Antarctic Icebergs Show Their Colorful Undersides

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Jan Lieser, a meteorologist and ice specialist with the Antarctic Meteorological Service, spotted blue icebergs in satellite imagery near the <a href="">Amery Ice Shelf</a> in Prydz Bay. </p> <p>The colorful icebergs can be seen in this image, acquired on October 26, 2024, with the OLI-2 (<a href="">Operational Land Imager-2</a>) on <a href="">Landsat 9</a>. These icebergs have been flipped over, showing the color of their snow-free undersides. Lieser has <a href="">previously observed</a> icebergs in this area that looked more jade in color. </p> <p>In this part of the continent, the <a href="">Lambert Glacier</a> flows from the land and spreads out over the sea, forming part of the Amery Ice Shelf (located south of this image). Pieces occasionally break off from the front of the shelf and drift away as icebergs, many of which are visible amid an expanse of sea ice. </p> <p>An iceberg&rsquo;s glacial ice&mdash;made up of compressed snow and firn&mdash;contains air bubbles that scatter light and typically appears white like snow or bluish white. But in parts of the Amery Ice Shelf, seawater freezes to the underside of the shelf, hundreds of meters below the surface. The frozen seawater is free of bubbles and takes on the color of the water and its impurities.</p> <p>&ldquo;The clear marine ice can vary in color from deep blue, to green, to even brownish yellow, depending upon the concentration of constituents in the sea water,&rdquo; said Collin Roesler, an oceanographer at Bowdoin College. </p> <p>Roesler authored a <a href="">study</a> published in 2019 that found some icebergs near the Amery Ice Shelf take on a green color because of the presence of iron oxides in seawater acquired from rock dust on the mainland. The <a href="">research</a> suggested that such iron-laden bergs might be moving the mineral&mdash;an important nutrient for marine life&mdash;from the land to the sea. </p> <p>&ldquo;Our analysis suggested that the Amery Ice Shelf is particularly suited to forming green icebergs because of the conditions that support the accumulation of freezing seawater onto the underside of the shelf,&rdquo; said Roesler. But the undersides of the bergs can only be seen if they overturn&mdash;a maneuver that can be triggered by the melting or breaking of an iceberg, which makes it unstable and more likely to flip. Roesler and colleagues previously surveyed the region by helicopter and found a high fraction of overturned bergs in this area. </p> <p>In the same scene, Lieser also spotted a stain in the snow near the coast of Cape Darnley and said this was the accumulated guano from a sizeable emperor penguin colony. In <a href="">previous research</a>, scientists have discovered colonies in remote parts of Antarctica by searching satellite images for guano stains. Lieser added, &ldquo;It&rsquo;s interesting that we can see their excrement from space.&rdquo; </p> <p><i>NASA Earth Observatory image by <a href="">Wanmei Liang</a>, using Landsat data from the <a href="">U.S. Geological Survey</a>. Story by <a href="">Emily Cassidy</a>.</i></p> </div> <div class = "col-lg-4 col-md-4 col-sm-4 col-xs-12"> <div class = "panel panel-default hidden-xs"> <div class = "panel-body"> <div class = "panel-map"> <a href = "/map#4/-74.140083874405/164.970703125" id = "pointer" title = "pointer" alt = "pointer" class = "no-underline panel-map-pinpoint" style="top: 150.02944911383px; left: 273.91698293917px;"><?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!-- Generator: Adobe Illustrator 21.1.0, SVG Export Plug-In . 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Accessed November 15, 2024.</li> <li>NASA Earth Observatory Kids (2020, January) <a href="">Peeking at Penguins Poop From Space</a>. Accessed November 15, 2024.</li> <li>NASA Earth Observatory (2017, June 13) <a href="">Penguin Droppings Are Fertile Ground for Science</a>. Accessed November 15, 2024.</li> <li>NASA Earth Observatory (2012, February 12) <a href="">Amery Ice Shelf</a>. Accessed November 15, 2024.</li> <li>National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) <a href="">Ice Shelves</a>. Accessed November 15, 2024.</li> <li><cite>Smithsonian Magazine</cite> (2015, January 15) <a href="">An Iceberg Flipped Over, and Its Underside Is Breathtaking</a>. Accessed November 15, 2024.</li> <li>Warren, S. G., <em>et al.</em> (2019) <a href="">Green icebergs revisited</a>. <cite>Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans</cite>, 124(2), 925-938. </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class = "container container-mobile-fluid hidden-xs"> <div class = "row"> <div class = "col-xs-12"> <h2 class = "cta-interest-header related-images-header">You might also be interested in&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(<a href="/images/related/153578/antarctic-icebergs-show-their-colorful-undersides">view all</a>)</h2> </div> </div> </div> <div class = "row hidden-xs"> <div class = "container-fluid homepage-cards-container"> <div class = "row thumbnail-cards homepage-cards masonry-container"> <div class="grid-sizer col-lg-3 col-sm-4 col-xs-12"></div> <div class = "visible-xs col-xs-12 hidden-print"> <a href = "/subscribe/" class = "cta cta-subscribe"> <img src = "/img/logo-mark.svg" alt = "Subscribe to the Earth Observatory" /> <h1>Subscribe</h1> to our newsletters </a> </div> <div class = 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