Mac Studio | M2 Max, Ultra, Display

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It can be configured with the M2 Max or M2 Ultra, but otherwise remains nearly the same. It serves a significant portion of the market previously reserved for Mac Pro. &lt;div style=&quot;margin:1em;&quot;&gt; &lt;a class=&quot;deal-highlight&quot; href=&quot;; title=&quot;Mac Studio prices&quot;&gt;View discounted prices&lt;/a&gt; &lt;/div&gt;", "articleBody": " Apple announced the Mac Studio running M2-tier processors during WWDC 2023. It&#039;s a spec-bump update but one that verifies the longevity of the product line. Prior to the 2023 WWDC, it wasn&#039;t clear what the future of Mac Studio would be. Some speculated it would be the future of pro Macs thanks to Apple Silicon, while others thought it was a one-off placeholder waiting for Mac Pro. Ultimately, it was a little of both. Apple released the M2 Ultra chipset for an updated Mac Studio and the first Mac Pro with Apple Silicon during the same event. Apple had to compromise to bring Apple Silicon to the Mac Pro, which makes it a less desirable product at a $6,999 premium. That leaves Mac Studio to take over as the future of Apple&#039;s high-end -- for now. That said, the Mac Pro will still serve very specific niches that require access to specific PCI-E cards. There&#039;s also the chance that PCI-E graphics expansion could come in a future model. New Mac Studio with M4 The M3 Ultra was skipped, so the Mac Studio likely won&#039;t see an update until M4 Ultra is released. Given the current product cycle, it seems the M4 Ultra will launch around WWDC 2025, which is held in June. The new miniaturized Mac mini with M4 looks like a small Mac Studio more than a smaller previously-styled Mac mini. So, the products have become more of a ladder for customers from the smaller M4 Mac mini to the future M4 Ultra Mac Studio. Mac Studio (M2) features Mac Studio is built to be a powerful, quiet pro desktop computer that gets out of the way. It has front-facing ports and fits perfectly below a Studio Display. The second-generation Mac Studio has an identical port arrangement and design. Only the chipsets and connectivity updates set it apart. Mac Studio - Design Apple didn&#039;t change any design elements or features for the second-generation Mac Studio. It has the same chassis as the first Mac Studio, resembling two Mac minis stacked on each other. Dimensions are similar to a double-height Mac mini Mac Studio measures 7.7 inches by 7.7 inches around its squircle top and is 3.7 inches tall. The selected chipset affects overall weight thanks to cooling needs, so the M2 Max Mac Studio weighs 5.9 pounds while the M2 Ultra Mac Studio weighs 7.9 pounds. The unibody aluminum wraps all the way around with an engraved &quot;Mac Studio&quot; in the base. A glass Apple logo sits at the top of every Mac Studio. There are ports on the front and the back of the Mac Studio. Perforated holes sit above the ports in the back to act as heat exhaust. User anecdotes suggest that the fan in the second generation Mac Studio operates at a much quieter volume. The first generation Mac Studio kept the fans running -- and just barely audible -- regardless of load, but they are notably quieter in the updated model. Mac Studio - Ports The port arrangement and availability didn&#039;t change for the second generation Mac Studio, though HDMI specs were improved. There are four Thunderbolt 4 ports, 10Gb Ethernet, two USB-A, an HDMI port, and a headphone jack on the rear of every model. Ports are identical on the second-generation model There are two USB-C ports on the front of the Mac Studio next to an SDXC card slot. These ports are standard USB-C for M2 Max Mac Studio models but are upgraded to Thunderbolt for M2 Ultra. The HDMI port has been upgraded to support 8K video and up to a 240Hz refresh rate. Monitor support limits vary based on the selected chipset. M2 Max models support up to five connected external displays. Four can be connected over Thunderbolt up to 6K and another over HDMI at 4K. M2 Ultra models support up to eight displays. Eight can be connected if all are set to 4K, six can be connected at 6K, and three can be connected at 8K. M2 Max and M2 Ultra Customers have the choice between M2 Max and M2 Ultra when configuring the Mac Studio. Like with the M1 Mac Studio generation, the specs are multiplied by two when comparing Max to Ultra. M2 Ultra is available for 2023 models M2 Max has a 12-core CPU, 30-core GPU, 16-core Neural Engine, and a 400GB/s memory bandwidth. The Media Engine has a single video decode engine, two video encode engines, and two ProRes encode and decode engines. M2 Ultra has a 24-core CPU, 60-core GPU, 32-core Neural Engine, and an 800GB/s memory bandwidth. The Media Engine has two video decode engines, four video encode engines, and four ProRes encode and decode engines. Users configuring a Mac Studio with M2 Ultra can max out their setup with a 76-core GPU, 192GB of RAM, and 8TB of storage. That&#039;s priced at $8,799, which is only $1,800 higher than the base Mac Pro. Comparing Mac Studio (M2) Apple released the Mac Studio as the most powerful Mac with Apple Silicon in 2022. It holds on to the top spot, for most, even with a Mac Pro running M2 Ultra. Here&#039;s how it compares to others. Mac Studio vs. Mac Pro There is a $3,000 difference between the base Mac Studio with M2 Ultra and the base Mac Pro. That price seems to account for the difference in material cost of the larger tower and the PCI-E slot expansion in Mac Pro. Specifications Mac Studio (M2 Max) Mac Studio (M2 Ultra) Mac Pro Price Starts From $1,999Best Mac Studio prices $3,999 $6,999 (Tower), $7,499 (Rack)Best Mac Pro prices Processors M2 Max,12-core CPU, 16-core Neural Engine M2 Ultra24-core CPU, 32-core Neural Engine M2 Ultra24-core CPU, 32-core Neural Engine Memory 32GB Unified Memory,64GB,96GB (M2 Max 38-core GPU) 64GB Unified Memory,128GB,192GB 64GB Unified Memory,128GB,192GB Graphics 30-core GPU,38-core GPU 60-core GPU,76-core GPU 60-core GPU,76-core GPU Media encoding/decoding Video decode engine2 Video encode engines2 ProRes encode and decode engines 2 Video decode engine4 Video encode engines4 ProRes encode and decode engines 2 Video decode engine4 Video encode engines4 ProRes encode and decode engines Storage options 512GB, 1TB, 2TB, 4TB, 8TB 1TB, 2TB, 4TB, 8TB 1TB, 2TB, 4TB, 8TB Ports 4 Thunderbolt 4 ports,2 USB-C ports,2 USB-A ports,10Gb Ethernet,SDXC (UHS-II),HDMI,3.5mm headphone jack 6 Thunderbolt 4 ports,2 USB-A ports,10Gb Ethernet,SDXC (UHS-II),HDMI,3.5mm headphone jack 8 Thunderbolt 4 portsDual 10Gb Ethernet1 internal USB-A port2 external USB-A ports2 HDMI ports2 SATA ports6 full-length PCIe Gen 4 slots1 half-length x4 PCIe Gen 3 with Apple I/O card Wireless Connectivity Wi-Fi 6E, Bluetooth 5.3 Wi-Fi 6E, Bluetooth 5.3 Wi-Fi 6E, Bluetooth 5.3 Audio Built-in speaker Built-in speaker Built-in speaker Most pro users should find more than enough machine in the Mac Studio. Those asking if they need Mac Pro likely don&#039;t -- you&#039;ll already be using PCI-E if you need it. Even then, it is possible to add PCI-E via a Thunderbolt connection. But that won&#039;t be the best option for some creators, which is why the Mac Pro exists. Read the full comparison: M2 Mac Studio vs Mac Pro 2023 &amp;mdash; compared Mac Studio (M2) vs Mac Studio (M1) The device footprint and design didn&#039;t change across chip generations, so it&#039;s easy to compare the two models, given the most significant upgrade is the chipset. Price and port configurations didn&#039;t change either. Specifications Mac Studio (M1 Max) Mac Studio (M1 Ultra) Mac Studio (M2 Max) Mac Studio (M2 Ultra) Launch Price (starting) $1,999.00 $3,999.00 $1,999.00 $3,999.00 Processor 10-core M1 Max 20-core M1 Ultra 12-core M2 Max 24-core M2 Ultra Memory Up to 64GB Up to 128GB Up to 96GB Up to 192GB Graphics Up to 32 cores Up to 64 cores Up to 38 cores Up to 76 cores Storage 512 GB, 1TB, 2TB, 4TB, 8TB 512 GB, 1TB, 2TB, 4TB, 8TB 512 GB, 1TB, 2TB, 4TB, 8TB 512 GB, 1TB, 2TB, 4TB, 8TB Ports USB-C x6 (2x 3.1 Gen 2, 4x Thunderbolt)USB-A x2HDMI 2.0SDXC10GB Ethernet USB-C x6 (6x Thunderbolt)USB-A x2HDMI 2.0SDXC10GB Ethernet USB-C x6 (2x 3.1 Gen 2, 4x Thunderbolt)USB-A x2HDMI 2.1SDXC10GB Ethernet USB-C x6 (6x Thunderbolt)USB-A x2HDMI 2.1SDXC10GB Ethernet Connectivity Wi-Fi 6Bluetooth 5.0 Wi-Fi 6Bluetooth 5.0 Wi-Fi 6EBluetooth 5.3 Wi-Fi 6EBluetooth 5.3 The M2 generation has the updated Wi-Fi 6E and Bluetooth 5.3 standards, plus an improved HDMI port with up to 8K video support. Otherwise, there are obvious benefits from the newer, more powerful chipsets. Read the full comparison: 2023 Mac Studio vs 2022 Mac Studio - compared Bring your own experience Apple positions the Mac Studio similar to the Mac mini as a headless desktop computer where users bring all the needed peripherals. Of course, users will be able to add a mouse, keyboard, and monitor at checkout, but it may not be necessary for most buyers. New black versions of the Magic Keyboard, Magic Trackpad, and Magic Mouse were released in 2022 Desktop users coming from docked MacBooks or a Mac mini will already have everything they need to get started with a new Mac desktop, which saves the buyer some cash. However, Apple did release some new accessories to tempt customers. The&amp;nbsp;Magic Keyboard, Magic Mouse, and Magic Trackpad were all updated with tweaked designs and color schemes when the&amp;nbsp;24-inch iMac was launched. But, Apple hadn&#039;t made these accessories available for purchase beyond the basic white color palette until the original Mac Studio launch. The Magic Trackpad and Magic Mouse are available in a two-tone color scheme with black tops and a silver chassis. The Magic Keyboard uses the same silver body but has black keys instead of white and a&amp;nbsp;Touch ID&amp;nbsp;button. Studio Display One of the biggest &quot;finally&quot; moments of the 2022 March event was the Studio Display. It is a new pro display that doesn&#039;t break the bank, starting at $1,599, and is configurable with a better stand or nano-texture display. Apple hasn&#039;t updated the Studio Display or Pro Display XDR since their initial launch. The Apple Studio Display was designed to complement the Mac Studio It is a 27-inch 5K panel with P3 color and 600 nits of brightness. Thanks to the direct Thunderbolt connection, it supports&amp;nbsp;macOS&amp;nbsp;features like True Tone. There is a Thunderbolt 3 port and three USB-C ports in the back of the display for connections. Also, it has a 12MP ultra-wide webcam with Center Stage support and a six-speaker sound system with Spatial Audio. Studio Display was built as the perfect counterpart to Apple&#039;s desktop Macs. Mac Studio (M2) price guide &amp;nbsp; Customers can get the Mac Studio starting at $1,999 with a base configuration of M2 Max, 512GB of storage, and 32GB of RAM. The model with an M2 Ultra, 1TB of storage, and 64GB of RAM starts at $3,999. Mac Studio (M1) Everything below this point was written about the 2022 Mac Studio running M1 Max and M1 Ultra. This model is no longer sold by Apple, but is still available from third parties. Information relating to prices, parts, and comparisons will likely be out of date. The information is preserved as-is for historical purposes for now. This section may be renovated in the future. The Mac Studio was announced during the March 2022 &quot;Peek Performance&quot; Apple Event. It is Apple&#039;s most powerful desktop running Apple Silicon to date while remaining compact. 2022 models run M1 Max and M1 Ultra Apple places the Mac Studio firmly between the Mac mini and Mac Pro despite it outperforming the Intel Mac Pro in some metrics. The company hinted that the Mac Pro was the next and final Mac expected to transition to Apple Silicon. Apple did not reveal the Mac Pro in 2022, despite hints and rumors that suggested otherwise. There is a chance Apple could update the Mac Studio with M2 processors before a new high-end desktop replaces Apple&#039;s final Intel machine. Mac Studio (M1) Features Apple described the Mac Studio as a modular platform, which is true when compared to the rigidity of other devices like a MacBook Pro. Customers can choose the mouse, keyboard, monitor, and various peripherals for the compact desktop, while a laptop is stuck with what it was manufactured with. However, that&#039;s where modularity ends because, unlike the Mac Pro, the components in the Mac Studio are not user-replaceable or upgradeable. In fact, the case appears to lack any point of entry for customers. Design The Mac Studio has a 7.7-inch square base that is 3.7 inches tall. The enclosure is machined from a single aluminum block with over 2,000 perforations in the rear for exhaust airflow. The large enclosure ensures a vast amount of airflow to keep the processors cool The base is a circular plate with numerous perforations that act as an air intake for cooling. Two fans occupy a large portion of the internal structure and move large volumes of air through the system. Apple claims that the fans will be whisper-quiet, except under extreme loads. The bottom plate appears to be removable, but it is likely only for specialist access and repair. The solid-state and integrated nature of the internal components likely prevents users from upgrading RAM or storage after purchase. The design had been rumored since early 2021 and was described by Jon Prosser as a G4 Cube-like design with the compute unit on the bottom and heat sink on top. Despite being named the Mac Studio, its high performance has earned it the description of a &quot;small Mac Pro.&quot; M1 Mac Studio - Processors The Mac Studio can be configured with Apple&#039;s top-end&amp;nbsp;M-series&amp;nbsp;processors: the M1 Max and M1 Ultra. These high-performance processors make this the most powerful Apple desktop running Apple Silicon. The most expensive configuration runs about $8,000, which is much more powerful than the Intel Mac Pro at the same price. However, the Mac Pro has an even higher ceiling since it can use more RAM and have multiple graphics cards. The M1 Ultra is a 20-core Apple Silicon processor The M1 Max has a 10-core CPU and can be configured with up to a 32-core GPU and 64GB of RAM. It was originally introduced in the 14-inch MacBook Pro and 16-inch MacBook Pro as the top processor option for those machines. The M1 Ultra has a 20-core CPU and can be configured with up to a 64-core GPU and 128GB of RAM. It is the first desktop-only Apple Silicon processor, and it was built by essentially combining two M1 Max processors with an UltraFusion connector. M1 Mac Studio - Performance The M1 Max is a somewhat known entity thanks to it existing previously in the&amp;nbsp;MacBook Pros. This new form factor allows for better peak performance thanks to the better cooling system. The M1 Ultra outperforms many professional-grade computers within its price range Apple claims that the M1 Max is up to 2.2 times faster at processing well-threaded filters in Adobe Photoshop than the 10-core Intel i9. It is also up to 3.5 times faster than a Radeon Pro 5700 XT graphics card at rendering 8K footage in Final Cut Pro. Apple states that the The M1 Ultra 20-core processor can outperform a 28-core Xeon-powered Mac Pro by 60% during normal operations. However, early benchmarks are inconclusive because the benchmarking tools are not optimized for Apple Silicon and are not delivering the numbers Apple promised at the event. Even with its impressive performance, the M1 Ultra consumes 1000KWh less power per year than competing high-end PCs. M1 Mac Studio - Ports The back of the Mac Studio has four Thunderbolt 4 ports, a 10GB Ethernet port, power in, two USB-A ports, an HDMI port, and a headphone jack. Connect up to four Pro Display XDR and a 4K television all at once using these ports. Apple included a wide variety of ports in the Mac Studio The front has an SDXC card slot and two ports that change based on configurations. Customers get two Thunderbolt 4 ports with M1 Ultra or two USB-C ports with M1 Max. Even when configured with the two additional Thunderbolt ports, the external display limit remains the same. Mac Studio (M1) Review While we don&#039;t believe the Mac Studio is for everyone, it does make us excited for what it means for the future of the Mac. Apple surprised everyone with the M1 Ultra and the phenomenal power it brings in such a small enclosure. Instead of Apple just shoving faster chips in the Mac mini, it created an enclosure almost three times its size to make space for the high-end M1 Ultra. Almost as impressive, the rumor mill didn&#039;t catch this until the Friday before launch. This review summary covers top-level discussions around the design and use cases of the Mac Studio. Read more about benchmarks and specs in the comparison sections below or via our full review. Design The Mac Studio bears a strong resemblance to the Mac mini with its rounded-square shape, flat top, and black Apple logo. It is more than twice as tall but has the same width and depth as the Mac mini. More holes can be found under the enclosure for ventilation The M1 Max model weighs 5.9 pounds, but our M1 Ultra is much heavier at 7.9 pounds thanks to the copper heat sink. Copper is a much better heat sink thanks to its higher density, but it is also more expensive. Apple departed from its usual minimalistic approach in design and allowed the front of the Mac Studio to have ports. There are two Thunderbolt 4 ports on our model thanks to the M1 Ultra configuration -- M1 Max models get standard USB-C. There is also an SDXC Class II card reader on the front, a welcome return after losing the SD card reader on the M1 Mac mini. And, since it is front-facing, the user doesn&#039;t need to struggle to insert the SD card sight unseen. M1 Mac Studio - Fan noise and cooling The rear ports are arranged at the bottom half of the enclosure with 4,000 holes perforating the top for cooling. The heat sink and fans take up most of the case. This isn&#039;t a &quot;silent&quot; Mac desktop, but you&#039;ll struggle to hear it unless the room is absolutely quiet. With a baseline ambient sound of 36 dBa, the M1 Max model hit 39 dBa idle and 42 dBa under load. That&#039;s opposed to the M1 Mac mini being virtually silent when idle and 40 dBa under load. Anyone who&#039;s worked around Macs for years will know what Mac fans sound like, with a specific tone and character. We found that the tone is slightly different and may take a period of adjustment. Not quite modular We&#039;re not sure why Apple called the Mac Studio &quot;modular&quot; during the reveal event. There isn&#039;t any modularity in this desktop unless you count adding peripherals or stacking multiple together on your desk. Apple didn&#039;t quite explain why this is a modular desktop The Mac Studio isn&#039;t upgradeable, so don&#039;t make a purchase based on what some inaccurate and irresponsible videos said. There are multiple SSD slots, but those exist for high-end configurations with 8TB of storage and service repair, not users. Everything else is soldered down and serialized to the motherboard. We recommend buying what you need right out of the gate and don&#039;t count on an upgrade path later. While this may be more expensive, it will serve you better in the long run. The Mac Studio is not for everyone The Mac Studio fits in the middle of the lineup and acts as a promise of what&#039;s to come in the future Mac Pro. Its configurations from the $2,000 starting model to the top-end M1 Ultra powerhouse should be enough options for most users. The Mac Studio fills an important space between the Mac mini and Mac Pro Photographers, videographers, and developers will gain a lot from the power available in the M1 Ultra and Apple&#039;s new desktop class. This power will eventually trickle down to Apple&#039;s other gear, but not for some time. There are a few, however, who would benefit from real modularity and higher RAM configurations than what exists at this level. If that&#039;s the case, you may be waiting a while for a Mac Pro running Apple Silicon, so stick to your five-figure Intel Mac Pros or get a Mac Studio to hold you over until then. M1 Mac Studio - Pros Incredible speed G4 Cube or Mac mini desk footprint Front-mounted ports Quieter than alternatives under load M1 Mac Studio - Cons Not silent when idle RAM and SSD prices are borderline extortionate Apple has a funny definition of modular Read the full review: Mac Studio with M1 UItra review: A look at the future power of Apple Silicon Mac Studio compared M1 Ultra vs. M1 Max The Mac Studio straddles the line between the 14-inch MacBook Pro and mid-range Mac Pro, thanks to the two processors available for the product. The M1 Max and M1 Ultra versions of the Mac Studio may look the same, but they are very different machines. The model running the M1 Max starts at $1,999, while the M1 Ultra starts at $4,999. The price isn&#039;t the only thing that&#039;s doubled between the models, as available RAM, base storage, and processing cores are doubled too. Spec to spec comparisons &amp;nbsp; Mac Studio with M1 Max Mac Studio with M1 Ultra Base price $1,999 $3,999 RAM 32GB, expandable to 64GB 64GB, expandable to 128GB CPU 10-core 20-core GPU 24-core 48-core Neural Engine 16-core 32-core SSD 512GB 1TB Front ports 2 x USB-C, 1 x SDXC 2 x Thunderbolt 4, 1 x SDXC Back ports 4 x Thunderbolt 4 ports, 2 x USB-A, 1 x HDMI, 1 x 10GB Ethernet, 1 x 3.5mm headphone 4 x Thunderbolt 4 ports, 2 x USB-A, 1 x HDMI, 1 x 10GB Ethernet, 1 x 3.5mm headphone If you want to configure the base M1 Max to be more similar to the base M1 Ultra model, then increase the RAM to 64GB for $400 and upgrade the storage to 1TB for $200. This raises the price to $2,599, still $1,400 lower than the model running M1 Ultra, but you&#039;re missing the additional processor performance. Even when users configure the M1 Max Mac Studio with more RAM and Storage, one factor can&#039;t be changed: the ports. The six Thunderbolt port arrangement is limited to the M1 Ultra Mac Studio, but both models still only support four Thunderbolt displays and one HDMI display total. M1 Mac Studio - Benchmarks While benchmarking tools may not be the most accurate depiction of how these processors compare, the raw numbers give an idea of what to expect. The single-core operations were near identical for both chips since they essentially use the same processor cores. However, multi-core is where performance becomes clearly differentiated. The M1 Ultra and M1 Max processors compared The Geekbench 5 scores for the M1 Max Mac Studio are 1798 single-core and 12822 multi-core. M1 Ultra showed a similar single-core and 23778 multi-core, basically doubling the number as expected. The Metal scores from Geekbench 5 show 60,629 for the 24-core M1 Max GPU and 91,938 for the 48-core M1 Ultra GPU. That&#039;s roughly a 50% increase in performance for M1 Ultra graphics. Exporting 4K video appeared to not tax either processor since both showed near-identical results for the same process. A one-hour 4K video exported as &quot;Apple compatible&quot; in Final Cut Pro took both machines about 18 minutes to finish. Increasing export resolution and complexity widened the gap, however. Even 8K video appeared not to need the M1 Ultra for leaps and bounds in gains. While the M1 Max took five minutes and five seconds for export, the M1 Ultra took four minutes and 42 seconds. Which shows the M1 Max may have peaked out, but the M1 Ultra didn&#039;t add much to the workflow. Ultimately, the choice between which Mac Studio model to get comes down to price and user needs. Taxing the M1 Ultra takes a great deal of effort, so most customers may be served by the M1 Max, however, the RAM limitations may be a determining factor. Read the full comparison between the Mac Studio with M1 Max vs. Mac Studio with M1 Ultra. Mac Studio (M1) vs. Mac Pro (Intel) The Mac Studio exists between the consumer-focused Mac mini and the ultra-professional Mac Pro. However, there are a variety of metrics where the newer, Apple Silicon-driven Mac Studio outperforms the large desktop tower. The Mac Pro is still the best option for those seeking out maximum configurability and modularity, but that comes at a price. The base-model Mac Pro starts at $5,999 while the most expensive Mac Studio you can configure is $7,999. Those who need the Mac Pro won&#039;t flinch at its price structure, however, even when spending up to $45,000. This is because at that level, every minute shaved off a render pays for itself in the long run. The Mac Pro is still king of configurability and modularity One of the largest differentiators between these products is the amount of RAM that can be shoved into each machine. The Mac Studio is configured at sale and cannot be modified by the user after the fact, and it has a maximum of 128GB of RAM. The Mac Pro has twelve DIMM slots available for user-upgradable RAM. The base model has 32GB of RAM, but for $25,000 more it can have up to 1.5TB of RAM. CPU and graphics performance tests show that the Mac Studio can hold its own, if not outperform the Mac Pro at its lower configurations. The key here is that users can add more RAM, more graphics cards, and even use external GPUs with the Mac Pro. Most use cases can be covered by a Mac Studio at a fraction of the Mac Pro cost, but there are a select few use cases that will benefit from the larger machine. Those users already know who they are, so for everyone else, it is easy to recommend the Mac Studio. We break down the multiple configuration options and how they compare in the full article: Mac Studio vs. Mac Pro. macOS Sequoia Announced at WWDC 2024, macOS Sequoia brings a number of new features to Apple computers. The Mac Studio will be compatible with macOS Sequoia when it launches in the fall. Here are some of the notable updates Mac Studio owners can expect. Improved Window Tiling&amp;nbsp; An improvement has been made to the existing window management features. The window tiling now works similarly to some third-party management apps.&amp;nbsp; You can drag a window to a spot on the screen, and it will automatically reposition itself. For example, placing it on the far edge of a screen can cause it to expand and fill the left half of your display. Messages&amp;nbsp; Users can now add different effects to the text they send to others, such as bold, italics, and underlining. Also, in Messages, users can schedule messages to be sent to contacts at specific times, which is handy for sending out important news, reminders, and time-specific information.&amp;nbsp; Additionally, Tapbacks will have the option to react to messages with emoji. Dedicated Passwords app After incorporating passwords as part of the Keychain integrated into its operating systems, Apple has finally made an app for it. The new Passwords app is used to manage user authentication across Apple&#039;s ecosystem of devices. The macOS version is the only one that can import password lists. Safari A new summarization feature, dubbed Highlights, provides users with a short summary paragraph that is contextually generated based on the webpage they are looking at. This can include details about locations when planning a trip, information about a TV show or movie, and even quick links to other resources. A new version of Reader mode has been redesigned with new elements, including a table of contents and a summary of the article. Apple Intelligence&amp;nbsp; Apple Intelligence is Apple&#039;s attempt to integrate artificial intelligence into its products. As Apple prioritizes security, much of the Apple Intelligence processes occur on the device itself. Apple Intelligence Furthermore, Apple describes Apple Intelligence as &quot;personal intelligence,&quot; focusing on enhancing how users interact with the apps and services they already use instead of concentrating on novel use cases. Apple Intelligence is limited to M-series Macs and iPads, as well as iPhones running the A17 Pro chip and newer. Mac Studio (M1) vs. Mac mini (M1) The cheapest Mac in Apple&#039;s lineup starts at $699 and can be maxed out for just $1,799. That&#039;s still $200 under the Mac Studio, but there are some tradeoffs. The Mac mini has the M1 processor no matter what configuration you purchase and tops out at 16GB or RAM, half of the base model Mac Studio. The maxed-out Mac mini may be the cheapest way to get 2TB of integrated SSD storage in a Mac, but you&#039;re trading price for performance. Most users considering a $1,799 Mac mini would be better off getting the base Mac Studio with an external drive. That $200 price jump gets you the M1 Max with better CPU and GPU performance with double the RAM. If budget is your primary concern then the Mac mini is an obvious choice, but you&#039;ll still need a display, keyboard, and mouse. If you aim for modestly priced accessories and a mid-tier Mac mini, you can still come well under the $1,999 price of a Mac Studio. Choosing the cheaper Mac also means losing a few key features, like the Media Engine found in the M1 Max. Video processing is much faster thanks to this dedicated engine only available in higher-end Macs. There are also fewer ports on the Mac mini, since it only has two Thunderbolt, two USB-A, an HDMI port, and an Ethernet port. Also, the Mac mini can only drive one Thunderbolt display and one via HDMI at once, which may be a deal-breaker for some creatives. Read the entire comparison and spec breakdown in the full article: Mac Studio vs. Mac mini.", "image": "", "datePublished": "2025-02-18T23:15:40+00:00", "dateModified": "2025-01-20T20:06:58+00:00", "author": { "@type": "Organization", "name": "AppleInsider", "url": "", "sameAs": ["", "", "", ""] }, "publisher": { "@type": "Organization", "name": "AppleInsider", "sameAs": ["", "", "", ""], "url": "", "logo": { "@type": "Imageobject", "url": "", "width": 420, "height": 72 } } } </script> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "Review", "mainEntityOfPage": false, "image": "", "dateCreated": "", "datePublished": "2023-06-14T11:16:49+00:00", "dateModified": "2023-06-14T11:26:12+00:00", "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "Mike Wuerthele", "url": "" }, "itemReviewed": { "@type": "Product", "image": "", "name": "Mac Studio (2023)", "review": { "reviewRating": { "@type": "Rating", "ratingValue": "4.5", "bestRating": "5", "worstRating": "0" }, "author": { "@type": "Person", "name": "Mike Wuerthele", "url": "" } } } } </script> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "BreadcrumbList", "itemListElement": [{ "@type": "ListItem", "position": 1, "name": "Apple A-Z", "item": "" },{ "@type": "ListItem", "position": 2, "name": "Mac", "item": "" }, { "@type": "ListItem", "position": 3, "name": "Mac Studio", "item": "" }] } </script> </head> <body> <!--[if lte IE 8]> <p class="browsehappy">You are using an <strong>outdated</strong> browser. 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It can be configured with the M2 Max or M2 Ultra, but otherwise remains nearly the same. It serves a significant portion of the market previously reserved for Mac Pro. <div style="margin:1em;"> <a class="deal-highlight" href="" title="Mac Studio prices">View discounted prices</a> </div></p> </div> <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-6"> <p style="margin-top:1em;">&#9679; M2 Max or M2 Ultra<br> &#9679; Four or six Thunderbolt 4 ports, based on chipset<br> &#9679; Up to 8K or 240Hz video through HDMI<br> &#9679; Support for six Pro Display XDR<br> &#9679; <a href="">Best Mac Studio deals</a></p> </div> </div> <div class="col-xs-12" style="margin-top:2em; margin-bottom: 2em;"> <p> <em>Page last updated: <time datetime="2025-01-20T20:06:58+00:00">4 weeks ago</time></em> </p> </div> <div class="col-sm-12"> <!-- Begin Mailchimp Signup Form --> <div id="mc_embed_signup"> <hr> <h2 class="fauxh1" style="text-align:center;">Get Apple News Directly in Your Inbox</h2> <form action=";id=d423b35301" method="post" id="mc-embedded-subscribe-form" name="mc-embedded-subscribe-form" class="validate" target="_blank" novalidate> <div id="mc_embed_signup_scroll"> <input type="email" value="" name="EMAIL" class="email" id="mce-EMAIL" placeholder="email address" required> <!-- real people should not fill this in and expect good things - do not remove this or risk form bot signups--> <div style="position: absolute; left: -5000px;" aria-hidden="true"><input type="text" name="b_c97a332edb0cbf682ad2ed9b6_d423b35301" tabindex="-1" value=""></div> <div class="clear"><input type="submit" value="Subscribe" name="subscribe" id="mc-embedded-subscribe" class="button"></div> </div> </form> </div> </div> <article class="review"> <div class="col-sm-12 article-body"> <p class="col-sm-12"><hr><p class=" col-sm-12">Apple announced the <a title="Mac Studio" href="" data-kpt="1">Mac Studio</a> running <a title="M2" href="" data-kpt="1">M2</a>-tier processors during <a title="WWDC" href="" data-kpt="1">WWDC</a> 2023. It's a spec-bump update but one that verifies the longevity of the product line.</p><div class="col-sm-12 embed align-center"><div class="embed-responsive embed-responsive-16by9 video-holder"><iframe src="" title="YouTube video player" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" class="embed-responsive-item" loading="lazy"></iframe></div></div><p class=" col-sm-12">Prior to the 2023 WWDC, it wasn't clear what the future of Mac Studio would be. Some speculated it would be the future of pro Macs thanks to <a title="Apple Silicon" href="" data-kpt="1">Apple Silicon</a>, while others thought it was a one-off placeholder waiting for <a title="Mac Pro" href="" data-kpt="1">Mac Pro</a>.</p><p class=" col-sm-12">Ultimately, it was a little of both. Apple released the M2 Ultra chipset for an updated Mac Studio and the first Mac Pro with Apple Silicon during the same event.</p><p class=" col-sm-12">Apple had to compromise to bring Apple Silicon to the Mac Pro, which makes it a less desirable product at a $6,999 premium. That leaves Mac Studio to take over as the future of Apple's high-end &mdash; for now.</p><p class=" col-sm-12">That said, the Mac Pro will still serve very specific niches that require access to specific PCI-E cards. There's also the chance that PCI-E graphics expansion could come in a future model.</p><h2 class=" col-sm-12" data-anchor="new-mac-studio-with-m4" id="new-mac-studio-with-m4">New Mac Studio with M4</h2><p class=" col-sm-12">The M3 Ultra was skipped, so the Mac Studio likely won't see an update until <a title="M4" href="">M4 Ultra</a> is released. Given the current product cycle, it seems the M4 Ultra will launch around WWDC 2025, which is held in June.</p><p class=" col-sm-12">The new miniaturized <a href="">Mac mini</a> with M4 looks like a small Mac Studio more than a smaller previously-styled Mac mini. So, the products have become more of a ladder for customers from the smaller M4 Mac mini to the future M4 Ultra Mac Studio.</p><h2 data-toc="Features" class=" col-sm-12" data-anchor="mac-studio-m2-features" id="mac-studio-m2-features">Mac Studio (M2) features</h2><p class=" col-sm-12">Mac Studio is built to be a powerful, quiet pro desktop computer that gets out of the way. It has front-facing ports and fits perfectly below a <a title="Studio Display" href="" data-kpt="1">Studio Display</a>.</p><p class=" col-sm-12">The second-generation Mac Studio has an identical port arrangement and design. Only the chipsets and connectivity updates set it apart.</p><h3 data-toc="Design" class=" col-sm-12" data-anchor="mac-studio--design" id="mac-studio--design">Mac Studio - Design</h3><p class=" col-sm-12">Apple didn't change any design elements or features for the second-generation Mac Studio. It has the same chassis as the first Mac Studio, resembling two Mac minis stacked on each other.</p><div class=" col-sm-12 align-center"><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Dimensions are similar to a double-height Mac mini" height="738" loading="lazy" class="img-responsive article-image"></a> <span class="carousel-caption">Dimensions are similar to a double-height Mac mini</span></div><p class=" col-sm-12">Mac Studio measures 7.7 inches by 7.7 inches around its squircle top and is 3.7 inches tall. The selected chipset affects overall weight thanks to cooling needs, so the M2 Max Mac Studio weighs 5.9 pounds while the M2 Ultra Mac Studio weighs 7.9 pounds.</p><p class=" col-sm-12">The unibody aluminum wraps all the way around with an engraved "Mac Studio" in the base. A glass Apple logo sits at the top of every Mac Studio.</p><p class=" col-sm-12">There are ports on the front and the back of the Mac Studio. Perforated holes sit above the ports in the back to act as heat exhaust.</p><p class=" col-sm-12">User anecdotes suggest that the fan in the second generation Mac Studio operates at a much quieter volume. The first generation Mac Studio kept the fans running &mdash; and just barely audible &mdash; regardless of load, but they are notably quieter in the updated model.</p><h3 data-toc="Ports" class=" col-sm-12" data-anchor="mac-studio--ports" id="mac-studio--ports">Mac Studio - Ports</h3><p class=" col-sm-12">The port arrangement and availability didn't change for the second generation Mac Studio, though HDMI specs were improved. There are four Thunderbolt 4 ports, 10Gb Ethernet, two USB-A, an HDMI port, and a headphone jack on the rear of every model.</p><div class=" col-sm-12 align-center"><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Ports are identical on the second-generation model" height="738" loading="lazy" class="img-responsive article-image"></a> <span class="carousel-caption">Ports are identical on the second-generation model</span></div><p class=" col-sm-12">There are two USB-C ports on the front of the Mac Studio next to an SDXC card slot. These ports are standard USB-C for M2 Max Mac Studio models but are upgraded to Thunderbolt for M2 Ultra.</p><p class=" col-sm-12">The HDMI port has been upgraded to support 8K video and up to a 240Hz refresh rate. Monitor support limits vary based on the selected chipset.</p><p class=" col-sm-12">M2 Max models support up to five connected external displays. Four can be connected over Thunderbolt up to 6K and another over HDMI at 4K.</p><p class=" col-sm-12">M2 Ultra models support up to eight displays. Eight can be connected if all are set to 4K, six can be connected at 6K, and three can be connected at 8K.</p><h3 data-toc="M2 Max and M2 Ultra" class=" col-sm-12" data-anchor="m2-max-and-m2-ultra" id="m2-max-and-m2-ultra">M2 Max and M2 Ultra</h3><p class=" col-sm-12">Customers have the choice between M2 Max and M2 Ultra when configuring the Mac Studio. Like with the <a title="M1" href="" data-kpt="1">M1</a> Mac Studio generation, the specs are multiplied by two when comparing Max to Ultra.</p><div class=" col-sm-12 align-center"><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="M2 Ultra is available for 2023 models" height="738" loading="lazy" class="img-responsive article-image"></a> <span class="carousel-caption">M2 Ultra is available for 2023 models</span></div><p class=" col-sm-12">M2 Max has a 12-core CPU, 30-core GPU, 16-core <a title="Apple AI" href="">Neural Engine</a>, and a 400GB/s memory bandwidth. The Media Engine has a single video decode engine, two video encode engines, and two ProRes encode and decode engines.</p><p class=" col-sm-12">M2 Ultra has a 24-core CPU, 60-core GPU, 32-core Neural Engine, and an 800GB/s memory bandwidth. The Media Engine has two video decode engines, four video encode engines, and four ProRes encode and decode engines.</p><p class=" col-sm-12">Users configuring a Mac Studio with M2 Ultra can max out their setup with a 76-core GPU, 192GB of RAM, and 8TB of storage. That's priced at $8,799, which is only $1,800 higher than the base Mac Pro.</p><h2 data-toc="Comparisons" class=" col-sm-12" data-anchor="comparing-mac-studio-m2" id="comparing-mac-studio-m2">Comparing Mac Studio (M2)</h2><p class=" col-sm-12">Apple released the Mac Studio as the most powerful Mac with Apple Silicon in 2022. It holds on to the top spot, for most, even with a Mac Pro running M2 Ultra.</p><p class=" col-sm-12">Here's how it compares to others.</p><h3 data-toc="vs Mac Pro" class=" col-sm-12" data-anchor="mac-studio-vs-mac-pro" id="mac-studio-vs-mac-pro">Mac Studio vs. Mac Pro</h3><p class=" col-sm-12">There is a $3,000 difference between the base Mac Studio with M2 Ultra and the base Mac Pro. That price seems to account for the difference in material cost of the larger tower and the PCI-E slot expansion in Mac Pro.</p><table id="table-0"> <tbody> <tr> <td>Price Starts From</td> <td>$1,999<br><a href="">Best Mac Studio prices</a></td> <td>$3,999</td> <td>$6,999 (Tower), <br>$7,499 (Rack)<br><a href="">Best Mac Pro prices</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Processors</td> <td>M2 Max,<br>12-core CPU, <br>16-core Neural Engine</td> <td>M2 Ultra<br>24-core CPU, <br>32-core Neural Engine</td> <td>M2 Ultra<br>24-core CPU, <br>32-core Neural Engine</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Memory</td> <td>32GB Unified Memory,<br>64GB,<br>96GB (M2 Max 38-core GPU)</td> <td>64GB Unified Memory,<br>128GB,<br>192GB</td> <td>64GB Unified Memory,<br>128GB,<br>192GB</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Graphics</td> <td>30-core GPU,<br>38-core GPU</td> <td>60-core GPU,<br>76-core GPU</td> <td>60-core GPU,<br>76-core GPU</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Media encoding/decoding</td> <td>Video decode engine<br>2 Video encode engines<br>2 ProRes encode and decode engines</td> <td>2 Video decode engine<br>4 Video encode engines<br>4 ProRes encode and decode engines</td> <td>2 Video decode engine<br>4 Video encode engines<br>4 ProRes encode and decode engines</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Storage options</td> <td>512GB, 1TB, 2TB, 4TB, 8TB</td> <td>1TB, 2TB, 4TB, 8TB</td> <td>1TB, 2TB, 4TB, 8TB</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Ports</td> <td>4 Thunderbolt 4 ports,<br>2 USB-C ports,<br>2 USB-A ports,<br>10Gb Ethernet,<br>SDXC (UHS-II),<br>HDMI,<br>3.5mm headphone jack</td> <td>6 Thunderbolt 4 ports,<br>2 USB-A ports,<br>10Gb Ethernet,<br>SDXC (UHS-II),<br>HDMI,<br>3.5mm headphone jack</td> <td>8 Thunderbolt 4 ports<br>Dual 10Gb Ethernet<br>1 internal USB-A port<br>2 external USB-A ports<br>2 HDMI ports<br>2 SATA ports6 full-length PCIe Gen 4 slots<br>1 half-length x4 PCIe Gen 3 with Apple I/O card</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Wireless Connectivity</td> <td>Wi-Fi 6E, <br>Bluetooth 5.3</td> <td>Wi-Fi 6E, <br>Bluetooth 5.3</td> <td>Wi-Fi 6E, <br>Bluetooth 5.3</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Audio</td> <td>Built-in speaker</td> <td>Built-in speaker</td> <td>Built-in speaker</td> </tr> </tbody> </table><p class=" col-sm-12">Most pro users should find more than enough machine in the Mac Studio. Those asking if they need Mac Pro likely don't &mdash; you'll already be using PCI-E if you need it.</p><p class=" col-sm-12">Even then, it is possible to add PCI-E via a Thunderbolt connection. But that won't be the best option for some creators, which is why the Mac Pro exists.</p><p class=" col-sm-12">Read the full comparison: <a href="">M2 Mac Studio vs Mac Pro 2023 &mdash; compared</a></p><h3 data-toc="vs Mac Studio (M1)" class=" col-sm-12" data-anchor="mac-studio-m2-vs-mac-studio-m1" id="mac-studio-m2-vs-mac-studio-m1">Mac Studio (M2) vs Mac Studio (M1)</h3><p class=" col-sm-12">The device footprint and design didn't change across chip generations, so it's easy to compare the two models, given the most significant upgrade is the chipset. Price and port configurations didn't change either.</p><table id="table-1"> <tbody> <tr> <td>Launch Price (starting)</td> <td><a href="">$1,999.00</a></td> <td><a href="">$3,999.00</a></td> <td><a href="">$1,999.00</a></td> <td><a href=",937?refl=pg-mac-studio-2023">$3,999.00</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Processor</td> <td>10-core M1 Max</td> <td>20-core M1 Ultra</td> <td>12-core M2 Max</td> <td>24-core M2 Ultra</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Memory</td> <td>Up to 64GB</td> <td>Up to 128GB</td> <td>Up to 96GB</td> <td>Up to 192GB</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Graphics</td> <td>Up to 32 cores</td> <td>Up to 64 cores</td> <td>Up to 38 cores</td> <td>Up to 76 cores</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Storage</td> <td>512 GB, 1TB, 2TB, 4TB, 8TB</td> <td>512 GB, 1TB, 2TB, 4TB, 8TB</td> <td>512 GB, 1TB, 2TB, 4TB, 8TB</td> <td>512 GB, 1TB, 2TB, 4TB, 8TB</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Ports</td> <td>USB-C x6 (2x 3.1 Gen 2, 4x Thunderbolt)<br>USB-A x2<br>HDMI 2.0<br>SDXC<br>10GB Ethernet</td> <td>USB-C x6 (6x Thunderbolt)<br>USB-A x2<br>HDMI 2.0<br>SDXC<br>10GB Ethernet</td> <td>USB-C x6 (2x 3.1 Gen 2, 4x Thunderbolt)<br>USB-A x2<br>HDMI 2.1<br>SDXC<br>10GB Ethernet</td> <td>USB-C x6 (6x Thunderbolt)<br>USB-A x2<br>HDMI 2.1<br>SDXC<br>10GB Ethernet</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Connectivity</td> <td>Wi-Fi 6<br>Bluetooth 5.0</td> <td>Wi-Fi 6<br>Bluetooth 5.0</td> <td>Wi-Fi 6E<br>Bluetooth 5.3</td> <td>Wi-Fi 6E<br>Bluetooth 5.3</td> </tr> </tbody> </table><p class=" col-sm-12">The M2 generation has the updated Wi-Fi 6E and Bluetooth 5.3 standards, plus an improved HDMI port with up to 8K video support.</p><p class=" col-sm-12">Otherwise, there are obvious benefits from the newer, more powerful chipsets.</p><p class=" col-sm-12">Read the full comparison: <a href="">2023 Mac Studio vs 2022 Mac Studio - compared</a></p><h2 data-toc="ignore" class=" col-sm-12" data-anchor="bring-your-own-experience" id="bring-your-own-experience">Bring your own experience</h2><p class=" col-sm-12">Apple positions the Mac Studio similar to the Mac mini as a headless desktop computer where users bring all the needed peripherals. Of course, users will be able to add a mouse, keyboard, and monitor at checkout, but it may not be necessary for most buyers.</p><div class=" col-sm-12 align-center"><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="New black versions of the Magic Keyboard, Magic Trackpad, and Magic Mouse were released" height="720" loading="lazy" class="img-responsive article-image"></a><span class="carousel-caption">New black versions of the Magic Keyboard, Magic Trackpad, and Magic Mouse were released in 2022</span></div><p class=" col-sm-12">Desktop users coming from docked MacBooks or a Mac mini will already have everything they need to get started with a new Mac desktop, which saves the buyer some cash. However, Apple did release some new accessories to tempt customers.</p><p class=" col-sm-12">The&nbsp;<a title="Magic Keyboard" href="" data-kpt="1">Magic Keyboard</a>, Magic Mouse, and Magic Trackpad were all updated with tweaked designs and color schemes when the&nbsp;<a title="24-inch iMac" href="" data-kpt="1">24-inch iMac</a> was launched. But, Apple hadn't made these accessories available for purchase beyond the basic white color palette until the original Mac Studio launch.</p><p class=" col-sm-12">The Magic Trackpad and Magic Mouse are available in a two-tone color scheme with black tops and a silver chassis. The Magic Keyboard uses the same silver body but has black keys instead of white and a&nbsp;<a title="Touch ID" href="" data-kpt="1">Touch ID</a>&nbsp;button.</p><h3 data-toc="ignore" class=" col-sm-12" data-anchor="studio-display" id="studio-display">Studio Display</h3><p class=" col-sm-12">One of the biggest "finally" moments of the 2022 March event was the Studio Display. It is a new pro display that doesn't break the bank, starting at $1,599, and is configurable with a better stand or nano-texture display.</p><p class=" col-sm-12">Apple hasn't updated the Studio Display or <a href="">Pro Display XDR</a> since their initial launch.</p><div class=" col-sm-12 align-center"><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="The Apple Studio Display was designed to complement the Mac Studio" height="720" loading="lazy" class="img-responsive article-image"></a><span class="carousel-caption">The Apple Studio Display was designed to complement the Mac Studio</span></div><p class=" col-sm-12">It is a 27-inch 5K panel with P3 color and 600 nits of brightness. Thanks to the direct Thunderbolt connection, it supports&nbsp;<a title="macOS" href="" data-kpt="1">macOS</a>&nbsp;features like True Tone.</p><p class=" col-sm-12">There is a Thunderbolt 3 port and three USB-C ports in the back of the display for connections. Also, it has a 12MP ultra-wide webcam with Center Stage support and a six-speaker sound system with Spatial Audio.</p><p class=" col-sm-12">Studio Display was built as the perfect counterpart to Apple's desktop Macs.</p><h2 data-toc="pg" data-anchor="pg" data-deals-item="Mac Studio On Sale" class=" col-sm-12" id="pg">Mac Studio (M2) price guide</h2><div class="exclusive-wrap"><h2 class="ed-insert-hackfix">Exclusive Deals Through AppleInsider</h2></div><p class=" col-sm-12">Customers can get the Mac Studio starting at $1,999 with a base configuration of M2 Max, 512GB of storage, and 32GB of RAM. The model with an M2 Ultra, 1TB of storage, and 64GB of RAM starts at $3,999.</p><hr><h2 data-toc="ignore" class=" col-sm-12" data-anchor="mac-studio-m1" id="mac-studio-m1">Mac Studio (M1)</h2><p class=" col-sm-12">Everything below this point was written about the 2022 Mac Studio running M1 Max and M1 Ultra. This model is no longer sold by Apple, but is still available from third parties.</p><p class=" col-sm-12">Information relating to prices, parts, and comparisons will likely be out of date. The information is preserved as-is for historical purposes for now.</p><p class=" col-sm-12">This section may be renovated in the future.</p><hr><p class=" col-sm-12">The Mac Studio was announced during the March 2022 "Peek Performance" <a title="Apple Event" href="" data-kpt="1">Apple Event</a>. It is Apple's most powerful desktop running Apple Silicon to date while remaining compact.</p><div class=" col-sm-12 align-center"><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="2022 models run M1 Max and M1 Ultra" height="720" loading="lazy" class="img-responsive article-image"></a> <span class="carousel-caption">2022 models run M1 Max and M1 Ultra</span></div><p class=" col-sm-12">Apple places the Mac Studio firmly between the Mac mini and Mac Pro despite it outperforming the Intel Mac Pro in some metrics. The company hinted that the Mac Pro was the next and final Mac expected to transition to Apple Silicon.</p><p class=" col-sm-12">Apple did not reveal the Mac Pro in 2022, despite hints and rumors that suggested otherwise. There is a chance Apple could update the Mac Studio with M2 processors before a new high-end desktop replaces Apple's final Intel machine.</p><h2 data-toc="Mac Studio (M1) Features" class=" col-sm-12" data-anchor="mac-studio-m1-features" id="mac-studio-m1-features">Mac Studio (M1) Features</h2><p class=" col-sm-12">Apple described the Mac Studio as a modular platform, which is true when compared to the rigidity of other devices like a <a title="MacBook Pro" href="" data-kpt="1">MacBook Pro</a>. Customers can choose the mouse, keyboard, monitor, and various peripherals for the compact desktop, while a laptop is stuck with what it was manufactured with.</p><p class=" col-sm-12">However, that's where modularity ends because, unlike the Mac Pro, the components in the Mac Studio are not user-replaceable or upgradeable. In fact, the case appears to lack any point of entry for customers.</p><h3 data-toc="Design" class=" col-sm-12" data-anchor="design" id="design">Design</h3><p class=" col-sm-12">The Mac Studio has a 7.7-inch square base that is 3.7 inches tall. The enclosure is machined from a single aluminum block with over 2,000 perforations in the rear for exhaust airflow.</p><div class=" col-sm-12 align-center"><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="The large enclosure ensures a vast amount of air flow to keep the processors cool" height="720" loading="lazy" class="img-responsive article-image"></a> <span class="carousel-caption">The large enclosure ensures a vast amount of airflow to keep the processors cool</span></div><p class=" col-sm-12">The base is a circular plate with numerous perforations that act as an air intake for cooling. Two fans occupy a large portion of the internal structure and move large volumes of air through the system. Apple claims that the fans will be whisper-quiet, except under extreme loads.</p><p class=" col-sm-12">The bottom plate appears to be removable, but it is likely only for specialist access and repair. The solid-state and integrated nature of the internal components likely prevents users from upgrading RAM or storage after purchase.</p><p class=" col-sm-12">The design had been rumored since early 2021 and was described by Jon Prosser as a G4 Cube-like design with the compute unit on the bottom and heat sink on top. Despite being named the Mac Studio, its high performance has earned it the description of a "small Mac Pro."</p><h3 data-toc="M1 Pro and M1 Max" class=" col-sm-12" data-anchor="m1-mac-studio--processors" id="m1-mac-studio--processors">M1 Mac Studio - Processors</h3><p class=" col-sm-12">The Mac Studio can be configured with Apple's top-end&nbsp;M-series&nbsp;processors: the M1 Max and M1 Ultra. These high-performance processors make this the most powerful Apple desktop running Apple Silicon.</p><p class=" col-sm-12">The most expensive configuration runs about $8,000, which is much more powerful than the Intel Mac Pro at the same price. However, the Mac Pro has an even higher ceiling since it can use more RAM and have multiple graphics cards.</p><div class=" col-sm-12 align-center"><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="The M1 Ultra is a 20-core Apple Silicon processor" height="720" loading="lazy" class="img-responsive article-image"></a> <span class="carousel-caption">The M1 Ultra is a 20-core Apple Silicon processor</span></div><p class=" col-sm-12">The M1 Max has a 10-core CPU and can be configured with up to a 32-core GPU and 64GB of RAM. It was originally introduced in the <a title="14-inch MacBook Pro" href="" data-kpt="1">14-inch MacBook Pro</a> and <a title="16-inch MacBook Pro" href="" data-kpt="1">16-inch MacBook Pro</a> as the top processor option for those machines.</p><p class=" col-sm-12">The M1 Ultra has a 20-core CPU and can be configured with up to a 64-core GPU and 128GB of RAM. It is the first desktop-only Apple Silicon processor, and it was built by essentially combining two M1 Max processors with an UltraFusion connector.</p><h4 data-toc="ignore" class=" col-sm-12">M1 Mac Studio - Performance</h4><p class=" col-sm-12">The M1 Max is a somewhat known entity thanks to it existing previously in the&nbsp;MacBook Pros. This new form factor allows for better peak performance thanks to the better cooling system.</p><div class=" col-sm-12 align-center"><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="The M1 Ultra outperforms many professional-grade computers within its price range" height="720" loading="lazy" class="img-responsive article-image"></a> <span class="carousel-caption">The M1 Ultra outperforms many professional-grade computers within its price range</span></div><p class=" col-sm-12">Apple claims that the M1 Max is up to 2.2 times faster at processing well-threaded filters in Adobe Photoshop than the 10-core Intel i9. It is also up to 3.5 times faster than a Radeon Pro 5700 XT graphics card at rendering 8K footage in Final Cut Pro.</p><p class=" col-sm-12">Apple states that the The M1 Ultra 20-core processor can outperform a 28-core Xeon-powered Mac Pro by 60% during normal operations. However, early benchmarks are inconclusive because the benchmarking tools are not optimized for Apple Silicon and are not delivering the numbers Apple promised at the event.</p><p class=" col-sm-12">Even with its impressive performance, the M1 Ultra consumes 1000KWh less power per year than competing high-end PCs.</p><h3 data-toc="Ports" class=" col-sm-12" data-anchor="m1-mac-studio--ports" id="m1-mac-studio--ports">M1 Mac Studio - Ports</h3><p class=" col-sm-12">The back of the Mac Studio has four Thunderbolt 4 ports, a 10GB Ethernet port, power in, two USB-A ports, an HDMI port, and a headphone jack. Connect up to four Pro Display XDR and a 4K television all at once using these ports.</p><div class=" col-sm-12 align-center"><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Apple included a wide variety of ports in the Mac Studio" height="720" loading="lazy" class="img-responsive article-image"></a> <span class="carousel-caption">Apple included a wide variety of ports in the Mac Studio</span></div><p class=" col-sm-12">The front has an SDXC card slot and two ports that change based on configurations. Customers get two Thunderbolt 4 ports with M1 Ultra or two USB-C ports with M1 Max. Even when configured with the two additional Thunderbolt ports, the external display limit remains the same.</p><h2 data-toc="Mac Studio (M1) Review" class=" col-sm-12" data-anchor="mac-studio-m1-review" id="mac-studio-m1-review">Mac Studio (M1) Review</h2><p class=" col-sm-12">While we don't believe the Mac Studio is for everyone, it does make us excited for what it means for the future of the Mac. Apple surprised everyone with the M1 Ultra and the phenomenal power it brings in such a small enclosure.</p><div class="col-sm-12 embed align-center"><div class="embed-responsive embed-responsive-16by9 video-holder"><iframe src="" title="YouTube video player" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" class="embed-responsive-item" loading="lazy"></iframe></div></div><p class=" col-sm-12">Instead of Apple just shoving faster chips in the Mac mini, it created an enclosure almost three times its size to make space for the high-end M1 Ultra. Almost as impressive, the rumor mill didn't catch this until the Friday before launch.</p><p class=" col-sm-12">This review summary covers top-level discussions around the design and use cases of the Mac Studio. Read more about benchmarks and specs in the comparison sections below or via our full review.</p><h3 data-toc="ignore" class=" col-sm-12" data-anchor="design" id="design">Design</h3><p class=" col-sm-12">The Mac Studio bears a strong resemblance to the Mac mini with its rounded-square shape, flat top, and black Apple logo. It is more than twice as tall but has the same width and depth as the Mac mini.</p><div class=" col-sm-12 align-center"><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="More holes can be found under the enclosure for ventilation" height="720" loading="lazy" class="img-responsive article-image"></a> <span class="carousel-caption">More holes can be found under the enclosure for ventilation</span></div><p class=" col-sm-12">The M1 Max model weighs 5.9 pounds, but our M1 Ultra is much heavier at 7.9 pounds thanks to the copper heat sink. Copper is a much better heat sink thanks to its higher density, but it is also more expensive.</p><p class=" col-sm-12">Apple departed from its usual minimalistic approach in design and allowed the front of the Mac Studio to have ports. There are two Thunderbolt 4 ports on our model thanks to the M1 Ultra configuration &mdash; M1 Max models get standard USB-C.</p><p class=" col-sm-12">There is also an SDXC Class II card reader on the front, a welcome return after losing the SD card reader on the M1 Mac mini. And, since it is front-facing, the user doesn't need to struggle to insert the SD card sight unseen.</p><h4 data-toc="ignore" class=" col-sm-12">M1 Mac Studio - Fan noise and cooling</h4><p class=" col-sm-12">The rear ports are arranged at the bottom half of the enclosure with 4,000 holes perforating the top for cooling. The heat sink and fans take up most of the case.</p><p class=" col-sm-12">This isn't a "silent" Mac desktop, but you'll struggle to hear it unless the room is absolutely quiet. With a baseline ambient sound of 36 dBa, the M1 Max model hit 39 dBa idle and 42 dBa under load. That's opposed to the M1 Mac mini being virtually silent when idle and 40 dBa under load.</p><p class=" col-sm-12">Anyone who's worked around Macs for years will know what Mac fans sound like, with a specific tone and character. We found that the tone is slightly different and may take a period of adjustment.</p><h3 data-toc="ignore" class=" col-sm-12" data-anchor="not-quite-modular" id="not-quite-modular">Not quite modular</h3><p class=" col-sm-12">We're not sure why Apple called the Mac Studio "modular" during the reveal event. There isn't any modularity in this desktop unless you count adding peripherals or stacking multiple together on your desk.</p><div class=" col-sm-12 align-center"><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Apple didn't quite explain why this is a modular desktop" height="720" loading="lazy" class="img-responsive article-image"></a> <span class="carousel-caption">Apple didn't quite explain why this is a modular desktop</span></div><p class=" col-sm-12">The Mac Studio isn't upgradeable, so don't make a purchase based on what some inaccurate and irresponsible videos said. There are multiple SSD slots, but those exist for high-end configurations with 8TB of storage and service repair, not users. Everything else is soldered down and serialized to the motherboard.</p><p class=" col-sm-12">We recommend buying what you need right out of the gate and don't count on an upgrade path later. While this may be more expensive, it will serve you better in the long run.</p><h3 data-toc="ignore" class=" col-sm-12" data-anchor="the-mac-studio-is-not-for-everyone" id="the-mac-studio-is-not-for-everyone">The Mac Studio is not for everyone</h3><p class=" col-sm-12">The Mac Studio fits in the middle of the lineup and acts as a promise of what's to come in the future Mac Pro. Its configurations from the $2,000 starting model to the top-end M1 Ultra powerhouse should be enough options for most users.</p><div class=" col-sm-12 align-center"><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="The Mac Studio fills an important space between the Mac mini and Mac Pro" height="720" loading="lazy" class="img-responsive article-image"></a> <span class="carousel-caption">The Mac Studio fills an important space between the Mac mini and Mac Pro</span></div><p class=" col-sm-12">Photographers, videographers, and developers will gain a lot from the power available in the M1 Ultra and Apple's new desktop class. This power will eventually trickle down to Apple's other gear, but not for some time.</p><p class=" col-sm-12">There are a few, however, who would benefit from real modularity and higher RAM configurations than what exists at this level. If that's the case, you may be waiting a while for a Mac Pro running Apple Silicon, so stick to your five-figure Intel Mac Pros or get a Mac Studio to hold you over until then.</p><h3 data-toc="ignore" class=" col-sm-12" data-anchor="m1-mac-studio--pros" id="m1-mac-studio--pros">M1 Mac Studio - Pros</h3><ul> <li>Incredible speed</li> <li>G4 Cube or Mac mini desk footprint</li> <li>Front-mounted ports</li> <li>Quieter than alternatives under load</li> </ul><h3 data-toc="ignore" class=" col-sm-12" data-anchor="m1-mac-studio--cons" id="m1-mac-studio--cons">M1 Mac Studio - Cons</h3><ul> <li>Not silent when idle</li> <li>RAM and SSD prices are borderline extortionate</li> <li>Apple has a funny definition of modular</li> </ul><p class=" col-sm-12">Read the full review: <a href="">Mac Studio with M1 UItra review: A look at the future power of Apple Silicon</a></p><h2 data-toc="ignore" class=" col-sm-12" data-anchor="mac-studio-compared" id="mac-studio-compared">Mac Studio compared</h2><h3 data-toc="ignore" class=" col-sm-12" data-anchor="m1-ultra-vs-m1-max" id="m1-ultra-vs-m1-max">M1 Ultra vs. M1 Max</h3><p class=" col-sm-12">The Mac Studio straddles the line between the 14-inch MacBook Pro and mid-range Mac Pro, thanks to the two processors available for the product. The M1 Max and M1 Ultra versions of the Mac Studio may look the same, but they are very different machines.</p><div class="col-sm-12 embed align-center"><div class="embed-responsive embed-responsive-16by9 video-holder"><iframe src="" title="YouTube video player" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" class="embed-responsive-item" loading="lazy"></iframe></div></div><p class=" col-sm-12">The model running the M1 Max starts at $1,999, while the M1 Ultra starts at $4,999. The price isn't the only thing that's doubled between the models, as available RAM, base storage, and processing cores are doubled too.</p><h4 data-toc="ignore" class=" col-sm-12">Spec to spec comparisons</h4><table id="table-2"> <tbody> <tr> <td>Base price</td> <td><a href=";u=775656&amp;m=123233&amp;urllink=store%2Esimplymac%2Ecom%2Fcollections%2Fcomputers%2Fproducts%2Fmac%2Dstudio%3Fvariant%3D39623982776418&amp;afftrack=comp%2Dmacs%2Dm1%2Dmax%2Dvs%2Dultra" target="_blank" rel="noopener sponsored">$1,999</a></td> <td><a title="Mac Studio with M1 Ultra prices" href=";u=775656&amp;m=123233&amp;urllink=store%2Esimplymac%2Ecom%2Fcollections%2Fcomputers%2Fproducts%2Fmac%2Dstudio%3Fvariant%3D39623982809186&amp;afftrack=comp%2Dmacs%2Dm1%2Dmax%2Dvs%2Dultra">$3,999</a></td> </tr> <tr> <td>RAM</td> <td>32GB, expandable to 64GB</td> <td>64GB, expandable to 128GB</td> </tr> <tr> <td>CPU</td> <td>10-core</td> <td>20-core</td> </tr> <tr> <td>GPU</td> <td>24-core</td> <td>48-core</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Neural Engine</td> <td>16-core</td> <td>32-core</td> </tr> <tr> <td>SSD</td> <td>512GB</td> <td>1TB</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Front ports</td> <td>2 x USB-C, 1 x SDXC</td> <td>2 x Thunderbolt 4, 1 x SDXC</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Back ports</td> <td>4 x Thunderbolt 4 ports, 2 x USB-A, 1 x HDMI, 1 x 10GB Ethernet, 1 x 3.5mm headphone</td> <td>4 x Thunderbolt 4 ports, 2 x USB-A, 1 x HDMI, 1 x 10GB Ethernet, 1 x 3.5mm headphone</td> </tr> </tbody> </table><p class=" col-sm-12">If you want to configure the base M1 Max to be more similar to the base M1 Ultra model, then increase the RAM to 64GB for $400 and upgrade the storage to 1TB for $200. This raises the price to $2,599, still $1,400 lower than the model running M1 Ultra, but you're missing the additional processor performance.</p><p class=" col-sm-12">Even when users configure the M1 Max Mac Studio with more RAM and Storage, one factor can't be changed: the ports. The six Thunderbolt port arrangement is limited to the M1 Ultra Mac Studio, but both models still only support four Thunderbolt displays and one HDMI display total.</p><h4 data-toc="ignore" class=" col-sm-12">M1 Mac Studio - Benchmarks</h4><p class=" col-sm-12">While benchmarking tools may not be the most accurate depiction of how these processors compare, the raw numbers give an idea of what to expect. The single-core operations were near identical for both chips since they essentially use the same processor cores. However, multi-core is where performance becomes clearly differentiated.</p><div class=" col-sm-12 align-center"><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="The M1 Ultra and M1 Max processors compared" height="720" loading="lazy" class="img-responsive article-image"></a> <span class="carousel-caption">The M1 Ultra and M1 Max processors compared</span></div><p class=" col-sm-12">The Geekbench 5 scores for the M1 Max Mac Studio are 1798 single-core and 12822 multi-core. M1 Ultra showed a similar single-core and 23778 multi-core, basically doubling the number as expected.</p><p class=" col-sm-12">The Metal scores from Geekbench 5 show 60,629 for the 24-core M1 Max GPU and 91,938 for the 48-core M1 Ultra GPU. That's roughly a 50% increase in performance for M1 Ultra graphics.</p><p class=" col-sm-12">Exporting 4K video appeared to not tax either processor since both showed near-identical results for the same process. A one-hour 4K video exported as "Apple compatible" in Final Cut Pro took both machines about 18 minutes to finish. Increasing export resolution and complexity widened the gap, however.</p><p class=" col-sm-12">Even 8K video appeared not to need the M1 Ultra for leaps and bounds in gains. While the M1 Max took five minutes and five seconds for export, the M1 Ultra took four minutes and 42 seconds. Which shows the M1 Max may have peaked out, but the M1 Ultra didn't add much to the workflow.</p><p class=" col-sm-12">Ultimately, the choice between which Mac Studio model to get comes down to price and user needs. Taxing the M1 Ultra takes a great deal of effort, so most customers may be served by the M1 Max, however, the RAM limitations may be a determining factor.</p><p class=" col-sm-12">Read the full comparison between the <a href="">Mac Studio with M1 Max vs. Mac Studio with M1 Ultra</a>.</p><h3 data-toc="ignore" class=" col-sm-12" data-anchor="mac-studio-m1-vs-mac-pro-intel" id="mac-studio-m1-vs-mac-pro-intel">Mac Studio (M1) vs. Mac Pro (Intel)</h3><p class=" col-sm-12">The Mac Studio exists between the consumer-focused Mac mini and the ultra-professional Mac Pro. However, there are a variety of metrics where the newer, Apple Silicon-driven Mac Studio outperforms the large desktop tower.</p><div class="col-sm-12 embed align-center"><div class="embed-responsive embed-responsive-16by9 video-holder"><iframe src="" title="YouTube video player" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" class="embed-responsive-item" loading="lazy"></iframe></div></div><p class=" col-sm-12">The Mac Pro is still the best option for those seeking out maximum configurability and modularity, but that comes at a price. The base-model Mac Pro starts at $5,999 while the most expensive Mac Studio you can configure is $7,999.</p><p class=" col-sm-12">Those who need the Mac Pro won't flinch at its price structure, however, even when spending up to $45,000. This is because at that level, every minute shaved off a render pays for itself in the long run.</p><div class=" col-sm-12 align-center"><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="The Mac Pro is still king of configurability and modularity" height="720" loading="lazy" class="img-responsive article-image"></a> <span class="carousel-caption">The Mac Pro is still king of configurability and modularity</span></div><p class=" col-sm-12">One of the largest differentiators between these products is the amount of RAM that can be shoved into each machine. The Mac Studio is configured at sale and cannot be modified by the user after the fact, and it has a maximum of 128GB of RAM.</p><p class=" col-sm-12">The Mac Pro has twelve DIMM slots available for user-upgradable RAM. The base model has 32GB of RAM, but for $25,000 more it can have up to 1.5TB of RAM.</p><p class=" col-sm-12">CPU and graphics performance tests show that the Mac Studio can hold its own, if not outperform the Mac Pro at its lower configurations. The key here is that users can add more RAM, more graphics cards, and even use external GPUs with the Mac Pro.</p><p class=" col-sm-12">Most use cases can be covered by a Mac Studio at a fraction of the Mac Pro cost, but there are a select few use cases that will benefit from the larger machine. Those users already know who they are, so for everyone else, it is easy to recommend the Mac Studio.</p><p class=" col-sm-12">We break down the multiple configuration options and how they compare in the full article: <a href="">Mac Studio vs. Mac Pro</a>.</p><h2 class=" col-sm-12" data-anchor="macos-sequoia" id="macos-sequoia">macOS Sequoia</h2><p class=" col-sm-12">Announced at WWDC 2024, <a href="">macOS Sequoia</a> brings a number of new features to Apple computers. The Mac Studio will be compatible with macOS Sequoia when it launches in the fall. Here are some of the notable updates Mac Studio owners can expect.</p><div class="col-sm-12 embed align-center"><div class="embed-responsive embed-responsive-16by9 video-holder"><iframe src="" title="YouTube video player" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" class="embed-responsive-item" loading="lazy"></iframe></div></div><h3 class=" col-sm-12" data-anchor="improved-window-tiling&nbsp;" id="improved-window-tiling&nbsp;">Improved Window Tiling&nbsp;</h3><p class=" col-sm-12">An improvement has been made to the existing window management features. The window tiling now works similarly to some third-party management apps.&nbsp;</p><p class=" col-sm-12">You can drag a window to a spot on the screen, and it will automatically reposition itself. For example, placing it on the far edge of a screen can cause it to expand and fill the left half of your display.</p><h3 class=" col-sm-12" data-anchor="messages&nbsp;" id="messages&nbsp;">Messages&nbsp;</h3><p class=" col-sm-12">Users can now add different effects to the text they send to others, such as bold, italics, and underlining. Also, in Messages, users can schedule messages to be sent to contacts at specific times, which is handy for sending out important news, reminders, and time-specific information.&nbsp;</p><p class=" col-sm-12">Additionally, Tapbacks will have the option to react to messages with emoji.</p><h3 class=" col-sm-12" data-anchor="dedicated-passwords-app" id="dedicated-passwords-app">Dedicated Passwords app</h3><p class=" col-sm-12">After incorporating passwords as part of the Keychain integrated into its operating systems, Apple has finally made an app for it. The new Passwords app is used to manage user authentication across Apple's ecosystem of devices.</p><p class=" col-sm-12">The macOS version is the only one that can import password lists.</p><h3 class=" col-sm-12" data-anchor="safari" id="safari">Safari</h3><p class=" col-sm-12">A new summarization feature, dubbed Highlights, provides users with a short summary paragraph that is contextually generated based on the webpage they are looking at. This can include details about locations when planning a trip, information about a TV show or movie, and even quick links to other resources.</p><p class=" col-sm-12">A new version of Reader mode has been redesigned with new elements, including a table of contents and a summary of the article.</p><h2 class=" col-sm-12" data-anchor="apple-intelligence&nbsp;" id="apple-intelligence&nbsp;">Apple Intelligence&nbsp;</h2><p class=" col-sm-12">Apple Intelligence is Apple's attempt to integrate artificial intelligence into its products. As Apple prioritizes security, much of the Apple Intelligence processes occur on the device itself.</p><div class=" col-sm-12 align-center"><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="The Apple logo with a waveform around it" height="738" loading="lazy" class="img-responsive article-image"></a> <span class="carousel-caption">Apple Intelligence</span></div><p class=" col-sm-12">Furthermore, Apple describes Apple Intelligence as "personal intelligence," focusing on enhancing how users interact with the apps and services they already use instead of concentrating on novel use cases.</p><p class=" col-sm-12">Apple Intelligence is limited to M-series Macs and iPads, as well as iPhones running the A17 Pro chip and newer.</p><h3 data-toc="ignore" class=" col-sm-12" data-anchor="mac-studio-m1-vs-mac-mini-m1" id="mac-studio-m1-vs-mac-mini-m1">Mac Studio (M1) vs. Mac mini (M1)</h3><p class=" col-sm-12">The cheapest Mac in Apple's lineup starts at $699 and can be maxed out for just $1,799. That's still $200 under the Mac Studio, but there are some tradeoffs.</p><div class="col-sm-12 embed align-center"><div class="embed-responsive embed-responsive-16by9 video-holder"><iframe src="" title="YouTube video player" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" class="embed-responsive-item" loading="lazy"></iframe></div></div><p class=" col-sm-12">The Mac mini has the M1 processor no matter what configuration you purchase and tops out at 16GB or RAM, half of the base model Mac Studio. The maxed-out Mac mini may be the cheapest way to get 2TB of integrated SSD storage in a Mac, but you're trading price for performance.</p><p class=" col-sm-12">Most users considering a $1,799 Mac mini would be better off getting the base Mac Studio with an external drive. That $200 price jump gets you the M1 Max with better CPU and GPU performance with double the RAM.</p><p class=" col-sm-12">If budget is your primary concern then the Mac mini is an obvious choice, but you'll still need a display, keyboard, and mouse. If you aim for modestly priced accessories and a mid-tier Mac mini, you can still come well under the $1,999 price of a Mac Studio.</p><p class=" col-sm-12">Choosing the cheaper Mac also means losing a few key features, like the Media Engine found in the M1 Max. Video processing is much faster thanks to this dedicated engine only available in higher-end Macs.</p><p class=" col-sm-12">There are also fewer ports on the Mac mini, since it only has two Thunderbolt, two USB-A, an HDMI port, and an Ethernet port. Also, the Mac mini can only drive one Thunderbolt display and one via HDMI at once, which may be a deal-breaker for some creatives.</p><p class=" col-sm-12">Read the entire comparison and spec breakdown in the full article: <a href="">Mac Studio vs. Mac mini</a>.</p></p> <p class="col-sm-12"><div class="col-sm-12 primis-ad-wrap"></div> </div> </article> <hr class="hidden-lg hidden-xs"> </div> </div> </div> <div class="new-toc new-toc-closed"> <div class="col-xs-12 new-toc-wrap"> <div class="new-toc-head"> <svg style="fill: var(--base-text-color); width:1.5em; height:1.5em;" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" d="M5 11.5a.5.5 0 0 1 .5-.5h9a.5.5 0 0 1 0 1h-9a.5.5 0 0 1-.5-.5zm0-4a.5.5 0 0 1 .5-.5h9a.5.5 0 0 1 0 1h-9a.5.5 0 0 1-.5-.5zm0-4a.5.5 0 0 1 .5-.5h9a.5.5 0 0 1 0 1h-9a.5.5 0 0 1-.5-.5zm-3 1a1 1 0 1 0 0-2 1 1 0 0 0 0 2zm0 4a1 1 0 1 0 0-2 1 1 0 0 0 0 2zm0 4a1 1 0 1 0 0-2 1 1 0 0 0 0 2z"/> </svg> <span class="new-toc-title">Table of Contents</span></a> <span class="new-toc-close" title="Close Table of Contents"> <svg style="fill: var(--base-text-color); width:1em; height:1em;" xmlns="" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"> <path d="M8 15A7 7 0 1 1 8 1a7 7 0 0 1 0 14zm0 1A8 8 0 1 0 8 0a8 8 0 0 0 0 16z"/> <path d="M4.646 4.646a.5.5 0 0 1 .708 0L8 7.293l2.646-2.647a.5.5 0 0 1 .708.708L8.707 8l2.647 2.646a.5.5 0 0 1-.708.708L8 8.707l-2.646 2.647a.5.5 0 0 1-.708-.708L7.293 8 4.646 5.354a.5.5 0 0 1 0-.708z"/> </svg> </span> </div> <div class="toc-items" style="display:none;"> <div class="toc-deals-wrap"><a class="ai-button deals-highlight" href="#pg">Mac Studio On Sale</a></div><ol><li class="h2"><a title="Mac Studio" href="#top">Mac Studio</a></li><li class="toc-h2"><a href="#new-mac-studio-with-m4" title="New Mac Studio with M4">1. New Mac Studio with M4</a></li><li class="toc-h2"><a href="#mac-studio-m2-features" title="Features">2. Features</a></li><li class="toc-h3"><a href="#mac-studio--design" title="Design">Design</a></li><li class="toc-h3"><a href="#mac-studio--ports" title="Ports">Ports</a></li><li class="toc-h3"><a href="#m2-max-and-m2-ultra" title="M2 Max and M2 Ultra">M2 Max and M2 Ultra</a></li><li class="toc-h2"><a href="#comparing-mac-studio-m2" title="Comparisons">3. Comparisons</a></li><li class="toc-h3"><a href="#mac-studio-vs-mac-pro" title="vs Mac Pro">vs Mac Pro</a></li><li class="toc-h3"><a href="#mac-studio-m2-vs-mac-studio-m1" title="vs Mac Studio (M1)">vs Mac Studio (M1)</a></li><li class="toc-h2"><a href="#mac-studio-m1-features" title="Mac Studio (M1) Features">5. Mac Studio (M1) Features</a></li><li class="toc-h3"><a href="#design" title="Design">Design</a></li><li class="toc-h3"><a href="#m1-mac-studio--processors" title="M1 Pro and M1 Max">M1 Pro and M1 Max</a></li><li class="toc-h3"><a href="#m1-mac-studio--ports" title="Ports">Ports</a></li><li class="toc-h2"><a href="#mac-studio-m1-review" title="Mac Studio (M1) Review">6. Mac Studio (M1) Review</a></li><li class="toc-h2"><a href="#macos-sequoia" title="macOS Sequoia">7. macOS Sequoia</a></li><li class="toc-h3"><a href="#improved-window-tiling%C2%A0" title="Improved Window Tiling&nbsp;">Improved Window Tiling&nbsp;</a></li><li class="toc-h3"><a href="#messages%C2%A0" title="Messages&nbsp;">Messages&nbsp;</a></li><li class="toc-h3"><a href="#dedicated-passwords-app" title="Dedicated Passwords app">Dedicated Passwords app</a></li><li class="toc-h3"><a href="#safari" title="Safari">Safari</a></li><li class="toc-h2"><a href="#apple-intelligence%C2%A0" title="Apple Intelligence&nbsp;">8. Apple Intelligence&nbsp;</a></li></ol> </div> </div> </div> </article> <!-- End Main Content --> </div> <div id="mobile-article-anchor" class="visible-xs"> <div id='div-gpt-ad-3649610-4' style="width:320px; height:50px; overflow:hidden; margin: 0 auto;"></div> </div> </div></div> <!-- /content We really need to fix this required double close... --> <div id="topic-nav" class="hidden-xs fluid-container"> <div class="container text-center"> <nav class="nav" aria-label="Additional navigation"> <ul> <li><a href="" title="iPhone 15">iPhone 15</a></li> <li><a href="" title="iPhone 16">iPhone 16</a></li> <li><a href="" title="iOS 18 Review">iOS 18 Review</a></li> <li><a href="" title="Apple Vision Pro">Apple Vision Pro</a></li> <li><a href="" title="MacBook Pro Deals">MacBook Pro Deals</a></li> <li><a href="" title="MacBook Pro">MacBook Pro</a></li> <li class="hidden-sm hidden-md"><a href="" title="AirPods">AirPods</a></li> <li class="hidden-sm hidden-md"><a href="" title="iPad">iPad</a></li> <li class="hidden-sm hidden-md"><a href="" title="Mac mini">Mac mini</a></li> <li class="hidden-sm hidden-md"><a href="" title="iPhone VPN">iPhone VPN</a></li> <li class="hidden-sm"><a href="" title="MacBook Air">MacBook Air</a></li> </ul> </nav> </div> </div> <div id="topic-nav-spacer" class="hidden-xs hidden-sm">&nbsp;</div> <div class="container"> <hr class="visible-xs"> <div id="news-river" class="col-lg-9 col-sm-12"> <h2 class="block-header uc">Mac Studio Related Stories</h2> <div class="row"> <article class="main-art river"> <div class="col-xs-12"> <div style="display:flex; flex-direction:row; gap:.2em;"> <div class="col-sm-4 col-xs-5"> <a href=""><img loading="lazy" class="img-responsive" src="" alt="article thumbnail"></a> </div> <div class="col-sm-8 col-xs-7"> <h2 class="blueHover"><a href="">B&amp;H&#039;s fresh Mac Studio price drop discounts desktop to $1,749</a></h2> <p class="hidden-xs" style="font-weight:normal;font-size:1em;font-family:Inter,-apple-system,BlinkMacSystemFont,Inter,sans-serif">B&amp;H&#039;s February Mac Studio deal for $1,749 delivers the lowest price available across leading Apple resellers.</p> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Rumor Score if atached --> <!-- Author byline, timestamp, review stars, comments count --> <div class="col-xs-12 col-md-8 col-sm-offset-4"> <div class="flex-wrap" style="display:flex; align-items: center; margin-top:.5em;"> <div class="col-sm-7 avatar-link river-author-byline"> <span class=" hidden-xs"> <a href=""><img loading="lazy" class="img-circle hidden-xs" src="" alt="author image" style="max-width:32px; margin-right:6px;"> Christine McKee</a> | </span> <time datetime="2025-02-06T18:44:11+00:00">1 week ago</time> </div> <div class="col-sm-3 river-comments hidden-xs"> </div> <div class="col-sm-2 river-comments" style="flex:1;text-align:right;"> <a href=""><span class="badge">0<span class="carrot" aria-hidden="true"></span></span></a> </div> </div> </div> </article> </div> <hr> <div class="row"> <article class="main-art river"> <div class="col-xs-12"> <div style="display:flex; flex-direction:row; gap:.2em;"> <div class="col-sm-4 col-xs-5"> <a href=""><img loading="lazy" class="img-responsive" src="" alt="article thumbnail"></a> </div> <div class="col-sm-8 col-xs-7"> <h2 class="blueHover"><a href="">M4 Mac Studio, M5 MacBook Pro form part of Apple&#039;s 2025 Mac launches</a></h2> <p class="hidden-xs" style="font-weight:normal;font-size:1em;font-family:Inter,-apple-system,BlinkMacSystemFont,Inter,sans-serif">Apple&#039;s Mac lineup for 2025 will include quite a lot of updates, with the Mac Studio anticipated to get a refresh early in the year alongside more typical updates.</p> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Rumor Score if atached --> <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-8 col-md-8 col-sm-offset-4"> <a href=""> <div class="river-score-wrap"><div class="rumor-head"><span class="uc sub-header">Rumor Score</span></div><div class="rumor-score" aria-hidden="true"><span class="rs2">&nbsp;</span></div><div class="rumor-foot">🤔 Possible</div></div> </a> </div> <!-- Author byline, timestamp, review stars, comments count --> <div class="col-xs-12 col-md-8 col-sm-offset-4"> <div class="flex-wrap" style="display:flex; align-items: center; margin-top:.5em;"> <div class="col-sm-7 avatar-link river-author-byline"> <span class=" hidden-xs"> <a href=""><img loading="lazy" class="img-circle hidden-xs" src="" alt="author image" style="max-width:32px; margin-right:6px;"> Malcolm Owen</a> | </span> <time datetime="2025-01-12T14:31:52+00:00">1 month ago</time> </div> <div class="col-sm-3 river-comments hidden-xs"> </div> <div class="col-sm-2 river-comments" style="flex:1;text-align:right;"> <a href=""><span class="badge">11<span class="carrot" aria-hidden="true"></span></span></a> </div> </div> </div> </article> </div> <hr> <div class="row"> <article class="main-art river"> <div class="col-xs-12"> <div style="display:flex; flex-direction:row; gap:.2em;"> <div class="col-sm-4 col-xs-5"> <a href=""><img loading="lazy" class="img-responsive" src="" alt="article thumbnail"></a> </div> <div class="col-sm-8 col-xs-7"> <h2 class="blueHover"><a href="">What speed to expect from M4 Ultra in the 2025 Mac Studio &amp; Mac Pro</a></h2> <p class="hidden-xs" style="font-weight:normal;font-size:1em;font-family:Inter,-apple-system,BlinkMacSystemFont,Inter,sans-serif">Apple&#039;s high-performance Mac models, including the Mac Studio and Mac Pro, are expected to get a big upgrade in 2025. Here&#039;s how powerful we expect that they&#039;ll be.</p> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Rumor Score if atached --> <!-- Author byline, timestamp, review stars, comments count --> <div class="col-xs-12 col-md-8 col-sm-offset-4"> <div class="flex-wrap" style="display:flex; align-items: center; margin-top:.5em;"> <div class="col-sm-7 avatar-link river-author-byline"> <span class=" hidden-xs"> <a href=""><img loading="lazy" class="img-circle hidden-xs" src="" alt="author image" style="max-width:32px; margin-right:6px;"> Mike Wuerthele and Malcolm Owen</a> | </span> <time datetime="2025-01-02T18:00:47+00:00">1 month ago</time> </div> <div class="col-sm-3 river-comments hidden-xs"> </div> <div class="col-sm-2 river-comments" style="flex:1;text-align:right;"> <a href=""><span class="badge">24<span class="carrot" aria-hidden="true"></span></span></a> </div> </div> </div> </article> </div> <hr> <div class="row"> <article class="main-art river"> <div class="col-xs-12"> <div style="display:flex; flex-direction:row; gap:.2em;"> <div class="col-sm-4 col-xs-5"> <a href=""><img loading="lazy" class="img-responsive" src="" alt="article thumbnail"></a> </div> <div class="col-sm-8 col-xs-7"> <h2 class="blueHover"><a href="">iPhone SE, M4 MacBook Air &amp; more: What to expect from Apple&#039;s loaded first half of 2025</a></h2> <p class="hidden-xs" style="font-weight:normal;font-size:1em;font-family:Inter,-apple-system,BlinkMacSystemFont,Inter,sans-serif">The first half of 2025 is set to be a busy one for Apple. Here&#039;s all of the rumors so far, including the iPhone SE 4, M4 Ultra in a Mac Pro, and more!</p> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Rumor Score if atached --> <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-8 col-md-8 col-sm-offset-4"> <a href=""> <div class="river-score-wrap"><div class="rumor-head"><span class="uc sub-header">Rumor Score</span></div><div class="rumor-score" aria-hidden="true"><span class="rs1">&nbsp;</span></div><div class="rumor-foot">🤯 Likely</div></div> </a> </div> <!-- Author byline, timestamp, review stars, comments count --> <div class="col-xs-12 col-md-8 col-sm-offset-4"> <div class="flex-wrap" style="display:flex; align-items: center; margin-top:.5em;"> <div class="col-sm-7 avatar-link river-author-byline"> <span class=" hidden-xs"> <a href=""><img loading="lazy" class="img-circle hidden-xs" src="" alt="author image" style="max-width:32px; margin-right:6px;"> Wesley Hilliard</a> | </span> <time datetime="2024-12-31T16:43:23+00:00">1 month ago</time> </div> <div class="col-sm-3 river-comments hidden-xs"> </div> <div class="col-sm-2 river-comments" style="flex:1;text-align:right;"> <a href=""><span class="badge">4<span class="carrot" aria-hidden="true"></span></span></a> </div> </div> </div> </article> </div> <hr> <div class="row"> <article class="main-art river"> <div class="col-xs-12"> <div style="display:flex; flex-direction:row; gap:.2em;"> <div class="col-sm-4 col-xs-5"> <a href=""><img loading="lazy" class="img-responsive" src="" alt="article thumbnail"></a> </div> <div class="col-sm-8 col-xs-7"> <h2 class="blueHover"><a href="">Holiday 2024 Mac Buyer&#039;s Guide — Which desktop Mac you should buy?</a></h2> <p class="hidden-xs" style="font-weight:normal;font-size:1em;font-family:Inter,-apple-system,BlinkMacSystemFont,Inter,sans-serif">Following the introduction of new Mac models in October, Apple has shaken up its desktop Mac roster. Here&#039;s what you should buy this holiday season, at just about any price point.</p> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Rumor Score if atached --> <!-- Author byline, timestamp, review stars, comments count --> <div class="col-xs-12 col-md-8 col-sm-offset-4"> <div class="flex-wrap" style="display:flex; align-items: center; margin-top:.5em;"> <div class="col-sm-7 avatar-link river-author-byline"> <span class=" hidden-xs"> <a href=""><img loading="lazy" class="img-circle hidden-xs" src="" alt="author image" style="max-width:32px; margin-right:6px;"> Malcolm Owen</a> | </span> <time datetime="2024-12-06T15:02:00+00:00">2 months ago</time> </div> <div class="col-sm-3 river-comments hidden-xs"> </div> <div class="col-sm-2 river-comments" style="flex:1;text-align:right;"> <a href=""><span class="badge">8<span class="carrot" aria-hidden="true"></span></span></a> </div> </div> </div> </article> </div> <hr> <div class="row"> <article class="main-art river"> <div class="col-xs-12"> <div style="display:flex; flex-direction:row; gap:.2em;"> <div class="col-sm-4 col-xs-5"> <a href=""><img loading="lazy" class="img-responsive" src="" alt="article thumbnail"></a> </div> <div class="col-sm-8 col-xs-7"> <h2 class="blueHover"><a href="">Best Black Friday Apple deals that you can still grab today</a></h2> <p class="hidden-xs" style="font-weight:normal;font-size:1em;font-family:Inter,-apple-system,BlinkMacSystemFont,Inter,sans-serif">Black Friday and Cyber Monday are in the rearview mirror, but numerous Apple deals are still in effect. Here are the best choices.</p> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Rumor Score if atached --> <!-- Author byline, timestamp, review stars, comments count --> <div class="col-xs-12 col-md-8 col-sm-offset-4"> <div class="flex-wrap" style="display:flex; align-items: center; margin-top:.5em;"> <div class="col-sm-7 avatar-link river-author-byline"> <span class=" hidden-xs"> <a href=""><img loading="lazy" class="img-circle hidden-xs" src="" alt="author image" style="max-width:32px; margin-right:6px;"> Christine McKee</a> | </span> <time datetime="2024-12-04T16:44:19+00:00">2 months ago</time> </div> <div class="col-sm-3 river-comments hidden-xs"> </div> <div class="col-sm-2 river-comments" style="flex:1;text-align:right;"> <a href=""><span class="badge">0<span class="carrot" aria-hidden="true"></span></span></a> </div> </div> </div> </article> </div> <hr> <div class="row"> <article class="main-art river"> <div class="col-xs-12"> <div style="display:flex; flex-direction:row; gap:.2em;"> <div class="col-sm-4 col-xs-5"> <a href=""><img loading="lazy" class="img-responsive" src="" alt="article thumbnail"></a> </div> <div class="col-sm-8 col-xs-7"> <h2 class="blueHover"><a href="">Cyber Monday Mac Studio deal drops Apple&#039;s desktop to $1,749, lowest price ever</a></h2> <p class="hidden-xs" style="font-weight:normal;font-size:1em;font-family:Inter,-apple-system,BlinkMacSystemFont,Inter,sans-serif">B&amp;H&#039;s Cyber Monday Mac Studio deal is a steal at $1,749 — but it&#039;s valid through Cyber Monday only and supplies may be limited.</p> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Rumor Score if atached --> <!-- Author byline, timestamp, review stars, comments count --> <div class="col-xs-12 col-md-8 col-sm-offset-4"> <div class="flex-wrap" style="display:flex; align-items: center; margin-top:.5em;"> <div class="col-sm-7 avatar-link river-author-byline"> <span class=" hidden-xs"> <a href=""><img loading="lazy" class="img-circle hidden-xs" src="" alt="author image" style="max-width:32px; margin-right:6px;"> Christine McKee</a> | </span> <time datetime="2024-12-01T17:41:35+00:00">2 months ago</time> </div> <div class="col-sm-3 river-comments hidden-xs"> </div> <div class="col-sm-2 river-comments" style="flex:1;text-align:right;"> <a href=""><span class="badge">1<span class="carrot" aria-hidden="true"></span></span></a> </div> </div> </div> </article> </div> <hr> <div class="row"> <article class="main-art river"> <div class="col-xs-12"> <div style="display:flex; flex-direction:row; gap:.2em;"> <div class="col-sm-4 col-xs-5"> <a href=""><img loading="lazy" class="img-responsive" src="" alt="article thumbnail"></a> </div> <div class="col-sm-8 col-xs-7"> <h2 class="blueHover"><a href="">Black Friday Mac Studio deal drops price to $1,789, plus $30 off AppleCare</a></h2> <p class="hidden-xs" style="font-weight:normal;font-size:1em;font-family:Inter,-apple-system,BlinkMacSystemFont,Inter,sans-serif">It&#039;s the Black Friday bargain to get — not only is a current Mac Studio discounted $210 to $1,789, but you can save $30 off three years of AppleCare with an exclusive discount code.</p> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Rumor Score if atached --> <!-- Author byline, timestamp, review stars, comments count --> <div class="col-xs-12 col-md-8 col-sm-offset-4"> <div class="flex-wrap" style="display:flex; align-items: center; margin-top:.5em;"> <div class="col-sm-7 avatar-link river-author-byline"> <span class=" hidden-xs"> <a href=""><img loading="lazy" class="img-circle hidden-xs" src="" alt="author image" style="max-width:32px; margin-right:6px;"> AppleInsider Staff</a> | </span> <time datetime="2024-11-28T16:56:00+00:00">2 months ago</time> </div> <div class="col-sm-3 river-comments hidden-xs"> </div> <div class="col-sm-2 river-comments" style="flex:1;text-align:right;"> <a href=""><span class="badge">0<span class="carrot" aria-hidden="true"></span></span></a> </div> </div> </div> </article> </div> <hr> <div class="row"> <article class="main-art river"> <div class="col-xs-12"> <div style="display:flex; flex-direction:row; gap:.2em;"> <div class="col-sm-4 col-xs-5"> <a href=""><img loading="lazy" class="img-responsive" src="" alt="article thumbnail"></a> </div> <div class="col-sm-8 col-xs-7"> <h2 class="blueHover"><a href="">Hack upgrades Mac Studio internal SSD for less than half of Apple&#039;s prices</a></h2> <p class="hidden-xs" style="font-weight:normal;font-size:1em;font-family:Inter,-apple-system,BlinkMacSystemFont,Inter,sans-serif">All it takes is cracking open your Mac Studio and voiding your warranty, but it&#039;s been proven that you can upgrade to 8TB SSD for less than half what Apple charges.</p> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Rumor Score if atached --> <!-- Author byline, timestamp, review stars, comments count --> <div class="col-xs-12 col-md-8 col-sm-offset-4"> <div class="flex-wrap" style="display:flex; align-items: center; margin-top:.5em;"> <div class="col-sm-7 avatar-link river-author-byline"> <span class=" hidden-xs"> <a href=""><img loading="lazy" class="img-circle hidden-xs" src="" alt="author image" style="max-width:32px; margin-right:6px;"> William Gallagher</a> | </span> <time datetime="2024-11-14T14:28:31+00:00">3 months ago</time> </div> <div class="col-sm-3 river-comments hidden-xs"> </div> <div class="col-sm-2 river-comments" style="flex:1;text-align:right;"> <a href=""><span class="badge">22<span class="carrot" aria-hidden="true"></span></span></a> </div> </div> </div> </article> </div> <hr> <div class="row"> <article class="main-art river"> <div class="col-xs-12"> <div style="display:flex; flex-direction:row; gap:.2em;"> <div class="col-sm-4 col-xs-5"> <a href=""><img loading="lazy" class="img-responsive" src="" alt="article thumbnail"></a> </div> <div class="col-sm-8 col-xs-7"> <h2 class="blueHover"><a href="">First M4 Max benchmark tears apart the M2 Ultra Mac Studio</a></h2> <p class="hidden-xs" style="font-weight:normal;font-size:1em;font-family:Inter,-apple-system,BlinkMacSystemFont,Inter,sans-serif">The M4 Max is the most powerful chip in Apple&#039;s collection, with an early benchmark showing the MacBook Pro leaving the Mac Studio or Mac Pro with M2 Ultra in its dust.</p> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Rumor Score if atached --> <!-- Author byline, timestamp, review stars, comments count --> <div class="col-xs-12 col-md-8 col-sm-offset-4"> <div class="flex-wrap" style="display:flex; align-items: center; margin-top:.5em;"> <div class="col-sm-7 avatar-link river-author-byline"> <span class=" hidden-xs"> <a href=""><img loading="lazy" class="img-circle hidden-xs" src="" alt="author image" style="max-width:32px; margin-right:6px;"> Malcolm Owen</a> | </span> <time datetime="2024-11-01T13:29:46+00:00">3 months ago</time> </div> <div class="col-sm-3 river-comments hidden-xs"> </div> <div class="col-sm-2 river-comments" style="flex:1;text-align:right;"> <a href=""><span 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