The #YouTubeBlack Voices Fund Application
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This was the beginning of the #YouTubeBlack community. \n\n#YouTubeBlack helps creators interested in Black culture get the most out of YouTube with direct access to a range of resources, including newsletters and events. Plus, it's a space for you to express what you want the future of the platform to look like.\n\n[Join the community]({target=_blank}{class=ytc-arrow-link}", "uploadDate": "2021-10-07T20:00:02Z", "duration": "PT1M1S", "contentUrl": "", "embedUrl": "" }, { "@context": "", "@type": "VideoObject", "name": "The Mandela Project", "description": "Ndaba Mandela, grandson of Nelson Mandela, honors his grandfather鈥檚 staggering legacy in this series from YouTube鈥檚 Black Voices Fund. Across five episodes, The Mandela Project passes the baton to some of today鈥檚 brightest stars; international footballers, Patrice Evra and Jeremy Lynch; BAFTA winner, chef and musician Big Zuu; and more. Each star undertakes an act of service in their local communities, inspired by Mandela鈥檚 teachings.\n\n[Watch the series]({target=_blank}{class=ytc-arrow-link}", "thumbnailUrl": "", "uploadDate": "2022-07-11T16:00:02Z", "duration": "PT1M19S", "contentUrl": "", "embedUrl": "" }, { "@context": "", "@type": "VideoObject", "name": "In case you missed it...there's so much to get into here at #YouTubeBlack!", "description": "Celebrating the #YouTubeBlack Voices Class of 2023", "uploadDate": "2022-11-15T14:33:20Z", "duration": "PT1M8S", "contentUrl": "", "embedUrl": "" } ] </script> </head> <body> <!-- Google Tag Manager (noscript) --> <noscript ><iframe src="" height="0" width="0" style="display: none; visibility: hidden" ></iframe ></noscript> <!-- End Google Tag Manager (noscript) --> <svg xmlns="" width="0" height="0" class="lb-hide" > <defs> <path d="M15.71 15.03L4.69 4.01h9.71v-1H2.98v11.42h1V4.72L15 15.74l.71-.71z" id="arrow-diagonal" /> <path d="M3.01 12v-1h15.36l-6.72-6.72.71-.71 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class="lb-grid ytc-hero ytc-hero--full-left ytc-hero--full-bleed" > <div class="ytc-hero__content-container lb-grid__cell lb-grid__cell--span-6 ytc-hero--content-safe" > <div class="ytc-hero__logo-container"> <div> <img class="lb-theme--light ytc-hero__logo" lb-auto-init="LBImageLoader" lb-options="{ '_1x': ' 1x' }" src="" alt="YouTube Black Logo" /> <img class="lb-theme--dark ytc-hero__logo" lb-auto-init="LBImageLoader" lb-options="{ '_1x': ' 1x' }" src="" alt="YouTube Black Logo" /> </div> <div class="ytc-content-image--mobile-hide"></div> </div> <h1 class="lb-font-display-2 lb-margin-bottom-m--bp-auto ytc-hero__heading" > <div class="ytc-md"> <p class="ytc-hero__heading lb-font-display-2"> Celebrating Black Creators </p> </div> </h1> <div class="ytc-font-body ytc-hero__desc"> <div class="ytc-md"> <p> Black and African creators play an important role in shaping culture on YouTube. Creators like Adanna Madueke, Sinikiwe Kademaunga, Smokin and Grillin with AB, and Lucas Reis have built channels that prove innovation, creativity, passion, and ambition can take you anywhere. Join us in celebrating these incredible creators, along with the entire #YouTubeBlack community, and the limitless worlds they鈥檝e built on YouTube. </p> <p class="ytc-md__small"> Creators pictured clockwise from top left: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" >Adanna Madueke,</a > <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" >Sinikiwe Kademaunga,</a > <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" >Smokin and Grillin with AB,</a > Center: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" >Lucas Reis</a > </p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="ytc-hero__main-img-container lb-grid__cell lb-grid__cell--span-6" > <img class="lb-theme--light" lb-auto-init="LBImageLoader" lb-options="{ '_1x': ' 1x', '_1.5x': ' 1.5x', '_2x': ' 2x' }" src=",20" alt="Celebrating Black Creators" /> <img class="lb-theme--dark" lb-auto-init="LBImageLoader" lb-options="{ '_1x': ' 1x', '_1.5x': ' 1.5x', '_2x': ' 2x' }" src=",20" alt="Celebrating Black Creators" /> </div> </section> <section id="" class="lb-padding-top-xxl ytc-module"> <div class="ytc-topic-lockup ytc-topic-lockup--video t-p-lockup-5169105887952896" > <h2 class="lb-font-headline-2 lb-margin-bottom-s--bp-auto ytc-topic-lockup__heading" > What is #YouTubeBlack? </h2> <div class="lb-margin-bottom-s--bp-auto ytc-font-body ytc-topic-lockup__description" > <div class="ytc-md"> <p> In 2016, some of the largest and most-influential Black creators on YouTube came together for the first #YouTubeBlack Creator Summit. This was the beginning of the #YouTubeBlack community. </p> <p> #YouTubeBlack helps creators interested in Black culture get the most out of YouTube with direct access to a range of resources, including newsletters and events. Plus, it's a space for you to express what you want the future of the platform to look like. </p> <p> <a href="" target="_blank" class="ytc-arrow-link" rel="noopener noreferrer" >Join the community</a > </p> </div> </div> <div class="ytc-topic-lockup__media"> <div class="ytc-video-card" lb-auto-init="YTCVideoCard"> <div class="lb-player" lb-auto-init="LBPlayer" lb-video-id="BrJyukBvIYA" lb-options="{ 'uid': 'BrJyukBvIYA' }" ></div> <button class="lb-button ytc-video-card__play-button" aria-label="Play Video" > <img class="ytc-video-card__img" src="" alt="What is #YouTubeBlack?" /> <div class="ytc-video-card__caption"> <svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="lb-icon lb-icon--48 ytc-video-card__icon" > <use href="#youtube-logo-icon-filled"></use> </svg> <div class="lb-font-subhead-2 lb-font-color-white-1"> #YouTubeBlack | Discover, Watch & Subscribe </div> </div> </button> </div> </div> <div class="ytc-topic-lockup__panel"> <div class="ytc-md"></div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="lb-padding-top-xxl ytc-carousel-module ytc-module ytc-module--featured ytc-container--transparent-bg" > <h2 class="lb-font-headline-2 lb-margin-bottom-s--bp-auto ytc-centered-type--responsive-xs ytc-carousel-module__heading" > We see you! Let's shine together </h2> <div class="lb-margin-bottom-s--bp-auto ytc-font-body ytc-centered-type--responsive-xxs ytc-carousel-module__description" > <div class="ytc-md"><p>Get to know #YouTubeBlack Creators.</p></div> </div> <div class="ytc-carousel ytc-container--flush ytc-carousel__full-bleed"> <div class="lb-carousel" lb-auto-init="LBCarousel, YTCDatalayerTriggers" lb-options='{"uid":"carousel-4668661654749184","name":"carousel","startIndex":2,"centerEnds":true,"documentId":4668661654749184}' > <div class="lb-carousel__viewport"> <div class="lb-carousel__track"> <div class="lb-carousel__slide lb-carousel__slide--0 ytc-carousel__slide ytc-carousel__slide--no-video" lb-auto-init="YTCCarouselSlide" lb-options="{'uid': 'carousel-4668661654749184', 'index': 0}" > <div class="ytc-carousel__media"> <div> <img class="lb-theme--light ytc-carousel__image" lb-auto-init="LBImageLoader" lb-options="{ '_1x': ' 1x', '_1.5x': ' 1.5x', '_2x': ' 2x' }" src=",20" alt="Plant Based Princess" /> <img class="lb-theme--dark ytc-carousel__image" lb-auto-init="LBImageLoader" lb-options="{ '_1x': ' 1x', '_1.5x': ' 1.5x', '_2x': ' 2x' }" src=",20" alt="Plant Based Princess" /> </div> <div class="ytc-carousel__video-container"></div> </div> <div class="lb-margin-bottom-s ytc-carousel__channel ytc-carousel__channel-with-quotes" > <a class="lb-font-body-2 ytc-arrow-link" href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" >Plant Based Princess</a > </div> <div class="ytc-carousel__video-quote"> <div class="ytc-carousel__quote-heading-container"> <h2 class="lb-font-eyebrow lb-font-weight-500 lb-margin-bottom-xxs ytc-carousel__quote-title" ></h2> <button class="ytc-carousel__mute" aria-label="Mute Video" > <svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="lb-icon ytc-carousel__mute-icon" aria-hidden="true" > <use href="#volume-off"></use> </svg> </button> </div> <p class="lb-font-body-2 ytc-carousel__quote"> Ri is a conscious lifestyle content creator + entrepreneur who finds joy in sharing moments of intentional living through her lens and perspective. Whether it be through food, mindfulness, or daily self care practices, Ri is adamant on showing that magical things can happen for you if you simply show up as your true self. </p> </div> </div> <div class="lb-carousel__slide lb-carousel__slide--1 ytc-carousel__slide ytc-carousel__slide--no-video" lb-auto-init="YTCCarouselSlide" lb-options="{'uid': 'carousel-4668661654749184', 'index': 1}" > <div class="ytc-carousel__media"> <div> <img class="lb-theme--light ytc-carousel__image" lb-auto-init="LBImageLoader" lb-options="{ '_1x': ' 1x', '_1.5x': ' 1.5x', '_2x': ' 2x' }" src=",20" alt="O'Neil Gerald" /> <img class="lb-theme--dark ytc-carousel__image" lb-auto-init="LBImageLoader" lb-options="{ '_1x': ' 1x', '_1.5x': ' 1.5x', '_2x': ' 2x' }" src=",20" alt="O'Neil Gerald" /> </div> <div class="ytc-carousel__video-container"></div> </div> <div class="lb-margin-bottom-s ytc-carousel__channel ytc-carousel__channel-with-quotes" > <a class="lb-font-body-2 ytc-arrow-link" href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" >O'Neil Gerald</a > </div> <div class="ytc-carousel__video-quote"> <div class="ytc-carousel__quote-heading-container"> <h2 class="lb-font-eyebrow lb-font-weight-500 lb-margin-bottom-xxs ytc-carousel__quote-title" ></h2> <button class="ytc-carousel__mute" aria-label="Mute Video" > <svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="lb-icon ytc-carousel__mute-icon" aria-hidden="true" > <use href="#volume-off"></use> </svg> </button> </div> <p class="lb-font-body-2 ytc-carousel__quote"> O'Neil Gerald is an energetic vocal coach and music educator. His breakdowns of popular vocalists help singers discover their own unique sound, while confronting their inner singing fears. He is passionate about making music understandable for the average person. </p> </div> </div> <div class="lb-carousel__slide lb-carousel__slide--2 ytc-carousel__slide ytc-carousel__slide--no-video" lb-auto-init="YTCCarouselSlide" lb-options="{'uid': 'carousel-4668661654749184', 'index': 2}" > <div class="ytc-carousel__media"> <div> <img class="lb-theme--light ytc-carousel__image" lb-auto-init="LBImageLoader" lb-options="{ '_1x': ' 1x', '_1.5x': ' 1.5x', '_2x': ' 2x' }" src=",20" alt="Wongel Zelalem" /> <img class="lb-theme--dark ytc-carousel__image" lb-auto-init="LBImageLoader" lb-options="{ '_1x': ' 1x', '_1.5x': ' 1.5x', '_2x': ' 2x' }" src=",20" alt="Wongel Zelalem" /> </div> <div class="ytc-carousel__video-container"></div> </div> <div class="lb-margin-bottom-s ytc-carousel__channel ytc-carousel__channel-with-quotes" > <a class="lb-font-body-2 ytc-arrow-link" href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" >Wongel Zelalem</a > </div> <div class="ytc-carousel__video-quote"> <div class="ytc-carousel__quote-heading-container"> <h2 class="lb-font-eyebrow lb-font-weight-500 lb-margin-bottom-xxs ytc-carousel__quote-title" ></h2> <button class="ytc-carousel__mute" aria-label="Mute Video" > <svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="lb-icon ytc-carousel__mute-icon" aria-hidden="true" > <use href="#volume-off"></use> </svg> </button> </div> <p class="lb-font-body-2 ytc-carousel__quote"> As a pan-African content creator, Wongel wants to shape how the world sees Africa and how Africans see themselves through impactful and provoking storytelling. </p> </div> </div> <div class="lb-carousel__slide lb-carousel__slide--3 ytc-carousel__slide ytc-carousel__slide--no-video" lb-auto-init="YTCCarouselSlide" lb-options="{'uid': 'carousel-4668661654749184', 'index': 3}" > <div class="ytc-carousel__media"> <div> <img class="lb-theme--light ytc-carousel__image" lb-auto-init="LBImageLoader" lb-options="{ '_1x': ' 1x', '_1.5x': ' 1.5x', '_2x': ' 2x' }" src=",20" alt="Biomesquita" /> <img class="lb-theme--dark ytc-carousel__image" lb-auto-init="LBImageLoader" lb-options="{ '_1x': ' 1x', '_1.5x': ' 1.5x', '_2x': ' 2x' }" src=",20" alt="Biomesquita" /> </div> <div class="ytc-carousel__video-container"></div> </div> <div class="lb-margin-bottom-s ytc-carousel__channel ytc-carousel__channel-with-quotes" > <a class="lb-font-body-2 ytc-arrow-link" href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" >Biomesquita</a > </div> <div class="ytc-carousel__video-quote"> <div class="ytc-carousel__quote-heading-container"> <h2 class="lb-font-eyebrow lb-font-weight-500 lb-margin-bottom-xxs ytc-carousel__quote-title" ></h2> <button class="ytc-carousel__mute" aria-label="Mute Video" > <svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="lb-icon ytc-carousel__mute-icon" aria-hidden="true" > <use href="#volume-off"></use> </svg> </button> </div> <p class="lb-font-body-2 ytc-carousel__quote"> Being an environmental educator and biology student, Biomesquita shares knowledge about animals in a very relaxed way. Breaking down cool facts and insights about our favorite animals. </p> </div> </div> <div class="lb-carousel__slide lb-carousel__slide--4 ytc-carousel__slide ytc-carousel__slide--no-video" lb-auto-init="YTCCarouselSlide" lb-options="{'uid': 'carousel-4668661654749184', 'index': 4}" > <div class="ytc-carousel__media"> <div> <img class="lb-theme--light ytc-carousel__image" lb-auto-init="LBImageLoader" lb-options="{ '_1x': ' 1x', '_1.5x': ' 1.5x', '_2x': ' 2x' }" src=",20" alt="coffeenomilk" /> <img class="lb-theme--dark ytc-carousel__image" lb-auto-init="LBImageLoader" lb-options="{ '_1x': ' 1x', '_1.5x': ' 1.5x', '_2x': ' 2x' }" src=",20" alt="coffeenomilk" /> </div> <div class="ytc-carousel__video-container"></div> </div> <div class="lb-margin-bottom-s ytc-carousel__channel ytc-carousel__channel-with-quotes" > <a class="lb-font-body-2 ytc-arrow-link" href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" >coffeenomilk</a > </div> <div class="ytc-carousel__video-quote"> <div class="ytc-carousel__quote-heading-container"> <h2 class="lb-font-eyebrow lb-font-weight-500 lb-margin-bottom-xxs ytc-carousel__quote-title" ></h2> <button class="ytc-carousel__mute" aria-label="Mute Video" > <svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="lb-icon ytc-carousel__mute-icon" aria-hidden="true" > <use href="#volume-off"></use> </svg> </button> </div> <p class="lb-font-body-2 ytc-carousel__quote"> Clarissa鈥檚 channel highlights her undeniable passion for self care through the celebration of her complexion. With over 110k subscribers, coffeenomilk continues to provide a safe space for women and girls with dark skin. </p> </div> </div> <div class="lb-carousel__slide lb-carousel__slide--5 ytc-carousel__slide ytc-carousel__slide--no-video" lb-auto-init="YTCCarouselSlide" lb-options="{'uid': 'carousel-4668661654749184', 'index': 5}" > <div class="ytc-carousel__media"> <div> <img class="lb-theme--light ytc-carousel__image" lb-auto-init="LBImageLoader" lb-options="{ '_1x': ' 1x', '_1.5x': ' 1.5x', '_2x': ' 2x' }" src=",20" alt="9ine Degrees" /> <img class="lb-theme--dark ytc-carousel__image" lb-auto-init="LBImageLoader" lb-options="{ '_1x': ' 1x', '_1.5x': ' 1.5x', '_2x': ' 2x' }" src=",20" alt="9ine Degrees" /> </div> <div class="ytc-carousel__video-container"></div> </div> <div class="lb-margin-bottom-s ytc-carousel__channel ytc-carousel__channel-with-quotes" > <a class="lb-font-body-2 ytc-arrow-link" href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" >9ine Degrees</a > </div> <div class="ytc-carousel__video-quote"> <div class="ytc-carousel__quote-heading-container"> <h2 class="lb-font-eyebrow lb-font-weight-500 lb-margin-bottom-xxs ytc-carousel__quote-title" ></h2> <button class="ytc-carousel__mute" aria-label="Mute Video" > <svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="lb-icon ytc-carousel__mute-icon" aria-hidden="true" > <use href="#volume-off"></use> </svg> </button> </div> <p class="lb-font-body-2 ytc-carousel__quote"> Nine creators tell captivating and funny reimaginations of their collective life experiences through innovative animations. </p> </div> </div> </div> <button class="lb-carousel-button lb-carousel-button--previous" aria-label="previous" lb-auto-init="LBCarouselButton" lb-options="{'uid': 'carousel-4668661654749184', 'previous': true, 'direction': -1}" > <img class="lb-carousel-button__icon" src="" alt="previous" /> </button> <button class="lb-carousel-button lb-carousel-button--next" aria-label="next" lb-auto-init="LBCarouselButton" lb-options="{'uid': 'carousel-4668661654749184', 'next': true, 'direction': 1}" > <img class="lb-carousel-button__icon" src="" alt="next" /> </button> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section id="" class="lb-padding-top-xxl ytc-list-lockup ytc-module ytc-list-lockup--programs ytc-module--medium" > <h2 class="lb-font-headline-2 lb-margin-bottom-s--bp-auto ytc-centered-type--responsive-xs ytc-list-lockup__heading" > What's new? </h2> <div class="lb-grid"> <div class="lb-grid__cell lb-grid__cell--span-6"> <div class="ytc-image-item"> <img class="lb-theme--light ytc-image-item__img lb-margin-bottom-xs" lb-auto-init="LBImageLoader" lb-options="{ '_1x': ' 1x', '_1.5x': ' 1.5x', '_2x': ' 2x' }" src=",20" alt="#YouTubeBlack Voices Creators" /> <img class="lb-theme--dark ytc-image-item__img lb-margin-bottom-xs" lb-auto-init="LBImageLoader" lb-options="{ '_1x': ' 1x', '_1.5x': ' 1.5x', '_2x': ' 2x' }" src=",20" alt="#YouTubeBlack Voices Creators" /> <div class="ytc-image-item__text-container"> <h2 class="lb-font-subhead-1 lb-margin-bottom-xs ytc-image-item__heading" > #YouTubeBlack Voices Creators </h2> <div class="ytc-font-body ytc-image-item__description"> <div class="ytc-md"> <p> We're celebrating Black creativity with everything from spotlights of amazing content to ongoing support of our YouTube Black Voices Creators over the past several years. </p> </div> </div> <a class="ytc-font-body ytc-arrow-link ytc-image-item__link" href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" > Meet the class </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="lb-grid__cell lb-grid__cell--span-6"> <div class="ytc-image-item"> <img class="lb-theme--light ytc-image-item__img lb-margin-bottom-xs" lb-auto-init="LBImageLoader" lb-options="{ '_1x': ' 1x', '_1.5x': ' 1.5x', '_2x': ' 2x' }" src=",20" alt="Join the Shorts Community" /> <img class="lb-theme--dark ytc-image-item__img lb-margin-bottom-xs" lb-auto-init="LBImageLoader" lb-options="{ '_1x': ' 1x', '_1.5x': ' 1.5x', '_2x': ' 2x' }" src=",20" alt="Join the Shorts Community" /> <div class="ytc-image-item__text-container"> <h2 class="lb-font-subhead-1 lb-margin-bottom-xs ytc-image-item__heading" > Join the Shorts Community </h2> <div class="ytc-font-body ytc-image-item__description"> <div class="ytc-md"> <p> Eligible Shorts creators can receive exclusive support, advice and perks from our Community Partner Managers (CPMs) to help you grow your channel and thrive with multiple formats on YouTube. </p> </div> </div> <a class="ytc-font-body ytc-arrow-link ytc-image-item__link" href="" target="_self" > Apply today </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section class="lb-grid lb-padding-top-xxl ytc-standalone-quote ytc-module" > <div class="ytc-standalone-quote__content-container lb-grid__cell lb-grid__cell--offset-1-span-5" > <h2 class="lb-font-headline-2 lb-margin-bottom-m--bp-auto ytc-standalone-quote__heading" > <div class="ytc-md"> <p> Jesse & Daniel started CORD for music lovers; as massive fans of Rap, they showcase the genre through an imaginative lens. </p> <p> <a href="" target="_blank" class="ytc-arrow-link" rel="noopener noreferrer" >CORD</a > </p> </div> </h2> </div> <div class="ytc-standalone-quote__main-img-container lb-grid__cell lb-grid__cell--offset-7-span-5" > <figure class="ytc-content-image"> <div> <img class="lb-theme--light" lb-auto-init="LBImageLoader" lb-options="{ '_1x': ' 1x', '_1.5x': ' 1.5x', '_2x': ' 2x' }" src=",20" alt="CORD" /> <img class="lb-theme--dark" lb-auto-init="LBImageLoader" lb-options="{ '_1x': ' 1x', '_1.5x': ' 1.5x', '_2x': ' 2x' }" src=",20" alt="CORD" /> </div> <div class="ytc-content-image--mobile-hide"></div> <figcaption class="lb-margin-top-xs ytc-font-body ytc-content-image__caption" > <div class="ytc-md"> <p> Jesse & Daniel started CORD for music lovers; as massive fans of Rap, they showcase the genre through an imaginative lens. </p> <p> <a href="" target="_blank" class="ytc-arrow-link" rel="noopener" >CORD</a > </p> </div> </figcaption> </figure> </div> </section> <section id="" class="lb-padding-top-xxl ytc-module"> <div class="ytc-topic-lockup ytc-topic-lockup--reverse ytc-topic-lockup--video t-p-lockup-4693922953691136" > <h2 class="lb-font-headline-2 lb-margin-bottom-s--bp-auto ytc-topic-lockup__heading" > The Mandela Project </h2> <div class="lb-margin-bottom-s--bp-auto ytc-font-body ytc-topic-lockup__description" > <div class="ytc-md"> <p> Ndaba Mandela, grandson of Nelson Mandela, honors his grandfather鈥檚 staggering legacy in this series from YouTube鈥檚 Black Voices Fund. Across five episodes, The Mandela Project passes the baton to some of today鈥檚 brightest stars; international footballers, Patrice Evra and Jeremy Lynch; BAFTA winner, chef and musician Big Zuu; and more. Each star undertakes an act of service in their local communities, inspired by Mandela鈥檚 teachings. </p> <p> <a href="" target="_blank" class="ytc-arrow-link" rel="noopener noreferrer" >Watch the series</a > </p> </div> </div> <div class="ytc-topic-lockup__media"> <div class="ytc-video-card" lb-auto-init="YTCVideoCard"> <div class="lb-player" lb-auto-init="LBPlayer" lb-video-id="mG5U2AWqW8A" lb-options="{ 'uid': 'mG5U2AWqW8A' }" ></div> <button class="lb-button ytc-video-card__play-button" aria-label="Play Video" > <img class="ytc-video-card__img" lb-auto-init="LBImageLoader" lb-options="{ '_1x': ' 1x', '_1.5x': ' 1.5x', '_2x': ' 2x' }" src=",20" alt="The Mandela Project" /> <div class="ytc-video-card__caption"> <svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="lb-icon lb-icon--48 ytc-video-card__icon" > <use href="#youtube-logo-icon-filled"></use> </svg> <div class="lb-font-subhead-2 lb-font-color-white-1"> Official Trailer | The Mandela Project </div> </div> </button> </div> </div> <div class="ytc-topic-lockup__panel"> <div class="ytc-md"></div> </div> </div> </section> <section id="" class="lb-padding-top-xxl ytc-module"> <div class="ytc-topic-lockup ytc-topic-lockup--video t-p-lockup-6658213730713600" > <h2 class="lb-font-headline-2 lb-margin-bottom-s--bp-auto ytc-topic-lockup__heading" > In case you missed it...there's so much to get into here at #YouTubeBlack! </h2> <div class="lb-margin-bottom-s--bp-auto ytc-font-body ytc-topic-lockup__description ytc-topic-lockup-hide" > <div class="ytc-md"></div> </div> <div class="ytc-topic-lockup__media"> <div class="ytc-video-card" lb-auto-init="YTCVideoCard"> <div class="lb-player" lb-auto-init="LBPlayer" lb-video-id="6m148dz3uCA" lb-options="{ 'uid': '6m148dz3uCA' }" ></div> <button class="lb-button ytc-video-card__play-button" aria-label="Play Video" > <img class="ytc-video-card__img" src="" alt="In case you missed it...there's so much to get into here at #YouTubeBlack!" /> <div class="ytc-video-card__caption"> <svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" class="lb-icon lb-icon--48 ytc-video-card__icon" > <use href="#youtube-logo-icon-filled"></use> </svg> <div class="lb-font-subhead-2 lb-font-color-white-1"> Celebrating the #YouTubeBlack Voices Class of 2023 </div> </div> </button> </div> </div> <div class="ytc-topic-lockup__panel"> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__container"> <div id="" class="lb-expansion-panel lb-expansion-panel--light" lb-auto-init="LBExpansionPanel, YTCDatalayerTriggers" lb-options="{ 'family': 't-p-lockup-6658213730713600', 'computeBeforeOpen': false, 'open': false, 'name': 'accordion', 'moduleName': 'In%20case%20you%20missed%20it...there%27s%20so%20much%20to%20get%20into%20here%20at%20%23YouTubeBlack%21', 'tabName': '%23YouTubeBlack%20Voices%20Fund' }" > <div class="lb-expansion-panel__divider"></div> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__heading" role="heading" aria-level="2" > <div class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger" role="button" tabindex="0" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="t-p-lockup-6658213730713600-content-0" id="t-p-lockup-6658213730713600-header-0" lb-auto-init="LBExpansionPanelTrigger" lb-options="{'component': 'expansion-panel', 'action': 'toggle', 'detail': {'family': 't-p-lockup-6658213730713600', 'index': 0}}" > <span class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger-name"> #YouTubeBlack Voices Fund </span> <span class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger-icon"> <svg width="12" height="8" viewBox="0 0 12 8" fill="none" xmlns="" > <path d="M1.41 0.589966L6 5.16997L10.59 0.589966L12 1.99997L6 7.99997L0 1.99997L1.41 0.589966Z" fill="#606060" /> </svg> </span> </div> </div> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__surface" id="t-p-lockup-6658213730713600-content-0" role="region" aria-labelledby="t-p-lockup-6658213730713600-header-0" > <div class="lb-expansion-panel__surface-content"> <div class="lb-grid lb-expansion-panel__surface-content--text-only" > <div class="lb-grid__cell lb-grid__cell--span-12"> <div class="ytc-md"> <p> In 2020, YouTube launched the Black Voices Fund, as a commitment to supporting and amplifying Black creators with access to the funding and resources needed to thrive. </p> <p> <a href="" target="_blank" class="ytc-arrow-link" rel="noopener noreferrer" >Explore</a > </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="" class="lb-expansion-panel lb-expansion-panel--light" lb-auto-init="LBExpansionPanel, YTCDatalayerTriggers" lb-options="{ 'family': 't-p-lockup-6658213730713600', 'computeBeforeOpen': false, 'open': false, 'name': 'accordion', 'moduleName': 'In%20case%20you%20missed%20it...there%27s%20so%20much%20to%20get%20into%20here%20at%20%23YouTubeBlack%21', 'tabName': 'Creator%20360%20UK' }" > <div class="lb-expansion-panel__divider"></div> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__heading" role="heading" aria-level="2" > <div class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger" role="button" tabindex="0" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="t-p-lockup-6658213730713600-content-1" id="t-p-lockup-6658213730713600-header-1" lb-auto-init="LBExpansionPanelTrigger" lb-options="{'component': 'expansion-panel', 'action': 'toggle', 'detail': {'family': 't-p-lockup-6658213730713600', 'index': 1}}" > <span class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger-name"> Creator 360 UK </span> <span class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger-icon"> <svg width="12" height="8" viewBox="0 0 12 8" fill="none" xmlns="" > <path d="M1.41 0.589966L6 5.16997L10.59 0.589966L12 1.99997L6 7.99997L0 1.99997L1.41 0.589966Z" fill="#606060" /> </svg> </span> </div> </div> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__surface" id="t-p-lockup-6658213730713600-content-1" role="region" aria-labelledby="t-p-lockup-6658213730713600-header-1" > <div class="lb-expansion-panel__surface-content"> <div class="lb-grid lb-expansion-panel__surface-content--text-only" > <div class="lb-grid__cell lb-grid__cell--span-12"> <div class="ytc-md"> <p> Creator 360 UK is a two-day virtual gathering of creators: the perfect opportunity to pick the brains of YouTube experts, connect with like-minded creators, and walk away feeling motivated and empowered to level-up your YouTube channel. </p> <p> <a href="" target="_blank" class="ytc-arrow-link" rel="noopener noreferrer" >Watch back</a > </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="" class="lb-expansion-panel lb-expansion-panel--light" lb-auto-init="LBExpansionPanel, YTCDatalayerTriggers" lb-options="{ 'family': 't-p-lockup-6658213730713600', 'computeBeforeOpen': false, 'open': false, 'name': 'accordion', 'moduleName': 'In%20case%20you%20missed%20it...there%27s%20so%20much%20to%20get%20into%20here%20at%20%23YouTubeBlack%21', 'tabName': 'Road%20To%20Afro%20Nation%3A%20Davido%20LIVE' }" > <div class="lb-expansion-panel__divider"></div> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__heading" role="heading" aria-level="2" > <div class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger" role="button" tabindex="0" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="t-p-lockup-6658213730713600-content-2" id="t-p-lockup-6658213730713600-header-2" lb-auto-init="LBExpansionPanelTrigger" lb-options="{'component': 'expansion-panel', 'action': 'toggle', 'detail': {'family': 't-p-lockup-6658213730713600', 'index': 2}}" > <span class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger-name"> Road To Afro Nation: Davido LIVE </span> <span class="lb-expansion-panel__trigger-icon"> <svg width="12" height="8" viewBox="0 0 12 8" fill="none" xmlns="" > <path d="M1.41 0.589966L6 5.16997L10.59 0.589966L12 1.99997L6 7.99997L0 1.99997L1.41 0.589966Z" fill="#606060" /> </svg> </span> </div> </div> <div class="lb-expansion-panel__surface" id="t-p-lockup-6658213730713600-content-2" role="region" aria-labelledby="t-p-lockup-6658213730713600-header-2" > <div class="lb-expansion-panel__surface-content"> <div class="lb-grid lb-expansion-panel__surface-content--text-only" > <div class="lb-grid__cell lb-grid__cell--span-12"> <div class="ytc-md"> <p> Relive another Black Voices Fund special with Davido鈥檚 epic LIVE performance at Afro Nation, plus all the exclusive behind-the-scenes YouTube Shorts content. </p> <p> <a href="" target="_blank" class="ytc-arrow-link" rel="noopener noreferrer" >Watch</a > </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section id="bhm-useful-resources" class="lb-padding-top-xxl ytc-resources ytc-module content-stacked-6282355002179584" > <h2 class="lb-font-headline-2 lb-margin-bottom-s--bp-auto ytc-centered-type--responsive-xs" > Useful Resources </h2> <div class="lb-grid"> <div class="lb-grid__cell lb-grid__cell--md-span-6 lb-grid__cell--lg-span-3" > <div style="width: 99px" class="ytc-resources__image"> <img class="lb-theme--light ytc-resources__img lb-margin-bottom-xxs" lb-auto-init="LBImageLoader" lb-options="{ '_1x': ' 1x', '_1.5x': ' 1.5x', '_2x': ' 2x' }" src=",20" alt="Useful Resources" /> <img class="lb-theme--dark ytc-resources__img lb-margin-bottom-xxs" lb-auto-init="LBImageLoader" lb-options="{ '_1x': ' 1x', '_1.5x': ' 1.5x', '_2x': ' 2x' }" src=",20" alt="Useful Resources" 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Your go-to for the latest YouTube tips, tricks, and updates on how to make the most out of your channel. </p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="lb-grid__cell lb-grid__cell--md-span-6 lb-grid__cell--lg-span-3" > <div style="width: 99px" class="ytc-resources__image"> <img class="lb-theme--light ytc-resources__img lb-margin-bottom-xxs" lb-auto-init="LBImageLoader" lb-options="{ '_1x': ' 1x', '_1.5x': ' 1.5x', '_2x': ' 2x' }" src=",20" alt="Useful Resources" /> <img class="lb-theme--dark ytc-resources__img lb-margin-bottom-xxs" lb-auto-init="LBImageLoader" lb-options="{ '_1x': ' 1x', '_1.5x': ' 1.5x', '_2x': ' 2x' }" src=",20" alt="Useful Resources" /> </div> <div> <h3 class="lb-font-subhead-1 lb-margin-bottom-xs"> Creator Safety Center </h3> <div class="ytc-md"> <p> We're committed to keeping you safe so you can create your best work. 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