{"title":"Modeling, Simulation and Monitoring of Nuclear Reactor Using Directed Graph and Bond Graph","authors":"A. Badoud, M. Khemliche, S. Latreche","volume":25,"journal":"International Journal of Computer and Systems Engineering","pagesStart":71,"pagesEnd":81,"ISSN":"1307-6892","URL":"https:\/\/\/pdf\/9105","abstract":"The main objective developed in this paper is to find a\ngraphic technique for modeling, simulation and diagnosis of the\nindustrial systems. This importance is much apparent when it is about\na complex system such as the nuclear reactor with pressurized water\nof several form with various several non-linearity and time scales. In\nthis case the analytical approach is heavy and does not give a fast\nidea on the evolution of the system. The tool Bond Graph enabled us\nto transform the analytical model into graphic model and the\nsoftware of simulation SYMBOLS 2000 specific to the Bond Graphs\nmade it possible to validate and have the results given by the\ntechnical specifications. We introduce the analysis of the problem\ninvolved in the faults localization and identification in the complex\nindustrial processes. We propose a method of fault detection applied\nto the diagnosis and to determine the gravity of a detected fault. We\nshow the possibilities of application of the new diagnosis approaches\nto the complex system control. The industrial systems became\nincreasingly complex with the faults diagnosis procedures in the\nphysical systems prove to become very complex as soon as the\nsystems considered are not elementary any more. Indeed, in front of\nthis complexity, we chose to make recourse to Fault Detection and\nIsolation method (FDI) by the analysis of the problem of its control\nand to conceive a reliable system of diagnosis making it possible to\napprehend the complex dynamic systems spatially distributed applied\nto the standard pressurized water nuclear reactor.","references":"[1] J DE Ladonchamps et J.J Verdeau \u00ab R\u00e9acteurs nucl\u00e9aires a eau\npressuris\u00e9e : th\u00e9orie, technologie et applications a la propulsion\nnavale\u00bb, Masson e Cie \u00e9diteurs, 1972\n[2] A. C. Bell et H. R. Martens, A comparison of linear graphs and bond\ngraphs in the modeling process, Automatic Control Conference, 1974.\n[3] A. Rahmani, C. Sueur et G. Dauphin-Tanguy, \u00abA new transfer matrix\nformal determination from bond graph models \u00bb, 14th IMACS World\nCongress, School of Mathematics, Georgia Institute of Technology,\nAtlanta, Juillet 1994.\n[4] A.K. Samantaray, K. Medjaher, B. Ould Bouamama, M. Staroswiecki,\nG. Dauphin-Tanguy. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory journal,\n\u00ab Diagnostic bond graphs for online fault detection and isolation\u00bb, page\n237-262, July 2005.\n[5] J. Thoma, B. Ould Bouamama, Mod\u00e9lisation et simulation des processus\nthermiques et chimiques, Application des bond-Ggraphs en g\u00e9nie des\nproc\u00e9d\u00e9. Juillet 1998.\n[6] J.J. Duderstadt et L. Hamilton, Nuclear Reactor Analysis, New York,\nJohn Wiley & Sons, Inc. (1976).\n[7] M. Khemliche, B. Ould Bouamama and H. Haffaf. Sensors and actuators\njournal \u00ab sensors placement for diagnosability on Bond Graph model \u00bb,\npage 92-98, volume n\u252c\u25914, March 2006.\n[8] N. Suda et T. Hatanaka, \u00abStructural properties of systems represented by\nbond graphs, in C. & D. Systems\u00bb, Analysis, Simulation & Control,\nCongr\u00e8s IMACS, 1986, pp. 73-80.\n[9] M.Verg\u00e9, D.Jaume. Mod\u00e9lisation structur\u00e9e des syst\u00e8mes avec les Bond\nGraphs, Editions TECHNIP 2004.\n[10] C. Olivier et R. Claudine, Th\u00e9orie des graphes, probl\u00e8mes, th\u00e9or\u00e8mes,\nalgorithmes, Ed. Vuibert, 2004.\n[11] R. Mrani Alaoui Ma\u251c\u00abtre IEEA, Conception d-un module de diagnostic\na base des suites de bandes temporelles en vue de la super vision des\nproc\u00e8des \u00e9n\u00e9rgitique , \u00d4\u00c7\u00ffApplication en ligne \u251c\u00e1 un g\u00e9n\u00e9rateur de vapeur-,\nTh\u00e8se de doctorat, Universit\u00e9 des sciences et technologie de Lille,\nFrance, Novembre 2004.\n[12] R. Diestel, Graph Theory, Third Edition, Springer-Verlag, 2005.\n[13] G. SLAMA, \u00abSteam generator maintenance and replacement\u00bb, 11\u00e8me\ncongr\u00e8s international des centrales \u00e9lectriques Li\u00e8ge, 20-24 nov. 1993.\n[14] P. Ball\u00e9, D. Fussel et O. Hetecker (1997). Detection and isolation of\nsensor faults on nonlinear processes based on local linear models. In:\nAmerican Control Conference ACC. Albuquerque, USA. pp. 468-472.","publisher":"World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology","index":"Open Science Index 25, 2009"}