Issue Vol. 28 (2017) No. 3 - EJIL

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Editorial: Those Who Live in Glass Houses ...; In this Issue (./pdfs/28/3/2809.pdf)');">free fulltext</a>)</li> </ul> <h2>Articles</h2> <ul class='articles remove-list-style'> <li><strong>Andrew D Mitchell, James Munro, </strong><br />Someone Else’s Deal: Interpreting International Investment Agreements in the Light of Third-Party Agreements (<a href='article.php?article=2806&issue=137'><span class='hidden'>James Munro </span>abstract</a>) (<a href='./pdfs/28/3/2806.pdf' target='_blank' onclick="ga('send', 'event', 'File', 'PDF', 'Vol. 28 (2017) No. 3 - Someone Else’s Deal: Interpreting International Investment Agreements in the Light of Third-Party Agreements (./pdfs/28/3/2806.pdf)');">free fulltext</a>)</li> <li><strong>Gracia Marín Durán, </strong><br />Untangling the International Responsibility of the European Union and Its Member States in the World Trade Organization Post-Lisbon: A Competence/Remedy Model (<a href='article.php?article=2798&issue=137'><span class='hidden'>Gracia Marín Durán </span>abstract</a>) (<a href='./pdfs/28/3/2798.pdf' target='_blank' onclick="ga('send', 'event', 'File', 'PDF', 'Vol. 28 (2017) No. 3 - Untangling the International Responsibility of the European Union and Its Member States in the World Trade Organization Post-Lisbon: A Competence/Remedy Model (./pdfs/28/3/2798.pdf)');">free fulltext</a>)</li> <li><strong>Sergio Puig, Anton Strezhnev, </strong><br />The David Effect and ISDS (<a href='article.php?article=2807&issue=137'><span class='hidden'>Anton Strezhnev </span>abstract</a>) (<a href='./pdfs/28/3/2807.pdf' target='_blank' onclick="ga('send', 'event', 'File', 'PDF', 'Vol. 28 (2017) No. 3 - The David Effect and ISDS (./pdfs/28/3/2807.pdf)');">free fulltext</a>)</li> </ul> <h2>Focus: Human Rights and the ECHR</h2> <ul class='articles remove-list-style'> <li><strong>Merris Amos, </strong><br />The Value of the European Court of Human Rights to the United Kingdom (<a href='article.php?article=2796&issue=137'><span class='hidden'>Merris Amos </span>abstract</a>) (<a href='./pdfs/28/3/2796.pdf' target='_blank' onclick="ga('send', 'event', 'File', 'PDF', 'Vol. 28 (2017) No. 3 - The Value of the European Court of Human Rights to the United Kingdom (./pdfs/28/3/2796.pdf)');">free fulltext</a>)</li> <li><strong>Susana Sanz-Caballero, </strong><br />The Principle of Nulla Poena Sine Lege Revisited: The Retrospective Application of Criminal Law in the Eyes of the European Court of Human Rights (<a href='article.php?article=2801&issue=137'><span class='hidden'>Susana Sanz-Caballero </span>abstract</a>) (<a href='./pdfs/28/3/2801.pdf' target='_blank' onclick="ga('send', 'event', 'File', 'PDF', 'Vol. 28 (2017) No. 3 - The Principle of Nulla Poena Sine Lege Revisited: The Retrospective Application of Criminal Law in the Eyes of the European Court of Human Rights (./pdfs/28/3/2801.pdf)');">free fulltext</a>)</li> <li><strong>Oddný Mjöll Arnardóttir, </strong><br />Res Interpretata, Erga Omnes Effect and the Role of the Margin of Appreciation in Giving Domestic Effect to the Judgments of the European Court of Human Rights (<a href='article.php?article=2797&issue=137'><span class='hidden'>Oddný Mjöll Arnardóttir </span>abstract</a>) (<a href='./pdfs/28/3/2797.pdf' target='_blank' onclick="ga('send', 'event', 'File', 'PDF', 'Vol. 28 (2017) No. 3 - Res Interpretata, Erga Omnes Effect and the Role of the Margin of Appreciation in Giving Domestic Effect to the Judgments of the European Court of Human Rights (./pdfs/28/3/2797.pdf)');">free fulltext</a>)</li> <li><strong>Vera Shikhelman, </strong><br />Geography, Politics and Culture in the United Nations Human Rights Committee (<a href='article.php?article=2805&issue=137'><span class='hidden'>Vera Shikhelman </span>abstract</a>) (<a href='./pdfs/28/3/2805.pdf' target='_blank' onclick="ga('send', 'event', 'File', 'PDF', 'Vol. 28 (2017) No. 3 - Geography, Politics and Culture in the United Nations Human Rights Committee (./pdfs/28/3/2805.pdf)');">free fulltext</a>)</li> <li><strong>Thomas Kleinlein, </strong><br />Consensus and Contestability: The ECtHR and the Combined Potential of European Consensus and Procedural Rationality Control (<a href='article.php?article=2804&issue=137'><span class='hidden'>Thomas Kleinlein </span>abstract</a>) (<a href='./pdfs/28/3/2804.pdf' target='_blank' onclick="ga('send', 'event', 'File', 'PDF', 'Vol. 28 (2017) No. 3 - Consensus and Contestability: The ECtHR and the Combined Potential of European Consensus and Procedural Rationality Control (./pdfs/28/3/2804.pdf)');">free fulltext</a>)</li> </ul> </div> <div id='col-md-6'> <h2>Roaming Charges</h2> <ul class='articles remove-list-style'> <li><strong>Emma Nyhan, </strong><br />Roaming Charges: A Window Apart (<a href='./pdfs/28/3/2802.pdf' target='_blank' onclick="ga('send', 'event', 'File', 'PDF', 'Vol. 28 (2017) No. 3 - Roaming Charges: A Window Apart (./pdfs/28/3/2802.pdf)');">free fulltext</a>)</li> </ul> <h2>EJIL: Debate!</h2> <ul class='articles remove-list-style'> <li><strong>Jonathan Bonnitcha, Robert McCorquodale, </strong><br />The Concept of ‘Due Diligence’ in the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (<a href='article.php?article=2794&issue=137'><span class='hidden'>Robert McCorquodale </span>abstract</a>) (<a href='./pdfs/28/3/2794.pdf' target='_blank' onclick="ga('send', 'event', 'File', 'PDF', 'Vol. 28 (2017) No. 3 - The Concept of ‘Due Diligence’ in the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (./pdfs/28/3/2794.pdf)');">free fulltext</a>)</li> <li><strong>John Gerard Ruggie, John F Sherman III, </strong><br />The Concept of ‘Due Diligence’ in the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights: A Reply to Jonathan Bonnitcha and Robert McCorquodale (<a href='./pdfs/28/3/2799.pdf' target='_blank' onclick="ga('send', 'event', 'File', 'PDF', 'Vol. 28 (2017) No. 3 - The Concept of ‘Due Diligence’ in the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights: A Reply to Jonathan Bonnitcha and Robert McCorquodale (./pdfs/28/3/2799.pdf)');">free fulltext</a>)</li> <li><strong>Jonathan Bonnitcha, Robert McCorquodale, </strong><br />The Concept of ‘Due Diligence’ in the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights: A Rejoinder to John Gerard Ruggie and John F. Sherman, III (<a href='./pdfs/28/3/2800.pdf' target='_blank' onclick="ga('send', 'event', 'File', 'PDF', 'Vol. 28 (2017) No. 3 - The Concept of ‘Due Diligence’ in the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights: A Rejoinder to John Gerard Ruggie and John F. Sherman, III (./pdfs/28/3/2800.pdf)');">free fulltext</a>)</li> </ul> <h2>A Fresh Look at Old Cases</h2> <ul class='articles remove-list-style'> <li><strong>William Phelan, </strong><br />The Revolutionary Doctrines of European Law and the Legal Philosophy of Robert Lecourt (<a href='article.php?article=2803&issue=137'><span class='hidden'>William Phelan </span>abstract</a>) (<a href='./pdfs/28/3/2803.pdf' target='_blank' onclick="ga('send', 'event', 'File', 'PDF', 'Vol. 28 (2017) No. 3 - The Revolutionary Doctrines of European Law and the Legal Philosophy of Robert Lecourt (./pdfs/28/3/2803.pdf)');">free fulltext</a>)</li> </ul> <h2>Critical Review of International Governance</h2> <ul class='articles remove-list-style'> <li><strong>Ekaterina Yahyaoui Krivenko, </strong><br />The ICJ and Jus Cogens through the Lens of Feminist Legal Methods (<a href='article.php?article=2795&issue=137'><span class='hidden'>Ekaterina Yahyaoui Krivenko </span>abstract</a>) (<a href='./pdfs/28/3/2795.pdf' target='_blank' onclick="ga('send', 'event', 'File', 'PDF', 'Vol. 28 (2017) No. 3 - The ICJ and Jus Cogens through the Lens of Feminist Legal Methods (./pdfs/28/3/2795.pdf)');">free fulltext</a>)</li> </ul> <h2>Book Reviews</h2> <ul class='articles remove-list-style'> <li>Lauren Benton, Lisa Ford. <em>Rage for Order: The British Empire and the Origins of International Law, 1800–1850</em> , Andrew Fitzmaurice. <em>Sovereignty, Property and Empire, 1500–2000</em> (<a href='./pdfs/28/3/2808.pdf' target='_blank' onclick="ga('send', 'event', 'File', 'PDF', 'Vol. 28 (2017) No. 3 - The ICJ and Jus Cogens through the Lens of Feminist Legal Methods (./pdfs/28/3/2808.pdf)');">Prabhakar Singh<span class='hidden'> free fulltext</span></a>)</li> </ul> <h2>The Last Page</h2> <ul class='articles remove-list-style'> <li><strong>Günter Wilms, </strong><br />L’Europe à soixante [Trent ans après l’Acte unique européen] (<a href='./pdfs/28/3/2810.pdf' target='_blank' onclick="ga('send', 'event', 'File', 'PDF', 'Vol. 28 (2017) No. 3 - L’Europe à soixante [Trent ans après l’Acte unique européen] (./pdfs/28/3/2810.pdf)');">free fulltext</a>)</li> </ul> </div> </div> </main> <footer> <ul class="logos remove-list-style"> <li><a href=""><img src="./images/logo_eui.png" alt="EUI"></a></li> <li><a href=""><img src="./images/logo_nyu.png" alt="NYU Law"></a></li> <li><a href=""><img src="./images/logo_oups.png" alt="Oxford University Press"></a></li> <li><a href=""><img src="./images/logo_esil.png" alt="ESIL"></a></li> </ul> <p>&copy; 1998 - 2025 European Journal of International Law <br />All comments and suggestions should be sent to the Webmaster. <br />This site is part of the Academy of European Law online, a joint partnership of the Jean Monnet Center at NYU School of Law and the Academy of European Law at the European University Institute.</p> </footer> </body> <!-- Google Analytics --> <script> (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){ (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o), m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) })(window,document,'script','//','ga'); ga('create', 'UA-11073886-2', 'auto'); ga('send', 'pageview'); </script> <!-- End Google Analytics --><script src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="./js/analytics.js"></script> </html>

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