Nature Careers | Recruiter Services
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a home for your jobs and to share your organisation’s vibrant culture, people, and cutting-edge facilities. Your Hub also invites jobseekers to receive your future jobs by email.</p> </div> </div> <div class="custom__div__advantages__card"> <div class="custom__img__card__frame"><!-- <img class="custom__img__card" style="width: 75%" src="/custom_assets/Icons PNG Springer Blue/SN_Icon_085_Line_Springer Blue.png" alt=""> --><img alt="Icon of a megaphone." class="custom__img__card" src="" style="width: 75%" /></div> <div class="custom__div__advantages__card__content"> <h3>Employer banners</h3> <p>Increase awareness of your vacancies, events, and employer branding by running banners across our websites (such as, e-alerts, and newsletters — giving you exposure to a targeted audience.</p> </div> </div> <div class="custom__div__advantages__card"> <div class="custom__img__card__frame"><!-- <img class="custom__img__card" style="width: 60%" src="/custom_assets/Icons PNG Springer Blue/SN_Icon_074_Line_Springer Blue.png" alt=""> --><img alt="Icon of a line graph." class="custom__img__card" src="" style="width: 60%" /></div> <div class="custom__div__advantages__card__content"> <h3>Real-time analytics</h3> <p>Log in to at any time to access insights and analytics about your job ads via your recruitment dashboard.</p> </div> </div> <div class="custom__div__advantages__card"> <div class="custom__img__card__frame"><!-- <img class="custom__img__card" style="width: 55%" src="/custom_assets/Icons PNG Springer Blue/SN_Icon_162_Line_Springer Blue.png" alt=""> --><img alt="Icon of a person wearing a headset." class="custom__img__card" src="" style="width: 55%" /></div> <div class="custom__div__advantages__card__content"> <h3>Dedicated support</h3> <p>Benefit from the expertise of a dedicated Account Manager; on-hand to provide advice, insight, and in-depth analysis of your job ad performance and optimisation.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="custom__section custom__div__benefits"> <h2>Why Nature Careers Subscriptions?</h2> <div class="custom__div__benefits__flexbox"> <div class="custom__div__benefits__card"> <div class="custom__img__card__frame"><!-- <img class="custom__img__card" style="width: 70%" src="/custom_assets/SN_Icon_164_Line_Springer Red.png" alt=""> --><img alt="Icon of a clock." class="custom__img__card" src="" style="width: 70%" /></div> <div class="custom__div__benefits__card__content"> <h3>Reduce costs and time spent</h3> <p>Purchasing multiple, individual job listings throughout the year is inefficient for both your time and budget. An annual subscription with Nature Careers is convenient and reduces your time- and cost-per-hire. Plus, there’s an option to automate your postings to streamline your hiring even more!</p> </div> </div> <div class="custom__div__benefits__card"> <div class="custom__img__card__frame"><!-- <img class="custom__img__card" style="width: 70%" src="/custom_assets/SN_Icon_146_Line_Springer Red.png" alt=""> --><img alt="Icon of three arrows pointing upward." class="custom__img__card" src="" style="width: 70%" /></div> <div class="custom__div__benefits__card__content"> <h3>Increase applications — and applicant suitability!</h3> <p>One of the greatest obstacles for recruiters is cutting through the noise; and for candidates, it’s not knowing what it’s like to work at an organization. A Nature Careers subscription builds crucial awareness of your organization and vacancies, and the Employer Hub gives jobseekers a clear picture of what a career with you could look like and how you differ from other employers.</p> </div> </div> <div class="custom__div__benefits__card"> <div class="custom__img__card__frame"><!-- <img class="custom__img__card" style="width: 55%" src="/custom_assets/SN_Icon_156_Line_Springer Red.png" alt=""> --><img alt="Icon of three people in a group." class="custom__img__card" src="" style="width: 55%" /></div> <div class="custom__div__benefits__card__content"> <h3>Fill roles faster</h3> <p>With the ability to start generating applications immediately, and access to a larger pool of qualified candidates to choose from thanks to Nature Careers, you can fill vacancies more quickly. This leaves more time to focus on initiatives you care about — such as building rapport with applicants, which can lead to a better candidate experience (key when candidates are fielding multiple offers at once!) and higher-quality hires.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="custom__section custom__div__logos"> <h2>Our Partners</h2> <div class="custom__div__logo__flexbox"><!-- <img class="custom__logo" src="./custom_assets/logos/anhui university.png" alt="Anhui University"></img> <img class="custom__logo" src="./custom_assets/logos/dkfz.png" alt="dkfz."></img> <img class="custom__logo" src="./custom_assets/logos/eth zurich.png" alt="ETH Zurich"></img> <img class="custom__logo" src="./custom_assets/logos/francis.jpeg" alt="The Francis Crick Institute"></img> <img class="custom__logo" src="./custom_assets/logos/lmu.png" alt="Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich"></img> <img class="custom__logo" src="./custom_assets/logos/roche.png" alt="Roche"></img> <img class="custom__logo" src="./custom_assets/logos/rosalind.jpeg" alt="The Rosalind Franklin Institute"></img> <img class="custom__logo" src="./custom_assets/logos/university of bristol.jpeg" alt="University of Bristol"></img> --><img alt="Anhui University" class="custom__logo" src="" /> <img alt="dkfz." class="custom__logo" src="" /> <img alt="ETH Zurich" class="custom__logo" src="" /> <img alt="The Francis Crick Institute" class="custom__logo" src="" /> <img alt="Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich" class="custom__logo" src="" /> <img alt="Roche" class="custom__logo" src="" /> <img alt="The Rosalind Franklin Institute" class="custom__logo" src="" /> <img alt="University of Bristol" class="custom__logo" src="" /></div> </div> </div> <div class="custom__section custom__div__case_studies"> <h2>What Recruiters Think</h2> <div class="custom__div__case_studies__card"><!-- <img class="custom__img__case_studies__portrait" src="./custom_assets/kingston.jpeg" alt="Aneta Kingston"> --><img alt="Aneta Kingston" class="custom__img__case_studies__portrait" src="" /> <div class="custom__div__case_studies__card__content"> <p>“We are very happy to be using Nature Careers, it has made a difference to the amount of candidates we attract to the Franklin globally as we continue to promote the Rosalind Franklin Institute’s brand.”</p> <h3>—Aneta Kingston, Recruitment Specialist at The Rosalind Franklin Institute</h3> </div> </div> </div> <h3>Hear how organisations like yours found success with Nature Careers <a href="">take a look at our case studies</a>.</h3> <div class="custom__section custom__div__faq"> <h2>Frequently Asked Questions</h2> <div class="custom__div__faq__cards"> <div class="custom__div__faq__card"> <h3>What is Nature Careers?</h3> <p>Nature Careers is a jobs board and career development resource for STEM professionals. It is provided by the Nature journal, one of the world's most prestigious scientific journals. 100,000 jobseekers visit Nature Careers every month looking for their next role — from all career levels in academia, industry, and not-for-profit, across all scientific disciplines.</p> </div> <div class="custom__div__faq__card"> <h3>"How do unlimited job postings work?"</h3> <p>During a 12-month recruitment subscription, you can log in to Nature Careers to post all your relevant jobs. Your jobs are listed for 60 days, are branded with your logo, and automatically trigger email alerts to notify relevant jobseekers. Applications are redirected to your website or your inbox, depending on what you’ve chosen for your postings.</p> </div> <div class="custom__div__faq__card"> <h3>How can I see how my job postings are performing?</h3> <p>You can log in to Nature Careers to access detailed reporting showing how your postings are performing. You’ll also receive ongoing reporting from your dedicated Account Manager.</p> </div> <div class="custom__div__faq__card"> <h3>Are there guidelines for posting jobs?</h3> <p>Yes, check out <a href="">our tips for making your job postings stand out</a>, improving your job application rates.</p> </div> <div class="custom__div__faq__card"> <h3>Who should purchase unlimited job postings?</h3> <p>We recommend our recruitment subscription to anyone making 14 or more hires in a year. If hiring fewer than 14 roles in a year, we recommend our <a href="">bundle of 5 x Enhanced job listings</a>, or <a href="">contacting us</a> with your bespoke request for multiple job postings.</p> </div> <div class="custom__div__faq__card"> <h3>Can I automate my unlimited job postings?</h3> <p>Yes, your developers or technical support team can work with us to set up an API integration. Alternatively, you can use an Application Tracking System (ATS) or Multi-Poster.</p> </div> <div class="custom__div__faq__card"> <h3>Can my colleagues also post their roles?</h3> <p>Yes. If you’re not automating your job postings with us, your Account Manager will explain how to share your unlimited job postings internally by adding colleagues to your account <a href="">here</a>. We’ll also send you some text to share with your colleagues.</p> </div> <div class="custom__div__faq__card"> <h3>"How can I purchase a subscription?"</h3> <p><a href="">Contact us</a> to request an invoice for your 12-month subscription. If you prefer to pay in installments, please let us know.</p> </div> <div class="custom__div__faq__card"> <h3>Can I customize my subscription — for example, if I require unlimited job postings only, or employer banners only?</h3> <p>Yes, please <a href="">contact us</a>.</p> </div> <div class="custom__div__faq__card"> <h3>How do I set up my Employer Hub?</h3> <p>We’ll build your Hub for you! Your Account Manager will send you our Employer Hub Guide which explains everything, including the brand assets that’ll you need to send us.</p> </div> <div class="custom__div__faq__card"> <h3>“How do I set up my Employer Hero Image?</h3> <p>We’ll set up your image — simply send us a JPEG image with a minimum size of 900x200px (width x height)</p> </div> <div class="custom__div__faq__card"> <h3>“How do I set up my employer banners?</h3> <p>We’ll set up your banners — simply supply your banners in accordance with the specs below and send us the URL that you want your banners to point to. Additionally, speak with your Account Manager about which of our platforms you’d like to target, as well as any keyword, audience, and geographical targeting.</p> <p>Specs for web banners:</p> <ul> <li><a href="">Standard specs</a></li> <li><a href="">Rich media specs</a></li> </ul> <p>Specs for e-alert/Newsletter banners:</p> <ul> <li><a href="">Specs</a></li> </ul> <p>Platforms that your banners can target:</p> <ul> <li>, and the Nature Careers newsletter</li> <li>, and Nature e-alerts</li> <li>Springer websites, and Springer e-alerts</li> <li>, and BMC e-alerts</li> <li>, and Scientific American newsletters</li> </ul> <p>Keywords and audiences that your banners can target:</p> <ul> <li>We can target your banner ads to articles containing keywords of your choosing. Our audience specialists also research keywords for you.</li> <li>We have over 150 pre-built audience segments ready for you to target across Springer Nature websites — from cell biology to Nature Careers to hospitals (to name a few) — and we can build custom audience segments on request.</li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> <script> document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", shuffleDom); function shuffleDom() { const oldTitle = document.getElementsByClassName("strip no-margin") oldTitle[0].remove() const heroDiv = document.getElementsByClassName("custom__div__hero") const mainDiv = document.getElementById("main") mainDiv.prepend(heroDiv[0]) const allContent = document.getElementsByClassName("custom__lazy__load") allContent[0].classList.remove("is-hidden") } var elementsArray = document.querySelectorAll( ".custom__div__products__content," + ".custom__div__benefits__card," + ".custom__div__advantages__card," + ".custom__logo," + ".custom__div__case_studies__card," + ".custom__div__faq__card" ); 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