Bureau of the Fiscal Service - Privacy Policy

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href="/reports-statements/mts"><abbr class="bold">MTS</abbr> - Monthly Treasury Statement</a></li> </ul> </v-box> </h-box> </div> <div id="az-index-n" data-expandable-region hidden> <h-box> <v-box data-margin="bottom-medium"> <hr data-margin="bottom-medium"> <div class="x-large semibold" data-margin="bottom-medium">N</div> <ul class="flush no-marker"> <li class="semibold"><a href="/fds">National Payment Center of Excellence (NPCE) </a>(now Federal Disbursement Services)</li> <li class="semibold"><a href="/pirs">National Payment Integrity and Resolution Center </a>(now Payment Integrity and Resolution Services)</li> <li class="semibold"><a href="/fds/paymentnews.html">NPCE Payment News </a>(now Federal Disbursement Services)</li> <li class="semibold"><a href="/navy-cash">Navy Cash/Marine Cash</a></li> <li class="semibold"><a href="/news">News from the Fiscal Service</a></li> </ul> </v-box> </h-box> </div> <div id="az-index-o" data-expandable-region hidden> <h-box> <v-box 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If a web page has an address that begins with "https://" rather than "http://" then it uses encryption.</p> </v-box> </h-box> <h-box> <v-box data-span="lg-10" data-margin="bottom-large"> <button class="medium semibold minus-circle-yellow-icon" aria-controls="expandable-1" aria-expanded="true" data-expandable-button="plus-circle-yellow-icon minus-circle-yellow-icon">What personal information might we ask for and why?</button> <div id="expandable-1" role="region" data-expandable-region data-indent="md-medium lg-medium"> <p data-margin="top-small"> Generally, you need not provide any personal information in order to access the Site. To assist you, we'll ask for personal information to enable us to issue securities, process transactions, make payments, identify owners and their accounts, and provide required reports to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). This information may include:</p> <ul> <li>your name, address, phone number, e-mail address (so that we may contact you about your requests or concerns)</li> <li>Social Security Number (taxpayer identification number)</li> <li>driver's license or state ID and expiration date</li> <li>bank routing number and account number</li> </ul> <p>We may also ask that you provide us information on your securities, such as bond serial numbers. This information will enable us to give you access to your confidential information and to send you e-mail communications when appropriate.</p> </div> </v-box> </h-box> <h-box> <v-box data-span="lg-10" data-margin="bottom-large" data-border="top-large"> <button class="medium semibold plus-circle-yellow-icon" aria-controls="expandable-2" aria-expanded="false" data-expandable-button="plus-circle-yellow-icon minus-circle-yellow-icon">What personal information do we collect from children?</button> <div id="expandable-2" role="region" data-expandable-region data-indent="md-medium lg-medium" hidden> <p data-margin="top-small"> We respect the privacy of children and do not collect more personal information than reasonably necessary to enable them to participate in the activities we offer on the kids' portion of our website. In compliance with the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Children's Online Privacy Protection Act</a>, we take the following steps to protect children's privacy:</p> <p> We collect only enough personally identifiable information to allow an e-mail to be sent if they have questions or comments. We use the information only to respond to a specific request for information. We advise children under the age of 13 to check with their parents before sending e-mails. Please note that parents may consent to the above collection and use without necessarily consenting to the disclosure of personal information to third parties.</p> <p>We do not have any agreements with outside organizations to collect personal information on our site. We do not share any child's personal information with anyone other than those who provide support for the internal operations of the website or our agents (e.g., contractors who provide fulfillment services or technical support to our websites). All third parties with whom we do share information have agreed to maintain the security and integrity of personal information.</p> <p>Parents can inquire about what information we have collected from their children online, prevent the further use or maintenance of such information, or direct the Bureau to delete their children's personal information. This can be done by:</p> <ul> <li>calling us at 202-504-3500;</li> <li>sending us an <a href="">e-mail</a> or</li> <li>writing to us at: </li> </ul> <p>Department of the Treasury<br /> Bureau of the Fiscal Service<br /> 3201 Pennsy Drive, Building E<br /> Landover, MD 20785 </p> </div> </v-box> </h-box> <h-box> <v-box data-span="lg-10" data-margin="bottom-large" data-border="top-large"> <button class="medium semibold plus-circle-yellow-icon" aria-controls="expandable-3" aria-expanded="false" data-expandable-button="plus-circle-yellow-icon minus-circle-yellow-icon">Do we gather information automatically or use &quot;cookies&quot; when you visit our site?</button> <div id="expandable-3" role="region" data-expandable-region data-indent="md-medium lg-medium" hidden> <p data-margin="top-small"> We use software on the Site[s] that can monitor network traffic and identify unauthorized attempts to cause damage or upload or change information. When a page is requested, we can obtain some <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">information</a> about the request, such as the type of browser used and the last site visited by the browser. We use this information for statistical purposes and to make our site more useful to visitors.&nbsp; We make no attempt to identify individual users or their usage habits except in cases of authorized investigations by law enforcement agencies.</p> <p>Some parts of our Site use &quot;session cookies&quot;, which are very small files placed on your hard drive by a website. These cookies are necessary to streamline navigation and, in some cases, to help you complete a form without entering the same information more than once.  For example, session cookies are used only to maintain a connection with you to insure you receive a response when using the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Invoice Processing Platform</a> and the <a href="/judgment-fund">Judgment Fund Search</a>. The cookie is immediately deleted upon leaving the site. The temporary cookie contains a system-generated session identification only - no personally identifiable information (PII) about you is kept. </p> <p>If you have an account with us, we may use customization technologies, such as persistent cookies, to remember your online interactions with our website in order to customize your experience.&nbsp; You'll have the opportunity to register your computer when you access your account.&nbsp; Registering your computer will authorize the use of persistent cookies and help us recognize you as a valid user.&nbsp; If you choose not to register your computer, or if you use a public or shared computer, then subsequent log-ins will require a one-time passcode.&nbsp; Do not register a public or shared computer, such as a library computer.&nbsp; </p> </div> </v-box> </h-box> <h-box> <v-box data-span="lg-10" data-margin="bottom-large" data-border="top-large"> <button class="medium semibold plus-circle-yellow-icon" aria-controls="expandable-4" aria-expanded="false" data-expandable-button="plus-circle-yellow-icon minus-circle-yellow-icon">What is our legal authority to ask for personal information?</button> <div id="expandable-4" role="region" data-expandable-region data-indent="md-medium lg-medium" hidden> <p data-margin="top-small">We have statutory authority to ask for personal information as follows:</p> <ul class="no-marker"> <li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">31 U.S.C. chapter 31</a> authorizes the Secretary of the Treasury (delegated to the Bureau of the Fiscal Service) to perform necessary functions to sell Treasury securities.</li> <li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">44 U.S.C. § 3101</a> lets us maintain records containing personal information to provide a record of our securities programs in order to protect the legal and financial rights of the government and the investor.</li> <li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">26 U.S.C. § 6109</a> requires us to ask for your Social Security Number and to include it on reports we must send to the IRS.</li> <li><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">31 U.S.C. § 7701</a> lets us ask for your personal information in order to report and collect amounts owed to the United States.</li> </ul> <p>Furnishing personal information is voluntary; however, without the information we may be unable to act upon your requests to purchase or redeem Treasury securities.</p> </div> </v-box> </h-box> <h-box> <v-box data-span="lg-10" data-margin="bottom-large" data-border="top-large"> <button class="medium semibold plus-circle-yellow-icon" aria-controls="expandable-5" aria-expanded="false" data-expandable-button="plus-circle-yellow-icon minus-circle-yellow-icon">To whom do we release your personal information?</button> <div id="expandable-5" role="region" data-expandable-region data-indent="md-medium lg-medium" hidden> <p data-margin="top-small">We can disclose information only as authorized under the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Privacy Act of 1974, 5 U.S.C. § 552a</a>. Fiscal Service's Privacy Act systems of records notices are published in the Federal Register. Systems of records notices can be found at <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">76 Fed. Reg. 51128</a> (PDF) and <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">70 Fed. Reg. 31559</a> (PDF).</p> </div> </v-box> </h-box> <h-box> <v-box data-span="lg-10" data-margin="bottom-large" data-border="top-large"> <button class="medium semibold plus-circle-yellow-icon" aria-controls="expandable-6" aria-expanded="false" data-expandable-button="plus-circle-yellow-icon minus-circle-yellow-icon">Will we send you non-business information?</button> <div id="expandable-6" role="region" data-expandable-region data-indent="md-medium lg-medium" hidden> <p data-margin="top-small">We will not use your personal information submitted on the Site[s] to send you  messages.</p> </div> </v-box> </h-box> <h-box> <v-box data-span="lg-10" data-margin="bottom-large" data-border="top-large"> <button class="medium semibold plus-circle-yellow-icon" aria-controls="expandable-7" aria-expanded="false" data-expandable-button="plus-circle-yellow-icon minus-circle-yellow-icon">Who can access my personal information collected from e-mails and online forms?</button> <div id="expandable-7" role="region" data-expandable-region data-indent="md-medium lg-medium" hidden> <p data-margin="top-small">When you contact us electronically, either by e-mail or by filling out an online form, we only share personal information with authorized individuals as follows: We do not have agreements with any non-governmental organization to collect personal information from our website.</p> <p>When you contact us electronically, either by e-mail or by filling out an online form, we may use that information to provide services to you. For example, if you submit an online form to purchase Treasury Securities through TreasuryDirect®, we may use that information to complete your transaction and provide other related services to you.</p> <p>Personal information provided to us will only be shared with authorized individuals within the U.S. Department of the Treasury, its fiscal or financial agents, and our or their contractors, as applicable, who support the Site[s]?. For example, if you submit a FOIA request through this Site, we may refer your request to the program office qualified to provide the most complete answers. Various people or departments may review the information you provide so that we may serve you better.</p> <p>For those registered for courses at <a href="/events">Treasury Agency Services</a> the data collected from the form will be kept for the sole purpose of student transcript information and NASBA regulations regarding issuance of CPE credits. Furthermore, we will not disseminate such information to any party either inside or outside of the federal government.</p> <p>Except for authorized law enforcement investigations, no other attempts are made to identify you or your usage habits. Raw data logs are used for no other purposes and are scheduled for regular destruction in accordance with National Archives and Records Administration General Schedule 20 at three-month intervals.</p> </div> </v-box> </h-box> <h-box> <v-box data-span="lg-10" data-margin="bottom-large" data-border="top-large"> <button class="medium semibold plus-circle-yellow-icon" aria-controls="expandable-8" aria-expanded="false" data-expandable-button="plus-circle-yellow-icon minus-circle-yellow-icon">How long will it take to complete our online forms?</button> <div id="expandable-8" role="region" data-expandable-region data-indent="md-medium lg-medium" hidden> <p data-margin="top-small">We estimate that it should take you no more than 30 minutes to fill out any form on the Site[s]. This includes the time it will take to read any instructions, gather the necessary facts and fill out the form. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it contains a currently valid Office of Management and Budget (OMB) control number. If you have comments or suggestions regarding the above estimate or ways to simplify any of the forms used on this site, please send your comments or suggestions to the Bureau of the Fiscal Service, Forms Management Officer, Graphics and Printing, 200 Third Street, Parkersburg, WV 26106-1328, and the Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project 1535, Washington, DC 20503. </p> </div> </v-box> </h-box> <h-box> <v-box data-span="lg-10" data-margin="bottom-large" data-border="top-large"> <button class="medium semibold plus-circle-yellow-icon" aria-controls="expandable-9" aria-expanded="false" data-expandable-button="plus-circle-yellow-icon minus-circle-yellow-icon">Can I safely send personal information across the Internet?</button> <div id="expandable-9" role="region" data-expandable-region data-indent="md-medium lg-medium" hidden> <p data-margin="top-small">When submitting information electronically, especially personal information, use the Bureau of the Fiscal Service's secure online forms, at our <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"> Contact Us</a> page or within our applications. The Bureau of the Fiscal Service uses encryption to protect the transmission of information that you submit to us through our secure online forms. Fiscal Service also uses 128-bit encryption technology to protect the information that you transmit via the Internet, through our secure online forms. All information that you provide to us is stored securely on our servers. Personal information that we send you in return e-mail will be masked. For example, a social security number will be written as xxx-xx-6789.</p> <p>However, our comment form on this website at <a href="/contact/comment-form.html"></a> does not use encryption. Since it does not use encryption, you should not submit personal information such as social security number in the comment form. </p> </div> </v-box> </h-box> <h-box> <v-box data-span="lg-10" data-margin="bottom-large" data-border="top-large"> <button class="medium semibold plus-circle-yellow-icon" aria-controls="expandable-10" aria-expanded="false" data-expandable-button="plus-circle-yellow-icon minus-circle-yellow-icon">What happens if I include personal identifying information in e-mail I send to you?</button> <div id="expandable-10" role="region" data-expandable-region data-indent="md-medium lg-medium" hidden> <p data-margin="top-small"> E-mail is not normally secured by encryption . You should not send personal information by e-mail. If you send us personal identifying information using e-mail, we will only use this information to respond to your request or question. If necessary, we may also forward your e-mail to those who manage our websites or other federal agencies that help us to provide you with a complete response. You must decide if you want to assume the risk that an unauthorized person may learn your e-mail address or other information you may provide as it's transmitted. </p> </div> </v-box> </h-box> <h-box> <v-box data-span="lg-10" data-margin="bottom-large" data-border="top-large"> <button class="medium semibold plus-circle-yellow-icon" aria-controls="expandable-11" aria-expanded="false" data-expandable-button="plus-circle-yellow-icon minus-circle-yellow-icon">How is information monitored on the Sites?</button> <div id="expandable-11" role="region" data-expandable-region data-indent="md-medium lg-medium" hidden> <p data-margin="top-small">The Bureau of the Fiscal Service information systems may be protected by EINSTEIN cybersecurity capabilities, under the operational control of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security's United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team (US-CERT).</p> <p>Electronic communications with the Bureau of the Fiscal Service may be scanned by government-owned or contractor equipment to look for network traffic indicating known or suspected malicious cyber activity, including malicious content or communications.</p> <p>Electronic communications within the Bureau of the Fiscal Service will be collected or retained by US-CERT only if they are associated with known or suspected cyber threats. US-CERT will use the information collected through EINSTEIN to analyze the known or suspected cyber threat and help the Bureau of the Fiscal Service and other agencies respond and better protect their computers and networks.</p> <p>For additional information about EINSTEIN capabilities, please see the EINSTEIN program-related Privacy Impact Assessments available on the DHS <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">cybersecurity privacy website</a> along with other information about the federal government's cybersecurity activities.</p> </div> </v-box> </h-box> </content-lock> </section> <section> <content-lock> <h-box> <v-box> <h2 class="large semibold">Web Measurement and Customization</h2> <p>Fiscal Service uses web measurement and customization technologies to measure and analyze the use of its online services and to improve services and activities online. </p> </v-box> <v-box> <h2 class="large semibold">Single Session and Multi-Session Cookies</h2> <p>A cookie is a small text record placed on the computer of a visitor to a website to facilitate communications between visitor's computer and websites they visit. Treasury Directive 81-08, Certification Process for the Use of Web Measurement and Customization Technologies on Treasury Websites, details Treasury's full policy on cookie usage. After meeting all Treasury requirements in Treasury Directive 81-08, Treasury websites may use the following types of cookies:</p> <p><strong>Single session</strong> &mdash; These cookies remember your online interactions within a single session or visit. These cookies expire when you close your browser and are then automatically deleted from your computer. Any identifier is used only within that session, is not later reused, and is deleted immediately after the session ends. Use of these technologies at fiscal Service are referred to as a "Tier 1" use according to Office of Management and Budget Memorandum 10-22, Guidance for Online Use of Web Measurement and Customization Technologies OMB M-10-22</p> <p><strong>Multi-session without personally identifiable information</strong> &mdash; These cookies remember your computer (but not you personally) and browsing activities on Fiscal Service websites through multiple visits. This technology encompasses any use of multi-session web measurement and customization technologies when no PII is collected. These cookies collect only a part of your Internet Protocol address. This partial IP address is not PII because it cannot be linked with other information to identify you. The use of this multi-session technology is referred to as a "Tier 2" use as that term is described in OMB M-10-22. </p> <p><strong>Multi-session with personally identifiable information</strong> &mdash; These cookies remember the way you interact with a website through multiple visits (when you leave the site and later come back) and can collect PII about you or allow a website to recognize you (by combining it with other information provided by you). This use is "Tier 3" as that term is used in OMB M-10-22. </p> </v-box> <v-box> <h2 class="large semibold">Legal Notices</h2> <p>See also <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Terms &amp; Conditions</a></p> <p><strong>Security Notification.</strong></p> <p> You are entering an official United States government system, which may be used only for authorized purposes. The government may monitor and audit usage of this system. You are hereby notified that use of this system establishes your consent to such monitoring and auditing. For site security purposes and to ensure that this service remains available to all users, we employ software programs to monitor network traffic, to identify unauthorized attempts to upload or change information, or otherwise cause damage. Unauthorized attempts to upload or change information on this website are strictly prohibited and are subject to prosecution under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1986, 18 U.S.C. §1001 and §1030, the National Information Infrastructure Protection Act, and relevant executive orders.</p> <p><strong>Jurisdictional Issues and Applicable Law.</strong></p> <p>For jurisdiction and venue purposes:</p> <ul> <li>If you take legal action relating to Treasury securities, or any other information or transaction conducted on these websites, you agree to accept jurisdiction of the U.S. federal courts.</li> <li>Unless otherwise specified, federal law and regulations, which have the force and effect of law, govern the operation of these websites and the terms and conditions.</li> </ul> <p><strong>Regulations Governing Electronic Transactions.</strong></p> <p>We have regulations governing electronic transactions, which are set out in <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">31 CFR part 370</a> &quot;Electronic Transactions and Transfers relating to Treasury Securities.&quot; These regulations generally apply as a matter of contract law. The regulations require you to:</p> <ul> <li>exercise ordinary care in protecting the means (account number, password, or digital certificate) that you use to access our site and conduct transactions electronically. If you don't exercise ordinary care and an unauthorized transaction is the result, then under some circumstances you could be held accountable for those transactions.</li> <li>inform us promptly if you believe that another person has improperly obtained your means of accessing our site and conducting transactions electronically.</li> </ul> <p><strong>Accessibility.</strong></p> <p>The Bureau of the Fiscal Service is committed to making its website accessible to all citizens. To meet this commitment, we are compliant with the requirements of Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act, as amended in 1998.</p> <p>Our website is designed to be equally accessible to those using current, standards-compliant web browsers or assistive technologies.</p> <p>If you have difficulty accessing any of our websites, please send us an <a href="">e-mail</a> </p> </v-box> </h-box> </content-lock> </section> <section> <content-lock> <h-box> <v-box> <h2 class="large semibold">Privacy Related Links</h2> <p><strong>Fiscal Service Computer Matching Agreements:</strong></p> <p><strong>CMA 1038</strong> - The purpose of this matching program is to establish the conditions, safeguards, and procedures for the disclosure of savings security data (as described in section VI.C and section VI.D) by Fiscal Service to us. <strong>Fiscal Service</strong> will disclose the data through a computer matching operation. We'll use the data to determine continued eligibility for and/or the correct benefit amount for Supplemental Security Income applicants and recipients who did not report or incorrectly reported ownership of savings securities.</p> <p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"></a></p> <p><strong>CMA 1304</strong> - The purpose of this matching program is to set forth the conditions, terms, and safeguards under which <strong>Fiscal Service</strong> will disclose ownership of Savings Securities to us. This disclosure will provide us with information necessary to verify an individual's self-certification of his/her financial status to determine eligibility for low income subsidy assistance (Extra Help) in the Medicare Part D prescription drug benefit program established under the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003 (<a href=";congress=108&amp;lawtype=public&amp;lawnum=173&amp;link-type=html" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Pub. L. 108-173</a>).<br /> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"></a></p> <p><strong>Do Not Pay Privacy Program:</strong></p> <p>The U.S. Department of the Treasury's (Treasury's) Do Not Pay Working System (Working System) is the legislatively mandated and Office of Management and Budget (OMB) designated source of centralized data and analytic services to help agencies verify eligibility and to identify and prevent fraud, waste, and abuse associated with improper payments.  <a href="/dnp/privacy-policy.html"></a></p> <p><strong>Making A Privacy Request:</strong></p> <p>For information and instructions on how to make a request for notification of or access to records go to the link below:</p> <p><a href="">How to Write a Privacy Act Request</a></p> <p><strong>Treasury System of Records Notice (SORN):</strong></p> <p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"></a></p> <p><strong>Fiscal Service System of Records Notice (SORN) Inventory:</strong></p> <p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"></a></p> <p><strong>Table of Contents</strong></p> <p><strong>Fiscal Service</strong></p> <p> TREASURY/Fiscal Service.001—Administrative Records<br> TREASURY/Fiscal Service.002—Payment Records<br> TREASURY/Fiscal Service.003—Claims and Inquiry Records on Treasury Checks, and International Claimants<br> TREASURY/Fiscal Service.004—Education and Training Records<br> TREASURY/Fiscal Service.005—Fiscal Service Personnel Records<br> TREASURY/Fiscal Service.006—Employee Assistance Records<br> TREASURY/Fiscal Service.007—Direct Deposit Enrollment Records<br> TREASURY/Fiscal Service.008—Mailing List Records<br> TREASURY/Fiscal Service.009—Delegations and Designations of Authority for Disbursing Functions<br> TREASURY/Fiscal Service.010—Pre-complaint Counseling and Complaint Activities<br> TREASURY/Fiscal Service.011—Gifts to the United States<br> TREASURY/Fiscal Service.012—Debt Collection Operations System<br> TREASURY/Fiscal Service.013—Collections Records<br> TREASURY/Fiscal Service.014—United States Securities and Access<br> TREASURY/Fiscal Service.015—Physical Access Control System<br> TREASURY/Fiscal Service.016—Health Unit Records<br> TREASURY/Fiscal Service.017—Do Not Pay Payment Verification Records<br> TREASURY/Fiscal Service.018—OneVoice Customer Relationship Management<br> TREASURY/Fiscal Service.019—Gifts to Reduce the Public Debt<br> TREASURY/Fiscal Service.020—U.S. Treasury Securities Fraud Information System</p> <p>The Fiscal Service SORN Inventory is a consolidation of the legacy Financial Management Service (FMS), Bureau of the Public Debt (BPD), and Fiscal Service SORNs shown below. </p> <p><strong>Fiscal Service’s SORNs are derived as follows:</strong></p> <p><strong>Systems of records notice .001 (Administrative Records)</strong> is derived from FMS system of records notice .001 (Administrative Records) and BPD system of records notice .001 (Human Resources and Administrative Records).</p> <p><strong>System of records notice .002 (Payment Records)</strong> is derived from FMS system of records notice .002 (Payment Records—Treasury/FMS).</p> <p><strong>System of records notice .003 (Claims and Inquiry Records on Treasury Checks, and International Claimants)</strong> is derived from FMS system of records notice .003 (Claims and Inquiry Records on Treasury Checks, and International Claimants).</p> <p><strong>System of records notice .004 (Education and Training Records)</strong> is derived from BPD system of records notice .001 (Human Resources and Administrative Records) and FMS system of records notice .004 (Education and Training Records). </p> <p><strong>System of records notice .005 (Fiscal Service Personnel Records)</strong> is derived from BPD system of records notice .001 (Human Resources and Administrative Records) and FMS system of records notice .005 (FMS Personnel Records).</p> <p><strong>System of records notice .006 (Employee Assistance Records)</strong> is derived from BPD system of records notice .005 (Employee Assistance Records).</p> <p><strong>System of records notice .007 (Direct Deposit Enrollment Records)</strong> is derived from FMS system of records notice .006 (Direct Deposit Enrollment Records).</p> <p><strong>System of records notice .008 (Mailing List Records)</strong> is derived from FMS system of records notice .008 (Mailing List Records—Treasury/FMS).</p> <p><strong>System of records notice .009 (Delegations and Designations of Authority for Disbursing Functions)</strong> is derived from FMS system of records notice .010 (Records of Accountable Offices’ Authority with Treasury).</p> <p><strong>System of records notice .010 (Pre-complaint Counseling and Complaint Activities)</strong> is derived from FMS system of records notice .012 (Pre-complaint Counseling and Complaint Activities).</p> <p><strong>System of records notice .011 (Gifts to the United States)</strong> is derived from FMS system of records notice .013 (Gifts to the United States).</p> <p><strong>System of records notice .012 (Debt Collection Operations System)</strong> is derived from FMS system of records notice .014 (Debt Collection Operations System).</p> <p><strong>System of records notice .013 (Collections Records)</strong> is derived from FMS system of records notice .017 (Collections Records).</p> <p><strong>System of records notice .014 (United States Securities and Access)</strong> is derived from BPD systems of records notices .002 (United States Savings-Type Securities), .003 (United States Securities (Other than Savings-Type Securities)), and .008 (Retail Treasury Securities Access Application).</p> <p><strong>System of records notice .015 (Physical Access Control System)</strong> is derived from BPD system of records notice .004 (Controlled Access Security System).</p> <p><strong>System of records notice .016 (Health Unit Records)</strong> is derived from BPD system of records notice .006 (Health Service Program Records).</p> <p><strong>System of records notice .017 (Do Not Pay Payment Verification Records)</strong> is derived from Fiscal Service system of records notice .023 (Do Not Pay Payment Verification Records—Department of the Treasury/Bureau of the Fiscal Service).</p> <p><strong>System of records notice .018 (OneVoice Customer Relationship Management)</strong> is derived from Fiscal Service system of records notice .024 (OneVoice Customer Relationship Management—Department of the Treasury/Bureau of the Fiscal Service).</p> <p><strong>System of records notice .019 (Gifts to Reduce the Public Debt)</strong> is derived from BPD system of records notice .007 (Gifts to Reduce the Public Debt).</p> <p><strong>System of records notice .020 (U.S. Treasury Securities Fraud Information System)</strong> is derived from BPD system of records notice .009 (U.S. Treasury Securities Fraud Information System).</p> <p>Fiscal Service is adding one routine use to all of the systems of records to share information with other federal agencies or federal entities as required by OMB Memorandum 17–12, "Preparing for and Responding to a Breach of Personally Identifiable Information," dated January 3, 2017, to assist Treasury/Fiscal Service in responding to a suspected or confirmed breach or prevent, minimize, or remedy the risk of harm to the requesters, Treasury/Fiscal Service, the Federal Government, or national security.</p> <p>Fiscal Service also slightly expanded the scope of SORN .003 (Claims and Inquiry Records on Treasury Checks, and International Claimants) to cover payments that will be made pursuant to the Guam World War II Loyalty Recognition Act, Public Law 114–328, Title XVII. This change is consistent with the purpose of the SORN and many other payments made pursuant to similar statutes and requirements. </p> </v-box> </h-box> </content-lock> </section> <!-- Last Modified --> <section aria-label="last modified" class="hide-print"> <content-lock> <h-box> <v-box data-margin="none"> <p class="x-small italic">Last modified 06/26/24</p> </v-box> </h-box> </content-lock> </section> </main> <footer id="footer-site" class="hide-print"> <section class="dark-blue-background" aria-label="Fiscal Services and other Treasury sites"> <content-lock> <h-box> <v-box data-span="lg-4" data-margin="bottom-medium"> <h-box> <v-box data-span="md-3" data-margin="sm-bottom-medium lg-bottom-medium"> <figure> <img id="footer-logo" src="/images/fiscal-service-logo-white.svg" alt="Bureau of the Fiscal Service, U.S. Department of the Treasury" data-width="sm-67 75"> </figure> </v-box> <v-box data-span="md-3"> <div data-margin="bottom-small"> <a class="bold" href="/public">The General 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