Connections from our 2015-2025 graduates
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</header> <main id="main" class="id7-main-content-area"> <header> <div class="id7-horizontal-divider"> <svg xmlns="" x="0" y="0" version="1.1" width="1130" height="41" viewBox="0, 0, 1130, 41"> <path d="m 0,0.5 1030.48, 0 22.8,40 16.96,-31.4 16.96,31.4 22.8,-40 20,0" class="divider" stroke="#383838" fill="none" /> </svg> </div> <div class="id7-page-title"> <h1> Connections from our 2015-2025 graduates </h1> </div> </header> <div class="id7-main-content"> <div class="layout layout-100"> <div class="column-1"><div class="column-1-content"> <div class="layout-row layout-row--nowrap"> <div class="layout-col layout-col--12"> <h2>Warwick families</h2> <div class="tabs-component" data-accordion-allowed-expanded="one"> <div class="tabs-component--tablist" role="tablist"> <button class="active" id="tab1" role="tab" type="button" aria-selected="true" aria-controls="tab1-tab">Anita, Samita, and Kerry</button><button id="tab2" role="tab" type="button" aria-selected="false" tabindex="-1" aria-controls="tab2-tab">Vera, Michael, and Priscilla </button> </div> <div class="tabs-component--panels tab-content"> <button class="tabs-component--accordion-button btn btn-default btn-lg" aria-controls="tab1-tab" type="button" aria-expanded="true" title="Collapse"><i class="fas fa-chevron-up" aria-hidden="true"></i><span>Anita, Samita, and Kerry</span></button> <section aria-hidden="false" class="tabs-component--panel active" role="tabpanel" data-id aria-label="Anita, Samita, and Kerry" tabindex="0" id="tab1-tab"> <div class="panel panel-default"> <div class="panel-body"> <div class="image-component pull-left margin-narrow"> <picture> <img src="anita_chagar.png" alt="Anita and her cousins" class="img-content"> </picture> </div> <p>Anita Chagar (BA English Literature, 2015), Samita Sall (BA History, 2018) and Kerry Flora (BA French with Spanish, 2022) are all cousins and Warwick alumnae. We caught up with them to talk to them about their time on campus, their favourite memories from their time here and what they’re doing now.</p> <div class="buttons-component buttons-component-vertical "> <a href="" class="btn btn-brand ">Learn more</a> </div> </div> </div> </section><button class="tabs-component--accordion-button btn btn-default btn-lg" aria-controls="tab2-tab" type="button" aria-expanded="false" title="Expand"><i class="fas fa-chevron-down" aria-hidden="true"></i><span>Vera, Michael, and Priscilla </span></button> <section aria-hidden="true" class="tabs-component--panel" role="tabpanel" data-id aria-label="Vera, Michael, and Priscilla " tabindex="0" id="tab2-tab"> <div class="panel panel-default"> <div class="panel-body"> <p>For Vera Okojie (BA Philosophy, 2020) choosing to come to study at Warwick was a decision made all the easier by our impressive alumni community. Fast forward a few years and it was Vera’s experiences that inspired her younger siblings Michael (BSc Psychology, 2022) and Priscilla (BSc Psychology, 2024 and currently on a placement year at Microsoft) to study here. On a recent visit to campus, we caught up with the Okojieto talk about their time at Warwick and their family connection to the university.</p> <p> </p> <section class="media-component selection-cover-container relative-width-auto margin-full"> <iframe width="500" height="" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay" allowfullscreen title="A Warwick family"></iframe> </section> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div> <h2>Warwick love stories</h2> <div class="tabs-component" data-accordion-allowed-expanded="one"> <div class="tabs-component--tablist" role="tablist"> <button class="active" id="tab1" role="tab" type="button" aria-selected="true" aria-controls="tab1-tab">Shreena and Chand</button><button id="tab2" role="tab" type="button" aria-selected="false" tabindex="-1" aria-controls="tab2-tab">Jo and Vikram</button> </div> <div class="tabs-component--panels tab-content"> <button class="tabs-component--accordion-button btn btn-default btn-lg" aria-controls="tab1-tab" type="button" aria-expanded="true" title="Collapse"><i class="fas fa-chevron-up" aria-hidden="true"></i><span>Shreena and Chand</span></button> <section aria-hidden="false" class="tabs-component--panel active" role="tabpanel" data-id aria-label="Shreena and Chand" tabindex="0" id="tab1-tab"> <div class="panel panel-default"> <div class="panel-body"> <div class="image-component relative-width-5 pull-left margin-narrow"> <picture> <img src="shreena_sheth.jpeg" alt="Shreena on her wedding day" class="img-content"> </picture> </div> <h2 style="text-align: start;"><strong>Shreena Sheth</strong></h2> <p style="text-align: start;">BSc International Business with French, 2017</p> <p style="text-align: start;">Chand and I met on floor 3 extension in the library back in 2014 - he asked me to borrow a highlighter (though he was working on a PowerPoint with no paper…) and the rest was history… We’ve celebrated ten amazing years together and been married for three years! Visiting campus in April brought back some fond memories. We’re grateful to have shared some of our favourite moments here together.</p> </div> </div> </section><button class="tabs-component--accordion-button btn btn-default btn-lg" aria-controls="tab2-tab" type="button" aria-expanded="false" title="Expand"><i class="fas fa-chevron-down" aria-hidden="true"></i><span>Jo and Vikram</span></button> <section aria-hidden="true" class="tabs-component--panel" role="tabpanel" data-id aria-label="Jo and Vikram" tabindex="0" id="tab2-tab"> <div class="panel panel-default"> <div class="panel-body"> <div class="image-component relative-width-3 pull-left margin-narrow"> <picture> <img src="jo_and_vikram.jpg" alt="Jo and Vikram" class="img-content"> </picture> </div> <p style="text-align: start;">When Jo Walker (BA Theatre and Performance Studies, 2020) first met Vikram Grover (BA English and Theatre Studies, 2021) it was their mutual love of the theatre and performance that built a firm friendship. Working to establish BAME Creatives, a society dedicated to diversifying theatre at Warwick, they found themselves falling in love. Four years later they’re still together and working in an industry that came to life through their time at Warwick.</p> <div class="buttons-component buttons-component-vertical "> <a href="" class="btn btn-brand ">Learn more</a> </div> <p> </p> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div> <h2 style="text-align: start;">Journeys since Warwick</h2> <div class="tabs-component" data-accordion-allowed-expanded="one"> <div class="tabs-component--tablist" role="tablist"> <button class="active" id="tab1" role="tab" type="button" aria-selected="true" aria-controls="tab1-tab">Ellie Smith</button><button id="tab2" role="tab" type="button" aria-selected="false" tabindex="-1" aria-controls="tab2-tab">Yu Tang</button><button id="tab-id3" role="tab" type="button" aria-selected="false" tabindex="-1" aria-controls="tab-id3-tab">Rohish Mirje</button><button id="tab-id" role="tab" type="button" aria-selected="false" tabindex="-1" aria-controls="tab-id-tab">Fei Xiao</button> </div> <div class="tabs-component--panels tab-content"> <button class="tabs-component--accordion-button btn btn-default btn-lg" aria-controls="tab1-tab" type="button" aria-expanded="true" title="Collapse"><i class="fas fa-chevron-up" aria-hidden="true"></i><span>Ellie Smith</span></button> <section aria-hidden="false" class="tabs-component--panel active" role="tabpanel" data-id aria-label="Ellie Smith" tabindex="0" id="tab1-tab"> <div class="panel panel-default"> <div class="panel-body"> <div class="image-component pull-left margin-narrow"> <picture> <img src="ellie.png" alt="Ellie at her desk in an office" class="img-content"> </picture> </div> <h2 style="text-align: start;"><strong style="text-align: start;">Ellie Smith</strong></h2> <p style="text-align: start;">BA French Studies, 2019; MA Research in French and Francophone Studies, 2021</p> <p style="text-align: start;">After leaving Warwick with a BA and MA in 2020, I am back to pursue a PhD on the psychology of lesbian women in contemporary French cinema.</p> <p style="text-align: start;">For three years following my graduation, I worked in local government, always considering further study but unsure whether a PhD was suited to me. I decided to spend a year teaching at the Université Côte d'Azur (for the sun and sea as much as the work!), where I levelled up my French and experienced university life from a staff member’s perspective. Within a week, I was set on a career in academia.</p> <p style="text-align: start;">Coming back to Warwick was an easy decision. I had a positive experience in my MA with supervisors who pushed me and provided opportunities that were above and beyond what was expected. It was therefore not surprising that I received similarly invaluable support when applying for my place and funding.</p> <p style="text-align: start;">Now that I am here, I spend most of my time in the Faculty of Arts building, looking out at the autumnal colours from the fourth floor. The PhD community has been so welcoming. It is inspiring to witness how much value postgraduates bring to the university through their research and teaching. Their commitment to providing a quality experience for students alongside their own projects motivates me to become a better professional while I am here. I am excited to see what the next three and a half years will hold!</p> </div> </div> </section><button class="tabs-component--accordion-button btn btn-default btn-lg" aria-controls="tab2-tab" type="button" aria-expanded="false" title="Expand"><i class="fas fa-chevron-down" aria-hidden="true"></i><span>Yu Tang</span></button> <section aria-hidden="true" class="tabs-component--panel" role="tabpanel" data-id aria-label="Yu Tang" tabindex="0" id="tab2-tab"> <div class="panel panel-default"> <div class="panel-body"> <div class="image-component pull-left margin-narrow"> <picture> <img src="yu_tang.jpg" alt="Yu smiles at camera" class="img-content"> </picture> </div> <h2 style="text-align: start;"><strong>Yu Tang</strong></h2> <p style="text-align: start;">MSc Business (Marketing), 2016</p> <p style="text-align: start;">Mr. Yu Tang, a member of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA), currently serves as Vice President and economist in the investment banking division of a Global 500 bank, where he manages projects involving cash-equivalent assets of up to £2.5 billion in the Debt Capital Markets (DCM). In addition to earning his ACCA charter in London, he joined Guangzhou’s government-led Highly Skilled Talents program. He also received the prestigious Statewide Poverty Alleviation Honours in Lhasa, an achievement etched into the region’s history.</p> <p style="text-align: start;">As a Chartered Certified Accountant, Mr. Tang is fully qualified to exercise the statutory rights and obligations granted under the Royal Charter and ACCA’s Codes of Conduct.</p> <p style="text-align: start;">Originally from Guangzhou.</p> </div> </div> </section><button class="tabs-component--accordion-button btn btn-default btn-lg" aria-controls="tab-id3-tab" type="button" aria-expanded="false" title="Expand"><i class="fas fa-chevron-down" aria-hidden="true"></i><span>Rohish Mirje</span></button> <section aria-hidden="true" class="tabs-component--panel" role="tabpanel" data-id aria-label="Rohish Mirje" tabindex="0" id="tab-id3-tab"> <div class="panel panel-default"> <div class="panel-body"> <div class="image-component pull-left margin-narrow"> <picture> <img src="rohish.png" alt="Rohish smiles at camera" class="img-content"> </picture> </div> <h2 style="text-align: start;"><strong>Rohish Mirje</strong></h2> <p style="text-align: start;">MSc Programme and Project Management, 2021</p> <p style="text-align: start;">In a world of uncertainty, where climate change looms large, the role of scientists becomes crucial. Whether the climate is changing or not, it is the responsibility of scientists to determine the truth. As individuals, we also have a role to play in shaping our future and making a positive impact on our lives and the lives of others.</p> <p style="text-align: start;">I have always harboured a deep desire to be a part of the solution, to contribute towards creating a better future for all. This motivation has driven me to acquire industry knowledge and work with a reputable company that shares my vision. Through this experience, I have gained valuable insights into the complexities of climate change and the steps that need to be taken to address it.</p> <p style="text-align: start;">However, my commitment to combating climate change extends beyond my professional endeavours. On a personal level, I make a conscious effort to apply what I have learned in my daily life. I believe that actual change starts at an individual level, and each of us has the power to make a difference. From embracing sustainable practices in my home to advocating for environmental awareness in my community, I strive to be an agent of change.</p> <p style="text-align: start;">Climate change may be a daunting challenge, but we must face it head-on. The future of our planet and the well-being of future generations depend on our collective efforts. By combining scientific expertise with individual action, we can pave the way for a better future.</p> <p style="text-align: start;">As scientists continue to determine the truth about climate change, let us all play our part in preserving our planet and ensuring a sustainable and prosperous world for all. Together, we can make a difference and forge a path towards a brighter tomorrow.</p> </div> </div> </section><button class="tabs-component--accordion-button btn btn-default btn-lg" aria-controls="tab-id-tab" type="button" aria-expanded="false" title="Expand"><i class="fas fa-chevron-down" aria-hidden="true"></i><span>Fei Xiao</span></button> <section aria-hidden="true" class="tabs-component--panel" role="tabpanel" data-id aria-label="Fei Xiao" tabindex="0" id="tab-id-tab"> <div class="panel panel-default"> <div class="panel-body"> <div class="image-component relative-width-2 pull-left margin-narrow"> <picture> <img src="fei_xiao.jpg" alt="Fei Xiao stands with his arms folded" class="img-content"> </picture> </div> <h2 style="text-align: start;"><strong>Fei Xiao</strong></h2> <p style="text-align: start;">MSc Programme and Project Management (China), 2015</p> <p style="text-align: start;">I work as the Department General Manager of the Special Assets Business at Beijing International Trust Company.</p> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div> <h2>Memories of Warwick</h2> <div class="tabs-component" data-accordion-allowed-expanded="one"> <div class="tabs-component--tablist" role="tablist"> <button class="active" id="tab1" role="tab" type="button" aria-selected="true" aria-controls="tab1-tab">Minali Sanghani</button><button id="tab2" role="tab" type="button" aria-selected="false" tabindex="-1" aria-controls="tab2-tab">Balraj Dhingra </button> </div> <div class="tabs-component--panels tab-content"> <button class="tabs-component--accordion-button btn btn-default btn-lg" aria-controls="tab1-tab" type="button" aria-expanded="true" title="Collapse"><i class="fas fa-chevron-up" aria-hidden="true"></i><span>Minali Sanghani</span></button> <section aria-hidden="false" class="tabs-component--panel active" role="tabpanel" data-id aria-label="Minali Sanghani" tabindex="0" id="tab1-tab"> <div class="panel panel-default"> <div class="panel-body"> <div class="image-component relative-width-2 pull-left margin-narrow"> <picture> <img src="screenshot_2023-09-16_at_12.11.49.png" alt="Minali smiles at camera" class="img-content"> </picture> </div> <h2 style="text-align: start;"><strong>Minali Sanghani</strong></h2> <p style="text-align: start;">BSc Management, 2021; MSc Management of Information Systems and Digital Innovation, 2023</p> <p style="text-align: start;">Warwick has been a special and pivotal place for me! Not only have I met friends who have become family, but I have also been consistently inspired by the culture of diversity, hard work, and determination throughout my 4-year journey! It has shaped me into who I am today, and I will always be grateful for every memory!</p> </div> </div> </section><button class="tabs-component--accordion-button btn btn-default btn-lg" aria-controls="tab2-tab" type="button" aria-expanded="false" title="Expand"><i class="fas fa-chevron-down" aria-hidden="true"></i><span>Balraj Dhingra </span></button> <section aria-hidden="true" class="tabs-component--panel" role="tabpanel" data-id aria-label="Balraj Dhingra " tabindex="0" id="tab2-tab"> <div class="panel panel-default"> <div class="panel-body"> <div class="image-component relative-width-2 pull-left margin-narrow"> <picture> <img src="at_warwick_2_002.jpg" alt="Balraj playing netball" class="img-content"> </picture> </div> <p style="text-align: start;">Balraj Dhingra (BA Philosophy, Politics and Economics, 2019) knew sport would play a huge part in his time at Warwick. From meeting lifelong friends to lifting the 2019 Varsity Cup and becoming SU Sports Officer, his experiences helped him score his current role leading sport at UCL.</p> <p style="text-align: start;">"Ever since I visited on an open day, I knew I wanted to get involved with sport at Warwick. It had always been a big part of my life and I wanted to carry on. So, that first week on campus I went along to the SU sports fair and found out about all sorts of clubs and attended trials and tasters, including badminton, football, mixed netball, and dodgeball."</p> <div class="buttons-component buttons-component-vertical "> <a href="" class="btn btn-brand ">Find out more</a> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div> <h2 style="text-align: start;">Your books</h2> <div class="tabs-component" data-accordion-allowed-expanded="one"> <div class="tabs-component--tablist" role="tablist"> <button class="active" id="tab1" role="tab" type="button" aria-selected="true" aria-controls="tab1-tab">Karen Martin</button> </div> <div class="tabs-component--panels tab-content"> <button class="tabs-component--accordion-button btn btn-default btn-lg" aria-controls="tab1-tab" type="button" aria-expanded="true" title="Collapse"><i class="fas fa-chevron-up" aria-hidden="true"></i><span>Karen Martin</span></button> <section aria-hidden="false" class="tabs-component--panel active" role="tabpanel" data-id aria-label="Karen Martin" tabindex="0" id="tab1-tab"> <div class="panel panel-default"> <div class="panel-body"> <div class="image-component relative-width-3 pull-left margin-narrow"> <picture> <img src="karen.jpg" alt="Karen in her graduation robes" class="img-content"> </picture> </div> <h2 style="text-align: start;"><strong>Karen Martin</strong></h2> <p style="text-align: start;">MA Writing, 2020</p> <p style="text-align: start;">My book, <em>Memorable Loss, </em>is being released on 11 July 2023. I began it whilst writing in Prof Andrew Williams' non-fiction class, and developed it in the Memory Studies unit with Prof Alison Ribeiro de Menezes. Following encouragement from Alison, I was fortunate enough to be mentored by Prof Maureen Freely for a year, whilst I concentrated on crafting my book.</p> <p style="text-align: start;">It focuses on friendship and its changing dynamic once a diagnosis of dementia is received. It examines the neurology and psychology of dementia and the way we can respond to friends who are living with the disease.</p> <p style="text-align: start;">It's narrative non-fiction - it tells our story and shows readers how we overcame some of the difficulties thrown our way. Dementia touches the lives of many of us - those of us diagnosed and those of us living alongside a friend, spouse or loved one. I hope this book will make you laugh and make you cry. I hope it is a tool to help as many people as possible to live well with dementia.</p> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div></div> </div> </div> </main> <footer class="id7-page-footer id7-footer-coloured"> <div class="id7-site-footer"> <div class="id7-site-footer-content"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-3"> <h4>Quick links</h4> <p><a href="">Giving to Warwick<br /></a><a href="/alumni/international-networks/">International Networks</a><br /><a href="/alumni/services/">Alumni Benefits</a><br /><a href="">Warwick Knowledge Centre</a><br /><a href="">Student Opportunity</a><br /><a href="/alumni/i-am-warwick/">Alumni Spotlight</a><br /><a href="">Data Protection statement</a></p> </div> <div class="col-md-3"> <p><strong>General alumni queries:</strong><br />Email: <span id="email550779510">alumni at warwick dot ac dot uk</span><br />Tel: +44 (0)24 7657 4036<br />University of Warwick<br />University House, Kirby Corner Road<br />Coventry CV4 8UW</p> </div> <div class="col-md-3"> <p><strong>Enquiries regarding donations:</strong><br />Email: <span id="email1299351231">benefactors at warwick dot ac dot uk</span><br />Tel: +44 (0)24 7657 4037</p> </div> <div class="col-md-3 brand-text text-right"><a href="" title="FAQs"><em class="fa fa-question-circle fa-3x fa-fw"></em><span class="sr-only">Frequently asked questions</span></a> <a href="" title="Warwick Alumni on Facebook"><em class="fa fa-facebook fa-3x fa-fw"></em><span class="sr-only">Warwick Alumni on Facebook</span></a> <a href="" title="Warwick Alumni on Twitter"><em class="fa fa-twitter fa-3x fa-fw"></em><span class="sr-only">Warwick Alumni on Twitter</span></a> <a href="" title="Warwick Alumni on LinkedIn"><em class="fa fa-linkedin fa-3x fa-fw"></em><span class="sr-only">Warwick Alumni on LinkedIn</span></a></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="id7-app-footer"> <div class="id7-logo-bleed"></div> <div class="id7-app-footer-content"> <div id="page-footer-elements" class="nofollow clearfix page-footer-elements"> Page contact: <a id="email-owner-link" href="/sitebuilder2/api/ajax/emailOwner.htm?page=%2Falumni%2Falumni-news%2Fconnections%2F2015-2025" class="no-print-expand" aria-controls="email-page-owner" title="Send an email to Alumni Team" rel="nofollow">Alumni Team</a> <br> Last revised: Thu 20 Feb 2025 </div> <div id="email-page-owner" class="hidden"> </div> <div class="id7-footer-utility"> <ul> <li id="powered-by-link"> Powered by <a href="" title="More information about SiteBuilder">Sitebuilder</a> </li> <li id="accessibility-link"><a href="" title="Accessibility information [0]" accesskey="0">Accessibility</a></li> <li id="cookies-link"><a href="" title="Information about cookies">Cookies</a></li> <li id="copyright-link"><a href="" title="Copyright Statement">© MMXXV</a></li> <li id="modern-slavery-link"><a href="">Modern Slavery Statement</a></li> <li id="privacy-link"><a href="" title="Privacy notice">Privacy</a></li> <li id="terms-link"><a href="" title="Terms of use">Terms</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> <!-- Hide vacancies link on custom domains and nonbranded sites --> <div id="university-vacancies-link"> <a class="btn btn-info" href="">Work with us</a> </div> </div> </footer> </div> <div class="id7-right-border"></div> <aside id="cookie-banner"> <div class="container"> <h2>Let us know you agree to cookies</h2> <form id="cookiePreferenceForm" action="/sitebuilder2/user/cookiepreference?returnTo=%2Falumni%2Falumni-news%2Fconnections%2F2015-2025%2F" method="POST"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-12 col-md-4"> <p class="cookie-description">We use cookies to give you the best online experience. 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