Get involved | NICE
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Tell us what matters to you, your organisation or your community.</p> <div class="grid"> <div data-g="12"> <div class="grid grid--loose"> <div data-g="12 md:4"> <h2 class="h3"><a href="/Get-Involved/stakeholder-registration">Register as a stakeholder</a></h2> <p>If you want to stay up-to-date with what we're currently doing, and help develop our products, you could register as a NICE stakeholder.</p> </div> <div data-g="12 md:4"> <h2 class="h3"><a href="/Get-Involved/Consultations">Comment on a consultation</a></h2> <p>All guidelines and quality standards are open for consultation during their development. Registered stakeholders can comment on our recommendations.</p> </div> <div data-g="12 md:4"> <h2 class="h3"><a href="/get-involved/our-committees">Join a committee</a></h2> <p>Our guidance and quality standards are all developed by independent committees. Join and have an active role in producing a guideline or quality standard.</p> </div> <div data-g="12 md:4"> <h2 class="h3"><a href="/Get-Involved/Meetings-in-public">Come to a meeting</a></h2> <p>Advisory committee meetings, technology appraisal appeal hearings, public board meetings and some of our other meetings are open to the public and press. Come along and see how we work.</p> </div> <!-- <div data-g="12 md:4"> <h2 class="h3"><a href="/about/nice-communities/medicines-and-prescribing/become-a-medicines-and-prescribing-associate">Become a medicines and prescribing associate</a></h2> <p>Are you a doctor, non-medical prescriber or pharmacist? Join our network of medicines and prescribing associates.</p> </div>--> <div data-g="12 md:4"> <h2 class="h3"><a href="/about/nice-communities/public-involvement">Public involvement</a></h2> <p>Speak to our team for more detailed information on our public involvement programme.</p> </div> <div data-g="12 md:4"> <h2 class="h3"><a href="/about/what-we-do/into-practice/help-implement-nice-guidance">Help to develop our resource impact tools</a></h2> <p>Join our adoption and impact panel to give expert advice on tools and resources developed to support NICE guidance.</p> </div> <div data-g="12 md:4"> <h2 class="h3"><a href="">Help support high quality and cost-effective prescribing</a></h2> <p>Are you a doctor, non-medical prescriber or pharmacist? Our network of medicines and prescribing associates help us to support high quality, safe, cost-effective prescribing and medicines optimisation.</p> </div> <div data-g="12 md:4"> <h2 class="h3"><a href="/Get-Involved/jobs">Work with us</a></h2> <p>We have lots of opportunities to join our friendly and busy teams. Take a look at our current vacancies and see how you can contribute to shaping the future of health and social care.</p> </div> <div data-g="12 md:4"> <h2 class="h3"><a href="/get-involved/help-us-improve">Help us improve</a></h2> <p>Join our insight community and help influence the development and improvement of our products.</p> </div> <div data-g="12 md:4"> <h2 class="h3"><a href="/news/events">Come to an event</a></h2> <p>Find out about events we're hosting or attending, such as conferences and seminars. You can also request a speaker for your event by completing a short form.</p> </div> <div data-g="12 md:4"> <h2 class="h3"><a href="/get-involved/nice-training-and-development-opportunities">NICE training and development opportunities</a></h2> <p>Help us understand the needs of our users by leading on, or being involved in key projects at NICE, which support national health and care priorities.</p> </div> <div data-g="12 md:4"> <h2 class="h3"><a href="">Study with LSE and NICE</a></h2> <p>Find out about the Executive MSc Healthcare Decision-Making. This is a master's degree we co-developed with the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE).</p> </div> <div data-g="12 md:4"> <h2 class="h3"><a href="/get-involved/contact-us">Talk to us</a></h2> <p>Have a question or comment? Contact us by telephone or email, or follow us on Twitter <a href="" title="Twitter">@NICEcomms</a>.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div></div> </div> </main> <!-- layout --> <script async="" src="" type="text/javascript"></script> <!--[if lt IE 9]> <script src="//" type="text/javascript"></script> <![endif]--> <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script> <script type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="/Modules/Orchard.Resources/scripts/history.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="//" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="/Themes/NICE.Bootstrap/scripts/niceorg/NICE.TopScroll.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="/Themes/NICE.Bootstrap/scripts/foot.combined-v1.10.9325.0.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script> var global_nav_config = { service: "", header: { skipLinkId: "content-start", search: { url: "/search", autocomplete: "/autocomplete?ajax=ajax", query: "", onSearching: window.globalNavSearchingHandler || null }, auth: { environment: "live" }, cookie: false }, footer: true }; </script> <script src="" defer></script> <script src="//"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ajaxSend(function (event, jqxhr, settings) { if (settings.url.indexOf("?") >= 0) { settings.url = settings.url + "&ajax=ajax"; } else { settings.url = settings.url + "?ajax=ajax"; } }) if ('ontouchstart' in document.documentElement) { $('body').addClass('touch-screen-device'); } else { $('body').addClass('non-touch-screen-device'); } </script> <div id="global-nav-footer"></div> </body> </html>