Publication: The Alchemy of Stars: Rhysling Award Winners Showcase

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ISO code: USD</span></div> <li> <b>Pages:</b> 170 <li> <b>Format:</b> <div class="tooltip tooltipright">tp<sup class="mouseover">?</sup><span class="tooltiptext tooltipnarrow tooltipright">Trade paperback. Any softcover book which is at least 7.25" (or 19 cm) tall, or at least 4.5" (11.5 cm) wide/deep.</span></div> <li> <b>Type:</b> ANTHOLOGY <li><b>Cover:</b> <a href="" dir="ltr">The Alchemy of Stars: Rhysling Award Winners Showcase</a> by <a href="" dir="ltr">Tim Mullins</a> <li><b>Webpages:</b> <a href="" target="_blank"></a> <li> <div class="notes"><b>Notes:</b> "Published by the Science Fiction Poetry Association in cooperation with Prime Books" on copyright page.</div> <li> <b>External IDs:</b> <ul class="noindent"> <li> <abbr class="template" title="Online Computer Library Center">OCLC/WorldCat</abbr>: <a href="" target="_blank">67764763</a> </ul> </ul> </td> </table> Cover art supplied by <a href="" target="_blank"></a> <br>The displayed Amazon image is based on the publication's ISBN. It may no longer reflect the actual cover of this particular edition. </div> <div class="ContentBox"> <span class="containertitle">Anthology Title:</span> <a href="" dir="ltr">The Alchemy of Stars: Rhysling Award Winners Showcase</a> &#8226; [<a href="" dir="ltr">The Alchemy of the Stars</a> &#8226; 1] &#8226; anthology by <a href="" dir="ltr">Mike Allen</a> <b>and</b> <a href="" dir="ltr">Roger Dutcher</a> <h2>Contents <a class="listingtext" href="" dir="ltr">(view Concise Listing)</a></h2> <ul> <li><a href="" dir="ltr">Shipwrecked on Destiny Five</a> &#8226; (1985) &#8226; poem by <a href="" dir="ltr">Andrew Joron</a> <li><a href="" dir="ltr">Winter Solstice, Camelot Station</a> &#8226; (1988) &#8226; poem by <a href="" dir="ltr">John M. Ford</a> <li><a href="" dir="ltr">For Spacers Snarled in the Hair of Comets</a> &#8226; (1984) &#8226; poem by <a href="" dir="ltr">Bruce Boston</a> <li><a href="" dir="ltr">A Dream of Heredity</a> &#8226; (1986) &#8226; poem by <a href="" dir="ltr">John Calvin Rezmerski</a> <li><a href="" dir="ltr">Before the Big Bang: News from the Hubble Large Space Telescope</a> &#8226; (1986) &#8226; poem by <a href="" dir="ltr">Jonathan V. Post</a> <li><a href="" dir="ltr">Letter from Caroline Herschel (1750-1848)</a> &#8226; (1984) &#8226; poem by <a href="" dir="ltr">Siv Cedering</a> <li><a href="" dir="ltr">Daedalus</a> &#8226; (1986) &#8226; poem by <a href="" dir="ltr">W. Gregory Stewart</a> <li><a href="" dir="ltr">The Neighbor's Wife</a> &#8226; (1985) &#8226; poem by <a href="" dir="ltr">Susan Palwick</a> <li><a href="" dir="ltr">Future Present: A Lesson in Expectation</a> &#8226; (1995) &#8226; poem by <a href="" dir="ltr">Bruce Boston</a> <li><a href="" dir="ltr">Song of the Martian Cricket (for Marilyn)</a> &#8226; (1991) &#8226; poem by <a href="" dir="ltr">David Lunde</a> <li><a href="" dir="ltr">Eighteen Years Old, October Eleventh</a> &#8226; (1990) &#8226; poem by <a href="" dir="ltr">Joe Haldeman</a> <li><a href="" dir="ltr">Meeting Place</a> &#8226; (1980) &#8226; poem by <a href="" dir="ltr">Ken Duffin</a> <li><a href="" dir="ltr">The Migration of Darkness</a> &#8226; (1979) &#8226; poem by <a href="" dir="ltr">Peter Payack</a> <li><a href="" dir="ltr">In the Darkened Hours</a> &#8226; (1988) &#8226; poem by <a href="" dir="ltr">Bruce Boston</a> <li><a href="" dir="ltr">Salinity</a> &#8226; (1988) &#8226; poem by <a href="" dir="ltr">Robert Frazier</a> <li><a href="" dir="ltr">Day Omega</a> &#8226; (1996) &#8226; poem by <a href="" dir="ltr">W. Gregory Stewart</a> <li><a href="" dir="ltr">White Trains</a> &#8226; (1987) &#8226; poem by <a href="" dir="ltr">Lucius Shepard</a> <li><a href="" dir="ltr">Will</a> &#8226; (1992) &#8226; poem by <a href="" dir="ltr">Jane Yolen</a> <li><a href="" dir="ltr">Spacer's Compass</a> &#8226; (1993) &#8226; poem by <a href="" dir="ltr">Bruce Boston</a> <li><a href="" dir="ltr">Flight Is for Those Who Have Not Yet Crossed Over</a> &#8226; (1993) &#8226; poem by <a href="" dir="ltr">Jeff VanderMeer</a> <li><a href="" dir="ltr">Pilot, Pilot</a> &#8226; (1994) &#8226; poem by <a href="" dir="ltr">David Lunde</a> <li><a href="" dir="ltr">Skin of Glass</a> &#8226; (1994) &#8226; poem by <a href="" dir="ltr">Dan Raphael</a> <li><a href="" dir="ltr">Why Goldfish Shouldn't Use Power Tools</a> &#8226; (1997) &#8226; poem by <a href="" dir="ltr">Laurel Winter</a> <li><a href="" dir="ltr">The Computer Iterates the Greater Trumps</a> &#8226; (1977) &#8226; poem by <a href="" dir="ltr">Gene Wolfe</a> <li><a href="" dir="ltr">In Computers</a> &#8226; (1982) &#8226; poem by <a href="" dir="ltr">Alan Lightman</a> [as by <a href="" dir="ltr">Alan P. Lightman</a>] <li><a href="" dir="ltr">Your Time and You</a> &#8226; (1982) &#8226; poem by <a href="" dir="ltr">Adam Cornford</a> <li><a href="" dir="ltr">the button, and what you know</a> &#8226; (1991) &#8226; poem by <a href="" dir="ltr">W. Gregory Stewart</a> <li><a href="" dir="ltr">egg horror poem</a> &#8226; (1998) &#8226; poem by <a href="" dir="ltr">Laurel Winter</a> <li><a href="" dir="ltr">Encased in the Amber of Eternity</a> &#8226; (1979) &#8226; poem by <a href="" dir="ltr">Robert Frazier</a> <li><a href="" dir="ltr">Christmas (after we all get time machines)</a> &#8226; (1999) &#8226; poem by <a href="" dir="ltr">Geoffrey A. Landis</a> <li><a href="" dir="ltr">My Wife Returns As She Would Have It</a> &#8226; (2000) &#8226; poem by <a href="" dir="ltr">Bruce Boston</a> <li><a href="" dir="ltr">January Fires</a> &#8226; (2001) &#8226; poem by <a href="" dir="ltr">Joe Haldeman</a> <li><a href="" dir="ltr">We Die As Angels</a> &#8226; (2001) &#8226; poem by <a href="" dir="ltr">William John Watkins</a> <li><a href="" dir="ltr">For the Lady of a Physicist</a> &#8226; (1978) &#8226; poem by <a href="" dir="ltr">Michael Bishop</a> <li><a href="" dir="ltr">The Well of Baln</a> &#8226; (1981) &#8226; poem by <a href="" dir="ltr">Ursula K. Le Guin</a> <li><a href="" dir="ltr">On the Speed of Sight</a> &#8226; (1981) &#8226; poem by <a href="" dir="ltr">Raymond DiZazzo</a> <li><a href="" dir="ltr">The Sonic Flowerfall of Primes</a> &#8226; (1979) &#8226; poem by <a href="" dir="ltr">Andrew Joron</a> <li><a href="" dir="ltr">The Starman</a> &#8226; (1976) &#8226; poem by <a href="" dir="ltr">Duane Ackerson</a> <li><a href="" dir="ltr">Corruption of Metals</a> &#8226; (1977) &#8226; poem by <a href="" dir="ltr">Sonya Dorman</a> <li><a href="" dir="ltr">Potherb Gardening</a> &#8226; (2002) &#8226; poem by <a href="" dir="ltr">Ruth Berman</a> <li><a href="" dir="ltr">Spotting UFOs While Canning Tomatoes</a> &#8226; (1996) &#8226; poem by <a href="" dir="ltr">Terry A. Garey</a> <li><a href="" dir="ltr">The Nightmare Collector</a> &#8226; (1987) &#8226; poem by <a href="" dir="ltr">Bruce Boston</a> <li><a href="" dir="ltr">Rocky Road to Hoe</a> &#8226; (1987) &#8226; poem by <a href="" dir="ltr">Suzette Haden Elgin</a> <li><a href="" dir="ltr">How to Make a Human</a> &#8226; (2001) &#8226; poem by <a href="" dir="ltr">Lawrence Schimel</a> <li><a href="" dir="ltr">Just Distance</a> &#8226; (2003) &#8226; poem by <a href="" dir="ltr">Roger Dutcher</a> <li><a href="" dir="ltr">Octavia Is Lost in the Hall of Masks</a> &#8226; (2003) &#8226; poem by <a href="" dir="ltr">Theodora Goss</a> <li><a href="" dir="ltr">Confessions of a Body Thief</a> &#8226; (1998) &#8226; poem by <a href="" dir="ltr">Bruce Boston</a> <li><a href="" dir="ltr">Epitaph for Dreams</a> &#8226; (1989) &#8226; poem by <a href="" dir="ltr">G. Sutton Breiding</a> <li><a href="" dir="ltr">Dear Spacemen</a> &#8226; (1989) &#8226; poem by <a href="" dir="ltr">Patrick McKinnon</a> <li><a href="" dir="ltr">The Aging Cryonicist in the Arms of His Mistress Contemplates the Survival of the Species While the Phoenix Is Consumed by Fire</a> &#8226; (1990) &#8226; poem by <a href="" dir="ltr">David Memmott</a> <li><a href="" dir="ltr">To Be from Earth</a> &#8226; (1992) &#8226; poem by <a href="" dir="ltr">William J. Daciuk</a> <li><a href="" dir="ltr">Basement Flats: Redefining the Burgess Shale</a> &#8226; (1994) &#8226; poem by <a href="" dir="ltr">Robert Frazier</a> <b>and</b> <a href="" dir="ltr">W. Gregory Stewart</a> <li><a href="" dir="ltr">Explaining Frankenstein to His Mother</a> &#8226; (1997) &#8226; poem by <a href="" dir="ltr">John Grey</a> <li><a href="" dir="ltr">Grimoire</a> &#8226; (1999) &#8226; poem by <a href="" dir="ltr">Rebecca Marjesdatter</a> <li><a href="" dir="ltr">Matlacihuatl's Gift</a> &#8226; (2002) &#8226; poem by <a href="" dir="ltr">Sonya Taaffe</a> <li><a href="" dir="ltr">Epochs in Exile: A Fantasy Trilogy</a> &#8226; (2002) &#8226; poem by <a href="" dir="ltr">Mike Allen</a> <b>and</b> <a href="" dir="ltr">Charles M. Saplak</a> <li><a href="" dir="ltr">Asleep in the Arms of Mother Night</a> &#8226; (1977) &#8226; poem by <a href="" dir="ltr">Andrew Joron</a> <li><a href="" dir="ltr">Fatalities</a> &#8226; (1978) &#8226; poem by <a href="" dir="ltr">Duane Ackerson</a> <li><a href="" dir="ltr">Storybooks and Treasure Maps</a> &#8226; poem by <a href="" dir="ltr">Steve Eng</a> <li><a href="" dir="ltr">Saul's Death: Two Sestinas</a> &#8226; poem by <a href="" dir="ltr">Joe Haldeman</a> (variant of <a class = "italic" href="" dir="ltr">Saul's Death</a> 1983) <li><a href="" dir="ltr">Two sonnets</a> &#8226; poem by <a href="" dir="ltr">Helen Ehrlich</a> <li><a href="" dir="ltr">Variants of the Obsolete</a> &#8226; poem by <a href="" dir="ltr">Marge Simon</a> [as by <a href="" dir="ltr">Margaret B. Simon</a>] <li>11 &#8226; <a href="" dir="ltr">Foreword (The Alchemy of Stars)</a> &#8226; essay by <a href="" dir="ltr">Roger Dutcher</a> <li>13 &#8226; <a href="" dir="ltr">Introduction (The Alchemy of Stars)</a> &#8226; essay by <a href="" dir="ltr">Jane Yolen</a> <li>15 &#8226; <a href="" dir="ltr">Alchemical Post-Its: A Rhysling Primer</a> &#8226; essay by <a href="" dir="ltr">Robert Frazier</a> <li>159 &#8226; <a href="" dir="ltr">Afterword (The Alchemy of Stars)</a> &#8226; essay by <a href="" dir="ltr">Suzette Haden Elgin</a> </ul> </div> </div> <div id="bottom"> Copyright &copy; 1995-2025 Al von Ruff and the ISFDB team <br> <b>ISFDB Engine</b> - Version 4.00 (2006-04-24) <br> ISFDB is an Amazon Associate in order to have access to Amazon's product data. As an Amazon Associate ISFDB earns from qualifying purchases. </div> </div> </body> </html>

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