Plant Breeding and Biotechnology
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It is an international open access journal which publishes constantly on real-time and is available in an electronic version.</p> <h4>Submission of Manuscripts</h4> <p>Manuscripts should be submitted to the on-line submission system at <a href="" target="_blank"></a> or <a href="" target="_blank"></a>, following all screen prompts. Technical difficulties can be resolved by contacting the Korean Society of Breeding Science (Phone: +82-31-296-6898 E-mail: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>, Address: The Korean Society of Breeding Science, National Institute of Crop Science, RDA, Suin-ro 126, Gwonseon-gu, Suwon 16429, Republic of Korea).<br /> Manuscripts are to be submitted in their final form and must be written in English. Authors are urged to aim for clarity, brevity, and accuracy of information and language. Authors whose first language is not English should have their manuscripts checked for linguistic accuracy by a fluent English speaker or by an English editing company. A properly completed “Copyright Transfer Agreement” should also be supplied before the manuscript is published. The corresponding author is asked to sign it on behalf of all authors.</p> <h4>Editorial and Review Policy</h4> <strong>Editorial policy</strong> <p>Manuscripts submitted for publication should contain no materials that violate any copyright. Submission of a manuscript to PBB involves the tacit assurance that no similar paper has been or will be submitted for publication in other journals.<br /> It is the responsibility of the authors, not the PBB, to determine whether disclosure of their material requires the prior consent of other parties and to obtain that consent. Statements and opinions given in works published by PBB are the expressions of the authors. Responsibility for the contents of published papers rests upon the authors, not the PBB.</p> <strong>Publication type</strong> <p>PBB accepts the following types of manuscripts: research article, review article, short communication, and method and technology.<br /> <b>A Research article</b> represents an original, important contribution to crop breeding and biotechnology. The manuscript should clearly state the scope and purpose of the research work. The information presented must be objective and well organized, and the conclusions should be adequately supported. <br /> <b>Review article</b> should be a critical evaluation of the existing state of knowledge on a particular aspect of crop breeding and biotechnology. Simple literature surveys will not be accepted for publication.<br /> <b>Rapid communication</b> is for concise, but independent reports representing a significant contribution to crop breeding and biotechnology. Rapid communication is not intended to publish preliminary results. Rapid communication should be less than four pages with less than 1,600 words including Tables, Figures and References. It should follow the general format of research article except combining Results and Discussion.<br /> <b>Method and Technology</b> covers all new methods and technologies related to plant breeding and biotechnology. </p> <strong>Peer-review process</strong> <p>All manuscripts are subject to peer review for the validity of the experimental design and results, significance, and appropriateness for PBB.<br /> When manuscripts are submitted successfully to the journal online system, they are initially subjected to a pre-screening step by the editor-in-chief. Manuscripts that are poorly written or fail to meet the required format will be rejected in the pre-screening step without further review. Manuscripts that pass this step will be assigned an editor for the selection of two anonymous reviewers. The corresponding author is notified as soon as possible regarding the decision to accept, reject, or request revision of a manuscript by the decision of the editor. The manuscripts evaluated as “accept” or “request minor revision” by all of the reviewers are considered to be accepted for publication, although some revisions may be required to address the concerns of the reviewers and editor. In cases where a manuscript is evaluated as “review again after major revisions” or “reject” by at least one of the reviewers, the editor will analyze the reviewers’ comments thoroughly and make a decision on acceptance or rejection. If there are major flaws in the results of the research or the methodology, the editor may ask the author to clarify and resubmit or may reject the manuscript. If a manuscript is classified as “accept with revisions,” the author is expected to respond within 3 months, addressing all the comments raised by the reviewers, making appropriate corrections or stating why the comments are unreasonable. The responsible editor or a reviewer will consider the revisions, and recommend that the associate editors either accept the manuscript for publication or reject it. The author will be informed by the editor-in-chief of the final decision on the publication of the manuscript. When the final revised manuscript meets all PBB content and format requirements and has been accepted for publication without additional revisions, it is scheduled for publication in the next available issue.</p> <strong>Page proofs</strong> <p>The page proof stage is not a time for extensive corrections, additions, or deletions. It is advised that editing be limited to the correction of typographical errors, incorrect data, and grammatical errors, and for updating information on references that had been in press. The corrections to page proofs should be sent immediately by e-mail service, preferably within 2 business days.</p> <strong>Page charges</strong> <pre>The page charge for a paper to be published in this journal is 480,000 won for up to 6 pages, with an additional fee of 40,000 won per extra page. For researchers from developing countries, the page charge for a paper to be published is $150 for up to 6 pages, with an additional fee of $10 per extra page. The corresponding author will be provided with a PDF file of the article via e-mail.</pre> <h4>Ethical Considerations</h4> <strong>Research ethics</strong> <p>The purpose of the following guidelines is to present the basic ethical principles to be adhered to be authors, editors and peer reviewers for the publication of PBB by KSBS. If the work involves experimentation on living animals, the authors must provide evidence that it was performed in accordance with ethical guidelines. In the case of work involving human beings, the procedures should be in accordance with the ethical standards of the Institutional Review Board (IRB) of the author’s institution and with the 2000 revision of the Helsinki Declaration of 1975. For issues on research and publication ethics not stated in this guide, the “Responsible authorship quick guide (<a href="http://ori.hhs. gov/" target="_blank">http://ori.hhs. gov/</a>)” or “Guidelines on Good Publication Practice (<a href="" target="_blank"></a>)” should be consulted and followed.<br /> The editorial committee is responsible for determining the plagiarism on articles that are already published or being reviewed. The council will consider and decide whether research ethics violations are committed or not, and appropriate disciplinary action will be taken.</p> <strong>Process for managing research and publication misconduct</strong> <p>When the journal faces suspected cases of research and publication misconduct such as redundant (duplicate) publication, plagiarism, fraudulent or fabricated data, changes in authorship, an undisclosed conflict of interest, ethical problems with a submitted manuscript, a reviewer who has appropriated an author's idea or data, complaints against editors, and so on, the resolution process will follow the flowchart provided by the Committee on Publication Ethics (<a href="" target="_blank"></a>). The discussion and decision on the suspected cases are carried out by the Editorial Board.</p> <strong>Definition of research misconduct</strong> <p>Research misconduct (refers to as the “Misconduct”) as presented in the Regulation refers to fabrication, falsification, plagiarism, duplicate publication, and improper authorship.</p> <ul class="nonum"> <li>① Fabrication refers to the act of creating false information about non-existent data or findings.</li> <li>② Falsification refers to the act of distorting research information or results by artificially manipulating research materials, equipment, process, or by randomly transforming or deleting data.</li> <li>③ Plagiarism refers to the act of fraudulent use of other people’ ideas, research content, and results without appropriate approval or quotation.</li> <li>④ Duplicate publication refers to the act of showing the same or substantially similar academic work as the researcher’ own previous findings in another journal or literary work, without permission of the copyright holders or journal editors who first published it, or without displaying appropriate sources.</li> <li>⑤ Improper authorship refers to when the person who has contributed to research contents or research results is scientifically and technically unqualified as an author or when the person who has not contributed to research contents or research results scientifically and technically is qualified as an author merely to express gratitude or courtesy.</li> <li>⑥ Intentional acts to disturb a fraud investigation about themselves or others or the acts which can be harmful to informants.</li> <li>⑦ Unfair evaluation regarding research of others or a disclosure or pirating of research ideas or research results acquired during the evaluation process.</li> </ul> <strong>CrossCheck</strong> <p>CrossCheck is a multi-publisher initiative to screen published and submitted content for originality. To find out more about CrossCheck visit <a href="" target="_blank"></a>. All manuscripts submitted to the PBB may be screened, using the iThenticate tool, for textual similarity to other previously published works.</p> <strong>Authorship</strong> <p>Manuscript authorship should be restricted to those who meet any of the following conditions: 1) substantial contribution to the conception and design of the study; 2) acquisition, interpretation, and analysis of data; 3) drafting the article or revising it critically for the important intellectual content. In addition, all listed authors must approve the final version of the manuscript to be published.<br /> All the authors must have agreed to the submission and to the order of their names on the title page. They must also have agreed that the corresponding author may act on their behalf throughout the editorial review and publication process. The corresponding author is responsible for obtaining such agreement. Requests for changes in authorship (order of listing or addition or deletion of name) after submission should be accompanied by signed statements of agreement from all the parties involved. To maintain and protect the ownership and rights, and to protect the original authors from misappropriations of their published work, authors are required to sign a Copyright Transfer Agreement, which can be downloaded from journal website when a manuscript is accepted for publication. Unless this agreement is executed, PBB will not publish the manuscript.</p> <strong>The subjects of research misconduct policy</strong> <p>The research integrity committee of PBB can commence an investigation to examine the veracity of research for the following situations.</p> <ul class="nonum"> <li>① When an investigation is judged to be necessary after the items in "Definition of Research Misconduct" are reported.</li> <li>② When the possibility of misconduct is recognized by an editorial board or an academic board.</li> <li>③ When the need for re-investigation is recognized due to the significant defect in the verdict of an investigation.</li> <li>④ When there is a request for an investigation from other organizations.</li> </ul> <strong>Investigation report of misconduct</strong> <p>Upon receipt of research ethics issues in relation to the academic activities, the Committee of PBB should investigate the Misconduct and report the results within six months in principle. However, the Committee can extend the investigation period, if there are any difficulties to investigate within this period.<br /> Each of the following paragraphs should be included: </p> <ul class="nonum"> <li>① Contents of information</li> <li>② The Misconduct subject to investigation</li> <li>③ Names of Committee members and meeting minutes</li> <li>④ Judgment of the investigation scope and whether it is true or not</li> <li>⑤ Relevant evidence and witnesses</li> </ul> <strong>Principle of verification</strong> <p>The Research Ethics Committee of PBB should be responsible for verifying whether the Misconduct is true or not. The Committee should ensure that both the informant and the examinee’equal rights and opportunities for statements of opinion, appeals of objection and pleading are respected, and notify them of related procedures in advance.</p> <strong>Follow-up on investigation report</strong> <p>If no research Misconduct is confirmed, the Committee of PBB should conduct appropriate follow-up action in order to restore the honor and reputation of related researchers. If on the contrary research Misconduct is confirmed, this should be published and each of the following actions should be taken:</p> <ul class="nonum"> <li>① Demand for cancellation or modification of research results</li> <li>② Cancellation of publication of research results (Official written notice for cancellation should be sent to relevant agencies.)</li> <li>③ Disqualification of membership for a reasonable period</li> <li>④ Removal of the name of relevant persons</li> <li>⑤ Names of persons involved should be provided to law enforcement authorities</li> </ul> <strong>The record of an investigation and its disclosure</strong> <ul class="nonum"> <li>① All written records made during the whole process of investigation must be kept for more than 5 years.</li> <li>② The report on the outcomes of an investigation can be opened to public after the verdict.</li> <li>③ The lists of witnesses, testifiers, and consultants may not be disclosed if they are requested.</li> </ul> <strong>Conflict of interest</strong> <p>All authors are asked to inform the editor-in-chief of the any actual or potential conflict of interest possibly influencing their interpretation of the data. Such conflicts may include but are not limited to financial support or personal relationships with other people or organizations, political pressure from interest groups, or academic problems.</p> <strong>Copyright policy</strong> <p>All copyright and other intellectual property rights related to the content of the journal are licensed to PBB. Hence, a completed “Copyright Transfer Agreement” form should accompany any original material when it is first submitted to PBB. Once a manuscript is accepted, PBB asserts its copyright and applies it to an open access policy. Articles may be reproduced and distributed only for noncommercial purposes, as detailed in the Creative Commons Attribution- Noncommercial license: by-nc/4.0. In other words, through the Creative Commons license, PBB allows others to reproduce and distribute the works it publishes, as long as the authors are properly attributed and the content is not plagiarized, misrepresented, or used for commercial purposes. Duplicate publicationsshould not be represented as original publications; rather, PBB should be cited as the original site of publication. Except for these misuses, anyone is free to read, download, copy, share, store, print, search, link, and crawl the full- text of the work.</p> <strong>Organization of the Manuscript</strong> <p>The manuscript should be organized in the following sequence:<br /> Title and Authorship<br /> Abstract and Keywords<br /> Introduction<br /> Materials and Methods<br /> Results<br /> Discussion<br /> Acknowledgements<br /> Data availability statement (optional), Author contributions (optional), Conflict of interest (optional)<br /> References<br /> Appendix or Nomenclature (optional)<br /> *For Rapid communication, Results and Discussion must be combined into RESULTS AND DISCUSSION.</p> <strong>Manuscript format</strong> <p>Authors need to use the template file provided by PBB. The template file can be downloaded in the PBB website.</p> <strong>Organization </strong> <p>The manuscript should be arranged in the following order: cover page, with TITLE, BYLINE of author's name(s) and address(es); ABSTRACT with key words; INTRODUCTION; MATERIALS AND METHODS; RESULTS; DISCUSSION; ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS (optional); REFERENCES; table and figures.<br /> The E-mail address of the corresponding author is requested. The title page should also give a short title of up to 50 characters for heading successive pages.<br /> Title should not exceed 12 words and should never contain abbreviations or chemical formulas. Common names of crops are recommended to be used in titles. A series of articles on the same subject are prohibited. Other information, such as grant funding, may be included in the acknowledgement part. The corresponding author should be indicated by “*”.</p> <p><b>ABSTRACT</b> is the second manuscript page and should not exceed 250 words. It should not include bibliographic, figure, or table references. Equations, formulas, obscure abbreviations, and acronyms also are inappropriate. The abstract should be followed by key words indicating the contents of the research paper. For Rapid communication, ABSTRACT should not exceed 100 words.</p> <p><b>INTRODUCTION</b> should be brief and clearly state the aim of study. The literature review should be limited to information that is pertinent to the experiment.</p> <p><b>MATERIALS AND METHODS</b> should include enough detail so that a competent scientist can repeat the experiments. Methods should be cited by a reference if well known methods were used.</p> <p><b>Nomenclature.</b> Common name, Latin binomial or trinomial (in italics), and the authority for all plants, insects, and pathogens should be given at first mention in the abstract or text. Crop cultivars must be identified by single quotation marks when first in the abstract or text unless cultivar status is already clear (e.g., identified by the word cultivar or the abbreviation cv). </p> <p><b>Units of Measurement.</b> All measurements should be in metric units.</p> <p><b>Tables and Figures.</b> Tables and figures should be self- explanatory. Tables and figures can be included in the manuscripts. High resolution figure files also need to be uploaded as separated files. Use the shoulder letters <sup>z)</sup>, <sup>y)</sup>, <sup>x)</sup>, <sup>w)</sup>, <sup>v)</sup>, <sup>u)</sup>, <sup>t)</sup>, <sup>s)</sup>, <sup>r)</sup>.... The shoulder letters or numbers should be cited left to right and top to bottom in the table. The *, **, and *** are always used in this order to show statistical significance at the 0.05, 0.01, and 0.001 probability levels, respectively, and cannot be used for any other footnote. Ideally, use tables and figures that can be reduced to one column (8 cm) or two columns width (17 cm). For Rapid communication, number of Tables and Figures should not exceed 4.</p> <p><b>REFERENCES.</b> If reference is made in the text listed in REFERENCES, refer to them by the author(s) family name and the year published according to the Harvard system. List names of all authors when six or fewer. When seven or more, list only the first six names and add “<i>et al</i>.”.<br /> All literature cited should be listed in alphabetical order, by the author's family name. For the same author, or for the same set of authors, literature cited should be arranged chronologically. If there is more than one publication in the same year for the same author(s), the letter a, b, etc. should be added to the year. Please note the following examples, and refer details to the literature citation in the current issue of the PBB. For Rapid communication, number of references should not exceed 15.</p> <h4>Ethical Considerations</h4> <ul class="decimal"> <li>Kang SY, Kim BK, Morita S. 2001. Leaf-Stem cutting as a rapid method for characterizing rooting habit of rice cultivars. Korean J. Breed. 33: 175-180.</li> <li>Murata K, Nakamura C, Fujiwara M, Mori N, Kaneda C. 1997. RFLP mapping of brown planthopper resistance gene in rice. Proc. of the 8th SABRAO Genetal Congress and the Annual Meeting of the Korean Breeding Society. Seoul, Korea. pp.193-194.</li> <li>Hartmann HT, Kester DE, Davies Jr. FT, Geneve RL. 1997. Plant propagation: Principles and practices. 6th ed. Prentice-Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ.</li> <li>Karukstis KK. 1991. Chlorophyll fluorescence as a physiological probe of the photosynthetic apparatus, p. 769-795. In: H. Sheer (ed.). Chlorophylls. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.</li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div class="right_con"> <!-- <p class="t_r"><a href="javascript:mypage05()"><img src="/img/main/submission_s.gif" width="200" height="45" /></a></p> --> <div class="download_wrap download_wrap_sub"> <p class="t_r">Download Form</p> <ul> <li><a href="/file/PBB_Manuscript_Template.docx?v=2412050843" target="_blank">Manuscript Template Form <i class="xi-download"></i></a></li> <li><a href="/file/Copyright_Transfer_Agreement.docx?v=2412050843" target="_blank">Copyright Transfer Form <i class="xi-download"></i></a></li> <li><a href="/file/Plant_Breeding_and_Biotechnology.ens?v=2412050843" target="_blank">endnote style <i class="xi-download"></i></a></li> </ul> </div> <div class="sub_rig01"> <dl> <dt><img src="/img/main/sub_rig01_ti.gif" /></dt> <dd><a href="javascript:articles01()"><img src="../img/pic_journal.gif" /></a></dd> <dd>March 2024, 12</dd> </dl> </div> <div class="sub_rig03"> <ul> <li><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" /></a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" /></a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" /></a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Science Central" /></a></li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="footer"> <div class="copyright">© 2013. 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