Census Profile
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class="form-group"> <label for="Label_ID">Select a view:</label> <select id ="Label_ID" class="form-control" name="B1" size="1"> <option class="selectcolor1" value="All" selected="selected">All data</option> <option class="selectcolor1" value="Families and households">Families and households</option> <option class="selectcolor1" value="Language">Language</option> <option class="selectcolor1" value="Population">Population</option> <option class="selectcolor2" value="Custom">[ Build your own ]</option> </select> </div> <button type="submit" class="btn btn-default btn-sm">Submit</button> </fieldset> </form> <!--startindex--> <table class="table table-condensed table-hover" id="tablehtml"> <caption><span class="wb-inv">The table shows total, male and female data grouped by geography (appearing as column headers) for selected characteristics (appearing as row headers).</span></caption> <thead> <tr> <th rowspan="3" class="text-left text-bottom" id="col1"> Characteristic </th> <th colspan="3" class="text-bottom text-center" id="geo1"> Division No. 7, <abbr title="Census division">CDR</abbr> <br />Saskatchewan<br /> (Census division) </th> <th colspan="3" class=" text-bottom text-center" id="geo2"> Canada <a title="Data quality note(s)" href="../details/page_Notes.cfm?Lang=E&Geo1=CD&Code1=4707&Geo2=PR&Code2=01&Data=Count&SearchText=Division%20No.%20%207&SearchType=Begins&SearchPR=01&B1=All&Custom=&TABID=1&DQF=20000"><img src="../img/exclamation_mark.gif" alt="Data quality note(s)" class="image-actual" /></a> <br /><br />(Country) </th> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="3" class="text-center hidden-print" headers="geo1"> <a href="page_SelReg1.cfm?Lang=E&Geo1=CD&Code1=4707&Geo2=PR&Code2=01&Data=Count&SearchText=Division%20No.%20%207&SearchType=Begins&SearchPR=01&B1=All&Custom=&TABID=1&G=1" class="btn btn-xs btn-default" title="Change geography 1">Change geography <span class="wb-inv">1</span></a></td> <td colspan="3" class="text-center hidden-print" headers="geo2"> <a href="page_SelReg1.cfm?Lang=E&Geo1=CD&Code1=4707&Geo2=PR&Code2=01&Data=Count&SearchText=Division%20No.%20%207&SearchType=Begins&SearchPR=01&B1=All&Custom=&TABID=1&G=2" class="btn btn-xs btn-default" title="Change geography 2">Change geography <span class="wb-inv">2</span></a></td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-bottom text-right width-10" id="total1"> Total </th> <th class="text-bottom text-right width-10" id="male1"> Male </th> <th class="text-bottom text-right width-10" id="female1"> Female </th> <th class="text-bottom text-right width-10" id="total2"> Total </th> <th class="text-bottom text-right width-10" id="male2"> Male </th> <th class="text-bottom text-right width-10" id="female2"> Female </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <th colspan="7" class="text-left text-top stubheader" id="H1">Population and dwelling counts</th> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L1000" headers="col1 H1"> Population in 2011<sup id="fnb1-ref"><a class="fn-lnk" href="#fnb1" title="Footnote: Population in 2011 - Population and dwelling counts"><span class="wb-inv">Census data footnote </span>1</a></sup> </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L1000 geo1 total1"> 46,648 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L1000 geo1 male1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (Population in 2011)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L1000 geo1 female1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (Population in 2011)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L1000 geo2 total2"> 33,476,688<sup><a title="Data quality symbol - † - Total (Population in 2011)" href="#symDag">†<span class="wb-inv"> </span></a></sup> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L1000 geo2 male2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (Population in 2011)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L1000 geo2 female2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (Population in 2011)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L1001" headers="col1 H1"> Population in 2006<sup id="fnb1-1-ref"><a class="fn-lnk" href="#fnb1" title="Footnote: Population in 2006 - Population and dwelling counts"><span class="wb-inv">Census data footnote </span>1</a></sup> </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L1001 geo1 total1"> 45,532 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L1001 geo1 male1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (Population in 2006)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L1001 geo1 female1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (Population in 2006)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L1001 geo2 total2"> 31,612,897<sup><a title="Data quality symbol - † - Total (Population in 2006)" href="#symDag">†<span class="wb-inv"> </span></a></sup> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L1001 geo2 male2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (Population in 2006)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L1001 geo2 female2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (Population in 2006)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L1002" headers="col1 H1"> 2006 to 2011 population change (%) </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L1002 geo1 total1"> 2.5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L1002 geo1 male1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (2006 to 2011 population change (%))" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L1002 geo1 female1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (2006 to 2011 population change (%))" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L1002 geo2 total2"> 5.9 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L1002 geo2 male2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (2006 to 2011 population change (%))" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L1002 geo2 female2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (2006 to 2011 population change (%))" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L1003" headers="col1 H1"> Total private dwellings<sup id="fnb2-ref"><a class="fn-lnk" href="#fnb2" title="Footnote: Total private dwellings - Population and dwelling counts"><span class="wb-inv">Census data footnote </span>2</a></sup> </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L1003 geo1 total1"> 22,319 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L1003 geo1 male1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (Total private dwellings)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L1003 geo1 female1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (Total private dwellings)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L1003 geo2 total2"> 14,569,633 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L1003 geo2 male2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (Total private dwellings)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L1003 geo2 female2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (Total private dwellings)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L1004" headers="col1 H1"> Private dwellings occupied by usual residents<sup id="fnb3-ref"><a class="fn-lnk" href="#fnb3" title="Footnote: Private dwellings occupied by usual residents - Population and dwelling counts"><span class="wb-inv">Census data footnote </span>3</a></sup> </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L1004 geo1 total1"> 19,684 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L1004 geo1 male1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (Private dwellings occupied by usual residents)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L1004 geo1 female1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (Private dwellings occupied by usual residents)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L1004 geo2 total2"> 13,320,614 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L1004 geo2 male2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (Private dwellings occupied by usual residents)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L1004 geo2 female2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (Private dwellings occupied by usual residents)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L1005" headers="col1 H1"> Population density per square kilometre </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L1005 geo1 total1"> 2.5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L1005 geo1 male1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (Population density per square kilometre)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L1005 geo1 female1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (Population density per square kilometre)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L1005 geo2 total2"> 3.7 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L1005 geo2 male2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (Population density per square kilometre)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L1005 geo2 female2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (Population density per square kilometre)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L1006" headers="col1 H1"> Land area (square km) </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L1006 geo1 total1"> 18,836.58 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L1006 geo1 male1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (Land area (square km))" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L1006 geo1 female1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (Land area (square km))" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L1006 geo2 total2"> 8,965,121.42 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L1006 geo2 male2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (Land area (square km))" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L1006 geo2 female2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (Land area (square km))" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th colspan="7" class="text-left text-top stubheader" id="H2">Age characteristics</th> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L2000" headers="col1 H2"> Total population by age groups<sup id="fnb4-ref"><a class="fn-lnk" href="#fnb4" title="Footnote: Total population by age groups - Age characteristics"><span class="wb-inv">Census data footnote </span>4</a></sup> </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2000 geo1 total1"> 46,645 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2000 geo1 male1"> 22,945 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2000 geo1 female1"> 23,705 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2000 geo2 total2"> 33,476,685 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2000 geo2 male2"> 16,414,225 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2000 geo2 female2"> 17,062,460 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left indent-1" id="L2001" headers="col1 H2"> 0 to 4 years </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2001 geo1 total1"> 2,690 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2001 geo1 male1"> 1,340 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2001 geo1 female1"> 1,350 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2001 geo2 total2"> 1,877,095 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2001 geo2 male2"> 961,150 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2001 geo2 female2"> 915,945 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left indent-1" id="L2002" headers="col1 H2"> 5 to 9 years </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2002 geo1 total1"> 2,485 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2002 geo1 male1"> 1,250 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2002 geo1 female1"> 1,235 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2002 geo2 total2"> 1,809,895 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2002 geo2 male2"> 925,965 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2002 geo2 female2"> 883,935 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left indent-1" id="L2003" headers="col1 H2"> 10 to 14 years </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2003 geo1 total1"> 2,755 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2003 geo1 male1"> 1,375 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2003 geo1 female1"> 1,385 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2003 geo2 total2"> 1,920,355 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2003 geo2 male2"> 983,995 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2003 geo2 female2"> 936,360 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left indent-1" id="L2004" headers="col1 H2"> 15 to 19 years </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2004 geo1 total1"> 3,095 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2004 geo1 male1"> 1,625 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2004 geo1 female1"> 1,465 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2004 geo2 total2"> 2,178,135 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2004 geo2 male2"> 1,115,845 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2004 geo2 female2"> 1,062,295 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left indent-2" id="L2005" headers="col1 H2"> 15 years </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2005 geo1 total1"> 580 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2005 geo1 male1"> 305 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2005 geo1 female1"> 275 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2005 geo2 total2"> 423,755 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2005 geo2 male2"> 216,765 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2005 geo2 female2"> 206,985 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left indent-2" id="L2006" headers="col1 H2"> 16 years </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2006 geo1 total1"> 635 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2006 geo1 male1"> 340 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2006 geo1 female1"> 295 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2006 geo2 total2"> 432,490 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2006 geo2 male2"> 222,445 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2006 geo2 female2"> 210,045 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left indent-2" id="L2007" headers="col1 H2"> 17 years </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2007 geo1 total1"> 635 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2007 geo1 male1"> 325 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2007 geo1 female1"> 310 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2007 geo2 total2"> 434,060 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2007 geo2 male2"> 223,015 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2007 geo2 female2"> 211,045 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left indent-2" id="L2008" headers="col1 H2"> 18 years </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2008 geo1 total1"> 670 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2008 geo1 male1"> 345 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2008 geo1 female1"> 325 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2008 geo2 total2"> 439,700 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2008 geo2 male2"> 225,050 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2008 geo2 female2"> 214,650 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left indent-2" id="L2009" headers="col1 H2"> 19 years </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2009 geo1 total1"> 580 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2009 geo1 male1"> 310 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2009 geo1 female1"> 270 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2009 geo2 total2"> 448,130 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2009 geo2 male2"> 228,570 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2009 geo2 female2"> 219,560 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left indent-1" id="L2010" headers="col1 H2"> 20 to 24 years </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2010 geo1 total1"> 2,840 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2010 geo1 male1"> 1,525 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2010 geo1 female1"> 1,320 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2010 geo2 total2"> 2,187,450 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2010 geo2 male2"> 1,108,775 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2010 geo2 female2"> 1,078,670 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left indent-1" id="L2011" headers="col1 H2"> 25 to 29 years </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2011 geo1 total1"> 2,755 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2011 geo1 male1"> 1,370 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2011 geo1 female1"> 1,385 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2011 geo2 total2"> 2,169,590 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2011 geo2 male2"> 1,077,275 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2011 geo2 female2"> 1,092,315 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left indent-1" id="L2012" headers="col1 H2"> 30 to 34 years </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2012 geo1 total1"> 2,650 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2012 geo1 male1"> 1,325 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2012 geo1 female1"> 1,320 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2012 geo2 total2"> 2,162,905 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2012 geo2 male2"> 1,058,810 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2012 geo2 female2"> 1,104,095 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left indent-1" id="L2013" headers="col1 H2"> 35 to 39 years </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2013 geo1 total1"> 2,510 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2013 geo1 male1"> 1,210 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2013 geo1 female1"> 1,295 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2013 geo2 total2"> 2,173,930 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2013 geo2 male2"> 1,064,200 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2013 geo2 female2"> 1,109,735 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left indent-1" id="L2014" headers="col1 H2"> 40 to 44 years </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2014 geo1 total1"> 2,525 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2014 geo1 male1"> 1,220 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2014 geo1 female1"> 1,305 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2014 geo2 total2"> 2,324,875 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2014 geo2 male2"> 1,141,720 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2014 geo2 female2"> 1,183,155 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left indent-1" id="L2015" headers="col1 H2"> 45 to 49 years </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2015 geo1 total1"> 3,440 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2015 geo1 male1"> 1,720 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2015 geo1 female1"> 1,720 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2015 geo2 total2"> 2,675,130 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2015 geo2 male2"> 1,318,715 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2015 geo2 female2"> 1,356,420 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left indent-1" id="L2016" headers="col1 H2"> 50 to 54 years </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2016 geo1 total1"> 3,775 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2016 geo1 male1"> 1,890 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2016 geo1 female1"> 1,885 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2016 geo2 total2"> 2,658,965 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2016 geo2 male2"> 1,309,030 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2016 geo2 female2"> 1,349,940 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left indent-1" id="L2017" headers="col1 H2"> 55 to 59 years </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2017 geo1 total1"> 3,455 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2017 geo1 male1"> 1,720 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2017 geo1 female1"> 1,735 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2017 geo2 total2"> 2,340,635 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2017 geo2 male2"> 1,147,300 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2017 geo2 female2"> 1,193,335 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left indent-1" id="L2018" headers="col1 H2"> 60 to 64 years </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2018 geo1 total1"> 3,005 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2018 geo1 male1"> 1,520 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2018 geo1 female1"> 1,485 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2018 geo2 total2"> 2,052,670 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2018 geo2 male2"> 1,002,690 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2018 geo2 female2"> 1,049,985 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left indent-1" id="L2019" headers="col1 H2"> 65 to 69 years </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2019 geo1 total1"> 2,145 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2019 geo1 male1"> 1,070 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2019 geo1 female1"> 1,075 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2019 geo2 total2"> 1,521,715 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2019 geo2 male2"> 738,010 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2019 geo2 female2"> 783,705 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left indent-1" id="L2020" headers="col1 H2"> 70 to 74 years </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2020 geo1 total1"> 1,790 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2020 geo1 male1"> 865 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2020 geo1 female1"> 925 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2020 geo2 total2"> 1,153,065 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2020 geo2 male2"> 543,435 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2020 geo2 female2"> 609,630 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left indent-1" id="L2021" headers="col1 H2"> 75 to 79 years </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2021 geo1 total1"> 1,580 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2021 geo1 male1"> 705 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2021 geo1 female1"> 870 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2021 geo2 total2"> 922,700 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2021 geo2 male2"> 417,945 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2021 geo2 female2"> 504,755 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left indent-1" id="L2022" headers="col1 H2"> 80 to 84 years </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2022 geo1 total1"> 1,460 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2022 geo1 male1"> 630 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2022 geo1 female1"> 825 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2022 geo2 total2"> 702,070 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2022 geo2 male2"> 291,085 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2022 geo2 female2"> 410,985 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left indent-1" id="L2023" headers="col1 H2"> 85 years and over </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2023 geo1 total1"> 1,695 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2023 geo1 male1"> 575 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2023 geo1 female1"> 1,125 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2023 geo2 total2"> 645,515 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2023 geo2 male2"> 208,300 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2023 geo2 female2"> 437,215 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L2024" headers="col1 H2"> Median age of the population<sup id="fnb5-ref"><a class="fn-lnk" href="#fnb5" title="Footnote: Median age of the population - Age characteristics"><span class="wb-inv">Census data footnote </span>5</a></sup> </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2024 geo1 total1"> 43.0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2024 geo1 male1"> 41.7 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2024 geo1 female1"> 44.2 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2024 geo2 total2"> 40.6 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2024 geo2 male2"> 39.6 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2024 geo2 female2"> 41.5 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L2025" headers="col1 H2"> % of the population aged 15 and over </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2025 geo1 total1"> 83.0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2025 geo1 male1"> 82.7 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2025 geo1 female1"> 83.2 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2025 geo2 total2"> 83.2 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2025 geo2 male2"> 82.5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L2025 geo2 female2"> 84.0 </td> </tr> <tr> <th colspan="7" class="text-left text-top stubheader" id="H3">Marital status</th> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L3000" headers="col1 H3"> Total population 15 years and over by marital status<sup id="fnb6-ref"><a class="fn-lnk" href="#fnb6" title="Footnote: Total population 15 years and over by marital status - Marital status"><span class="wb-inv">Census data footnote </span>6</a></sup> </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L3000 geo1 total1"> 38,710 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L3000 geo1 male1"> 18,980 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L3000 geo1 female1"> 19,735 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L3000 geo2 total2"> 27,869,340 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L3000 geo2 male2"> 13,543,130 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L3000 geo2 female2"> 14,326,215 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left indent-1" id="L3001" headers="col1 H3"> Married or living with a common-law partner </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L3001 geo1 total1"> 22,785 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L3001 geo1 male1"> 11,440 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L3001 geo1 female1"> 11,350 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L3001 geo2 total2"> 16,084,490 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L3001 geo2 male2"> 8,045,795 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L3001 geo2 female2"> 8,038,700 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left indent-2" id="L3002" headers="col1 H3"> Married (and not separated) </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L3002 geo1 total1"> 19,760 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L3002 geo1 male1"> 9,930 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L3002 geo1 female1"> 9,830 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L3002 geo2 total2"> 12,941,960 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L3002 geo2 male2"> 6,470,300 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L3002 geo2 female2"> 6,471,660 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left indent-2" id="L3003" headers="col1 H3"> Living common law </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L3003 geo1 total1"> 3,025 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L3003 geo1 male1"> 1,510 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L3003 geo1 female1"> 1,515 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L3003 geo2 total2"> 3,142,525 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L3003 geo2 male2"> 1,575,495 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L3003 geo2 female2"> 1,567,035 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left indent-1" id="L3004" headers="col1 H3"> Not married and not living with a common-law partner </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L3004 geo1 total1"> 15,925 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L3004 geo1 male1"> 7,540 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L3004 geo1 female1"> 8,380 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L3004 geo2 total2"> 11,784,855 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L3004 geo2 male2"> 5,497,335 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L3004 geo2 female2"> 6,287,515 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left indent-2" id="L3005" headers="col1 H3"> Single (never legally married) </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L3005 geo1 total1"> 9,460 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L3005 geo1 male1"> 5,425 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L3005 geo1 female1"> 4,035 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L3005 geo2 total2"> 7,816,045 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L3005 geo2 male2"> 4,206,320 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L3005 geo2 female2"> 3,609,730 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left indent-2" id="L3006" headers="col1 H3"> Separated </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L3006 geo1 total1"> 885 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L3006 geo1 male1"> 420 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L3006 geo1 female1"> 465 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L3006 geo2 total2"> 698,240 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L3006 geo2 male2"> 299,655 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L3006 geo2 female2"> 398,585 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left indent-2" id="L3007" headers="col1 H3"> Divorced </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L3007 geo1 total1"> 2,445 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L3007 geo1 male1"> 1,050 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L3007 geo1 female1"> 1,395 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L3007 geo2 total2"> 1,686,035 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L3007 geo2 male2"> 680,415 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L3007 geo2 female2"> 1,005,620 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left indent-2" id="L3008" headers="col1 H3"> Widowed </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L3008 geo1 total1"> 3,135 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L3008 geo1 male1"> 650 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L3008 geo1 female1"> 2,490 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L3008 geo2 total2"> 1,584,530 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L3008 geo2 male2"> 310,940 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L3008 geo2 female2"> 1,273,590 </td> </tr> <tr> <th colspan="7" class="text-left text-top stubheader" id="H4">Family characteristics</th> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L4000" headers="col1 H4"> Total number of census families in private households<sup id="fnb7-ref"><a class="fn-lnk" href="#fnb7" title="Footnote: Total number of census families in private households - Family characteristics"><span class="wb-inv">Census data footnote </span>7</a></sup> </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4000 geo1 total1"> 13,000 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4000 geo1 male1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (Total number of census families in private households)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4000 geo1 female1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (Total number of census families in private households)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4000 geo2 total2"> 9,389,695 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4000 geo2 male2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (Total number of census families in private households)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4000 geo2 female2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (Total number of census families in private households)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left indent-1" id="L4001" headers="col1 H4"> Size of census family: 2 persons </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4001 geo1 total1"> 7,355 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4001 geo1 male1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (Size of census family: 2 persons)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4001 geo1 female1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (Size of census family: 2 persons)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4001 geo2 total2"> 4,679,700 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4001 geo2 male2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (Size of census family: 2 persons)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4001 geo2 female2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (Size of census family: 2 persons)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left indent-1" id="L4002" headers="col1 H4"> Size of census family: 3 persons </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4002 geo1 total1"> 2,330 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4002 geo1 male1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (Size of census family: 3 persons)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4002 geo1 female1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (Size of census family: 3 persons)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4002 geo2 total2"> 2,048,560 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4002 geo2 male2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (Size of census family: 3 persons)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4002 geo2 female2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (Size of census family: 3 persons)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left indent-1" id="L4003" headers="col1 H4"> Size of census family: 4 persons </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4003 geo1 total1"> 2,140 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4003 geo1 male1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (Size of census family: 4 persons)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4003 geo1 female1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (Size of census family: 4 persons)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4003 geo2 total2"> 1,870,305 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4003 geo2 male2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (Size of census family: 4 persons)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4003 geo2 female2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (Size of census family: 4 persons)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left indent-1" id="L4004" headers="col1 H4"> Size of census family: 5 or more persons </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4004 geo1 total1"> 1,175 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4004 geo1 male1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (Size of census family: 5 or more persons)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4004 geo1 female1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (Size of census family: 5 or more persons)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4004 geo2 total2"> 791,130 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4004 geo2 male2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (Size of census family: 5 or more persons)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4004 geo2 female2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (Size of census family: 5 or more persons)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L4005" headers="col1 H4"> Total number of census families in private households<sup id="fnb8-ref"><a class="fn-lnk" href="#fnb8" title="Footnote: Total number of census families in private households - Family characteristics"><span class="wb-inv">Census data footnote </span>8</a></sup> </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4005 geo1 total1"> 13,000 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4005 geo1 male1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (Total number of census families in private households)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4005 geo1 female1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (Total number of census families in private households)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4005 geo2 total2"> 9,389,700 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4005 geo2 male2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (Total number of census families in private households)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4005 geo2 female2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (Total number of census families in private households)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left indent-1" id="L4006" headers="col1 H4"> Total couple families by family structure and number of children </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4006 geo1 total1"> 11,100 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4006 geo1 male1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (Total couple families by family structure and number of children)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4006 geo1 female1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (Total couple families by family structure and number of children)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4006 geo2 total2"> 7,861,855 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4006 geo2 male2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (Total couple families by family structure and number of children)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4006 geo2 female2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (Total couple families by family structure and number of children)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left indent-2" id="L4007" headers="col1 H4"> Married couples </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4007 geo1 total1"> 9,590 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4007 geo1 male1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (Married couples)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4007 geo1 female1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (Married couples)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4007 geo2 total2"> 6,293,950 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4007 geo2 male2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (Married couples)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4007 geo2 female2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (Married couples)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left indent-3" id="L4008" headers="col1 H4"> Without children at home </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4008 geo1 total1"> 5,325 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4008 geo1 male1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (Without children at home)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4008 geo1 female1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (Without children at home)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4008 geo2 total2"> 2,891,215 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4008 geo2 male2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (Without children at home)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4008 geo2 female2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (Without children at home)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left indent-3" id="L4009" headers="col1 H4"> With children at home </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4009 geo1 total1"> 4,265 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4009 geo1 male1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (With children at home)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4009 geo1 female1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (With children at home)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4009 geo2 total2"> 3,402,735 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4009 geo2 male2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (With children at home)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4009 geo2 female2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (With children at home)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left indent-4" id="L4010" headers="col1 H4"> 1 child </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4010 geo1 total1"> 1,520 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4010 geo1 male1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (1 child)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4010 geo1 female1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (1 child)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4010 geo2 total2"> 1,288,775 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4010 geo2 male2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (1 child)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4010 geo2 female2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (1 child)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left indent-4" id="L4011" headers="col1 H4"> 2 children </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4011 geo1 total1"> 1,745 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4011 geo1 male1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (2 children)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4011 geo1 female1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (2 children)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4011 geo2 total2"> 1,475,220 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4011 geo2 male2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (2 children)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4011 geo2 female2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (2 children)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left indent-4" id="L4012" headers="col1 H4"> 3 or more children </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4012 geo1 total1"> 1,000 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4012 geo1 male1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (3 or more children)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4012 geo1 female1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (3 or more children)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4012 geo2 total2"> 638,740 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4012 geo2 male2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (3 or more children)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4012 geo2 female2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (3 or more children)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left indent-2" id="L4013" headers="col1 H4"> Common-law couples </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4013 geo1 total1"> 1,515 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4013 geo1 male1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (Common-law couples)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4013 geo1 female1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (Common-law couples)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4013 geo2 total2"> 1,567,910 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4013 geo2 male2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (Common-law couples)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4013 geo2 female2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (Common-law couples)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left indent-3" id="L4014" headers="col1 H4"> Without children at home </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4014 geo1 total1"> 870 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4014 geo1 male1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (Without children at home)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4014 geo1 female1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (Without children at home)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4014 geo2 total2"> 861,350 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4014 geo2 male2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (Without children at home)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4014 geo2 female2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (Without children at home)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left indent-3" id="L4015" headers="col1 H4"> With children at home </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4015 geo1 total1"> 640 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4015 geo1 male1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (With children at home)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4015 geo1 female1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (With children at home)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4015 geo2 total2"> 706,555 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4015 geo2 male2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (With children at home)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4015 geo2 female2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (With children at home)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left indent-4" id="L4016" headers="col1 H4"> 1 child </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4016 geo1 total1"> 300 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4016 geo1 male1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (1 child)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4016 geo1 female1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (1 child)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4016 geo2 total2"> 321,865 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4016 geo2 male2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (1 child)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4016 geo2 female2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (1 child)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left indent-4" id="L4017" headers="col1 H4"> 2 children </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4017 geo1 total1"> 220 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4017 geo1 male1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (2 children)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4017 geo1 female1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (2 children)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4017 geo2 total2"> 273,620 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4017 geo2 male2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (2 children)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4017 geo2 female2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (2 children)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left indent-4" id="L4018" headers="col1 H4"> 3 or more children </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4018 geo1 total1"> 120 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4018 geo1 male1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (3 or more children)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4018 geo1 female1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (3 or more children)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4018 geo2 total2"> 111,075 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4018 geo2 male2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (3 or more children)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4018 geo2 female2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (3 or more children)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left indent-1" id="L4019" headers="col1 H4"> Total lone-parent families by sex of parent and number of children </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4019 geo1 total1"> 1,900 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4019 geo1 male1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (Total lone-parent families by sex of parent and number of children)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4019 geo1 female1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (Total lone-parent families by sex of parent and number of children)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4019 geo2 total2"> 1,527,845 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4019 geo2 male2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (Total lone-parent families by sex of parent and number of children)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4019 geo2 female2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (Total lone-parent families by sex of parent and number of children)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left indent-2" id="L4020" headers="col1 H4"> Female parent </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4020 geo1 total1"> 1,505 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4020 geo1 male1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (Female parent)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4020 geo1 female1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (Female parent)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4020 geo2 total2"> 1,200,295 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4020 geo2 male2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (Female parent)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4020 geo2 female2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (Female parent)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left indent-3" id="L4021" headers="col1 H4"> 1 child </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4021 geo1 total1"> 890 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4021 geo1 male1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (1 child)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4021 geo1 female1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (1 child)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4021 geo2 total2"> 710,225 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4021 geo2 male2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (1 child)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4021 geo2 female2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (1 child)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left indent-3" id="L4022" headers="col1 H4"> 2 children </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4022 geo1 total1"> 415 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4022 geo1 male1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (2 children)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4022 geo1 female1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (2 children)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4022 geo2 total2"> 352,150 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4022 geo2 male2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (2 children)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4022 geo2 female2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (2 children)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left indent-3" id="L4023" headers="col1 H4"> 3 or more children </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4023 geo1 total1"> 195 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4023 geo1 male1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (3 or more children)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4023 geo1 female1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (3 or more children)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4023 geo2 total2"> 137,920 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4023 geo2 male2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (3 or more children)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4023 geo2 female2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (3 or more children)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left indent-2" id="L4024" headers="col1 H4"> Male parent </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4024 geo1 total1"> 395 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4024 geo1 male1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (Male parent)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4024 geo1 female1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (Male parent)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4024 geo2 total2"> 327,545 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4024 geo2 male2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (Male parent)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4024 geo2 female2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (Male parent)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left indent-3" id="L4025" headers="col1 H4"> 1 child </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4025 geo1 total1"> 270 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4025 geo1 male1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (1 child)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4025 geo1 female1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (1 child)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4025 geo2 total2"> 216,910 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4025 geo2 male2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (1 child)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4025 geo2 female2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (1 child)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left indent-3" id="L4026" headers="col1 H4"> 2 children </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4026 geo1 total1"> 90 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4026 geo1 male1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (2 children)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4026 geo1 female1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (2 children)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4026 geo2 total2"> 85,770 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4026 geo2 male2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (2 children)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4026 geo2 female2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (2 children)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left indent-3" id="L4027" headers="col1 H4"> 3 or more children </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4027 geo1 total1"> 30 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4027 geo1 male1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (3 or more children)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4027 geo1 female1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (3 or more children)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4027 geo2 total2"> 24,860 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4027 geo2 male2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (3 or more children)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4027 geo2 female2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (3 or more children)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L4028" headers="col1 H4"> Total children in census families in private households </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4028 geo1 total1"> 12,560 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4028 geo1 male1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (Total children in census families in private households)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4028 geo1 female1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (Total children in census families in private households)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4028 geo2 total2"> 9,971,320 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4028 geo2 male2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (Total children in census families in private households)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4028 geo2 female2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (Total children in census families in private households)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left indent-1" id="L4029" headers="col1 H4"> Under six years of age </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4029 geo1 total1"> 3,075 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4029 geo1 male1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (Under six years of age)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4029 geo1 female1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (Under six years of age)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4029 geo2 total2"> 2,217,355 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4029 geo2 male2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (Under six years of age)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4029 geo2 female2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (Under six years of age)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left indent-1" id="L4030" headers="col1 H4"> 6 to 14 years </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4030 geo1 total1"> 4,660 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4030 geo1 male1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (6 to 14 years)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4030 geo1 female1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (6 to 14 years)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4030 geo2 total2"> 3,322,875 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4030 geo2 male2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (6 to 14 years)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4030 geo2 female2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (6 to 14 years)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left indent-1" id="L4031" headers="col1 H4"> 15 to 17 years </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4031 geo1 total1"> 1,720 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4031 geo1 male1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (15 to 17 years)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4031 geo1 female1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (15 to 17 years)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4031 geo2 total2"> 1,240,565 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4031 geo2 male2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (15 to 17 years)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4031 geo2 female2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (15 to 17 years)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left indent-1" id="L4032" headers="col1 H4"> 18 to 24 years </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4032 geo1 total1"> 2,165 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4032 geo1 male1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (18 to 24 years)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4032 geo1 female1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (18 to 24 years)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4032 geo2 total2"> 2,062,245 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4032 geo2 male2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (18 to 24 years)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4032 geo2 female2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (18 to 24 years)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left indent-1" id="L4033" headers="col1 H4"> 25 years and over </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4033 geo1 total1"> 935 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4033 geo1 male1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (25 years and over)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4033 geo1 female1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (25 years and over)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4033 geo2 total2"> 1,128,280 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4033 geo2 male2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (25 years and over)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4033 geo2 female2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (25 years and over)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L4034" headers="col1 H4"> Average number of children at home per census family </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4034 geo1 total1"> 1.0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4034 geo1 male1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (Average number of children at home per census family)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4034 geo1 female1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (Average number of children at home per census family)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4034 geo2 total2"> 1.1 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4034 geo2 male2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (Average number of children at home per census family)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L4034 geo2 female2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (Average number of children at home per census family)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th colspan="7" class="text-left text-top stubheader" id="H5">Household and dwelling characteristics</th> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L5000" headers="col1 H5"> Total number of persons in private households </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5000 geo1 total1"> 44,850 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5000 geo1 male1"> 22,110 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5000 geo1 female1"> 22,740 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5000 geo2 total2"> 32,856,980 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5000 geo2 male2"> 16,153,945 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5000 geo2 female2"> 16,703,035 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left indent-1" id="L5001" headers="col1 H5"> Number of persons not in census families </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5001 geo1 total1"> 8,180 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5001 geo1 male1"> 3,965 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5001 geo1 female1"> 4,215 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5001 geo2 total2"> 5,634,105 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5001 geo2 male2"> 2,678,530 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5001 geo2 female2"> 2,955,575 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left indent-2" id="L5002" headers="col1 H5"> Living with relatives<sup id="fnb9-ref"><a class="fn-lnk" href="#fnb9" title="Footnote: Living with relatives - Household and dwelling characteristics"><span class="wb-inv">Census data footnote </span>9</a></sup> </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5002 geo1 total1"> 530 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5002 geo1 male1"> 250 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5002 geo1 female1"> 275 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5002 geo2 total2"> 735,685 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5002 geo2 male2"> 309,510 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5002 geo2 female2"> 426,175 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left indent-2" id="L5003" headers="col1 H5"> Living with non-relatives only </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5003 geo1 total1"> 1,400 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5003 geo1 male1"> 835 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5003 geo1 female1"> 565 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5003 geo2 total2"> 1,225,115 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5003 geo2 male2"> 689,960 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5003 geo2 female2"> 535,150 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left indent-2" id="L5004" headers="col1 H5"> Living alone </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5004 geo1 total1"> 6,255 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5004 geo1 male1"> 2,875 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5004 geo1 female1"> 3,380 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5004 geo2 total2"> 3,673,310 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5004 geo2 male2"> 1,679,055 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5004 geo2 female2"> 1,994,250 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left indent-1" id="L5005" headers="col1 H5"> Number of census family persons </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5005 geo1 total1"> 36,665 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5005 geo1 male1"> 18,140 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5005 geo1 female1"> 18,520 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5005 geo2 total2"> 27,222,870 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5005 geo2 male2"> 13,475,410 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5005 geo2 female2"> 13,747,460 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L5006" headers="col1 H5"> Average number of persons per census family </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5006 geo1 total1"> 2.8 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5006 geo1 male1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (Average number of persons per census family)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5006 geo1 female1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (Average number of persons per census family)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5006 geo2 total2"> 2.9 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5006 geo2 male2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (Average number of persons per census family)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5006 geo2 female2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (Average number of persons per census family)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L5007" headers="col1 H5"> Total number of persons aged 65 years and over in private households </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5007 geo1 total1"> 7,810 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5007 geo1 male1"> 3,565 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5007 geo1 female1"> 4,245 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5007 geo2 total2"> 4,551,900 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5007 geo2 male2"> 2,081,795 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5007 geo2 female2"> 2,470,110 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left indent-1" id="L5008" headers="col1 H5"> Number of persons not in census families aged 65 years and over </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5008 geo1 total1"> 2,905 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5008 geo1 male1"> 920 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5008 geo1 female1"> 1,980 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5008 geo2 total2"> 1,527,630 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5008 geo2 male2"> 445,865 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5008 geo2 female2"> 1,081,770 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left indent-2" id="L5009" headers="col1 H5"> Living with relatives<sup id="fnb9-2-ref"><a class="fn-lnk" href="#fnb9" title="Footnote: Living with relatives - Household and dwelling characteristics"><span class="wb-inv">Census data footnote </span>9</a></sup> </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5009 geo1 total1"> 125 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5009 geo1 male1"> 35 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5009 geo1 female1"> 90 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5009 geo2 total2"> 224,755 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5009 geo2 male2"> 52,375 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5009 geo2 female2"> 172,380 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left indent-2" id="L5010" headers="col1 H5"> Living with non-relatives only </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5010 geo1 total1"> 130 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5010 geo1 male1"> 70 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5010 geo1 female1"> 60 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5010 geo2 total2"> 87,185 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5010 geo2 male2"> 42,230 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5010 geo2 female2"> 44,955 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left indent-2" id="L5011" headers="col1 H5"> Living alone </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5011 geo1 total1"> 2,655 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5011 geo1 male1"> 815 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5011 geo1 female1"> 1,835 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5011 geo2 total2"> 1,215,695 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5011 geo2 male2"> 351,260 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5011 geo2 female2"> 864,435 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left indent-1" id="L5012" headers="col1 H5"> Number of census family persons aged 65 years and over </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5012 geo1 total1"> 4,905 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5012 geo1 male1"> 2,640 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5012 geo1 female1"> 2,260 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5012 geo2 total2"> 3,024,275 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5012 geo2 male2"> 1,635,935 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5012 geo2 female2"> 1,388,340 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L5013" headers="col1 H5"> Total number of private households by household type<sup id="fnb10-ref"><a class="fn-lnk" href="#fnb10" title="Footnote: Total number of private households by household type - Household and dwelling characteristics"><span class="wb-inv">Census data footnote </span>10</a></sup> </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5013 geo1 total1"> 19,685 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5013 geo1 male1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (Total number of private households by household type)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5013 geo1 female1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (Total number of private households by household type)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5013 geo2 total2"> 13,320,615 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5013 geo2 male2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (Total number of private households by household type)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5013 geo2 female2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (Total number of private households by household type)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left indent-1" id="L5014" headers="col1 H5"> Census-family households </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5014 geo1 total1"> 12,845 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5014 geo1 male1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (Census-family households)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5014 geo1 female1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (Census-family households)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5014 geo2 total2"> 9,103,965 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5014 geo2 male2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (Census-family households)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5014 geo2 female2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (Census-family households)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left indent-2" id="L5015" headers="col1 H5"> One-family-only households<sup id="fnb11-ref"><a class="fn-lnk" href="#fnb11" title="Footnote: One-family-only households - Household and dwelling characteristics"><span class="wb-inv">Census data footnote </span>11</a></sup> </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5015 geo1 total1"> 12,195 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5015 geo1 male1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (One-family-only households)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5015 geo1 female1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (One-family-only households)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5015 geo2 total2"> 8,263,885 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5015 geo2 male2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (One-family-only households)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5015 geo2 female2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (One-family-only households)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left indent-3" id="L5016" headers="col1 H5"> Couple-family households<sup id="fnb12-ref"><a class="fn-lnk" href="#fnb12" title="Footnote: Couple-family households - Household and dwelling characteristics"><span class="wb-inv">Census data footnote </span>12</a></sup> </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5016 geo1 total1"> 10,570 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5016 geo1 male1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (Couple-family households)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5016 geo1 female1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (Couple-family households)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5016 geo2 total2"> 7,070,680 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5016 geo2 male2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (Couple-family households)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5016 geo2 female2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (Couple-family households)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left indent-4" id="L5017" headers="col1 H5"> Without children </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5017 geo1 total1"> 5,930 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5017 geo1 male1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (Without children)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5017 geo1 female1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (Without children)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5017 geo2 total2"> 3,394,480 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5017 geo2 male2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (Without children)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5017 geo2 female2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (Without children)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left indent-4" id="L5018" headers="col1 H5"> With children </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5018 geo1 total1"> 4,640 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5018 geo1 male1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (With children)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5018 geo1 female1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (With children)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5018 geo2 total2"> 3,676,200 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5018 geo2 male2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (With children)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5018 geo2 female2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (With children)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left indent-3" id="L5019" headers="col1 H5"> Lone-parent-family households </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5019 geo1 total1"> 1,625 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5019 geo1 male1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (Lone-parent-family households)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5019 geo1 female1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (Lone-parent-family households)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5019 geo2 total2"> 1,193,210 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5019 geo2 male2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (Lone-parent-family households)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5019 geo2 female2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (Lone-parent-family households)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left indent-2" id="L5020" headers="col1 H5"> Other family households<sup id="fnb13-ref"><a class="fn-lnk" href="#fnb13" title="Footnote: Other family households - Household and dwelling characteristics"><span class="wb-inv">Census data footnote </span>13</a></sup> </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5020 geo1 total1"> 655 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5020 geo1 male1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (Other family households)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5020 geo1 female1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (Other family households)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5020 geo2 total2"> 840,075 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5020 geo2 male2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (Other family households)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5020 geo2 female2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (Other family households)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left indent-3" id="L5021" headers="col1 H5"> One-family households with persons not in a census family </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5021 geo1 total1"> 505 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5021 geo1 male1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (One-family households with persons not in a census family)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5021 geo1 female1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (One-family households with persons not in a census family)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5021 geo2 total2"> 572,015 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5021 geo2 male2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (One-family households with persons not in a census family)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5021 geo2 female2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (One-family households with persons not in a census family)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left indent-4" id="L5022" headers="col1 H5"> Couple-family households<sup id="fnb14-ref"><a class="fn-lnk" href="#fnb14" title="Footnote: Couple-family households - Household and dwelling characteristics"><span class="wb-inv">Census data footnote </span>14</a></sup> </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5022 geo1 total1"> 325 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5022 geo1 male1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (Couple-family households)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5022 geo1 female1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (Couple-family households)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5022 geo2 total2"> 389,775 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5022 geo2 male2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (Couple-family households)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5022 geo2 female2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (Couple-family households)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left indent-5" id="L5023" headers="col1 H5"> Without children </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5023 geo1 total1"> 150 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5023 geo1 male1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (Without children)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5023 geo1 female1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (Without children)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5023 geo2 total2"> 144,240 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5023 geo2 male2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (Without children)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5023 geo2 female2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (Without children)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left indent-5" id="L5024" headers="col1 H5"> With children </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5024 geo1 total1"> 175 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5024 geo1 male1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (With children)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5024 geo1 female1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (With children)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5024 geo2 total2"> 245,535 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5024 geo2 male2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (With children)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5024 geo2 female2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (With children)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left indent-4" id="L5025" headers="col1 H5"> Lone-parent-family households </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5025 geo1 total1"> 180 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5025 geo1 male1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (Lone-parent-family households)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5025 geo1 female1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (Lone-parent-family households)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5025 geo2 total2"> 182,240 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5025 geo2 male2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (Lone-parent-family households)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5025 geo2 female2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (Lone-parent-family households)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left indent-3" id="L5026" headers="col1 H5"> Two-or-more-family households </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5026 geo1 total1"> 150 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5026 geo1 male1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (Two-or-more-family households)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5026 geo1 female1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (Two-or-more-family households)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5026 geo2 total2"> 268,065 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5026 geo2 male2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (Two-or-more-family households)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5026 geo2 female2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (Two-or-more-family households)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left indent-1" id="L5027" headers="col1 H5"> Non-census-family households </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5027 geo1 total1"> 6,835 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5027 geo1 male1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (Non-census-family households)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5027 geo1 female1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (Non-census-family households)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5027 geo2 total2"> 4,216,650 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5027 geo2 male2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (Non-census-family households)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5027 geo2 female2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (Non-census-family households)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left indent-2" id="L5028" headers="col1 H5"> One-person households </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5028 geo1 total1"> 6,255 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5028 geo1 male1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (One-person households)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5028 geo1 female1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (One-person households)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5028 geo2 total2"> 3,673,305 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5028 geo2 male2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (One-person households)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5028 geo2 female2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (One-person households)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left indent-2" id="L5029" headers="col1 H5"> Two-or-more-person households </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5029 geo1 total1"> 580 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5029 geo1 male1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (Two-or-more-person households)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5029 geo1 female1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (Two-or-more-person households)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5029 geo2 total2"> 543,345 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5029 geo2 male2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (Two-or-more-person households)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5029 geo2 female2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (Two-or-more-person households)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L5030" headers="col1 H5"> Total number of occupied private dwellings by structural type of dwelling<sup id="fnb15-ref"><a class="fn-lnk" href="#fnb15" title="Footnote: Total number of occupied private dwellings by structural type of dwelling - Household and dwelling characteristics"><span class="wb-inv">Census data footnote </span>15</a></sup> </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5030 geo1 total1"> 19,685 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5030 geo1 male1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (Total number of occupied private dwellings by structural type of dwelling)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5030 geo1 female1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (Total number of occupied private dwellings by structural type of dwelling)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5030 geo2 total2"> 13,320,615 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5030 geo2 male2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (Total number of occupied private dwellings by structural type of dwelling)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5030 geo2 female2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (Total number of occupied private dwellings by structural type of dwelling)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left indent-1" id="L5031" headers="col1 H5"> Single-detached house </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5031 geo1 total1"> 14,750 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5031 geo1 male1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (Single-detached house)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5031 geo1 female1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (Single-detached house)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5031 geo2 total2"> 7,329,150 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5031 geo2 male2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (Single-detached house)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5031 geo2 female2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (Single-detached house)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left indent-1" id="L5032" headers="col1 H5"> Apartment, building that has five or more storeys </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5032 geo1 total1"> 635 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5032 geo1 male1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (Apartment, building that has five or more storeys)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5032 geo1 female1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (Apartment, building that has five or more storeys)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5032 geo2 total2"> 1,234,770 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5032 geo2 male2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (Apartment, building that has five or more storeys)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5032 geo2 female2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (Apartment, building that has five or more storeys)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left indent-1" id="L5033" headers="col1 H5"> Movable dwelling<sup id="fnb16-ref"><a class="fn-lnk" href="#fnb16" title="Footnote: Movable dwelling - Household and dwelling characteristics"><span class="wb-inv">Census data footnote </span>16</a></sup> </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5033 geo1 total1"> 450 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5033 geo1 male1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (Movable dwelling)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5033 geo1 female1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (Movable dwelling)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5033 geo2 total2"> 183,510 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5033 geo2 male2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (Movable dwelling)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5033 geo2 female2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (Movable dwelling)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left indent-1" id="L5034" headers="col1 H5"> Other dwelling<sup id="fnb17-ref"><a class="fn-lnk" href="#fnb17" title="Footnote: Other dwelling - Household and dwelling characteristics"><span class="wb-inv">Census data footnote </span>17</a></sup> </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5034 geo1 total1"> 3,850 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5034 geo1 male1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (Other dwelling)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5034 geo1 female1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (Other dwelling)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5034 geo2 total2"> 4,573,185 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5034 geo2 male2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (Other dwelling)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5034 geo2 female2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (Other dwelling)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left indent-2" id="L5035" headers="col1 H5"> Semi-detached house </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5035 geo1 total1"> 470 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5035 geo1 male1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (Semi-detached house)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5035 geo1 female1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (Semi-detached house)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5035 geo2 total2"> 646,245 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5035 geo2 male2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (Semi-detached house)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5035 geo2 female2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (Semi-detached house)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left indent-2" id="L5036" headers="col1 H5"> Row house </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5036 geo1 total1"> 480 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5036 geo1 male1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (Row house)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5036 geo1 female1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (Row house)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5036 geo2 total2"> 791,600 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5036 geo2 male2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (Row house)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5036 geo2 female2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (Row house)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left indent-2" id="L5037" headers="col1 H5"> Apartment, duplex </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5037 geo1 total1"> 365 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5037 geo1 male1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (Apartment, duplex)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5037 geo1 female1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (Apartment, duplex)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5037 geo2 total2"> 704,485 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5037 geo2 male2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (Apartment, duplex)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5037 geo2 female2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (Apartment, duplex)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left indent-2" id="L5038" headers="col1 H5"> Apartment, building that has fewer than five storeys </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5038 geo1 total1"> 2,445 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5038 geo1 male1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (Apartment, building that has fewer than five storeys)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5038 geo1 female1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (Apartment, building that has fewer than five storeys)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5038 geo2 total2"> 2,397,550 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5038 geo2 male2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (Apartment, building that has fewer than five storeys)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5038 geo2 female2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (Apartment, building that has fewer than five storeys)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left indent-2" id="L5039" headers="col1 H5"> Other single-attached house </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5039 geo1 total1"> 95 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5039 geo1 male1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (Other single-attached house)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5039 geo1 female1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (Other single-attached house)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5039 geo2 total2"> 33,310 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5039 geo2 male2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (Other single-attached house)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5039 geo2 female2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (Other single-attached house)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L5040" headers="col1 H5"> Total number of private households by household size<sup id="fnb18-ref"><a class="fn-lnk" href="#fnb18" title="Footnote: Total number of private households by household size - Household and dwelling characteristics"><span class="wb-inv">Census data footnote </span>18</a></sup> </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5040 geo1 total1"> 19,685 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5040 geo1 male1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (Total number of private households by household size)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5040 geo1 female1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (Total number of private households by household size)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5040 geo2 total2"> 13,320,615 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5040 geo2 male2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (Total number of private households by household size)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5040 geo2 female2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (Total number of private households by household size)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left indent-1" id="L5041" headers="col1 H5"> 1 person </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5041 geo1 total1"> 6,255 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5041 geo1 male1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (1 person)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5041 geo1 female1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (1 person)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5041 geo2 total2"> 3,673,310 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5041 geo2 male2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (1 person)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5041 geo2 female2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (1 person)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left indent-1" id="L5042" headers="col1 H5"> 2 persons </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5042 geo1 total1"> 7,390 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5042 geo1 male1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (2 persons)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5042 geo1 female1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (2 persons)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5042 geo2 total2"> 4,544,820 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5042 geo2 male2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (2 persons)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5042 geo2 female2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (2 persons)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left indent-1" id="L5043" headers="col1 H5"> 3 persons </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5043 geo1 total1"> 2,440 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5043 geo1 male1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (3 persons)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5043 geo1 female1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (3 persons)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5043 geo2 total2"> 2,081,900 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5043 geo2 male2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (3 persons)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5043 geo2 female2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (3 persons)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left indent-1" id="L5044" headers="col1 H5"> 4 persons </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5044 geo1 total1"> 2,235 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5044 geo1 male1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (4 persons)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5044 geo1 female1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (4 persons)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5044 geo2 total2"> 1,903,300 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5044 geo2 male2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (4 persons)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5044 geo2 female2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (4 persons)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left indent-1" id="L5045" headers="col1 H5"> 5 persons </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5045 geo1 total1"> 910 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5045 geo1 male1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (5 persons)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5045 geo1 female1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (5 persons)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5045 geo2 total2"> 724,405 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5045 geo2 male2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (5 persons)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5045 geo2 female2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (5 persons)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left indent-1" id="L5046" headers="col1 H5"> 6 or more persons </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5046 geo1 total1"> 455 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5046 geo1 male1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (6 or more persons)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5046 geo1 female1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (6 or more persons)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5046 geo2 total2"> 392,885 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5046 geo2 male2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (6 or more persons)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5046 geo2 female2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (6 or more persons)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L5047" headers="col1 H5"> Number of persons in private households </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5047 geo1 total1"> 44,850 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5047 geo1 male1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (Number of persons in private households)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5047 geo1 female1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (Number of persons in private households)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5047 geo2 total2"> 32,856,975 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5047 geo2 male2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (Number of persons in private households)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5047 geo2 female2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (Number of persons in private households)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L5048" headers="col1 H5"> Average number of persons in private households </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5048 geo1 total1"> 2.3 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5048 geo1 male1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (Average number of persons in private households)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5048 geo1 female1"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (Average number of persons in private households)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5048 geo2 total2"> 2.5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5048 geo2 male2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Male (Average number of persons in private households)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L5048 geo2 female2"> <a title="Data quality symbol - ... - Female (Average number of persons in private households)" class="sup_flag" href="#symTD">...<span class="wb-inv">Data not available</span></a> </td> </tr> <tr> <th colspan="7" class="text-left text-top stubheader" id="H6">Detailed mother tongue</th> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L6000" headers="col1 H6"> Detailed mother tongue - Total population excluding institutional residents<sup id="fnb19-ref"><a class="fn-lnk" href="#fnb19" title="Footnote: Detailed mother tongue - Total population excluding institutional residents - Detailed mother tongue"><span class="wb-inv">Census data footnote </span>19</a></sup> </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6000 geo1 total1"> 45,635 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6000 geo1 male1"> 22,535 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6000 geo1 female1"> 23,100 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6000 geo2 total2"> 33,121,175 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6000 geo2 male2"> 16,265,870 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6000 geo2 female2"> 16,855,305 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L6001" headers="col1 H6"> Single responses </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6001 geo1 total1"> 45,310 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6001 geo1 male1"> 22,395 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6001 geo1 female1"> 22,920 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6001 geo2 total2"> 32,481,635 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6001 geo2 male2"> 15,955,395 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6001 geo2 female2"> 16,526,240 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L6002" headers="col1 H6"> English </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6002 geo1 total1"> 41,300 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6002 geo1 male1"> 20,455 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6002 geo1 female1"> 20,845 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6002 geo2 total2"> 18,858,980 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6002 geo2 male2"> 9,345,225 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6002 geo2 female2"> 9,513,750 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L6003" headers="col1 H6"> French </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6003 geo1 total1"> 780 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6003 geo1 male1"> 375 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6003 geo1 female1"> 410 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6003 geo2 total2"> 7,054,975 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6003 geo2 male2"> 3,452,380 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6003 geo2 female2"> 3,602,590 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L6004" headers="col1 H6"> Non-official languages </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6004 geo1 total1"> 3,225 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6004 geo1 male1"> 1,560 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6004 geo1 female1"> 1,660 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6004 geo2 total2"> 6,567,680 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6004 geo2 male2"> 3,157,785 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6004 geo2 female2"> 3,409,895 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L6005" headers="col1 H6"> Selected Aboriginal languages<sup id="fnb20-ref"><a class="fn-lnk" href="#fnb20" title="Footnote: Selected Aboriginal languages - Detailed mother tongue"><span class="wb-inv">Census data footnote </span>20</a></sup> </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6005 geo1 total1"> 20 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6005 geo1 male1"> 10 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6005 geo1 female1"> 15 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6005 geo2 total2"> 177,360 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6005 geo2 male2"> 86,870 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6005 geo2 female2"> 90,490 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L6006" headers="col1 H6"> Atikamekw </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6006 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6006 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6006 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6006 geo2 total2"> 5,820 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6006 geo2 male2"> 2,975 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6006 geo2 female2"> 2,845 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L6007" headers="col1 H6"> Cree, <abbr title="Not otherwise specified">n.o.s.</abbr> </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6007 geo1 total1"> 15 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6007 geo1 male1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6007 geo1 female1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6007 geo2 total2"> 77,900 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6007 geo2 male2"> 38,055 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6007 geo2 female2"> 39,845 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L6008" headers="col1 H6"> Dene </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6008 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6008 geo1 male1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6008 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6008 geo2 total2"> 11,215 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6008 geo2 male2"> 5,500 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6008 geo2 female2"> 5,720 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L6009" headers="col1 H6"> Innu/Montagnais </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6009 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6009 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6009 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6009 geo2 total2"> 10,785 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6009 geo2 male2"> 5,205 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6009 geo2 female2"> 5,580 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L6010" headers="col1 H6"> Inuktitut </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6010 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6010 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6010 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6010 geo2 total2"> 33,500 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6010 geo2 male2"> 16,725 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6010 geo2 female2"> 16,775 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L6011" headers="col1 H6"> Mi'kmaq </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6011 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6011 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6011 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6011 geo2 total2"> 7,635 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6011 geo2 male2"> 3,715 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6011 geo2 female2"> 3,920 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L6012" headers="col1 H6"> Ojibway </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6012 geo1 total1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6012 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6012 geo1 female1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6012 geo2 total2"> 17,625 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6012 geo2 male2"> 8,340 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6012 geo2 female2"> 9,285 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L6013" headers="col1 H6"> Oji-Cree </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6013 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6013 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6013 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6013 geo2 total2"> 9,835 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6013 geo2 male2"> 4,890 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6013 geo2 female2"> 4,945 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L6014" headers="col1 H6"> Stoney </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6014 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6014 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6014 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6014 geo2 total2"> 3,050 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6014 geo2 male2"> 1,465 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6014 geo2 female2"> 1,580 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left indent-2" id="L6015" headers="col1 H6"> Selected non-Aboriginal languages<sup id="fnb21-ref"><a class="fn-lnk" href="#fnb21" title="Footnote: Selected non-Aboriginal languages - Detailed mother tongue"><span class="wb-inv">Census data footnote </span>21</a></sup> </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6015 geo1 total1"> 3,180 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6015 geo1 male1"> 1,540 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6015 geo1 female1"> 1,635 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6015 geo2 total2"> 6,312,435 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6015 geo2 male2"> 3,032,860 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6015 geo2 female2"> 3,279,570 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L6016" headers="col1 H6"> African languages, <abbr title="Not included elsewhere">n.i.e</abbr>. </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6016 geo1 total1"> 35 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6016 geo1 male1"> 20 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6016 geo1 female1"> 20 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6016 geo2 total2"> 9,125 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6016 geo2 male2"> 4,920 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6016 geo2 female2"> 4,205 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L6017" headers="col1 H6"> Afrikaans </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6017 geo1 total1"> 45 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6017 geo1 male1"> 25 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6017 geo1 female1"> 20 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6017 geo2 total2"> 8,770 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6017 geo2 male2"> 4,370 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6017 geo2 female2"> 4,400 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L6018" headers="col1 H6"> Akan (Twi) </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6018 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6018 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6018 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6018 geo2 total2"> 12,680 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6018 geo2 male2"> 6,145 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6018 geo2 female2"> 6,535 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L6019" headers="col1 H6"> Albanian </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6019 geo1 total1"> 50 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6019 geo1 male1"> 25 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6019 geo1 female1"> 20 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6019 geo2 total2"> 23,820 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6019 geo2 male2"> 12,205 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6019 geo2 female2"> 11,610 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L6020" headers="col1 H6"> Amharic </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6020 geo1 total1"> 10 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6020 geo1 male1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6020 geo1 female1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6020 geo2 total2"> 18,020 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6020 geo2 male2"> 8,745 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6020 geo2 female2"> 9,275 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L6021" headers="col1 H6"> Arabic </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6021 geo1 total1"> 45 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6021 geo1 male1"> 20 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6021 geo1 female1"> 25 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6021 geo2 total2"> 327,870 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6021 geo2 male2"> 175,535 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6021 geo2 female2"> 152,335 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L6022" headers="col1 H6"> Armenian </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6022 geo1 total1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6022 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6022 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6022 geo2 total2"> 29,795 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6022 geo2 male2"> 14,525 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6022 geo2 female2"> 15,265 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L6023" headers="col1 H6"> Bantu languages, <abbr title="Not included elsewhere">n.i.e</abbr>. </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6023 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6023 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6023 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6023 geo2 total2"> 7,150 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6023 geo2 male2"> 3,565 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6023 geo2 female2"> 3,590 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L6024" headers="col1 H6"> Bengali </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6024 geo1 total1"> 10 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6024 geo1 male1"> 10 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6024 geo1 female1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6024 geo2 total2"> 59,370 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6024 geo2 male2"> 30,555 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6024 geo2 female2"> 28,815 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L6025" headers="col1 H6"> Berber languages (Kabyle) </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6025 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6025 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6025 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6025 geo2 total2"> 5,855 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6025 geo2 male2"> 3,210 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6025 geo2 female2"> 2,645 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L6026" headers="col1 H6"> Bisayan languages </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6026 geo1 total1"> 15 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6026 geo1 male1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6026 geo1 female1"> 10 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6026 geo2 total2"> 16,240 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6026 geo2 male2"> 6,185 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6026 geo2 female2"> 10,055 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L6027" headers="col1 H6"> Bosnian </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6027 geo1 total1"> 10 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6027 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6027 geo1 female1"> 10 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6027 geo2 total2"> 11,685 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6027 geo2 male2"> 5,805 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6027 geo2 female2"> 5,875 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L6028" headers="col1 H6"> Bulgarian </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6028 geo1 total1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6028 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6028 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6028 geo2 total2"> 19,050 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6028 geo2 male2"> 9,305 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6028 geo2 female2"> 9,740 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L6029" headers="col1 H6"> Burmese </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6029 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6029 geo1 male1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6029 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6029 geo2 total2"> 2,985 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6029 geo2 male2"> 1,515 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6029 geo2 female2"> 1,470 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L6030" headers="col1 H6"> Cantonese </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6030 geo1 total1"> 45 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6030 geo1 male1"> 20 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6030 geo1 female1"> 25 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6030 geo2 total2"> 372,460 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6030 geo2 male2"> 173,510 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6030 geo2 female2"> 198,955 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L6031" headers="col1 H6"> Chinese, <abbr title="Not otherwise specified">n.o.s.</abbr> </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6031 geo1 total1"> 155 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6031 geo1 male1"> 75 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6031 geo1 female1"> 80 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6031 geo2 total2"> 425,210 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6031 geo2 male2"> 200,800 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6031 geo2 female2"> 224,410 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L6032" headers="col1 H6"> Creoles </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6032 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6032 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6032 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6032 geo2 total2"> 61,725 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6032 geo2 male2"> 27,620 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6032 geo2 female2"> 34,105 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L6033" headers="col1 H6"> Croatian </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6033 geo1 total1"> 15 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6033 geo1 male1"> 10 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6033 geo1 female1"> 10 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6033 geo2 total2"> 49,730 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6033 geo2 male2"> 24,395 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6033 geo2 female2"> 25,335 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L6034" headers="col1 H6"> Czech </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6034 geo1 total1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6034 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6034 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6034 geo2 total2"> 23,585 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6034 geo2 male2"> 11,350 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6034 geo2 female2"> 12,230 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L6035" headers="col1 H6"> Danish </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6035 geo1 total1"> 20 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6035 geo1 male1"> 15 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6035 geo1 female1"> 10 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6035 geo2 total2"> 14,145 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6035 geo2 male2"> 6,950 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6035 geo2 female2"> 7,200 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L6036" headers="col1 H6"> Dutch </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6036 geo1 total1"> 60 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6036 geo1 male1"> 25 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6036 geo1 female1"> 35 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6036 geo2 total2"> 110,490 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6036 geo2 male2"> 54,060 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6036 geo2 female2"> 56,425 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L6037" headers="col1 H6"> Estonian </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6037 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6037 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6037 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6037 geo2 total2"> 6,385 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6037 geo2 male2"> 2,755 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6037 geo2 female2"> 3,630 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L6038" headers="col1 H6"> Finnish </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6038 geo1 total1"> 25 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6038 geo1 male1"> 15 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6038 geo1 female1"> 10 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6038 geo2 total2"> 17,415 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6038 geo2 male2"> 7,390 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6038 geo2 female2"> 10,020 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L6039" headers="col1 H6"> Flemish </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6039 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6039 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6039 geo1 female1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6039 geo2 total2"> 4,690 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6039 geo2 male2"> 2,060 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6039 geo2 female2"> 2,635 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L6040" headers="col1 H6"> Fukien </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6040 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6040 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6040 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6040 geo2 total2"> 5,925 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6040 geo2 male2"> 2,730 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6040 geo2 female2"> 3,190 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L6041" headers="col1 H6"> German </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6041 geo1 total1"> 1,595 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6041 geo1 male1"> 780 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6041 geo1 female1"> 815 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6041 geo2 total2"> 409,200 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6041 geo2 male2"> 195,415 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6041 geo2 female2"> 213,785 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L6042" headers="col1 H6"> Greek </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6042 geo1 total1"> 10 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6042 geo1 male1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6042 geo1 female1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6042 geo2 total2"> 108,925 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6042 geo2 male2"> 55,085 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6042 geo2 female2"> 53,840 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L6043" headers="col1 H6"> Gujarati </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6043 geo1 total1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6043 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6043 geo1 female1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6043 geo2 total2"> 91,450 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6043 geo2 male2"> 45,570 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6043 geo2 female2"> 45,875 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L6044" headers="col1 H6"> Hakka </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6044 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6044 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6044 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6044 geo2 total2"> 5,115 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6044 geo2 male2"> 2,360 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6044 geo2 female2"> 2,755 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L6045" headers="col1 H6"> Hebrew </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6045 geo1 total1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6045 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6045 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6045 geo2 total2"> 18,450 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6045 geo2 male2"> 9,865 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6045 geo2 female2"> 8,585 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L6046" headers="col1 H6"> Hindi </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6046 geo1 total1"> 10 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6046 geo1 male1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6046 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6046 geo2 total2"> 90,545 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6046 geo2 male2"> 45,170 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6046 geo2 female2"> 45,375 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L6047" headers="col1 H6"> Hungarian </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6047 geo1 total1"> 40 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6047 geo1 male1"> 25 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6047 geo1 female1"> 15 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6047 geo2 total2"> 67,920 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6047 geo2 male2"> 32,740 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6047 geo2 female2"> 35,180 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L6048" headers="col1 H6"> Ilocano </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6048 geo1 total1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6048 geo1 male1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6048 geo1 female1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6048 geo2 total2"> 17,915 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6048 geo2 male2"> 6,945 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6048 geo2 female2"> 10,965 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L6049" headers="col1 H6"> Indo-Iranian languages, <abbr title="Not included elsewhere">n.i.e</abbr>. </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6049 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6049 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6049 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6049 geo2 total2"> 5,255 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6049 geo2 male2"> 2,860 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6049 geo2 female2"> 2,395 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L6050" headers="col1 H6"> Italian </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6050 geo1 total1"> 30 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6050 geo1 male1"> 15 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6050 geo1 female1"> 10 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6050 geo2 total2"> 407,485 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6050 geo2 male2"> 201,985 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6050 geo2 female2"> 205,510 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L6051" headers="col1 H6"> Japanese </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6051 geo1 total1"> 10 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6051 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6051 geo1 female1"> 10 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6051 geo2 total2"> 39,985 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6051 geo2 male2"> 14,035 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6051 geo2 female2"> 25,955 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L6052" headers="col1 H6"> Khmer (Cambodian) </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6052 geo1 total1"> 10 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6052 geo1 male1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6052 geo1 female1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6052 geo2 total2"> 19,440 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6052 geo2 male2"> 9,095 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6052 geo2 female2"> 10,345 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L6053" headers="col1 H6"> Korean </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6053 geo1 total1"> 20 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6053 geo1 male1"> 10 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6053 geo1 female1"> 10 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6053 geo2 total2"> 137,925 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6053 geo2 male2"> 64,090 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6053 geo2 female2"> 73,835 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L6054" headers="col1 H6"> Kurdish </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6054 geo1 total1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6054 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6054 geo1 female1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6054 geo2 total2"> 9,805 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6054 geo2 male2"> 5,350 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6054 geo2 female2"> 4,445 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L6055" headers="col1 H6"> Lao </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6055 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6055 geo1 male1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6055 geo1 female1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6055 geo2 total2"> 12,970 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6055 geo2 male2"> 6,375 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6055 geo2 female2"> 6,590 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L6056" headers="col1 H6"> Latvian </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6056 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6056 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6056 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6056 geo2 total2"> 6,200 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6056 geo2 male2"> 2,700 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6056 geo2 female2"> 3,505 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L6057" headers="col1 H6"> Lingala </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6057 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6057 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6057 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6057 geo2 total2"> 3,085 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6057 geo2 male2"> 1,440 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6057 geo2 female2"> 1,645 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L6058" headers="col1 H6"> Lithuanian </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6058 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6058 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6058 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6058 geo2 total2"> 7,245 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6058 geo2 male2"> 3,080 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6058 geo2 female2"> 4,165 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L6059" headers="col1 H6"> Macedonian </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6059 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6059 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6059 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6059 geo2 total2"> 17,245 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6059 geo2 male2"> 8,405 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6059 geo2 female2"> 8,840 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L6060" headers="col1 H6"> Malay </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6060 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6060 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6060 geo1 female1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6060 geo2 total2"> 10,910 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6060 geo2 male2"> 4,845 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6060 geo2 female2"> 6,060 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L6061" headers="col1 H6"> Malayalam </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6061 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6061 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6061 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6061 geo2 total2"> 16,080 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6061 geo2 male2"> 8,200 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6061 geo2 female2"> 7,875 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L6062" headers="col1 H6"> Maltese </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6062 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6062 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6062 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6062 geo2 total2"> 6,220 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6062 geo2 male2"> 3,125 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6062 geo2 female2"> 3,100 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L6063" headers="col1 H6"> Mandarin </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6063 geo1 total1"> 20 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6063 geo1 male1"> 10 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6063 geo1 female1"> 10 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6063 geo2 total2"> 248,705 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6063 geo2 male2"> 116,480 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6063 geo2 female2"> 132,225 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L6064" headers="col1 H6"> Marathi </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6064 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6064 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6064 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6064 geo2 total2"> 5,830 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6064 geo2 male2"> 3,030 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6064 geo2 female2"> 2,805 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L6065" headers="col1 H6"> Nepali </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6065 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6065 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6065 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6065 geo2 total2"> 8,480 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6065 geo2 male2"> 4,350 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6065 geo2 female2"> 4,135 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L6066" headers="col1 H6"> Niger-Congo languages, <abbr title="Not included elsewhere">n.i.e</abbr>. </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6066 geo1 total1"> 25 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6066 geo1 male1"> 10 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6066 geo1 female1"> 10 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6066 geo2 total2"> 14,075 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6066 geo2 male2"> 7,385 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6066 geo2 female2"> 6,685 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L6067" headers="col1 H6"> Norwegian </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6067 geo1 total1"> 20 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6067 geo1 male1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6067 geo1 female1"> 10 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6067 geo2 total2"> 5,800 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6067 geo2 male2"> 2,745 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6067 geo2 female2"> 3,055 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L6068" headers="col1 H6"> Oromo </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6068 geo1 total1"> 15 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6068 geo1 male1"> 10 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6068 geo1 female1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6068 geo2 total2"> 11,140 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6068 geo2 male2"> 6,075 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6068 geo2 female2"> 5,060 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L6069" headers="col1 H6"> Panjabi (Punjabi) </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6069 geo1 total1"> 20 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6069 geo1 male1"> 10 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6069 geo1 female1"> 10 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6069 geo2 total2"> 430,705 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6069 geo2 male2"> 217,015 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6069 geo2 female2"> 213,685 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L6070" headers="col1 H6"> Pashto </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6070 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6070 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6070 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6070 geo2 total2"> 12,465 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6070 geo2 male2"> 6,470 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6070 geo2 female2"> 5,990 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L6071" headers="col1 H6"> Persian (Farsi) </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6071 geo1 total1"> 30 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6071 geo1 male1"> 15 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6071 geo1 female1"> 10 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6071 geo2 total2"> 170,045 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6071 geo2 male2"> 86,810 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6071 geo2 female2"> 83,235 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L6072" headers="col1 H6"> Polish </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6072 geo1 total1"> 50 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6072 geo1 male1"> 20 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6072 geo1 female1"> 30 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6072 geo2 total2"> 191,645 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6072 geo2 male2"> 87,905 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6072 geo2 female2"> 103,745 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L6073" headers="col1 H6"> Portuguese </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6073 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6073 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6073 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6073 geo2 total2"> 211,335 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6073 geo2 male2"> 102,320 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6073 geo2 female2"> 109,015 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L6074" headers="col1 H6"> Romanian </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6074 geo1 total1"> 45 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6074 geo1 male1"> 25 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6074 geo1 female1"> 20 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6074 geo2 total2"> 90,300 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6074 geo2 male2"> 43,475 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6074 geo2 female2"> 46,820 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L6075" headers="col1 H6"> Rundi (Kirundi) </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6075 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6075 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6075 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6075 geo2 total2"> 3,975 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6075 geo2 male2"> 1,875 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6075 geo2 female2"> 2,100 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L6076" headers="col1 H6"> Russian </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6076 geo1 total1"> 45 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6076 geo1 male1"> 20 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6076 geo1 female1"> 20 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6076 geo2 total2"> 164,330 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6076 geo2 male2"> 75,275 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6076 geo2 female2"> 89,050 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L6077" headers="col1 H6"> Rwanda (Kinyarwanda) </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6077 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6077 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6077 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6077 geo2 total2"> 3,895 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6077 geo2 male2"> 1,710 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6077 geo2 female2"> 2,185 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L6078" headers="col1 H6"> Semitic languages, <abbr title="Not included elsewhere">n.i.e</abbr>. </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6078 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6078 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6078 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6078 geo2 total2"> 16,970 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6078 geo2 male2"> 8,395 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6078 geo2 female2"> 8,575 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L6079" headers="col1 H6"> Serbian </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6079 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6079 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6079 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6079 geo2 total2"> 56,420 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6079 geo2 male2"> 28,125 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6079 geo2 female2"> 28,290 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L6080" headers="col1 H6"> Serbo-Croatian </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6080 geo1 total1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6080 geo1 male1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6080 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6080 geo2 total2"> 10,155 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6080 geo2 male2"> 4,940 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6080 geo2 female2"> 5,215 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L6081" headers="col1 H6"> Shanghainese </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6081 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6081 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6081 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6081 geo2 total2"> 2,920 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6081 geo2 male2"> 1,230 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6081 geo2 female2"> 1,695 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L6082" headers="col1 H6"> Sign languages, <abbr title="Not included elsewhere">n.i.e</abbr>. </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6082 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6082 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6082 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6082 geo2 total2"> 3,815 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6082 geo2 male2"> 2,050 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6082 geo2 female2"> 1,760 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L6083" headers="col1 H6"> Sindhi </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6083 geo1 total1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6083 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6083 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6083 geo2 total2"> 11,330 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6083 geo2 male2"> 5,290 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6083 geo2 female2"> 6,040 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L6084" headers="col1 H6"> Sinhala (Sinhalese) </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6084 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6084 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6084 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6084 geo2 total2"> 14,185 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6084 geo2 male2"> 7,070 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6084 geo2 female2"> 7,110 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L6085" headers="col1 H6"> Sino-Tibetan languages, <abbr title="Not included elsewhere">n.i.e</abbr>. </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6085 geo1 total1"> 15 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6085 geo1 male1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6085 geo1 female1"> 10 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6085 geo2 total2"> 4,360 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6085 geo2 male2"> 2,225 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6085 geo2 female2"> 2,135 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L6086" headers="col1 H6"> Slavic languages, <abbr title="Not included elsewhere">n.i.e</abbr>. </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6086 geo1 total1"> 15 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6086 geo1 male1"> 10 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6086 geo1 female1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6086 geo2 total2"> 3,630 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6086 geo2 male2"> 1,850 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6086 geo2 female2"> 1,785 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L6087" headers="col1 H6"> Slovak </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6087 geo1 total1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6087 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6087 geo1 female1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6087 geo2 total2"> 17,580 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6087 geo2 male2"> 8,045 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6087 geo2 female2"> 9,540 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L6088" headers="col1 H6"> Slovenian </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6088 geo1 total1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6088 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6088 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6088 geo2 total2"> 10,775 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6088 geo2 male2"> 5,015 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6088 geo2 female2"> 5,760 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L6089" headers="col1 H6"> Somali </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6089 geo1 total1"> 30 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6089 geo1 male1"> 15 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6089 geo1 female1"> 15 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6089 geo2 total2"> 31,380 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6089 geo2 male2"> 14,260 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6089 geo2 female2"> 17,120 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L6090" headers="col1 H6"> Spanish </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6090 geo1 total1"> 90 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6090 geo1 male1"> 40 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6090 geo1 female1"> 45 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6090 geo2 total2"> 410,670 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6090 geo2 male2"> 199,110 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6090 geo2 female2"> 211,565 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L6091" headers="col1 H6"> Swahili </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6091 geo1 total1"> 15 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6091 geo1 male1"> 10 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6091 geo1 female1"> 10 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6091 geo2 total2"> 10,090 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6091 geo2 male2"> 5,050 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6091 geo2 female2"> 5,045 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L6092" headers="col1 H6"> Swedish </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6092 geo1 total1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6092 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6092 geo1 female1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6092 geo2 total2"> 7,350 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6092 geo2 male2"> 3,170 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6092 geo2 female2"> 4,175 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L6093" headers="col1 H6"> Tagalog (Pilipino, Filipino) </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6093 geo1 total1"> 140 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6093 geo1 male1"> 65 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6093 geo1 female1"> 75 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6093 geo2 total2"> 327,445 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6093 geo2 male2"> 131,405 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6093 geo2 female2"> 196,045 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L6094" headers="col1 H6"> Taiwanese </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6094 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6094 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6094 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6094 geo2 total2"> 9,635 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6094 geo2 male2"> 4,450 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6094 geo2 female2"> 5,185 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L6095" headers="col1 H6"> Tamil </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6095 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6095 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6095 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6095 geo2 total2"> 131,265 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6095 geo2 male2"> 65,145 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6095 geo2 female2"> 66,120 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L6096" headers="col1 H6"> Telugu </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6096 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6096 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6096 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6096 geo2 total2"> 9,315 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6096 geo2 male2"> 4,910 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6096 geo2 female2"> 4,405 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L6097" headers="col1 H6"> Thai </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6097 geo1 total1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6097 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6097 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6097 geo2 total2"> 7,935 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6097 geo2 male2"> 2,505 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6097 geo2 female2"> 5,425 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L6098" headers="col1 H6"> Tibetan languages </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6098 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6098 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6098 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6098 geo2 total2"> 4,640 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6098 geo2 male2"> 2,365 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6098 geo2 female2"> 2,270 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L6099" headers="col1 H6"> Tigrigna </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6099 geo1 total1"> 10 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6099 geo1 male1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6099 geo1 female1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6099 geo2 total2"> 10,220 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6099 geo2 male2"> 4,990 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6099 geo2 female2"> 5,230 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L6100" headers="col1 H6"> Turkish </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6100 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6100 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6100 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6100 geo2 total2"> 29,640 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6100 geo2 male2"> 15,865 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6100 geo2 female2"> 13,775 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L6101" headers="col1 H6"> Ukrainian </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6101 geo1 total1"> 200 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6101 geo1 male1"> 80 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6101 geo1 female1"> 120 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6101 geo2 total2"> 111,540 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6101 geo2 male2"> 49,570 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6101 geo2 female2"> 61,975 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L6102" headers="col1 H6"> Urdu </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6102 geo1 total1"> 40 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6102 geo1 male1"> 25 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6102 geo1 female1"> 20 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6102 geo2 total2"> 172,800 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6102 geo2 male2"> 88,295 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6102 geo2 female2"> 84,500 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L6103" headers="col1 H6"> Vietnamese </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6103 geo1 total1"> 20 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6103 geo1 male1"> 10 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6103 geo1 female1"> 10 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6103 geo2 total2"> 144,880 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6103 geo2 male2"> 68,255 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6103 geo2 female2"> 76,625 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L6104" headers="col1 H6"> Yiddish </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6104 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6104 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6104 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6104 geo2 total2"> 15,205 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6104 geo2 male2"> 7,400 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6104 geo2 female2"> 7,805 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L6105" headers="col1 H6"> Other languages<sup id="fnb22-ref"><a class="fn-lnk" href="#fnb22" title="Footnote: Other languages - Detailed mother tongue"><span class="wb-inv">Census data footnote </span>22</a></sup> </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6105 geo1 total1"> 25 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6105 geo1 male1"> 10 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6105 geo1 female1"> 15 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6105 geo2 total2"> 77,890 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6105 geo2 male2"> 38,055 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6105 geo2 female2"> 39,835 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L6106" headers="col1 H6"> Multiple responses </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6106 geo1 total1"> 320 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6106 geo1 male1"> 140 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6106 geo1 female1"> 180 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6106 geo2 total2"> 639,540 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6106 geo2 male2"> 310,480 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6106 geo2 female2"> 329,060 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L6107" headers="col1 H6"> English and French </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6107 geo1 total1"> 95 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6107 geo1 male1"> 40 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6107 geo1 female1"> 60 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6107 geo2 total2"> 144,685 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6107 geo2 male2"> 69,975 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6107 geo2 female2"> 74,710 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L6108" headers="col1 H6"> English and non-official language </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6108 geo1 total1"> 200 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6108 geo1 male1"> 90 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6108 geo1 female1"> 110 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6108 geo2 total2"> 396,330 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6108 geo2 male2"> 192,000 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6108 geo2 female2"> 204,330 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L6109" headers="col1 H6"> French and non-official language </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6109 geo1 total1"> 15 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6109 geo1 male1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6109 geo1 female1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6109 geo2 total2"> 74,430 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6109 geo2 male2"> 36,535 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6109 geo2 female2"> 37,890 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L6110" headers="col1 H6"> English, French and non-official language </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6110 geo1 total1"> 10 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6110 geo1 male1"> 10 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6110 geo1 female1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6110 geo2 total2"> 24,095 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6110 geo2 male2"> 11,965 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L6110 geo2 female2"> 12,130 </td> </tr> <tr> <th colspan="7" class="text-left text-top stubheader" id="H7">Knowledge of official languages</th> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L7000" headers="col1 H7"> Knowledge of official languages - Total population excluding institutional residents<sup id="fnb19-3-ref"><a class="fn-lnk" href="#fnb19" title="Footnote: Knowledge of official languages - Total population excluding institutional residents - Knowledge of official languages"><span class="wb-inv">Census data footnote </span>19</a></sup> </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L7000 geo1 total1"> 45,635 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L7000 geo1 male1"> 22,535 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L7000 geo1 female1"> 23,100 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L7000 geo2 total2"> 33,121,175 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L7000 geo2 male2"> 16,265,870 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L7000 geo2 female2"> 16,855,305 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L7001" headers="col1 H7"> English only </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L7001 geo1 total1"> 43,255 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L7001 geo1 male1"> 21,460 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L7001 geo1 female1"> 21,795 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L7001 geo2 total2"> 22,564,665 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L7001 geo2 male2"> 11,222,185 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L7001 geo2 female2"> 11,342,485 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L7002" headers="col1 H7"> French only </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L7002 geo1 total1"> 20 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L7002 geo1 male1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L7002 geo1 female1"> 15 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L7002 geo2 total2"> 4,165,015 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L7002 geo2 male2"> 1,925,340 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L7002 geo2 female2"> 2,239,680 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L7003" headers="col1 H7"> English and French </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L7003 geo1 total1"> 2,205 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L7003 geo1 male1"> 1,005 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L7003 geo1 female1"> 1,200 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L7003 geo2 total2"> 5,795,570 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L7003 geo2 male2"> 2,876,560 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L7003 geo2 female2"> 2,919,005 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L7004" headers="col1 H7"> Neither English nor French </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L7004 geo1 total1"> 155 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L7004 geo1 male1"> 65 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L7004 geo1 female1"> 95 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L7004 geo2 total2"> 595,920 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L7004 geo2 male2"> 241,790 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L7004 geo2 female2"> 354,135 </td> </tr> <tr> <th colspan="7" class="text-left text-top stubheader" id="H8">First official language spoken</th> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L8000" headers="col1 H8"> First official language spoken - Total population excluding institutional residents<sup id="fnb19-4-ref"><a class="fn-lnk" href="#fnb19" title="Footnote: First official language spoken - Total population excluding institutional residents - First official language spoken"><span class="wb-inv">Census data footnote </span>19</a></sup> </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L8000 geo1 total1"> 45,635 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L8000 geo1 male1"> 22,535 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L8000 geo1 female1"> 23,100 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L8000 geo2 total2"> 33,121,175 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L8000 geo2 male2"> 16,265,875 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L8000 geo2 female2"> 16,855,300 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L8001" headers="col1 H8"> English </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L8001 geo1 total1"> 44,810 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L8001 geo1 male1"> 22,150 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L8001 geo1 female1"> 22,655 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L8001 geo2 total2"> 24,662,900 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L8001 geo2 male2"> 12,172,545 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L8001 geo2 female2"> 12,490,350 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L8002" headers="col1 H8"> French </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L8002 geo1 total1"> 650 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L8002 geo1 male1"> 320 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L8002 geo1 female1"> 330 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L8002 geo2 total2"> 7,507,890 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L8002 geo2 male2"> 3,671,815 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L8002 geo2 female2"> 3,836,075 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L8003" headers="col1 H8"> English and French </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L8003 geo1 total1"> 35 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L8003 geo1 male1"> 10 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L8003 geo1 female1"> 20 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L8003 geo2 total2"> 367,635 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L8003 geo2 male2"> 186,235 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L8003 geo2 female2"> 181,405 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L8004" headers="col1 H8"> Neither English nor French </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L8004 geo1 total1"> 145 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L8004 geo1 male1"> 55 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L8004 geo1 female1"> 90 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L8004 geo2 total2"> 582,755 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L8004 geo2 male2"> 235,280 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L8004 geo2 female2"> 347,475 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L8005" headers="col1 H8"> Official language minority (number)<sup id="fnb23-ref"><a class="fn-lnk" href="#fnb23" title="Footnote: Official language minority (number) - First official language spoken"><span class="wb-inv">Census data footnote </span>23</a></sup> </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L8005 geo1 total1"> 665 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L8005 geo1 male1"> 325 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L8005 geo1 female1"> 340 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L8005 geo2 total2"> 7,691,705 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L8005 geo2 male2"> 3,764,930 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L8005 geo2 female2"> 3,926,770 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L8006" headers="col1 H8"> Official language minority (percentage)<sup id="fnb23-5-ref"><a class="fn-lnk" href="#fnb23" title="Footnote: Official language minority (percentage) - First official language spoken"><span class="wb-inv">Census data footnote </span>23</a></sup> </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L8006 geo1 total1"> 1.5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L8006 geo1 male1"> 1.4 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L8006 geo1 female1"> 1.5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L8006 geo2 total2"> 23.2 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L8006 geo2 male2"> 23.1 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L8006 geo2 female2"> 23.3 </td> </tr> <tr> <th colspan="7" class="text-left text-top stubheader" id="H9">Detailed language spoken most often at home</th> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L9000" headers="col1 H9"> Detailed language spoken most often at home - Total population excluding institutional residents<sup id="fnb19-6-ref"><a class="fn-lnk" href="#fnb19" title="Footnote: Detailed language spoken most often at home - Total population excluding institutional residents - Detailed language spoken most often at home"><span class="wb-inv">Census data footnote </span>19</a></sup> </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9000 geo1 total1"> 45,635 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9000 geo1 male1"> 22,535 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9000 geo1 female1"> 23,100 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9000 geo2 total2"> 33,121,175 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9000 geo2 male2"> 16,265,875 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9000 geo2 female2"> 16,855,300 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L9001" headers="col1 H9"> Single responses </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9001 geo1 total1"> 45,260 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9001 geo1 male1"> 22,350 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9001 geo1 female1"> 22,910 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9001 geo2 total2"> 31,958,800 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9001 geo2 male2"> 15,701,165 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9001 geo2 female2"> 16,257,640 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L9002" headers="col1 H9"> English </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9002 geo1 total1"> 43,580 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9002 geo1 male1"> 21,505 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9002 geo1 female1"> 22,080 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9002 geo2 total2"> 21,457,075 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9002 geo2 male2"> 10,585,620 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9002 geo2 female2"> 10,871,455 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L9003" headers="col1 H9"> French </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9003 geo1 total1"> 205 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9003 geo1 male1"> 100 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9003 geo1 female1"> 100 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9003 geo2 total2"> 6,827,865 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9003 geo2 male2"> 3,348,235 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9003 geo2 female2"> 3,479,625 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L9004" headers="col1 H9"> Non-official languages </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9004 geo1 total1"> 1,480 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9004 geo1 male1"> 745 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9004 geo1 female1"> 735 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9004 geo2 total2"> 3,673,865 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9004 geo2 male2"> 1,767,310 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9004 geo2 female2"> 1,906,555 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L9005" headers="col1 H9"> Selected Aboriginal languages<sup id="fnb20-7-ref"><a class="fn-lnk" href="#fnb20" title="Footnote: Selected Aboriginal languages - Detailed language spoken most often at home"><span class="wb-inv">Census data footnote </span>20</a></sup> </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9005 geo1 total1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9005 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9005 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9005 geo2 total2"> 114,610 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9005 geo2 male2"> 58,055 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9005 geo2 female2"> 56,550 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L9006" headers="col1 H9"> Atikamekw </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9006 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9006 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9006 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9006 geo2 total2"> 5,365 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9006 geo2 male2"> 2,800 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9006 geo2 female2"> 2,565 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L9007" headers="col1 H9"> Cree, <abbr title="Not otherwise specified">n.o.s.</abbr> </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9007 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9007 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9007 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9007 geo2 total2"> 44,520 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9007 geo2 male2"> 22,555 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9007 geo2 female2"> 21,970 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L9008" headers="col1 H9"> Dene </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9008 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9008 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9008 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9008 geo2 total2"> 7,960 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9008 geo2 male2"> 4,025 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9008 geo2 female2"> 3,940 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L9009" headers="col1 H9"> Innu/Montagnais </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9009 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9009 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9009 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9009 geo2 total2"> 9,630 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9009 geo2 male2"> 4,700 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9009 geo2 female2"> 4,935 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L9010" headers="col1 H9"> Inuktitut </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9010 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9010 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9010 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9010 geo2 total2"> 27,170 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9010 geo2 male2"> 13,780 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9010 geo2 female2"> 13,390 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L9011" headers="col1 H9"> Mi'kmaq </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9011 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9011 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9011 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9011 geo2 total2"> 4,160 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9011 geo2 male2"> 2,100 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9011 geo2 female2"> 2,060 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L9012" headers="col1 H9"> Ojibway </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9012 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9012 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9012 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9012 geo2 total2"> 6,850 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9012 geo2 male2"> 3,555 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9012 geo2 female2"> 3,295 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L9013" headers="col1 H9"> Oji-Cree </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9013 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9013 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9013 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9013 geo2 total2"> 6,875 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9013 geo2 male2"> 3,525 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9013 geo2 female2"> 3,350 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L9014" headers="col1 H9"> Stoney </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9014 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9014 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9014 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9014 geo2 total2"> 2,070 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9014 geo2 male2"> 1,025 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9014 geo2 female2"> 1,045 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L9015" headers="col1 H9"> Selected non-Aboriginal languages<sup id="fnb21-8-ref"><a class="fn-lnk" href="#fnb21" title="Footnote: Selected non-Aboriginal languages - Detailed language spoken most often at home"><span class="wb-inv">Census data footnote </span>21</a></sup> </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9015 geo1 total1"> 1,475 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9015 geo1 male1"> 740 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9015 geo1 female1"> 735 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9015 geo2 total2"> 3,531,990 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9015 geo2 male2"> 1,695,585 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9015 geo2 female2"> 1,836,405 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L9016" headers="col1 H9"> African languages, <abbr title="Not included elsewhere">n.i.e</abbr>. </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9016 geo1 total1"> 10 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9016 geo1 male1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9016 geo1 female1"> 10 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9016 geo2 total2"> 4,130 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9016 geo2 male2"> 2,085 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9016 geo2 female2"> 2,045 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L9017" headers="col1 H9"> Afrikaans </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9017 geo1 total1"> 30 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9017 geo1 male1"> 15 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9017 geo1 female1"> 15 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9017 geo2 total2"> 4,465 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9017 geo2 male2"> 2,230 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9017 geo2 female2"> 2,235 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L9018" headers="col1 H9"> Akan (Twi) </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9018 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9018 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9018 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9018 geo2 total2"> 6,545 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9018 geo2 male2"> 2,980 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9018 geo2 female2"> 3,560 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L9019" headers="col1 H9"> Albanian </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9019 geo1 total1"> 40 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9019 geo1 male1"> 20 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9019 geo1 female1"> 20 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9019 geo2 total2"> 13,765 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9019 geo2 male2"> 6,985 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9019 geo2 female2"> 6,775 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L9020" headers="col1 H9"> Amharic </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9020 geo1 total1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9020 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9020 geo1 female1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9020 geo2 total2"> 10,760 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9020 geo2 male2"> 5,065 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9020 geo2 female2"> 5,695 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L9021" headers="col1 H9"> Arabic </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9021 geo1 total1"> 45 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9021 geo1 male1"> 20 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9021 geo1 female1"> 20 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9021 geo2 total2"> 181,790 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9021 geo2 male2"> 92,840 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9021 geo2 female2"> 88,950 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L9022" headers="col1 H9"> Armenian </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9022 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9022 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9022 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9022 geo2 total2"> 19,140 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9022 geo2 male2"> 9,035 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9022 geo2 female2"> 10,105 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L9023" headers="col1 H9"> Bantu languages, <abbr title="Not included elsewhere">n.i.e</abbr>. </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9023 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9023 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9023 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9023 geo2 total2"> 1,815 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9023 geo2 male2"> 865 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9023 geo2 female2"> 950 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L9024" headers="col1 H9"> Bengali </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9024 geo1 total1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9024 geo1 male1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9024 geo1 female1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9024 geo2 total2"> 42,065 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9024 geo2 male2"> 21,140 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9024 geo2 female2"> 20,925 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L9025" headers="col1 H9"> Berber languages (Kabyle) </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9025 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9025 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9025 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9025 geo2 total2"> 1,995 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9025 geo2 male2"> 1,045 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9025 geo2 female2"> 950 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L9026" headers="col1 H9"> Bisayan languages </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9026 geo1 total1"> 10 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9026 geo1 male1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9026 geo1 female1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9026 geo2 total2"> 5,390 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9026 geo2 male2"> 2,395 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9026 geo2 female2"> 2,995 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L9027" headers="col1 H9"> Bosnian </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9027 geo1 total1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9027 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9027 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9027 geo2 total2"> 6,705 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9027 geo2 male2"> 3,385 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9027 geo2 female2"> 3,315 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L9028" headers="col1 H9"> Bulgarian </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9028 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9028 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9028 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9028 geo2 total2"> 12,075 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9028 geo2 male2"> 5,940 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9028 geo2 female2"> 6,135 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L9029" headers="col1 H9"> Burmese </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9029 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9029 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9029 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9029 geo2 total2"> 1,895 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9029 geo2 male2"> 970 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9029 geo2 female2"> 925 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L9030" headers="col1 H9"> Cantonese </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9030 geo1 total1"> 30 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9030 geo1 male1"> 15 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9030 geo1 female1"> 15 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9030 geo2 total2"> 288,620 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9030 geo2 male2"> 133,355 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9030 geo2 female2"> 155,265 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L9031" headers="col1 H9"> Chinese, <abbr title="Not otherwise specified">n.o.s.</abbr> </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9031 geo1 total1"> 110 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9031 geo1 male1"> 55 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9031 geo1 female1"> 55 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9031 geo2 total2"> 297,295 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9031 geo2 male2"> 141,425 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9031 geo2 female2"> 155,870 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L9032" headers="col1 H9"> Creoles </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9032 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9032 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9032 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9032 geo2 total2"> 25,475 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9032 geo2 male2"> 11,045 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9032 geo2 female2"> 14,435 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L9033" headers="col1 H9"> Croatian </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9033 geo1 total1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9033 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9033 geo1 female1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9033 geo2 total2"> 18,730 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9033 geo2 male2"> 8,950 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9033 geo2 female2"> 9,780 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L9034" headers="col1 H9"> Czech </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9034 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9034 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9034 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9034 geo2 total2"> 7,415 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9034 geo2 male2"> 3,595 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9034 geo2 female2"> 3,820 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L9035" headers="col1 H9"> Danish </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9035 geo1 total1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9035 geo1 male1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9035 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9035 geo2 total2"> 945 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9035 geo2 male2"> 475 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9035 geo2 female2"> 465 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L9036" headers="col1 H9"> Dutch </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9036 geo1 total1"> 10 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9036 geo1 male1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9036 geo1 female1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9036 geo2 total2"> 11,530 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9036 geo2 male2"> 5,485 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9036 geo2 female2"> 6,040 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L9037" headers="col1 H9"> Estonian </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9037 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9037 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9037 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9037 geo2 total2"> 1,450 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9037 geo2 male2"> 550 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9037 geo2 female2"> 895 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L9038" headers="col1 H9"> Finnish </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9038 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9038 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9038 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9038 geo2 total2"> 3,335 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9038 geo2 male2"> 1,480 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9038 geo2 female2"> 1,855 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L9039" headers="col1 H9"> Flemish </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9039 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9039 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9039 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9039 geo2 total2"> 455 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9039 geo2 male2"> 210 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9039 geo2 female2"> 245 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L9040" headers="col1 H9"> Fukien </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9040 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9040 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9040 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9040 geo2 total2"> 1,900 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9040 geo2 male2"> 875 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9040 geo2 female2"> 1,030 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L9041" headers="col1 H9"> German </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9041 geo1 total1"> 755 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9041 geo1 male1"> 375 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9041 geo1 female1"> 380 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9041 geo2 total2"> 126,375 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9041 geo2 male2"> 61,350 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9041 geo2 female2"> 65,030 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L9042" headers="col1 H9"> Greek </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9042 geo1 total1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9042 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9042 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9042 geo2 total2"> 47,705 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9042 geo2 male2"> 22,800 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9042 geo2 female2"> 24,905 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L9043" headers="col1 H9"> Gujarati </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9043 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9043 geo1 male1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9043 geo1 female1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9043 geo2 total2"> 55,725 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9043 geo2 male2"> 27,220 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9043 geo2 female2"> 28,505 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L9044" headers="col1 H9"> Hakka </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9044 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9044 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9044 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9044 geo2 total2"> 2,050 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9044 geo2 male2"> 945 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9044 geo2 female2"> 1,110 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L9045" headers="col1 H9"> Hebrew </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9045 geo1 total1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9045 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9045 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9045 geo2 total2"> 8,400 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9045 geo2 male2"> 4,245 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9045 geo2 female2"> 4,150 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L9046" headers="col1 H9"> Hindi </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9046 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9046 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9046 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9046 geo2 total2"> 47,080 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9046 geo2 male2"> 23,215 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9046 geo2 female2"> 23,870 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L9047" headers="col1 H9"> Hungarian </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9047 geo1 total1"> 10 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9047 geo1 male1"> 10 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9047 geo1 female1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9047 geo2 total2"> 22,945 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9047 geo2 male2"> 10,780 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9047 geo2 female2"> 12,165 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L9048" headers="col1 H9"> Ilocano </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9048 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9048 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9048 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9048 geo2 total2"> 6,160 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9048 geo2 male2"> 2,610 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9048 geo2 female2"> 3,550 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L9049" headers="col1 H9"> Indo-Iranian languages, <abbr title="Not included elsewhere">n.i.e</abbr>. </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9049 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9049 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9049 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9049 geo2 total2"> 2,285 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9049 geo2 male2"> 1,165 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9049 geo2 female2"> 1,120 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L9050" headers="col1 H9"> Italian </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9050 geo1 total1"> 10 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9050 geo1 male1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9050 geo1 female1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9050 geo2 total2"> 139,480 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9050 geo2 male2"> 61,990 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9050 geo2 female2"> 77,485 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L9051" headers="col1 H9"> Japanese </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9051 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9051 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9051 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9051 geo2 total2"> 18,850 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9051 geo2 male2"> 8,010 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9051 geo2 female2"> 10,835 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L9052" headers="col1 H9"> Khmer (Cambodian) </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9052 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9052 geo1 male1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9052 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9052 geo2 total2"> 11,330 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9052 geo2 male2"> 5,250 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9052 geo2 female2"> 6,075 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L9053" headers="col1 H9"> Korean </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9053 geo1 total1"> 15 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9053 geo1 male1"> 10 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9053 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9053 geo2 total2"> 104,905 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9053 geo2 male2"> 49,660 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9053 geo2 female2"> 55,245 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L9054" headers="col1 H9"> Kurdish </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9054 geo1 total1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9054 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9054 geo1 female1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9054 geo2 total2"> 6,000 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9054 geo2 male2"> 3,125 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9054 geo2 female2"> 2,875 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L9055" headers="col1 H9"> Lao </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9055 geo1 total1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9055 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9055 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9055 geo2 total2"> 6,980 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9055 geo2 male2"> 3,445 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9055 geo2 female2"> 3,540 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L9056" headers="col1 H9"> Latvian </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9056 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9056 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9056 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9056 geo2 total2"> 1,625 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9056 geo2 male2"> 715 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9056 geo2 female2"> 910 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L9057" headers="col1 H9"> Lingala </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9057 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9057 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9057 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9057 geo2 total2"> 880 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9057 geo2 male2"> 400 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9057 geo2 female2"> 485 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L9058" headers="col1 H9"> Lithuanian </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9058 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9058 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9058 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9058 geo2 total2"> 2,115 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9058 geo2 male2"> 915 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9058 geo2 female2"> 1,205 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L9059" headers="col1 H9"> Macedonian </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9059 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9059 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9059 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9059 geo2 total2"> 7,775 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9059 geo2 male2"> 3,740 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9059 geo2 female2"> 4,035 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L9060" headers="col1 H9"> Malay </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9060 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9060 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9060 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9060 geo2 total2"> 3,940 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9060 geo2 male2"> 1,935 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9060 geo2 female2"> 2,005 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L9061" headers="col1 H9"> Malayalam </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9061 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9061 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9061 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9061 geo2 total2"> 7,955 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9061 geo2 male2"> 4,010 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9061 geo2 female2"> 3,940 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L9062" headers="col1 H9"> Maltese </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9062 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9062 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9062 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9062 geo2 total2"> 1,330 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9062 geo2 male2"> 640 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9062 geo2 female2"> 690 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L9063" headers="col1 H9"> Mandarin </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9063 geo1 total1"> 15 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9063 geo1 male1"> 10 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9063 geo1 female1"> 10 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9063 geo2 total2"> 203,275 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9063 geo2 male2"> 97,960 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9063 geo2 female2"> 105,320 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L9064" headers="col1 H9"> Marathi </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9064 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9064 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9064 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9064 geo2 total2"> 2,800 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9064 geo2 male2"> 1,450 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9064 geo2 female2"> 1,345 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L9065" headers="col1 H9"> Nepali </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9065 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9065 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9065 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9065 geo2 total2"> 6,320 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9065 geo2 male2"> 3,215 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9065 geo2 female2"> 3,105 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L9066" headers="col1 H9"> Niger-Congo languages, <abbr title="Not included elsewhere">n.i.e</abbr>. </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9066 geo1 total1"> 15 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9066 geo1 male1"> 10 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9066 geo1 female1"> 10 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9066 geo2 total2"> 3,785 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9066 geo2 male2"> 1,800 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9066 geo2 female2"> 1,985 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L9067" headers="col1 H9"> Norwegian </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9067 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9067 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9067 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9067 geo2 total2"> 575 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9067 geo2 male2"> 275 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9067 geo2 female2"> 300 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L9068" headers="col1 H9"> Oromo </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9068 geo1 total1"> 10 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9068 geo1 male1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9068 geo1 female1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9068 geo2 total2"> 4,745 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9068 geo2 male2"> 2,445 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9068 geo2 female2"> 2,305 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L9069" headers="col1 H9"> Panjabi (Punjabi) </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9069 geo1 total1"> 15 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9069 geo1 male1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9069 geo1 female1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9069 geo2 total2"> 317,075 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9069 geo2 male2"> 158,375 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9069 geo2 female2"> 158,700 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L9070" headers="col1 H9"> Pashto </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9070 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9070 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9070 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9070 geo2 total2"> 8,700 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9070 geo2 male2"> 4,390 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9070 geo2 female2"> 4,310 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L9071" headers="col1 H9"> Persian (Farsi) </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9071 geo1 total1"> 15 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9071 geo1 male1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9071 geo1 female1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9071 geo2 total2"> 118,830 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9071 geo2 male2"> 58,420 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9071 geo2 female2"> 60,415 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L9072" headers="col1 H9"> Polish </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9072 geo1 total1"> 10 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9072 geo1 male1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9072 geo1 female1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9072 geo2 total2"> 85,210 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9072 geo2 male2"> 39,945 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9072 geo2 female2"> 45,260 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L9073" headers="col1 H9"> Portuguese </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9073 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9073 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9073 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9073 geo2 total2"> 97,210 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9073 geo2 male2"> 46,445 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9073 geo2 female2"> 50,760 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L9074" headers="col1 H9"> Romanian </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9074 geo1 total1"> 10 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9074 geo1 male1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9074 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9074 geo2 total2"> 54,460 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9074 geo2 male2"> 26,580 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9074 geo2 female2"> 27,880 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L9075" headers="col1 H9"> Rundi (Kirundi) </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9075 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9075 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9075 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9075 geo2 total2"> 1,335 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9075 geo2 male2"> 610 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9075 geo2 female2"> 720 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L9076" headers="col1 H9"> Russian </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9076 geo1 total1"> 15 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9076 geo1 male1"> 10 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9076 geo1 female1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9076 geo2 total2"> 109,735 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9076 geo2 male2"> 52,320 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9076 geo2 female2"> 57,420 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L9077" headers="col1 H9"> Rwanda (Kinyarwanda) </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9077 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9077 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9077 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9077 geo2 total2"> 1,180 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9077 geo2 male2"> 540 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9077 geo2 female2"> 640 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L9078" headers="col1 H9"> Semitic languages, <abbr title="Not included elsewhere">n.i.e</abbr>. </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9078 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9078 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9078 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9078 geo2 total2"> 11,670 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9078 geo2 male2"> 5,640 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9078 geo2 female2"> 6,030 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L9079" headers="col1 H9"> Serbian </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9079 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9079 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9079 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9079 geo2 total2"> 34,885 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9079 geo2 male2"> 17,100 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9079 geo2 female2"> 17,780 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L9080" headers="col1 H9"> Serbo-Croatian </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9080 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9080 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9080 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9080 geo2 total2"> 5,040 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9080 geo2 male2"> 2,465 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9080 geo2 female2"> 2,580 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L9081" headers="col1 H9"> Shanghainese </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9081 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9081 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9081 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9081 geo2 total2"> 1,325 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9081 geo2 male2"> 610 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9081 geo2 female2"> 715 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L9082" headers="col1 H9"> Sign languages, <abbr title="Not included elsewhere">n.i.e</abbr>. </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9082 geo1 total1"> 10 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9082 geo1 male1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9082 geo1 female1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9082 geo2 total2"> 6,305 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9082 geo2 male2"> 3,685 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9082 geo2 female2"> 2,620 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L9083" headers="col1 H9"> Sindhi </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9083 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9083 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9083 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9083 geo2 total2"> 4,870 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9083 geo2 male2"> 2,175 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9083 geo2 female2"> 2,695 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L9084" headers="col1 H9"> Sinhala (Sinhalese) </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9084 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9084 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9084 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9084 geo2 total2"> 6,850 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9084 geo2 male2"> 3,410 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9084 geo2 female2"> 3,440 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L9085" headers="col1 H9"> Sino-Tibetan languages, <abbr title="Not included elsewhere">n.i.e</abbr>. </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9085 geo1 total1"> 20 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9085 geo1 male1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9085 geo1 female1"> 15 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9085 geo2 total2"> 3,525 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9085 geo2 male2"> 1,795 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9085 geo2 female2"> 1,730 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L9086" headers="col1 H9"> Slavic languages, <abbr title="Not included elsewhere">n.i.e</abbr>. </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9086 geo1 total1"> 10 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9086 geo1 male1"> 10 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9086 geo1 female1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9086 geo2 total2"> 1,135 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9086 geo2 male2"> 545 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9086 geo2 female2"> 590 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L9087" headers="col1 H9"> Slovak </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9087 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9087 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9087 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9087 geo2 total2"> 5,370 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9087 geo2 male2"> 2,545 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9087 geo2 female2"> 2,825 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L9088" headers="col1 H9"> Slovenian </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9088 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9088 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9088 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9088 geo2 total2"> 2,475 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9088 geo2 male2"> 1,095 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9088 geo2 female2"> 1,380 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L9089" headers="col1 H9"> Somali </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9089 geo1 total1"> 20 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9089 geo1 male1"> 10 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9089 geo1 female1"> 10 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9089 geo2 total2"> 21,665 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9089 geo2 male2"> 9,665 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9089 geo2 female2"> 12,000 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L9090" headers="col1 H9"> Spanish </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9090 geo1 total1"> 35 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9090 geo1 male1"> 15 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9090 geo1 female1"> 25 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9090 geo2 total2"> 252,015 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9090 geo2 male2"> 123,085 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9090 geo2 female2"> 128,935 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L9091" headers="col1 H9"> Swahili </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9091 geo1 total1"> 20 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9091 geo1 male1"> 10 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9091 geo1 female1"> 10 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9091 geo2 total2"> 4,175 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9091 geo2 male2"> 2,040 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9091 geo2 female2"> 2,130 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L9092" headers="col1 H9"> Swedish </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9092 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9092 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9092 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9092 geo2 total2"> 1,130 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9092 geo2 male2"> 535 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9092 geo2 female2"> 595 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L9093" headers="col1 H9"> Tagalog (Pilipino, Filipino) </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9093 geo1 total1"> 65 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9093 geo1 male1"> 30 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9093 geo1 female1"> 35 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9093 geo2 total2"> 161,080 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9093 geo2 male2"> 71,145 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9093 geo2 female2"> 89,935 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L9094" headers="col1 H9"> Taiwanese </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9094 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9094 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9094 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9094 geo2 total2"> 4,830 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9094 geo2 male2"> 2,315 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9094 geo2 female2"> 2,515 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L9095" headers="col1 H9"> Tamil </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9095 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9095 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9095 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9095 geo2 total2"> 98,940 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9095 geo2 male2"> 48,355 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9095 geo2 female2"> 50,590 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L9096" headers="col1 H9"> Telugu </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9096 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9096 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9096 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9096 geo2 total2"> 5,205 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9096 geo2 male2"> 2,675 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9096 geo2 female2"> 2,530 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L9097" headers="col1 H9"> Thai </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9097 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9097 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9097 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9097 geo2 total2"> 3,215 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9097 geo2 male2"> 1,470 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9097 geo2 female2"> 1,745 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L9098" headers="col1 H9"> Tibetan languages </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9098 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9098 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9098 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9098 geo2 total2"> 3,620 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9098 geo2 male2"> 1,835 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9098 geo2 female2"> 1,785 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L9099" headers="col1 H9"> Tigrigna </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9099 geo1 total1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9099 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9099 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9099 geo2 total2"> 5,975 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9099 geo2 male2"> 2,845 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9099 geo2 female2"> 3,130 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L9100" headers="col1 H9"> Turkish </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9100 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9100 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9100 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9100 geo2 total2"> 18,705 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9100 geo2 male2"> 9,510 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9100 geo2 female2"> 9,190 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L9101" headers="col1 H9"> Ukrainian </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9101 geo1 total1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9101 geo1 male1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9101 geo1 female1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9101 geo2 total2"> 25,565 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9101 geo2 male2"> 11,505 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9101 geo2 female2"> 14,065 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L9102" headers="col1 H9"> Urdu </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9102 geo1 total1"> 35 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9102 geo1 male1"> 20 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9102 geo1 female1"> 20 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9102 geo2 total2"> 113,785 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9102 geo2 male2"> 57,100 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9102 geo2 female2"> 56,680 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L9103" headers="col1 H9"> Vietnamese </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9103 geo1 total1"> 10 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9103 geo1 male1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9103 geo1 female1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9103 geo2 total2"> 104,960 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9103 geo2 male2"> 49,550 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9103 geo2 female2"> 55,410 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L9104" headers="col1 H9"> Yiddish </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9104 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9104 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9104 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9104 geo2 total2"> 6,860 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9104 geo2 male2"> 3,515 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9104 geo2 female2"> 3,350 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L9105" headers="col1 H9"> Other languages<sup id="fnb22-9-ref"><a class="fn-lnk" href="#fnb22" title="Footnote: Other languages - Detailed language spoken most often at home"><span class="wb-inv">Census data footnote </span>22</a></sup> </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9105 geo1 total1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9105 geo1 male1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9105 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9105 geo2 total2"> 27,265 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9105 geo2 male2"> 13,670 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9105 geo2 female2"> 13,595 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L9106" headers="col1 H9"> Multiple responses </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9106 geo1 total1"> 375 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9106 geo1 male1"> 185 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9106 geo1 female1"> 185 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9106 geo2 total2"> 1,162,370 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9106 geo2 male2"> 564,710 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9106 geo2 female2"> 597,665 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L9107" headers="col1 H9"> English and French </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9107 geo1 total1"> 25 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9107 geo1 male1"> 20 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9107 geo1 female1"> 10 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9107 geo2 total2"> 131,205 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9107 geo2 male2"> 63,475 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9107 geo2 female2"> 67,730 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L9108" headers="col1 H9"> English and non-official language </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9108 geo1 total1"> 325 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9108 geo1 male1"> 155 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9108 geo1 female1"> 170 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9108 geo2 total2"> 875,135 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9108 geo2 male2"> 425,370 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9108 geo2 female2"> 449,765 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L9109" headers="col1 H9"> French and non-official language </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9109 geo1 total1"> 15 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9109 geo1 male1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9109 geo1 female1"> 10 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9109 geo2 total2"> 109,700 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9109 geo2 male2"> 53,010 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9109 geo2 female2"> 56,690 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L9110" headers="col1 H9"> English, French and non-official language </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9110 geo1 total1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9110 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9110 geo1 female1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9110 geo2 total2"> 46,330 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9110 geo2 male2"> 22,845 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L9110 geo2 female2"> 23,485 </td> </tr> <tr> <th colspan="7" class="text-left text-top stubheader" id="H10">Detailed other language spoken regularly at home</th> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L10000" headers="col1 H10"> Detailed other language spoken regularly at home - Total population excluding institutional residents<sup id="fnb19-10-ref"><a class="fn-lnk" href="#fnb19" title="Footnote: Detailed other language spoken regularly at home - Total population excluding institutional residents - Detailed other language spoken regularly at home"><span class="wb-inv">Census data footnote </span>19</a></sup> </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10000 geo1 total1"> 45,635 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10000 geo1 male1"> 22,535 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10000 geo1 female1"> 23,100 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10000 geo2 total2"> 33,121,175 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10000 geo2 male2"> 16,265,870 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10000 geo2 female2"> 16,855,305 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L10001" headers="col1 H10"> None </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10001 geo1 total1"> 43,615 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10001 geo1 male1"> 21,560 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10001 geo1 female1"> 22,050 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10001 geo2 total2"> 28,418,595 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10001 geo2 male2"> 13,988,140 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10001 geo2 female2"> 14,430,455 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L10002" headers="col1 H10"> Single responses </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10002 geo1 total1"> 1,975 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10002 geo1 male1"> 955 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10002 geo1 female1"> 1,025 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10002 geo2 total2"> 4,554,525 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10002 geo2 male2"> 2,205,595 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10002 geo2 female2"> 2,348,935 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L10003" headers="col1 H10"> English </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10003 geo1 total1"> 800 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10003 geo1 male1"> 415 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10003 geo1 female1"> 390 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10003 geo2 total2"> 1,910,475 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10003 geo2 male2"> 948,755 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10003 geo2 female2"> 961,715 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L10004" headers="col1 H10"> French </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10004 geo1 total1"> 445 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10004 geo1 male1"> 190 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10004 geo1 female1"> 255 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10004 geo2 total2"> 678,940 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10004 geo2 male2"> 318,530 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10004 geo2 female2"> 360,415 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L10005" headers="col1 H10"> Non-official languages </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10005 geo1 total1"> 730 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10005 geo1 male1"> 350 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10005 geo1 female1"> 380 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10005 geo2 total2"> 1,965,110 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10005 geo2 male2"> 938,305 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10005 geo2 female2"> 1,026,805 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L10006" headers="col1 H10"> Selected Aboriginal languages<sup id="fnb20-11-ref"><a class="fn-lnk" href="#fnb20" title="Footnote: Selected Aboriginal languages - Detailed other language spoken regularly at home"><span class="wb-inv">Census data footnote </span>20</a></sup> </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10006 geo1 total1"> 15 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10006 geo1 male1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10006 geo1 female1"> 10 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10006 geo2 total2"> 62,935 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10006 geo2 male2"> 29,835 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10006 geo2 female2"> 33,100 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L10007" headers="col1 H10"> Atikamekw </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10007 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10007 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10007 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10007 geo2 total2"> 470 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10007 geo2 male2"> 205 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10007 geo2 female2"> 265 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L10008" headers="col1 H10"> Cree, <abbr title="Not otherwise specified">n.o.s.</abbr> </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10008 geo1 total1"> 10 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10008 geo1 male1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10008 geo1 female1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10008 geo2 total2"> 32,750 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10008 geo2 male2"> 15,645 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10008 geo2 female2"> 17,105 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L10009" headers="col1 H10"> Dene </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10009 geo1 total1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10009 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10009 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10009 geo2 total2"> 3,245 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10009 geo2 male2"> 1,535 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10009 geo2 female2"> 1,710 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L10010" headers="col1 H10"> Innu/Montagnais </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10010 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10010 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10010 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10010 geo2 total2"> 1,065 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10010 geo2 male2"> 490 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10010 geo2 female2"> 580 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L10011" headers="col1 H10"> Inuktitut </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10011 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10011 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10011 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10011 geo2 total2"> 7,230 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10011 geo2 male2"> 3,510 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10011 geo2 female2"> 3,720 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L10012" headers="col1 H10"> Mi'kmaq </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10012 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10012 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10012 geo1 female1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10012 geo2 total2"> 3,135 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10012 geo2 male2"> 1,435 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10012 geo2 female2"> 1,700 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L10013" headers="col1 H10"> Ojibway </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10013 geo1 total1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10013 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10013 geo1 female1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10013 geo2 total2"> 10,870 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10013 geo2 male2"> 5,040 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10013 geo2 female2"> 5,835 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L10014" headers="col1 H10"> Oji-Cree </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10014 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10014 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10014 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10014 geo2 total2"> 3,300 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10014 geo2 male2"> 1,570 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10014 geo2 female2"> 1,730 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L10015" headers="col1 H10"> Stoney </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10015 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10015 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10015 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10015 geo2 total2"> 865 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10015 geo2 male2"> 410 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10015 geo2 female2"> 455 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L10016" headers="col1 H10"> Selected non-Aboriginal languages<sup id="fnb21-12-ref"><a class="fn-lnk" href="#fnb21" title="Footnote: Selected non-Aboriginal languages - Detailed other language spoken regularly at home"><span class="wb-inv">Census data footnote </span>21</a></sup> </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10016 geo1 total1"> 700 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10016 geo1 male1"> 335 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10016 geo1 female1"> 365 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10016 geo2 total2"> 1,857,185 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10016 geo2 male2"> 887,115 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10016 geo2 female2"> 970,070 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L10017" headers="col1 H10"> African languages, <abbr title="Not included elsewhere">n.i.e</abbr>. </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10017 geo1 total1"> 10 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10017 geo1 male1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10017 geo1 female1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10017 geo2 total2"> 3,625 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10017 geo2 male2"> 1,930 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10017 geo2 female2"> 1,695 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L10018" headers="col1 H10"> Afrikaans </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10018 geo1 total1"> 15 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10018 geo1 male1"> 10 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10018 geo1 female1"> 10 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10018 geo2 total2"> 4,185 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10018 geo2 male2"> 2,075 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10018 geo2 female2"> 2,110 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L10019" headers="col1 H10"> Akan (Twi) </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10019 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10019 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10019 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10019 geo2 total2"> 6,105 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10019 geo2 male2"> 3,010 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10019 geo2 female2"> 3,095 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L10020" headers="col1 H10"> Albanian </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10020 geo1 total1"> 10 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10020 geo1 male1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10020 geo1 female1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10020 geo2 total2"> 6,155 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10020 geo2 male2"> 3,095 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10020 geo2 female2"> 3,055 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L10021" headers="col1 H10"> Amharic </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10021 geo1 total1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10021 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10021 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10021 geo2 total2"> 5,665 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10021 geo2 male2"> 2,785 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10021 geo2 female2"> 2,875 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L10022" headers="col1 H10"> Arabic </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10022 geo1 total1"> 25 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10022 geo1 male1"> 10 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10022 geo1 female1"> 15 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10022 geo2 total2"> 116,375 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10022 geo2 male2"> 62,625 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10022 geo2 female2"> 53,755 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L10023" headers="col1 H10"> Armenian </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10023 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10023 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10023 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10023 geo2 total2"> 6,690 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10023 geo2 male2"> 3,270 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10023 geo2 female2"> 3,420 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L10024" headers="col1 H10"> Bantu languages, <abbr title="Not included elsewhere">n.i.e</abbr>. </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10024 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10024 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10024 geo1 female1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10024 geo2 total2"> 3,595 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10024 geo2 male2"> 1,735 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10024 geo2 female2"> 1,860 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L10025" headers="col1 H10"> Bengali </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10025 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10025 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10025 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10025 geo2 total2"> 11,405 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10025 geo2 male2"> 5,925 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10025 geo2 female2"> 5,475 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L10026" headers="col1 H10"> Berber languages (Kabyle) </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10026 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10026 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10026 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10026 geo2 total2"> 2,040 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10026 geo2 male2"> 1,085 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10026 geo2 female2"> 955 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L10027" headers="col1 H10"> Bisayan languages </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10027 geo1 total1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10027 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10027 geo1 female1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10027 geo2 total2"> 4,015 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10027 geo2 male2"> 1,515 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10027 geo2 female2"> 2,500 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L10028" headers="col1 H10"> Bosnian </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10028 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10028 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10028 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10028 geo2 total2"> 3,365 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10028 geo2 male2"> 1,635 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10028 geo2 female2"> 1,730 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L10029" headers="col1 H10"> Bulgarian </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10029 geo1 total1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10029 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10029 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10029 geo2 total2"> 3,985 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10029 geo2 male2"> 1,850 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10029 geo2 female2"> 2,135 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L10030" headers="col1 H10"> Burmese </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10030 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10030 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10030 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10030 geo2 total2"> 860 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10030 geo2 male2"> 425 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10030 geo2 female2"> 435 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L10031" headers="col1 H10"> Cantonese </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10031 geo1 total1"> 15 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10031 geo1 male1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10031 geo1 female1"> 10 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10031 geo2 total2"> 83,955 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10031 geo2 male2"> 40,200 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10031 geo2 female2"> 43,755 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L10032" headers="col1 H10"> Chinese, <abbr title="Not otherwise specified">n.o.s.</abbr> </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10032 geo1 total1"> 35 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10032 geo1 male1"> 15 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10032 geo1 female1"> 20 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10032 geo2 total2"> 74,930 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10032 geo2 male2"> 35,840 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10032 geo2 female2"> 39,090 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L10033" headers="col1 H10"> Creoles </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10033 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10033 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10033 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10033 geo2 total2"> 44,100 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10033 geo2 male2"> 19,795 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10033 geo2 female2"> 24,305 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L10034" headers="col1 H10"> Croatian </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10034 geo1 total1"> 10 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10034 geo1 male1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10034 geo1 female1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10034 geo2 total2"> 19,045 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10034 geo2 male2"> 9,240 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10034 geo2 female2"> 9,805 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L10035" headers="col1 H10"> Czech </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10035 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10035 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10035 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10035 geo2 total2"> 7,540 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10035 geo2 male2"> 3,415 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10035 geo2 female2"> 4,120 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L10036" headers="col1 H10"> Danish </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10036 geo1 total1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10036 geo1 male1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10036 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10036 geo2 total2"> 4,800 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10036 geo2 male2"> 2,145 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10036 geo2 female2"> 2,655 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L10037" headers="col1 H10"> Dutch </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10037 geo1 total1"> 10 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10037 geo1 male1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10037 geo1 female1"> 10 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10037 geo2 total2"> 34,465 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10037 geo2 male2"> 15,800 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10037 geo2 female2"> 18,660 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L10038" headers="col1 H10"> Estonian </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10038 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10038 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10038 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10038 geo2 total2"> 2,240 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10038 geo2 male2"> 955 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10038 geo2 female2"> 1,285 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L10039" headers="col1 H10"> Finnish </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10039 geo1 total1"> 10 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10039 geo1 male1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10039 geo1 female1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10039 geo2 total2"> 5,670 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10039 geo2 male2"> 2,355 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10039 geo2 female2"> 3,310 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L10040" headers="col1 H10"> Flemish </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10040 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10040 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10040 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10040 geo2 total2"> 995 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10040 geo2 male2"> 405 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10040 geo2 female2"> 585 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L10041" headers="col1 H10"> Fukien </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10041 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10041 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10041 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10041 geo2 total2"> 2,315 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10041 geo2 male2"> 1,080 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10041 geo2 female2"> 1,235 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L10042" headers="col1 H10"> German </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10042 geo1 total1"> 230 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10042 geo1 male1"> 115 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10042 geo1 female1"> 115 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10042 geo2 total2"> 117,070 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10042 geo2 male2"> 54,490 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10042 geo2 female2"> 62,585 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L10043" headers="col1 H10"> Greek </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10043 geo1 total1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10043 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10043 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10043 geo2 total2"> 50,670 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10043 geo2 male2"> 25,670 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10043 geo2 female2"> 25,005 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L10044" headers="col1 H10"> Gujarati </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10044 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10044 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10044 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10044 geo2 total2"> 25,635 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10044 geo2 male2"> 12,745 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10044 geo2 female2"> 12,890 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L10045" headers="col1 H10"> Hakka </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10045 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10045 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10045 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10045 geo2 total2"> 1,490 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10045 geo2 male2"> 685 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10045 geo2 female2"> 805 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L10046" headers="col1 H10"> Hebrew </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10046 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10046 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10046 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10046 geo2 total2"> 14,270 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10046 geo2 male2"> 7,170 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10046 geo2 female2"> 7,095 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L10047" headers="col1 H10"> Hindi </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10047 geo1 total1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10047 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10047 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10047 geo2 total2"> 55,375 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10047 geo2 male2"> 28,080 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10047 geo2 female2"> 27,290 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L10048" headers="col1 H10"> Hungarian </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10048 geo1 total1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10048 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10048 geo1 female1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10048 geo2 total2"> 19,135 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10048 geo2 male2"> 8,770 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10048 geo2 female2"> 10,360 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L10049" headers="col1 H10"> Ilocano </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10049 geo1 total1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10049 geo1 male1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10049 geo1 female1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10049 geo2 total2"> 4,880 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10049 geo2 male2"> 1,895 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10049 geo2 female2"> 2,990 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L10050" headers="col1 H10"> Indo-Iranian languages, <abbr title="Not included elsewhere">n.i.e</abbr>. </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10050 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10050 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10050 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10050 geo2 total2"> 1,845 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10050 geo2 male2"> 980 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10050 geo2 female2"> 870 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L10051" headers="col1 H10"> Italian </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10051 geo1 total1"> 20 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10051 geo1 male1"> 10 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10051 geo1 female1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10051 geo2 total2"> 156,885 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10051 geo2 male2"> 77,220 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10051 geo2 female2"> 79,665 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L10052" headers="col1 H10"> Japanese </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10052 geo1 total1"> 10 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10052 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10052 geo1 female1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10052 geo2 total2"> 19,050 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10052 geo2 male2"> 7,875 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10052 geo2 female2"> 11,175 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L10053" headers="col1 H10"> Khmer (Cambodian) </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10053 geo1 total1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10053 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10053 geo1 female1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10053 geo2 total2"> 5,425 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10053 geo2 male2"> 2,545 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10053 geo2 female2"> 2,880 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L10054" headers="col1 H10"> Korean </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10054 geo1 total1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10054 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10054 geo1 female1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10054 geo2 total2"> 22,870 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10054 geo2 male2"> 10,620 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10054 geo2 female2"> 12,255 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L10055" headers="col1 H10"> Kurdish </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10055 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10055 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10055 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10055 geo2 total2"> 2,295 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10055 geo2 male2"> 1,245 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10055 geo2 female2"> 1,045 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L10056" headers="col1 H10"> Lao </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10056 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10056 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10056 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10056 geo2 total2"> 3,830 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10056 geo2 male2"> 1,915 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10056 geo2 female2"> 1,915 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L10057" headers="col1 H10"> Latvian </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10057 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10057 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10057 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10057 geo2 total2"> 1,880 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10057 geo2 male2"> 760 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10057 geo2 female2"> 1,125 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L10058" headers="col1 H10"> Lingala </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10058 geo1 total1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10058 geo1 male1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10058 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10058 geo2 total2"> 4,235 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10058 geo2 male2"> 1,965 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10058 geo2 female2"> 2,270 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L10059" headers="col1 H10"> Lithuanian </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10059 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10059 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10059 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10059 geo2 total2"> 2,120 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10059 geo2 male2"> 855 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10059 geo2 female2"> 1,260 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L10060" headers="col1 H10"> Macedonian </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10060 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10060 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10060 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10060 geo2 total2"> 5,950 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10060 geo2 male2"> 2,890 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10060 geo2 female2"> 3,060 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L10061" headers="col1 H10"> Malay </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10061 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10061 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10061 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10061 geo2 total2"> 4,320 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10061 geo2 male2"> 1,915 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10061 geo2 female2"> 2,405 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L10062" headers="col1 H10"> Malayalam </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10062 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10062 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10062 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10062 geo2 total2"> 6,110 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10062 geo2 male2"> 3,085 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10062 geo2 female2"> 3,020 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L10063" headers="col1 H10"> Maltese </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10063 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10063 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10063 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10063 geo2 total2"> 2,405 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10063 geo2 male2"> 1,110 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10063 geo2 female2"> 1,300 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L10064" headers="col1 H10"> Mandarin </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10064 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10064 geo1 male1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10064 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10064 geo2 total2"> 47,785 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10064 geo2 male2"> 21,575 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10064 geo2 female2"> 26,205 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L10065" headers="col1 H10"> Marathi </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10065 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10065 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10065 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10065 geo2 total2"> 1,740 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10065 geo2 male2"> 870 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10065 geo2 female2"> 875 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L10066" headers="col1 H10"> Nepali </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10066 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10066 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10066 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10066 geo2 total2"> 1,175 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10066 geo2 male2"> 605 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10066 geo2 female2"> 565 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L10067" headers="col1 H10"> Niger-Congo languages, <abbr title="Not included elsewhere">n.i.e</abbr>. </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10067 geo1 total1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10067 geo1 male1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10067 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10067 geo2 total2"> 10,610 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10067 geo2 male2"> 5,245 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10067 geo2 female2"> 5,365 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L10068" headers="col1 H10"> Norwegian </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10068 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10068 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10068 geo1 female1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10068 geo2 total2"> 1,935 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10068 geo2 male2"> 885 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10068 geo2 female2"> 1,050 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L10069" headers="col1 H10"> Oromo </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10069 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10069 geo1 male1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10069 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10069 geo2 total2"> 3,315 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10069 geo2 male2"> 1,740 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10069 geo2 female2"> 1,580 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L10070" headers="col1 H10"> Panjabi (Punjabi) </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10070 geo1 total1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10070 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10070 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10070 geo2 total2"> 83,180 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10070 geo2 male2"> 42,490 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10070 geo2 female2"> 40,695 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L10071" headers="col1 H10"> Pashto </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10071 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10071 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10071 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10071 geo2 total2"> 2,315 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10071 geo2 male2"> 1,245 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10071 geo2 female2"> 1,075 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L10072" headers="col1 H10"> Persian (Farsi) </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10072 geo1 total1"> 10 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10072 geo1 male1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10072 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10072 geo2 total2"> 32,275 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10072 geo2 male2"> 17,085 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10072 geo2 female2"> 15,190 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L10073" headers="col1 H10"> Polish </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10073 geo1 total1"> 15 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10073 geo1 male1"> 10 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10073 geo1 female1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10073 geo2 total2"> 54,580 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10073 geo2 male2"> 24,580 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10073 geo2 female2"> 30,005 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L10074" headers="col1 H10"> Portuguese </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10074 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10074 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10074 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10074 geo2 total2"> 77,850 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10074 geo2 male2"> 37,635 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10074 geo2 female2"> 40,215 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L10075" headers="col1 H10"> Romanian </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10075 geo1 total1"> 10 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10075 geo1 male1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10075 geo1 female1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10075 geo2 total2"> 20,800 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10075 geo2 male2"> 9,715 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10075 geo2 female2"> 11,085 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L10076" headers="col1 H10"> Rundi (Kirundi) </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10076 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10076 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10076 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10076 geo2 total2"> 1,925 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10076 geo2 male2"> 925 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10076 geo2 female2"> 1,000 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L10077" headers="col1 H10"> Russian </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10077 geo1 total1"> 15 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10077 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10077 geo1 female1"> 10 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10077 geo2 total2"> 38,805 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10077 geo2 male2"> 17,710 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10077 geo2 female2"> 21,095 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L10078" headers="col1 H10"> Rwanda (Kinyarwanda) </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10078 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10078 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10078 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10078 geo2 total2"> 1,805 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10078 geo2 male2"> 775 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10078 geo2 female2"> 1,030 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L10079" headers="col1 H10"> Semitic languages, <abbr title="Not included elsewhere">n.i.e</abbr>. </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10079 geo1 total1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10079 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10079 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10079 geo2 total2"> 3,685 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10079 geo2 male2"> 1,850 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10079 geo2 female2"> 1,835 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L10080" headers="col1 H10"> Serbian </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10080 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10080 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10080 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10080 geo2 total2"> 14,890 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10080 geo2 male2"> 7,460 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10080 geo2 female2"> 7,425 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L10081" headers="col1 H10"> Serbo-Croatian </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10081 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10081 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10081 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10081 geo2 total2"> 2,565 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10081 geo2 male2"> 1,255 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10081 geo2 female2"> 1,315 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L10082" headers="col1 H10"> Shanghainese </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10082 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10082 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10082 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10082 geo2 total2"> 1,045 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10082 geo2 male2"> 445 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10082 geo2 female2"> 595 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L10083" headers="col1 H10"> Sign languages, <abbr title="Not included elsewhere">n.i.e</abbr>. </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10083 geo1 total1"> 10 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10083 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10083 geo1 female1"> 10 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10083 geo2 total2"> 4,300 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10083 geo2 male2"> 1,800 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10083 geo2 female2"> 2,505 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L10084" headers="col1 H10"> Sindhi </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10084 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10084 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10084 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10084 geo2 total2"> 4,935 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10084 geo2 male2"> 2,285 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10084 geo2 female2"> 2,645 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L10085" headers="col1 H10"> Sinhala (Sinhalese) </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10085 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10085 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10085 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10085 geo2 total2"> 6,060 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10085 geo2 male2"> 3,030 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10085 geo2 female2"> 3,030 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L10086" headers="col1 H10"> Sino-Tibetan languages, <abbr title="Not included elsewhere">n.i.e</abbr>. </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10086 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10086 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10086 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10086 geo2 total2"> 465 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10086 geo2 male2"> 240 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10086 geo2 female2"> 225 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L10087" headers="col1 H10"> Slavic languages, <abbr title="Not included elsewhere">n.i.e</abbr>. </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10087 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10087 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10087 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10087 geo2 total2"> 970 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10087 geo2 male2"> 490 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10087 geo2 female2"> 485 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L10088" headers="col1 H10"> Slovak </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10088 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10088 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10088 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10088 geo2 total2"> 5,150 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10088 geo2 male2"> 2,240 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10088 geo2 female2"> 2,910 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L10089" headers="col1 H10"> Slovenian </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10089 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10089 geo1 male1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10089 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10089 geo2 total2"> 3,415 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10089 geo2 male2"> 1,515 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10089 geo2 female2"> 1,900 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L10090" headers="col1 H10"> Somali </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10090 geo1 total1"> 10 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10090 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10090 geo1 female1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10090 geo2 total2"> 9,725 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10090 geo2 male2"> 4,625 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10090 geo2 female2"> 5,095 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L10091" headers="col1 H10"> Spanish </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10091 geo1 total1"> 65 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10091 geo1 male1"> 30 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10091 geo1 female1"> 35 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10091 geo2 total2"> 152,210 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10091 geo2 male2"> 73,850 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10091 geo2 female2"> 78,365 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L10092" headers="col1 H10"> Swahili </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10092 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10092 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10092 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10092 geo2 total2"> 6,860 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10092 geo2 male2"> 3,325 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10092 geo2 female2"> 3,535 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L10093" headers="col1 H10"> Swedish </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10093 geo1 total1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10093 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10093 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10093 geo2 total2"> 3,515 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10093 geo2 male2"> 1,535 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10093 geo2 female2"> 1,985 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L10094" headers="col1 H10"> Tagalog (Pilipino, Filipino) </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10094 geo1 total1"> 40 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10094 geo1 male1"> 20 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10094 geo1 female1"> 20 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10094 geo2 total2"> 107,960 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10094 geo2 male2"> 40,085 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10094 geo2 female2"> 67,870 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L10095" headers="col1 H10"> Taiwanese </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10095 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10095 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10095 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10095 geo2 total2"> 4,065 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10095 geo2 male2"> 1,915 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10095 geo2 female2"> 2,145 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L10096" headers="col1 H10"> Tamil </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10096 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10096 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10096 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10096 geo2 total2"> 27,625 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10096 geo2 male2"> 13,960 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10096 geo2 female2"> 13,665 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L10097" headers="col1 H10"> Telugu </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10097 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10097 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10097 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10097 geo2 total2"> 2,550 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10097 geo2 male2"> 1,365 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10097 geo2 female2"> 1,190 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L10098" headers="col1 H10"> Thai </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10098 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10098 geo1 male1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10098 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10098 geo2 total2"> 3,380 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10098 geo2 male2"> 1,135 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10098 geo2 female2"> 2,240 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L10099" headers="col1 H10"> Tibetan languages </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10099 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10099 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10099 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10099 geo2 total2"> 595 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10099 geo2 male2"> 320 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10099 geo2 female2"> 280 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L10100" headers="col1 H10"> Tigrigna </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10100 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10100 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10100 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10100 geo2 total2"> 3,330 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10100 geo2 male2"> 1,640 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10100 geo2 female2"> 1,690 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L10101" headers="col1 H10"> Turkish </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10101 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10101 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10101 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10101 geo2 total2"> 7,815 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10101 geo2 male2"> 4,250 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10101 geo2 female2"> 3,565 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L10102" headers="col1 H10"> Ukrainian </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10102 geo1 total1"> 40 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10102 geo1 male1"> 15 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10102 geo1 female1"> 25 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10102 geo2 total2"> 32,740 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10102 geo2 male2"> 14,290 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10102 geo2 female2"> 18,450 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L10103" headers="col1 H10"> Urdu </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10103 geo1 total1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10103 geo1 male1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10103 geo1 female1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10103 geo2 total2"> 45,580 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10103 geo2 male2"> 23,440 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10103 geo2 female2"> 22,145 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L10104" headers="col1 H10"> Vietnamese </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10104 geo1 total1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10104 geo1 male1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10104 geo1 female1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10104 geo2 total2"> 32,280 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10104 geo2 male2"> 15,455 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10104 geo2 female2"> 16,830 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L10105" headers="col1 H10"> Yiddish </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10105 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10105 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10105 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10105 geo2 total2"> 3,510 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10105 geo2 male2"> 1,555 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10105 geo2 female2"> 1,955 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L10106" headers="col1 H10"> Other languages<sup id="fnb22-13-ref"><a class="fn-lnk" href="#fnb22" title="Footnote: Other languages - Detailed other language spoken regularly at home"><span class="wb-inv">Census data footnote </span>22</a></sup> </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10106 geo1 total1"> 15 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10106 geo1 male1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10106 geo1 female1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10106 geo2 total2"> 44,985 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10106 geo2 male2"> 21,360 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10106 geo2 female2"> 23,630 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L10107" headers="col1 H10"> Multiple responses </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10107 geo1 total1"> 45 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10107 geo1 male1"> 20 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10107 geo1 female1"> 25 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10107 geo2 total2"> 148,055 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10107 geo2 male2"> 72,140 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10107 geo2 female2"> 75,915 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L10108" headers="col1 H10"> English and French </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10108 geo1 total1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10108 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10108 geo1 female1"> 5 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10108 geo2 total2"> 40,280 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10108 geo2 male2"> 20,290 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10108 geo2 female2"> 19,995 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L10109" headers="col1 H10"> English and non-official language </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10109 geo1 total1"> 20 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10109 geo1 male1"> 10 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10109 geo1 female1"> 10 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10109 geo2 total2"> 49,905 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10109 geo2 male2"> 24,725 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10109 geo2 female2"> 25,180 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L10110" headers="col1 H10"> French and non-official language </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10110 geo1 total1"> 20 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10110 geo1 male1"> 10 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10110 geo1 female1"> 10 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10110 geo2 total2"> 56,385 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10110 geo2 male2"> 26,370 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10110 geo2 female2"> 30,010 </td> </tr> <tr> <th class="text-top text-left " id="L10111" headers="col1 H10"> English, French and non-official language </th> <td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10111 geo1 total1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10111 geo1 male1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10111 geo1 female1"> 0 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10111 geo2 total2"> 1,485 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10111 geo2 male2"> 755 </td><td class="text-top text-right" headers="L10111 geo2 female2"> 730 </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <!--stopindex--> <h3>Symbols</h3> <h4 class="font-large" id="symA"><sup>A</sup> adjusted figure due to boundary change</h4> <p>Users wishing to compare 2011 Census data with those of other censuses should then take into account that the boundaries of geographic areas may change from one census to another. In order to facilitate comparison, the 2006 Census counts are adjusted as needed to take into account boundary changes between the 2006 and 2011 censuses. The 2006 counts that were adjusted are identified by the letter 'A.' The letter 'A' may also refer to corrections to the 2006 counts; however, most of these are the result of boundary changes. This symbol is also used to identify areas that have been created since 2006, such as newly incorporated municipalities (census subdivisions) and new designated places (DPLs).</p> <h4 class="font-large" id="symE"><sup>E</sup> use with caution</h4> <p>After the release of the 2006 or 2011 Census population and dwelling counts, errors are occasionally uncovered in the data. It is not possible to make changes to the 2006 or 2011 Census data presented in these tables.</p> <p>Refer to the <a href="/census-recensement/2006/corr/updatepages/cgen001-eng.cfm?lvl=H">2006 population and dwelling count amendments</a> or the <a href="/census-recensement/news-nouvelles/corr/cgen004-eng.cfm">2011 population and dwelling count amendments</a> for further information.</p> <h4 class="font-large" id="symX">X area and data suppression</h4> <p>In addition to random rounding, area and data suppression has been adopted to further protect the confidentiality of individual respondents' personal information.</p> <p>Area and data suppression results in the deletion of all information for geographic areas with populations below a specified size. For example, areas with a population of less than 40 persons are suppressed. If the community searched has a population of less than 40 persons, only the total population counts will be available.</p> <p><a href="/census-recensement/2011/ref/quality-qualite-eng.cfm#supp">Geographic area suppression lists</a> show areas where data are suppressed.</p> <h4 class="font-large" id="symDag"><sup>†</sup> excludes census data for one or more incompletely enumerated Indian reserves or Indian settlements</h4> <p>Excludes census data for one or more incompletely enumerated Indian reserves or Indian settlements (For further information, see the '<a href="/census-recensement/2011/dp-pd/prof/help-aide/N1.cfm?Lang=E">Notes</a>.')</p> <h4 class="font-large" id="symPara">¶ incompletely enumerated Indian reserve and Indian settlement (For further information, see the '<a href="/census-recensement/2011/dp-pd/prof/help-aide/N1.cfm?Lang=E">Notes</a>.')</h4> <p>Refer to a complete list of these <a href="/census-recensement/2011/ref/irr-app-ann-1-eng.cfm" title="Appendix 1: 2011 incompletely enumerated Indian reserves and Indian settlements, showing enumeration status, 2006 and 2001 population counts (where available)">geographic areas</a>.</p> <h4 class="font-large" id="symDD">.. not available for a specific reference period</h4> <p>Data quality index: Data quality index showing a global non response rate higher than or equal to 25% (suppressed). <a href="/census-recensement/2011/ref/quality-qualite-eng.cfm#supp">Geographic area suppression lists</a> show areas where data are suppressed.</p> <p>Incompletely enumerated Indian reserve and Indian settlement: There were 13 Indian reserves and Indian settlements where enumeration was not possible as a result of forest fires in Northern Ontario at the time of census collection. Collection for these communities was done at a later time. While the data are not included in the 2011 Census tabulations, it is expected that separate special tables showing data for these communities will be made available at a later date, subject to data quality evaluation. Refer to a complete list of these <a href="/census-recensement/2011/ref/irr-app-ann-1-eng.cfm" title="Appendix 1: 2011 incompletely enumerated Indian reserves and Indian settlements, showing enumeration status, 2006 and 2001 population counts (where available)">geographic areas</a>.</p> <h4 class="font-large" id="symTD">... not applicable</h4> <p>A possible reason for the use of the three dots (...) symbol is:</p> <ul> <li>A value that cannot be calculated such as a percentage change where the denominator is zero.</li> </ul> <div class="wb-fnote" role="note"> <section><h3 id="fnb">Footnotes</h3> <dl> <dt>Footnote 1</dt> <dd id="fnb1"> <p>2011 and 2006 population</p> <p>Statistics Canada is committed to protect the privacy of all Canadians and the confidentiality of the data they provide to us. As part of this commitment, some population counts of geographic areas are adjusted in order to ensure confidentiality.</p><p>Counts of the total population are rounded to a base of 5 for any dissemination block having a population of less than 15. Population counts for all standard geographic areas above the dissemination block level are derived by summing the adjusted dissemination block counts. The adjustment of dissemination block counts is controlled to ensure that the population counts for dissemination areas will always be within 5 of the actual values. The adjustment has no impact on the population counts of census divisions and large census subdivisions. </p> <p class="fn-rtn"><a href="#fnb1-ref"><span class="wb-inv">Return to footnote </span>1<span class="wb-inv"> referrer</span></a></p> </dd> <dt>Footnote 2</dt> <dd id="fnb2"> <p>Total private dwellings</p> <p>A separate set of living quarters designed for or converted for human habitation in which a person or group of persons reside or could reside. In addition, a private dwelling must have a source of heat or power and must be an enclosed space that provides shelter from the elements, as evidenced by complete and enclosed walls and roof, and by doors and windows that provide protection from wind, rain and snow.</p> <p class="fn-rtn"><a href="#fnb2-ref"><span class="wb-inv">Return to footnote </span>2<span class="wb-inv"> referrer</span></a></p> </dd> <dt>Footnote 3</dt> <dd id="fnb3"> <p>Private dwellings occupied by usual residents</p> <p>A separate set of living quarters which has a private entrance either directly from outside or from a common hall, lobby, vestibule or stairway leading to the outside, and in which a person or a group of persons live permanently.</p> <p class="fn-rtn"><a href="#fnb3-ref"><span class="wb-inv">Return to footnote </span>3<span class="wb-inv"> referrer</span></a></p> </dd> <dt>Footnote 4</dt> <dd id="fnb4"> <p>Age</p> <p>Refers to the age at last birthday before the reference date, that is, before May 10, 2011.</p><p>Refer to the <a href="/census-recensement/2011/ref/dict/pop005-eng.cfm" title="Census Dictionary: Age">Census Dictionary</a> for more information.</p> <p class="fn-rtn"><a href="#fnb4-ref"><span class="wb-inv">Return to footnote </span>4<span class="wb-inv"> referrer</span></a></p> </dd> <dt>Footnote 5</dt> <dd id="fnb5"> <p>Median age</p> <p>The median age is an age 'x', such that exactly one half of the population is older than 'x' and the other half is younger than 'x'.</p> <p class="fn-rtn"><a href="#fnb5-ref"><span class="wb-inv">Return to footnote </span>5<span class="wb-inv"> referrer</span></a></p> </dd> <dt>Footnote 6</dt> <dd id="fnb6"> <p>Total population 15 years and over by marital status</p> <p>Refers to the marital status of the person, taking into account his/her common-law status. For more information, refer to the <a href="/census-recensement/2011/ref/dict/pop068-eng.cfm">Census Dictionary: Marital status</a>.</p> <p class="fn-rtn"><a href="#fnb6-ref"><span class="wb-inv">Return to footnote </span>6<span class="wb-inv"> referrer</span></a></p> </dd> <dt>Footnote 7</dt> <dd id="fnb7"> <p>Total number of census families in private households</p> <p>Census family - Refers to a married couple (with or without children), a common-law couple (with or without children) or a lone parent family. For more information, refer to the <a href='/census-recensement/2011/ref/dict/fam004-eng.cfm'>Census Dictionary: Census family</a>.</p> <p class="fn-rtn"><a href="#fnb7-ref"><span class="wb-inv">Return to footnote </span>7<span class="wb-inv"> referrer</span></a></p> </dd> <dt>Footnote 8</dt> <dd id="fnb8"> <p>Total number of census families in private households</p> <p>Census family structure - Refers to the classification of census families into married couples (with or without children of either and/or both spouses), common-law couples (with or without children of either and/or both partners), and lone-parent families by sex of parent. A couple may be of opposite or same sex. A couple with children may be further classified as either an intact family or stepfamily, and stepfamilies may, in turn, be classified as simple or complex. Children in a census family include grandchildren living with their grandparent(s) but with no parents present.</p> <p class="fn-rtn"><a href="#fnb8-ref"><span class="wb-inv">Return to footnote </span>8<span class="wb-inv"> referrer</span></a></p> </dd> <dt>Footnote 9</dt> <dd id="fnb9"> <p>Living with relatives</p> <p>Non-relatives may be present.</p> <p class="fn-rtn"><a href="#fnb9-ref"><span class="wb-inv">Return to footnote </span>9<span class="wb-inv"> referrer</span></a></p> </dd> <dt>Footnote 10</dt> <dd id="fnb10"> <p>Total number of private households by household type</p> <p>Refers to the basic division of private households into family and non-family households. Family household refers to a household that contains at least one census family, that is, a married couple with or without children, or a couple living common-law with or without children, or a lone parent living with one or more children (lone-parent family). One-family household refers to a single census family (with or without other persons) that occupies a private dwelling. Multiple-family household refers to a household in which two or more census families (with or without additional persons) occupy the same private dwelling. Family households may also be divided based on the presence of persons not in a census family.</p><p>Non-family household refers to either one person living alone in a private dwelling or to a group of two or more people who share a private dwelling, but who do not constitute a census family.</p> <p class="fn-rtn"><a href="#fnb10-ref"><span class="wb-inv">Return to footnote </span>10<span class="wb-inv"> referrer</span></a></p> </dd> <dt>Footnote 11</dt> <dd id="fnb11"> <p>One-family-only households</p> <p>Refers to households that consist solely of one census family without additional persons.</p> <p class="fn-rtn"><a href="#fnb11-ref"><span class="wb-inv">Return to footnote </span>11<span class="wb-inv"> referrer</span></a></p> </dd> <dt>Footnote 12</dt> <dd id="fnb12"> <p>Couple-family households</p> <p>Refers to households with opposite-sex or same-sex couples.</p> <p class="fn-rtn"><a href="#fnb12-ref"><span class="wb-inv">Return to footnote </span>12<span class="wb-inv"> referrer</span></a></p> </dd> <dt>Footnote 13</dt> <dd id="fnb13"> <p>Other family households</p> <p>Refers to one-census family households with additional persons and to multiple-census family households, with or without additional persons.</p> <p class="fn-rtn"><a href="#fnb13-ref"><span class="wb-inv">Return to footnote </span>13<span class="wb-inv"> referrer</span></a></p> </dd> <dt>Footnote 14</dt> <dd id="fnb14"> <p>Couple-family households</p> <p>Refers to households with opposite-sex or same-sex couples.</p> <p class="fn-rtn"><a href="#fnb14-ref"><span class="wb-inv">Return to footnote </span>14<span class="wb-inv"> referrer</span></a></p> </dd> <dt>Footnote 15</dt> <dd id="fnb15"> <p>Total number of occupied private dwellings by structural type of dwelling</p> <p>Structural type of dwelling - Characteristics that define a dwelling's structure, for example, the characteristics of a single-detached house, a semi-detached house, a row house, or an apartment or flat in a duplex. Refers to the structural characteristics and/or dwelling configuration, that is, whether the dwelling is a single-detached house, an apartment in a high-rise building, a row house, a mobile home, etc.</p> <p class="fn-rtn"><a href="#fnb15-ref"><span class="wb-inv">Return to footnote </span>15<span class="wb-inv"> referrer</span></a></p> </dd> <dt>Footnote 16</dt> <dd id="fnb16"> <p>Movable dwelling</p> <p>Includes mobile homes and other movable dwellings such as houseboats and railroad cars.</p> <p class="fn-rtn"><a href="#fnb16-ref"><span class="wb-inv">Return to footnote </span>16<span class="wb-inv"> referrer</span></a></p> </dd> <dt>Footnote 17</dt> <dd id="fnb17"> <p>Other dwelling</p> <p>The category 'Other dwelling' is a subtotal of the following categories: semi-detached house, row house, apartment or flat in a duplex, apartment in a building that has fewer than five storeys and other single-attached house.</p> <p class="fn-rtn"><a href="#fnb17-ref"><span class="wb-inv">Return to footnote </span>17<span class="wb-inv"> referrer</span></a></p> </dd> <dt>Footnote 18</dt> <dd id="fnb18"> <p>Total number of private households by household size</p> <p>Household, private - Person or group of persons occupying the same dwelling. Refers to a person or a group of persons (other than foreign residents) who occupy a private dwelling and do not have a usual place of residence elsewhere in Canada.</p><p>Household size - Number of persons occupying a private dwelling. Refers to the number of usual residents in a private household.</p> <p class="fn-rtn"><a href="#fnb18-ref"><span class="wb-inv">Return to footnote </span>18<span class="wb-inv"> referrer</span></a></p> </dd> <dt>Footnote 19</dt> <dd id="fnb19"> <p>Total population excluding institutional residents</p> <p>The population excluding institutional residents includes Canadian citizens (by birth or by naturalization) and landed immigrants (permanent residents) excluding those who live in institutions (institutional collective dwellings). Canadian citizens and landed immigrants either: (1) have a usual place of residence in Canada; (2) are abroad either on a military base or attached to a diplomatic mission; or (3) are at sea or in port aboard merchant vessels under Canadian registry or Canadian government vessels. Since 1991, the target population also includes persons with a usual place of residence in Canada who are claiming refugee status, who hold study permits, or who hold work permits, as well as family members living with them; for census purposes, this group is referred to as non-permanent residents. The population universe does not include foreign residents.</p> <p class="fn-rtn"><a href="#fnb19-ref"><span class="wb-inv">Return to footnote </span>19<span class="wb-inv"> referrer</span></a></p> </dd> <dt>Footnote 20</dt> <dd id="fnb20"> <p>Selected Aboriginal languages</p> <p>The languages shown were selected based on the Aboriginal mother tongues most often reported as single responses in Canada in the 2011 Census of Population.</p> <p class="fn-rtn"><a href="#fnb20-ref"><span class="wb-inv">Return to footnote </span>20<span class="wb-inv"> referrer</span></a></p> </dd> <dt>Footnote 21</dt> <dd id="fnb21"> <p>Selected non-Aboriginal languages</p> <p>The languages shown were selected based on the non-Aboriginal mother tongues (other than English or French) most often reported as single responses in Canada in the 2011 Census of Population.</p> <p class="fn-rtn"><a href="#fnb21-ref"><span class="wb-inv">Return to footnote </span>21<span class="wb-inv"> referrer</span></a></p> </dd> <dt>Footnote 22</dt> <dd id="fnb22"> <p>Other languages</p> <p>This is a subtotal of all languages collected by the census that are not displayed separately here. For a full list of languages collected in the census, please refer to Appendix D in the 2011 Census Dictionary.</p> <p class="fn-rtn"><a href="#fnb22-ref"><span class="wb-inv">Return to footnote </span>22<span class="wb-inv"> referrer</span></a></p> </dd> <dt>Footnote 23</dt> <dd id="fnb23"> <p>Official language minority</p> <p>English is the first official language spoken by Quebec's official language minority, which consists of all individuals with English as a first official language spoken and half of those with both English and French. French is the first official language spoken by the official language minority in the country overall and in every province and territory outside Quebec, which consists of all individuals with French as a first official language spoken and half of those with both English and French.</p> <p class="fn-rtn"><a href="#fnb23-ref"><span class="wb-inv">Return to footnote </span>23<span class="wb-inv"> referrer</span></a></p> </dd> </dl> </section> </div> <div class="mrgn-tp-md"> <h3 class="sr-only">Source</h3> <p><strong>Source:</strong> Statistics Canada, 2011 Census of Population.</p> <h3 class="sr-only">How to cite</h3> <p><strong>How to cite:</strong> Statistics Canada. 2012. <em>Division No. 7, Saskatchewan (Code 4707) and Canada (Code 01)</em> (table). <em>Census Profile</em>. 2011 Census. Statistics Canada Catalogue <abbr title="number">no.</abbr> 98-316-XWE. Ottawa. Released October 24, 2012.<br /> (accessed December 3, 2024). </p> </div> </div> </details> <details id="tabs2"> <summary>Download</summary> <h2 class="wb-inv">Download</h2> <div class="prof_body"> <div class="download"> <p class="widthFull text-right"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-info-sign text-muted"></span> <a href="/census-recensement/2011/dp-pd/prof/details/download-telecharger/file-fichier-info.cfm?Lang=E">Information regarding available file formats</a></p> <div class="panel panel-info"> <div class="panel-heading"> <h3 class="panel-title">Option 1 – Download data table</h3> </div> <div class="panel-body"> <p class="noborder">Contains currently selected geographies (<abbr title="that is">i.e.</abbr>, Division No. 7, Saskatchewan and Canada) and topics in the 'Data table' tab.</p> <p class="border"> <span class="icon-download"></span> <a title="Download CSV (comma-separated values) file" href="">CSV (comma-separated values) file</a> <br /><br /> <span class="icon-download"></span> <a title="Download TAB (tab-separated values) file" href="">TAB (tab-separated values) file</a> </p> </div> </div> <div class="panel panel-info"> <div class="panel-heading"> <h3 class="panel-title"><a id="compdltel"></a>Option 2 – Comprehensive download files - CSV or TAB file format</h3> </div> <div class="panel-body"> <p>Download a compressed CSV (comma-separated values) or a compressed TAB (tab-separated values) file for all geographies from a selected geographic level for all topics.</p> <form id="compdlcsvtab2011" method="get" action="/census-recensement/2011/dp-pd/prof/details/download-telecharger/comprehensive/comp_download.cfm"> <input type="hidden" name="CTLG" value="98-316-XWE2011001" /> <fieldset> <legend class="wb-inv">Select a geography and a file type (CSV or TAB)</legend> <table class="table"> <caption><span class="wb-inv">A table showing form radio buttons and files size for compressed CSV and TAB file formats for each geographic level available for download, 2011 Census Profile.</span></caption> <thead> <tr> <th id="t1_h1" rowspan="2" class="text-bottom text-left">Geographic level</th> <th id="t1_h2" colspan="2" class="text-bottom text-center">File format<sup id="fndla12011-ref"><a class="fn-lnk" href="#fndla12011"><span class="wb-inv">CSV/TAB (2011) - Footnote </span>1</a></sup> (compressed)</th> </tr> <tr> <th id="t1_h2a" class="text-bottom text-left">CSV (comma-separated values)</th> <th id="t1_h2b" class="text-bottom text-left">TAB (tab-separated values)</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <th id="t1_r1" headers="t1_h1" class="text-top text-left">Canada, provinces and territories</th> <td headers="t1_r1 t1_h2 t1_h2a" class="text-top text-left"><div class="radio"><label for="CPT1C_2011" class="form-radio"><input type="radio" name="FMT" id="CPT1C_2011" value="CSV101" /> <span class="wb-inv">CSV </span> (86 <abbr title="kilobyte">KB</abbr>)</label></div></td> <td headers="t1_r1 t1_h2 t1_h2b" class="text-top text-left"><div class="radio"><label for="CPT1T_2011" class="form-radio"><input type="radio" name="FMT" id="CPT1T_2011" value="TAB101" /><span class="wb-inv">TAB </span> (86 <abbr title="kilobyte">KB</abbr>)</label></div></td> </tr> <tr> <th id="t1_r2" headers="t1_h1" class="text-top text-left">Census divisions</th> <td headers="t1_r2 t1_h2 t1_h2a" class="text-top text-left"><div class="radio"><label for="CD1C_2011" class="form-radio"><input type="radio" name="FMT" id="CD1C_2011" value="CSV701" /> <span class="wb-inv">CSV </span> (1,444 <abbr title="kilobyte">KB</abbr>)</label></div></td> <td headers="t1_r2 t1_h2 t1_h2b" class="text-top text-left"><div class="radio"><label for="CD1T_2011" class="form-radio"><input type="radio" name="FMT" id="CD1T_2011" value="TAB701" /> <span class="wb-inv">TAB </span> (1,412 <abbr title="kilobyte">KB</abbr>)</label></div></td> </tr> <tr> <th id="t1_r3" headers="t1_h1" class="text-top text-left">Census subdivisions</th> <td headers="t1_r3 t1_h2 t1_h2a" class="text-top text-left"><div class="radio"><label for="CSD1C_2011" class="form-radio"><input type="radio" name="FMT" id="CSD1C_2011" value="CSV301" /><span class="wb-inv">CSV </span> (19,715 <abbr title="kilobyte">KB</abbr>)</label></div></td> <td headers="t1_r3 t1_h2 t1_h2b" class="text-top text-left"><div class="radio"><label for="CSD1T_2011" class="form-radio"><input type="radio" name="FMT" id="CSD1T_2011" value="TAB301" /><span class="wb-inv">TAB </span> (19,378 <abbr title="kilobyte">KB</abbr>)</label></div></td> </tr> <tr> <th id="t1_r4" headers="t1_h1" class="text-top text-left">Census metropolitan areas and census agglomerations</th> <td headers="t1_r4 t1_h2 t1_h2a" class="text-top text-left"><div class="radio"><label for="CMACA1C_2011" class="form-radio"><input type="radio" name="FMT" id="CMACA1C_2011" value="CSV201" /><span class="wb-inv">CSV </span> (691 <abbr title="kilobyte">KB</abbr>)</label></div></td> <td headers="t1_r4 t1_h2 t1_h2b" class="text-top text-left"><div class="radio"><label for="CMACA1T_2011" class="form-radio"><input type="radio" name="FMT" id="CMACA1T_2011" value="TAB201" /> <span class="wb-inv">TAB </span> (723 <abbr title="kilobyte">KB</abbr>)</label></div></td> </tr> <tr> <th id="t1_r5" headers="t1_h1" class="text-top text-left">Census tracts</th> <td headers="t1_r5 t1_h2 t1_h2a" class="text-top text-left"><div class="radio"><label for="CT1C_2011" class="form-radio"><input type="radio" name="FMT" id="CT1C_2011" value="CSV401" /><span class="wb-inv">CSV </span> (21,499 <abbr title="kilobyte">KB</abbr>)</label></div></td> <td headers="t1_r5 t1_h2 t1_h2b" class="text-top text-left"><div class="radio"><label for="CT1T_2011" class="form-radio"><input type="radio" name="FMT" id="CT1T_2011" value="TAB401" /><span class="wb-inv">TAB </span> (21,281 <abbr title="kilobyte">KB</abbr>)</label></div></td> </tr> <tr> <th id="t1_r6" headers="t1_h1" class="text-top text-left">Federal electoral districts (2003 representation order)</th> <td headers="t1_r6 t1_h2 t1_h2a" class="text-top text-left"><div class="radio"><label for="FED1C_2011" class="form-radio"><input type="radio" name="FMT" id="FED1C_2011" value="CSV501" /> <span class="wb-inv">CSV </span> (1,580 <abbr title="kilobyte">KB</abbr>)</label></div></td> <td headers="t1_r6 t1_h2 t1_h2b" class="text-top text-left"><div class="radio"><label for="FED1T_2011" class="form-radio"><input type="radio" name="FMT" id="FED1T_2011" value="TAB501" /> <span class="wb-inv">TAB </span> (1,550 <abbr title="kilobyte">KB</abbr>)</label></div></td> </tr> <tr> <th id="t1_r7" headers="t1_h1" class="text-top text-left">Federal electoral districts (2013 representation order)</th> <td headers="t1_r7 t1_h2 t1_h2a" class="text-top text-left"><div class="radio"><label for="FED20131C_2011" class="form-radio"><input type="radio" name="FMT" id="FED20131C_2011" value="CSV511" /> <span class="wb-inv">CSV </span> (1,628 <abbr title="kilobyte">KB</abbr>)</label></div></td> <td headers="t1_r7 t1_h2 t1_h2b" class="text-top text-left"><div class="radio"><label for="FED20131T_2011" class="form-radio"><input type="radio" name="FMT" id="FED20131T_2011" value="TAB511" /> <span class="wb-inv">TAB </span> (1,600 <abbr title="kilobyte">KB</abbr>)</label></div></td> </tr> <tr> <th id="t1_r8" headers="t1_h1" class="text-top text-left">Economic regions</th> <td headers="t1_r8 t1_h2 t1_h2a" class="text-top text-left"><div class="radio"><label for="ER1C_2011" class="form-radio"><input type="radio" name="FMT" id="ER1C_2011" value="CSV901" /> <span class="wb-inv">CSV </span> (404 <abbr title="kilobyte">KB</abbr>)</label></div></td> <td headers="t1_r8 t1_h2 t1_h2b" class="text-top text-left"><div class="radio"><label for="ER1T_2011" class="form-radio"><input type="radio" name="FMT" id="ER1T_2011" value="TAB901" /> <span class="wb-inv">TAB </span> (397 <abbr title="kilobyte">KB</abbr>)</label></div></td> </tr> <tr> <th id="t1_r9" headers="t1_h1" class="text-top text-left">Designated places</th> <td headers="t1_r9 t1_h2 t1_h2a" class="text-top text-left"><div class="radio"><label for="DPL1C_2011" class="form-radio"><input type="radio" name="FMT" id="DPL1C_2011" value="CSV1301" /><span class="wb-inv">CSV </span> (5,190 <abbr title="kilobyte">KB</abbr>)</label></div></td> <td headers="t1_r9 t1_h2 t1_h2b" class="text-top text-left"><div class="radio"><label for="DPL1T_2011" class="form-radio"><input type="radio" name="FMT" id="DPL1T_2011" value="TAB1301" /><span class="wb-inv">TAB </span> (5,105 <abbr title="kilobyte">KB</abbr>)</label></div></td> </tr> <tr> <th id="t1_r10" headers="t1_h1" class="text-top text-left">Population centres</th> <td headers="t1_r10 t1_h2 t1_h2a" class="text-top text-left"><div class="radio"><label for="POPC1C_2011" class="form-radio"><input type="radio" name="FMT" id="POPC1C_2011" value="CSV801" /><span class="wb-inv">CSV </span> (3,599 <abbr title="kilobyte">KB</abbr>)</label></div></td> <td headers="t1_r10 t1_h2 t1_h2b" class="text-top text-left"><div class="radio"><label for="POPC1T_2011" class="form-radio"><input type="radio" name="FMT" id="POPC1T_2011" value="TAB801" /><span class="wb-inv">TAB </span> (3,565 <abbr title="kilobyte">KB</abbr>)</label></div></td> </tr> <tr> <th id="t1_r11" headers="t1_h1" class="text-top text-left">Dissemination areas</th> <td headers="t1_r11 t1_h2 t1_h2a" class="text-top text-left"><div class="radio"><label for="DA1C_2011" class="form-radio"><input type="radio" name="FMT" id="DA1C_2011" value="CSV1501" /> <span class="wb-inv">CSV </span> (193,822 <abbr title="kilobyte">KB</abbr>)</label></div></td> <td headers="t1_r11 t1_h2 t1_h2b" class="text-top text-left"><div class="radio"><label for="DA1T_2011" class="form-radio"><input type="radio" name="FMT" id="DA1T_2011" value="TAB1501" /> <span class="wb-inv">TAB </span> (191,191 <abbr title="kilobyte">KB</abbr>)</label></div></td> </tr> <tr> <th id="t1_r12" headers="t1_h1" class="text-top text-left">Dissolved census subdivisions</th> <td headers="t1_r12 t1_h2 t1_h2a" class="text-top text-left"><div class="radio"><label for="DCSD1C_2011" class="form-radio"><input type="radio" name="FMT" id="DCSD1C_2011" value="CSV1401" /> <span class="wb-inv">CSV </span> (732 <abbr title="kilobyte">KB</abbr>)</label></div></td> <td headers="t1_r12 t1_h2 t1_h2b" class="text-top text-left"><div class="radio"><label for="DCSD1T_2011" class="form-radio"><input type="radio" name="FMT" id="DCSD1T_2011" value="TAB1401" /> <span class="wb-inv">TAB </span> (720 <abbr title="kilobyte">KB</abbr>)</label></div></td> </tr> <tr> <th id="t1_r13" headers="t1_h1" class="text-top text-left">Forward sortation areas<sup><abbr title="copyright">©</abbr></sup></th> <td headers="t1_r13 t1_h2 t1_h2a" class="text-top text-left"><div class="radio"><label for="FSA1C_2011" class="form-radio"><input type="radio" name="FMT" id="FSA1C_2011" value="CSV1601" /> <span class="wb-inv">CSV </span> (6,328 <abbr title="kilobyte">KB</abbr>)</label></div></td> <td headers="t1_r13 t1_h2 t1_h2b" class="text-top text-left"><div class="radio"><label for="FSA1T_2011" class="form-radio"><input type="radio" name="FMT" id="FSA1T_2011" value="TAB1601" /> <span class="wb-inv">TAB </span> (6,257 <abbr title="kilobyte">KB</abbr>)</label></div></td> </tr> <tr> <th id="t1_r14" headers="t1_h1" class="text-top text-left">Health regions (December 2013)</th> <td headers="t1_r14 t1_h2 t1_h2a" class="text-top text-left"><div class="radio"><label for="HR1C_2011" class="form-radio"><input type="radio" name="FMT" id="HR1C_2011" value="CSV1701" /> <span class="wb-inv">CSV </span> (666 <abbr title="kilobyte">KB</abbr>)</label></div></td> <td headers="t1_r14 t1_h2 t1_h2b" class="text-top text-left"><div class="radio"><label for="HR1T_2011" class="form-radio"><input type="radio" name="FMT" id="HR1T_2011" value="TAB1701" /> <span class="wb-inv">TAB </span> (654 <abbr title="kilobyte">KB</abbr>)</label></div></td> </tr> <tr> <td><span class="sr-only">Empty cell</span></td> <td colspan="2" class="text-center"><button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-download"></span> Download CSV or TAB</button></td> </tr> </tbody> <tfoot> <tr> <td colspan="3"> <p>© This data includes information copied with permission from Canada Post Corporation.</p> <div class="wb-fnote" role="note"> <section><h2 id="fndla2011" class="wb-inv">Footnotes</h2> <dl> <dt>Footnote 1</dt> <dd id="fndla12011"> <p>Some of the data sets are large and require special consideration during processing in order to successfully make use of them. For example, some data files may exceed the row limitations for various spreadsheet software.</p> <p class="fn-rtn"><a href="#fndla12011-ref"><span class="wb-inv">Return to footnote </span>1<span class="wb-inv"> referrer - CSV/TAB (2011)</span></a></p> </dd> </dl> </section> </div> <div> <section> <h2 class="wb-inv">Source</h2> <p class="mrgn-tp-md"><strong>Source</strong>: Statistics Canada, 2011 Census Profile</p> </section> </div> </td> </tr> </tfoot> </table> <br /> <input type="hidden" name="Lang" value="E" /> <input type="hidden" name="Tab" value="1" /> <input type="hidden" name="Geo1" value="CD" /> <input type="hidden" name="Code1" value="4707" /> <input type="hidden" name="Geo2" value="PR" /> <input type="hidden" name="Code2" value="01" /> <input type="hidden" name="Data" value="Count" /> <input type="hidden" name="SearchText" value="Division No. 7" /> <input type="hidden" name="SearchType" value="Begins" /> <input type="hidden" name="SearchPR" value="01" /> <input type="hidden" name="B1" value="All" /> <input type="hidden" name="Custom" value="" /> <input type="hidden" name="TABID" value="1" /> </fieldset> </form> </div> </div> <div class="panel panel-info"> <div class="panel-heading"> <h3 class="panel-title">Option 3 – Comprehensive download files - IVT or XML file format</h3> </div> <div class="panel-body"> <p>Download an IVT (Beyond 20/20) or a compressed XML (SDMX-ML) file for all geographies from a selected geographic level or groups of geographic levels for all topics.</p> <form id="compdlivtxml" method="get" action="/census-recensement/2011/dp-pd/prof/details/download-telecharger/comprehensive/comp_download.cfm"> <input type="hidden" name="CTLG" value="98-314-XCB20110" /> <fieldset> <legend class="wb-inv">Select a group of geographic levels and a file type (IVT or XML)</legend> <table class="table"> <caption><span class="wb-inv">A table showing form radio buttons and files size for CSV and TAB file formats for each group of geographic levels available for download.</span></caption> <thead> <tr> <th id="t2_h1" rowspan="2" class="text-bottom text-left">Geographic levels</th> <th id="t2_h2" colspan="2" class="text-bottom text-center">File format<sup id="fndlb1-ref"><a class="fn-lnk" href="#fndlb1"><span class="wb-inv">IVT/XML - Footnote </span>1</a></sup></th> </tr> <tr> <th id="t2_h2a" class="text-bottom text-left">IVT (Beyond 20/20)</th> <th id="t2_h2b" class="text-bottom text-left">XML (SDMX-ML)<br />(compressed)</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <th id="t2_r1" headers="t2_h1" class="text-top text-left">Canada, provinces, territories, census divisions and census subdivisions</th> <td headers="t2_r1 t2_h2 t2_h2a" class="text-top text-left"><div class="radio"><label for="CDCSD2C" class="form-radio"><input type="radio" name="FMT" id="CDCSD2C" value="IVT06" /><span class="wb-inv">IVT</span> (20,752 <abbr title="kilobyte">KB</abbr>)</label></div></td> <td headers="t2_r1 t2_h2 t2_h2b" class="text-top text-left"><div class="radio"><label for="CDCSD2T" class="form-radio"><input type="radio" name="FMT" id="CDCSD2T" value="XML06" /><span class="wb-inv">XML</span> (35,311 <abbr title="kilobyte">KB</abbr>)</label></div></td> </tr> <tr> <th id="t2_r2" headers="t2_h1" class="text-top text-left">Census metropolitan areas and census agglomerations</th> <td headers="t2_r2 t2_h2 t2_h2a" class="text-top text-left"><div class="radio"><label for="CMACA2C" class="form-radio"><input type="radio" name="FMT" id="CMACA2C" value="IVT09" /><span class="wb-inv">IVT</span> (1,183 <abbr title="kilobyte">KB</abbr>)</label></div></td> <td headers="t2_r2 t2_h2 t2_h2b" class="text-top text-left"><div class="radio"><label for="CMACA2T" class="form-radio"><input type="radio" name="FMT" id="CMACA2T" value="XML09" /><span class="wb-inv">XML</span> (1,221 <abbr title="kilobyte">KB</abbr>)</label></div></td> </tr> <tr> <th id="t2_r3" headers="t2_h1" class="text-top text-left">Census metropolitan areas, tracted census agglomerations and census tracts</th> <td headers="t2_r3 t2_h2 t2_h2a" class="text-top text-left"><div class="radio"><label for="CT2C" class="form-radio"><input type="radio" name="FMT" id="CT2C" value="IVT10" /><span class="wb-inv">IVT</span> (30,060 <abbr title="kilobyte">KB</abbr>)</label></div></td> <td headers="t2_r3 t2_h2 t2_h2b" class="text-top text-left"><div class="radio"><label for="CT2T" class="form-radio"><input type="radio" name="FMT" id="CT2T" value="XML10" /><span class="wb-inv">XML</span> (38,000 <abbr title="kilobyte">KB</abbr>)</label></div></td> </tr> <tr> <th id="t2_r4" headers="t2_h1" class="text-top text-left">Census metropolitan areas, census agglomerations and census subdivisions</th> <td headers="t2_r4 t2_h2 t2_h2a" class="text-top text-left"><div class="radio"><label for="CMACACSD2C" class="form-radio"><input type="radio" name="FMT" id="CMACACSD2C" value="IVT11" /><span class="wb-inv">IVT</span> (5,485 <abbr title="kilobyte">KB</abbr>)</label></div></td> <td headers="t2_r4 t2_h2 t2_h2b" class="text-top text-left"><div class="radio"><label for="CMACACSD2T" class="form-radio"><input type="radio" name="FMT" id="CMACACSD2T" value="XML11" /><span class="wb-inv">XML</span> (7,333 <abbr title="kilobyte">KB</abbr>)</label></div></td> </tr> <tr> <th id="t2_r5" headers="t2_h1" class="text-top text-left">Canada, provinces, territories and federal electoral districts (2003 representation order)</th> <td headers="t2_r5 t2_h2 t2_h2a" class="text-top text-left"><div class="radio"><label for="FED2C" class="form-radio"><input type="radio" name="FMT" id="FED2C" value="IVT12" /><span class="wb-inv">IVT</span> (2,795 <abbr title="kilobyte">KB</abbr>)</label></div></td> <td headers="t2_r5 t2_h2 t2_h2b" class="text-top text-left"><div class="radio"><label for="FED2T" class="form-radio"><input type="radio" name="FMT" id="FED2T" value="XML12" /><span class="wb-inv">XML</span> (2,644 <abbr title="kilobyte">KB</abbr>)</label></div></td> </tr> <tr> <th id="t2_r6" headers="t2_h1" class="text-top text-left">Canada, provinces, territories and federal electoral districts (2013 representation order)</th> <td headers="t2_r6 t2_h2 t2_h2a" class="text-top text-left"><div class="radio"><label for="FED20132C" class="form-radio"><input type="radio" name="FMT" id="FED20132C" value="IVT54" /> <span class="wb-inv">IVT</span> (3,008 <abbr title="kilobyte">KB</abbr>)</label></div></td> <td headers="t2_r6 t2_h2 t2_h2b" class="text-top text-left"><div class="radio"><label for="FED20132T" class="form-radio"><input type="radio" name="FMT" id="FED20132T" value="XML54" /><span class="wb-inv">XML</span> (2,802 <abbr title="kilobyte">KB</abbr>)</label></div></td> </tr> <tr> <th id="t2_r7" headers="t2_h1" class="text-top text-left">Designated places</th> <td headers="t2_r7 t2_h2 t2_h2a" class="text-top text-left"><div class="radio"><label for="DPL2C" class="form-radio"><input type="radio" name="FMT" id="DPL2C" value="IVT13" /><span class="wb-inv">IVT</span> (4,492 <abbr title="kilobyte">KB</abbr>)</label></div></td> <td headers="t2_r7 t2_h2 t2_h2b" class="text-top text-left"><div class="radio"><label for="DPL2T" class="form-radio"><input type="radio" name="FMT" id="DPL2T" value="XML13" /><span class="wb-inv">XML</span> (8,996 <abbr title="kilobyte">KB</abbr>)</label></div></td> </tr> <tr> <th id="t2_r8" headers="t2_h1" class="text-top text-left">Population centres</th> <td headers="t2_r8 t2_h2 t2_h2a" class="text-top text-left"><div class="radio"><label for="POPC2C" class="form-radio"><input type="radio" name="FMT" id="POPC2C" value="IVT14" /><span class="wb-inv">IVT</span> (4,511 <abbr title="kilobyte">KB</abbr>)</label></div></td> <td headers="t2_r8 t2_h2 t2_h2b" class="text-top text-left"><div class="radio"><label for="POPC2T" class="form-radio"><input type="radio" name="FMT" id="POPC2T" value="XML14" /><span class="wb-inv">XML</span> (6,566 <abbr title="kilobyte">KB</abbr>)</label></div></td> </tr> <tr> <th id="t2_r9" headers="t2_h1" class="text-top text-left">Canada, provinces, territories and economic regions</th> <td headers="t2_r9 t2_h2 t2_h2a" class="text-top text-left"><div class="radio"><label for="ER2C" class="form-radio"><input type="radio" name="FMT" id="ER2C" value="IVT15" /><span class="wb-inv">IVT</span> (887 <abbr title="kilobyte">KB</abbr>)</label></div></td> <td headers="t2_r9 t2_h2 t2_h2b" class="text-top text-left"><div class="radio"><label for="ER2T" class="form-radio"><input type="radio" name="FMT" id="ER2T" value="XML15" /><span class="wb-inv">XML</span> (776 <abbr title="kilobyte">KB</abbr>)</label></div></td> </tr> <tr> <th id="t2_r10" headers="t2_h1" class="text-top text-left">Canada, provinces, territories, census divisions, census subdivisions and dissemination areas</th> <td headers="t2_r10 t2_h2 t2_h2a" class="text-top text-left"><div class="radio"><label for="DA2C" class="form-radio"><input type="radio" name="FMT" id="DA2C" value="IVT07" /><span class="wb-inv">IVT</span> (233,928 <abbr title="kilobyte">KB</abbr>)</label></div></td> <td headers="t2_r10 t2_h2 t2_h2b" class="text-top text-left"><div class="radio"><label for="DA2T" class="form-radio"><input type="radio" name="FMT" id="DA2T" value="XML07" /><span class="wb-inv">XML</span> (384,573 <abbr title="kilobyte">KB</abbr>)</label></div></td> </tr> <tr> <th id="t2_r11" headers="t2_h1" class="text-top text-left">Dissolved census subdivisions</th> <td headers="t2_r11 t2_h2 t2_h2a" class="text-top text-left"><div class="radio"><label for="DCSD2C" class="form-radio"><input type="radio" name="FMT" id="DCSD2C" value="IVT52" /><span class="wb-inv">IVT</span> (536 <abbr title="kilobyte">KB</abbr>)</label></div></td> <td headers="t2_r11 t2_h2 t2_h2b" class="text-top text-left"><div class="radio"><label for="DCSD2T" class="form-radio"><input type="radio" name="FMT" id="DCSD2T" value="XML52" /><span class="wb-inv">XML</span> (1,140 <abbr title="kilobyte">KB</abbr>)</label></div></td> </tr> <tr> <th id="t2_r12" headers="t2_h1" class="text-top text-left">Forward sortation areas<sup><abbr title="copyright">©</abbr></sup></th> <td headers="t2_r12 t2_h2 t2_h2a" class="text-top text-left"><div class="radio"><label for="FSA2C" class="form-radio"><input type="radio" name="FMT" id="FSA2C" value="IVT08" /><span class="wb-inv">IVT</span> (9,962 <abbr title="kilobyte">KB</abbr>)</label></div></td> <td headers="t2_r12 t2_h2 t2_h2b" class="text-top text-left"><div class="radio"><label for="FSA2T" class="form-radio"><input type="radio" name="FMT" id="FSA2T" value="XML08" /><span class="wb-inv">XML</span> (11,873 <abbr title="kilobyte">KB</abbr>)</label></div></td> </tr> <tr> <th id="t2_r13" headers="t2_h1" class="text-top text-left">Canada, provinces, territories and health regions (December 2013)</th> <td headers="t2_r13 t2_h2 t2_h2a" class="text-top text-left"><div class="radio"><label for="HR2C" class="form-radio"><input type="radio" name="FMT" id="HR2C" value="IVT99" /><span class="wb-inv">IVT</span> (1,330 <abbr title="kilobyte">KB</abbr>)</label></div></td> <td headers="t2_r13 t2_h2 t2_h2b" class="text-top text-left"><span title="not available for a specific reference period">..</span></td> </tr> <tr> <td><span class="sr-only">Empty cell</span></td> <td colspan="2" class="text-center"><button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-download"></span> Download IVT or XML</button></td> </tr> </tbody> <tfoot> <tr> <td colspan="3"> <h2 class="wb-inv">Symbols</h2> <p>© This data includes information copied with permission from Canada Post Corporation.<br /> .. not available for a specific reference period</p> <div class="wb-fnote" role="note"> <section><h2 id="fndlb" class="wb-inv">Footnotes</h2> <dl> <dt>Footnote 1</dt> <dd id="fndlb1"> <p>Some of the data sets are large and require special consideration during processing in order to successfully make use of them.</p> <p class="fn-rtn"><a href="#fndlb1-ref"><span class="wb-inv">Return to footnote </span>1<span class="wb-inv"> referrer - IVT/XML</span></a></p> </dd> </dl> </section> </div> </td> </tr> </tfoot> </table> <br /> <input type="hidden" name="Lang" value="E" /> <input type="hidden" name="Tab" value="1" /> <input type="hidden" name="Geo1" value="CD" /> <input type="hidden" name="Code1" value="4707" /> <input type="hidden" name="Geo2" value="PR" /> <input type="hidden" name="Code2" value="01" /> <input type="hidden" name="Data" value="Count" /> <input type="hidden" name="SearchText" value="Division No. 7" /> <input type="hidden" name="SearchType" value="Begins" /> <input type="hidden" name="SearchPR" value="01" /> <input type="hidden" name="B1" value="All" /> <input type="hidden" name="Custom" value="" /> <input type="hidden" name="TABID" value="1" /> </fieldset> </form> </div> </div> </div> </div> </details> <details id="tabs3"> <summary>Map</summary> <h2 class="wb-inv">Map</h2> <div class="mrgn-tp-md"> <div class="panel panel-info"> <div class="panel-heading"> <h3 class="panel-title">Map: Division No. 7, Census division (Census Division), Saskatchewan</h3> </div> <div class="panel-body"> <p>Alternative format(s): <a href="/census-recensement/alternative_alternatif.cfm?l=eng&k=8800&teng=Standard%20Geographical%20Classification,%20National%20maps,%20Census%20divisions,%202011&loc=" title="PDF, Map: Division No. 7, Census division (Census Division), Saskatchewan">pdf</a> | <a href="/census-recensement/geo/maps-cartes/ref/map-carte.cfm?lang=E&otherLang=F&searchGeocode=4707&layerSelected=cd&searchTheme=GeoCode&searchPass=2&boundaryType=" title="Reference map, 2011 Census: Division No. 7, Census division (Census Division), Saskatchewan">ARCHIVED – Reference map (interactive tool)</a> </p> <p class="span-5"><img src="/images/maps/CD_DR/E_A/jpg/760_570/4707.jpg" alt="Map: Division No. 7, Census division, Census Division (shaded in green), Saskatchewan" class="img-responsive" /></p> </div> </div> <div class="panel panel-info"> <div class="panel-heading"> <h3 class="panel-title">Map: Canada</h3> </div> <div class="panel-body"> <p>Alternative format(s): <a href="/census-recensement/geo/maps-cartes/ref/map-carte.cfm?lang=E&otherLang=F&searchGeocode=01&layerSelected=province&searchTheme=GeoCode&searchPass=2&boundaryType=" title="Reference map, 2011 Census: Canada">ARCHIVED – Reference map (interactive tool)</a> </p> <p class="span-5"><img src="/images/maps/CAN/E_A/jpg/760_570/01.jpg" alt="Map of Canada" class="img-responsive" /></p> </div> </div> </div> </details> <details id="tabs4"> <summary>Geographic hierarchy</summary> <h2 class="wb-inv">Geographic hierarchy</h2> <div class="mrgn-tp-md"> <div class="panel panel-info"> <div class="panel-heading"> <h3 class="panel-title"> Geographic hierarchy: Division No. 7 (Census division) </h3> </div> <div class="panel-body"> <ul> <li><!-- Begin Canada list item --> <span class="hierarchy_spacing1"> <a title="Data table, geography 1: Canada" href="page.cfm?Lang=E&Geo1=PR&Code1=01&Geo2=PR&Code2=01&Data=Count&SearchText=Division%20No.%20%207&SearchType=Begins&SearchPR=01&B1=All&Custom=">Canada</a> </span> <ul> <li> <a title="Data table, geography 1: Saskatchewan (Province)" href="page.cfm?Lang=E&Geo1=PR&Code1=47&Geo2=PR&Code2=01&Data=Count&SearchText=Division%20No.%20%207&SearchType=Begins&SearchPR=01&B1=All&Custom=#tabs1">Saskatchewan</a> (Province) <ul> <li> <span class="text-danger">Division No. 7</span> (Census division) <ul> <li><a title="Data table, geography 1: Aylesbury (Village)" href="page.cfm?Lang=E&Geo1=CSD&Code1=4707093&Geo2=PR&Code2=01&Data=Count&SearchText=Division%20No.%20%207&SearchType=Begins&SearchPR=01&B1=All&Custom=#tabs1">Aylesbury (Village)</a></li> <li><a title="Data table, geography 1: Baildon No. 131 (Rural municipality)" href="page.cfm?Lang=E&Geo1=CSD&Code1=4707001&Geo2=PR&Code2=01&Data=Count&SearchText=Division%20No.%20%207&SearchType=Begins&SearchPR=01&B1=All&Custom=#tabs1">Baildon No. 131 (Rural municipality)</a></li> <li><a title="Data table, geography 1: Beaver Flat (Resort village)" href="page.cfm?Lang=E&Geo1=CSD&Code1=4707020&Geo2=PR&Code2=01&Data=Count&SearchText=Division%20No.%20%207&SearchType=Begins&SearchPR=01&B1=All&Custom=#tabs1">Beaver Flat (Resort village)</a></li> <li><a title="Data table, geography 1: Beechy (Village)" href="page.cfm?Lang=E&Geo1=CSD&Code1=4707062&Geo2=PR&Code2=01&Data=Count&SearchText=Division%20No.%20%207&SearchType=Begins&SearchPR=01&B1=All&Custom=#tabs1">Beechy (Village)</a></li> <li><a title="Data table, geography 1: Brownlee (Village)" href="page.cfm?Lang=E&Geo1=CSD&Code1=4707048&Geo2=PR&Code2=01&Data=Count&SearchText=Division%20No.%20%207&SearchType=Begins&SearchPR=01&B1=All&Custom=#tabs1">Brownlee (Village)</a></li> <li><a title="Data table, geography 1: Canaan No. 225 (Rural municipality)" href="page.cfm?Lang=E&Geo1=CSD&Code1=4707058&Geo2=PR&Code2=01&Data=Count&SearchText=Division%20No.%20%207&SearchType=Begins&SearchPR=01&B1=All&Custom=#tabs1">Canaan No. 225 (Rural municipality)</a></li> <li><a title="Data table, geography 1: Caron No. 162 (Rural municipality)" href="page.cfm?Lang=E&Geo1=CSD&Code1=4707036&Geo2=PR&Code2=01&Data=Count&SearchText=Division%20No.%20%207&SearchType=Begins&SearchPR=01&B1=All&Custom=#tabs1">Caron No. 162 (Rural municipality)</a></li> <li><a title="Data table, geography 1: Caronport (Village)" href="page.cfm?Lang=E&Geo1=CSD&Code1=4707037&Geo2=PR&Code2=01&Data=Count&SearchText=Division%20No.%20%207&SearchType=Begins&SearchPR=01&B1=All&Custom=#tabs1">Caronport (Village)</a></li> <li><a title="Data table, geography 1: Central Butte (Town)" href="page.cfm?Lang=E&Geo1=CSD&Code1=4707054&Geo2=PR&Code2=01&Data=Count&SearchText=Division%20No.%20%207&SearchType=Begins&SearchPR=01&B1=All&Custom=#tabs1">Central Butte (Town)</a></li> <li><a title="Data table, geography 1: Chaplin (Village)" href="page.cfm?Lang=E&Geo1=CSD&Code1=4707031&Geo2=PR&Code2=01&Data=Count&SearchText=Division%20No.%20%207&SearchType=Begins&SearchPR=01&B1=All&Custom=#tabs1">Chaplin (Village)</a></li> <li><a title="Data table, geography 1: Chaplin No. 164 (Rural municipality)" href="page.cfm?Lang=E&Geo1=CSD&Code1=4707029&Geo2=PR&Code2=01&Data=Count&SearchText=Division%20No.%20%207&SearchType=Begins&SearchPR=01&B1=All&Custom=#tabs1">Chaplin No. 164 (Rural municipality)</a></li> <li><a title="Data table, geography 1: Coderre (Village)" href="page.cfm?Lang=E&Geo1=CSD&Code1=4707008&Geo2=PR&Code2=01&Data=Count&SearchText=Division%20No.%20%207&SearchType=Begins&SearchPR=01&B1=All&Custom=#tabs1">Coderre (Village)</a></li> <li><a title="Data table, geography 1: Coteau Beach (Resort village)" href="page.cfm?Lang=E&Geo1=CSD&Code1=4707068&Geo2=PR&Code2=01&Data=Count&SearchText=Division%20No.%20%207&SearchType=Begins&SearchPR=01&B1=All&Custom=#tabs1">Coteau Beach (Resort village)</a></li> <li><a title="Data table, geography 1: Coteau No. 255 (Rural municipality)" href="page.cfm?Lang=E&Geo1=CSD&Code1=4707067&Geo2=PR&Code2=01&Data=Count&SearchText=Division%20No.%20%207&SearchType=Begins&SearchPR=01&B1=All&Custom=#tabs1">Coteau No. 255 (Rural municipality)</a></li> <li><a title="Data table, geography 1: Coulee No. 136 (Rural municipality)" href="page.cfm?Lang=E&Geo1=CSD&Code1=4707018&Geo2=PR&Code2=01&Data=Count&SearchText=Division%20No.%20%207&SearchType=Begins&SearchPR=01&B1=All&Custom=#tabs1">Coulee No. 136 (Rural municipality)</a></li> <li><a title="Data table, geography 1: Craik (Town)" href="page.cfm?Lang=E&Geo1=CSD&Code1=4707092&Geo2=PR&Code2=01&Data=Count&SearchText=Division%20No.%20%207&SearchType=Begins&SearchPR=01&B1=All&Custom=#tabs1">Craik (Town)</a></li> <li><a title="Data table, geography 1: Craik No. 222 (Rural municipality)" href="page.cfm?Lang=E&Geo1=CSD&Code1=4707091&Geo2=PR&Code2=01&Data=Count&SearchText=Division%20No.%20%207&SearchType=Begins&SearchPR=01&B1=All&Custom=#tabs1">Craik No. 222 (Rural municipality)</a></li> <li><a title="Data table, geography 1: Enfield No. 194 (Rural municipality)" href="page.cfm?Lang=E&Geo1=CSD&Code1=4707053&Geo2=PR&Code2=01&Data=Count&SearchText=Division%20No.%20%207&SearchType=Begins&SearchPR=01&B1=All&Custom=#tabs1">Enfield No. 194 (Rural municipality)</a></li> <li><a title="Data table, geography 1: Ernfold (Village)" href="page.cfm?Lang=E&Geo1=CSD&Code1=4707028&Geo2=PR&Code2=01&Data=Count&SearchText=Division%20No.%20%207&SearchType=Begins&SearchPR=01&B1=All&Custom=#tabs1">Ernfold (Village)</a></li> <li><a title="Data table, geography 1: Excelsior No. 166 (Rural municipality)" href="page.cfm?Lang=E&Geo1=CSD&Code1=4707021&Geo2=PR&Code2=01&Data=Count&SearchText=Division%20No.%20%207&SearchType=Begins&SearchPR=01&B1=All&Custom=#tabs1">Excelsior No. 166 (Rural municipality)</a></li> <li><a title="Data table, geography 1: Eyebrow (Village)" href="page.cfm?Lang=E&Geo1=CSD&Code1=4707049&Geo2=PR&Code2=01&Data=Count&SearchText=Division%20No.%20%207&SearchType=Begins&SearchPR=01&B1=All&Custom=#tabs1">Eyebrow (Village)</a></li> <li><a title="Data table, geography 1: Eyebrow No. 193 (Rural municipality)" href="page.cfm?Lang=E&Geo1=CSD&Code1=4707047&Geo2=PR&Code2=01&Data=Count&SearchText=Division%20No.%20%207&SearchType=Begins&SearchPR=01&B1=All&Custom=#tabs1">Eyebrow No. 193 (Rural municipality)</a></li> <li><a title="Data table, geography 1: Herbert (Town)" href="page.cfm?Lang=E&Geo1=CSD&Code1=4707026&Geo2=PR&Code2=01&Data=Count&SearchText=Division%20No.%20%207&SearchType=Begins&SearchPR=01&B1=All&Custom=#tabs1">Herbert (Town)</a></li> <li><a title="Data table, geography 1: Hillsborough No. 132 (Rural municipality)" href="page.cfm?Lang=E&Geo1=CSD&Code1=4707004&Geo2=PR&Code2=01&Data=Count&SearchText=Division%20No.%20%207&SearchType=Begins&SearchPR=01&B1=All&Custom=#tabs1">Hillsborough No. 132 (Rural municipality)</a></li> <li><a title="Data table, geography 1: Hodgeville (Village)" href="page.cfm?Lang=E&Geo1=CSD&Code1=4707016&Geo2=PR&Code2=01&Data=Count&SearchText=Division%20No.%20%207&SearchType=Begins&SearchPR=01&B1=All&Custom=#tabs1">Hodgeville (Village)</a></li> <li><a title="Data table, geography 1: Huron No. 223 (Rural municipality)" href="page.cfm?Lang=E&Geo1=CSD&Code1=4707076&Geo2=PR&Code2=01&Data=Count&SearchText=Division%20No.%20%207&SearchType=Begins&SearchPR=01&B1=All&Custom=#tabs1">Huron No. 223 (Rural municipality)</a></li> <li><a title="Data table, geography 1: Keeler (Village)" href="page.cfm?Lang=E&Geo1=CSD&Code1=4707046&Geo2=PR&Code2=01&Data=Count&SearchText=Division%20No.%20%207&SearchType=Begins&SearchPR=01&B1=All&Custom=#tabs1">Keeler (Village)</a></li> <li><a title="Data table, geography 1: King George No. 256 (Rural municipality)" href="page.cfm?Lang=E&Geo1=CSD&Code1=4707066&Geo2=PR&Code2=01&Data=Count&SearchText=Division%20No.%20%207&SearchType=Begins&SearchPR=01&B1=All&Custom=#tabs1">King George No. 256 (Rural municipality)</a></li> <li><a title="Data table, geography 1: Lawtonia No. 135 (Rural municipality)" href="page.cfm?Lang=E&Geo1=CSD&Code1=4707014&Geo2=PR&Code2=01&Data=Count&SearchText=Division%20No.%20%207&SearchType=Begins&SearchPR=01&B1=All&Custom=#tabs1">Lawtonia No. 135 (Rural municipality)</a></li> <li><a title="Data table, geography 1: Lucky Lake (Village)" href="page.cfm?Lang=E&Geo1=CSD&Code1=4707059&Geo2=PR&Code2=01&Data=Count&SearchText=Division%20No.%20%207&SearchType=Begins&SearchPR=01&B1=All&Custom=#tabs1">Lucky Lake (Village)</a></li> <li><a title="Data table, geography 1: Maple Bush No. 224 (Rural municipality)" href="page.cfm?Lang=E&Geo1=CSD&Code1=4707071&Geo2=PR&Code2=01&Data=Count&SearchText=Division%20No.%20%207&SearchType=Begins&SearchPR=01&B1=All&Custom=#tabs1">Maple Bush No. 224 (Rural municipality)</a></li> <li><a title="Data table, geography 1: Marquis (Village)" href="page.cfm?Lang=E&Geo1=CSD&Code1=4707044&Geo2=PR&Code2=01&Data=Count&SearchText=Division%20No.%20%207&SearchType=Begins&SearchPR=01&B1=All&Custom=#tabs1">Marquis (Village)</a></li> <li><a title="Data table, geography 1: Marquis No. 191 (Rural municipality)" href="page.cfm?Lang=E&Geo1=CSD&Code1=4707042&Geo2=PR&Code2=01&Data=Count&SearchText=Division%20No.%20%207&SearchType=Begins&SearchPR=01&B1=All&Custom=#tabs1">Marquis No. 191 (Rural municipality)</a></li> <li><a title="Data table, geography 1: Mistusinne (Resort village)" href="page.cfm?Lang=E&Geo1=CSD&Code1=4707074&Geo2=PR&Code2=01&Data=Count&SearchText=Division%20No.%20%207&SearchType=Begins&SearchPR=01&B1=All&Custom=#tabs1">Mistusinne (Resort village)</a></li> <li><a title="Data table, geography 1: Moose Jaw (City)" href="page.cfm?Lang=E&Geo1=CSD&Code1=4707039&Geo2=PR&Code2=01&Data=Count&SearchText=Division%20No.%20%207&SearchType=Begins&SearchPR=01&B1=All&Custom=#tabs1">Moose Jaw (City)</a></li> <li><a title="Data table, geography 1: Moose Jaw No. 161 (Rural municipality)" href="page.cfm?Lang=E&Geo1=CSD&Code1=4707038&Geo2=PR&Code2=01&Data=Count&SearchText=Division%20No.%20%207&SearchType=Begins&SearchPR=01&B1=All&Custom=#tabs1">Moose Jaw No. 161 (Rural municipality)</a></li> <li><a title="Data table, geography 1: Morse (Town)" href="page.cfm?Lang=E&Geo1=CSD&Code1=4707027&Geo2=PR&Code2=01&Data=Count&SearchText=Division%20No.%20%207&SearchType=Begins&SearchPR=01&B1=All&Custom=#tabs1">Morse (Town)</a></li> <li><a title="Data table, geography 1: Morse No. 165 (Rural municipality)" href="page.cfm?Lang=E&Geo1=CSD&Code1=4707024&Geo2=PR&Code2=01&Data=Count&SearchText=Division%20No.%20%207&SearchType=Begins&SearchPR=01&B1=All&Custom=#tabs1">Morse No. 165 (Rural municipality)</a></li> <li><a title="Data table, geography 1: Mortlach (Village)" href="page.cfm?Lang=E&Geo1=CSD&Code1=4707034&Geo2=PR&Code2=01&Data=Count&SearchText=Division%20No.%20%207&SearchType=Begins&SearchPR=01&B1=All&Custom=#tabs1">Mortlach (Village)</a></li> <li><a title="Data table, geography 1: Riverhurst (Village)" href="page.cfm?Lang=E&Geo1=CSD&Code1=4707072&Geo2=PR&Code2=01&Data=Count&SearchText=Division%20No.%20%207&SearchType=Begins&SearchPR=01&B1=All&Custom=#tabs1">Riverhurst (Village)</a></li> <li><a title="Data table, geography 1: Rodgers No. 133 (Rural municipality)" href="page.cfm?Lang=E&Geo1=CSD&Code1=4707006&Geo2=PR&Code2=01&Data=Count&SearchText=Division%20No.%20%207&SearchType=Begins&SearchPR=01&B1=All&Custom=#tabs1">Rodgers No. 133 (Rural municipality)</a></li> <li><a title="Data table, geography 1: Rush Lake (Village)" href="page.cfm?Lang=E&Geo1=CSD&Code1=4707023&Geo2=PR&Code2=01&Data=Count&SearchText=Division%20No.%20%207&SearchType=Begins&SearchPR=01&B1=All&Custom=#tabs1">Rush Lake (Village)</a></li> <li><a title="Data table, geography 1: Shamrock (Village)" href="page.cfm?Lang=E&Geo1=CSD&Code1=4707012&Geo2=PR&Code2=01&Data=Count&SearchText=Division%20No.%20%207&SearchType=Begins&SearchPR=01&B1=All&Custom=#tabs1">Shamrock (Village)</a></li> <li><a title="Data table, geography 1: Shamrock No. 134 (Rural municipality)" href="page.cfm?Lang=E&Geo1=CSD&Code1=4707011&Geo2=PR&Code2=01&Data=Count&SearchText=Division%20No.%20%207&SearchType=Begins&SearchPR=01&B1=All&Custom=#tabs1">Shamrock No. 134 (Rural municipality)</a></li> <li><a title="Data table, geography 1: South Lake (Resort village)" href="page.cfm?Lang=E&Geo1=CSD&Code1=4707051&Geo2=PR&Code2=01&Data=Count&SearchText=Division%20No.%20%207&SearchType=Begins&SearchPR=01&B1=All&Custom=#tabs1">South Lake (Resort village)</a></li> <li><a title="Data table, geography 1: Sun Valley (Resort village)" href="page.cfm?Lang=E&Geo1=CSD&Code1=4707045&Geo2=PR&Code2=01&Data=Count&SearchText=Division%20No.%20%207&SearchType=Begins&SearchPR=01&B1=All&Custom=#tabs1">Sun Valley (Resort village)</a></li> <li><a title="Data table, geography 1: Tugaske (Village)" href="page.cfm?Lang=E&Geo1=CSD&Code1=4707077&Geo2=PR&Code2=01&Data=Count&SearchText=Division%20No.%20%207&SearchType=Begins&SearchPR=01&B1=All&Custom=#tabs1">Tugaske (Village)</a></li> <li><a title="Data table, geography 1: Tuxford (Village)" href="page.cfm?Lang=E&Geo1=CSD&Code1=4707043&Geo2=PR&Code2=01&Data=Count&SearchText=Division%20No.%20%207&SearchType=Begins&SearchPR=01&B1=All&Custom=#tabs1">Tuxford (Village)</a></li> <li><a title="Data table, geography 1: Victory No. 226 (Rural municipality)" href="page.cfm?Lang=E&Geo1=CSD&Code1=4707063&Geo2=PR&Code2=01&Data=Count&SearchText=Division%20No.%20%207&SearchType=Begins&SearchPR=01&B1=All&Custom=#tabs1">Victory No. 226 (Rural municipality)</a></li> <li><a title="Data table, geography 1: Waldeck (Village)" href="page.cfm?Lang=E&Geo1=CSD&Code1=4707022&Geo2=PR&Code2=01&Data=Count&SearchText=Division%20No.%20%207&SearchType=Begins&SearchPR=01&B1=All&Custom=#tabs1">Waldeck (Village)</a></li> <li><a title="Data table, geography 1: Wheatlands No. 163 (Rural municipality)" href="page.cfm?Lang=E&Geo1=CSD&Code1=4707032&Geo2=PR&Code2=01&Data=Count&SearchText=Division%20No.%20%207&SearchType=Begins&SearchPR=01&B1=All&Custom=#tabs1">Wheatlands No. 163 (Rural municipality)</a></li> </ul> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> </li> <!-- End Canada list item --> </ul> </div><!-- .panel-body --> </div><!-- .panel-info --> <div class="panel panel-info"> <div class="panel-heading"> <h3 class="panel-title"> Geographic hierarchy: Canada </h3> </div> <div class="panel-body"> <ul> <li><!-- Begin Canada list item --> <span class="hierarchy_spacing1"> <a title="Data table, geography 2: Canada" href="page.cfm?Lang=E&Geo1=CD&Code1=4707&Geo2=PR&Code2=01&Data=Count&SearchText=Division%20No.%20%207&SearchType=Begins&SearchPR=01&B1=All&Custom=">Canada</a> </span> <ul> <li> <a title ="Data table, geography 2: Newfoundland and Labrador (Province)" href="page.cfm?Lang=E&Geo1=CD&Code1=4707&Geo2=PR&Code2=10&Data=Count&SearchText=Division%20No.%20%207&SearchType=Begins&SearchPR=01&B1=All&Custom=">Newfoundland and Labrador</a> (Province) </li> <li> <a title ="Data table, geography 2: Prince Edward Island (Province)" href="page.cfm?Lang=E&Geo1=CD&Code1=4707&Geo2=PR&Code2=11&Data=Count&SearchText=Division%20No.%20%207&SearchType=Begins&SearchPR=01&B1=All&Custom=">Prince Edward Island</a> (Province) </li> <li> <a title ="Data table, geography 2: Nova Scotia (Province)" href="page.cfm?Lang=E&Geo1=CD&Code1=4707&Geo2=PR&Code2=12&Data=Count&SearchText=Division%20No.%20%207&SearchType=Begins&SearchPR=01&B1=All&Custom=">Nova Scotia</a> (Province) </li> <li> <a title ="Data table, geography 2: New Brunswick (Province)" href="page.cfm?Lang=E&Geo1=CD&Code1=4707&Geo2=PR&Code2=13&Data=Count&SearchText=Division%20No.%20%207&SearchType=Begins&SearchPR=01&B1=All&Custom=">New Brunswick</a> (Province) </li> <li> <a title ="Data table, geography 2: Quebec (Province)" href="page.cfm?Lang=E&Geo1=CD&Code1=4707&Geo2=PR&Code2=24&Data=Count&SearchText=Division%20No.%20%207&SearchType=Begins&SearchPR=01&B1=All&Custom=">Quebec</a> (Province) </li> <li> <a title ="Data table, geography 2: Ontario (Province)" href="page.cfm?Lang=E&Geo1=CD&Code1=4707&Geo2=PR&Code2=35&Data=Count&SearchText=Division%20No.%20%207&SearchType=Begins&SearchPR=01&B1=All&Custom=">Ontario</a> (Province) </li> <li> <a title ="Data table, geography 2: Manitoba (Province)" href="page.cfm?Lang=E&Geo1=CD&Code1=4707&Geo2=PR&Code2=46&Data=Count&SearchText=Division%20No.%20%207&SearchType=Begins&SearchPR=01&B1=All&Custom=">Manitoba</a> (Province) </li> <li> <a title ="Data table, geography 2: Saskatchewan (Province)" href="page.cfm?Lang=E&Geo1=CD&Code1=4707&Geo2=PR&Code2=47&Data=Count&SearchText=Division%20No.%20%207&SearchType=Begins&SearchPR=01&B1=All&Custom=">Saskatchewan</a> (Province) </li> <li> <a title ="Data table, geography 2: Alberta (Province)" href="page.cfm?Lang=E&Geo1=CD&Code1=4707&Geo2=PR&Code2=48&Data=Count&SearchText=Division%20No.%20%207&SearchType=Begins&SearchPR=01&B1=All&Custom=">Alberta</a> (Province) </li> <li> <a title ="Data table, geography 2: British Columbia (Province)" href="page.cfm?Lang=E&Geo1=CD&Code1=4707&Geo2=PR&Code2=59&Data=Count&SearchText=Division%20No.%20%207&SearchType=Begins&SearchPR=01&B1=All&Custom=">British Columbia</a> (Province) </li> <li> <a title ="Data table, geography 2: Yukon (Territory)" href="page.cfm?Lang=E&Geo1=CD&Code1=4707&Geo2=PR&Code2=60&Data=Count&SearchText=Division%20No.%20%207&SearchType=Begins&SearchPR=01&B1=All&Custom=">Yukon</a> (Territory) </li> <li> <a title ="Data table, geography 2: Northwest Territories (Territory)" href="page.cfm?Lang=E&Geo1=CD&Code1=4707&Geo2=PR&Code2=61&Data=Count&SearchText=Division%20No.%20%207&SearchType=Begins&SearchPR=01&B1=All&Custom=">Northwest Territories</a> (Territory) </li> <li> <a title ="Data table, geography 2: Nunavut (Territory)" href="page.cfm?Lang=E&Geo1=CD&Code1=4707&Geo2=PR&Code2=62&Data=Count&SearchText=Division%20No.%20%207&SearchType=Begins&SearchPR=01&B1=All&Custom=">Nunavut</a> (Territory) </li> </ul> </li> <!-- End Canada list item --> </ul> </div><!-- .panel-body --> </div><!-- .panel-info --> </div> <h3 class="wb-inv">Note</h3> <p><strong>Note</strong>: For more information regarding geographic hierarchies, refer to the <a href="">Illustrated Glossary: Hierarchy of standard geographic units tutorial</a>.</p> </details> <details id="tabs5"> <summary>Related data</summary> <h2 class="wb-inv">Related data</h2> <div class="panel panel-info mrgn-tp-md"> <div class="panel-heading"> <h3 class="panel-title">Related data: Division No. 7, Census division (Census Division), Saskatchewan</h3> </div> <div class="panel-body"> <div class="col-md-6"> <div class="indent-large"> <h4 class="margin-bottom-small">2011 Census</h4> <ul> <li>Topic-based tabulations, Division No. 7, Census division (Census Division), Saskatchewan <ul> <li><a href="/census-recensement/2011/dp-pd/tbt-tt/Lp-eng.cfm?LANG=E&APATH=5&DETAIL=0&DIM=0&FL=A&FREE=0&GC=4707&GID=0&GK=2&GRP=0&PID=0&PRID=0&PTYPE=101955&S=0&SHOWALL=0&SUB=0&Temporal=2011&THEME=88&VID=0&VNAMEE=&VNAMEF=" title="Topic-based tabulations, Age and sex, Division No. 7, Census division (Census Division), Saskatchewan, 2011 Census">Age and sex</a></li> <li><a href="/census-recensement/2011/dp-pd/tbt-tt/Lp-eng.cfm?LANG=E&APATH=5&DETAIL=0&DIM=0&FL=A&FREE=0&GC=4707&GID=0&GK=2&GRP=0&PID=0&PRID=0&PTYPE=101955&S=0&SHOWALL=0&SUB=0&Temporal=2011&THEME=89&VID=0&VNAMEE=&VNAMEF=" title="Topic-based tabulations, Marital status, Division No. 7, Census division (Census Division), Saskatchewan, 2011 Census">Marital status</a></li> <li><a href="/census-recensement/2011/dp-pd/tbt-tt/Lp-eng.cfm?LANG=E&APATH=5&DETAIL=0&DIM=0&FL=A&FREE=0&GC=4707&GID=0&GK=2&GRP=0&PID=0&PRID=0&PTYPE=101955&S=0&SHOWALL=0&SUB=0&Temporal=2011&THEME=89&VID=0&VNAMEE=&VNAMEF=" title="Topic-based tabulations, Families, Division No. 7, Census division (Census Division), Saskatchewan, 2011 Census">Families</a></li> <li><a href="/census-recensement/2011/dp-pd/tbt-tt/Lp-eng.cfm?LANG=E&APATH=5&DETAIL=0&DIM=0&FL=A&FREE=0&GC=4707&GID=0&GK=2&GRP=0&PID=0&PRID=0&PTYPE=101955&S=0&SHOWALL=0&SUB=0&Temporal=2011&THEME=91&VID=0&VNAMEE=&VNAMEF=" title="Topic-based tabulations, Households/Dwellings, Division No. 7, Census division (Census Division), Saskatchewan, 2011 Census">Households/Dwellings</a></li> <li><a href="/census-recensement/2011/dp-pd/tbt-tt/Lp-eng.cfm?LANG=E&APATH=5&DETAIL=0&DIM=0&FL=A&FREE=0&GC=4707&GID=0&GK=2&GRP=0&PID=0&PRID=0&PTYPE=101955&S=0&SHOWALL=0&SUB=0&Temporal=2011&THEME=90&VID=0&VNAMEE=&VNAMEF=" title="Topic-based tabulations, Language, Division No. 7, Census division (Census Division), Saskatchewan, 2011 Census">Language</a></li> </ul> </li> <li>Highlight tables, Canada and census divisions <ul> <li><a href="/census-recensement/2011/dp-pd/hlt-fst/as-sa/Pages/highlight.cfm?TabID=1&Lang=E&Asc=1&PRCode=01&OrderBy=1&Sex=1&View=1&tableID=21&queryID=4" title="Population by broad age groups and sex, 2011 counts for both sexes, for Canada and census divisions">Age and sex</a></li> <li><a href="/census-recensement/2011/dp-pd/hlt-fst/fam/Pages/highlight.cfm?TabID=1&Lang=E&Asc=1&PRCode=01&OrderBy=1&View=1&tableID=301&queryID=4&Children=1" title="Couple families by presence of children in private households, 2011 counts, children (all ages), for Canada and census divisions">Families</a></li> <li><a href="/census-recensement/2011/dp-pd/hlt-fst/lang/Pages/highlight.cfm?TabID=1&Lang=E&Asc=1&PRCode=01&OrderBy=1&View=1&tableID=401&queryID=4&Age=1" title="Population by mother tongue and age groups (total), 2011 counts, for Canada and census divisions">Language</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a href="/census-recensement/2011/dp-pd/map-carte/index-eng.cfm?URLGEOCODE=4707&GEOLEVEL=10">Census Data Navigator, Division No. 7, Census division (Census Division), Saskatchewan</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-6"> <div class="indent-large"> <h4 class="margin-bottom-small">2011 National Household Survey (NHS)</h4> <ul> <li><a href="/nhs-enm/2011/dp-pd/prof/details/Page.cfm?Lang=E&Geo1=CD&Code1=4707&Data=Count&SearchText=Division No. 7&SearchType=Begins&SearchPR=01&A1=All&B1=All&GeoLevel=PR&GeoCode=10#tabs1"><abbr title="National Household Survey">NHS</abbr> Profile, Division No. 7, Census division (Census Division), Saskatchewan, 2011</a></li> <li><abbr title="National Household Survey">NHS</abbr> Data Tables, Division No. 7, Census division (Census Division), Saskatchewan <ul> <li><a href="/nhs-enm/2011/dp-pd/dt-td/Lp-eng.cfm?LANG=E&APATH=5&DETAIL=0&DIM=0&FL=A&FREE=0&GC=4707&GID=0&GK=2&GRP=0&PID=0&PRID=0&PTYPE=105277&S=0&SHOWALL=0&SUB=0&Temporal=2013&THEME=94&VID=0&VNAMEE=&VNAMEF=" title="NHS Data Tables: Aboriginal Peoples – Division No. 7, Census division (Census Division), Saskatchewan">Aboriginal Peoples</a></li> <li><a href="/nhs-enm/2011/dp-pd/dt-td/Lp-eng.cfm?LANG=E&APATH=5&DETAIL=0&DIM=0&FL=A&FREE=0&GC=4707&GID=0&GK=2&GRP=0&PID=0&PRID=0&PTYPE=105277&S=0&SHOWALL=0&SUB=0&Temporal=2013&THEME=96&VID=0&VNAMEE=&VNAMEF=" title="NHS Data Tables: Education and Labour – Division No. 7, Census division (Census Division), Saskatchewan">Education and Labour</a></li> <li><a href="/nhs-enm/2011/dp-pd/dt-td/Lp-eng.cfm?LANG=E&APATH=5&DETAIL=0&DIM=0&FL=A&FREE=0&GC=4707&GID=0&GK=2&GRP=0&PID=0&PRID=0&PTYPE=105277&S=0&SHOWALL=0&SUB=0&Temporal=2013&THEME=98&VID=0&VNAMEE=&VNAMEF=" title="NHS Data Tables: Income and Housing – Division No. 7, Census division (Census Division), Saskatchewan">Income and Housing</a></li> </ul> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="panel panel-info"> <div class="panel-heading"> <h3 class="panel-title">Related data: Canada</h3> </div> <div class="panel-body"> <div class="col-md-6"> <div class="indent-large"> <h4 class="margin-bottom-small">2011 Census</h4> <ul> <li>Topic-based tabulations, Canada <ul> <li><a href="/census-recensement/2011/dp-pd/tbt-tt/Lp-eng.cfm?LANG=E&APATH=5&DETAIL=0&DIM=0&FL=A&FREE=0&GC=01&GID=0&GK=1&GRP=0&PID=0&PRID=0&PTYPE=101955&S=0&SHOWALL=0&SUB=0&Temporal=2011&THEME=88&VID=0&VNAMEE=&VNAMEF=" title="Topic-based tabulations, Age and sex, Canada, 2011 Census">Age and sex</a></li> <li><a href="/census-recensement/2011/dp-pd/tbt-tt/Lp-eng.cfm?LANG=E&APATH=5&DETAIL=0&DIM=0&FL=A&FREE=0&GC=01&GID=0&GK=1&GRP=0&PID=0&PRID=0&PTYPE=101955&S=0&SHOWALL=0&SUB=0&Temporal=2011&THEME=89&VID=0&VNAMEE=&VNAMEF=" title="Topic-based tabulations, Marital status, Canada, 2011 Census">Marital status</a></li> <li><a href="/census-recensement/2011/dp-pd/tbt-tt/Lp-eng.cfm?LANG=E&APATH=5&DETAIL=0&DIM=0&FL=A&FREE=0&GC=01&GID=0&GK=1&GRP=0&PID=0&PRID=0&PTYPE=101955&S=0&SHOWALL=0&SUB=0&Temporal=2011&THEME=89&VID=0&VNAMEE=&VNAMEF=" title="Topic-based tabulations, Families, Canada, 2011 Census">Families</a></li> <li><a href="/census-recensement/2011/dp-pd/tbt-tt/Lp-eng.cfm?LANG=E&APATH=5&DETAIL=0&DIM=0&FL=A&FREE=0&GC=01&GID=0&GK=1&GRP=0&PID=0&PRID=0&PTYPE=101955&S=0&SHOWALL=0&SUB=0&Temporal=2011&THEME=91&VID=0&VNAMEE=&VNAMEF=" title="Topic-based tabulations, Households/Dwellings, Canada, 2011 Census">Households/Dwellings</a></li> <li><a href="/census-recensement/2011/dp-pd/tbt-tt/Lp-eng.cfm?LANG=E&APATH=5&DETAIL=0&DIM=0&FL=A&FREE=0&GC=01&GID=0&GK=1&GRP=0&PID=0&PRID=0&PTYPE=101955&S=0&SHOWALL=0&SUB=0&Temporal=2011&THEME=90&VID=0&VNAMEE=&VNAMEF=" title="Topic-based tabulations, Language, Canada, 2011 Census">Language</a></li> </ul> </li> <li>Highlight tables, Canada, provinces and territories <ul> <li><a href="/census-recensement/2011/dp-pd/hlt-fst/as-sa/Pages/highlight.cfm?TabID=1&Lang=E&Asc=1&PRCode=01&OrderBy=999&Sex=1&View=1&tableID=21&queryID=1" title="Population by broad age groups and sex, 2011 counts for both sexes, for Canada, provinces and territories">Age and sex</a></li> <li><a href="/census-recensement/2011/dp-pd/hlt-fst/fam/Pages/highlight.cfm?TabID=1&Lang=E&Asc=1&PRCode=01&OrderBy=999&View=1&tableID=301&queryID=1&Children=1" title="Couple families by presence of children in private households, 2011 counts, children (all ages), for Canada, provinces and territories">Families</a></li> <li><a href="/census-recensement/2011/dp-pd/hlt-fst/lang/Pages/highlight.cfm?TabID=1&Lang=E&Asc=1&PRCode=01&OrderBy=999&View=1&tableID=401&queryID=1&Age=1" title="Population by mother tongue and age groups (total), 2011 counts, for Canada, provinces and territories">Language</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a href="/census-recensement/2011/dp-pd/map-carte/index-eng.cfm">Census Data Navigator, Canada</a></li> <li><a href="/census-recensement/2011/dp-pd/vc-rv/index.cfm?Lang=ENG&VIEW=C&CFORMAT=jpg&GEOCODE=01&TOPIC_ID=1">Visual Census, Canada</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-6"> <div class="indent-large"> <h4 class="margin-bottom-small">2011 National Household Survey (NHS)</h4> <ul> <li><a href="/nhs-enm/2011/dp-pd/prof/details/Page.cfm?Lang=E&Geo1=PR&Code1=01&Data=Count&SearchText=Canada&SearchType=Begins&SearchPR=01&A1=All&B1=All&GeoLevel=PR&GeoCode=10#tabs1"><abbr title="National Household Survey">NHS</abbr> Profile, Canada, 2011</a></li> <li><abbr title="National Household Survey">NHS</abbr> Data Tables, Canada <ul> <li><a href="/nhs-enm/2011/dp-pd/dt-td/Lp-eng.cfm?LANG=E&APATH=5&DETAIL=0&DIM=0&FL=A&FREE=0&GC=01&GID=0&GK=1&GRP=0&PID=0&PRID=0&PTYPE=105277&S=0&SHOWALL=0&SUB=0&Temporal=2013&THEME=94&VID=0&VNAMEE=&VNAMEF=" title="NHS Data Tables: Aboriginal Peoples – Canada">Aboriginal Peoples</a></li> <li><a href="/nhs-enm/2011/dp-pd/dt-td/Lp-eng.cfm?LANG=E&APATH=5&DETAIL=0&DIM=0&FL=A&FREE=0&GC=01&GID=0&GK=1&GRP=0&PID=0&PRID=0&PTYPE=105277&S=0&SHOWALL=0&SUB=0&Temporal=2013&THEME=95&VID=0&VNAMEE=&VNAMEF=" title="NHS Data Tables: Immigration and Ethnocultural Diversity – Canada">Immigration and Ethnocultural Diversity</a></li> <li><a href="/nhs-enm/2011/dp-pd/dt-td/Lp-eng.cfm?LANG=E&APATH=5&DETAIL=0&DIM=0&FL=A&FREE=0&GC=01&GID=0&GK=1&GRP=0&PID=0&PRID=0&PTYPE=105277&S=0&SHOWALL=0&SUB=0&Temporal=2013&THEME=97&VID=0&VNAMEE=&VNAMEF=" title="NHS Data Tables: Mobility and Migration – Canada">Mobility and Migration</a></li> <li><a href="/nhs-enm/2011/dp-pd/dt-td/Lp-eng.cfm?LANG=E&APATH=5&DETAIL=0&DIM=0&FL=A&FREE=0&GC=01&GID=0&GK=1&GRP=0&PID=0&PRID=0&PTYPE=105277&S=0&SHOWALL=0&SUB=0&Temporal=2013&THEME=96&VID=0&VNAMEE=&VNAMEF=" title="NHS Data Tables: Education and Labour – Canada">Education and Labour</a></li> <li><a href="/nhs-enm/2011/dp-pd/dt-td/Lp-eng.cfm?LANG=E&APATH=5&DETAIL=0&DIM=0&FL=A&FREE=0&GC=01&GID=0&GK=1&GRP=0&PID=0&PRID=0&PTYPE=105277&S=0&SHOWALL=0&SUB=0&Temporal=2013&THEME=98&VID=0&VNAMEE=&VNAMEF=" title="NHS Data Tables: Income and Housing – Canada">Income and Housing</a></li> </ul> </li> <li><a href="/nhs-enm/2011/as-sa/fogs-spg/Pages/FOG.cfm?lang=E&level=1&GeoCode=01"><abbr title="National Household Survey">NHS</abbr> Focus on Geography Series, Canada</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </details> <details id="tabs6"> <summary><span class="wb-inv">Census Profile: </span>Help</summary> <h2 class="wb-inv">Help</h2> <div class="span-8 mrgn-tp-md"> <ul> <li><a href=" No. 7&SearchType=Begins&SearchPR=01&B1=All&Custom=">About the Census Profile</a></li> <li><a href=" No. 7&SearchType=Begins&SearchPR=01&B1=All&Custom=">Geographic levels</a></li> <li><a href=" No. 7&SearchType=Begins&SearchPR=01&B1=All&Custom=">Help with searching</a></li> <li><a href=" No. 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