Wild Experiments? Restricting Narratives in Research on Alternative Food and Agriculture Networks

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This article reviews the body of research on alternative food and agriculture networks (AFNs). Consistent with previous reviews on the subject, it concludes that the assumed advantages of AFNs require more rigorous verification. However, this review goes further by arguing that the proclaimed experimental appeal of AFNs is not taken seriously enough. It identifies three narratives that overly constrain what AFN researchers consider to be valuable AFN experiments: Alienation-Reembedding, Corporatization-Democratization, and Technologization-Detechnologization. Weaknesses in these narratives highlight missed opportunities to enhance variance in AFN experiments, which could generate much-needed insights for advancing sustainable food production."> <META NAME="keywords" CONTENT=""> <META NAME="jel_code" CONTENT=""> <META NAME="author" CONTENT="Maurer, Moritz"> <META NAME="author_shortid" CONTENT=""> <META NAME="title" CONTENT="Wild Experiments? Restricting Narratives in Research on Alternative Food and Agriculture Networks"> <META NAME="download" CONTENT="1"> <META NAME="freedownload" CONTENT="1"> <META NAME="date" CONTENT="2025-02-02"> <META NAME="citation_publication_date" CONTENT="2025/01/06"> <META NAME="citation_authors" content="Maurer, Moritz"> <META NAME="citation_title" content="Wild Experiments? Restricting Narratives in Research on Alternative Food and Agriculture Networks"> <META NAME="citation_abstract" content="This article reviews the body of research on alternative food and agriculture networks (AFNs). Consistent with previous reviews on the subject, it concludes that the assumed advantages of AFNs require more rigorous verification. However, this review goes further by arguing that the proclaimed experimental appeal of AFNs is not taken seriously enough. It identifies three narratives that overly constrain what AFN researchers consider to be valuable AFN experiments: Alienation-Reembedding, Corporatization-Democratization, and Technologization-Detechnologization. Weaknesses in these narratives highlight missed opportunities to enhance variance in AFN experiments, which could generate much-needed insights for advancing sustainable food production."> <META NAME="citation_publisher" content="Center for Open Science"> <META NAME="citation_journal_title" content="OSF Preprints"> <META NAME="citation_keywords" content=""> <META NAME="citation_abstract_html_url" content=""> <META NAME="citation_abstract_pdf_url" content=""> <META NAME="redif-type" content="paper"> <META NAME="citation_type" content="redif-paper"> <META NAME="citation_technical_report_number" content="u2tyv"> <META NAME="citation_year" content="2025"> <META NAME="twitter:card" content="summary_large_image"> <META NAME="twitter:site" content="@repec_org"> <META NAME="twitter:title" content="Wild Experiments? Restricting Narratives in Research on Alternative Fo"> <META NAME="twitter:description" content="This article reviews the body of research on alternative food and agriculture networks (AFNs). Consistent with previous reviews on the subject, it concludes that the assumed advantages of AFNs require"> <META NAME="twitter:image" content=""> <META PROPERTY="og:type" content="article"> <META PROPERTY="og:title" content="Wild Experiments? Restricting Narratives in Research on Alte"> <META PROPERTY="og:description" content="This article reviews the body of research on alternative food and agriculture networks (AFNs). Consistent with previous reviews on the subject, it concludes that the assumed advantages of AFNs require"> <META PROPERTY="og:url" content=""> <META PROPERTY="og:image" content=""> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@graph": [ { "@id": "#periodical", "@type": "Periodical", "name": "OSF Preprints", "publisher": "Center for Open Science", "url": "", "requiresSubscription": "false" }, { "@id": "#number", "@type": "PublicationIssue", "datePublished": "2025-01-06", "issueNumber": "u2tyv" }, { "@id": "#article", "@type": "ScholarlyArticle", "name": "Wild Experiments? Restricting Narratives in Research on Alternative Food and Agriculture Networks", "url": "", "description": "This article reviews the body of research on alternative food and agriculture networks (AFNs). Consistent with previous reviews on the subject, it concludes that the assumed advantages of AFNs require more rigorous verification. However, this review goes further by arguing that the proclaimed experimental appeal of AFNs is not taken seriously enough. It identifies three narratives that overly constrain what AFN researchers consider to be valuable AFN experiments: Alienation-Reembedding, Corporatization-Democratization, and Technologization-Detechnologization. Weaknesses in these narratives highlight missed opportunities to enhance variance in AFN experiments, which could generate much-needed insights for advancing sustainable food production.", "keywords": "", "author": "Maurer, Moritz", "isPartOf": [ { "@id": "#periodical" }, { "@id": "#number" } ] } ] } </script> </HEAD><BODY><!-- Google tag (gtag.js) --> <script async src=""></script> <script> window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} gtag('js', new Date()); gtag('config', 'G-G63YGSJVZ7'); </script> <div class="container"> <div id="header" class="row"> <nav class="navbar navbar-collapse navbar-expand-md" role="navigation"> <a class="navbar-brand" href="/"> <img width="125" src="/ideas4.jpg" border="0" alt="IDEAS home"> </a> <button class="navbar-toggler" type="button" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#mobilesearch" aria-controls="mobilesearch" aria-expanded="false" aria-label="Toggle navigation"> <span class="navbar-toggler-icon"><i 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Restricting Narratives in Research on Alternative Food and Agriculture Networks</h1></div> <div> <ul class="nav nav-pills" id="myTab" role="tablist"> <li class="nav-item"> <a class="nav-link active" id="author-abstract-tab" data-toggle="tab" href="#author-abstract" role="tab" aria-controls="author-abstract" aria-selected="true">Author & abstract</a> </li> <li class="nav-item"> <a class="nav-link download-tab" id="download-tab" data-toggle="tab" href="#download" role="tab" aria-controls="download" aria-selected="false">Download</a> </li> <li class="nav-item"> <a class="nav-link" id="refs-tab" data-toggle="tab" href="#refs" role="tab" aria-controls="refs" aria-selected="false">9 References</a> </li> <li class="nav-item"> <a class="nav-link" id="mrel-tab" data-toggle="tab" href="#mrel" role="tab" aria-controls="mrel" aria-selected="false">Most related</a> </li> <li class="nav-item"> <a class="nav-link" id="more-tab" data-toggle="tab" href="#more" role="tab" aria-controls="more" aria-selected="false">Related works & more</a> </li> <!-- Placeholder usernotes pill--> <li class="nav-item"> <a class="nav-link" id="correct-tab" data-toggle="tab" href="#correct" role="tab" aria-controls="correct" aria-selected="false">Corrections</a> </li> </ul> <div class="tab-content" id="myTabContent"> <div class="tab-pane fade show active" id="author-abstract" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="author-abstract-tab"> <h2>Author</h2> <div id="author-body"> <div id="authortable"> <div id="listed-authors">Listed: <ul id="authorlist"><li class="authorname">Maurer, Moritz</li> </ul></div><div id="registered-authors"> <a href="">Registered:</a> <ul id="authorregistered"></ul> </div> </div> </div> <h2 style="clear:left">Abstract</h2><div id="abstract-body">This article reviews the body of research on alternative food and agriculture networks (AFNs). Consistent with previous reviews on the subject, it concludes that the assumed advantages of AFNs require more rigorous verification. However, this review goes further by arguing that the proclaimed experimental appeal of AFNs is not taken seriously enough. It identifies three narratives that overly constrain what AFN researchers consider to be valuable AFN experiments: Alienation-Reembedding, Corporatization-Democratization, and Technologization-Detechnologization. Weaknesses in these narratives highlight missed opportunities to enhance variance in AFN experiments, which could generate much-needed insights for advancing sustainable food production.</div> <h2>Suggested Citation</h2> <div id="biblio-body"> <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> Maurer, Moritz, 2025. "<B><A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/u2tyv.html">Wild Experiments? Restricting Narratives in Research on Alternative Food and Agriculture Networks</A></B>," <A HREF="/s/osf/osfxxx.html">OSF Preprints</A> u2tyv, Center for Open Science. </li> Handle: <i style="word-break:break-all">RePEc:osf:osfxxx:u2tyv</i> <br>DOI: 10.31219/ <form method="post" action="/cgi-bin/refs.cgi" enctype="multipart/form-data" target="refs" class="form-inline" role="form" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> <input type="hidden" name="handle" value="RePEc:osf:osfxxx:u2tyv"> <div class="pull-left" style="padding-right: 2px;"> <input type="submit" class="btn btn-default fa" name="ref" value="Export reference &#xf08e;"> as </div> <div class="col-xs-8" style="padding-left: 0;"> <select name="output" size="1"> <option value="0">HTML</option> <option value="0.5">HTML with abstract</option> <option value="1">plain text</option> <option value="1.5">plain text with abstract</option> <option value="2">BibTeX</option> <option value="3">RIS (EndNote, RefMan, ProCite)</option> <option value="4">ReDIF</option> <option value="6">JSON</option> </select> </div> </form></div> </div> <div class="tab-pane fade" id="download" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="download-tab"> <h2>Download full text from publisher</h2><p></p> <FORM METHOD=GET ACTION="/cgi-bin/" target="_blank"> <INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="urn" VALUE="RePEc:osf:osfxxx:u2tyv"><INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="url" VALUE="" checked><B>File URL:</B> <span style="word-break:break-all"></span><BR><B>Download Restriction:</B> no<BR> <HR><INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="url" VALUE=""> <B>File URL:</B> <span style="word-break:break-all"></span><BR> <B>LibKey link</B>: if access is restricted and if your library uses this service, LibKey will redirect you to where you can use your library subscription to access this item<BR> <font size="+2" color="red">---><INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" class="btn fa" VALUE="Download the selected file &#xf08e;" style="color:white;background-color:#2d4e8b;"><---</font></FORM><P> </div> <div class="tab-pane fade" id="refs" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="refs-tab"><h2>References listed on IDEAS</h2><form method="post" action="/cgi-bin/refs.cgi" enctype="multipart/form-data" target="refs" class="form-inline" role="form" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> <input type="hidden" name="handle" value="repec:cog:poango:v:7:y:2019:i:4:p:48-58#repec:oup:jecgeo:v:6:y:2006:i:2:p:181-199#repec:spr:agrhuv:v:41:y:2024:i:3:d:10.1007_s10460-023-10526-3#repec:taf:femeco:v:9:y:2003:i:2-3:p:33-59#repec:spr:agrhuv:v:41:y:2024:i:3:d:10.1007_s10460-023-10529-0#repec:spr:agrhuv:v:34:y:2017:i:2:d:10.1007_s10460-016-9753-9#repec:spr:scient:v:106:y:2016:i:1:d:10.1007_s11192-015-1765-5#repec:oup:ajagec:v:33:y:1951:i:4_part_1:p:540-544.#repec:cog:poango:v:7:y:2019:i:4:p:105-118"> <div class="pull-left" style="padding-right: 2px;"> <input type="submit" class="btn btn-default fa" name="ref" value="Export references &#xf08e;"> as </div> <div class="col-xs-8" style="padding-left: 0;"> <select name="output" size="1"> <option value="0">HTML</option> <option value="0.5">HTML with abstract</option> <option value="1">plain text</option> <option value="1.5">plain text with abstract</option> <option value="2">BibTeX</option> <option value="3">RIS (EndNote, RefMan, ProCite)</option> <option value="4">ReDIF</option> <option value="6">JSON</option> </select> </div> </form> <ol class="list-group"><LI class="list-group-item downgate"> Francesco Facchini & Daniel López-García & Sergio Villamayor-Tomas & Esteve Corbera, 2024. 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