LSU Law: Louisiana Civil Code

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href='./LCCO-ToC-EN-2015-12-09.pdf' target='_blank'><u>Download PDF</u></a>)</h3> <ul> <li><a name=1 href='?uid=1&amp;ver=en#1'><b>Preliminary Title</b>&nbsp;(Art. 1 to 23)</a><ul><li><a name=1 href='?uid=1&amp;ver=en#1'><b>Chapter 1</b>&nbsp;General Principles (Art. 1 to 8)</a></li> <li><a name=1 href='?uid=1&amp;ver=en#1'><b>Chapter 2</b>&nbsp;Interpretation of Laws (Art. 9 to 13)</a></li> <li><a name=1 href='?uid=1&amp;ver=en#1'><b>Chapter 3</b>&nbsp;Conflict of Laws (Art. 14 to 23)</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a name=2 href='?uid=2&amp;ver=en#2'><b>Book I</b>&nbsp;Of Persons (Art. 24 to 399)</a><ul><li><a name=2 href='?uid=2&amp;ver=en#2'><b>Title I</b>&nbsp;Natural and Juridical Persons (Art. 24 to 37)</a></li> <li><a name=3 href='?uid=3&amp;ver=en#3'><b>Title II</b>&nbsp;Domicile (Art. 38 to 46)</a></li> <li><a name=4 href='?uid=4&amp;ver=en#4'><b>Title III</b>&nbsp;Absent Persons (Art. 47 to 85)</a><ul><li><a name=4 href='?uid=4&amp;ver=en#4'><b>Chapter 1</b>&nbsp;Curatorship of the Property of Absent Persons (Art. 47 to 53)</a></li> <li><a name=4 href='?uid=4&amp;ver=en#4'><b>Chapter 2</b>&nbsp;Declaration of Death (Art. 54 to 85)</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a name=5 href='?uid=5&amp;ver=en#5'><b>Title IV</b>&nbsp;Husband and Wife (Art. 86 to 101)</a><ul><li><a name=5 href='?uid=5&amp;ver=en#5'><b>Chapter 1</b>&nbsp;Marriage: General Principles (Art. 86 to 93)</a></li> <li><a name=5 href='?uid=5&amp;ver=en#5'><b>Chapter 2</b>&nbsp;Nullity of Marriage (Art. 94 to 97)</a></li> <li><a name=5 href='?uid=5&amp;ver=en#5'><b>Chapter 3</b>&nbsp;Incidents and Effects of Marriage (Art. 98 to 100)</a></li> <li><a name=5 href='?uid=5&amp;ver=en#5'><b>Chapter 4</b>&nbsp;Termination of Marriage (Art. 101)</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a name=6 href='?uid=6&amp;ver=en#6'><b>Title V</b>&nbsp;Divorce (Art. 102 to 161)</a><ul><li><a name=6 href='?uid=6&amp;ver=en#6'><b>Chapter 1</b>&nbsp;The Divorce Action (Art. 102 to 110)</a></li> <li><a name=6 href='?uid=6&amp;ver=en#6'><b>Chapter 2</b>&nbsp;Provisional and Incidental Proceedings (Art. 111 to 158)</a><ul><li><a name=6 href='?uid=6&amp;ver=en#6'><b>Section 1</b>&nbsp;Spousal Support (Art. 111 to 120)</a></li> <li><a name=7 href='?uid=7&amp;ver=en#7'><b>Section 2</b>&nbsp;Claim for Contributions to Education or Training (Art. 121 to 130)</a></li> <li><a name=7 href='?uid=7&amp;ver=en#7'><b>Section 3</b>&nbsp;Child Custody (Art. 131 to 140)</a></li> <li><a name=8 href='?uid=8&amp;ver=en#8'><b>Section 4</b>&nbsp;Child Support (Art. 141 to 150)</a></li> <li><a name=8 href='?uid=8&amp;ver=en#8'><b>Section 5</b>&nbsp;Provisional and Incidental Proceedings in Actions of Nullity (Art. 151 to 158)</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a name=8 href='?uid=8&amp;ver=en#8'><b>Chapter 3</b>&nbsp;Effects of Divorce (Art. 159 to 161)</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a name=9 href='?uid=9&amp;ver=en#9'><b>Title VI</b>&nbsp;Of Master and Servant (Art. 162 to 177)</a></li> <li><a name=9 href='?uid=9&amp;ver=en#9'><b>Title VII</b>&nbsp;Parent and Child (Art. 178 to 245)</a><ul><li><a name=9 href='?uid=9&amp;ver=en#9'><b>Chapter 1</b>&nbsp;Filiation (Art. 178 to 183)</a></li> <li><a name=9 href='?uid=9&amp;ver=en#9'><b>Chapter 2</b>&nbsp;Filiation by Proof of Maternity or Paternity (Art. 184 to 198)</a><ul><li><a name=9 href='?uid=9&amp;ver=en#9'><b>Section 1</b>&nbsp;Proof of Maternity (Art. 184)</a></li> <li><a name=9 href='?uid=9&amp;ver=en#9'><b>Section 2</b>&nbsp;Proof of Paternity (Art. 185 to 198)</a><ul><li><a name=9 href='?uid=9&amp;ver=en#9'><b>Subsection A</b>&nbsp;The Presumption of Paternity of Husband; Disavowal of Paternity; Contestation; Establishment of Paternity (Art. 185 to 194)</a></li> <li><a name=10 href='?uid=10&amp;ver=en#10'><b>Subsection B</b>&nbsp;Presumption of Paternity by Subsequent Marriage and Acknowledgment (Art. 195)</a></li> <li><a name=10 href='?uid=10&amp;ver=en#10'><b>Subsection C</b>&nbsp;Other Methods of Establishing Paternity (Art. 196 to 198)</a></li> </ul> </li> </ul> </li> <li><a name=10 href='?uid=10&amp;ver=en#10'><b>Chapter 3</b>&nbsp;Filiation by Adoption (Art. 199 to 214)</a><ul><li><a name=10 href='?uid=10&amp;ver=en#10'><b>Section 1</b>&nbsp;Effect of Adoption (Art. 199)</a></li> <li><a name=10 href='?uid=10&amp;ver=en#10'><b>Section 2</b>&nbsp;Adoption of Minors (Art. 200 to 211)</a></li> <li><a name=10 href='?uid=10&amp;ver=en#10'><b>Section 3</b>&nbsp;Adoption of Adults (Art. 212 to 214)</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a name=11 href='?uid=11&amp;ver=en#11'><b>Chapter 4</b>&nbsp;Filiation of Children by Assisted Reproductive Technology [Reserved]</a></li> <li><a name=11 href='?uid=11&amp;ver=en#11'><b>Chapter 5</b>&nbsp;Parental Authority of Married Persons (Art. 215 to 235)</a><ul><li><a name=11 href='?uid=11&amp;ver=en#11'><b>Section 1</b>&nbsp;General Principles of Parental Authority (Art. 221 to 223)</a></li> <li><a name=11 href='?uid=11&amp;ver=en#11'><b>Section 2</b>&nbsp;Obligations of Parents (Art. 224 to 226)</a></li> <li><a name=11 href='?uid=11&amp;ver=en#11'><b>Section 3</b>&nbsp;Obligations of Children (Art. 227 to 228)</a></li> <li><a name=11 href='?uid=11&amp;ver=en#11'><b>Section 4</b>&nbsp;Authority Over the Property of the Child (Art. 229 to 231)</a></li> <li><a name=11 href='?uid=11&amp;ver=en#11'><b>Section 5</b>&nbsp;Persons Having Parental Authority and of Its Delegation and Suspension (Art. 232 to 234)</a></li> <li><a name=11 href='?uid=11&amp;ver=en#11'><b>Section 6</b>&nbsp;Termination of Parental Authority (Art. 235)</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a name=12 href='?uid=12&amp;ver=en#12'><b>Chapter 6</b>&nbsp;Obligations of Children and Parents and Other Ascendants (Art. 236 to 245)</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a name=13 href='?uid=13&amp;ver=en#13'><b>Title VIII</b>&nbsp;Of Minors, of their Tutorship and Emancipation (Art. 246 to 688)</a><ul><li><a name=13 href='?uid=13&amp;ver=en#13'><b>Chapter 1</b>&nbsp;Of Tutorship (Art. 246 to 364)</a><ul><li><a name=13 href='?uid=13&amp;ver=en#13'><b>Section 1</b>&nbsp;General Dispositions (Art. 246 to 249)</a></li> <li><a name=13 href='?uid=13&amp;ver=en#13'><b>Section 2</b>&nbsp;Of Tutorship by Nature (Art. 250 to 256)</a></li> <li><a name=13 href='?uid=13&amp;ver=en#13'><b>Section 3</b>&nbsp;Of the Tutorship by Will (Art. 257 to 262)</a></li> <li><a name=14 href='?uid=14&amp;ver=en#14'><b>Section 4</b>&nbsp;Of the Tutorship by the Effect of the Law (Art. 263 to 269)</a></li> <li><a name=14 href='?uid=14&amp;ver=en#14'><b>Section 5</b>&nbsp;Of Dative Tutorship (Art. 270 to 272)</a></li> <li><a name=14 href='?uid=14&amp;ver=en#14'><b>Section 6</b>&nbsp;Of the Undertutor (Art. 273 to 280)</a></li> <li><a name=14 href='?uid=14&amp;ver=en#14'><b>Section 7</b>&nbsp;Of Family Meetings (Art. 281 to 291)</a></li> <li><a name=14 href='?uid=14&amp;ver=en#14'><b>Section 8</b>&nbsp;Of the Causes which Dispense or Excuse from the Tutorship (Art. 292 to 301)</a></li> <li><a name=15 href='?uid=15&amp;ver=en#15'><b>Section 9</b>&nbsp;Of the Incapacity For, the Exclusion From, and Deprivation of the Tutorship (Art. 302 to 306)</a></li> <li><a name=15 href='?uid=15&amp;ver=en#15'><b>Section 10</b>&nbsp;Of the Appointment, Recognition, or Confirmation of Tutors, of the Persons Whose Duty it is to Cause Tutors to be Appointed and of the Liability of Such Persons (Art. 307 to 335)</a></li> <li><a name=15 href='?uid=15&amp;ver=en#15'><b>Section 11</b>&nbsp;Of the Administration of the Tutor (Art. 336 to 353)</a></li> <li><a name=16 href='?uid=16&amp;ver=en#16'><b>Section 12</b>&nbsp;Of Continuing or Permanent Tutorship of Mentally Retarded Persons (Art. 354 to 364)</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a name=17 href='?uid=17&amp;ver=en#17'><b>Chapter 2</b>&nbsp;Emancipation (Art. 365 to 388)</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a name=18 href='?uid=18&amp;ver=en#18'><b>Title IX</b>&nbsp;Persons Unable to Care for their Persons or Property (Art. 389 to 399)</a><ul><li><a name=18 href='?uid=18&amp;ver=en#18'><b>Chapter 1</b>&nbsp;Grounds for Interdiction (Art. 389 to 391)</a></li> <li><a name=18 href='?uid=18&amp;ver=en#18'><b>Chapter 2</b>&nbsp;General Duties of Curators and Undercurators (Art. 392 to 393)</a></li> <li><a name=18 href='?uid=18&amp;ver=en#18'><b>Chapter 3</b>&nbsp;Effects of Interdiction (Art. 394 to 396)</a></li> <li><a name=18 href='?uid=18&amp;ver=en#18'><b>Chapter 4</b>&nbsp;Modification and Termination of Interdiction (Art. 397 to 398)</a></li> <li><a name=18 href='?uid=18&amp;ver=en#18'><b>Chapter 5</b>&nbsp;Responsibility for Wrongful Filing of Interdiction Petition (Art. 399)</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a name=18 href='?uid=18&amp;ver=en#18'><b>Title X</b>&nbsp;Of Corporations [Repealed]</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a name=19 href='?uid=19&amp;ver=en#19'><b>Book II</b>&nbsp;Things and the Different Modifications of Ownership (Art. 448 to 869)</a><ul><li><a name=19 href='?uid=19&amp;ver=en#19'><b>Title I</b>&nbsp;Things (Art. 448 to 476)</a><ul><li><a name=19 href='?uid=19&amp;ver=en#19'><b>Chapter 1</b>&nbsp;Division of Things (Art. 448 to 475)</a><ul><li><a name=19 href='?uid=19&amp;ver=en#19'><b>Section 1</b>&nbsp;General Principles (Art. 448 to 461)</a></li> <li><a name=20 href='?uid=20&amp;ver=en#20'><b>Section 2</b>&nbsp;Immovables (Art. 462 to 470)</a></li> <li><a name=20 href='?uid=20&amp;ver=en#20'><b>Section 3</b>&nbsp;Movables (Art. 471 to 475)</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a name=20 href='?uid=20&amp;ver=en#20'><b>Chapter 2</b>&nbsp;Rights in Things (Art. 476)</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a name=21 href='?uid=21&amp;ver=en#21'><b>Title II</b>&nbsp;Ownership (Art. 477 to 532)</a><ul><li><a name=21 href='?uid=21&amp;ver=en#21'><b>Chapter 1</b>&nbsp;General Principles (Art. 477 to 482)</a></li> <li><a name=21 href='?uid=21&amp;ver=en#21'><b>Chapter 2</b>&nbsp;Right of Accession (Art. 483 to 516)</a><ul><li><a name=21 href='?uid=21&amp;ver=en#21'><b>Section 1</b>&nbsp;Ownership of Fruits (Art. 483 to 489)</a></li> <li><a name=21 href='?uid=21&amp;ver=en#21'><b>Section 2</b>&nbsp;Accession in Relation to Immovables (Art. 490 to 506)</a></li> <li><a name=22 href='?uid=22&amp;ver=en#22'><b>Section 3</b>&nbsp;Accession in Relation to Movables (Art. 507 to 516)</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a name=22 href='?uid=22&amp;ver=en#22'><b>Chapter 3</b>&nbsp;Transfer of Ownership by Agreement (Art. 517 to 525)</a></li> <li><a name=22 href='?uid=22&amp;ver=en#22'><b>Chapter 4</b>&nbsp;Protection of Ownership (Art. 526 to 532)</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a name=23 href='?uid=23&amp;ver=en#23'><b>Title III</b>&nbsp;Personal Servitudes (Art. 533 to 645)</a><ul><li><a name=23 href='?uid=23&amp;ver=en#23'><b>Chapter 1</b>&nbsp;Kinds of Servitudes (Art. 533 to 534)</a></li> <li><a name=23 href='?uid=23&amp;ver=en#23'><b>Chapter 2</b>&nbsp;Usufruct (Art. 535 to 629)</a><ul><li><a name=23 href='?uid=23&amp;ver=en#23'><b>Section 1</b>&nbsp;General Principles (Art. 535 to 549)</a></li> <li><a name=24 href='?uid=24&amp;ver=en#24'><b>Section 2</b>&nbsp;Rights of the Usufructuary (Art. 550 to 569)</a></li> <li><a name=25 href='?uid=25&amp;ver=en#25'><b>Section 3</b>&nbsp;Obligations of the Usufructuary (Art. 570 to 602)</a></li> <li><a name=26 href='?uid=26&amp;ver=en#26'><b>Section 4</b>&nbsp;Rights and Obligations of the Naked Owner (Art. 603 to 606)</a></li> <li><a name=26 href='?uid=26&amp;ver=en#26'><b>Section 5</b>&nbsp;Termination of Usufruct (Art. 607 to 629)</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a name=27 href='?uid=27&amp;ver=en#27'><b>Chapter 3</b>&nbsp;Habitation (Art. 630 to 638)</a></li> <li><a name=27 href='?uid=27&amp;ver=en#27'><b>Chapter 4</b>&nbsp;Rights of Use (Art. 639 to 645)</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a name=28 href='?uid=28&amp;ver=en#28'><b>Title IV</b>&nbsp;Predial Servitudes (Art. 646 to 774)</a><ul><li><a name=28 href='?uid=28&amp;ver=en#28'><b>Chapter 1</b>&nbsp;General Principles (Art. 646 to 654)</a></li> <li><a name=28 href='?uid=28&amp;ver=en#28'><b>Chapter 2</b>&nbsp;Natural Servitudes (Art. 655 to 658)</a></li> <li><a name=28 href='?uid=28&amp;ver=en#28'><b>Chapter 3</b>&nbsp;Legal Servitudes (Art. 659 to 696)</a><ul><li><a name=28 href='?uid=28&amp;ver=en#28'><b>Section 1</b>&nbsp;Limitations on Ownership (Art. 659 to 672)</a></li> <li><a name=29 href='?uid=29&amp;ver=en#29'><b>Section 2</b>&nbsp;Common Enclosures (Art. 673 to 688)</a></li> <li><a name=29 href='?uid=29&amp;ver=en#29'><b>Section 3</b>&nbsp;Right of Passage (Art. 689 to 696)</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a name=30 href='?uid=30&amp;ver=en#30'><b>Chapter 4</b>&nbsp;Conventional or Voluntary Servitudes (Art. 697 to 774)</a><ul><li><a name=30 href='?uid=30&amp;ver=en#30'><b>Section 1</b>&nbsp;Kinds of Conventional Servitudes (Art. 697 to 707)</a></li> <li><a name=31 href='?uid=31&amp;ver=en#31'><b>Section 2</b>&nbsp;Establishment of Predial Servitudes by Title (Art. 708 to 734)</a></li> <li><a name=32 href='?uid=32&amp;ver=en#32'><b>Section 3</b>&nbsp;Acquisition of Conventional Servitudes for the Dominant Estate (Art. 735 to 743)</a></li> <li><a name=32 href='?uid=32&amp;ver=en#32'><b>Section 4</b>&nbsp;Rights of the Owner of the Dominant Estate (Art. 744 to 750)</a></li> <li><a name=33 href='?uid=33&amp;ver=en#33'><b>Section 5</b>&nbsp;Extinction of Predial Servitudes (Art. 751 to 774)</a></li> </ul> </li> </ul> </li> <li><a name=34 href='?uid=34&amp;ver=en#34'><b>Title V</b>&nbsp;Building Restrictions (Art. 775 to 783)</a></li> <li><a name=35 href='?uid=35&amp;ver=en#35'><b>Title VI</b>&nbsp;Boundaries (Art. 784 to 796)</a><ul><li><a name=35 href='?uid=35&amp;ver=en#35'><b>Chapter 1</b>&nbsp;General Principles (Art. 784 to 791)</a></li> <li><a name=35 href='?uid=35&amp;ver=en#35'><b>Chapter 2</b>&nbsp;Effect of Titles, Prescription, or Possession (Art. 792 to 796)</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a name=36 href='?uid=36&amp;ver=en#36'><b>Title VII</b>&nbsp;Ownership in Indivision (Art. 797 to 869)</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a name=37 href='?uid=37&amp;ver=en#37'><b>Book III</b>&nbsp;Of the Different Modes of Acquiring the Ownership of Things (Art. 870 to 3514)</a><ul><li><a name=37 href='?uid=37&amp;ver=en#37'><b>Preliminary Title</b>&nbsp;General Dispositions (Art. 870)</a></li> <li><a name=37 href='?uid=37&amp;ver=en#37'><b>Title I</b>&nbsp;Of Successions (Art. 871 to 1466)</a><ul><li><a name=37 href='?uid=37&amp;ver=en#37'><b>Chapter 1</b>&nbsp;Of the Different Sorts of Successions and Successors (Art. 871 to 879)</a></li> <li><a name=38 href='?uid=38&amp;ver=en#38'><b>Chapter 2</b>&nbsp;Of Intestate Succession (Art. 880 to 901)</a></li> <li><a name=39 href='?uid=39&amp;ver=en#39'><b>Chapter 3</b>&nbsp;Of the Rights of the State (Art. 902 to 933)</a></li> <li><a name=39 href='?uid=39&amp;ver=en#39'><b>Chapter 4</b>&nbsp;Commencement of Succession (Art. 934 to 938)</a></li> <li><a name=39 href='?uid=39&amp;ver=en#39'><b>Chapter 5</b>&nbsp;Loss of Succession Rights (Art. 939 to 946)</a></li> <li><a name=40 href='?uid=40&amp;ver=en#40'><b>Chapter 6</b>&nbsp;Acceptance and Renunciation of Successions (Art. 947 to 1074)</a><ul><li><a name=40 href='?uid=40&amp;ver=en#40'><b>Section 1</b>&nbsp;General Principles (Art. 947 to 956)</a></li> <li><a name=40 href='?uid=40&amp;ver=en#40'><b>Section 2</b>&nbsp;Acceptance (Art. 957 to 962)</a></li> <li><a name=40 href='?uid=40&amp;ver=en#40'><b>Section 3</b>&nbsp;Renunciation (Art. 963 to 966)</a></li> <li><a name=40 href='?uid=40&amp;ver=en#40'><b>Section 4</b>&nbsp;Acceptance of Succession by Creditors (Art. 967 to 1074)</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a name=41 href='?uid=41&amp;ver=en#41'><b>Chapter 7</b>&nbsp;Of the Seals, and of the Affixing and Raising of the Same [Repealed] (Art. 1075 to 1094)</a></li> <li><a name=41 href='?uid=41&amp;ver=en#41'><b>Chapter 8</b>&nbsp;Of the Administration of Vacant and Intestate Successions (Art. 1095 to 1219)</a><ul><li><a name=41 href='?uid=41&amp;ver=en#41'><b>Section 1</b>&nbsp;General Dispositions (Art. 1095 to 1100)</a></li> <li><a name=41 href='?uid=41&amp;ver=en#41'><b>Section 2</b>&nbsp;Of the Inventory of Vacant and Intestate Successions Subject to Administration [Repealed] (Art. 1101 to 1112)</a></li> <li><a name=41 href='?uid=41&amp;ver=en#41'><b>Section 3</b>&nbsp;Of the Appointment of Curators to Successions, and of the Security they are Bound to Give [Repealed] (Art. 1113 to 1132)</a></li> <li><a name=41 href='?uid=41&amp;ver=en#41'><b>Section 4</b>&nbsp;Of the Duties and Powers of Curators of Vacant Successions and of Absent Heirs (Art. 1133 to 1157)</a></li> <li><a name=41 href='?uid=41&amp;ver=en#41'><b>Section 5</b>&nbsp;Of the Causes for which a Curator of a Succession may be Dismissed or Superseded [Repealed] (Art. 1158 to 1161)</a></li> <li><a name=41 href='?uid=41&amp;ver=en#41'><b>Section 6</b>&nbsp;Of the Sale of the Effects and of the Settlement of Successions Administered by Curators (Art. 1162 to 1190)</a></li> <li><a name=41 href='?uid=41&amp;ver=en#41'><b>Section 7</b>&nbsp;Of the Account to be rendered by the Curators and the Commission Due to them (Art. 1191 to 1209)</a></li> <li><a name=41 href='?uid=41&amp;ver=en#41'><b>Section 8</b>&nbsp;Of the Appointment of Counsel of Absent Heirs, and of their Duties [Repealed] (Art. 1210 to 1219)</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a name=42 href='?uid=42&amp;ver=en#42'><b>Chapter 9</b>&nbsp;Of the Successions of Persons Domiciliated Out of the State, and of the Tax Due by Foreign Heirs, Legatees and Donees [Repealed] (Art. 1220 to 1223)</a><ul><li><a name=42 href='?uid=42&amp;ver=en#42'><b>Section 1</b>&nbsp;Of the Successions of Persons Domiciliated Out of the State [Repealed] (Art. 1220)</a></li> <li><a name=42 href='?uid=42&amp;ver=en#42'><b>Section 2</b>&nbsp;Of the Tax Due by Foreign Heirs, Legatees and Donees [Repealed] (Art. 1221 to 1223)</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a name=42 href='?uid=42&amp;ver=en#42'><b>Chapter 10</b>&nbsp;Of Successions Administered by Syndics [Repealed] (Art. 1224 to 1226)</a></li> <li><a name=42 href='?uid=42&amp;ver=en#42'><b>Chapter 11</b>&nbsp;Of Collations (Art. 1227 to 1288)</a><ul><li><a name=42 href='?uid=42&amp;ver=en#42'><b>Section 1</b>&nbsp;What Collation is, and by Whom It is Due (Art. 1227 to1241)</a></li> <li><a name=43 href='?uid=43&amp;ver=en#43'><b>Section 2</b>&nbsp;To Whom the Collation is Due, and What Things are Subject to It (Art. 1242 to 1250)</a></li> <li><a name=44 href='?uid=44&amp;ver=en#44'><b>Section 3</b>&nbsp;How Collations are Made (Art. 1251 to 1288)</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a name=45 href='?uid=45&amp;ver=en#45'><b>Chapter 12</b>&nbsp;Of the Partition of Successions (Art. 1289 to 1414)</a><ul><li><a name=45 href='?uid=45&amp;ver=en#45'><b>Section 1</b>&nbsp;Of the Nature of Partition, and of its Several Kinds (Art. 1289 to 1306)</a></li> <li><a name=46 href='?uid=46&amp;ver=en#46'><b>Section 2</b>&nbsp;Among What Persons Partition Can be Sued For (Art. 1307 to 1321)</a></li> <li><a name=47 href='?uid=47&amp;ver=en#47'><b>Section 3</b>&nbsp;In What Manner the Judicial Partition is Made (Art. 1322 to 1346)</a></li> <li><a name=48 href='?uid=48&amp;ver=en#48'><b>Section 4</b>&nbsp;How the Recorder of the Parish or the Notary is Bound to Proceed in the Judicial Partition (Art. 1347 to 1381)</a></li> <li><a name=49 href='?uid=49&amp;ver=en#49'><b>Section 5</b>&nbsp;Of the Effect of Partition (Art. 1382 to 1383)</a></li> <li><a name=49 href='?uid=49&amp;ver=en#49'><b>Section 6</b>&nbsp;Of the Warranty of Partition (Art. 1384 to 1396)</a></li> <li><a name=50 href='?uid=50&amp;ver=en#50'><b>Section 7</b>&nbsp;Of the Rescission of Partition (Art. 1397 to 1414)</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a name=51 href='?uid=51&amp;ver=en#51'><b>Chapter 13</b>&nbsp;Payment of the Debts of an Estate (Art. 1415 to 1466)</a><ul><li><a name=51 href='?uid=51&amp;ver=en#51'><b>Section 1</b>&nbsp;General Dispositions Introduction (Art. 1415)</a></li> <li><a name=51 href='?uid=51&amp;ver=en#51'><b>Section 2</b>&nbsp;Rights of Creditors (Art. 1416 to 1419)</a></li> <li><a name=51 href='?uid=51&amp;ver=en#51'><b>Section 3</b>&nbsp;Responsibility of Successors among Themselves (Art. 1420 to 1466)</a></li> </ul> </li> </ul> </li> <li><a name=52 href='?uid=52&amp;ver=en#52'><b>Title II</b>&nbsp;Donations (Art. 1467 to 1755)</a><ul><li><a name=52 href='?uid=52&amp;ver=en#52'><b>Chapter 1</b>&nbsp;General Dispositions (Art. 1467 to 1469)</a></li> <li><a name=52 href='?uid=52&amp;ver=en#52'><b>Chapter 2</b>&nbsp;Of the Capacity Necessary for Disposing and Receiving by Donation Inter Vivos or Mortis Causa (Art. 1470 to 1492)</a></li> <li><a name=53 href='?uid=53&amp;ver=en#53'><b>Chapter 3</b>&nbsp;The Disposable Portion and its Reduction in Case of Excess (Art. 1493 to 1518)</a></li> <li><a name=54 href='?uid=54&amp;ver=en#54'><b>Chapter 4</b>&nbsp;Of Dispositions Reprobated by Law in Donations Inter Vivos and Mortis Causa (Art. 1519 to 1522)</a></li> <li><a name=54 href='?uid=54&amp;ver=en#54'><b>Chapter 5</b>&nbsp;Donations Inter Vivos (art. 1523 to 1569.1)</a><ul><li><a name=54 href='?uid=54&amp;ver=en#54'><b>Section 1</b>&nbsp;General Dispositions (Art. 1523 to 1540)</a></li> <li><a name=55 href='?uid=55&amp;ver=en#55'><b>Section 2</b>&nbsp;Of the Form of Donations Inter Vivos (Art. 1541 to 1555)</a></li> <li><a name=56 href='?uid=56&amp;ver=en#56'><b>Section 3</b>&nbsp;Exceptions to the Rule of the Irrevocability of Donations Inter Vivos (Art. 1556 to 1569.1)</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a name=57 href='?uid=57&amp;ver=en#57'><b>Chapter 6</b>&nbsp;Dispositions Mortis Causa (Art. 1570 to 1723)</a><ul><li><a name=57 href='?uid=57&amp;ver=en#57'><b>Section 1</b>&nbsp;Testaments Generally (Art. 1570 to 1573)</a></li> <li><a name=57 href='?uid=57&amp;ver=en#57'><b>Section 2</b>&nbsp;Forms of Testaments (Art. 1574 to 1580.1)</a></li> <li><a name=58 href='?uid=58&amp;ver=en#58'><b>Section 3</b>&nbsp;Of the Competence of Witnesses and of Certain Designations in Testaments (Art. 1581 to 1583)</a></li> <li><a name=58 href='?uid=58&amp;ver=en#58'><b>Section 4</b>&nbsp;Testamentary Dispositions (Art. 1584 to 1604)</a></li> <li><a name=59 href='?uid=59&amp;ver=en#59'><b>Section 5</b>&nbsp;Probate of Testaments (Art. 1605)</a></li> <li><a name=59 href='?uid=59&amp;ver=en#59'><b>Section 6</b>&nbsp;Revocation of Testaments and Legacies (Art. 1606 to 1610.1)</a></li> <li><a name=59 href='?uid=59&amp;ver=en#59'><b>Section 7</b>&nbsp;Rules for the Interpretation of Legacies (Art. 1611 to 1616)</a></li> <li><a name=60 href='?uid=60&amp;ver=en#60'><b>Section 8</b>&nbsp;Disinherison (Art. 1617 to 1723)</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a name=61 href='?uid=61&amp;ver=en#61'><b>Chapter 7</b>&nbsp;Of Partitions Made by Parents and Other Ascendants among their Descendants (Art. 1724 to 1733)</a></li> <li><a name=62 href='?uid=62&amp;ver=en#62'><b>Chapter 8</b>&nbsp;Of Donations Inter Vivos Made in Contemplation of Marriage by Third Persons (Art. 1734 to 1743)</a><ul><li><a name=62 href='?uid=62&amp;ver=en#62'><b>Section 1</b>&nbsp;In General (Art. 1734 to 1736)</a></li> <li><a name=62 href='?uid=62&amp;ver=en#62'><b>Section 2</b>&nbsp;Donations of Present Property (Art. 1737)</a></li> <li><a name=62 href='?uid=62&amp;ver=en#62'><b>Section 3</b>&nbsp;Donations of Property to be Left at Death (Art. 1738 to 1743)</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a name=63 href='?uid=63&amp;ver=en#63'><b>Chapter 9</b>&nbsp;Of Interspousal Donations Inter Vivos (Art. 1744 to 1755)</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a name=64 href='?uid=64&amp;ver=en#64'><b>Title III</b>&nbsp;Obligations in General (Art. 1756 to 1905)</a><ul><li><a name=64 href='?uid=64&amp;ver=en#64'><b>Chapter 1</b>&nbsp;General Principles (Art. 1756 to 1759)</a></li> <li><a name=64 href='?uid=64&amp;ver=en#64'><b>Chapter 2</b>&nbsp;Natural Obligations (Art. 1760 to 1762)</a></li> <li><a name=64 href='?uid=64&amp;ver=en#64'><b>Chapter 3</b>&nbsp;Kinds of Obligations (Art. 1763 to 1820)</a><ul><li><a name=64 href='?uid=64&amp;ver=en#64'><b>Section 1</b>&nbsp;Real Obligations (Art. 1763 to 1764)</a></li> <li><a name=64 href='?uid=64&amp;ver=en#64'><b>Section 2</b>&nbsp;Strictly Personal and Heritable Obligations (Art. 1765 to 1766)</a></li> <li><a name=65 href='?uid=65&amp;ver=en#65'><b>Section 3</b>&nbsp;Conditional Obligations (Art. 1767 to 1776)</a></li> <li><a name=65 href='?uid=65&amp;ver=en#65'><b>Section 4</b>&nbsp;Obligations with a Term (Art. 1777 to 1785)</a></li> <li><a name=66 href='?uid=66&amp;ver=en#66'><b>Section 5</b>&nbsp;Obligations with Multiple Persons (Art. 1786 to 1806)</a></li> <li><a name=67 href='?uid=67&amp;ver=en#67'><b>Section 6</b>&nbsp;Conjunctive and Alternative Obligations (Art. 1807 to 1814)</a></li> <li><a name=67 href='?uid=67&amp;ver=en#67'><b>Section 7</b>&nbsp;Divisible and Indivisible Obligations (Art. 1815 to 1820)</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a name=68 href='?uid=68&amp;ver=en#68'><b>Chapter 4</b>&nbsp;Transfer of Obligations (Art. 1821 to 1830)</a><ul><li><a name=68 href='?uid=68&amp;ver=en#68'><b>Section 1</b>&nbsp;Assumption of Obligations (Art. 1821 to 1824)</a></li> <li><a name=68 href='?uid=68&amp;ver=en#68'><b>Section 2</b>&nbsp;Subrogation (Art. 1825 to 1830)</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a name=69 href='?uid=69&amp;ver=en#69'><b>Chapter 5</b>&nbsp;Proof of Obligations (Art. 1831 to 1853)</a></li> <li><a name=70 href='?uid=70&amp;ver=en#70'><b>Chapter 6</b>&nbsp;Extinction of Obligations (Art. 1854 to 1905)</a><ul><li><a name=70 href='?uid=70&amp;ver=en#70'><b>Section 1</b>&nbsp;Performance (Art. 1854 to 1872)</a><ul><li><a name=70 href='?uid=70&amp;ver=en#70'><b>Subsection A</b>&nbsp;Imputation of Payment (Art. 1864 to 1868)</a></li> <li><a name=70 href='?uid=70&amp;ver=en#70'><b>Subsection B</b>&nbsp;Tender and Deposit (Art. 1869 to 1872)</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a name=71 href='?uid=71&amp;ver=en#71'><b>Section 2</b>&nbsp;Impossibility of Performance (Art. 1873 to 1878)</a></li> <li><a name=71 href='?uid=71&amp;ver=en#71'><b>Section 3</b>&nbsp;Novation (Art. 1879 to 1887)</a></li> <li><a name=72 href='?uid=72&amp;ver=en#72'><b>Section 4</b>&nbsp;Remission of Debt (Art. 1888 to 1892)</a></li> <li><a name=72 href='?uid=72&amp;ver=en#72'><b>Section 5</b>&nbsp;Compensation (Art. 1893 to 1902)</a></li> <li><a name=72 href='?uid=72&amp;ver=en#72'><b>Section 6</b>&nbsp;Confusion (Art. 1903 to 1905)</a></li> </ul> </li> </ul> </li> <li><a name=73 href='?uid=73&amp;ver=en#73'><b>Title IV</b>&nbsp;Conventional Obligations or Contracts (Art. 1906 to 2291)</a><ul><li><a name=73 href='?uid=73&amp;ver=en#73'><b>Chapter 1</b>&nbsp;General Principles (Art. 1906 to 1917)</a></li> <li><a name=73 href='?uid=73&amp;ver=en#73'><b>Chapter 2</b>&nbsp;Contractual Capacity and Exceptions (Art. 1918 to 1926)</a></li> <li><a name=74 href='?uid=74&amp;ver=en#74'><b>Chapter 3</b>&nbsp;Consent (Art. 1927 to 1947)</a></li> <li><a name=75 href='?uid=75&amp;ver=en#75'><b>Chapter 4</b>&nbsp;Vices of Consent (Art. 1948 to 1965)</a><ul><li><a name=75 href='?uid=75&amp;ver=en#75'><b>Section 1</b>&nbsp;Error (Art. 1948 to 1952)</a></li> <li><a name=75 href='?uid=75&amp;ver=en#75'><b>Section 2</b>&nbsp;Fraud (Art. 1953 to 1958)</a></li> <li><a name=75 href='?uid=75&amp;ver=en#75'><b>Section 3</b>&nbsp;Duress (Art. 1959 to 1964)</a></li> <li><a name=75 href='?uid=75&amp;ver=en#75'><b>Section 4</b>&nbsp;Lesion (Art. 1965)</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a name=76 href='?uid=76&amp;ver=en#76'><b>Chapter 5</b>&nbsp;Cause (Art. 1966 to 1970)</a></li> <li><a name=76 href='?uid=76&amp;ver=en#76'><b>Chapter 6</b>&nbsp;Object and Matter of Contracts (Art. 1971 to 1977)</a></li> <li><a name=76 href='?uid=76&amp;ver=en#76'><b>Chapter 7</b>&nbsp;Third Party Beneficiary (Art. 1978 to 1982)</a></li> <li><a name=77 href='?uid=77&amp;ver=en#77'><b>Chapter 8</b>&nbsp;Effects of Conventional Obligations (Art. 1983 to 2012)</a><ul><li><a name=77 href='?uid=77&amp;ver=en#77'><b>Section 1</b>&nbsp;General Effects of Contracts (Art. 1983 to 1985)</a></li> <li><a name=77 href='?uid=77&amp;ver=en#77'><b>Section 2</b>&nbsp;Specific Performance (Art. 1986 to 1988)</a></li> <li><a name=77 href='?uid=77&amp;ver=en#77'><b>Section 3</b>&nbsp;Putting in Default (Art. 1989 to 1993)</a></li> <li><a name=78 href='?uid=78&amp;ver=en#78'><b>Section 4</b>&nbsp;Damages (Art. 1994 to 2004)</a></li> <li><a name=78 href='?uid=78&amp;ver=en#78'><b>Section 5</b>&nbsp;Stipulated Damages (Art. 2005 to 2012)</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a name=79 href='?uid=79&amp;ver=en#79'><b>Chapter 9</b>&nbsp;Dissolution (Art. 2013 to 2024)</a></li> <li><a name=80 href='?uid=80&amp;ver=en#80'><b>Chapter 10</b>&nbsp;Simulation (Art. 2025 to 2028)</a></li> <li><a name=80 href='?uid=80&amp;ver=en#80'><b>Chapter 11</b>&nbsp;Nullity (Art. 2029 to 2035)</a></li> <li><a name=81 href='?uid=81&amp;ver=en#81'><b>Chapter 12</b>&nbsp;Revocatory Action and Oblique Action (Art. 2036 to 2044)</a><ul><li><a name=81 href='?uid=81&amp;ver=en#81'><b>Section 1</b>&nbsp;Revocatory Action (Art. 2036 to 2043)</a></li> <li><a name=81 href='?uid=81&amp;ver=en#81'><b>Section 2</b>&nbsp;Oblique Action (Art. 2044)</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a name=81 href='?uid=81&amp;ver=en#81'><b>Chapter 13</b>&nbsp;Interpretation of Contracts (Art. 2045 to 2291)</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a name=82 href='?uid=82&amp;ver=en#82'><b>Title V</b>&nbsp;Obligations Arising without Agreement (Art. 2292 to 2324.2)</a><ul><li><a name=82 href='?uid=82&amp;ver=en#82'><b>Chapter 1</b>&nbsp;Management of Affairs (Negotiorum Gestio) (Art. 2292 to 2297)</a></li> <li><a name=82 href='?uid=82&amp;ver=en#82'><b>Chapter 2</b>&nbsp;Enrichment without Cause (Art. 2298 to 2314)</a><ul><li><a name=82 href='?uid=82&amp;ver=en#82'><b>Section 1</b>&nbsp;General Principles (Art. 2298)</a></li> <li><a name=82 href='?uid=82&amp;ver=en#82'><b>Section 2</b>&nbsp;Payment of a Thing not owed (Art. 2299 to 2314)</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a name=83 href='?uid=83&amp;ver=en#83'><b>Chapter 3</b>&nbsp;Of Offenses and Quasi Offenses (Art. 2315 to 2324.2)</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a name=84 href='?uid=84&amp;ver=en#84'><b>Title VI</b>&nbsp;Matrimonial Regimes (Art. 2325 to 2437)</a><ul><li><a name=84 href='?uid=84&amp;ver=en#84'><b>Chapter 1</b>&nbsp;General Principles (Art. 2325 to 2333)</a></li> <li><a name=85 href='?uid=85&amp;ver=en#85'><b>Chapter 2</b>&nbsp;The Legal Regime of Community of Acquets and Gains (Art. 2334 to 2369.8)</a><ul><li><a name=85 href='?uid=85&amp;ver=en#85'><b>Section 1</b>&nbsp;General Dispositions (Art. 2334 to 2345)</a></li> <li><a name=86 href='?uid=86&amp;ver=en#86'><b>Section 2</b>&nbsp;Management of Community Property (Art. 2346 to 2355.1)</a></li> <li><a name=87 href='?uid=87&amp;ver=en#87'><b>Section 3</b>&nbsp;Termination of the Community (Art. 2356 to 2369.8)</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a name=88 href='?uid=88&amp;ver=en#88'><b>Chapter 3</b>&nbsp;Separation of Property Regime (Art. 2370 to 2431)</a></li> <li><a name=89 href='?uid=89&amp;ver=en#89'><b>Chapter 4</b>&nbsp;Marital Portion (Art. 2432 to 2437)</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a name=90 href='?uid=90&amp;ver=en#90'><b>Title VII</b>&nbsp;Sale (Art. 2438 to 2659)</a><ul><li><a name=90 href='?uid=90&amp;ver=en#90'><b>Chapter 1</b>&nbsp;Of the Nature and Form of the Contract of Sale (Art. 2438 to 2446)</a></li> <li><a name=90 href='?uid=90&amp;ver=en#90'><b>Chapter 2</b>&nbsp;Of Persons Capable of Buying and Selling (Art. 2447)</a></li> <li><a name=90 href='?uid=90&amp;ver=en#90'><b>Chapter 3</b>&nbsp;Of Things Which May be Sold (Art. 2448 to 2455)</a></li> <li><a name=91 href='?uid=91&amp;ver=en#91'><b>Chapter 4</b>&nbsp;How the Contract of Sale is to be Perfected (Art. 2456 to 2463)</a></li> <li><a name=91 href='?uid=91&amp;ver=en#91'><b>Chapter 5</b>&nbsp;Of the Price of the Contract of Sale (Art. 2464 to 2466)</a></li> <li><a name=91 href='?uid=91&amp;ver=en#91'><b>Chapter 6</b>&nbsp;At Whose Risk the Thing is, After the Sale is Completed (Art. 2467 to 2473)</a></li> <li><a name=92 href='?uid=92&amp;ver=en#92'><b>Chapter 7</b>&nbsp;Of the Obligations of the Seller (Art. 2474 to 2499)</a></li> <li><a name=93 href='?uid=93&amp;ver=en#93'><b>Chapter 8</b>&nbsp;Eviction (Art. 2500 to 2519)</a></li> <li><a name=94 href='?uid=94&amp;ver=en#94'><b>Chapter 9</b>&nbsp;Redhibition (Art. 2520 to 2548)</a></li> <li><a name=95 href='?uid=95&amp;ver=en#95'><b>Chapter 10</b>&nbsp;Of the Obligations of the Buyer (Art. 2549 to 2566)</a></li> <li><a name=96 href='?uid=96&amp;ver=en#96'><b>Chapter 11</b>&nbsp;Of the Sale with a Right of Redemption (Art. 2567 to 2588)</a></li> <li><a name=97 href='?uid=97&amp;ver=en#97'><b>Chapter 12</b>&nbsp;Rescission for Lesion beyond Moiety (Art. 2589 to 2600)</a></li> <li><a name=98 href='?uid=98&amp;ver=en#98'><b>Chapter 13</b>&nbsp;Sales of Movables (Art. 2601 to 2619)</a></li> <li><a name=99 href='?uid=99&amp;ver=en#99'><b>Chapter 14</b>&nbsp;Agreements Preparatory to the Sale (Art. 2620 to 2641)</a><ul><li><a name=99 href='?uid=99&amp;ver=en#99'><b>Section 1</b>&nbsp;Option (Art. 2620 to 2622)</a></li> <li><a name=99 href='?uid=99&amp;ver=en#99'><b>Section 2</b>&nbsp;Contract to Sell (Art. 2623 to 2624)</a></li> <li><a name=99 href='?uid=99&amp;ver=en#99'><b>Section 3</b>&nbsp;Right of First Refusal (Art. 2625 to 2626)</a></li> <li><a name=99 href='?uid=99&amp;ver=en#99'><b>Section 4</b>&nbsp;Effects (Art. 2627 to 2641)</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a name=100 href='?uid=100&amp;ver=en#100'><b>Chapter 15</b>&nbsp;Assignment of Rights (Art. 2642 to 2654)</a></li> <li><a name=100 href='?uid=100&amp;ver=en#100'><b>Chapter 16</b>&nbsp;Of the Giving in Payment (Art. 2655 to 2659)</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a name=101 href='?uid=101&amp;ver=en#101'><b>Title VIII</b>&nbsp;Of Exchange (Art. 2660 to 2667)</a></li> <li><a name=102 href='?uid=102&amp;ver=en#102'><b>Title IX</b>&nbsp;Lease (Art. 2668 to 2777)</a><ul><li><a name=102 href='?uid=102&amp;ver=en#102'><b>Chapter 1</b>&nbsp;General Provisions (Art. 2668 to 2672)</a></li> <li><a name=102 href='?uid=102&amp;ver=en#102'><b>Chapter 2</b>&nbsp;Essential Elements (Art. 2673 to 2681)</a><ul><li><a name=102 href='?uid=102&amp;ver=en#102'><b>Section 1</b>&nbsp;The Thing (Art. 2673 to 2674)</a></li> <li><a name=102 href='?uid=102&amp;ver=en#102'><b>Section 2</b>&nbsp;The Rent (Art. 2675 to 2677)</a></li> <li><a name=102 href='?uid=102&amp;ver=en#102'><b>Section 3</b>&nbsp;The Term (Art. 2678 to 2680)</a></li> <li><a name=102 href='?uid=102&amp;ver=en#102'><b>Section 4</b>&nbsp;Form (Art. 2681)</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a name=103 href='?uid=103&amp;ver=en#103'><b>Chapter 3</b>&nbsp;The Obligations of the Lessor and the Lessee (Art. 2682 to 2713)</a><ul><li><a name=103 href='?uid=103&amp;ver=en#103'><b>Section 1</b>&nbsp;Principal Obligations (Art. 2682 to 2683)</a></li> <li><a name=103 href='?uid=103&amp;ver=en#103'><b>Section 2</b>&nbsp;Delivery (Art. 2684 to 2685)</a></li> <li><a name=103 href='?uid=103&amp;ver=en#103'><b>Section 3</b>&nbsp;Use of the Thing by the Lessee (Art. 2686 to 2689)</a></li> <li><a name=103 href='?uid=103&amp;ver=en#103'><b>Section 4</b>&nbsp;Alterations, Repairs, and Additions (Art. 2690 to 2695)</a></li> <li><a name=104 href='?uid=104&amp;ver=en#104'><b>Section 5</b>&nbsp;Lessor's Warranties (Art. 2696 to 2702)</a><ul><li><a name=104 href='?uid=104&amp;ver=en#104'><b>Subsection 1</b>&nbsp;Warranty against Vices or Defects (Art. 2696 to 2699)</a></li> <li><a name=104 href='?uid=104&amp;ver=en#104'><b>Subsection 2</b>&nbsp;Warranty of Peaceful Possession (Art. 2700 to 2702)</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a name=104 href='?uid=104&amp;ver=en#104'><b>Section 6</b>&nbsp;Payment of Rent (Art. 2703 to 2706)</a></li> <li><a name=104 href='?uid=104&amp;ver=en#104'><b>Section 7</b>&nbsp;Lessor's Security Rights (Art. 2707 to 2710)</a></li> <li><a name=104 href='?uid=104&amp;ver=en#104'><b>Section 8</b>&nbsp;Transfer of Interest by the Lessor or the Lessee (Art. 2711 to 2713)</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a name=105 href='?uid=105&amp;ver=en#105'><b>Chapter 4</b>&nbsp;Termination and Dissolution (Art. 2714 to 2744)</a><ul><li><a name=105 href='?uid=105&amp;ver=en#105'><b>Section 1</b>&nbsp;Rules Applicable to All Leases (Art. 2714 to 2719)</a></li> <li><a name=105 href='?uid=105&amp;ver=en#105'><b>Section 2</b>&nbsp;Leases with a Fixed Term (Art. 2720 to 2726)</a></li> <li><a name=105 href='?uid=105&amp;ver=en#105'><b>Section 3</b>&nbsp;Leases with Indeterminate Term (Art. 2727 to 2744)</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a name=106 href='?uid=106&amp;ver=en#106'><b>Chapter 5</b>&nbsp;Of the Letting Out of Labor or Industry (Art. 2745 to 2777)</a><ul><li><a name=106 href='?uid=106&amp;ver=en#106'><b>Section 1</b>&nbsp;Of the Hiring of Servants and Laborers (Art. 2746 to 2750)</a></li> <li><a name=106 href='?uid=106&amp;ver=en#106'><b>Section 2</b>&nbsp;Of Carriers and Watermen (Art. 2751 to 2755)</a></li> <li><a name=107 href='?uid=107&amp;ver=en#107'><b>Section 3</b>&nbsp;Of Constructing Buildings According to Plots, and Other Works by the Job, and of Furnishing Materials (Art. 2756 to 2777)</a></li> </ul> </li> </ul> </li> <li><a name=108 href='?uid=108&amp;ver=en#108'><b>Title X</b>&nbsp;Annuities (Art. 2778 to 2800)</a><ul><li><a name=108 href='?uid=108&amp;ver=en#108'><b>Chapter 1</b>&nbsp;Annuity Contract (Art. 2778 to 2786)</a></li> <li><a name=108 href='?uid=108&amp;ver=en#108'><b>Chapter 2</b>&nbsp;Annuity Charge (Art. 2787 to 2800)</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a name=109 href='?uid=109&amp;ver=en#109'><b>Title XI</b>&nbsp;Partnership (Art. 2801 to 2848)</a><ul><li><a name=109 href='?uid=109&amp;ver=en#109'><b>Chapter 1</b>&nbsp;General Principles (Art. 2801 to 2807)</a></li> <li><a name=109 href='?uid=109&amp;ver=en#109'><b>Chapter 2</b>&nbsp;Obligations and Rights of Partners toward Each Other and toward the Partnership (Art. 2808 to 2813)</a></li> <li><a name=110 href='?uid=110&amp;ver=en#110'><b>Chapter 3</b>&nbsp;Relations of the Partnership and the Partners with Third Persons (Art. 2814 to 2817)</a></li> <li><a name=110 href='?uid=110&amp;ver=en#110'><b>Chapter 4</b>&nbsp;Cessation of Membership (Art. 2818 to 2825)</a><ul><li><a name=110 href='?uid=110&amp;ver=en#110'><b>Section 1</b>&nbsp;Causes of Cessation (Art. 2818 to 2822)</a></li> <li><a name=110 href='?uid=110&amp;ver=en#110'><b>Section 2</b>&nbsp;Effects of Cessation of Membership and Rights of the Former Partner (Art. 2823 to 2825)</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a name=111 href='?uid=111&amp;ver=en#111'><b>Chapter 5</b>&nbsp;Termination of a Partnership (Art. 2826 to 2831)</a><ul><li><a name=111 href='?uid=111&amp;ver=en#111'><b>Section 1</b>&nbsp;Causes of Termination (Art. 2826 to 2829)</a></li> <li><a name=111 href='?uid=111&amp;ver=en#111'><b>Section 2</b>&nbsp;Effects of Termination of Partnership and Rights of Former Partners (Art. 2830 to 2831)</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a name=111 href='?uid=111&amp;ver=en#111'><b>Chapter 6</b>&nbsp;Dissolution, Liquidation, and Division of Assets (Art. 2832 to 2835)</a></li> <li><a name=112 href='?uid=112&amp;ver=en#112'><b>Chapter 7</b>&nbsp;Partnership in Commendam (Art. 2836 to 2890)</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a name=113 href='?uid=113&amp;ver=en#113'><b>Title XII</b>&nbsp;Loan (Art. 2891 to 2925)</a><ul><li><a name=113 href='?uid=113&amp;ver=en#113'><b>Chapter 1</b>&nbsp;Loan for Use (Commodatum) (Art. 2891 to 2903)</a></li> <li><a name=113 href='?uid=113&amp;ver=en#113'><b>Chapter 2</b>&nbsp;Loan for Consumption (Mutuum) (Art. 2904 to 2912)</a></li> <li><a name=113 href='?uid=113&amp;ver=en#113'><b>Chapter 3</b>&nbsp;Loan on Interest (Art. 2913 to 2925)</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a name=114 href='?uid=114&amp;ver=en#114'><b>Title XIII</b>&nbsp;Deposit and Sequestration (Art. 2926 to 2951)</a><ul><li><a name=114 href='?uid=114&amp;ver=en#114'><b>Chapter 1</b>&nbsp;Deposit (Art. 2926 to 2940)</a></li> <li><a name=114 href='?uid=114&amp;ver=en#114'><b>Chapter 2</b>&nbsp;Deposit with Innkeepers (Art. 2941 to 2945)</a></li> <li><a name=114 href='?uid=114&amp;ver=en#114'><b>Chapter 3</b>&nbsp;Conventional Sequestration (Art. 2946 to 2948)</a></li> <li><a name=114 href='?uid=114&amp;ver=en#114'><b>Chapter 4</b>&nbsp;Judicial Sequestration (Art. 2949 to 2951)</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a name=115 href='?uid=115&amp;ver=en#115'><b>Title XIV</b>&nbsp;Of Aleatory Contracts (Art. 2982 to 2984)</a></li> <li><a name=116 href='?uid=116&amp;ver=en#116'><b>Title XV</b>&nbsp;Representation and Mandate (Art. 2985 to 3034)</a><ul><li><a name=116 href='?uid=116&amp;ver=en#116'><b>Chapter 1</b>&nbsp;Representation (Art. 2985 to 2988)</a></li> <li><a name=116 href='?uid=116&amp;ver=en#116'><b>Chapter 2</b>&nbsp;Mandate (Art. 2989 to 3034)</a><ul><li><a name=116 href='?uid=116&amp;ver=en#116'><b>Section 1</b>&nbsp;General Principles (Art. 2989 to 3000)</a></li> <li><a name=117 href='?uid=117&amp;ver=en#117'><b>Section 2</b>&nbsp;Relations between the Principal and the Mandatary (Art. 3001 to 3015)</a></li> <li><a name=117 href='?uid=117&amp;ver=en#117'><b>Section 3</b>&nbsp;Relations between the Principal, the Mandatary, and Third Persons (Art. 3016 to 3023)</a><ul><li><a name=117 href='?uid=117&amp;ver=en#117'><b>Subsection A</b>&nbsp;Relations between the Mandatary and Third Persons (Art. 3016 to 3019)</a></li> <li><a name=117 href='?uid=117&amp;ver=en#117'><b>Subsection B</b>&nbsp;Relations between the Principal and Third Persons (Art. 3020 to 3023)</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a name=118 href='?uid=118&amp;ver=en#118'><b>Section 4</b>&nbsp;Termination of the Mandate and of the Authority of the Mandatary (Art. 3024 to 3034)</a></li> </ul> </li> </ul> </li> <li><a name=119 href='?uid=119&amp;ver=en#119'><b>Title XVI</b>&nbsp;Suretyship (Art. 3035 to 3070)</a><ul><li><a name=119 href='?uid=119&amp;ver=en#119'><b>Chapter 1</b>&nbsp;Nature and Extent of Suretyship (Art. 3035 to 3040)</a></li> <li><a name=119 href='?uid=119&amp;ver=en#119'><b>Chapter 2</b>&nbsp;Kinds of Suretyship (Art. 3041 to 3044)</a></li> <li><a name=119 href='?uid=119&amp;ver=en#119'><b>Chapter 3</b>&nbsp;The Effects of Suretyship between the Surety and Creditor (Art. 3045 to 3046)</a></li> <li><a name=119 href='?uid=119&amp;ver=en#119'><b>Chapter 4</b>&nbsp;The Effects of Suretyship between the Surety and Principal Obligor (Art. 3047 to 3054)</a></li> <li><a name=120 href='?uid=120&amp;ver=en#120'><b>Chapter 5</b>&nbsp;The Effects of Suretyship among Several Sureties (Art. 3055 to 3057)</a></li> <li><a name=120 href='?uid=120&amp;ver=en#120'><b>Chapter 6</b>&nbsp;Termination or Extinction of Suretyship (Art. 3058 to 3062)</a></li> <li><a name=120 href='?uid=120&amp;ver=en#120'><b>Chapter 7</b>&nbsp;Legal Suretyship (Art. 3063 to 3070)</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a name=121 href='?uid=121&amp;ver=en#121'><b>Title XVII</b>&nbsp;Compromise (Art. 3071 to 3083)</a></li> <li><a name=122 href='?uid=122&amp;ver=en#122'><b>Title XVIII</b>&nbsp;Of Respite (Art. 3084 to 3098)</a></li> <li><a name=123 href='?uid=123&amp;ver=en#123'><b>Title XIX</b>&nbsp;Of Arbitration (Art. 3099 to 3132)</a></li> <li><a name=124 href='?uid=124&amp;ver=en#124'><b>Title XX</b>&nbsp;Security (Art. 3133 to 3140)</a></li> <li><a name=125 href='?uid=125&amp;ver=en#125'><b>Title XX-A</b>&nbsp;Pledge (Art. 3141 to 3181)</a><ul><li><a name=125 href='?uid=125&amp;ver=en#125'><b>Chapter 1</b>&nbsp;General Provisions (Art. 3141 to 3167)</a></li> <li><a name=126 href='?uid=126&amp;ver=en#126'><b>Chapter 2</b>&nbsp;The Pledge of the Lessor's Rights in the Lease of an Immovable and its Rent (Art. 3168 to 3181)</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a name=127 href='?uid=127&amp;ver=en#127'><b>Title XXI</b>&nbsp;Of Privileges (Art. 3182 to 3277)</a><ul><li><a name=127 href='?uid=127&amp;ver=en#127'><b>Chapter 1</b>&nbsp;General Provisions (Art. 3182 to 3185)</a></li> <li><a name=127 href='?uid=127&amp;ver=en#127'><b>Chapter 2</b>&nbsp;Of the Several Kinds of Privileges (Art. 3186 to 3189)</a></li> <li><a name=127 href='?uid=127&amp;ver=en#127'><b>Chapter 3</b>&nbsp;Of Privileges on Movables (Art. 3190 to 3248)</a><ul><li><a name=127 href='?uid=127&amp;ver=en#127'><b>Section 1</b>&nbsp;Of General Privileges on Movables (Art. 3191 to 3215)</a><ul><li><a name=127 href='?uid=127&amp;ver=en#127'><b>搂1</b>&nbsp;Of Funeral Charges (Art. 3192 to 3194)</a></li> <li><a name=127 href='?uid=127&amp;ver=en#127'><b>搂2</b>&nbsp;Of Law Charges (Art. 3195 to 3198)</a></li> <li><a name=127 href='?uid=127&amp;ver=en#127'><b>搂3</b>&nbsp;Of Expenses during the Last Sickness (Art. 3199 to 3204)</a></li> <li><a name=127 href='?uid=127&amp;ver=en#127'><b>搂4</b>&nbsp;Of the Wages of Servants (Art. 3205 to 3207)</a></li> <li><a name=127 href='?uid=127&amp;ver=en#127'><b>搂5</b>&nbsp;Of Supplies of Provisions (Art. 3208 to 3213)</a></li> <li><a name=127 href='?uid=127&amp;ver=en#127'><b>搂6</b>&nbsp;Of the Privilege of Clerks (Art. 3214 to 3215)</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a name=128 href='?uid=128&amp;ver=en#128'><b>Section 2</b>&nbsp;Of the Privileges on Particular Movables (Art. 3216 to 3236)</a><ul><li><a name=128 href='?uid=128&amp;ver=en#128'><b>搂1</b>&nbsp;Of the Privilege of the Lessor (Art. 3218 to 3219)</a></li> <li><a name=128 href='?uid=128&amp;ver=en#128'><b>搂2</b>&nbsp;Of the Privilege of the Creditor on the Thing Pledged (Art. 3220 to 3221)</a></li> <li><a name=128 href='?uid=128&amp;ver=en#128'><b>搂3</b>&nbsp;Of the Privilege of a Depositor (Art. 3222 to 3223)</a></li> <li><a name=128 href='?uid=128&amp;ver=en#128'><b>搂4</b>&nbsp;Of Expenses Incurred for the Preservation of the Thing (Art. 3224 to 3226)</a></li> <li><a name=128 href='?uid=128&amp;ver=en#128'><b>搂5</b>&nbsp;Of the Privilege of the Vendor of Movable Effects (Art. 3227 to 3231)</a></li> <li><a name=128 href='?uid=128&amp;ver=en#128'><b>搂6</b>&nbsp;Of the Privilege of the Innkeeper on the Effects of the Traveler (Art. 3232 to 3236)</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a name=129 href='?uid=129&amp;ver=en#129'><b>Section 3</b>&nbsp;Of the Privilege on Ships and Merchandise (Art. 3237 to 3248)</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a name=130 href='?uid=130&amp;ver=en#130'><b>Chapter 4</b>&nbsp;Of Privileges on Immovables (Art. 3249 to 3251)</a></li> <li><a name=130 href='?uid=130&amp;ver=en#130'><b>Chapter 5</b>&nbsp;Of Privileges which Embrace both Movables and Immovables (Art. 3252 to 3253)</a></li> <li><a name=131 href='?uid=131&amp;ver=en#131'><b>Chapter 6</b>&nbsp;Of the Order in which Privileged Creditors are to be Paid (Art. 3254 to 3270)</a></li> <li><a name=132 href='?uid=132&amp;ver=en#132'><b>Chapter 7</b>&nbsp;How Privileges are Preserved and Recorded (Art. 3271 to 3276)</a></li> <li><a name=132 href='?uid=132&amp;ver=en#132'><b>Chapter 8</b>&nbsp;Of the Manner in which Privileges are Extinguished (Art. 3277)</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a name=133 href='?uid=133&amp;ver=en#133'><b>Title XXII</b>&nbsp;Mortgages (Art. 3278 to 3337)</a><ul><li><a name=133 href='?uid=133&amp;ver=en#133'><b>Chapter 1</b>&nbsp;General Provisions (Art. 3278 to 3286)</a></li> <li><a name=133 href='?uid=133&amp;ver=en#133'><b>Chapter 2</b>&nbsp;Conventional Mortgages (Art. 3287 to 3298)</a></li> <li><a name=134 href='?uid=134&amp;ver=en#134'><b>Chapter 3</b>&nbsp;Judicial and Legal Mortgages (Art. 3299 to 3306)</a></li> <li><a name=134 href='?uid=134&amp;ver=en#134'><b>Chapter 4</b>&nbsp;The Effect and Rank of Mortgages (Art. 3307 to 3314)</a></li> <li><a name=134 href='?uid=134&amp;ver=en#134'><b>Chapter 5</b>&nbsp;Third Possessors (Art. 3315 to 3318)</a></li> <li><a name=135 href='?uid=135&amp;ver=en#135'><b>Chapter 6</b>&nbsp;Extinction of Mortgages (Art. 3319)</a></li> <li><a name=135 href='?uid=135&amp;ver=en#135'><b>Chapter 7</b>&nbsp;Inscription of Mortgages and Privileges (Art. 3320 to 3337)</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a name=136 href='?uid=136&amp;ver=en#136'><b>Title XXII-A</b>&nbsp;Of Registry (Art. 3338 to 3411)</a><ul><li><a name=136 href='?uid=136&amp;ver=en#136'><b>Chapter 1</b>&nbsp;General Provisions (Art. 3338 to 3353)</a></li> <li><a name=137 href='?uid=137&amp;ver=en#137'><b>Chapter 2</b>&nbsp;Mortgage Records (Art. 3354 to 3411)</a><ul><li><a name=137 href='?uid=137&amp;ver=en#137'><b>Section 1</b>&nbsp;General Provisions (Art. 3354 to 3356)</a></li> <li><a name=137 href='?uid=137&amp;ver=en#137'><b>Section 2</b>&nbsp;Method and Duration of Recordation (Art. 3357 to 3365)</a></li> <li><a name=137 href='?uid=137&amp;ver=en#137'><b>Section 3</b>&nbsp;Cancellation (Art. 3366 to 3411)</a></li> </ul> </li> </ul> </li> <li><a name=138 href='?uid=138&amp;ver=en#138'><b>Title XXIII</b>&nbsp;Occupancy and Possession (Art. 3412 to 3444)</a><ul><li><a name=138 href='?uid=138&amp;ver=en#138'><b>Chapter 1</b>&nbsp;Occupancy (Art. 3412 to 3420)</a></li> <li><a name=138 href='?uid=138&amp;ver=en#138'><b>Chapter 2</b>&nbsp;Possession (Art. 3421 to 3444)</a><ul><li><a name=138 href='?uid=138&amp;ver=en#138'><b>Section 1</b>&nbsp;Notion and Kinds of Possession (Art. 3421 to 3423)</a></li> <li><a name=139 href='?uid=139&amp;ver=en#139'><b>Section 2</b>&nbsp;Acquisition, Exercise, Retention, and Loss of Possession (Art. 3424 to 3434)</a></li> <li><a name=139 href='?uid=139&amp;ver=en#139'><b>Section 3</b>&nbsp;Vices of Possession (Art. 3435 to 3436)</a></li> <li><a name=139 href='?uid=139&amp;ver=en#139'><b>Section 4</b>&nbsp;Precarious Possession (Art. 3437 to 3440)</a></li> <li><a name=139 href='?uid=139&amp;ver=en#139'><b>Section 5</b>&nbsp;Transfer, Tacking, and Proof of Possession (Art. 3441 to 3444)</a></li> </ul> </li> </ul> </li> <li><a name=140 href='?uid=140&amp;ver=en#140'><b>Title XXIV</b>&nbsp;Prescription (Art. 3445 to 3505)</a><ul><li><a name=140 href='?uid=140&amp;ver=en#140'><b>Chapter 1</b>&nbsp;General Principles (Art. 3445 to 3461)</a><ul><li><a name=140 href='?uid=140&amp;ver=en#140'><b>Section 1</b>&nbsp;Prescription (Art. 3445 to 3457)</a></li> <li><a name=140 href='?uid=140&amp;ver=en#140'><b>Section 2</b>&nbsp;Peremption (Art. 3458 to 3461)</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a name=141 href='?uid=141&amp;ver=en#141'><b>Chapter 2</b>&nbsp;Interruption and Suspension of Prescription (Art. 3462 to 3472)</a><ul><li><a name=141 href='?uid=141&amp;ver=en#141'><b>Section 1</b>&nbsp;Interruption of Prescription (Art. 3462 to 3466)</a></li> <li><a name=141 href='?uid=141&amp;ver=en#141'><b>Section 2</b>&nbsp;Suspension of Prescription (Art. 3467 to 3472)</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a name=141 href='?uid=141&amp;ver=en#141'><b>Chapter 3</b>&nbsp;Acquisitive Prescription (Art. 3473 to 3491)</a><ul><li><a name=141 href='?uid=141&amp;ver=en#141'><b>Section 1</b>&nbsp;Immovables: Prescription of Ten Years in Good Faith and Under Just Title (Art. 3473 to 3485)</a></li> <li><a name=142 href='?uid=142&amp;ver=en#142'><b>Section 2</b>&nbsp;Immovables: Prescription of Thirty Years (Art. 3486 to 3488)</a></li> <li><a name=142 href='?uid=142&amp;ver=en#142'><b>Section 3</b>&nbsp;Movables: Acquisitive Prescription of Three Years or Ten Years (Art. 3489 to 3491)</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a name=142 href='?uid=142&amp;ver=en#142'><b>Chapter 4</b>&nbsp;Liberative Prescription (Art. 3492 to 3505)</a><ul><li><a name=142 href='?uid=142&amp;ver=en#142'><b>Section 1</b>&nbsp;One Year Prescription (Art. 3492 to 3493)</a></li> <li><a name=142 href='?uid=142&amp;ver=en#142'><b>Section 1-A</b>&nbsp;Two Year Prescription (Art. 3493.10)</a></li> <li><a name=142 href='?uid=142&amp;ver=en#142'><b>Section 2</b>&nbsp;Three Year Prescription (Art. 3494 to 3496.1)</a></li> <li><a name=143 href='?uid=143&amp;ver=en#143'><b>Section 3</b>&nbsp;Five Year Prescription (Art. 3497 to 3498)</a></li> <li><a name=143 href='?uid=143&amp;ver=en#143'><b>Section 4</b>&nbsp;Ten Year Prescription (Art. 3499 to 3501.1)</a></li> <li><a name=143 href='?uid=143&amp;ver=en#143'><b>Section 5</b>&nbsp;Thirty Year Prescription (Art. 3502)</a></li> <li><a name=143 href='?uid=143&amp;ver=en#143'><b>Section 6</b>&nbsp;Interruption and Suspension of Liberative Prescription (Art. 3503 to 3505)</a></li> </ul> </li> </ul> </li> <li><a name=144 href='?uid=144&amp;ver=en#144'><b>Title XXV</b>&nbsp;Of the Signification of Sundry Terms of Law Employed in this Code (Art. 3506 to 3514)</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a name=145 href='?uid=145&amp;ver=en#145'><b>Book IV</b>&nbsp;Conflict of Laws (Art. 3515 to 3556)</a><ul><li><a name=145 href='?uid=145&amp;ver=en#145'><b>Title I</b>&nbsp;General Provisions (Art. 3515 to 3518)</a></li> <li><a name=146 href='?uid=146&amp;ver=en#146'><b>Title II</b>&nbsp;Status (Art. 3519 to 3522)</a></li> <li><a name=147 href='?uid=147&amp;ver=en#147'><b>Title III</b>&nbsp;Marital Property (Art. 3523 to 3527)</a></li> <li><a name=148 href='?uid=148&amp;ver=en#148'><b>Title IV</b>&nbsp;Successions (Art. 3528 to 3534)</a></li> <li><a name=149 href='?uid=149&amp;ver=en#149'><b>Title V</b>&nbsp;Real Rights (Art. 3535 to 3536)</a></li> <li><a name=149 href='?uid=149&amp;ver=en#149'><b>Title VI</b>&nbsp;Conventional Obligations (Art. 3537 to 3541)</a></li> <li><a name=150 href='?uid=150&amp;ver=en#150'><b>Title VII</b>&nbsp;Delictual and Quasi-Delictual Obligations (Art. 3542 to 3548)</a></li> <li><a name=150 href='?uid=150&amp;ver=en#150'><b>Title VIII</b>&nbsp;Liberative Prescription (Art. 3549 to 3556)</a></li> </ul> </li> </ul> </div> <!--Content Viewer--> <div id='display_content'><p>SECTION 8 - DISINHERISON</p> <p>Art. 1617. A forced heir shall be deprived of his legitime if he is disinherited by the testator, for just cause, in the manner prescribed in the following Articles. [Acts 2001, No. 573, &sect;1, eff. June 22, 2001]</p> <p>Art. 1618. A disinherison must be made in one of the forms prescribed for testaments. [Acts 2001, No. 573, &sect;1, eff. June 22, 2001]</p> <p>Art. 1619. The disinherison must be made expressly and for a just cause; otherwise, it is null. The person who is disinherited must be either identified by name or otherwise identifiable from the instrument that disinherits him. [Acts 2001, No. 573, &sect;1, eff. June 22, 2001]</p> <p>Art. 1620. There are no just causes for disinherison except those expressly recognized in the following Articles. [Acts 2001, No. 573, &sect;1, eff. June 22, 2001]</p> <p>Art. 1621. A. A parent has just cause to disinherit a child if:</p> <p>(1) The child has raised his hand to strike a parent, or has actually struck a parent; but a mere threat is not sufficient.</p> <p>(2) The child has been guilty, towards a parent, of cruel treatment, crime, or grievous injury.</p> <p>(3) The child has attempted to take the life of a parent.</p> <p>(4) The child, without any reasonable basis, has accused a parent of committing a crime for which the law provides that the punishment could be life imprisonment or death.</p> <p>(5) The child has used any act of violence or coercion to hinder a parent from making a testament.</p> <p>(6) The child, being a minor, has married without the consent of the parent.</p> <p>(7) The child has been convicted of a crime for which the law provides that the punishment could be life imprisonment or death.</p> <p>(8) The child, after attaining the age of majority and knowing how to contact the parent, has failed to communicate with the parent without just cause for a period of two years, unless the child was on active duty in any of the military forces of the United States at the time.</p> <p>B. For a disinherison to be valid, the cause must have occurred prior to the execution of the instrument that disinherits the heir. [Acts 2001, No. 573, &sect;1, eff. June 22, 2001]</p> <p>Art. 1622. A grandparent may disinherit his grandchild for any of the causes, other than the sixth, expressed in the preceding Article, whenever the offending act has been committed against a parent or a grandparent. He may also disinherit the grandchild for the seventh cause expressed in the preceding Article. [Acts 2001, No. 573, &sect;1, eff. June 22, 2001]</p> <p>Art. 1623. A person may be disinherited even though he was not a presumptive forced heir at the time of the occurrence of the act or the facts or circumstances alleged to constitute just cause for his disinherison. [Acts 2001, No. 573, &sect;1, eff. June 22, 2001]</p> <p>Art. 1624. The testator shall express in the instrument the reason, facts, or circumstances that constitute the cause for the disinherison; otherwise, the disinherison is null. The reason, facts, or circumstances expressed in the instrument shall be presumed to be true. The presumption may be rebutted by a preponderance of the evidence, but the unsupported testimony of the disinherited heir shall not be sufficient to overcome the presumption. [Acts 2001, No. 573, &sect;1, eff. June 22, 2001]</p> <p>Art. 1625. A. A person who is disinherited may overcome the disinherison by proving reconciliation with the testator after the occurrence of the reason, facts, or circumstances expressed in the instrument, provided he does so by clear and convincing evidence.</p> <p>B. A writing signed by the testator that clearly and unequivocally demonstrates reconciliation shall constitute clear and convincing evidence. [Acts 2001, No. 573, &sect;1, eff. June 22, 2001]</p> <p>Art. 1626. A disinherison shall not be effective if the person who is disinherited shows that because of his age or mental capacity he was not capable of understanding the impropriety of his behavior or if he shows that the behavior was unintentional or justified under the circumstances. Proof of this defense must be by a preponderance of the evidence, but the unsupported testimony of the disinherited heir shall not be sufficient to establish this defense. [Acts 2001, No. 573, &sect;1, eff. June 22, 2001]</p> <p>Arts. 1627-1723. [Blank]</p></div><div id='bottombar'><div id ='previousnext'>&lt; <a href='?uid=59&amp;ver=en#59'>Previous</a> | <a href='?uid=61&amp;ver=en#61'>Next</a> &gt;</div></div> <div class="clear"></div> </div><!-- #main --> </div><!-- #wrappermain --> <div id="wrapperfooter"> <div id="footer" role="contentinfo"> <div id="footer-row1"> <div id="footer-inner1"> <a href=""> <img src= // alt="LSU Law" id="footer-logo" /> </a> </div> </div><!-- #footer-row1 --> </div><!-- #footer --> </div><!-- #wrapperfooter --> </div><!-- #wrapper --> <span style="color:#666"><br><br><br><a href="" target="_blank" style="color:#666;text-decoration:none">Provide Website Feedback</a> / <a href="" target="_blank" style="color:#666;text-decoration:none">Accessibility Statement</a> / <a href="" target="_blank" style="color:#666;text-decoration:none">Accessibility Assistance</a> / <a href="" target="_blank" style="color:#666;text-decoration:none">Privacy Statement</a></span> <!-- Google Tracking: LSU Law --> <script async src=""></script> <script> window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} gtag('js', new Date()); gtag('config', 'G-CTQKDWN2YD'); </script> </body> </html>

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