AmiGO 2: Term Details for "cytoplasm" (GO:0005737)
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<dd>GO:0005737</dd> <dt>Name</dt> <dd>cytoplasm</dd> <dt>Ontology</dt> <dd>cellular_component</dd> <!-- <dt>ID Space</dt> --> <!-- <dd>GO</dd> --> <!-- Synonyms --> <dt>Synonyms</dt> <dd>None</dd> <!-- Alternate IDs --> <dt>Alternate IDs</dt> <dd>None</dd> <!-- Definition --> <dt>Definition</dt> <dd>The contents of a cell excluding the plasma membrane and nucleus, but including other subcellular structures. <em>Source:</em> <cite><a title="Go to ISBN:0198547684" href="">ISBN:0198547684</a></cite> </dd> <!-- Comment. --> <dt>Comment</dt> <dd>None</dd> <!-- Optional GO history. --> <dt>History</dt> <dd>See term <a href="" title="See term history.">history for GO:0005737</a> at QuickGO</dd> <!-- Taxon constraints. --> <!-- <dt>Taxon info</dt> --> <!-- --> <!-- --> <!-- <dd> --> <!-- --> <!-- <i>in taxon</i> --> <!-- --> <!-- --> <!-- <a href="">cellular organisms</a> --> <!-- --> <!-- </dd> --> <!-- --> <!-- --> <!-- Chemical reaction participants. --> <dt>Chem. react.</dt> <dd>None</dd> <!-- Subsets --> <dt>Subset</dt> <!-- <dd> --> <!-- <ul> --> <!-- <li><a href="" title="View details of the GO slim"></a></li> --> <!-- <li>Unavailable</li> --> <!-- <li>goslim_metagenomics</li> --> <dd>goslim_metagenomics</dd> <!-- <li><a href="" title="View details of the GO slim"></a></li> --> <!-- <li>Unavailable</li> --> <!-- <li>goslim_chembl</li> --> <dd>goslim_chembl</dd> <!-- <li><a href="" title="View details of the GO slim"></a></li> --> <!-- <li>Unavailable</li> --> <!-- <li>goslim_plant</li> --> <dd>goslim_plant</dd> <!-- <li><a href="" title="View details of the GO slim"></a></li> --> <!-- <li>Unavailable</li> --> <!-- <li>goslim_plant_ribbon</li> --> <dd>goslim_plant_ribbon</dd> <!-- <li><a href="" title="View details of the GO slim"></a></li> --> <!-- <li>Unavailable</li> --> <!-- <li>goslim_candida</li> --> <dd>goslim_candida</dd> <!-- <li><a href="" title="View details of the GO slim"></a></li> --> <!-- <li>Unavailable</li> --> <!-- <li>goslim_yeast</li> --> <dd>goslim_yeast</dd> <!-- <li><a href="" title="View details of the GO slim"></a></li> --> <!-- <li>Unavailable</li> --> <!-- <li>goslim_pir</li> --> <dd>goslim_pir</dd> <!-- <li><a href="" title="View details of the GO slim"></a></li> --> <!-- <li>Unavailable</li> --> <!-- <li>goslim_prokaryote_ribbon</li> --> <dd>goslim_prokaryote_ribbon</dd> <!-- <li><a href="" title="View details of the GO slim"></a></li> --> <!-- <li>Unavailable</li> --> <!-- <li>goslim_prokaryote</li> --> <dd>goslim_prokaryote</dd> <!-- </ul> --> <!-- </dd> --> <!-- JS dynamic links created by manager. --> <dt id="prob_related" class="hidden">Related</dt> <dd id="prob_bio" class="hidden"> <a id="prob_bio_href" href="#" class="btn btn-primary btn-xs">Link</a> to all <strong>genes and gene products</strong> annotated to cytoplasm (<strong>excluding "regulates"</strong>). </dd> <dd id="prob_ann" class="hidden"> <a id="prob_ann_href" href="#" class="btn btn-primary btn-xs">Link</a> to all direct and indirect <strong>annotations</strong> to cytoplasm (<strong>excluding "regulates"</strong>). </dd> <dd id="prob_ann_dl" class="hidden"> <a id="prob_ann_dl_href" href="#" class="btn btn-primary btn-xs">Link</a> to all direct and indirect <strong>annotations download</strong> (limited to first 10,000) for cytoplasm (<strong>excluding "regulates"</strong>). </dd> <!-- <\!-- -\-> --> <!-- <dt>Feedback</dt> --> <!-- <dd> --> <!-- Contact the --> <!-- <a href="" title="GO Helpdesk.">GO Helpdesk</a> --> <!-- if you find mistakes or have concerns --> <!-- about the data you find here. --> <!-- </dd> --> </dl> <div> <a href="/amigo/term/GO:0005737?relation=regulates" class="btn btn-primary"> Include "regulates"</a> <br />For more information, please see the <a href="">ontology relation documentation</a>. </div> </div> </div> <!-- END template: term_details_main.tmpl --> <!-- Hrm... --> <!-- Display tabbing. --> <ul id="display-tabs" class="nav nav-tabs"> <!-- NOTE: As of RC3, "active" did not work, so 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<li><a href="" title="View the graph in the OLSVis viewer">OLSVis (interactive)</a></li> </ul> <h5>Additional internal viewing options</h5> <ul class="list-unstyled"> <!-- TODO: do this with breadcrumbsy string (taken from REST URL) --> <!-- <li>Last action: unknown</li> --> <li><a href="" title="View the graph as a static PNG image">Graphical view (PNG)</a></li> <li><a href="" title="View the graph as an interactive SVG+JS document">Graphical view (SVG)</a></li> <!-- One day this will be out of experimental. --> <!-- <li><a href="" --> <!-- title="Navigate the GO, using the current term as a seed">GO Navigation</a></li> --> </ul> <!-- END template: term_details_graphics.tmpl --> </div> </div> </div> <div id="display-lineage-tab" class="tab-pane"> <div class="panel panel-default amigo-detail-tab-spacer"> <div class="panel-body"> <!-- START template: term_details_lineage.tmpl --> <!-- <h4>Term lineage for cytoplasm, including inferred links:</h4> --> <ul class="list-unstyled"> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x5564691edc78)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 0--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[Inferred part_of relation]" title="Inferred part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to biological entity">CARO:0030000 biological entity</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55646917f1d8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 1--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[Inferred part_of relation]" title="Inferred part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to anatomical entity">CARO:0000000 anatomical entity</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x5564691b4ac0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 2--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[Inferred part_of relation]" title="Inferred part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to anatomical entity">UBERON:0001062 anatomical entity</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x5564692bc878)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 2--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[Inferred part_of relation]" title="Inferred part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to material anatomical entity">CARO:0000006 material anatomical entity</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x5564692c2cc8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 3--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[Inferred part_of relation]" title="Inferred part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to anatomical structure">UBERON:0000061 anatomical structure</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x5564691ee248)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 3--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[Inferred part_of relation]" title="Inferred part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to connected anatomical structure">CARO:0000003 connected anatomical structure</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x556468b59d80)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 3--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[Inferred part_of relation]" title="Inferred part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to material anatomical entity">UBERON:0000465 material anatomical entity</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x5564691ea288)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 4--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[Inferred part_of relation]" title="Inferred part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to cell">CL:0000000 cell</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x5564691ed7b0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 4--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[Inferred part_of relation]" title="Inferred part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to cellular anatomical structure">GO:0110165 cellular anatomical structure</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x5564691a2d18)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 4--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[Inferred part_of relation]" title="Inferred part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to cellular_component">GO:0005575 cellular_component</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x5564691b7188)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 5--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to intracellular anatomical structure">GO:0005622 intracellular anatomical structure</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x5564691cb718)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 6--> <!-- override_image => <!-- override_title = Current term--> <!-- override_link = 1--> <!-- override_bold = 1--> <li> <img src="" alt="[Current term]" title="Current term" /> <span style="font-weight: bold;">GO:0005737 cytoplasm</span> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55646934b378)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to acetolactate synthase complex">GO:0005948 acetolactate synthase complex</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55646934b240)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to acetyl-CoA carboxylase complex">GO:0009317 acetyl-CoA carboxylase complex</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x556469340d40)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to acidocalcisome">GO:0020022 acidocalcisome</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55646934b018)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to acidophilic cytoplasm">CL:0017502 acidophilic cytoplasm</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x556469338990)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to alkyl hydroperoxide reductase complex">GO:0009321 alkyl hydroperoxide reductase complex</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55646934aee0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to alpha,alpha-trehalose-phosphate synthase complex (UDP-forming)">GO:0005946 alpha,alpha-trehalose-phosphate synthase complex (UDP-forming)</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x556469343138)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to anaerobic ribonucleoside-triphosphate reductase complex">GO:0031250 anaerobic ribonucleoside-triphosphate reductase complex</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55646933dae8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to anammoxosome">GO:0044222 anammoxosome</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x5564693439a8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to anthranilate synthase complex">GO:0005950 anthranilate synthase complex</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x556469339050)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to apical cytoplasm">GO:0090651 apical cytoplasm</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x556468717710)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to Atg1/ULK1 kinase complex">GO:1990316 Atg1/ULK1 kinase complex</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x5564693434e0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to Atg12-Atg5-Atg16 complex">GO:0034274 Atg12-Atg5-Atg16 complex</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55646934b918)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to basolateral cytoplasm">GO:0090652 basolateral cytoplasm</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55646933d1b8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to basophilic cytoplasm">CL:0017503 basophilic cytoplasm</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55646933d758)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[occurs_in relation]" title="occurs_in relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to calcium ion import into sarcoplasmic reticulum">GO:1990036 calcium ion import into sarcoplasmic reticulum</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x5564693492c0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to calpain complex">GO:0110158 calpain complex</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x556469331e90)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to carbamoyl-phosphate synthase complex">GO:0005951 carbamoyl-phosphate synthase complex</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55646934b1b0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to cell cortex">GO:0005938 cell cortex</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x5564693432b8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to cell plate">GO:0009504 cell plate</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x556469344020)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to contractile muscle fiber">GO:0043292 contractile muscle fiber</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x5564693438e8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to crystalloid">GO:0044312 crystalloid</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x556469348ff0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to CUGBP1-eIF2 complex">GO:0071075 CUGBP1-eIF2 complex</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x556469335348)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to Cvt complex">GO:0034270 Cvt complex</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x556469343348)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to cysteine synthase complex">GO:0009333 cysteine synthase complex</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x556469335a08)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to cytoplasmic cyclin-dependent protein kinase holoenzyme complex">GO:0000308 cytoplasmic cyclin-dependent protein kinase holoenzyme complex</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x556469340ec0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to cytoplasmic exosome (RNase complex)">GO:0000177 cytoplasmic exosome (RNase complex)</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x556469348a50)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to cytoplasmic microtubule">GO:0005881 cytoplasmic microtubule</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55646933d6c8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to cytoplasmic microtubule bundle">GO:1905720 cytoplasmic microtubule bundle</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55646934b0a8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[occurs_in relation]" title="occurs_in relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to cytoplasmic microtubule depolymerization">GO:0010938 cytoplasmic microtubule depolymerization</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x556469338750)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to cytoplasmic origin of replication recognition complex">GO:0000809 cytoplasmic origin of replication recognition complex</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x556469338e10)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to cytoplasmic region">GO:0099568 cytoplasmic region</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x556469341190)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to cytoplasmic replication fork">GO:0043597 cytoplasmic replication fork</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x556469348c90)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to cytoplasmic ribonucleoprotein granule">GO:0036464 cytoplasmic ribonucleoprotein granule</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x556469331c50)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[occurs_in relation]" title="occurs_in relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to cytoplasmic RNA surveillance">GO:0071026 cytoplasmic RNA surveillance</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55646933d998)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to cytoplasmic U snRNP body">GO:0071254 cytoplasmic U snRNP body</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x5564693357c8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to cytoplasmic ubiquitin ligase complex">GO:0000153 cytoplasmic ubiquitin ligase complex</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x556469341460)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to cytoplasmic vesicle">GO:0031410 cytoplasmic vesicle</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x556469340b48)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to cytosol">GO:0005829 cytosol</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x556469341058)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to dense body">GO:0097433 dense body</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x556469341730)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to dynein axonemal particle">GO:0120293 dynein axonemal particle</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55646933de00)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[occurs_in relation]" title="occurs_in relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to early endosome to late endosome transport">GO:0045022 early endosome to late endosome transport</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55646933d3f8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[occurs_in relation]" title="occurs_in relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to early endosome to recycling endosome transport">GO:0061502 early endosome to recycling endosome transport</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x556469340920)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to electron transfer flavoprotein complex">GO:0045251 electron transfer flavoprotein complex</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x556469349650)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to endoplasmic reticulum">GO:0005783 endoplasmic reticulum</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x5564693413b8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[occurs_in relation]" title="occurs_in relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to endoplasmic reticulum to Golgi vesicle-mediated transport">GO:0006888 endoplasmic reticulum to Golgi vesicle-mediated transport</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x556469341010)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to endoplasmic reticulum-Golgi intermediate compartment">GO:0005793 endoplasmic reticulum-Golgi intermediate compartment</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x556469343c78)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to endosperm protein body">GO:0042735 endosperm protein body</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55646933cfa8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to eukaryotic translation elongation factor 1 complex">GO:0005853 eukaryotic translation elongation factor 1 complex</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x556469340a70)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2 complex">GO:0005850 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2 complex</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55646934b648)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2B complex">GO:0005851 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2B complex</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55646933d278)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 complex">GO:0005852 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 complex</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55646933d488)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4F complex">GO:0016281 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4F complex</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x556469339260)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to FHF complex">GO:0070695 FHF complex</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55646934bab0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to fusome">GO:0045169 fusome</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x556469349380)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to G-protein beta/gamma-Btk complex">GO:0070441 G-protein beta/gamma-Btk complex</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x556469334c88)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to G-protein beta/gamma-Raf-1 complex">GO:0070422 G-protein beta/gamma-Raf-1 complex</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x5564693439f0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to G-protein beta/gamma-subunit complex">GO:0031680 G-protein beta/gamma-subunit complex</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55646933ddb8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to glutamate-cysteine ligase complex">GO:0017109 glutamate-cysteine ligase complex</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55646933d590)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to glutamate-tRNA ligase complex">GO:0009332 glutamate-tRNA ligase complex</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55646933dcf8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (FAD) complex">GO:0009331 glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (FAD) complex</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x556469348eb8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to glycine reductase complex">GO:0030700 glycine reductase complex</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x556469331590)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to glycine-tRNA ligase complex">GO:0009345 glycine-tRNA ligase complex</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x556469340c80)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to glycogen granule">GO:0042587 glycogen granule</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x5564693414f0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to glycolate oxidase complex">GO:0009339 glycolate oxidase complex</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x556469348b10)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to goblet cell theca">GO:0098593 goblet cell theca</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55646934b438)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to Golgi apparatus">GO:0005794 Golgi apparatus</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x5564693393b0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[occurs_in relation]" title="occurs_in relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to Golgi to secretory granule transport">GO:0055107 Golgi to secretory granule transport</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x556469331a10)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[occurs_in relation]" title="occurs_in relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to Golgi to transport vesicle transport">GO:0055108 Golgi to transport vesicle transport</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x556469339128)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to histone mRNA stem-loop binding complex">GO:0062073 histone mRNA stem-loop binding complex</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x5564693486f0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to homodimeric polyprenyl diphosphate synthase complex">GO:0032477 homodimeric polyprenyl diphosphate synthase complex</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55646933d8f0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to homomeric SMAD protein complex">GO:0071142 homomeric SMAD protein complex</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x5564693317d0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to HSP90-CDC37 chaperone complex">GO:1990565 HSP90-CDC37 chaperone complex</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x5564693391b8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to hydrogenosome">GO:0042566 hydrogenosome</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x556469340bf0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to hydroxyisourate hydrolase complex">GO:0106232 hydroxyisourate hydrolase complex</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x556469348be8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to imidazoleglycerol-phosphate synthase complex">GO:0009382 imidazoleglycerol-phosphate synthase complex</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55646934b510)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to keratohyalin granule">GO:0036457 keratohyalin granule</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55646932d5c8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[occurs_in relation]" title="occurs_in relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to late endosome to Golgi transport">GO:0034499 late endosome to Golgi transport</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55646933d128)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[occurs_in relation]" title="occurs_in relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to lysosome to ER cholesterol transport">GO:0090120 lysosome to ER cholesterol transport</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x556469343450)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[occurs_in relation]" title="occurs_in relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to maintenance of protein complex location in cytoplasm">GO:0098545 maintenance of protein complex location in cytoplasm</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55646933d2c0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to membrane coat">GO:0030117 membrane coat</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55646933d350)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to methane-oxidizing organelle">GO:0044227 methane-oxidizing organelle</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55646933d620)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to methionyl glutamyl tRNA synthetase complex">GO:0017102 methionyl glutamyl tRNA synthetase complex</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x556469341220)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to methylosome">GO:0034709 methylosome</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x556469348840)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to microbody">GO:0042579 microbody</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x556469349458)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to mitochondrial cloud">GO:0032019 mitochondrial cloud</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x5564693490f8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to mitochondrion">GO:0005739 mitochondrion</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55646933db30)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to mitosome">GO:0032047 mitosome</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55646934b168)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to mitotic spindle assembly checkpoint MAD1-MAD2 complex">GO:1990728 mitotic spindle assembly checkpoint MAD1-MAD2 complex</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x556469339488)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to monolayer-surrounded lipid storage body outer lipid monolayer">GO:0034430 monolayer-surrounded lipid storage body outer lipid monolayer</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x556469343180)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to multi-eIF complex">GO:0043614 multi-eIF complex</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55646934b7e0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to Myo2p-Vac17p-Vac8p transport complex">GO:0071563 Myo2p-Vac17p-Vac8p transport complex</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x556469348b58)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to N-terminal protein acetyltransferase complex">GO:0031414 N-terminal protein acetyltransferase complex</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x556469343618)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to nascent polypeptide-associated complex">GO:0005854 nascent polypeptide-associated complex</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55646934b888)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to neurofilament">GO:0005883 neurofilament</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x556469343b28)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to neutrophillic cytoplasm">CL:0017500 neutrophillic cytoplasm</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x556469343588)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to ooplasm">GO:1990917 ooplasm</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55646934b708)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to PAN complex">GO:0031251 PAN complex</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x556469341328)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to Par3-APC-KIF3A complex">GO:0034748 Par3-APC-KIF3A complex</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x5564691b7278)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to paraferritin complex">GO:0070826 paraferritin complex</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x556469348f60)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to perinuclear region of cytoplasm">GO:0048471 perinuclear region of cytoplasm</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x556469349590)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to periphagosomal region of cytoplasm">GO:1990783 periphagosomal region of cytoplasm</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x5564693436d8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to phagophore">GO:0061908 phagophore</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55646933d548)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to phagophore assembly site">GO:0000407 phagophore assembly site</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x556469343df8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to phenylalanine-tRNA ligase complex">GO:0009328 phenylalanine-tRNA ligase complex</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x556469340878)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to phosphoenolpyruvate-dependent sugar phosphotransferase complex">GO:0019197 phosphoenolpyruvate-dependent sugar phosphotransferase complex</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x556469343bb8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to phosphopantothenoylcysteine decarboxylase complex">GO:0071513 phosphopantothenoylcysteine decarboxylase complex</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55646933d818)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to phosphoribosylaminoimidazole carboxylase complex">GO:0009320 phosphoribosylaminoimidazole carboxylase complex</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x556469343408)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to phosphorylase kinase complex">GO:0005964 phosphorylase kinase complex</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x5564693410e8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to phragmoplast">GO:0009524 phragmoplast</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x556469343d50)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to phragmosome">GO:0009525 phragmosome</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55646933d080)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to pICln-Sm protein complex">GO:0034715 pICln-Sm protein complex</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x556469349500)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to pirellulosome">GO:0044223 pirellulosome</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x556469349188)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to plasma membrane-derived chromatophore">GO:0042716 plasma membrane-derived chromatophore</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55646934af70)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to plasma membrane-derived photosystem I">GO:0030094 plasma membrane-derived photosystem I</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x556469343a80)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to plasma membrane-derived thylakoid photosystem II">GO:0030096 plasma membrane-derived thylakoid photosystem II</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x5564693409b0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to plastid">GO:0009536 plastid</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x5564693493c8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to pole plasm">GO:0045495 pole plasm</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x5564693437b0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to polkadots">GO:0002096 polkadots</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x556469349230)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to polychromatophilic cytoplasm">CL:0017504 polychromatophilic cytoplasm</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x5564693489c0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to polyhydroxyalkanoate granule">GO:0070088 polyhydroxyalkanoate granule</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55646933da28)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to polyketide synthase complex">GO:0034081 polyketide synthase complex</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x5564693490b0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to preprophase band">GO:0009574 preprophase band</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x5564693390e0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to procentriole">GO:0120098 procentriole</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x556469343720)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to procentriole replication complex">GO:0120099 procentriole replication complex</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x556469340ab8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to proteasome storage granule">GO:0034515 proteasome storage granule</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x556469348780)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[occurs_in relation]" title="occurs_in relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to protein exit from endoplasmic reticulum">GO:0032527 protein exit from endoplasmic reticulum</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55646933ce58)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to protein farnesyltransferase complex">GO:0005965 protein farnesyltransferase complex</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x556469343f48)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to protein phosphatase type 1 complex">GO:0000164 protein phosphatase type 1 complex</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x556469331350)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to pyruvate dehydrogenase (lipoamide) phosphatase complex">GO:0045253 pyruvate dehydrogenase (lipoamide) phosphatase complex</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x556469348918)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to Rab-protein geranylgeranyltransferase complex">GO:0005968 Rab-protein geranylgeranyltransferase complex</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55646933cff0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to RasGAP-Fyn-Lyn-Yes complex">GO:0034996 RasGAP-Fyn-Lyn-Yes complex</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55646934b480)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to RAVE complex">GO:0043291 RAVE complex</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55646933d860)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase complex">GO:0048492 ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase complex</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55646934b9d8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to sarcoplasm">GO:0016528 sarcoplasm</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x556469335588)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to sarcosine oxidase complex">GO:0032921 sarcosine oxidase complex</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55646934b750)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to SCAR complex">GO:0031209 SCAR complex</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55646934b2e8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to scintillon">GO:0036007 scintillon</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x556469340e18)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to Scrib-APC complex">GO:0034749 Scrib-APC complex</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55646934ba20)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to Scrib-APC-beta-catenin complex">GO:0034750 Scrib-APC-beta-catenin complex</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55646933cee8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to serine-pyruvate aminotransferase complex">GO:0005969 serine-pyruvate aminotransferase complex</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x556469348de0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to Sid2-Mob1 complex">GO:0034973 Sid2-Mob1 complex</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x556469343858)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to signal recognition particle">GO:0048500 signal recognition particle</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x5564693393f8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to Ski complex">GO:0055087 Ski complex</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x556469348d20)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to SMN-Sm protein complex">GO:0034719 SMN-Sm protein complex</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x556469340f50)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to SNARE complex">GO:0031201 SNARE complex</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x5564693415b0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to spectrosome">GO:0045170 spectrosome</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x556469348e28)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to subsynaptic reticulum">GO:0071212 subsynaptic reticulum</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55646934b5b8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to sulfate adenylyltransferase complex (ATP)">GO:0009336 sulfate adenylyltransferase complex (ATP)</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x5564693417c0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to translation initiation complex">GO:0070992 translation initiation complex</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x556469343f90)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to translation initiation ternary complex">GO:0044207 translation initiation ternary complex</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x5564693412e0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to translation preinitiation complex">GO:0070993 translation preinitiation complex</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x556469343cc0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to translation release factor complex">GO:0018444 translation release factor complex</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x5564693320d0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to transnitrosylase complex">GO:1990658 transnitrosylase complex</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x556469348888)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to tricarboxylic acid cycle heteromeric enzyme complex">GO:0045239 tricarboxylic acid cycle heteromeric enzyme complex</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x556469335108)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to type I site-specific deoxyribonuclease complex">GO:0019812 type I site-specific deoxyribonuclease complex</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55646933dbc0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to type II site-specific deoxyribonuclease complex">GO:0009359 type II site-specific deoxyribonuclease complex</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x556469341688)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to type III site-specific deoxyribonuclease complex">GO:0019813 type III site-specific deoxyribonuclease complex</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x556469343210)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to type IV site-specific deoxyribonuclease complex">GO:0032068 type IV site-specific deoxyribonuclease complex</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x5564693415f8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to UFD1-NPL4 complex">GO:0036501 UFD1-NPL4 complex</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x55646933dc68)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to urease complex">GO:0035550 urease complex</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x556469343e88)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to vacuole">GO:0005773 vacuole</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x556469334ec8)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to VCP-NSFL1C complex">GO:1990730 VCP-NSFL1C complex</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x5564693392f0)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to WASH complex">GO:0071203 WASH complex</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> <!-- graph_entry = HASH(0x556469340d88)--> <!-- number_of_spaces = 7--> <!-- override_image = --> <!-- override_title = --> <!-- override_link = --> <!-- override_bold = --> <li> <img src="" alt="[part_of relation]" title="part_of relation" /> <a href="" title="Go to yolk">GO:0060417 yolk</a> </li> <!-- END template: term_details_entry.tmpl --> </ul> <!-- END template: term_details_lineage.tmpl --> </div> </div> </div> <div id="display-sentences-tab" class="tab-pane"> <div class="panel panel-default amigo-detail-tab-spacer"> <div class="panel-body"> <!-- START template: term_details_sentences.tmpl --> <h5 class="text-center"> Parents of cytoplasm (GO:0005737) </h5> <table id="all-table-above" class="table table-striped table-hover"> <!-- START template: term_details_neighborhood_head.tmpl --> <thead> <tr> <th style="width: 42%">subject<img style="border: 0px;" src="" title="Reorder by subject" alt="[Reorder by subject]" /></th> <th style="width: 16%">relation<img style="border: 0px;" src="" title="Reorder by relation" alt="[Reorder by relation]" /></th> <th style="width: 42%">object<img style="border: 0px;" src="" title="Reorder by object" alt="[Reorder by object]" /></th> </tr> </thead> <!-- END template: term_details_neighborhood_head.tmpl --> <tbody> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691b4af0) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 0 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = object --> <tr class=""> <td> cytoplasm </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> <a href="" title="Go to intracellular anatomical structure">intracellular anatomical structure (GO:0005622)</a> </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x55646917f220) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 1 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = object --> <tr class=""> <td> cytoplasm </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[RO:0002162 relation]" title="RO:0002162 relation" /> RO:0002162 </span> </td> <td> <a href="" title="Go to cellular organisms">cellular organisms (NCBITaxon:131567)</a> </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691ede58) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 2 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = object --> <tr class=""> <td> cytoplasm </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> <a href="" title="Go to cellular anatomical structure">cellular anatomical structure (GO:0110165)</a> </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> </tbody> </table> <h5 class="text-center"> Children of cytoplasm (GO:0005737) </h5> <table id="all-table-below" class="table table-striped table-hover"> <!-- START template: term_details_neighborhood_head.tmpl --> <thead> <tr> <th style="width: 42%">subject<img style="border: 0px;" src="" title="Reorder by subject" alt="[Reorder by subject]" /></th> <th style="width: 16%">relation<img style="border: 0px;" src="" title="Reorder by relation" alt="[Reorder by relation]" /></th> <th style="width: 42%">object<img style="border: 0px;" src="" title="Reorder by object" alt="[Reorder by object]" /></th> </tr> </thead> <!-- END template: term_details_neighborhood_head.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55646934b600) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 3 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to glycine reductase complex">glycine reductase complex (GO:0030700)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693486d8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 4 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to import into cell">import into cell (GO:0098657)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[RO:0002339 relation]" title="RO:0002339 relation" /> RO:0002339 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564692bbfd8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 5 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to CUGBP1-eIF2 complex">CUGBP1-eIF2 complex (GO:0071075)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693b1998) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 6 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to cytoplasm organization">cytoplasm organization (GO:0007028)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[RO:0002592 relation]" title="RO:0002592 relation" /> RO:0002592 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564692bc500) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 7 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to perinuclear region of cytoplasm">perinuclear region of cytoplasm (GO:0048471)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564691b4718) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 8 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to preprophase band">preprophase band (GO:0009574)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55646917f8f8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 9 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to cytoplasmic ribonucleoprotein granule">cytoplasmic ribonucleoprotein granule (GO:0036464)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55646939ff28) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 10 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to SMN-Sm protein complex">SMN-Sm protein complex (GO:0034719)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55646917f700) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 11 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to Sid2-Mob1 complex">Sid2-Mob1 complex (GO:0034973)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564691b4838) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 12 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to subsynaptic reticulum">subsynaptic reticulum (GO:0071212)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693b1a70) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 13 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to mitochondrial cloud">mitochondrial cloud (GO:0032019)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564691df6b0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 14 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to pole plasm">pole plasm (GO:0045495)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55646917f940) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 15 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to pirellulosome">pirellulosome (GO:0044223)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55646917f5f8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 16 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to alpha,alpha-trehalose-phosphate synthase complex (UDP-forming)">alpha,alpha-trehalose-phosphate synthase complex (UDP-forming) (GO:0005946)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564691b6d08) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 17 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to endoplasmic reticulum">endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0005783)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693b1b00) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 18 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to periphagosomal region of cytoplasm">periphagosomal region of cytoplasm (GO:1990783)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55646917f478) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 19 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to plasma membrane-derived photosystem I">plasma membrane-derived photosystem I (GO:0030094)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564691b6d38) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 20 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to mitochondrion">mitochondrion (GO:0005739)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564692d66c8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 21 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to plasma membrane-derived chromatophore">plasma membrane-derived chromatophore (GO:0042716)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693b1b78) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 22 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to G-protein beta/gamma-Btk complex">G-protein beta/gamma-Btk complex (GO:0070441)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55646917f430) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 23 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to calpain complex">calpain complex (GO:0110158)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564687177b8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 24 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to polychromatophilic cytoplasm">polychromatophilic cytoplasm (CL:0017504)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693b1c08) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 25 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to RAVE complex">RAVE complex (GO:0043291)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55646917f358) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 26 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to acetolactate synthase complex">acetolactate synthase complex (GO:0005948)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564692c28a8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 27 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to Golgi apparatus">Golgi apparatus (GO:0005794)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55646917f1a8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 28 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to keratohyalin granule">keratohyalin granule (GO:0036457)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564692bc848) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 29 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to sulfate adenylyltransferase complex (ATP)">sulfate adenylyltransferase complex (ATP) (GO:0009336)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x556469339320) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 30 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2B complex">eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2B complex (GO:0005851)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55646917f790) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 31 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to mitotic spindle assembly checkpoint MAD1-MAD2 complex">mitotic spindle assembly checkpoint MAD1-MAD2 complex (GO:1990728)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564692bc890) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 32 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to cytoplasmic microtubule depolymerization">cytoplasmic microtubule depolymerization (GO:0010938)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000066 relation]" title="BFO:0000066 relation" /> BFO:0000066 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564691b7008) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 33 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to acidophilic cytoplasm">acidophilic cytoplasm (CL:0017502)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55646939ffe8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 34 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to scintillon">scintillon (GO:0036007)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55646917f5b0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 35 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to acetyl-CoA carboxylase complex">acetyl-CoA carboxylase complex (GO:0009317)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x55646934b1e0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 36 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to cell cortex">cell cortex (GO:0005938)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693b1d40) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 37 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to basolateral cytoplasm">basolateral cytoplasm (GO:0090652)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693b1dd0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 38 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to neurofilament">neurofilament (GO:0005883)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693b1e90) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 39 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to Scrib-APC-beta-catenin complex">Scrib-APC-beta-catenin complex (GO:0034750)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693b1f20) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 40 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to sarcoplasm">sarcoplasm (GO:0016528)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693b1fb0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 41 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to fusome">fusome (GO:0045169)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693b2040) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 42 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to PAN complex">PAN complex (GO:0031251)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693b20d0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 43 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to SCAR complex">SCAR complex (GO:0031209)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693b2160) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 44 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to Myo2p-Vac17p-Vac8p transport complex">Myo2p-Vac17p-Vac8p transport complex (GO:0071563)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693b21f0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 45 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to cysteine synthase complex">cysteine synthase complex (GO:0009333)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693b2280) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 46 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to cell plate">cell plate (GO:0009504)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693b2310) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 47 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to anaerobic ribonucleoside-triphosphate reductase complex">anaerobic ribonucleoside-triphosphate reductase complex (GO:0031250)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693b23a0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 48 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to multi-eIF complex">multi-eIF complex (GO:0043614)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693b2430) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 49 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to type IV site-specific deoxyribonuclease complex">type IV site-specific deoxyribonuclease complex (GO:0032068)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693b24c0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 50 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to anthranilate synthase complex">anthranilate synthase complex (GO:0005950)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693b2550) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 51 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to G-protein beta/gamma-subunit complex">G-protein beta/gamma-subunit complex (GO:0031680)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693b25e0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 52 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to neutrophillic cytoplasm">neutrophillic cytoplasm (CL:0017500)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693b2670) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 53 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to plasma membrane-derived thylakoid photosystem II">plasma membrane-derived thylakoid photosystem II (GO:0030096)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693b2700) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 54 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to phosphorylase kinase complex">phosphorylase kinase complex (GO:0005964)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693b2790) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 55 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to ooplasm">ooplasm (GO:1990917)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693b2820) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 56 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to Atg12-Atg5-Atg16 complex">Atg12-Atg5-Atg16 complex (GO:0034274)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693b28b0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 57 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to maintenance of protein complex location in cytoplasm">maintenance of protein complex location in cytoplasm (GO:0098545)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000066 relation]" title="BFO:0000066 relation" /> BFO:0000066 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693b2940) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 58 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to procentriole replication complex">procentriole replication complex (GO:0120099)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693b6fc8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 59 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to phagophore">phagophore (GO:0061908)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693b7058) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 60 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to nascent polypeptide-associated complex">nascent polypeptide-associated complex (GO:0005854)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693b70e8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 61 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to crystalloid">crystalloid (GO:0044312)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693b7178) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 62 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to signal recognition particle">signal recognition particle (GO:0048500)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693b7208) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 63 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to polkadots">polkadots (GO:0002096)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693b7298) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 64 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to translation release factor complex">translation release factor complex (GO:0018444)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693b7328) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 65 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to vacuole">vacuole (GO:0005773)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693b73b8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 66 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to phenylalanine-tRNA ligase complex">phenylalanine-tRNA ligase complex (GO:0009328)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693b7448) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 67 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to phragmosome">phragmosome (GO:0009525)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693b74d8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 68 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to phosphopantothenoylcysteine decarboxylase complex">phosphopantothenoylcysteine decarboxylase complex (GO:0071513)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693b7568) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 69 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to endosperm protein body">endosperm protein body (GO:0042735)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693b75f8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 70 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to Rab-protein geranylgeranyltransferase complex">Rab-protein geranylgeranyltransferase complex (GO:0005968)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693b7688) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 71 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to cytoplasmic microtubule">cytoplasmic microtubule (GO:0005881)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693b7718) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 72 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to polyhydroxyalkanoate granule">polyhydroxyalkanoate granule (GO:0070088)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693b77a8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 73 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to N-terminal protein acetyltransferase complex">N-terminal protein acetyltransferase complex (GO:0031414)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693b7838) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 74 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to goblet cell theca">goblet cell theca (GO:0098593)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693b78c8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 75 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to imidazoleglycerol-phosphate synthase complex">imidazoleglycerol-phosphate synthase complex (GO:0009382)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693b7958) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 76 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to contractile muscle fiber">contractile muscle fiber (GO:0043292)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693b79e8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 77 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to protein phosphatase type 1 complex">protein phosphatase type 1 complex (GO:0000164)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693b7a78) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 78 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to translation initiation ternary complex">translation initiation ternary complex (GO:0044207)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693b7b08) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 79 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to homodimeric polyprenyl diphosphate synthase complex">homodimeric polyprenyl diphosphate synthase complex (GO:0032477)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693b7b98) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 80 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to tricarboxylic acid cycle heteromeric enzyme complex">tricarboxylic acid cycle heteromeric enzyme complex (GO:0045239)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693b7c28) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 81 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to microbody">microbody (GO:0042579)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693b7cb8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 82 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to protein exit from endoplasmic reticulum">protein exit from endoplasmic reticulum (GO:0032527)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000066 relation]" title="BFO:0000066 relation" /> BFO:0000066 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693b7d48) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 83 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to glutamate-tRNA ligase complex">glutamate-tRNA ligase complex (GO:0009332)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693b7dd8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 84 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to cytoplasmic microtubule bundle">cytoplasmic microtubule bundle (GO:1905720)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693b7e68) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 85 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to methionyl glutamyl tRNA synthetase complex">methionyl glutamyl tRNA synthetase complex (GO:0017102)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693b7ef8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 86 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to calcium ion import into sarcoplasmic reticulum">calcium ion import into sarcoplasmic reticulum (GO:1990036)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000066 relation]" title="BFO:0000066 relation" /> BFO:0000066 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693b9b50) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 87 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to homomeric SMAD protein complex">homomeric SMAD protein complex (GO:0071142)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693b9be0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 88 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to phosphoribosylaminoimidazole carboxylase complex">phosphoribosylaminoimidazole carboxylase complex (GO:0009320)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693b9c70) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 89 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase complex">ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase complex (GO:0048492)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693b9d00) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 90 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to methane-oxidizing organelle">methane-oxidizing organelle (GO:0044227)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693b9d90) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 91 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to early endosome to recycling endosome transport">early endosome to recycling endosome transport (GO:0061502)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000066 relation]" title="BFO:0000066 relation" /> BFO:0000066 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693b9e20) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 92 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4F complex">eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4F complex (GO:0016281)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693b9eb0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 93 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to phagophore assembly site">phagophore assembly site (GO:0000407)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693b9f40) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 94 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to early endosome to late endosome transport">early endosome to late endosome transport (GO:0045022)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000066 relation]" title="BFO:0000066 relation" /> BFO:0000066 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693b9fd0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 95 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to glutamate-cysteine ligase complex">glutamate-cysteine ligase complex (GO:0017109)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693ba060) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 96 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to electron transfer flavoprotein complex">electron transfer flavoprotein complex (GO:0045251)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693ba0f0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 97 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to phosphoenolpyruvate-dependent sugar phosphotransferase complex">phosphoenolpyruvate-dependent sugar phosphotransferase complex (GO:0019197)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693ba180) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 98 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to plastid">plastid (GO:0009536)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693ba210) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 99 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2 complex">eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2 complex (GO:0005850)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693ba2a0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 100 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to polyketide synthase complex">polyketide synthase complex (GO:0034081)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693ba330) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 101 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to cytoplasmic U snRNP body">cytoplasmic U snRNP body (GO:0071254)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693ba3c0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 102 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to type II site-specific deoxyribonuclease complex">type II site-specific deoxyribonuclease complex (GO:0009359)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693ba450) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 103 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to anammoxosome">anammoxosome (GO:0044222)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693ba4e0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 104 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to mitosome">mitosome (GO:0032047)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693ba570) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 105 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to urease complex">urease complex (GO:0035550)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693ba600) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 106 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (FAD) complex">glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (FAD) complex (GO:0009331)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693ba690) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 107 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to dense body">dense body (GO:0097433)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693ba720) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 108 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to phragmoplast">phragmoplast (GO:0009524)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693ba7b0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 109 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to methylosome">methylosome (GO:0034709)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693ba840) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 110 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to cytoplasmic replication fork">cytoplasmic replication fork (GO:0043597)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693ba8d0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 111 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to cytoplasmic side of membrane">cytoplasmic side of membrane (GO:0098562)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[RO:0002220 relation]" title="RO:0002220 relation" /> RO:0002220 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693ba960) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 112 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to translation preinitiation complex">translation preinitiation complex (GO:0070993)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693ba9f0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 113 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to proteasome storage granule">proteasome storage granule (GO:0034515)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693baa80) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 114 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to cytosol">cytosol (GO:0005829)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693bb908) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 115 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to hydroxyisourate hydrolase complex">hydroxyisourate hydrolase complex (GO:0106232)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693bb998) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 116 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to SNARE complex">SNARE complex (GO:0031201)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693bba28) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 117 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to cytoplasmic exosome (RNase complex)">cytoplasmic exosome (RNase complex) (GO:0000177)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693bbab8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 118 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to endoplasmic reticulum-Golgi intermediate compartment">endoplasmic reticulum-Golgi intermediate compartment (GO:0005793)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693bbb48) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 119 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to glycogen granule">glycogen granule (GO:0042587)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693bbbd8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 120 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to yolk">yolk (GO:0060417)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693bbc68) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 121 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to Scrib-APC complex">Scrib-APC complex (GO:0034749)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693bbcf8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 122 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to acidocalcisome">acidocalcisome (GO:0020022)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693bbd88) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 123 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to type III site-specific deoxyribonuclease complex">type III site-specific deoxyribonuclease complex (GO:0019813)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693bbe18) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 124 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to dynein axonemal particle">dynein axonemal particle (GO:0120293)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693bbea8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 125 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to translation initiation complex">translation initiation complex (GO:0070992)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693bbf38) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 126 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to Par3-APC-KIF3A complex">Par3-APC-KIF3A complex (GO:0034748)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693bbfc8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 127 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to endoplasmic reticulum to Golgi vesicle-mediated transport">endoplasmic reticulum to Golgi vesicle-mediated transport (GO:0006888)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000066 relation]" title="BFO:0000066 relation" /> BFO:0000066 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693bc058) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 128 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to cytoplasmic vesicle">cytoplasmic vesicle (GO:0031410)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693bc0e8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 129 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to glycolate oxidase complex">glycolate oxidase complex (GO:0009339)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693bc178) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 130 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to UFD1-NPL4 complex">UFD1-NPL4 complex (GO:0036501)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693bc208) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 131 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to spectrosome">spectrosome (GO:0045170)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693bc298) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 132 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to carbamoyl-phosphate synthase complex">carbamoyl-phosphate synthase complex (GO:0005951)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693bc328) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 133 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to cytoplasmic RNA surveillance">cytoplasmic RNA surveillance (GO:0071026)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000066 relation]" title="BFO:0000066 relation" /> BFO:0000066 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693bc3b8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 134 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to transnitrosylase complex">transnitrosylase complex (GO:1990658)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693bc448) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 135 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to G-protein beta/gamma-Raf-1 complex">G-protein beta/gamma-Raf-1 complex (GO:0070422)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693bc4d8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 136 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to VCP-NSFL1C complex">VCP-NSFL1C complex (GO:1990730)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693bc568) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 137 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to paraferritin complex">paraferritin complex (GO:0070826)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693bc5f8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 138 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to late endosome to Golgi transport">late endosome to Golgi transport (GO:0034499)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000066 relation]" title="BFO:0000066 relation" /> BFO:0000066 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693bc688) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 139 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to glycine-tRNA ligase complex">glycine-tRNA ligase complex (GO:0009345)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693bc718) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 140 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to pyruvate dehydrogenase (lipoamide) phosphatase complex">pyruvate dehydrogenase (lipoamide) phosphatase complex (GO:0045253)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693bc7a8) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 141 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to Golgi to transport vesicle transport">Golgi to transport vesicle transport (GO:0055108)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000066 relation]" title="BFO:0000066 relation" /> BFO:0000066 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693bc838) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 142 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to HSP90-CDC37 chaperone complex">HSP90-CDC37 chaperone complex (GO:1990565)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693be660) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 143 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to cytoplasmic origin of replication recognition complex">cytoplasmic origin of replication recognition complex (GO:0000809)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693be6f0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 144 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to cytoplasmic cyclin-dependent protein kinase holoenzyme complex">cytoplasmic cyclin-dependent protein kinase holoenzyme complex (GO:0000308)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693be780) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 145 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to alkyl hydroperoxide reductase complex">alkyl hydroperoxide reductase complex (GO:0009321)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564691b4340) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 146 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to cytoplasmic region">cytoplasmic region (GO:0099568)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693be8a0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 147 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to apical cytoplasm">apical cytoplasm (GO:0090651)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693be930) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 148 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to type I site-specific deoxyribonuclease complex">type I site-specific deoxyribonuclease complex (GO:0019812)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693be9c0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 149 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to sarcosine oxidase complex">sarcosine oxidase complex (GO:0032921)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693bea50) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 150 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to Cvt complex">Cvt complex (GO:0034270)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693beae0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 151 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to cytoplasmic ubiquitin ligase complex">cytoplasmic ubiquitin ligase complex (GO:0000153)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693beb70) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 152 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to hydrogenosome">hydrogenosome (GO:0042566)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693bec00) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 153 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to FHF complex">FHF complex (GO:0070695)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693bec90) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 154 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to WASH complex">WASH complex (GO:0071203)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693bed20) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 155 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to ribosomal protein import into nucleus">ribosomal protein import into nucleus (GO:0006610)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[RO:0002338 relation]" title="RO:0002338 relation" /> RO:0002338 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693bedb0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 156 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to Golgi to secretory granule transport">Golgi to secretory granule transport (GO:0055107)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000066 relation]" title="BFO:0000066 relation" /> BFO:0000066 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693bee40) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 157 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to Ski complex">Ski complex (GO:0055087)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693beed0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 158 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to monolayer-surrounded lipid storage body outer lipid monolayer">monolayer-surrounded lipid storage body outer lipid monolayer (GO:0034430)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693bef60) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 159 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to Atg1/ULK1 kinase complex">Atg1/ULK1 kinase complex (GO:1990316)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693beff0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 160 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to histone mRNA stem-loop binding complex">histone mRNA stem-loop binding complex (GO:0062073)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693bf080) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 161 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to procentriole">procentriole (GO:0120098)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693bf110) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 162 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to serine-pyruvate aminotransferase complex">serine-pyruvate aminotransferase complex (GO:0005969)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693bf1a0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 163 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to eukaryotic translation elongation factor 1 complex">eukaryotic translation elongation factor 1 complex (GO:0005853)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693bf230) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 164 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to pICln-Sm protein complex">pICln-Sm protein complex (GO:0034715)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693bf2c0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 165 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to RasGAP-Fyn-Lyn-Yes complex">RasGAP-Fyn-Lyn-Yes complex (GO:0034996)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693bf350) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 166 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to membrane coat">membrane coat (GO:0030117)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693bf3e0) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 167 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 complex">eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 complex (GO:0005852)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693bf470) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 168 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to lysosome to ER cholesterol transport">lysosome to ER cholesterol transport (GO:0090120)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000066 relation]" title="BFO:0000066 relation" /> BFO:0000066 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693bf500) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 169 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to basophilic cytoplasm">basophilic cytoplasm (CL:0017503)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[is_a relation]" title="is_a relation" /> is_a </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- START template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <!-- subject_chunk = HASH(0x5564693bf590) --> <!-- object_chunk = HASH(0x5564691cb718) --> <!-- even_odd_rows = 170 --> <!-- munge_id_tail = _a --> <!-- count_type = subject --> <tr class=""> <td> <a href="" title="Go to protein farnesyltransferase complex">protein farnesyltransferase complex (GO:0005965)</a> </td> <td> <span class="nowrap"> <img src="" alt="[BFO:0000050 relation]" title="BFO:0000050 relation" /> BFO:0000050 </span> </td> <td> cytoplasm </td> </tr> <!-- END template: term_details_re_row.tmpl --> <tbody> </tbody> </table> <!-- END template: term_details_sentences.tmpl --> </div> </div> </div> <div id="display-xref-tab" class="tab-pane"> <div class="panel panel-default amigo-detail-tab-spacer"> <div class="panel-body"> <!-- START template: term_details_xrefs.tmpl --> <dl class="dl-horizontal amigo-detail-info"> <dt> <!-- <a class="img" --> <!-- href="#Wikipedia"><img src="" --> <!-- alt="toggle" id="WikipediaImg"></a> --> Wikipedia <!-- (1) --> </dt> <!-- <dd id="Wikipedia"> --> <!-- <ul> --> <dd> <!-- <li> --> <a href="" title="View Cytoplasm in Wikipedia">Cytoplasm</a> <!-- </li> --> </dd> <!-- </ul> --> <!-- </dd> --> </dl> <!-- END template: term_details_xrefs.tmpl --> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- END template: term_details.tmpl --> <!-- Begin: footer.tmpl --> <!-- release_date = --> <!-- version = 2.5.17 --> 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