Apache JMeter - How to write a plugin for JMeter

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How to write a plugin for JMeter<a class="sectionlink" href="#howto" title="Link to here">&para;</a> </h1> <h3>Introduction from Peter Lin</h3> <p> On more than one occasion, users have complained JMeter's developer documentation is out of date and not very useful. In an effort to make it easier for developers, I decided to write a simple step-by-step tutorial. When I mentioned this to mike, he had some ideas about what the tutorial should cover. </p> <p> Before we dive into the tutorial, I'd like to say writing a plugin isn't necessarily easy, even for someone with several years of java experience. The first extension I wrote for JMeter was a simple utility to parse HTTP access logs and produce requests in XML format. It wasn't really a plugin, since it was a stand alone command line utility. My first real plugin for JMeter was the webservice sampler. I was working on a .NET project and needed to stress test a webservice. Most of the commercial tools out there for testing .NET webservices suck and cost too much. Rather than fork over several hundred dollars for a lame testing tool, or a couple thousand dollars for a good one, I decided it was easier and cheaper to write a plugin for JMeter. </p> <p> After a two weeks of coding on my free time, I had a working prototype using Apache Soap driver. I submitted it back to JMeter and mike asked me if I want to be a committer. I had contributed patches to Jakarta JSTL and tomcat in the past, so I considered it an honor. Since then, I've written the access log sampler, Tomcat 5 monitor and distribution graph. Mike has since then improved the access log sampler tremendously and made it much more useful. </p> <h3>Introduction from Mike Stover</h3> <p> One of my primary goals in designing JMeter was to make it easy to write plugins to enhance as many of JMeter's features as possible. Part of the benefit of being open-source is that a lot of people could potentially lend their efforts to improve the application. I made a conscious decision to sacrifice some simplicity in the code to make plugin writing a way of life for a JMeter developer. </p> <p> While some folks have successfully dug straight into the code and made improvements to JMeter, a real tutorial on how to do this has been lacking. I tried a long time ago to write some documentation about it, but most people did not find it useful. Hopefully, with Peter's help, this attempt will be more successful. </p> <div class="subsection"> <h2 id="basic-structure"> 29.1 Basic structure of JMeter<a class="sectionlink" href="#basic-structure" title="Link to here">&para;</a> </h2> <p> JMeter is organized by protocols and functionality. This is done so that developers can build new jars for a single protocol without having to build the entire application. We'll go into the details of building JMeter later in the tutorial. Since most of the JMeter developers use eclipse, the article will use eclipse directory as a reference point. </p> <p> Root directory - <span class="code">/eclipse/workspace/apache-jmeter/</span> </p> <p> The folders inside of <span class="code">apache-jmeter</span> </p> <dl> <dt> <span class="code">bin</span> </dt> <dd> contains the <span class="code">.bat</span> and <span class="code">.sh</span> files for starting JMeter. It also contains <span class="code">ApacheJMeter.jar</span> and properties file </dd> <dt> <span class="code">build/docs</span> </dt> <dd>directory contains the JMeter documentation files</dd> <dt> <span class="code">extras</span> </dt> <dd>ant related extra files</dd> <dt> <span class="code">lib</span> </dt> <dd>contains the required jar files for JMeter</dd> <dt> <span class="code">lib/ext</span> </dt> <dd>contains the core jar files for JMeter and the protocols</dd> <dt> <span class="code">src</span> </dt> <dd>contains subdirectory for each protocol and component</dd> <dt> <span class="code">src/*/test</span> </dt> <dd>unit test related directory</dd> <dt> <span class="code">src/testFixtures</span> </dt> <dd>Directory that contains test-related code that might be reused in other modules</dd> <dt> <span class="code">xdocs</span> </dt> <dd>XML files for documentation. JMeter generates its documentation from XML.</dd> </dl> <p> As the tutorial progresses, an explanation of the subdirectories will be provided. For now, lets focus on <span class="code">src</span> directory. </p> <p> The folders inside of <span class="code">src</span> </p> <dl> <dt> <span class="code">bshclient</span> </dt> <dd>code for the BeanShell based client</dd> <dt> <span class="code">bolt</span> </dt> <dd>code for the Bolt protocol</dd> <dt> <span class="code">components</span> </dt> <dd>contains non-protocol-specific components like visualizers, assertions, etc.</dd> <dt> <span class="code">core</span> </dt> <dd>the core code of JMeter including all core interfaces and abstract classes.</dd> <dt> <span class="code">dist</span> </dt> <dd>builds script that creates a distribution</dd> <dt> <span class="code">dist-check</span> </dt> <dd>code related to testing the distribution. It is the place to look for when you want to update the contents of the resulting source/binary archive</dd> <dt> <span class="code">examples</span> </dt> <dd>example sampler demonstrating how to use the new bean framework</dd> <dt> <span class="code">functions</span> </dt> <dd>standard functions used by all components</dd> <dt> <span class="code">generator</span> </dt> <dd>code to generate a test plan with all elements. Used for testing the distribution</dd> <dt> <span class="code">jorphan</span> </dt> <dd>utility classes providing common utility functions</dd> <dt> <span class="code">launcher</span> </dt> <dd>code to help start and stop JMeter through API</dd> <dt> <span class="code">licenses</span> </dt> <dd>contains information about the licenses used in JMeters dependencies</dd> <dt> <span class="code">protocol</span> </dt> <dd>contains the different protocols JMeter supports</dd> <dt> <span class="code">release</span> </dt> <dd>code related to releasing JMeter distribution</dd> <dt> <span class="code">testkit</span> </dt> <dd>utility code for testing</dd> <dt> <span class="code">testkit-wiremock</span> </dt> <dd>utility code for testing with WireMock</dd> </dl> <p> Within <span class="code">protocol</span> directory, are the protocol specific components. </p> <p> The folders inside of <span class="code">protocol</span> </p> <dl> <dt> <span class="code">ftp</span> </dt> <dd>components for load testing ftp servers</dd> <dt> <span class="code">http</span> </dt> <dd>components for load testing web servers</dd> <dt> <span class="code">java</span> </dt> <dd>components for load testing java components</dd> <dt> <span class="code">jdbc</span> </dt> <dd>components for load testing database servers using JDBC</dd> <dt> <span class="code">jms</span> </dt> <dd>components for load testing JMS servers</dd> <dt> <span class="code">junit</span> </dt> <dd>components for load testing using JUnit tests</dd> <dt> <span class="code">junit-sample</span> </dt> <dd>examples for JUnit based test implementations</dd> <dt> <span class="code">ldap</span> </dt> <dd>components for load testing LDAP servers</dd> <dt> <span class="code">mail</span> </dt> <dd>components for load testing mail servers</dd> <dt> <span class="code">native</span> </dt> <dd>components for load testing OS native commands</dd> <dt> <span class="code">tcp</span> </dt> <dd>components for load testing TCP services</dd> </dl> <p> As a general rule, all samplers related to HTTP will reside in <span class="code">http</span> directory. The exception to the rule is the Tomcat5 monitor. It is separate, because the functionality of the monitor is slightly different than stress or functional testing. It may eventually be reorganized, but for now it is in its own directory. In terms of difficulty, writing visualizers is probably one of the harder plugins to write. </p> </div> <div class="subsection"> <h2 id="service-lookup"> 29.2 JMeter Gui &ndash; Service lookup<a class="sectionlink" href="#service-lookup" title="Link to here">&para;</a> </h2> <p> JMeter uses classpath scanning to detect plugins (e.g. functions, components, views). However, classpath scanning is expensive, so JMeter also provides a service lookup mechanism to allow plugins to be found without scanning the classpath. That is if a plugin registers a Java service with <span class="code">META-INF/services</span>, then JMeter won't need to scan the classpath to find it. </p> <p> Some of the existing features already use the new service lookup mechanism, but it is not yet used for all features. The interfaces that are supported for service loading are marked with <span class="code">org.apache.jorphan.reflect.JMeterService</span> annotation. </p> <p> Implementing a service the same as regular interface implementation, except you need to register the service in a <span class="code">META-INF/services/</span>. For instance you could use <span class="code">@AutoService</span> to generate the file automatically at the build time. Here's how <span class="code">__counter</span> function is declared in JMeter itself: <pre class="source"> import; @AutoService(Function.class) public class IterationCounter extends AbstractFunction implements ThreadListener { </pre> </p> <p> For backward compatibility reasons, JMeter would still try searching the implementations with classpath scanning, so you don't have to use <span class="code">META-INF/services</span> for registering services. However, service lookup is much faster, so exposing services would improve startup time, especially when there are many plugins. </p> <p> As you add <span class="code">META-INF/services</span> to your plugins, you can add <span class="code">JMeter-Skip-Class-Scanning: true</span> manifest attribute so JMeter knows there's no need to scan the jar as it provides all the plugins via services. </p> </div> <div class="subsection"> <h2 id="testelement-contract"> 29.3 JMeter Gui &ndash; TestElement Contract<a class="sectionlink" href="#testelement-contract" title="Link to here">&para;</a> </h2> <p> When writing any JMeter component, there are certain contracts you must be aware of &ndash; ways a JMeter component is expected to behave if it will run properly in the JMeter environment. This section describes the contract that the GUI part of your component must fulfill. </p> <p> GUI code in JMeter is strictly separated from Test Element code. Therefore, when you write a component, there will be a class for the Test Element, and another for the GUI presentation. The GUI presentation class is stateless in the sense that it should never hang onto a reference to the Test Element (there are exceptions to this though). </p> <p> A GUI element should extend the appropriate abstract class provided: </p> <ul> <li> <span class="code">AbstractSamplerGui</span> </li> <li> <span class="code">AbstractAssertionGui</span> </li> <li> <span class="code">AbstractConfigGui</span> </li> <li> <span class="code">AbstractControllerGui</span> </li> <li> <span class="code">AbstractPostProcessorGui</span> </li> <li> <span class="code">AbstractPreProcessorGui</span> </li> <li> <span class="code">AbstractVisualizer</span> </li> <li> <span class="code">AbstractTimerGui</span> </li> </ul> <p> These abstract classes provide so much plumbing work for you that not extending them, and instead implementing the interfaces directly is hardly an option. If you have some burning need to not extend these classes, then you can join me in IRC where I can convince you otherwise :-). </p> <p> So, you've extended the appropriate GUI class, what's left to do? Follow these steps: </p> <ol> <li> Implement <span class="code">getLabelResource()</span> <ol> <li> This method should return the name of the resource that represents the title/name of the component. The resource will have to be entered into JMeters <span class="code"></span> file (and possibly translations as well). </li> </ol> </li> <li> Override <span class="code">org.apache.jmeter.gui.JMeterGUIComponent.makeTestElement</span> method so it returns the appropriate <span class="code">TestElement</span>. JMeter will use <span class="code">makeTestElement</span> when user creates the element from the UI. In most cases it should be just creating the test element like <span class="code">return new SetupThreadGroup()</span>. </li> <li> Create your GUI. Whatever style you like, layout your GUI. Your class ultimately extends <span class="code">JPanel</span>, so your layout must be in your class's own <span class="code">ContentPane</span>. Do not hook up GUI elements to your <span class="code">TestElement</span> class via actions and events. Let swing's internal model hang onto all the data as much as you possibly can. <ol> <li> Some standard GUI stuff should be added to all JMeter GUI components: <ol> <li> Call <span class="code">setBorder(makeBorder())</span> for your class. This will give it the standard JMeter border </li> <li> Add the title pane via <span class="code">makeTitlePanel()</span>. Usually this is the first thing added to your GUI, and should be done in a Box vertical layout scheme, or with JMeter's <span class="code">VerticalLayout</span> class. Here is an example <span class="code">init()</span> method: <pre class="source"> private void init() { setLayout(new BorderLayout()); setBorder(makeBorder()); Box box = Box.createVerticalBox(); box.add(makeTitlePanel()); box.add(makeSourcePanel()); add(box,BorderLayout.NORTH); add(makeParameterPanel(),BorderLayout.CENTER); } </pre> </li> </ol> </li> </ol> </li> <li> Then you need to wire UI elements with the properties of the new <span class="code">TestElement</span>. If you create <span class="code">TestElementSchema</span> for your test element (see <span class="code">ThreadGroupSchema</span>), then you could use automatic wiring with <span class="code">PropertyEditorCollection</span> </li> <li> If you do not use schema for wiring properties to UI control, or if you have non-trivial controls, you might customize <span class="code">TestElement</span> properties to UI control mapping by overriding <span class="code">public void configure(TestElement el)</span> <ol> <li> Be sure to call <span class="code">super.configure(e)</span>. This will populate some of the data for you, like the name of the element. Note: JMeter reuses UI elements when user changes the active element in test tree, so you need to set all the text fields in <span class="code">configure</span> method to avoid displaying stale contents. </li> <li> Use this method to set data into your GUI elements. Example: <pre class="source"> public void configure(TestElement el) { super.configure(el); useHeaders.setSelected( el.getPropertyAsBoolean(RegexExtractor.USEHEADERS)); useBody.setSelected( !el.getPropertyAsBoolean(RegexExtractor.USEHEADERS)); regexField.setText( el.getPropertyAsString(RegexExtractor.REGEX)); templateField.setText( el.getPropertyAsString(RegexExtractor.TEMPLATE)); defaultField.setText( el.getPropertyAsString(RegexExtractor.DEFAULT)); matchNumberField.setText( el.getPropertyAsString(RegexExtractor.MATCH_NUM)); refNameField.setText( el.getPropertyAsString(RegexExtractor.REFNAME)); } </pre> </li> <li> If you do not use schema for wiring UI controls to <span class="code">TestElement</span> properties, or if you want customized behavior, you might override <span class="code">public void modifyTestElement(TestElement e)</span>. It is the logical reverse of <span class="code">configure</span> method. <ol> <li> Call <span class="code">super.modifyTestElement(e)</span>. This will take care of some default data for you. </li> <li>Note: in most cases, you want to treat "empty field" as "absent property", so make sure to remove the property if the input field is empty.</li> <li> Example: <pre class="source"> public void modifyTestElement(TestElement e) { super.modifyTestElement(e); e.setProperty(new BooleanProperty( RegexExtractor.USEHEADERS, useHeaders.isSelected())); e.setProperty(RegexExtractor.MATCH_NUMBER, matchNumberField.getText()); if (e instanceof RegexExtractor) { RegexExtractor regex = (RegexExtractor)e; regex.setRefName(refNameField.getText()); regex.setRegex(regexField.getText()); regex.setTemplate(templateField.getText()); regex.setDefaultValue(defaultField.getText()); } } </pre> </li> </ol> </li> <li> If your UI includes controls that do not map to <span class="code">TestElement</span> properties (sliders, tabs), then you might want to reset them when user switches the controls. You can do that by overriding <span class="code">clearGui()</span> method and resetting the controls there. </li> </ol> </li> </ol> <p> The reason you cannot hold onto a reference for your Test Element is because JMeter reuses instance of GUI class objects for multiple Test Elements. This saves a lot of memory. It also makes it incredibly easy to write the GUI part of your new component. You still have to struggle with the layout in Swing, but you don't have to worry about creating the right events and actions for getting the data from the GUI elements into the <span class="code">TestElement</span> where it can do some good. JMeter knows when to call your configure, and <span class="code">modifyTestElement</span> methods where you can do it in a very straightforward way. </p> <p> Writing Visualizers is somewhat of a special case, however. </p> </div> <div class="subsection"> <h2 id="visualizer"> 29.4 Writing a Visualizer<a class="sectionlink" href="#visualizer" title="Link to here">&para;</a> </h2> <div class="clear"></div> <div class="note"> Load Testing in GUI mode being a bad practice, you should not develop such plugin. Have a look at more up to date components like: <ul> <li> <a href="generating-dashboard.html">Web report</a> </li> <li> <a href="realtime-results.html">Real-Time results</a> with <a href="../api/org/apache/jmeter/visualizers/backend/BackendListenerClient.html">BackendListenerClient</a> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="clear"></div> <p> Of the component types, visualizers require greater depth in Swing than something like controllers, functions or samplers. You can find the full source for the distribution graph in <span class="code">components/org/apache/jmeter/visualizers/</span>. The distribution graph visualizer is divided into two classes. </p> <dl> <dt> <span class="code">DistributionGraphVisualizer</span> </dt> <dd>visualizer which JMeter instantiates</dd> <dt> <span class="code">DistributionGraph</span> </dt> <dd>JComponent which draws the actual graph</dd> </dl> <p> The easiest way to write a visualizer is to do the following: </p> <ol> <li> Extend <span class="code">org.apache.jmeter.visualizers.gui.AbstractVisualizer</span> </li> <li> Implement any additional interfaces need for call back and event notification. For example, the <span class="code">DistributionGraphVisualizer</span> implements the following interfaces: <ul> <li> <span class="code">ImageVisualizer</span> </li> <li> <span class="code">ItemListener</span> &ndash; according to the comments in the class, <span class="code">ItemListener</span> is out of date and isn't used anymore. </li> <li> <span class="code">GraphListener</span> </li> <li> <span class="code">Clearable</span> </li> </ul> </li> </ol> <p> <span class="code">AbstractVisualizer</span> provides some common functionality, which most visualizers like <span class="code">Graph Results</span> use. The common functionality provided by the abstract class includes: </p> <ul> <li> Configure test elements &ndash; This means it create a new <span class="code">ResultCollector</span>, sets the file and sets the error log </li> <li>Create the stock menu</li> <li>Update the test element when changes are made</li> <li>Create a file panel for the log file</li> <li>Create the title panel</li> </ul> <p> In some cases, you may not want to display the menu for the file textbox. In that case, you can override the <span class="code">init()</span> method. Here is the implementation for <span class="code">DistributionGraphVisualizer</span>. </p> <pre class="source"> /** * Initialize the GUI. */ private void init() { this.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); // MAIN PANEL Border margin = new EmptyBorder(10, 10, 5, 10); this.setBorder(margin); // Set up the graph with header, footer, Y axis and graph display JPanel graphPanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); graphPanel.add(createGraphPanel(), BorderLayout.CENTER); graphPanel.add(createGraphInfoPanel(), BorderLayout.SOUTH); // Add the main panel and the graph this.add(makeTitlePanel(), BorderLayout.NORTH); this.add(graphPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER); } </pre> <p> The first thing the <span class="code">init</span> method does is create a new <span class="code">BorderLayout</span>. Depending on how you want to layout the widgets, you may want to use a different layout manager. Keep mind using different layout managers is for experts. </p> <p> The second thing the <span class="code">init</span> method does is create a border. If you want to increase or decrease the border, change the four integer values. Each integer value represents pixels. If you want your visualizer to have no border, skip lines 8 and 9. Line 13 calls <span class="code">createGraphPanel</span>, which is responsible for configuring and adding the <span class="code">DistributionGraph</span> to the visualizer. </p> <pre class="source"> private Component createGraphPanel() { graphPanel = new JPanel(); graphPanel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createBevelBorder( BevelBorder.LOWERED,Color.lightGray,Color.darkGray)); graphPanel.add(graph); graphPanel.setBackground(Color.white); return graphPanel; } </pre> <p> At line 5, the graph component is added to the graph panel. The constructor is where a new instance of <span class="code">DistributionGraph</span> is created. </p> <pre class="source"> public DistributionGraphVisualizer() { model = new SamplingStatCalculator("Distribution"); graph = new DistributionGraph(model); graph.setBackground(Color.white); init(); } </pre> <p> The constructor of <span class="code">DistributionGraphVisualizer</span> is responsible for creating the model and the graph. Every time a new result is complete, the engine passes the result to all the listeners by calling <span class="code">add(SampleResult res)</span>. The visualizer passes the new <span class="code">SampleResult</span> to the model. </p> <pre class="source"> public synchronized void add(SampleResult res) { model.addSample(res); updateGui(model.getCurrentSample()); } </pre> <p> In the case of the <span class="code">DistributionGraphVisualizer</span>, the <span class="code">add</span> method doesn't actually update the graph. Instead, it calls <span class="code">updateGui</span> in line three. </p> <pre class="source"> public synchronized void updateGui(Sample s) { // We have received one more sample if (delay == counter) { updateGui(); counter = 0; } else { counter++; } } </pre> <p> Unlike <span class="code">GraphVisualizer</span>, the distribution graph attempts to show how the results clump; therefore the <span class="code">DistributionGraphVisualizer</span> delays the update. The default delay is <span class="code">10</span> sampleresults. </p> <pre class="source"> public synchronized void updateGui() { if (graph.getWidth() &lt; 10) { graph.setPreferredSize( new Dimension(getWidth() - 40, getHeight() - 160)); } graphPanel.updateUI(); graph.repaint(); } </pre> <p> Lines 2 to 3 are suppose to resize the graph, if the user resizes the window or drags the divider. Line 7 updates the panel containing the graph. Line 8 triggers the update of the <span class="code">DistributionGraph</span>. Before we cover writing graphs, there are a couple of important methods visualizer must implement. </p> <pre class="source"> public String getLabelResource() { return "distribution_graph_title"; } </pre> <p> The label resource retrieves the name of the visualizer from the properties file. The file is located in <span class="code">core/org/apache/jmeter/resources</span>. It's best not to hardcode the name of the visualizer. <span class="code"></span> file is organized alphabetically, so adding a new entry is easy. </p> <pre class="source"> public synchronized void clear() { this.graph.clear(); model.clear(); repaint(); } </pre> <p> Every component in JMeter should implement logic for <span class="code">clear()</span> method. If this isn't done, the component will not clear the UI or model when the user tries to clear the last results and run a new test. If clear is not implemented, it can result in a memory leak. </p> <pre class="source"> public JComponent getPrintableComponent() { return this.graphPanel; } </pre> <p> The last method visualizers should implement is <span class="code">getPrintableComponent()</span>. The method is responsible for returning the JComponent that can be saved or printed. This feature was recently added so that users can save a screen capture of any given visualizer. </p> </div> <div class="subsection"> <h2 id="graphlistener"> 29.5 GraphListener<a class="sectionlink" href="#graphlistener" title="Link to here">&para;</a> </h2> <div class="clear"></div> <div class="note"> Load Testing in GUI mode being a bad practice, you should not develop such plugin. Have a look at more up to date components like: <ul> <li> <a href="generating-dashboard.html">Web report</a> </li> <li> <a href="realtime-results.html">Real-Time results</a> with <a href="../api/org/apache/jmeter/visualizers/backend/BackendListenerClient.html">BackendListenerClient</a> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="clear"></div> <p> Visualizers should implement <span class="code">GraphListener</span>. This is done to make it simpler to add new Sample instances to listeners. As a general rule, if the custom graph does not plot every single sample, it does not need to implement the interface. </p> <pre class="source"> public interface GraphListener { public void updateGui(Sample s); public void updateGui(); } </pre> <p> The important method in the interface is <span class="code">updateGui(Sample s)</span>. From <span class="code">DistributionGraphVisualizer</span>, we see it calls <span class="code">graph.repaint()</span> to refresh the graph. In most cases, the implementation of <span class="code">updateGui(Sample s)</span> should do just that. <span class="code">ItemListenerVisualizers</span> generally do not need to implement this interface. The interface is used with combo boxes, checkbox and lists. If your visualizer uses one of these and needs to know when it has been updated, the visualizer will need to implement the interface. For an example of how to implement the interface, please look at <span class="code">GraphVisualizer</span>. </p> </div> <div class="subsection"> <h2 id="custom-graphs"> 29.6 Writing Custom Graphs<a class="sectionlink" href="#custom-graphs" title="Link to here">&para;</a> </h2> <div class="clear"></div> <div class="note"> Load Testing in GUI mode being a bad practice, you should not develop such plugin. Have a look at more up to date components like: <ul> <li> <a href="generating-dashboard.html">Web report</a> </li> <li> <a href="realtime-results.html">Real-Time results</a> with <a href="../api/org/apache/jmeter/visualizers/backend/BackendListenerClient.html">BackendListenerClient</a> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="clear"></div> <p> For those new to Swing and haven't written custom JComponents yet, I would suggest getting a book on Swing and get a good feel for how Swing widgets work. This tutorial will not attempt to explain basic Swing concepts and assumes the reader is already familiar with the Swing API and MVC (Model View Controller) design pattern. From the constructor of <span class="code">DistributionGraphVisualizer</span>, we see a new instance of <span class="code">DistributionGraph</span> is created with an instance of the model. </p> <pre class="source"> public DistributionGraph(SamplingStatCalculator model) { this(); setModel(model); } </pre> <p> The implementation of <span class="code">setModel</span> method is straight forward. </p> <pre class="source"> private void setModel(Object model) { this.model = (SamplingStatCalculator) model; repaint(); } </pre> <p> Notice the method calls <span class="code">repaint</span> after it sets the model. If <span class="code">repaint</span> isn't called, it can cause the GUI to not draw the graph. Once the test starts, the graph would redraw, so calling <span class="code">repaint</span> isn't critical. </p> <pre class="source"> public void paintComponent(Graphics g) { super.paintComponent(g); final SamplingStatCalculator m = this.model; synchronized (m) { drawSample(m, g); } } </pre> <p> The other important aspect of updating the widget is placing the call to <span class="code">drawSample</span> within a synchronized block. If <span class="code">drawSample</span> wasn't synchronized, JMeter would throw a <span class="code">ConcurrentModificationException</span> at runtime. Depending on the test plan, there may be a dozen or more threads adding results to the model. The synchronized block does not affect the accuracy of each individual request and time measurement, but it does affect JMeter's ability to generate large loads. As the number of threads in a test plan increases, the likelihood a thread will have to wait until the graph is done redrawing before starting a new request increases. Here is the implementation of <span class="code">drawSample</span>. </p> <pre class="source"> private void drawSample(SamplingStatCalculator model, Graphics g) { width = getWidth(); double height = (double)getHeight() - 1.0; // first lets draw the grid for (int y=0; y &lt; 4; y++){ int q1 = (int)(height - (height * 0.25 * y)); g.setColor(Color.lightGray); g.drawLine(xborder,q1,width,q1); g.setColor(; g.drawString(String.valueOf((25 * y) + "%"),0,q1); } g.setColor(; // draw the X axis g.drawLine(xborder,(int)height,width,(int)height); // draw the Y axis g.drawLine(xborder,0,xborder,(int)height); // the test plan has to have more than 200 samples // for it to generate half way decent distribution // graph. The larger the sample, the better the // results. if (model != null &amp;&amp; model.getCount() &gt; 50) { // now draw the bar chart Number ninety = model.getPercentPoint(0.90); Number fifty = model.getPercentPoint(0.50); total = model.getCount(); Collection values = model.getDistribution().values(); Object[] objval = new Object[values.size()]; objval = values.toArray(objval); // we sort the objects Arrays.sort(objval,new NumberComparator()); int len = objval.length; for (int count=0; count &lt; len; count++) { // calculate the height Number[] num = (Number[])objval[count]; double iper = (double)num[1].intValue() / (double)total; double iheight = height * iper; // if the height is less than one, we set it // to one pixel if (iheight &lt; 1) { iheight = 1.0; } int ix = (count * 4) + xborder + 5; int dheight = (int)(height - iheight); g.setColor(; g.drawLine(ix -1,(int)height,ix -1,dheight); g.drawLine(ix,(int)height,ix,dheight); g.setColor(; // draw a red line for 90% point if (num[0].longValue() == ninety.longValue()) { g.setColor(; g.drawLine(ix,(int)height,ix,55); g.drawLine(ix,(int)35,ix,0); g.drawString("90%",ix - 30,20); g.drawString( String.valueOf(num[0].longValue()), ix + 8, 20); } // draw an orange line for 50% point if (num[0].longValue() == fifty.longValue()) { g.setColor(; g.drawLine(ix,(int)height,ix,30); g.drawString("50%",ix - 30,50); g.drawString( String.valueOf(num[0].longValue()), ix + 8, 50); } } } } </pre> <p> In general, the rendering of the graph should be fairly quick and shouldn't be a bottleneck. As a general rule, it is a good idea to profile custom plugins. The only way to make sure a visualizer isn't a bottleneck is to run it with a tool like Borland OptimizeIt. A good way to test a plugin is to create a simple test plan and run it. The heap and garbage collection behavior should be regular and predictable. </p> </div> <div class="subsection"> <h2 id="testbean"> 29.7 Making a TestBean Plugin For JMeter<a class="sectionlink" href="#testbean" title="Link to here">&para;</a> </h2> <p> In this part, we will go through the process of creating a simple component for JMeter that uses the new <span class="code">TestBean</span> framework. </p> <p> This component will be a CSV file reading element that will let users easily vary their input data using CSV files. To most effectively use this tutorial, open the three files specified below (found in JMeter's <span class="code">src/components</span> directory). </p> <ol> <li> Pick a package and make three files: <ul> <li>[ComponentName].java (</li> <li>[ComponentName] (</li> <li>[ComponentName] (</li> </ul> </li> <li> <span class="code"></span> must implement the <span class="code">TestBean</span> interface. In addition, it will extend <span class="code">ConfigTestElement</span>, and implement <span class="code">LoopIterationListener</span>. <ul> <li> <span class="code">TestBean</span> is a marker interface, so there are no methods to implement. </li> <li> Extending <span class="code">ConfigTestElement</span> will make our component a <span class="code">Config</span> element in a test plan. By extending different abstract classes, you can control the type of element your component will be (i.e. <span class="code">AbstractSampler</span>, <span class="code">AbstractVisualizer</span>, <span class="code">GenericController</span>, etc - though you can also make different types of elements just by instantiating the right interfaces, the abstract classes can make your life easier). </li> </ul> </li> <li> <span class="code"></span> should extend <span class="code">org.apache.jmeter.testbeans.BeanInfoSupport</span> <ul> <li> create a zero-parameter constructor in which we call <span class="code">super(CSVDataSet.class);</span> </li> <li>we'll come back to this.</li> </ul> </li> <li> <span class="code"></span> - blank for now </li> <li> Implement your special logic for you plugin class. <ol> <li> The <span class="code">CSVDataSet</span> will read a single CSV file and will store the values it finds into JMeter's running context. The user will define the file, define the variable names for each "<span class="code">column</span>". The <span class="code">CSVDataSet</span> will open the file when the test starts, and close it when the test ends (thus we implement <span class="code">TestListener</span>). The <span class="code">CSVDataSet</span> will update the contents of the variables for every test thread, and for each iteration through its parent controller, by reading new lines in the file. When we reach the end of the file, we'll start again at the beginning. When implementing a <span class="code">TestBean</span>, pay careful attention to your properties. These properties will become the basis of a GUI form by which users will configure the <span class="code">CSVDataSet</span> element. </li> <li>Your element will be cloned by JMeter when the test starts. Each thread will get its own instance. However, you will have a chance to control how the cloning is done, if you need it. </li> <li> Properties: <span class="code">filename</span>, <span class="code">variableNames</span>. With public getters and setters. <ul> <li> <span class="code">filename</span> is self-explanatory, it will hold the name of the CSV file we'll read </li> <li> <span class="code">variableNames</span> is a String which will allow a user to enter the names of the variables we'll assign values to. Why a String? Why not a Collection? Surely users will need to enter multiple (and unknown number of) variable names? True, but if we used a List or Collection, we'd have to write a GUI component to handle collections, and I just want to do this quickly. Instead, we'll let users input comma-delimited list of variable names. </li> </ul> </li> <li> I then implemented the <span class="code">IterationStart</span> method of the <span class="code">LoopIterationListener</span> interface. The point of this "event" is that your component is notified of when the test has entered its parent controller. For our purposes, every time the <span class="code">CSVDataSet</span>'s parent controller is entered, we will read a new line of the data file and set the variables. Thus, for a regular controller, each loop through the test will result in a new set of values being read. For a loop controller, each iteration will do likewise. Every test thread will get different values as well. </li> </ol> </li> <li> Setting up your GUI elements in <span class="code">CSVDataSetBeanInfo</span>: <ul> <li> You can create groupings for your component's properties. Each grouping you create needs a label and a list of property names to include in that grouping. I.e.: <pre class="source"> createPropertyGroup("csv_data", new String[] { "filename", "variableNames" }); </pre> </li> <li> Creates a grouping called <span class="code">csv_data</span> that will include GUI input elements for the <span class="code">filename</span> and <span class="code">variableNames</span> properties of <span class="code">CSVDataSet</span>. Then, we need to define what kind of properties we want these to be: <pre class="source"> p = property("filename"); p.setValue(NOT_UNDEFINED, Boolean.TRUE); p.setValue(DEFAULT, ""); p.setValue(NOT_EXPRESSION, Boolean.TRUE); p = property("variableNames"); p.setValue(NOT_UNDEFINED, Boolean.TRUE); p.setValue(DEFAULT, ""); p.setValue(NOT_EXPRESSION, Boolean.TRUE); </pre> This essentially creates two properties whose value is not allowed to be <span class="code">null</span>, and whose default values are <span class="code">""</span>. There are several such attributes that can be set for each property. Here is a rundown: <dl> <dt> <span class="code">NOT_UNDEFINED</span> </dt> <dd> The property will not be left <span class="code">null</span>. </dd> <dt> <span class="code">DEFAULT</span> </dt> <dd> A default values must be given if <span class="code">NOT_UNDEFINED</span> is <span class="code">true</span>. </dd> <dt> <span class="code">NOT_EXPRESSION</span> </dt> <dd> The value will not be parsed for functions if this is <span class="code">true</span>. </dd> <dt> <span class="code">NOT_OTHER</span> </dt> <dd>This is not a free form entry field &ndash; a list of values has to be provided.</dd> <dt> <span class="code">TAGS</span> </dt> <dd> With a <span class="code">String[]</span> as the value, this sets up a predefined list of acceptable values, and JMeter will create a dropdown select. </dd> </dl> Additionally, a custom property editor can be specified for a property: <pre class="source"> p.setPropertyEditorClass(FileEditor.class); </pre> This will create a text input plus browse button that opens a dialog for finding a file. Usually, complex property settings are not needed, as now. For a more complex example, look at <span class="code">org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.sampler.AccessLogSamplerBeanInfo</span> </li> </ul> </li> <li> Defining your resource strings. In <span class="code"></span> we have to define all our string resources. To provide translations, one would create additional files such as <span class="code"></span>, and <span class="code"></span>. For our component, we must define the following resources: <dl> <dt> <span class="code">displayName</span> </dt> <dd>This will provide a name for the element that will appear in menus.</dd> <dt> <span class="code">csv_data.displayName</span> </dt> <dd> we create a property grouping called <span class="code">csv_data</span>, so we have to provide a label for the grouping </dd> <dt> <span class="code">filename.displayName</span> </dt> <dd>a label for the filename input element.</dd> <dt> <span class="code">filename.shortDescription</span> </dt> <dd>a tool-tip-like help text blurb.</dd> <dt> <span class="code">variableNames.displayName</span> </dt> <dd>a label for the variable name input element.</dd> <dt> <span class="code">variableNames.shortDescription</span> </dt> <dd> tool tip for the <span class="code">variableNames</span> input element. </dd> </dl> </li> <li>Debug your component.</li> </ol> </div> <div class="subsection"> <h2 id="building"> 29.8 Building JMeter<a class="sectionlink" href="#building" title="Link to here">&para;</a> </h2> <p> JMeter uses Gradle to compile and build the distribution. JMeter has several tasks defined, which make it easier for developers to build the complete project. For those unfamiliar with Gradle, it's a build tool similar to make on Unix. A list of the Gradle tasks with a short description is provided in <a href=""></a>, which can be found in the root source directory. </p> <p> Here are some example commands. </p> <dl> <dt> <span class="code">./gradlew runGui</span> </dt> <dd>Build and start JMeter GUI</dd> <dt> <span class="code">./gradlew createDist</span> </dt> <dd> Build project and copy relevant jar files to <span class="code">./lib</span> folder </dd> <dt> <span class="code">./gradlew :src:dist:previewSite</span> </dt> <dd> Creates preview of a site to <span class="code">./build/docs/site</span> </dd> </dl> </div> </div> <ul class="pagelinks"> <li> <a href="jmeter_accesslog_sampler_step_by_step.html">&lt; Prev</a> </li> <li> <a href="../index.html">Index</a> </li> </ul> <div class="share-links"> Share this page: <ul> <li class="fb"> <a data-social-url="" title="Share on facebook"><i class="fa fa-facebook" aria-hidden="true"></i>share</a> </li> <li class="twitter"> <a data-social-url="" title="Tweet on twitter"><i class="fa fa-twitter" aria-hidden="true"></i>tweet</a> </li> </ul> </div> <a href="#top" id="topButton">Go to top</a> </div> <div class="footer"> <div class="copyright"> Copyright &copy; 1999 &ndash; 2024 , Apache Software Foundation </div> <div class="trademarks">Apache, Apache JMeter, JMeter, the Apache feather, and the Apache JMeter logo are trademarks of the Apache Software Foundation. </div> </div> <script>(function(){ "use strict"; // enable 'go to top' button functionality document.addEventListener('scroll', function() { if (document.body.scrollTop > 500 || document.documentElement.scrollTop > 500) { document.getElementById("topButton").style.display = "block"; } else { document.getElementById("topButton").style.display = "none"; } }); // fill in the current location into social links on this page. var as = document.getElementsByTagName('a'); var loc = document.location.href; if (!loc.toLowerCase().startsWith('http')) { return; } for (var i=0; i<as.length; i++) { var href = as[i].getAttribute('data-social-url'); if (href !== null) { as[i].href = href + encodeURIComponent(loc); } } })();</script> </body> </html>

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