Deník N – předplatné
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action="/sales-funnel/sales-funnel-frontend/submit" id="frm-payment" method="post" target="_top" ref="form" @submit.prevent="onSubmit"> <input type="hidden" name="funnel_url_key" :value="funnelUrlKey"> <input type="hidden" name="subscription_type" :value="inputs.subscription_type"> <input type="hidden" name="payment_gateway" :value="inputs.payment_gateway"> <section id="first-window" class="flex-wrapper" :class="{ hidden: !isWindowActive('first-window') }"> <h1 style="text-align: center">Předplaťte si Deník N</h1> <h2 class="special_subscriptions_title">Podpořte nezávislou novinařinu, která pomáhá rozumět lépe světu.</h2> <div class="section_title_box"> <div class="section_title_heading"> <div class="popover_root"> Základní předplatné <a href="#" class="popover_icon" data-toggle="popover" data-trigger="focus" data-html="true" data-placement="auto" tabindex="0" role="button" >?</a> <div class="popover_content_html"> <ul> <li>digitální obsah Deníku N v prohlížeči na webu i v mobilu</li> <li>kompletní archiv Deníku N od roku 2018</li> <li>denní zpravodajský souhrn a páteční výběr šéfredaktora jako newsletter do e-⁠mailové schránky</li> <li>články novinářských osobností jako Petra Procházková, Petr Koubský, Renata Kalenská, Zdislava Pokorná, Michael Romancov a mnoha dalších</li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div class="section_title_subheading">(Cena za měsíc)</div> </div> <div class="period_options"> <div class="period_option" :class="{period_option_selected: isSubscriptionTerm('month')}" @click="selectSubscriptionTerm('month')"> <div class="period_option_title">Měsíční</div> <div class="period_option_price">[[ monthlyPrice('month') ]] Kč </div> </div> <div class="period_option" :class="{period_option_selected: isSubscriptionTerm('months_3')}" @click="selectSubscriptionTerm('months_3')"> <div class="period_option_title">Čtvrtletní</div> <div class="period_option_price">[[ monthlyPrice('months_3') ]] Kč</div> </div> <div class="period_option" :class="{period_option_selected: isSubscriptionTerm('year')}" @click="selectSubscriptionTerm('year')"> <div class="period_option_title">Roční</div> <div class="period_option_price">[[ monthlyPrice('year') ]] Kč</div> </div> </div> <div class="section_title_box" :class="{'has-error2': errors.additional, 'shake': shake.additional }" @animationend="shake.additional = false"> <div class="section_title_heading">Klubové předplatné</div> <div class="section_title_subheading">(Cena za měsíc)</div> </div> <div class="additional_options" ref="additionalOptions"> <div class="additional_option" :class="{additional_option_selected: isClubSelected()}" @click="toggleClub()"> <div class="addition_option_checkbox"> <div class="addition_option_checkbox_square"> <span class="material-symbols-outlined">check</span> </div> </div> <div class="addition_option_text addition_option_text_color">Klub N (nejoblíbenější)</div> <div class="addition_option_price">120 Kč</div> </div> <div class="additional_option_info_box"> <div class="additional_option_info_left"></div> <div class="additional_option_info_box_text"> <strong>Využijte Deník N naplno a získejte navíc: </strong> <ul> <li>mobilní aplikace</li> <li>audioverze článků</li> <li>odemykání článků pro přátele</li> <li>možnost vypnout reklamu</li> <li>online verze tištěných novin</li> <li>výhodnější ceny vybraných akcí</li> <li>podcasty Studio N, Sféry a Romancov a spol.</li> <li>nadstandardní podpora novinařiny</li> </ul> </div> <div class="additional_option_info_right"></div> </div> </div> <div class="section_title_box" :class="{'has-error2': errors.additional, 'shake': shake.additional }" @animationend="shake.additional = false"> <div class="section_title_heading">Tištěné noviny s novým pátečním magazínem s TV programem</div> <div class="section_title_subheading">(Cena za měsíc)</div> </div> <div class="additional_options" ref="additionalOptions"> <div class="additional_option" :class="{additional_option_selected: isPrintSelected('friday_print')}" @click="togglePrint('friday_print')"> <div class="addition_option_checkbox"> <div class="addition_option_checkbox_square"> <span class="material-symbols-outlined">check</span> </div> </div> <div class="addition_option_text addition_option_text_color">Páteční noviny s magazínem a TV programem (68% sleva proti ceně na stánku)</div> <div class="addition_option_price">40 Kč</div> </div> <div class="additional_option_info_box"> <div class="additional_option_info_left"></div> <div class="additional_option_info_box_text">Každý pátek najdete ve své poštovní schránce 32 stran tištěných novin včetně víkendové přílohy Kontext N a kulturní přílohy live!. <strong>Navíc nový magazín s TV programem.</strong></div> <div class="additional_option_info_right"></div> </div> <div class="additional_option" :class="{additional_option_selected: isPrintSelected('print')}" @click="togglePrint('print')"> <div class="addition_option_checkbox"> 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Rico</option> <option value="QA" >Qatar</option> <option value="RO" >Romania</option> <option value="RU" >Russia</option> <option value="RW" >Rwanda</option> <option value="KN" >Saint Kitts and Nevis</option> <option value="LC" >Saint Lucia</option> <option value="VC" >Saint Vincent and the Grenadines</option> <option value="WS" >Samoa</option> <option value="SM" >San Marino</option> <option value="ST" >Sao Tome and Principe</option> <option value="SA" >Saudi Arabia</option> <option value="SN" >Senegal</option> <option value="RS" >Serbia</option> <option value="SC" >Seychelles</option> <option value="SL" >Sierra Leone</option> <option selected value="SG" >Singapore</option> <option value="SX" >Sint Maarten</option> <option value="SI" >Slovenia</option> <option value="SB" >Solomon Islands</option> <option value="SO" >Somalia</option> <option value="ZA" >South Africa</option> <option value="KR" >South Korea</option> <option value="SS" >South Sudan</option> <option value="ES" >Spain</option> <option value="LK" >Sri Lanka</option> <option value="SD" >Sudan</option> <option value="SR" >Suriname</option> <option value="SZ" >Swaziland</option> <option value="SE" >Sweden</option> <option value="CH" >Switzerland</option> <option value="SY" >Syria</option> <option value="TW" >Taiwan</option> <option value="TJ" >Tajikistan</option> <option value="TZ" >Tanzania</option> <option value="TH" >Thailand</option> <option value="TL" >Timor-Leste</option> <option value="TG" >Togo</option> <option value="TO" >Tonga</option> <option value="TT" >Trinidad and Tobago</option> <option value="TN" >Tunisia</option> <option value="TR" >Turkey</option> <option value="TM" >Turkmenistan</option> <option value="TV" >Tuvalu</option> <option value="UG" >Uganda</option> <option value="UA" >Ukraine</option> <option value="AE" >United Arab Emirates</option> <option value="GB" >United Kingdom</option> <option value="US" >United States of America</option> <option value="UY" >Uruguay</option> 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online_print_month_2024_10: 549, online_print_3months_2024_10: 1587, online_print_year_2024_10: 5988, }, gateways: ["bank_transfer","csob","csob_one_click","trustpay","trustpay_recurrent"], isLogged: false, // isLogged: false, funnelUrlKey: "2024-10", oldValues: null }; var type2Subscription = { month: { club: { print: 'online_print_club_month_2024_10', friday_print: 'online_print_friday_club_month_2024_01', no_print: 'online_club_month_2024_01' }, no_club: { print: 'online_print_month_2024_10', friday_print: 'online_print_friday_month_2024_01', no_print: 'online_month_2024_01' }, }, months_3: { club: { print: 'online_print_club_3months_2024_10', friday_print: 'online_print_friday_club_3months_2024_01', no_print: 'online_club_3months_2024_01' }, no_club: { print: 'online_print_3months_2024_10', friday_print: 'online_print_friday_3months_2024_01', no_print: 'online_3months_2024_01' }, }, year: { club: { print: 'online_print_club_year_2024_10', friday_print: 'online_print_friday_club_year_2024_01', no_print: 'online_club_year_2024_01' }, no_club: { print: 'online_print_year_2024_10', friday_print: 'online_print_friday_year_2024_01', no_print: 'online_year_2024_01' }, } }; var SalesFunnelVue = { delimiters: ['[[', ']]'], created: function () { // initialize old values for (inputName in this.oldValues) { if (this.oldValues.hasOwnProperty(inputName)) { this.inputs[inputName] = this.oldValues[inputName]; } } // load subscription_type from URL var subscriptionType = getParameterByName('subscription_type'); if (subscriptionType) { this.inputs.subscription_type = subscriptionType; } var subscriptionTerm = getParameterByName('subscription_term'); if (subscriptionTerm) { this.inputs.subscription_term = subscriptionTerm; } // load saved data if present this.loadSavedData(); this.clearSavedData(); // load subscription type after everything is ready // otherwise if user keeps default options, submit button doesn't have subscription type ready this.inputs.subscription_type = this.getSubscriptionType(this.inputs.subscription_term,, this.inputs.print); }, data: function() { return Object.assign(backendData, { preloader: false, showPasswordInput: false, activeWindow: "first-window", action: null, inputs: { // same names as 'name' attributes in <input> email:'', password: '', token: '', subscription_type: null, payment_gateway: 'trustpay_recurrent', newsletter_subscribe: false, terms: false, subscription_term: 'year', club: true, print: null, }, errors: { email: null, password: null, terms: null, payment_gateway: null, }, shake: { email: false, password: false, terms: false, payment_gateway: false, additional: false }, validators: { sync: false, // Summary flag if the latest execution of synchronous validators returned "valid" state. email: this.isLogged, }, }); }, computed: { payButtonValid: function() { return ( || this.isLogged) && this.inputs.terms && this.inputs.payment_gateway && this.inputs.subscription_type; }, buttonPrice: function () { return this.getSubscriptionPrice(this.inputs.subscription_term,, this.inputs.print); }, isFormValid: function () { return this.validators.sync && ( || this.isLogged) } }, watch: { inputs: { handler() { this.resetValidation() }, deep: true, }, validators: { handler() { this.handleValidation(); }, deep: true, }, action: function() { this.handleValidation(); } }, methods: { handleValidation: function() { if (this.isFormValid) { if (this.activeWindow === 'first-window' && this.action === 'second-window') { this.displaySecondWindow(); } else if (this.activeWindow === 'second-window' && this.action === 'submit') { this.submitForm(); } } }, getSubscriptionType: function(term, club, print) { return type2Subscription[term][club ? 'club' : 'no_club'][print || 'no_print']; }, getSubscriptionPrice: function(term, club, print) { return this.subscriptionTypePrices[this.getSubscriptionType(term, club, print)]; }, getFormattedPrice: function(price) { return formatNumber(price); }, isSubscriptionTerm: function (subscriptionTerm) { return this.inputs.subscription_term === subscriptionTerm; }, selectSubscriptionTerm: function (subscriptionTerm) { this.inputs.subscription_term = subscriptionTerm; this.inputs.subscription_type = this.getSubscriptionType(this.inputs.subscription_term,, this.inputs.print); // disabled by // this.scrollTo(this.$refs.additionalOptions); }, isClubSelected: function () { return === true; }, toggleClub: function () { = !; this.inputs.subscription_type = this.getSubscriptionType(this.inputs.subscription_term,, this.inputs.print) }, isPrintSelected: function (print) { return this.inputs.print === print; }, togglePrint: function (print) { this.inputs.print = this.inputs.print === print ? null : print; this.inputs.subscription_type = this.getSubscriptionType(this.inputs.subscription_term,, this.inputs.print) }, isPaymentGatewaySelected: function (gateway) { return this.inputs.payment_gateway === gateway; }, selectPaymentGateway: function (gateway) { this.inputs.payment_gateway = gateway; }, monthlyPrice: function (term) { return this.getSubscriptionPrice(term, false, null) / this.getSubscriptionTermMultiplier(term); }, getSubscriptionTermMultiplier: function (subscriptionTerm) { let multiplier = {'month': 1, 'months_3': 3, 'year': 12} return multiplier[subscriptionTerm]; }, submitForm: function() { this.resetValidation(); let form = this.$refs.form; isTrustPayModalCompatible(form) ? trustPayModalSubmit(form) : form.submit(); // isTrustPayModalCompatible(form) ? trustPayModalSubmit(form) : form.submit(); }, scrollTo: function(element) { window.parent.$('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: $(element).offset().top - 120 }, 400); }, savedDataKey: function() { return 'sf_data_' + this.funnelUrlKey; }, clearSavedData: function () { localStorage.removeItem(this.savedDataKey()); localStorage.removeItem('sf_reload_nonce'); }, saveData: function(nonce) { var data = { inputs: this.inputs, errors: this.errors, } localStorage.setItem(this.savedDataKey(), JSON.stringify(data)); localStorage.setItem('sf_reload_nonce', nonce); }, loadSavedData: function() { var data = localStorage.getItem(this.savedDataKey()); if (!data) { return; } data = JSON.parse(data); if (data.inputs && data.errors) { this.inputs = data.inputs; this.errors = data.errors; } }, resetErrors: function () { for (var param in this.errors) { if (!this.errors.hasOwnProperty(param)) { continue; } this.errors[param] = null; } }, resetEmailErrors: function () { = null; this.errors.password = null; }, resetValidation: function () { for (var param in this.validators) { this.validators[param] = false; } }, openLogin: function () { // random string of length 3 var nonce = Math.random().toString(36).replace(/[^a-z]+/g, '').substring(0, 3); this.saveData(nonce); parent.postMessage({ name: 'open-crm-login', nonce: nonce }); }, validateForm: function() { if (this.isFormValid) { return; } this.resetErrors(); this.resetValidation(); var errors = {}; var scrollToElement = null; if (!this.inputs.terms) { errors.terms = true; scrollToElement = this.$refs.inputTerms; } if (!this.isLogged && ! 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