Teach Online with the #1 Platform for Online Courses: Thinkific Pricing
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5.80109 20.25 6V16.5ZM15.75 21C15.75 21.1989 15.671 21.3897 15.5303 21.5303C15.3897 21.671 15.1989 21.75 15 21.75H9C8.80109 21.75 8.61032 21.671 8.46967 21.5303C8.32902 21.3897 8.25 21.1989 8.25 21C8.25 20.8011 8.32902 20.6103 8.46967 20.4697C8.61032 20.329 8.80109 20.25 9 20.25H15C15.1989 20.25 15.3897 20.329 15.5303 20.4697C15.671 20.6103 15.75 20.8011 15.75 21ZM15.4163 10.6256L10.9163 7.62562C10.8033 7.55025 10.6719 7.50696 10.5363 7.50039C10.4006 7.49382 10.2657 7.52421 10.146 7.58831C10.0263 7.65241 9.9262 7.74782 9.85645 7.86436C9.7867 7.9809 9.74991 8.11419 9.75 8.25V14.25C9.74991 14.3858 9.7867 14.5191 9.85645 14.6356C9.9262 14.7522 10.0263 14.8476 10.146 14.9117C10.2657 14.9758 10.4006 15.0062 10.5363 14.9996C10.6719 14.993 10.8033 14.9498 10.9163 14.8744L15.4163 11.8744C15.5191 11.8059 15.6035 11.7131 15.6618 11.6042C15.7202 11.4952 15.7507 11.3736 15.7507 11.25C15.7507 11.1264 15.7202 11.0048 15.6618 10.8958C15.6035 10.7869 15.5191 10.6941 15.4163 10.6256ZM11.25 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2.30926 15.5852 2.41475C15.6907 2.52024 15.75 2.66332 15.75 2.8125V7.3125ZM12.9375 9C12.7883 9 12.6452 9.05926 12.5398 9.16475C12.4343 9.27024 12.375 9.41332 12.375 9.5625V14.625H3.375V5.625H8.4375C8.58668 5.625 8.72976 5.56574 8.83525 5.46025C8.94074 5.35476 9 5.21168 9 5.0625C9 4.91332 8.94074 4.77024 8.83525 4.66475C8.72976 4.55926 8.58668 4.5 8.4375 4.5H3.375C3.07663 4.5 2.79048 4.61853 2.5795 4.8295C2.36853 5.04048 2.25 5.32663 2.25 5.625V14.625C2.25 14.9234 2.36853 15.2095 2.5795 15.4205C2.79048 15.6315 3.07663 15.75 3.375 15.75H12.375C12.6734 15.75 12.9595 15.6315 13.1705 15.4205C13.3815 15.2095 13.5 14.9234 13.5 14.625V9.5625C13.5 9.41332 13.4407 9.27024 13.3352 9.16475C13.2298 9.05926 13.0867 9 12.9375 9Z" fill="currentColor"></path></svg></span></div><p aria-describedby="Webinars" class="sc-411b7da7-3 dOETnX">Outlines and blueprints for planning and creating your learning experiences quickly</p></div></a></li></ul></div><div class="sc-3ebbb75e-1 irilgz"><h2 class="sc-c18a15-1 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14.171 9.30109 14.25 9.5 14.25ZM22.25 6V17.25C22.25 17.8467 22.0129 18.419 21.591 18.841C21.169 19.2629 20.5967 19.5 20 19.5H3.5C2.90505 19.5 2.33431 19.2644 1.91264 18.8446C1.49098 18.4249 1.25273 17.8553 1.25 17.2603V8.25C1.25 8.05109 1.32902 7.86032 1.46967 7.71967C1.61032 7.57902 1.80109 7.5 2 7.5C2.19891 7.5 2.38968 7.57902 2.53033 7.71967C2.67098 7.86032 2.75 8.05109 2.75 8.25V17.25C2.75 17.4489 2.82902 17.6397 2.96967 17.7803C3.11032 17.921 3.30109 18 3.5 18C3.69891 18 3.88968 17.921 4.03033 17.7803C4.17098 17.6397 4.25 17.4489 4.25 17.25V6C4.25 5.60218 4.40804 5.22064 4.68934 4.93934C4.97064 4.65804 5.35218 4.5 5.75 4.5H20.75C21.1478 4.5 21.5294 4.65804 21.8107 4.93934C22.092 5.22064 22.25 5.60218 22.25 6ZM20.75 6H5.75V17.25C5.75037 17.5055 5.70693 17.7592 5.62156 18H20C20.1989 18 20.3897 17.921 20.5303 17.7803C20.671 17.6397 20.75 17.4489 20.75 17.25V6Z"></path></svg></span><div class="sc-411b7da7-1 gzZCCG"><div class="sc-411b7da7-2 gppZzh"><h3 id="Blog" class="sc-411b7da7-0 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15.75 2.66332 15.75 2.8125V7.3125ZM12.9375 9C12.7883 9 12.6452 9.05926 12.5398 9.16475C12.4343 9.27024 12.375 9.41332 12.375 9.5625V14.625H3.375V5.625H8.4375C8.58668 5.625 8.72976 5.56574 8.83525 5.46025C8.94074 5.35476 9 5.21168 9 5.0625C9 4.91332 8.94074 4.77024 8.83525 4.66475C8.72976 4.55926 8.58668 4.5 8.4375 4.5H3.375C3.07663 4.5 2.79048 4.61853 2.5795 4.8295C2.36853 5.04048 2.25 5.32663 2.25 5.625V14.625C2.25 14.9234 2.36853 15.2095 2.5795 15.4205C2.79048 15.6315 3.07663 15.75 3.375 15.75H12.375C12.6734 15.75 12.9595 15.6315 13.1705 15.4205C13.3815 15.2095 13.5 14.9234 13.5 14.625V9.5625C13.5 9.41332 13.4407 9.27024 13.3352 9.16475C13.2298 9.05926 13.0867 9 12.9375 9Z" fill="currentColor"></path></svg></span></div><p aria-describedby="Academy" class="sc-411b7da7-3 dOETnX">Learn how to start and grow your education business with online courses and workshops</p></div></a></li><li class="sc-411b7da7-4 fBwxhO"><a href="/accelerator" target="__blank" class="sc-411b7da7-5 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5.956 5.554 0 10.668-.693 15.334-2.083 4.661-1.388 8.783-3.077 12.356-5.065 3.573-1.98 6.7-4.063 9.379-6.249 2.68-2.184 4.913-4.067 6.7-5.659a215.239 215.239 0 0 1 4.168 5.063 71.73 71.73 0 0 1 4.466 6.253 54.398 54.398 0 0 1 3.573 6.548c.991 2.188 1.488 4.17 1.488 5.954 0 2.584-.497 4.766-1.488 6.552-.996 1.787-2.583 3.774-4.764 5.956zm153.443-22.836c0 15.777 2.293 27.26 6.889 34.449-3.594 1.395-6.94 2.395-10.035 2.994-3.098.6-6.341.898-9.735.898-7.188 0-12.632-1.398-16.324-4.193-3.697-2.793-6.043-6.787-7.039-11.982-4.396 4.598-10.186 8.49-17.374 11.686-7.189 3.189-15.979 4.791-26.36 4.791-5.392 0-10.783-.748-16.175-2.236-5.393-1.5-10.287-3.934-14.679-7.314-4.395-3.387-7.988-7.916-10.783-13.59-2.799-5.674-4.194-12.59-4.194-20.75 0-10.152 2.444-18.416 7.339-24.783 4.892-6.373 11.032-11.398 18.423-15.082 7.386-3.68 15.375-6.213 23.964-7.61 8.584-1.395 16.475-2.288 23.663-2.691 2.398-.197 4.742-.3 7.04-.3h6.44v-5.452c0-7.676-2.05-13.129-6.141-16.358-4.096-3.23-10.737-4.849-19.92-4.849-8.588 0-16.227 1.399-22.915 4.193a187.352 187.352 0 0 0-19.62 9.586 43.926 43.926 0 0 1-6.74-11.233c-1.698-4.09-2.546-7.137-2.546-9.136 0-2.794 1.544-5.49 4.643-8.088 3.094-2.592 7.339-4.942 12.731-7.039 5.393-2.097 11.58-3.791 18.573-5.092 6.987-1.297 14.377-1.947 22.166-1.947 10.783 0 19.919 1.1 27.407 3.295 7.489 2.2 13.579 5.593 18.273 10.184 4.69 4.597 8.036 10.335 10.034 17.224 1.994 6.89 2.996 14.931 2.996 24.113v56.312zm-38.343-34.746h-4.192c-1.401 0-2.8.104-4.194.301-4.995.402-9.938 1-14.827 1.795-4.896.801-9.24 2.199-13.03 4.195-3.796 1.998-6.89 4.596-9.286 7.787-2.397 3.197-3.595 7.293-3.595 12.283 0 5.592 1.596 10.332 4.792 14.227 3.192 3.895 8.584 5.842 16.176 5.842 3.791 0 7.387-.496 10.784-1.5 3.393-.994 6.388-2.293 8.986-3.891 2.593-1.598 4.643-3.344 6.141-5.244 1.497-1.895 2.246-3.641 2.246-5.24v-30.555zm112.925-59.01c3.183-3.791 8.163-7.638 14.93-11.533 6.768-3.894 15.328-5.841 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7.148-33.551zm73.978 51.524c-1.4-3.992-2.298-8.188-2.696-12.582a144.475 144.475 0 0 1-.599-13.182V83.404a323.55 323.55 0 0 1 4.493-.599 60.539 60.539 0 0 1 4.492-.449 78.188 78.188 0 0 1 4.792-.149c3.193 0 6.391.3 9.587.898 3.191.6 6.088 1.798 8.688 3.594 2.593 1.797 4.689 4.246 6.289 7.339 1.597 3.098 2.396 7.143 2.396 12.131v21.267h41.938v30.256h-41.938v63.877c0 13.93 5.691 20.893 17.075 20.893 2.795 0 5.438-.447 7.938-1.348 2.495-.898 4.741-1.895 6.74-2.994 1.995-1.098 3.744-2.246 5.242-3.445 1.498-1.199 2.546-2.096 3.144-2.695 2.996 4.396 5.289 8.201 6.89 11.412 1.596 3.215 2.396 6.232 2.396 9.051 0 2.623-1.046 5.195-3.145 7.713s-5.046 4.84-8.838 6.955c-3.794 2.115-8.385 3.828-13.778 5.139-5.391 1.311-11.285 1.967-17.673 1.967-12.385 0-22.018-2.398-28.907-7.189-6.889-4.795-11.734-11.086-14.526-18.873zm182.556-3.895c5.008 0 9.417-.547 13.228-1.648 3.805-1.094 7.211-2.443 10.218-4.041 3.004-1.596 5.612-3.344 7.817-5.242a568.477 568.477 0 0 0 6.014-5.244c2.401 2.994 4.905 6.842 7.512 11.531 2.604 4.697 3.908 8.539 3.908 11.533 0 4.395-2.499 8.389-7.487 11.983-4.194 3.197-10.14 5.943-17.823 8.236-7.691 2.295-16.729 3.445-27.109 3.445-9.391 0-18.625-1.197-27.708-3.594-9.088-2.395-17.178-6.59-24.263-12.582-7.092-5.988-12.834-14.025-17.226-24.111-4.393-10.084-6.589-22.812-6.589-38.193 0-12.582 1.948-23.411 5.839-32.5 3.896-9.085 9.086-16.624 15.581-22.615 6.485-5.991 13.824-10.381 22.014-13.181 8.186-2.793 16.575-4.193 25.163-4.193 11.182 0 20.667 1.751 28.455 5.242 7.79 3.496 14.126 8.19 19.022 14.079 4.89 5.891 8.434 12.631 10.633 20.219 2.194 7.591 3.295 15.576 3.295 23.963v4.193c0 1.602-.051 3.295-.15 5.092-.102 1.799-.2 3.549-.298 5.242-.104 1.701-.254 3.047-.448 4.045h-88.368c.801 10.984 4.207 20.119 10.218 27.41 6.007 7.291 15.526 10.931 28.552 10.931zm13.65-60.808c0-9.585-1.86-17.373-5.575-23.364-3.716-5.99-10.397-8.987-20.032-8.987-8.239 0-14.815 2.847-19.734 8.538-4.924 5.692-7.379 13.629-7.379 23.812h52.72zm107.738-41.478c1.196-1.782 2.793-3.762 4.792-5.944 1.994-2.18 4.442-4.161 7.339-5.943 2.893-1.783 6.089-3.272 9.586-4.46 3.49-1.189 7.236-1.783 11.234-1.783 2.395 0 4.942.201 7.637.594 2.696.398 5.19 1.142 7.487 2.228 2.295 1.091 4.145 2.574 5.543 4.456 1.395 1.882 2.097 4.208 2.097 6.979 0 4.357-1.101 9.361-3.295 15.01-2.2 5.654-4.393 10.475-6.589 14.467-3.399-2.795-6.793-4.942-10.186-6.44-3.397-1.497-7.391-2.247-11.982-2.247-6.191 0-11.382 1.803-15.574 5.406-4.197 3.604-6.293 7.91-6.293 12.917v96.969h-40.736V128.036a71.75 71.75 0 0 1 3.593-.598c1.198-.196 2.595-.347 4.194-.45a94.426 94.426 0 0 1 5.691-.149c6.389 0 11.93 1.239 16.625 3.712 4.689 2.47 7.639 6.28 8.837 11.423zm115.823 0c1.198-1.782 2.794-3.762 4.793-5.944 1.994-2.18 4.442-4.161 7.339-5.943 2.893-1.783 6.088-3.272 9.585-4.46 3.492-1.189 7.236-1.783 11.233-1.783 2.395 0 4.941.201 7.637.594 2.695.398 5.191 1.142 7.489 2.228 2.295 1.091 4.141 2.574 5.544 4.456 1.394 1.882 2.096 4.208 2.096 6.979 0 4.357-1.102 9.361-3.295 15.01-2.202 5.654-4.396 10.475-6.591 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21.159 5.14397 20.5384 5.28149 19.7236L6.18389 14.3766C6.23835 14.0539 6.13148 13.725 5.89776 13.4959L2.02479 9.7005C1.43458 9.12211 1.76081 8.11808 2.57827 7.99706L7.94246 7.20297C8.26618 7.15505 8.54597 6.95177 8.69158 6.65871L11.1044 1.80245Z" fill="currentColor"></path></svg></span><span size="32" class="sc-438c3942-0 gCkWRS sc-3b3788ae-1 bNQztC"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="none" xmlns=""><path d="M11.1044 1.80245C11.4721 1.06239 12.5279 1.06239 12.8956 1.80245L15.3084 6.65871C15.454 6.95177 15.7338 7.15505 16.0575 7.20297L21.4217 7.99706C22.2392 8.11807 22.5654 9.12211 21.9752 9.7005L18.1022 13.4959C17.8685 13.725 17.7616 14.0539 17.8161 14.3766L18.7185 19.7236C18.856 20.5384 18.0019 21.159 17.2695 20.7764L12.463 18.2658C12.1729 18.1143 11.8271 18.1143 11.537 18.2658L6.73053 20.7764C5.99806 21.159 5.14397 20.5384 5.28149 19.7236L6.18389 14.3766C6.23835 14.0539 6.13148 13.725 5.89776 13.4959L2.02479 9.7005C1.43458 9.12211 1.76081 8.11808 2.57827 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10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span><div class="sc-b4c78462-1 jiRbrf"><p>1 community</p></div></div></li><li size="16" class="sc-b4c78462-3 hVqXMY sc-e5c0b2e6-0 ksBFSE"><div class="sc-b4c78462-6 jepzaG"><span size="20" color="black" class="sc-438c3942-0 kkxMWK sc-b4c78462-0 TUOzh"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 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10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span><div class="sc-b4c78462-1 jiRbrf"><p>5 Coaching & Webinar sessions</p></div></div></li><li size="16" class="sc-b4c78462-3 hVqXMY sc-e5c0b2e6-0 ksBFSE"><div class="sc-b4c78462-6 jepzaG"><span size="20" color="black" class="sc-438c3942-0 kkxMWK sc-b4c78462-0 TUOzh"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 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9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span><div class="sc-b4c78462-1 jiRbrf"><p>1 administrator</p></div></div></li><li size="16" class="sc-b4c78462-3 hVqXMY sc-e5c0b2e6-0 ksBFSE"><div class="sc-b4c78462-6 jepzaG"><span size="20" color="black" class="sc-438c3942-0 kkxMWK sc-b4c78462-0 TUOzh"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 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15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>Thinkific comes ready to go with our TCommerce suite, with integrated payment processing, selling tools, bookkeeping features.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></div></li><li size="16" class="sc-b4c78462-3 iDhgHg sc-e5c0b2e6-0 ksBFSE"><div class="sc-b4c78462-6 jepzaG"><span size="24" color="grey.500" class="sc-438c3942-0 fPqdHY sc-b4c78462-0 TUOzh"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M22.0306 7.28061L10.0306 19.2806C9.96096 19.3503 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20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span><div 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15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span><div class="sc-b4c78462-1 jiRbrf"><p>1 community</p></div></div></li><li size="16" class="sc-b4c78462-3 hVqXMY sc-e5c0b2e6-0 ksBFSE"><div class="sc-b4c78462-6 jepzaG"><span size="20" color="black" class="sc-438c3942-0 kkxMWK sc-b4c78462-0 TUOzh"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 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8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span><div class="sc-b4c78462-1 jiRbrf"><p>10 spaces per community</p></div></div></li><li size="16" class="sc-b4c78462-3 hVqXMY sc-e5c0b2e6-0 ksBFSE"><div class="sc-b4c78462-6 jepzaG"><span size="20" color="black" class="sc-438c3942-0 kkxMWK sc-b4c78462-0 TUOzh"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 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15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span><div class="sc-b4c78462-1 jiRbrf"><p>2 administrators</p></div></div></li><li size="16" class="sc-b4c78462-3 hVqXMY sc-e5c0b2e6-0 ksBFSE"><div class="sc-b4c78462-6 jepzaG"><span size="20" color="black" class="sc-438c3942-0 kkxMWK sc-b4c78462-0 TUOzh"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 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8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span><div class="sc-b4c78462-1 jiRbrf"><p>Unlimited Students</p></div></div></li><li size="16" class="sc-b4c78462-3 hVqXMY sc-e5c0b2e6-0 ksBFSE"><div class="sc-b4c78462-6 jepzaG"><span size="20" color="black" class="sc-438c3942-0 kkxMWK sc-b4c78462-0 TUOzh"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span><div class="sc-b4c78462-1 jiRbrf"><p>Phone and 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15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span><div class="sc-b4c78462-1 jiRbrf"><p>Branded Mobile (Add on)</p></div><div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-b4c78462-5 fzEzWl"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><div class="sc-b4c78462-4 bAtwLE"><span size="20" color="black" class="sc-438c3942-0 kkxMWK"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 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13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>Deliver your course 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4.78061 12.9694L9.49999 17.6897L20.9694 6.21936C21.1101 6.07863 21.301 5.99957 21.5 5.99957C21.699 5.99957 21.8899 6.07863 22.0306 6.21936C22.1713 6.36009 22.2504 6.55097 22.2504 6.74999C22.2504 6.94901 22.1713 7.13988 22.0306 7.28061Z"></path></svg></span><div class="sc-b4c78462-1 jiRbrf"><p>Includes all <strong>Start</strong> features</p></div></div></li><li size="16" class="sc-b4c78462-3 iDhgHg sc-e5c0b2e6-0 ksBFSE"><div class="sc-b4c78462-6 jepzaG"><span size="24" color="grey.500" class="sc-438c3942-0 fPqdHY sc-b4c78462-0 TUOzh"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M22.0306 7.28061L10.0306 19.2806C9.96096 19.3503 9.87824 19.4057 9.7872 19.4434C9.69615 19.4812 9.59855 19.5006 9.49999 19.5006C9.40143 19.5006 9.30383 19.4812 9.21278 19.4434C9.12174 19.4057 9.03902 19.3503 8.96936 19.2806L3.71936 14.0306C3.57863 13.8899 3.49957 13.699 3.49957 13.5C3.49957 13.301 3.57863 13.1101 3.71936 12.9694C3.8601 12.8286 4.05097 12.7496 4.24999 12.7496C4.44901 12.7496 4.63988 12.8286 4.78061 12.9694L9.49999 17.6897L20.9694 6.21936C21.1101 6.07863 21.301 5.99957 21.5 5.99957C21.699 5.99957 21.8899 6.07863 22.0306 6.21936C22.1713 6.36009 22.2504 6.55097 22.2504 6.74999C22.2504 6.94901 22.1713 7.13988 22.0306 7.28061Z"></path></svg></span><div class="sc-b4c78462-1 jiRbrf"><p>Remove Thinkific branding</p></div></div></li><li size="16" class="sc-b4c78462-3 iDhgHg sc-e5c0b2e6-0 ksBFSE"><div class="sc-b4c78462-6 jepzaG"><span size="24" color="grey.500" class="sc-438c3942-0 fPqdHY sc-b4c78462-0 TUOzh"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M22.0306 7.28061L10.0306 19.2806C9.96096 19.3503 9.87824 19.4057 9.7872 19.4434C9.69615 19.4812 9.59855 19.5006 9.49999 19.5006C9.40143 19.5006 9.30383 19.4812 9.21278 19.4434C9.12174 19.4057 9.03902 19.3503 8.96936 19.2806L3.71936 14.0306C3.57863 13.8899 3.49957 13.699 3.49957 13.5C3.49957 13.301 3.57863 13.1101 3.71936 12.9694C3.8601 12.8286 4.05097 12.7496 4.24999 12.7496C4.44901 12.7496 4.63988 12.8286 4.78061 12.9694L9.49999 17.6897L20.9694 6.21936C21.1101 6.07863 21.301 5.99957 21.5 5.99957C21.699 5.99957 21.8899 6.07863 22.0306 6.21936C22.1713 6.36009 22.2504 6.55097 22.2504 6.74999C22.2504 6.94901 22.1713 7.13988 22.0306 7.28061Z"></path></svg></span><div class="sc-b4c78462-1 jiRbrf"><p>Bulk student emailer</p></div></div></li><li size="16" class="sc-b4c78462-3 iDhgHg sc-e5c0b2e6-0 ksBFSE"><div class="sc-b4c78462-6 jepzaG"><span size="24" color="grey.500" class="sc-438c3942-0 fPqdHY sc-b4c78462-0 TUOzh"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M22.0306 7.28061L10.0306 19.2806C9.96096 19.3503 9.87824 19.4057 9.7872 19.4434C9.69615 19.4812 9.59855 19.5006 9.49999 19.5006C9.40143 19.5006 9.30383 19.4812 9.21278 19.4434C9.12174 19.4057 9.03902 19.3503 8.96936 19.2806L3.71936 14.0306C3.57863 13.8899 3.49957 13.699 3.49957 13.5C3.49957 13.301 3.57863 13.1101 3.71936 12.9694C3.8601 12.8286 4.05097 12.7496 4.24999 12.7496C4.44901 12.7496 4.63988 12.8286 4.78061 12.9694L9.49999 17.6897L20.9694 6.21936C21.1101 6.07863 21.301 5.99957 21.5 5.99957C21.699 5.99957 21.8899 6.07863 22.0306 6.21936C22.1713 6.36009 22.2504 6.55097 22.2504 6.74999C22.2504 6.94901 22.1713 7.13988 22.0306 7.28061Z"></path></svg></span><div class="sc-b4c78462-1 jiRbrf"><p>Bulk enrollments</p></div></div></li><li size="16" class="sc-b4c78462-3 iDhgHg sc-e5c0b2e6-0 ksBFSE"><div class="sc-b4c78462-6 jepzaG"><span size="24" color="grey.500" class="sc-438c3942-0 fPqdHY sc-b4c78462-0 TUOzh"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M22.0306 7.28061L10.0306 19.2806C9.96096 19.3503 9.87824 19.4057 9.7872 19.4434C9.69615 19.4812 9.59855 19.5006 9.49999 19.5006C9.40143 19.5006 9.30383 19.4812 9.21278 19.4434C9.12174 19.4057 9.03902 19.3503 8.96936 19.2806L3.71936 14.0306C3.57863 13.8899 3.49957 13.699 3.49957 13.5C3.49957 13.301 3.57863 13.1101 3.71936 12.9694C3.8601 12.8286 4.05097 12.7496 4.24999 12.7496C4.44901 12.7496 4.63988 12.8286 4.78061 12.9694L9.49999 17.6897L20.9694 6.21936C21.1101 6.07863 21.301 5.99957 21.5 5.99957C21.699 5.99957 21.8899 6.07863 22.0306 6.21936C22.1713 6.36009 22.2504 6.55097 22.2504 6.74999C22.2504 6.94901 22.1713 7.13988 22.0306 7.28061Z"></path></svg></span><div class="sc-b4c78462-1 jiRbrf"><p>API access</p></div></div></li><li size="16" class="sc-b4c78462-3 iDhgHg sc-e5c0b2e6-0 ksBFSE"><div class="sc-b4c78462-6 jepzaG"><span size="24" color="grey.500" class="sc-438c3942-0 fPqdHY sc-b4c78462-0 TUOzh"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M22.0306 7.28061L10.0306 19.2806C9.96096 19.3503 9.87824 19.4057 9.7872 19.4434C9.69615 19.4812 9.59855 19.5006 9.49999 19.5006C9.40143 19.5006 9.30383 19.4812 9.21278 19.4434C9.12174 19.4057 9.03902 19.3503 8.96936 19.2806L3.71936 14.0306C3.57863 13.8899 3.49957 13.699 3.49957 13.5C3.49957 13.301 3.57863 13.1101 3.71936 12.9694C3.8601 12.8286 4.05097 12.7496 4.24999 12.7496C4.44901 12.7496 4.63988 12.8286 4.78061 12.9694L9.49999 17.6897L20.9694 6.21936C21.1101 6.07863 21.301 5.99957 21.5 5.99957C21.699 5.99957 21.8899 6.07863 22.0306 6.21936C22.1713 6.36009 22.2504 6.55097 22.2504 6.74999C22.2504 6.94901 22.1713 7.13988 22.0306 7.28061Z"></path></svg></span><div class="sc-b4c78462-1 jiRbrf"><p>Randomized quiz question bank</p></div></div></li><li size="16" class="sc-b4c78462-3 iDhgHg sc-e5c0b2e6-0 ksBFSE"><div class="sc-b4c78462-6 jepzaG"><span size="24" color="grey.500" class="sc-438c3942-0 fPqdHY sc-b4c78462-0 TUOzh"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M22.0306 7.28061L10.0306 19.2806C9.96096 19.3503 9.87824 19.4057 9.7872 19.4434C9.69615 19.4812 9.59855 19.5006 9.49999 19.5006C9.40143 19.5006 9.30383 19.4812 9.21278 19.4434C9.12174 19.4057 9.03902 19.3503 8.96936 19.2806L3.71936 14.0306C3.57863 13.8899 3.49957 13.699 3.49957 13.5C3.49957 13.301 3.57863 13.1101 3.71936 12.9694C3.8601 12.8286 4.05097 12.7496 4.24999 12.7496C4.44901 12.7496 4.63988 12.8286 4.78061 12.9694L9.49999 17.6897L20.9694 6.21936C21.1101 6.07863 21.301 5.99957 21.5 5.99957C21.699 5.99957 21.8899 6.07863 22.0306 6.21936C22.1713 6.36009 22.2504 6.55097 22.2504 6.74999C22.2504 6.94901 22.1713 7.13988 22.0306 7.28061Z"></path></svg></span><div class="sc-b4c78462-1 jiRbrf"><p>Exams integration</p></div></div></li></ul></div></div></div><div class="sc-a2b0a5ec-5 ireRlP sc-7733a6ae-0 bzaynn sc-6bccc182-10 bqIEhk"><div class="sc-a2b0a5ec-0 hcPLCX"><div class="sc-a2b0a5ec-1 gNyHMQ"><p>Create and sell your course faster with our Accelerator Program ($499 USD value)</p></div><button class="sc-a2b0a5ec-3 iaOALe">Learn More<span size="16" class="sc-438c3942-0 dNasqR sc-a2b0a5ec-2 fTyTwA"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M20.5306 9.53068L13.0306 17.0307C12.961 17.1004 12.8782 17.1557 12.7872 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class="sc-7733a6ae-5 ffYpeI"><p>We took the guesswork out of the course creation and selling process with our Accelerator Program - an 8 week interactive learning experience that gives you the tools, community, and mentorship you need to quickly and confidently sell digital courses.</p><p>Valued at $499 USD, the Accelerator Program is included <strong>free </strong>with any of our paid plans.</p><p>Once enrolled in a paid plan, you'll be able to opt-in and gain unlimited access to the full Accelerator Program.</p><p>For more information or to purchase without a paid plan, check out the full Accelerator Program details <a target="_blank" href="" rel="noreferrer">here</a>.</p></div></div><div class="sc-7733a6ae-2 dLDrtB"><h4 class="sc-7733a6ae-4 cUKeqw">You get:</h4><div class="sc-7733a6ae-5 ffYpeI"><ul rows="6" class="sc-e5c0b2e6-1 kpxIZG"><li class="sc-b4c78462-3 jfGcdc sc-e5c0b2e6-0 ksBFSE"><div class="sc-b4c78462-6 jepzaG"><span size="20" color="black" class="sc-438c3942-0 kkxMWK sc-b4c78462-0 TUOzh"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span><div class="sc-b4c78462-1 jiRbrf"><p><strong>The Blueprint:</strong> A proven framework for success from more than 50,000 course creator educators.</p></div></div></li><li class="sc-b4c78462-3 jfGcdc sc-e5c0b2e6-0 ksBFSE"><div class="sc-b4c78462-6 jepzaG"><span size="20" color="black" class="sc-438c3942-0 kkxMWK sc-b4c78462-0 TUOzh"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span><div class="sc-b4c78462-1 jiRbrf"><p><strong>The Accountability:</strong> Enjoy 365 days of accountability so you can reach your goals faster.</p></div></div></li><li class="sc-b4c78462-3 jfGcdc sc-e5c0b2e6-0 ksBFSE"><div class="sc-b4c78462-6 jepzaG"><span size="20" color="black" class="sc-438c3942-0 kkxMWK sc-b4c78462-0 TUOzh"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span><div class="sc-b4c78462-1 jiRbrf"><p><strong>The Community:</strong> Unlock access to a 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15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span><div class="sc-b4c78462-1 jiRbrf"><p><strong>The Guest Experts:</strong> Exclusive access to live guest experts and workshops throughout the year.</p></div></div></li><li class="sc-b4c78462-3 jfGcdc sc-e5c0b2e6-0 ksBFSE"><div class="sc-b4c78462-6 jepzaG"><span size="20" color="black" class="sc-438c3942-0 kkxMWK sc-b4c78462-0 TUOzh"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span><div class="sc-b4c78462-1 jiRbrf"><p><strong>The Partner Tools and Training:</strong> Exclusive Thinkific and partner incentives and rewards along your course creation journey.</p></div></div></li><li class="sc-b4c78462-3 jfGcdc sc-e5c0b2e6-0 ksBFSE"><div class="sc-b4c78462-6 jepzaG"><span size="20" color="black" class="sc-438c3942-0 kkxMWK sc-b4c78462-0 TUOzh"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span><div class="sc-b4c78462-1 jiRbrf"><p><strong>Live Training</strong>: Learn your own way with a combination of on-demand courses, community events, and live group coaching.</p></div></div></li></ul></div></div></div></div></div><div class="sc-a2b0a5ec-5 ireRlP sc-7733a6ae-0 bzaynn sc-6bccc182-11 dOtBFi"><div class="sc-a2b0a5ec-0 hcPLCX"><div class="sc-a2b0a5ec-1 gNyHMQ"><p>Create and sell your course faster with our Accelerator Program ($499 USD value)</p></div><button class="sc-a2b0a5ec-3 iaOALe">Learn More<span size="16" class="sc-438c3942-0 dNasqR sc-a2b0a5ec-2 fTyTwA"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M20.5306 9.53068L13.0306 17.0307C12.961 17.1004 12.8782 17.1557 12.7872 17.1935C12.6961 17.2312 12.5986 17.2506 12.5 17.2506C12.4014 17.2506 12.3038 17.2312 12.2128 17.1935C12.1217 17.1557 12.039 17.1004 11.9694 17.0307L4.46936 9.53068C4.32863 9.38995 4.24957 9.19907 4.24957 9.00005C4.24957 8.80103 4.32863 8.61016 4.46936 8.46943C4.6101 8.32869 4.80097 8.24963 4.99999 8.24963C5.19901 8.24963 5.38988 8.32869 5.53061 8.46943L12.5 15.4397L19.4694 8.46943C19.539 8.39974 19.6218 8.34447 19.7128 8.30676C19.8039 8.26904 19.9014 8.24963 20 8.24963C20.0985 8.24963 20.1961 8.26904 20.2872 8.30676C20.3782 8.34447 20.4609 8.39974 20.5306 8.46943C20.6003 8.53911 20.6556 8.62183 20.6933 8.71288C20.731 8.80392 20.7504 8.9015 20.7504 9.00005C20.7504 9.0986 20.731 9.19618 20.6933 9.28722C20.6556 9.37827 20.6003 9.46099 20.5306 9.53068Z"></path></svg></span></button></div><div class="sc-a2b0a5ec-4 dMIaik"><div class="sc-7733a6ae-1 idYXRw"><div class="sc-7733a6ae-2 dLDrtB"><h3 class="sc-7733a6ae-3 bOCVPN">Fast-track your success with The Accelerator Program</h3><div class="sc-7733a6ae-5 ffYpeI"><p>We took the guesswork out of the course creation and selling process with our Accelerator Program - an 8 week interactive learning experience that gives you the tools, community, and mentorship you need to quickly and confidently sell digital courses.</p><p>Valued at $499 USD, the Accelerator Program is included <strong>free </strong>with any of our paid plans.</p><p>Once enrolled in a paid plan, you'll be able to opt-in and gain unlimited access to the full Accelerator Program.</p><p>For more information or to purchase without a paid plan, check out the full Accelerator Program details <a target="_blank" href="" rel="noreferrer">here</a>.</p></div></div><div class="sc-7733a6ae-2 dLDrtB"><h4 class="sc-7733a6ae-4 cUKeqw">You get:</h4><div class="sc-7733a6ae-5 ffYpeI"><ul rows="6" class="sc-e5c0b2e6-1 kpxIZG"><li class="sc-b4c78462-3 jfGcdc sc-e5c0b2e6-0 ksBFSE"><div class="sc-b4c78462-6 jepzaG"><span size="20" color="black" class="sc-438c3942-0 kkxMWK sc-b4c78462-0 TUOzh"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span><div class="sc-b4c78462-1 jiRbrf"><p><strong>The Blueprint:</strong> A proven framework for success from more than 50,000 course creator educators.</p></div></div></li><li class="sc-b4c78462-3 jfGcdc sc-e5c0b2e6-0 ksBFSE"><div class="sc-b4c78462-6 jepzaG"><span size="20" color="black" class="sc-438c3942-0 kkxMWK sc-b4c78462-0 TUOzh"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span><div class="sc-b4c78462-1 jiRbrf"><p><strong>The Accountability:</strong> Enjoy 365 days of accountability so you can reach your goals faster.</p></div></div></li><li class="sc-b4c78462-3 jfGcdc sc-e5c0b2e6-0 ksBFSE"><div class="sc-b4c78462-6 jepzaG"><span size="20" color="black" class="sc-438c3942-0 kkxMWK sc-b4c78462-0 TUOzh"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span><div class="sc-b4c78462-1 jiRbrf"><p><strong>The Community:</strong> Unlock access to a community of like-minded creator educators and share your 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15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span><div class="sc-b4c78462-1 jiRbrf"><p><strong>The Guest Experts:</strong> Exclusive access to live guest experts and workshops throughout the year.</p></div></div></li><li class="sc-b4c78462-3 jfGcdc sc-e5c0b2e6-0 ksBFSE"><div class="sc-b4c78462-6 jepzaG"><span size="20" color="black" class="sc-438c3942-0 kkxMWK sc-b4c78462-0 TUOzh"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span><div class="sc-b4c78462-1 jiRbrf"><p><strong>The Partner Tools and Training:</strong> Exclusive Thinkific and partner incentives and rewards along your course creation journey.</p></div></div></li><li class="sc-b4c78462-3 jfGcdc sc-e5c0b2e6-0 ksBFSE"><div class="sc-b4c78462-6 jepzaG"><span size="20" color="black" class="sc-438c3942-0 kkxMWK sc-b4c78462-0 TUOzh"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span><div class="sc-b4c78462-1 jiRbrf"><p><strong>Live Training</strong>: Learn your own way with a combination of on-demand courses, community events, and live group coaching.</p></div></div></li></ul></div></div></div></div></div><div class="sc-e699664f-8 hgOEcR"><div class="sc-e699664f-0 bokodl"><div class="sc-e699664f-2 jtBywE"><svg width="200" height="32" viewBox="0 0 162 16" fill="#FFFFFF" xmlns="" role="img" aria-labelledby=":R5i8rr6H1:"><title id=":R5i8rr6H1:">Thinkific Plus Logo</title><path d="M10.7711 0.189575H1.02209C0.751015 0.189575 0.491043 0.298527 0.299363 0.492461C0.107684 0.686396 0 0.949428 0 1.22369C0 1.49796 0.107684 1.76099 0.299363 1.95492C0.491043 2.14886 0.751015 2.25781 1.02209 2.25781H4.87559V14.0225C4.87559 14.1583 4.90203 14.2928 4.95339 14.4183C5.00476 14.5438 5.08004 14.6578 5.17495 14.7538C5.26986 14.8498 5.38254 14.926 5.50654 14.9779C5.63055 15.0299 5.76346 15.0567 5.89768 15.0567C6.0319 15.0567 6.16481 15.0299 6.28882 14.9779C6.41282 14.926 6.5255 14.8498 6.62041 14.7538C6.71532 14.6578 6.7906 14.5438 6.84197 14.4183C6.89333 14.2928 6.91977 14.1583 6.91977 14.0225V2.25781H10.7711C11.0422 2.25781 11.3021 2.14886 11.4938 1.95492C11.6855 1.76099 11.7932 1.49796 11.7932 1.22369C11.7932 0.949428 11.6855 0.686396 11.4938 0.492461C11.3021 0.298527 11.0422 0.189575 10.7711 0.189575Z"></path><path d="M29.4016 0.189578C29.2673 0.189288 29.1342 0.215838 29.0101 0.267704C28.886 0.319571 28.7732 0.395732 28.6782 0.491817C28.5832 0.587901 28.508 0.702017 28.4567 0.827612C28.4054 0.953208 28.3792 1.08781 28.3795 1.2237V6.60111H19.8396V1.2237C19.8396 1.08789 19.8132 0.95342 19.7618 0.827955C19.7104 0.70249 19.6351 0.58849 19.5402 0.492464C19.4453 0.396437 19.3326 0.320264 19.2086 0.268295C19.0846 0.216326 18.9517 0.189577 18.8175 0.189577C18.6833 0.189577 18.5504 0.216326 18.4264 0.268295C18.3024 0.320264 18.1897 0.396437 18.0948 0.492464C17.9999 0.58849 17.9246 0.70249 17.8732 0.827955C17.8218 0.95342 17.7954 1.08789 17.7954 1.2237V14.0225C17.7954 14.1584 17.8218 14.2928 17.8732 14.4183C17.9246 14.5438 17.9999 14.6578 18.0948 14.7538C18.1897 14.8498 18.3024 14.926 18.4264 14.9779C18.5504 15.0299 18.6833 15.0567 18.8175 15.0567C18.9517 15.0567 19.0846 15.0299 19.2086 14.9779C19.3326 14.926 19.4453 14.8498 19.5402 14.7538C19.6351 14.6578 19.7104 14.5438 19.7618 14.4183C19.8132 14.2928 19.8396 14.1584 19.8396 14.0225V8.65834H28.3795V14.0225C28.3795 14.2968 28.4872 14.5598 28.6789 14.7538C28.8705 14.9477 29.1305 15.0567 29.4016 15.0567C29.6727 15.0567 29.9326 14.9477 30.1243 14.7538C30.316 14.5598 30.4237 14.2968 30.4237 14.0225V1.2237C30.424 1.08781 30.3977 0.953208 30.3464 0.827612C30.2952 0.702017 30.2199 0.587901 30.1249 0.491817C30.03 0.395732 29.9172 0.319571 29.7931 0.267704C29.6689 0.215838 29.5359 0.189288 29.4016 0.189578Z"></path><path d="M39.2203 0.189578C39.086 0.189288 38.953 0.215838 38.8289 0.267704C38.7047 0.319571 38.5919 0.395732 38.497 0.491817C38.402 0.587901 38.3267 0.702017 38.2755 0.827612C38.2242 0.953208 38.198 1.08781 38.1982 1.2237V14.0225C38.1982 14.2968 38.3059 14.5598 38.4976 14.7538C38.6893 14.9477 38.9493 15.0567 39.2203 15.0567C39.4914 15.0567 39.7514 14.9477 39.9431 14.7538C40.1347 14.5598 40.2424 14.2968 40.2424 14.0225V1.2237C40.2413 0.949787 40.1332 0.687427 39.9418 0.493743C39.7504 0.300059 39.4911 0.190736 39.2203 0.189578Z"></path><path d="M69.4982 0.189578C69.3639 0.189288 69.2308 0.215838 69.1067 0.267704C68.9826 0.319571 68.8698 0.395732 68.7748 0.491817C68.6798 0.587901 68.6046 0.702017 68.5533 0.827612C68.502 0.953208 68.4758 1.08781 68.4761 1.2237V14.0225C68.4761 14.2968 68.5838 14.5598 68.7754 14.7538C68.9671 14.9477 69.2271 15.0567 69.4982 15.0567C69.7692 15.0567 70.0292 14.9477 70.2209 14.7538C70.4126 14.5598 70.5203 14.2968 70.5203 14.0225V1.2237C70.5191 0.949787 70.4111 0.687427 70.2196 0.493743C70.0282 0.300059 69.7689 0.190736 69.4982 0.189578Z"></path><path d="M88.3243 0.189578C88.0536 0.190736 87.7943 0.300059 87.6029 0.493743C87.4114 0.687427 87.3034 0.949787 87.3022 1.2237V14.0225C87.3022 14.2968 87.4099 14.5598 87.6016 14.7538C87.7933 14.9477 88.0533 15.0567 88.3243 15.0567C88.5954 15.0567 88.8554 14.9477 89.0471 14.7538C89.2387 14.5598 89.3464 14.2968 89.3464 14.0225V1.2237C89.3467 1.08781 89.3205 0.953208 89.2692 0.827612C89.2179 0.702017 89.1427 0.587901 89.0477 0.491817C88.9527 0.395732 88.8399 0.319571 88.7158 0.267704C88.5917 0.215838 88.4586 0.189288 88.3243 0.189578Z"></path><path d="M113.92 0.189575C113.649 0.190733 113.39 0.300057 113.199 0.493741C113.007 0.687425 112.899 0.949784 112.898 1.22369V14.0225C112.91 14.2888 113.023 14.5402 113.214 14.7243C113.404 14.9084 113.658 15.0111 113.921 15.0111C114.185 15.0111 114.438 14.9084 114.629 14.7243C114.819 14.5402 114.932 14.2888 114.944 14.0225V1.22369C114.944 0.949226 114.836 0.686199 114.644 0.492327C114.452 0.298456 114.191 0.189575 113.92 0.189575Z"></path><path d="M105.906 0.189578H98.1207C97.9864 0.189288 97.8534 0.215838 97.7293 0.267704C97.6051 0.319571 97.4923 0.395732 97.3974 0.491817C97.3024 0.587901 97.2271 0.702017 97.1759 0.827612C97.1246 0.953208 97.0983 1.08781 97.0986 1.2237V14.0225C97.0986 14.2968 97.2063 14.5598 97.398 14.7538C97.5897 14.9477 97.8497 15.0567 98.1207 15.0567C98.3918 15.0567 98.6518 14.9477 98.8435 14.7538C99.0351 14.5598 99.1428 14.2968 99.1428 14.0225V8.96197H105.151C105.422 8.96197 105.682 8.85302 105.874 8.65909C106.066 8.46515 106.174 8.20212 106.174 7.92786C106.174 7.65359 106.066 7.39056 105.874 7.19662C105.682 7.00269 105.422 6.89374 105.151 6.89374H99.1428V2.25781H105.906C106.177 2.25781 106.437 2.14886 106.629 1.95493C106.82 1.76099 106.928 1.49796 106.928 1.2237C106.928 0.94943 106.82 0.686398 106.629 0.492463C106.437 0.298529 106.177 0.189578 105.906 0.189578Z"></path><path d="M59.6662 0.189578C59.5319 0.189288 59.3989 0.215838 59.2747 0.267704C59.1506 0.319571 59.0378 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133.707 11.4337C133.441 11.4304 133.183 11.5328 132.99 11.7191V11.7213Z"></path><path d="M79.482 0.405179C79.2668 0.23791 78.9947 0.163888 78.7256 0.199365C78.4565 0.234843 78.2124 0.37692 78.0467 0.5944L73.1711 6.99273C73.0336 7.17382 72.959 7.39581 72.959 7.6242C72.959 7.85259 73.0336 8.07458 73.1711 8.25567L78.0467 14.654C78.2122 14.8714 78.4563 15.0133 78.7253 15.0486C78.8585 15.066 78.9937 15.0568 79.1234 15.0214C79.253 14.986 79.3745 14.925 79.4809 14.8421C79.5873 14.7592 79.6764 14.6559 79.7434 14.5381C79.8103 14.4203 79.8536 14.2903 79.8709 14.1555C79.8881 14.0208 79.879 13.8839 79.844 13.7528C79.809 13.6216 79.7488 13.4987 79.6668 13.3911L75.2718 7.6242L79.6668 1.85514C79.8317 1.63782 79.9048 1.36328 79.8702 1.09156C79.8355 0.819845 79.696 0.573061 79.482 0.405179Z"></path><path d="M160.055 6.6011H154.758V1.22369C154.758 1.08789 154.731 0.953418 154.68 0.827953C154.629 0.702488 154.553 0.588488 154.458 0.492461C154.363 0.396435 154.251 0.320262 154.127 0.268293C154.003 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8.01996C161.051 7.89449 161.077 7.76002 161.077 7.62422C161.077 7.48842 161.051 7.35395 161 7.22848C160.948 7.10302 160.873 6.98902 160.778 6.89299C160.683 6.79696 160.57 6.72079 160.446 6.66882C160.322 6.61685 160.189 6.5901 160.055 6.5901V6.6011Z"></path></svg></div><p class="sc-e699664f-3 kytYee">For businesses looking to grow through customer education. 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plans</p></div></div></li><li size="16" class="sc-b4c78462-3 kgKXfM sc-e5c0b2e6-0 ksBFSE"><div class="sc-b4c78462-6 jepzaG"><span size="20" color="yellow.500" class="sc-438c3942-0 hsfhII sc-b4c78462-0 TUOzh"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span><div class="sc-b4c78462-1 jiRbrf"><p>Unlimited products</p></div></div></li><li size="16" class="sc-b4c78462-3 kgKXfM sc-e5c0b2e6-0 ksBFSE"><div class="sc-b4c78462-6 jepzaG"><span size="20" color="yellow.500" class="sc-438c3942-0 hsfhII sc-b4c78462-0 TUOzh"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span><div class="sc-b4c78462-1 jiRbrf"><p>Unlimited administrators</p></div></div></li><li size="16" class="sc-b4c78462-3 kgKXfM sc-e5c0b2e6-0 ksBFSE"><div class="sc-b4c78462-6 jepzaG"><span size="20" color="yellow.500" class="sc-438c3942-0 hsfhII sc-b4c78462-0 TUOzh"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span><div class="sc-b4c78462-1 jiRbrf"><p>Single Sign On (SSO)</p></div></div></li><li size="16" class="sc-b4c78462-3 kgKXfM sc-e5c0b2e6-0 ksBFSE"><div class="sc-b4c78462-6 jepzaG"><span size="20" color="yellow.500" class="sc-438c3942-0 hsfhII sc-b4c78462-0 TUOzh"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span><div class="sc-b4c78462-1 jiRbrf"><p>Advanced Analytics</p></div></div></li><li size="16" class="sc-b4c78462-3 kgKXfM sc-e5c0b2e6-0 ksBFSE"><div class="sc-b4c78462-6 jepzaG"><span size="20" color="yellow.500" class="sc-438c3942-0 hsfhII sc-b4c78462-0 TUOzh"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span><div class="sc-b4c78462-1 jiRbrf"><p>Dedicated Customer Success Team</p></div></div></li><li size="16" class="sc-b4c78462-3 kgKXfM sc-e5c0b2e6-0 ksBFSE"><div class="sc-b4c78462-6 jepzaG"><span size="20" color="yellow.500" class="sc-438c3942-0 hsfhII sc-b4c78462-0 TUOzh"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span><div class="sc-b4c78462-1 jiRbrf"><p>1:1 Onboarding and Launch Support</p></div></div></li><li size="16" class="sc-b4c78462-3 kgKXfM sc-e5c0b2e6-0 ksBFSE"><div class="sc-b4c78462-6 jepzaG"><span size="20" color="yellow.500" class="sc-438c3942-0 hsfhII sc-b4c78462-0 TUOzh"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span><div class="sc-b4c78462-1 jiRbrf"><p>CRM Integration (Salesforce, Hubspot, and more)</p></div></div></li><li size="16" class="sc-b4c78462-3 kgKXfM sc-e5c0b2e6-0 ksBFSE"><div class="sc-b4c78462-6 jepzaG"><span size="20" color="yellow.500" class="sc-438c3942-0 hsfhII sc-b4c78462-0 TUOzh"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span><div class="sc-b4c78462-1 jiRbrf"><p>Multiple Separate Thinkific Sites</p></div></div></li><li size="16" class="sc-b4c78462-3 kgKXfM sc-e5c0b2e6-0 ksBFSE"><div class="sc-b4c78462-6 jepzaG"><span size="20" color="yellow.500" class="sc-438c3942-0 hsfhII sc-b4c78462-0 TUOzh"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span><div class="sc-b4c78462-1 jiRbrf"><p>Branded Mobile</p></div></div></li><li size="16" class="sc-b4c78462-3 kgKXfM sc-e5c0b2e6-0 ksBFSE"><div class="sc-b4c78462-6 jepzaG"><span size="20" color="yellow.500" class="sc-438c3942-0 hsfhII sc-b4c78462-0 TUOzh"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span><div class="sc-b4c78462-1 jiRbrf"><p>SCORM compliant</p></div></div></li><li size="16" class="sc-b4c78462-3 kgKXfM sc-e5c0b2e6-0 ksBFSE"><div class="sc-b4c78462-6 jepzaG"><span size="20" color="yellow.500" class="sc-438c3942-0 hsfhII sc-b4c78462-0 TUOzh"><svg xmlns="" 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9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span><div class="sc-b4c78462-1 jiRbrf"><p>Enhanced Student Engagement Functionality</p></div></div></li><li size="16" class="sc-b4c78462-3 kgKXfM sc-e5c0b2e6-0 ksBFSE"><div class="sc-b4c78462-6 jepzaG"><span size="20" color="yellow.500" class="sc-438c3942-0 hsfhII sc-b4c78462-0 TUOzh"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span><div class="sc-b4c78462-1 jiRbrf"><p>Additional Sales Tools</p></div></div></li><li size="16" class="sc-b4c78462-3 kgKXfM sc-e5c0b2e6-0 ksBFSE"><div class="sc-b4c78462-6 jepzaG"><span size="20" color="yellow.500" class="sc-438c3942-0 hsfhII sc-b4c78462-0 TUOzh"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span><div class="sc-b4c78462-1 jiRbrf"><p>Enterprise API access</p></div></div></li><li size="16" class="sc-b4c78462-3 kgKXfM sc-e5c0b2e6-0 ksBFSE"><div class="sc-b4c78462-6 jepzaG"><span size="20" color="yellow.500" class="sc-438c3942-0 hsfhII sc-b4c78462-0 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13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span><div class="sc-b4c78462-1 jiRbrf"><p>Bulk Purchase Checkout</p></div></div></li><li size="16" class="sc-b4c78462-3 kgKXfM sc-e5c0b2e6-0 ksBFSE"><div class="sc-b4c78462-6 jepzaG"><span size="20" color="yellow.500" class="sc-438c3942-0 hsfhII sc-b4c78462-0 TUOzh"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 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15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span><div class="sc-b4c78462-1 jiRbrf"><p>Email White-Labeling</p></div></div></li></ul></div></div></div></div><section id="pricing_comparison$1d4adec7-7a63-4b04-9261-47ddee196987"><div class="sc-7d7a56ed-0 ffujdo"><div class="sc-d089611-4 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12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM12.5 20.25C10.8683 20.25 9.27326 19.7661 7.91655 18.8596C6.55984 17.9531 5.50242 16.6646 4.878 15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>The number of full courses you can create, upload, and sell. </p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps">Unlimited</td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Communities<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div 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10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>Online learning environments, created and owned by you, where students can participate in an interactive, communal learning experience.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps">1</td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Spaces per Community<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM12.5 20.25C10.8683 20.25 9.27326 19.7661 7.91655 18.8596C6.55984 17.9531 5.50242 16.6646 4.878 15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>Spaces are virtual rooms within your Community, each designated for a specific topic or purpose, such as a course, introductions, key updates, and more. Any of your Community members can jump into specific Spaces to read, comment, or create their own posts.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps">5</td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Digital Downloads<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM12.5 20.25C10.8683 20.25 9.27326 19.7661 7.91655 18.8596C6.55984 17.9531 5.50242 16.6646 4.878 15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>Offer Digital Downloads like eBooks, guides, templates, and more to attract new leads and quickly boost your revenue.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps">5</td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Coaching & Webinars<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 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8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>Host live coaching sessions or webinars to connect with your audience.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps">5</td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Email Marketing<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM12.5 20.25C10.8683 20.25 9.27326 19.7661 7.91655 18.8596C6.55984 17.9531 5.50242 16.6646 4.878 15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>Grow and manage your email list, launch engaging campaigns, and roll out automated email flows effortlessly with powerful, AI-driven tools.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Current Students<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM12.5 20.25C10.8683 20.25 9.27326 19.7661 7.91655 18.8596C6.55984 17.9531 5.50242 16.6646 4.878 15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>The number of students currently enrolled in one or more of your courses or communities.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps">Unlimited</td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Site Administrator Accounts<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM12.5 20.25C10.8683 20.25 9.27326 19.7661 7.91655 18.8596C6.55984 17.9531 5.50242 16.6646 4.878 15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>Has similar access to a Site Owner and can assist with managing your students and courses.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps">1</td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Course Administrator Accounts<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM12.5 20.25C10.8683 20.25 9.27326 19.7661 7.91655 18.8596C6.55984 17.9531 5.50242 16.6646 4.878 15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>Course Admins have restricted access in your Thinkific Admin Dashboard, but can help with creating new courses, editing courses, managing assignments, and more.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td aria-label="Not available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 hWtqYS"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.0306 14.4694C16.1003 14.5391 16.1556 14.6218 16.1933 14.7128C16.231 14.8039 16.2504 14.9015 16.2504 15C16.2504 15.0985 16.231 15.1961 16.1933 15.2872C16.1556 15.3782 16.1003 15.4609 16.0306 15.5306C15.9609 15.6003 15.8782 15.6556 15.7872 15.6933C15.6961 15.731 15.5986 15.7504 15.5 15.7504C15.4015 15.7504 15.3039 15.731 15.2128 15.6933C15.1218 15.6556 15.0391 15.6003 14.9694 15.5306L12.5 13.0603L10.0306 15.5306C9.96095 15.6003 9.87822 15.6556 9.78718 15.6933C9.69613 15.731 9.59855 15.7504 9.5 15.7504C9.40146 15.7504 9.30388 15.731 9.21283 15.6933C9.12179 15.6556 9.03906 15.6003 8.96938 15.5306C8.8997 15.4609 8.84442 15.3782 8.80671 15.2872C8.769 15.1961 8.74959 15.0985 8.74959 15C8.74959 14.9015 8.769 14.8039 8.80671 14.7128C8.84442 14.6218 8.8997 14.5391 8.96938 14.4694L11.4397 12L8.96938 9.53063C8.82865 9.38989 8.74959 9.19902 8.74959 9C8.74959 8.80098 8.82865 8.61011 8.96938 8.46937C9.11011 8.32864 9.30098 8.24958 9.5 8.24958C9.69903 8.24958 9.8899 8.32864 10.0306 8.46937L12.5 10.9397L14.9694 8.46937C15.0391 8.39969 15.1218 8.34442 15.2128 8.3067C15.3039 8.26899 15.4015 8.24958 15.5 8.24958C15.5986 8.24958 15.6961 8.26899 15.7872 8.3067C15.8782 8.34442 15.9609 8.39969 16.0306 8.46937C16.1003 8.53906 16.1556 8.62178 16.1933 8.71283C16.231 8.80387 16.2504 8.90145 16.2504 9C16.2504 9.09855 16.231 9.19613 16.1933 9.28717C16.1556 9.37822 16.1003 9.46094 16.0306 9.53063L13.5603 12L16.0306 14.4694Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Share revenue with partners<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM12.5 20.25C10.8683 20.25 9.27326 19.7661 7.91655 18.8596C6.55984 17.9531 5.50242 16.6646 4.878 15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>Share a percentage of sales made on your courses, communities, and bundles with co-instructors and contributors.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" 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15.731 15.5986 15.7504 15.5 15.7504C15.4015 15.7504 15.3039 15.731 15.2128 15.6933C15.1218 15.6556 15.0391 15.6003 14.9694 15.5306L12.5 13.0603L10.0306 15.5306C9.96095 15.6003 9.87822 15.6556 9.78718 15.6933C9.69613 15.731 9.59855 15.7504 9.5 15.7504C9.40146 15.7504 9.30388 15.731 9.21283 15.6933C9.12179 15.6556 9.03906 15.6003 8.96938 15.5306C8.8997 15.4609 8.84442 15.3782 8.80671 15.2872C8.769 15.1961 8.74959 15.0985 8.74959 15C8.74959 14.9015 8.769 14.8039 8.80671 14.7128C8.84442 14.6218 8.8997 14.5391 8.96938 14.4694L11.4397 12L8.96938 9.53063C8.82865 9.38989 8.74959 9.19902 8.74959 9C8.74959 8.80098 8.82865 8.61011 8.96938 8.46937C9.11011 8.32864 9.30098 8.24958 9.5 8.24958C9.69903 8.24958 9.8899 8.32864 10.0306 8.46937L12.5 10.9397L14.9694 8.46937C15.0391 8.39969 15.1218 8.34442 15.2128 8.3067C15.3039 8.26899 15.4015 8.24958 15.5 8.24958C15.5986 8.24958 15.6961 8.26899 15.7872 8.3067C15.8782 8.34442 15.9609 8.39969 16.0306 8.46937C16.1003 8.53906 16.1556 8.62178 16.1933 8.71283C16.231 8.80387 16.2504 8.90145 16.2504 9C16.2504 9.09855 16.231 9.19613 16.1933 9.28717C16.1556 9.37822 16.1003 9.46094 16.0306 9.53063L13.5603 12L16.0306 14.4694Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Group Analyst accounts<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM12.5 20.25C10.8683 20.25 9.27326 19.7661 7.91655 18.8596C6.55984 17.9531 5.50242 16.6646 4.878 15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>The number of team members or third-parties who have access to Group/cohort progress reports.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td aria-label="Not available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 hWtqYS"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.0306 14.4694C16.1003 14.5391 16.1556 14.6218 16.1933 14.7128C16.231 14.8039 16.2504 14.9015 16.2504 15C16.2504 15.0985 16.231 15.1961 16.1933 15.2872C16.1556 15.3782 16.1003 15.4609 16.0306 15.5306C15.9609 15.6003 15.8782 15.6556 15.7872 15.6933C15.6961 15.731 15.5986 15.7504 15.5 15.7504C15.4015 15.7504 15.3039 15.731 15.2128 15.6933C15.1218 15.6556 15.0391 15.6003 14.9694 15.5306L12.5 13.0603L10.0306 15.5306C9.96095 15.6003 9.87822 15.6556 9.78718 15.6933C9.69613 15.731 9.59855 15.7504 9.5 15.7504C9.40146 15.7504 9.30388 15.731 9.21283 15.6933C9.12179 15.6556 9.03906 15.6003 8.96938 15.5306C8.8997 15.4609 8.84442 15.3782 8.80671 15.2872C8.769 15.1961 8.74959 15.0985 8.74959 15C8.74959 14.9015 8.769 14.8039 8.80671 14.7128C8.84442 14.6218 8.8997 14.5391 8.96938 14.4694L11.4397 12L8.96938 9.53063C8.82865 9.38989 8.74959 9.19902 8.74959 9C8.74959 8.80098 8.82865 8.61011 8.96938 8.46937C9.11011 8.32864 9.30098 8.24958 9.5 8.24958C9.69903 8.24958 9.8899 8.32864 10.0306 8.46937L12.5 10.9397L14.9694 8.46937C15.0391 8.39969 15.1218 8.34442 15.2128 8.3067C15.3039 8.26899 15.4015 8.24958 15.5 8.24958C15.5986 8.24958 15.6961 8.26899 15.7872 8.3067C15.8782 8.34442 15.9609 8.39969 16.0306 8.46937C16.1003 8.53906 16.1556 8.62178 16.1933 8.71283C16.231 8.80387 16.2504 8.90145 16.2504 9C16.2504 9.09855 16.231 9.19613 16.1933 9.28717C16.1556 9.37822 16.1003 9.46094 16.0306 9.53063L13.5603 12L16.0306 14.4694Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Support level<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 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19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>The extent and types of world-class assistance you receive based on your selected plan.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps">Email and chat</td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Branded Mobile<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM12.5 20.25C10.8683 20.25 9.27326 19.7661 7.91655 18.8596C6.55984 17.9531 5.50242 16.6646 4.878 15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>Deliver your course content and communities to your audience with a white-labeled mobile app we'll build for you.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td 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18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">SCORM compliant<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM12.5 20.25C10.8683 20.25 9.27326 19.7661 7.91655 18.8596C6.55984 17.9531 5.50242 16.6646 4.878 15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 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15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 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13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Full video & content hosting<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM12.5 20.25C10.8683 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8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM12.5 20.25C10.8683 20.25 9.27326 19.7661 7.91655 18.8596C6.55984 17.9531 5.50242 16.6646 4.878 15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>Drip release lets you schedule content to slowly release over time for on-demand (based on a student’s individual sign-up date) and cohort-based (fixed date) schedules to keep students coming back.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Paid memberships<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM12.5 20.25C10.8683 20.25 9.27326 19.7661 7.91655 18.8596C6.55984 17.9531 5.50242 16.6646 4.878 15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>Create paid membership subscriptions and exclusive members-only content.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td aria-label="Not available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 hWtqYS"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.0306 14.4694C16.1003 14.5391 16.1556 14.6218 16.1933 14.7128C16.231 14.8039 16.2504 14.9015 16.2504 15C16.2504 15.0985 16.231 15.1961 16.1933 15.2872C16.1556 15.3782 16.1003 15.4609 16.0306 15.5306C15.9609 15.6003 15.8782 15.6556 15.7872 15.6933C15.6961 15.731 15.5986 15.7504 15.5 15.7504C15.4015 15.7504 15.3039 15.731 15.2128 15.6933C15.1218 15.6556 15.0391 15.6003 14.9694 15.5306L12.5 13.0603L10.0306 15.5306C9.96095 15.6003 9.87822 15.6556 9.78718 15.6933C9.69613 15.731 9.59855 15.7504 9.5 15.7504C9.40146 15.7504 9.30388 15.731 9.21283 15.6933C9.12179 15.6556 9.03906 15.6003 8.96938 15.5306C8.8997 15.4609 8.84442 15.3782 8.80671 15.2872C8.769 15.1961 8.74959 15.0985 8.74959 15C8.74959 14.9015 8.769 14.8039 8.80671 14.7128C8.84442 14.6218 8.8997 14.5391 8.96938 14.4694L11.4397 12L8.96938 9.53063C8.82865 9.38989 8.74959 9.19902 8.74959 9C8.74959 8.80098 8.82865 8.61011 8.96938 8.46937C9.11011 8.32864 9.30098 8.24958 9.5 8.24958C9.69903 8.24958 9.8899 8.32864 10.0306 8.46937L12.5 10.9397L14.9694 8.46937C15.0391 8.39969 15.1218 8.34442 15.2128 8.3067C15.3039 8.26899 15.4015 8.24958 15.5 8.24958C15.5986 8.24958 15.6961 8.26899 15.7872 8.3067C15.8782 8.34442 15.9609 8.39969 16.0306 8.46937C16.1003 8.53906 16.1556 8.62178 16.1933 8.71283C16.231 8.80387 16.2504 8.90145 16.2504 9C16.2504 9.09855 16.231 9.19613 16.1933 9.28717C16.1556 9.37822 16.1003 9.46094 16.0306 9.53063L13.5603 12L16.0306 14.4694Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Completion certificates<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM12.5 20.25C10.8683 20.25 9.27326 19.7661 7.91655 18.8596C6.55984 17.9531 5.50242 16.6646 4.878 15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>Customized certificates for your students, whether it's just for fun, something for them to show off on Linkedin, or a part of a continuing education program.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td aria-label="Not available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 hWtqYS"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.0306 14.4694C16.1003 14.5391 16.1556 14.6218 16.1933 14.7128C16.231 14.8039 16.2504 14.9015 16.2504 15C16.2504 15.0985 16.231 15.1961 16.1933 15.2872C16.1556 15.3782 16.1003 15.4609 16.0306 15.5306C15.9609 15.6003 15.8782 15.6556 15.7872 15.6933C15.6961 15.731 15.5986 15.7504 15.5 15.7504C15.4015 15.7504 15.3039 15.731 15.2128 15.6933C15.1218 15.6556 15.0391 15.6003 14.9694 15.5306L12.5 13.0603L10.0306 15.5306C9.96095 15.6003 9.87822 15.6556 9.78718 15.6933C9.69613 15.731 9.59855 15.7504 9.5 15.7504C9.40146 15.7504 9.30388 15.731 9.21283 15.6933C9.12179 15.6556 9.03906 15.6003 8.96938 15.5306C8.8997 15.4609 8.84442 15.3782 8.80671 15.2872C8.769 15.1961 8.74959 15.0985 8.74959 15C8.74959 14.9015 8.769 14.8039 8.80671 14.7128C8.84442 14.6218 8.8997 14.5391 8.96938 14.4694L11.4397 12L8.96938 9.53063C8.82865 9.38989 8.74959 9.19902 8.74959 9C8.74959 8.80098 8.82865 8.61011 8.96938 8.46937C9.11011 8.32864 9.30098 8.24958 9.5 8.24958C9.69903 8.24958 9.8899 8.32864 10.0306 8.46937L12.5 10.9397L14.9694 8.46937C15.0391 8.39969 15.1218 8.34442 15.2128 8.3067C15.3039 8.26899 15.4015 8.24958 15.5 8.24958C15.5986 8.24958 15.6961 8.26899 15.7872 8.3067C15.8782 8.34442 15.9609 8.39969 16.0306 8.46937C16.1003 8.53906 16.1556 8.62178 16.1933 8.71283C16.231 8.80387 16.2504 8.90145 16.2504 9C16.2504 9.09855 16.231 9.19613 16.1933 9.28717C16.1556 9.37822 16.1003 9.46094 16.0306 9.53063L13.5603 12L16.0306 14.4694Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Create private & hidden courses<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM12.5 20.25C10.8683 20.25 9.27326 19.7661 7.91655 18.8596C6.55984 17.9531 5.50242 16.6646 4.878 15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>Create courses that are by invitation only or hidden from public view.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td aria-label="Not available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 hWtqYS"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.0306 14.4694C16.1003 14.5391 16.1556 14.6218 16.1933 14.7128C16.231 14.8039 16.2504 14.9015 16.2504 15C16.2504 15.0985 16.231 15.1961 16.1933 15.2872C16.1556 15.3782 16.1003 15.4609 16.0306 15.5306C15.9609 15.6003 15.8782 15.6556 15.7872 15.6933C15.6961 15.731 15.5986 15.7504 15.5 15.7504C15.4015 15.7504 15.3039 15.731 15.2128 15.6933C15.1218 15.6556 15.0391 15.6003 14.9694 15.5306L12.5 13.0603L10.0306 15.5306C9.96095 15.6003 9.87822 15.6556 9.78718 15.6933C9.69613 15.731 9.59855 15.7504 9.5 15.7504C9.40146 15.7504 9.30388 15.731 9.21283 15.6933C9.12179 15.6556 9.03906 15.6003 8.96938 15.5306C8.8997 15.4609 8.84442 15.3782 8.80671 15.2872C8.769 15.1961 8.74959 15.0985 8.74959 15C8.74959 14.9015 8.769 14.8039 8.80671 14.7128C8.84442 14.6218 8.8997 14.5391 8.96938 14.4694L11.4397 12L8.96938 9.53063C8.82865 9.38989 8.74959 9.19902 8.74959 9C8.74959 8.80098 8.82865 8.61011 8.96938 8.46937C9.11011 8.32864 9.30098 8.24958 9.5 8.24958C9.69903 8.24958 9.8899 8.32864 10.0306 8.46937L12.5 10.9397L14.9694 8.46937C15.0391 8.39969 15.1218 8.34442 15.2128 8.3067C15.3039 8.26899 15.4015 8.24958 15.5 8.24958C15.5986 8.24958 15.6961 8.26899 15.7872 8.3067C15.8782 8.34442 15.9609 8.39969 16.0306 8.46937C16.1003 8.53906 16.1556 8.62178 16.1933 8.71283C16.231 8.80387 16.2504 8.90145 16.2504 9C16.2504 9.09855 16.231 9.19613 16.1933 9.28717C16.1556 9.37822 16.1003 9.46094 16.0306 9.53063L13.5603 12L16.0306 14.4694Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Assignments<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM12.5 20.25C10.8683 20.25 9.27326 19.7661 7.91655 18.8596C6.55984 17.9531 5.50242 16.6646 4.878 15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>Measure and rate your student’s progress with assignments that need to be approved before students can complete your course.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td aria-label="Not available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 hWtqYS"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.0306 14.4694C16.1003 14.5391 16.1556 14.6218 16.1933 14.7128C16.231 14.8039 16.2504 14.9015 16.2504 15C16.2504 15.0985 16.231 15.1961 16.1933 15.2872C16.1556 15.3782 16.1003 15.4609 16.0306 15.5306C15.9609 15.6003 15.8782 15.6556 15.7872 15.6933C15.6961 15.731 15.5986 15.7504 15.5 15.7504C15.4015 15.7504 15.3039 15.731 15.2128 15.6933C15.1218 15.6556 15.0391 15.6003 14.9694 15.5306L12.5 13.0603L10.0306 15.5306C9.96095 15.6003 9.87822 15.6556 9.78718 15.6933C9.69613 15.731 9.59855 15.7504 9.5 15.7504C9.40146 15.7504 9.30388 15.731 9.21283 15.6933C9.12179 15.6556 9.03906 15.6003 8.96938 15.5306C8.8997 15.4609 8.84442 15.3782 8.80671 15.2872C8.769 15.1961 8.74959 15.0985 8.74959 15C8.74959 14.9015 8.769 14.8039 8.80671 14.7128C8.84442 14.6218 8.8997 14.5391 8.96938 14.4694L11.4397 12L8.96938 9.53063C8.82865 9.38989 8.74959 9.19902 8.74959 9C8.74959 8.80098 8.82865 8.61011 8.96938 8.46937C9.11011 8.32864 9.30098 8.24958 9.5 8.24958C9.69903 8.24958 9.8899 8.32864 10.0306 8.46937L12.5 10.9397L14.9694 8.46937C15.0391 8.39969 15.1218 8.34442 15.2128 8.3067C15.3039 8.26899 15.4015 8.24958 15.5 8.24958C15.5986 8.24958 15.6961 8.26899 15.7872 8.3067C15.8782 8.34442 15.9609 8.39969 16.0306 8.46937C16.1003 8.53906 16.1556 8.62178 16.1933 8.71283C16.231 8.80387 16.2504 8.90145 16.2504 9C16.2504 9.09855 16.231 9.19613 16.1933 9.28717C16.1556 9.37822 16.1003 9.46094 16.0306 9.53063L13.5603 12L16.0306 14.4694Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Course compliance tools<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM12.5 20.25C10.8683 20.25 9.27326 19.7661 7.91655 18.8596C6.55984 17.9531 5.50242 16.6646 4.878 15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>With Prerequisite Lessons and video completion settings, you can prevent students from skipping ahead in the course before they've learned essential content.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td aria-label="Not available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 hWtqYS"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.0306 14.4694C16.1003 14.5391 16.1556 14.6218 16.1933 14.7128C16.231 14.8039 16.2504 14.9015 16.2504 15C16.2504 15.0985 16.231 15.1961 16.1933 15.2872C16.1556 15.3782 16.1003 15.4609 16.0306 15.5306C15.9609 15.6003 15.8782 15.6556 15.7872 15.6933C15.6961 15.731 15.5986 15.7504 15.5 15.7504C15.4015 15.7504 15.3039 15.731 15.2128 15.6933C15.1218 15.6556 15.0391 15.6003 14.9694 15.5306L12.5 13.0603L10.0306 15.5306C9.96095 15.6003 9.87822 15.6556 9.78718 15.6933C9.69613 15.731 9.59855 15.7504 9.5 15.7504C9.40146 15.7504 9.30388 15.731 9.21283 15.6933C9.12179 15.6556 9.03906 15.6003 8.96938 15.5306C8.8997 15.4609 8.84442 15.3782 8.80671 15.2872C8.769 15.1961 8.74959 15.0985 8.74959 15C8.74959 14.9015 8.769 14.8039 8.80671 14.7128C8.84442 14.6218 8.8997 14.5391 8.96938 14.4694L11.4397 12L8.96938 9.53063C8.82865 9.38989 8.74959 9.19902 8.74959 9C8.74959 8.80098 8.82865 8.61011 8.96938 8.46937C9.11011 8.32864 9.30098 8.24958 9.5 8.24958C9.69903 8.24958 9.8899 8.32864 10.0306 8.46937L12.5 10.9397L14.9694 8.46937C15.0391 8.39969 15.1218 8.34442 15.2128 8.3067C15.3039 8.26899 15.4015 8.24958 15.5 8.24958C15.5986 8.24958 15.6961 8.26899 15.7872 8.3067C15.8782 8.34442 15.9609 8.39969 16.0306 8.46937C16.1003 8.53906 16.1556 8.62178 16.1933 8.71283C16.231 8.80387 16.2504 8.90145 16.2504 9C16.2504 9.09855 16.231 9.19613 16.1933 9.28717C16.1556 9.37822 16.1003 9.46094 16.0306 9.53063L13.5603 12L16.0306 14.4694Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Host Storyline, Captivate, and more<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM12.5 20.25C10.8683 20.25 9.27326 19.7661 7.91655 18.8596C6.55984 17.9531 5.50242 16.6646 4.878 15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>Support for Articulate Storyline, Adobe Captivate, and other multimedia content.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td aria-label="Not available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 hWtqYS"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.0306 14.4694C16.1003 14.5391 16.1556 14.6218 16.1933 14.7128C16.231 14.8039 16.2504 14.9015 16.2504 15C16.2504 15.0985 16.231 15.1961 16.1933 15.2872C16.1556 15.3782 16.1003 15.4609 16.0306 15.5306C15.9609 15.6003 15.8782 15.6556 15.7872 15.6933C15.6961 15.731 15.5986 15.7504 15.5 15.7504C15.4015 15.7504 15.3039 15.731 15.2128 15.6933C15.1218 15.6556 15.0391 15.6003 14.9694 15.5306L12.5 13.0603L10.0306 15.5306C9.96095 15.6003 9.87822 15.6556 9.78718 15.6933C9.69613 15.731 9.59855 15.7504 9.5 15.7504C9.40146 15.7504 9.30388 15.731 9.21283 15.6933C9.12179 15.6556 9.03906 15.6003 8.96938 15.5306C8.8997 15.4609 8.84442 15.3782 8.80671 15.2872C8.769 15.1961 8.74959 15.0985 8.74959 15C8.74959 14.9015 8.769 14.8039 8.80671 14.7128C8.84442 14.6218 8.8997 14.5391 8.96938 14.4694L11.4397 12L8.96938 9.53063C8.82865 9.38989 8.74959 9.19902 8.74959 9C8.74959 8.80098 8.82865 8.61011 8.96938 8.46937C9.11011 8.32864 9.30098 8.24958 9.5 8.24958C9.69903 8.24958 9.8899 8.32864 10.0306 8.46937L12.5 10.9397L14.9694 8.46937C15.0391 8.39969 15.1218 8.34442 15.2128 8.3067C15.3039 8.26899 15.4015 8.24958 15.5 8.24958C15.5986 8.24958 15.6961 8.26899 15.7872 8.3067C15.8782 8.34442 15.9609 8.39969 16.0306 8.46937C16.1003 8.53906 16.1556 8.62178 16.1933 8.71283C16.231 8.80387 16.2504 8.90145 16.2504 9C16.2504 9.09855 16.231 9.19613 16.1933 9.28717C16.1556 9.37822 16.1003 9.46094 16.0306 9.53063L13.5603 12L16.0306 14.4694Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Randomized quiz question bank<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM12.5 20.25C10.8683 20.25 9.27326 19.7661 7.91655 18.8596C6.55984 17.9531 5.50242 16.6646 4.878 15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>Create diverse quizzes easily by adding questions to a quiz bank and having the system generate a randomized quiz.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td aria-label="Not available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 hWtqYS"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.0306 14.4694C16.1003 14.5391 16.1556 14.6218 16.1933 14.7128C16.231 14.8039 16.2504 14.9015 16.2504 15C16.2504 15.0985 16.231 15.1961 16.1933 15.2872C16.1556 15.3782 16.1003 15.4609 16.0306 15.5306C15.9609 15.6003 15.8782 15.6556 15.7872 15.6933C15.6961 15.731 15.5986 15.7504 15.5 15.7504C15.4015 15.7504 15.3039 15.731 15.2128 15.6933C15.1218 15.6556 15.0391 15.6003 14.9694 15.5306L12.5 13.0603L10.0306 15.5306C9.96095 15.6003 9.87822 15.6556 9.78718 15.6933C9.69613 15.731 9.59855 15.7504 9.5 15.7504C9.40146 15.7504 9.30388 15.731 9.21283 15.6933C9.12179 15.6556 9.03906 15.6003 8.96938 15.5306C8.8997 15.4609 8.84442 15.3782 8.80671 15.2872C8.769 15.1961 8.74959 15.0985 8.74959 15C8.74959 14.9015 8.769 14.8039 8.80671 14.7128C8.84442 14.6218 8.8997 14.5391 8.96938 14.4694L11.4397 12L8.96938 9.53063C8.82865 9.38989 8.74959 9.19902 8.74959 9C8.74959 8.80098 8.82865 8.61011 8.96938 8.46937C9.11011 8.32864 9.30098 8.24958 9.5 8.24958C9.69903 8.24958 9.8899 8.32864 10.0306 8.46937L12.5 10.9397L14.9694 8.46937C15.0391 8.39969 15.1218 8.34442 15.2128 8.3067C15.3039 8.26899 15.4015 8.24958 15.5 8.24958C15.5986 8.24958 15.6961 8.26899 15.7872 8.3067C15.8782 8.34442 15.9609 8.39969 16.0306 8.46937C16.1003 8.53906 16.1556 8.62178 16.1933 8.71283C16.231 8.80387 16.2504 8.90145 16.2504 9C16.2504 9.09855 16.231 9.19613 16.1933 9.28717C16.1556 9.37822 16.1003 9.46094 16.0306 9.53063L13.5603 12L16.0306 14.4694Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Brillium exams integration<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM12.5 20.25C10.8683 20.25 9.27326 19.7661 7.91655 18.8596C6.55984 17.9531 5.50242 16.6646 4.878 15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>Create an advanced exam environment with a variety of question types and detailed data analysis</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td aria-label="Not available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 hWtqYS"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.0306 14.4694C16.1003 14.5391 16.1556 14.6218 16.1933 14.7128C16.231 14.8039 16.2504 14.9015 16.2504 15C16.2504 15.0985 16.231 15.1961 16.1933 15.2872C16.1556 15.3782 16.1003 15.4609 16.0306 15.5306C15.9609 15.6003 15.8782 15.6556 15.7872 15.6933C15.6961 15.731 15.5986 15.7504 15.5 15.7504C15.4015 15.7504 15.3039 15.731 15.2128 15.6933C15.1218 15.6556 15.0391 15.6003 14.9694 15.5306L12.5 13.0603L10.0306 15.5306C9.96095 15.6003 9.87822 15.6556 9.78718 15.6933C9.69613 15.731 9.59855 15.7504 9.5 15.7504C9.40146 15.7504 9.30388 15.731 9.21283 15.6933C9.12179 15.6556 9.03906 15.6003 8.96938 15.5306C8.8997 15.4609 8.84442 15.3782 8.80671 15.2872C8.769 15.1961 8.74959 15.0985 8.74959 15C8.74959 14.9015 8.769 14.8039 8.80671 14.7128C8.84442 14.6218 8.8997 14.5391 8.96938 14.4694L11.4397 12L8.96938 9.53063C8.82865 9.38989 8.74959 9.19902 8.74959 9C8.74959 8.80098 8.82865 8.61011 8.96938 8.46937C9.11011 8.32864 9.30098 8.24958 9.5 8.24958C9.69903 8.24958 9.8899 8.32864 10.0306 8.46937L12.5 10.9397L14.9694 8.46937C15.0391 8.39969 15.1218 8.34442 15.2128 8.3067C15.3039 8.26899 15.4015 8.24958 15.5 8.24958C15.5986 8.24958 15.6961 8.26899 15.7872 8.3067C15.8782 8.34442 15.9609 8.39969 16.0306 8.46937C16.1003 8.53906 16.1556 8.62178 16.1933 8.71283C16.231 8.80387 16.2504 8.90145 16.2504 9C16.2504 9.09855 16.231 9.19613 16.1933 9.28717C16.1556 9.37822 16.1003 9.46094 16.0306 9.53063L13.5603 12L16.0306 14.4694Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr></tbody></table><table class="sc-e75af141-4 dKwIFU"><thead class="sc-e75af141-10 boLSJX"><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Build and Sell Learning Communities </th></tr></thead><tbody class="sc-e75af141-3 jdettf"><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Number of Communities<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM12.5 20.25C10.8683 20.25 9.27326 19.7661 7.91655 18.8596C6.55984 17.9531 5.50242 16.6646 4.878 15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>Dedicated collaborative and interactive spaces for your members to share knowledge and support each other's growth.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps">1</td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Number of Spaces<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM12.5 20.25C10.8683 20.25 9.27326 19.7661 7.91655 18.8596C6.55984 17.9531 5.50242 16.6646 4.878 15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>Create designated Spaces (virtual rooms) within your Community to discuss specific topics and courses.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps">5</td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Synched Course and Communities<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM12.5 20.25C10.8683 20.25 9.27326 19.7661 7.91655 18.8596C6.55984 17.9531 5.50242 16.6646 4.878 15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>Build a Community around your existing content to add even more value to your online courses.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">User profiles<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM12.5 20.25C10.8683 20.25 9.27326 19.7661 7.91655 18.8596C6.55984 17.9531 5.50242 16.6646 4.878 15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>Custom profiles for each Community member with basic information, including their name, photo, company, professional title, and timezone.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Rich text and mentions<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM12.5 20.25C10.8683 20.25 9.27326 19.7661 7.91655 18.8596C6.55984 17.9531 5.50242 16.6646 4.878 15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>Let members tag others in a post, comment, or reply to other members' comments.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 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15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>Host live coaching sessions or webinars to connect with your audience.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps">5</td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Bundle with courses<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 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13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>Sell relevant courses and 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15.3782 16.1003 15.4609 16.0306 15.5306C15.9609 15.6003 15.8782 15.6556 15.7872 15.6933C15.6961 15.731 15.5986 15.7504 15.5 15.7504C15.4015 15.7504 15.3039 15.731 15.2128 15.6933C15.1218 15.6556 15.0391 15.6003 14.9694 15.5306L12.5 13.0603L10.0306 15.5306C9.96095 15.6003 9.87822 15.6556 9.78718 15.6933C9.69613 15.731 9.59855 15.7504 9.5 15.7504C9.40146 15.7504 9.30388 15.731 9.21283 15.6933C9.12179 15.6556 9.03906 15.6003 8.96938 15.5306C8.8997 15.4609 8.84442 15.3782 8.80671 15.2872C8.769 15.1961 8.74959 15.0985 8.74959 15C8.74959 14.9015 8.769 14.8039 8.80671 14.7128C8.84442 14.6218 8.8997 14.5391 8.96938 14.4694L11.4397 12L8.96938 9.53063C8.82865 9.38989 8.74959 9.19902 8.74959 9C8.74959 8.80098 8.82865 8.61011 8.96938 8.46937C9.11011 8.32864 9.30098 8.24958 9.5 8.24958C9.69903 8.24958 9.8899 8.32864 10.0306 8.46937L12.5 10.9397L14.9694 8.46937C15.0391 8.39969 15.1218 8.34442 15.2128 8.3067C15.3039 8.26899 15.4015 8.24958 15.5 8.24958C15.5986 8.24958 15.6961 8.26899 15.7872 8.3067C15.8782 8.34442 15.9609 8.39969 16.0306 8.46937C16.1003 8.53906 16.1556 8.62178 16.1933 8.71283C16.231 8.80387 16.2504 8.90145 16.2504 9C16.2504 9.09855 16.231 9.19613 16.1933 9.28717C16.1556 9.37822 16.1003 9.46094 16.0306 9.53063L13.5603 12L16.0306 14.4694Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Paid memberships<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM12.5 20.25C10.8683 20.25 9.27326 19.7661 7.91655 18.8596C6.55984 17.9531 5.50242 16.6646 4.878 15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>Sell paid subscription access to your learning content.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td aria-label="Not available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 hWtqYS"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.0306 14.4694C16.1003 14.5391 16.1556 14.6218 16.1933 14.7128C16.231 14.8039 16.2504 14.9015 16.2504 15C16.2504 15.0985 16.231 15.1961 16.1933 15.2872C16.1556 15.3782 16.1003 15.4609 16.0306 15.5306C15.9609 15.6003 15.8782 15.6556 15.7872 15.6933C15.6961 15.731 15.5986 15.7504 15.5 15.7504C15.4015 15.7504 15.3039 15.731 15.2128 15.6933C15.1218 15.6556 15.0391 15.6003 14.9694 15.5306L12.5 13.0603L10.0306 15.5306C9.96095 15.6003 9.87822 15.6556 9.78718 15.6933C9.69613 15.731 9.59855 15.7504 9.5 15.7504C9.40146 15.7504 9.30388 15.731 9.21283 15.6933C9.12179 15.6556 9.03906 15.6003 8.96938 15.5306C8.8997 15.4609 8.84442 15.3782 8.80671 15.2872C8.769 15.1961 8.74959 15.0985 8.74959 15C8.74959 14.9015 8.769 14.8039 8.80671 14.7128C8.84442 14.6218 8.8997 14.5391 8.96938 14.4694L11.4397 12L8.96938 9.53063C8.82865 9.38989 8.74959 9.19902 8.74959 9C8.74959 8.80098 8.82865 8.61011 8.96938 8.46937C9.11011 8.32864 9.30098 8.24958 9.5 8.24958C9.69903 8.24958 9.8899 8.32864 10.0306 8.46937L12.5 10.9397L14.9694 8.46937C15.0391 8.39969 15.1218 8.34442 15.2128 8.3067C15.3039 8.26899 15.4015 8.24958 15.5 8.24958C15.5986 8.24958 15.6961 8.26899 15.7872 8.3067C15.8782 8.34442 15.9609 8.39969 16.0306 8.46937C16.1003 8.53906 16.1556 8.62178 16.1933 8.71283C16.231 8.80387 16.2504 8.90145 16.2504 9C16.2504 9.09855 16.231 9.19613 16.1933 9.28717C16.1556 9.37822 16.1003 9.46094 16.0306 9.53063L13.5603 12L16.0306 14.4694Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr></tbody></table><table class="sc-e75af141-4 dKwIFU"><thead 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19.7661 7.91655 18.8596C6.55984 17.9531 5.50242 16.6646 4.878 15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>Choose from built-in, Disqus, or third-party discussion tools.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Community Spaces<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM12.5 20.25C10.8683 20.25 9.27326 19.7661 7.91655 18.8596C6.55984 17.9531 5.50242 16.6646 4.878 15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>Create dedicated Spaces (like virtual rooms) within your Community to discuss specific topics and courses.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps">5</td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Groups<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM12.5 20.25C10.8683 20.25 9.27326 19.7661 7.91655 18.8596C6.55984 17.9531 5.50242 16.6646 4.878 15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>Assign students to different groups (by company, cohort, or whatever you like) to send bulk emails or manage admin permissions, reporting, and product access.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td aria-label="Not available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 hWtqYS"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.0306 14.4694C16.1003 14.5391 16.1556 14.6218 16.1933 14.7128C16.231 14.8039 16.2504 14.9015 16.2504 15C16.2504 15.0985 16.231 15.1961 16.1933 15.2872C16.1556 15.3782 16.1003 15.4609 16.0306 15.5306C15.9609 15.6003 15.8782 15.6556 15.7872 15.6933C15.6961 15.731 15.5986 15.7504 15.5 15.7504C15.4015 15.7504 15.3039 15.731 15.2128 15.6933C15.1218 15.6556 15.0391 15.6003 14.9694 15.5306L12.5 13.0603L10.0306 15.5306C9.96095 15.6003 9.87822 15.6556 9.78718 15.6933C9.69613 15.731 9.59855 15.7504 9.5 15.7504C9.40146 15.7504 9.30388 15.731 9.21283 15.6933C9.12179 15.6556 9.03906 15.6003 8.96938 15.5306C8.8997 15.4609 8.84442 15.3782 8.80671 15.2872C8.769 15.1961 8.74959 15.0985 8.74959 15C8.74959 14.9015 8.769 14.8039 8.80671 14.7128C8.84442 14.6218 8.8997 14.5391 8.96938 14.4694L11.4397 12L8.96938 9.53063C8.82865 9.38989 8.74959 9.19902 8.74959 9C8.74959 8.80098 8.82865 8.61011 8.96938 8.46937C9.11011 8.32864 9.30098 8.24958 9.5 8.24958C9.69903 8.24958 9.8899 8.32864 10.0306 8.46937L12.5 10.9397L14.9694 8.46937C15.0391 8.39969 15.1218 8.34442 15.2128 8.3067C15.3039 8.26899 15.4015 8.24958 15.5 8.24958C15.5986 8.24958 15.6961 8.26899 15.7872 8.3067C15.8782 8.34442 15.9609 8.39969 16.0306 8.46937C16.1003 8.53906 16.1556 8.62178 16.1933 8.71283C16.231 8.80387 16.2504 8.90145 16.2504 9C16.2504 9.09855 16.231 9.19613 16.1933 9.28717C16.1556 9.37822 16.1003 9.46094 16.0306 9.53063L13.5603 12L16.0306 14.4694Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Students per Group<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM12.5 20.25C10.8683 20.25 9.27326 19.7661 7.91655 18.8596C6.55984 17.9531 5.50242 16.6646 4.878 15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>The maximum number of students you can have in each Group.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td aria-label="Not available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 hWtqYS"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.0306 14.4694C16.1003 14.5391 16.1556 14.6218 16.1933 14.7128C16.231 14.8039 16.2504 14.9015 16.2504 15C16.2504 15.0985 16.231 15.1961 16.1933 15.2872C16.1556 15.3782 16.1003 15.4609 16.0306 15.5306C15.9609 15.6003 15.8782 15.6556 15.7872 15.6933C15.6961 15.731 15.5986 15.7504 15.5 15.7504C15.4015 15.7504 15.3039 15.731 15.2128 15.6933C15.1218 15.6556 15.0391 15.6003 14.9694 15.5306L12.5 13.0603L10.0306 15.5306C9.96095 15.6003 9.87822 15.6556 9.78718 15.6933C9.69613 15.731 9.59855 15.7504 9.5 15.7504C9.40146 15.7504 9.30388 15.731 9.21283 15.6933C9.12179 15.6556 9.03906 15.6003 8.96938 15.5306C8.8997 15.4609 8.84442 15.3782 8.80671 15.2872C8.769 15.1961 8.74959 15.0985 8.74959 15C8.74959 14.9015 8.769 14.8039 8.80671 14.7128C8.84442 14.6218 8.8997 14.5391 8.96938 14.4694L11.4397 12L8.96938 9.53063C8.82865 9.38989 8.74959 9.19902 8.74959 9C8.74959 8.80098 8.82865 8.61011 8.96938 8.46937C9.11011 8.32864 9.30098 8.24958 9.5 8.24958C9.69903 8.24958 9.8899 8.32864 10.0306 8.46937L12.5 10.9397L14.9694 8.46937C15.0391 8.39969 15.1218 8.34442 15.2128 8.3067C15.3039 8.26899 15.4015 8.24958 15.5 8.24958C15.5986 8.24958 15.6961 8.26899 15.7872 8.3067C15.8782 8.34442 15.9609 8.39969 16.0306 8.46937C16.1003 8.53906 16.1556 8.62178 16.1933 8.71283C16.231 8.80387 16.2504 8.90145 16.2504 9C16.2504 9.09855 16.231 9.19613 16.1933 9.28717C16.1556 9.37822 16.1003 9.46094 16.0306 9.53063L13.5603 12L16.0306 14.4694Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Zoom Meetings and Webinars<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM12.5 20.25C10.8683 20.25 9.27326 19.7661 7.91655 18.8596C6.55984 17.9531 5.50242 16.6646 4.878 15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>Provide your students with live group sessions with Live Lessons via Zoom Meetings or Zoom Webinars, directly from within Thinkific.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td aria-label="Not available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 hWtqYS"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.0306 14.4694C16.1003 14.5391 16.1556 14.6218 16.1933 14.7128C16.231 14.8039 16.2504 14.9015 16.2504 15C16.2504 15.0985 16.231 15.1961 16.1933 15.2872C16.1556 15.3782 16.1003 15.4609 16.0306 15.5306C15.9609 15.6003 15.8782 15.6556 15.7872 15.6933C15.6961 15.731 15.5986 15.7504 15.5 15.7504C15.4015 15.7504 15.3039 15.731 15.2128 15.6933C15.1218 15.6556 15.0391 15.6003 14.9694 15.5306L12.5 13.0603L10.0306 15.5306C9.96095 15.6003 9.87822 15.6556 9.78718 15.6933C9.69613 15.731 9.59855 15.7504 9.5 15.7504C9.40146 15.7504 9.30388 15.731 9.21283 15.6933C9.12179 15.6556 9.03906 15.6003 8.96938 15.5306C8.8997 15.4609 8.84442 15.3782 8.80671 15.2872C8.769 15.1961 8.74959 15.0985 8.74959 15C8.74959 14.9015 8.769 14.8039 8.80671 14.7128C8.84442 14.6218 8.8997 14.5391 8.96938 14.4694L11.4397 12L8.96938 9.53063C8.82865 9.38989 8.74959 9.19902 8.74959 9C8.74959 8.80098 8.82865 8.61011 8.96938 8.46937C9.11011 8.32864 9.30098 8.24958 9.5 8.24958C9.69903 8.24958 9.8899 8.32864 10.0306 8.46937L12.5 10.9397L14.9694 8.46937C15.0391 8.39969 15.1218 8.34442 15.2128 8.3067C15.3039 8.26899 15.4015 8.24958 15.5 8.24958C15.5986 8.24958 15.6961 8.26899 15.7872 8.3067C15.8782 8.34442 15.9609 8.39969 16.0306 8.46937C16.1003 8.53906 16.1556 8.62178 16.1933 8.71283C16.231 8.80387 16.2504 8.90145 16.2504 9C16.2504 9.09855 16.231 9.19613 16.1933 9.28717C16.1556 9.37822 16.1003 9.46094 16.0306 9.53063L13.5603 12L16.0306 14.4694Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr></tbody></table><table class="sc-e75af141-4 dKwIFU"><thead class="sc-e75af141-10 boLSJX"><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Build Websites to Market Your Business</th></tr></thead><tbody class="sc-e75af141-3 jdettf"><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Site builder<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM12.5 20.25C10.8683 20.25 9.27326 19.7661 7.91655 18.8596C6.55984 17.9531 5.50242 16.6646 4.878 15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>Easily create an effective website to market your products quickly and without any coding or design experience.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 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16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Connect your existing website<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM12.5 20.25C10.8683 20.25 9.27326 19.7661 7.91655 18.8596C6.55984 17.9531 5.50242 16.6646 4.878 15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 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19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM12.5 20.25C10.8683 20.25 9.27326 19.7661 7.91655 18.8596C6.55984 17.9531 5.50242 16.6646 4.878 15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>Build your site faster with themes and templates, or customize as much as you want with advanced HTML/CSS.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 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12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.0306 14.4694C16.1003 14.5391 16.1556 14.6218 16.1933 14.7128C16.231 14.8039 16.2504 14.9015 16.2504 15C16.2504 15.0985 16.231 15.1961 16.1933 15.2872C16.1556 15.3782 16.1003 15.4609 16.0306 15.5306C15.9609 15.6003 15.8782 15.6556 15.7872 15.6933C15.6961 15.731 15.5986 15.7504 15.5 15.7504C15.4015 15.7504 15.3039 15.731 15.2128 15.6933C15.1218 15.6556 15.0391 15.6003 14.9694 15.5306L12.5 13.0603L10.0306 15.5306C9.96095 15.6003 9.87822 15.6556 9.78718 15.6933C9.69613 15.731 9.59855 15.7504 9.5 15.7504C9.40146 15.7504 9.30388 15.731 9.21283 15.6933C9.12179 15.6556 9.03906 15.6003 8.96938 15.5306C8.8997 15.4609 8.84442 15.3782 8.80671 15.2872C8.769 15.1961 8.74959 15.0985 8.74959 15C8.74959 14.9015 8.769 14.8039 8.80671 14.7128C8.84442 14.6218 8.8997 14.5391 8.96938 14.4694L11.4397 12L8.96938 9.53063C8.82865 9.38989 8.74959 9.19902 8.74959 9C8.74959 8.80098 8.82865 8.61011 8.96938 8.46937C9.11011 8.32864 9.30098 8.24958 9.5 8.24958C9.69903 8.24958 9.8899 8.32864 10.0306 8.46937L12.5 10.9397L14.9694 8.46937C15.0391 8.39969 15.1218 8.34442 15.2128 8.3067C15.3039 8.26899 15.4015 8.24958 15.5 8.24958C15.5986 8.24958 15.6961 8.26899 15.7872 8.3067C15.8782 8.34442 15.9609 8.39969 16.0306 8.46937C16.1003 8.53906 16.1556 8.62178 16.1933 8.71283C16.231 8.80387 16.2504 8.90145 16.2504 9C16.2504 9.09855 16.231 9.19613 16.1933 9.28717C16.1556 9.37822 16.1003 9.46094 16.0306 9.53063L13.5603 12L16.0306 14.4694Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr></tbody></table><table class="sc-e75af141-4 dKwIFU"><thead class="sc-e75af141-10 boLSJX"><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Generate Income by Selling</th></tr></thead><tbody class="sc-e75af141-3 jdettf"><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Create free, paid, and time-limited courses<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 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3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">TCommerce<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 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15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Accept Paypal payments<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" 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4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>Let users split their payment across a few months so there's nothing standing in their way.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td aria-label="Not available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 hWtqYS"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.0306 14.4694C16.1003 14.5391 16.1556 14.6218 16.1933 14.7128C16.231 14.8039 16.2504 14.9015 16.2504 15C16.2504 15.0985 16.231 15.1961 16.1933 15.2872C16.1556 15.3782 16.1003 15.4609 16.0306 15.5306C15.9609 15.6003 15.8782 15.6556 15.7872 15.6933C15.6961 15.731 15.5986 15.7504 15.5 15.7504C15.4015 15.7504 15.3039 15.731 15.2128 15.6933C15.1218 15.6556 15.0391 15.6003 14.9694 15.5306L12.5 13.0603L10.0306 15.5306C9.96095 15.6003 9.87822 15.6556 9.78718 15.6933C9.69613 15.731 9.59855 15.7504 9.5 15.7504C9.40146 15.7504 9.30388 15.731 9.21283 15.6933C9.12179 15.6556 9.03906 15.6003 8.96938 15.5306C8.8997 15.4609 8.84442 15.3782 8.80671 15.2872C8.769 15.1961 8.74959 15.0985 8.74959 15C8.74959 14.9015 8.769 14.8039 8.80671 14.7128C8.84442 14.6218 8.8997 14.5391 8.96938 14.4694L11.4397 12L8.96938 9.53063C8.82865 9.38989 8.74959 9.19902 8.74959 9C8.74959 8.80098 8.82865 8.61011 8.96938 8.46937C9.11011 8.32864 9.30098 8.24958 9.5 8.24958C9.69903 8.24958 9.8899 8.32864 10.0306 8.46937L12.5 10.9397L14.9694 8.46937C15.0391 8.39969 15.1218 8.34442 15.2128 8.3067C15.3039 8.26899 15.4015 8.24958 15.5 8.24958C15.5986 8.24958 15.6961 8.26899 15.7872 8.3067C15.8782 8.34442 15.9609 8.39969 16.0306 8.46937C16.1003 8.53906 16.1556 8.62178 16.1933 8.71283C16.231 8.80387 16.2504 8.90145 16.2504 9C16.2504 9.09855 16.231 9.19613 16.1933 9.28717C16.1556 9.37822 16.1003 9.46094 16.0306 9.53063L13.5603 12L16.0306 14.4694Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">After purchase flows<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM12.5 20.25C10.8683 20.25 9.27326 19.7661 7.91655 18.8596C6.55984 17.9531 5.50242 16.6646 4.878 15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>Create a custom Thank You page, add product upsells, or send buyers straight to a specific 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15.3782 16.1003 15.4609 16.0306 15.5306C15.9609 15.6003 15.8782 15.6556 15.7872 15.6933C15.6961 15.731 15.5986 15.7504 15.5 15.7504C15.4015 15.7504 15.3039 15.731 15.2128 15.6933C15.1218 15.6556 15.0391 15.6003 14.9694 15.5306L12.5 13.0603L10.0306 15.5306C9.96095 15.6003 9.87822 15.6556 9.78718 15.6933C9.69613 15.731 9.59855 15.7504 9.5 15.7504C9.40146 15.7504 9.30388 15.731 9.21283 15.6933C9.12179 15.6556 9.03906 15.6003 8.96938 15.5306C8.8997 15.4609 8.84442 15.3782 8.80671 15.2872C8.769 15.1961 8.74959 15.0985 8.74959 15C8.74959 14.9015 8.769 14.8039 8.80671 14.7128C8.84442 14.6218 8.8997 14.5391 8.96938 14.4694L11.4397 12L8.96938 9.53063C8.82865 9.38989 8.74959 9.19902 8.74959 9C8.74959 8.80098 8.82865 8.61011 8.96938 8.46937C9.11011 8.32864 9.30098 8.24958 9.5 8.24958C9.69903 8.24958 9.8899 8.32864 10.0306 8.46937L12.5 10.9397L14.9694 8.46937C15.0391 8.39969 15.1218 8.34442 15.2128 8.3067C15.3039 8.26899 15.4015 8.24958 15.5 8.24958C15.5986 8.24958 15.6961 8.26899 15.7872 8.3067C15.8782 8.34442 15.9609 8.39969 16.0306 8.46937C16.1003 8.53906 16.1556 8.62178 16.1933 8.71283C16.231 8.80387 16.2504 8.90145 16.2504 9C16.2504 9.09855 16.231 9.19613 16.1933 9.28717C16.1556 9.37822 16.1003 9.46094 16.0306 9.53063L13.5603 12L16.0306 14.4694Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Additional pricing<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM12.5 20.25C10.8683 20.25 9.27326 19.7661 7.91655 18.8596C6.55984 17.9531 5.50242 16.6646 4.878 15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>Give your customers the option to pay for your product in different ways, such as a one-time fee, payment plan, or subscription fee.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td aria-label="Not available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 hWtqYS"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.0306 14.4694C16.1003 14.5391 16.1556 14.6218 16.1933 14.7128C16.231 14.8039 16.2504 14.9015 16.2504 15C16.2504 15.0985 16.231 15.1961 16.1933 15.2872C16.1556 15.3782 16.1003 15.4609 16.0306 15.5306C15.9609 15.6003 15.8782 15.6556 15.7872 15.6933C15.6961 15.731 15.5986 15.7504 15.5 15.7504C15.4015 15.7504 15.3039 15.731 15.2128 15.6933C15.1218 15.6556 15.0391 15.6003 14.9694 15.5306L12.5 13.0603L10.0306 15.5306C9.96095 15.6003 9.87822 15.6556 9.78718 15.6933C9.69613 15.731 9.59855 15.7504 9.5 15.7504C9.40146 15.7504 9.30388 15.731 9.21283 15.6933C9.12179 15.6556 9.03906 15.6003 8.96938 15.5306C8.8997 15.4609 8.84442 15.3782 8.80671 15.2872C8.769 15.1961 8.74959 15.0985 8.74959 15C8.74959 14.9015 8.769 14.8039 8.80671 14.7128C8.84442 14.6218 8.8997 14.5391 8.96938 14.4694L11.4397 12L8.96938 9.53063C8.82865 9.38989 8.74959 9.19902 8.74959 9C8.74959 8.80098 8.82865 8.61011 8.96938 8.46937C9.11011 8.32864 9.30098 8.24958 9.5 8.24958C9.69903 8.24958 9.8899 8.32864 10.0306 8.46937L12.5 10.9397L14.9694 8.46937C15.0391 8.39969 15.1218 8.34442 15.2128 8.3067C15.3039 8.26899 15.4015 8.24958 15.5 8.24958C15.5986 8.24958 15.6961 8.26899 15.7872 8.3067C15.8782 8.34442 15.9609 8.39969 16.0306 8.46937C16.1003 8.53906 16.1556 8.62178 16.1933 8.71283C16.231 8.80387 16.2504 8.90145 16.2504 9C16.2504 9.09855 16.231 9.19613 16.1933 9.28717C16.1556 9.37822 16.1003 9.46094 16.0306 9.53063L13.5603 12L16.0306 14.4694Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Paid memberships<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM12.5 20.25C10.8683 20.25 9.27326 19.7661 7.91655 18.8596C6.55984 17.9531 5.50242 16.6646 4.878 15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>Earn recurring revenue by selling subscriptions to a private community or bundle of products.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td aria-label="Not available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 hWtqYS"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.0306 14.4694C16.1003 14.5391 16.1556 14.6218 16.1933 14.7128C16.231 14.8039 16.2504 14.9015 16.2504 15C16.2504 15.0985 16.231 15.1961 16.1933 15.2872C16.1556 15.3782 16.1003 15.4609 16.0306 15.5306C15.9609 15.6003 15.8782 15.6556 15.7872 15.6933C15.6961 15.731 15.5986 15.7504 15.5 15.7504C15.4015 15.7504 15.3039 15.731 15.2128 15.6933C15.1218 15.6556 15.0391 15.6003 14.9694 15.5306L12.5 13.0603L10.0306 15.5306C9.96095 15.6003 9.87822 15.6556 9.78718 15.6933C9.69613 15.731 9.59855 15.7504 9.5 15.7504C9.40146 15.7504 9.30388 15.731 9.21283 15.6933C9.12179 15.6556 9.03906 15.6003 8.96938 15.5306C8.8997 15.4609 8.84442 15.3782 8.80671 15.2872C8.769 15.1961 8.74959 15.0985 8.74959 15C8.74959 14.9015 8.769 14.8039 8.80671 14.7128C8.84442 14.6218 8.8997 14.5391 8.96938 14.4694L11.4397 12L8.96938 9.53063C8.82865 9.38989 8.74959 9.19902 8.74959 9C8.74959 8.80098 8.82865 8.61011 8.96938 8.46937C9.11011 8.32864 9.30098 8.24958 9.5 8.24958C9.69903 8.24958 9.8899 8.32864 10.0306 8.46937L12.5 10.9397L14.9694 8.46937C15.0391 8.39969 15.1218 8.34442 15.2128 8.3067C15.3039 8.26899 15.4015 8.24958 15.5 8.24958C15.5986 8.24958 15.6961 8.26899 15.7872 8.3067C15.8782 8.34442 15.9609 8.39969 16.0306 8.46937C16.1003 8.53906 16.1556 8.62178 16.1933 8.71283C16.231 8.80387 16.2504 8.90145 16.2504 9C16.2504 9.09855 16.231 9.19613 16.1933 9.28717C16.1556 9.37822 16.1003 9.46094 16.0306 9.53063L13.5603 12L16.0306 14.4694Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Create product bundles<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM12.5 20.25C10.8683 20.25 9.27326 19.7661 7.91655 18.8596C6.55984 17.9531 5.50242 16.6646 4.878 15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>Package together relevant courses, Communities, digital downloads, or coaching sessions into one bundle.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td aria-label="Not available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 hWtqYS"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.0306 14.4694C16.1003 14.5391 16.1556 14.6218 16.1933 14.7128C16.231 14.8039 16.2504 14.9015 16.2504 15C16.2504 15.0985 16.231 15.1961 16.1933 15.2872C16.1556 15.3782 16.1003 15.4609 16.0306 15.5306C15.9609 15.6003 15.8782 15.6556 15.7872 15.6933C15.6961 15.731 15.5986 15.7504 15.5 15.7504C15.4015 15.7504 15.3039 15.731 15.2128 15.6933C15.1218 15.6556 15.0391 15.6003 14.9694 15.5306L12.5 13.0603L10.0306 15.5306C9.96095 15.6003 9.87822 15.6556 9.78718 15.6933C9.69613 15.731 9.59855 15.7504 9.5 15.7504C9.40146 15.7504 9.30388 15.731 9.21283 15.6933C9.12179 15.6556 9.03906 15.6003 8.96938 15.5306C8.8997 15.4609 8.84442 15.3782 8.80671 15.2872C8.769 15.1961 8.74959 15.0985 8.74959 15C8.74959 14.9015 8.769 14.8039 8.80671 14.7128C8.84442 14.6218 8.8997 14.5391 8.96938 14.4694L11.4397 12L8.96938 9.53063C8.82865 9.38989 8.74959 9.19902 8.74959 9C8.74959 8.80098 8.82865 8.61011 8.96938 8.46937C9.11011 8.32864 9.30098 8.24958 9.5 8.24958C9.69903 8.24958 9.8899 8.32864 10.0306 8.46937L12.5 10.9397L14.9694 8.46937C15.0391 8.39969 15.1218 8.34442 15.2128 8.3067C15.3039 8.26899 15.4015 8.24958 15.5 8.24958C15.5986 8.24958 15.6961 8.26899 15.7872 8.3067C15.8782 8.34442 15.9609 8.39969 16.0306 8.46937C16.1003 8.53906 16.1556 8.62178 16.1933 8.71283C16.231 8.80387 16.2504 8.90145 16.2504 9C16.2504 9.09855 16.231 9.19613 16.1933 9.28717C16.1556 9.37822 16.1003 9.46094 16.0306 9.53063L13.5603 12L16.0306 14.4694Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Bulk Sell check out<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM12.5 20.25C10.8683 20.25 9.27326 19.7661 7.91655 18.8596C6.55984 17.9531 5.50242 16.6646 4.878 15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>Sell multiple seats for your courses to a single buyer.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td aria-label="Not available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 hWtqYS"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.0306 14.4694C16.1003 14.5391 16.1556 14.6218 16.1933 14.7128C16.231 14.8039 16.2504 14.9015 16.2504 15C16.2504 15.0985 16.231 15.1961 16.1933 15.2872C16.1556 15.3782 16.1003 15.4609 16.0306 15.5306C15.9609 15.6003 15.8782 15.6556 15.7872 15.6933C15.6961 15.731 15.5986 15.7504 15.5 15.7504C15.4015 15.7504 15.3039 15.731 15.2128 15.6933C15.1218 15.6556 15.0391 15.6003 14.9694 15.5306L12.5 13.0603L10.0306 15.5306C9.96095 15.6003 9.87822 15.6556 9.78718 15.6933C9.69613 15.731 9.59855 15.7504 9.5 15.7504C9.40146 15.7504 9.30388 15.731 9.21283 15.6933C9.12179 15.6556 9.03906 15.6003 8.96938 15.5306C8.8997 15.4609 8.84442 15.3782 8.80671 15.2872C8.769 15.1961 8.74959 15.0985 8.74959 15C8.74959 14.9015 8.769 14.8039 8.80671 14.7128C8.84442 14.6218 8.8997 14.5391 8.96938 14.4694L11.4397 12L8.96938 9.53063C8.82865 9.38989 8.74959 9.19902 8.74959 9C8.74959 8.80098 8.82865 8.61011 8.96938 8.46937C9.11011 8.32864 9.30098 8.24958 9.5 8.24958C9.69903 8.24958 9.8899 8.32864 10.0306 8.46937L12.5 10.9397L14.9694 8.46937C15.0391 8.39969 15.1218 8.34442 15.2128 8.3067C15.3039 8.26899 15.4015 8.24958 15.5 8.24958C15.5986 8.24958 15.6961 8.26899 15.7872 8.3067C15.8782 8.34442 15.9609 8.39969 16.0306 8.46937C16.1003 8.53906 16.1556 8.62178 16.1933 8.71283C16.231 8.80387 16.2504 8.90145 16.2504 9C16.2504 9.09855 16.231 9.19613 16.1933 9.28717C16.1556 9.37822 16.1003 9.46094 16.0306 9.53063L13.5603 12L16.0306 14.4694Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Gifting<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM12.5 20.25C10.8683 20.25 9.27326 19.7661 7.91655 18.8596C6.55984 17.9531 5.50242 16.6646 4.878 15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>Available with TCommerce, Gifting lets you sell your learning products as gifts that your audience can give to friends, family, and loved ones.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Flexible student payment options<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM12.5 20.25C10.8683 20.25 9.27326 19.7661 7.91655 18.8596C6.55984 17.9531 5.50242 16.6646 4.878 15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>Thinkific Payments (part of TCommerce) supports Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL) options, digital wallets, and bank redirects, as well as one-time payments, subscription payments, and payment plans.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Group orders<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM12.5 20.25C10.8683 20.25 9.27326 19.7661 7.91655 18.8596C6.55984 17.9531 5.50242 16.6646 4.878 15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>Allows buyers to purchase multiple seats to your course.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td aria-label="Not available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 hWtqYS"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.0306 14.4694C16.1003 14.5391 16.1556 14.6218 16.1933 14.7128C16.231 14.8039 16.2504 14.9015 16.2504 15C16.2504 15.0985 16.231 15.1961 16.1933 15.2872C16.1556 15.3782 16.1003 15.4609 16.0306 15.5306C15.9609 15.6003 15.8782 15.6556 15.7872 15.6933C15.6961 15.731 15.5986 15.7504 15.5 15.7504C15.4015 15.7504 15.3039 15.731 15.2128 15.6933C15.1218 15.6556 15.0391 15.6003 14.9694 15.5306L12.5 13.0603L10.0306 15.5306C9.96095 15.6003 9.87822 15.6556 9.78718 15.6933C9.69613 15.731 9.59855 15.7504 9.5 15.7504C9.40146 15.7504 9.30388 15.731 9.21283 15.6933C9.12179 15.6556 9.03906 15.6003 8.96938 15.5306C8.8997 15.4609 8.84442 15.3782 8.80671 15.2872C8.769 15.1961 8.74959 15.0985 8.74959 15C8.74959 14.9015 8.769 14.8039 8.80671 14.7128C8.84442 14.6218 8.8997 14.5391 8.96938 14.4694L11.4397 12L8.96938 9.53063C8.82865 9.38989 8.74959 9.19902 8.74959 9C8.74959 8.80098 8.82865 8.61011 8.96938 8.46937C9.11011 8.32864 9.30098 8.24958 9.5 8.24958C9.69903 8.24958 9.8899 8.32864 10.0306 8.46937L12.5 10.9397L14.9694 8.46937C15.0391 8.39969 15.1218 8.34442 15.2128 8.3067C15.3039 8.26899 15.4015 8.24958 15.5 8.24958C15.5986 8.24958 15.6961 8.26899 15.7872 8.3067C15.8782 8.34442 15.9609 8.39969 16.0306 8.46937C16.1003 8.53906 16.1556 8.62178 16.1933 8.71283C16.231 8.80387 16.2504 8.90145 16.2504 9C16.2504 9.09855 16.231 9.19613 16.1933 9.28717C16.1556 9.37822 16.1003 9.46094 16.0306 9.53063L13.5603 12L16.0306 14.4694Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr></tbody></table><table class="sc-e75af141-4 dKwIFU"><thead class="sc-e75af141-10 boLSJX"><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Manage and Scale Your Business</th></tr></thead><tbody class="sc-e75af141-3 jdettf"><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">100% ownership of your content<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM12.5 20.25C10.8683 20.25 9.27326 19.7661 7.91655 18.8596C6.55984 17.9531 5.50242 16.6646 4.878 15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>What's yours is yours. 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10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Thinkific App Store<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" 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16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div><div 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10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Reporting and Analytics<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 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8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 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4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 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10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Bulk import and enroll students<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM12.5 20.25C10.8683 20.25 9.27326 19.7661 7.91655 18.8596C6.55984 17.9531 5.50242 16.6646 4.878 15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>Easily import and enroll students in bulk when migrating to Thinkific from another platform simply using a spreadsheet.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td aria-label="Not available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 hWtqYS"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.0306 14.4694C16.1003 14.5391 16.1556 14.6218 16.1933 14.7128C16.231 14.8039 16.2504 14.9015 16.2504 15C16.2504 15.0985 16.231 15.1961 16.1933 15.2872C16.1556 15.3782 16.1003 15.4609 16.0306 15.5306C15.9609 15.6003 15.8782 15.6556 15.7872 15.6933C15.6961 15.731 15.5986 15.7504 15.5 15.7504C15.4015 15.7504 15.3039 15.731 15.2128 15.6933C15.1218 15.6556 15.0391 15.6003 14.9694 15.5306L12.5 13.0603L10.0306 15.5306C9.96095 15.6003 9.87822 15.6556 9.78718 15.6933C9.69613 15.731 9.59855 15.7504 9.5 15.7504C9.40146 15.7504 9.30388 15.731 9.21283 15.6933C9.12179 15.6556 9.03906 15.6003 8.96938 15.5306C8.8997 15.4609 8.84442 15.3782 8.80671 15.2872C8.769 15.1961 8.74959 15.0985 8.74959 15C8.74959 14.9015 8.769 14.8039 8.80671 14.7128C8.84442 14.6218 8.8997 14.5391 8.96938 14.4694L11.4397 12L8.96938 9.53063C8.82865 9.38989 8.74959 9.19902 8.74959 9C8.74959 8.80098 8.82865 8.61011 8.96938 8.46937C9.11011 8.32864 9.30098 8.24958 9.5 8.24958C9.69903 8.24958 9.8899 8.32864 10.0306 8.46937L12.5 10.9397L14.9694 8.46937C15.0391 8.39969 15.1218 8.34442 15.2128 8.3067C15.3039 8.26899 15.4015 8.24958 15.5 8.24958C15.5986 8.24958 15.6961 8.26899 15.7872 8.3067C15.8782 8.34442 15.9609 8.39969 16.0306 8.46937C16.1003 8.53906 16.1556 8.62178 16.1933 8.71283C16.231 8.80387 16.2504 8.90145 16.2504 9C16.2504 9.09855 16.231 9.19613 16.1933 9.28717C16.1556 9.37822 16.1003 9.46094 16.0306 9.53063L13.5603 12L16.0306 14.4694Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Zapier triggers<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM12.5 20.25C10.8683 20.25 9.27326 19.7661 7.91655 18.8596C6.55984 17.9531 5.50242 16.6646 4.878 15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>Automate your workflow by connecting Thinkific to almost any other app.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Zapier actions<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM12.5 20.25C10.8683 20.25 9.27326 19.7661 7.91655 18.8596C6.55984 17.9531 5.50242 16.6646 4.878 15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>Automatically enroll students into courses or Communities based on trigger events that happen outside of Thinkific.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td aria-label="Not available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 hWtqYS"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.0306 14.4694C16.1003 14.5391 16.1556 14.6218 16.1933 14.7128C16.231 14.8039 16.2504 14.9015 16.2504 15C16.2504 15.0985 16.231 15.1961 16.1933 15.2872C16.1556 15.3782 16.1003 15.4609 16.0306 15.5306C15.9609 15.6003 15.8782 15.6556 15.7872 15.6933C15.6961 15.731 15.5986 15.7504 15.5 15.7504C15.4015 15.7504 15.3039 15.731 15.2128 15.6933C15.1218 15.6556 15.0391 15.6003 14.9694 15.5306L12.5 13.0603L10.0306 15.5306C9.96095 15.6003 9.87822 15.6556 9.78718 15.6933C9.69613 15.731 9.59855 15.7504 9.5 15.7504C9.40146 15.7504 9.30388 15.731 9.21283 15.6933C9.12179 15.6556 9.03906 15.6003 8.96938 15.5306C8.8997 15.4609 8.84442 15.3782 8.80671 15.2872C8.769 15.1961 8.74959 15.0985 8.74959 15C8.74959 14.9015 8.769 14.8039 8.80671 14.7128C8.84442 14.6218 8.8997 14.5391 8.96938 14.4694L11.4397 12L8.96938 9.53063C8.82865 9.38989 8.74959 9.19902 8.74959 9C8.74959 8.80098 8.82865 8.61011 8.96938 8.46937C9.11011 8.32864 9.30098 8.24958 9.5 8.24958C9.69903 8.24958 9.8899 8.32864 10.0306 8.46937L12.5 10.9397L14.9694 8.46937C15.0391 8.39969 15.1218 8.34442 15.2128 8.3067C15.3039 8.26899 15.4015 8.24958 15.5 8.24958C15.5986 8.24958 15.6961 8.26899 15.7872 8.3067C15.8782 8.34442 15.9609 8.39969 16.0306 8.46937C16.1003 8.53906 16.1556 8.62178 16.1933 8.71283C16.231 8.80387 16.2504 8.90145 16.2504 9C16.2504 9.09855 16.231 9.19613 16.1933 9.28717C16.1556 9.37822 16.1003 9.46094 16.0306 9.53063L13.5603 12L16.0306 14.4694Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Thinkific Analytics<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM12.5 20.25C10.8683 20.25 9.27326 19.7661 7.91655 18.8596C6.55984 17.9531 5.50242 16.6646 4.878 15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>Get insights into your student engagement and breakdowns of your business metrics.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td aria-label="Not available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 hWtqYS"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.0306 14.4694C16.1003 14.5391 16.1556 14.6218 16.1933 14.7128C16.231 14.8039 16.2504 14.9015 16.2504 15C16.2504 15.0985 16.231 15.1961 16.1933 15.2872C16.1556 15.3782 16.1003 15.4609 16.0306 15.5306C15.9609 15.6003 15.8782 15.6556 15.7872 15.6933C15.6961 15.731 15.5986 15.7504 15.5 15.7504C15.4015 15.7504 15.3039 15.731 15.2128 15.6933C15.1218 15.6556 15.0391 15.6003 14.9694 15.5306L12.5 13.0603L10.0306 15.5306C9.96095 15.6003 9.87822 15.6556 9.78718 15.6933C9.69613 15.731 9.59855 15.7504 9.5 15.7504C9.40146 15.7504 9.30388 15.731 9.21283 15.6933C9.12179 15.6556 9.03906 15.6003 8.96938 15.5306C8.8997 15.4609 8.84442 15.3782 8.80671 15.2872C8.769 15.1961 8.74959 15.0985 8.74959 15C8.74959 14.9015 8.769 14.8039 8.80671 14.7128C8.84442 14.6218 8.8997 14.5391 8.96938 14.4694L11.4397 12L8.96938 9.53063C8.82865 9.38989 8.74959 9.19902 8.74959 9C8.74959 8.80098 8.82865 8.61011 8.96938 8.46937C9.11011 8.32864 9.30098 8.24958 9.5 8.24958C9.69903 8.24958 9.8899 8.32864 10.0306 8.46937L12.5 10.9397L14.9694 8.46937C15.0391 8.39969 15.1218 8.34442 15.2128 8.3067C15.3039 8.26899 15.4015 8.24958 15.5 8.24958C15.5986 8.24958 15.6961 8.26899 15.7872 8.3067C15.8782 8.34442 15.9609 8.39969 16.0306 8.46937C16.1003 8.53906 16.1556 8.62178 16.1933 8.71283C16.231 8.80387 16.2504 8.90145 16.2504 9C16.2504 9.09855 16.231 9.19613 16.1933 9.28717C16.1556 9.37822 16.1003 9.46094 16.0306 9.53063L13.5603 12L16.0306 14.4694Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Enroll existing students, or add a new student, and manually enroll them into a course, bundle, or Community.</th><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Standard API & webhooks<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM12.5 20.25C10.8683 20.25 9.27326 19.7661 7.91655 18.8596C6.55984 17.9531 5.50242 16.6646 4.878 15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>The Thinkific API allows developers to programmatically access and manage your Thinkific site. Standard API requests are limited to 120 requests per minute.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td aria-label="Not available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 hWtqYS"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.0306 14.4694C16.1003 14.5391 16.1556 14.6218 16.1933 14.7128C16.231 14.8039 16.2504 14.9015 16.2504 15C16.2504 15.0985 16.231 15.1961 16.1933 15.2872C16.1556 15.3782 16.1003 15.4609 16.0306 15.5306C15.9609 15.6003 15.8782 15.6556 15.7872 15.6933C15.6961 15.731 15.5986 15.7504 15.5 15.7504C15.4015 15.7504 15.3039 15.731 15.2128 15.6933C15.1218 15.6556 15.0391 15.6003 14.9694 15.5306L12.5 13.0603L10.0306 15.5306C9.96095 15.6003 9.87822 15.6556 9.78718 15.6933C9.69613 15.731 9.59855 15.7504 9.5 15.7504C9.40146 15.7504 9.30388 15.731 9.21283 15.6933C9.12179 15.6556 9.03906 15.6003 8.96938 15.5306C8.8997 15.4609 8.84442 15.3782 8.80671 15.2872C8.769 15.1961 8.74959 15.0985 8.74959 15C8.74959 14.9015 8.769 14.8039 8.80671 14.7128C8.84442 14.6218 8.8997 14.5391 8.96938 14.4694L11.4397 12L8.96938 9.53063C8.82865 9.38989 8.74959 9.19902 8.74959 9C8.74959 8.80098 8.82865 8.61011 8.96938 8.46937C9.11011 8.32864 9.30098 8.24958 9.5 8.24958C9.69903 8.24958 9.8899 8.32864 10.0306 8.46937L12.5 10.9397L14.9694 8.46937C15.0391 8.39969 15.1218 8.34442 15.2128 8.3067C15.3039 8.26899 15.4015 8.24958 15.5 8.24958C15.5986 8.24958 15.6961 8.26899 15.7872 8.3067C15.8782 8.34442 15.9609 8.39969 16.0306 8.46937C16.1003 8.53906 16.1556 8.62178 16.1933 8.71283C16.231 8.80387 16.2504 8.90145 16.2504 9C16.2504 9.09855 16.231 9.19613 16.1933 9.28717C16.1556 9.37822 16.1003 9.46094 16.0306 9.53063L13.5603 12L16.0306 14.4694Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Single sign on (SSO)<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM12.5 20.25C10.8683 20.25 9.27326 19.7661 7.91655 18.8596C6.55984 17.9531 5.50242 16.6646 4.878 15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>Offer students a seamless single sign-on with your existing system using JSON web tokens (JWT).</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td aria-label="Not available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 hWtqYS"><svg width="1em" height="1em" 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15.6933C9.69613 15.731 9.59855 15.7504 9.5 15.7504C9.40146 15.7504 9.30388 15.731 9.21283 15.6933C9.12179 15.6556 9.03906 15.6003 8.96938 15.5306C8.8997 15.4609 8.84442 15.3782 8.80671 15.2872C8.769 15.1961 8.74959 15.0985 8.74959 15C8.74959 14.9015 8.769 14.8039 8.80671 14.7128C8.84442 14.6218 8.8997 14.5391 8.96938 14.4694L11.4397 12L8.96938 9.53063C8.82865 9.38989 8.74959 9.19902 8.74959 9C8.74959 8.80098 8.82865 8.61011 8.96938 8.46937C9.11011 8.32864 9.30098 8.24958 9.5 8.24958C9.69903 8.24958 9.8899 8.32864 10.0306 8.46937L12.5 10.9397L14.9694 8.46937C15.0391 8.39969 15.1218 8.34442 15.2128 8.3067C15.3039 8.26899 15.4015 8.24958 15.5 8.24958C15.5986 8.24958 15.6961 8.26899 15.7872 8.3067C15.8782 8.34442 15.9609 8.39969 16.0306 8.46937C16.1003 8.53906 16.1556 8.62178 16.1933 8.71283C16.231 8.80387 16.2504 8.90145 16.2504 9C16.2504 9.09855 16.231 9.19613 16.1933 9.28717C16.1556 9.37822 16.1003 9.46094 16.0306 9.53063L13.5603 12L16.0306 14.4694Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr><tr 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21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.0306 14.4694C16.1003 14.5391 16.1556 14.6218 16.1933 14.7128C16.231 14.8039 16.2504 14.9015 16.2504 15C16.2504 15.0985 16.231 15.1961 16.1933 15.2872C16.1556 15.3782 16.1003 15.4609 16.0306 15.5306C15.9609 15.6003 15.8782 15.6556 15.7872 15.6933C15.6961 15.731 15.5986 15.7504 15.5 15.7504C15.4015 15.7504 15.3039 15.731 15.2128 15.6933C15.1218 15.6556 15.0391 15.6003 14.9694 15.5306L12.5 13.0603L10.0306 15.5306C9.96095 15.6003 9.87822 15.6556 9.78718 15.6933C9.69613 15.731 9.59855 15.7504 9.5 15.7504C9.40146 15.7504 9.30388 15.731 9.21283 15.6933C9.12179 15.6556 9.03906 15.6003 8.96938 15.5306C8.8997 15.4609 8.84442 15.3782 8.80671 15.2872C8.769 15.1961 8.74959 15.0985 8.74959 15C8.74959 14.9015 8.769 14.8039 8.80671 14.7128C8.84442 14.6218 8.8997 14.5391 8.96938 14.4694L11.4397 12L8.96938 9.53063C8.82865 9.38989 8.74959 9.19902 8.74959 9C8.74959 8.80098 8.82865 8.61011 8.96938 8.46937C9.11011 8.32864 9.30098 8.24958 9.5 8.24958C9.69903 8.24958 9.8899 8.32864 10.0306 8.46937L12.5 10.9397L14.9694 8.46937C15.0391 8.39969 15.1218 8.34442 15.2128 8.3067C15.3039 8.26899 15.4015 8.24958 15.5 8.24958C15.5986 8.24958 15.6961 8.26899 15.7872 8.3067C15.8782 8.34442 15.9609 8.39969 16.0306 8.46937C16.1003 8.53906 16.1556 8.62178 16.1933 8.71283C16.231 8.80387 16.2504 8.90145 16.2504 9C16.2504 9.09855 16.231 9.19613 16.1933 9.28717C16.1556 9.37822 16.1003 9.46094 16.0306 9.53063L13.5603 12L16.0306 14.4694Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr></tbody></table><table class="sc-e75af141-4 dKwIFU"><thead class="sc-e75af141-10 boLSJX"><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Security and Support</th></tr></thead><tbody class="sc-e75af141-3 jdettf"><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Support level<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan 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7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 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10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM12.5 20.25C10.8683 20.25 9.27326 19.7661 7.91655 18.8596C6.55984 17.9531 5.50242 16.6646 4.878 15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>Online courses and workshops to help you build, market, and sell your online learning products.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td 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12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">SSL<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 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11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>Easy, built-in SSL means your course content is automatically served securely to your students.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" 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7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">99.5% uptime & 24/7 monitoring<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 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10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Comprehensive knowledge base<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" 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16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div><div 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9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" 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3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>Your content is hosted securely and backed up daily.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr><tr 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6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>Helps keep your Thinkific site safe against spam and other types of automated abuse.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Launch preparedness review<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM12.5 20.25C10.8683 20.25 9.27326 19.7661 7.91655 18.8596C6.55984 17.9531 5.50242 16.6646 4.878 15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>A Launch Specialist will conduct a site audit, thoroughly evaluating your site to ensure that your launch goes smoothly.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td aria-label="Not available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 hWtqYS"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.0306 14.4694C16.1003 14.5391 16.1556 14.6218 16.1933 14.7128C16.231 14.8039 16.2504 14.9015 16.2504 15C16.2504 15.0985 16.231 15.1961 16.1933 15.2872C16.1556 15.3782 16.1003 15.4609 16.0306 15.5306C15.9609 15.6003 15.8782 15.6556 15.7872 15.6933C15.6961 15.731 15.5986 15.7504 15.5 15.7504C15.4015 15.7504 15.3039 15.731 15.2128 15.6933C15.1218 15.6556 15.0391 15.6003 14.9694 15.5306L12.5 13.0603L10.0306 15.5306C9.96095 15.6003 9.87822 15.6556 9.78718 15.6933C9.69613 15.731 9.59855 15.7504 9.5 15.7504C9.40146 15.7504 9.30388 15.731 9.21283 15.6933C9.12179 15.6556 9.03906 15.6003 8.96938 15.5306C8.8997 15.4609 8.84442 15.3782 8.80671 15.2872C8.769 15.1961 8.74959 15.0985 8.74959 15C8.74959 14.9015 8.769 14.8039 8.80671 14.7128C8.84442 14.6218 8.8997 14.5391 8.96938 14.4694L11.4397 12L8.96938 9.53063C8.82865 9.38989 8.74959 9.19902 8.74959 9C8.74959 8.80098 8.82865 8.61011 8.96938 8.46937C9.11011 8.32864 9.30098 8.24958 9.5 8.24958C9.69903 8.24958 9.8899 8.32864 10.0306 8.46937L12.5 10.9397L14.9694 8.46937C15.0391 8.39969 15.1218 8.34442 15.2128 8.3067C15.3039 8.26899 15.4015 8.24958 15.5 8.24958C15.5986 8.24958 15.6961 8.26899 15.7872 8.3067C15.8782 8.34442 15.9609 8.39969 16.0306 8.46937C16.1003 8.53906 16.1556 8.62178 16.1933 8.71283C16.231 8.80387 16.2504 8.90145 16.2504 9C16.2504 9.09855 16.231 9.19613 16.1933 9.28717C16.1556 9.37822 16.1003 9.46094 16.0306 9.53063L13.5603 12L16.0306 14.4694Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Dedicated sandbox site<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM12.5 20.25C10.8683 20.25 9.27326 19.7661 7.91655 18.8596C6.55984 17.9531 5.50242 16.6646 4.878 15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>A protected area that lets you test new tools and features without publishing on your Thinkific Plus site.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td aria-label="Not available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 hWtqYS"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.0306 14.4694C16.1003 14.5391 16.1556 14.6218 16.1933 14.7128C16.231 14.8039 16.2504 14.9015 16.2504 15C16.2504 15.0985 16.231 15.1961 16.1933 15.2872C16.1556 15.3782 16.1003 15.4609 16.0306 15.5306C15.9609 15.6003 15.8782 15.6556 15.7872 15.6933C15.6961 15.731 15.5986 15.7504 15.5 15.7504C15.4015 15.7504 15.3039 15.731 15.2128 15.6933C15.1218 15.6556 15.0391 15.6003 14.9694 15.5306L12.5 13.0603L10.0306 15.5306C9.96095 15.6003 9.87822 15.6556 9.78718 15.6933C9.69613 15.731 9.59855 15.7504 9.5 15.7504C9.40146 15.7504 9.30388 15.731 9.21283 15.6933C9.12179 15.6556 9.03906 15.6003 8.96938 15.5306C8.8997 15.4609 8.84442 15.3782 8.80671 15.2872C8.769 15.1961 8.74959 15.0985 8.74959 15C8.74959 14.9015 8.769 14.8039 8.80671 14.7128C8.84442 14.6218 8.8997 14.5391 8.96938 14.4694L11.4397 12L8.96938 9.53063C8.82865 9.38989 8.74959 9.19902 8.74959 9C8.74959 8.80098 8.82865 8.61011 8.96938 8.46937C9.11011 8.32864 9.30098 8.24958 9.5 8.24958C9.69903 8.24958 9.8899 8.32864 10.0306 8.46937L12.5 10.9397L14.9694 8.46937C15.0391 8.39969 15.1218 8.34442 15.2128 8.3067C15.3039 8.26899 15.4015 8.24958 15.5 8.24958C15.5986 8.24958 15.6961 8.26899 15.7872 8.3067C15.8782 8.34442 15.9609 8.39969 16.0306 8.46937C16.1003 8.53906 16.1556 8.62178 16.1933 8.71283C16.231 8.80387 16.2504 8.90145 16.2504 9C16.2504 9.09855 16.231 9.19613 16.1933 9.28717C16.1556 9.37822 16.1003 9.46094 16.0306 9.53063L13.5603 12L16.0306 14.4694Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Advanced password complexity<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM12.5 20.25C10.8683 20.25 9.27326 19.7661 7.91655 18.8596C6.55984 17.9531 5.50242 16.6646 4.878 15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>Minimum password requirements enable password complexity and security.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td aria-label="Not available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 hWtqYS"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.0306 14.4694C16.1003 14.5391 16.1556 14.6218 16.1933 14.7128C16.231 14.8039 16.2504 14.9015 16.2504 15C16.2504 15.0985 16.231 15.1961 16.1933 15.2872C16.1556 15.3782 16.1003 15.4609 16.0306 15.5306C15.9609 15.6003 15.8782 15.6556 15.7872 15.6933C15.6961 15.731 15.5986 15.7504 15.5 15.7504C15.4015 15.7504 15.3039 15.731 15.2128 15.6933C15.1218 15.6556 15.0391 15.6003 14.9694 15.5306L12.5 13.0603L10.0306 15.5306C9.96095 15.6003 9.87822 15.6556 9.78718 15.6933C9.69613 15.731 9.59855 15.7504 9.5 15.7504C9.40146 15.7504 9.30388 15.731 9.21283 15.6933C9.12179 15.6556 9.03906 15.6003 8.96938 15.5306C8.8997 15.4609 8.84442 15.3782 8.80671 15.2872C8.769 15.1961 8.74959 15.0985 8.74959 15C8.74959 14.9015 8.769 14.8039 8.80671 14.7128C8.84442 14.6218 8.8997 14.5391 8.96938 14.4694L11.4397 12L8.96938 9.53063C8.82865 9.38989 8.74959 9.19902 8.74959 9C8.74959 8.80098 8.82865 8.61011 8.96938 8.46937C9.11011 8.32864 9.30098 8.24958 9.5 8.24958C9.69903 8.24958 9.8899 8.32864 10.0306 8.46937L12.5 10.9397L14.9694 8.46937C15.0391 8.39969 15.1218 8.34442 15.2128 8.3067C15.3039 8.26899 15.4015 8.24958 15.5 8.24958C15.5986 8.24958 15.6961 8.26899 15.7872 8.3067C15.8782 8.34442 15.9609 8.39969 16.0306 8.46937C16.1003 8.53906 16.1556 8.62178 16.1933 8.71283C16.231 8.80387 16.2504 8.90145 16.2504 9C16.2504 9.09855 16.231 9.19613 16.1933 9.28717C16.1556 9.37822 16.1003 9.46094 16.0306 9.53063L13.5603 12L16.0306 14.4694Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Service Level Agreement (SLA) 99.5%<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM12.5 20.25C10.8683 20.25 9.27326 19.7661 7.91655 18.8596C6.55984 17.9531 5.50242 16.6646 4.878 15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>Rest easy knowing we've got your back with Thinkific Plus’ Support and Service Level Agreement. We're committed to providing round-the-clock support, ensuring critical Plus services are available 99.5% of the time, and offering a security review before you make a purchase.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td aria-label="Not available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 hWtqYS"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.0306 14.4694C16.1003 14.5391 16.1556 14.6218 16.1933 14.7128C16.231 14.8039 16.2504 14.9015 16.2504 15C16.2504 15.0985 16.231 15.1961 16.1933 15.2872C16.1556 15.3782 16.1003 15.4609 16.0306 15.5306C15.9609 15.6003 15.8782 15.6556 15.7872 15.6933C15.6961 15.731 15.5986 15.7504 15.5 15.7504C15.4015 15.7504 15.3039 15.731 15.2128 15.6933C15.1218 15.6556 15.0391 15.6003 14.9694 15.5306L12.5 13.0603L10.0306 15.5306C9.96095 15.6003 9.87822 15.6556 9.78718 15.6933C9.69613 15.731 9.59855 15.7504 9.5 15.7504C9.40146 15.7504 9.30388 15.731 9.21283 15.6933C9.12179 15.6556 9.03906 15.6003 8.96938 15.5306C8.8997 15.4609 8.84442 15.3782 8.80671 15.2872C8.769 15.1961 8.74959 15.0985 8.74959 15C8.74959 14.9015 8.769 14.8039 8.80671 14.7128C8.84442 14.6218 8.8997 14.5391 8.96938 14.4694L11.4397 12L8.96938 9.53063C8.82865 9.38989 8.74959 9.19902 8.74959 9C8.74959 8.80098 8.82865 8.61011 8.96938 8.46937C9.11011 8.32864 9.30098 8.24958 9.5 8.24958C9.69903 8.24958 9.8899 8.32864 10.0306 8.46937L12.5 10.9397L14.9694 8.46937C15.0391 8.39969 15.1218 8.34442 15.2128 8.3067C15.3039 8.26899 15.4015 8.24958 15.5 8.24958C15.5986 8.24958 15.6961 8.26899 15.7872 8.3067C15.8782 8.34442 15.9609 8.39969 16.0306 8.46937C16.1003 8.53906 16.1556 8.62178 16.1933 8.71283C16.231 8.80387 16.2504 8.90145 16.2504 9C16.2504 9.09855 16.231 9.19613 16.1933 9.28717C16.1556 9.37822 16.1003 9.46094 16.0306 9.53063L13.5603 12L16.0306 14.4694Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Master Services Agreement (MSA)<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM12.5 20.25C10.8683 20.25 9.27326 19.7661 7.91655 18.8596C6.55984 17.9531 5.50242 16.6646 4.878 15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>All Plus clients receive a 12 month contract (Master Services Agreement) which includes our guarantees on escalation and service, as well as billing details, terms and conditions, and other key documentation.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td aria-label="Not available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 hWtqYS"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.0306 14.4694C16.1003 14.5391 16.1556 14.6218 16.1933 14.7128C16.231 14.8039 16.2504 14.9015 16.2504 15C16.2504 15.0985 16.231 15.1961 16.1933 15.2872C16.1556 15.3782 16.1003 15.4609 16.0306 15.5306C15.9609 15.6003 15.8782 15.6556 15.7872 15.6933C15.6961 15.731 15.5986 15.7504 15.5 15.7504C15.4015 15.7504 15.3039 15.731 15.2128 15.6933C15.1218 15.6556 15.0391 15.6003 14.9694 15.5306L12.5 13.0603L10.0306 15.5306C9.96095 15.6003 9.87822 15.6556 9.78718 15.6933C9.69613 15.731 9.59855 15.7504 9.5 15.7504C9.40146 15.7504 9.30388 15.731 9.21283 15.6933C9.12179 15.6556 9.03906 15.6003 8.96938 15.5306C8.8997 15.4609 8.84442 15.3782 8.80671 15.2872C8.769 15.1961 8.74959 15.0985 8.74959 15C8.74959 14.9015 8.769 14.8039 8.80671 14.7128C8.84442 14.6218 8.8997 14.5391 8.96938 14.4694L11.4397 12L8.96938 9.53063C8.82865 9.38989 8.74959 9.19902 8.74959 9C8.74959 8.80098 8.82865 8.61011 8.96938 8.46937C9.11011 8.32864 9.30098 8.24958 9.5 8.24958C9.69903 8.24958 9.8899 8.32864 10.0306 8.46937L12.5 10.9397L14.9694 8.46937C15.0391 8.39969 15.1218 8.34442 15.2128 8.3067C15.3039 8.26899 15.4015 8.24958 15.5 8.24958C15.5986 8.24958 15.6961 8.26899 15.7872 8.3067C15.8782 8.34442 15.9609 8.39969 16.0306 8.46937C16.1003 8.53906 16.1556 8.62178 16.1933 8.71283C16.231 8.80387 16.2504 8.90145 16.2504 9C16.2504 9.09855 16.231 9.19613 16.1933 9.28717C16.1556 9.37822 16.1003 9.46094 16.0306 9.53063L13.5603 12L16.0306 14.4694Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr></tbody></table></div></div><div class="sc-e75af141-12 iRbYzP"><div class="sc-e75af141-1 jOtxYd"><table class="sc-e75af141-4 dKwIFU"><thead class="sc-e75af141-10 boLSJX"><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Overview</th></tr></thead><tbody class="sc-e75af141-3 jdettf"><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Published Courses<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><div class="sc-e75af141-6 fVzQiW"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM12.5 20.25C10.8683 20.25 9.27326 19.7661 7.91655 18.8596C6.55984 17.9531 5.50242 16.6646 4.878 15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>The number of full courses you can create, upload, and sell. </p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps">Unlimited</td><td class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps">Unlimited</td><td class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps">Unlimited</td><td class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps">Unlimited</td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Communities<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><div class="sc-e75af141-6 fVzQiW"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM12.5 20.25C10.8683 20.25 9.27326 19.7661 7.91655 18.8596C6.55984 17.9531 5.50242 16.6646 4.878 15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>Online learning environments, created and owned by you, where students can participate in an interactive, communal learning experience.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps">1</td><td class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps">1</td><td class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps">3</td><td class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps">Unlimited</td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Spaces per Community<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><div class="sc-e75af141-6 fVzQiW"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM12.5 20.25C10.8683 20.25 9.27326 19.7661 7.91655 18.8596C6.55984 17.9531 5.50242 16.6646 4.878 15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>Spaces are virtual rooms within your Community, each designated for a specific topic or purpose, such as a course, introductions, key updates, and more. Any of your Community members can jump into specific Spaces to read, comment, or create their own posts.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps">5</td><td class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps">10</td><td class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps">20</td><td class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps">Unlimited</td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Digital Downloads<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><div class="sc-e75af141-6 fVzQiW"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM12.5 20.25C10.8683 20.25 9.27326 19.7661 7.91655 18.8596C6.55984 17.9531 5.50242 16.6646 4.878 15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>Offer Digital Downloads like eBooks, guides, templates, and more to attract new leads and quickly boost your revenue.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td class="sc-e75af141-9 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20.25C10.8683 20.25 9.27326 19.7661 7.91655 18.8596C6.55984 17.9531 5.50242 16.6646 4.878 15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>Host live coaching sessions or webinars to connect with your audience.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps">5</td><td class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps">Unlimited</td><td class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps">Unlimited</td><td class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps">Unlimited</td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Email Marketing<div 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8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>Grow and manage your email list, launch engaging campaigns, and roll out automated email flows effortlessly with powerful, AI-driven tools.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 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12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 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15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Current Students<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><div class="sc-e75af141-6 fVzQiW"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM12.5 20.25C10.8683 20.25 9.27326 19.7661 7.91655 18.8596C6.55984 17.9531 5.50242 16.6646 4.878 15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>The number of students currently enrolled in one or more of your courses or communities.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps">Unlimited</td><td class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps">Unlimited</td><td class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps">Unlimited</td><td class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps">Unlimited</td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Site Administrator Accounts<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><div class="sc-e75af141-6 fVzQiW"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM12.5 20.25C10.8683 20.25 9.27326 19.7661 7.91655 18.8596C6.55984 17.9531 5.50242 16.6646 4.878 15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>Has similar access to a Site Owner and can assist with managing your students and courses.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps">1</td><td class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps">1</td><td class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps">2</td><td class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps">Unlimited</td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Course Administrator Accounts<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><div class="sc-e75af141-6 fVzQiW"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM12.5 20.25C10.8683 20.25 9.27326 19.7661 7.91655 18.8596C6.55984 17.9531 5.50242 16.6646 4.878 15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>Course Admins have restricted access in your Thinkific Admin Dashboard, but can help with creating new courses, editing courses, managing assignments, and more.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td aria-label="Not available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 hWtqYS"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.0306 14.4694C16.1003 14.5391 16.1556 14.6218 16.1933 14.7128C16.231 14.8039 16.2504 14.9015 16.2504 15C16.2504 15.0985 16.231 15.1961 16.1933 15.2872C16.1556 15.3782 16.1003 15.4609 16.0306 15.5306C15.9609 15.6003 15.8782 15.6556 15.7872 15.6933C15.6961 15.731 15.5986 15.7504 15.5 15.7504C15.4015 15.7504 15.3039 15.731 15.2128 15.6933C15.1218 15.6556 15.0391 15.6003 14.9694 15.5306L12.5 13.0603L10.0306 15.5306C9.96095 15.6003 9.87822 15.6556 9.78718 15.6933C9.69613 15.731 9.59855 15.7504 9.5 15.7504C9.40146 15.7504 9.30388 15.731 9.21283 15.6933C9.12179 15.6556 9.03906 15.6003 8.96938 15.5306C8.8997 15.4609 8.84442 15.3782 8.80671 15.2872C8.769 15.1961 8.74959 15.0985 8.74959 15C8.74959 14.9015 8.769 14.8039 8.80671 14.7128C8.84442 14.6218 8.8997 14.5391 8.96938 14.4694L11.4397 12L8.96938 9.53063C8.82865 9.38989 8.74959 9.19902 8.74959 9C8.74959 8.80098 8.82865 8.61011 8.96938 8.46937C9.11011 8.32864 9.30098 8.24958 9.5 8.24958C9.69903 8.24958 9.8899 8.32864 10.0306 8.46937L12.5 10.9397L14.9694 8.46937C15.0391 8.39969 15.1218 8.34442 15.2128 8.3067C15.3039 8.26899 15.4015 8.24958 15.5 8.24958C15.5986 8.24958 15.6961 8.26899 15.7872 8.3067C15.8782 8.34442 15.9609 8.39969 16.0306 8.46937C16.1003 8.53906 16.1556 8.62178 16.1933 8.71283C16.231 8.80387 16.2504 8.90145 16.2504 9C16.2504 9.09855 16.231 9.19613 16.1933 9.28717C16.1556 9.37822 16.1003 9.46094 16.0306 9.53063L13.5603 12L16.0306 14.4694Z"></path></svg></span></td><td class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps">2</td><td class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps">5</td><td class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps">Unlimited</td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Share revenue with partners<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><div class="sc-e75af141-6 fVzQiW"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM12.5 20.25C10.8683 20.25 9.27326 19.7661 7.91655 18.8596C6.55984 17.9531 5.50242 16.6646 4.878 15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>Share a percentage of sales made on your courses, communities, and bundles with co-instructors and contributors.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td aria-label="Not available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 hWtqYS"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.0306 14.4694C16.1003 14.5391 16.1556 14.6218 16.1933 14.7128C16.231 14.8039 16.2504 14.9015 16.2504 15C16.2504 15.0985 16.231 15.1961 16.1933 15.2872C16.1556 15.3782 16.1003 15.4609 16.0306 15.5306C15.9609 15.6003 15.8782 15.6556 15.7872 15.6933C15.6961 15.731 15.5986 15.7504 15.5 15.7504C15.4015 15.7504 15.3039 15.731 15.2128 15.6933C15.1218 15.6556 15.0391 15.6003 14.9694 15.5306L12.5 13.0603L10.0306 15.5306C9.96095 15.6003 9.87822 15.6556 9.78718 15.6933C9.69613 15.731 9.59855 15.7504 9.5 15.7504C9.40146 15.7504 9.30388 15.731 9.21283 15.6933C9.12179 15.6556 9.03906 15.6003 8.96938 15.5306C8.8997 15.4609 8.84442 15.3782 8.80671 15.2872C8.769 15.1961 8.74959 15.0985 8.74959 15C8.74959 14.9015 8.769 14.8039 8.80671 14.7128C8.84442 14.6218 8.8997 14.5391 8.96938 14.4694L11.4397 12L8.96938 9.53063C8.82865 9.38989 8.74959 9.19902 8.74959 9C8.74959 8.80098 8.82865 8.61011 8.96938 8.46937C9.11011 8.32864 9.30098 8.24958 9.5 8.24958C9.69903 8.24958 9.8899 8.32864 10.0306 8.46937L12.5 10.9397L14.9694 8.46937C15.0391 8.39969 15.1218 8.34442 15.2128 8.3067C15.3039 8.26899 15.4015 8.24958 15.5 8.24958C15.5986 8.24958 15.6961 8.26899 15.7872 8.3067C15.8782 8.34442 15.9609 8.39969 16.0306 8.46937C16.1003 8.53906 16.1556 8.62178 16.1933 8.71283C16.231 8.80387 16.2504 8.90145 16.2504 9C16.2504 9.09855 16.231 9.19613 16.1933 9.28717C16.1556 9.37822 16.1003 9.46094 16.0306 9.53063L13.5603 12L16.0306 14.4694Z"></path></svg></span></td><td class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps">1</td><td class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps">3</td><td class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps">Unlimited</td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Group Analyst accounts<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><div class="sc-e75af141-6 fVzQiW"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM12.5 20.25C10.8683 20.25 9.27326 19.7661 7.91655 18.8596C6.55984 17.9531 5.50242 16.6646 4.878 15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>The number of team members or third-parties who have access to Group/cohort progress reports.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td aria-label="Not available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 hWtqYS"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.0306 14.4694C16.1003 14.5391 16.1556 14.6218 16.1933 14.7128C16.231 14.8039 16.2504 14.9015 16.2504 15C16.2504 15.0985 16.231 15.1961 16.1933 15.2872C16.1556 15.3782 16.1003 15.4609 16.0306 15.5306C15.9609 15.6003 15.8782 15.6556 15.7872 15.6933C15.6961 15.731 15.5986 15.7504 15.5 15.7504C15.4015 15.7504 15.3039 15.731 15.2128 15.6933C15.1218 15.6556 15.0391 15.6003 14.9694 15.5306L12.5 13.0603L10.0306 15.5306C9.96095 15.6003 9.87822 15.6556 9.78718 15.6933C9.69613 15.731 9.59855 15.7504 9.5 15.7504C9.40146 15.7504 9.30388 15.731 9.21283 15.6933C9.12179 15.6556 9.03906 15.6003 8.96938 15.5306C8.8997 15.4609 8.84442 15.3782 8.80671 15.2872C8.769 15.1961 8.74959 15.0985 8.74959 15C8.74959 14.9015 8.769 14.8039 8.80671 14.7128C8.84442 14.6218 8.8997 14.5391 8.96938 14.4694L11.4397 12L8.96938 9.53063C8.82865 9.38989 8.74959 9.19902 8.74959 9C8.74959 8.80098 8.82865 8.61011 8.96938 8.46937C9.11011 8.32864 9.30098 8.24958 9.5 8.24958C9.69903 8.24958 9.8899 8.32864 10.0306 8.46937L12.5 10.9397L14.9694 8.46937C15.0391 8.39969 15.1218 8.34442 15.2128 8.3067C15.3039 8.26899 15.4015 8.24958 15.5 8.24958C15.5986 8.24958 15.6961 8.26899 15.7872 8.3067C15.8782 8.34442 15.9609 8.39969 16.0306 8.46937C16.1003 8.53906 16.1556 8.62178 16.1933 8.71283C16.231 8.80387 16.2504 8.90145 16.2504 9C16.2504 9.09855 16.231 9.19613 16.1933 9.28717C16.1556 9.37822 16.1003 9.46094 16.0306 9.53063L13.5603 12L16.0306 14.4694Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Not available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 hWtqYS"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.0306 14.4694C16.1003 14.5391 16.1556 14.6218 16.1933 14.7128C16.231 14.8039 16.2504 14.9015 16.2504 15C16.2504 15.0985 16.231 15.1961 16.1933 15.2872C16.1556 15.3782 16.1003 15.4609 16.0306 15.5306C15.9609 15.6003 15.8782 15.6556 15.7872 15.6933C15.6961 15.731 15.5986 15.7504 15.5 15.7504C15.4015 15.7504 15.3039 15.731 15.2128 15.6933C15.1218 15.6556 15.0391 15.6003 14.9694 15.5306L12.5 13.0603L10.0306 15.5306C9.96095 15.6003 9.87822 15.6556 9.78718 15.6933C9.69613 15.731 9.59855 15.7504 9.5 15.7504C9.40146 15.7504 9.30388 15.731 9.21283 15.6933C9.12179 15.6556 9.03906 15.6003 8.96938 15.5306C8.8997 15.4609 8.84442 15.3782 8.80671 15.2872C8.769 15.1961 8.74959 15.0985 8.74959 15C8.74959 14.9015 8.769 14.8039 8.80671 14.7128C8.84442 14.6218 8.8997 14.5391 8.96938 14.4694L11.4397 12L8.96938 9.53063C8.82865 9.38989 8.74959 9.19902 8.74959 9C8.74959 8.80098 8.82865 8.61011 8.96938 8.46937C9.11011 8.32864 9.30098 8.24958 9.5 8.24958C9.69903 8.24958 9.8899 8.32864 10.0306 8.46937L12.5 10.9397L14.9694 8.46937C15.0391 8.39969 15.1218 8.34442 15.2128 8.3067C15.3039 8.26899 15.4015 8.24958 15.5 8.24958C15.5986 8.24958 15.6961 8.26899 15.7872 8.3067C15.8782 8.34442 15.9609 8.39969 16.0306 8.46937C16.1003 8.53906 16.1556 8.62178 16.1933 8.71283C16.231 8.80387 16.2504 8.90145 16.2504 9C16.2504 9.09855 16.231 9.19613 16.1933 9.28717C16.1556 9.37822 16.1003 9.46094 16.0306 9.53063L13.5603 12L16.0306 14.4694Z"></path></svg></span></td><td class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps">3</td><td class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps">Unlimited</td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Support level<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><div class="sc-e75af141-6 fVzQiW"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM12.5 20.25C10.8683 20.25 9.27326 19.7661 7.91655 18.8596C6.55984 17.9531 5.50242 16.6646 4.878 15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>The extent and types of world-class assistance you receive based on your selected plan.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps">Email and chat</td><td class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps">Email and chat</td><td class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps">Phone and priority email</td><td class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps">Dedicated Customer Success Team</td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Branded Mobile<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><div class="sc-e75af141-6 fVzQiW"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM12.5 20.25C10.8683 20.25 9.27326 19.7661 7.91655 18.8596C6.55984 17.9531 5.50242 16.6646 4.878 15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>Deliver your course content and communities to your audience with a white-labeled mobile app we'll build for you.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps">$199 USD/month</td><td class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps">$199 USD/month</td><td class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps">$199 USD/month</td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 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4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>Enhance your course and business with a wide range of just-for-Thinkific apps and integrations.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 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15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 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CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM12.5 20.25C10.8683 20.25 9.27326 19.7661 7.91655 18.8596C6.55984 17.9531 5.50242 16.6646 4.878 15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>Supports SCORM, a global e-learning standard, that enables content sharing across LMSs and unlocks interactive learning experiences.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td aria-label="Not available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 hWtqYS"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.0306 14.4694C16.1003 14.5391 16.1556 14.6218 16.1933 14.7128C16.231 14.8039 16.2504 14.9015 16.2504 15C16.2504 15.0985 16.231 15.1961 16.1933 15.2872C16.1556 15.3782 16.1003 15.4609 16.0306 15.5306C15.9609 15.6003 15.8782 15.6556 15.7872 15.6933C15.6961 15.731 15.5986 15.7504 15.5 15.7504C15.4015 15.7504 15.3039 15.731 15.2128 15.6933C15.1218 15.6556 15.0391 15.6003 14.9694 15.5306L12.5 13.0603L10.0306 15.5306C9.96095 15.6003 9.87822 15.6556 9.78718 15.6933C9.69613 15.731 9.59855 15.7504 9.5 15.7504C9.40146 15.7504 9.30388 15.731 9.21283 15.6933C9.12179 15.6556 9.03906 15.6003 8.96938 15.5306C8.8997 15.4609 8.84442 15.3782 8.80671 15.2872C8.769 15.1961 8.74959 15.0985 8.74959 15C8.74959 14.9015 8.769 14.8039 8.80671 14.7128C8.84442 14.6218 8.8997 14.5391 8.96938 14.4694L11.4397 12L8.96938 9.53063C8.82865 9.38989 8.74959 9.19902 8.74959 9C8.74959 8.80098 8.82865 8.61011 8.96938 8.46937C9.11011 8.32864 9.30098 8.24958 9.5 8.24958C9.69903 8.24958 9.8899 8.32864 10.0306 8.46937L12.5 10.9397L14.9694 8.46937C15.0391 8.39969 15.1218 8.34442 15.2128 8.3067C15.3039 8.26899 15.4015 8.24958 15.5 8.24958C15.5986 8.24958 15.6961 8.26899 15.7872 8.3067C15.8782 8.34442 15.9609 8.39969 16.0306 8.46937C16.1003 8.53906 16.1556 8.62178 16.1933 8.71283C16.231 8.80387 16.2504 8.90145 16.2504 9C16.2504 9.09855 16.231 9.19613 16.1933 9.28717C16.1556 9.37822 16.1003 9.46094 16.0306 9.53063L13.5603 12L16.0306 14.4694Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Not available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 hWtqYS"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.0306 14.4694C16.1003 14.5391 16.1556 14.6218 16.1933 14.7128C16.231 14.8039 16.2504 14.9015 16.2504 15C16.2504 15.0985 16.231 15.1961 16.1933 15.2872C16.1556 15.3782 16.1003 15.4609 16.0306 15.5306C15.9609 15.6003 15.8782 15.6556 15.7872 15.6933C15.6961 15.731 15.5986 15.7504 15.5 15.7504C15.4015 15.7504 15.3039 15.731 15.2128 15.6933C15.1218 15.6556 15.0391 15.6003 14.9694 15.5306L12.5 13.0603L10.0306 15.5306C9.96095 15.6003 9.87822 15.6556 9.78718 15.6933C9.69613 15.731 9.59855 15.7504 9.5 15.7504C9.40146 15.7504 9.30388 15.731 9.21283 15.6933C9.12179 15.6556 9.03906 15.6003 8.96938 15.5306C8.8997 15.4609 8.84442 15.3782 8.80671 15.2872C8.769 15.1961 8.74959 15.0985 8.74959 15C8.74959 14.9015 8.769 14.8039 8.80671 14.7128C8.84442 14.6218 8.8997 14.5391 8.96938 14.4694L11.4397 12L8.96938 9.53063C8.82865 9.38989 8.74959 9.19902 8.74959 9C8.74959 8.80098 8.82865 8.61011 8.96938 8.46937C9.11011 8.32864 9.30098 8.24958 9.5 8.24958C9.69903 8.24958 9.8899 8.32864 10.0306 8.46937L12.5 10.9397L14.9694 8.46937C15.0391 8.39969 15.1218 8.34442 15.2128 8.3067C15.3039 8.26899 15.4015 8.24958 15.5 8.24958C15.5986 8.24958 15.6961 8.26899 15.7872 8.3067C15.8782 8.34442 15.9609 8.39969 16.0306 8.46937C16.1003 8.53906 16.1556 8.62178 16.1933 8.71283C16.231 8.80387 16.2504 8.90145 16.2504 9C16.2504 9.09855 16.231 9.19613 16.1933 9.28717C16.1556 9.37822 16.1003 9.46094 16.0306 9.53063L13.5603 12L16.0306 14.4694Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Not available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 hWtqYS"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.0306 14.4694C16.1003 14.5391 16.1556 14.6218 16.1933 14.7128C16.231 14.8039 16.2504 14.9015 16.2504 15C16.2504 15.0985 16.231 15.1961 16.1933 15.2872C16.1556 15.3782 16.1003 15.4609 16.0306 15.5306C15.9609 15.6003 15.8782 15.6556 15.7872 15.6933C15.6961 15.731 15.5986 15.7504 15.5 15.7504C15.4015 15.7504 15.3039 15.731 15.2128 15.6933C15.1218 15.6556 15.0391 15.6003 14.9694 15.5306L12.5 13.0603L10.0306 15.5306C9.96095 15.6003 9.87822 15.6556 9.78718 15.6933C9.69613 15.731 9.59855 15.7504 9.5 15.7504C9.40146 15.7504 9.30388 15.731 9.21283 15.6933C9.12179 15.6556 9.03906 15.6003 8.96938 15.5306C8.8997 15.4609 8.84442 15.3782 8.80671 15.2872C8.769 15.1961 8.74959 15.0985 8.74959 15C8.74959 14.9015 8.769 14.8039 8.80671 14.7128C8.84442 14.6218 8.8997 14.5391 8.96938 14.4694L11.4397 12L8.96938 9.53063C8.82865 9.38989 8.74959 9.19902 8.74959 9C8.74959 8.80098 8.82865 8.61011 8.96938 8.46937C9.11011 8.32864 9.30098 8.24958 9.5 8.24958C9.69903 8.24958 9.8899 8.32864 10.0306 8.46937L12.5 10.9397L14.9694 8.46937C15.0391 8.39969 15.1218 8.34442 15.2128 8.3067C15.3039 8.26899 15.4015 8.24958 15.5 8.24958C15.5986 8.24958 15.6961 8.26899 15.7872 8.3067C15.8782 8.34442 15.9609 8.39969 16.0306 8.46937C16.1003 8.53906 16.1556 8.62178 16.1933 8.71283C16.231 8.80387 16.2504 8.90145 16.2504 9C16.2504 9.09855 16.231 9.19613 16.1933 9.28717C16.1556 9.37822 16.1003 9.46094 16.0306 9.53063L13.5603 12L16.0306 14.4694Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr></tbody></table><table class="sc-e75af141-4 dKwIFU"><thead class="sc-e75af141-10 boLSJX"><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Create Amazing Products</th></tr></thead><tbody class="sc-e75af141-3 jdettf"><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Drag-and-drop course builder<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><div class="sc-e75af141-6 fVzQiW"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM12.5 20.25C10.8683 20.25 9.27326 19.7661 7.91655 18.8596C6.55984 17.9531 5.50242 16.6646 4.878 15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>Create, design, and rearrange lessons and chapters with ease to build 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15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 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10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">On-demand courses<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><div class="sc-e75af141-6 fVzQiW"><span size="20" 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16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 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5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic 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12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" 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8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Scheduled content<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><div class="sc-e75af141-6 fVzQiW"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM12.5 20.25C10.8683 20.25 9.27326 19.7661 7.91655 18.8596C6.55984 17.9531 5.50242 16.6646 4.878 15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>Drip release lets you schedule content to slowly release over time for on-demand (based on a student’s individual sign-up date) and 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10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 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9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Paid memberships<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><div class="sc-e75af141-6 fVzQiW"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM12.5 20.25C10.8683 20.25 9.27326 19.7661 7.91655 18.8596C6.55984 17.9531 5.50242 16.6646 4.878 15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 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12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Completion certificates<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><div class="sc-e75af141-6 fVzQiW"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM12.5 20.25C10.8683 20.25 9.27326 19.7661 7.91655 18.8596C6.55984 17.9531 5.50242 16.6646 4.878 15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>Customized certificates for your students, whether it's just for fun, something for them to show off on Linkedin, or a part of a continuing education program.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td aria-label="Not available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 hWtqYS"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.0306 14.4694C16.1003 14.5391 16.1556 14.6218 16.1933 14.7128C16.231 14.8039 16.2504 14.9015 16.2504 15C16.2504 15.0985 16.231 15.1961 16.1933 15.2872C16.1556 15.3782 16.1003 15.4609 16.0306 15.5306C15.9609 15.6003 15.8782 15.6556 15.7872 15.6933C15.6961 15.731 15.5986 15.7504 15.5 15.7504C15.4015 15.7504 15.3039 15.731 15.2128 15.6933C15.1218 15.6556 15.0391 15.6003 14.9694 15.5306L12.5 13.0603L10.0306 15.5306C9.96095 15.6003 9.87822 15.6556 9.78718 15.6933C9.69613 15.731 9.59855 15.7504 9.5 15.7504C9.40146 15.7504 9.30388 15.731 9.21283 15.6933C9.12179 15.6556 9.03906 15.6003 8.96938 15.5306C8.8997 15.4609 8.84442 15.3782 8.80671 15.2872C8.769 15.1961 8.74959 15.0985 8.74959 15C8.74959 14.9015 8.769 14.8039 8.80671 14.7128C8.84442 14.6218 8.8997 14.5391 8.96938 14.4694L11.4397 12L8.96938 9.53063C8.82865 9.38989 8.74959 9.19902 8.74959 9C8.74959 8.80098 8.82865 8.61011 8.96938 8.46937C9.11011 8.32864 9.30098 8.24958 9.5 8.24958C9.69903 8.24958 9.8899 8.32864 10.0306 8.46937L12.5 10.9397L14.9694 8.46937C15.0391 8.39969 15.1218 8.34442 15.2128 8.3067C15.3039 8.26899 15.4015 8.24958 15.5 8.24958C15.5986 8.24958 15.6961 8.26899 15.7872 8.3067C15.8782 8.34442 15.9609 8.39969 16.0306 8.46937C16.1003 8.53906 16.1556 8.62178 16.1933 8.71283C16.231 8.80387 16.2504 8.90145 16.2504 9C16.2504 9.09855 16.231 9.19613 16.1933 9.28717C16.1556 9.37822 16.1003 9.46094 16.0306 9.53063L13.5603 12L16.0306 14.4694Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Create private & hidden courses<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><div class="sc-e75af141-6 fVzQiW"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM12.5 20.25C10.8683 20.25 9.27326 19.7661 7.91655 18.8596C6.55984 17.9531 5.50242 16.6646 4.878 15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>Create courses that are by invitation only or hidden from public view.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td aria-label="Not available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 hWtqYS"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.0306 14.4694C16.1003 14.5391 16.1556 14.6218 16.1933 14.7128C16.231 14.8039 16.2504 14.9015 16.2504 15C16.2504 15.0985 16.231 15.1961 16.1933 15.2872C16.1556 15.3782 16.1003 15.4609 16.0306 15.5306C15.9609 15.6003 15.8782 15.6556 15.7872 15.6933C15.6961 15.731 15.5986 15.7504 15.5 15.7504C15.4015 15.7504 15.3039 15.731 15.2128 15.6933C15.1218 15.6556 15.0391 15.6003 14.9694 15.5306L12.5 13.0603L10.0306 15.5306C9.96095 15.6003 9.87822 15.6556 9.78718 15.6933C9.69613 15.731 9.59855 15.7504 9.5 15.7504C9.40146 15.7504 9.30388 15.731 9.21283 15.6933C9.12179 15.6556 9.03906 15.6003 8.96938 15.5306C8.8997 15.4609 8.84442 15.3782 8.80671 15.2872C8.769 15.1961 8.74959 15.0985 8.74959 15C8.74959 14.9015 8.769 14.8039 8.80671 14.7128C8.84442 14.6218 8.8997 14.5391 8.96938 14.4694L11.4397 12L8.96938 9.53063C8.82865 9.38989 8.74959 9.19902 8.74959 9C8.74959 8.80098 8.82865 8.61011 8.96938 8.46937C9.11011 8.32864 9.30098 8.24958 9.5 8.24958C9.69903 8.24958 9.8899 8.32864 10.0306 8.46937L12.5 10.9397L14.9694 8.46937C15.0391 8.39969 15.1218 8.34442 15.2128 8.3067C15.3039 8.26899 15.4015 8.24958 15.5 8.24958C15.5986 8.24958 15.6961 8.26899 15.7872 8.3067C15.8782 8.34442 15.9609 8.39969 16.0306 8.46937C16.1003 8.53906 16.1556 8.62178 16.1933 8.71283C16.231 8.80387 16.2504 8.90145 16.2504 9C16.2504 9.09855 16.231 9.19613 16.1933 9.28717C16.1556 9.37822 16.1003 9.46094 16.0306 9.53063L13.5603 12L16.0306 14.4694Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Assignments<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><div class="sc-e75af141-6 fVzQiW"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM12.5 20.25C10.8683 20.25 9.27326 19.7661 7.91655 18.8596C6.55984 17.9531 5.50242 16.6646 4.878 15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>Measure and rate your student’s progress with assignments that need to be approved before students can complete your course.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td aria-label="Not available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 hWtqYS"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.0306 14.4694C16.1003 14.5391 16.1556 14.6218 16.1933 14.7128C16.231 14.8039 16.2504 14.9015 16.2504 15C16.2504 15.0985 16.231 15.1961 16.1933 15.2872C16.1556 15.3782 16.1003 15.4609 16.0306 15.5306C15.9609 15.6003 15.8782 15.6556 15.7872 15.6933C15.6961 15.731 15.5986 15.7504 15.5 15.7504C15.4015 15.7504 15.3039 15.731 15.2128 15.6933C15.1218 15.6556 15.0391 15.6003 14.9694 15.5306L12.5 13.0603L10.0306 15.5306C9.96095 15.6003 9.87822 15.6556 9.78718 15.6933C9.69613 15.731 9.59855 15.7504 9.5 15.7504C9.40146 15.7504 9.30388 15.731 9.21283 15.6933C9.12179 15.6556 9.03906 15.6003 8.96938 15.5306C8.8997 15.4609 8.84442 15.3782 8.80671 15.2872C8.769 15.1961 8.74959 15.0985 8.74959 15C8.74959 14.9015 8.769 14.8039 8.80671 14.7128C8.84442 14.6218 8.8997 14.5391 8.96938 14.4694L11.4397 12L8.96938 9.53063C8.82865 9.38989 8.74959 9.19902 8.74959 9C8.74959 8.80098 8.82865 8.61011 8.96938 8.46937C9.11011 8.32864 9.30098 8.24958 9.5 8.24958C9.69903 8.24958 9.8899 8.32864 10.0306 8.46937L12.5 10.9397L14.9694 8.46937C15.0391 8.39969 15.1218 8.34442 15.2128 8.3067C15.3039 8.26899 15.4015 8.24958 15.5 8.24958C15.5986 8.24958 15.6961 8.26899 15.7872 8.3067C15.8782 8.34442 15.9609 8.39969 16.0306 8.46937C16.1003 8.53906 16.1556 8.62178 16.1933 8.71283C16.231 8.80387 16.2504 8.90145 16.2504 9C16.2504 9.09855 16.231 9.19613 16.1933 9.28717C16.1556 9.37822 16.1003 9.46094 16.0306 9.53063L13.5603 12L16.0306 14.4694Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Course compliance tools<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><div class="sc-e75af141-6 fVzQiW"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM12.5 20.25C10.8683 20.25 9.27326 19.7661 7.91655 18.8596C6.55984 17.9531 5.50242 16.6646 4.878 15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>With Prerequisite Lessons and video completion settings, you can prevent students from skipping ahead in the course before they've learned essential content.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td aria-label="Not available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 hWtqYS"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.0306 14.4694C16.1003 14.5391 16.1556 14.6218 16.1933 14.7128C16.231 14.8039 16.2504 14.9015 16.2504 15C16.2504 15.0985 16.231 15.1961 16.1933 15.2872C16.1556 15.3782 16.1003 15.4609 16.0306 15.5306C15.9609 15.6003 15.8782 15.6556 15.7872 15.6933C15.6961 15.731 15.5986 15.7504 15.5 15.7504C15.4015 15.7504 15.3039 15.731 15.2128 15.6933C15.1218 15.6556 15.0391 15.6003 14.9694 15.5306L12.5 13.0603L10.0306 15.5306C9.96095 15.6003 9.87822 15.6556 9.78718 15.6933C9.69613 15.731 9.59855 15.7504 9.5 15.7504C9.40146 15.7504 9.30388 15.731 9.21283 15.6933C9.12179 15.6556 9.03906 15.6003 8.96938 15.5306C8.8997 15.4609 8.84442 15.3782 8.80671 15.2872C8.769 15.1961 8.74959 15.0985 8.74959 15C8.74959 14.9015 8.769 14.8039 8.80671 14.7128C8.84442 14.6218 8.8997 14.5391 8.96938 14.4694L11.4397 12L8.96938 9.53063C8.82865 9.38989 8.74959 9.19902 8.74959 9C8.74959 8.80098 8.82865 8.61011 8.96938 8.46937C9.11011 8.32864 9.30098 8.24958 9.5 8.24958C9.69903 8.24958 9.8899 8.32864 10.0306 8.46937L12.5 10.9397L14.9694 8.46937C15.0391 8.39969 15.1218 8.34442 15.2128 8.3067C15.3039 8.26899 15.4015 8.24958 15.5 8.24958C15.5986 8.24958 15.6961 8.26899 15.7872 8.3067C15.8782 8.34442 15.9609 8.39969 16.0306 8.46937C16.1003 8.53906 16.1556 8.62178 16.1933 8.71283C16.231 8.80387 16.2504 8.90145 16.2504 9C16.2504 9.09855 16.231 9.19613 16.1933 9.28717C16.1556 9.37822 16.1003 9.46094 16.0306 9.53063L13.5603 12L16.0306 14.4694Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Host Storyline, Captivate, and more<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><div class="sc-e75af141-6 fVzQiW"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM12.5 20.25C10.8683 20.25 9.27326 19.7661 7.91655 18.8596C6.55984 17.9531 5.50242 16.6646 4.878 15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>Support for Articulate Storyline, Adobe Captivate, and other multimedia content.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td aria-label="Not available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 hWtqYS"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.0306 14.4694C16.1003 14.5391 16.1556 14.6218 16.1933 14.7128C16.231 14.8039 16.2504 14.9015 16.2504 15C16.2504 15.0985 16.231 15.1961 16.1933 15.2872C16.1556 15.3782 16.1003 15.4609 16.0306 15.5306C15.9609 15.6003 15.8782 15.6556 15.7872 15.6933C15.6961 15.731 15.5986 15.7504 15.5 15.7504C15.4015 15.7504 15.3039 15.731 15.2128 15.6933C15.1218 15.6556 15.0391 15.6003 14.9694 15.5306L12.5 13.0603L10.0306 15.5306C9.96095 15.6003 9.87822 15.6556 9.78718 15.6933C9.69613 15.731 9.59855 15.7504 9.5 15.7504C9.40146 15.7504 9.30388 15.731 9.21283 15.6933C9.12179 15.6556 9.03906 15.6003 8.96938 15.5306C8.8997 15.4609 8.84442 15.3782 8.80671 15.2872C8.769 15.1961 8.74959 15.0985 8.74959 15C8.74959 14.9015 8.769 14.8039 8.80671 14.7128C8.84442 14.6218 8.8997 14.5391 8.96938 14.4694L11.4397 12L8.96938 9.53063C8.82865 9.38989 8.74959 9.19902 8.74959 9C8.74959 8.80098 8.82865 8.61011 8.96938 8.46937C9.11011 8.32864 9.30098 8.24958 9.5 8.24958C9.69903 8.24958 9.8899 8.32864 10.0306 8.46937L12.5 10.9397L14.9694 8.46937C15.0391 8.39969 15.1218 8.34442 15.2128 8.3067C15.3039 8.26899 15.4015 8.24958 15.5 8.24958C15.5986 8.24958 15.6961 8.26899 15.7872 8.3067C15.8782 8.34442 15.9609 8.39969 16.0306 8.46937C16.1003 8.53906 16.1556 8.62178 16.1933 8.71283C16.231 8.80387 16.2504 8.90145 16.2504 9C16.2504 9.09855 16.231 9.19613 16.1933 9.28717C16.1556 9.37822 16.1003 9.46094 16.0306 9.53063L13.5603 12L16.0306 14.4694Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 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9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Randomized quiz question bank<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><div class="sc-e75af141-6 fVzQiW"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM12.5 20.25C10.8683 20.25 9.27326 19.7661 7.91655 18.8596C6.55984 17.9531 5.50242 16.6646 4.878 15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>Create diverse quizzes easily by adding questions to a quiz bank and having the system generate a randomized quiz.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" 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15.731 15.5986 15.7504 15.5 15.7504C15.4015 15.7504 15.3039 15.731 15.2128 15.6933C15.1218 15.6556 15.0391 15.6003 14.9694 15.5306L12.5 13.0603L10.0306 15.5306C9.96095 15.6003 9.87822 15.6556 9.78718 15.6933C9.69613 15.731 9.59855 15.7504 9.5 15.7504C9.40146 15.7504 9.30388 15.731 9.21283 15.6933C9.12179 15.6556 9.03906 15.6003 8.96938 15.5306C8.8997 15.4609 8.84442 15.3782 8.80671 15.2872C8.769 15.1961 8.74959 15.0985 8.74959 15C8.74959 14.9015 8.769 14.8039 8.80671 14.7128C8.84442 14.6218 8.8997 14.5391 8.96938 14.4694L11.4397 12L8.96938 9.53063C8.82865 9.38989 8.74959 9.19902 8.74959 9C8.74959 8.80098 8.82865 8.61011 8.96938 8.46937C9.11011 8.32864 9.30098 8.24958 9.5 8.24958C9.69903 8.24958 9.8899 8.32864 10.0306 8.46937L12.5 10.9397L14.9694 8.46937C15.0391 8.39969 15.1218 8.34442 15.2128 8.3067C15.3039 8.26899 15.4015 8.24958 15.5 8.24958C15.5986 8.24958 15.6961 8.26899 15.7872 8.3067C15.8782 8.34442 15.9609 8.39969 16.0306 8.46937C16.1003 8.53906 16.1556 8.62178 16.1933 8.71283C16.231 8.80387 16.2504 8.90145 16.2504 9C16.2504 9.09855 16.231 9.19613 16.1933 9.28717C16.1556 9.37822 16.1003 9.46094 16.0306 9.53063L13.5603 12L16.0306 14.4694Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Not available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 hWtqYS"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.0306 14.4694C16.1003 14.5391 16.1556 14.6218 16.1933 14.7128C16.231 14.8039 16.2504 14.9015 16.2504 15C16.2504 15.0985 16.231 15.1961 16.1933 15.2872C16.1556 15.3782 16.1003 15.4609 16.0306 15.5306C15.9609 15.6003 15.8782 15.6556 15.7872 15.6933C15.6961 15.731 15.5986 15.7504 15.5 15.7504C15.4015 15.7504 15.3039 15.731 15.2128 15.6933C15.1218 15.6556 15.0391 15.6003 14.9694 15.5306L12.5 13.0603L10.0306 15.5306C9.96095 15.6003 9.87822 15.6556 9.78718 15.6933C9.69613 15.731 9.59855 15.7504 9.5 15.7504C9.40146 15.7504 9.30388 15.731 9.21283 15.6933C9.12179 15.6556 9.03906 15.6003 8.96938 15.5306C8.8997 15.4609 8.84442 15.3782 8.80671 15.2872C8.769 15.1961 8.74959 15.0985 8.74959 15C8.74959 14.9015 8.769 14.8039 8.80671 14.7128C8.84442 14.6218 8.8997 14.5391 8.96938 14.4694L11.4397 12L8.96938 9.53063C8.82865 9.38989 8.74959 9.19902 8.74959 9C8.74959 8.80098 8.82865 8.61011 8.96938 8.46937C9.11011 8.32864 9.30098 8.24958 9.5 8.24958C9.69903 8.24958 9.8899 8.32864 10.0306 8.46937L12.5 10.9397L14.9694 8.46937C15.0391 8.39969 15.1218 8.34442 15.2128 8.3067C15.3039 8.26899 15.4015 8.24958 15.5 8.24958C15.5986 8.24958 15.6961 8.26899 15.7872 8.3067C15.8782 8.34442 15.9609 8.39969 16.0306 8.46937C16.1003 8.53906 16.1556 8.62178 16.1933 8.71283C16.231 8.80387 16.2504 8.90145 16.2504 9C16.2504 9.09855 16.231 9.19613 16.1933 9.28717C16.1556 9.37822 16.1003 9.46094 16.0306 9.53063L13.5603 12L16.0306 14.4694Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Brillium exams integration<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><div class="sc-e75af141-6 fVzQiW"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM12.5 20.25C10.8683 20.25 9.27326 19.7661 7.91655 18.8596C6.55984 17.9531 5.50242 16.6646 4.878 15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>Create an advanced exam environment with a variety of question types and detailed data analysis</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td aria-label="Not available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 hWtqYS"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.0306 14.4694C16.1003 14.5391 16.1556 14.6218 16.1933 14.7128C16.231 14.8039 16.2504 14.9015 16.2504 15C16.2504 15.0985 16.231 15.1961 16.1933 15.2872C16.1556 15.3782 16.1003 15.4609 16.0306 15.5306C15.9609 15.6003 15.8782 15.6556 15.7872 15.6933C15.6961 15.731 15.5986 15.7504 15.5 15.7504C15.4015 15.7504 15.3039 15.731 15.2128 15.6933C15.1218 15.6556 15.0391 15.6003 14.9694 15.5306L12.5 13.0603L10.0306 15.5306C9.96095 15.6003 9.87822 15.6556 9.78718 15.6933C9.69613 15.731 9.59855 15.7504 9.5 15.7504C9.40146 15.7504 9.30388 15.731 9.21283 15.6933C9.12179 15.6556 9.03906 15.6003 8.96938 15.5306C8.8997 15.4609 8.84442 15.3782 8.80671 15.2872C8.769 15.1961 8.74959 15.0985 8.74959 15C8.74959 14.9015 8.769 14.8039 8.80671 14.7128C8.84442 14.6218 8.8997 14.5391 8.96938 14.4694L11.4397 12L8.96938 9.53063C8.82865 9.38989 8.74959 9.19902 8.74959 9C8.74959 8.80098 8.82865 8.61011 8.96938 8.46937C9.11011 8.32864 9.30098 8.24958 9.5 8.24958C9.69903 8.24958 9.8899 8.32864 10.0306 8.46937L12.5 10.9397L14.9694 8.46937C15.0391 8.39969 15.1218 8.34442 15.2128 8.3067C15.3039 8.26899 15.4015 8.24958 15.5 8.24958C15.5986 8.24958 15.6961 8.26899 15.7872 8.3067C15.8782 8.34442 15.9609 8.39969 16.0306 8.46937C16.1003 8.53906 16.1556 8.62178 16.1933 8.71283C16.231 8.80387 16.2504 8.90145 16.2504 9C16.2504 9.09855 16.231 9.19613 16.1933 9.28717C16.1556 9.37822 16.1003 9.46094 16.0306 9.53063L13.5603 12L16.0306 14.4694Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Not available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 hWtqYS"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.0306 14.4694C16.1003 14.5391 16.1556 14.6218 16.1933 14.7128C16.231 14.8039 16.2504 14.9015 16.2504 15C16.2504 15.0985 16.231 15.1961 16.1933 15.2872C16.1556 15.3782 16.1003 15.4609 16.0306 15.5306C15.9609 15.6003 15.8782 15.6556 15.7872 15.6933C15.6961 15.731 15.5986 15.7504 15.5 15.7504C15.4015 15.7504 15.3039 15.731 15.2128 15.6933C15.1218 15.6556 15.0391 15.6003 14.9694 15.5306L12.5 13.0603L10.0306 15.5306C9.96095 15.6003 9.87822 15.6556 9.78718 15.6933C9.69613 15.731 9.59855 15.7504 9.5 15.7504C9.40146 15.7504 9.30388 15.731 9.21283 15.6933C9.12179 15.6556 9.03906 15.6003 8.96938 15.5306C8.8997 15.4609 8.84442 15.3782 8.80671 15.2872C8.769 15.1961 8.74959 15.0985 8.74959 15C8.74959 14.9015 8.769 14.8039 8.80671 14.7128C8.84442 14.6218 8.8997 14.5391 8.96938 14.4694L11.4397 12L8.96938 9.53063C8.82865 9.38989 8.74959 9.19902 8.74959 9C8.74959 8.80098 8.82865 8.61011 8.96938 8.46937C9.11011 8.32864 9.30098 8.24958 9.5 8.24958C9.69903 8.24958 9.8899 8.32864 10.0306 8.46937L12.5 10.9397L14.9694 8.46937C15.0391 8.39969 15.1218 8.34442 15.2128 8.3067C15.3039 8.26899 15.4015 8.24958 15.5 8.24958C15.5986 8.24958 15.6961 8.26899 15.7872 8.3067C15.8782 8.34442 15.9609 8.39969 16.0306 8.46937C16.1003 8.53906 16.1556 8.62178 16.1933 8.71283C16.231 8.80387 16.2504 8.90145 16.2504 9C16.2504 9.09855 16.231 9.19613 16.1933 9.28717C16.1556 9.37822 16.1003 9.46094 16.0306 9.53063L13.5603 12L16.0306 14.4694Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr></tbody></table><table class="sc-e75af141-4 dKwIFU"><thead class="sc-e75af141-10 boLSJX"><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Build and Sell Learning Communities </th></tr></thead><tbody class="sc-e75af141-3 jdettf"><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Number of Communities<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><div class="sc-e75af141-6 fVzQiW"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM12.5 20.25C10.8683 20.25 9.27326 19.7661 7.91655 18.8596C6.55984 17.9531 5.50242 16.6646 4.878 15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>Dedicated collaborative and interactive spaces for your members to share knowledge and support each other's growth.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps">1</td><td class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps">1</td><td class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps">3</td><td class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps">Unlimited</td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Number of Spaces<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><div class="sc-e75af141-6 fVzQiW"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM12.5 20.25C10.8683 20.25 9.27326 19.7661 7.91655 18.8596C6.55984 17.9531 5.50242 16.6646 4.878 15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>Create designated Spaces (virtual rooms) within your Community to discuss specific topics and courses.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps">5</td><td class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps">10</td><td class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps">20</td><td class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps">Unlimited</td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Synched Course and Communities<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><div class="sc-e75af141-6 fVzQiW"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM12.5 20.25C10.8683 20.25 9.27326 19.7661 7.91655 18.8596C6.55984 17.9531 5.50242 16.6646 4.878 15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>Build a Community around your existing content to add even more value to your online courses.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">User profiles<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 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6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>Custom profiles for each Community member with basic information, including their name, photo, company, professional title, and timezone.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td><td 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12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 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12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Rich text and mentions<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><div class="sc-e75af141-6 fVzQiW"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 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17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>Let members tag others in a post, 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15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 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13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>Push notifications members will receive when you post in the Community, when someone responds to their posts, or when another member @ mentions them in discussions.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" 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9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 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12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 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13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>Host live coaching sessions or webinars to connect with your audience.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps">5</td><td class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps">Unlimited</td><td class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps">Unlimited</td><td class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps">Unlimited</td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Bundle with courses<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><div 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10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>Sell relevant courses and communities together in one package.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td aria-label="Not available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 hWtqYS"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.0306 14.4694C16.1003 14.5391 16.1556 14.6218 16.1933 14.7128C16.231 14.8039 16.2504 14.9015 16.2504 15C16.2504 15.0985 16.231 15.1961 16.1933 15.2872C16.1556 15.3782 16.1003 15.4609 16.0306 15.5306C15.9609 15.6003 15.8782 15.6556 15.7872 15.6933C15.6961 15.731 15.5986 15.7504 15.5 15.7504C15.4015 15.7504 15.3039 15.731 15.2128 15.6933C15.1218 15.6556 15.0391 15.6003 14.9694 15.5306L12.5 13.0603L10.0306 15.5306C9.96095 15.6003 9.87822 15.6556 9.78718 15.6933C9.69613 15.731 9.59855 15.7504 9.5 15.7504C9.40146 15.7504 9.30388 15.731 9.21283 15.6933C9.12179 15.6556 9.03906 15.6003 8.96938 15.5306C8.8997 15.4609 8.84442 15.3782 8.80671 15.2872C8.769 15.1961 8.74959 15.0985 8.74959 15C8.74959 14.9015 8.769 14.8039 8.80671 14.7128C8.84442 14.6218 8.8997 14.5391 8.96938 14.4694L11.4397 12L8.96938 9.53063C8.82865 9.38989 8.74959 9.19902 8.74959 9C8.74959 8.80098 8.82865 8.61011 8.96938 8.46937C9.11011 8.32864 9.30098 8.24958 9.5 8.24958C9.69903 8.24958 9.8899 8.32864 10.0306 8.46937L12.5 10.9397L14.9694 8.46937C15.0391 8.39969 15.1218 8.34442 15.2128 8.3067C15.3039 8.26899 15.4015 8.24958 15.5 8.24958C15.5986 8.24958 15.6961 8.26899 15.7872 8.3067C15.8782 8.34442 15.9609 8.39969 16.0306 8.46937C16.1003 8.53906 16.1556 8.62178 16.1933 8.71283C16.231 8.80387 16.2504 8.90145 16.2504 9C16.2504 9.09855 16.231 9.19613 16.1933 9.28717C16.1556 9.37822 16.1003 9.46094 16.0306 9.53063L13.5603 12L16.0306 14.4694Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Paid memberships<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><div class="sc-e75af141-6 fVzQiW"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM12.5 20.25C10.8683 20.25 9.27326 19.7661 7.91655 18.8596C6.55984 17.9531 5.50242 16.6646 4.878 15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 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11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Community Spaces<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><div class="sc-e75af141-6 fVzQiW"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM12.5 20.25C10.8683 20.25 9.27326 19.7661 7.91655 18.8596C6.55984 17.9531 5.50242 16.6646 4.878 15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>Create dedicated Spaces (like virtual rooms) within your Community to discuss specific topics and courses.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps">5</td><td class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps">10</td><td class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps">20</td><td class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps">Unlimited</td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Groups<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><div class="sc-e75af141-6 fVzQiW"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM12.5 20.25C10.8683 20.25 9.27326 19.7661 7.91655 18.8596C6.55984 17.9531 5.50242 16.6646 4.878 15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>Assign students to different groups (by company, cohort, or whatever you like) to send bulk emails or manage admin permissions, reporting, and product access.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td aria-label="Not available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 hWtqYS"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.0306 14.4694C16.1003 14.5391 16.1556 14.6218 16.1933 14.7128C16.231 14.8039 16.2504 14.9015 16.2504 15C16.2504 15.0985 16.231 15.1961 16.1933 15.2872C16.1556 15.3782 16.1003 15.4609 16.0306 15.5306C15.9609 15.6003 15.8782 15.6556 15.7872 15.6933C15.6961 15.731 15.5986 15.7504 15.5 15.7504C15.4015 15.7504 15.3039 15.731 15.2128 15.6933C15.1218 15.6556 15.0391 15.6003 14.9694 15.5306L12.5 13.0603L10.0306 15.5306C9.96095 15.6003 9.87822 15.6556 9.78718 15.6933C9.69613 15.731 9.59855 15.7504 9.5 15.7504C9.40146 15.7504 9.30388 15.731 9.21283 15.6933C9.12179 15.6556 9.03906 15.6003 8.96938 15.5306C8.8997 15.4609 8.84442 15.3782 8.80671 15.2872C8.769 15.1961 8.74959 15.0985 8.74959 15C8.74959 14.9015 8.769 14.8039 8.80671 14.7128C8.84442 14.6218 8.8997 14.5391 8.96938 14.4694L11.4397 12L8.96938 9.53063C8.82865 9.38989 8.74959 9.19902 8.74959 9C8.74959 8.80098 8.82865 8.61011 8.96938 8.46937C9.11011 8.32864 9.30098 8.24958 9.5 8.24958C9.69903 8.24958 9.8899 8.32864 10.0306 8.46937L12.5 10.9397L14.9694 8.46937C15.0391 8.39969 15.1218 8.34442 15.2128 8.3067C15.3039 8.26899 15.4015 8.24958 15.5 8.24958C15.5986 8.24958 15.6961 8.26899 15.7872 8.3067C15.8782 8.34442 15.9609 8.39969 16.0306 8.46937C16.1003 8.53906 16.1556 8.62178 16.1933 8.71283C16.231 8.80387 16.2504 8.90145 16.2504 9C16.2504 9.09855 16.231 9.19613 16.1933 9.28717C16.1556 9.37822 16.1003 9.46094 16.0306 9.53063L13.5603 12L16.0306 14.4694Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Students per Group<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><div class="sc-e75af141-6 fVzQiW"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM12.5 20.25C10.8683 20.25 9.27326 19.7661 7.91655 18.8596C6.55984 17.9531 5.50242 16.6646 4.878 15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>The maximum number of students you can have in each Group.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td aria-label="Not available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 hWtqYS"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.0306 14.4694C16.1003 14.5391 16.1556 14.6218 16.1933 14.7128C16.231 14.8039 16.2504 14.9015 16.2504 15C16.2504 15.0985 16.231 15.1961 16.1933 15.2872C16.1556 15.3782 16.1003 15.4609 16.0306 15.5306C15.9609 15.6003 15.8782 15.6556 15.7872 15.6933C15.6961 15.731 15.5986 15.7504 15.5 15.7504C15.4015 15.7504 15.3039 15.731 15.2128 15.6933C15.1218 15.6556 15.0391 15.6003 14.9694 15.5306L12.5 13.0603L10.0306 15.5306C9.96095 15.6003 9.87822 15.6556 9.78718 15.6933C9.69613 15.731 9.59855 15.7504 9.5 15.7504C9.40146 15.7504 9.30388 15.731 9.21283 15.6933C9.12179 15.6556 9.03906 15.6003 8.96938 15.5306C8.8997 15.4609 8.84442 15.3782 8.80671 15.2872C8.769 15.1961 8.74959 15.0985 8.74959 15C8.74959 14.9015 8.769 14.8039 8.80671 14.7128C8.84442 14.6218 8.8997 14.5391 8.96938 14.4694L11.4397 12L8.96938 9.53063C8.82865 9.38989 8.74959 9.19902 8.74959 9C8.74959 8.80098 8.82865 8.61011 8.96938 8.46937C9.11011 8.32864 9.30098 8.24958 9.5 8.24958C9.69903 8.24958 9.8899 8.32864 10.0306 8.46937L12.5 10.9397L14.9694 8.46937C15.0391 8.39969 15.1218 8.34442 15.2128 8.3067C15.3039 8.26899 15.4015 8.24958 15.5 8.24958C15.5986 8.24958 15.6961 8.26899 15.7872 8.3067C15.8782 8.34442 15.9609 8.39969 16.0306 8.46937C16.1003 8.53906 16.1556 8.62178 16.1933 8.71283C16.231 8.80387 16.2504 8.90145 16.2504 9C16.2504 9.09855 16.231 9.19613 16.1933 9.28717C16.1556 9.37822 16.1003 9.46094 16.0306 9.53063L13.5603 12L16.0306 14.4694Z"></path></svg></span></td><td class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps">50</td><td class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps">100</td><td class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps">Unlimited</td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Zoom Meetings and Webinars<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><div class="sc-e75af141-6 fVzQiW"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM12.5 20.25C10.8683 20.25 9.27326 19.7661 7.91655 18.8596C6.55984 17.9531 5.50242 16.6646 4.878 15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>Provide your students with live group sessions with Live Lessons via Zoom Meetings or Zoom Webinars, directly from within Thinkific.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td aria-label="Not available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 hWtqYS"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.0306 14.4694C16.1003 14.5391 16.1556 14.6218 16.1933 14.7128C16.231 14.8039 16.2504 14.9015 16.2504 15C16.2504 15.0985 16.231 15.1961 16.1933 15.2872C16.1556 15.3782 16.1003 15.4609 16.0306 15.5306C15.9609 15.6003 15.8782 15.6556 15.7872 15.6933C15.6961 15.731 15.5986 15.7504 15.5 15.7504C15.4015 15.7504 15.3039 15.731 15.2128 15.6933C15.1218 15.6556 15.0391 15.6003 14.9694 15.5306L12.5 13.0603L10.0306 15.5306C9.96095 15.6003 9.87822 15.6556 9.78718 15.6933C9.69613 15.731 9.59855 15.7504 9.5 15.7504C9.40146 15.7504 9.30388 15.731 9.21283 15.6933C9.12179 15.6556 9.03906 15.6003 8.96938 15.5306C8.8997 15.4609 8.84442 15.3782 8.80671 15.2872C8.769 15.1961 8.74959 15.0985 8.74959 15C8.74959 14.9015 8.769 14.8039 8.80671 14.7128C8.84442 14.6218 8.8997 14.5391 8.96938 14.4694L11.4397 12L8.96938 9.53063C8.82865 9.38989 8.74959 9.19902 8.74959 9C8.74959 8.80098 8.82865 8.61011 8.96938 8.46937C9.11011 8.32864 9.30098 8.24958 9.5 8.24958C9.69903 8.24958 9.8899 8.32864 10.0306 8.46937L12.5 10.9397L14.9694 8.46937C15.0391 8.39969 15.1218 8.34442 15.2128 8.3067C15.3039 8.26899 15.4015 8.24958 15.5 8.24958C15.5986 8.24958 15.6961 8.26899 15.7872 8.3067C15.8782 8.34442 15.9609 8.39969 16.0306 8.46937C16.1003 8.53906 16.1556 8.62178 16.1933 8.71283C16.231 8.80387 16.2504 8.90145 16.2504 9C16.2504 9.09855 16.231 9.19613 16.1933 9.28717C16.1556 9.37822 16.1003 9.46094 16.0306 9.53063L13.5603 12L16.0306 14.4694Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr></tbody></table><table class="sc-e75af141-4 dKwIFU"><thead class="sc-e75af141-10 boLSJX"><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Build Websites to Market Your Business</th></tr></thead><tbody class="sc-e75af141-3 jdettf"><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Site builder<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><div class="sc-e75af141-6 fVzQiW"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM12.5 20.25C10.8683 20.25 9.27326 19.7661 7.91655 18.8596C6.55984 17.9531 5.50242 16.6646 4.878 15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 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12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 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15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Instant sales pages<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><div class="sc-e75af141-6 fVzQiW"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 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9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Connect your existing website<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><div class="sc-e75af141-6 fVzQiW"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 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6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>Build your site faster with themes and templates, or customize as much as you want with advanced HTML/CSS.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 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7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>Whitelabel your school by removing Thinkific branding on your website and student course player.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td aria-label="Not available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 hWtqYS"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 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9.03906 15.6003 8.96938 15.5306C8.8997 15.4609 8.84442 15.3782 8.80671 15.2872C8.769 15.1961 8.74959 15.0985 8.74959 15C8.74959 14.9015 8.769 14.8039 8.80671 14.7128C8.84442 14.6218 8.8997 14.5391 8.96938 14.4694L11.4397 12L8.96938 9.53063C8.82865 9.38989 8.74959 9.19902 8.74959 9C8.74959 8.80098 8.82865 8.61011 8.96938 8.46937C9.11011 8.32864 9.30098 8.24958 9.5 8.24958C9.69903 8.24958 9.8899 8.32864 10.0306 8.46937L12.5 10.9397L14.9694 8.46937C15.0391 8.39969 15.1218 8.34442 15.2128 8.3067C15.3039 8.26899 15.4015 8.24958 15.5 8.24958C15.5986 8.24958 15.6961 8.26899 15.7872 8.3067C15.8782 8.34442 15.9609 8.39969 16.0306 8.46937C16.1003 8.53906 16.1556 8.62178 16.1933 8.71283C16.231 8.80387 16.2504 8.90145 16.2504 9C16.2504 9.09855 16.231 9.19613 16.1933 9.28717C16.1556 9.37822 16.1003 9.46094 16.0306 9.53063L13.5603 12L16.0306 14.4694Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Not available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 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8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 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21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM12.5 20.25C10.8683 20.25 9.27326 19.7661 7.91655 18.8596C6.55984 17.9531 5.50242 16.6646 4.878 15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>Flexible course and price offerings help attract learners at every stage of their journey.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span 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11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 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8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">TCommerce<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><div class="sc-e75af141-6 fVzQiW"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM12.5 20.25C10.8683 20.25 9.27326 19.7661 7.91655 18.8596C6.55984 17.9531 5.50242 16.6646 4.878 15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>Simplify your business and selling power with TCommerce, our suite of business management tools. 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15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" 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9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Accept Paypal payments<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><div class="sc-e75af141-6 fVzQiW"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 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15.5306L12.5 13.0603L10.0306 15.5306C9.96095 15.6003 9.87822 15.6556 9.78718 15.6933C9.69613 15.731 9.59855 15.7504 9.5 15.7504C9.40146 15.7504 9.30388 15.731 9.21283 15.6933C9.12179 15.6556 9.03906 15.6003 8.96938 15.5306C8.8997 15.4609 8.84442 15.3782 8.80671 15.2872C8.769 15.1961 8.74959 15.0985 8.74959 15C8.74959 14.9015 8.769 14.8039 8.80671 14.7128C8.84442 14.6218 8.8997 14.5391 8.96938 14.4694L11.4397 12L8.96938 9.53063C8.82865 9.38989 8.74959 9.19902 8.74959 9C8.74959 8.80098 8.82865 8.61011 8.96938 8.46937C9.11011 8.32864 9.30098 8.24958 9.5 8.24958C9.69903 8.24958 9.8899 8.32864 10.0306 8.46937L12.5 10.9397L14.9694 8.46937C15.0391 8.39969 15.1218 8.34442 15.2128 8.3067C15.3039 8.26899 15.4015 8.24958 15.5 8.24958C15.5986 8.24958 15.6961 8.26899 15.7872 8.3067C15.8782 8.34442 15.9609 8.39969 16.0306 8.46937C16.1003 8.53906 16.1556 8.62178 16.1933 8.71283C16.231 8.80387 16.2504 8.90145 16.2504 9C16.2504 9.09855 16.231 9.19613 16.1933 9.28717C16.1556 9.37822 16.1003 9.46094 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15.6933C15.6961 15.731 15.5986 15.7504 15.5 15.7504C15.4015 15.7504 15.3039 15.731 15.2128 15.6933C15.1218 15.6556 15.0391 15.6003 14.9694 15.5306L12.5 13.0603L10.0306 15.5306C9.96095 15.6003 9.87822 15.6556 9.78718 15.6933C9.69613 15.731 9.59855 15.7504 9.5 15.7504C9.40146 15.7504 9.30388 15.731 9.21283 15.6933C9.12179 15.6556 9.03906 15.6003 8.96938 15.5306C8.8997 15.4609 8.84442 15.3782 8.80671 15.2872C8.769 15.1961 8.74959 15.0985 8.74959 15C8.74959 14.9015 8.769 14.8039 8.80671 14.7128C8.84442 14.6218 8.8997 14.5391 8.96938 14.4694L11.4397 12L8.96938 9.53063C8.82865 9.38989 8.74959 9.19902 8.74959 9C8.74959 8.80098 8.82865 8.61011 8.96938 8.46937C9.11011 8.32864 9.30098 8.24958 9.5 8.24958C9.69903 8.24958 9.8899 8.32864 10.0306 8.46937L12.5 10.9397L14.9694 8.46937C15.0391 8.39969 15.1218 8.34442 15.2128 8.3067C15.3039 8.26899 15.4015 8.24958 15.5 8.24958C15.5986 8.24958 15.6961 8.26899 15.7872 8.3067C15.8782 8.34442 15.9609 8.39969 16.0306 8.46937C16.1003 8.53906 16.1556 8.62178 16.1933 8.71283C16.231 8.80387 16.2504 8.90145 16.2504 9C16.2504 9.09855 16.231 9.19613 16.1933 9.28717C16.1556 9.37822 16.1003 9.46094 16.0306 9.53063L13.5603 12L16.0306 14.4694Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 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15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM12.5 20.25C10.8683 20.25 9.27326 19.7661 7.91655 18.8596C6.55984 17.9531 5.50242 16.6646 4.878 15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>Even when someone selects Buy Now, Pay Later, you'll receive the entire payment upfront.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" 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9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr><tr 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6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>Sell more by promoting other items in the checkout before purchase.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 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7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Offer free trials<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><div class="sc-e75af141-6 fVzQiW"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" 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13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" 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15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" 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15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Streamlined checkout<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><div class="sc-e75af141-6 fVzQiW"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 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2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Coupons and promotions<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan 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5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 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22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" 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8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 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12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Payment plans<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><div class="sc-e75af141-6 fVzQiW"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM12.5 20.25C10.8683 20.25 9.27326 19.7661 7.91655 18.8596C6.55984 17.9531 5.50242 16.6646 4.878 15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>Let users split their payment across a few months so there's 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16.1003 15.4609 16.0306 15.5306C15.9609 15.6003 15.8782 15.6556 15.7872 15.6933C15.6961 15.731 15.5986 15.7504 15.5 15.7504C15.4015 15.7504 15.3039 15.731 15.2128 15.6933C15.1218 15.6556 15.0391 15.6003 14.9694 15.5306L12.5 13.0603L10.0306 15.5306C9.96095 15.6003 9.87822 15.6556 9.78718 15.6933C9.69613 15.731 9.59855 15.7504 9.5 15.7504C9.40146 15.7504 9.30388 15.731 9.21283 15.6933C9.12179 15.6556 9.03906 15.6003 8.96938 15.5306C8.8997 15.4609 8.84442 15.3782 8.80671 15.2872C8.769 15.1961 8.74959 15.0985 8.74959 15C8.74959 14.9015 8.769 14.8039 8.80671 14.7128C8.84442 14.6218 8.8997 14.5391 8.96938 14.4694L11.4397 12L8.96938 9.53063C8.82865 9.38989 8.74959 9.19902 8.74959 9C8.74959 8.80098 8.82865 8.61011 8.96938 8.46937C9.11011 8.32864 9.30098 8.24958 9.5 8.24958C9.69903 8.24958 9.8899 8.32864 10.0306 8.46937L12.5 10.9397L14.9694 8.46937C15.0391 8.39969 15.1218 8.34442 15.2128 8.3067C15.3039 8.26899 15.4015 8.24958 15.5 8.24958C15.5986 8.24958 15.6961 8.26899 15.7872 8.3067C15.8782 8.34442 15.9609 8.39969 16.0306 8.46937C16.1003 8.53906 16.1556 8.62178 16.1933 8.71283C16.231 8.80387 16.2504 8.90145 16.2504 9C16.2504 9.09855 16.231 9.19613 16.1933 9.28717C16.1556 9.37822 16.1003 9.46094 16.0306 9.53063L13.5603 12L16.0306 14.4694Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">After purchase flows<div 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15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>Create a custom Thank You page, add product upsells, or send buyers straight to a specific product or custom URL after purchasing.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td aria-label="Not available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 hWtqYS"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.0306 14.4694C16.1003 14.5391 16.1556 14.6218 16.1933 14.7128C16.231 14.8039 16.2504 14.9015 16.2504 15C16.2504 15.0985 16.231 15.1961 16.1933 15.2872C16.1556 15.3782 16.1003 15.4609 16.0306 15.5306C15.9609 15.6003 15.8782 15.6556 15.7872 15.6933C15.6961 15.731 15.5986 15.7504 15.5 15.7504C15.4015 15.7504 15.3039 15.731 15.2128 15.6933C15.1218 15.6556 15.0391 15.6003 14.9694 15.5306L12.5 13.0603L10.0306 15.5306C9.96095 15.6003 9.87822 15.6556 9.78718 15.6933C9.69613 15.731 9.59855 15.7504 9.5 15.7504C9.40146 15.7504 9.30388 15.731 9.21283 15.6933C9.12179 15.6556 9.03906 15.6003 8.96938 15.5306C8.8997 15.4609 8.84442 15.3782 8.80671 15.2872C8.769 15.1961 8.74959 15.0985 8.74959 15C8.74959 14.9015 8.769 14.8039 8.80671 14.7128C8.84442 14.6218 8.8997 14.5391 8.96938 14.4694L11.4397 12L8.96938 9.53063C8.82865 9.38989 8.74959 9.19902 8.74959 9C8.74959 8.80098 8.82865 8.61011 8.96938 8.46937C9.11011 8.32864 9.30098 8.24958 9.5 8.24958C9.69903 8.24958 9.8899 8.32864 10.0306 8.46937L12.5 10.9397L14.9694 8.46937C15.0391 8.39969 15.1218 8.34442 15.2128 8.3067C15.3039 8.26899 15.4015 8.24958 15.5 8.24958C15.5986 8.24958 15.6961 8.26899 15.7872 8.3067C15.8782 8.34442 15.9609 8.39969 16.0306 8.46937C16.1003 8.53906 16.1556 8.62178 16.1933 8.71283C16.231 8.80387 16.2504 8.90145 16.2504 9C16.2504 9.09855 16.231 9.19613 16.1933 9.28717C16.1556 9.37822 16.1003 9.46094 16.0306 9.53063L13.5603 12L16.0306 14.4694Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Additional pricing<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><div class="sc-e75af141-6 fVzQiW"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM12.5 20.25C10.8683 20.25 9.27326 19.7661 7.91655 18.8596C6.55984 17.9531 5.50242 16.6646 4.878 15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>Give your customers the option to pay for your product in different ways, such as a one-time fee, payment plan, or subscription fee.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td aria-label="Not available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 hWtqYS"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.0306 14.4694C16.1003 14.5391 16.1556 14.6218 16.1933 14.7128C16.231 14.8039 16.2504 14.9015 16.2504 15C16.2504 15.0985 16.231 15.1961 16.1933 15.2872C16.1556 15.3782 16.1003 15.4609 16.0306 15.5306C15.9609 15.6003 15.8782 15.6556 15.7872 15.6933C15.6961 15.731 15.5986 15.7504 15.5 15.7504C15.4015 15.7504 15.3039 15.731 15.2128 15.6933C15.1218 15.6556 15.0391 15.6003 14.9694 15.5306L12.5 13.0603L10.0306 15.5306C9.96095 15.6003 9.87822 15.6556 9.78718 15.6933C9.69613 15.731 9.59855 15.7504 9.5 15.7504C9.40146 15.7504 9.30388 15.731 9.21283 15.6933C9.12179 15.6556 9.03906 15.6003 8.96938 15.5306C8.8997 15.4609 8.84442 15.3782 8.80671 15.2872C8.769 15.1961 8.74959 15.0985 8.74959 15C8.74959 14.9015 8.769 14.8039 8.80671 14.7128C8.84442 14.6218 8.8997 14.5391 8.96938 14.4694L11.4397 12L8.96938 9.53063C8.82865 9.38989 8.74959 9.19902 8.74959 9C8.74959 8.80098 8.82865 8.61011 8.96938 8.46937C9.11011 8.32864 9.30098 8.24958 9.5 8.24958C9.69903 8.24958 9.8899 8.32864 10.0306 8.46937L12.5 10.9397L14.9694 8.46937C15.0391 8.39969 15.1218 8.34442 15.2128 8.3067C15.3039 8.26899 15.4015 8.24958 15.5 8.24958C15.5986 8.24958 15.6961 8.26899 15.7872 8.3067C15.8782 8.34442 15.9609 8.39969 16.0306 8.46937C16.1003 8.53906 16.1556 8.62178 16.1933 8.71283C16.231 8.80387 16.2504 8.90145 16.2504 9C16.2504 9.09855 16.231 9.19613 16.1933 9.28717C16.1556 9.37822 16.1003 9.46094 16.0306 9.53063L13.5603 12L16.0306 14.4694Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Paid memberships<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><div class="sc-e75af141-6 fVzQiW"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM12.5 20.25C10.8683 20.25 9.27326 19.7661 7.91655 18.8596C6.55984 17.9531 5.50242 16.6646 4.878 15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>Earn recurring revenue by selling 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16.1933 15.2872C16.1556 15.3782 16.1003 15.4609 16.0306 15.5306C15.9609 15.6003 15.8782 15.6556 15.7872 15.6933C15.6961 15.731 15.5986 15.7504 15.5 15.7504C15.4015 15.7504 15.3039 15.731 15.2128 15.6933C15.1218 15.6556 15.0391 15.6003 14.9694 15.5306L12.5 13.0603L10.0306 15.5306C9.96095 15.6003 9.87822 15.6556 9.78718 15.6933C9.69613 15.731 9.59855 15.7504 9.5 15.7504C9.40146 15.7504 9.30388 15.731 9.21283 15.6933C9.12179 15.6556 9.03906 15.6003 8.96938 15.5306C8.8997 15.4609 8.84442 15.3782 8.80671 15.2872C8.769 15.1961 8.74959 15.0985 8.74959 15C8.74959 14.9015 8.769 14.8039 8.80671 14.7128C8.84442 14.6218 8.8997 14.5391 8.96938 14.4694L11.4397 12L8.96938 9.53063C8.82865 9.38989 8.74959 9.19902 8.74959 9C8.74959 8.80098 8.82865 8.61011 8.96938 8.46937C9.11011 8.32864 9.30098 8.24958 9.5 8.24958C9.69903 8.24958 9.8899 8.32864 10.0306 8.46937L12.5 10.9397L14.9694 8.46937C15.0391 8.39969 15.1218 8.34442 15.2128 8.3067C15.3039 8.26899 15.4015 8.24958 15.5 8.24958C15.5986 8.24958 15.6961 8.26899 15.7872 8.3067C15.8782 8.34442 15.9609 8.39969 16.0306 8.46937C16.1003 8.53906 16.1556 8.62178 16.1933 8.71283C16.231 8.80387 16.2504 8.90145 16.2504 9C16.2504 9.09855 16.231 9.19613 16.1933 9.28717C16.1556 9.37822 16.1003 9.46094 16.0306 9.53063L13.5603 12L16.0306 14.4694Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" 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15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Create product 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14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>Package together relevant courses, Communities, digital downloads, or coaching sessions into one bundle.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td aria-label="Not available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 hWtqYS"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.0306 14.4694C16.1003 14.5391 16.1556 14.6218 16.1933 14.7128C16.231 14.8039 16.2504 14.9015 16.2504 15C16.2504 15.0985 16.231 15.1961 16.1933 15.2872C16.1556 15.3782 16.1003 15.4609 16.0306 15.5306C15.9609 15.6003 15.8782 15.6556 15.7872 15.6933C15.6961 15.731 15.5986 15.7504 15.5 15.7504C15.4015 15.7504 15.3039 15.731 15.2128 15.6933C15.1218 15.6556 15.0391 15.6003 14.9694 15.5306L12.5 13.0603L10.0306 15.5306C9.96095 15.6003 9.87822 15.6556 9.78718 15.6933C9.69613 15.731 9.59855 15.7504 9.5 15.7504C9.40146 15.7504 9.30388 15.731 9.21283 15.6933C9.12179 15.6556 9.03906 15.6003 8.96938 15.5306C8.8997 15.4609 8.84442 15.3782 8.80671 15.2872C8.769 15.1961 8.74959 15.0985 8.74959 15C8.74959 14.9015 8.769 14.8039 8.80671 14.7128C8.84442 14.6218 8.8997 14.5391 8.96938 14.4694L11.4397 12L8.96938 9.53063C8.82865 9.38989 8.74959 9.19902 8.74959 9C8.74959 8.80098 8.82865 8.61011 8.96938 8.46937C9.11011 8.32864 9.30098 8.24958 9.5 8.24958C9.69903 8.24958 9.8899 8.32864 10.0306 8.46937L12.5 10.9397L14.9694 8.46937C15.0391 8.39969 15.1218 8.34442 15.2128 8.3067C15.3039 8.26899 15.4015 8.24958 15.5 8.24958C15.5986 8.24958 15.6961 8.26899 15.7872 8.3067C15.8782 8.34442 15.9609 8.39969 16.0306 8.46937C16.1003 8.53906 16.1556 8.62178 16.1933 8.71283C16.231 8.80387 16.2504 8.90145 16.2504 9C16.2504 9.09855 16.231 9.19613 16.1933 9.28717C16.1556 9.37822 16.1003 9.46094 16.0306 9.53063L13.5603 12L16.0306 14.4694Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Bulk Sell check out<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><div class="sc-e75af141-6 fVzQiW"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM12.5 20.25C10.8683 20.25 9.27326 19.7661 7.91655 18.8596C6.55984 17.9531 5.50242 16.6646 4.878 15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>Sell multiple seats for your courses to a single buyer.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td aria-label="Not available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 hWtqYS"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.0306 14.4694C16.1003 14.5391 16.1556 14.6218 16.1933 14.7128C16.231 14.8039 16.2504 14.9015 16.2504 15C16.2504 15.0985 16.231 15.1961 16.1933 15.2872C16.1556 15.3782 16.1003 15.4609 16.0306 15.5306C15.9609 15.6003 15.8782 15.6556 15.7872 15.6933C15.6961 15.731 15.5986 15.7504 15.5 15.7504C15.4015 15.7504 15.3039 15.731 15.2128 15.6933C15.1218 15.6556 15.0391 15.6003 14.9694 15.5306L12.5 13.0603L10.0306 15.5306C9.96095 15.6003 9.87822 15.6556 9.78718 15.6933C9.69613 15.731 9.59855 15.7504 9.5 15.7504C9.40146 15.7504 9.30388 15.731 9.21283 15.6933C9.12179 15.6556 9.03906 15.6003 8.96938 15.5306C8.8997 15.4609 8.84442 15.3782 8.80671 15.2872C8.769 15.1961 8.74959 15.0985 8.74959 15C8.74959 14.9015 8.769 14.8039 8.80671 14.7128C8.84442 14.6218 8.8997 14.5391 8.96938 14.4694L11.4397 12L8.96938 9.53063C8.82865 9.38989 8.74959 9.19902 8.74959 9C8.74959 8.80098 8.82865 8.61011 8.96938 8.46937C9.11011 8.32864 9.30098 8.24958 9.5 8.24958C9.69903 8.24958 9.8899 8.32864 10.0306 8.46937L12.5 10.9397L14.9694 8.46937C15.0391 8.39969 15.1218 8.34442 15.2128 8.3067C15.3039 8.26899 15.4015 8.24958 15.5 8.24958C15.5986 8.24958 15.6961 8.26899 15.7872 8.3067C15.8782 8.34442 15.9609 8.39969 16.0306 8.46937C16.1003 8.53906 16.1556 8.62178 16.1933 8.71283C16.231 8.80387 16.2504 8.90145 16.2504 9C16.2504 9.09855 16.231 9.19613 16.1933 9.28717C16.1556 9.37822 16.1003 9.46094 16.0306 9.53063L13.5603 12L16.0306 14.4694Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Not available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 hWtqYS"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.0306 14.4694C16.1003 14.5391 16.1556 14.6218 16.1933 14.7128C16.231 14.8039 16.2504 14.9015 16.2504 15C16.2504 15.0985 16.231 15.1961 16.1933 15.2872C16.1556 15.3782 16.1003 15.4609 16.0306 15.5306C15.9609 15.6003 15.8782 15.6556 15.7872 15.6933C15.6961 15.731 15.5986 15.7504 15.5 15.7504C15.4015 15.7504 15.3039 15.731 15.2128 15.6933C15.1218 15.6556 15.0391 15.6003 14.9694 15.5306L12.5 13.0603L10.0306 15.5306C9.96095 15.6003 9.87822 15.6556 9.78718 15.6933C9.69613 15.731 9.59855 15.7504 9.5 15.7504C9.40146 15.7504 9.30388 15.731 9.21283 15.6933C9.12179 15.6556 9.03906 15.6003 8.96938 15.5306C8.8997 15.4609 8.84442 15.3782 8.80671 15.2872C8.769 15.1961 8.74959 15.0985 8.74959 15C8.74959 14.9015 8.769 14.8039 8.80671 14.7128C8.84442 14.6218 8.8997 14.5391 8.96938 14.4694L11.4397 12L8.96938 9.53063C8.82865 9.38989 8.74959 9.19902 8.74959 9C8.74959 8.80098 8.82865 8.61011 8.96938 8.46937C9.11011 8.32864 9.30098 8.24958 9.5 8.24958C9.69903 8.24958 9.8899 8.32864 10.0306 8.46937L12.5 10.9397L14.9694 8.46937C15.0391 8.39969 15.1218 8.34442 15.2128 8.3067C15.3039 8.26899 15.4015 8.24958 15.5 8.24958C15.5986 8.24958 15.6961 8.26899 15.7872 8.3067C15.8782 8.34442 15.9609 8.39969 16.0306 8.46937C16.1003 8.53906 16.1556 8.62178 16.1933 8.71283C16.231 8.80387 16.2504 8.90145 16.2504 9C16.2504 9.09855 16.231 9.19613 16.1933 9.28717C16.1556 9.37822 16.1003 9.46094 16.0306 9.53063L13.5603 12L16.0306 14.4694Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Not available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 hWtqYS"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.0306 14.4694C16.1003 14.5391 16.1556 14.6218 16.1933 14.7128C16.231 14.8039 16.2504 14.9015 16.2504 15C16.2504 15.0985 16.231 15.1961 16.1933 15.2872C16.1556 15.3782 16.1003 15.4609 16.0306 15.5306C15.9609 15.6003 15.8782 15.6556 15.7872 15.6933C15.6961 15.731 15.5986 15.7504 15.5 15.7504C15.4015 15.7504 15.3039 15.731 15.2128 15.6933C15.1218 15.6556 15.0391 15.6003 14.9694 15.5306L12.5 13.0603L10.0306 15.5306C9.96095 15.6003 9.87822 15.6556 9.78718 15.6933C9.69613 15.731 9.59855 15.7504 9.5 15.7504C9.40146 15.7504 9.30388 15.731 9.21283 15.6933C9.12179 15.6556 9.03906 15.6003 8.96938 15.5306C8.8997 15.4609 8.84442 15.3782 8.80671 15.2872C8.769 15.1961 8.74959 15.0985 8.74959 15C8.74959 14.9015 8.769 14.8039 8.80671 14.7128C8.84442 14.6218 8.8997 14.5391 8.96938 14.4694L11.4397 12L8.96938 9.53063C8.82865 9.38989 8.74959 9.19902 8.74959 9C8.74959 8.80098 8.82865 8.61011 8.96938 8.46937C9.11011 8.32864 9.30098 8.24958 9.5 8.24958C9.69903 8.24958 9.8899 8.32864 10.0306 8.46937L12.5 10.9397L14.9694 8.46937C15.0391 8.39969 15.1218 8.34442 15.2128 8.3067C15.3039 8.26899 15.4015 8.24958 15.5 8.24958C15.5986 8.24958 15.6961 8.26899 15.7872 8.3067C15.8782 8.34442 15.9609 8.39969 16.0306 8.46937C16.1003 8.53906 16.1556 8.62178 16.1933 8.71283C16.231 8.80387 16.2504 8.90145 16.2504 9C16.2504 9.09855 16.231 9.19613 16.1933 9.28717C16.1556 9.37822 16.1003 9.46094 16.0306 9.53063L13.5603 12L16.0306 14.4694Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Gifting<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><div class="sc-e75af141-6 fVzQiW"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM12.5 20.25C10.8683 20.25 9.27326 19.7661 7.91655 18.8596C6.55984 17.9531 5.50242 16.6646 4.878 15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 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12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 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3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Group orders<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><div class="sc-e75af141-6 fVzQiW"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM12.5 20.25C10.8683 20.25 9.27326 19.7661 7.91655 18.8596C6.55984 17.9531 5.50242 16.6646 4.878 15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>Allows buyers to purchase multiple seats to your course.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td aria-label="Not available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 hWtqYS"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.0306 14.4694C16.1003 14.5391 16.1556 14.6218 16.1933 14.7128C16.231 14.8039 16.2504 14.9015 16.2504 15C16.2504 15.0985 16.231 15.1961 16.1933 15.2872C16.1556 15.3782 16.1003 15.4609 16.0306 15.5306C15.9609 15.6003 15.8782 15.6556 15.7872 15.6933C15.6961 15.731 15.5986 15.7504 15.5 15.7504C15.4015 15.7504 15.3039 15.731 15.2128 15.6933C15.1218 15.6556 15.0391 15.6003 14.9694 15.5306L12.5 13.0603L10.0306 15.5306C9.96095 15.6003 9.87822 15.6556 9.78718 15.6933C9.69613 15.731 9.59855 15.7504 9.5 15.7504C9.40146 15.7504 9.30388 15.731 9.21283 15.6933C9.12179 15.6556 9.03906 15.6003 8.96938 15.5306C8.8997 15.4609 8.84442 15.3782 8.80671 15.2872C8.769 15.1961 8.74959 15.0985 8.74959 15C8.74959 14.9015 8.769 14.8039 8.80671 14.7128C8.84442 14.6218 8.8997 14.5391 8.96938 14.4694L11.4397 12L8.96938 9.53063C8.82865 9.38989 8.74959 9.19902 8.74959 9C8.74959 8.80098 8.82865 8.61011 8.96938 8.46937C9.11011 8.32864 9.30098 8.24958 9.5 8.24958C9.69903 8.24958 9.8899 8.32864 10.0306 8.46937L12.5 10.9397L14.9694 8.46937C15.0391 8.39969 15.1218 8.34442 15.2128 8.3067C15.3039 8.26899 15.4015 8.24958 15.5 8.24958C15.5986 8.24958 15.6961 8.26899 15.7872 8.3067C15.8782 8.34442 15.9609 8.39969 16.0306 8.46937C16.1003 8.53906 16.1556 8.62178 16.1933 8.71283C16.231 8.80387 16.2504 8.90145 16.2504 9C16.2504 9.09855 16.231 9.19613 16.1933 9.28717C16.1556 9.37822 16.1003 9.46094 16.0306 9.53063L13.5603 12L16.0306 14.4694Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Not available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 hWtqYS"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.0306 14.4694C16.1003 14.5391 16.1556 14.6218 16.1933 14.7128C16.231 14.8039 16.2504 14.9015 16.2504 15C16.2504 15.0985 16.231 15.1961 16.1933 15.2872C16.1556 15.3782 16.1003 15.4609 16.0306 15.5306C15.9609 15.6003 15.8782 15.6556 15.7872 15.6933C15.6961 15.731 15.5986 15.7504 15.5 15.7504C15.4015 15.7504 15.3039 15.731 15.2128 15.6933C15.1218 15.6556 15.0391 15.6003 14.9694 15.5306L12.5 13.0603L10.0306 15.5306C9.96095 15.6003 9.87822 15.6556 9.78718 15.6933C9.69613 15.731 9.59855 15.7504 9.5 15.7504C9.40146 15.7504 9.30388 15.731 9.21283 15.6933C9.12179 15.6556 9.03906 15.6003 8.96938 15.5306C8.8997 15.4609 8.84442 15.3782 8.80671 15.2872C8.769 15.1961 8.74959 15.0985 8.74959 15C8.74959 14.9015 8.769 14.8039 8.80671 14.7128C8.84442 14.6218 8.8997 14.5391 8.96938 14.4694L11.4397 12L8.96938 9.53063C8.82865 9.38989 8.74959 9.19902 8.74959 9C8.74959 8.80098 8.82865 8.61011 8.96938 8.46937C9.11011 8.32864 9.30098 8.24958 9.5 8.24958C9.69903 8.24958 9.8899 8.32864 10.0306 8.46937L12.5 10.9397L14.9694 8.46937C15.0391 8.39969 15.1218 8.34442 15.2128 8.3067C15.3039 8.26899 15.4015 8.24958 15.5 8.24958C15.5986 8.24958 15.6961 8.26899 15.7872 8.3067C15.8782 8.34442 15.9609 8.39969 16.0306 8.46937C16.1003 8.53906 16.1556 8.62178 16.1933 8.71283C16.231 8.80387 16.2504 8.90145 16.2504 9C16.2504 9.09855 16.231 9.19613 16.1933 9.28717C16.1556 9.37822 16.1003 9.46094 16.0306 9.53063L13.5603 12L16.0306 14.4694Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr></tbody></table><table class="sc-e75af141-4 dKwIFU"><thead class="sc-e75af141-10 boLSJX"><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Manage and Scale Your Business</th></tr></thead><tbody class="sc-e75af141-3 jdettf"><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">100% ownership of your content<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><div class="sc-e75af141-6 fVzQiW"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM12.5 20.25C10.8683 20.25 9.27326 19.7661 7.91655 18.8596C6.55984 17.9531 5.50242 16.6646 4.878 15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>What's yours is yours. 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10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 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15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Thinkific App Store<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><div class="sc-e75af141-6 fVzQiW"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM12.5 20.25C10.8683 20.25 9.27326 19.7661 7.91655 18.8596C6.55984 17.9531 5.50242 16.6646 4.878 15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>Extend the capabilities of your course and business with a wide range of just-for-Thinkific apps and integrations.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" 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9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td><td 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12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 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15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>Track your revenue, orders, enrollments, and student engagement.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 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9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Marketing analytics integrations<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><div class="sc-e75af141-6 fVzQiW"><span 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19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 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10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 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9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Bulk import and enroll students<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><div class="sc-e75af141-6 fVzQiW"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM12.5 20.25C10.8683 20.25 9.27326 19.7661 7.91655 18.8596C6.55984 17.9531 5.50242 16.6646 4.878 15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>Easily import and enroll students in bulk when migrating to Thinkific from another platform simply using a spreadsheet.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td aria-label="Not available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 hWtqYS"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.0306 14.4694C16.1003 14.5391 16.1556 14.6218 16.1933 14.7128C16.231 14.8039 16.2504 14.9015 16.2504 15C16.2504 15.0985 16.231 15.1961 16.1933 15.2872C16.1556 15.3782 16.1003 15.4609 16.0306 15.5306C15.9609 15.6003 15.8782 15.6556 15.7872 15.6933C15.6961 15.731 15.5986 15.7504 15.5 15.7504C15.4015 15.7504 15.3039 15.731 15.2128 15.6933C15.1218 15.6556 15.0391 15.6003 14.9694 15.5306L12.5 13.0603L10.0306 15.5306C9.96095 15.6003 9.87822 15.6556 9.78718 15.6933C9.69613 15.731 9.59855 15.7504 9.5 15.7504C9.40146 15.7504 9.30388 15.731 9.21283 15.6933C9.12179 15.6556 9.03906 15.6003 8.96938 15.5306C8.8997 15.4609 8.84442 15.3782 8.80671 15.2872C8.769 15.1961 8.74959 15.0985 8.74959 15C8.74959 14.9015 8.769 14.8039 8.80671 14.7128C8.84442 14.6218 8.8997 14.5391 8.96938 14.4694L11.4397 12L8.96938 9.53063C8.82865 9.38989 8.74959 9.19902 8.74959 9C8.74959 8.80098 8.82865 8.61011 8.96938 8.46937C9.11011 8.32864 9.30098 8.24958 9.5 8.24958C9.69903 8.24958 9.8899 8.32864 10.0306 8.46937L12.5 10.9397L14.9694 8.46937C15.0391 8.39969 15.1218 8.34442 15.2128 8.3067C15.3039 8.26899 15.4015 8.24958 15.5 8.24958C15.5986 8.24958 15.6961 8.26899 15.7872 8.3067C15.8782 8.34442 15.9609 8.39969 16.0306 8.46937C16.1003 8.53906 16.1556 8.62178 16.1933 8.71283C16.231 8.80387 16.2504 8.90145 16.2504 9C16.2504 9.09855 16.231 9.19613 16.1933 9.28717C16.1556 9.37822 16.1003 9.46094 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15.6933C15.6961 15.731 15.5986 15.7504 15.5 15.7504C15.4015 15.7504 15.3039 15.731 15.2128 15.6933C15.1218 15.6556 15.0391 15.6003 14.9694 15.5306L12.5 13.0603L10.0306 15.5306C9.96095 15.6003 9.87822 15.6556 9.78718 15.6933C9.69613 15.731 9.59855 15.7504 9.5 15.7504C9.40146 15.7504 9.30388 15.731 9.21283 15.6933C9.12179 15.6556 9.03906 15.6003 8.96938 15.5306C8.8997 15.4609 8.84442 15.3782 8.80671 15.2872C8.769 15.1961 8.74959 15.0985 8.74959 15C8.74959 14.9015 8.769 14.8039 8.80671 14.7128C8.84442 14.6218 8.8997 14.5391 8.96938 14.4694L11.4397 12L8.96938 9.53063C8.82865 9.38989 8.74959 9.19902 8.74959 9C8.74959 8.80098 8.82865 8.61011 8.96938 8.46937C9.11011 8.32864 9.30098 8.24958 9.5 8.24958C9.69903 8.24958 9.8899 8.32864 10.0306 8.46937L12.5 10.9397L14.9694 8.46937C15.0391 8.39969 15.1218 8.34442 15.2128 8.3067C15.3039 8.26899 15.4015 8.24958 15.5 8.24958C15.5986 8.24958 15.6961 8.26899 15.7872 8.3067C15.8782 8.34442 15.9609 8.39969 16.0306 8.46937C16.1003 8.53906 16.1556 8.62178 16.1933 8.71283C16.231 8.80387 16.2504 8.90145 16.2504 9C16.2504 9.09855 16.231 9.19613 16.1933 9.28717C16.1556 9.37822 16.1003 9.46094 16.0306 9.53063L13.5603 12L16.0306 14.4694Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Zapier triggers<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><div class="sc-e75af141-6 fVzQiW"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM12.5 20.25C10.8683 20.25 9.27326 19.7661 7.91655 18.8596C6.55984 17.9531 5.50242 16.6646 4.878 15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>Automate your workflow by connecting Thinkific to almost any other app.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Zapier actions<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><div class="sc-e75af141-6 fVzQiW"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM12.5 20.25C10.8683 20.25 9.27326 19.7661 7.91655 18.8596C6.55984 17.9531 5.50242 16.6646 4.878 15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>Automatically enroll students into courses or Communities based on trigger events that happen outside of Thinkific.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td aria-label="Not available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 hWtqYS"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.0306 14.4694C16.1003 14.5391 16.1556 14.6218 16.1933 14.7128C16.231 14.8039 16.2504 14.9015 16.2504 15C16.2504 15.0985 16.231 15.1961 16.1933 15.2872C16.1556 15.3782 16.1003 15.4609 16.0306 15.5306C15.9609 15.6003 15.8782 15.6556 15.7872 15.6933C15.6961 15.731 15.5986 15.7504 15.5 15.7504C15.4015 15.7504 15.3039 15.731 15.2128 15.6933C15.1218 15.6556 15.0391 15.6003 14.9694 15.5306L12.5 13.0603L10.0306 15.5306C9.96095 15.6003 9.87822 15.6556 9.78718 15.6933C9.69613 15.731 9.59855 15.7504 9.5 15.7504C9.40146 15.7504 9.30388 15.731 9.21283 15.6933C9.12179 15.6556 9.03906 15.6003 8.96938 15.5306C8.8997 15.4609 8.84442 15.3782 8.80671 15.2872C8.769 15.1961 8.74959 15.0985 8.74959 15C8.74959 14.9015 8.769 14.8039 8.80671 14.7128C8.84442 14.6218 8.8997 14.5391 8.96938 14.4694L11.4397 12L8.96938 9.53063C8.82865 9.38989 8.74959 9.19902 8.74959 9C8.74959 8.80098 8.82865 8.61011 8.96938 8.46937C9.11011 8.32864 9.30098 8.24958 9.5 8.24958C9.69903 8.24958 9.8899 8.32864 10.0306 8.46937L12.5 10.9397L14.9694 8.46937C15.0391 8.39969 15.1218 8.34442 15.2128 8.3067C15.3039 8.26899 15.4015 8.24958 15.5 8.24958C15.5986 8.24958 15.6961 8.26899 15.7872 8.3067C15.8782 8.34442 15.9609 8.39969 16.0306 8.46937C16.1003 8.53906 16.1556 8.62178 16.1933 8.71283C16.231 8.80387 16.2504 8.90145 16.2504 9C16.2504 9.09855 16.231 9.19613 16.1933 9.28717C16.1556 9.37822 16.1003 9.46094 16.0306 9.53063L13.5603 12L16.0306 14.4694Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Not available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 hWtqYS"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 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8.84442 15.3782 8.80671 15.2872C8.769 15.1961 8.74959 15.0985 8.74959 15C8.74959 14.9015 8.769 14.8039 8.80671 14.7128C8.84442 14.6218 8.8997 14.5391 8.96938 14.4694L11.4397 12L8.96938 9.53063C8.82865 9.38989 8.74959 9.19902 8.74959 9C8.74959 8.80098 8.82865 8.61011 8.96938 8.46937C9.11011 8.32864 9.30098 8.24958 9.5 8.24958C9.69903 8.24958 9.8899 8.32864 10.0306 8.46937L12.5 10.9397L14.9694 8.46937C15.0391 8.39969 15.1218 8.34442 15.2128 8.3067C15.3039 8.26899 15.4015 8.24958 15.5 8.24958C15.5986 8.24958 15.6961 8.26899 15.7872 8.3067C15.8782 8.34442 15.9609 8.39969 16.0306 8.46937C16.1003 8.53906 16.1556 8.62178 16.1933 8.71283C16.231 8.80387 16.2504 8.90145 16.2504 9C16.2504 9.09855 16.231 9.19613 16.1933 9.28717C16.1556 9.37822 16.1003 9.46094 16.0306 9.53063L13.5603 12L16.0306 14.4694Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Thinkific Analytics<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><div class="sc-e75af141-6 fVzQiW"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM12.5 20.25C10.8683 20.25 9.27326 19.7661 7.91655 18.8596C6.55984 17.9531 5.50242 16.6646 4.878 15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>Get insights into your student engagement and breakdowns of your business metrics.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td aria-label="Not available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 hWtqYS"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.0306 14.4694C16.1003 14.5391 16.1556 14.6218 16.1933 14.7128C16.231 14.8039 16.2504 14.9015 16.2504 15C16.2504 15.0985 16.231 15.1961 16.1933 15.2872C16.1556 15.3782 16.1003 15.4609 16.0306 15.5306C15.9609 15.6003 15.8782 15.6556 15.7872 15.6933C15.6961 15.731 15.5986 15.7504 15.5 15.7504C15.4015 15.7504 15.3039 15.731 15.2128 15.6933C15.1218 15.6556 15.0391 15.6003 14.9694 15.5306L12.5 13.0603L10.0306 15.5306C9.96095 15.6003 9.87822 15.6556 9.78718 15.6933C9.69613 15.731 9.59855 15.7504 9.5 15.7504C9.40146 15.7504 9.30388 15.731 9.21283 15.6933C9.12179 15.6556 9.03906 15.6003 8.96938 15.5306C8.8997 15.4609 8.84442 15.3782 8.80671 15.2872C8.769 15.1961 8.74959 15.0985 8.74959 15C8.74959 14.9015 8.769 14.8039 8.80671 14.7128C8.84442 14.6218 8.8997 14.5391 8.96938 14.4694L11.4397 12L8.96938 9.53063C8.82865 9.38989 8.74959 9.19902 8.74959 9C8.74959 8.80098 8.82865 8.61011 8.96938 8.46937C9.11011 8.32864 9.30098 8.24958 9.5 8.24958C9.69903 8.24958 9.8899 8.32864 10.0306 8.46937L12.5 10.9397L14.9694 8.46937C15.0391 8.39969 15.1218 8.34442 15.2128 8.3067C15.3039 8.26899 15.4015 8.24958 15.5 8.24958C15.5986 8.24958 15.6961 8.26899 15.7872 8.3067C15.8782 8.34442 15.9609 8.39969 16.0306 8.46937C16.1003 8.53906 16.1556 8.62178 16.1933 8.71283C16.231 8.80387 16.2504 8.90145 16.2504 9C16.2504 9.09855 16.231 9.19613 16.1933 9.28717C16.1556 9.37822 16.1003 9.46094 16.0306 9.53063L13.5603 12L16.0306 14.4694Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Not available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 hWtqYS"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.0306 14.4694C16.1003 14.5391 16.1556 14.6218 16.1933 14.7128C16.231 14.8039 16.2504 14.9015 16.2504 15C16.2504 15.0985 16.231 15.1961 16.1933 15.2872C16.1556 15.3782 16.1003 15.4609 16.0306 15.5306C15.9609 15.6003 15.8782 15.6556 15.7872 15.6933C15.6961 15.731 15.5986 15.7504 15.5 15.7504C15.4015 15.7504 15.3039 15.731 15.2128 15.6933C15.1218 15.6556 15.0391 15.6003 14.9694 15.5306L12.5 13.0603L10.0306 15.5306C9.96095 15.6003 9.87822 15.6556 9.78718 15.6933C9.69613 15.731 9.59855 15.7504 9.5 15.7504C9.40146 15.7504 9.30388 15.731 9.21283 15.6933C9.12179 15.6556 9.03906 15.6003 8.96938 15.5306C8.8997 15.4609 8.84442 15.3782 8.80671 15.2872C8.769 15.1961 8.74959 15.0985 8.74959 15C8.74959 14.9015 8.769 14.8039 8.80671 14.7128C8.84442 14.6218 8.8997 14.5391 8.96938 14.4694L11.4397 12L8.96938 9.53063C8.82865 9.38989 8.74959 9.19902 8.74959 9C8.74959 8.80098 8.82865 8.61011 8.96938 8.46937C9.11011 8.32864 9.30098 8.24958 9.5 8.24958C9.69903 8.24958 9.8899 8.32864 10.0306 8.46937L12.5 10.9397L14.9694 8.46937C15.0391 8.39969 15.1218 8.34442 15.2128 8.3067C15.3039 8.26899 15.4015 8.24958 15.5 8.24958C15.5986 8.24958 15.6961 8.26899 15.7872 8.3067C15.8782 8.34442 15.9609 8.39969 16.0306 8.46937C16.1003 8.53906 16.1556 8.62178 16.1933 8.71283C16.231 8.80387 16.2504 8.90145 16.2504 9C16.2504 9.09855 16.231 9.19613 16.1933 9.28717C16.1556 9.37822 16.1003 9.46094 16.0306 9.53063L13.5603 12L16.0306 14.4694Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Enroll existing students, or add a new student, and manually enroll them into a course, bundle, or 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12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 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13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Standard API & webhooks<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><div class="sc-e75af141-6 fVzQiW"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM12.5 20.25C10.8683 20.25 9.27326 19.7661 7.91655 18.8596C6.55984 17.9531 5.50242 16.6646 4.878 15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>The Thinkific API allows developers to programmatically access and manage your Thinkific site. 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16.1933 15.2872C16.1556 15.3782 16.1003 15.4609 16.0306 15.5306C15.9609 15.6003 15.8782 15.6556 15.7872 15.6933C15.6961 15.731 15.5986 15.7504 15.5 15.7504C15.4015 15.7504 15.3039 15.731 15.2128 15.6933C15.1218 15.6556 15.0391 15.6003 14.9694 15.5306L12.5 13.0603L10.0306 15.5306C9.96095 15.6003 9.87822 15.6556 9.78718 15.6933C9.69613 15.731 9.59855 15.7504 9.5 15.7504C9.40146 15.7504 9.30388 15.731 9.21283 15.6933C9.12179 15.6556 9.03906 15.6003 8.96938 15.5306C8.8997 15.4609 8.84442 15.3782 8.80671 15.2872C8.769 15.1961 8.74959 15.0985 8.74959 15C8.74959 14.9015 8.769 14.8039 8.80671 14.7128C8.84442 14.6218 8.8997 14.5391 8.96938 14.4694L11.4397 12L8.96938 9.53063C8.82865 9.38989 8.74959 9.19902 8.74959 9C8.74959 8.80098 8.82865 8.61011 8.96938 8.46937C9.11011 8.32864 9.30098 8.24958 9.5 8.24958C9.69903 8.24958 9.8899 8.32864 10.0306 8.46937L12.5 10.9397L14.9694 8.46937C15.0391 8.39969 15.1218 8.34442 15.2128 8.3067C15.3039 8.26899 15.4015 8.24958 15.5 8.24958C15.5986 8.24958 15.6961 8.26899 15.7872 8.3067C15.8782 8.34442 15.9609 8.39969 16.0306 8.46937C16.1003 8.53906 16.1556 8.62178 16.1933 8.71283C16.231 8.80387 16.2504 8.90145 16.2504 9C16.2504 9.09855 16.231 9.19613 16.1933 9.28717C16.1556 9.37822 16.1003 9.46094 16.0306 9.53063L13.5603 12L16.0306 14.4694Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Not available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 hWtqYS"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.0306 14.4694C16.1003 14.5391 16.1556 14.6218 16.1933 14.7128C16.231 14.8039 16.2504 14.9015 16.2504 15C16.2504 15.0985 16.231 15.1961 16.1933 15.2872C16.1556 15.3782 16.1003 15.4609 16.0306 15.5306C15.9609 15.6003 15.8782 15.6556 15.7872 15.6933C15.6961 15.731 15.5986 15.7504 15.5 15.7504C15.4015 15.7504 15.3039 15.731 15.2128 15.6933C15.1218 15.6556 15.0391 15.6003 14.9694 15.5306L12.5 13.0603L10.0306 15.5306C9.96095 15.6003 9.87822 15.6556 9.78718 15.6933C9.69613 15.731 9.59855 15.7504 9.5 15.7504C9.40146 15.7504 9.30388 15.731 9.21283 15.6933C9.12179 15.6556 9.03906 15.6003 8.96938 15.5306C8.8997 15.4609 8.84442 15.3782 8.80671 15.2872C8.769 15.1961 8.74959 15.0985 8.74959 15C8.74959 14.9015 8.769 14.8039 8.80671 14.7128C8.84442 14.6218 8.8997 14.5391 8.96938 14.4694L11.4397 12L8.96938 9.53063C8.82865 9.38989 8.74959 9.19902 8.74959 9C8.74959 8.80098 8.82865 8.61011 8.96938 8.46937C9.11011 8.32864 9.30098 8.24958 9.5 8.24958C9.69903 8.24958 9.8899 8.32864 10.0306 8.46937L12.5 10.9397L14.9694 8.46937C15.0391 8.39969 15.1218 8.34442 15.2128 8.3067C15.3039 8.26899 15.4015 8.24958 15.5 8.24958C15.5986 8.24958 15.6961 8.26899 15.7872 8.3067C15.8782 8.34442 15.9609 8.39969 16.0306 8.46937C16.1003 8.53906 16.1556 8.62178 16.1933 8.71283C16.231 8.80387 16.2504 8.90145 16.2504 9C16.2504 9.09855 16.231 9.19613 16.1933 9.28717C16.1556 9.37822 16.1003 9.46094 16.0306 9.53063L13.5603 12L16.0306 14.4694Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Single sign on (SSO)<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><div class="sc-e75af141-6 fVzQiW"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM12.5 20.25C10.8683 20.25 9.27326 19.7661 7.91655 18.8596C6.55984 17.9531 5.50242 16.6646 4.878 15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>Offer students a seamless single sign-on with your existing system using JSON web tokens (JWT).</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td aria-label="Not available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 hWtqYS"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.0306 14.4694C16.1003 14.5391 16.1556 14.6218 16.1933 14.7128C16.231 14.8039 16.2504 14.9015 16.2504 15C16.2504 15.0985 16.231 15.1961 16.1933 15.2872C16.1556 15.3782 16.1003 15.4609 16.0306 15.5306C15.9609 15.6003 15.8782 15.6556 15.7872 15.6933C15.6961 15.731 15.5986 15.7504 15.5 15.7504C15.4015 15.7504 15.3039 15.731 15.2128 15.6933C15.1218 15.6556 15.0391 15.6003 14.9694 15.5306L12.5 13.0603L10.0306 15.5306C9.96095 15.6003 9.87822 15.6556 9.78718 15.6933C9.69613 15.731 9.59855 15.7504 9.5 15.7504C9.40146 15.7504 9.30388 15.731 9.21283 15.6933C9.12179 15.6556 9.03906 15.6003 8.96938 15.5306C8.8997 15.4609 8.84442 15.3782 8.80671 15.2872C8.769 15.1961 8.74959 15.0985 8.74959 15C8.74959 14.9015 8.769 14.8039 8.80671 14.7128C8.84442 14.6218 8.8997 14.5391 8.96938 14.4694L11.4397 12L8.96938 9.53063C8.82865 9.38989 8.74959 9.19902 8.74959 9C8.74959 8.80098 8.82865 8.61011 8.96938 8.46937C9.11011 8.32864 9.30098 8.24958 9.5 8.24958C9.69903 8.24958 9.8899 8.32864 10.0306 8.46937L12.5 10.9397L14.9694 8.46937C15.0391 8.39969 15.1218 8.34442 15.2128 8.3067C15.3039 8.26899 15.4015 8.24958 15.5 8.24958C15.5986 8.24958 15.6961 8.26899 15.7872 8.3067C15.8782 8.34442 15.9609 8.39969 16.0306 8.46937C16.1003 8.53906 16.1556 8.62178 16.1933 8.71283C16.231 8.80387 16.2504 8.90145 16.2504 9C16.2504 9.09855 16.231 9.19613 16.1933 9.28717C16.1556 9.37822 16.1003 9.46094 16.0306 9.53063L13.5603 12L16.0306 14.4694Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Not available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 hWtqYS"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.0306 14.4694C16.1003 14.5391 16.1556 14.6218 16.1933 14.7128C16.231 14.8039 16.2504 14.9015 16.2504 15C16.2504 15.0985 16.231 15.1961 16.1933 15.2872C16.1556 15.3782 16.1003 15.4609 16.0306 15.5306C15.9609 15.6003 15.8782 15.6556 15.7872 15.6933C15.6961 15.731 15.5986 15.7504 15.5 15.7504C15.4015 15.7504 15.3039 15.731 15.2128 15.6933C15.1218 15.6556 15.0391 15.6003 14.9694 15.5306L12.5 13.0603L10.0306 15.5306C9.96095 15.6003 9.87822 15.6556 9.78718 15.6933C9.69613 15.731 9.59855 15.7504 9.5 15.7504C9.40146 15.7504 9.30388 15.731 9.21283 15.6933C9.12179 15.6556 9.03906 15.6003 8.96938 15.5306C8.8997 15.4609 8.84442 15.3782 8.80671 15.2872C8.769 15.1961 8.74959 15.0985 8.74959 15C8.74959 14.9015 8.769 14.8039 8.80671 14.7128C8.84442 14.6218 8.8997 14.5391 8.96938 14.4694L11.4397 12L8.96938 9.53063C8.82865 9.38989 8.74959 9.19902 8.74959 9C8.74959 8.80098 8.82865 8.61011 8.96938 8.46937C9.11011 8.32864 9.30098 8.24958 9.5 8.24958C9.69903 8.24958 9.8899 8.32864 10.0306 8.46937L12.5 10.9397L14.9694 8.46937C15.0391 8.39969 15.1218 8.34442 15.2128 8.3067C15.3039 8.26899 15.4015 8.24958 15.5 8.24958C15.5986 8.24958 15.6961 8.26899 15.7872 8.3067C15.8782 8.34442 15.9609 8.39969 16.0306 8.46937C16.1003 8.53906 16.1556 8.62178 16.1933 8.71283C16.231 8.80387 16.2504 8.90145 16.2504 9C16.2504 9.09855 16.231 9.19613 16.1933 9.28717C16.1556 9.37822 16.1003 9.46094 16.0306 9.53063L13.5603 12L16.0306 14.4694Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Not available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 hWtqYS"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.0306 14.4694C16.1003 14.5391 16.1556 14.6218 16.1933 14.7128C16.231 14.8039 16.2504 14.9015 16.2504 15C16.2504 15.0985 16.231 15.1961 16.1933 15.2872C16.1556 15.3782 16.1003 15.4609 16.0306 15.5306C15.9609 15.6003 15.8782 15.6556 15.7872 15.6933C15.6961 15.731 15.5986 15.7504 15.5 15.7504C15.4015 15.7504 15.3039 15.731 15.2128 15.6933C15.1218 15.6556 15.0391 15.6003 14.9694 15.5306L12.5 13.0603L10.0306 15.5306C9.96095 15.6003 9.87822 15.6556 9.78718 15.6933C9.69613 15.731 9.59855 15.7504 9.5 15.7504C9.40146 15.7504 9.30388 15.731 9.21283 15.6933C9.12179 15.6556 9.03906 15.6003 8.96938 15.5306C8.8997 15.4609 8.84442 15.3782 8.80671 15.2872C8.769 15.1961 8.74959 15.0985 8.74959 15C8.74959 14.9015 8.769 14.8039 8.80671 14.7128C8.84442 14.6218 8.8997 14.5391 8.96938 14.4694L11.4397 12L8.96938 9.53063C8.82865 9.38989 8.74959 9.19902 8.74959 9C8.74959 8.80098 8.82865 8.61011 8.96938 8.46937C9.11011 8.32864 9.30098 8.24958 9.5 8.24958C9.69903 8.24958 9.8899 8.32864 10.0306 8.46937L12.5 10.9397L14.9694 8.46937C15.0391 8.39969 15.1218 8.34442 15.2128 8.3067C15.3039 8.26899 15.4015 8.24958 15.5 8.24958C15.5986 8.24958 15.6961 8.26899 15.7872 8.3067C15.8782 8.34442 15.9609 8.39969 16.0306 8.46937C16.1003 8.53906 16.1556 8.62178 16.1933 8.71283C16.231 8.80387 16.2504 8.90145 16.2504 9C16.2504 9.09855 16.231 9.19613 16.1933 9.28717C16.1556 9.37822 16.1003 9.46094 16.0306 9.53063L13.5603 12L16.0306 14.4694Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Plus Portal<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><div class="sc-e75af141-6 fVzQiW"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM12.5 20.25C10.8683 20.25 9.27326 19.7661 7.91655 18.8596C6.55984 17.9531 5.50242 16.6646 4.878 15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>Manage all of your Thinkific sites through a centralized dashboard.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td aria-label="Not available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 hWtqYS"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.0306 14.4694C16.1003 14.5391 16.1556 14.6218 16.1933 14.7128C16.231 14.8039 16.2504 14.9015 16.2504 15C16.2504 15.0985 16.231 15.1961 16.1933 15.2872C16.1556 15.3782 16.1003 15.4609 16.0306 15.5306C15.9609 15.6003 15.8782 15.6556 15.7872 15.6933C15.6961 15.731 15.5986 15.7504 15.5 15.7504C15.4015 15.7504 15.3039 15.731 15.2128 15.6933C15.1218 15.6556 15.0391 15.6003 14.9694 15.5306L12.5 13.0603L10.0306 15.5306C9.96095 15.6003 9.87822 15.6556 9.78718 15.6933C9.69613 15.731 9.59855 15.7504 9.5 15.7504C9.40146 15.7504 9.30388 15.731 9.21283 15.6933C9.12179 15.6556 9.03906 15.6003 8.96938 15.5306C8.8997 15.4609 8.84442 15.3782 8.80671 15.2872C8.769 15.1961 8.74959 15.0985 8.74959 15C8.74959 14.9015 8.769 14.8039 8.80671 14.7128C8.84442 14.6218 8.8997 14.5391 8.96938 14.4694L11.4397 12L8.96938 9.53063C8.82865 9.38989 8.74959 9.19902 8.74959 9C8.74959 8.80098 8.82865 8.61011 8.96938 8.46937C9.11011 8.32864 9.30098 8.24958 9.5 8.24958C9.69903 8.24958 9.8899 8.32864 10.0306 8.46937L12.5 10.9397L14.9694 8.46937C15.0391 8.39969 15.1218 8.34442 15.2128 8.3067C15.3039 8.26899 15.4015 8.24958 15.5 8.24958C15.5986 8.24958 15.6961 8.26899 15.7872 8.3067C15.8782 8.34442 15.9609 8.39969 16.0306 8.46937C16.1003 8.53906 16.1556 8.62178 16.1933 8.71283C16.231 8.80387 16.2504 8.90145 16.2504 9C16.2504 9.09855 16.231 9.19613 16.1933 9.28717C16.1556 9.37822 16.1003 9.46094 16.0306 9.53063L13.5603 12L16.0306 14.4694Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Not available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 hWtqYS"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.0306 14.4694C16.1003 14.5391 16.1556 14.6218 16.1933 14.7128C16.231 14.8039 16.2504 14.9015 16.2504 15C16.2504 15.0985 16.231 15.1961 16.1933 15.2872C16.1556 15.3782 16.1003 15.4609 16.0306 15.5306C15.9609 15.6003 15.8782 15.6556 15.7872 15.6933C15.6961 15.731 15.5986 15.7504 15.5 15.7504C15.4015 15.7504 15.3039 15.731 15.2128 15.6933C15.1218 15.6556 15.0391 15.6003 14.9694 15.5306L12.5 13.0603L10.0306 15.5306C9.96095 15.6003 9.87822 15.6556 9.78718 15.6933C9.69613 15.731 9.59855 15.7504 9.5 15.7504C9.40146 15.7504 9.30388 15.731 9.21283 15.6933C9.12179 15.6556 9.03906 15.6003 8.96938 15.5306C8.8997 15.4609 8.84442 15.3782 8.80671 15.2872C8.769 15.1961 8.74959 15.0985 8.74959 15C8.74959 14.9015 8.769 14.8039 8.80671 14.7128C8.84442 14.6218 8.8997 14.5391 8.96938 14.4694L11.4397 12L8.96938 9.53063C8.82865 9.38989 8.74959 9.19902 8.74959 9C8.74959 8.80098 8.82865 8.61011 8.96938 8.46937C9.11011 8.32864 9.30098 8.24958 9.5 8.24958C9.69903 8.24958 9.8899 8.32864 10.0306 8.46937L12.5 10.9397L14.9694 8.46937C15.0391 8.39969 15.1218 8.34442 15.2128 8.3067C15.3039 8.26899 15.4015 8.24958 15.5 8.24958C15.5986 8.24958 15.6961 8.26899 15.7872 8.3067C15.8782 8.34442 15.9609 8.39969 16.0306 8.46937C16.1003 8.53906 16.1556 8.62178 16.1933 8.71283C16.231 8.80387 16.2504 8.90145 16.2504 9C16.2504 9.09855 16.231 9.19613 16.1933 9.28717C16.1556 9.37822 16.1003 9.46094 16.0306 9.53063L13.5603 12L16.0306 14.4694Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Not available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 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15.6003 9.87822 15.6556 9.78718 15.6933C9.69613 15.731 9.59855 15.7504 9.5 15.7504C9.40146 15.7504 9.30388 15.731 9.21283 15.6933C9.12179 15.6556 9.03906 15.6003 8.96938 15.5306C8.8997 15.4609 8.84442 15.3782 8.80671 15.2872C8.769 15.1961 8.74959 15.0985 8.74959 15C8.74959 14.9015 8.769 14.8039 8.80671 14.7128C8.84442 14.6218 8.8997 14.5391 8.96938 14.4694L11.4397 12L8.96938 9.53063C8.82865 9.38989 8.74959 9.19902 8.74959 9C8.74959 8.80098 8.82865 8.61011 8.96938 8.46937C9.11011 8.32864 9.30098 8.24958 9.5 8.24958C9.69903 8.24958 9.8899 8.32864 10.0306 8.46937L12.5 10.9397L14.9694 8.46937C15.0391 8.39969 15.1218 8.34442 15.2128 8.3067C15.3039 8.26899 15.4015 8.24958 15.5 8.24958C15.5986 8.24958 15.6961 8.26899 15.7872 8.3067C15.8782 8.34442 15.9609 8.39969 16.0306 8.46937C16.1003 8.53906 16.1556 8.62178 16.1933 8.71283C16.231 8.80387 16.2504 8.90145 16.2504 9C16.2504 9.09855 16.231 9.19613 16.1933 9.28717C16.1556 9.37822 16.1003 9.46094 16.0306 9.53063L13.5603 12L16.0306 14.4694Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr></tbody></table><table class="sc-e75af141-4 dKwIFU"><thead class="sc-e75af141-10 boLSJX"><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Security and Support</th></tr></thead><tbody class="sc-e75af141-3 jdettf"><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Support level<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><div 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10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>The extent and types of world-class assistance you receive based on your selected plan.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps">Email and chat</td><td class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps">Email and chat</td><td class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps">Phone and priority email</td><td class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps">Dedicated Customer Success Team</td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Thinkific Academy<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><div class="sc-e75af141-6 fVzQiW"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 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17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>Online courses and 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15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 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15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 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8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">SSL<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><div class="sc-e75af141-6 fVzQiW"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 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13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 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11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">99.5% uptime & 24/7 monitoring<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><div class="sc-e75af141-6 fVzQiW"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM12.5 20.25C10.8683 20.25 9.27326 19.7661 7.91655 18.8596C6.55984 17.9531 5.50242 16.6646 4.878 15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>Thinkific will aim to maintain 99.5% uptime and 24/7 monitoring to ensure your site is always available and working optimally.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Comprehensive knowledge base<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><div class="sc-e75af141-6 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12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 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5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic 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15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" 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8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Private instructor community<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><div class="sc-e75af141-6 fVzQiW"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 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15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 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11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>Your content is hosted securely and backed up daily.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" 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13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>Helps keep your Thinkific site safe against spam and other types of automated abuse.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Launch preparedness review<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><div class="sc-e75af141-6 fVzQiW"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM12.5 20.25C10.8683 20.25 9.27326 19.7661 7.91655 18.8596C6.55984 17.9531 5.50242 16.6646 4.878 15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>A Launch Specialist will conduct a site audit, thoroughly evaluating your site to ensure that your launch goes smoothly.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td aria-label="Not available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 hWtqYS"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.0306 14.4694C16.1003 14.5391 16.1556 14.6218 16.1933 14.7128C16.231 14.8039 16.2504 14.9015 16.2504 15C16.2504 15.0985 16.231 15.1961 16.1933 15.2872C16.1556 15.3782 16.1003 15.4609 16.0306 15.5306C15.9609 15.6003 15.8782 15.6556 15.7872 15.6933C15.6961 15.731 15.5986 15.7504 15.5 15.7504C15.4015 15.7504 15.3039 15.731 15.2128 15.6933C15.1218 15.6556 15.0391 15.6003 14.9694 15.5306L12.5 13.0603L10.0306 15.5306C9.96095 15.6003 9.87822 15.6556 9.78718 15.6933C9.69613 15.731 9.59855 15.7504 9.5 15.7504C9.40146 15.7504 9.30388 15.731 9.21283 15.6933C9.12179 15.6556 9.03906 15.6003 8.96938 15.5306C8.8997 15.4609 8.84442 15.3782 8.80671 15.2872C8.769 15.1961 8.74959 15.0985 8.74959 15C8.74959 14.9015 8.769 14.8039 8.80671 14.7128C8.84442 14.6218 8.8997 14.5391 8.96938 14.4694L11.4397 12L8.96938 9.53063C8.82865 9.38989 8.74959 9.19902 8.74959 9C8.74959 8.80098 8.82865 8.61011 8.96938 8.46937C9.11011 8.32864 9.30098 8.24958 9.5 8.24958C9.69903 8.24958 9.8899 8.32864 10.0306 8.46937L12.5 10.9397L14.9694 8.46937C15.0391 8.39969 15.1218 8.34442 15.2128 8.3067C15.3039 8.26899 15.4015 8.24958 15.5 8.24958C15.5986 8.24958 15.6961 8.26899 15.7872 8.3067C15.8782 8.34442 15.9609 8.39969 16.0306 8.46937C16.1003 8.53906 16.1556 8.62178 16.1933 8.71283C16.231 8.80387 16.2504 8.90145 16.2504 9C16.2504 9.09855 16.231 9.19613 16.1933 9.28717C16.1556 9.37822 16.1003 9.46094 16.0306 9.53063L13.5603 12L16.0306 14.4694Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Not available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 hWtqYS"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.0306 14.4694C16.1003 14.5391 16.1556 14.6218 16.1933 14.7128C16.231 14.8039 16.2504 14.9015 16.2504 15C16.2504 15.0985 16.231 15.1961 16.1933 15.2872C16.1556 15.3782 16.1003 15.4609 16.0306 15.5306C15.9609 15.6003 15.8782 15.6556 15.7872 15.6933C15.6961 15.731 15.5986 15.7504 15.5 15.7504C15.4015 15.7504 15.3039 15.731 15.2128 15.6933C15.1218 15.6556 15.0391 15.6003 14.9694 15.5306L12.5 13.0603L10.0306 15.5306C9.96095 15.6003 9.87822 15.6556 9.78718 15.6933C9.69613 15.731 9.59855 15.7504 9.5 15.7504C9.40146 15.7504 9.30388 15.731 9.21283 15.6933C9.12179 15.6556 9.03906 15.6003 8.96938 15.5306C8.8997 15.4609 8.84442 15.3782 8.80671 15.2872C8.769 15.1961 8.74959 15.0985 8.74959 15C8.74959 14.9015 8.769 14.8039 8.80671 14.7128C8.84442 14.6218 8.8997 14.5391 8.96938 14.4694L11.4397 12L8.96938 9.53063C8.82865 9.38989 8.74959 9.19902 8.74959 9C8.74959 8.80098 8.82865 8.61011 8.96938 8.46937C9.11011 8.32864 9.30098 8.24958 9.5 8.24958C9.69903 8.24958 9.8899 8.32864 10.0306 8.46937L12.5 10.9397L14.9694 8.46937C15.0391 8.39969 15.1218 8.34442 15.2128 8.3067C15.3039 8.26899 15.4015 8.24958 15.5 8.24958C15.5986 8.24958 15.6961 8.26899 15.7872 8.3067C15.8782 8.34442 15.9609 8.39969 16.0306 8.46937C16.1003 8.53906 16.1556 8.62178 16.1933 8.71283C16.231 8.80387 16.2504 8.90145 16.2504 9C16.2504 9.09855 16.231 9.19613 16.1933 9.28717C16.1556 9.37822 16.1003 9.46094 16.0306 9.53063L13.5603 12L16.0306 14.4694Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Not available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 hWtqYS"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.0306 14.4694C16.1003 14.5391 16.1556 14.6218 16.1933 14.7128C16.231 14.8039 16.2504 14.9015 16.2504 15C16.2504 15.0985 16.231 15.1961 16.1933 15.2872C16.1556 15.3782 16.1003 15.4609 16.0306 15.5306C15.9609 15.6003 15.8782 15.6556 15.7872 15.6933C15.6961 15.731 15.5986 15.7504 15.5 15.7504C15.4015 15.7504 15.3039 15.731 15.2128 15.6933C15.1218 15.6556 15.0391 15.6003 14.9694 15.5306L12.5 13.0603L10.0306 15.5306C9.96095 15.6003 9.87822 15.6556 9.78718 15.6933C9.69613 15.731 9.59855 15.7504 9.5 15.7504C9.40146 15.7504 9.30388 15.731 9.21283 15.6933C9.12179 15.6556 9.03906 15.6003 8.96938 15.5306C8.8997 15.4609 8.84442 15.3782 8.80671 15.2872C8.769 15.1961 8.74959 15.0985 8.74959 15C8.74959 14.9015 8.769 14.8039 8.80671 14.7128C8.84442 14.6218 8.8997 14.5391 8.96938 14.4694L11.4397 12L8.96938 9.53063C8.82865 9.38989 8.74959 9.19902 8.74959 9C8.74959 8.80098 8.82865 8.61011 8.96938 8.46937C9.11011 8.32864 9.30098 8.24958 9.5 8.24958C9.69903 8.24958 9.8899 8.32864 10.0306 8.46937L12.5 10.9397L14.9694 8.46937C15.0391 8.39969 15.1218 8.34442 15.2128 8.3067C15.3039 8.26899 15.4015 8.24958 15.5 8.24958C15.5986 8.24958 15.6961 8.26899 15.7872 8.3067C15.8782 8.34442 15.9609 8.39969 16.0306 8.46937C16.1003 8.53906 16.1556 8.62178 16.1933 8.71283C16.231 8.80387 16.2504 8.90145 16.2504 9C16.2504 9.09855 16.231 9.19613 16.1933 9.28717C16.1556 9.37822 16.1003 9.46094 16.0306 9.53063L13.5603 12L16.0306 14.4694Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 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16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Dedicated sandbox site<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><div class="sc-e75af141-6 fVzQiW"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 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13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>A protected area that lets you test new tools and features without publishing on your Thinkific Plus site.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td aria-label="Not available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 hWtqYS"><svg 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15.5 15.7504C15.4015 15.7504 15.3039 15.731 15.2128 15.6933C15.1218 15.6556 15.0391 15.6003 14.9694 15.5306L12.5 13.0603L10.0306 15.5306C9.96095 15.6003 9.87822 15.6556 9.78718 15.6933C9.69613 15.731 9.59855 15.7504 9.5 15.7504C9.40146 15.7504 9.30388 15.731 9.21283 15.6933C9.12179 15.6556 9.03906 15.6003 8.96938 15.5306C8.8997 15.4609 8.84442 15.3782 8.80671 15.2872C8.769 15.1961 8.74959 15.0985 8.74959 15C8.74959 14.9015 8.769 14.8039 8.80671 14.7128C8.84442 14.6218 8.8997 14.5391 8.96938 14.4694L11.4397 12L8.96938 9.53063C8.82865 9.38989 8.74959 9.19902 8.74959 9C8.74959 8.80098 8.82865 8.61011 8.96938 8.46937C9.11011 8.32864 9.30098 8.24958 9.5 8.24958C9.69903 8.24958 9.8899 8.32864 10.0306 8.46937L12.5 10.9397L14.9694 8.46937C15.0391 8.39969 15.1218 8.34442 15.2128 8.3067C15.3039 8.26899 15.4015 8.24958 15.5 8.24958C15.5986 8.24958 15.6961 8.26899 15.7872 8.3067C15.8782 8.34442 15.9609 8.39969 16.0306 8.46937C16.1003 8.53906 16.1556 8.62178 16.1933 8.71283C16.231 8.80387 16.2504 8.90145 16.2504 9C16.2504 9.09855 16.231 9.19613 16.1933 9.28717C16.1556 9.37822 16.1003 9.46094 16.0306 9.53063L13.5603 12L16.0306 14.4694Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Not available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 hWtqYS"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.0306 14.4694C16.1003 14.5391 16.1556 14.6218 16.1933 14.7128C16.231 14.8039 16.2504 14.9015 16.2504 15C16.2504 15.0985 16.231 15.1961 16.1933 15.2872C16.1556 15.3782 16.1003 15.4609 16.0306 15.5306C15.9609 15.6003 15.8782 15.6556 15.7872 15.6933C15.6961 15.731 15.5986 15.7504 15.5 15.7504C15.4015 15.7504 15.3039 15.731 15.2128 15.6933C15.1218 15.6556 15.0391 15.6003 14.9694 15.5306L12.5 13.0603L10.0306 15.5306C9.96095 15.6003 9.87822 15.6556 9.78718 15.6933C9.69613 15.731 9.59855 15.7504 9.5 15.7504C9.40146 15.7504 9.30388 15.731 9.21283 15.6933C9.12179 15.6556 9.03906 15.6003 8.96938 15.5306C8.8997 15.4609 8.84442 15.3782 8.80671 15.2872C8.769 15.1961 8.74959 15.0985 8.74959 15C8.74959 14.9015 8.769 14.8039 8.80671 14.7128C8.84442 14.6218 8.8997 14.5391 8.96938 14.4694L11.4397 12L8.96938 9.53063C8.82865 9.38989 8.74959 9.19902 8.74959 9C8.74959 8.80098 8.82865 8.61011 8.96938 8.46937C9.11011 8.32864 9.30098 8.24958 9.5 8.24958C9.69903 8.24958 9.8899 8.32864 10.0306 8.46937L12.5 10.9397L14.9694 8.46937C15.0391 8.39969 15.1218 8.34442 15.2128 8.3067C15.3039 8.26899 15.4015 8.24958 15.5 8.24958C15.5986 8.24958 15.6961 8.26899 15.7872 8.3067C15.8782 8.34442 15.9609 8.39969 16.0306 8.46937C16.1003 8.53906 16.1556 8.62178 16.1933 8.71283C16.231 8.80387 16.2504 8.90145 16.2504 9C16.2504 9.09855 16.231 9.19613 16.1933 9.28717C16.1556 9.37822 16.1003 9.46094 16.0306 9.53063L13.5603 12L16.0306 14.4694Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 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kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><div class="sc-e75af141-6 fVzQiW"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM12.5 20.25C10.8683 20.25 9.27326 19.7661 7.91655 18.8596C6.55984 17.9531 5.50242 16.6646 4.878 15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>Minimum password requirements enable password complexity and security.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td aria-label="Not available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 hWtqYS"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.0306 14.4694C16.1003 14.5391 16.1556 14.6218 16.1933 14.7128C16.231 14.8039 16.2504 14.9015 16.2504 15C16.2504 15.0985 16.231 15.1961 16.1933 15.2872C16.1556 15.3782 16.1003 15.4609 16.0306 15.5306C15.9609 15.6003 15.8782 15.6556 15.7872 15.6933C15.6961 15.731 15.5986 15.7504 15.5 15.7504C15.4015 15.7504 15.3039 15.731 15.2128 15.6933C15.1218 15.6556 15.0391 15.6003 14.9694 15.5306L12.5 13.0603L10.0306 15.5306C9.96095 15.6003 9.87822 15.6556 9.78718 15.6933C9.69613 15.731 9.59855 15.7504 9.5 15.7504C9.40146 15.7504 9.30388 15.731 9.21283 15.6933C9.12179 15.6556 9.03906 15.6003 8.96938 15.5306C8.8997 15.4609 8.84442 15.3782 8.80671 15.2872C8.769 15.1961 8.74959 15.0985 8.74959 15C8.74959 14.9015 8.769 14.8039 8.80671 14.7128C8.84442 14.6218 8.8997 14.5391 8.96938 14.4694L11.4397 12L8.96938 9.53063C8.82865 9.38989 8.74959 9.19902 8.74959 9C8.74959 8.80098 8.82865 8.61011 8.96938 8.46937C9.11011 8.32864 9.30098 8.24958 9.5 8.24958C9.69903 8.24958 9.8899 8.32864 10.0306 8.46937L12.5 10.9397L14.9694 8.46937C15.0391 8.39969 15.1218 8.34442 15.2128 8.3067C15.3039 8.26899 15.4015 8.24958 15.5 8.24958C15.5986 8.24958 15.6961 8.26899 15.7872 8.3067C15.8782 8.34442 15.9609 8.39969 16.0306 8.46937C16.1003 8.53906 16.1556 8.62178 16.1933 8.71283C16.231 8.80387 16.2504 8.90145 16.2504 9C16.2504 9.09855 16.231 9.19613 16.1933 9.28717C16.1556 9.37822 16.1003 9.46094 16.0306 9.53063L13.5603 12L16.0306 14.4694Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Not available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 hWtqYS"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.0306 14.4694C16.1003 14.5391 16.1556 14.6218 16.1933 14.7128C16.231 14.8039 16.2504 14.9015 16.2504 15C16.2504 15.0985 16.231 15.1961 16.1933 15.2872C16.1556 15.3782 16.1003 15.4609 16.0306 15.5306C15.9609 15.6003 15.8782 15.6556 15.7872 15.6933C15.6961 15.731 15.5986 15.7504 15.5 15.7504C15.4015 15.7504 15.3039 15.731 15.2128 15.6933C15.1218 15.6556 15.0391 15.6003 14.9694 15.5306L12.5 13.0603L10.0306 15.5306C9.96095 15.6003 9.87822 15.6556 9.78718 15.6933C9.69613 15.731 9.59855 15.7504 9.5 15.7504C9.40146 15.7504 9.30388 15.731 9.21283 15.6933C9.12179 15.6556 9.03906 15.6003 8.96938 15.5306C8.8997 15.4609 8.84442 15.3782 8.80671 15.2872C8.769 15.1961 8.74959 15.0985 8.74959 15C8.74959 14.9015 8.769 14.8039 8.80671 14.7128C8.84442 14.6218 8.8997 14.5391 8.96938 14.4694L11.4397 12L8.96938 9.53063C8.82865 9.38989 8.74959 9.19902 8.74959 9C8.74959 8.80098 8.82865 8.61011 8.96938 8.46937C9.11011 8.32864 9.30098 8.24958 9.5 8.24958C9.69903 8.24958 9.8899 8.32864 10.0306 8.46937L12.5 10.9397L14.9694 8.46937C15.0391 8.39969 15.1218 8.34442 15.2128 8.3067C15.3039 8.26899 15.4015 8.24958 15.5 8.24958C15.5986 8.24958 15.6961 8.26899 15.7872 8.3067C15.8782 8.34442 15.9609 8.39969 16.0306 8.46937C16.1003 8.53906 16.1556 8.62178 16.1933 8.71283C16.231 8.80387 16.2504 8.90145 16.2504 9C16.2504 9.09855 16.231 9.19613 16.1933 9.28717C16.1556 9.37822 16.1003 9.46094 16.0306 9.53063L13.5603 12L16.0306 14.4694Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Not available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 hWtqYS"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.0306 14.4694C16.1003 14.5391 16.1556 14.6218 16.1933 14.7128C16.231 14.8039 16.2504 14.9015 16.2504 15C16.2504 15.0985 16.231 15.1961 16.1933 15.2872C16.1556 15.3782 16.1003 15.4609 16.0306 15.5306C15.9609 15.6003 15.8782 15.6556 15.7872 15.6933C15.6961 15.731 15.5986 15.7504 15.5 15.7504C15.4015 15.7504 15.3039 15.731 15.2128 15.6933C15.1218 15.6556 15.0391 15.6003 14.9694 15.5306L12.5 13.0603L10.0306 15.5306C9.96095 15.6003 9.87822 15.6556 9.78718 15.6933C9.69613 15.731 9.59855 15.7504 9.5 15.7504C9.40146 15.7504 9.30388 15.731 9.21283 15.6933C9.12179 15.6556 9.03906 15.6003 8.96938 15.5306C8.8997 15.4609 8.84442 15.3782 8.80671 15.2872C8.769 15.1961 8.74959 15.0985 8.74959 15C8.74959 14.9015 8.769 14.8039 8.80671 14.7128C8.84442 14.6218 8.8997 14.5391 8.96938 14.4694L11.4397 12L8.96938 9.53063C8.82865 9.38989 8.74959 9.19902 8.74959 9C8.74959 8.80098 8.82865 8.61011 8.96938 8.46937C9.11011 8.32864 9.30098 8.24958 9.5 8.24958C9.69903 8.24958 9.8899 8.32864 10.0306 8.46937L12.5 10.9397L14.9694 8.46937C15.0391 8.39969 15.1218 8.34442 15.2128 8.3067C15.3039 8.26899 15.4015 8.24958 15.5 8.24958C15.5986 8.24958 15.6961 8.26899 15.7872 8.3067C15.8782 8.34442 15.9609 8.39969 16.0306 8.46937C16.1003 8.53906 16.1556 8.62178 16.1933 8.71283C16.231 8.80387 16.2504 8.90145 16.2504 9C16.2504 9.09855 16.231 9.19613 16.1933 9.28717C16.1556 9.37822 16.1003 9.46094 16.0306 9.53063L13.5603 12L16.0306 14.4694Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Service Level Agreement (SLA) 99.5%<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><div class="sc-e75af141-6 fVzQiW"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM12.5 20.25C10.8683 20.25 9.27326 19.7661 7.91655 18.8596C6.55984 17.9531 5.50242 16.6646 4.878 15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>Rest easy knowing we've got your back with Thinkific Plus’ Support and Service Level Agreement. We're committed to providing round-the-clock support, ensuring critical Plus services are available 99.5% of the time, and offering a security review before you make a purchase.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td aria-label="Not available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 hWtqYS"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.0306 14.4694C16.1003 14.5391 16.1556 14.6218 16.1933 14.7128C16.231 14.8039 16.2504 14.9015 16.2504 15C16.2504 15.0985 16.231 15.1961 16.1933 15.2872C16.1556 15.3782 16.1003 15.4609 16.0306 15.5306C15.9609 15.6003 15.8782 15.6556 15.7872 15.6933C15.6961 15.731 15.5986 15.7504 15.5 15.7504C15.4015 15.7504 15.3039 15.731 15.2128 15.6933C15.1218 15.6556 15.0391 15.6003 14.9694 15.5306L12.5 13.0603L10.0306 15.5306C9.96095 15.6003 9.87822 15.6556 9.78718 15.6933C9.69613 15.731 9.59855 15.7504 9.5 15.7504C9.40146 15.7504 9.30388 15.731 9.21283 15.6933C9.12179 15.6556 9.03906 15.6003 8.96938 15.5306C8.8997 15.4609 8.84442 15.3782 8.80671 15.2872C8.769 15.1961 8.74959 15.0985 8.74959 15C8.74959 14.9015 8.769 14.8039 8.80671 14.7128C8.84442 14.6218 8.8997 14.5391 8.96938 14.4694L11.4397 12L8.96938 9.53063C8.82865 9.38989 8.74959 9.19902 8.74959 9C8.74959 8.80098 8.82865 8.61011 8.96938 8.46937C9.11011 8.32864 9.30098 8.24958 9.5 8.24958C9.69903 8.24958 9.8899 8.32864 10.0306 8.46937L12.5 10.9397L14.9694 8.46937C15.0391 8.39969 15.1218 8.34442 15.2128 8.3067C15.3039 8.26899 15.4015 8.24958 15.5 8.24958C15.5986 8.24958 15.6961 8.26899 15.7872 8.3067C15.8782 8.34442 15.9609 8.39969 16.0306 8.46937C16.1003 8.53906 16.1556 8.62178 16.1933 8.71283C16.231 8.80387 16.2504 8.90145 16.2504 9C16.2504 9.09855 16.231 9.19613 16.1933 9.28717C16.1556 9.37822 16.1003 9.46094 16.0306 9.53063L13.5603 12L16.0306 14.4694Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Not available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 hWtqYS"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.0306 14.4694C16.1003 14.5391 16.1556 14.6218 16.1933 14.7128C16.231 14.8039 16.2504 14.9015 16.2504 15C16.2504 15.0985 16.231 15.1961 16.1933 15.2872C16.1556 15.3782 16.1003 15.4609 16.0306 15.5306C15.9609 15.6003 15.8782 15.6556 15.7872 15.6933C15.6961 15.731 15.5986 15.7504 15.5 15.7504C15.4015 15.7504 15.3039 15.731 15.2128 15.6933C15.1218 15.6556 15.0391 15.6003 14.9694 15.5306L12.5 13.0603L10.0306 15.5306C9.96095 15.6003 9.87822 15.6556 9.78718 15.6933C9.69613 15.731 9.59855 15.7504 9.5 15.7504C9.40146 15.7504 9.30388 15.731 9.21283 15.6933C9.12179 15.6556 9.03906 15.6003 8.96938 15.5306C8.8997 15.4609 8.84442 15.3782 8.80671 15.2872C8.769 15.1961 8.74959 15.0985 8.74959 15C8.74959 14.9015 8.769 14.8039 8.80671 14.7128C8.84442 14.6218 8.8997 14.5391 8.96938 14.4694L11.4397 12L8.96938 9.53063C8.82865 9.38989 8.74959 9.19902 8.74959 9C8.74959 8.80098 8.82865 8.61011 8.96938 8.46937C9.11011 8.32864 9.30098 8.24958 9.5 8.24958C9.69903 8.24958 9.8899 8.32864 10.0306 8.46937L12.5 10.9397L14.9694 8.46937C15.0391 8.39969 15.1218 8.34442 15.2128 8.3067C15.3039 8.26899 15.4015 8.24958 15.5 8.24958C15.5986 8.24958 15.6961 8.26899 15.7872 8.3067C15.8782 8.34442 15.9609 8.39969 16.0306 8.46937C16.1003 8.53906 16.1556 8.62178 16.1933 8.71283C16.231 8.80387 16.2504 8.90145 16.2504 9C16.2504 9.09855 16.231 9.19613 16.1933 9.28717C16.1556 9.37822 16.1003 9.46094 16.0306 9.53063L13.5603 12L16.0306 14.4694Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Not available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 hWtqYS"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.0306 14.4694C16.1003 14.5391 16.1556 14.6218 16.1933 14.7128C16.231 14.8039 16.2504 14.9015 16.2504 15C16.2504 15.0985 16.231 15.1961 16.1933 15.2872C16.1556 15.3782 16.1003 15.4609 16.0306 15.5306C15.9609 15.6003 15.8782 15.6556 15.7872 15.6933C15.6961 15.731 15.5986 15.7504 15.5 15.7504C15.4015 15.7504 15.3039 15.731 15.2128 15.6933C15.1218 15.6556 15.0391 15.6003 14.9694 15.5306L12.5 13.0603L10.0306 15.5306C9.96095 15.6003 9.87822 15.6556 9.78718 15.6933C9.69613 15.731 9.59855 15.7504 9.5 15.7504C9.40146 15.7504 9.30388 15.731 9.21283 15.6933C9.12179 15.6556 9.03906 15.6003 8.96938 15.5306C8.8997 15.4609 8.84442 15.3782 8.80671 15.2872C8.769 15.1961 8.74959 15.0985 8.74959 15C8.74959 14.9015 8.769 14.8039 8.80671 14.7128C8.84442 14.6218 8.8997 14.5391 8.96938 14.4694L11.4397 12L8.96938 9.53063C8.82865 9.38989 8.74959 9.19902 8.74959 9C8.74959 8.80098 8.82865 8.61011 8.96938 8.46937C9.11011 8.32864 9.30098 8.24958 9.5 8.24958C9.69903 8.24958 9.8899 8.32864 10.0306 8.46937L12.5 10.9397L14.9694 8.46937C15.0391 8.39969 15.1218 8.34442 15.2128 8.3067C15.3039 8.26899 15.4015 8.24958 15.5 8.24958C15.5986 8.24958 15.6961 8.26899 15.7872 8.3067C15.8782 8.34442 15.9609 8.39969 16.0306 8.46937C16.1003 8.53906 16.1556 8.62178 16.1933 8.71283C16.231 8.80387 16.2504 8.90145 16.2504 9C16.2504 9.09855 16.231 9.19613 16.1933 9.28717C16.1556 9.37822 16.1003 9.46094 16.0306 9.53063L13.5603 12L16.0306 14.4694Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr><tr class="sc-e75af141-2 cvQEtc"><th scope="row" class="sc-e75af141-7 eMUSNf">Master Services Agreement (MSA)<div class="sc-7a75fc04-3 jtVEan sc-e75af141-5 kxCxPZ"><div class="sc-7a75fc04-0 bvFrQF"><div class="sc-e75af141-6 fVzQiW"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM12.5 20.25C10.8683 20.25 9.27326 19.7661 7.91655 18.8596C6.55984 17.9531 5.50242 16.6646 4.878 15.1571C4.25358 13.6496 4.0902 11.9908 4.40853 10.3905C4.72685 8.79016 5.51259 7.32015 6.66637 6.16637C7.82016 5.01259 9.29017 4.22685 10.8905 3.90852C12.4909 3.59019 14.1497 3.75357 15.6571 4.37799C17.1646 5.00242 18.4531 6.05984 19.3596 7.41655C20.2661 8.77325 20.75 10.3683 20.75 12C20.7475 14.1873 19.8775 16.2843 18.3309 17.8309C16.7843 19.3775 14.6873 20.2475 12.5 20.25ZM14 16.5C14 16.6989 13.921 16.8897 13.7803 17.0303C13.6397 17.171 13.4489 17.25 13.25 17.25C12.8522 17.25 12.4706 17.092 12.1893 16.8107C11.908 16.5294 11.75 16.1478 11.75 15.75V12C11.5511 12 11.3603 11.921 11.2197 11.7803C11.079 11.6397 11 11.4489 11 11.25C11 11.0511 11.079 10.8603 11.2197 10.7197C11.3603 10.579 11.5511 10.5 11.75 10.5C12.1478 10.5 12.5294 10.658 12.8107 10.9393C13.092 11.2206 13.25 11.6022 13.25 12V15.75C13.4489 15.75 13.6397 15.829 13.7803 15.9697C13.921 16.1103 14 16.3011 14 16.5ZM11 7.875C11 7.6525 11.066 7.43499 11.1896 7.24998C11.3132 7.06498 11.4889 6.92078 11.6945 6.83564C11.9001 6.75049 12.1263 6.72821 12.3445 6.77162C12.5627 6.81502 12.7632 6.92217 12.9205 7.0795C13.0778 7.23684 13.185 7.43729 13.2284 7.65552C13.2718 7.87375 13.2495 8.09995 13.1644 8.30552C13.0792 8.51109 12.935 8.68679 12.75 8.8104C12.565 8.93402 12.3475 9 12.125 9C11.8266 9 11.5405 8.88147 11.3295 8.6705C11.1185 8.45952 11 8.17337 11 7.875Z"></path></svg></span></div></div><div style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0" class="sc-7a75fc04-2 jnyQzo"><p>All Plus clients receive a 12 month contract (Master Services Agreement) which includes our guarantees on escalation and service, as well as billing details, terms and conditions, and other key documentation.</p><div style="left:calc(50px + 50%)" aria-disabled="true" class="sc-7a75fc04-1 ecceLO"></div></div></div></th><td aria-label="Not available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 hWtqYS"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.0306 14.4694C16.1003 14.5391 16.1556 14.6218 16.1933 14.7128C16.231 14.8039 16.2504 14.9015 16.2504 15C16.2504 15.0985 16.231 15.1961 16.1933 15.2872C16.1556 15.3782 16.1003 15.4609 16.0306 15.5306C15.9609 15.6003 15.8782 15.6556 15.7872 15.6933C15.6961 15.731 15.5986 15.7504 15.5 15.7504C15.4015 15.7504 15.3039 15.731 15.2128 15.6933C15.1218 15.6556 15.0391 15.6003 14.9694 15.5306L12.5 13.0603L10.0306 15.5306C9.96095 15.6003 9.87822 15.6556 9.78718 15.6933C9.69613 15.731 9.59855 15.7504 9.5 15.7504C9.40146 15.7504 9.30388 15.731 9.21283 15.6933C9.12179 15.6556 9.03906 15.6003 8.96938 15.5306C8.8997 15.4609 8.84442 15.3782 8.80671 15.2872C8.769 15.1961 8.74959 15.0985 8.74959 15C8.74959 14.9015 8.769 14.8039 8.80671 14.7128C8.84442 14.6218 8.8997 14.5391 8.96938 14.4694L11.4397 12L8.96938 9.53063C8.82865 9.38989 8.74959 9.19902 8.74959 9C8.74959 8.80098 8.82865 8.61011 8.96938 8.46937C9.11011 8.32864 9.30098 8.24958 9.5 8.24958C9.69903 8.24958 9.8899 8.32864 10.0306 8.46937L12.5 10.9397L14.9694 8.46937C15.0391 8.39969 15.1218 8.34442 15.2128 8.3067C15.3039 8.26899 15.4015 8.24958 15.5 8.24958C15.5986 8.24958 15.6961 8.26899 15.7872 8.3067C15.8782 8.34442 15.9609 8.39969 16.0306 8.46937C16.1003 8.53906 16.1556 8.62178 16.1933 8.71283C16.231 8.80387 16.2504 8.90145 16.2504 9C16.2504 9.09855 16.231 9.19613 16.1933 9.28717C16.1556 9.37822 16.1003 9.46094 16.0306 9.53063L13.5603 12L16.0306 14.4694Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Not available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 hWtqYS"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.0306 14.4694C16.1003 14.5391 16.1556 14.6218 16.1933 14.7128C16.231 14.8039 16.2504 14.9015 16.2504 15C16.2504 15.0985 16.231 15.1961 16.1933 15.2872C16.1556 15.3782 16.1003 15.4609 16.0306 15.5306C15.9609 15.6003 15.8782 15.6556 15.7872 15.6933C15.6961 15.731 15.5986 15.7504 15.5 15.7504C15.4015 15.7504 15.3039 15.731 15.2128 15.6933C15.1218 15.6556 15.0391 15.6003 14.9694 15.5306L12.5 13.0603L10.0306 15.5306C9.96095 15.6003 9.87822 15.6556 9.78718 15.6933C9.69613 15.731 9.59855 15.7504 9.5 15.7504C9.40146 15.7504 9.30388 15.731 9.21283 15.6933C9.12179 15.6556 9.03906 15.6003 8.96938 15.5306C8.8997 15.4609 8.84442 15.3782 8.80671 15.2872C8.769 15.1961 8.74959 15.0985 8.74959 15C8.74959 14.9015 8.769 14.8039 8.80671 14.7128C8.84442 14.6218 8.8997 14.5391 8.96938 14.4694L11.4397 12L8.96938 9.53063C8.82865 9.38989 8.74959 9.19902 8.74959 9C8.74959 8.80098 8.82865 8.61011 8.96938 8.46937C9.11011 8.32864 9.30098 8.24958 9.5 8.24958C9.69903 8.24958 9.8899 8.32864 10.0306 8.46937L12.5 10.9397L14.9694 8.46937C15.0391 8.39969 15.1218 8.34442 15.2128 8.3067C15.3039 8.26899 15.4015 8.24958 15.5 8.24958C15.5986 8.24958 15.6961 8.26899 15.7872 8.3067C15.8782 8.34442 15.9609 8.39969 16.0306 8.46937C16.1003 8.53906 16.1556 8.62178 16.1933 8.71283C16.231 8.80387 16.2504 8.90145 16.2504 9C16.2504 9.09855 16.231 9.19613 16.1933 9.28717C16.1556 9.37822 16.1003 9.46094 16.0306 9.53063L13.5603 12L16.0306 14.4694Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Not available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 hWtqYS"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.0306 14.4694C16.1003 14.5391 16.1556 14.6218 16.1933 14.7128C16.231 14.8039 16.2504 14.9015 16.2504 15C16.2504 15.0985 16.231 15.1961 16.1933 15.2872C16.1556 15.3782 16.1003 15.4609 16.0306 15.5306C15.9609 15.6003 15.8782 15.6556 15.7872 15.6933C15.6961 15.731 15.5986 15.7504 15.5 15.7504C15.4015 15.7504 15.3039 15.731 15.2128 15.6933C15.1218 15.6556 15.0391 15.6003 14.9694 15.5306L12.5 13.0603L10.0306 15.5306C9.96095 15.6003 9.87822 15.6556 9.78718 15.6933C9.69613 15.731 9.59855 15.7504 9.5 15.7504C9.40146 15.7504 9.30388 15.731 9.21283 15.6933C9.12179 15.6556 9.03906 15.6003 8.96938 15.5306C8.8997 15.4609 8.84442 15.3782 8.80671 15.2872C8.769 15.1961 8.74959 15.0985 8.74959 15C8.74959 14.9015 8.769 14.8039 8.80671 14.7128C8.84442 14.6218 8.8997 14.5391 8.96938 14.4694L11.4397 12L8.96938 9.53063C8.82865 9.38989 8.74959 9.19902 8.74959 9C8.74959 8.80098 8.82865 8.61011 8.96938 8.46937C9.11011 8.32864 9.30098 8.24958 9.5 8.24958C9.69903 8.24958 9.8899 8.32864 10.0306 8.46937L12.5 10.9397L14.9694 8.46937C15.0391 8.39969 15.1218 8.34442 15.2128 8.3067C15.3039 8.26899 15.4015 8.24958 15.5 8.24958C15.5986 8.24958 15.6961 8.26899 15.7872 8.3067C15.8782 8.34442 15.9609 8.39969 16.0306 8.46937C16.1003 8.53906 16.1556 8.62178 16.1933 8.71283C16.231 8.80387 16.2504 8.90145 16.2504 9C16.2504 9.09855 16.231 9.19613 16.1933 9.28717C16.1556 9.37822 16.1003 9.46094 16.0306 9.53063L13.5603 12L16.0306 14.4694Z"></path></svg></span></td><td aria-label="Available" class="sc-e75af141-9 hzwzps"><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-e75af141-8 zdMkg"><svg xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor"><path d="M12.5 2.25C10.5716 2.25 8.68657 2.82183 7.08319 3.89317C5.47982 4.96451 4.23013 6.48726 3.49218 8.26884C2.75422 10.0504 2.56114 12.0108 2.93735 13.9021C3.31355 15.7934 4.24215 17.5307 5.60571 18.8943C6.96928 20.2579 8.70656 21.1865 10.5979 21.5627C12.4892 21.9389 14.4496 21.7458 16.2312 21.0078C18.0127 20.2699 19.5355 19.0202 20.6068 17.4168C21.6782 15.8134 22.25 13.9284 22.25 12C22.2473 9.41498 21.2192 6.93661 19.3913 5.10872C17.5634 3.28084 15.085 2.25273 12.5 2.25ZM16.7806 10.2806L11.5306 15.5306C11.461 15.6004 11.3783 15.6557 11.2872 15.6934C11.1962 15.7312 11.0986 15.7506 11 15.7506C10.9014 15.7506 10.8038 15.7312 10.7128 15.6934C10.6218 15.6557 10.539 15.6004 10.4694 15.5306L8.21938 13.2806C8.07865 13.1399 7.99959 12.949 7.99959 12.75C7.99959 12.551 8.07865 12.3601 8.21938 12.2194C8.36011 12.0786 8.55098 11.9996 8.75 11.9996C8.94903 11.9996 9.1399 12.0786 9.28063 12.2194L11 13.9397L15.7194 9.21937C15.7891 9.14969 15.8718 9.09442 15.9628 9.0567C16.0539 9.01899 16.1515 8.99958 16.25 8.99958C16.3486 8.99958 16.4461 9.01899 16.5372 9.0567C16.6282 9.09442 16.7109 9.14969 16.7806 9.21937C16.8503 9.28906 16.9056 9.37178 16.9433 9.46283C16.981 9.55387 17.0004 9.65145 17.0004 9.75C17.0004 9.84855 16.981 9.94613 16.9433 10.0372C16.9056 10.1282 16.8503 10.2109 16.7806 10.2806Z"></path></svg></span></td></tr></tbody></table></div></div></div><!--/$--></div><button data-cy="EXPAND_DROPDOWN" class="sc-d089611-0 cBetFZ"><h3 class="sc-d089611-1 pgeKD">Complete Features List</h3><span size="16" color="blue.700" class="sc-438c3942-0 dhwhVZ sc-d089611-2 kQvcYS"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M20.5306 15.5306C20.461 15.6003 20.3782 15.6557 20.2872 15.6934C20.1961 15.7311 20.0986 15.7506 20 15.7506C19.9014 15.7506 19.8038 15.7311 19.7128 15.6934C19.6217 15.6557 19.539 15.6003 19.4694 15.5306L12.5 8.56029L5.53061 15.5306C5.38988 15.6713 5.19901 15.7504 4.99999 15.7504C4.80097 15.7504 4.6101 15.6713 4.46936 15.5306C4.32863 15.3899 4.24957 15.199 4.24957 15C4.24957 14.801 4.32863 14.6101 4.46936 14.4694L11.9694 6.96935C12.039 6.89962 12.1217 6.8443 12.2128 6.80656C12.3038 6.76882 12.4014 6.74939 12.5 6.74939C12.5986 6.74939 12.6961 6.76882 12.7872 6.80656C12.8782 6.8443 12.961 6.89962 13.0306 6.96935L20.5306 14.4694C20.6003 14.539 20.6557 14.6217 20.6934 14.7128C20.7312 14.8038 20.7506 14.9014 20.7506 15C20.7506 15.0985 20.7312 15.1961 20.6934 15.2872C20.6557 15.3782 20.6003 15.4609 20.5306 15.5306Z"></path></svg></span></button></div></div></section><div id="faqs$02d1d50e-c4b5-4659-bc09-1e834bc2fbef" class="sc-f9e330d7-0 dVxniZ"><div class="sc-90d8af03-3 jxhjPg"><div class="sc-90d8af03-4 fQZJys"><h3 class="sc-90d8af03-2 jTTwiq">Frequently asked questions</h3><div class="sc-90d8af03-1 jqEiUr"><button class="sc-90d8af03-5 jdOmui"><div class="sc-90d8af03-9 bEhKaR">What is Thinkific and how does it work?</div><span size="32" color="blue.700" class="sc-438c3942-0 crhJmS sc-90d8af03-6 dnEwLL"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M20.5306 9.53068L13.0306 17.0307C12.961 17.1004 12.8782 17.1557 12.7872 17.1935C12.6961 17.2312 12.5986 17.2506 12.5 17.2506C12.4014 17.2506 12.3038 17.2312 12.2128 17.1935C12.1217 17.1557 12.039 17.1004 11.9694 17.0307L4.46936 9.53068C4.32863 9.38995 4.24957 9.19907 4.24957 9.00005C4.24957 8.80103 4.32863 8.61016 4.46936 8.46943C4.6101 8.32869 4.80097 8.24963 4.99999 8.24963C5.19901 8.24963 5.38988 8.32869 5.53061 8.46943L12.5 15.4397L19.4694 8.46943C19.539 8.39974 19.6218 8.34447 19.7128 8.30676C19.8039 8.26904 19.9014 8.24963 20 8.24963C20.0985 8.24963 20.1961 8.26904 20.2872 8.30676C20.3782 8.34447 20.4609 8.39974 20.5306 8.46943C20.6003 8.53911 20.6556 8.62183 20.6933 8.71288C20.731 8.80392 20.7504 8.9015 20.7504 9.00005C20.7504 9.0986 20.731 9.19618 20.6933 9.28722C20.6556 9.37827 20.6003 9.46099 20.5306 9.53068Z"></path></svg></span></button><div class="sc-90d8af03-7 giknIn"><p>Thinkific is an online platform for creator educators that allows you to create, market, and sell courses, communities, memberships, digital downloads, coaching, webinars, and other digital products. <br/><br/>You can easily sell to both consumers and other businesses (B2B and B2C) using intuitive, easy-to-use tools and AI assistance. With Thinkific, you can design an engaging, customized learning experience, manage students, track progress, and handle payments and selling, all in one place.</p></div></div><div class="sc-90d8af03-1 jqEiUr"><button class="sc-90d8af03-5 jdOmui"><div class="sc-90d8af03-9 bEhKaR">Is it easy to get started?</div><span size="32" color="blue.700" class="sc-438c3942-0 crhJmS sc-90d8af03-6 dnEwLL"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M20.5306 9.53068L13.0306 17.0307C12.961 17.1004 12.8782 17.1557 12.7872 17.1935C12.6961 17.2312 12.5986 17.2506 12.5 17.2506C12.4014 17.2506 12.3038 17.2312 12.2128 17.1935C12.1217 17.1557 12.039 17.1004 11.9694 17.0307L4.46936 9.53068C4.32863 9.38995 4.24957 9.19907 4.24957 9.00005C4.24957 8.80103 4.32863 8.61016 4.46936 8.46943C4.6101 8.32869 4.80097 8.24963 4.99999 8.24963C5.19901 8.24963 5.38988 8.32869 5.53061 8.46943L12.5 15.4397L19.4694 8.46943C19.539 8.39974 19.6218 8.34447 19.7128 8.30676C19.8039 8.26904 19.9014 8.24963 20 8.24963C20.0985 8.24963 20.1961 8.26904 20.2872 8.30676C20.3782 8.34447 20.4609 8.39974 20.5306 8.46943C20.6003 8.53911 20.6556 8.62183 20.6933 8.71288C20.731 8.80392 20.7504 8.9015 20.7504 9.00005C20.7504 9.0986 20.731 9.19618 20.6933 9.28722C20.6556 9.37827 20.6003 9.46099 20.5306 9.53068Z"></path></svg></span></button><div class="sc-90d8af03-7 giknIn"><p>Thinkific was designed to get your online education business up and running without any advanced technical experience. <br/><br/><strong>You don’t need to be a developer to build your site and online courses.</strong> <br/><br/>With AI tools like the Course Outline Generator, onboarding prompts, and step-by-step guidance, you can quickly create and launch your online learning business.</p></div></div><div class="sc-90d8af03-1 jqEiUr"><button class="sc-90d8af03-5 jdOmui"><div class="sc-90d8af03-9 bEhKaR">Can I cancel or change my account at any time?</div><span size="32" color="blue.700" class="sc-438c3942-0 crhJmS sc-90d8af03-6 dnEwLL"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M20.5306 9.53068L13.0306 17.0307C12.961 17.1004 12.8782 17.1557 12.7872 17.1935C12.6961 17.2312 12.5986 17.2506 12.5 17.2506C12.4014 17.2506 12.3038 17.2312 12.2128 17.1935C12.1217 17.1557 12.039 17.1004 11.9694 17.0307L4.46936 9.53068C4.32863 9.38995 4.24957 9.19907 4.24957 9.00005C4.24957 8.80103 4.32863 8.61016 4.46936 8.46943C4.6101 8.32869 4.80097 8.24963 4.99999 8.24963C5.19901 8.24963 5.38988 8.32869 5.53061 8.46943L12.5 15.4397L19.4694 8.46943C19.539 8.39974 19.6218 8.34447 19.7128 8.30676C19.8039 8.26904 19.9014 8.24963 20 8.24963C20.0985 8.24963 20.1961 8.26904 20.2872 8.30676C20.3782 8.34447 20.4609 8.39974 20.5306 8.46943C20.6003 8.53911 20.6556 8.62183 20.6933 8.71288C20.731 8.80392 20.7504 8.9015 20.7504 9.00005C20.7504 9.0986 20.731 9.19618 20.6933 9.28722C20.6556 9.37827 20.6003 9.46099 20.5306 9.53068Z"></path></svg></span></button><div class="sc-90d8af03-7 giknIn"><p>Yes. You can upgrade, downgrade or cancel your account at any time from within your site dashboard.</p></div></div><div class="sc-90d8af03-1 jqEiUr"><button class="sc-90d8af03-5 jdOmui"><div class="sc-90d8af03-9 bEhKaR">Do I need a web host?</div><span size="32" color="blue.700" class="sc-438c3942-0 crhJmS sc-90d8af03-6 dnEwLL"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M20.5306 9.53068L13.0306 17.0307C12.961 17.1004 12.8782 17.1557 12.7872 17.1935C12.6961 17.2312 12.5986 17.2506 12.5 17.2506C12.4014 17.2506 12.3038 17.2312 12.2128 17.1935C12.1217 17.1557 12.039 17.1004 11.9694 17.0307L4.46936 9.53068C4.32863 9.38995 4.24957 9.19907 4.24957 9.00005C4.24957 8.80103 4.32863 8.61016 4.46936 8.46943C4.6101 8.32869 4.80097 8.24963 4.99999 8.24963C5.19901 8.24963 5.38988 8.32869 5.53061 8.46943L12.5 15.4397L19.4694 8.46943C19.539 8.39974 19.6218 8.34447 19.7128 8.30676C19.8039 8.26904 19.9014 8.24963 20 8.24963C20.0985 8.24963 20.1961 8.26904 20.2872 8.30676C20.3782 8.34447 20.4609 8.39974 20.5306 8.46943C20.6003 8.53911 20.6556 8.62183 20.6933 8.71288C20.731 8.80392 20.7504 8.9015 20.7504 9.00005C20.7504 9.0986 20.731 9.19618 20.6933 9.28722C20.6556 9.37827 20.6003 9.46099 20.5306 9.53068Z"></path></svg></span></button><div class="sc-90d8af03-7 giknIn"><p>No, you don’t need a separate web host. Thinkific hosts your site and even manages your payments and e-commerce, allowing you to focus on growing your business. </p></div></div><div class="sc-90d8af03-1 jqEiUr"><button class="sc-90d8af03-5 jdOmui"><div class="sc-90d8af03-9 bEhKaR">Does Thinkific have a marketplace?</div><span size="32" color="blue.700" class="sc-438c3942-0 crhJmS sc-90d8af03-6 dnEwLL"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M20.5306 9.53068L13.0306 17.0307C12.961 17.1004 12.8782 17.1557 12.7872 17.1935C12.6961 17.2312 12.5986 17.2506 12.5 17.2506C12.4014 17.2506 12.3038 17.2312 12.2128 17.1935C12.1217 17.1557 12.039 17.1004 11.9694 17.0307L4.46936 9.53068C4.32863 9.38995 4.24957 9.19907 4.24957 9.00005C4.24957 8.80103 4.32863 8.61016 4.46936 8.46943C4.6101 8.32869 4.80097 8.24963 4.99999 8.24963C5.19901 8.24963 5.38988 8.32869 5.53061 8.46943L12.5 15.4397L19.4694 8.46943C19.539 8.39974 19.6218 8.34447 19.7128 8.30676C19.8039 8.26904 19.9014 8.24963 20 8.24963C20.0985 8.24963 20.1961 8.26904 20.2872 8.30676C20.3782 8.34447 20.4609 8.39974 20.5306 8.46943C20.6003 8.53911 20.6556 8.62183 20.6933 8.71288C20.731 8.80392 20.7504 8.9015 20.7504 9.00005C20.7504 9.0986 20.731 9.19618 20.6933 9.28722C20.6556 9.37827 20.6003 9.46099 20.5306 9.53068Z"></path></svg></span></button><div class="sc-90d8af03-7 giknIn"><p>No, Thinkific doesn’t have a built-in marketplace. <br/><br/>Rather than forcing you to compete for eyeballs with all other users, we offer you complete control over your own branded website. This allows you to market and sell your digital products and learning experiences directly to your audience.</p></div></div><div class="sc-90d8af03-1 jqEiUr"><button class="sc-90d8af03-5 jdOmui"><div class="sc-90d8af03-9 bEhKaR">I already have a website. Can I integrate it with Thinkific?</div><span size="32" color="blue.700" class="sc-438c3942-0 crhJmS sc-90d8af03-6 dnEwLL"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M20.5306 9.53068L13.0306 17.0307C12.961 17.1004 12.8782 17.1557 12.7872 17.1935C12.6961 17.2312 12.5986 17.2506 12.5 17.2506C12.4014 17.2506 12.3038 17.2312 12.2128 17.1935C12.1217 17.1557 12.039 17.1004 11.9694 17.0307L4.46936 9.53068C4.32863 9.38995 4.24957 9.19907 4.24957 9.00005C4.24957 8.80103 4.32863 8.61016 4.46936 8.46943C4.6101 8.32869 4.80097 8.24963 4.99999 8.24963C5.19901 8.24963 5.38988 8.32869 5.53061 8.46943L12.5 15.4397L19.4694 8.46943C19.539 8.39974 19.6218 8.34447 19.7128 8.30676C19.8039 8.26904 19.9014 8.24963 20 8.24963C20.0985 8.24963 20.1961 8.26904 20.2872 8.30676C20.3782 8.34447 20.4609 8.39974 20.5306 8.46943C20.6003 8.53911 20.6556 8.62183 20.6933 8.71288C20.731 8.80392 20.7504 8.9015 20.7504 9.00005C20.7504 9.0986 20.731 9.19618 20.6933 9.28722C20.6556 9.37827 20.6003 9.46099 20.5306 9.53068Z"></path></svg></span></button><div class="sc-90d8af03-7 giknIn"><p>Definitely! <br/><br/>While Thinkific does allow you to build an entire website, you can choose to use the platform for digital learning product creation alone. <br/><br/>So you can use Thinkific as the education portion to complement your existing website, whether it's custom built or created on a CMS like WordPress. <br/><br/>Either way, you'll be able to create a fully integrated and seamless experience, from your domain and URLs to the visual branding. Your audience will see your courses, digital downloads, and other learning products alongside your main site as one holistic ecosystem.</p></div></div><div class="sc-90d8af03-1 jqEiUr"><button class="sc-90d8af03-5 jdOmui"><div class="sc-90d8af03-9 bEhKaR">What payment gateways does Thinkific support?</div><span size="32" color="blue.700" class="sc-438c3942-0 crhJmS sc-90d8af03-6 dnEwLL"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M20.5306 9.53068L13.0306 17.0307C12.961 17.1004 12.8782 17.1557 12.7872 17.1935C12.6961 17.2312 12.5986 17.2506 12.5 17.2506C12.4014 17.2506 12.3038 17.2312 12.2128 17.1935C12.1217 17.1557 12.039 17.1004 11.9694 17.0307L4.46936 9.53068C4.32863 9.38995 4.24957 9.19907 4.24957 9.00005C4.24957 8.80103 4.32863 8.61016 4.46936 8.46943C4.6101 8.32869 4.80097 8.24963 4.99999 8.24963C5.19901 8.24963 5.38988 8.32869 5.53061 8.46943L12.5 15.4397L19.4694 8.46943C19.539 8.39974 19.6218 8.34447 19.7128 8.30676C19.8039 8.26904 19.9014 8.24963 20 8.24963C20.0985 8.24963 20.1961 8.26904 20.2872 8.30676C20.3782 8.34447 20.4609 8.39974 20.5306 8.46943C20.6003 8.53911 20.6556 8.62183 20.6933 8.71288C20.731 8.80392 20.7504 8.9015 20.7504 9.00005C20.7504 9.0986 20.731 9.19618 20.6933 9.28722C20.6556 9.37827 20.6003 9.46099 20.5306 9.53068Z"></path></svg></span></button><div class="sc-90d8af03-7 giknIn"><p>Thinkific offers its own custom-built, Stripe-powered payment processor: Thinkific Payments, which allows you to manage payments and subscriptions, and run reports all in one place, without relying on third-party processors.<br/><br/>Thinkific also supports Stripe and PayPal as payment gateways – third-party payment gateway fees will apply if you are based in a <a target="_blank" href="" rel="noreferrer">Thinkific Payments supported country.</a></p></div></div><div class="sc-90d8af03-1 jqEiUr"><button class="sc-90d8af03-5 jdOmui"><div class="sc-90d8af03-9 bEhKaR">How are payments processed?</div><span size="32" color="blue.700" class="sc-438c3942-0 crhJmS sc-90d8af03-6 dnEwLL"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M20.5306 9.53068L13.0306 17.0307C12.961 17.1004 12.8782 17.1557 12.7872 17.1935C12.6961 17.2312 12.5986 17.2506 12.5 17.2506C12.4014 17.2506 12.3038 17.2312 12.2128 17.1935C12.1217 17.1557 12.039 17.1004 11.9694 17.0307L4.46936 9.53068C4.32863 9.38995 4.24957 9.19907 4.24957 9.00005C4.24957 8.80103 4.32863 8.61016 4.46936 8.46943C4.6101 8.32869 4.80097 8.24963 4.99999 8.24963C5.19901 8.24963 5.38988 8.32869 5.53061 8.46943L12.5 15.4397L19.4694 8.46943C19.539 8.39974 19.6218 8.34447 19.7128 8.30676C19.8039 8.26904 19.9014 8.24963 20 8.24963C20.0985 8.24963 20.1961 8.26904 20.2872 8.30676C20.3782 8.34447 20.4609 8.39974 20.5306 8.46943C20.6003 8.53911 20.6556 8.62183 20.6933 8.71288C20.731 8.80392 20.7504 8.9015 20.7504 9.00005C20.7504 9.0986 20.731 9.19618 20.6933 9.28722C20.6556 9.37827 20.6003 9.46099 20.5306 9.53068Z"></path></svg></span></button><div class="sc-90d8af03-7 giknIn"><p>Full e-commerce payment processing is included. We accept all major credit cards with a simple and secure checkout, and you receive instant access to your funds in your account. <br/><br/>We provide an SSL certificate to help ensure that all your data and customer information is secure. Note that transaction fees may apply if you are using third-party payment processors and based in a <a target="_blank" href="" rel="noreferrer">Thinkific Payments supported country</a> </p></div></div><div class="sc-90d8af03-1 jqEiUr"><button class="sc-90d8af03-5 jdOmui"><div class="sc-90d8af03-9 bEhKaR">What fees does Thinkific charge?</div><span size="32" color="blue.700" class="sc-438c3942-0 crhJmS sc-90d8af03-6 dnEwLL"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M20.5306 9.53068L13.0306 17.0307C12.961 17.1004 12.8782 17.1557 12.7872 17.1935C12.6961 17.2312 12.5986 17.2506 12.5 17.2506C12.4014 17.2506 12.3038 17.2312 12.2128 17.1935C12.1217 17.1557 12.039 17.1004 11.9694 17.0307L4.46936 9.53068C4.32863 9.38995 4.24957 9.19907 4.24957 9.00005C4.24957 8.80103 4.32863 8.61016 4.46936 8.46943C4.6101 8.32869 4.80097 8.24963 4.99999 8.24963C5.19901 8.24963 5.38988 8.32869 5.53061 8.46943L12.5 15.4397L19.4694 8.46943C19.539 8.39974 19.6218 8.34447 19.7128 8.30676C19.8039 8.26904 19.9014 8.24963 20 8.24963C20.0985 8.24963 20.1961 8.26904 20.2872 8.30676C20.3782 8.34447 20.4609 8.39974 20.5306 8.46943C20.6003 8.53911 20.6556 8.62183 20.6933 8.71288C20.731 8.80392 20.7504 8.9015 20.7504 9.00005C20.7504 9.0986 20.731 9.19618 20.6933 9.28722C20.6556 9.37827 20.6003 9.46099 20.5306 9.53068Z"></path></svg></span></button><div class="sc-90d8af03-7 giknIn"><p>Beyond subscription costs, for customers in <a target="_blank" href="" rel="noreferrer">Thinkific Payments supported countries</a> who are processing payments on Stripe, a third-party payment gateway fee will be charged per transaction on all sales processed through Stripe. <br/><br/>This fee varies per plan type – <a target="_blank" href="" rel="noreferrer">learn more here</a>. Customers processing payments on Thinkific Payments will not incur this fee. There are also standard processing fees from Stripe and PayPal.</p></div></div><div class="sc-90d8af03-1 jqEiUr"><button class="sc-90d8af03-5 jdOmui"><div class="sc-90d8af03-9 bEhKaR">What is TCommerce and how does it help me?</div><span size="32" color="blue.700" class="sc-438c3942-0 crhJmS sc-90d8af03-6 dnEwLL"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M20.5306 9.53068L13.0306 17.0307C12.961 17.1004 12.8782 17.1557 12.7872 17.1935C12.6961 17.2312 12.5986 17.2506 12.5 17.2506C12.4014 17.2506 12.3038 17.2312 12.2128 17.1935C12.1217 17.1557 12.039 17.1004 11.9694 17.0307L4.46936 9.53068C4.32863 9.38995 4.24957 9.19907 4.24957 9.00005C4.24957 8.80103 4.32863 8.61016 4.46936 8.46943C4.6101 8.32869 4.80097 8.24963 4.99999 8.24963C5.19901 8.24963 5.38988 8.32869 5.53061 8.46943L12.5 15.4397L19.4694 8.46943C19.539 8.39974 19.6218 8.34447 19.7128 8.30676C19.8039 8.26904 19.9014 8.24963 20 8.24963C20.0985 8.24963 20.1961 8.26904 20.2872 8.30676C20.3782 8.34447 20.4609 8.39974 20.5306 8.46943C20.6003 8.53911 20.6556 8.62183 20.6933 8.71288C20.731 8.80392 20.7504 8.9015 20.7504 9.00005C20.7504 9.0986 20.731 9.19618 20.6933 9.28722C20.6556 9.37827 20.6003 9.46099 20.5306 9.53068Z"></path></svg></span></button><div class="sc-90d8af03-7 giknIn"><p><a target="_blank" href="" rel="noreferrer">TCommerce</a> is Thinkific’s integrated payments and selling solution, powered by Stripe, designed to help you sell more and save time. <br/><br/>With features like:<br/>- Order Bumps<br/>- Buy Now, Pay Later options<br/>- Gifting<br/>- Group Orders<br/>- Automation tools like Smart Credit Card Retries<br/>- Incomplete Purchase Reminders (abandon cart) <br/><br/>TCommerce is designed to boost revenue and streamline administrative tasks with automated sales tax solutions, bookkeeping integrations, and comprehensive reporting and analytics. By using Thinkific Payments as your payment processor, you'll have access to all the tools on TCommerce for free, allowing you to manage payments, subscriptions, and sales without relying on third-party processors.</p></div></div><div class="sc-90d8af03-1 jqEiUr"><button class="sc-90d8af03-5 jdOmui"><div class="sc-90d8af03-9 bEhKaR">Can I use a custom domain for my Thinkific site?</div><span size="32" color="blue.700" class="sc-438c3942-0 crhJmS sc-90d8af03-6 dnEwLL"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M20.5306 9.53068L13.0306 17.0307C12.961 17.1004 12.8782 17.1557 12.7872 17.1935C12.6961 17.2312 12.5986 17.2506 12.5 17.2506C12.4014 17.2506 12.3038 17.2312 12.2128 17.1935C12.1217 17.1557 12.039 17.1004 11.9694 17.0307L4.46936 9.53068C4.32863 9.38995 4.24957 9.19907 4.24957 9.00005C4.24957 8.80103 4.32863 8.61016 4.46936 8.46943C4.6101 8.32869 4.80097 8.24963 4.99999 8.24963C5.19901 8.24963 5.38988 8.32869 5.53061 8.46943L12.5 15.4397L19.4694 8.46943C19.539 8.39974 19.6218 8.34447 19.7128 8.30676C19.8039 8.26904 19.9014 8.24963 20 8.24963C20.0985 8.24963 20.1961 8.26904 20.2872 8.30676C20.3782 8.34447 20.4609 8.39974 20.5306 8.46943C20.6003 8.53911 20.6556 8.62183 20.6933 8.71288C20.731 8.80392 20.7504 8.9015 20.7504 9.00005C20.7504 9.0986 20.731 9.19618 20.6933 9.28722C20.6556 9.37827 20.6003 9.46099 20.5306 9.53068Z"></path></svg></span></button><div class="sc-90d8af03-7 giknIn"><p>Absolutely, you can use a custom domain for your Thinkific site to align with your brand and provide a seamless experience for your audience. You can easily connect your existing domain or purchase a new one directly through Thinkific.</p></div></div><div class="sc-90d8af03-1 jqEiUr"><button class="sc-90d8af03-5 jdOmui"><div class="sc-90d8af03-9 bEhKaR">What features can help me with marketing?</div><span size="32" color="blue.700" class="sc-438c3942-0 crhJmS sc-90d8af03-6 dnEwLL"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M20.5306 9.53068L13.0306 17.0307C12.961 17.1004 12.8782 17.1557 12.7872 17.1935C12.6961 17.2312 12.5986 17.2506 12.5 17.2506C12.4014 17.2506 12.3038 17.2312 12.2128 17.1935C12.1217 17.1557 12.039 17.1004 11.9694 17.0307L4.46936 9.53068C4.32863 9.38995 4.24957 9.19907 4.24957 9.00005C4.24957 8.80103 4.32863 8.61016 4.46936 8.46943C4.6101 8.32869 4.80097 8.24963 4.99999 8.24963C5.19901 8.24963 5.38988 8.32869 5.53061 8.46943L12.5 15.4397L19.4694 8.46943C19.539 8.39974 19.6218 8.34447 19.7128 8.30676C19.8039 8.26904 19.9014 8.24963 20 8.24963C20.0985 8.24963 20.1961 8.26904 20.2872 8.30676C20.3782 8.34447 20.4609 8.39974 20.5306 8.46943C20.6003 8.53911 20.6556 8.62183 20.6933 8.71288C20.731 8.80392 20.7504 8.9015 20.7504 9.00005C20.7504 9.0986 20.731 9.19618 20.6933 9.28722C20.6556 9.37827 20.6003 9.46099 20.5306 9.53068Z"></path></svg></span></button><div class="sc-90d8af03-7 giknIn"><p>Thinkific provides a comprehensive suite of marketing tools to help you grow your audience and increase sales. These include:<br/><br/>- built-in Email Marketing<br/>- customizable Landing Pages<br/>- powerful Site Builder<br/>- advanced CSS/HTML editing capabilities. <br/><br/>You can connect your existing website, use a custom domain, and remove Thinkific branding for a fully branded experience. Additionally, you can create members-only website sections to offer exclusive content, and leverage analytics integrations to track performance. <br/><br/>With these tools, you have everything you need to effectively market and sell your courses and digital products.</p></div></div><div class="sc-90d8af03-1 jqEiUr"><button class="sc-90d8af03-5 jdOmui"><div class="sc-90d8af03-9 bEhKaR">What is included in the "Spaces per community" feature?</div><span size="32" color="blue.700" class="sc-438c3942-0 crhJmS sc-90d8af03-6 dnEwLL"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M20.5306 9.53068L13.0306 17.0307C12.961 17.1004 12.8782 17.1557 12.7872 17.1935C12.6961 17.2312 12.5986 17.2506 12.5 17.2506C12.4014 17.2506 12.3038 17.2312 12.2128 17.1935C12.1217 17.1557 12.039 17.1004 11.9694 17.0307L4.46936 9.53068C4.32863 9.38995 4.24957 9.19907 4.24957 9.00005C4.24957 8.80103 4.32863 8.61016 4.46936 8.46943C4.6101 8.32869 4.80097 8.24963 4.99999 8.24963C5.19901 8.24963 5.38988 8.32869 5.53061 8.46943L12.5 15.4397L19.4694 8.46943C19.539 8.39974 19.6218 8.34447 19.7128 8.30676C19.8039 8.26904 19.9014 8.24963 20 8.24963C20.0985 8.24963 20.1961 8.26904 20.2872 8.30676C20.3782 8.34447 20.4609 8.39974 20.5306 8.46943C20.6003 8.53911 20.6556 8.62183 20.6933 8.71288C20.731 8.80392 20.7504 8.9015 20.7504 9.00005C20.7504 9.0986 20.731 9.19618 20.6933 9.28722C20.6556 9.37827 20.6003 9.46099 20.5306 9.53068Z"></path></svg></span></button><div class="sc-90d8af03-7 giknIn"><p>Spaces allow you to create distinct areas within your Thinkific Community, each with its own topics, discussions, and member access. This helps you organize content, foster engagement, and build a stronger community around your courses and learning products.</p></div></div><div class="sc-90d8af03-1 jqEiUr"><button class="sc-90d8af03-5 jdOmui"><div class="sc-90d8af03-9 bEhKaR">Does Thinkific support multiple languages for course creation?</div><span size="32" color="blue.700" class="sc-438c3942-0 crhJmS sc-90d8af03-6 dnEwLL"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M20.5306 9.53068L13.0306 17.0307C12.961 17.1004 12.8782 17.1557 12.7872 17.1935C12.6961 17.2312 12.5986 17.2506 12.5 17.2506C12.4014 17.2506 12.3038 17.2312 12.2128 17.1935C12.1217 17.1557 12.039 17.1004 11.9694 17.0307L4.46936 9.53068C4.32863 9.38995 4.24957 9.19907 4.24957 9.00005C4.24957 8.80103 4.32863 8.61016 4.46936 8.46943C4.6101 8.32869 4.80097 8.24963 4.99999 8.24963C5.19901 8.24963 5.38988 8.32869 5.53061 8.46943L12.5 15.4397L19.4694 8.46943C19.539 8.39974 19.6218 8.34447 19.7128 8.30676C19.8039 8.26904 19.9014 8.24963 20 8.24963C20.0985 8.24963 20.1961 8.26904 20.2872 8.30676C20.3782 8.34447 20.4609 8.39974 20.5306 8.46943C20.6003 8.53911 20.6556 8.62183 20.6933 8.71288C20.731 8.80392 20.7504 8.9015 20.7504 9.00005C20.7504 9.0986 20.731 9.19618 20.6933 9.28722C20.6556 9.37827 20.6003 9.46099 20.5306 9.53068Z"></path></svg></span></button><div class="sc-90d8af03-7 giknIn"><p>Yes, Thinkific supports multiple languages, allowing you to create and deliver courses in various languages to reach a global audience. You can also customize your site’s language settings and student communication to provide a localized experience.</p></div></div><div class="sc-90d8af03-1 jqEiUr"><button class="sc-90d8af03-5 jdOmui"><div class="sc-90d8af03-9 bEhKaR">Is SCORM compliance available, and on which plans?</div><span size="32" color="blue.700" class="sc-438c3942-0 crhJmS sc-90d8af03-6 dnEwLL"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M20.5306 9.53068L13.0306 17.0307C12.961 17.1004 12.8782 17.1557 12.7872 17.1935C12.6961 17.2312 12.5986 17.2506 12.5 17.2506C12.4014 17.2506 12.3038 17.2312 12.2128 17.1935C12.1217 17.1557 12.039 17.1004 11.9694 17.0307L4.46936 9.53068C4.32863 9.38995 4.24957 9.19907 4.24957 9.00005C4.24957 8.80103 4.32863 8.61016 4.46936 8.46943C4.6101 8.32869 4.80097 8.24963 4.99999 8.24963C5.19901 8.24963 5.38988 8.32869 5.53061 8.46943L12.5 15.4397L19.4694 8.46943C19.539 8.39974 19.6218 8.34447 19.7128 8.30676C19.8039 8.26904 19.9014 8.24963 20 8.24963C20.0985 8.24963 20.1961 8.26904 20.2872 8.30676C20.3782 8.34447 20.4609 8.39974 20.5306 8.46943C20.6003 8.53911 20.6556 8.62183 20.6933 8.71288C20.731 8.80392 20.7504 8.9015 20.7504 9.00005C20.7504 9.0986 20.731 9.19618 20.6933 9.28722C20.6556 9.37827 20.6003 9.46099 20.5306 9.53068Z"></path></svg></span></button><div class="sc-90d8af03-7 giknIn"><p>SCORM is available on Thinkific’s Plus plans. You can create engaging, interactive learning experiences with games, choose-your-own-adventure paths, and simulations through SCORM courses, while seamlessly integrating your learning content onto Thinkific.</p></div></div></div></div></div><div id="trusted_by$9fb40c09-a17c-4c1a-9d8f-0b3a9014f8de" class="sc-cf349e35-3 UESJb"><span class="sc-cf349e35-0 eztcHT">Trusted by 77,000+ creators worldwide</span><div class="sc-cf349e35-1 ifZvaG"><div class="sc-5b70de73-0 iSFYAO sc-cf349e35-2 haZKsc"><img src=",format" alt="Later" loading="lazy" class="sc-5b70de73-1 kFkwas"/></div><div class="sc-5b70de73-0 iSFYAO sc-cf349e35-2 haZKsc"><img src=",format" alt="Hootsuite" loading="lazy" class="sc-5b70de73-1 kFkwas"/></div><div class="sc-5b70de73-0 iSFYAO sc-cf349e35-2 haZKsc"><img src=",format" alt="Shopify" loading="lazy" class="sc-5b70de73-1 kFkwas"/></div><div class="sc-5b70de73-0 iSFYAO sc-cf349e35-2 haZKsc"><img src=",format" alt="Keap" loading="lazy" class="sc-5b70de73-1 kFkwas"/></div><div class="sc-5b70de73-0 iSFYAO sc-cf349e35-2 haZKsc"><img src=",format" alt="CFI" loading="lazy" class="sc-5b70de73-1 kFkwas"/></div></div></div><section id="carousel$af07ea9a-830b-456e-8fbd-49547a274496" class="sc-fdf9255c-12 iyFVxH"><div class="sc-fdf9255c-11 iGnkay"><div class="sc-fdf9255c-1 izupVS"><div class="sc-fdf9255c-8 fgAfjy"><div class="sc-fdf9255c-3 busjdc"><p>Thinkific really is the best in the business. Since building my course with them, I went from working with 10 clients at a time to being known and found by millions of people.</p></div><div class="sc-fdf9255c-4 dGhwaH"></div><span class="sc-fdf9255c-5 hJIVfH">Sunny Lenarduzzi</span></div><div class="sc-5b70de73-0 iSFYAO sc-fdf9255c-2 bAweZF"><img src=",format" alt="Headshot of Sunny Lenarduzzi" loading="lazy" class="sc-5b70de73-1 kFkwas"/></div></div></div></section><div id="hero$2dc10128-114b-49f8-b973-b65dfc7113b5" class="sc-ee3eff5a-1 kAlrPV"><div class="sc-ee3eff5a-0 BDUFW"><div class="sc-8c53511c-8 kcIvrF sc-ee3eff5a-3 dxxkOu"><div class="sc-8c53511c-0 fHYBBB"><p>Start your 14-day free trial today</p></div><div class="sc-8c53511c-6 gtyHYr"><p>Try Thinkific risk-free and turn your expertise into income</p></div><div class="sc-8c53511c-9 kpbmXy"><a href="" class="sc-6dcb8ae7-3 ilQrRv sc-8c53511c-2 gJlRhe" aria-disabled="false"><span class="sc-6dcb8ae7-2 kxcmqR">Start Free 14-Day Trial</span><span size="20" class="sc-438c3942-0 CJEic sc-6dcb8ae7-0 gka-dkr"><svg width="1em" height="1em" viewBox="0 0 25 24" fill="currentColor" xmlns=""><path d="M17.5306 12.5307L10.0306 20.0307C9.96093 20.1004 9.87821 20.1556 9.78716 20.1933C9.69612 20.2311 9.59854 20.2505 9.49999 20.2505C9.40144 20.2505 9.30386 20.2311 9.21282 20.1933C9.12177 20.1556 9.03905 20.1004 8.96936 20.0307C8.89968 19.961 8.84441 19.8783 8.80669 19.7872C8.76898 19.6962 8.74957 19.5986 8.74957 19.5001C8.74957 19.4015 8.76898 19.3039 8.80669 19.2129C8.84441 19.1218 8.89968 19.0391 8.96936 18.9694L15.9397 12.0001L8.96936 5.03068C8.82863 4.88995 8.74957 4.69907 8.74957 4.50005C8.74957 4.30103 8.82863 4.11016 8.96936 3.96943C9.11009 3.8287 9.30097 3.74963 9.49999 3.74963C9.69901 3.74963 9.88988 3.8287 10.0306 3.96943L17.5306 11.4694C17.6003 11.5391 17.6557 11.6218 17.6934 11.7128C17.7312 11.8039 17.7506 11.9015 17.7506 12.0001C17.7506 12.0986 17.7312 12.1962 17.6934 12.2873C17.6557 12.3783 17.6003 12.461 17.5306 12.5307Z"></path></svg></span></a></div><div 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13.76 17 12.89 17 12C16.9988 10.8069 16.5243 9.66303 15.6806 8.81939C14.837 7.97575 13.6931 7.50124 12.5 7.5ZM12.5 15C11.9067 15 11.3266 14.8241 10.8333 14.4944C10.3399 14.1648 9.95542 13.6962 9.72836 13.1481C9.5013 12.5999 9.44189 11.9967 9.55764 11.4147C9.6734 10.8328 9.95912 10.2982 10.3787 9.87868C10.7982 9.45912 11.3328 9.1734 11.9147 9.05764C12.4967 8.94189 13.0999 9.0013 13.6481 9.22836C14.1962 9.45542 14.6648 9.83994 14.9944 10.3333C15.3241 10.8266 15.5 11.4067 15.5 12C15.5 12.7956 15.1839 13.5587 14.6213 14.1213C14.0587 14.6839 13.2956 15 12.5 15ZM17 2.25H8C6.60807 2.25149 5.27358 2.80509 4.28933 3.78933C3.30509 4.77358 2.75149 6.10807 2.75 7.5V16.5C2.75149 17.8919 3.30509 19.2264 4.28933 20.2107C5.27358 21.1949 6.60807 21.7485 8 21.75H17C18.3919 21.7485 19.7264 21.1949 20.7107 20.2107C21.6949 19.2264 22.2485 17.8919 22.25 16.5V7.5C22.2485 6.10807 21.6949 4.77358 20.7107 3.78933C19.7264 2.80509 18.3919 2.25149 17 2.25ZM20.75 16.5C20.75 17.4946 20.3549 18.4484 19.6516 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Your audience will see your courses, digital downloads, and other learning products alongside your main site as one holistic ecosystem.","spans":[],"direction":"ltr"}]},{"question":"What payment gateways does Thinkific support?","answer":[{"type":"paragraph","text":"Thinkific offers its own custom-built, Stripe-powered payment processor: Thinkific Payments, which allows you to manage payments and subscriptions, and run reports all in one place, without relying on third-party processors.\n\nThinkific also supports Stripe and PayPal as payment gateways – third-party payment gateway fees will apply if you are based in a Thinkific Payments supported country.","spans":[{"start":356,"end":393,"type":"hyperlink","data":{"link_type":"Web","url":"","target":"_blank"}}],"direction":"ltr"}]},{"question":"How are payments processed?","answer":[{"type":"paragraph","text":"Full e-commerce payment processing is included. 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There are also standard processing fees from Stripe and PayPal.","spans":[{"start":44,"end":82,"type":"hyperlink","data":{"link_type":"Web","url":"","target":"_blank"}},{"start":261,"end":276,"type":"hyperlink","data":{"link_type":"Web","url":"","target":"_blank"}}],"direction":"ltr"}]},{"question":"What is TCommerce and how does it help me?","answer":[{"type":"paragraph","text":"TCommerce is Thinkific’s integrated payments and selling solution, powered by Stripe, designed to help you sell more and save time. \n\nWith features like:\n- Order Bumps\n- Buy Now, Pay Later options\n- Gifting\n- Group Orders\n- Automation tools like Smart Credit Card Retries\n- Incomplete Purchase Reminders (abandon cart) \n\nTCommerce is designed to boost revenue and streamline administrative tasks with automated sales tax solutions, bookkeeping integrations, and comprehensive reporting and analytics. 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