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Plus original OJ drummer turned <em>Rolling Stone/Vanity Fair</em> scribe <a href="../../../Podcast/Episode/e132">Steven Daly</a> <em>(right)</em> reminisces about life with Edwyn in a 2022 episode of the RBP podcast.</p> <p><a href="/Library/Free">See all free articles!</a></p> </div> </div> </article> <article class="panel-mobile-link"> <header> <h2><a href="/Library/Audio">New audio</a></h2> </header> <div class="image"> <a href="../../../Library/Article/steve-reich-1993" class="lightbox"> <img src="/public/img/home/657-audio.jpg?updatedAt=2025-03-10-15-02-40" alt="Audio" class="" loading="lazy" /> <div class="image-caption">Steve Reich (1993)</div> </a> <div class="image-overlay"> <h2><a href="/Library/Audio">New audio</a></h2> <img src="/public/img/home/657-audio.jpg?updatedAt=2025-03-10-15-02-40" width=216 height=216 alt="Audio" class="" loading="eager" /> <p><em>Cave</em> man: Mark Sinker asks minimalist master <a href="../../../Library/Article/steve-reich-1993">Steve Reich</a> about his multimedia opera <em>The Cave</em> – and his influence on Orbital (1993).</p> <p>Jimi Hendrix to Kate Bush: <a href="/Library/Audio">the complete RBP Audio library</a></p> </div> </div> </article> <article class="panel-mobile-link"> <header> <h2><a href="/Writers">Featured writer</a></h2> </header> <div class="image"> <a href="" class="lightbox"> <img src="/public/img/home/657-almost-famous.jpg?updatedAt=2025-03-10-14-58-53" width=216 height=216 alt="Featured writer" class="" loading="lazy" /> <div class="image-caption">Peter Silverton</div> </a> <div class="image-overlay"> <h2><a href="/Writers">Featured writer</a></h2> <img src="/public/img/home/657-almost-famous.jpg?updatedAt=2025-03-10-14-58-53" width=216 height=216 alt="Featured writer" class="" loading="eager" /> <p>London's turning: <a href="../../../Library/Writer/peter-silverton">Pete(r) Silverton</a>'s unpublished 1976 epic on <a href="../../../Library/Article/the-101ers--1976">Joe Strummer and the 101'ers</a>, unearthed and introduced by <em>Trouser Press</em>'s Ira Robbins in 2021. Plus Silverton hears about <em>Street Hassle</em> from <a href="../../../Library/Article/lou-reed-in-cloning-sensation">Lou Reed</a> (<em>Sounds</em>, 1978) and Mal Peachey pens <a href="../../../Library/Article/peter-silverton-1953-2023">a <em>Guardian</em> tribute</a> to his pal in July 2023.</p> </div> </div> </article> <article class="panel-mobile-link"> <header> <h2><a href="/Library/FreeThisWeek">The Long Goodbye</a></h2> </header> <div class="image"> <a href="/Library/FreeThisWeek" class="lightbox"> <img src="/public/img/home/657-farewell.jpg?updatedAt=2025-03-12-12-10-24" width=216 height=216 alt="The Long Goodbye" class="" loading="lazy" /> <div class="image-caption">Brian James</div> </a> <div class="image-overlay"> <h2><a href="/Library/FreeThisWeek">The Long Goodbye</a></h2> <img src="/public/img/home/657-farewell.jpg?updatedAt=2025-03-12-12-10-24" width=216 height=216 alt="The Long Goodbye" class="" loading="eager" /> <p>The Damned and the beautiful: Caroline Coon discusses punk rock with <a href="../../../Library/Article/the-damned-2">Brian James (1955-2025)</a> and <em>Classic Rock</em>'s Paul Lester looks back with <a href="../../../Library/Article/welcome-back-brian-james">the Damned guitarist</a> in 2015. Plus Michael A. Gonzales revisits <em>Eyes Never Lie</em>, the 2000 solo album by Tony! Toni! Toné!'s <a href="../../../Library/Article/dwayne-wiggins-ieyes-never-liei">D'Wayne Wiggins (1961-2025)</a>.</p> </div> </div> </article> <article class="panel-mobile-link article-list"> <header> <h2><a href="/Library">Enter the Library</a></h2> </header> </article> <article class="panel-mobile-link panel-postcast-link"> <a href="/Podcast" class="lightbox"> <img src="/public/img/podcast-logo.png" /> <span class="header-text"> <span class="title">New podcast episode</span> <span class="content">Siân Pattenden on Smash Hits and David Johansen</span> </span> </a> <div class="image"> <div class="image-overlay"> <h2><a href="/Podcast">Podcast</a></h2> <img src="/public/img/home/657-podcast.jpg?updatedAt=2025-03-10-14-58-53" width=216 height=216 alt="Podcast" class="" loading="lazy" /> <div class="episode"> <iframe frameborder="0" height="200" scrolling="no" data-src="" width="100%" loading="lazy"></iframe> </div> <select id="PodcastDropdown" name="PodcastDropdown" onchange="rbp.linkFromList(this, '/Podcast/Episode/');"><option value="">Select from list of podcast episodes</option> <option value="e197">Episode 197: Siân Pattenden on Select + the Bangles + David Johansen</option> <option value="e196">Episode 196: Daniel Wolff & Danny Alexander on Dave Marsh + Curtis Mayfield</option> <option value="e195">Episode 195: Danny Goldberg on Led Zeppelin + Nirvana + Gil Scott-Heron</option> <option value="e194">Episode 194: Gene Sculatti on San Francisco + the Band's Garth Hudson R.I.P.</option> <option value="e193">Episode 193: Michael Goldberg on photography + Taj Mahal + Addicted to Noise</option> <option value="e192">Episode 192: Pat Kane on Hue & Cry + Sinatra + Chic + '80s Brit soul</option> <option value="e191">Episode 191: Chris Charlesworth on Melody Maker in the '70s</option> <option value="e190">Episode 190: Simon Garfield on Cher + Beyoncé + Luther Vandross</option> <option value="e189">Episode 189: Beverley Glick a.k.a. 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Bill Withers & Hal Wilner</option> <option value="67">Episode 67: Warren Zevon + Miles Davis' Bitches Brew + Dusty Springfield</option> <option value="66">Episode 66: Remembering Charlie Gillett + Johnnie Allan audio</option> <option value="65">Episode 65: Michael Watts on Melody Maker + Swamp Dogg + Cramps audio</option> <option value="64">Episode 64: The Meters + Joanna Newsom + Buzzy Linhart audio interview</option> <option value="63">Episode 63: Neil Tennant on Smash Hits + Pet Shop Boys + Andy Weatherall</option> <option value="62">Episode 62: Bryan Ferry + Prog Rock + John Prine audio interview</option> <option value="61">Episode 61: Colleen "Cosmo" Murphy on David Mancuso and Lydia Lunch</option> <option value="60">Episode 60: Dorian Lynskey on Daft Punk, Can audio interview ... and Brexit</option> <option value="59">Episode 59: Laura Barton on Road Trips + Sam Cooke + Isobel Campbell</option> <option value="58">Episode 58: James Blood Ulmer + Joan Baez audio + Chris Bourke</option> <option value="57">Episode 57: Aretha's Amazing Grace + Mark Ronson audio + Tom Cox</option> <option value="56">Episode 56: Kris Needs on The Clash + Zigzag magazine + Politics & Pop</option> <option value="55">Episode 55: David Toop on art and sound + Arthur Russell + Joe Smith R.I.P.</option> <option value="54">Episode 54: Barbara Charone on The Who + Keef Richards + Chelsea FC</option> <option value="53">Episode 53: John Fogerty audio + Peter Guralnick + Céline Dion</option> <option value="52">Episode 52: Gene Clark + Mick Hucknall + Mick Brown on Spector & Soul</option> <option value="51">Episode 51: Bonnie Raitt + The Pop Group + Caroline Sullivan on the Bay City Rollers</option> <option value="50">Episode 50: Snoop Dogg + Motörhead + Nick Tosches tribute</option> <option value="49">Episode 49: INXS' Michael Hutchence + Radiohead's Jonny Greenwood</option> <option value="48">Episode 48: Ginger Baker audio + Elbow with guest David Hepworth</option> <option value="47">Episode 47: Loleatta Holloway audio + Robert Hunter R.I.P. + Phil Symes</option> <option value="46">Episode 46: The Beatles' Abbey Road + Blondie audio with Mat Snow</option> <option value="45">Episode 45: Madonna audio interview + Sugarhill Gang's 'Rapper's Delight'</option> <option value="44">Episode 44: Simon Witter on Cameo, Zapp & House + Robbie Robertson audio</option> <option value="43">Episode 43: The Story of Electronic Music + Slade + Status Quo with David Stubbs</option> <option value="42">Episode 42: Dusty Springfield + Alicia Keys + Taylor Swift with Lucy O'Brien</option> <option value="41">Episode 41: Easy Rider + Arthur Lee with Richard Williams</option> <option value="40">Episode 40: Ian Penman on Prince + Charlie Parker + ZZ Top audio</option> <option value="39">Episode 39: Tammy Faye Starlite does Marianne Faithfull + Miles & more</option> <option value="38">Episode 38: Woodstock '69 + Shirley Collins audio interview + Mark Anthony Neal</option> <option value="37">Episode 37: Glen Campbell, Jimmy Webb and 'Wichita Lineman' with Dylan Jones</option> <option value="36">Episode 36: KLF + Echo & the Bunnymen + Julian Cope with Mick Houghton</option> <option value="35">Episode 35: P-Funk Special + Hal David audio with Lloyd Bradley and Tom Vickers</option> <option value="34">Episode 34: Amy Linden on Amy Winehouse + Kanye West + Nico + Bobby Womack</option> <option value="33">Episode 33: L.A. Special with Chris Campion + Elliot Roberts audio + Little Feat</option> <option value="32">Episode 32: Go-Go in D.C. + Anita Ward audio + Felix Dennis and the Oz Trial</option> <option value="31">Episode 31: Bernard Fowler's Life in Music + Dr. John audio + Andy Gill R.I.P.</option> <option value="30">Episode 30: Dawn James on The Beatles + Roky Erickson R.I.P. + Neil Young audio</option> <option value="29">Episode 29: Rickie Lee Jones + Harry Doherty + Rory Gallagher audio</option> <option value="28">Episode 28: Danny Fields on the Stooges + the Ramones + George Clinton audio</option> <option value="27">Episode 27: Bruce Springsteen + Elton John + The Beatles + Stevie Wonder with Bob Spitz</option> <option value="26">Episode 26: Mavis Staples + Bob Stanley/Saint Etienne + The B-52s audio</option> <option value="25">Episode 25: Jordan's Story + Goth + Bay City Rollers with Cathi Unsworth</option> <option value="24">Episode 24: Al Green + Anita Pallenberg audio + Thundercat</option> <option value="23">Episode 23: Todd Rundgren audio + Orange Juice + Danny Goldberg</option> <option value="22">Episode 22: Joy Division special with Jon Savage + Dizzee Rascal audio </option> <option value="21">Episode 21: Tribute to Scott Walker + Jimi Hendrix + ABC with Keith Altham</option> <option value="20">Episode 20: Van Morrison + Pink Floyd + Steve Earle with Tony Stewart</option> <option value="19">Episode 19: Morrissey + Madonna + Minnie Riperton with James Medd</option> <option value="18">Episode 18: The Prodigy's Keith Flint R.I.P. + Jayne County audio interview</option> <option value="17">Episode 17: Remembering Mark Hollis + Dead Kennedys Audio + Mark Leviton</option> <option value="16">Episode 16: Curtis Mayfield + Sigue Sigue Sputnik + History of RBP with Martin Colyer</option> <option value="15">Episode 15: Radiohead, Gladys Knight and Daft Punk</option> <option value="14">Episode 14: KRS-One + Avril Lavigne + Alex Harvey with Michele Kirsch</option> <option value="13">Episode 13: Sid Vicious does it his way + Bobbie Gentry's Delta Sweete</option> <option value="12">Episode 12: Big Star + Prefab Sprout with special guest Jennifer Otter Bickerdike</option> <option value="11">Episode 11: The Specials + Juliana Hatfield + Dave Laing</option> <option value="10">Episode 10: Earth, Wind & Fire + special guest Mark Sinker on the underground music press</option> <option value="9">Episode 9: The Absurdities of Bros + Kenny Rogers audio + Oz Rock</option> <option value="8">Episode 8: Keith Richards on drug busts + Mick Jagger in Performance</option> <option value="7">Episode 7: Be-Bop Deluxe, Wu-Tang Clan + Tim Cooper on David Bowie</option> <option value="6">Episode 6: Roxy Music's Bryan Ferry + the birth of Americana + NYC in the 70s</option> <option value="5">Episode 5: Led Zeppelin + Kate Bush with special guest John Mendelssohn</option> <option value="4">Episode 4: Etta James talks in 1978 + Marc Bolan + Willie Nelson</option> <option value="3">Episode 3: Sex Pistols interview + Chic + David Hepworth</option> <option value="2">Episode 2: Massive Attack + Rosanne Cash + the night Johnny Thunders died</option> <option value="1">Episode 1: Freddie Mercury on Bohemian Rhapsody + Joni Mitchell + the Wu-Tang Clang</option> </select> <p>New episode: <a href="../../../Podcast/Episode/e197">Siân Pattenden</a> looks back on her life at <em>Smash Hits</em> and <em>Select</em> and listens to our audio interview with David Johansen.</p> </div> </div> </article> <article class="panel-mobile-link article-list"> <header> <h2>New articles this week</h2> </header> <div class="new-this-week-additional-copy"> <table style="width: 100%;" border="1"> <tbody> <tr> <td>1964</td> <td><a href="../../../Library/Article/dusty-springfield-dusty-phones-from-america-i-cant-keep-awake"> Dusty Springfield</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td>1965</td> <td><a href="../../../Library/Article/albums-from-the-chad-mitchell-trio-peter-paul--mary-the-staple-singers-iet-ali"> Chad Mitchell <em>et al.</em></a></td> </tr> <tr> <td>1966</td> <td><a href="../../../Library/Article/ornette-coleman-noise-or-music--the-controversy-continues"> Ornette Coleman</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td>1968</td> <td><a href="../../../Library/Article/george-martin-talks-about-the-beatles"> George Martin</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td>1969</td> <td><a href="../../../Library/Article/janis-joplin-royal-albert-hall-london-2"> Janis Joplin live</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td>1970</td> <td><a href="../../../Library/Article/graham-nash-nash-and-his-ego"> Graham Nash</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td>1971</td> <td><a href="../../../Library/Article/john--beverley-martyn-ithe-road-to-ruini-warner-brothers-1882"> John & Beverley Martyn</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td>1972</td> <td><a href="../../../Library/Article/coping-with-superstardom-elephants-memory-without-the-plastic"> Elephant's Memory</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td>1973</td> <td><a href="../../../Library/Article/vinegar-joe-marquee-london"> Vinegar Joe live</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td>1974</td> <td><a href="../../../Library/Article/mott-the-hoople-broadway-melody"> Mott the Hoople</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td>1975</td> <td><a href="../../../Library/Article/aretha-franklin-iwith-everything-i-feel-in-mei-atlantic-sd-18116-ial-green-explores-your-mindi-hi-shl-32087"> Aretha Franklin</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td>1976</td> <td><a href="../../../Library/Article/steve-miller-where-eagles-dare"> Steve Miller</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td>1977</td> <td><a href="../../../Library/Article/gladys-knight-and-the-pips-new-victoria-theatre-london"> Gladys Knight & Pips</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td>1978</td> <td><a href="../../../Library/Article/thin-lizzy-the-don-juan-of-rock"> Thin Lizzy</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td>1979</td> <td><a href="../../../Library/Article/led-zeppelin-iin-through-the-out-doori-swan-song"> Led Zeppelin</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td>1980</td> <td><a href="../../../Library/Article/computers-that-make-waves"> Digital synths</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td>1981</td> <td><a href="../../../Library/Article/tito-puente-tres-the-venue-london"> Tito Puente live</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td>1982</td> <td><a href="../../../Library/Article/steve-strange-the-pleasure-boy-gets-down-to-work"> Steve Strange</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td>1983</td> <td><a href="../../../Library/Article/john-cale-propaganda-songs"> John Cale</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td>1983</td> <td><a href="../../../Library/Article/nyc-peech-boys-ilife-is-something-speciali-island-ilps-9761"> Peech Boys</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td>1984</td> <td><a href="../../../Library/Article/ashford--simpson-broadway-melody-1985"> Ashford & Simpson</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td>1985</td> <td><a href="../../../Library/Article/jeffrey-lee-pierce-embassy-club-london"> Jeffrey Lee Pierce</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td>1986</td> <td> <a href="../../../Library/Article/dokken-a-little-piece-of-the-rock">Dokken</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td>1987</td> <td><a href="../../../Library/Article/psychedelic-furs-imidnight-to-midnighti-columbia"> Psychedelic Furs</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td>1988</td> <td><a href="../../../Library/Article/left-of-center-jane-siberrys-boots-are-made-for-walking"> Jane Siberry</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td>1989</td> <td><a href="../../../Library/Article/the-fall-the-wedding-present-the-house-of-love-peels-birthday-party-subterrania-club-london"> John Peel's birthday</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td>1990</td> <td><a href="../../../Library/Article/the-50s-a-decade-of-music-that-changed-the-world"> The '50s</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td>1991</td> <td><a href="../../../Library/Article/fields-of-the-nephilim-blazing-saddles"> Fields of the Nephilim</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td>1991</td> <td><a href="../../../Library/Article/fields-of-the-nephilim-blazing-saddles"> </a><a href="../../../Library/Article/ilisten-up-the-lives-of-quincy-jonesi-dir-ellen-weissbrod">Quincy Jones doc</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td>1993</td> <td><a href="../../../Library/Article/grrrrrrrrrrrrrr-therapy"> Therapy?</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td>1995</td> <td><a href="../../../Library/Article/lollapalooza-at-irvine-meadows"> Lollapalooza</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td>1997</td> <td><a href="../../../Library/Article/david-bowie-madison-square-garden-nyc-2"> Bowie @ the Garden</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td>1998</td> <td><a href="../../../Library/Article/that-was-the-year"> 1998 in review</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td>2001</td> <td><a href="../../../Library/Article/the-prodigy-iexperience-expanded-remixes--b-sidesi"> The Prodigy</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td>2002</td> <td><a href="../../../Library/Article/sounds-from-the-dalek-age"> BBC Radiophonic</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td>2003</td> <td><a href="../../../Library/Article/craig-david-a-singer-who-roams-outside-the-genres"> Craig David</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td>2005</td> <td> <a href="../../../Library/Article/the-pixies-misfits-that-fit">The Pixies</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td>2006</td> <td><a href="../../../Library/Article/primal-scream-get-high"> Primal Scream</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td>2007</td> <td><a href="../../../Library/Article/10-great-movie-soundtrack-albums"> Soundtrack albums</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td>2008</td> <td><a href="../../../Library/Article/paul-westerberg-album-by-album"> Paul Westerberg</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td>2009</td> <td><a href="../../../Library/Article/nirvana-ilive-at-readingi"> Nirvana @ Reading</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td>2011</td> <td><a href="../../../Library/Article/jill-scott-ithe-light-of-the-suni-"> Jill Scott's <em>Light</em></a></td> </tr> <tr> <td>2012</td> <td><a href="../../../Library/Article/pete-doherty-and-carl-bart-the-libertines-were-an-accident-at-birth"> The Libertines</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td>2013</td> <td><a href="../../../Library/Article/the-monks-kitchen-imusic-from-the-monks-kitcheni"> The Monk's Kitchen</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td>2015</td> <td><a href="../../../Library/Article/little-simz-ia-curious-tale-of-trials--personsi"> Little Simz</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td>2016</td> <td> <a href="../../../Library/Article/1966-was-the-best-year-for-music-ever">1966</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td>2017</td> <td><a href="../../../Library/Article/why-youtubers-need-bono"> YouTube influencers</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td>2018</td> <td><a href="../../../Library/Article/jon-hiseman-1944-2018"> Jon Hiseman R.I.P.</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td>2019</td> <td> <a href="../../../Library/Article/lankum-ithe-livelong-dayi">Lankum</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td>2020</td> <td><a href="../../../Library/Article/the-raw-rock-of-michael-des-barres-"> Michael Des Barres</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td>2021</td> <td><a href="../../../Library/Article/the-curious-case-of-the-rolling-stones-itattoo-youi"> The Stones' <em>Tattoo You</em></a></td> </tr> <tr> <td>2023</td> <td><a href="../../../Library/Article/ilittle-richard-i-am-everythingi-dir-john-waters"> Little Richard doc</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td>2022</td> <td> <a href="../../../Library/Article/thom-bell-1943-2022">Thom Bell R.I.P.</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td>2024</td> <td><a href="../../../Library/Article/chaka-khan-i-found-ways-to-hang-on-substance-abuse-and-all-kinds-of-other-s"> Chaka Khan</a></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <p><a href="/Subscribe/">Subscribe</a> to enjoy access to thousands of articles and hundreds of audio interviews.</p> <p>For university and other group subscriptions, <a href="/Pages/AcademicSubscriptions">click here</a>.</p> </article> </section> <section class="panel follow-us"> <div> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src="/public/img/icons/facebook.png" width=26 height=26 alt="Facebook" class="" loading="lazy" /> </a> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src="/public/img/icons/instagram.png" width=26 height=26 alt="Instagram" class="" loading="lazy" /> </a> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src="/public/img/icons/bluesky.png" width=26 height=26 alt="Bluesky" class="" loading="lazy" /> </a> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src="/public/img/icons/spotify.png" width=26 height=26 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considers <a href="../../../Library/Article/edwyn-collins-blue-boy">Edwyn's solo career</a> to date (<em>Uncut</em>, 2002). Plus original OJ drummer turned <em>Rolling Stone/Vanity Fair</em> scribe <a href="../../../Podcast/Episode/e132">Steven Daly</a> <em>(right)</em> reminisces about life with Edwyn in a 2022 episode of the RBP podcast.</p> <p class="panel-link"><a href="/Library/Free">See all free articles!</a></p> </section> <section class="panel no-bottom-border"> <header> <h3 class="panel-sub-heading"><a href="">Featured writer</a></h3> </header> <div class="image"> <a href=""> <img src="/public/img/home/657-almost-famous.jpg?updatedAt=2025-03-10-14-58-53" width=216 height=216 alt="Almost famous" class="" loading="lazy" /> </a> </div> <p>London's turning: <a href="../../../Library/Writer/peter-silverton">Pete(r) Silverton</a>'s unpublished 1976 epic on <a href="../../../Library/Article/the-101ers--1976">Joe Strummer and the 101'ers</a>, unearthed and introduced by <em>Trouser Press</em>'s Ira Robbins in 2021. Plus Silverton hears about <em>Street Hassle</em> from <a href="../../../Library/Article/lou-reed-in-cloning-sensation">Lou Reed</a> (<em>Sounds</em>, 1978) and Mal Peachey pens <a href="../../../Library/Article/peter-silverton-1953-2023">a <em>Guardian</em> tribute</a> to his pal in July 2023.</p> </section> <section class="panel no-bottom-border"> <header> <h3 class="panel-sub-heading"><a href="/Library/FreeThisWeek">The Long Goodbye</a></h3> </header> <div class="image"> <a href="/Library/FreeThisWeek"> <img src="/public/img/home/657-farewell.jpg?updatedAt=2025-03-12-12-10-24" width=216 height=216 alt="The Long Goodbye" class="" loading="lazy" /> </a> </div> <p>The Damned and the beautiful: Caroline Coon discusses punk rock with <a href="../../../Library/Article/the-damned-2">Brian James (1955-2025)</a> and <em>Classic Rock</em>'s Paul Lester looks back with <a href="../../../Library/Article/welcome-back-brian-james">the Damned guitarist</a> in 2015. Plus Michael A. Gonzales revisits <em>Eyes Never Lie</em>, the 2000 solo album by Tony! Toni! Toné!'s <a href="../../../Library/Article/dwayne-wiggins-ieyes-never-liei">D'Wayne Wiggins (1961-2025)</a>.</p> </section> <section class="panel no-bottom-border"> <header> <h3 class="panel-sub-heading"><a href="">The Long Read</a></h3> </header> <div class="image"> <a href=""> <img src="/public/img/home/657-long-read.jpg?updatedAt=2025-03-11-12-06-45" width=216 height=216 alt="The Long Read" class="" loading="lazy" /> </a> </div> <p>Howlin' Wolf: J. Geils Band frontman <a href="../../../Library/Article/peter-wolf-all-the-kids-get-turned-into-peanut-butter">Peter Wolf</a> submits to John Swenson's questions on a steamy summer night in the Bronx (<em>Crawdaddy</em>, December 1972).</p> </section> </div> <div class="col col2"> <h2 class="panel-heading"><a href="/Library">New for subscribers</a></h2> <section class="panel no-bottom-border"> <header> <h3 class="panel-sub-heading"><a href="/Library/Audio">Audio interview</a></h3> </header> <div class="image"> <a href="../../../Library/Article/steve-reich-1993"> <img src="/public/img/home/657-audio.jpg?updatedAt=2025-03-10-15-02-40" width=216 height=216 alt="Audio" class="" loading="lazy" /> </a> </div> <p><em>Cave</em> man: Mark Sinker asks minimalist master <a href="../../../Library/Article/steve-reich-1993">Steve Reich</a> about his multimedia opera <em>The Cave</em> – and his influence on Orbital (1993).</p> <p class="panel-link">Jimi Hendrix to Kate Bush: <a href="/Library/Audio">the complete RBP Audio library</a></p> </section> <section class="panel no-bottom-border"> <header> <h3 class="panel-sub-heading">Articles</h3> </header> <div class="new-this-week-additional-copy"> <table style="width: 100%;" border="1"> <tbody> <tr> <td>1964</td> <td><a href="../../../Library/Article/dusty-springfield-dusty-phones-from-america-i-cant-keep-awake"> Dusty Springfield</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td>1965</td> <td><a href="../../../Library/Article/albums-from-the-chad-mitchell-trio-peter-paul--mary-the-staple-singers-iet-ali"> Chad Mitchell <em>et al.</em></a></td> </tr> <tr> <td>1966</td> <td><a href="../../../Library/Article/ornette-coleman-noise-or-music--the-controversy-continues"> Ornette Coleman</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td>1968</td> <td><a href="../../../Library/Article/george-martin-talks-about-the-beatles"> George Martin</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td>1969</td> <td><a href="../../../Library/Article/janis-joplin-royal-albert-hall-london-2"> Janis Joplin live</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td>1970</td> <td><a href="../../../Library/Article/graham-nash-nash-and-his-ego"> Graham Nash</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td>1971</td> <td><a href="../../../Library/Article/john--beverley-martyn-ithe-road-to-ruini-warner-brothers-1882"> John & Beverley Martyn</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td>1972</td> <td><a href="../../../Library/Article/coping-with-superstardom-elephants-memory-without-the-plastic"> Elephant's Memory</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td>1973</td> <td><a href="../../../Library/Article/vinegar-joe-marquee-london"> Vinegar Joe live</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td>1974</td> <td><a href="../../../Library/Article/mott-the-hoople-broadway-melody"> Mott the Hoople</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td>1975</td> <td><a href="../../../Library/Article/aretha-franklin-iwith-everything-i-feel-in-mei-atlantic-sd-18116-ial-green-explores-your-mindi-hi-shl-32087"> Aretha Franklin</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td>1976</td> <td><a href="../../../Library/Article/steve-miller-where-eagles-dare"> Steve Miller</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td>1977</td> <td><a href="../../../Library/Article/gladys-knight-and-the-pips-new-victoria-theatre-london"> Gladys Knight & Pips</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td>1978</td> <td><a href="../../../Library/Article/thin-lizzy-the-don-juan-of-rock"> Thin Lizzy</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td>1979</td> <td><a href="../../../Library/Article/led-zeppelin-iin-through-the-out-doori-swan-song"> Led Zeppelin</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td>1980</td> <td><a href="../../../Library/Article/computers-that-make-waves"> Digital synths</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td>1981</td> <td><a href="../../../Library/Article/tito-puente-tres-the-venue-london"> Tito Puente live</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td>1982</td> <td><a href="../../../Library/Article/steve-strange-the-pleasure-boy-gets-down-to-work"> Steve Strange</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td>1983</td> <td><a href="../../../Library/Article/john-cale-propaganda-songs"> John Cale</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td>1983</td> <td><a 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