Il Sistema Operativo GNU e il movimento per il software libero

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Cosa è GNU, e quale libertà è a rischio?</p> <!--GNUN: OUT-OF-DATE NOTICE--> <p class="trans-disclaimer"> <a href="/home.en.html"> Questa è la traduzione di una pagina scritta originariamente in lingua inglese.</a><br/> Il gruppo dei traduttori italiani cerca nuovi volontari: visitate la <a href="">pagina del gruppo</a> per ulteriori informazioni.<a> </a> </p> <div id="home"> <div class="first-column" role="article"> <div style="margin: 2.3em auto 0" class="c"> <!-- Please change the URLs of embedded resources from* to* (RT #1868684) --> <video width="512" height="288" controls="controls" crossorigin="anonymous" poster=""> <source src="" type="video/webm" /> <source src="" type="video/ogg" /> <source src="" type="video/mp4" /> <track kind="subtitles" label="Inglese" srclang="en" src="" default="default" /> <track kind="subtitles" label="Czech" srclang="cs" src="/server/banners/escape-to-freedom_cs.vtt" /> <track kind="subtitles" label="Spanish" srclang="es" src="" /> <track kind="subtitles" label="Francese" srclang="fr" src="/server/banners/escape-to-freedom_fr.vtt" /> <track kind="subtitles" label="Chinese" srclang="zh" src="" /> </video> </div> <p class="c"> <a href=""> Escape to Freedom: A video from the FSF</a></p> <h2 class="first">Cos'è il Progetto GNU?</h2> <p>GNU è un sistema operativo distribuito come <a href="/philosophy/free-sw.html">software libero</a>: rispetta la libertà degli utenti. Il sistema operativo GNU è composto da pacchetti GNU (programmi gestiti direttamente da GNU) e da software libero gestito da terze parti. Lo sviluppo di GNU ha reso possibile utilizzare un computer senza fare affidamento su software che calpesta la libertà degli utenti.</p> <p>Consigliamo <a href="/distros/free-distros.html">versioni installabili di GNU</a> (per la precisione, distribuzioni GNU/Linux) che sono completamente software libero. <a href="#More-GNU">Altre informazioni su GNU qui sotto</a>.</p> <div class="btn-left"> <a href="/distros/free-distros.html">Provate GNU/Linux!</a></div> <div style="clear:both"></div> <div id="gnu-linux" role="figure"> <div class="screenshot"> <a href="/distros/screenshots/dragora-tde.jpg"><img width="512" height="288" src="/distros/screenshots/dragora-tde-medium.jpg" alt="&nbsp;[Screenshot of Dragora&nbsp;3.0-beta2 with TDE desktop]&nbsp;" /></a> <p><small><a href=""> Dragora&nbsp;3.0-beta2</a> with <a href="">TDE</a> desktop</small></p> </div> <div class="thumbs"> <div> <a href="/home.html?distro=dragora#gnu-linux"><img width="128" height="72" src="/distros/screenshots/dragora-tde-thumb.jpg" alt="&nbsp;[Screenshot of Dragora&nbsp;3.0-beta2 with TDE desktop]&nbsp;" /></a> <p><small>Dragora / TDE</small></p> </div> <div> <a href="/home.html?distro=guix#gnu-linux"><img width="128" height="72" src="/distros/screenshots/guixSD-gnome3-thumb.jpg" alt="&nbsp;[Schermata di Guix&nbsp;0.15 con l'ambiente GNOME&nbsp;3]&nbsp;" /></a> <p><small>Guix / GNOME3</small></p> </div> <div> <a href="/home.html?distro=hyperbola#gnu-linux"><img width="128" height="72" src="/distros/screenshots/hyperbola-i3-thumb.jpg" alt="&nbsp;[Schermata di Hyperbola&nbsp;0.3 con l'ambiente grafico i3]&nbsp;" /></a> <p><small>Hyperbola / i3</small></p> </div> <div> <a href="/home.html?distro=parabola#gnu-linux"><img width="128" height="72" src="/distros/screenshots/parabola2020-lxde-thumb.jpg" alt="&nbsp;[Schermata di Parabola&nbsp;2020 con l'ambiente grafico LXDE]&nbsp;" /></a> <p><small>Parabola / LXDE</small></p> </div> <div> <a href="/home.html?distro=pureos#gnu-linux"><img width="128" height="72" src="/distros/screenshots/gnome3-thumb.jpg" alt="&nbsp;[Schermata di PureOS&nbsp;8 con l'ambiente grafico GNOME&nbsp;3]&nbsp;" /></a> <p><small>PureOS / GNOME3</small></p> </div> <div> <a href="/home.html?distro=trisquel#gnu-linux"><img width="128" height="72" src="/distros/screenshots/trisquel10-mate-thumb.jpg" alt="&nbsp;[Screenshot of Trisquel&nbsp;10 with MATE desktop]&nbsp;" /></a> <p><small>Trisquel / MATE</small></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="btn-right">... o <a href=""> Provate parti di GNU</a></div> <div style="clear:both"></div> <h2>Cos'è il movimento per il software libero?</h2> <p>The free software movement campaigns to win for the users of computing the freedom that comes from free software. Free software puts its users in control of their own computing. Nonfree software puts its users under the power of the software's developer. See <a href="/audio-video/philosophy-recordings.html#rms-201404070"> the video explanation</a>.</p> <h2>Cos'è il Software Libero?</h2> <p><strong>L'espressione &ldquo;Software Libero&rdquo; si riferisce alla libertà dell'utente di eseguire, copiare, distribuire, studiare, cambiare e migliorare il software</strong>.</p> <p>Free software is a matter of liberty, not price. To understand the concept, you should think of &ldquo;free&rdquo; as in &ldquo;free speech,&rdquo; not as in &ldquo;free beer.&rdquo;</p> <p>Per la precisione, quando si parla di software libero si intende che gli utenti di uno specifico programma godono di <a href="/philosophy/free-sw.html">quattro libertà essenziali</a>:</p> <ul> <li>Libertà di eseguire il programma come si desidera, per qualsiasi scopo (libertà 0).</li> <li>Libertà di studiare come funziona il programma e modificarlo in modo che funzioni a piacimento (libertà 1). L'accesso al codice sorgente ne è un prerequisito.</li> <li>Libertà di ridistribuire copie in modo da aiutare gli altri (libertà 2).</li> <li>Libertà di distribuire pubblicamente le proprie versioni modificate agli altri (libertà 3). In questo modo l'intera comunità può trarre beneficio dalle modifiche. L'accesso al codice sorgente ne è un prerequisito.</li> </ul> <p>Gli sviluppi nella tecnologia e l'uso delle reti hanno reso queste libertà <a href="/philosophy/free-software-even-more-important.html">ancora più importanti oggi</a> rispetto al 1983.</p> <p>Nowadays the free software movement goes far beyond developing the GNU system. See <a href="">the Free Software Foundation's web site</a> for more about what we do, and a list of <a href="/help">ways you can help</a>.</p> <h2>Altre informazioni su GNU</h2> <p><a id="More-GNU">GNU</a> è un sistema operativo di tipo Unix, ed è quindi costituito da molti programmi: applicazioni, librerie,e strumenti di sviluppo, persino giochi. Lo sviluppo di GNU, cominciato in gennaio 1984, è noto come Progetto GNU. Molti dei programmi di GNU sono distribuiti sotto gli auspici del progetto GNU, e prendono il nome di <a href="/software/">pacchetti GNU</a>.</p> <p>Il nome &ldquo;GNU&rdquo; è un acronimo ricorsivo di &ldquo;GNU's Not Unix&rdquo;. &ldquo;GNU&rdquo; <a href="/pronunciation/pronunciation.html">si pronuncia <em>gh-nu</em></a> (con la <em>g</em> dura, una sola sillaba senza pause tra la <em>g</em> e la <em>n</em>; come &ldquo;gru&rdquo; sostituendo la <em>r</em> con una <em>n</em>).</p> <p>The program in a Unix-like system that allocates machine resources and talks to the hardware is called the &ldquo;kernel.&rdquo; GNU is typically used with a kernel called Linux. This combination is the <a href="/gnu/linux-and-gnu.html"><strong>GNU/Linux operating system</strong></a>. GNU/Linux is used by millions, though many <a href="/gnu/gnu-linux-faq.html">call it &ldquo;Linux&rdquo; by mistake</a>.</p> <p>GNU's own kernel, the <a href="/software/hurd/hurd.html">GNU Hurd</a>, was started in 1990 (before Linux was started). Volunteers continue developing the Hurd because it is an interesting technical project.</p> <p class="button right-align"><a href="/gnu/gnu.html">Ulteriori informazioni</a></p> </div> <!-- /first-column --> <div class="second-column" role="complementary"> <p class="c" style="margin-top: 2.3em"><a href=""> <img style="width:12em; height:auto" src="/graphics/snowflake-purple.png" alt="Help people bypass censorship. Run Snowflake!" /></a></p> <div id="franklin" class="emph-box color1"> <blockquote> <p><i>As we enjoy great advantages from the inventions of others, we should be glad of an opportunity to serve others by any invention of ours, and this we should do freely and generously.</i><br /> &mdash;Benjamin Franklin</p> </blockquote> </div> <div id="giving-guide" class="emph-box color2"> <p>This year, choose Freedom as a gift. <strong><a href=""> Ethical Tech Giving Guide</a></strong></p> </div> <div id="kind-comm" class="emph-box color2"> <p>The GNU Project strongly urges the community to communicate in ways that are friendly, welcoming and kind. See the <a href="/philosophy/kind-communication.html"> GNU Kind Communications Guidelines</a>.</p> </div> <div id="Flashes" class="emph-box color1"> <h3><a href="">Planet GNU</a> <a href=""><img src="/feed-icon-10x10.png" alt="Feed RSS" /></a></h3> <div class="ltr"> <!-- Autogenerated by 1.21 --> <p> <a href=''> Guix/Hurd on a Thinkpad X60</a> <!-- TRANSLATORS: --> : A lot has happened with respect to the Hurd since our Childhurds and GNU/Hurd Substitutes post. As long as two years ago some of you have been asking for a progre... </p> <p> <a href=''> GNU Boot November 2024 News</a> <!-- TRANSLATORS: --> : A lot has changed since the two last news from the GNU Boot project. GNU Boot install party in Paris the 7 and 8 December 2024 People involved in the GNU Boot pro... </p> <p> <a href=''> GNU Parallel 20241122 (&#39;Ahoo Daryaei&#39;) released</a> <!-- TRANSLATORS: --> : GNU Parallel 20241122 (&#39;Ahoo Daryaei&#39;) has been released. It is available for download at: lbry://@GnuParallel:4 Quote of the... </p> </div> </div> <div id="Action" class="emph-box color2"> <h3>Attivatevi</h3> <ul> <li><strong><a href="">Support current FSF campaigns</a></strong>.</li> <li id="petition"><a href="">Sign the petition for freedom in the classroom</a>.</li> <li id="copilot"><a href="">Join the Copilot Watch Group</a>.</li> </ul> <p class="back"><a href="/server/takeaction.html">Altre possibili iniziative</a></p> </div> <div id="priority" class="emph-box color1"> <p><strong>Can you help GNU with any of these projects?</strong></p> <ul> <li><a href="/help/priority-projects.html">GNU high priority enhancement projects</a></li> <li><a href="/help/music-subtraction.html">Free program to subtract background music</a></li> <!-- <li> <a href="/help/important-new-small-to-medium-programs-needed.html"> Important new small-to-medium programs needed</a></li> ##This is a new page to be created which will initially contain a link to /help/music-subtraction.html--> </ul> </div> <div class="emph-box color2"> <p id="long-term"><strong>Can you contribute to any of the <a href="//">long-term high priority projects</a>?</strong></p> </div> <div id="unmaint" class="emph-box color1"> <p><strong>Can you help <a href="/server/takeaction.html#unmaint">maintain a GNU package</a>? These packages are looking for maintainers:</strong></p> <ul> <li> <a href="/software/cfengine/">cfengine</a>, <a href="/software/halifax/">halifax</a>, <a href="/software/quickthreads/">quickthreads</a>, <a href="/software/guile-sdl/">guile-sdl</a>, <a href="/software/superopt/">superopt</a></li> </ul> <p>E questi altri cercano aiuto:</p> <ul> <li> <a href="/software/aspell/">aspell</a>, <a href="/software/bison/">bison</a>, <a href="/software/gnuae/">gnuae</a>, <a href="/software/gnubik/">gnubik</a>, <a href="/software/metaexchange/">metaexchange</a>, <a href="/software/powerguru/">powerguru</a>, <a href="/software/xboard/">xboard</a>.</li> </ul> <p>Per ulteriori informazioni vedere le pagine di ciascun pacchetto.</p> </div> <div id="blurb" class="emph-box color2"> <p><strong><a href="/software/recent-releases.html">Versioni recenti di software GNU</a></strong></p> <p><strong><a href="/manual/blurbs.html">Brevi descrizioni di tutti i pacchetti GNU</a></strong></p> <p style="margin-top: 2em">Il pacchetto GNU di oggi</p> <!-- home-pkgselect.html begins --> <!-- Automatically generated by select-blurbs.awk on Tue Nov 26 11:32:14 EST 2024 --> <!-- Next selections are going to be: bash guile-cv glean taler autoconf-archive pspp hyperbole dejagnu r gnugo direvent ncurses readline slib time stow jacal --> <!-- home-pkgselect.html ends --> <div class="ltr"> <!-- File generated by www/prep/gnumaint/gm ven. 23 août 2024 17:41:37 CEST --> <h4 id="sed"> <a href="/software/sed/">Sed</a></h4><p> Sed is a non-interactive, text stream editor. It receives a text input from a file or from standard input and it then applies a series of text editing commands to the stream and prints its output to standard output. It is often used for substituting text patterns in a stream. The GNU implementation offers several extensions over the standard utility. <small>(<a href="/manual/manual.html#sed">doc</a>)</small></p> <!-- End file generated by www/prep/gnumaint/gm ven. 23 août 2024 17:41:37 CEST --> </div> </div> </div> <!-- /second-column --> </div> <!-- /home --> <div style="clear:both"></div> <div class="translators-notes"> <!--TRANSLATORS: Use space (SPC) as msgstr if you don't have notes.--> </div> </div> <!-- for id="content", starts in the include above --> <!-- begin server/footer-text.html --> <div style="clear:both"></div> <div id="language-container"> <div class="backtotop"> <hr class="no-display" /> <a href="#top"><b>&#9650;</b></a> </div> <div id="languages" class="rounded-corners"> <div class="button"> <a href="#top" class="close"><span>TORNA IN CIMA</span></a> </div> <div id="set-language" class="button"> <a href="/server/select-language.html?callback=/" rel="nofollow"> Lingua </a> </div> <p>Disponibili per questa pagina:</p> <div id="translations"> <p> <span dir="ltr" class="original">[en]&nbsp;<a lang="en" hreflang="en" href="/home.en.html">English</a> &nbsp;</span> <span dir="ltr">[de]&nbsp;<a lang="de" hreflang="de" href="/">Deutsch</a> &nbsp;</span> <span dir="ltr">[es]&nbsp;<a lang="es" hreflang="es" href="/">español</a> &nbsp;</span> <span dir="ltr">[fa]&nbsp;<a lang="fa" hreflang="fa" href="/home.fa.html">فارسی</a> &nbsp;</span> <span dir="ltr">[fr]&nbsp;<a lang="fr" hreflang="fr" href="/">français</a> &nbsp;</span> <span dir="ltr">[it]&nbsp;<a lang="it" hreflang="it" href="/">italiano</a> &nbsp;</span> <span dir="ltr">[ja]&nbsp;<a lang="ja" hreflang="ja" href="/home.ja.html">日本語</a> &nbsp;</span> <span dir="ltr">[nl]&nbsp;<a lang="nl" hreflang="nl" href="/">Nederlands</a> &nbsp;</span> <span dir="ltr">[pt-br]&nbsp;<a lang="pt-br" hreflang="pt-br" href="/">português</a> &nbsp;</span> <span dir="ltr">[ru]&nbsp;<a lang="ru" hreflang="ru" href="/">русский</a> &nbsp;</span> <span dir="ltr">[sq]&nbsp;<a lang="sq" hreflang="sq" href="/home.sq.html">Shqip</a> &nbsp;</span> <span dir="ltr">[tr]&nbsp;<a lang="tr" hreflang="tr" href="/">Türkçe</a> &nbsp;</span> <span dir="ltr">[zh-cn]&nbsp;<a lang="zh-cn" hreflang="zh-cn" href="/home.zh-cn.html">简体中文</a> &nbsp;</span> <span dir="ltr">[zh-tw]&nbsp;<a lang="zh-tw" hreflang="zh-tw" href="/home.zh-tw.html">繁體中文</a> &nbsp;</span> </p> </div> </div> </div> <div id="mission-statement" role="complementary"> <div class="backtotop"> <hr class="no-display" /> <a href="#header"><span>TORNA IN CIMA </span>&#9650;</a> </div> <div style="clear: both"></div> <blockquote> <p style="direction:ltr; text-align:left"><a href="//"><img id="fsfbanner" src="/graphics/fsf-logo-notext-small.png" alt="&nbsp;[Logo FSF]&nbsp;" width="75" height="25" /></a><strong> &ldquo;La Free Software Foundation (FSF) è una fondazione che ha come scopo la promozione su scala mondiale della libertà degli utenti di computer. 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