Protection of Human Rights in Europe The Parliamentary Dimension

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <article key="pdf/10004754" mdate="2016-05-03 00:00:00"> <author>Aleksandra Chiniaeva</author> <title>Protection of Human Rights in Europe The Parliamentary Dimension</title> <pages>2055 - 2061</pages> <year>2016</year> <volume>10</volume> <number>6</number> <journal>International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences</journal> <ee></ee> <url></url> <publisher>World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology</publisher> <abstract>The following paper describes the activity of national and international parliamentary assemblies of the European region in protection and promotion of human rights. It may be said that parliamentarians have a &amp;amp;ldquo;double mandate&amp;amp;rdquo; &amp;amp;mdash; as members of the international assembly and of their respective national parliaments. In other words, parliamentarization at both international and national level provides a situation for parliamentarians, where they link people, national governments and international organizations. The paper is aimed towards demonstrating that the activity of the main international parliamentary assemblies of the European region have a real positive impact on the human rights situation in the European region. In addition, the paper describes the assemblies that include protection of human rights in their Agenda as one of the main subjects the EP, the PACE, the OSCE PA and the IPA CIS. Cooperation activities such as joint election observation; participation in interparliamentary associations, such as the IPU; conclusion agreements allow assemblies to provide observation of human right situation in the states that are not members of the particular organization and as consequence make their impact broader.</abstract> <index>Open Science Index 114, 2016</index> </article>