Sjøløven Amy spår gullvinneren av Eliteserien 2024 – NRK
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Brann, Bodø/Glimt og Viking kan alle ta gullet. På Akvariet i Bergen tipper sjøløven Amy utfallet.","images":{"poster":{"src":"","sizes":"100vw","srcset":" 300w, 600w, 960w, 1920w"},"thumbnail":{"src":""}},"availability":{"from":"2024-11-19T10:53:06.648Z","to":"9999-12-30T23:00:00.000Z","isGeoBlocked":true,"hasRightsNow":true},"duration":69,"aspectRatio":"1:1","universe":"default","contributors":[],"analytics":{"id":"potion:c101089c-010e-433a-919f-ff597db66495","name":"Sjøløven Amy spår gullvinneren av Eliteserien 2024","recommendationId":""}}" .aspect-ratio="1:1" .autoplay="true" > <div class="player__container player__container--1x1" > <nrkno-player class="-player aspect-ratio aspect-ratio--1x1" type="player" src="nrk:c101089c-010e-433a-919f-ff597db66495" ga="UA-3413696-1" sourceid="nv:c101089c-010e-433a-919f-ff597db66495" shareorigin="" intersectionthreshold="[0.8,0.2]" . .posterData="{"src":"","srcSet":" 300w, 600w, 960w, 1920w","heading":""}" disableAutopause > </nrkno-player> </div> </nrkno-nettvideo> <!-- --> <nrkno-nettvideo-metadata .clip="{"id":"c101089c-010e-433a-919f-ff597db66495","title":"Sjøløven Amy spår gullvinneren av Eliteserien 2024","description":"Det er to serierunder igjen av Eliteserien. Brann, Bodø/Glimt og Viking kan alle ta gullet. På Akvariet i Bergen tipper sjøløven Amy utfallet.","images":{"poster":{"src":"","sizes":"100vw","srcset":" 300w, 600w, 960w, 1920w"},"thumbnail":{"src":""}},"availability":{"from":"2024-11-19T10:53:06.648Z","to":"9999-12-30T23:00:00.000Z","isGeoBlocked":true,"hasRightsNow":true},"duration":69,"aspectRatio":"1:1","universe":"default","contributors":[],"analytics":{"id":"potion:c101089c-010e-433a-919f-ff597db66495","name":"Sjøløven Amy spår gullvinneren av Eliteserien 2024","recommendationId":""}}" class="default"> <div class="metadata__container metadata__container--1x1"> <h1 class="metadata__title">Sjøløven Amy spår gullvinneren av Eliteserien 2024</h1> <div class="metadata__content"> <div class="metadata__publisher"> <div class="metadata__publisher-image metadata__publisher-image--default"> <div class="metadata__thumbnail"></div> </div> <p> <span class="u__ws--nowrap"> <span class="nrk-sr">Publisert</span> 19. november 2024 </span> </p> </div> <button class="metadata__toggle-button" for="metadata__toggle"> <span class="nrk-sr">Vis mer info</span> <svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="nrk-chevron-down" width="1.500em" height="1.500em" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false"><path fill="currentColor" d="M4 10.88l8 5.6 8-5.6V9l-8 5.6L4 9v1.88z"/></svg> </button> </div> <core-toggle id="metadata__toggle" class="metadata__toggle" hidden> <p class="metadata__description">Det er to serierunder igjen av Eliteserien. 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På Akvariet i Bergen tipper sjøløven Amy utfallet.","images":{"poster":{"src":"","sizes":"100vw","srcset":" 300w, 600w, 960w, 1920w"},"thumbnail":{"src":""}},"availability":{"from":"2024-11-19T10:53:06.648Z","to":"9999-12-30T23:00:00.000Z","isGeoBlocked":true,"hasRightsNow":true},"duration":69,"aspectRatio":"1:1","universe":"default","contributors":[],"analytics":{"id":"potion:c101089c-010e-433a-919f-ff597db66495","name":"Sjøløven Amy spår gullvinneren av Eliteserien 2024","recommendationId":""}}"> <button aria-label="Kopier lenke" class="share__button nrk-button" > <svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="nrk-link" width="1.500em" height="1.500em" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false"><path fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M10.59 9.17L3.5 16.24l4.25 4.25 2.83-2.83L12 19.07l-4.24 4.24-7.07-7.07 9.9-9.9 4.24 4.25L13.4 12 10.6 9.17zm5.65-5.66l-2.83 2.83L12 4.93 16.24.69l7.07 7.07-9.9 9.9-4.24-4.25L10.6 12l2.82 2.83 7.08-7.07-4.25-4.25z"/></svg> <span> Kopier lenke 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29.046 L 73.458 18.946 L 76.458 18.946 C 77.058 18.946 77.658 18.946 78.158 19.146 L 79.258 19.746 C 79.658 20.046 79.858 20.346 79.958 20.746 C 80.314 21.576 80.314 22.516 79.958 23.346 C 79.801 23.727 79.562 24.068 79.258 24.346 C 78.91 24.659 78.502 24.898 78.058 25.046 C 77.539 25.199 76.998 25.266 76.458 25.246 L 74.858 25.246 L 74.758 25.246 Z M 83.458 23.846 L 84.858 23.846 C 85.258 23.846 85.658 23.846 85.858 23.646 C 86.258 23.646 86.458 23.446 86.658 23.246 C 86.958 23.146 87.058 22.846 87.158 22.646 L 87.358 21.846 C 87.358 21.246 87.158 20.846 86.758 20.446 C 86.358 20.146 85.758 20.046 84.958 20.046 L 83.458 20.046 L 83.458 23.846 Z M 83.458 24.846 L 83.458 29.046 L 82.058 29.046 L 82.058 18.946 L 84.958 18.946 C 85.558 18.946 86.158 18.946 86.658 19.146 L 87.758 19.646 L 88.458 20.646 L 88.658 21.646 C 88.658 22.046 88.658 22.446 88.458 22.646 C 88.458 23.046 88.258 23.346 87.958 23.646 C 87.757 23.881 87.521 24.083 87.258 24.246 C 86.945 24.425 86.608 24.559 86.258 24.646 L 86.658 25.046 L 89.658 29.046 L 88.358 29.046 C 88.058 29.046 87.958 28.946 87.758 28.746 L 85.158 25.146 C 85.104 25.068 85.036 25 84.958 24.946 C 84.803 24.87 84.63 24.835 84.458 24.846 L 83.458 24.846 Z M 97.258 18.846 L 97.258 20.046 L 92.458 20.046 L 92.458 23.446 L 96.358 23.446 L 96.358 24.446 L 92.358 24.446 L 92.358 27.946 L 97.358 27.946 L 97.358 29.046 L 91.058 29.046 L 91.058 18.946 L 97.258 18.946 M 104.458 20.546 C 104.398 20.591 104.33 20.625 104.258 20.646 C 104.193 20.669 104.123 20.669 104.058 20.646 L 103.858 20.646 C 103.73 20.538 103.597 20.438 103.458 20.346 C 103.269 20.226 103.067 20.125 102.858 20.046 C 102.56 19.991 102.255 19.991 101.958 20.046 L 101.158 20.046 C 100.932 20.135 100.727 20.271 100.558 20.446 C 100.424 20.59 100.322 20.76 100.258 20.946 L 100.158 21.546 C 100.158 21.846 100.158 22.046 100.358 22.246 L 100.858 22.746 L 101.658 23.046 C 102.53 23.4 103.397 23.766 104.258 24.146 C 104.756 24.606 105.014 25.27 104.958 25.946 C 104.958 26.446 104.958 26.846 104.758 27.246 C 104.464 28.032 103.844 28.652 103.058 28.946 C 102.016 29.316 100.874 29.28 99.858 28.846 C 99.327 28.613 98.85 28.272 98.458 27.846 L 98.858 27.146 C 98.931 27.058 99.047 27.019 99.158 27.046 L 99.458 27.146 L 99.958 27.546 L 100.658 27.846 L 101.658 28.046 C 101.958 28.046 102.258 28.046 102.458 27.846 C 102.758 27.846 102.958 27.646 103.158 27.546 L 103.558 26.946 C 103.645 26.689 103.679 26.417 103.658 26.146 C 103.658 25.846 103.658 25.646 103.458 25.446 C 103.328 25.246 103.158 25.076 102.958 24.946 C 102.703 24.816 102.435 24.715 102.158 24.646 L 101.258 24.346 C 100.951 24.229 100.65 24.096 100.358 23.946 C 100.101 23.815 99.865 23.646 99.658 23.446 C 99.413 23.255 99.209 23.017 99.058 22.746 L 98.858 21.646 C 98.835 20.897 99.125 20.173 99.658 19.646 C 99.949 19.382 100.288 19.178 100.658 19.046 C 101.075 18.9 101.516 18.832 101.958 18.846 C 102.558 18.846 103.058 18.846 103.558 19.046 L 104.758 19.846 L 104.458 20.546 M 111.858 20.546 C 111.829 20.583 111.795 20.617 111.758 20.646 C 111.693 20.669 111.623 20.669 111.558 20.646 L 111.258 20.646 C 111.13 20.538 110.997 20.438 110.858 20.346 L 110.358 20.046 C 110.062 19.977 109.754 19.977 109.458 20.046 L 108.658 20.046 C 108.432 20.135 108.227 20.271 108.058 20.446 C 107.924 20.59 107.822 20.76 107.758 20.946 L 107.558 21.546 C 107.558 21.846 107.658 22.046 107.858 22.246 C 107.858 22.446 108.158 22.546 108.358 22.746 L 109.158 23.046 C 109.996 23.4 110.83 23.767 111.658 24.146 C 111.958 24.346 112.058 24.646 112.258 24.946 L 112.458 25.946 C 112.458 26.446 112.458 26.846 112.258 27.246 C 111.942 28.053 111.282 28.677 110.458 28.946 C 109.416 29.316 108.274 29.28 107.258 28.846 C 106.727 28.613 106.25 28.272 105.858 27.846 L 106.258 27.146 C 106.324 27.132 106.392 27.132 106.458 27.146 C 106.509 27.088 106.581 27.052 106.658 27.046 L 106.958 27.146 L 107.458 27.546 L 108.158 27.846 L 109.158 28.046 C 109.458 28.046 109.758 28.046 109.958 27.846 C 110.258 27.846 110.458 27.646 110.658 27.546 L 111.058 26.946 C 111.145 26.689 111.179 26.417 111.158 26.146 C 111.158 25.846 111.158 25.646 110.958 25.446 C 110.828 25.246 110.658 25.076 110.458 24.946 C 110.203 24.816 109.935 24.715 109.658 24.646 L 108.658 24.346 C 108.385 24.226 108.118 24.093 107.858 23.946 C 107.566 23.824 107.295 23.655 107.058 23.446 C 106.849 23.246 106.679 23.009 106.558 22.746 C 106.358 22.446 106.358 22.046 106.358 21.646 C 106.335 20.897 106.625 20.173 107.158 19.646 C 107.449 19.382 107.788 19.178 108.158 19.046 C 108.575 18.9 109.016 18.832 109.458 18.846 C 110.058 18.846 110.458 18.846 110.958 19.046 L 112.258 19.846 L 111.858 20.546 M 120.458 18.946 L 120.458 20.046 L 115.558 20.046 L 115.558 23.546 L 119.558 23.546 L 119.558 24.546 L 115.558 24.546 L 115.558 28.046 L 120.458 28.046 L 120.458 29.146 L 114.158 29.146 L 114.158 18.946 L 120.458 18.946 M 123.458 18.946 C 123.502 19.007 123.535 19.074 123.558 19.146 L 129.458 26.746 C 129.455 26.646 129.455 26.546 129.458 26.446 C 129.456 26.346 129.456 26.246 129.458 26.146 L 129.458 18.946 L 130.558 18.946 L 130.558 29.046 L 129.858 29.046 C 129.792 29.057 129.724 29.057 129.658 29.046 C 129.578 28.993 129.51 28.925 129.458 28.846 L 123.558 21.146 C 123.567 21.379 123.567 21.613 123.558 21.846 L 123.558 29.046 L 122.358 29.046 L 122.358 18.946 L 123.358 18.946 M 138.258 20.546 C 138.2 20.594 138.131 20.628 138.058 20.646 C 138.025 20.651 137.991 20.651 137.958 20.646 L 137.658 20.646 C 137.53 20.539 137.396 20.439 137.258 20.346 C 137.069 20.226 136.867 20.125 136.658 20.046 C 136.393 20.003 136.123 20.003 135.858 20.046 L 135.058 20.046 C 134.832 20.135 134.627 20.271 134.458 20.446 C 134.288 20.579 134.151 20.75 134.058 20.946 L 133.958 21.546 C 133.958 21.846 133.958 22.046 134.158 22.246 L 134.658 22.746 L 135.458 23.046 C 136.33 23.4 137.197 23.766 138.058 24.146 C 138.556 24.606 138.814 25.27 138.758 25.946 C 138.758 26.446 138.758 26.846 138.558 27.246 C 138.458 27.646 138.158 27.946 137.858 28.246 C 137.576 28.545 137.236 28.783 136.858 28.946 C 136.375 29.107 135.866 29.175 135.358 29.146 C 134.777 29.159 134.199 29.057 133.658 28.846 C 133.127 28.613 132.65 28.272 132.258 27.846 L 132.658 27.146 C 132.691 27.142 132.725 27.142 132.758 27.146 C 132.809 27.088 132.881 27.052 132.958 27.046 L 133.258 27.146 L 133.758 27.546 L 134.458 27.846 L 135.458 28.046 C 135.758 28.046 136.058 28.046 136.358 27.846 C 136.574 27.782 136.777 27.681 136.958 27.546 C 137.135 27.379 137.272 27.174 137.358 26.946 C 137.479 26.696 137.547 26.423 137.558 26.146 C 137.558 25.846 137.458 25.646 137.258 25.446 C 137.128 25.246 136.958 25.076 136.758 24.946 C 136.503 24.816 136.235 24.715 135.958 24.646 L 135.058 24.346 C 134.751 24.229 134.45 24.096 134.158 23.946 C 133.901 23.815 133.665 23.646 133.458 23.446 C 133.213 23.255 133.009 23.017 132.858 22.746 L 132.758 21.546 C 132.735 20.797 133.025 20.073 133.558 19.546 C 133.849 19.282 134.188 19.078 134.558 18.946 C 134.975 18.8 135.416 18.732 135.858 18.746 C 136.399 18.711 136.942 18.779 137.458 18.946 C 137.908 19.129 138.316 19.401 138.658 19.746 L 138.358 20.446 M 79.558 35.846 L 79.558 36.946 L 74.758 36.946 L 74.758 40.546 L 78.758 40.546 L 78.758 41.546 L 74.758 41.546 L 74.758 45.946 L 73.358 45.946 L 73.358 35.946 L 79.558 35.946 M 82.058 42.246 L 85.858 42.246 L 84.258 38.146 C 84.135 37.82 84.035 37.486 83.958 37.146 C 83.869 37.482 83.768 37.816 83.658 38.146 L 82.058 42.146 L 82.058 42.246 Z M 88.658 45.946 L 87.658 45.946 C 87.56 45.977 87.455 45.977 87.358 45.946 C 87.262 45.869 87.192 45.764 87.158 45.646 L 86.158 43.246 L 81.758 43.246 L 80.758 45.546 C 80.708 45.627 80.639 45.696 80.558 45.746 C 80.471 45.811 80.366 45.846 80.258 45.846 L 79.258 45.846 L 83.258 35.846 L 84.758 35.846 L 88.758 45.846 L 88.658 45.946 Z M 94.158 44.946 L 94.958 44.946 C 95.37 44.902 95.774 44.801 96.158 44.646 C 96.329 44.554 96.496 44.454 96.658 44.346 L 96.658 42.146 L 95.158 42.146 C 95.093 42.169 95.023 42.169 94.958 42.146 C 94.87 42.073 94.831 41.957 94.858 41.846 L 94.858 41.146 L 97.858 41.146 L 97.858 44.946 C 97.38 45.335 96.839 45.639 96.258 45.846 C 95.93 45.939 95.596 46.006 95.258 46.046 C 94.858 46.071 94.457 46.071 94.058 46.046 C 93.378 46.078 92.698 45.976 92.058 45.746 C 91.461 45.527 90.916 45.186 90.458 44.746 C 90.01 44.254 89.67 43.676 89.458 43.046 C 89.193 42.377 89.058 41.665 89.058 40.946 C 89.058 40.146 89.258 39.446 89.458 38.846 C 89.664 38.214 90.006 37.634 90.458 37.146 C 90.946 36.694 91.526 36.352 92.158 36.146 C 92.758 35.846 93.458 35.746 94.258 35.746 C 94.941 35.775 95.616 35.91 96.258 36.146 C 96.849 36.33 97.394 36.637 97.858 37.046 L 97.458 37.646 L 97.158 37.846 C 97.06 37.877 96.955 37.877 96.858 37.846 C 96.721 37.751 96.588 37.651 96.458 37.546 C 96.3 37.432 96.133 37.331 95.958 37.246 C 95.731 37.159 95.496 37.093 95.258 37.046 C 94.929 36.979 94.594 36.945 94.258 36.946 C 93.71 36.935 93.165 37.037 92.658 37.246 C 92.204 37.421 91.794 37.694 91.458 38.046 C 91.147 38.395 90.909 38.803 90.758 39.246 C 90.56 39.791 90.459 40.366 90.458 40.946 C 90.458 41.546 90.558 42.146 90.758 42.646 C 90.958 43.146 91.158 43.646 91.558 43.946 L 92.658 44.746 L 94.158 44.946 M 101.458 44.846 L 105.758 44.846 L 105.758 45.946 L 100.058 45.946 L 100.058 35.946 L 101.458 35.946 L 101.458 44.846 M 107.458 35.846 L 108.958 35.846 L 108.958 45.946 L 107.558 45.946 L 107.558 35.946 L 107.458 35.846 Z M 116.158 44.946 L 116.858 44.946 C 117.27 44.902 117.674 44.801 118.058 44.646 L 118.658 44.346 L 118.658 42.146 L 117.058 42.146 C 116.993 42.169 116.923 42.169 116.858 42.146 C 116.804 42.053 116.804 41.939 116.858 41.846 L 116.858 41.146 L 119.858 41.146 L 119.858 44.946 C 119.35 45.345 118.774 45.65 118.158 45.846 L 117.158 46.046 C 116.791 46.067 116.424 46.067 116.058 46.046 C 115.378 46.078 114.698 45.976 114.058 45.746 C 113.461 45.527 112.916 45.186 112.458 44.746 C 112.01 44.254 111.67 43.676 111.458 43.046 C 111.193 42.377 111.058 41.665 111.058 40.946 C 111.058 40.146 111.058 39.446 111.358 38.846 C 111.564 38.214 111.906 37.634 112.358 37.146 C 113.415 36.238 114.764 35.741 116.158 35.746 C 116.875 35.764 117.584 35.899 118.258 36.146 C 118.813 36.342 119.323 36.648 119.758 37.046 L 119.358 37.646 C 119.358 37.746 119.258 37.846 119.058 37.846 C 118.992 37.859 118.924 37.859 118.858 37.846 C 118.721 37.751 118.587 37.651 118.458 37.546 C 118.3 37.432 118.133 37.331 117.958 37.246 C 117.698 37.154 117.43 37.087 117.158 37.046 C 116.829 36.979 116.494 36.945 116.158 36.946 C 115.643 36.951 115.135 37.053 114.658 37.246 C 114.158 37.446 113.758 37.646 113.458 38.046 C 113.111 38.386 112.838 38.795 112.658 39.246 C 112.494 39.797 112.426 40.372 112.458 40.946 C 112.458 41.546 112.458 42.146 112.658 42.646 L 113.458 43.946 C 113.758 44.246 114.158 44.546 114.658 44.746 L 116.158 44.946 M 128.158 35.946 L 128.158 36.946 L 123.358 36.946 L 123.358 40.346 L 127.358 40.346 L 127.358 41.346 L 123.358 41.346 L 123.358 44.846 L 128.258 44.846 L 128.258 45.946 L 121.958 45.946 L 121.958 35.946 L 128.258 35.946 M 136.858 44.946 C 137.258 44.946 137.658 44.846 137.858 44.646 C 138.258 44.546 138.558 44.346 138.858 44.046 L 139.358 43.146 L 139.458 42.046 L 139.458 35.846 L 140.858 35.846 L 140.858 42.046 C 140.854 42.593 140.752 43.135 140.558 43.646 C 140.382 44.129 140.11 44.571 139.758 44.946 L 138.558 45.746 C 138.017 45.96 137.439 46.062 136.858 46.046 C 136.258 46.046 135.658 46.046 135.158 45.746 C 134.674 45.572 134.231 45.3 133.858 44.946 C 133.504 44.573 133.231 44.13 133.058 43.646 C 132.863 43.135 132.762 42.593 132.758 42.046 L 132.758 35.846 L 134.158 35.846 L 134.158 42.046 C 134.158 42.446 134.158 42.846 134.358 43.146 L 134.858 44.146 L 135.658 44.646 C 136.038 44.8 136.448 44.868 136.858 44.846 M 150.058 35.846 L 150.058 37.046 L 146.858 37.046 L 146.858 46.046 L 145.458 46.046 L 145.458 37.046 L 142.158 37.046 L 142.158 35.846 L 150.158 35.846 M 150.358 35.846 L 151.358 35.846 L 151.758 35.946 L 151.958 36.146 L 154.758 43.346 L 154.958 43.846 L 155.158 44.446 L 155.158 43.846 C 155.246 43.673 155.347 43.506 155.458 43.346 L 158.258 36.146 C 158.308 36.064 158.376 35.996 158.458 35.946 C 158.554 35.907 158.662 35.907 158.758 35.946 L 159.758 35.946 L 155.758 45.946 L 154.458 45.946 L 150.358 35.946 M 161.858 42.246 L 165.658 42.246 L 164.058 38.146 C 163.936 37.82 163.835 37.485 163.758 37.146 C 163.694 37.314 163.627 37.48 163.558 37.646 C 163.532 37.814 163.499 37.981 163.458 38.146 L 161.858 42.146 L 161.858 42.246 Z M 168.458 45.946 L 167.458 45.946 C 167.36 45.977 167.255 45.977 167.158 45.946 C 167.062 45.869 166.992 45.764 166.958 45.646 L 165.958 43.246 L 161.458 43.246 L 160.458 45.646 C 160.437 45.718 160.403 45.786 160.358 45.846 C 160.271 45.911 160.166 45.946 160.058 45.946 L 159.058 45.946 L 163.058 35.946 L 164.458 35.946 L 168.458 45.946 Z M 171.158 44.846 L 175.458 44.846 L 175.458 45.946 L 169.758 45.946 L 169.758 35.946 L 171.158 35.946 L 171.158 44.846 M 180.958 44.946 L 181.658 44.946 C 182.104 44.911 182.542 44.81 182.958 44.646 L 183.458 44.346 L 183.458 42.146 L 181.858 42.146 C 181.793 42.169 181.723 42.169 181.658 42.146 C 181.604 42.053 181.604 41.939 181.658 41.846 L 181.658 41.146 L 184.658 41.146 L 184.658 44.946 C 184.18 45.335 183.639 45.639 183.058 45.846 C 182.73 45.939 182.396 46.006 182.058 46.046 C 181.658 46.071 181.257 46.071 180.858 46.046 C 180.178 46.078 179.498 45.976 178.858 45.746 C 178.261 45.527 177.716 45.186 177.258 44.746 C 176.81 44.254 176.47 43.676 176.258 43.046 C 175.993 42.377 175.858 41.665 175.858 40.946 C 175.858 40.146 175.958 39.446 176.258 38.846 C 176.464 38.214 176.806 37.634 177.258 37.146 C 177.716 36.706 178.261 36.365 178.858 36.146 C 180.22 35.688 181.695 35.688 183.058 36.146 C 183.613 36.342 184.123 36.648 184.558 37.046 L 184.258 37.646 L 183.858 37.846 C 183.792 37.859 183.724 37.859 183.658 37.846 C 183.521 37.751 183.388 37.651 183.258 37.546 C 183.1 37.432 182.933 37.331 182.758 37.246 C 182.498 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