20th edition of Clean India Show will set the stage for tech-enabled clean revolution for professional cleaning, facility management, hygiene, waste management, laundry and auto care solutions – all under one roof
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and auto care solutions – all under one roof</h1> <p class="m-page-heading__date">13 Nov 2024</p> <p> <span class="a-copy-lead"> 13th November 2024, Mumbai: Asia’s integrated expos for clean tech industry - Clean India Show along with concurrent shows - Waste Technology India Expo, LaundrexIndia Expo and AutoCare Expo, is scheduled from 21 – 23 November 2024 at Bombay Exhibition Centre, Mumbai. The expo will present a bouquet of solutions from various cleaning and hygiene solutions from 172 exhibitors and 600+ brands. Supported by Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY) and Material Recycling Association of India (MRAI), the expo’s theme this year will focus on ‘Sweeping Changes with Automation, Technology & Innovation’. </span> </p> <p> <a class="js-o-layout__share btn btn-default btn-icon" href="#share"> <span class="icon icon-share"></span> <span>Share</span> </a> </p> </div> </div> </div> <div id="content" class="container"> <div> <div class="richtext abstractComponent"> <div class="m-rich-text" data-t-name="RichText"> <p>The cleaning industry in India is going through a shift by incorporating disruptive technologies that reduce the amount of physical labour required thereby increasing productivity and efficiency of the workers. Companies are adopting the ‘Internet of Clean (IoC)’ platforms that use sensor-generated data to monitor and remotely control equipment, machines and operations. It can help businesses improve the quality of their cleaning and hygiene programs, while also reducing the costs.</p> <p><a name="_Hlk181632116" id="_Hlk181632116"></a>Resonating with <b>Swachh Bharat Mission and also contributing to Atmanirbhar Bharat and Make In India initiatives, the Clean India Show </b>will attract industry experts, ULBs, government implementers, service providers and corporates in the MSW, plastic waste and industrial waste. As India continues to expand and scale its infrastructure, environment initiatives, real estate, health care, hospitality, facility management, transportation and more, these will drive the demand for the products, tools, equipment for cleaning and maintenance of various product categories.</p> <p>Keeping pace with the present cleaning and hygiene requirements of the country, the professional cleaning solutions and equipment segment will demonstrate a wide range of products, innovations, technologies and systems for mechanised and automated cleaning.</p> <p>Ready to enter its <b>20<sup>th</sup> edition, the expo </b>will feature solutions from key segments such as robotic cleaning solutions, measurable air quality systems, facility management software and automation, green cleaning chemicals, water-less hygiene and sanitation solutions, maintenance of surfaces, city cleaning systems, waste management solutions, recycling, products for vehicle care and maintenance and solutions for hygienic linen, laundry and dry-cleaning. <a name="_Hlk181632104" id="_Hlk181632104"></a>Key industry exhibitors presenting their products and solutions include <b>BRPL, Buzil Rossari, Charnock, K&B Associates, Reckitt, Schevaran Laboratories, Satyajit Renewables Engineering, STEFAB India</b> and several other prestigious brands.</p> <p>Across the show days the interesting and insightful conferences have been scheduled across topics such as:</p> <p>- Building Sustainable Waste Business Models from Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) to Corporates</p> <p>- Facility Management 3.0: The Triumph of Transformation</p> <p>- Reducing to Recycling: Sustainable Solutions for Laundry</p> <p>These conferences will ponder over topics such as adopting circular economy principles, fostering public-private partnerships, sustainable solutions to reduce and reuse of water and discuss over business model for waste value chain using ULBs. These curated knowledge sessions will allow the attendees the opportunities to gather insights on the current scenarios of waste, auto care and laundry segment.</p> <p>Highlighting significance of the show<b>, Mr Jayaram Nair, Chairman, Virtual Info Systems Pvt Ltd, </b>expressed: “We believe that Clean India Show is not just an expo but a vision and a commitment we all share at large. The upcoming edition will serve as an essential step towards a sustainable future, where innovation and collaboration will pave way for developing products and solutions that matter for our industries, country and our environment. We are extremely happy and proud about the fact that the show collates solution providers from verticals like waste technology, industrial and cleaning solutions, laundry and auto care segments – which are increasingly becoming important to the end users. I believe that this year the show will inspire and lead the change for a cleaner and greener India."<b></b></p> <p><b>Mr Raj Manek, Executive Director and Board Member, Messe Frankfurt Asia Holdings Ltd, </b>stated:<b> </b>“The Clean India Show together with its concurrent shows comes at a pivotal time for India’s environmental landscape. The government initiatives like Swachh Bharat Abhiyan and Smart Cities and Atmanirbhar Bharat are pushing for more and more sustainable urban solutions - with which our show perfectly aligns. As India grows, its infrastructure too will grow, leading to a staunch demand for more green solutions in waste management, urban infrastructure, vehicle care and laundry industries. We are bringing together the industry leaders and innovators to address India’s unique needs in waste management, professional cleaning, laundry and auto care. We are excited about the show and encourage impactful networking and partnerships and innovations that will be presented through the platform of Clean India Show.”</p> <p><a name="_Hlk181632010" id="_Hlk181632010"></a>The show is supported by Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MEITY) and Material Recycling Association of India (MRAI). The expo is jointly organised by Virtual Info Systems Pvt Ltd (VIS Group) and Messe Frankfurt Trade Fairs India Pvt Ltd.</p> <p><span class="a-footnote"><b>Press information and photographic material:<br /> </b><a class="a-link--external" href=""></a></span></p> <p><span class="a-footnote">Background information on Messe Frankfurt<br /> <a class="a-link--external" href=""></a></span></p> <p><span class="a-footnote">Sustainability at Messe Frankfurt<br /> <a class="a-link--external" href=""></a></span></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <footer class="o-footer" data-t-name="Footer"> <div class="container"> <div class="footerNewsletter abstractComponent"> </div> <div class="footerSocial abstractComponent"> <div class="o-footer__social-media h-background h-background--fullwidth"> <div><h3>Follow us on</h3></div> <div> <ul> <li> <a class="icon-facebook" target="_blank" onclick="wt.sendinfo({customParameter: {50: 'sociallink_facebook'}}); wt_event.sendinfo({customParameter: {5: 'sociallink_facebook'}});" rel="noopener noreferrer" href=""> <span class="sr-only">facebook</span> </a> </li> <li> <a class="icon-twitter" target="_blank" onclick="wt.sendinfo({customParameter: {50: 'sociallink_twitter'}}); wt_event.sendinfo({customParameter: {5: 'sociallink_twitter'}});" rel="noopener noreferrer" href=""> <span class="sr-only">twitter</span> </a> </li> <li> <a class="icon-linkedin" target="_blank" onclick="wt.sendinfo({customParameter: {50: 'sociallink_linkedin'}}); wt_event.sendinfo({customParameter: {5: 'sociallink_linkedin'}});" rel="noopener noreferrer" href=""> <span class="sr-only">linkedin</span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div class="footerHelpteaser abstractComponent"> </div> <div class="footerPartner imageSlider abstractSlider abstractComponent"> </div> <div class="footerBasic abstractComponent"> <div class="o-footer__basic"> <ul class="o-footer__legal-standard list-inline"> <li> <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="/mumbai/en/imprint.html"> Imprint </a> </li> <li> <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="/mumbai/en/privacy-policy.html"> Privacy Policy </a> </li> <li> <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="/mumbai/en/contact-us.html"> Contact </a> </li> </ul> <p class="o-footer__copyright">© Messe Frankfurt Trade Fairs India Pvt Ltd</p> </div> </div> </div> </footer> </main> <script type="text/javascript"> function getLoginStatus() { // get the loginstatus - was the user logged in this session? return sessionStorage.getItem('loginHappened') ? 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No tracking of user ID.'); } } else { console.error('Could not obtain account id. Tracking of account id not possible.'); } }).finally(function () { $(window).trigger('wt', 'login'); window.Eventbus && window.Eventbus.emit('AccWidget.Login'); }); }, onLogout: function () { // if a user was already logged in, // we want a page reload for a clean state. if (window.cdcaccwidget.isLoggedIn) { window.location.reload(); } // reset logged in flag window.cdcaccwidget.loginDone = false; window.cdcaccwidget.isLoggedIn = false; // my account logout window.accwidget.logout(); window.accwidget.loginDone = false; window.accwidget.isLoggedIn = false; // trigger onLogout on old AccountWidget manually window.accwidget.onLogout(); // Multiple widgets may run this method. // Below code should only be executed once. if (window.cdcaccwidget.logoutDone) return; window.cdcaccwidget.logoutDone = true; // delete MFSSOID cookie document.cookie = 'MFSSOID= ; expires = Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT; path=/'; // delete customerId from session storage sessionStorage.removeItem('customerId'); window.Eventbus && window.Eventbus.emit('AccWidget.Logout'); $(window).trigger('wt', 'login'); }, applicationId: 'MF-APP-0000MF', cdcApiKey: '4_yGujYeA_qXv11AJTIilynw', subsidiaryId: 'MF\u002DSUB\u002D000019', eventNumber: 'MF\u002DSUB\u002D000019', loadWebSdkEnabled: false, language: 'en\u002DGB' }; const myAccWidgetConf = window.myAccWidgetConf = { applicationId: 'MF-APP-0000MF', referrerName: 'Messe Frankfurt India', referrer: this.location, myAccountVersion: 2, eventNumber: 'MF\u002DSUB\u002D000019', subsidiaryId: 'MF\u002DSUB\u002D000019', language: 'en\u002DGB' }; setCookie('SUBSIDIARYID', cdcAccWidgetConf.subsidiaryId); $(document).ready(function () { if (!T.Utils.isWechatContext()) { window.cdcaccwidget = new CDCAccountWidget('infobox', cdcAccWidgetConf); // set Login-Url const redirect = encodeURIComponent(window.location.href), loginBaseUrl = getCdcApiUrl() + '/cdc/login'; window.cdcaccwidget.loginUrl = loginBaseUrl + '?startScreen=login&apikey=' + cdcAccWidgetConf.cdcApiKey + '&redirectUrl=' + redirect + '&lang=' + cdcAccWidgetConf.language; window.cdcaccwidget.registrationUrl = loginBaseUrl + '?startScreen=registration&apikey=' + cdcAccWidgetConf.cdcApiKey + '&redirectUrl=' + redirect + '&lang=' + cdcAccWidgetConf.language; // extend open() method to show header when method is called - otherwise the widget sidebar will not be visible const old_open =; = function() { old_open.apply(this, arguments); const headerHiddenClass = "o-cube-header--fix-hidden" const element = document.getElementsByClassName(headerHiddenClass)[0]; if (element) { element.classList.remove(headerHiddenClass); } }; if (typeof MyAccountWidget != "undefined") { window.accwidget = new MyAccountWidget(myAccWidgetConf); // Redirect old MyAccountwidget functions to CDC AccountWidget window.accwidget.toggleWidget = window.cdcaccwidget.toggleWidget; window.accwidget.widgetIsOpen = window.cdcaccwidget.widgetIsOpen; window.accwidget.render = window.cdcaccwidget.render; =; } else { console.warn('Legacy MyAccountWidget not available. Provide dummy MyAccountWidget.'); window.accwidget = {}; window.accwidget.toggleWidget = window.cdcaccwidget.toggleWidget; window.accwidget.widgetIsOpen = window.cdcaccwidget.widgetIsOpen; window.accwidget.render = window.cdcaccwidget.render; =; window.accwidget.login = function () {console.warn('function not available in fallback MyAccountwidget')} window.accwidget.onLogin = function () {console.warn('function not available in fallback MyAccountwidget')} window.accwidget.logout = function () {console.warn('function not available in fallback MyAccountwidget')} window.accwidget.onLogout = function () {console.warn('function not available in fallback MyAccountwidget')} } window.cdcaccwidget.render(); } // EOA Login Link interception // TODO: remove after EOA is migrated to CDC Login function interceptEoaLoginCLick(e) { var href; var target = || e.srcElement; if (target.tagName === 'A' && $(target).parents('.externalApplication').length) { href = target.getAttribute('href'); if (href && href.indexOf('messe-login') > 0) { e.preventDefault();; window.scrollTo(0, 0); } } } //listen for link click events at the document level if (document.addEventListener) { document.addEventListener('click', interceptEoaLoginCLick); } else if (document.attachEvent) { document.attachEvent('onclick', interceptEoaLoginCLick); } }); </script> </body> </html>