Curlie - Suggest a Site: Instructions
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The directory is hierarchically arranged by subject - from broad to specific. Curlie is maintained by community editors who evaluate sites for inclusion in the directory. They are our experts, and all submissions are subject to editor evaluation.</p> <p>We care a great deal about the quality of the directory. We aren't a search engine and pride ourselves on being highly selective. We don't accept all sites, so please don't take it personally should a site not be accepted. Our goal is to make the directory as useful as possible for our users, not to have the directory include all (or even most) of the sites that could possibly be listed or serve as a promotional tool for the entities listed.</p> <p>To keep Curlie running smoothly and to assist us in exercising our editorial discretion, we have set up policies for submitting sites for our consideration. We may reject, delete, or edit submissions that violate these policies or that we otherwise believe, in our sole discretion, should not be included in the directory. We may also reject, delete, or block other sites that we believe to be associated with a user who has violated these policies.</p> <p>Please follow the steps below for each site you would like to suggest.</p> <h2 id="step1">Step One</h2> <p><a href="/docs/en/searchguide.html">Search the directory</a> to make sure the site isn't already listed.</p> <h2 id="step2">Step Two</h2> <p>Determine whether the site is appropriate for submission:</p> <ul> <li>Do not suggest a site that contains only the same (mirror) or similar content as another listed site.</li> <li>Do not suggest a site that redirects to another site.</li> <li>Do not suggest an incomplete site, such as one with broken graphics or links.</li> <li>Do not suggest a site consisting largely of affiliate links.</li> <li>Do not suggest a site with illegal content. Examples of illegal material include child pornography; libel; material that infringes any intellectual property right; and material that specifically advocates, solicits or abets illegal activity (such as fraud or violence).</li> </ul> <h2 id="step3">Step Three</h2> <p>Submit the site to the single, most relevant, category:</p> <ul> <li>For non-English sites, pick the appropriate category under World.</li> <li>Click the <i class="docsIcon fa fa-clipboard"></i> icon next to the name of the category you are browsing.</li> <li>Carefully follow the instructions on the suggestion form.</li> </ul> <p>Note, a category without the <i class="docsIcon fa fa-clipboard"></i> icon is not accepting suggestions. In that case, please find either a more specific or an alternative category for the site.</p> <h2 id="response">After Submitting a Site</h2> <p>An editor will review your suggestion to determine whether to include it in the Directory. Depending on factors such as the volume of suggestions to the particular category, response time can vary dramatically. Please only suggest a site to the Directory <u>once</u>. Multiple suggestions of the same or related sites may result in the exclusion and/or deletion of those and all affiliated sites.</p> <h3 id="updating">Updating a Site</h3> <p>If a site has been accepted for inclusion in the directory but you are dissatisfied with how the site is described or titled, you may go to the category where it is listed and flag the listing. Be polite and civil -- threatening or abusive behavior will not be tolerated.</p> <h3 id="data-users">Getting Your Site Into Portals and Search Engines Using Curlie Data</h3> <p>If your site has been accepted into the Directory, it may take anywhere from a week to several months for your site to be listed on partner sites which use the <a href="/Computers/Internet/Searching/Directories/Volunteer-Edited/DMOZ/Sites_Using_DMOZ_Data/">Directory data</a>. We make <a href="">updates of the data</a> available weekly, but each partner has their own update schedule.</p> <h3 id="discretion">Editorial Discretion</h3> <p>Please recognize that making Curlie a useful resource requires us to exercise broad editorial discretion in determining the content and structure of the directory. That discretion extends (but is not limited) to what sites to include, where in the directory sites are placed, whether and when to include more than one link to a site, when deep linking is appropriate, and the content of the title and description of the site. In addition, a site's placement in the directory is subject to change or deletion at any time at our sole discretion. You should not rely on any aspect of a site's inclusion in the directory. Please understand that an editor's exercise of discretion may not always treat all suggestions equally. You may not always agree with our choices, but we hope you recognize that we do our best to make fair and reasonable decisions.</p> <p><b>The Curlie Crew welcomes comments and feedback about the directory generally. Please let us know what you think, and how we can improve the service. Thanks!</b></p> <p><b><a href="/">Proceed to the home page at</a></b> - Start here to find a category to suggest to.</p> <div class="footer"> Last update: <!-- LAST_UPDATE --> Sat Jun 15 07:44 EDT 2019 <br /> Copyright © 2023 (<a href="/docs/en/termsofuse.html">Terms of Use</a> - <a href="/docs/en/license.html">License</a>) </div> </body> </html>