Books on Pens
<HTML> <HEAD> <META NAME="GENERATOR" CONTENT="Adobe Dreamweaver CC Mac"> <TITLE>Books on Pens</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY BACKGROUND="Bkgrd2.gif" LINK="#800040" VLINK="#408080"> <P><P><center><IMG SRC="images/slbnphot.gif" WIDTH="600" HEIGHT="60" ALIGN="BOTTOM" NATURALSIZEFLAG="3"></center></P> </div> <CENTER><FONT SIZE="+1">by Stuart Schneider</FONT></CENTER> <CENTER> <FONT SIZE="+1">Autographed copies of any book may be ordered from the author for the listed price plus $3.00 on soft cover and $4.00 for hardcover books towards postage (in the United States, overseas is higher). Canada Airmail is $12.50 (soft mailer), Europe Airmail is $20.00 (for softcover books in a hard mailer), Asia & Australia Airmail is $22.30 (for softcover books in a hard mailer). Softcover books can be sent overseas (to most countries) by speedy Global Priority in a soft mailer for $14.50. Overall size for most books is 8.5 by 11.0 inches. Check with me for the postage for the hardcover books. Postal rates keep changing.</font></p> </CENTER> <CENTER> <FONT SIZE="+1">Send payment to: Stuart Schneider, 820 Kinderkamack Road, River Edge, NJ 07661. I accept Paypal, but prefer checks or money orders.</FONT> <p><font size="+1">Contact me at stuarts1031@</font></p> <p></p> </CENTER> <CENTER> <TABLE WIDTH="935" BORDER="0" CELLSPACING="3" CELLPADDING="4" HEIGHT="1611"> <TR height="1597"> <TD WIDTH="110" HEIGHT="1597" VALIGN="TOP"> <P> <CENTER><A HREF="books2.html"><IMG SRC="images/slbtsoun.gif" WIDTH="90" HEIGHT="40" ALIGN="TOP" NATURALSIZEFLAG="3" ALT="Books on Lincoln, etc" BORDER="0"></A></CENTER> <P> <CENTER><A HREF="books3.html"><IMG SRC="images/slbtlink.gif" WIDTH="90" HEIGHT="40" ALIGN="TOP" NATURALSIZEFLAG="3" BORDER="0" ALT="Books on flashlights, etc"></A></CENTER> <P> <CENTER><A HREF="lawyer.html"><IMG SRC="images/slbtabme.gif" WIDTH="90" HEIGHT="40" ALIGN="BOTTOM" NATURALSIZEFLAG="3" ALT="Find Out More About Me" BORDER="0"></A></CENTER> <P> <CENTER><A HREF="halloween.html"><IMG SRC="images/slbtdesi.gif" WIDTH="90" HEIGHT="40" ALIGN="BOTTOM" NATURALSIZEFLAG="3" ALT="Halloween Museum" BORDER="0"></A></CENTER> <P> <CENTER><A HREF="flashlight.html"><IMG SRC="images/slbtflash.gif" WIDTH="90" HEIGHT="40" ALIGN="BOTTOM" BORDER="0" NATURALSIZEFLAG="3"></A></CENTER> <P> <CENTER><A HREF="consult.html"><IMG SRC="images/slbtcool.gif" WIDTH="90" HEIGHT="40" ALIGN="BOTTOM" BORDER="0" NATURALSIZEFLAG="3" ALT="Consultant"></A></CENTER> <P> <CENTER><A HREF="index.html"><IMG SRC="images/slbthome.gif" WIDTH="90" HEIGHT="40" ALIGN="BOTTOM" NATURALSIZEFLAG="3" ALT="Home" BORDER="0"></A></CENTER> <P> <CENTER><A HREF="ghosts1.html"><FONT SIZE="+1"><IMG SRC="images/slbtghost.gif" WIDTH="90" HEIGHT="40" ALIGN="BOTTOM" BORDER="0" NATURALSIZEFLAG="3"></FONT></A> <p></p> <p><a href="fluorescent1.html"><img src="images/slbtfluoresce.gif" width="90" height="40" border="0"></a></p> <p></p> <p><a href="photography1.html"><img src="images/slbtphotography.gif" width="90" height="40" border="0"></a></p> <p></p> <p><a href="spacestuff1.html"><img src="images/slbtspace.gif" alt="" height="40" width="90" border="0"></a></p> <p></p> <p><a href="comets1.html"><img src="cometstuff/slbtcomets.gif" width="90" height="40" border="0"></a></p> <p></p> <p><a href="frames1.html"><img src="images/slbtframes.gif" alt="" height="40" width="90" border="0"></a></p> </CENTER> <P> <div align="center"> <p><a href="links.html"><img src="images/slbtlinks.gif" alt="" height="40" width="90" border="0"></a></p> <p></p> <p><a href="blackbelt.html"><img src="images/slbtblackbelt.gif" alt="" height="40" width="90" border="0"></a></p> <p></p> <p><a href="lincoln1.html"><img src="images/slbtlincoln.gif" alt="" height="40" width="90" border="0"></a></p> </div> </TD> <TD WIDTH="2%" height="1597"> </TD> <TD COLSPAN="2" BGCOLOR="#ffffff" VALIGN="TOP" height="1597"> <P><CENTER><TABLE WIDTH="715" BORDER="3" CELLSPACING="2" CELLPADDING="1"> <TR> <TD WIDTH="25%"> <IMG SRC="bookpictures/goldenage.jpg" ALIGN="BOTTOM" BORDER="0"></TD> <TD WIDTH="75%"> <P> <CENTER><U><font size="+2"><i>Fountain Pens and Pencils -<BR> The Golden Age of Writing Instruments</i></font></U><font size="+1"> is considered to be the "bible" of pen collectors and is known as "the Blue Book". Bill Cosby, entertainer and noted pen collector, says it is the best book on the subject. It has 312 pages with over 1000 color photographs of fountain pens and pencils. It covers many pen makers and is the one book to own. It was written with George Fischler, noted authority on vintage pens and is now in its third updated edition. Includes a valuation guide. Hardcover large format, regular price $89.95, my price $79.95</font></CENTER> <BLOCKQUOTE> </BLOCKQUOTE> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD WIDTH="25%"> <div align="center"> <IMG SRC="bookpictures/brownbook.jpg" ALIGN="BOTTOM" BORDER="0"></div> </TD> <TD WIDTH="75%"> <P> <CENTER><U><font size="+2"><i>The Book of Fountain Pens and Pencils</i></font></U><font size="+1"> is a (volume II type) companion book to <U>The Golden Age</U> with over 650 all different color photographs and text. Written with George Fischler, noted authority on vintage pens. Includes a valuation guide. Hardcover large format, regular price $79.95, my price $69.95 (illustrated is the Limited Edition with a leather cover. It is $90.00) </font></CENTER> <BLOCKQUOTE> </BLOCKQUOTE> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD WIDTH="25%"> <div align="center"> <IMG SRC="bookpictures/fieldguide.jpg" ALIGN="BOTTOM" BORDER="0"></div> </TD> <TD WIDTH="75%"> <P> <CENTER><U><font size="+2"><i>The Illustrated Guide to Antique Writing Instruments</i></font></U><font size="+1"> Third Edition is a softcover field guide with over 650 color photographs. It is in its third updated edition. Collectors say that this is the one to have when you are on "the hunt". It is perfect for the new collector and indispensable for the experienced collector. Written with George Fischler. Includes a valuation guide. Softcover, regular price $19.95, my price $17.00</font></CENTER> <BLOCKQUOTE> </BLOCKQUOTE> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD WIDTH="25%"> <IMG SRC="bookpictures/incredibleballpoint.jpg" ALIGN="BOTTOM" BORDER="0"></TD> <TD WIDTH="75%"> <P> <CENTER> <font size="+2"><i><u> The Incredible Ball Point Pen,<BR> A Comprehensive History and Price Guide</u></i></font><font size="+1"> is a softcover large format book with over 450 color photographs. It covers the history of the ball point pen and illustrates collectible models. Written with Henry Gostony, past president of the Ball Point Collectors Society. Includes a valuation guide. Softcover, regular price $29.95, my price $25.00</font></CENTER> <BLOCKQUOTE> </BLOCKQUOTE> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD WIDTH="25%"> <div align="center"> <IMG SRC="bookpictures/penbook1.jpg" ALIGN="BOTTOM" BORDER="0"></div> </TD> <TD WIDTH="75%"> <P> <CENTER><U><font size="+2"><i>Collecting and Valuing Early Fountain Pens</i></font></U><font size="+1"> was a softcover book with over 200 illustrations. It was one of the first books on the hobby of pen collecting. It came out in 1980 with a print run of 3000 copies. Now, out of print, the book is a collectors item among pen collectors.</font></CENTER> <BLOCKQUOTE> </BLOCKQUOTE> </TD> </TR> </TABLE></CENTER></TD> </TR> </TABLE> <p><b><a href="index.html">Home</a>| <a href="halloween.html">Halloween Museum</a>| <a href="lawyer.html">Lawyer</a>| <a href="flashlight.html">Flashlight Museum</a>| <a href="fluorescent1.html">Fluorescent Minerals </a>| <a href="comets1.html">Comets</a> | <a href="lincoln1.html">Lincoln </a>| <a href="frames1.html">Picture Frames</a><br> <a href="consult.html">Ghostwriter</a>| <a href="books2.html">Books #2 on Lincoln, Halloween & Cigarette Lighters</a>| <a href="photography1.html">Photography</a> | <a href="spacestuff1.html">Space Memorabilia</a><br> <a href="books3.html">Books #3 on Flashlights, Picture Frames, Space Race, Halley's Comet, Minerals</a>| <a href="ghosts1.html">Ghosts In The Cemetery</a>| <a href="waffles.html">Waffle Recipies</a></b><font size="+1">| <a href="links.html">Links</a></font></p> </CENTER> </BODY> </HTML>