>righteousness, justice</I> :-- &Oacute;&eth;er m&aelig;gen (&eth;&aelig;re s&aacute;wle) is <I>justitia,</I> &eth;&aelig;t is rihtw&iacute;snys; &thorn;urh &eth;a he&oacute; sceal God wur&eth;igan and rihtl&iacute;ce libban, Homl. Skt. i. 1, 159. On rihtw&iacute;snesse wege <I>in via justitiae,</I> Mt. Kmbl. 21, 32. Abram gel&iacute;fde Gode and hit w&aelig;s him geteald t&oacute; rihtw&iacute;snisse (<I>ad justitiam</I>), Gen. 15, 6. Ealle rihtw&iacute;snesse gefyllan, Mt. Kmbl. 3, 15. Rihtw&iacute;snysse sprecan, Ps. Spl. 57, 1. Gel&aelig-acute;d m&eacute; on rightw&iacute;snysse &eth;&iacute;ne, 5, 9. Rechtw&iacute;snisse, Ps. Surt. 44, 5. Gif h&iacute; m&iacute;ne rihtw&iacute;snessa (<I>justificationes</I>) gewemma&thorn;, Ps. Th. 88, 28. <B>II.</B> <I>rightness, reasonableness, reason</I> :-- &ETH;a sceare onf&oacute;n sculon &eth;e w&eacute; geh&yacute;ra&thorn; fulle be&oacute;n ealre rihtw&iacute;snesse <I>hanc accipere tonsuram quam plenam esse rationis audimus,</I> Bd. 5, 21; S. 643, 23. H&uacute; m&aelig;g &aelig-acute;nig man ryhtw&iacute;sl&iacute;ce and gesce&aacute;dw&iacute;sl&iacute;ce &aacute;csigan, gif h&eacute; n&aacute;n grot rihtw&iacute;snesse on him n&aelig;f&thorn;? Nis n&aacute;n sw&aacute; sw&iacute;&eth;e bed&aelig-acute;led ryhtw&iacute;snesse, &eth;&aelig;t h&eacute; n&aacute;n ryht andwyrde nyte, gif men &aacute;csa&thorn;. Plato cw&aelig;&thorn; : 'Sw&aacute; hw&aacute; sw&aacute; ungemyndig s&iacute;e rihtw&iacute;snesse, gecerre hine t&oacute; his gemynde, &eth;onne fint h&eacute; &eth;&aelig-acute;r &eth;a ryhtw&iacute;snesse geh&yacute;dde mid &eth;&aelig;s l&iacute;choman h&aelig;fignesse, Bt. 35, 1; Fox 156, 5-12 : Met. 22, 43-60. v. on-rihtw&iacute;sness. </p> <p> </p> <p><B>riht-wr&iacute;tere,</B> es; <I>m. One who writes correctly</I> :-- Rihtwr&iacute;tera <I>orthographorum, rectorum scriptorum,</I> Hpt. Gl. 410, 72. Rihtwr&iacute;terum <I>ortagraphorum,</I> Wrt, Voc. ii. 64, 22 : 75, 41. </p> <p> </p> <p><B>riht-wuldriende</B> <I>orthodox</I> :-- W&eacute; w&aelig-acute;ron sme&aacute;gende rihtne gele&aacute;fan and rihtwuldriende. &ETH;&aacute;s w&eacute; syndon &aacute;rf&aelig;stl&iacute;ce fyligende and rihtwuldriende <I>tractantes fidem, rectam et orthodoxam ... Hos sequentes nos pie atque orthodoxe,</I> Bd. 4, 17; S. 585, 28-34. </p> <p> </p> <p><B>r&iacute;m,</B> es; <I>n. Number</I> :-- R&iacute;m miclade monna m&aelig-acute;g&thorn;e geond middan-geard, Cd. Th. 75, 21; Gen. 1243. His d&oacute;gora w&aelig;s r&iacute;m &aacute;umen, 98, 6; Gen. 1626: Seofon geteled r&iacute;mes, 80, 30; Gen. 1336. Ic fe&oacute;wertig folce &eth;yssum wintra r&iacute;mes wunade ne&aacute;h <I>forty years in number I dwelt near this folk,</I> Ps. Th. 94, 10. &AElig;fter rime f&iacute;f Moyses b&oacute;ca <I>juxta numerum librorum,</I> Bd. 1, 1; S. 474, 1. Weaxendum &eth;am r&iacute;me gele&aacute;fsumra <I>crescente numero fidelium,</I> 4, 5; S. 573, 12. Gecuron h&iacute; of heora r&iacute;me gemetf&aelig;stne man <I>elegerunt ex suo numero virum modestum,</I> 5, 11; S. 625, 43. On r&iacute;me <I>in catalogo,</I> Wrt. Voc. ii. 84, 31. Hundtwelftig geteled r&iacute;me wintra, Cd. Th. 76, 27; Gen. 1263. On wera r&iacute;me gewur&eth;od, 127, 8; Gen. 2107. R&iacute;m d&aelig;ga m&iacute;nra <I>numerum dierum meorum,</I> Ps. Surt. 38, 5. Is n&uacute; worn wintra sceacen tw&aacute; hund o&eth;&eth;e m&aacute; geteled r&iacute;me, ic ne m&aelig;g &aacute;reccan n&uacute; ic &eth;&aelig;t r&iacute;m ne can, Elen. Kmbl. 1267; El. 635. Meotod wolde manna r&iacute;m, fela &thorn;&uacute;senda, for&thorn; gel&aelig-acute;dan, Cd. Th. 289, 22; Sat. 401. [<I>O. Sax.</I> un-r&iacute;m : <I>O. Frs.</I> r&iacute;m : <I>O. H. Ger.</I> r&iacute;m <I>numerus : Icel.</I> r&iacute;m.] v. cne&oacute;-, d&aelig;g-, d&oacute;gor-, ende-, f&aelig;&eth;m-, ge-, ge&aacute;r-, get&aelig;l-, mane-, niht-, scilling-, un-, winter-r&iacute;m. </p> <p> </p> <p><B>rima,</B> an; <I>m. A rim, border, bank, coast</I> :-- Rima <I>crepido,</I> Wrt. Voc. ii. 15, 45. Rimo, Txts. 55, 601. (CE <I>Icel.</I> rim <I>a rail;</I> rimi <I>a strip of land.</I>] v. bord-, d&aelig;g-, s&aelig-acute;-, s&uacute;&thorn;-, t&oacute;&thorn;-rima. </p> <p> </p> <p><B>r&iacute;man;</B> <I>p.</I> de. <B>I.</B> <I>to count, number :-- Ducentesimus</I> se &eth;e bi&thorn; on &eth;&aacute;m tw&aacute;m hundredum &aelig;ftemyst, &eth;on h&iacute; man r&iacute;m&thorn;, &AElig;lfc. Gr. 49; Som. 50, 5. N&aelig;s &thorn;e&aacute;w &eth;&aelig;t mon &aelig-acute;nig w&aelig;l on &eth;a healfe r&iacute;mde &eth;e &eth;onne wieldre w&aelig;s <I>mos est, ex ea parte quae viceret occisorum non commemorare numerum,</I> Ors. 4, 1; Swt. 156, 22. Cyninges &thorn;egnas oft r&aacute;de on ridon &eth;e mon n&aacute; ne r&iacute;mde, Chr. 871; Erl. 76, 12. Gif ic h&iacute; r&iacute;man onginne <I>dinumerabo eos,</I> Ps. Th. 138, 16. H&eacute; m&aelig;g r&iacute;man steorran <I>qui numerat multitudinem stellarum,</I> 146, 4. <B>II.</B> <I>to enumerate, recount, describe in succession</I> :-- On &eth;am is godcundnesse w&eacute;n &eth;e manna ingehygd w&aacute;t and can and heora heortena de&aacute;gol ealle sme&aacute;&thorn; and r&iacute;me&thorn; <I>divinity is to be looked for in him that knows the minds of men, and scrutinizes and tells one by one the secrets of their hearts,</I> Blickl. Homl. 179, 27. H&uacute; nytt rehton w&eacute; and r&iacute;mdon &eth;a c&aelig-acute;ga b&uacute;ton w&eacute; e&aacute;c fe&aacute;wum wordum &aelig;ti&eacute;wen hw&aelig;t hi&eacute; healden <I>quid utilitatis est, quod cuncta haec collecta numeratione transcurrimus, si non etiam admonitionis modos per singula pandamus?</I> Past. 23; Swt. 179, 11. Hw&aelig;t sceal is m&aacute; r&iacute;man yfel endele&aacute;s? Exon. Th. 272, 27; Jul. 505. H&aacute;ligra manna naman r&iacute;mende and gebedo singende <I>laetanias canentes,</I> Bd. 1. 25; S. 487, 4. <B>III.</B> <I>to calculate, compute, count up</I> :-- &ETH;a re&aacute;feras ge&thorn;encea&thorn; sw&iacute;&eth;e oft h&uacute; micel hi&eacute; sella&thorn; swelce hi&eacute; &eth;a m&eacute;tsceattas r&iacute;man (<I>quasi mercedem numerant</I>), Past. 45, 4; Swt. 343, 16. For ege &eth;&iacute;num graman &eth;&iacute;nne t&oacute; r&iacute;manne (<I>dinumerare</I>), Ps. Spl. 89, 13. [Be&oacute;n] r&iacute;med <I>computari, numerari,</I> Hpt. Gl. 482, 24. <B>IV.</B> <I>to account, esteem as</I> :-- G&eacute; be&oacute;&thorn; m&eacute; talade and r&iacute;mde on bearna st&aelig;l, Exon. Th. 366, 11; Reb. 10. [<I>O. H. Ger.</I> ge-r&iacute;man.] v. &aacute;-, ge-r&iacute;man. </p> <p> </p> <p><B>r&iacute;m-&aacute;&thorn;,</B> es; <I>m. An oath taken by a person and by the number of persons he brings with him as compurgators</I> (cf. the expressions in Norse law <I>tylptar-, s&eacute;ttar-ei&eth;r,</I> oaths in which twelve, six persons respectively took part), L. Ath. i. 9; Th. i. 204, 15. v. cyre-&aacute;&thorn;. </p> <p> </p> <p><B>r&iacute;m-cr&aelig;ft,</B> es; <I>m. The science of numbers, arithmetic</I> :-- &ETH;a seofon cr&aelig;ftas on &eth;am be&oacute;&thorn; gem&eacute;ted ealle weoruldw&yacute;sd&oacute;mas, &eth;&aelig;t ys &aelig-acute;rest <I>arythmetica,</I> &eth;&aelig;t ys r&yacute;mcr&aelig;ft, Shrn. 152, 13. R&iacute;mcr&aelig;ft <I>arithmetica,</I> Hpt. Gl. 479, 56 : Wrt. Voc. ii. 81, 58 : 3, 7. Uton witan hw&aelig;t <I>saltus lunae</I> s&yacute; t&oacute; s&oacute;&eth;e ... o&eth;&eth;e hw&aacute; hine &eth;&aelig;s wur&eth;scipes c&uacute;&eth;e &eth;&aelig;t h&eacute; sceolde gestandan on &eth;am r&iacute;mcr&aelig;fte <I>that he should have a place in the science of computation,</I> Anglia viii. 308, 22. &ETH;a &eth;e &aelig-acute;r w&aelig-acute;ran on r&iacute;mcr&aelig;fte rihte getogene <I>those who were correctly instructed in the art of computing,</I> Chr. 975; Erl. 126, 1. H&aelig;f&eth;on hi&eacute; on r&iacute;mcr&aelig;fte &aacute;writen wera endest&aelig;f hw&aelig;nne hi&eacute; t&oacute; m&oacute;se mete&thorn;earfendum weor&eth;an sceoldon <I>they (the cannibal Mermedonians) had numbered the days of their captives who were to be food to satisfy their hunger,</I> Andr. Kmbl. 268; An. 134. v. ger&iacute;m-cr&aelig;ft. </p> <p> </p> <p><B>r&iacute;m-cr&aelig;ftig;</B> <I>adj. Skilful in computation</I> :-- T&oacute; &thorn;&aacute;m rihtungum &eth;e r&iacute;mcr&aelig;ftige pre&oacute;stas cwe&thorn;a&thorn; <I>lunares,</I> Anglia viii. 300, 27. On &eth;&aacute;m eahta ge&aacute;rum &eth;e r&iacute;mcr&aelig;ftige weras on Gr&eacute;cisc h&aacute;ta&thorn; <I>ocdoade,</I> 315, 23 : 327, 34-36. R&yacute;mcr&aelig;ftige, Menol. Fox 89; Men. 44. v. next word. </p> <p> </p> <p><B>r&iacute;m-cr&aelig;ftiga,</B> an; <I>m. One skilful in computation</I> :-- B&eacute;da se &aacute;rwur&eth;a r&iacute;mcr&aelig;ftiga, Anglia viii. 301, 33. </p> <p> </p> <p><B>-r&iacute;me</B>. v. earfo&thorn;-r&iacute;me. </p> <p> </p> <p><B>r&iacute;mere,</B> es; <I>m. A computer, reckoner, calculator</I> :-- Betwux &eth;isre spr&aelig-acute;ce sceal se r&iacute;mre ge&thorn;encean, &eth;&aelig;t h&eacute; ged&oacute; &eth;&aelig;t Februarius m&oacute;n&thorn; &eth;&yacute; ge&aacute;re h&aelig;bbe &thorn;rittig nihta ealdne m&oacute;nan, Anglia viii. 307, 34. </p> <p> </p> <p><B>r&iacute;m-get&aelig;l,</B> es; <I>n. A number</I> :-- R&iacute;mget&aelig;l daga <I>the appointed number of days,</I> Cd. Th. 85, 25; Gen. 1420. Drihten l&eacute;t weaxan eft heora r&iacute;mgetel, 166, 29; Gen. 2755. </p> <p> </p> <p><B>r&iacute;mian</B>. v. ge-r&iacute;mian. </p> <p> </p> <p><B>rimpan</B> (hrimpan?) <I>to wrinkle, rumple.</I> [Gerumpenu n&aelig;dre <I>coluber cerastis,</I> Wrt. Voc. ii. 15, 68. &ETH;&aelig;re gehrumpnan <I>rugosa,</I> 91, 15. Cf. also hry[m]pellum <I>rugis,</I> 95, 73. <I>O. H. Ger.</I> [h]rimpfan (hrimfit <I>terit</I>) : rampf <I>caperrabat;</I> girumpfan <I>rugosus, contractus.</I> v. Grff. ii. 512 : cf. <I>Ger.</I> r&uuml;mpfen.] </p> <p> </p> <p><B>rimpel</B> (? hrympel. v. preceding word), [<I>Prompt. Parv.</I> rympyl <I>ruga;</I> rymplyd <I>rugatus : M. H. Ger. O. Du.</I> rimpel.] </p> <p> </p> <p><B>r&iacute;m-talu,</B> e; <I>f. A number, tale</I> :-- L&aelig-acute;t mec, mihta God, on r&iacute;mtale r&iacute;ces &eth;&iacute;nes wunigan, Elen. Kmbl. 1636; El. 820. </p> <p> </p> <p><B>R&iacute;n;</B> <I>m.; f. The Rhine</I> :-- Si&oacute; e&aacute; &eth;e man h&aelig-acute;t R&iacute;n, Ors. 1, 1; Swt. 22, 23. Ne&aacute;h R&iacute;nes &oacute;fre &eth;&aelig;re i&eacute;, Swt. 14, 32. Bee&aacute;stan R&iacute;ne, Swt. 14, 36. On &eth;&aelig;m Ionde bee&aacute;stan R&iacute;n, Chr. 887; Erl. 86, 7. On cyrican Colonie &eth;&aelig;re ceastre b&iacute; R&iacute;ne, Bd. 5, 10; S. 625, 22. &ETH;&aacute; wurpon h&iacute; heora l&iacute;choman &uacute;t on R&iacute;ne &eth;a e&aacute;, S. 624, 42. [<I>O. H. Ger.</I> R&iacute;n; <I>m.: Icel.</I> R&iacute;n; <I>f.</I>] </p> <p> </p> <p><B>r&iacute;nan</B>. v. rignan. </p> <p> </p> <p><B>rinc,</B> es; <I>m. A man</I> (a poetical term) :-- Se rinc (<I>Enoch</I>) on l&iacute;choman lisse s&oacute;hte, Cd. Th. 73, 12; Gen. 1203 : (<I>Abraham</I>), 107, 17; Ger. 1790. Com &eth;&aacute; t&oacute; recede rinc (<I>Grendel</I>) s&iacute;&eth;ian, Beo. Th. 1445; B. 720. &Aacute;r&aacute;s &eth;&aacute; se r&iacute;ca (<I>Hrothgar</I>), ymb hine rinc manig, &thorn;egna he&aacute;p, 804; B. 399. &ETH;&aacute; w&aelig;s rinc manig, g&uacute;&eth;frec guma, ymb &eth;&aelig;s geongan feorh bre&oacute;stum onbryrded, Andr. Kmbl. 2234; An. 1118. &ETH;&aelig;t w&aelig;s rihtw&iacute;s rinc (<I>Boethius</I>), Met. 1, 49. &ETH;&aelig;s rinces (<I>Abraham</I>) se r&iacute;ca ongan cyning (<I>God</I>) costigan, Cd. Th. 172, 16; Gen. 2845. Junge rince &l-bar; hysse <I>ephebo robusto,</I> Hpt. Gl. 488, 1. R&oacute;fe rincas (<I>the fallen angels</I>), Cd. Th. 19, 4 ; Gen. 286 : (<I>those who occupied Shinar</I>), 99, 24; Gen. 1651. [Heo smiten tog&aelig;dere, helmes &thorn;ere gullen ..., rinkas feollen (mani m[en] &thorn;er fulle, 2nd MS.), Laym. 5188. <I>Piers P.</I> renke : <I>O. Sax.</I> rink : <I>Icel.</I> rekkr (frequent in poetry, but in prose it occurs only in old law phrases).] v. beadu-, fyrd-, gum-, g&uacute;&thorn;-, hea&eth;o-, here-, hilde-, magu-, s&aelig-acute;-rinc. </p> <p> </p> <p><B>rine-get&aelig;l,</B> es; <I>n. A number of men, a host</I> :-- &ETH;&aelig;t w&aelig;s w&iacute;gl&iacute;c werod; w&aacute;c ne gr&eacute;tton in &eth;&aelig;t rincget&aelig;l r&aelig-acute;swan herges, Cd. Th. 192, 19; Exod. 234. </p> <p> </p> <p><B>rind,</B> e; rinde, an; <I>f. Rind.</I> <B>I.</B> of a tree, <I>the bark</I> :-- Rind <I>cortix,</I> Wrt. Voc. i. 285, 78. Rinde <I>cortex,</I> 79, 68. S&uacute;&eth;erne rind <I>cinnamonum, resina,</I> ii. 131, 9. Ofers&aelig-acute;wisc rind, Lchdm. ii. 52, 3. R&oacute;m&aacute;nisc rind, i. 376, 5. Andlang &eth;&aelig;s pi&thorn;an and andlang &eth;&aelig;re rinde &oacute;&thorn; &eth;one helm, Bt. 34, 10; Fox 150, 3. Of corntre&oacute;wes rinde <I>de cortice corni,</I> Wrt. Voc. ii. 27, 6. Gif h&eacute; beget and yt rinde si&oacute; &eth;e cym&thorn; of neorxna wonge ne dere&thorn; him n&aacute;n &aacute;tter; &eth;onne cw&aelig;&thorn; se &eth;e &eth;&aacute;s b&oacute;c wr&aacute;t &eth;&aelig;t hi&oacute; w&aelig-acute;re torbegete, Lchdm. ii. 114, 3 : 92, 29. W&eacute; ne m&aacute;gon gese&oacute;n on &eth;am cyrnele n&aacute;&eth;or ne wyrtruman, ne rinde, ne le&aacute;f, Homl. Th. i. 236, 18. Rinda <I>cortices</I> (<I>codices,</I> MS.), Wrt. Voc. ii. 135, 60. Rinda <I>librorum,</I> Hpt. Gl. 417, 46. Of corntre&oacute;wes rindum <I>de cortice corni,</I> Wrt. Voc. ii. 138, 7. Rindum <I>corticibus</I> (<I>codicibus,</I> MS.), 75, 46. Rinde <I>libros,</I> 53, 18. D&oacute; of &eth;a rinda, Lchdm. ii. 98, 11. <B>I a.</B> metaphorically :-- &THORN;eahtiga&thorn; on hiera m&oacute;des rinde monig g&oacute;d weorc t&oacute; wyrcanne, ac on &eth;am pi&thorn;an bi&thorn; &oacute;&eth;er geh&yacute;ded, Past. 9, 1; Swt. 55, 22. <I>The word occurs in combination with names of trees,</I> e. g. apuldor-, &aelig;sc-, &aacute;c-, elm-, holen-, sealh-, sl&aacute;h&thorn;orn-, wi&thorn;i-grind. <B>II.</B> of other things, <I>crust, rind</I> :-- Rinde <I>crustula,</I> Wrt.Voc. ii. 137, 22. Rindan <I>crustulae,</I> Hpt. Gl. 462, 77. W&eacute; h&eacute;da&thorn; &eth;&aelig;ra crumena &eth;&aelig;s hl&aacute;fes, and &eth;a Jud&eacute;iscan gnaga&thorn; &eth;a rinde, Homl. Th. ii. 114, 34. Rinda <I>crusta</I> (this is omitted from) Wrt. Voc. i. 41, 23. Rindum <I>crustulis,</I> Hpt. Gl. 496, 23 : 497, 15. [<I>O. Du.</I> rinde : <I>O. H. Ger.</I> rinta <I>cortex, liber.</I>] </p> <p> </p> </BODY> </HTML>

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