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content: start --> <p>Filler</p> <!-- Rich text editor content: end --> </div> </div> </figcaption> <!-- Details holder: end --> </figure> <div class="widget component-text align-left widget-56863"> <div class="content"> <section class="component-holder"> <div class="component-inner"> <div class="col-inner"> <!-- Header: start --> <h3> Help Topics </h3> <!-- Header: end --> <!-- Rich text editor content: start --> <div class="section group"> <div class="col span_2_of_4"> <div class="help-topics"> <ul> <li><a href="#account">Account Queries</a></li> <li><a href="#subscriptions">Subscriptions</a></li> <li><a href="#corporate">Corporate subscriptions</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="col span_2_of_4"> <div class="help-topics"> <ul> <li><a href="#follow-topics">Follow Topics</a></li> <li><a href="#apps">Apps</a></li> <li><a href="#newsletters">Newsletter</a></li> <li><a href="#other">Other</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Rich text editor content: end --> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div> <div class="component-list-column widget-56887"> <div class="content"> <section class="component-holder"> <header class="component-header"> <h4 itemprop="name"> <div class="section-title-link" href="#">Account queries</div> </h4> </header> <div class="component-inner"> <div class="section group"> <div class="col span_2_of_4"> <div class="tabs"> <a class="tab-toggle " data-tab="widget-56887-1" href="#"> <p>Can I reset my password?</p> <span class="toggle-control"></span> </a> <section class="tab-content tab-1-content" data-content="widget-56887-1"> <div class="tab-content-inner"> <p>Yes, you can reset your password.</p> <p>If you need to reset your password,<a href="">&nbsp;click here</a>. Type your email address into the box provided and click ‘Reset password’. You will then be sent an email containing a link which will allow you to change your password.</p> </div> </section> <a class="tab-toggle " data-tab="widget-56887-2" href="#"> <p>I still haven’t received my password email</p> <span class="toggle-control"></span> </a> <section class="tab-content tab-2-content" data-content="widget-56887-2"> <div class="tab-content-inner"> <p>First, please check your junk folder. If the email is not in your junk folder and you still haven’t received a ‘reset password’ email after two minutes, please reach out to our customer services via this&nbsp;<a href="/contact-us">form</a>.</p> </div> </section> </div> </div> <div class="col span_2_of_4"> <div class="tabs"> <a class="tab-toggle " data-tab="widget-56887-3" href="#"> <p>How do I change my email address?</p> <span class="toggle-control"></span> </a> <section class="tab-content tab-3-content" data-content="widget-56887-3"> <div class="tab-content-inner"> <p>If you would like to change your email address our customer services team will be able to do this for you. Contact our customer services team via this&nbsp;<a href="/contact-us">form</a>.</p> </div> </section> <a class="tab-toggle " data-tab="widget-56887-4" href="#"> <p>How do I add WatersTechnology to my safe senders list?</p> <span class="toggle-control"></span> </a> <section class="tab-content tab-4-content" data-content="widget-56887-4"> <div class="tab-content-inner"> <p>If you are still not receiving emails from&nbsp;<em>WatersTechnology</em>&nbsp;this can be down to the security settings at your organisation. To fix this, the IT department at your organisation will need to add&nbsp;<em>WatersTechnology</em>&nbsp;to your whitelist. All the details needed for&nbsp;<em>WatersTechnology</em>&nbsp;to be whitelisted can be found&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">here</a>.</p> </div> </section> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div> <div class="component-list-column widget-56947"> <div class="content"> <section class="component-holder"> <header class="component-header"> <h4 itemprop="name"> <div class="section-title-link" href="#">Subscriptions</div> </h4> </header> <div class="component-inner"> <div class="section group"> <div class="col span_2_of_4"> <div class="tabs"> <a class="tab-toggle " data-tab="widget-56947-1" href="#"> <p>What is the difference between subscription options?</p> <span class="toggle-control"></span> </a> <section class="tab-content tab-1-content" data-content="widget-56947-1"> <div class="tab-content-inner"> <p><em>WatersTechnology</em>&nbsp;offers two types of subscriptions.</p> <p>Individual – News and analysis,&nbsp;<em>WatersTechnology app,&nbsp;</em>and exclusive discounts on related products</p> <p>Corporate – Everything in the individual subscription, access for multiple users, a dedicated account handler and account analytics</p> <p>For more information on our subscription packages, click&nbsp;<a href="">here</a>.</p> </div> </section> <a class="tab-toggle " data-tab="widget-56947-2" href="#"> <p>How much is a subscription?</p> <span class="toggle-control"></span> </a> <section class="tab-content tab-2-content" data-content="widget-56947-2"> <div class="tab-content-inner"> <p>To see more information about the price of each subscription, please click&nbsp;<a href="">here.</a></p> </div> </section> <a class="tab-toggle " data-tab="widget-56947-3" href="#"> <p>How long is a WatersTechnology subscription?</p> <span class="toggle-control"></span> </a> <section class="tab-content tab-3-content" data-content="widget-56947-3"> <div class="tab-content-inner"> <p>A subscription lasts 12 months from the order date.</p> </div> </section> </div> </div> <div class="col span_2_of_4"> <div class="tabs"> <a class="tab-toggle " data-tab="widget-56947-4" href="#"> <p>How can I upgrade my subscription?</p> <span class="toggle-control"></span> </a> <section class="tab-content tab-4-content" data-content="widget-56947-4"> <div class="tab-content-inner"> <p>To upgrade your subscription simply complete this&nbsp;<a href="/contact-us">enquiry form</a>. Your account manager will be in touch.</p> </div> </section> <a class="tab-toggle " data-tab="widget-56947-5" href="#"> <p>What are my payment options?</p> <span class="toggle-control"></span> </a> <section class="tab-content tab-5-content" data-content="widget-56947-5"> <div class="tab-content-inner"> <p>You can pay for your subscription online by credit card (Visa, MasterCard, American Express). You will receive immediate access using credit card payments.</p> <p>You can request an invoice be sent to your company by contacting our customer services team via this&nbsp;<a href="/contact-us">form</a>.</p> <p>We also accept BACS transfer – contact our customer services team via this&nbsp;<a href="/contact-us">form</a>&nbsp;for more details.</p> <p>Online access will only be granted upon receipt of payment. Please note that your subscription (both print and online) will not commence until full payment has been received.</p> </div> </section> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div> <div class="component-list-column widget-56962"> <div class="content"> <section class="component-holder"> <header class="component-header"> <h4 itemprop="name"> <div class="section-title-link" href="#">Corporate subscriptions</div> </h4> </header> <div class="component-inner"> <div class="section group"> <div class="col span_2_of_4"> <div class="tabs"> <a class="tab-toggle " data-tab="widget-56962-1" href="#"> <p>How much does a Corporate Subscription cost?</p> <span class="toggle-control"></span> </a> <section class="tab-content tab-1-content" data-content="widget-56962-1"> <div class="tab-content-inner"> <p>There isn’t a set price for a Corporate Subscription as we take many things into consideration – generally the number of users, how many different products you need to access, and which delivery methods you prefer to receive the content.</p> <p>If you have multiple users that require access, then a Corporate Subscription is definitely the most cost-effective approach for you.</p> </div> </section> <a class="tab-toggle " data-tab="widget-56962-2" href="#"> <p>Can a Corporate Subscription span multiple offices?</p> <span class="toggle-control"></span> </a> <section class="tab-content tab-2-content" data-content="widget-56962-2"> <div class="tab-content-inner"> <p>Yes it can – there’s no limit to how many of your offices can be incorporated into an agreement.</p> <p>All we’ll need to know are which offices you want to include, and who the users are within them.</p> </div> </section> <a class="tab-toggle " data-tab="widget-56962-3" href="#"> <p>Can my company sample a corporate subscription?</p> <span class="toggle-control"></span> </a> <section class="tab-content tab-3-content" data-content="widget-56962-3"> <div class="tab-content-inner"> <p>We offer group trials to organisations looking for a corporate subscription. Group trials are subject to approval as we need to evaluate your needs and requirements.</p> </div> </section> </div> </div> <div class="col span_2_of_4"> <div class="tabs"> <a class="tab-toggle " data-tab="widget-56962-4" href="#"> <p>How do I take out a corporate subscription?</p> <span class="toggle-control"></span> </a> <section class="tab-content tab-4-content" data-content="widget-56962-4"> <div class="tab-content-inner"> <p>First you must send an enquiry so we can create a tailored subscription that suits the needs of your organisation. To do so you can fill an enquiry form&nbsp;<a href="">here.</a></p> </div> </section> <a class="tab-toggle " data-tab="widget-56962-5" href="#"> <p>Is there a limit to the number of users that can be included?</p> <span class="toggle-control"></span> </a> <section class="tab-content tab-5-content" data-content="widget-56962-5"> <div class="tab-content-inner"> <p>No, a Corporate Subscription can consist of as many users as you like. We have small contracts with companies for 3 users, whilst others have agreed worldwide access for all their employees.</p> </div> </section> <a class="tab-toggle " data-tab="widget-56962-6" href="#"> <p>How can I find out if my company already has a Corporate Subscription?</p> <span class="toggle-control"></span> </a> <section class="tab-content tab-6-content" data-content="widget-56962-6"> <div class="tab-content-inner"> <p>To find out if your company has a corporate subscription please fill in the form&nbsp;<a href="/contact-us">here</a>.</p> </div> </section> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div> <div class="component-list-column widget-56980"> <div class="content"> <section class="component-holder"> <header class="component-header"> <h4 itemprop="name"> <div class="section-title-link" href="#">Newsletters</div> </h4> </header> <div class="component-inner"> <div class="section group"> <div class="col span_2_of_4"> <div class="tabs"> <a class="tab-toggle " data-tab="widget-56980-1" href="#"> <p>How do I receive newsletters?</p> <span class="toggle-control"></span> </a> <section class="tab-content tab-1-content" data-content="widget-56980-1"> <div class="tab-content-inner"> <p>To select your choice of email newsletters, click&nbsp;<a href="">here</a>.</p> <p>Fill in your details, tick the boxes of the email newsletters you wish to receive, and at the bottom of the page click on ‘Sign up’.</p> </div> </section> <a class="tab-toggle " data-tab="widget-56980-2" href="#"> <p>How do I unsubscribe from newsletters?</p> <span class="toggle-control"></span> </a> <section class="tab-content tab-2-content" data-content="widget-56980-2"> <div class="tab-content-inner"> <p>To unsubscribe from newsletters simply click on the unsubscribe link that is at the bottom of the newsletter you no longer wish to receive.</p> <p>You can also do this in the my account section.</p> </div> </section> </div> </div> <div class="col span_2_of_4"> <div class="tabs"> <a class="tab-toggle " data-tab="widget-56980-3" href="#"> <p>Can I edit which newsletters I receive?</p> <span class="toggle-control"></span> </a> <section class="tab-content tab-3-content" data-content="widget-56980-3"> <div class="tab-content-inner"> <p>To edit which newsletters you receive, visit ‘<a href="">My account’</a>&nbsp;on the top-right corner of the page. Then simply click on the ‘Newsletters’ tab and you will be able to edit your preferences.</p> </div> </section> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div> <div class="component-list-column widget-57004"> <div class="content"> <section class="component-holder"> <header class="component-header"> <h4 itemprop="name"> <div class="section-title-link" href="#">Follow Topics</div> </h4> </header> <div class="component-inner"> <div class="section group"> <div class="col span_2_of_4"> <div class="tabs"> <a class="tab-toggle " data-tab="widget-57004-1" href="#"> <p>How do I set up Follow Topics?</p> <span class="toggle-control"></span> </a> <section class="tab-content tab-1-content" data-content="widget-57004-1"> <div class="tab-content-inner"> <p>Relevant ‘Follow tags’ appear on the left hand side of all&nbsp;<em>WatersTechnology</em> articles. Simply click on a tag and it'll automatically be added to your list of ‘Follow Topics’. You can also see the full list of topics at <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.</p> </div> </section> <a class="tab-toggle " data-tab="widget-57004-2" href="#"> <p>How often do I receive updates on the topics I follow?</p> <span class="toggle-control"></span> </a> <section class="tab-content tab-2-content" data-content="widget-57004-2"> <div class="tab-content-inner"> <p>You can choose the frequency at which you would like to receive alerts on your chosen Follow Topics by clicking&nbsp;<a href="">here</a>&nbsp;and then select either daily or weekly, alternatively you can deselect both options to stop receiving updates.</p> </div> </section> <a class="tab-toggle " data-tab="widget-57004-3" href="#"> <p>Is there a way to stop receiving Follow Topic updates?</p> <span class="toggle-control"></span> </a> <section class="tab-content tab-3-content" data-content="widget-57004-3"> <div class="tab-content-inner"> <p>Yes, you can do this by deselecting your follow topics or clicking&nbsp;<a href="">here</a>&nbsp;to change how often you receive updates. Please make sure you save your preferences.</p> </div> </section> </div> </div> <div class="col span_2_of_4"> <div class="tabs"> <a class="tab-toggle " data-tab="widget-57004-4" href="#"> <p>Can I edit my Follow Topics?</p> <span class="toggle-control"></span> </a> <section class="tab-content tab-4-content" data-content="widget-57004-4"> <div class="tab-content-inner"> <p>To edit which topics you follow and how often you receive them, visit ‘<a href="">My account’</a>&nbsp;on the top-right corner of the page. In the ‘Following’ tab, you will be able to edit your preferences.</p> </div> </section> <a class="tab-toggle " data-tab="widget-57004-5" href="#"> <p>How do I know which topics I am following?</p> <span class="toggle-control"></span> </a> <section class="tab-content tab-5-content" data-content="widget-57004-5"> <div class="tab-content-inner"> <p>You are able to find out which topics you are following by going onto ‘<a href="">My account</a>’ and then ‘follow topics’. Any topics you follow will appear here.</p> </div> </section> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div> <div class="component-list-column widget-57034"> <div class="content"> <section class="component-holder"> <header class="component-header"> <h4 itemprop="name"> <div class="section-title-link" href="#">Apps</div> </h4> </header> <div class="component-inner"> <div class="section group"> <div class="col span_2_of_4"> <div class="tabs"> <a class="tab-toggle " data-tab="widget-57034-1" href="#"> <p>What devices is the app available on?</p> <span class="toggle-control"></span> </a> <section class="tab-content tab-1-content" data-content="widget-57034-1"> <div class="tab-content-inner"> <p>The app is available on both Android and Apple smartphones and tablets.</p> </div> </section> <a class="tab-toggle " data-tab="widget-57034-2" href="#"> <p>How do I install the app?</p> <span class="toggle-control"></span> </a> <section class="tab-content tab-2-content" data-content="widget-57034-2"> <div class="tab-content-inner"> <p>Open the app store and search for ‘<em>WatersTechnology</em>’. Tap on the ‘GET’ button and the app will then download and appear on the home screen of your device. Open the app, log in using your username and password and start browsing the content.</p> </div> </section> <a class="tab-toggle " data-tab="widget-57034-3" href="#"> <p>What are the log-in details for the app?</p> <span class="toggle-control"></span> </a> <section class="tab-content tab-3-content" data-content="widget-57034-3"> <div class="tab-content-inner"> <p>To log into the app, please use your email address and password that you use for the&nbsp;<em>WatersTechnology</em>&nbsp;website.</p> <p>If you are part of a corporate subscription and do not have a personal log-in, please&nbsp;<a href="/contact-us">contact us</a>&nbsp;for log-in details to be set up.</p> </div> </section> <a class="tab-toggle " data-tab="widget-57034-4" href="#"> <p>Is the app free?</p> <span class="toggle-control"></span> </a> <section class="tab-content tab-4-content" data-content="widget-57034-4"> <div class="tab-content-inner"> <p>Yes, the app is free to download but you have to be a subscriber to view all the content.&nbsp;</p> </div> </section> </div> </div> <div class="col span_2_of_4"> <div class="tabs"> <a class="tab-toggle " data-tab="widget-57034-5" href="#"> <p>I am already a subscriber, is the app included in my subscription?</p> <span class="toggle-control"></span> </a> <section class="tab-content tab-5-content" data-content="widget-57034-5"> <div class="tab-content-inner"> <p>Yes, app content is available for all&nbsp;<em>WatersTechnology&nbsp;</em>subscribers and those who are taking out a trial<b>.</b></p> </div> </section> <a class="tab-toggle " data-tab="widget-57034-6" href="#"> <p>Why won’t the content update?</p> <span class="toggle-control"></span> </a> <section class="tab-content tab-6-content" data-content="widget-57034-6"> <div class="tab-content-inner"> <ul> <li>Ensure that your device is connected to either a Wi-Fi or 3G/4G/5G network</li> <li>Check that you have enough storage space on your device</li> <li>Check that you have the latest version of the app installed (use the app store app on your device to see if there’s an update available to download)</li> <li>Ensure you have a compatible operating system installed</li> </ul> </div> </section> <a class="tab-toggle " data-tab="widget-57034-7" href="#"> <p>Will I only have access to the latest issue, or all the back issues?</p> <span class="toggle-control"></span> </a> <section class="tab-content tab-7-content" data-content="widget-57034-7"> <div class="tab-content-inner"> <p>You’ll be able to access all the issues in the app. Every issue you download will remain on your device, building up a library of issues you can access at any time.</p> </div> </section> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div> <div class="component-list-column widget-57073"> <div class="content"> <section class="component-holder"> <header class="component-header"> <h4 itemprop="name"> <div class="section-title-link" href="#">Other</div> </h4> </header> <div class="component-inner"> <div class="section group"> <div class="col span_2_of_4"> <div class="tabs"> <a class="tab-toggle " data-tab="widget-57073-1" href="#"> <p>Where can I find your privacy policy?</p> <span class="toggle-control"></span> </a> <section class="tab-content tab-1-content" data-content="widget-57073-1"> <div class="tab-content-inner"> <p>You can find our privacy policy&nbsp;<a href="">here</a>.</p> </div> </section> <a class="tab-toggle " data-tab="widget-57073-2" href="#"> <p>What are your terms and conditions?</p> <span class="toggle-control"></span> </a> <section class="tab-content tab-2-content" data-content="widget-57073-2"> <div class="tab-content-inner"> <p>You can read our full terms and conditions&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">here</a>.</p> </div> </section> </div> </div> <div class="col span_2_of_4"> <div class="tabs"> <a class="tab-toggle " data-tab="widget-57073-3" href="#"> <p>Where can I find your cookie policy?</p> <span class="toggle-control"></span> </a> <section class="tab-content tab-3-content" data-content="widget-57073-3"> <div class="tab-content-inner"> <p>You can find our cookie policy&nbsp;<a href="">here</a>.</p> </div> </section> <a class="tab-toggle " data-tab="widget-57073-4" href="#"> <p>What are subscriber rewards?</p> <span class="toggle-control"></span> </a> <section class="tab-content tab-4-content" data-content="widget-57073-4"> <div class="tab-content-inner"> <p>As a&nbsp;<em>WatersTechnology</em>&nbsp;subscriber, you get access to the invaluable information that the website provides. 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