Free Online Barcode Label Printing: GM 1724-B - Master Containers (2020)

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d="M176.885,147.603h-6.469v-4.559h17.922v4.56h-6.469v18.805h-4.984V147.603z"/> <path fill="#1D1C1D" d="M191.101,154.727c0.041-3.803,1.2-6.795,3.478-8.976c2.235-2.181,5.142-3.281,8.718-3.304 c3.619,0.022,6.546,1.123,8.781,3.304s3.374,5.173,3.415,8.976c-0.041,3.781-1.18,6.751-3.415,8.91 c-2.235,2.224-5.162,3.346-8.781,3.367c-3.576-0.021-6.482-1.144-8.718-3.367C192.301,161.478,191.142,158.508,191.101,154.727z M196.253,154.727c0,2.229,0.651,4.026,1.955,5.394c1.261,1.411,2.959,2.127,5.096,2.148c2.179-0.021,3.898-0.737,5.16-2.148 c1.229-1.367,1.854-3.165,1.876-5.394c-0.021-2.229-0.646-4.038-1.876-5.427c-1.262-1.39-2.981-2.095-5.16-2.116 c-2.137,0.021-3.835,0.727-5.096,2.116C196.904,150.688,196.253,152.497,196.253,154.727z"/> <path fill="#1D1C1D" d="M220.608,143.044h8.768c2.402-0.021,4.415,0.473,6.038,1.482c1.611,1.042,2.438,2.911,2.48,5.607 c0,1.654-0.399,3.051-1.198,4.189c-0.831,1.149-2.056,1.891-3.675,2.224l5.749,9.861h-5.967l-4.731-9.346h-2.468v9.346h-4.996 V143.044z M225.595,152.712h2.939c0.49,0,0.985-0.032,1.486-0.097c0.489-0.021,0.938-0.107,1.345-0.258 c0.417-0.183,0.756-0.451,1.017-0.806c0.239-0.344,0.359-0.827,0.359-1.451c0-0.591-0.109-1.074-0.328-1.45 c-0.229-0.354-0.537-0.629-0.923-0.822c-0.771-0.312-1.647-0.456-2.628-0.436h-3.268V152.712z"/> </g> </g> </g> </svg> </div> <!-- Title Description --> <div class="block-6 block-h-1 bg-color-heading block-header"> <div class="block-inner"> <h1>Industry- and Logistic Labels</h1> <p id="header-info">Generate and print compliance labels according to industry standards<span id="group-links"> like <a class="VDA" href="/en/Group/VDA">VDA 4902</a>, <a class="AIAG" href="/en/Group/AIAG">AIAG</a>, <a class="MAT" href="/en/Group/MAT">MAT</a>, <a class="GS1" href="/en/Group/GS1">GS1</a>, <a class="Caterpillar" href="/en/Group/Caterpillar">Caterpillar Shipping Labels</a>, etc</span>. One-by-one label printing is <b>free</b>. Create an account to design and upload <b>custom label layouts</b>, reuse label data in future sessions, <b>import label data</b> from CSV files and to print multiple labels at once.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> <noscript> <div class="block-full bg-color-main clearfix"> <div class="block-inner"> <p class="noJSWarning"> Please enable JavaScript to use this label generator service! </p> </div> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </noscript> <div class="labelGenerator clearfix"> <div class="slideContainer"> <div id="slide1" class="slide"> <div class="block-3 block-h-3 bg-color-main"> <div class="loadingPane visible"></div> <div id="selectionPane" class="block-inner box-inner"> <!-- selectionPane --> <div class="content-pane no-mar"> <div class="templateSelection tecit-selection"> <ul class="styled-list"> <li class="group"> <a id="VDA" class='' href="/en/Group/VDA" title="VDA 4902 and VDA-KLT Label: Barcode Transport and Shipping Labels (VDA Labels) for Automotive Manufacturers and Suppliers." data-description="&lt;p&gt;VDA 4902 and VDA-KLT Label: Barcode Transport and Shipping Labels (VDA Labels) for Automotive Manufacturers and Suppliers.&lt;/p&gt;" data-name="VDA 4902" data-keywords="free VDA-4902 label, print VDA-4902 label, online VDA-4902 label, generate VDA-4902 label, generate VDA label, VDA-4902 label, VDA-4902, VDA 4902 label, VDA label, VDA 4902, VDA, KLT logistic label"> <span class="initial"> V </span> <span> VDA 4902 </span> </a> <ul class="styled-list" style="display:none"> <li class="template"> <a id="VDA 4902 DE" class="label-template" href="/en/Group/VDA/VDA%204902%20DE" title="VDA 4902 V4 (Deutsch)" data-name="VDA 4902 V4 (Deutsch)" data-owner="" data-reponame="Templates\Common\(1) Automotive_VDA_4902 (Version 4)_VDA_4902_DE.tff" data-html-description="" data-description="Free VDA 4902 V4 (Deutsch) Generator:" data-size="A5|landscape"> <span>VDA 4902 V4 (Deutsch)</span> </a> </li> <li class="template"> <a id="VDA 4902 DE KLT" class="label-template" href="/en/Group/VDA/VDA%204902%20DE%20KLT" title="VDA 4902 V4 (Deutsch) - KLT" data-name="VDA 4902 V4 (Deutsch) - KLT" data-owner="" data-reponame="Templates\Common\(1) Automotive_VDA_4902 (Version 4)_VDA_4902_DE_KLT.tff" data-html-description="" data-description="Free VDA 4902 V4 (Deutsch) - KLT Generator:" data-size="210x74mm|landscape"> <span>VDA 4902 V4 (Deutsch) - KLT</span> </a> </li> <li class="template"> <a id="VDA 4902 DE Stahl" class="label-template" href="/en/Group/VDA/VDA%204902%20DE%20Stahl" title="VDA 4902 V4 (Deutsch) - Stahl-Lieferungen" data-name="VDA 4902 V4 (Deutsch) - Stahl-Lieferungen" data-owner="" data-reponame="Templates\Common\(1) Automotive_VDA_4902 (Version 4)_VDA_4902_DE_Stahl.tff" data-html-description="" data-description="Free VDA 4902 V4 (Deutsch) - Stahl-Lieferungen Generator:" data-size="A5|landscape"> <span>VDA 4902 V4 (Deutsch) - Stahl-Lieferungen</span> </a> </li> <li class="template"> <a id="VDA 4902 EN" class="label-template" href="/en/Group/VDA/VDA%204902%20EN" title="VDA 4902 V4 (English)" data-name="VDA 4902 V4 (English)" data-owner="" data-reponame="Templates\Common\(1) Automotive_VDA_4902 (Version 4)_VDA_4902_EN.tff" data-html-description="" data-description="Free VDA 4902 V4 (English) Generator:" data-size="A5|landscape"> <span>VDA 4902 V4 (English)</span> </a> </li> <li class="template"> <a id="VDA 4902 FR" class="label-template" href="/en/Group/VDA/VDA%204902%20FR" title="VDA 4902 V4 (Fran&#231;ais)" data-name="VDA 4902 V4 (Fran&#231;ais)" data-owner="" data-reponame="Templates\Common\(1) Automotive_VDA_4902 (Version 4)_VDA_4902_FR.tff" data-html-description="" data-description="Free VDA 4902 V4 (Français) Generator:" data-size="A5|landscape"> <span>VDA 4902 V4 (Français)</span> </a> </li> <li class="template"> <a id="VDA 4902 ES" class="label-template" href="/en/Group/VDA/VDA%204902%20ES" title="VDA 4902 V4 (Espa&#241;ol)" data-name="VDA 4902 V4 (Espa&#241;ol)" data-owner="" data-reponame="Templates\Common\(1) Automotive_VDA_4902 (Version 4)_VDA_4902_ES.tff" data-html-description="" data-description="Free VDA 4902 V4 (Español) Generator:" data-size="A5|landscape"> <span>VDA 4902 V4 (Español)</span> </a> </li> <li class="template"> <a id="VDA 4902 PT" class="label-template" href="/en/Group/VDA/VDA%204902%20PT" title="VDA 4902 V4 (Portugu&#234;s)" data-name="VDA 4902 V4 (Portugu&#234;s)" data-owner="" data-reponame="Templates\Common\(1) Automotive_VDA_4902 (Version 4)_VDA_4902_PT.tff" data-html-description="" data-description="Free VDA 4902 V4 (Português) Generator:" data-size="A5|landscape"> <span>VDA 4902 V4 (Português)</span> </a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="group"> <a id="VDA4992" class='' href="/en/Group/VDA4992" title="The MAT Label based on VDA 4992 recommendation contains a clearly defined set of traceability information and is attached to the smallest packaging unit of the product. The unique material label is a complement to existing logistics labels such as VDA 4902, Odette Transport Label or Global Transport Label." data-description="&lt;p&gt;The MAT Label based on VDA 4992 recommendation contains a clearly defined set of traceability information and is attached to the smallest packaging unit of the product. The unique material label is a complement to existing logistics labels such as VDA 4902, Odette Transport Label or Global Transport Label.&lt;/p&gt;" data-name="VDA 4992" data-keywords="free VDA 4992 label, print VDA 4992 label, online VDA 4992 label, generate VDA 4992 label, generate VDA 4992 Mat label, VDA 4992 label, VDA 4992, VDA 4992 MAT label, VDA 4992 MAT"> <span class="initial"> V </span> <span> VDA 4992 </span> </a> <ul class="styled-list" style="display:none"> <li class="template"> <a id="VDA_4992_MAT_Large" class="label-template" href="/en/Group/VDA4992/VDA_4992_MAT_Large" title="VDA 4992" data-name="VDA 4992" data-owner="" data-reponame="Templates\Common\(1) Automotive_VDA_4992 MAT Label (Version 1)_VDA 4992 MAT.tff" data-html-description="" data-description="Free VDA 4992 Generator:" data-size="78x45mm|landscape"> <span>VDA 4992</span> </a> </li> <li class="template"> <a id="VDA_4992_MAT_Small" class="label-template" href="/en/Group/VDA4992/VDA_4992_MAT_Small" title="VDA 4992 Small" data-name="VDA 4992 Small" data-owner="" data-reponame="Templates\Common\(1) Automotive_VDA_4992 MAT Label (Version 1)_VDA 4992 MAT Small.tff" data-html-description="" data-description="Free VDA 4992 Small Generator:" data-size="50x20mm|landscape"> <span>VDA 4992 Small</span> </a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="group"> <a id="VDA4994" class='' href="/en/Group/VDA4994" title="VDA 4994 labels. For labelling of packages (shipping units and individual packages) used in the automotive supply processes. Based on the Global Transport Label (GTL V3.0). Version 1.1 of July 2018." data-description="&lt;p&gt;VDA 4994 labels. For labelling of packages (shipping units and individual packages) used in the automotive supply processes. Based on the Global Transport Label (GTL V3.0). Version 1.1 of July 2018.&lt;/p&gt;" data-name="VDA 4994" data-keywords="free VDA 4994 label, print VDA 4994 label, online VDA 4994 label, generate VDA 4994 label, generate VDA 4994 GTL label, VDA 4994 label, VDA 4994, VDA 4994 GTL label, VDA 4994 GTL"> <span class="initial"> V </span> <span> VDA 4994 </span> </a> <ul class="styled-list" style="display:none"> <li class="template"> <a id="VDA_4994_DE_A5" class="label-template" href="/en/Group/VDA4994/VDA_4994_DE_A5" title="VDA 4994 (Deutsch) A5" data-name="VDA 4994 (Deutsch) A5" data-owner="" data-reponame="Templates\Common\(1) Automotive_VDA_4994_VDA_4994_DE_A5.tff" data-html-description="" data-description="Free VDA 4994 (Deutsch) A5 Generator:" data-size="A5|landscape"> <span>VDA 4994 (Deutsch) A5</span> </a> </li> <li class="template"> <a id="VDA_4994_DE_A6" class="label-template" href="/en/Group/VDA4994/VDA_4994_DE_A6" title="VDA 4994 (Deutsch) A6" data-name="VDA 4994 (Deutsch) A6" data-owner="" data-reponame="Templates\Common\(1) Automotive_VDA_4994_VDA_4994_DE_A6.tff" data-html-description="" data-description="Free VDA 4994 (Deutsch) A6 Generator:" data-size="A6|landscape"> <span>VDA 4994 (Deutsch) A6</span> </a> </li> <li class="template"> <a id="VDA_4994_DE_KLT1" class="label-template" href="/en/Group/VDA4994/VDA_4994_DE_KLT1" title="VDA 4994 (Deutsch) KLT1" data-name="VDA 4994 (Deutsch) KLT1" data-owner="" data-reponame="Templates\Common\(1) Automotive_VDA_4994_VDA_4994_DE_KLT_1.tff" data-html-description="" data-description="Free VDA 4994 (Deutsch) KLT1 Generator:" data-size="210x74mm|landscape"> <span>VDA 4994 (Deutsch) KLT1</span> </a> </li> <li class="template"> <a id="VDA_4994_DE_KLT2" class="label-template" href="/en/Group/VDA4994/VDA_4994_DE_KLT2" title="VDA 4994 (Deutsch) KLT2" data-name="VDA 4994 (Deutsch) KLT2" data-owner="" data-reponame="Templates\Common\(1) Automotive_VDA_4994_VDA_4994_DE_KLT_2.tff" data-html-description="" data-description="Free VDA 4994 (Deutsch) KLT2 Generator:" data-size="210x42mm|landscape"> <span>VDA 4994 (Deutsch) KLT2</span> </a> </li> <li class="template"> <a id="VDA_4994_EN_A5" class="label-template" href="/en/Group/VDA4994/VDA_4994_EN_A5" title="VDA 4994 (English) A5" data-name="VDA 4994 (English) A5" data-owner="" data-reponame="Templates\Common\(1) Automotive_VDA_4994_VDA_4994_EN_A5.tff" data-html-description="" data-description="Free VDA 4994 (English) A5 Generator:" data-size="A5|landscape"> <span>VDA 4994 (English) A5</span> </a> </li> <li class="template"> <a id="VDA_4994_EN_A6" class="label-template" href="/en/Group/VDA4994/VDA_4994_EN_A6" title="VDA 4994 (English) A6" data-name="VDA 4994 (English) A6" data-owner="" data-reponame="Templates\Common\(1) Automotive_VDA_4994_VDA_4994_EN_A6.tff" data-html-description="" data-description="Free VDA 4994 (English) A6 Generator:" data-size="A6|landscape"> <span>VDA 4994 (English) A6</span> </a> </li> <li class="template"> <a id="VDA_4994_EN_KLT1" class="label-template" href="/en/Group/VDA4994/VDA_4994_EN_KLT1" title="VDA 4994 (English) KLT1" data-name="VDA 4994 (English) KLT1" data-owner="" data-reponame="Templates\Common\(1) Automotive_VDA_4994_VDA_4994_EN_KLT_1.tff" data-html-description="" data-description="Free VDA 4994 (English) KLT1 Generator:" data-size="210x74mm|landscape"> <span>VDA 4994 (English) KLT1</span> </a> </li> <li class="template"> <a id="VDA_4994_EN_KLT2" class="label-template" href="/en/Group/VDA4994/VDA_4994_EN_KLT2" title="VDA 4994 (English) KLT2" data-name="VDA 4994 (English) KLT2" data-owner="" data-reponame="Templates\Common\(1) Automotive_VDA_4994_VDA_4994_EN_KLT_2.tff" data-html-description="" data-description="Free VDA 4994 (English) KLT2 Generator:" data-size="210x42mm|landscape"> <span>VDA 4994 (English) KLT2</span> </a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="group"> <a id="Ford" class='' href="/en/Group/Ford" title="Global Transport Labels (GTL) in use by Ford Motor Company and Suppliers (Revision 2017). Refer to AIAG, JAMA/JAPIA or ODETTE for GTL Standards." data-description="&lt;p&gt;Global Transport Labels (GTL) in use by Ford Motor Company and Suppliers (Revision 2017).&lt;/p&gt;" data-name="Ford GTL" data-keywords="free Ford label, print Ford label, online Ford label, generate Ford label, generate Ford GTL label, Ford GTL label, Ford Motor Company, logistic labels, compliance labels"> <span class="initial"> F </span> <span> Ford GTL </span> </a> <ul class="styled-list" style="display:none"> <li class="template"> <a id="Ford GTL Master" class="label-template" href="/en/Group/Ford/Ford%20GTL%20Master" title="Ford GTL Master" data-name="Ford GTL Master" data-owner="" data-reponame="Templates\Common\(1) Automotive_Ford_GTL (Revision 2017)_Ford GTL Master.tff" data-html-description="<p>The Ford GTL Master Load Label identifies and summarizes the total contents of a master pack.</p> <p>A Master Load is a multiple pack or unit load of common items (sharing a single part number)<span class='dispensable4'>, such as a pallet of totes or trays, each with Associate labels</span>.</p> <p>Refer to AIAG, JAMA/JAPIA or ODETTE for GTL Standards.</p>" data-description="Free Ford GTL Master Generator:" data-size="A5|landscape"> <span>Ford GTL Master</span> </a> </li> <li class="template"> <a id="Ford GTL Mixed" class="label-template" href="/en/Group/Ford/Ford%20GTL%20Mixed" title="Ford GTL Mixed" data-name="Ford GTL Mixed" data-owner="" data-reponame="Templates\Common\(1) Automotive_Ford_GTL (Revision 2017)_Ford GTL Mixed Load.tff" data-html-description="<p>The Ford GTL Mixed Load label designates (or is used to designate) mixed item shipping packs.</p> <p>A mixed load is a multiple pack or unit load of mixed items (different part numbers), such as a mixed-container pallet of totes or trays.</p> <p>Refer to AIAG, JAMA/JAPIA or ODETTE for GTL Standards.</p>" data-description="Free Ford GTL Mixed Generator:" data-size="A5|landscape"> <span>Ford GTL Mixed</span> </a> </li> <li class="template"> <a id="Ford GTL Mixed Master" class="label-template" href="/en/Group/Ford/Ford%20GTL%20Mixed%20Master" title="Ford GTL Mixed Master" data-name="Ford GTL Mixed Master" data-owner="" data-reponame="Templates\Common\(1) Automotive_Ford_GTL (Revision 2017)_Ford GTL Mixed-Master.tff" data-html-description="<p>The Ford GTL Mixed Master label designates (or is used to designate) the total quantity of a single part number in mixed load shipping packs.</p> <p>A mixed load is a multiple pack or unit load of mixed items (different part numbers)<span class='dispensable4'>, such as a mixed-container pallet of totes or trays</span>.</p> <p>Refer to AIAG, JAMA/JAPIA or ODETTE for GTL Standards.</p>" data-description="Free Ford GTL Mixed Master Generator:" data-size="A5|landscape"> <span>Ford GTL Mixed Master</span> </a> </li> <li class="template"> <a id="Ford GTL Mixed Master Load List" class="label-template" href="/en/Group/Ford/Ford%20GTL%20Mixed%20Master%20Load%20List" title="Ford GTL Mixed Master Load List" data-name="Ford GTL Mixed Master Load List" data-owner="" data-reponame="Templates\Common\(1) Automotive_Ford_GTL (Revision 2017)_Ford GTL Mixed-Master Load List.tff" data-html-description="<p>The Ford GTL Mixed-Master Load List contains each item of a transport handling unit. The part number, quantity and supplier code are printed in a human-readable form and as bar codes. Is used to designate each part, each total quantity and each supplier of the parts in mixed load shipping packs.</p> <p>Refer to AIAG, JAMA/JAPIA or ODETTE for GTL Standards.</p>" data-description="Free Ford GTL Mixed Master Load List Generator:" data-size="A4|portrait"> <span>Ford GTL Mixed Master Load List</span> </a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="group"> <a id="AIAG" class='' href="/en/Group/AIAG" title="AIAG Trading Partner Shipping Labels: The B-10 Shipping Label is an Alternative to the Obsolete AIAG B-3 / AIAG B-5 Standards." data-description="&lt;p&gt;AIAG Trading Partner Shipping Labels: The B-10 Shipping Label is an Alternative to the Obsolete AIAG B-3 / AIAG B-5 Standards.&lt;/p&gt;" data-name="AIAG Labels" data-keywords="free AIAG label, print AIAG label, online AIAG label, generate AIAG label, generate AIAG B-10 label, AIAG label, AIAG, AIAG B-10, automotive industry label"> <span class="initial"> A </span> <span> AIAG Labels </span> </a> <ul class="styled-list" style="display:none"> <li class="template"> <a id="B3" class="label-template" href="/en/Group/AIAG/B3" title="AIAG B-3 Shipping/Parts Identification Label" data-name="AIAG B-3 Shipping/Parts Identification Label" data-owner="" data-reponame="Templates\Common\(1) Automotive_AIAG_B-3_B-3.tff" data-html-description="" data-description="Free AIAG B-3 Shipping/Parts Identification Label Generator:" data-size="4x6in|landscape"> <span>AIAG B-3 Shipping/Parts Identification Label</span> </a> </li> <li class="template"> <a id="B5" class="label-template" href="/en/Group/AIAG/B5" title="AIAG B-5 Primary Metals Identification Tag" data-name="AIAG B-5 Primary Metals Identification Tag" data-owner="" data-reponame="Templates\Common\(1) Automotive_AIAG_B-5_B-5.tff" data-html-description="" data-description="Free AIAG B-5 Primary Metals Identification Tag Generator:" data-size="140x186mm|portrait"> <span>AIAG B-5 Primary Metals Identification Tag</span> </a> </li> <li class="template"> <a id="B10_CUST_MA" class="label-template" href="/en/Group/AIAG/B10_CUST_MA" title="AIAG B-10 Customer Master" data-name="AIAG B-10 Customer Master" data-owner="" data-reponame="Templates\Common\(1) Automotive_AIAG_B-10_Customer Master.tff" data-html-description="" data-description="Free AIAG B-10 Customer Master Generator:" data-size="4x5in|landscape"> <span>AIAG B-10 Customer Master</span> </a> </li> <li class="template"> <a id="B10_CUST_MI" class="label-template" href="/en/Group/AIAG/B10_CUST_MI" title="AIAG B-10 Customer Mixed" data-name="AIAG B-10 Customer Mixed" data-owner="" data-reponame="Templates\Common\(1) Automotive_AIAG_B-10_Customer Mixed.tff" data-html-description="" data-description="Free AIAG B-10 Customer Mixed Generator:" data-size="4x5in|landscape"> <span>AIAG B-10 Customer Mixed</span> </a> </li> <li class="template"> <a id="B10_SUPP_MA" class="label-template" href="/en/Group/AIAG/B10_SUPP_MA" title="AIAG B-10 Supplier Master" data-name="AIAG B-10 Supplier Master" data-owner="" data-reponame="Templates\Common\(1) Automotive_AIAG_B-10_Supplier Master.tff" data-html-description="" data-description="Free AIAG B-10 Supplier Master Generator:" data-size="4x6in|landscape"> <span>AIAG B-10 Supplier Master</span> </a> </li> <li class="template"> <a id="B10_SUPP_MI" class="label-template" href="/en/Group/AIAG/B10_SUPP_MI" title="AIAG B-10 Supplier Mixed" data-name="AIAG B-10 Supplier Mixed" data-owner="" data-reponame="Templates\Common\(1) Automotive_AIAG_B-10_Supplier Mixed.tff" data-html-description="" data-description="Free AIAG B-10 Supplier Mixed Generator:" data-size="4x6in|landscape"> <span>AIAG B-10 Supplier Mixed</span> </a> </li> <li class="template"> <a id="B15_5in" class="label-template" href="/en/Group/AIAG/B15_5in" title="AIAG B-15 SCACTIL - 5 inch" data-name="AIAG B-15 SCACTIL - 5 inch" data-owner="" data-reponame="Templates\Common\(1) Automotive_AIAG_B-15_SCACTIL 5 Inch.tff" data-html-description="" data-description="Free AIAG B-15 SCACTIL - 5 inch Generator:" data-size="4x5in|landscape"> <span>AIAG B-15 SCACTIL - 5 inch</span> </a> </li> <li class="template"> <a id="B15_7in" class="label-template" href="/en/Group/AIAG/B15_7in" title="AIAG B-15 SCACTIL - 7 inch" data-name="AIAG B-15 SCACTIL - 7 inch" data-owner="" data-reponame="Templates\Common\(1) Automotive_AIAG_B-15_SCACTIL 7 Inch.tff" data-html-description="" data-description="Free AIAG B-15 SCACTIL - 7 inch Generator:" data-size="4x7in|landscape"> <span>AIAG B-15 SCACTIL - 7 inch</span> </a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="group"> <a id="Autoliv" class='' href="/en/Group/Autoliv" title="The Autoliv AS244 labels are designed to improve the productivity and controls at suppliers and internally at Autoliv." data-description="&lt;p&gt;The Autoliv AS244 labels are designed to improve the productivity and controls at suppliers and internally at Autoliv.&lt;p&gt;" data-name="Autoliv Labels" data-keywords="Autoliv, AS244, Autoliv Transport Label, Autoliv Package Label, AS244 Package label, AS244 Transport label"> <span class="initial"> A </span> <span> Autoliv Labels </span> </a> <ul class="styled-list" style="display:none"> <li class="template"> <a id="Autoliv-AS244-Package" class="label-template" href="/en/Group/Autoliv/Autoliv-AS244-Package" title="Autoliv AS244 Package Label (210x102)" data-name="Autoliv AS244 Package Label (210x102)" data-owner="" data-reponame="Templates\Common\(1) Automotive_Autoliv_AS244 (v6.0)_Package Label (210x102).tff" data-html-description="<p>The AS244 Package Label is an important tool in logistics for Autoliv products.</p> <p>Each box loaded on a pallet should contain a Package Label.</p>" data-description="Free Autoliv AS244 Package Label (210x102) Generator:" data-size="|landscape"> <span>Autoliv AS244 Package Label (210x102)</span> </a> </li> <li class="template"> <a id="Autoliv-AS244-Transport" class="label-template" href="/en/Group/Autoliv/Autoliv-AS244-Transport" title="Autoliv AS244 Transport Label (A5)" data-name="Autoliv AS244 Transport Label (A5)" data-owner="" data-reponame="Templates\Common\(1) Automotive_Autoliv_AS244 (v6.0)_Transport Label (A5).tff" data-html-description="<p>The AS244 Transport Label is an important tool for ensuring the safe and efficient transport of packages.</p> <p>On each pallet two Transport Labels should be applied on different sides. Depending on the content of the pallet this could be a Master or Mixed-Load Transport Label (Group label).</p>" data-description="Free Autoliv AS244 Transport Label (A5) Generator:" data-size="A5|landscape"> <span>Autoliv AS244 Transport Label (A5)</span> </a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="group"> <a id="Volkswagen" class='' href="/en/Group/Volkswagen" title="Global Transport Labels (GTL) in use by VW AG and Suppliers. Refer to AIAG, JAMA/JAPIA or ODETTE for GTL Standards." data-description="&lt;p&gt;Global Transport Labels (GTL) in use by VW AG and Suppliers. Refer to AIAG, JAMA/JAPIA or ODETTE for GTL Standards.&lt;/p&gt;" data-name="Volkswagen GTL" data-keywords="free Volkswagen GTL label, print Volkswagen GTL label, online Volkswagen GTL label, generate Volkswagen GTL label, generate Volkswagen label, Volkswagen label, Volkswagen GTL, Volkswagen GTL label, Volkswagen AG label"> <span class="initial"> V </span> <span> Volkswagen GTL </span> </a> <ul class="styled-list" style="display:none"> <li class="template"> <a id="VW GTL 1JSI" class="label-template" href="/en/Group/Volkswagen/VW%20GTL%201JSI" title="VW GTL Single Label Innere Verpackung" data-name="VW GTL Single Label Innere Verpackung" data-owner="" data-reponame="Templates\Common\(1) Automotive_Volkswagen_Previous Versions_GTL V03 - 2010_VW_GTL_DE_1J_SI.tff" data-html-description="" data-description="Free VW GTL Single Label Innere Verpackung Generator:" data-size="A5|landscape"> <span>VW GTL Single Label Innere Verpackung</span> </a> </li> <li class="template"> <a id="VW GTL 1JVL" class="label-template" href="/en/Group/Volkswagen/VW%20GTL%201JVL" title="VW GTL Single Label Vereinfachte Ladeeinheit" data-name="VW GTL Single Label Vereinfachte Ladeeinheit" data-owner="" data-reponame="Templates\Common\(1) Automotive_Volkswagen_Previous Versions_GTL V03 - 2010_VW_GTL_DE_1J_VL.tff" data-html-description="" data-description="Free VW GTL Single Label Vereinfachte Ladeeinheit Generator:" data-size="A5|landscape"> <span>VW GTL Single Label Vereinfachte Ladeeinheit</span> </a> </li> <li class="template"> <a id="VW GTL 6J" class="label-template" href="/en/Group/Volkswagen/VW%20GTL%206J" title="VW GTL Master Label Homogeneous Load" data-name="VW GTL Master Label Homogeneous Load" data-owner="" data-reponame="Templates\Common\(1) Automotive_Volkswagen_Previous Versions_GTL V03 - 2010_VW_GTL_DE_6J.tff" data-html-description="" data-description="Free VW GTL Master Label Homogeneous Load Generator:" data-size="A5|landscape"> <span>VW GTL Master Label Homogeneous Load</span> </a> </li> <li class="template"> <a id="VW GTL 5J" class="label-template" href="/en/Group/Volkswagen/VW%20GTL%205J" title="VW GTL Master Label Mixed Load" data-name="VW GTL Master Label Mixed Load" data-owner="" data-reponame="Templates\Common\(1) Automotive_Volkswagen_Previous Versions_GTL V03 - 2010_VW_GTL_DE_5J.tff" data-html-description="" data-description="Free VW GTL Master Label Mixed Load Generator:" data-size="A5|landscape"> <span>VW GTL Master Label Mixed Load</span> </a> </li> <li class="template"> <a id="VW GTL OT" class="label-template" href="/en/Group/Volkswagen/VW%20GTL%20OT" title="VW GTL Originalteile" data-name="VW GTL Originalteile" data-owner="" data-reponame="Templates\Common\(1) Automotive_Volkswagen_Previous Versions_GTL V03 - 2010_VW_GTL_DE_OT.tff" data-html-description="" data-description="Free VW GTL Originalteile Generator:" data-size="A5|landscape"> <span>VW GTL Originalteile</span> </a> </li> <li class="template"> <a id="VW GTL KLT" class="label-template" href="/en/Group/Volkswagen/VW%20GTL%20KLT" title="VW GTL Kleinladungstr&#228;ger (KLT)" data-name="VW GTL Kleinladungstr&#228;ger (KLT)" data-owner="" data-reponame="Templates\Common\(1) Automotive_Volkswagen_Previous Versions_GTL V03 - 2010_VW_GTL_DE_KLT.tff" data-html-description="" data-description="Free VW GTL Kleinladungsträger (KLT) Generator:" data-size="210x74mm|landscape"> <span>VW GTL Kleinladungsträger (KLT)</span> </a> </li> <li class="template"> <a id="VW AUDI VDA 4902" class="label-template" href="/en/Group/Volkswagen/VW%20AUDI%20VDA%204902" title="VW / Audi Transport Label - based on VDA 4902-3/4" data-name="VW / Audi Transport Label - based on VDA 4902-3/4" data-owner="" data-reponame="Templates\Common\(1) Automotive_Volkswagen_VDA 4902 (Version 3)_VW_AUDI_VDA_4902_Version_3_4.tff" data-html-description="" data-description="Free VW / Audi Transport Label - based on VDA 4902-3/4 Generator:" data-size="A5|landscape"> <span>VW / Audi Transport Label - based on VDA 4902-3/4</span> </a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="group selected"> <a id="GM" class='' href="/en/Group/GM" title="Global Transport Labels (GTL) in use by General Motors and Suppliers." data-description="&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;GM&#160;1724&#160;labels&lt;/strong&gt; are a series of label format standards set by GM to facilitate global trade between GM and its trading partners.&lt;/p&gt;" data-name="General Motors" data-keywords="free General Motors label, print General Motors label, online General Motors label, generate General Motors label, generate General Motors GTL label, General Motors label, General Motors, General Motors GTL"> <span class="initial"> G </span> <span> General Motors </span> </a> <ul class="styled-list" style="display:block"> <li class="template"> <a id="GM_1724_A_2020" class="label-template" href="/en/Group/GM/GM_1724_A_2020" title="GM 1724-A - Individual Containers (2020)" data-name="GM 1724-A - Individual Containers (2020)" data-owner="" data-reponame="Templates\Common\(1) Automotive_General Motors_1724 (Revision 2020-11)_GM_1724_A.tff" data-html-description="<p><strong>GM1724-A</strong> specifies the template for Container Shipping Labels (individual containers).</p> <p class='dispensable4'>All incoming material to GM CCA receiving points must be identified with a GM 1724 label affixed on two opposite sides of each shipping container or product load.</p> <p class='tecit-red'>In Rev. 11/2020, the FIFO Date is replacing the Shipment Date.</p>" data-description="Free GM 1724-A - Individual Containers (2020) Generator:" data-size="4x6in|landscape"> <span>GM 1724-A - Individual Containers (2020)</span> </a> </li> <li class="template"> <a id="GM_1724_A_KLT_2020" class="label-template" href="/en/Group/GM/GM_1724_A_KLT_2020" title="GM 1724-A-KLT - Small Containers (2020)" data-name="GM 1724-A-KLT - Small Containers (2020)" data-owner="" data-reponame="Templates\Common\(1) Automotive_General Motors_1724 (Revision 2020-11)_GM_1724_A_KLT.tff" data-html-description="<p><strong>GM1724-A KLT</strong> is an alternate format to be used at supplier's option when shipping parts in small containers (KLT).</p> <p class='tecit-red'>In Rev. 11/2020, the FIFO Date is replacing the Shipment Date.</p>" data-description="Free GM 1724-A-KLT - Small Containers (2020) Generator:" data-size="210x74mm|landscape"> <span>GM 1724-A-KLT - Small Containers (2020)</span> </a> </li> <li class="template selected"> <a id="GM_1724_B_2020" class="label-template" href="/en/Group/GM/GM_1724_B_2020" title="GM 1724-B - Master Containers (2020)" data-name="GM 1724-B - Master Containers (2020)" data-owner="" data-reponame="Templates\Common\(1) Automotive_General Motors_1724 (Revision 2020-11)_GM_1724_B.tff" data-html-description="<p><strong>GM1724-B</strong> is used to identify a pallet load when all the parts on the pallet are the same part number. GM refers to this as the Master Label.</p> <p class='dispensable4'>The label identifies the quantity of shipping containers (distribution packs) on a pallet as well as total pieces on the pallet.</p> <p class='tecit-red'>In Rev. 11/2020, the FIFO Date is replacing the Shipment Date.</p>" data-description="Free GM 1724-B - Master Containers (2020) Generator:" data-size="4x6in|landscape"> <span>GM 1724-B - Master Containers (2020)</span> </a> </li> <li class="template"> <a id="GM_1724_A_2018" class="label-template" href="/en/Group/GM/GM_1724_A_2018" title="GM 1724-A - Individual Containers (2018)" data-name="GM 1724-A - Individual Containers (2018)" data-owner="" data-reponame="Templates\Common\(1) Automotive_General Motors_1724 (Revision 2018)_GM_1724_A.tff" data-html-description="<p><strong>GM1724-A</strong> specifies the template for Container Shipping Labels (individual containers).</p> <p class='dispensable4'>All incoming material to GM CCA receiving points must be identified with a GM 1724 label affixed on two opposite sides of each shipping container or product load.</p>" data-description="Free GM 1724-A - Individual Containers (2018) Generator:" data-size="4x6in|landscape"> <span>GM 1724-A - Individual Containers (2018)</span> </a> </li> <li class="template"> <a id="GM_1724_A_KLT_2018" class="label-template" href="/en/Group/GM/GM_1724_A_KLT_2018" title="GM 1724-A-KLT - Small Containers (2018)" data-name="GM 1724-A-KLT - Small Containers (2018)" data-owner="" data-reponame="Templates\Common\(1) Automotive_General Motors_1724 (Revision 2018)_GM_1724_A_KLT.tff" data-html-description="<p><strong>GM1724-A KLT</strong> is an alternate format to be used at supplier's option when shipping parts in small containers (KLT).</p>" data-description="Free GM 1724-A-KLT - Small Containers (2018) Generator:" data-size="210x74mm|landscape"> <span>GM 1724-A-KLT - Small Containers (2018)</span> </a> </li> <li class="template"> <a id="GM_1724_B_2018" class="label-template" href="/en/Group/GM/GM_1724_B_2018" title="GM 1724-B - Master Containers (2018)" data-name="GM 1724-B - Master Containers (2018)" data-owner="" data-reponame="Templates\Common\(1) Automotive_General Motors_1724 (Revision 2018)_GM_1724_B.tff" data-html-description="<p><strong>GM1724-B</strong> is used to identify a pallet load when all the parts on the pallet are the same part number. GM refers to this as the Master Label.</p> <p>The label identifies the quantity of shipping containers (distribution packs) on a pallet as well as total pieces on the pallet.</p>" data-description="Free GM 1724-B - Master Containers (2018) Generator:" data-size="4x6in|landscape"> <span>GM 1724-B - Master Containers (2018)</span> </a> </li> <li class="template"> <a id="GM_1724_C_2018" class="label-template" href="/en/Group/GM/GM_1724_C_2018" title="GM 1724-C - Mixed Load Containers (2018)" data-name="GM 1724-C - Mixed Load Containers (2018)" data-owner="" data-reponame="Templates\Common\(1) Automotive_General Motors_1724 (Revision 2018)_GM_1724_C.tff" data-html-description="<p><strong>GM1724-C</strong> is used to identify a pallet of mixed part numbers (different part numbers on a pallet).</p>" data-description="Free GM 1724-C - Mixed Load Containers (2018) Generator:" data-size="4x6in|landscape"> <span>GM 1724-C - Mixed Load Containers (2018)</span> </a> </li> <li class="template"> <a id="GM_1724_A" class="label-template" href="/en/Group/GM/GM_1724_A" title="GM 1724-A - Individual Containers (2001)" data-name="GM 1724-A - Individual Containers (2001)" data-owner="" data-reponame="Templates\Common\(1) Automotive_General Motors_1724 (Revision 2001)_GM_1724_A.tff" data-html-description="<p><strong>GM1724-A</strong> specifies the template for Container Shipping Labels (individual containers).</p> <p class='dispensable4'>All incoming material to GM CCA receiving points must be identified with a GM 1724 label affixed on two opposite sides of each shipping container or product load.</p>" data-description="Free GM 1724-A - Individual Containers (2001) Generator:" data-size="4x6in|landscape"> <span>GM 1724-A - Individual Containers (2001)</span> </a> </li> <li class="template"> <a id="GM_1724_A_KLT" class="label-template" href="/en/Group/GM/GM_1724_A_KLT" title="GM 1724-A-KLT - Small Containers (2001)" data-name="GM 1724-A-KLT - Small Containers (2001)" data-owner="" data-reponame="Templates\Common\(1) Automotive_General Motors_1724 (Revision 2001)_GM_1724_A_KLT.tff" data-html-description="<p><strong>GM1724-A KLT</strong> is an alternate format to be used at supplier's option when shipping parts in small containers (KLT).</p>" data-description="Free GM 1724-A-KLT - Small Containers (2001) Generator:" data-size="210x74mm|landscape"> <span>GM 1724-A-KLT - Small Containers (2001)</span> </a> </li> <li class="template"> <a id="GM_1724_B" class="label-template" href="/en/Group/GM/GM_1724_B" title="GM 1724-B - Master Containers (2001)" data-name="GM 1724-B - Master Containers (2001)" data-owner="" data-reponame="Templates\Common\(1) Automotive_General Motors_1724 (Revision 2001)_GM_1724_B.tff" data-html-description="<p><strong>GM1724-B</strong> is used to identify a pallet load when all the parts on the pallet are the same part number. GM refers to this as the Master Label.</p> <p>The label identifies the quantity of shipping containers (distribution packs) on a pallet as well as total pieces on the pallet.</p>" data-description="Free GM 1724-B - Master Containers (2001) Generator:" data-size="4x6in|landscape"> <span>GM 1724-B - Master Containers (2001)</span> </a> </li> <li class="template"> <a id="GM_1724_C" class="label-template" href="/en/Group/GM/GM_1724_C" title="GM 1724-C - Mixed Load Containers (2001)" data-name="GM 1724-C - Mixed Load Containers (2001)" data-owner="" data-reponame="Templates\Common\(1) Automotive_General Motors_1724 (Revision 2001)_GM_1724_C.tff" data-html-description="<p><strong>GM1724-C</strong> is used to identify a pallet of mixed part numbers (different part numbers on a pallet).</p>" data-description="Free GM 1724-C - Mixed Load Containers (2001) Generator:" data-size="4x6in|landscape"> <span>GM 1724-C - Mixed Load Containers (2001)</span> </a> </li> <li class="template"> <a id="GME_1724_A" class="label-template" href="/en/Group/GM/GME_1724_A" title="GM Europe 1724-A - Individual Containers (2001)" data-name="GM Europe 1724-A - Individual Containers (2001)" data-owner="" data-reponame="Templates\Common\(1) Automotive_General Motors_1724 Europe (Revision 2001)_GME_1724_A.tff" data-html-description="<p><strong>GM1724-A</strong> specifies the template for Container Shipping Labels (individual containers).</p> <p class='dispensable4'>All incoming material to GM CCA receiving points must be identified with a GM 1724 label affixed on two opposite sides of each shipping container or product load.</p>" data-description="Free GM Europe 1724-A - Individual Containers (2001) Generator:" data-size="A5|landscape"> <span>GM Europe 1724-A - Individual Containers (2001)</span> </a> </li> <li class="template"> <a id="GME_1724_A_KLT" class="label-template" href="/en/Group/GM/GME_1724_A_KLT" title="GM Europe 1724-A-KLT - Small Containers (2001)" data-name="GM Europe 1724-A-KLT - Small Containers (2001)" data-owner="" data-reponame="Templates\Common\(1) Automotive_General Motors_1724 Europe (Revision 2001)_GME_1724_A_KLT.tff" data-html-description="<p><strong>GM1724-A KLT</strong> is an alternate format to be used at supplier's option when shipping parts in small containers (KLT).</p>" data-description="Free GM Europe 1724-A-KLT - Small Containers (2001) Generator:" data-size="210x74mm|landscape"> <span>GM Europe 1724-A-KLT - Small Containers (2001)</span> </a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="group"> <a id="Caterpillar" class='' href="/en/Group/Caterpillar" title="Caterpillar Shipping Identification Labels: Single Pack Label, Master Pack Label and Mixed Load Label." data-description="&lt;p&gt;Caterpillar Shipping Identification Labels: Single Pack Label, Master Pack Label and Mixed Load Label.&lt;/p&gt;" data-name="Caterpillar" data-keywords="free Caterpillar label, print Caterpillar label, online Caterpillar label, generate Caterpillar label, generate shipping identification label, Caterpillar label, Caterpillar, shipping identification labels"> <span class="initial"> C </span> <span> Caterpillar </span> </a> <ul class="styled-list" style="display:none"> <li class="template"> <a id="CAT SIP SP20-2013" class="label-template" href="/en/Group/Caterpillar/CAT%20SIP%20SP20-2013" title="Cat - Single Pack Label SP20 V4.2 - 2013" data-name="Cat - Single Pack Label SP20 V4.2 - 2013" data-owner="" data-reponame="Templates\Common\(4) Company Logistic Labels_Caterpillar Inc_SP20 V4_2 - 2013_Single Pack SP20 V4_2 - 2013 - Landscape.tff" data-html-description="" data-description="Free Cat - Single Pack Label SP20 V4.2 - 2013 Generator:" data-size="4x6in|landscape"> <span>Cat - Single Pack Label SP20 V4.2 - 2013</span> </a> </li> <li class="template"> <a id="CAT MAP SP20-2013" class="label-template" href="/en/Group/Caterpillar/CAT%20MAP%20SP20-2013" title="Cat - Master Pack Label SP20 V4.2 - 2013" data-name="Cat - Master Pack Label SP20 V4.2 - 2013" data-owner="" data-reponame="Templates\Common\(4) Company Logistic Labels_Caterpillar Inc_SP20 V4_2 - 2013_Master Pack SP20 V4_2 - 2013 - Landscape.tff" data-html-description="" data-description="Free Cat - Master Pack Label SP20 V4.2 - 2013 Generator:" data-size="4x6in|landscape"> <span>Cat - Master Pack Label SP20 V4.2 - 2013</span> </a> </li> <li class="template"> <a id="CAT MIP SP20-2013" class="label-template" href="/en/Group/Caterpillar/CAT%20MIP%20SP20-2013" title="Cat - Mixed Pack Label SP20 V4.2 - 2013" data-name="Cat - Mixed Pack Label SP20 V4.2 - 2013" data-owner="" data-reponame="Templates\Common\(4) Company Logistic Labels_Caterpillar Inc_SP20 V4_2 - 2013_Mixed Pack SP20 V4_2 - 2013 - Landscape.tff" data-html-description="" data-description="Free Cat - Mixed Pack Label SP20 V4.2 - 2013 Generator:" data-size="4x6in|landscape"> <span>Cat - Mixed Pack Label SP20 V4.2 - 2013</span> </a> </li> <li class="template"> <a id="CAT SIP SP20-2013 Portrait" class="label-template" href="/en/Group/Caterpillar/CAT%20SIP%20SP20-2013%20Portrait" title="Cat - Single Pack Label SP20 V4.2 - 2013 Portrait" data-name="Cat - Single Pack Label SP20 V4.2 - 2013 Portrait" data-owner="" data-reponame="Templates\Common\(4) Company Logistic Labels_Caterpillar Inc_SP20 V4_2 - 2013_Single Pack SP20 V4_2 - 2013 - Portrait.tff" data-html-description="" data-description="Free Cat - Single Pack Label SP20 V4.2 - 2013 Portrait Generator:" data-size="4x6in|portrait"> <span>Cat - Single Pack Label SP20 V4.2 - 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2013_Mixed Pack SP20 V4_2 - 2013 - Portrait.tff" data-html-description="" data-description="Free Cat - Mixed Pack Label SP20 V4.2 - 2013 Portrait Generator:" data-size="4x6in|portrait"> <span>Cat - Mixed Pack Label SP20 V4.2 - 2013 Portrait</span> </a> </li> <li class="template"> <a id="CAT SIP SP20-2012" class="label-template" href="/en/Group/Caterpillar/CAT%20SIP%20SP20-2012" title="Cat - Single Pack Label SP20 - 2012" data-name="Cat - Single Pack Label SP20 - 2012" data-owner="" data-reponame="Templates\Common\(4) Company Logistic Labels_Caterpillar Inc_Previous Version_SP20 V4_0 - 2012_Caterpillar Single Pack Label SP20-2012.tff" data-html-description="" data-description="Free Cat - Single Pack Label SP20 - 2012 Generator:" data-size="4x6in|landscape"> <span>Cat - Single Pack Label SP20 - 2012</span> </a> </li> <li class="template"> <a id="CAT MAP SP20-2012" class="label-template" href="/en/Group/Caterpillar/CAT%20MAP%20SP20-2012" title="Cat - Master Pack Label SP20 - 2012" data-name="Cat - Master Pack Label SP20 - 2012" data-owner="" data-reponame="Templates\Common\(4) Company Logistic Labels_Caterpillar Inc_Previous Version_SP20 V4_0 - 2012_Caterpillar Master Pack Label SP20-2012.tff" data-html-description="" data-description="Free Cat - Master Pack Label SP20 - 2012 Generator:" data-size="4x6in|landscape"> <span>Cat - Master Pack Label SP20 - 2012</span> </a> </li> <li class="template"> <a id="CAT MIP SP20-2012" class="label-template" href="/en/Group/Caterpillar/CAT%20MIP%20SP20-2012" title="Cat - Mixed Pack Label SP20 - 2012" data-name="Cat - Mixed Pack Label SP20 - 2012" data-owner="" data-reponame="Templates\Common\(4) Company Logistic Labels_Caterpillar Inc_Previous Version_SP20 V4_0 - 2012_Caterpillar Mixed Pack Label SP20-2012.tff" data-html-description="" data-description="Free Cat - Mixed Pack Label SP20 - 2012 Generator:" data-size="4x6in|landscape"> <span>Cat - Mixed Pack Label SP20 - 2012</span> </a> </li> <li class="template"> <a id="CAT SIP SP20-2012 LASER" class="label-template" href="/en/Group/Caterpillar/CAT%20SIP%20SP20-2012%20LASER" title="Cat - Single Pack Label SP20 - 2012 Laser" data-name="Cat - Single Pack Label SP20 - 2012 Laser" data-owner="" data-reponame="Templates\Web\Caterpillar Single Pack Label SP20-2012 (LaserPrinter).tff" data-html-description="" data-description="Free Cat - Single Pack Label SP20 - 2012 Laser Generator:" data-size="A4|portrait"> <span>Cat - Single Pack Label SP20 - 2012 Laser</span> </a> </li> <li class="template"> <a id="CAT MAP SP20-2012 LASER" class="label-template" href="/en/Group/Caterpillar/CAT%20MAP%20SP20-2012%20LASER" title="Cat - Master Pack Label SP20 - 2012 Laser" data-name="Cat - Master Pack Label SP20 - 2012 Laser" data-owner="" data-reponame="Templates\Web\Caterpillar Master Pack Label SP20-2012 (LaserPrinter).tff" data-html-description="" data-description="Free Cat - Master Pack Label SP20 - 2012 Laser Generator:" data-size="A4|portrait"> <span>Cat - Master Pack Label SP20 - 2012 Laser</span> </a> </li> <li class="template"> <a id="CAT MIP SP20-2012 LASER" class="label-template" href="/en/Group/Caterpillar/CAT%20MIP%20SP20-2012%20LASER" title="Cat - Mixed Pack Label SP20 - 2012 Laser" data-name="Cat - Mixed Pack Label SP20 - 2012 Laser" data-owner="" data-reponame="Templates\Web\Caterpillar Mixed Pack Label SP20-2012 (LaserPrinter).tff" data-html-description="" data-description="Free Cat - Mixed Pack Label SP20 - 2012 Laser Generator:" data-size="A4|portrait"> <span>Cat - Mixed Pack Label SP20 - 2012 Laser</span> </a> </li> <li class="template"> <a id="CAT PGS Single" class="label-template" href="/en/Group/Caterpillar/CAT%20PGS%20Single" title="Cat Power Generation Systems - Single Pack Label" data-name="Cat Power Generation Systems - Single Pack Label" data-owner="" data-reponame="Templates\Common\(4) Company Logistic Labels_Caterpillar Inc_Power Generation Systems_Single Pack Label.tff" data-html-description="" data-description="Free Cat Power Generation Systems - Single Pack Label Generator:" data-size="4x6in|landscape"> <span>Cat Power Generation Systems - Single Pack Label</span> </a> </li> <li class="template"> <a id="CAT PGS Master" class="label-template" href="/en/Group/Caterpillar/CAT%20PGS%20Master" title="Cat Power Generation Systems - Master Pack Label" data-name="Cat Power Generation Systems - Master Pack Label" data-owner="" data-reponame="Templates\Common\(4) Company Logistic Labels_Caterpillar Inc_Power Generation Systems_Master Pack Label.tff" data-html-description="" data-description="Free Cat Power Generation Systems - Master Pack Label Generator:" data-size="4x6in|landscape"> <span>Cat Power Generation Systems - Master Pack Label</span> </a> </li> <li class="template"> <a id="CAT PGS Mixed" class="label-template" href="/en/Group/Caterpillar/CAT%20PGS%20Mixed" title="Cat Power Generation Systems - Mixed Load Label" data-name="Cat Power Generation Systems - Mixed Load Label" data-owner="" data-reponame="Templates\Common\(4) Company Logistic Labels_Caterpillar Inc_Power Generation Systems_Mixed Load Label.tff" data-html-description="" data-description="Free Cat Power Generation Systems - Mixed Load Label Generator:" data-size="4x6in|landscape"> <span>Cat Power Generation Systems - Mixed Load Label</span> </a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="group"> <a id="GS1" class='' href="/en/Group/GS1" title="GS1 Labels for Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Logistic Units. GS1 STILL, Standard International Logistics Label." data-description="&lt;p&gt;GS1 Labels for Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Logistic Units. GS1 STILL, Standard International Logistics Label.&lt;/p&gt;" data-name="GS1 Labels" data-keywords="free GS1 label, print GS1 label, online GS1 label, generate GS1 label, generate GS1 STILL label, GS1 label, GS1, GS1 STILL label, GS1 STILL"> <span class="initial"> G </span> <span> GS1 Labels </span> </a> <ul class="styled-list" style="display:none"> <li class="template"> <a id="GS1 STD HOM PIECE" class="label-template" href="/en/Group/GS1/GS1%20STD%20HOM%20PIECE" title="GS1 Std Homogeneous One Piece" data-name="GS1 Std Homogeneous One Piece" data-owner="" data-reponame="Templates\Common\(2) Transportation_GS1 Logistic Label_GS1_Standard_homogeneous_One_piece.tff" data-html-description="" data-description="Free GS1 Std Homogeneous One Piece Generator:" data-size="A5|portrait"> <span>GS1 Std Homogeneous One Piece</span> </a> </li> <li class="template"> <a id="GS1 STD HOM FIX" class="label-template" href="/en/Group/GS1/GS1%20STD%20HOM%20FIX" title="GS1 Std Homogeneous Fixed Measure" data-name="GS1 Std Homogeneous Fixed Measure" data-owner="" data-reponame="Templates\Common\(2) Transportation_GS1 Logistic Label_GS1_Standard_homogeneous_fixed.tff" data-html-description="" data-description="Free GS1 Std Homogeneous Fixed Measure Generator:" data-size="A5|portrait"> <span>GS1 Std Homogeneous Fixed Measure</span> </a> </li> <li class="template"> <a id="GS1 STD HOM VAR" class="label-template" href="/en/Group/GS1/GS1%20STD%20HOM%20VAR" title="GS1 Std Homogeneous Variable Measure" data-name="GS1 Std Homogeneous Variable Measure" data-owner="" data-reponame="Templates\Common\(2) Transportation_GS1 Logistic Label_GS1_Standard_homogeneous_variable.tff" data-html-description="" data-description="Free GS1 Std Homogeneous Variable Measure Generator:" data-size="A5|portrait"> <span>GS1 Std Homogeneous Variable Measure</span> </a> </li> <li class="template"> <a id="GS1 STD HET" class="label-template" href="/en/Group/GS1/GS1%20STD%20HET" title="GS1 Std Heterogeneous" 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These labels are used to identify product and shipping packages in the internal material flow and along their route.</p>" data-description="Free BOSCH GTL Deutsch A5 (2022) Generator:" data-size="A5|landscape"> <span>BOSCH GTL Deutsch A5 (2022)</span> </a> </li> <li class="template"> <a id="BOSCH_GTL_DE_A6" class="label-template" href="/en/Group/BOSCH/BOSCH_GTL_DE_A6" title="BOSCH GTL Deutsch A6 (2022)" data-name="BOSCH GTL Deutsch A6 (2022)" data-owner="" data-reponame="Templates\Common\(1) Automotive_BOSCH_GTL - VDA 4994 (Revision 2022)_BOSCH GTL A6 DE.tff" data-html-description="<p>The BOSCH GTL labels are in accordance with the VDA recommendation 4994. These labels are used to identify product and shipping packages in the internal material flow and along their route.</p>" data-description="Free BOSCH GTL Deutsch A6 (2022) Generator:" data-size="A6|landscape"> <span>BOSCH GTL Deutsch A6 (2022)</span> </a> </li> <li class="template"> <a id="BOSCH_GTL_DE_HL" class="label-template" href="/en/Group/BOSCH/BOSCH_GTL_DE_HL" title="BOSCH GTL Deutsch Half Letter (2022)" data-name="BOSCH GTL Deutsch Half Letter (2022)" data-owner="" data-reponame="Templates\Common\(1) Automotive_BOSCH_GTL - VDA 4994 (Revision 2022)_BOSCH GTL Half Letter DE.tff" data-html-description="<p>The BOSCH GTL labels are in accordance with the VDA recommendation 4994. These labels are used to identify product and shipping packages in the internal material flow and along their route.</p>" data-description="Free BOSCH GTL Deutsch Half Letter (2022) Generator:" data-size="HalfLetter|landscape"> <span>BOSCH GTL Deutsch Half Letter (2022)</span> </a> </li> <li class="template"> <a id="BOSCH_GTL_DE_KLT1" class="label-template" href="/en/Group/BOSCH/BOSCH_GTL_DE_KLT1" title="BOSCH GTL Deutsch KLT1 (2022)" data-name="BOSCH GTL Deutsch KLT1 (2022)" data-owner="" data-reponame="Templates\Common\(1) Automotive_BOSCH_GTL - VDA 4994 (Revision 2022)_BOSCH GTL KLT1 DE.tff" data-html-description="<p>The BOSCH GTL labels are in accordance with the VDA recommendation 4994. These labels are used to identify product and shipping packages in the internal material flow and along their route.</p>" data-description="Free BOSCH GTL Deutsch KLT1 (2022) Generator:" data-size="210x74mm|landscape"> <span>BOSCH GTL Deutsch KLT1 (2022)</span> </a> </li> <li class="template"> <a id="BOSCH_GTL_DE_KLT2" class="label-template" href="/en/Group/BOSCH/BOSCH_GTL_DE_KLT2" title="BOSCH GTL Deutsch KLT2 (2022)" data-name="BOSCH GTL Deutsch KLT2 (2022)" data-owner="" data-reponame="Templates\Common\(1) Automotive_BOSCH_GTL - VDA 4994 (Revision 2022)_BOSCH GTL KLT2 DE.tff" data-html-description="<p>The BOSCH GTL labels are in accordance with the VDA recommendation 4994. These labels are used to identify product and shipping packages in the internal material flow and along their route.</p>" data-description="Free BOSCH GTL Deutsch KLT2 (2022) Generator:" data-size="210x42mm|landscape"> <span>BOSCH GTL Deutsch KLT2 (2022)</span> </a> </li> <li class="template"> <a id="BOSCH_GTL_EN_A5" class="label-template" href="/en/Group/BOSCH/BOSCH_GTL_EN_A5" title="BOSCH GTL English A5 (2022)" data-name="BOSCH GTL English A5 (2022)" data-owner="" data-reponame="Templates\Common\(1) Automotive_BOSCH_GTL - VDA 4994 (Revision 2022)_BOSCH GTL A5 EN.tff" data-html-description="<p>The BOSCH GTL labels are in accordance with the VDA recommendation 4994. These labels are used to identify product and shipping packages in the internal material flow and along their route.</p>" data-description="Free BOSCH GTL English A5 (2022) Generator:" data-size="A5|landscape"> <span>BOSCH GTL English A5 (2022)</span> </a> </li> <li class="template"> <a id="BOSCH_GTL_EN_A6" class="label-template" href="/en/Group/BOSCH/BOSCH_GTL_EN_A6" title="BOSCH GTL English A6 (2022)" data-name="BOSCH GTL English A6 (2022)" data-owner="" data-reponame="Templates\Common\(1) Automotive_BOSCH_GTL - VDA 4994 (Revision 2022)_BOSCH GTL A6 EN.tff" data-html-description="<p>The BOSCH GTL labels are in accordance with the VDA recommendation 4994. These labels are used to identify product and shipping packages in the internal material flow and along their route.</p>" data-description="Free BOSCH GTL English A6 (2022) Generator:" data-size="A6|landscape"> <span>BOSCH GTL English A6 (2022)</span> </a> </li> <li class="template"> <a id="BOSCH_GTL_EN_HL" class="label-template" href="/en/Group/BOSCH/BOSCH_GTL_EN_HL" title="BOSCH GTL English Half Letter (2022)" data-name="BOSCH GTL English Half Letter (2022)" data-owner="" data-reponame="Templates\Common\(1) Automotive_BOSCH_GTL - VDA 4994 (Revision 2022)_BOSCH GTL Half Letter EN.tff" data-html-description="<p>The BOSCH GTL labels are in accordance with the VDA recommendation 4994. These labels are used to identify product and shipping packages in the internal material flow and along their route.</p>" data-description="Free BOSCH GTL English Half Letter (2022) Generator:" data-size="HalfLetter|landscape"> <span>BOSCH GTL English Half Letter (2022)</span> </a> </li> <li class="template"> <a id="BOSCH_GTL_EN_KLT1" class="label-template" href="/en/Group/BOSCH/BOSCH_GTL_EN_KLT1" title="BOSCH GTL English SLC1 (2022)" data-name="BOSCH GTL English SLC1 (2022)" data-owner="" data-reponame="Templates\Common\(1) Automotive_BOSCH_GTL - VDA 4994 (Revision 2022)_BOSCH GTL SLC1 EN.tff" data-html-description="<p>The BOSCH GTL labels are in accordance with the VDA recommendation 4994. These labels are used to identify product and shipping packages in the internal material flow and along their route.</p>" data-description="Free BOSCH GTL English SLC1 (2022) Generator:" data-size="210x74mm|landscape"> <span>BOSCH GTL English SLC1 (2022)</span> </a> </li> <li class="template"> <a id="BOSCH_GTL_EN_KLT2" class="label-template" href="/en/Group/BOSCH/BOSCH_GTL_EN_KLT2" title="BOSCH GTL English SLC2 (2022)" data-name="BOSCH GTL English SLC2 (2022)" data-owner="" data-reponame="Templates\Common\(1) Automotive_BOSCH_GTL - VDA 4994 (Revision 2022)_BOSCH GTL SLC2 EN.tff" data-html-description="<p>The BOSCH GTL labels are in accordance with the VDA recommendation 4994. These labels are used to identify product and shipping packages in the internal material flow and along their route.</p>" data-description="Free BOSCH GTL English SLC2 (2022) Generator:" data-size="210x42mm|landscape"> <span>BOSCH GTL English SLC2 (2022)</span> </a> </li> <li class="template"> <a id="BOSCH_DM_070" class="label-template" href="/en/Group/BOSCH/BOSCH_DM_070" title="BOSCH MAT Label 70*48" data-name="BOSCH MAT Label 70*48" data-owner="" data-reponame="Templates\Common\(1) Automotive_BOSCH_MAT (V16)_BOSCH MAT-Label 70x48.tff" data-html-description="<p>Material Labels (MAT labels) based on the Siemens VDO Label SN55228-2, VDA, Odette and GTL specifications.</p>" data-description="Free BOSCH MAT Label 70*48 Generator:" data-size="MAT_70x48|landscape"> <span>BOSCH MAT Label 70*48</span> </a> </li> <li class="template"> <a id="BOSCH_DM_KLT" class="label-template" href="/en/Group/BOSCH/BOSCH_DM_KLT" title="BOSCH MAT Label KLT" data-name="BOSCH MAT Label KLT" data-owner="" data-reponame="Templates\Common\(1) Automotive_BOSCH_MAT (V16)_BOSCH MAT-Label KLT.tff" data-html-description="<p>Material Labels (MAT labels) based on the Siemens VDO Label SN55228-2, VDA, Odette and GTL specifications.</p>" data-description="Free BOSCH MAT Label KLT Generator:" data-size="210x74mm|landscape"> <span>BOSCH MAT Label KLT</span> </a> </li> <li class="template"> <a id="BOSCH_Neutral_70x17" class="label-template" href="/en/Group/BOSCH/BOSCH_Neutral_70x17" title="BOSCH Neutral 70x17mm" data-name="BOSCH Neutral 70x17mm" data-owner="" data-reponame="Templates\Common\(1) Automotive_BOSCH_GTL - VDA 4994 (Revision 2022)_BOSCH GTL Neutral 70x17mm.tff" data-html-description="<p>The Neutral Label can be used on all inner packaging material especially when there is not enough space for a MAT label. It also allows suppliers to label materials that are not specially produced or packed for BOSCH.</p>" data-description="Free BOSCH Neutral 70x17mm Generator:" data-size="|portrait"> <span>BOSCH Neutral 70x17mm</span> </a> </li> <li class="template"> <a id="BOSCH_Neutral_17x17" class="label-template" href="/en/Group/BOSCH/BOSCH_Neutral_17x17" title="BOSCH Neutral 17x17mm" data-name="BOSCH Neutral 17x17mm" data-owner="" data-reponame="Templates\Common\(1) Automotive_BOSCH_GTL - VDA 4994 (Revision 2022)_BOSCH GTL Neutral 17x17mm.tff" data-html-description="<p>The Neutral Label can be used on all inner packaging material especially when there is not enough space for a MAT label. It also allows suppliers to label materials that are not specially produced or packed for BOSCH.</p>" data-description="Free BOSCH Neutral 17x17mm Generator:" data-size="|portrait"> <span>BOSCH Neutral 17x17mm</span> </a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="group"> <a id="MAT" class='' href="/en/Group/MAT" title="Material Labels (MAT Labels) in use by Bosch, Siemens, Hella, Continental. Based on Siemens VDO Label SN55228-2, VDA, Odette and GTL." data-description="&lt;p&gt;Material Labels (MAT Labels) in use by Bosch, Siemens, Hella, Continental. Based on Siemens VDO Label SN55228-2, VDA, Odette and GTL.&lt;/p&gt;" data-name="MAT Labels" data-keywords="free MAT label, print MAT label, online MAT label, generate MAT label, generate material label, MAT label, MAT, material label, material, siemens VDO label, SN55228-2"> <span class="initial"> M </span> <span> MAT Labels </span> </a> <ul class="styled-list" style="display:none"> <li class="template"> <a id="MAT_DM_070" class="label-template" href="/en/Group/MAT/MAT_DM_070" title="MAT Datamatrix Label 70*48" data-name="MAT Datamatrix Label 70*48" data-owner="" data-reponame="Templates\Common\(1) Automotive_MAT_Mat_Datamatrix_Label_70x48.tff" data-html-description="" data-description="Free MAT Datamatrix Label 70*48 Generator:" data-size="MAT_70x48|landscape"> <span>MAT Datamatrix Label 70*48</span> </a> </li> <li class="template"> <a id="MAT_DM_100" class="label-template" href="/en/Group/MAT/MAT_DM_100" title="MAT Datamatrix Label 100*40" data-name="MAT Datamatrix Label 100*40" 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(Avery #6571 or #6577)" data-owner="" data-reponame="Templates\Common\(5) Tape Labels_LTO_LTO Avery 6571 and 6577 (Letter).tff" data-html-description="<p>Compatible with Avery #6571, #6577, #6792 and Presta 94214</p><ul><li>Letter Size (8.5&quot; x 11&quot;)</li><li>32 labels per sheet</li><li>3&quot; x 5/8&quot;</li><li>76.2 mm x 15.87 mm</li></ul><p>" data-description="Free LTO Ultrium Cartridge Label (Avery #6571 or #6577) Generator:" data-size="Letter|portrait"> <span>LTO Ultrium Cartridge Label (Avery #6571 or #6577)</span> </a> </li> <li class="template"> <a id="LTO NetC" class="label-template" href="/en/Group/LTO/LTO%20NetC" title="LTO Ultrium Cartridge Label (NetC LLC #749303-12301)" data-name="LTO Ultrium Cartridge Label (NetC LLC #749303-12301)" data-owner="" data-reponame="Templates\Common\(5) Tape Labels_LTO_LTO NetC.tff" data-html-description="<p>Compatible with Netc #749303-12301, #749303-12334</p><ul><li>Letter Size (8.5&quot; x 11&quot;)</li><li>20 labels per sheet</li><li>3.1&quot; x 0.66&quot;</li><li>79 mm x 17 mm</li></ul><p>" data-description="Free LTO Ultrium Cartridge Label (NetC LLC #749303-12301) Generator:" data-size="Letter|portrait"> <span>LTO Ultrium Cartridge Label (NetC LLC #749303-12301)</span> </a> </li> <li class="template"> <a id="LTO WL" class="label-template" href="/en/Group/LTO/LTO%20WL" title="LTO Ultrium Cartridge Label (WorldLabel WL-173)" data-name="LTO Ultrium Cartridge Label (WorldLabel WL-173)" data-owner="" data-reponame="Templates\Common\(5) Tape Labels_LTO_LTO WorldLabel.tff" data-html-description="<p>Compatible with WorldLabel WL-173 and Avery #6571</p><ul><li>Letter Size (8.5&quot; x 11&quot;)</li><li>32 labels per sheet</li><li>3&quot; x 0.625&quot;</li><li>76.2 mm x 15.87 mm</li></ul><p>" data-description="Free LTO Ultrium Cartridge Label (WorldLabel WL-173) Generator:" data-size="Letter|portrait"> <span>LTO Ultrium Cartridge Label (WorldLabel WL-173)</span> </a> </li> <li class="template"> <a id="LTO-Avery-3420-A4" class="label-template" href="/en/Group/LTO/LTO-Avery-3420-A4" title="LTO Ultrium Cartridge Label (Avery #3420)" data-name="LTO Ultrium Cartridge Label (Avery #3420)" data-owner="" data-reponame="Templates\Common\(5) Tape Labels_LTO_LTO Avery Zweckform 3420 and Herma 4459, 4611 (A4).tff" data-html-description="<p>Compatible with Avery Zweckform #3420 and Herma 4459/4611</p><ul><li>A4 Size (210 x 297 mm)</li><li>51 labels per sheet</li><li>70 x 16,9 mm</li></ul><p>" data-description="Free LTO Ultrium Cartridge Label (Avery #3420) Generator:" data-size="A4|portrait"> <span>LTO Ultrium Cartridge Label (Avery #3420)</span> </a> </li> <li class="template"> <a id="LTO-Herma-4459-A4" class="label-template" href="/en/Group/LTO/LTO-Herma-4459-A4" title="LTO Ultrium Cartridge Label (Herma 4459 or 4611)" data-name="LTO Ultrium Cartridge Label (Herma 4459 or 4611)" data-owner="" data-reponame="Templates\Common\(5) Tape Labels_LTO_LTO Avery Zweckform 3420 and Herma 4459, 4611 (A4).tff" data-html-description="<p>Compatible with Avery Zweckform #3420 and Herma 4459/4611</p><ul><li>A4 Size (210 x 297 mm)</li><li>51 labels per sheet</li><li>70 x 16,9 mm</li></ul><p>" data-description="Free LTO Ultrium Cartridge Label (Herma 4459 or 4611) Generator:" data-size="A4|portrait"> <span>LTO Ultrium Cartridge Label (Herma 4459 or 4611)</span> </a> </li> <li class="template"> <a id="LTO-Avery-L4775-A4" class="label-template" href="/en/Group/LTO/LTO-Avery-L4775-A4" title="LTO Ultrium Cartridge Label (Avery #L4775)" data-name="LTO Ultrium Cartridge Label (Avery #L4775)" data-owner="" data-reponame="Templates\Common\(5) Tape Labels_LTO_LTO Avery Zweckform L4775 (A4).tff" data-html-description="<p>Compatible with Avery #L4775</p><ul><li>A4 Size (210 x 297 mm)</li><li>32 labels per sheet</li><li>76,2 x 15,87 mm</li></ul><p>" data-description="Free LTO Ultrium Cartridge Label (Avery #L4775) Generator:" data-size="A4|portrait"> <span>LTO Ultrium Cartridge Label (Avery 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href="/en/Group/Asset/TT_51x25_2_Texts_1_Code_128" title="Thermal Transfer 51x25 - 2 Texts - 1 Code 128" data-name="Thermal Transfer 51x25 - 2 Texts - 1 Code 128" data-owner="" data-reponame="Templates\Common\(9) Asset Labels_Thermal Transfer_51x25 - 2 Texts - 1 Code 128.tff" data-html-description="" data-description="Free Thermal Transfer 51x25 - 2 Texts - 1 Code 128 Generator:" data-size="|"> <span>Thermal Transfer 51x25 - 2 Texts - 1 Code 128</span> </a> </li> <li class="template"> <a id="TT_51x25_2_Texts_1_QR-Code" class="label-template" href="/en/Group/Asset/TT_51x25_2_Texts_1_QR-Code" title="Thermal Transfer 51x25 - 2 Texts - 1 QR-Code" data-name="Thermal Transfer 51x25 - 2 Texts - 1 QR-Code" data-owner="" data-reponame="Templates\Common\(9) Asset Labels_Thermal Transfer_51x25 - 2 Texts - 1 QR-Code.tff" data-html-description="" data-description="Free Thermal Transfer 51x25 - 2 Texts - 1 QR-Code Generator:" data-size="|"> <span>Thermal Transfer 51x25 - 2 Texts - 1 QR-Code</span> </a> </li> <li class="template"> <a id="TT_51x25_3_Texts_1_Code_39_1_QR-Code" class="label-template" href="/en/Group/Asset/TT_51x25_3_Texts_1_Code_39_1_QR-Code" title="Thermal Transfer 51x25 - 3 Texts - 1 Code 39 - 1 QR-Code" data-name="Thermal Transfer 51x25 - 3 Texts - 1 Code 39 - 1 QR-Code" data-owner="" data-reponame="Templates\Common\(9) Asset Labels_Thermal Transfer_51x25 - 3 Texts - 1 Code 39 - 1 QR-Code.tff" data-html-description="" data-description="Free Thermal Transfer 51x25 - 3 Texts - 1 Code 39 - 1 QR-Code Generator:" data-size="|"> <span>Thermal Transfer 51x25 - 3 Texts - 1 Code 39 - 1 QR-Code</span> </a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="group"> <a id="Nutrition" class='' href="/en/Group/Nutrition" title="Nutrition Labelling" data-description="&lt;p&gt;Nutrition Labelling&lt;/p&gt;" data-name="Nutrition Labels" data-keywords="nutrition labelling, free nutrition label, print nutrition label, online nutrition label, generate nutrition label, generate US FDA label, nutrition label, nutrition, US FDA label, US FDA"> <span class="initial"> N </span> <span> Nutrition Labels </span> </a> <ul class="styled-list" style="display:none"> <li class="template"> <a id="Nutrition_Facts" class="label-template" href="/en/Group/Nutrition/Nutrition_Facts" title="Nutrition Facts (US)" data-name="Nutrition Facts (US)" data-owner="" data-reponame="Templates\Common\(8) Healthcare_Nutrition_Nutrition Facts.tff" data-html-description="<p>Nutrition Facts Label based on US FDA requirements (Food and Drug Administration, USA).</p>" data-description="Free Nutrition Facts (US) Generator:" data-size="|portrait"> <span>Nutrition Facts (US)</span> </a> </li> <li class="template"> <a id="Nutrition_Facts_Canada" class="label-template" href="/en/Group/Nutrition/Nutrition_Facts_Canada" title="Nutrition Facts Table (CA)" data-name="Nutrition Facts Table (CA)" data-owner="" data-reponame="Templates\Web\Nutrition Canada Bilingual.tff" data-html-description="<p>Nutrition Facts tables (NFt) and list of ingredients based on the FDR requirements (Food and Drug Regulations, Canada).</p>" data-description="Free Nutrition Facts Table (CA) Generator:" data-size="|portrait"> <span>Nutrition Facts Table (CA)</span> </a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="group"> <a id="SEPA" class='' href="/en/Group/SEPA" title="Select your model to print your own SEPA Direct Debit Mandate (SDD) with QR Code. You can use pre-printed paper (to print only the data) or printing the data with the background." data-description="&lt;p&gt;Select your model to print your own SEPA Direct Debit Mandate (SDD) with QR Code. You can use pre-printed paper (to print only the data) or printing the data with the background.&lt;/p&gt;" data-name="SEPA Mandate" data-keywords="free SEPA mandate, print Direct Debit Mandate, online SEPA QR Code, generate SEPA QR Code, generate SEPA payment, SEPA mandate, SEPA, SEPA direct debit, SDD"> <span class="initial"> S </span> <span> SEPA Mandate </span> </a> <ul class="styled-list" style="display:none"> <li class="template"> <a id="SEPA_A4P_x3" class="label-template" href="/en/Group/SEPA/SEPA_A4P_x3" title="SEPA V2" data-name="SEPA V2" data-owner="" data-reponame="Templates\Common\(10) Banking and Payments_SEPA_SEPA Portrait x3.tff" data-html-description="" data-description="Free SEPA V2 Generator:" data-size="A4|portrait"> <span>SEPA V2</span> </a> </li> <li class="template"> <a id="SEPA_A4P_x1" class="label-template" href="/en/Group/SEPA/SEPA_A4P_x1" title="SEPA V2 Portrait" data-name="SEPA V2 Portrait" data-owner="" data-reponame="Templates\Common\(10) Banking and Payments_SEPA_SEPA Portrait x1.tff" data-html-description="" data-description="Free SEPA V2 Portrait Generator:" data-size="A4|portrait"> <span>SEPA V2 Portrait</span> </a> </li> <li class="template"> <a id="SEPA_A4L_x2" class="label-template" href="/en/Group/SEPA/SEPA_A4L_x2" title="SEPA V2 Landscape" data-name="SEPA V2 Landscape" data-owner="" data-reponame="Templates\Common\(10) Banking and Payments_SEPA_SEPA Landscape x2.tff" data-html-description="" data-description="Free SEPA V2 Landscape Generator:" data-size="A4|landscape"> <span>SEPA V2 Landscape</span> </a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="group"> <a id="SWISS" class='' href="/en/Group/SWISS" title="The QR-bill is replacing the existing multiplicity of payment slips in Switzerland and so is helping to increase efficiency and simplify payment traffic, at the same time offering a way of dealing with the challenges presented by digitalization and regulation." data-description="&lt;p&gt;The QR-bill is replacing the existing multiplicity of payment slips in Switzerland and so is helping to increase efficiency and simplify payment traffic, at the same time offering a way of dealing with the challenges presented by digitalization and regulation.&lt;/p&gt;" data-name="Swiss QR-bill" data-keywords="free QR-bill, print QR-bill, online QR-bill, generate QR-bill, generate Swiss QR-bill, QR-bill, Swiss QR-bill, payment slips"> <span class="initial"> S </span> <span> Swiss QR-bill </span> </a> <ul class="styled-list" style="display:none"> <li class="template"> <a id="Swiss_QR_Bill_V2" class="label-template" href="/en/Group/SWISS/Swiss_QR_Bill_V2" title="Swiss QR-bill V2.2" data-name="Swiss QR-bill V2.2" data-owner="" data-reponame="Templates\Common\(10) Banking and Payments_SwissQRbill.tff" data-html-description="" data-description="Free Swiss QR-bill V2.2 Generator:" data-size="|portrait"> <span>Swiss QR-bill V2.2</span> </a> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="group"> <a id="Misc" class='' href="/en/Group/Misc" title="Miscellaneous Labels." data-description="&lt;p&gt;Miscellaneous Labels.&lt;/p&gt;" data-name="Miscellaneous" data-keywords="free miscellaneous labels, print miscellaneous labels, online miscellaneous labels, generate miscellaneous labels, miscellaneous labels"> <span class="initial"> M </span> <span> Miscellaneous </span> </a> <ul class="styled-list" style="display:none"> <li class="template"> <a id="AZF_70x36_1D" class="label-template" href="/en/Group/Misc/AZF_70x36_1D" title="Avery Zweckform 70x36 mm (No. 3475) + 1D Code" data-name="Avery Zweckform 70x36 mm (No. 3475) + 1D Code" data-owner="" data-reponame="Templates\Web\AveryZweckform70x36 1D.tff" data-html-description="" data-description="Free Avery Zweckform 70x36 mm (No. 3475) + 1D Code Generator:" data-size="|"> <span>Avery Zweckform 70x36 mm (No. 3475) + 1D Code</span> </a> </li> <li class="template"> <a id="AZF_70x36_2D" class="label-template" href="/en/Group/Misc/AZF_70x36_2D" title="Avery Zweckform 70x36 mm (No. 3475) + 2D Code" data-name="Avery Zweckform 70x36 mm (No. 3475) + 2D Code" data-owner="" data-reponame="Templates\Web\AveryZweckform70x36 2D.tff" data-html-description="" data-description="Free Avery Zweckform 70x36 mm (No. 3475) + 2D Code Generator:" data-size="|"> <span>Avery Zweckform 70x36 mm (No. 3475) + 2D Code</span> </a> </li> <li class="template"> <a id="AZF_70x36_1DSer" class="label-template" href="/en/Group/Misc/AZF_70x36_1DSer" title="Avery Zweckform 70x36 mm (No. 3475) + 1D Code / Serial No" data-name="Avery Zweckform 70x36 mm (No. 3475) + 1D Code / Serial No" data-owner="" data-reponame="Templates\Web\AveryZweckform70x36 1D Serial.tff" data-html-description="" data-description="Free Avery Zweckform 70x36 mm (No. 3475) + 1D Code / Serial No Generator:" data-size="|"> <span>Avery Zweckform 70x36 mm (No. 3475) + 1D Code / Serial No</span> </a> </li> <li class="template"> <a id="AZF_70x36_2DSer" class="label-template" href="/en/Group/Misc/AZF_70x36_2DSer" title="Avery Zweckform 70x36 mm (No. 3475) + 2D Code / Serial No" data-name="Avery Zweckform 70x36 mm (No. 3475) + 2D Code / Serial No" data-owner="" data-reponame="Templates\Web\AveryZweckform70x36 2D Serial.tff" data-html-description="" data-description="Free Avery Zweckform 70x36 mm (No. 3475) + 2D Code / Serial No Generator:" data-size="|"> <span>Avery Zweckform 70x36 mm (No. 3475) + 2D Code / Serial No</span> </a> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div id="loginPane" class="block-inner box-inner"></div> <div id="newAccountPane" class="block-inner box-inner"></div> <div id="requestPasswordPane" class="block-inner box-inner"></div> </div> <div class="block-6 block-h-3 bg-color-main"> <div class="loadingPane visible"></div> <div id="groupsPane" class="block-inner box-inner"> <!-- groupsPane --> <div class="header-pane"> <h2>Online Label Printing</h2> </div> <div class="content-pane no-footer scroll-pane" > <div class="group-menu"> <div class="group-content"> <p>The following compliance label layouts are available:</p> <ul class="clearfix"> <li> <a class="VDA" href="/en/Group/VDA" title="VDA 4902 and VDA-KLT Label: Barcode Transport and Shipping Labels (VDA Labels) for Automotive Manufacturers and Suppliers."><span>VDA 4902</span></a> </li> <li> <a class="VDA4992" href="/en/Group/VDA4992" title="The MAT Label based on VDA 4992 recommendation contains a clearly defined set of traceability information and is attached to the smallest packaging unit of the product. The unique material label is a complement to existing logistics labels such as VDA 4902, Odette Transport Label or Global Transport Label."><span>VDA 4992</span></a> </li> <li> <a class="VDA4994" href="/en/Group/VDA4994" title="VDA 4994 labels. For labelling of packages (shipping units and individual packages) used in the automotive supply processes. Based on the Global Transport Label (GTL V3.0). Version 1.1 of July 2018."><span>VDA 4994</span></a> </li> <li> <a class="Ford" href="/en/Group/Ford" title="Global Transport Labels (GTL) in use by Ford Motor Company and Suppliers (Revision 2017). Refer to AIAG, JAMA/JAPIA or ODETTE for GTL Standards."><span>Ford GTL</span></a> </li> <li> <a class="AIAG" href="/en/Group/AIAG" title="AIAG Trading Partner Shipping Labels: The B-10 Shipping Label is an Alternative to the Obsolete AIAG B-3 / AIAG B-5 Standards."><span>AIAG Labels</span></a> </li> <li> <a class="Autoliv" href="/en/Group/Autoliv" title="The Autoliv AS244 labels are designed to improve the productivity and controls at suppliers and internally at Autoliv."><span>Autoliv Labels</span></a> </li> <li> <a class="Volkswagen" href="/en/Group/Volkswagen" title="Global Transport Labels (GTL) in use by VW AG and Suppliers. Refer to AIAG, JAMA/JAPIA or ODETTE for GTL Standards."><span>Volkswagen GTL</span></a> </li> <li> <a class="GM" href="/en/Group/GM/GM_1724_B_2020" title="Global Transport Labels (GTL) in use by General Motors and Suppliers."><span>General Motors</span></a> </li> <li> <a class="Caterpillar" href="/en/Group/Caterpillar" title="Caterpillar Shipping Identification Labels: Single Pack Label, Master Pack Label and Mixed Load Label."><span>Caterpillar</span></a> </li> <li> <a class="GS1" href="/en/Group/GS1" title="GS1 Labels for Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Logistic Units. GS1 STILL, Standard International Logistics Label."><span>GS1 Labels</span></a> </li> <li> <a class="Odette" href="/en/Group/Odette" title="Odette (Global) Transport Labels OTL1 and OTL3."><span>Odette</span></a> </li> <li> <a class="Galia" href="/en/Group/Galia" title="Galia Label Standards ETI.9 in use by PSA, Renault, Citroen."><span>Galia</span></a> </li> <li> <a class="BOSCH" href="/en/Group/BOSCH" title="Material Labels (MAT labels) and BOSCH GTL (VDA 4994) labels specially designed to meet Bosch requirements."><span>BOSCH</span></a> </li> <li> <a class="MAT" href="/en/Group/MAT" title="Material Labels (MAT Labels) in use by Bosch, Siemens, Hella, Continental. Based on Siemens VDO Label SN55228-2, VDA, Odette and GTL."><span>MAT Labels</span></a> </li> <li> <a class="LTO" href="/en/Group/LTO" title="Labels for LTO Ultrium Cartridges."><span>LTO Labels</span></a> </li> <li> <a class="Asset" href="/en/Group/Asset" title="Inventory stickers and asset labels in different variations and sizes."><span>Asset Labels</span></a> </li> <li> <a class="Nutrition" href="/en/Group/Nutrition" title="Nutrition Labelling"><span>Nutrition Labels</span></a> </li> <li> <a class="SEPA" href="/en/Group/SEPA" title="Select your model to print your own SEPA Direct Debit Mandate (SDD) with QR Code. You can use pre-printed paper (to print only the data) or printing the data with the background."><span>SEPA Mandate</span></a> </li> <li> <a class="SWISS" href="/en/Group/SWISS" title="The QR-bill is replacing the existing multiplicity of payment slips in Switzerland and so is helping to increase efficiency and simplify payment traffic, at the same time offering a way of dealing with the challenges presented by digitalization and regulation."><span>Swiss QR-bill</span></a> </li> <li> <a class="Misc" href="/en/Group/Misc" title="Miscellaneous Labels."><span>Miscellaneous</span></a> </li> </ul> <p> Registered users can create or modify their own layouts with the label design software <a href='' target='_blank' title='Label Design Software TFORMer Designer'>TFORMer Designer</a>. If you have questions or miss a special label design just <a href='' target='_blank' title='Contact'>get in touch with us</a>. Label designs in common interest are added for free! </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="previewPane" class="block-inner box-inner"></div> <div id="loginHelpPane" class="block-inner box-inner"></div> <div id="resetHelpPane" class="block-inner box-inner"></div> </div> </div> <div id="slide2" class="slide"> <div class="block-full block-h-3 bg-color-main"> <div class="loadingPane visible"> <div class="loadingBar"></div> </div> <div id="profilePane" class="block-inner box-inner"></div> <div id="removeAccountPane" class="block-inner box-inner"></div> <div id="dbPane" class="block-inner box-inner" data-name="Labels Grid"></div> <div id="externalPane" class="block-inner box-inner" data-name="Editing Form"></div> <div id="sharePane" class="block-inner box-inner" data-name="Sharing Templates"></div> <div id="labelSettingsPane" class="block-inner box-inner"></div> <div id="uploadSettingsPane" class="block-inner box-inner"></div> <div id="changePasswordPane" class="block-inner box-inner"></div> <div id="warningPane" class="block-inner box-inner"> <!-- WarningPane --> <div class="header-pane"> <span></span> </div> <div class="content-pane"> <div class="warningText infoText "> </div> <div class="sourceText infoText"> </div> <div class="informationText infoText"> </div> </div> <div class="footer-pane"> <a id="warningContinue" class="redButton btRight"> <span>Continue</span> </a> </div> </div> <div id="usersPane" class="block-inner box-inner"></div> <div id="layoutsPane" class="block-inner box-inner"></div> <div id="editLayoutPane" class="block-inner box-inner" data-name="Editing Layout"></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="block-full bg-color-main clearfix"> <div class="eat-outer-margins"> <div class="block-3"> <div class="block-inner"> <h2>FREE One By One Label Printing</h2> <p>Generate and print compliance barcode labels without any software installation. Simply choose the label template, enter the label data and generate a ready-to-print PDF.</p> <p>Note: For optimal barcode quality, open the PDF with Adobe Acrobat DC and select <i>Actual size</i> when printing. Other PDF readers may have inaccurate output of graphics.</p> </div> </div> <div class="block-3"> <div class="block-inner"> <h2>Register and Save Time!</h2> <p><a id='NewAccountLink' href='/en/account/create' title='Create free account'>Register for free</a> to design and upload custom label layouts, reuse label data in future print-jobs, import label data from CSV files and for batch printing. </p> <p><a id='LogInLink' href='/en/account/sign-in' title='Log in or create an account'>Registered users</a> receive 25 FREE print credits. </p> </div> </div> <div class="block-3"> <div class="block-inner"> <h2>Label Printing Solutions</h2> <p>TEC-IT's <a href="" title="Label Printing Software">label printing solutions</a> support well-known automotive, transport, logistics and industry standards with ready-to-use label templates. Additional label layouts in common interest are added for free - just <a href="" title="Contact">contact us</a>!</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> // input prefix used in external form labels.fieldsPrefix = "VAR_"; labels.columnPrefix = "COL_"; // template name from custom layouts labels.layoutPrefix = 'Layout_' // callback names labels.deleteSelectedCallback = "DELETESELECTED"; // max labels to print labels.maxLabels = '300'; // text used in js files labels.msgText = { DescriptionRequired: "Required field", TextTooLong: "Text too long (max. 50 characters)", CopiesRequires: "Required field", NotValidNumber: "Enter a valid number", ErrorLoadingPane: "An error occurred while loading pane: ", ErrorLoadingPreview: "An error occurred while loading preview image", FailLoadingPreview: "An error occurred while loading preview image, please disable adblocker extensions!", ReloadPage: "Please reload the page", InternalServerError: "Internal server error", UnknownError: "An unknown error occurred", AllowPopups: "Please allow pop-ups for this page", NewLabelDescription: "Label #", EditingMode: "Edit Label Data", AddingMode: "New Label Data", ShowFilter: "Show Filter", HideFilter: "Hide Filter", ExpiredSession: "Session expired", UploadingCSV: "Uploading CSV file", PrintingLimit: "A maximum of " + labels.maxLabels + " entries can be printed in a single operation, please select fewer entries.", DeletingError: "Error Deleting Entries", CallbackError: "Error Processing Data", LoadingText: "Loading ...", ExternalExpired: "Session expired, unable to edit label data.", ErrorSubmiting: "An error occurred while submitting data, please try again.", Print: "Print", Download: "Download", Oops: "Oops! There was an issue with your request", UnableRequest: "Unable to perform your request", UnselectPage: "Unselect All", SelectPage: "Select All", NoCopies: "No printable label data found", TitlePrefix: "Free Online Barcode Label Printing:", AlreadyLogged: "You are already logged on", MainKeywords: "print, free, online, free labels, label printing, label generator, barcode labels, logistic labels, compliance labels, shipping labels, transport labels, global transport labels, AIAG label, Caterpillar label, VDA 4902 label, VDA 4992 label, VDA 4994 label, KLT label, MAT label, GTL label, GS1 label, Odette label, Galia label, OTL1 label, OTL3 label, ETI-1 label, ETI-9 label, LTO labels, nutrition labels, DHL label, SEPA, Swiss QR-Bill, asset labels", CommonKeywords: "print, free, online, free labels, label printing, label generator, barcode labels, logistic labels, compliance labels, shipping labels, transport labels, global transport labels", SharedWithYou: "<p>Layout shared with you by <a class='tecit-red' href=''></a>.</p>" }; </script> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./Content/dxr.css"> <footer class="clearfix"> <div class="footer block-full bg-color-footer"> <div class="eat-outer-margins"> <div class="clearfix"> <div class="block-3"> <div class="block-inner"> <h3>TEC-IT Datenverarbeitung GmbH</h3> <p>TEC-IT, Austria, has been developing software for <a href="" title="Barcode Software">bar-coding</a>, <a href="" title="Label and Form Printing">printing</a>, <a href="" title="Label Software">labeling</a>, <a href="" title="Reporting Software">reporting</a> and <a href="" title="Data Acquisition Software">data acquisition</a> since 1996.</p> <p>Our company offers standard software like <a href="" title="Label Software, Report Designer">TFORMer</a>, <a href="" title="Barcode Generator Software">TBarCode</a> and <a href="" title="Barcode Maker Software">Barcode Studio</a>. Universal data acquisition tools like <a href="" title="Data Acquisition Software">TWedge</a> or <a href="" title="Remote Data Collection and Barcode Scanning for PCs, Macs, Excel, Word, Sheets, Databases">Scan-IT to Office</a>, an Android/iOS app for <a href="" title="Apps for Mobile Data Collection and Barcode Scanning">mobile data collection</a>, complete our portfolio. Custom solutions are available <a href="" title="Online Inquiry Form">on request</a>.</p> <p>High quality software is what you are looking for — TEC-IT supplies this quality successfully.</p> </div> </div> <div class="block-3"> <div class="block-inner"> <h3>TEC-IT News</h3> <div class="news-item"><div class="news-item-text"><div class="date">2/19/2025</div><div><a class="title" href="">New Scanner Device Support for Scan-IT to Office!</a></div></div></div><div class="news-item"><div class="news-item-text"><div class="date">11/19/2024</div><div><a class="title" href="">Revenova Adds TEC-IT Barcode API to Salesforce TMS</a></div></div></div><div class="news-item"><div class="news-item-text"><div class="date">9/10/2024</div><div><a class="title" href="">TFORMer 8.8 with SVG Support and Improved User Experience</a></div></div></div><div class="news-item"><div class="news-item-text"><div class="date">8/19/2024</div><div><a class="title" href="">Personnel Changes TEC-IT</a></div></div></div> <div class="news-item"> <div class="news-item-text"> <div class="date"></div> <div><a class="title" href="" title="More news from TEC-IT...">More News...</a></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="block-3"> <div class="block-inner"> <h3>Quick Links</h3> <ul class="styled-list" style="margin: 1em 0;"> <li><b>Windows</b> - <a href="" title="Barcode Image Creator Software">Barcode Creator</a> - <a href="" title="Barcode Add-In for Microsoft Word and Office 365">Barcode for Word</a> - <a href="" title="Barcode Add-In for Microsoft Excel and Office 365">Barcode for Excel</a> - <a href="" title="Barcode Generator SDK">Barcode Software (SDK)</a> - <a href="" title="Barcode Label Software">Label Software</a> - <a href="" title="Reporting Software">Reporting</a> - <a href="" title="Data Acquisition Software">Data Acquisition Software</a></li> <li><b>macOS</b> - <a href="" title="Barcode Image Creator Software">Barcode Maker</a> - <a href="" title="Barcode Generator SDK">Barcode SDK</a></li> <li><b>Linux, UNIX</b> - <a href="" title="Barcode Image Creator Software">Barcode Creator</a> - <a href="" title="Barcode Generator SDK">Barcode Software (SDK)</a> - <a href="" title="Barcode Spoolfilter">Barcode Server</a></li> <li><b>SAP</b> - <a href="" title="SAP Barcode DLL">Barcode DLL</a> - <a href="" title="SAP Barcode Solution">Barcode Solution (no Middleware)</a></li> <li><b>Android</b> - <a href="" title="Mobile Data Collection for Excel, Word, Google Sheets, Databases, Applications">Remote Data Collection for PC/Mac</a> - <a href="" title="Inventory Control and Stocktaking App">Stocktaking App</a> - <a href="" title="Keyboard Which Scans Barcodes, Text and NFC Tags into Apps">Scanner Keyboard</a></li> <li><b>iOS</b> - <a href="" title="Mobile Data Collection for Excel, Word, Google Sheets, Databases, Applications">Remote Data Collection for PC/Mac</a></li> <li><b>Web Services</b> - <a href="" target="_blank" title="Label Generator">Online Label Printing</a> - <a href="" target="_blank" title="Barcode Generator">Online Barcode Generator</a> - <a href="" target="_blank" title="QR Code Generator">QR Code® Generator</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div class="sub-footer-divider"> </div> <!-- SubFooter --> <div class="block-full sub-footer"> <div class="block-inner clearfix"> <div class="one-third sub-footer-column-1"> <span>&copy; TEC-IT Datenverarbeitung GmbH, Austria</span> </div> <div class="one-third sub-footer-column-2"> <a class="social color-light twitter" href="" target="_blank" title="Twitter">Twitter</a> <a class="social color-light facebook" href="" target="_blank" title="Facebook">Facebook</a> <a class="social color-light linkedin" href="" target="_blank" title="LinkedIn">LinkedIn</a> <a class="social color-light rss" href="" target="_blank" title="RSS Feed">RSS Feed</a> <a class="social color-light youtube" href="" target="_blank" title="YouTube">YouTube</a> <a class="social color-light newsletter" href="" target="_blank" title="Newsletter">Newsletter</a> </div> <div class="one-third last sub-footer-column-3"> <a title="TEC-IT.COM Site Map" href="">Site Map</a> | <a title="Click to view the imprint of our website." href="">Imprint</a> | <a title="Legal conditions and privacy policy for accessing this website" href="">Terms of Use and Privacy</a> | <a title="How to contact and how to find us in Steyr/Austria." href="">Contact</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </footer> <div class="block-full terms"> <div class="block-inner"> <p> <a id="TOS"></a><b><u>Terms of Use</u></b>: Without the prior written consent of TEC-IT, this application as well as the generated output are intended solely for non-commercial evaluation purposes in non-production environments. 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