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$.ajax({ url: '/company/ldqy.ashx', type: "post", data: "command=getviewqy&type=" + metaltype + "&id=" + point.index + "&name=" +, dataType: "text", success: function (result) { if (result == "false") { //sContent = sContent.replace("@industry@", "*").replace("@prov@", "*").replace("@city@", "*").PadLeft(wordlist.Length, '*') sContent = sContent.replace("@industry@", "*").replace("@prov@", "*").replace("@city@", "*") .replace("@address@", "*").replace("@product@", "*").replace("@phone@", "*"); } else if (result.indexOf("qy_array") != -1) { eval(result); var phone = ""; if (qy_array[0]["contact"].length > 0) phone = qy_array[0]["contact"][0]["phone"]; sContent = sContent.replace("@industry@", qy_array[0]["qyxz"]).replace("@prov@", qy_array[0]["prov"]).replace("@city@", qy_array[0]["city"]) .replace("@address@", qy_array[0]["address"]).replace("@product@", qy_array[0]["product"]).replace("@phone@", phone); } else { var schar = "<a class='' href='' title='请登录' target='_blank'>请登录</a>"; sContent = sContent.replace("@industry@", schar).replace("@prov@", schar).replace("@city@", schar) .replace("@address@", schar).replace("@product@", schar).replace("@phone@", schar); } var infoWindow = new BMap.InfoWindow(sContent); // 创建信息窗口对象 map.openInfoWindow(infoWindow, point); //开启信息窗口 istarginfo = true; }, error: function () { istarginfo = true; } }); } var tkjson = []; // 百度地图API功能 var map = new BMap.Map("map"); map.centerAndZoom(new BMap.Point(107.51665, 35.303753), 5); map.enableScrollWheelZoom();//启动鼠标滚轮缩放地图 var points = []; //添加海量点数据 function mkhld(json, color, lx, sfjb) { if (document.createElement('canvas').getContext) { // 判断当前浏览器是否支持绘制海量点 //添加海量点数据 var id, name, email, qyxz, prov, city, address, weburl, product, contact; points = []; for (var i = 0; i < json.length; i++) { (function (j) { id = json[i]['id']; name = json[i]['name']; var point = new BMap.Point(json[i]['lng'], json[i]['lat']); point.index = id; = name; //if (typeof (json[i]['email']) != "undefined") { // email = json[i]['email']; // qyxz = json[i]['qyxz']; // prov = json[i]['prov']; // city = json[i]['city']; // address = json[i]['address']; // weburl = json[i]['weburl']; // product = json[i]['product']; // contact = json[i]['contact']; // = email; // point.qyxz = qyxz; // point.prov = prov; // = city; // point.address = address; // point.weburl = weburl; // point.product = product; // = contact; //} points.push(point); })(id); } var options = { size: sfjb, shape: BMap_Symbol_SHAPE_CLOCK, color: color } var pointCollection = new BMap.PointCollection(points, options); // 初始化PointCollection pointCollection.addEventListener('mouseover', function (e) { if (istarginfo) { var point = new BMap.Point(e.point.lng,; loadtsinfo(e.point); } //openInfo(sContent, e) }); //function openInfo(content, e) { // var point = new BMap.Point(e.point.lng,; // var infoWindow = new BMap.InfoWindow(content); // 创建信息窗口对象 // map.openInfoWindow(infoWindow, point); //开启信息窗口 //} map.addOverlay(pointCollection); // 添加Overlay } else { $("#glFlag").val(90); } } //地图详情信息(弹窗) function xqxx(longitude, latitude, name, id) { if (longitude != 0 && latitude != 0) { istarginfo = true; var point = new BMap.Point(longitude, latitude); //从已加载的点中,获取当前点击的企业 for (var i = 0; i < points.length; i++) { if (points[i].index == id) { point = points[i]; break; } } loadtsinfo(point); map.centerAndZoom(point, 5); } } //回到中国 $("input[name='backcn']").click(function () { map.centerAndZoom(new BMap.Point(108.894506, 34.235198), 5); // 初始化地图,设置中心点坐标和地图级别 }); var compname = "", pname = "", prov = ""; //加载企业gis信息 function loadinfo(pageindex) { if (metaltype != "") { //清除地图点 map.clearOverlays(); $(".search_list").html("<img src='//' alt='' />"); $.ajax({ url: '/company/ldqy.ashx', type: "post", data: "command=getqylist&metaltype=" + metaltype + "&pname=" + pname + "&prov=" + prov + "&cname=" + compname, dataType: "text", success: function (result) { if (result != "") { var res = result.split("@@"); $(".search_list").html(res[0]); init(); goPage(0); if (res[1] != "") { eval(res[1]); //加载地图点 mkhld(qy_array, '#00aeff', 'tk', BMAP_POINT_SIZE_SMALL); } } else { $(".search_list").html(""); } //设置地图中心 map.centerAndZoom(new BMap.Point(108.894506, 34.235198), 5); }, error: onerror }); } } var prov_array; //金属对应的全部省份列表 var metalprovall = ""; //加载省份列表 function loadprov(province) { if (metaltype != "") { $("#slt_province_jskq").html("<option value=\"\">--全部--</option>"); $.ajax({ url: '/company/ldqy.ashx', type: "post", data: "command=getprovince&metaltype=" + metaltype + "&pname=" + province, dataType: "text", success: function (result) { if (result != "") { eval(result); var slthtm = "<option value=\"\">--全部--</option>"; for (var i = 0; i < prov_array.length; i++) { slthtm += "<option value=\"" + prov_array[i] + "\">" + prov_array[i] + "</option>"; } $("#slt_province_jskq").html(slthtm); //存储获取大金属对应的省份全部信息 if (province == "") metalprovall = slthtm; } }, error: onerror }); } } //根据省份获取金属列表 $("#slt_kz_jskq").change(function () { if ($(this).val() != "") { loadprov($(this).val()); } else { $("#slt_province_jskq").html(metalprovall); } }); //查询 function loadsearch() { compname = ""; pname = ""; prov = ""; if (($.trim($("#txtname").val()) == "" || $.trim($("#txtname").val()) == "输入企业名称") && $.trim($("#slt_kz_jskq").val()) == "" && $.trim($("#slt_province_jskq").val()) == "") { return false; 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