Crossway Podcasts | Crossway Articles

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Join Dane Ortlund each day for a brief Scripture reading as well as a devotional meditation on an aspect of the heart of Christ, as he helps you discover afresh not just what Jesus has done for you but how he feels about you as his beloved.<br><br><a href="">Apple Podcasts</a> | <a href="">Spotify</a> | <a href="">RSS</a></p> </section> <section class="clear"></section> </section> <section class="custom-product-section"> <a class="custom-cover"><img src=""></a> <section class="custom-copy"> <h2>The Big Picture Story Bible</h2> <p>In this full audio recording of the best-selling <em>The Big Picture Story Bible</em>, join author and narrator David Helm on a journey through the whole storyline of God's Word from Genesis to Revelation created specifically for kids.<br><br><a href="">Apple Podcasts</a> | <a href="">Spotify</a> | <a href="">RSS</a></p> </section> <section class="clear"></section> </section> <section class="custom-product-section"> <a class="custom-cover"><img src=""></a> <section class="custom-copy"> <h2>Reactivity: Rethinking Social Media with Paul Tripp</h2> <p>Join Paul Tripp as he encourages Christians to think wisely about their social media interactions and to be a beacon of light in an age of toxicity.<br><br><a href="">Apple Podcasts</a> | <a href="">Spotify</a> | <a href="">RSS</a></p> </section> <section class="clear"></section> </section> <hr class="clear" /> </section> </article> <div class="ministry-copy"> Crossway is a not-for-profit Christian ministry that exists solely for the purpose of proclaiming the gospel through publishing gospel-centered, Bible-centered content. 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