The Role of Automation in Reducing the SAEK Backlog

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Role of Automation in Reducing the SAEK Backlog</li> </ul> </nav><div id="ctl06_ctl02_divContainer" class="container module primary "> <div class="header"> <h1> The Role of Automation in Reducing the SAEK Backlog</h1> </div> <div id="ctl06_ctl02_contentPane" class="content"> <div id="ctl06_ctl02_ctl00_divArticleDetail" class="articleModule module"> <div id="ctl06_ctl02_ctl00_schemaData" class="schemaData"> <meta itemprop="name" content="The Role of Automation in Reducing the SAEK Backlog" /><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="Friday, May 10, 2024" /> </div> <div id="ctl06_ctl02_ctl00_divArticleModule" class="articleModule module" itemscope="" itemprop="articleBody"><div name="section1827721" class="byline" id="section1827721"> <div class="ArticleDetailDatePublished"> May 10, 2024 </div><div class="ArticleDetailAuthorDetails"> </div></div></div> <div id="ctl06_ctl02_ctl00_divPaging" class="paging"> <div class="pager"><div class="pagingHolder module"><div class="pageTitle"></div><ul class="pages module"><li class="previousSection"><<</li><li class="previous"><</li><li class="next">></li><li class="nextSection">>></li></ul></div></div> </div> <div id="ctl06_ctl02_ctl00_divComments"> </div> </div> <div id="ctl06_ctl02_ctl01_divArticleDetail" class="articleModule module"> <div id="ctl06_ctl02_ctl01_schemaData" class="schemaData"> </div> <div id="ctl06_ctl02_ctl01_divArticleModule" class="articleModule module"><div name="section1827722" class="articleContent" id="section1827722"> <p dir="ltr"><span><em>by Anna Bennett, PhD; Science Writer, Promega</em><br /><br />The forensic science community faces a significant challenge with the backlog of sexual assault evidence kits (SAEKs). Delays in processing these kits stem, in part, from the complexity of extracting and analyzing degraded and mixed DNA samples.&#160;</span></p> <p dir="ltr"><span>Here we explore the role of Y-Screening for prioritizing valuable samples and discuss the drawbacks of manual DNA extraction&#8212;which is time-consuming and prone to human error. We then delve into how automation can revolutionize forensic laboratories by increasing efficiency, reducing variability and improving the quality of DNA analysis. We also discuss the efficacy of one automated platform (the Maxwell&#174; RSC 48 Instrument) in handling forensic samples to underscore the benefits of adopting automated systems in forensic analysis.</span></p> <h4 dir="ltr"><strong>Navigating Challenges in Forensic Analysis</strong></h4> <p dir="ltr"><span>The backlog of SAEKs creates a cascade of problems within the justice system. Several factors contribute to delays in SAEK analyses, many centered around capturing genetic information from samples. Often, evidence collected from crime scenes consists of mixed or degraded DNA samples, complicating analyses.</span></p> <p dir="ltr"><span>In these cases, </span><a href="" target="_blank"><span>Y-Screening</span></a><span> is often used to isolate male-specific DNA, so that forensic labs can prioritize samples more likely to yield probative genetic data. Once the Y-STR profile&#8212;or any DNA profile&#8212;is extracted from a sample, this genetic information is compared to local samples or searched more broadly through databases like the Combined DNA Index System (CODIS). Y-screening streamlines forensic analysis and potentially accelerates the resolution of cases.</span></p> <p dir="ltr"><span>Manual DNA extraction in forensic science is a resource-intensive process that must adhere to strict standard operating procedures for evidence to be admissible in court. The initial steps in manual extraction involve preparing sensitive samples&#8212;such as tissues, buccal swabs or fluids&#8212;which require careful handling to prevent contamination. Then, each sample undergoes a series of pipetting and centrifugation steps to achieve cell lysis, isolation and washing. Laboratory personnel must closely monitor, measure and adjust reagents and conditions based on the sample&#8217;s response to treatment. Each of these steps takes significant time and attention, requiring meticulous adherence to protocols to ensure the integrity and purity of the DNA for subsequent analysis.&#160;</span></p> <p dir="ltr"><span>The meticulous and time-consuming nature of manual DNA extraction exacerbates other challenges related to funding and personnel shortages, further compounding forensic labs&#8217; SAEK backlog issue.</span></p> <h4 dir="ltr"><strong>Automation Speeds Up Analysis While Minimizing Errors</strong></h4> <p dir="ltr"><span>Automation enables forensic scientists to process hundreds of samples simultaneously with speed, efficiency and flexibility. It fundamentally transforms the capacity of forensic laboratories to process samples at scale. Furthermore, as forensic laboratories face fluctuating caseloads and complex samples, automation allows labs to efficiently adjust to changes in demand without proportionally increasing staffing. Many automated systems are also equipped to handle a diverse array of sample types and testing requirements. Increased throughput and flexibility are crucial for addressing the SAEK backlog problem and preventing future backlogs.</span></p> <p dir="ltr"><span>Manual DNA extraction introduces human error through variables like improper sample handling, which can lead to poor quality or cross-contamination. Automation minimizes this variability by executing predefined protocols so that every sample is treated consistently. This standardization is crucial for forensic analysis, as consistent results are necessary for evidence to be admissible in court.</span></p> <p dir="ltr"><span>While the upfront costs of automation may seem like a barrier, the long-term savings can make automation a judicious investment for an environment where budgets are constantly fluctuating. Automated systems significantly reduce the labor-intensive aspects of DNA extraction and processing, lowering operational costs and minimizing the likelihood of costly errors and subsequent re-analyses.&#160;</span></p> <p dir="ltr"><span>In short, automation streamlines tedious workflows, decreases sample variability, and a large initial investment pays dividends in the future.</span></p> <h4 dir="ltr"><strong>Validating an Automated System for DNA Extraction from a Variety of Sample Types&#160;</strong></h4> <p dir="ltr"><span>A range of instrument options for automated DNA extraction are currently available. We carried out a series of </span><a href=";utm_source=forensic&amp;utm_medium=forensictip_may&amp;utm_campaign=ms-2024-maxwell_de" target="_blank"><span>validation studies</span></a><span> testing the performance of the Maxwell&#174; RSC 48 Instrument used in conjunction with the Maxwell&#174; FSC DNA IQ&#8482; Casework Kit.&#160; This system provides medium- to high-throughput genomic DNA extraction from common forensic samples.</span></p> <p dir="ltr"><span>The Maxwell&#174; Rapid Sample Concentrator 48 (RSC 48) Instrument uses an automated workflow to purify DNA from preprocessed forensic samples. It operates in conjunction with the Maxwell&#174; FSC DNA IQ&#8482; Casework Kit, which uses paramagnetic particles to prepare samples for STR analysis. The validation tests covered a range of sample types including human blood, saliva, buccal swabs and semen. Key performance metrics evaluated included yield, purity, and integrity of the extracted DNA. Additionally, the studies assessed the Maxwell&#174; system&#8217;s ability to maintain consistency across multiple runs and different types of samples. The efficacy of DNA extraction in the presence of common forensic inhibitors was also tested, confirming robustness in real-world forensic conditions.</span></p> <p dir="ltr"><span>The validation studies confirmed that the Maxwell&#174; RSC 48 Instrument meets or exceeds all required standards for forensic DNA extraction and purification. The results demonstrated that the instrument provides high-quality, reliable DNA yields, which are essential for accurate STR profiling in forensic science. The use of an automated system significantly reduces the potential for human error, ensures reproducibility of results and speeds up the processing time.&#160;</span></p> <h4 dir="ltr"><strong>Final Thoughts and Future Directions</strong></h4> <p dir="ltr"><span>Adopting automated DNA extraction systems is crucial for forensic labs as it offers a solution to resolve the pressing backlog of sexual assault evidence kits. By automating extraction, forensic laboratories can handle larger volumes of samples with greater accuracy and less human error, leading to faster and more reliable results. Automation is poised to resolve cases more efficiently and improve the overall integrity of forensic evidence. As forensic technology evolves, embracing automation will be key to addressing current challenges and ensuring that survivors of sexual assault receive timely outcomes. The continued validation and integration of such technologies will be crucial in shaping the future of forensic analysis and in reinforcing our justice systems.</span></p> <div><span><br /></span></div></div></div> <div id="ctl06_ctl02_ctl01_divPaging" class="paging"> </div> <div id="ctl06_ctl02_ctl01_divComments"> </div> </div> <div class="inlineFeaturedProducts"><div id="ctl06_ctl02_ctl02_divArticleDetail" class="articleModule module"> <div id="ctl06_ctl02_ctl02_schemaData" class="schemaData"> </div> <div id="ctl06_ctl02_ctl02_divArticleModule" class="articleModule module"><div name="section1827723" class="sponsored-by" id="section1827723"> <h2>Sponsored By :</h2> <div><a title="Promega" href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Promega" /></a></div></div></div> <div id="ctl06_ctl02_ctl02_divPaging" class="paging"> </div> <div id="ctl06_ctl02_ctl02_divComments"> </div> </div> </div><div id="ctl06_ctl02_ctl03_divContentSharing" class="ContentSharing module"> <div class="contentShareModuleText"> <p></p> </div><span class="tweets"><script type="text/javascript" src=""> </script><a class="twitter-share-button" href="" data-url="" data-count="horizontal" data-counturl="" data-via="Forensic®">Tweet</a><meta name="twitter:card" content="summary" /></span><span class="facebook"><div id="fb-root"> </div><script type="text/javascript" src="//"> </script><div class="facebookShare"> <div class="fb-share-button" data-href="" data-layout="button_count" data-mobile-iframe="false"> Facebook </div> </div></span><span class="linkedin"><script type="text/javascript" src="//"> </script><script data-counter="right" type="IN/Share" data-url=""> Linkedin </script></span><span class="shareViaEmail"><ul class="contenttShareViaEmail"> <li id="liContentShareViaEmail"><a id="btnContentShareViaEmail" class="ContentEmailShare">Email</a></li> </ul></span> <input type="hidden" name="ctl06$ctl02$ctl03$hdnContentId" id="ctl06_ctl02_ctl03_hdnContentId" value="613002" /> <input type="hidden" name="ctl06$ctl02$ctl03$hdnPrivacyPolicy" id="ctl06_ctl02_ctl03_hdnPrivacyPolicy" /> <input type="hidden" name="ctl06$ctl02$ctl03$hdnUserInfo" id="ctl06_ctl02_ctl03_hdnUserInfo" /> <input type="hidden" name="ctl06$ctl02$ctl03$hdnContentUrl" id="ctl06_ctl02_ctl03_hdnContentUrl" value="" /> <input type="hidden" name="ctl06$ctl02$ctl03$hdnContentType" id="ctl06_ctl02_ctl03_hdnContentType" value="4" /> </div></div> </div> <div id="ctl06_ctl03_staticHtml" class="staticHtmlModule module"><style> ul.itemList h3{ text-align: left; 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