Simulation of Online Communities Using MAS Social and Spatial Organisations

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <article key="pdf/8245" mdate="2007-06-24 00:00:00"> <author>Maya Rupert and Salima Hassas and Carlos Li and John Sherwood</author> <title>Simulation of Online Communities Using MAS Social and Spatial Organisations</title> <pages>1606 - 1611</pages> <year>2007</year> <volume>1</volume> <number>6</number> <journal>International Journal of Computer and Information Engineering</journal> <ee></ee> <url></url> <publisher>World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology</publisher> <abstract>Online Communities are an example of sociallyaware, selforganising, complex adaptive computing systems. The multiagent systems (MAS) paradigm coordinated by selforganisation mechanisms has been used as an effective way for the simulation and modeling of such systems. In this paper, we propose a model for simulating an online health community using a situated multiagent system approach, governed by the coevolution of the social and spatial organisations of the agents.</abstract> <index>Open Science Index 6, 2007</index> </article>