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Its syntax is described in just a dozen rules, but it has all the features needed to rapidly create useful programs in almost any field of application - on a wide variety of international platforms. See more about Tcl at <a class='mkup_a mkup_known' href='/page/What+is+Tcl'>What is Tcl</a></p><p class='mkup_p'><b class='mkup_b'>What is Tk?</b></p><p class='mkup_p'>Tk is a graphical toolkit for Tcl. It allows you to develop graphical applications that run on Windows, Linux, MacOS X and many other platforms. And not just from Tcl - Tk can be used from many languages including C, Ruby, Perl, Python and Lua. See more about Tk at <a class='mkup_a mkup_known' href='/page/What+is+Tk'>What is Tk</a></p><p class='mkup_p'><b class='mkup_b'>Tcl Community News</b></p> <UL class='mkup_UL'><li class='mkup_li'><b class='mkup_b'>Tcl 9.0 Released!</b> The Tcl Core Team is pleased to announce the release of Tcl 9.0.0 - a new major version of Tcl. When compared with the prior release Tcl 8.6 there are many new features to be enjoyed along with some incompatibilities to be considered. Concurrently released is version 9.0 of the Tk graphical toolkit. A summary of the most noteworthy changes in both Tcl 9.0 and Tk 9.0 can be found at the <a rel='nofollow' class='mkup_a' href=''>Tcl Developer Xchange <span class='glyphicon glyphicon-globe' aria-hidden='true'></span></a>.</li></UL><img src='/repo/wiki_images/Tcl9.svg' width='30%' /><UL class='mkup_UL'><li class='mkup_li'><b class='mkup_b'>New TCT Members</b> - the Tcl Core Team (TCT) is pleased to announce that Rolf Ade, Ashok Nadkarni and Harald Oehlmann have been elected to membership in the TCT, following the procedure described in TIP #0 <a rel='nofollow' class='mkup_a' href=''> <span class='glyphicon glyphicon-globe' aria-hidden='true'></span></a></li></UL><UL class='mkup_UL'><li class='mkup_li'><b class='mkup_b'>Another new TCT Member</b> - The Tcl Core Team (TCT) is pleased to announce that Reinhard Max has been elected to membership in the TCT. As well as being a valuable member of the team, Reinhard will be a voice representing the needs of OS vendors/distributors within the TCT.</li></UL><UL class='mkup_UL'><li class='mkup_li'>The European OpenACS and TCL/Tk conference was held in Vienna/Austria/Europe on July 11 & 12 2024. The conference page is: <a rel='nofollow' class='mkup_a' href=''> <span class='glyphicon glyphicon-globe' aria-hidden='true'></span></a></li></UL><UL class='mkup_UL'><li class='mkup_li'>There is a <b class='mkup_b'>Monthly Tcl Meetup</b> held online. Details are available on the <a class='mkup_a mkup_known' href='/page/Monthly+Virtual+Meetup'>Monthly Virtual Meetup</a> page.</li></UL><UL class='mkup_UL'><li class='mkup_li'>A virtual <b class='mkup_b'>European Tcl Meetup</b> is held monthly. For futher details see <a class='mkup_a mkup_known' href='/page/Monatlicher+virtueller+Tcl+Stammtisch'>Monatlicher virtueller Tcl Stammtisch</a></li></UL><UL class='mkup_UL'><li class='mkup_li'><a class='mkup_a mkup_known' href='/page/Tcl+Conferences'>Tcl Conferences</a> has details of past Tcl conferences</li></UL><UL class='mkup_UL'><li class='mkup_li'><b class='mkup_b'>Tcl/Tk 8.6.15 Released</b>. The Tcl Core Team is pleased to announce the 8.6.15 release of the Tcl dynamic language and the Tk toolkit. We would like to express our gratitude to all those who submit bug reports and patches. This information is invaluable in enabling us to identify and eliminate problems in the core. Tcl/Tk 8.6.15 sources are freely available as open source from the <a rel='nofollow' class='mkup_a' href=''>Tcl Developer Xchange <span class='glyphicon glyphicon-globe' aria-hidden='true'></span></a>.</li></UL> <ul><li>Subscribe to the <a href="">@TclLang</a> Twitter feed for news about happenings in the Tcl world! </li></ul><p class='mkup_p'><b class='mkup_b'>Recent changes</b></p><table><tr> <td class='date0'> November 30, 2024 </td></tr> </tr><td class='changes'><a href='/page/Proposal+of+syntax%2C+expressiveness+and+semantic+improvements+with+annotations'>Proposal of syntax, expressiveness and semantic improvements with annotations</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td class='date'> November 29, 2024 </td></tr> </tr><td class='changes'><a href='/page/My+Little+TextFile+Parser'>My Little TextFile Parser</a></td> </tr> </tr><td class='changes'><a href='/page/Scrollutil'>Scrollutil</a></td> </tr> </tr><td class='changes'><a href='/page/tablelist'>tablelist</a></td> </tr> </tr><td class='changes'><a href='/page/Mentry'>Mentry</a></td> </tr> </tr><td class='changes'><a href='/page/Wcb'>Wcb</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td class='date'> November 28, 2024 </td></tr> </tr><td class='changes'><a href='/page/lpttcl'>lpttcl</a></td> </tr> </tr><td class='changes'><a href='/page/Frank+Bannon'>Frank Bannon</a></td> </tr> </tr><td class='changes'><a href='/page/Movie+Metadata+editor'>Movie Metadata editor</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td class='date'> November 21, 2024 </td></tr> </tr><td class='changes'><a href='/page/Extensions+ready+for+Tcl+9'>Extensions ready for Tcl 9</a></td> </tr> </table><div class=recent> <a class=recent href=recent>View all recent changes</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class='row'> <div class='col-xs-12'> <div class='Footer'>Updated 2018-02-25 07:09:04</div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- jQuery library --> <script src=''></script> <script src=''></script> <!-- Latest compiled JavaScript --> <script src=''></script> <script type='text/javascript' src='/scripts/nikit.js'></script> <script type='text/javascript' src='/scripts/sh_main.js'></script> <script type='text/javascript' src='/scripts/sh_tcl.js'></script> <script type='text/javascript' src='/scripts/sh_c.js'></script> <script type='text/javascript' src='/scripts/sh_cpp.js'></script> <!-- <script src=''></script> --> <script src=''></script> <script>var clipboard = new ClipboardJS('.copybtn', { text: function(trigger) { return document.querySelector(trigger.getAttribute('data-clipboard-target')).textContent + '\n'; } }); sort_tables(); </script> </body> </html>