Lee S Dryburgh on CircleID

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Dryburgh is a person-to-person communications technologist and visionary. His first love was the telephone and in his early 20&#8217;s he wrote the best selling book on the SS7 telecommunication protocol suite (published by Cisco Press). He has spent his entire career working in engineering departments in 30+ countries and in 13+ States for major telecom operators and vendors. Noticing the displacement of the telephone and the increasing disconnect between operators and their customers, he embarked upon a Cisco sponsored engineering doctorate focusing on enabling conversation between relevant strangers. Being unhappy about a large demographic void in the conference space, he created eComm.</p> </div> <div id="links" class="pipedLinks"> <ul> <li><a href="" title="New window will open -" target="_blank">Blog</a></li> <li><a href="" title="New window will open -" target="_blank">Company</a></li> </ul> </div> <p id="cc"> Except where otherwise noted, all postings by Lee S Dryburgh on CircleID are licensed under a <a rel="license" href=" /2.5/" class="blue">Creative Commons License</a>. </p> </div> <!-- MEMBER SUB NAV ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// --> <div id="headerSubNav"> <ul> <li id="current"><a href="">Featured Blogs (3)</a></li> <li ><a href="">Comments (1)</a></li> </ul> <div class="clear"></div> </div> </div> <!-- MEMBER POSTS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// --> <div class="container2c"> <div class="colWrapper"> <div class="colA"> <div class="colPad"> <h2>Featured Blogs</h2> <div class="postList" style="padding-bottom:30px;"> <h3 style="padding-top:0;margin-top:0;border:none;"><a href="">Tinkering Without Tampering: Wrestling With Convergence and Communications Policy (Transcript)</a></h3> <div class="byLine">Related Topics: <a href="/topics/access_providers" class="red">Access Providers</a>,&nbsp; <a href="/topics/broadband" class="red">Broadband</a>,&nbsp; <a href="/topics/net_neutrality" class="red">Net Neutrality</a>,&nbsp; <a href="/topics/p2p" class="red">P2P</a>,&nbsp; <a href="/topics/policy_regulation" class="red">Policy &amp; Regulation</a>,&nbsp; <a href="/topics/telecom" class="red">Telecom</a>,&nbsp; <a href="/topics/voip" class="red">VoIP</a>,&nbsp; <a href="/topics/white_space" class="red">White Space</a>,&nbsp; <a href="/topics/wireless" class="red">Wireless</a>,</div> <p> Our world finds itself at a critical juncture. Both trillions of dollars and the future of human communications including fundamental access to it are at stake. For telecom operators and media outlets there is not a migratory way from where we are to the future. There is a clear consumer shift underway that runs in the opposite direction to that of telecom and media incumbents; emergent social practice is increasingly clashing with the very structure and desires of incumbent players... It was for these reasons that one of the six keynote speakers invited to Spring 2009 Emerging Communications Conference (eComm) in San Francisco was Richard Whitt, Google's Washington Telecom and Media Counsel. His keynote was entitled, Tinkering without Tampering: Wrestling with Convergence and Communications Policy...&nbsp;<a href="" class="red"><span class="readmore">more</span></a> </p> <div class="postInfo pipedLinks"> <ul> <li>By&nbsp;<a href="" class="blue">Lee S Dryburgh</a></li> <li>Jul 07, 2009</li> <li>Comments: 0</li> <li>Views: 11,436</li> </ul> </div> <h3><a href="">An Interview With Richard Whitt, Google&#8217;s Washington Telecom and Media Counsel</a></h3> <div class="byLine">Related Topics: <a href="/topics/access_providers" class="red">Access Providers</a>,&nbsp; <a href="/topics/broadband" class="red">Broadband</a>,&nbsp; <a href="/topics/data_center" class="red">Data Center</a>,&nbsp; <a href="/topics/net_neutrality" class="red">Net Neutrality</a>,&nbsp; <a href="/topics/policy_regulation" class="red">Policy &amp; Regulation</a>,&nbsp; <a href="/topics/telecom" class="red">Telecom</a>,&nbsp; <a href="/topics/voip" class="red">VoIP</a>,&nbsp; <a href="/topics/web" class="red">Web</a>,&nbsp; <a href="/topics/white_space" class="red">White Space</a>,&nbsp; <a href="/topics/wireless" class="red">Wireless</a>,</div> <p> I recently had the opportunity to interview, Richard Whitt, Google's Washington Telecom and Media Counsel, who will be one of the keynote speakers at the upcoming Emerging Communications Conference (<a href="">eComm 2009</a>) being held on March 3-5 at the San Francisco Airport Marriott. The following is the transcript of our phone conversation and the audio recording of the interview.&nbsp;<a href="" class="red"><span class="readmore">more</span></a> </p> <div class="postInfo pipedLinks"> <ul> <li>By&nbsp;<a href="" class="blue">Lee S Dryburgh</a></li> <li>Jan 29, 2009</li> <li>Comments: 0</li> <li>Views: 29,613</li> </ul> </div> <h3><a href="">Call for Telecom Industry Wake-Up</a></h3> <div class="byLine">Related Topics: <a href="/topics/access_providers" class="red">Access Providers</a>,&nbsp; <a href="/topics/broadband" class="red">Broadband</a>,&nbsp; <a href="/topics/enum" class="red">Enum</a>,&nbsp; <a href="/topics/mobile_internet" class="red">Mobile Internet</a>,&nbsp; <a href="/topics/net_neutrality" class="red">Net Neutrality</a>,&nbsp; <a href="/topics/p2p" class="red">P2P</a>,&nbsp; <a href="/topics/telecom" class="red">Telecom</a>,&nbsp; <a href="/topics/voip" class="red">VoIP</a>,</div> <p> As many of you know, I'm launching the Emerging Communications (<a href="">eComm</a>) conference -- taking place next month in Silicon Valley, at the Computer History Museum. Communications innovation has been stagnant, in my opinion, for nearly a decade. Telecommunications and Internet communications both seem to be at somewhat of an impasse. The communications industry needs a forum to help break through the stagnancy and highlight the huge opportunity space that is emerging. The stagnancy has been strikingly more so in telecommunications...&nbsp;<a href="" class="red"><span class="readmore">more</span></a> </p> <div class="postInfo pipedLinks"> <ul> <li>By&nbsp;<a href="" class="blue">Lee S Dryburgh</a></li> <li>Feb 14, 2008</li> <li>Comments: 1</li> <li>Views: 28,658</li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="colB"> <div class="colPad"> <!-- TOPIC INTERESTS --> <h2 style="margin-bottom:10px;">Topic Interests</h2> <div style="padding:0 0 30px 0;line-height:20px;"> <a href=""><strong>VoIP</strong></a>,&nbsp; <a href=""><strong>Broadband</strong></a>,&nbsp; <a href=""><strong>Enum</strong></a>,&nbsp; <a href=""><strong>Access Providers</strong></a>,&nbsp; <a href=""><strong>Net Neutrality</strong></a>,&nbsp; <a href=""><strong>P2P</strong></a>,&nbsp; <a href=""><strong>Mobile Internet</strong></a>,&nbsp; <a href=""><strong>Telecom</strong></a>,&nbsp; <a href=""><strong>Wireless</strong></a>,&nbsp; <a href=""><strong>Policy & Regulation</strong></a>,&nbsp; <a href=""><strong>Web</strong></a>,&nbsp; <a href=""><strong>White Space</strong></a>,&nbsp; <a href=""><strong>Data Center</strong></a> </div> <!-- RECENT COMMENTS --> <h2>Recent Comments</h2> <div class="postListMini" style="padding:0 0 15px 0;"> <div class="cmntList"> <strong><a href="">VIPR: New Developments in the VoIP Market</a></strong> <div class="byLine">Feb 04, 2010 12:47 AM PST</div> </div> </div> <!-- RECENT BLOGS --> <!-- MOST POPULAR --> <h2>Popular Posts</h2> <div class="postListMini" style="padding:0 0 30px 0;"> <h3 style="padding-top:0;margin-top:0;border:none;"><a href="">An Interview With Richard Whitt, Google&#8217;s Washington Telecom and Media Counsel</a></h3> <div class="byLine pipedLinks"> <ul> <li>Jan 29, 2009</li> <li>Comments: 0</li> <li>Views: 29,613</li> </ul> </div> <h3><a href="">Call for Telecom Industry Wake-Up</a></h3> <div class="byLine pipedLinks"> <ul> <li>Feb 14, 2008</li> <li>Comments: 1</li> <li>Views: 28,658</li> </ul> </div> <h3><a href="">Tinkering Without Tampering: Wrestling With Convergence and Communications Policy (Transcript)</a></h3> <div class="byLine pipedLinks"> <ul> <li>Jul 07, 2009</li> <li>Comments: 0</li> <li>Views: 11,436</li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="clear"></div> </div> <div id="footer"> <div id="footerContent"> <div style="float:left;"> <a href="/"><img src="/images/circleid.svg" border="0" style="width:140px;opacity: 0.9;" /></a><br /> <p style="font-size:14px;padding:11px 0 15px 0;margin:0;">A World-Renowned Source for Internet Developments. 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