Index to OEIS: Section Mat - OeisWiki

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<dl><dd>matchings, see also <a href="/wiki/Index_to_OEIS:_Section_1#1_factorizations" title="Index to OEIS: Section 1">1-factorizations</a></dd> <dd>matchings: see also <a href="/wiki/Index_to_OEIS:_Section_To#tournament" title="Index to OEIS: Section To">tournaments</a></dd> <dd>matchings:: <a href="">A005154</a></dd></dl> <p>mathematical symbols in OEIS: see <a href="/wiki/Index_to_OEIS:_Section_Sp#spell" title="Index to OEIS: Section Sp">spelling and notation</a><br /> </p> <h5><span class="mw-headline" id="matrices.2C_sequences_related_to_:"><span id="MATRICES"> matrices, sequences related to&#160;: </span></span></h5> <dl><dd>matrices, (+1,-1): see <a href="/wiki/Index_to_OEIS:_Section_Mat#binmat" title="Index to OEIS: Section Mat">matrices, binary</a></dd> <dd>matrices, (0, 1): see <a href="/wiki/Index_to_OEIS:_Section_Mat#binmat" title="Index to OEIS: Section Mat">matrices, binary</a></dd> <dd><span id="ASM"> matrices, alternating sign , sequences related to&#160;: </span> <dl><dd>matrices, alternating sign: (1) <a href="">A005130</a>*, <a href="">A006366</a>*, <a href="">A003827</a>, <a href="">A005156</a>, <a href="">A005158</a>, <a href="">A005160</a>-<a href="">A005164</a>, <a href="">A048601</a>, <a href="">A050204</a>, <a href="">A051055</a>, <a href="">A057629</a>, <a href="">A059475</a>, <a href="">A059476</a>, <a href="">A059486</a></dd> <dd>matrices, alternating sign: (2) <a href="">A128445</a>, <a href="">A109074</a>/<a href="">A134357</a></dd> <dd>matrices, alternating sign: see also <a href="/wiki/Index_to_OEIS:_Section_Ro#Robbins" title="Index to OEIS: Section Ro">Robbins numbers</a></dd></dl></dd> <dd>matrices, anti-Hadamard: <a href="">A005312</a>, <a href="">A005313</a></dd></dl> <dl><dd><span id="binmat"> matrices, binary , sequences related to&#160;: </span> <dl><dd>matrices, binary - refers to matrices with entries of both types, real (or complex) or over a finite field <dl><dd> see also <a href="/wiki/Index_to_OEIS:_Section_Mat#inequiv" title="Index to OEIS: Section Mat">matrices, inequivalent</a>, below.</dd></dl></dd> <dd>matrices, binary, 3 X n: <a href="">A006381</a>, <a href="">A002727</a></dd> <dd>matrices, binary, 4 X n: <a href="">A006380</a>, <a href="">A006382</a>, <a href="">A006148</a></dd> <dd>matrices, binary, n X n: complex eigenvalues: <a href="">A098148</a></dd> <dd>matrices, binary, n X n: <a href="">A000595</a>* (equivalence classes under S_n), <a href="">A006383</a> (equivalence classes under S_n X S_n)</dd> <dd>matrices, binary, n X n: det = 1: <a href="">A086264</a></dd> <dd>matrices, binary, n X n: diagonalizable: <a href="">A091470</a>, <a href="">A091471</a>, <a href="">A091472</a></dd> <dd>matrices, binary, n X n: eigenvalues all = 1 but not positive definite: see <a href="">A085657</a></dd> <dd>matrices, binary, n X n: invertible: <a href="">A002884</a>* (over GF(2)), <a href="">A055165</a> ({0,1}, rational)</dd> <dd>matrices, binary, n X n: maximal determinant: <a href="">A003432</a>*, <a href="">A003433</a>*, <a href="">A013588</a>; see also <a href="/wiki/Index_to_OEIS:_Section_De#determinants" title="Index to OEIS: Section De">determinants, maximal</a></dd> <dd>matrices, binary, n X n: normal: <a href="">A055547</a>, <a href="">A055548</a>, <a href="">A055549</a></dd> <dd>matrices, binary, n X n: positive definite: <a href="">A085656</a> (entries 0,1, rational), <a href="">A085657</a> (entries 2,1,0, symmetric), <a href="">A084552</a> (entries 2,-1,0, symmetric), <a href="">A080858</a></dd> <dd>matrices, binary, n X n: positive eigenvalues: <a href="">A003024</a> (entries 0,1), <a href="">A085506</a> (entries 0, +-1)</dd> <dd>matrices, binary, n X n: positive semi-definite: <a href="">A038379</a> (entries 0,1, rational), <a href="">A085658</a> (entries 2,1,0, symmetric), <a href="">A084553</a> (entries 2,-1,0, symmetric), <a href="">A083029</a></dd> <dd>matrices, binary, n X n: primitive: <a href="">A070322</a></dd> <dd>matrices, binary, n X n: singular: <a href="">A000409</a>*, <a href="">A000410</a>*, <a href="">A046747</a>* (rational)</dd> <dd>matrices, binary, n X n: with at most k 1's in each row and column: <a href="">A002720</a>, <a href="">A197458</a>, <a href="">A247158</a></dd> <dd>matrices, binary, n X n: with k 1's in each row and column: <a href="">A000142</a>, <a href="">A001499</a>, <a href="">A001501</a>, <a href="">A058528</a>, <a href="">A075754</a>, <a href="">A008300</a></dd> <dd>matrices, binary, n X n: zero permanent: <a href="">A088672</a></dd> <dd>matrices, binary, permanents of: <a href="">A000166</a>, <a href="">A000255</a>, <a href="">A052655</a>, <a href="">A087981</a>, <a href="">A087982</a>, <a href="">A087983</a>, <a href="">A088672</a></dd> <dd>matrices, binary, upper triangular: <a href="">A005321</a>*</dd> <dd>matrices, binary, which are squares: <a href="">A121231</a>, <a href="">A225371</a>, <a href="">A226321</a>, <a href="">A266462</a>, <a href="">A274313</a>, <a href="">A274314</a></dd> <dd>matrices, binary, with distinct rows and columns, various versions: <a href="">A059202</a>, <a href="">A088309</a>, <a href="">A088310</a>, <a href="">A088616</a>, <a href="">A089673</a>, <a href="">A089674</a>, <a href="">A093466</a>, <a href="">A094000</a>, <a href="">A094223</a>, <a href="">A116532</a>, <a href="">A116539</a>, <a href="">A181230</a>, <a href="">A259763</a></dd> <dd>matrices, binary, with n 1's: <a href="">A049311</a>*</dd> <dd>matrices, binary, with no 2 adjacent 1's: <a href="">A006506</a>*</dd> <dd>matrices, binary, with no zero rows or columns: <a href="">A048291</a>, <a href="">A054976</a></dd> <dd>matrices, binary: see also <a href="/wiki/Index_to_OEIS:_Section_Ha#Hadamard" title="Index to OEIS: Section Ha">Hadamard matrices</a></dd> <dd>matrices, binary: see also <a href="">A002820</a>, <a href="">A000804</a>, <a href="">A000805</a>, <a href="">A003509</a>, <a href="">A005991</a>, <a href="">A002724</a>, <a href="">A005019</a>, <a href="">A005020</a></dd> <dd>matrices, binary: see also matrices, ternary</dd></dl></dd> <dd>matrices, conference: <a href="">A000952</a>*<br /></dd> <dd>matrices, cyclic: <a href="">A000804</a>, <a href="">A000805</a><br /></dd> <dd>matrices, Hadamard: see <a href="/wiki/Index_to_OEIS:_Section_Ha#Hadamard" title="Index to OEIS: Section Ha">Hadamard matrices</a><br /></dd> <dd>matrices, Hilbert, <a href="">A005249</a><br /></dd> <dd>matrices, incidence, number of: <a href="">A002725</a>, <a href="">A002728</a> (see also just below)<br /></dd></dl> <dl><dd><span id="inequiv">matrices, inequivalent under permutations of rows and columns, entries in Z/mZ, number of:</span> <dl><dd> <a href="">A353585</a>: inequivalent n X k matrices over Z/mZ; special cases:</dd> <dd> <a href="">A028657</a>: inequivalent n X k <b>binary</b> matrices, special cases: <dl><dd> <a href="">A002623</a> (size n X 2), <a href="">A002727</a> (size n X 3), <a href="">A006148</a> (size n X 4), <a href="">A052264</a> (size n X 5),</dd> <dd> <a href="">A002724</a> (size n X n), <a href="">A002725</a> (size n X (n+1)), <a href="">A002728</a> (size n X (n+2))</dd></dl></dd> <dd> <a href="">A246106</a>: size n X n, <b>over Z/mZ</b>; diagonal: <a href="">A246107</a>; columns m = 2, 3, 4, ..., 10: <a href="">A002724</a> (m = 2), <dl><dd> <a href="">A052269</a> (m = 3), <a href="">A052271</a> (4), <a href="">A052272</a> (5), <a href="">A246112</a> (6), <a href="">A246113</a> (7), <a href="">A246114</a> (8), <a href="">A246115</a> (9), <a href="">A246116</a> (10).</dd> <dd> Rows n = 1 - 10: <a href="">A001477</a>, <a href="">A039623</a>, <a href="">A058001</a>, <a href="">A058002</a>, <a href="">A058003</a>, <a href="">A058004</a>, <a href="">A246108</a>, <a href="">A246109</a>, <a href="">A246110</a>, <a href="">A246111</a>.</dd></dl></dd> <dd> <a href="">A256069</a>: size n X n, <i><b>exactly</b></i> m different entries. Diagonal: <a href="">A256070</a>.</dd> <dd> <a href="">A242106</a>: size n X n, exactly m different symbols, equivalence also modulo <b>permutations of the symbol set</b>,</dd> <dd> <a href="">A242095</a>: size n X n, entries in Z/mZ, equivalence also modulo permutations of the symbol set. <dl><dd> diagonal: <a href="">A091058</a>, columns: <a href="">A091059</a> (m = 2), <a href="">A091060</a> (m = 3), <a href="">A091061</a> (m = 4),</dd> <dd> columns m = 5 - 10: <a href="">A091062</a> (5), <a href="">A246122</a> (6), <a href="">A246123</a> (7), <a href="">A246124</a> (8), <a href="">A246125</a> (9), <a href="">A246126</a> (10).</dd></dl></dd></dl></dd></dl> <dl><dd>matrices, modular: <a href="">A005045</a>, <a href="">A006045</a>, <a href="">A005353</a></dd> <dd>matrices, normal: <a href="">A055547</a>, <a href="">A055548</a>, <a href="">A055549</a></dd> <dd>matrices, norms of: <a href="">A004141</a></dd> <dd>matrices, number of: see <a href="/wiki/Index_to_OEIS:_Section_Mat#inequiv" title="Index to OEIS: Section Mat">matrices, inequivalent</a></dd> <dd>matrices, Pascal: <a href="">A006135</a>, <a href="">A006136</a></dd> <dd>matrices, random, <a href="">A001171</a></dd> <dd>matrices, Schur, <a href="">A003112</a></dd> <dd>matrices, stochastic, <a href="">A006847</a>, <a href="">A006848</a>, <a href="">A000987</a>, <a href="">A000985</a>, <a href="">A001495</a>, <a href="">A000681</a>, <a href="">A000986</a>, <a href="">A001500</a>, <a href="">A001499</a>, <a href="">A001496</a>, <a href="">A001501</a>, <a href="">A005466</a>, <a href="">A003438</a>, <a href="">A005467</a>, <a href="">A003439</a></dd> <dd>matrices, ternary - refers to matrices with entries of both types, real (or complex) or over a finite field</dd> <dd>matrices, ternary (i.e., over Z/3Z), n X n: <a href="">A053290</a>, <a href="">A056989</a>; see also <a href="/wiki/Index_to_OEIS:_Section_Mat#inequiv" title="Index to OEIS: Section Mat">matrices, inequivalent</a></dd> <dd>matrices, ternary (here: {0,1,-1}-valued), n X n, Wesp's condition: <a href="">A204821</a>*, <a href="">A204809</a></dd> <dd>matrices, ternary, see also <a href="/wiki/Index_to_OEIS:_Section_Mat#binmat" title="Index to OEIS: Section Mat">matrices, binary</a> and <a href="/wiki/Index_to_OEIS:_Section_Mat#inequiv" title="Index to OEIS: Section Mat">matrices, inequivalent</a></dd> <dd>matrices:: <a href="">A002136</a>, <a href="">A005020</a>, <a href="">A005045</a>, <a href="">A007411</a>, <a href="">A006045</a>, <a href="">A005353</a>, <a href="">A005019</a></dd></dl> <p>matrix, coprime?: <a href="">A005326</a>* </p> <h5><span class="mw-headline" id="matroids_.2C_sequences_related_to_:"><span id="matroid"> matroids , sequences related to&#160;: </span></span></h5> <dl><dd>matroids, triangle of number of: <a href="">A034327</a>, <a href="">A034328</a>, <a href="">A058669</a>, <a href="">A053534</a>, <a href="">A058710</a>, <a href="">A058711</a>, <a href="">A058716</a>, <a href="">A058717</a>, <a href="">A058720</a>, <a href="">A058730</a></dd> <dd>matroids: <a href="">A002773</a>*, <a href="">A055545</a>*, <a href="">A005387</a>*, <a href="">A056642</a>*, <a href="">A058673</a>*, <a href="">A058712</a>*, <a href="">A058718</a>*, <a href="">A058721</a>*</dd> <dd>matroids: see also <a href="">A034329</a>, <a href="">A034330</a>, <a href="">A034331</a>, <a href="">A034332</a>, <a href="">A034333</a>, <a href="">A034334</a>, <a href="">A034335</a>, <a href="">A034336</a></dd></dl> <h5><span class="mw-headline" id="Matula-G.C3.B6bel_numbers_.2C_sequences_related_to_:"><span id="matula"> Matula-G枚bel numbers , sequences related to&#160;: </span></span></h5> <dl><dd>Matula-G枚bel numbers , sequences related to , (Alternative spelling "Matula-Goebel numbers", also known just as "Matula-numbers". Here tree refers to nonoriented rooted tree, and T(n) is the rooted tree with Matula-G枚bel number n).</dd> <dd>Matula-G枚bel numbers: <a href="">A061773</a>*</dd> <dd>Matula-G枚bel numbers, of binary trees: <a href="">A111299</a>.</dd> <dd>Matula-G枚bel numbers, of central/bicentral trees: <a href="">A198330</a>, <a href="">A198331</a></dd> <dd>Matula-G枚bel numbers, of generalized Bethe trees: <a href="">A214577</a>.</dd> <dd>Matula-G枚bel numbers, of rooted identity trees: <a href="">A276625</a>.</dd> <dd>Matula-G枚bel numbers, of rooted path tree of n+1 vertices: <a href="">A007097</a>.</dd> <dd>Matula-G枚bel numbers, of rooted path tree of n vertices, with 3 pendant edges joined at the top: <a href="">A057452</a>.</dd> <dd>Matula-G枚bel numbers, of rooted trees, automorphisms and bijections based on: <a href="">A235485</a>, <a href="">A235487</a>, <a href="">A235489</a>, <a href="">A235199</a>, <a href="">A235201</a>.</dd> <dd>Matula-G枚bel numbers, of trees encoded by <a href="">A014486</a>; binary/general: <a href="">A127302</a>, <a href="">A127301</a>.</dd> <dd>Matula-G枚bel numbers, of trees having only vertices of particular degree parity: <a href="">A190175</a>, <a href="">A298120</a>, <a href="">A298126</a>.</dd> <dd>Matula-G枚bel numbers, of trees obtained after removing from T(n) the leaves, together with their incident edges: <a href="">A198328</a>.</dd> <dd>Matula-G枚bel numbers, of trees obtained after removing from T(n) the vertices of degree one, together with their incident edges: <a href="">A198329</a>.</dd> <dd>Matula-G枚bel numbers, of trees obtained by replacing each edge of T(n) by a path of length 2: <a href="">A257538</a>.</dd> <dd>Matula-G枚bel numbers, of trees that have/have not a perfect matching: <a href="">A193405</a>, <a href="">A193406</a>.</dd> <dd>Matula-G枚bel numbers, of trees that have only vertices of degree 1 and of maximal degree: <a href="">A198323</a></dd> <dd>Matula-G枚bel numbers, of trees with 8 vertices: <a href="">A214572</a>.</dd> <dd>Matula-G枚bel numbers, of trees with all leaves at the same level: <a href="">A184155</a>.</dd> <dd>Matula-G枚bel numbers, of trees with eigenvalue 2 of the Laplacian matrix: <a href="">A193402</a>.</dd> <dd>Matula-G枚bel numbers, of trees with no vertices with more than one non-leaf branch: <a href="">A209638</a>.</dd> <dd>Matula-G枚bel numbers, of trees with palindromic k-matchings: <a href="">A202854</a>.</dd> <dd>Matula-G枚bel numbers, of trees with palindromic Wiener polynomials: <a href="">A198322</a>.</dd> <dd>Matula-G枚bel numbers, smallest/largest with n nodes: <a href="">A005517</a>, <a href="">A005518</a>.</dd> <dd>Matula-G枚bel numbers, the largest of the M-indices of the trees with n nodes: <a href="">A235112</a>.</dd> <dd>Matula-G枚bel numbers, various indices, depth (height): <a href="">A109082</a>.</dd> <dd>Matula-G枚bel numbers, various indices, diameter (largest distance between two vertices): <a href="">A196058</a>.</dd> <dd>Matula-G枚bel numbers, various indices, distance from the root to the first branching node or the top: <a href="">A078442</a>.</dd> <dd>Matula-G枚bel numbers, various indices, domination number: <a href="">A212632</a>.</dd> <dd>Matula-G枚bel numbers, various indices, external path length: <a href="">A196048</a>.</dd> <dd>Matula-G枚bel numbers, various indices, maximal number of distinct rooted trees obtained from T(N) by adding one pendant edge at one of its vertices: <a href="">A214567</a>.</dd> <dd>Matula-G枚bel numbers, various indices, maximum edge-degree/vertex-degree: <a href="">A191517</a>, <a href="">A196046</a>.</dd> <dd>Matula-G枚bel numbers, various indices, maximum escape distance over the vertices: <a href="">A184169</a>.</dd> <dd>Matula-G枚bel numbers, various indices, number of branching nodes: <a href="">A196049</a>.</dd> <dd>Matula-G枚bel numbers, various indices, number of chains: <a href="">A184162</a>.</dd> <dd>Matula-G枚bel numbers, various indices, number of dominating subsets: <a href="">A212630</a>, <a href="">A212631</a>*.</dd> <dd>Matula-G枚bel numbers, various indices, number of edges: <a href="">A196050</a>.</dd> <dd>Matula-G枚bel numbers, various indices, number of independent subsets containing/not containing the root: <a href="">A228731</a>, <a href="">A228732</a>.</dd> <dd>Matula-G枚bel numbers, various indices, number of independent (vertex) subsets: <a href="">A184165</a>*, <a href="">A212623</a>.</dd> <dd>Matula-G枚bel numbers, various indices, number of largest independent vertex subsets: <a href="">A212626</a>.</dd> <dd>Matula-G枚bel numbers, various indices, number of leaf-parents: <a href="">A196062</a>.</dd> <dd>Matula-G枚bel numbers, various indices, number of matchings (independent edge subsets): <a href="">A193403</a>, <a href="">A193404</a>*, <a href="">A202853</a>, <a href="">A347966</a>, <a href="">A347967</a>.</dd> <dd>Matula-G枚bel numbers, various indices, number of maximal independent vertex subsets: <a href="">A212627</a>, <a href="">A212628</a>*.</dd> <dd>Matula-G枚bel numbers, various indices, number of nodes: <a href="">A061775</a>*, <a href="">A325544</a>, <a href="">A325611</a>.</dd> <dd>Matula-G枚bel numbers, various indices, number of nonroot vertices of degree 2: <a href="">A191400</a>.</dd> <dd>Matula-G枚bel numbers, various indices, number of ordered trees isomorphic to the rooted tree T(n): <a href="">A206487</a>.</dd> <dd>Matula-G枚bel numbers, various indices, number of pendant/quasipendant vertices: <a href="">A196067</a>, <a href="">A206498</a>.</dd> <dd>Matula-G枚bel numbers, various indices, number of root subtrees: <a href="">A184160</a>.</dd> <dd>Matula-G枚bel numbers, various indices, number of sibling pairs: <a href="">A196057</a>.</dd> <dd>Matula-G枚bel numbers, various indices, number of star-trees: <a href="">A214566</a>.</dd> <dd>Matula-G枚bel numbers, various indices, number of subtrees: <a href="">A184161</a>.</dd> <dd>Matula-G枚bel numbers, various indices, number of subtrees with at least one edge: <a href="">A257537</a>.</dd> <dd>Matula-G枚bel numbers, various indices, number of vertices in all independent vertex subsets: <a href="">A212624</a>.</dd> <dd>Matula-G枚bel numbers, various indices, number of vertices in all maximal independent vertex subsets: <a href="">A212629</a>.</dd> <dd>Matula-G枚bel numbers, various indices, number of vertices in the largest independent vertex subset: <a href="">A212625</a>.</dd> <dd>Matula-G枚bel numbers, various indices, number of vertices of even degree: <a href="">A190174</a>.</dd> <dd>Matula-G枚bel numbers, various indices, number of vertices of outdegree &gt;=2: <a href="">A191515</a>.</dd> <dd>Matula-G枚bel numbers, various indices, number of vertices that have largest escape distance in T(n): <a href="">A184170</a>.</dd> <dd>Matula-G枚bel numbers, various indices, number of ways to take apart the rooted tree T(n) by sequentially removing terminal edges: <a href="">A206494</a>.</dd> <dd>Matula-G枚bel numbers, various indices, path length: <a href="">A196047</a>.</dd> <dd>Matula-G枚bel numbers, various indices, product, over all vertices v of T(n) of the number of vertices in the subtree with root v: <a href="">A206493</a>.</dd> <dd>Matula-G枚bel numbers, various indices, radius: <a href="">A198337</a>.</dd> <dd>Matula-G枚bel numbers, various indices, sum of escape distances of all vertices: <a href="">A184168</a>.</dd> <dd>Matula-G枚bel numbers, various indices, sum of lengths of all directed paths: <a href="">A198326</a>.</dd> <dd>Matula-G枚bel numbers, various indices, sum of the degrees of the nodes at level one: <a href="">A196052</a>.</dd> <dd>Matula-G枚bel numbers, various indices, sum of the distances between all unordered pairs of vertices of degree 2, 3: <a href="">A212618</a>, <a href="">A212619</a>.</dd> <dd>Matula-G枚bel numbers, various indices, the 1st/2nd multiplicative Zagreb index: <a href="">A196065</a>, <a href="">A196064</a>.</dd> <dd>Matula-G枚bel numbers, various indices, the 1st/2nd Zagreb index: <a href="">A196053</a>, <a href="">A196054</a>.</dd> <dd>Matula-G枚bel numbers, various indices, the Balaban centric index: <a href="">A198334</a>.</dd> <dd>Matula-G枚bel numbers, various indices, the Connes-Moscovici weight: <a href="">A206496</a>.</dd> <dd>Matula-G枚bel numbers, various indices, the determinant/permanent of the distance matrix: <a href="">A206488</a>, <a href="">A206489</a>.</dd> <dd>Matula-G枚bel numbers, various indices, the difference between the levels of the highest and lowest leaves: <a href="">A184159</a>.</dd> <dd>Matula-G枚bel numbers, various indices, the eccentric connectivity index: <a href="">A206490</a>.</dd> <dd>Matula-G枚bel numbers, various indices, the Gordon-Scantlebury index: <a href="">A224458</a>.</dd> <dd>Matula-G枚bel numbers, various indices, the hyper-Wiener index: <a href="">A196060</a>.</dd> <dd>Matula-G枚bel numbers, various indices, the irregularity: <a href="">A238413</a>.</dd> <dd>Matula-G枚bel numbers, various indices, the level of the lowest leaf: <a href="">A184166</a>.</dd> <dd>Matula-G枚bel numbers, various indices, the matching number: <a href="">A206483</a>.</dd> <dd>Matula-G枚bel numbers, various indices, the multiplicative sum Zagreb index: <a href="">A238412</a></dd> <dd>Matula-G枚bel numbers, various indices, the multiplicative Wiener index: <a href="">A196061</a>.</dd> <dd>Matula-G枚bel numbers, various indices, the Narumi-Katayama index: <a href="">A196063</a></dd> <dd>Matula-G枚bel numbers, various indices, the number of rooted trees that are isomorphic as trees to the rooted tree with Matula number n (n &gt;=1): <a href="">A235122</a>.</dd> <dd>Matula-G枚bel numbers, various indices, the overall first/second Zagreb index: <a href="">A212621</a>, <a href="">A212622</a>. </dd> <dd>Matula-G枚bel numbers, various indices, the overall hyper-Wiener index: <a href="">A198341</a>.</dd> <dd>Matula-G枚bel numbers, various indices, the overall Wiener index: <a href="">A198340</a>.</dd> <dd>Matula-G枚bel numbers, various indices, the Platt index: <a href="">A198332</a></dd> <dd>Matula-G枚bel numbers, various indices, the reverse Wiener index: <a href="">A196066</a>.</dd> <dd>Matula-G枚bel numbers, various indices, the (rounded) 2nd modified Zagreb index: <a href="">A238408</a>.</dd> <dd>Matula-G枚bel numbers, various indices, the rounded atom-bond connectivity (ABC): <a href="">A235123</a>.</dd> <dd>Matula-G枚bel numbers, various indices, the (rounded) augmented Zagreb index: <a href="">A238409</a>.</dd> <dd>Matula-G枚bel numbers, various indices, the (rounded) first geometric-arithmetic index: <a href="">A238407</a>.</dd> <dd>Matula-G枚bel numbers, various indices, the rounded harmonic index: <a href="">A235124</a>.</dd> <dd>Matula-G枚bel numbers, various indices, the rounded Randic index: <a href="">A238418</a>.</dd> <dd>Matula-G枚bel numbers, various indices, the rounded sum-connectivity index: <a href="">A235125</a></dd> <dd>Matula-G枚bel numbers, various indices, the smallest of the Matula numbers of the rooted trees that are isomorphic as trees to T(n): <a href="">A257539</a>.</dd> <dd>Matula-G枚bel numbers, various indices, the Strahler number: <a href="">A214574</a>.</dd> <dd>Matula-G枚bel numbers, various indices, the sum of the distances between all unordered pairs of branch vertices: <a href="">A206499</a>.</dd> <dd>Matula-G枚bel numbers, various indices, the sum of the even/odd distances: <a href="">A184157</a>, <a href="">A184158</a>.</dd> <dd>Matula-G枚bel numbers, various indices, the symmetry factor of the rooted tree: <a href="">A206497</a>.</dd> <dd>Matula-G枚bel numbers, various indices, the terminal Wiener index: <a href="">A196055</a>, <a href="">A348959</a>.</dd> <dd>Matula-G枚bel numbers, various indices, the total walk count: <a href="">A206486</a>.</dd> <dd>Matula-G枚bel numbers, various indices, the Wiener index: <a href="">A196051</a>.</dd> <dd>Matula-G枚bel numbers, various indices, the Wiener index of the graph obtained by applying Mycielski's construction to T(n): <a href="">A228599</a>. </dd> <dd>Matula-G枚bel numbers, various indices, the Wiener polarity index: <a href="">A184156</a>.</dd> <dd>Matula-G枚bel numbers, various indices, visitation length: <a href="">A196068</a>.</dd> <dd>Matula-G枚bel numbers, various indices, width (number of non-root vertices having degree 1): <a href="">A109129</a>*, <a href="">A325543</a>, <a href="">A325612</a>, <a href="">A342507</a>.</dd></dl> <p>Maundy cake: <a href="">A006022</a><br /> Max Alekseyev's problem: see <a href="/wiki/Index_to_OEIS:_Section_Do#repeat" title="Index to OEIS: Section Do">doubling substrings</a><br /> max(x,y): <a href="">A003984</a>*, <a href="">A051125</a>*<br /> maximal digit in n in bases 3 through 12: <a href="">A190592</a>, <a href="">A190593</a>, <a href="">A190594</a>, <a href="">A190595</a>, <a href="">A190596</a>, <a href="">A190597</a>, <a href="">A190598</a>, <a href="">A054055</a>, <a href="">A190599</a>, <a href="">A190600</a>.<br /> maximal length of binary codes: see <a href="/wiki/Index_to_OEIS:_Section_Aa#And" title="Index to OEIS: Section Aa">coding theoretic functions A(n,d) and A(n,d,w)</a><br /> maximal intersecting families of sets: <a href="">A007006</a>, <a href="">A007007</a>, <a href="">A007008</a><br /> </p> <h5><span class="mw-headline" id="McKay-Thompson_sequences_or_series_for_Monster_simple_group.2C_sequences_related_to_:"><span id="McKay_Thompson"> McKay-Thompson sequences or series for Monster simple group, sequences related to&#160;: </span></span></h5> <dl><dd>McKay-Thompson series: see also <a href="/wiki/Index_to_OEIS:_Section_Mo#MODULAR" title="Index to OEIS: Section Mo">modular forms, etc.</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 001A: <a href="">A000521</a>, <a href="">A007240</a>, <a href="">A014708</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 001a: <a href="">A154272</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 002A: <a href="">A007241</a>, <a href="">A007267</a>, <a href="">A045478</a>, <a href="">A101558</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 002a: <a href="">A007242</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 002B: <a href="">A007191</a>, <a href="">A007246</a>, <a href="">A045479</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 002b: <a href="">A154272</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 003A: <a href="">A007243</a>, <a href="">A030197</a>, <a href="">A045480</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 003B: <a href="">A007244</a>, <a href="">A030182</a>, <a href="">A045481</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 003C: <a href="">A007245</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 004A: <a href="">A007246</a>, <a href="">A045479</a>, <a href="">A107080</a>, <a href="">A134786</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 004a: <a href="">A007250</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 004B: <a href="">A007247</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 004C: <a href="">A007248</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 004D: <a href="">A007249</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 005A: <a href="">A007251</a>, <a href="">A045482</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 005a: <a href="">A007253</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 005B: <a href="">A007252</a>, <a href="">A045483</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 006A: <a href="">A007254</a>, <a href="">A045484</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 006a: <a href="">A007260</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 006B: <a href="">A007255</a>, <a href="">A045485</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 006b: <a href="">A007261</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 006C: <a href="">A007256</a>, <a href="">A045486</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 006c: <a href="">A007262</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 006D: <a href="">A007257</a>, <a href="">A045487</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 006d: <a href="">A007263</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 006E: <a href="">A007258</a>, <a href="">A045488</a>, <a href="">A105559</a>, <a href="">A128632</a>, <a href="">A128633</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 006F: <a href="">A007259</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 007A: <a href="">A007264</a>, <a href="">A030183</a>, <a href="">A045489</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 007B: <a href="">A030181</a>, <a href="">A052240</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 008A: <a href="">A007265</a>, <a href="">A045490</a>, <a href="">A134785</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 008a: <a href="">A112144</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 008b: <a href="">A058088</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 008B: <a href="">A112142</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 008C: <a href="">A052241</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 008c: <a href="">A112145</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 008D: <a href="">A112143</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 008E: <a href="">A029841</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 008F: <a href="">A022601</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 009A: <a href="">A007266</a>, <a href="">A045491</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 009a: <a href="">A058092</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 009B: <a href="">A058091</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 009b: <a href="">A112146</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 009c: <a href="">A058095</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 009d: <a href="">A058096</a>, <a href="">A152954</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 010A: <a href="">A058097</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 010a: <a href="">A058102</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 010B: <a href="">A058098</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 010b: <a href="">A058103</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 010C: <a href="">A058099</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 010c: <a href="">A058204</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 010D: <a href="">A058100</a>, <a href="">A132130</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 010E: <a href="">A058101</a>, <a href="">A138516</a>, <a href="">A139381</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 011A: <a href="">A003295</a>, <a href="">A058205</a>, <a href="">A134784</a>, <a href="">A128525</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 012a: <a href="">A058489</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 012A: <a href="">A112147</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 012B.: <a href="">A045488</a>, <a href="">A007258</a>, <a href="">A112148</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 012b: <a href="">A058490</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 012C: <a href="">A058206</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 012c: <a href="">A058491</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 012d: <a href="">A058492</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 012D: <a href="">A101127</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 012E: <a href="">A058483</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 012e: <a href="">A058493</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 012F: <a href="">A058484</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 012f: <a href="">A112149</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 012G: <a href="">A058485</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 012H: <a href="">A058486</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 012I: <a href="">A058487</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 012J: <a href="">A022599</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 013A: <a href="">A034318</a>, <a href="">A034319</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 013B: <a href="">A058496</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 014A: <a href="">A058497</a>, <a href="">A134782</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 014a: <a href="">A058505</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 014B: <a href="">A058503</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 014b: <a href="">A058506</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 014C: <a href="">A058504</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 014c: <a href="">A058507</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 015A: <a href="">A058508</a>, <a href="">A134783</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 015a: <a href="">A058512</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 015B: <a href="">A058509</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 015b: <a href="">A058513</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 015C: <a href="">A058510</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 015D: <a href="">A058511</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 016A: <a href="">A058514</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 016a: <a href="">A112150</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 016B: <a href="">A029839</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 016b: <a href="">A112151</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 016C: <a href="">A058516</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 016c: <a href="">A112152</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 016d: <a href="">A082304</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 016e: <a href="">A058526</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 016f: <a href="">A112153</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 016g: <a href="">A112154</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 016h: <a href="">A112155</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 017A: <a href="">A058530</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 018A: <a href="">A058531</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 018a: <a href="">A058536</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 018B: <a href="">A058532</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 018b: <a href="">A058537</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 018C: <a href="">A058533</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 018c: <a href="">A058538</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 018d: <a href="">A058539</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 018D: <a href="">A062242</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 018E: <a href="">A058535</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 018e: <a href="">A058543</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 018f: <a href="">A058544</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 018g: <a href="">A112156</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 018h: <a href="">A058546</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 018i: <a href="">A112157</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 018j: <a href="">A058548</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 019A: <a href="">A058549</a>, <a href="">A136569</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 020a: <a href="">A058556</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 020A: <a href="">A112158</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 020B: <a href="">A058551</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 020b: <a href="">A058557</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 020c: <a href="">A058558</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 020C: <a href="">A112159</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 020D: <a href="">A058553</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 020d: <a href="">A058559</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 020E: <a href="">A058554</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 020e: <a href="">A058560</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 020F: <a href="">A058555</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 021A: <a href="">A058563</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 021B: <a href="">A058564</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 021C: <a href="">A058565</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 021D: <a href="">A058566</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 022A: <a href="">A058567</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 022a: <a href="">A058569</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 022B: <a href="">A058568</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 023A: <a href="">A058570</a>, <a href="">A134781</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 024A: <a href="">A058571</a>, <a href="">A058572</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 024a: <a href="">A058584</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 024B: <a href="">A058572</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 024b: <a href="">A112162</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 024C: <a href="">A058573</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 024c: <a href="">A062243</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 024D: <a href="">A058574</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 024d: <a href="">A058587</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 024E: <a href="">A112160</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 024e: <a href="">A112163</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 024F: <a href="">A058576</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 024f: <a href="">A058589</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 024G: <a href="">A112161</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 024g: <a href="">A112164</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 024H: <a href="">A058578</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 024h: <a href="">A112165</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 024I: <a href="">A058579</a>, <a href="">A138688</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 024i: <a href="">A112166</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 024J: <a href="">A022597</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 024j: <a href="">A112167</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 025A: <a href="">A058594</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 025a: <a href="">A096563</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 026A: <a href="">A058596</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 026a: <a href="">A058598</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 026B: <a href="">A058597</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 027A: <a href="">A058599</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 027a: <a href="">A058600</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 027B: <a href="">A058599</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 027b: <a href="">A058601</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 027c: <a href="">A062246</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 027d: <a href="">A058604</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 027e: <a href="">A112168</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 028A: <a href="">A058606</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 028a: <a href="">A058610</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 028B: <a href="">A112169</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 028C: <a href="">A058608</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 028D: <a href="">A058609</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 029A: <a href="">A058611</a>, <a href="">A136570</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 030A: <a href="">A058612</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 030a: <a href="">A058619</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 030B: <a href="">A058613</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 030b: <a href="">A058623</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 030C: <a href="">A058614</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 030c: <a href="">A058624</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 030D: <a href="">A058615</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 030d: <a href="">A058625</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 030E: <a href="">A058616</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 030e: <a href="">A058626</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 030F: <a href="">A058617</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 030f: <a href="">A112170</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 030G: <a href="">A058618</a>, <a href="">A135213</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 031A: <a href="">A058628</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 032A: <a href="">A058629</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 032a: <a href="">A107635</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 032B: <a href="">A058630</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 032b: <a href="">A058632</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 032c: <a href="">A112171</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 032d: <a href="">A112172</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 032e: <a href="">A082303</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 033A: <a href="">A058636</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 033B: <a href="">A058637</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 034A: <a href="">A058638</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 034a: <a href="">A058639</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 035A: <a href="">A058640</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 035a: <a href="">A058643</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 035B: <a href="">A058641</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 036A: <a href="">A058644</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 036a: <a href="">A058648</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 036B: <a href="">A062244</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 036b: <a href="">A112173</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 036C: <a href="">A058646</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 036c: <a href="">A058650</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 036D: <a href="">A058647</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 036d: <a href="">A112174</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 036e: <a href="">A112175</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 036f: <a href="">A112176</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 036g: <a href="">A103262</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 036h: <a href="">A112177</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 036i: <a href="">A112178</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 038A: <a href="">A058657</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 038a: <a href="">A058658</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 039A: <a href="">A058659</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 039B: <a href="">A058660</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 039C: <a href="">A058661</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 040A: <a href="">A058662</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 040a: <a href="">A112180</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 040b: <a href="">A058666</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 040B: <a href="">A112179</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 040C: <a href="">A058664</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 040c: <a href="">A112181</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 040d: <a href="">A112182</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 040e: <a href="">A112183</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 041A: <a href="">A058670</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 042A: <a href="">A058671</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 042a: <a href="">A058675</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 042B: <a href="">A058672</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 042b: <a href="">A058676</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 042c: <a href="">A058677</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 042C: <a href="">A102314</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 042D: <a href="">A058674</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 042d: <a href="">A058678</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 044A: <a href="">A058679</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 044a: <a href="">A058680</a></dd> <dd>McKay-Thompson series of class 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